Old Map of Rechitsa. Satellite map of Rechitsy

Map of Rechitsa from the satellite. Explore the reticular satellite card online in real time. Detailed Map of Rechitsa is based on high-resolution satellite images. In the maximum approximation, the satellite map of the Rechitsa allows you to study the streets, individual homes and sights of the Rechitsa. Map of the reticress from the satellite easily switches to the normal map mode (scheme).

Rechitsa - Belarusian city 50 km from Gomel with a population of just over 65 thousand inhabitants. The city spread on the right bank of the Dnipro River. The history of the Rechitsa, like any other Belarusian city, is very rich, because the city is known since the mid-13th century.

From the attractions of Rechitsa, it is worth noting the ancient settlement, which is located in the Children's Park. At the site of this ancient settlement, archaeologists have discovered relics related to 13-14 centuries. These are various ceramic products and fragments of old dishes. The settlement itself is a monument to the architecture of the Iron Age. Later in his place, Vitovt built a wooden castle, which rumped over the city over 200 years.

Another Rechitsky architecture monument is a holy Trinity church. It is an old building from red brick. This is one of the few Catholic structures in Belarus, which was awarded to the List of State Heritage of Belarus.

It is certainly worth visiting the museum in the local history city, which is located in the heart of the Rechitsa. The museum fund is 40,000 exhibits, and the history of the museum itself lasts more than 50 years.

Every day, from TV screens, we are threatened with a rise in gasoline prices. Frighten the exhaustion of oil reserves. Remembering that in our country this resource is also mined, I decided to visit the homeland of Belarusian oilmen, to the city of Rechitsa.

The first information about the Rechitsa appears in the Novgorod Chronicles and are dating 1213. The very name of the city comes from the ancient inflow of the Dnieper - the River Rechitsa.

At the end of the 14th century, who owned the city, Prince Vitovt on the ancient settlement built a wooden castle. Of course, this sample of wooden architecture has not been preserved to this day, but the settlement remains. It is not far from the local history museum and you can find it on the set memorable plate.

Two events influenced the modern appearance of the city. First, the opening in 1964 of the largest oil field in Belarus. Secondly, in 2007, the Rechitsa had a "blue dream" of any Belarusian city - the republican "dogs" were held here.

Rechitsky amphitheater - a place for bold and talented!

"Dogging" - an event, a radically changing appearance of the city. The speech is even easily finished. For the convenience of Herborobov, only one victim was brought, the women's 19th century gymnasium.

From the positive moments, we noted the restoration of the magnificent Holy Trinity Church of the beginning. 20 V.

Near the church, the Holy Assumption Cathedral 19 V is neighboring.

The monument to the famous native of the city is Mitrofan Dovanar-Zapolsky, the founder of the Belarusian national historiography.

Traditional memorial in memory of the distant war.

The main sights of Rechitsy are compactly located in the city center. Therefore, saving time on their inspection, we went to the Embankment of the Dnieper - the favorite holiday destination Rechichan.

After a clean and well-groomed city, it was especially nice to walk along the picturesque shore of the Dnieper. The embankment of which is attractive not only the possibility of catching with plates, but also entertainment for every taste.

Tribes of hunters and collectors came to the land of the Rechitsa one hundred thousand years ago, so lately settling with primitive tribes of the territory of Belarus is associated with the presence of ice layer on its surface during the last ice age.

The oldest standing of the late Mesolite (5 - 6 thousand years BC), found in the area near the village of Coastal Sloboda. It found products from local silica: arm tips, cutters, scraping, seaside. Archaeologists have established that people during the Mesolitis began to unite in the pedigrees based on a paired family.

A new period of life of primitive people in the Rechitsky district of a neolite 5 - 4 millennia to our era. For neolithic characteristic mastering of agriculture and animal husbandry, the appearance of ceramic items of home utensils, spinned or wicker clothes, tools from stone (most often with silicon) or clay with sand or vegetable fiber impurities, decorative ornaments of suspension with wild animal teeth. Dnipro-Donetsk culture tribes are spreading on the territory of the Richitsky district.

Between the neolithic and the bronze age of historians allocate a period of time from the fourth on the second millennium BC, which is called eneith or copper - stone age. At that time, people learned how to produce their first metal copper. But in nature it is rarely found in its mechanical properties of soft and fuel. Consequently, it could not be replaced by a stone for the manufacture of tools of labor.

Plant "Rechitsapily" begins to pour his foam drink in 1975.

Rechitsky district suffered from the accident on the fourth power unit Chernobyl nuclear power plant April 26, 1986.

The collapse of the Soviet Union and the entry of the Richitsky district to the Republic of Belarus

On December 26, 1991, Belarus becomes an independent state. Rechitsky district An integral part of Belarus. A new round begins in the history of the Rechitsa.

Before you, the map of Rechitsa with the streets. It is part of the Gomel region of Belarus. We look at the detailed map of the Rechitsa with house numbers and streets. Real time search and weather today.

More about the streets of Rechitsa on the map

A detailed map of the city of Rechitsa in good quality shows all objects in the region, including ul. Crossroads and Trifonov. The city is located near.

For a detailed consideration of the territory of the entire Richitsky district, it is enough to change the scale of the online scheme +/-. In front of you the interactive scheme of the city of Rechitsa and the Area, move its center to find the streets - the embankment and the middle.

You will find all the necessary detailed information about the location of the city infrastructure in the city - shops and houses, squares and roads. Urban st. Rechitsa - Fun and Energy, Chapaev and Youth Also in the visibility zone.

Nearby are populated areas: Gomel, Novozybkov, Zhlobin, Mozyr.

Satellite map of Rechitsa (Rechitsa) with search for Google is waiting for you in your heading. You can use the Yandex search to find the desired home number on the city and the Gomel region of Belarus in real time. Previously defined on