Message on the topic Russian travelers of the 19th century. Expeditions of the second half of the XIX century and the beginning of the XX century

Russian navigators, along with European, are the most famous pioneers who opened new continents, sites of mountain ranges and extensive waters.

They became the discovers of significant geographic objects, made the first steps in the development of hard-to-reach territories, made round-the-world travels. So who are the conquerors of the seas, and what exactly did the world know thanks to them?

Athanasius Nikitin - the very first Russian traveler

Athanasius Nikitin is considered to be the first Russian traveler who managed to visit India and Persia (1468-1474, according to other data 1466-1472). On the way back, he visited Somalia, Turkey, Muscat. Based on the travels of Athanasius, the notes were "walking for the three seas", which became in demand and unique historical and literary benefits. These recordings were first in the history of Russia a book, made not in the format of the story of pilgrimage, but describing the political, economic and cultural features of the territories.

Athanasius Nikitin

He was able to prove that even being a member of the poor peasant family, it is possible to become a famous researcher and traveler. Its names are named streets, embankments in several Russian cities, a motor ship, a passenger train and airborne

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Semen Dejnev, founded Anadyr Ostrog

Cossack Ataman Semen Dejnev was an Arctic navigator, who became the discoverer of a number of geographic objects. Wherever Semen Ivanovich served, everywhere he sought to study the new and previously unknown. He was even able to cross the East Siberian Sea on a homemade nomad, having passed the path from Indigir to Alasey.

In 1643, as part of the detachment of researchers, Semyon Ivanovich opened a Kolyma, where the city of Middle Midkolmisk was founded with his associates. A year later, Semyon Denhev continued his expedition, held along Bering Strait (who did not yet have this name) and opened the easiest point of the mainland, called Dezhnev's cape. Also, his name is the island, peninsula, bay, village.

Semen Dezhnev

In 1648, Dezhnev again went on the road. His vessel was crashed in the waters located in the southern part of the Anadyr River. Robing on skis, sailors went up the river and stayed on the winter. Subsequently, this place appeared on geographical maps and received the name Anadyr Ostrog. According to the results of the expedition, the traveler was able to make detailed descriptions, make a map of those places.

Vitus Ionassen Bering, who organized an expedition to Kamchatka

Two Kamchatka expeditions entered the history of the marine discoveries of Vitus Bering and his companion Alexei Chirikov. During the first trip, the navigators conducted a study and were able to supplement the geographical satin of objects located in Northeast Asia and on the Pacific Coast of Kamchatka.

The discovery of Kamchatka and Lake Peninsulas, the Bay of Kamchatka, Cross, Karaginsky, the Bay of the holding, Islands of St. Lawrence is also the merit of Bering and Chirikov. At the same time, another strait was found and described, which later became known as Bering.

Vitus Bering

The second expedition was undertaken by them to search for the path to North America and the study of the Pacific Islands. In this journey, Bering and Chirikov laid the Petropavlovsky Ostrog. He got his name from the united names of their ships ("Saint Peter" and "Saint Paul) and later became the city of Petropavlovsky-Kamchatsky.

On the approach to the shores of America, like-minded ships lost each other from sight, a strong fog said. "Saint Peter", managed by Bering, fell to the west coast of America, but got into the strongest storm on the way back - the ship was thrown into the island. On him and passed the last minutes of the life of Vitus Bering, and the island later began to wear his name. Chirikov, on his ship, also reached America, but fully completed his swimming, finding several Aleutian ridges on the way back.

Khariton and Dmitry Laptev and their "Name" Sea

The Hariton cousins \u200b\u200band Dmitry Laptev were like-minded people and assistants of Vitus Bering. It was he who appointed Dmitry by the commander of the Irkutsk ship, and his double-boat "Yakutsk" led Khariton. They took part in the Great Northern Expedition, the purpose of which was to study and precisely describe and put the Russian shores of the ocean, from the Ugra ball to Kamchatka.

Each brothers made a significant contribution to the development of new territories. Dmitry became the first navigator who shot the shores from the mouth of Lena to the mouth of Kolyma. He made detailed maps of these places, taking the basis of mathematical calculations and astronomical data.

