Modern entrance hall in the standard apartment. Design of the hallway in the apartment

Some people argue that guests raise an apartment even on the front door. But I would still transfer the place of assessment in the hallway, because the door is still not the apartment itself. So, the first thing you see the guests are an entrance hall.

Here they undress and travel, along the way, considering the side vision of the design of the hallway in a three-bedroom apartment, the degree of furniture convenience and the presence of a mess. Particularly leaving the mess. If you have scattered shoes throughout the corridor, the caps are lying in the corner, and five jackets hang on one single hook, then any of your designer efforts will not cost and exiled eggs.

Provide for shoes a comfortable shelf, the required amount of hooks on the wall and caps for the caps. If there is a place, put the wardrobe, in which everything will be immediately.

Aesthetics question

If you speak directly about the design, I would recommend to be guided by the rule "simple and tasteful". It is clear that the average corridor in the apartment does not differ in large sizes. Therefore, there should be no excessive furniture here.

I have already said that it would be nice to put a wardrobe in the hallway. But if we talk about the design of the hallway in a small apartment, then such a wardrobe can simply not fit here, and if it fits, you will have to sacrifice a precious free place. And this for a small room is very bad.

Video on the topic:Hallway and Corridor Design
Next, by operating with different color shades, I propose to engage in visual expansion of the hallway. Run on pastel colors. Excellent option - dark floor and light walls. From this design, a narrow hallway in the apartment will only win. The dark floor will be less dirty from the shoes, and due to the contrast there will be a visual expansion of the walls, from which the room will seem spacious.

Design of an entrance hall in one-room apartment

Do I need a mirror in the hallway? The question may seem stupid, but I propose not to be categorical. If the entrance hall is in the tambour, then the mirror in many cases may be superfluous. In a closed small space, an extraneous presence of your reflection can simply scare.

And if you get used to the time, then guests may be uncomfortable. It is better to place the mirror in the corridor, immediately before entering the tambour. In all other cases, the design of the hallway in the apartment really implies the presence of a mirror. Moreover, the mirror should reflect a person in full growth, which is explained by elementary convenience.


Last in order, but not much to do, as will have to take care - this is light. Since the hallways are small, the more light in them, the better for visual perception.

In addition, people in the hallway are engaged in work with small details, including laces, zippers, fasteners, so the extra light source does not prevent this. Well, the main lamp should be located directly near the mirror, in order to give oneself confidence with its magnificent appearance in reflection.


Design of the hallway of small sizes

If there is a free angle in the hallway, buy an angular cabinet, it can accommodate a lot of things and besides compact. Or limit the shelf for shoes or chest.

Increase the visually hallway will allow the door to a neighboring room having a glass insert, because it will take place through it. In addition to furniture, visually increasing the volume of the room will help the color, we need light furniture and light walls. Do not forget about good lighting.

Narrow parishion

In such a hallway, it is difficult to properly place the furniture. This is how to achieve this, and besides, smooth the difference in the size of the walls, you can zonate the premises. In such a hallway, make a multi-level ceiling, and the walls and the floor here can be combined. Among the ideas of the hallway, an option with mirrors, which need to be placed on long walls, or photo wallpapers, having a deep outlook, are greatly suitable.

If you can replace the deaf door on the arch in the next room. Color will also help adjust the space. Light tones push the walls, the dark walls are closer. Also, thanks to the lighting, you can shake the end walls, beating the length of the hallway.

Angle parishion

If in your apartment entrance hall in the form of an angle, and you do not know how to equip it, you can see the design of the hallway in the apartment photo of which are available on the site. To rationally use square meters, buy an angular cabinet, in it, among other things, a vacuum cleaner, and even a children's bike. Usually, such a wardrobe is decorated with mirrors, which makes this spacious furniture visually weightless.

Staircase in the hallway

Usually under it there is a lot of free space. Here you can place the shelves, hangers. If the living room and an entrance hall with the stairs are combined, under the latter you can arrange the books, equip the corner for reading, placing a pear chair and a lamp.

Hall in Khrushchev

This is usually a narrow and long room, or just a vestibule with several doors. In this case, either redevelopment, or a properly selected color of the walls. To create a functional hallway in Khrushchev, you can look at the design of the hallway from.

Choose light furniture, use mirrors. Walls may have a glossy coating and the same stretch ceiling. If there are quite a few places, instead of the cabinet you can hang hooks for clothes and shelves, under the ceiling, hang meresol, by placing them with an LED ribbon located below.


Interior of the hallway in the apartment - photo ideas

Do not hammer the room with many different useless and cumbersome furniture, and in general, to the process of its choice it is worth up with full responsibility. Designers recommend removed from the hallway all doors leading to the inner rooms, and replace them with smooth arches, especially if both rooms are made approximately in one style.

Do not forget about the correct lighting. The best solution will place several small lamps. You can even put out of them any direct shape. All colors and shades - unable light. Thanks to these rules, the interior of a small hallway in the apartment will visually turn it into a spacious room.

Remote a narrow room

In order to win in space, conventionally divide the room into two parts: Actually, the hallway, which will be intended for receiving guests and contain minimum furniture, and the hall. It is better to do with the help of shades, wallpapers, small paper walls and their like. The main focus will be focused on the second.

But the number of furniture in both parts is better minimized. Pay more attention to details. For example, a beautiful drawing can be placed on one of the walls: it will excellently distract attention from a small room. Do not use dark shades, bright, juicy and saturated colors are your choice. Well, if you do not want any experiments, stop the choice on neutral and cozy pastel colors, like beige.

If you are lucky to have a two-level apartment or a penthouse, the interior of the hallway in the apartment is special and without outside interference, and you can only emphasize it. Usually, the hallway in apartments of this type is greater than usual, so the problem of space is not so acute. Despite this, do not get drunk.

The main part of the interior should be a staircase, so placing only the necessary furniture in the hallway, which will really be there to the place there. The most important principle of such design: the staircase and the hallway must be performed in the same style, otherwise everything will look just ridiculous.

Usually an entrance hall is an unmerected dark room, and you have to fix it. Just a few point lamps will perfectly cope with the task. The color of the hallway should call only pleasant associations and the desire to return here again and again.

Even if you prefer gentle tones, add a small bright and relevant spot to the interior of a small hallway in the apartment. It will be nice to please the eye after a hard working day.

In private homes, the situation becomes a little easier. If you make the front door of the glass, the problem with lighting will be solved by itself. Then enough will add only one lamp with scattered light.

How to choose the furniture?

Any furniture should be functional. It will not hurt to arrange it in wooden tones - this approach simultaneously adds some conciseness and provides ease of the interior of the hallway of the apartment, the photo perfectly prove it.

Little guards do not do without a closet compartment. In which you can hide a lot of necessary things. Especially this thing is needed by busy people: if you do not have time to get out, just close the door of the cabinet, and no one will see the Bardak reign there.

To expand the space, you can order a cabinet with a mirror door, decorated in bright shades.

From small things it is better to refuse - they abscomise to the space. You can use modular structures. This is a stunning solution - several furniture items are compactly combined in one.

Wallpaper for the hallway should not be in no way from the general range. Too light tones quickly yellow, and too dark - visually reduce the volume of the hallway. The optimal option: paste dark wallpaper from below, and on top of light, with the drawing on them should not be different. A large ornament again narrows the room, and the narrow strips - on the contrary, expand.


Interior Design of a Little Hallway

There are a number of rules about which it is worth remembering when making a hallway of small sizes:

  • the main design solutions in a situation where the interior of a small hallway is created - compliance with the principles of the style of minimalism. The smaller all the details, the better. If a small room is equipped with a multitude of such decor elements, like stands, vases, photos, then it will look untrained and have an unclear look. It is also recommended to refuse open hangers,
  • as for the idea of \u200b\u200bfurniture, then in a one-room apartment or Khrushchev, where a small corridor is often found, it should not be too overall. Excellent ideas - cabinets depth no more than 45 cm, in which even jackets will fit, but the hangers should be placed front. But this approach will allow you to leave free up to 15 cm,
  • no less convenient idea of \u200b\u200bstorage of outerwear is a wardrobe, it saves a free space, and its doors open in one plane with the wall. If necessary, the cabinet can be installed without the rear wall, thereby saving the additional space, too,
  • more creative ideas, it is a repair to connect a wardrobe with an interroom wall, where one cabinet door will be the door to the room. In such a closet, you can install a lot of shelves, drawers and hangers, keep clothes and accessories on them. For a better understanding, you should see photos in stores or internet,
  • do not forget that the angles are also an important component that every room has, especially fruitfully, you can use them in a one-room apartment or Khrushchev, so instead of the conventional cabinet it is better to choose the corner, which will take an angle and save space,
  • an additional place in the hallway can be achieved through the use of antlesole, where things are cleaned that you do not need constantly.