Khariton and Dmitry Laptev

Hariton Laptev with his associates led to the study of the most northern sect of the coast of Siberia. It was he who determined the sizes and outlines of the huge Peninsula Taimyr - performed the shooting of the Eastern coast, was able to identify the exact coordinates of the coastal islands. The expedition took place in difficult conditions - a large amount of ice, snow tumans, a ration, ice captivity - a lot had to survive the team of Hyriton Laptev. But they continued to work. In this expedition, the assistant Lapteva Chelyuskin discovered the Cape, who was subsequently named after him.

Noting the great contribution of Laptev in the development of new territories, members of the Russian Geographical Society decided to call them named one of the largest seas of the Arctic. Also in honor of Dmitry, there is a strait between the mainland and the island of Big Lyakhovsky, and the name of the Hyriton wears the Western coast of Taimyr Island.

Kruzenshtern and Lisyansky - organizers of the first Russian round-the-world swimming

Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisyansky - the first Russian navigators who have committed a world journey. Their expedition lasted three years (began in 1803 and ended in 1806). They with their teams went on the road on two ships, which wearing the names "Hope" and "Neva". Travelers passed through the Atlantic Ocean, entered the water of the Pacific Ocean. On them sailors fell to the Kuril Islands, Kamchatka and Sakhalin.

Ivan Kruzenshternoto Travel allowed to collect important information. Based on data mined by navigators, a detailed map of the Pacific Ocean was compiled. Another important outcome of the first Russian round-the-world expedition was the data obtained about the flora and fauna smoked and Kamchatka, local residents, their customs and cultural traditions.

During his travel, the sailors have moved the equator and the maritime traditions could not leave this event without the famous ritual - the sailor, disguised in Neptune, welcomed Krusenstern and asked why his ship had arrived there, where never had the Russian flag. What was the answer that they are here exclusively for the glory and development of domestic science.

Vasily Golovin - the first navigator, who managed to rescue from the Japanese captivity

Russian navigator Vasily Golinov led the two round-the-world expeditions. In 1806, he, being in the rank of lieutenant, received a new appointment and became the commander of the "Diana" gateway. Interestingly, this is the only case in the history of the Russian fleet, when the control of the ship was entrusted with Lieutenant.

The leadership set the goal of the circular expedition to study the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, with particular attention to the one part that is located within the native country. The path "Diana" was not easy. The slut was the island of Tristan-da-kun, Cape has passed hope and entered the port who belonged to the British. Here the ship was detained by the authorities. The British told the head about the beginning of the war between the two countries. The Russian ship was not declared captured, but also to leave the team bay was not allowed. After spending more than a year in this position, in mid-May 1809 "Diana", led by the head, tried to escape that the sailors successfully managed - the ship arrived at Kamchatka.

Vasily Golovin the next responsible task is a headman in 1811 - he had to draw up descriptions of the Chartarka and Kuril Islands, the shores of the Tatar Strait. During his trip, he was accused of non-compliance with the principles of Sakoku and captured by the Japanese for more than 2 years. It was possible to rescue the team from captivity only due to the good relations of one of the Russian maritime officers and an influential Japanese merchant, who was able to convince his government in the harmless intentions of Russians. It is worth noting that before that no one in history from the Japanese capture was returned.

In 1817-1819, Vasily Mikhailovich made another round-the-world journey at the Kamchatka ship specifically built for this.

Fadda Bellinshausen and Mikhail Lazarev - Antarctica Points

The captain of the second rank of Faddey Bellinshausen was determined to find the truth in the matter of the existence of the sixth mainland. In 1819, he went out into the open sea, thoroughly prepared two slut - "peaceful" and "east". The last commanded his like-minded people Mikhail Lazarev. The first round-the-world Antarctic expedition set themselves other tasks. In addition to finding irrefutable facts confirming or refuting the existence of Antarctica, travelers were going to explore the water area of \u200b\u200bthe three oceans - the quiet, Atlantic and Indian.

Fadda Bellinshausen The results of this expedition exceeded all expectations. For 751 days she lasted, Bellinshausen and Lazarev were able to make several significant geographical discoveries. Of course, the most important one is the existence of Antarctica, this historical event occurred on January 28, 1820. Also, during the trip, there were already two dozen-dozen islands were found on a map, sketches were created with the views of the Antarctic, the images of the representatives of the Antarctic fauna.

Mikhail Lazarev

Interestingly, attempts to open Antarctica did not happen once, but none of them were crowned with success. European navigators believed that either she was not, or it was located in places, which simply impossible to get along the sea. But Russian travelers had enough perseverance and purposefulness, so the names of Bellinshausen and Lazareva are made to the lists of the greatest seafarers of the world.

Yakov Sannikov

Yakov Sannikov (about 1780, Ust-Yansk, Russian Empire - after 1811) - the Russian merchant from Yakutsk, the mining person, the beer of Mammoth and the researcher of the Novosibirsk Islands.
Known as the Ghost Officer "Land Sannikov", which he saw from the Novosibirsk Islands. He opened and described the Islands of Podloboy (1800) and Faddean (1805).
In 1808-1810, he participated in the expedition of the exile Riga Swede M. M. Gedenshtrom. In 1810, the New Siberia is the island, in 1811 he went around the island of Faddeevsky.
Sannikov expressed an opinion on the existence north of the Novosibirsk Islands, in particular from the island of boiler house, extensive land, called the "Land of Sannikov".

After 1811, the traces of Jacob Sannikov are lost. Neither further occupation or the year of death is unknown. In 1935, the Grazian pilot, who ran the flights in the lower flow of the Lena River, near Kusiura discovered a tombstone with the inscription "Yakov Sannikov". In his honor, the strait is named, according to which the site of the Northern Sea Route is held today. Opened in 1773 by the Yakut industrialist Ivan Lyakhov. Initially, the strait was named after the doctor of the Expedition E.V. Toll V.N. Katina Yartseva F.A. Matisen. The current name is given to K.A. Volosovich on his map, and in 1935 was approved by the Government of the USSR.

Grigory Shelikhov

Gregory Ivanovich Shelikhov (Shelekhov; 1747, Rylsk - July 20, 1795, Irkutsk) - Russian researcher, navigator, industrialist and merchant from the Suslehov kind, since 1775, which has been engaged in the arrangement of commercial trade shipping between Kuril and Aleutian island ridges. In 1783-1786, he headed the expedition to Russian America, during which the first Russian settlements in North America were founded. He organized several trading and commercial companies, including in Kamchatka. Grigory Ivanovich mastered new lands for the Russian Empire, was the initiator of the Russian-American company. Founder of the northeastern company.

In his honor was called the bay. Shalikhov Bay (Kamchatka Region, Russia) is located between the Asian coast and the base of the Kamchatka Peninsula. Refers to the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Sea of \u200b\u200bOkhotsk.

Ferdinand Wrangel

Wrangel showed himself from the best side, and he was tested in the complex round-world swimming, entrust to head the expedition to the extreme north-east of Siberia, to the mouths of Yana and Kolyma to put on the map of the Arctic Ocean coast until the Bering Strait, and in addition to checking the hypothesis On the existence not open yet land connecting Asia with America.
Three years spend Wrangel in ice and tundra with their companions, among whom his main assistant was Fyodor Matyushkin - Lyceum Comrade A.S. Pushkin.
In the interruptions between hikes to the north under the leadership of Wrangel and Matyushkin, topographic shooting of a huge coast was made, engulfed 35 degrees in longitude. On the territory of the recent white spots, 115 astronomical points were defined. For the first time, studies were conducted by the influence of climate on the existence and development of marine ice, and the first meteorological station in this edge was organized in Nizhnekolmsk. Thanks to the meteorological observations of this station, it was found that in the interflueline of Yana and Kolyma is the "Polyus of the Cold" of the northern hemisphere.
Ferdinand Wrangel described in detail the expedition and its scientific results in the book, which was first published in 1839 and had a huge success. The glorious Swedish polar star Adolf Eric Nordencheld called it "one of the masterpieces among the writings in the Arctic."