Selection of finishing materials

If in a one-room apartment or Khrushchev, an entrance hall is too small, then making repairs, it will take to take into account this fact just during the finish. In the process of selecting a suitable solution, you can use the photo of finished projects.

First of all, conducting repairs, it is necessary to abandon the materials that can visually reduce the area even more and spoil the design of a small hallway, for example, a relief stone, panels that are fixed on special bars or on frames.

The best ideas for the design of the walls in a small one-room apartment is the design of paints, but only with a mandatory selection of color so that he does not make a gloomy room. The bright wallpaper of pastel colors, but without major patterns, is also suitable.

Finishing the ceiling

Coloring the ceiling is recommended for white paint with a glossy effect or placing a glossy stretch ceiling in the hallway, emphasizing minimalism, provided that the height of the room allows you to do this. Solutions with a gloss will be able to visually increase the volume of the room and the height of the ceilings.

The advantages of stretch or mounted ceiling include:

  • the ability to align even the most uneven ceilings,
  • long service time
  • simplicity of purification and care,
  • creative lighting.

Laying floors

Repair in a small hallway will require carefully selecting material with a long service life so that after a short period of time it has not been required to replace, and easily maintain the selected style in the interior design, better if it is minimalism.

Video on the topic:Repair of the hallway and the corridor in the apartment! The best ideas for repairs in the apartment and house!
Floor options for a small hallway:

  • laying with laminate: This is a modern material for which wear resistance is characterized and long service life,
  • ceramics tiles or artificial stone: Such materials are simply ideal for hallway and emphasize the selected minimalism, they are resistant to moisture and differ in great strength: it is easy to care for these floors, but experts are recommended to lay them not all the room, but only space near the entrance door. Visually, such ideas significantly increase the space.

Secrets of the visual expansion of space and styles

The best design of a small hallway in a one-room apartment is to use the style of minimalism, that is, the minimum amount of decor, and the use of light tones for finishing, monochromatic materials without large drawings and patterns. High-quality lighting with a scheduling or backlighting niches will also help to increase the space.

In addition to minimalism, a small area in Khrushchev can be issued in such styles as:

  • classic: If the owner of the apartment prefers the design of the corridor in a classic style, then he should not forget that such a design is characterized by strict symmetrical forms, lack of extra decorations, desire for proportionality and clear lines. The classic will perfectly complement the small room due to the use of light tones in the trim decorated with bronze and gilding. In addition, as you can see in the photo, large mirrors characteristic of this style will help to expand the space.
  • provence: For this style, the use of light pastel shades of furniture and finishing materials is also peculiar. In addition, they are complemented by vegetable elements, as a small hallway in Khrushchev will look more alive. The distinctive feature of the Provence style is the need to organize the right lighting - a lot of bright light that helps to visually increase the room and create a feeling of freedom,
  • japanese style: Photos perfectly demonstrate that for such a solution is characterized by simple finish, simple clear lines, preservation of the geometry of the room in ornaments and the absence of calling parts. Also, this style involves the purchase of a minimum number of furniture items - only the most necessary. Such an approach helps unload the space of a small hallway and make it more spacious.

Furniture selection and furnishings

Do not force a small room with plenty of furniture. The best solution option is to equip the room built-in wardrobe, but for this it will be necessary to carry out a small redevelopment. On the cabinet sash, you can place a mirror that, as already mentioned, despite all the minimalism will expand the space.

If suddenly one wardrobe does not accommodate all the necessary masters, there are other solutions:

  • in the presence of a free angle, it can be equipped with corner furniture,
  • for casual clothes, you can choose a rack hanger provided that there is simply no space for the closet. It is not difficult to find a suitable design and material.
  • for shoes, you can choose a shelf with a large capacity and at the same time quite compact outwardly.

When repairs in the apartment is important, it is important to consider that one should not be knocked out of the overall design. For convenience, it is better to abandon the doors, replacing them with plasterboard arches.

Organization of lighting

When drawing up the design of the project, a small entrance hall requires special attention to devote the organization of lighting. Natural light here almost does not reach, so you need to think about the proper degree of illumination of the room so that the corridor does not become a gloomy cave. Lights from one chandelier on the ceiling will be very small, which means it will be necessary to create a comprehensive project to accommodate lighting devices into a small hallway area.

In this situation, preference is given to wall lamps in the amount of several pieces. They can be marriage near the mirror. Ideas with a light accent imply the illumination of the most favorable parts of the room, and the low-apparent parts are recommended to darken.


Design of the hallway depending on the form

Design hallway- "Tambour".

One of the essential drawbacks is a small area. If you did not have time to hang a jacket for a hanger and change clothes, and the places are already disastrously lacking - you are the owner of a similar view of the hallway. The wardrobe in the hallway will be able to be a good ally in the struggle for injustice. If you do not attract such an option, you can buy a regular locker, but a prerequisite - mirror facades.

Mirrors are the best assistants in the visual increase in space. Therefore, if you did not come up with the second option, you can hang a large mirror in the hallway, which visually makes the room more.

Design with a long and narrow hallway.

The first association that occurs when looking at such a room is a car. People mistakenly believe that this design is impossible for a long hallway. But you would know how they are mistaken! In fact, everything is fixable, it is enough to divide the room into separate zones.

How to do it? With floor coatings. For example, ceramic tiles or linoleum are suitable for the input zone, and parquet or laminate for the hall. For narrow vestments, cabinets are contraindicated, the most optimal options - hangers with decorative panels and lower couches.

Design long and wide hallway.

It would seem - here is the perfect option of the hallway. But not everything as it seems at first glance. A large room threatens with an uncomfortable void. We can offer you an option that will relieve you from this unpleasant situation.

Imagine a beautiful arch, which will divide the hallway into two parts. Now your hallway has turned from a large and sullen corridor into two cozy small rooms - directly an entrance hall and a neutral room that you can use, as you wish.

In the neutral room, you can put the chairs, a coffee table, hanging on the walls. Or set it out as a dressing room. As you can see, one arch can add your apartment another extra room.

Design of a square hallway.

This is exactly the option when your fantasy will not be able to argue any borders. With a huge selection of bright colors and finishing materials, you can prefer exactly what suits you like. To competently furnish the square hallway, you can do without introducing the design and interior in the dense forest.

But we can give you one advice: carefully look at the corner location of the furniture. Such an option is not suitable for this type of vestivities. Modern headsets include several cabinets and an open section in the form of a hanger. If the room allows, it will be useful to purchase a cheater dresser. The main plus is your shoes will stand in a place, and not "walking" throughout the corridor.

Design of an open hallway.

This is a fairly common option, which can most often meet in Studio apartments. What can threaten like housing? An illiterate design of the apartment! If the interior is properly incorrectly incorrectly, it may not have a very pleasant feeling of accession from the threshold immediately into the kitchen or in the living room.

Uncomfortable in such a room because of our psychology. But you can deceive nature and choose the appropriate living room furniture and use the well-known Savior Arch, which will solve all the problems and in this option.

If you have decided on the view of your hallway, it is time to talk more about the color scheme.

Coloring solution for halls:

  • It is from the color scheme that it will be whatever your hallway: cozy and bright or annoying and cold.
  • The main condition is a well-known combination of colors and shades.
  • There is a certain system of brightness. For example, the lower zone is better to perform in darker colors, the average - in bright, and the upper - in the brightest.
  • No need to play in contrasts.
  • It is important to know that the nature of the color is determined directly by the media materials that can be very active and strong in your design. Example: If we talk about passionate red, it can be beaten with bright tissues, alkyd enamel and other materials with similar color. But for the hallway it is better to stop your choice on red brick or clay products.
  • As a rule, the hallway is small rooms. To visually increase the space, you should select light tones.
  • Contraindication is valid only at the hallway, "Tambura", which we talked above. For them, dark shades are best suited.
  • Color can both organize space and disorganize, influence the emotional state.

Selection of furniture for hallways: what to pay attention to?

  • It is important to decide on the furniture before the start of repair, because some of them can be embedded and additional niches may be required for it. For example, the wardrobe into the hallway will take less space if placing it in a niche.
  • No need to clutter the space! To avoid the effect of clutter, you should choose a closed furniture.
  • Pay attention to quality. No need to think that no one looks at the hallway on the hallway. This is a typical error that can cause a negative opinion about the owner of the apartment. The furniture must necessarily be without cracks, stains, consider it when buying. If the furniture has a mirror surface, make sure that glass elements and mirrors do not have irregularities or muddy strips on their surface.
  • Choose high-quality fittings. There is a good proverb: "We are not so rich to buy cheap things." Furniture lines depends on furniture. It is desirable that it be great.


Interior of the hallway in the apartment of the panel house

The ways to improve the design of the corridor are associated with its visual perception, since physically increase the number of square meters due to the demolition or movement of partitions in the panel house will not work. To understand how important it is to properly fulfill its finish, you should decide on the appointment of this part of the apartment.

The hallway is a place where guests get, visiting the owners. Often, it is precisely for its state that the level of accommodation of tenants, their ideas, habits, tastes, addictions are determined. Therefore, it should look beautiful and stylish, decorated in accordance with their capabilities, desires, using modern finishing materials.

On the other hand, even if it is a narrow entrance hall, it should perform its functional purpose. It is advisable to place a wardrobe on its modest territory, the cabinet, clothes, shoes, accessories, a mirror, a convenient dock.

Thanks to the possibilities of the furniture industry, with the help of high-quality finishing materials, the rules of interior design can be achieved to significantly improve the functionality and presentability of this room.

Requirements for finishing

In the hallway residents and guests get straight from the street, bringing with them dust, dirt, moisture during rain or snow. If there are animals in the house, they become the source of additional pollution of the room. It is necessary to pick up practical materials that are resistant to frequent cleaning, washing with the use of special substances.

Choosing a specific style, you should adhere to the color combinations, the structure of the surface of products that can create a finish at a high aesthetic level.

When selecting materials, it is necessary to stop on durable, environmentally friendly samples, without toxic discharge, with high indicators of mechanical, chemical strength, wear resistance.

Creation of proper design

In order for a small hallway to the most comprehensive as possible, some rules should be followed, which are capable of radically change its functionality and appearance. It is noted that the use of dark flowers when finishing a small room makes it gloomy, visually reduces dimensions. On the contrary, light shades expand the room, and the mirror or glossy surfaces are further spreading the boundaries.

A good effect of increasing the room is obtained using:

  • bright stains of colored items,
  • stylish decorative accents.

The furniture is worth buying in the selected range or different on one or two tones from the main color, if the trim is not a contrast combination. It smoothes her perception, makes the inconspicuous, neat, without causing the feeling of litterness of the hallway with a large number of items.

In the case when the corridor is long, a spacious wardrobe can be put in its end part. It will be practical to make up the doors of such furniture using the mirror, due to which it will not be necessary to look for a special place to hang it on the wall.

To more fully use the existing small space, it will be better to make furniture to order. In this case, all wishes for design, color combinations will be taken into account, impractical angular places are involved, free areas between individual elements of the hallway, in its upper part or under the ceiling.

The lighting is able to visually increase the hallway, give her a festive look, so it is worth not to save on the number of lamps. Moreover, there is usually no insufficient natural light in the hallway. If in the room low ceilings, you can hang the original sewer chandelier for general lighting.

In addition, you should not forget to establish several wall-mounted or built into the ceiling lamps at the beginning and at the end of the long corridor, next to the mirror. Using pretty simple advice from professional investors, even with a modest budget, you can turn a small hallway in a panel house to a cozy, stylish and practical room.


Modern entrance design: Best ideas, photos in the interior

Based on the appointment of the room, in the modern design of the hallway, materials, resistant to wear and abrasion, withstanding increased humidity, should be used. Basic requirements for finishing materials:

  • resistance to wear (especially for floor covering),
  • ease of cleaning
  • ecology.

The same requirements are generally presented to materials for the manufacture of furniture. There is an inappropriate finish with a natural veneer, the use of expensive tree breeds - in difficult operating conditions, they will most likely serve for a short time.

The most appropriate modern floor coverings for the input zone:

  • tile of artificial stone or ceramics,
  • porcelain stoneware stoves
  • spiel of natural stone
  • linoleum.

You can also use high-grade laminate, withstanding water action. Natural parquet and parquet board are not recommended - they will quickly lose an attractive appearance. For walls most often use either painting or modern moisture-resistant wallpaper.

Equipment for the hallway in the modern style

For the modern design of the interior of the hallway, the use of furniture performing several functions simultaneously. For example, a bench for arms, as a rule, serves simultaneously with a shoe storage box, the ottoman, to which you can sit, is a storage for footwear care products, the clothing cabinet is replaced by a whole storage system in which the place is located and for street clothing, and for sports accessories.

  • Cupboard. This element is found in almost every input zone. Depending on its size, it can be either very small, or to turn into an integer wardrobe room, providing for the possibility of storing any things from everyday to seasonal.
  • Shooting Prove. In the event that it allows the area, in the interior of the hallway there is a wardrobe for shoes. At the same time, its upper part can perform the functions of the glove table or shelf for bags. There you can store keys if there is no possibility to make a separate key.
  • Seat. The modern hallway design assumes the presence of a seat for the seating to shift with the convenience. This is a separate chair, a shop, a banquette, or a seat can be part of a storage system or mounted in a single whole with a hanger.
  • Mirror. Another necessary element of the interior equipment of the hallway is a large mirror, which allows you to evaluate your appearance before going out. Well, if this mirror allows you to see yourself in full growth.
  • Rugs. Whatever persistent was not flooring, directly at the entrance it is worth putting a small rug, which will absorb most of the street dirt. If a tree or laminate is used as an outdoor coating, the area near the door is to lay out tiles or porcelain stoneware, forming a kind of "rug", from which it is easy to remove the dirt, without exposing the rest of the floor too much.
  • Lighting. In the design of the hallway in modern style, the correct lighting plays a huge role. In the interior of the hallway, the following types of lighting can be distinguished: General (included at the entrance to the apartment), local (required to illuminate the main halls of the hallway - mirror, wardrobe, etc.), decorative (suitable for decorating the hallway, will emphasize the desired design elements, It will allow you to visually expand the room).
  • Additional elements. In addition to those listed, in the interior of the hallway, separate hangers for clothing, hats, stands for umbrellas, keystones, cantilever tables and other items performing decorative functions can be used. Designers advise not to use exclusively decorative elements that do not carry a functional load. For example, if you decide to decorate the hallway with an outdoor vase, use it as a stand for canes and umbrellas.

Design and color solution hallway in modern style

Regardless of the size of the room, minimalism is considered to be the most suitable, which makes it even in a modest area to fit everything you need and avoid its clutter. Suitable for the design of the entrance zone and the Scandinavian style, combining simplicity and environmental friendliness.

Whatever style you have chosen, it is worth using a minimum of decorative elements in the interior, trying to make the basic furniture items to take on a decorative role. For example, a very spectacular element of the hallway design in a modern style can be the original holders for clothing and accessories.

Color combinations used in the design of the hallway in the modern style should contribute to the visual increase and adjustment of proportions. In addition, dark tones are not recommended, since the input zone usually does not have access to daylight and is the least illuminated.

Video on the topic:Interior of the hallway, tips. How to do and 3 main mistakes. Brief lecture-review.
As the main tones are preferred:

  • White and its shades (dairy, creamy, snow),
  • Beige (coffee with milk, ivory, peach),
  • Light gray.

Depending on the selected style, the suitable active colors are chosen as an additional. Beige, for example, remarkably combined with natural tones of land, sand, chocolate. Sneg-white elegantly complemented by blue, turquoise, as well as lemon tones. It is only necessary to ensure that they are not too dark.