The expedition in the Chukotka-Kolyma region put Wrangel in one row with the largest explorers of the harsh Arctic. After becoming one of the founders of the Russian Geographical Society, he thought over the expedition project to the North Pole. He proposes to go to the pole on the vessel, which should be on the wintering of the northern coast of Greenland, from the fall to prepare along the path of the pole party food warehouses, and in March, people come out exactly in the direction of Meridian on ten nars with dogs. Interestingly, the plan to achieve a pole, compiled by Robert Piri, who joined the pole of 64 years later, in the slightest details repeated the old project of Wrangel. The name of Wrangel is the island in the Northern Arctic Ocean, Mountain and Cape on Alaska. It comes out about the sale of the Russian government of Alaska in 1867, Ferdinand Petrovich very negatively treated it.

Beijing Anastasia

The material was created to the lesson of the history of the culture of Russia of the XIX century.



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Russian discovers and travelers of the XIX century Presentation prepared a student of grade 8 and MBOU SOSH No. 25 Balakovo Saratov Region Beijing Anastasia

The XIX century became the time of the largest geographical discoveries committed by Russian researchers. 1803-1806 The first Russian round-the-world expedition on the ships "Hope" and "Neva". Researchers: Ivan Kruzenshtern and Yuri Lisansky.

Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshterns The largest navigator, a corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and a geographic geographic of the XIX century, the materials of his expedition were based on the basis of published in the early 20s. XIX century "South Seas Atlas".

Yuriy Fedorovich Lisyansky commander "Neva", opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago, later called him name.

Map of around the world travel I.F. Kruzenshtern and Yu.F. Lisyansky

Fadda Faddeevich Bellinshausen headed a new round-the-world expedition. The expedition is performed on the gateways (single-paced ships). He was the commander of the ship "East".

Mikhail Petrovich Lazarev made an expedition in conjunction with Bellinshausen. The commander of a single-way ship "Mirny".

Single ships approximately looked ships "East" and "Mirny", which made round-the-world swimming under the command of F.F. Bellinshausen and M.P. Lazarev.

World Travel Map F.F. Bellinshausen and M. P. Lazareva

Conclusion. Russian navigators made the most important geographical discoveries, the valuable collections were brought, these observations of the waters of the oceans and the icy coatings of the continent for humanity.

Of particular importance were the achievements of Russian scientists in the field of geographical research. Russian travelers visited such places where the European foot has not argued. In the second half of the XIX century. Their efforts were focused on the study of the deep districts of Asia.
The start of expeditions to the depths of Asia was laid Peter Petrovich Semenov-Tian-Shansky (1827-1914), geographer, statistical, nerd. He made a number of travels to the mountains of Central Asia, on Tien Shan. Heading the Russian Geographical Society, he began to play a leading role in developing plans for new expeditions. On his initiative, a multi-volume edition "Russia was undertaken. Complete geographical description of our Fatherland.

The activities and other travelers were connected with the Russian geographic society - P. A. Kropotkin and N.M. Przhevalsky. P. A. Kropotkin in 1864-1866 Making a trip over Northern Manchuria, Sayanam and Vitimsky plateau. In the future, he became a famous revolutionary.
Nikolai Mikhailovich Przhevalsky (1839-1888) the first expedition was performed on the Ussuri region, then his paths ran through the most difficult areas of Central Asia. He crossed Mongolia several times, North China, explored the Gobi Desert, Tien Shan, visited Tibet. He died on the way, at the beginning of his last expedition. In connection with the news about his death A.P. Chekhov wrote that such "devotees are needed as the sun." "Composing the most poetic and cheerful element of society," he added, "they excite themselves, console and add ... If the positive types created by the literary work make up a valuable educational material, then the same types given by the samot life, stand out of price."
The overseas travel of Russian scientists in the second half of the XIX century. acquired more focused. If they, mostly, were limited to a description and application on the coastline map, then the life, culture, customs of local peoples were now studied. This direction, the beginning of which in the XVIII century. Posted by S.P. Krasheninnikov, it was continued Nikolai Nikolayevich Miklukholam (1846-1888). He made her first journey to the Canary Islands and in North Africa. At the beginning of the 70s, he visited a number of Pacific Islands, studied the life of local peoples. 16 months he lived among Papuans on the northwest coast of New Guinea (this place since then is called the "shore of the Maclay"). Russian scientist won the confidence and love of local residents. Then he traveled through the Philippines, Indonesia, Malacca, returned to the "Shore of Maclay" again. Described by scientists, the descriptions of life and morals, the economy and culture of the peoples of Oceania in a large part were published only after his death.
The world geographic science in those years relied in many ways to achieve Russian researchers. By the end of the XIX century. The era of geographical discoveries ended. And only Ice expanses of the Arctic and Antarctic still kept many of their secrets. The heroic epic of the latest geographical discoveries, the active participation in which the Russian researchers adopted, falls at the beginning of the XX century.