Exceptions are allowed if the hall has large sizes or very high ceilings. The easier the color combinations - the better, too bright tones and sharp contrasts are able to visually reduce even a very spacious hallway.


Hallway design - great ideas for repair

The most important thing in the design of the hallway is rationality. Everything needs to triple so that nothing has interfere, but at the same time and well complemented each other.

  • If we talk about the walls, they can be saved by wallpaper, for example, in the mesh - due to this, the hallway will be visually in size.
  • On the floor should not be lacquered because of its bad wear resistance - it is best to rub the floor with mastic.
  • An important point in the hallway is good lighting, so it is better to purchase a small lamp, but it is desirable with an open lamp to the entire light falling into the hallway and not inside the lampshar.
  • An ideal wardrobe in the hallway can only be built-in - and places does not occupy and things can be placed. And for those who do not have the opportunity to make a wardrobe buy a small and comfortable set - for example, an end to shoes, a wardrobe with sash and some kind of checker for small things by type of keys.
  • The main thing is that in the hallway there are no extra things occupying space and then your entrance will become compact and interesting.
  • One of the errors in the design of the hallway is a practical approach. And without that dark, the hallway is often separated in dark colors.

Do not be afraid of light finishes and good lighting - and you will see how your hallway from utilitarian premises will turn into a bright gate to the house.

Decor from velor.Special decorative appliqués from velor will help to diversify the interior. They are very affordable. In the hallway, you can glue them where the walls are most dirty, for example, around sockets and switches.

Wall covering (panel).In the hallway it is recommended to choose a wall cover, which is easy to clean. Prefer coatings from smooth material that can be easily laundered.

Place for storage of things.The role of a convenient storage of this room should play first. Here you can find a place not only for clothes, but also for vacuum cleaners, books and a collection of favorite baubles. What to do so that the transformation of the hallway was the most simple as possible, and the effect is impressive? First of all, think good design.

Plan in advance what you want to place here. Then, thoroughly measure all distances and count how much free space you need to make changes to your plan did not create difficulties in the life of your household. Think also over lighting. And when to make a work plan, the approximate cost will be understood.

A practical wardrobe is not only for clothes.If the cabinet is quite spacious, you can organize its space so that it is convenient to store not only clothes, but also, for example, a ironing board, vacuum cleaner, brushes and even the tools of the spouse.

Comfortable hangers on the doors.Clothes can be sang not only inside the cabinet, but also outside. Place beautiful hangers in the style of the hallway on the doors. They will come in handy when a lot of guests come to you. Such a device is also convenient if your clothes are wet under the rain or you have bought a new job that is pleasant to admire.

Hallway design - thoughtful lighting

If you planned to install racks with shelves in the hallway, take care of the lighting of things standing on them. Think out what style lamps will be, or it will be hidden backlight. It is best to choose such lamps, the light from which will fall straight on the shelves. Discrete familiar who do not first know what kind of repair is - you will probably get valuable recommendations. And only after that call the masters.

Working corner in the hallway

On the wide and deep shelves above the monitor, there is enough space for large folders with papers or to binder your favorite magazine. And free space above the cabinet, in which the computer hides, you can use it, equipping the shelves there for books or working documents there.

You can hang a wide shelf based on heavy items - the cabinet will be a solid backup. It is not necessary to worry about lighting the workplace, it is enough to place a lamp on a long bending leg. Do not forget that the lamp light should not be picked up on the computer monitor.


You have a very small apartment and you have no place to put a desktop with a computer at all? Then you can arrange a special working area directly in the hallway. Use a regular cupboard with multiple shelves. On one thing, which is higher, put the monitor, and the computer itself is lowered to the floor. Keyboard and mouse can be put on a small folding table, which after work you will easily hide in the closet.

Hallway design: how to increase the hallway

In most apartments, the hallway is the closest and dark room. To expand her visually, follow these simple design rules:

  • When choosing finishing materials, refuse opaque textures (wood, stone, decorative plaster). For small rooms, the best option is smooth vinyl or phlizelin wallpaper.
  • Small space can be visually expanded with color. Use for walls, floor and ceiling. Light colors: white, dairy, gray, coffee.
  • Want to make bright accents? Poss part of the space into a contrast color. The ceiling in any case is better to leave white, it will give the effect of more than your hallway.
  • If the hallway is a narrow elongated corridor, do not use overall furniture. A laconic style is suitable - a hanger in the form of a hook boards, reinforced directly on the wall.
  • You can make the space more air, if you equip the niche in the corridor with backlight and inserts from mirrors or stained glass windows.


Interesting Corridor Design Options in Apartment

For some reason, most people when they decide to such a responsible business, as repairs, pay their attention to all rooms, trying to make it comfortable, to equip the bedroom, children's, living room and other apartment rooms, completely forgetting about the corridor.

The good half, at best, cost the sticking of new wallpapers and the installation of several lamps, believing that this is quite enough. And the remaining part was less lucky, their corridor is often more reminded of a small hallway, so you think of something modern and comfortable in it.

But do not despair, any problem has a solution, especially since so insignificant. What is essentially a corridor? Most often it is a long, elongated room, which is not equipped with windows, but is filled with doors and doorways.

But there are options even worse, the entire corridor code is replaced by one small hallway, which has a square or rectangular shape. If you do not pay for this room due attention, namely, put the furniture and successfully develop design. then this zone can simply stay "dead" on which you only slipk out the room daily from the room.

Such a luxury is simply incomplete, given the consistently small dimensions of modern apartments. But, if everyone is done correctly, then a good half of things that eat the main living space can be transferred to the corridor.

There is a considerable number of options for an interesting design of the corridor, it completely depends on the size of the corridor itself, as well as from the size of the apartment as a whole.

It should also be necessary not to forget that in order for the dwelling it is not only functional, both stylish and modern, it is necessary to observe the total notes of one stylistry in the entire apartment, and the corridor is no exception.

We also do not forget that the corridor is the first room that meets your guests in your home, passing through it, they have an opinion about your home, so it is very important that around themselves who have seen a thoughtful interior and a warm decor.

Color decoration

Naturally, the moment of color solution is very important, because it will be the visual perception of the premises, as well as its visual volumes. The most important thing is if you want to track the overall design of the apartment in all rooms, this ability to comply with the equilibrium play of accents.

After all, it is completely optional everywhere to glue the same wallpaper to observe the overall design, it is enough to add such a decorative element in the corridor, which will be the same as the basic elements of the decor and the design of another room.

For example, if in the living room of coffee colors sofas or pillows, paintings and elements of furniture, then in the corridor you can set the same color and stylistics lamp, or install a similar chest.

Most often, the walls of the corridor are designated in gentle and pastel tones, beige, pale pink, cocoa shades and champagne, gentle-salad and gentle blue colors are most popular.

This design is obtained unobtrusive, it allows you to supplement the decor with bright elements and decorative furniture. If you would like to see your corridor in more joyful and life-affirming colors, you can choose bright green or purple colors, with them it is very easy to combine other shades and details.

Absolutely optional to paint or glue all the walls with such bright wallpaper, you can stick to the principle ¾ or 2/3, when the lower part is bright, and the top is calm and restrained or, on the contrary.

Design of a little corridor

If you cannot boast a long and spacious corridor, it is not a trouble, even from the tiny area you can get a spacious and functional room. Naturally, the lighter will be the walls, the room will show visually wider and more spacious.

Cabinets with mirror doors can come to the rescue, they will greatly replace the hooks, hangers and countless shelves for us, but it will help only if there is a niche in the corridor.

If there is no one, and the room is completely tiny, you will have to do a simple hanger, which has a look at the wall on the wall, as well as small shelves that will serve for storing hats, gloves and other little things. If the room has an angle, then it can be equipped with a small embedded Tumba, where shoes will be stored.

Choosing furniture in a small corridor, it is necessary to be guided by the main rule - it should be bright and minimalistic, without excess patterns, carved decors and jets.

Also, you can not forget about lighting, as the corridor, even big, even small, rarely, when equipped with windows.

A small corridor can do the center lamp, although small lamps distributed around the perimeter of the ceiling or walls may look much more interesting. If the corridor is long, then the center lamp may not be enough, so it is better to add several side wall-mounted scaves, which, naturally, should harmoniously fit into the whole image of the apartment.

Long corridor design in the house

A long corridor often creates an impression of an infinite dark tunnel, and even often useless. What can you think in this case? If the corridor is really very long, it is better to crush it better, for example, to make a sectional flooring from tile or laminate, such segmentation will allow you to give a corrianor of some completeness, it will cease to resemble an infinite and boring pipe.

Video on the topic:Hall in Khrushchev - a narrow entrance hall! Furniture to a narrow hallway

In order for a narrow corridor visually seemed wider, the walls are better to arrange in bright colors.

If the corridor is quite wide, it can be also functional, for example, to arrange the walls with shallow open shelves, in which many books can be placed, as well as decorative trifles that will create a cozy atmosphere.

Thus, the corridor from the usual passing room, turn into a small home library. In order to after installing the shelves, the corridor did not look strongly cluttered, the color of the furniture is better to perform in bright shades, and also not to forget about bright lighting, because it is necessary to see it well that you take from the shelves.

If you are not satisfied with the open shelves, you can beat the design of the corridor of another idea: to establish non-screens and low lockers, which externally remind the parapet, only with the doors. From above, you can put photos, pictures or statuettes, and inside the lockers keep all the trifle that there was no place in the main residential premises.

By the way, the art lovers can turn the long corridor into a small picture gallery, having having all the walls with pictures and frames, and you can do just a few, but large works of art. And one more, going to choose Paul remember that the corridor is a very passable part of the house, so it is better not to save on materials, otherwise after a couple of years you have to make repairs again.


Hall in the apartment is cozy and equipped.

It is good that in our country in recent years they build houses in which the apartments have become spacious, the corridors have become wide, and the kitchen is large. The hallway in these new homes are not narrow tunnels, but small halls that can already be placed a set of furniture that will satisfy the needs of a small family.

But if your apartment is in an ordinary shrimp, it is not yet a reason to fall into the despondency and consider yourself a loser. Little hallway, even a small corridor, you can arrange so that all guests will not notice that there are few square meters. It is important not to keep a lot of unnecessary or rarely used things in a small hallway. Take an example from the Japanese. They say not to suffer a problem where to place unnecessary things, do not have these unnecessary things.

If your entrance hall is, well, quite a narrow corridor, you will have to use no lockers and bedside tables, but wall hangers and hooks. You can, of course, find a set of furniture with narrow bedside tables and cabinets. And if you still have a small space at the entrance door, pick up a compact set of furniture for an entrance hall. The benefit that currently furniture production has developed so much that it offers to us, buyers, furniture for different taste and wallet.

The usual minimal set of furniture for the hallway: a wardrobe, a cabinet for shoes, hook hanger and a mirror are placed in a small room at the entrance door. When the hallway is small and there is no possibility of turning out fantasy, the main task that needs to be solved will be accommodated on a small area of \u200b\u200bsuch a set of furniture, which will fit this space and even a little streamlining clothes and owners' shoes.

If your hallway smoothly goes into another room, take care of the harmonious combination of furniture for the hallway and for the hall. The area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway is small, which means, keep in it only those things that use daily.

Well, and if you are a happy owner of the hallway, in which a set of furniture with an angular cabinet can accommodate, that's fine. In such a closet you can accommodate winter things, and autumn, and shoes.

In addition to the closet for clothing, an indispensable element of the furniture kit for the hallway is the bag for shoes. In stores, they are widely represented, differ in design and decoration, but the essence of the shoes one-remove from under the feet, so as not to stuff about it and somehow streamline.

The shoe cabinet can be chosen small, compact or high and spacious. It all depends on the number of shoes in your home. The cabinet will save you from the shoes scattered along the floor, but the bench-stall will facilitate your life unequivocally. And all because leaving the house and returning back, you can sit on it to shove or a little rest. Such furniture is compact and functional, as it performs several tasks: it serves as a bench and at the same time it keeps the necessary things in the farm.

Instead of bench-lady, you can use soft puffs in the hallway. And if neither the puffs nor the bench-stalls do not like, put a mini-sofa in your hallway. He will definitely decorate the room.

Female makers offer for halls combined options: a mini-table + mini-sofa. Consider this option. A mini-sofa + mini bedside also have the right to exist. Do not want to fill in the furniture and the small area of \u200b\u200bthe hallway, then you can restrict ourselves to the hanger and bedside table

From the mirror in the hallway, you should not refuse, so decide for yourself where to place it. And the places for it can be found several: it can be built into the closet, in the front door or just hang on the wall, like a separate interior element. The mirror adorns the room, clarifies and optically increases it. Vertically located mirror allows you to see yourself in full growth.

If your room at the entrance doors is quite spacious and you like the wardrobes, equip your hallway with this wonder wardrobe. Of course, the correct and competent placement of things in the closet will allow the hostess to find the place of various items.

Do not forget the important rules for placing things in the cabinets: the space is divided horizontally into three parts, in the lower place all the heavy and cumbersome, in the uppermost and rarely used. But the middle part of the cabinet occupy things in constant use.

Furniture in the hallway allows you to equip space and create a cozy atmosphere. So that the dirt from the street did not get into the apartment, the entrance should have a rug, which will bring on all the garbage. Want to meet the guests beautiful and bright entrance hall, take care of the lighting. Must be present as ceiling lighting. So wall lamps and good if there is backlight in furniture.

What are the requirements of modern hallway in the corridor? Furniture for the hallway should be comfortable and functional, because here we are pereausers, we leave the top clothes and shoes and, finally, we celebrate guests. In addition, it is necessary that the hallway harmonize with the common interior of the apartment, and also corresponded to the style of the owners. DEKORIN team will help you choose furniture in the hallway for different types of rooms with a photo gallery. In the article, we will also show a few original ideas for the design of the hallways do it yourself.

Hall for a narrow corridor - how to expand the space

Interior design experts believe that in the hallway it is necessary:

  • clothing storage cabinet;
  • an open hanger on which you can dry up the top clothes, swell under snow or rain;
  • closed junction;
  • open shelf for shoes, because wet boots in a closed wardrobe will not put;
  • mirror to fix the hairstyle and make sure that everything is in order with your outfit;
  • place for seating, after all, sitting over a more convenient, and an elderly person or a baby preschooler standing with this task can simply not cope;
  • shelves for different trifles from keys to a shoe brush.

Of course, there should be a place for freedom of movement. Can an entrance hall for a narrow corridor answer all these requirements?

Pay attention to small-sized multifunctional furniture of a small depth (up to 35 cm) designed specifically for such premises. The door of a narrow cabinet-foam when opening will not take a lot of space, the mirror can be attached on them. And the low shoe stand will perfectly cope with the role of a pouf for seating, if you put a soft pad on it.

In a long narrow corridor, a shallow wardrobe with mirrored sash will fit well. But remember that its functionality is essentially limited compared to full-fledged deep fellows.

If, for a very narrow corridor, even such furniture will be too cumbersome, limit the compact hanger and non-shoes, and place the closet for storing clothes in another, more spacious room.

Do not forget that light walls and bright furniture will make a narrow space visually wider and friendly. And correctly arranged bright color accents will make a dynamics.

And be sure to use big wall mirrors, because they have a magical property to add missing square meters to a small area.

Hall to a small corridor - what mini-halls to choose

The hallway in a small corridor should be compact and, desirable, not overloaded with decorative elements, because In a small space, a complex decor often looks over. Modern mini-halls are of different shape and configuration, and you need to try to choose the most successful option for your corridor.

Mini-guarantee on a swivel mechanism

The rotating mini-entrance hall on the rotary mechanism at the right moment will "turn" to you with a mirror, an umbrella or shelf with sandals. Lack of angles - another ergonomic dignity of such a hallway in a small space.

Wall worship in the corridor in the modern style

The interior of the little corridor perfectly fits the wall-mounted halls in minimalist style, consisting of hangers, mirrors and other compact suspended elements. Since the furniture does not come into contact with the floor, it whales in the air, due to which the small room seems more spacious, and the interior looks light and futuristic.