I. Kruzenshtern and Y. Lysyansky in 1803 An expedition was undertaken to study the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. It was the first Russian expedition. She was headed by I. Curtainstern. It was first applied to a map of more than a thousand km of shores about. Sakhalin. Lysyansky opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. There were many data on the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, the islands of the Pacific and Ice Oceans. These materials were based on the "South Seas Atlas". In 1803, an expedition was undertaken to study the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. It was the first Russian expedition. She was headed by I. Curtainstern. It was first applied to a map of more than a thousand km of shores about. Sakhalin. Lysyansky opened one of the islands of the Hawaiian archipelago. There were many data on the Aleutian Islands and Alaska, the islands of the Pacific and Ice Oceans. These materials were based on the "South Seas Atlas".

F. Bellinggauzen and M.Lazarev in F. Bellinghausen headed the new round-the-world expedition. The plan was I. Curtainstern. In F. Bellinggausen headed the new round-the-world expedition. The plan was I. Curtainstern. The goal was labeled "Acquisition of the complete knowledge of our globe" and "Opening of the possible proximity of the Antarctic Pole" on January 16, 1820, the expedition approached the banks of Antarctica, then after parking in Australia, the ships moved to the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, where they were opened by a group of islands, named The aims of Russians were marked "Acquisition of the complete knowledge of our globe" and "Opening of the possible proximity of the Antarctic Pole" on January 16, 1820, the expedition approached the banks of Antarctica, then after parking in Australia, ships moved to the tropical part of the Pacific Ocean, where the islands group were opened by them issued by the islands of Russians

A. Baranov and the development of Russian America in search of new areas of Hunt A. Baranov examined in detail the island of Kadyak,. It was he who was for the first time to truly consolidate the extensive territories in the Pacific Coast of North America for the first time. In 1799 he became the ruler of the Russian-American company, and in 1803 he was appointed Ruler Alaska. In 1815, he undertook an expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in order to join Russia. In search of new areas of Hunt A. Baranov examined in detail the island of Kadiak,. It was he who was for the first time to truly consolidate the extensive territories in the Pacific Coast of North America for the first time. In 1799 he became the ruler of the Russian-American company, and in 1803 he was appointed Ruler Alaska. In 1815, he undertook an expedition to the Hawaiian Islands in order to join Russia.

Enevela and E.Putyatin G.Nellasky is the largest researcher of the Far East. In 2 expeditions (and), he managed to open new territories and enter the lowerland of Amur. Ralevskaya is the largest researcher of the Far East. In 2 expeditions (and), he managed to open new territories and enter the lowerland of Amur. E.Putyatin - opened the islands of Rimsky-Korsakov. And he was the first Russian who visited Japan and signed a treaty there. E.Putyatin - opened the islands of Rimsky-Korsakov. And he was the first Russian who visited Japan and signed a treaty there. The result of the Expedition of Nelhelsky and E.Putyatina, except for purely scientific, was the consolidation of the seaside region in the Far East. In 1845, the opening of the Russian geographical society. The result of the Expedition of Nelhelsky and E.Putyatina, except for purely scientific, was the consolidation of the seaside region in the Far East. In 1845, the opening of the Russian geographical society.