Compact closed hallways in a small corridor

Do you think that, remaining in sight, clothes and shoes create a mess and overload a small room? You may have to make the soul of a compact entrance hall in the form of a cabinet-polar stall with a sliding mirror door. In the closed form, we get a large mirror in a wide frame, and everything is superfluously hidden from the eye. If there is a suitable niche in the corridor, put this elegant mini-hall in it, and the absence of excess furniture is guaranteed.

Small-sized metal hallways

Metal wrought-iron furniture is an interesting and stylish find for a small hallway. Elegant and end-to-end, it seems to consist of air and creates the illusion of free space without overloading it.

Corner hallway in a small corridor

An intelligent solution for a small corridor can be a compact angular entrance hall, preferably rounded shape. It works more organic in the interior, and you never hit a protruding angle.

Mini-hall for a small corridor in Khrushchev

The tiny corridor of Khrushchev sometimes leaves the only possibility of arrangement of the hallway in a narrow simpleness, where it will be possible to squeeze only a small hanger and stand for shoes. Do not beware and take care of the original design of the hangers, let it appear as a stylish accessory. And a large mirror can be fixed directly on the door. More interesting ideas - in the selection of our photos.

Small-sized modular halls in the corridor - make out the hallway in a modern style

Modular walkways consist of separate small-sized blocks of various shapes, and you yourself decide which of them to use. Alternating open and closed, straight and angular modules, from this furniture designer you can build a holistic system that will harmoniously fit into the space of your front.

A modular entrance hall can be a real find for uncomfortable corridors, where several doors come out at once. Just spread its compact elements in the right places and create an individual design of your hallway in a modern style. In the photo below you will see how it can be done.

Built-in hallway in the corridor - nothing superfluous

Built-in furniture is mounted in a niche that already exist in the corridor or are specifically arranged for it when redeveloping an apartment. It is quite budgeted compared to cabinet furniture, because It is necessary to install only the facade of the cabinet, and the role of the rest of its sides will play walls, floor and ceiling of the apartment.

The most popular and practical built-in halls in the corridor in the form of spacious wardrobes. Such structures require space, but it allows you to rationally use the entire space from the floor to the ceiling and create an amazing effect of the lack of furniture in the interior.
Carefully thinking the inner device of the cabinet, you decide not only the problem of storing clothes and shoes, but also many other useful things. And your hallway will look neatly, concisely, stylish and modern. Take a look at the selection of our photos and make sure that yourself.

Open hallways in the corridor - analyze minuses and pros

There are no wardrobes in an open hallway, things are stored on hooks an open hanger or on her shoulders. Under the hanger, a bench for seating is usually located, and under it - open or closed niches for shoes. From above, it is convenient to place the shelves or spacious closed mezzanines that will perfectly cope with storing things. Such an entrance hall takes not a lot of space and fits well into the room of any size. It is suitable for both long and square corridors, it can be equipped in a small front tambourous type and even in a small niche.

An open entrance hall can be a good choice for a large family with children, because on the hangers simultaneously places a lot of outerwear, which does not interfere with each other and does not fall. Open hallways in the corridor usually look very homely, they are comfortable from them. But at the same time they require constant attention, because if you do not follow the order, the cozy entrance hall will be easy to turn into a closed and untidy.

In the photos below are also presented other options for open vessels, see and inspire.

Classic hallway in the corridor - elegant solutions in the photo

Classic hallway in the corridor looks respectable and elegant. The furniture in the classic style is designed in the traditions of the past. Her lines are clean and elegant. Decor is necessarily used: curly framing of door fillets, eaves, thread elements, etc. The most popular colors - white (while the carved decor can be gilded) or the color of the dark wood. Figure furniture handles and hooks for clothing must certainly be "under the ancient". For soft elements, quilted leather or expensive tapestry textiles are used.

Classic style does not like tightness and suggests comfort. For seating to such an entrance hall, it will be appropriate to put a comfortable soft chair, a sofa on the bent carved legs or an elegant pouf, resembling the ladies of Boudar.

Of course, you can buy an inexpensive hallway of modern production from MDF, weathered in a classic style. But the real classic implies a natural tree. An excellent option is to use real furniture "with history", carefully and with love renovated. In this case, the design of the hallway will find genuine uniqueness, uniqueness and nobility.

Host in the corridor do it yourself - photo of creative ideas

Not everyone can make furniture headsets for the hallway with their own hands. But this is not necessary! We offer you some original ideas how to make a hallway with your own hands without possessing professional skills.

Fasten a solid metal mesh with large cells on the wall, trees on it bilateral hooks for clothes and accessories. Finance the picture with a small bed for shoes, and your entrance hall in Loft style is ready!

Color wooden shoulders for clothes with bright paint and hang them at different heights to a solid crossbar fixed under the ceiling. You will get an unusual hanger, which will probably enjoy the children.

To embody the following idea, you will need a large and durable square frame, wooden or metal. On the perimeter of the metal design at the same distance you need to weld fasteners. In the wooden you can simply neatly drill holes. Throw through them a solid wire or a rope of contrasting color, forming a drawing, as a fantasy tells and our photo. The resulting modernist panels securely secure on the wall and take care of its lighting. Washing on the stretched ropes a few shoulders for clothes, you will get an art hanger for creative nature.

For arrangement in the hallway, a small niche is perfectly suitable for the hallway. This little square is a huge potential for creativity. There you can nail the hooks for clothes or fix the bar on which to raise the shoulders; equip the shelves or bench for seating and even equip a shoe storage space. It all depends on your skills and fantasies! The zone of such a hallway can be highlighted with local illumination and wall color. It is interesting to look for abrasion wallpaper with a beautiful vegetable print.

Draw more ideas for inspiration in the selection of our photos!

Hallway in the corridor - 118 photos of the best ideas Updated: February 15, 2018 by the author: dekomin.

Where does the apartment begins? With hallway.

This is what you see your guests first, but most importantly - you yourself, as soon as you return home.

How to create an entrance design so that only crossing the threshold of the apartment to dip in the atmosphere of home comfort and heat - read in our article right now.

    Style: Loft.

    Style: minimalism

  • What style to place the design of the hallway?

    The style largely defines the color and substantive filling of the interior.

    Stylistic options for the design of the hallway many, but most popular, due to its functionality and aesthetics are the following.


    Style who has gained popularity in our country for the last couple of years.

    It is practical, concise and positive: bright walls, bright accents, spacious furniture for storage of things. What else is needed for the hallway?


    Loft assumes the presence of a single-studio space, where all or most of the zones are combined into one. Therefore, often walking in the style of Loft is just a continuation (or rather, the beginning) of the united living room or apartment studio.

    In the interior of the hallway, the Loft style is valued for the practicality of materials and non-commercial colors of performance.


    The light palette of shades fits perfectly into small hallways in apartments. Mirrors, decorative shelves, tables, dressers and couches - not only beautiful, but also very useful in the hallway.


    For those who do not want to invent a bicycle, there is a constant classic. In such an entrance hall, you will definitely meet furniture made of solid wood array, wallpapers with vessels and exquisite lamps.


    If your apartment or house has a place for a separate dressing room, then you can interpret minimalism in the hallway with a minimum number of items in its interior.

    Another option is possible: monolithic wall-cabinets without a hint of a decor that fully closes the walls.

    And that, and that - minimalism, but with completely different tasks, solved in the interior of the hallway.

    What color to choose for interior hallway?

    Such which combines the colors of the interior of the rest of the rooms, but it remains practical and functional in use.


    For example, white. It visually expands the space and adds illumination even where the windows initially do not provide. Ideally combined with all the shades of the color palette. And the practicality and functionality of its use more depends on the material used and its texture.

    The black

    Stylish and non-standard solution. More suitable for large and spacious hallways than for small and narrow.

    Lack of illumination in such space must be compensated by high-quality luminaires.


    Warm neutral shade, which is appropriate for most popular interior design styles. Beige is not so brand as white, but not so pressing like black. Combined with many other colors: brown, blue, blue, green, burgundy.


    Gray in the interior for us something new and unusual. And completely in vain! After all, gray is so multifaceted and so practiced from the point of view of cleaning that it can be used literally in all styles of the hallway! From the classic to the loft, from Eco to Provence - gray is appropriate everywhere.

    Bright colors

    For those who are interested in more rich and bright colors in the design of the interior of the hallway, we have prepared several impressive ideas. Which of them do you like and how exactly you can use them in your home - decide for yourself.

    What materials are suitable for the hallway?

      Those that are easy to wash

      Those that are difficult to damage

      Those that you like visually

    For example:


    Increasingly occurs not only in the kitchen and in the bathroom, but also in the hallway, as the level of dirt, brought on the shoes from the street, sometimes it simply rolls (and even the rugs do not save!).

    But sometimes the cafeter is facing not only the floor, but also the walls of the hallway. Fully or partially. Most often, such an option is chosen by the owners of dogs and young mothers who use the stroller.


    With the corresponding level of processing!

    The tree is stylistically universally, the poet will fit into the classics (in the form of protective panels) and in the loft (in the form of decorative plates on the walls).


    Plus painted with waterproof paint (for example, latex) walls in the fact that they are clean, and if necessary, repainted.

    Restore scratches and chips on painted walls is also not particularly difficult.

    A rock

    Expensive, on great. The stone is one of the strongest facing materials, so it is not surprising that it is recommended to use it for cladding walls and gender in the hallway.


    Unconventional material with a limited number of styles in which it would be appropriate. But as a radical measure of protecting walls from damage to the wheelchairs or bike, there is a place to be.

    A spacious entrance hall is not all, especially if we are talking about old houses.

    But in the low space you can create an original design.

    You just need to consider small secrets to maximize the use of the hallway and put everything you need there:

    1. Use the bright shades palette to create a small hallway design to visually expand its space.
    2. Hang the mirror or use the mirror doors of the wardrobe to visually increase your hallway twice.
    3. The light does not happen much, especially in a small room without windows, so do not skimp on the lamps.
    4. Minimum details that you can break clothes!
    5. Use functional furniture, calculated for a small number of space: narrow, foldable, retractable, etc.

    Ideas for design narrow hallway

    The problem is narrow and long hallway - where and how to put furniture.

    After all, in addition, how to place things more compact, it is necessary to solve the problem of smoothing a large difference in the size of the walls.

    If the room is too long, it can be zonied, sharing it for clothes, shoes and hall. With this task, it is not well coped with, as well as a combined flooring and walls.

    Visually to increase the space will help mirrors, which are on longer walls, or photo walls with a pronounced perspective. Non bad adjusts the space of a long hallway. No interior door when the doorway is replaced by the arch.

    Align the rectangle using the color solution. Lighter tones on long walls will spread them, and dark shades on narrow - bring closer, visually making room with square and harmonious for perception. You can beat the length of the room by luminaires, placing them in the center, leaving the end walls in the half.

    Features of the angular hallway

    The advantage of the corner cabinet has long been appreciated by the owners of small rooms.

    This is the most rational use of space.

    The facade decorated with a mirror will make such a spacious cabinet almost weightless and inconspicuous even in a very small hallway.

    Staircase in the interior of the hallway

    After all, under it, so much free space where shelves for shoes, umbrellas and hats, hangers for children's clothing and many other necessary trifles can fit.

    Wardrobe coupe in the design of the hallway

    Received such a name thanks to the features of the opening of his doors, as in the train coupe. Similar cabinets very quickly crowded the usual with swing doors because of their practicality. The hallway will be suitable for both cabinets and built-in wardrobes.

    It has already become familiar to the sliding doors of the wardrobe compartment to put a mirror cloth. Due to this, the furniture becomes multifunctional, which is important in small areas of the room. Otherwise, you can use chipboard or matte glass with all sorts of drawings. Now the furniture makers use applying various prints to the doors, which not only successfully makes the hallway in the original, but also visually changes the space.

The spacious entrance hall of the right form is a rarity in modern apartments. It is mainly represented in the form of a small square or narrow room, calculated for two people. This situation does not suit many owners, as this is the first room that sees the house. Its interior must be attractive, comfortable and stylish. Make it on a couple of square meters is very difficult, but maybe. Modern ideas for the design of a small hallway will help in solving such a task.

The design of a small hallway can be beautiful and functional. The main thing to his choice approach competently. On a small area, you can implement different ideas that will allow the placement with cozy and functional.

Interior of the hallway should be attractive because it is the first room sees a guest

Use modern ideas for incarnation in your apartment.

The design of a small hallway can be beautiful and functional

There are a number of tricks of work with small apartments, following which will not be difficult to equip housing. The first thing to pay attention to, tone design. It should be light. The total color scheme is represented mainly pastel shades.

Dark elements are used as accents. Excellent with this task will cope with a wardrobe, pouf, door. Their number is minimal. Since many dark items visually narrow the space. As for ornaments, they can be on the wall or sex. Small patterns are well suitable.

The interior of a small hallway must have bright lighting. If you use several lamps located in different places, the room will be spacious. The shadow is inappropriate, the twilight visually "eats" the area. The lamps around the mirror look original. This is not only convenient, but also enhances the effect of reflection. The corridor will play with new paints.,

The mirror is a mandatory attribute of any lounge. The idea of \u200b\u200bits location on the entire wall is perfect for a small hallway. Therefore, if it is possible to implement it, then it is worth doing this. The mirror wall visually will increase the border of the room. If it is opposite the entrance, then the feeling of infinity is created.

The mirror on the door itself is originally. These two elements are purchased as one. Therefore, it will not be necessary to be additionally spent on the mirror. In addition, to save a place on one of the walls.

In a small hallway, you should not install many furniture items. They should be minimal. Mandatory style withstands with a common design, each element is harmoniously combined with others. Well fit an angular cabinet, a cabinet and a shelf, where shoes are stored. The latter will help maintain cleanliness and order in the room. It saves a precious place, well seats shoes.

The hallway must have bright lighting

It is advisable to issue an entrance hall in pastel colors

To equip the interior of a small hallway is not easy. Here you need to put shoes, upper clothes and some economic accessories. Using original planning ideas, you can increase the space and create an attractive interior.

It is appropriate to equip arches instead of doors. They visually expand the vestibule. Its registration should be strictly on the principle of minimalism. In the hallway there is no place for excess things, only the necessary items.

In the hallway there must be a mirror. Preferably in full growth

Using original planning ideas, you can increase the space and create an attractive interior.

In a narrow corridor, the podium of small sizes looks good. To expand it, you need to use transverse strips on the floor or from above. It is also worth highlighting the input zone, use light tones when designing.

High ceilings can create a feeling of cramped. You can reduce them with the help of mezzanine, dark wallpapers. In this case, you can create a plasterboard design of different levels having a similar effect.

You can hang pictures on an empty wall

Capturing a small hallway, try to make it more

Highlighting a small hall, the main task is to make it spacious. Different visual methods will help in this. Conduct the task of white finish, panels and glossy ceiling.

Walls should be blond. They can be painted in beige, blue or salad color. Wallpapers are used as finishing material. It is well suitable for one-photon options or with a small pattern, which is not striking.

If you remove the thresholds between the rooms and lay the floor covering, then the small-sized hallway will increase. It will not be possible to achieve this, provided that there is a clear distinction in the premises. Such a trick will create an opposite effect.

In this case, forget about the lacquered field. It has a bad wear resistance. Quickly lose your attractive look, which will spoil the overall picture of the interior. Parquet is not suitable, as it is easily deformed. The best coating for the hall is a tile. It has a mass gain: a long service life, resistance to moisture, easy to care. The choice of her on the market is huge, it will work well for any interior.

Wall decoration can be made by wallpaper

Use bright shades in the hallway. It will help make it visually more

What would make a hallway visually more, use white

What is the design style to choose?

The main problem that occurs in the process of arrangement of a small-sized hall - litterness. Asking it will help ascetic atmosphere. It involves the use of only hooks on the wall that serve to accommodate clothes, shelves for closed and open shoes. The cabinet in this case is in another room. This will save space free for movement. Otherwise, the tiny room will be close and uncomfortable.

The installed furniture should be multifunctional. Bench is used not only as a seat, but also as a storage system. It has a lid, throwing back to the depth box. This solution will be fresh, practical and functional. It is not difficult to realize it independently homeowner.

In a small hallway, a country style elements look good. It involves the use of light tones when finishing the walls. Dark wood furniture will give the interior an impressive look. Flooring should create a color bridge. This will help dark shades.

Use multifunctional furniture

In the hallway there should be enough lighting

Bright small-sized parishion

Basically, a light palette is used for the design of a small hallway. But not to all owners she soul. Some prefer bright and saturated colors. They apply them in all rooms of their apartment. The corridor is no exception.

In this case, you can break the wallpaper with a bright pattern. He must be the only thing in the tiny room. The furniture is monophonic and light. For the harmonious completion of the interior on the wall, it is possible to display a artwork. This design looks fresh and original.

More often to finish the hallway use light shades

The design of the hallway needs to be planned to the smallest detail.

The floor finish is better to make tiles

Features of the organization of the storage system

It is important to properly organize a storage system in the hallway. If its dimensions can be attributed to the middle, then a roomy furniture set is used. It combines different types of shelves and boxes. Well fit an angular cabinet. It uses the space that often remains free when arranged. Furniture will allow it to be rational to use.

Little hallway comfort and comfort will help a unpainted cabinet made of wood. Warm natural tint is harmoniously poured into the general picture of the interior. It is able to accommodate a large number of things that are currently used and stored. The furniture ensemble does not block the space, and does not waste the view of the room. The cabinet serves practical and ergonomically to the owners.

It is important to properly organize a storage system in the hallway

Posted by a small hallway comfort and comfort will help a unpainted cabinet

Useful and simple furniture

Choose in the small room you need compact furniture. It is not appropriate to install bulky cabinets, luxurious sofas, large chandeliers. So that the room is attractive and convenient, it will be necessary to use each meter rational. This will help useful and simple items.

For a small hallway, there is enough minimal set of furniture. It includes:

  • Closet. Give a room a finished look. It will take a significant area, but a place to store things will appear. Speakingly expand the space will help mirror doors and lamps located above them. Can be equipped in niche;
  • Hanger. You can accommodate in even the most modest on the corridor area. It is represented in the form of several hooks and shelves designed to store hats. The rack hangers look original. They are different configurations and colors;
  • Cabin. It is inconvenient to shove weight. Easy this process will help a chair or other place where you can sit down. If we talk about a multifunctional option, then the cabinet is perfect. It can be used for seating and storage of things. Its dimensions are compact, so it will easily fit into a small hall;
  • Jubberry. It will significantly save space. It is equipped with several shelves on which shoes are placed. Well suited for big families;
  • Mirror. This interior element allows the owners to control their appearance. In addition, visually lengthens and expands the room.

Choose in a small room you need compact furniture

In a small hallway, it is important to use each meter as efficiently as possible.

For a small hallway, there is enough standard set of furniture

Floor coating: Options

Capturing the hallway, you should remember about the floor. Only with its proper design interior it will be stylish and practical. You should not attend carpets that do not fit into the requirements of modern design. They quickly pollute and lose their appearance.

For the hallway, the following materials will be suitable.




This is a universal and inexpensive coating option. Does not require special care, it is easy to wash, racks to moisture exposure, long time does not lose its attractive look. Commercial linoleum is well suited. It is used in rooms where heightened permeability. It has high quality and resistant to negative factors. Well fits into any interior. Since there are different colors and textures.

Recently, especially in demand. And it is not surprising. The material has a high strength indicator and racks to loads, cleaning, moisture, dust. Keeps a commodity view for many years.

Not the best option outdoor coating. Parquet can be equipped only in a classically decorated hallway. The use of wooden skulls far in the past and looks unsightly. Such an outdoor coating is impractical in operation, quickly loses view


Give a room a cozy view. It is better to choose the dark tones of the material. Light quickly absorb dirt, which is difficult to eliminate. Vors necessarily short. Otherwise, sand and trash falling from the street will be copied

The ideal option of flooring. The main two advantages are resistance to damage, easy to care. The material is well suitable, imitating natural stone, tree. Slippery species should not be applied.

Tile will be the best floor coating in the hallway

To get a spacious and cozy room, you need to consider many nuances

If we talk about the aesthetic characteristics of the room, then visually increases the laminate room laminated. Expands the diagonal pattern on the material. The tile is placed in rhombus. It will make her design original.

Registration of a small hallway is an interesting process. To get a spacious and cozy room, you need to consider many nuances. The furniture is compact and simple, wall decoration and a light ceiling. Outdoor coating is durable, wear-resistant and durable.

Video: How to equip a small hallway

50 photos of the design ideas of a small hallway:

The first impression of the house arises in the hallway, so I want her interior to be beautiful, original and cozy. And this is a very difficult task, because the hallway performs not only aesthetic function. In this room, there should be enough space for the outerwear and shoes, it is necessary to have a mirror, it is best for all growth, as well as a corner where you can leave a little one like keys.

Hallway design idea with brick wall

Registration of walls, gender, proper lighting, carefully selected furniture - all this moments that cannot be neglected. With their competent combination, even a narrow hallway will seem comfortable and welcoming, and you can quickly and organize every morning and organize to work. In this article we will give you some advice on the design of the hallways.

Hallway design with a big mirror

Selection of furniture for the hallway

Host and corridors are often too narrow, small and not very convenient planning. Your task is to turn this unfriendly space at a convenient place of daily use and storage as much as possible. It should be remembered that in a narrow corridor there should also be a place for the passage, so most often for the hallway they choose as narrow furniture as possible.

Modern furniture for the hallway

A practical solution for a small hallway will be a combination of cabinet, drawers and open shelves. You will have enough space for storing clothes and trifles, and the same furniture design will look carefully and nice. If your entrance hall has enough area, install a large wardrobe, in which you can store not only all the upper clothes, but also household equipment of the vacuum cleaner.

Interior of a big hallway with a wardrobe

Where to fold shoes? For a narrow hallway, a wardrobe with vertical placement of shoes on the doors is best suited: its depth can be only 15 cm, while it will fit really a lot of shoes. So that you can conveniently shoot and wear shoes, a bench or an entrance festival is needed.

Orange of the walls in the hallway

Since most often an entrance hall is a rather dark room, it is better to make a choice in favor of light walls: white or pastel tones. Thus, a small entrance hall and a narrow corridor will optically seem more. Please note that the selected wall paint or wallpaper should be resistant to and easily detergent. So you can easily remove any street dirt from the walls. At the bottom of the wall, it makes sense to put a border so as not to packet it with dirty shoes.

Of course, if you wish, you can save the hallway by wallpaper with a floral or geometric pattern if you do not like monochrome walls. Just choose not too active and bright pattern, this option is more suitable for large rooms. Excellent idea - interior stickers. On the one hand, they diverse the design of the hallway, on the other - they can always be removed or replaced.

Bright walls in a big hallway

Paul in the hallway

Of course, the tile is the perfect solution for the hallway. Rough sole of shoes, dirt and water is not terrible to her. Light tile will additionally increase the optical effect from light walls, but in this case you need to choose a tile with a pattern, for example, under a natural stone or a tree so that each dusting on it does not stand out. Tangled geometric patterns also perfectly cope with this task. Bright colors of tiles look very vividly, but in a small hallway can create a feeling of concern.

Suitable color of the floor for the hallway

Tile for the hallway with geometric patterns

Well thought-out lighting plays a big role in the interior of the hallway. The hallway should be well lit, and the lamps should not occupy a lot of space. Therefore, it is best to make a choice in favor of wall lamps and flat chandeliers. Many opportunities we provide ceiling lamps on the bar, which, if necessary, can be deployed in the desired side. Many are installed in the corridor the motion sensor, which can be very convenient, because we do not spend a lot of time in the corridor.

We picked up for you a lot of photos of beautiful hallways. Enjoy!

Rounded dresser for the hallway

Stylish strict furniture for the hallway

Simple cabinet design for hallway

Dresser for the hallway

Table console in the hallway

Stylish entrance hall in black interior

Light furniture for the hallway

Entrance hall with modern furniture

Laconic set for hallway

Furniture for an entrance hall - chest of drawers, comfortable hanger and growth mirror

Furniture for a small hallway

Beautiful idea for a big hallway

Wooden cabinet for hallway

White cabinet for an entrance hall with modern design

Backlit dresser

Design of a square hallway

Bright colors in the interior of the hallway

Wooden furniture for the hallway

Functional furniture for narrow hallway

Wooden wall for the hallway in Scandinavian style

Elegant furniture for hallway in the apartment