Teotelubovy perennials blooming. Teothelubile Plants for Garden

Almost every summer cottage is divided into certain zones - well-lit and signed. The zones of the site in the shade are often empty and look inorganized, and therefore we decided that there will be quite relevant to study the shadowable plants for giving.

To tell the truth, almost every second cottage there are buildings or adult trees, which cast a lot of shadow on a young garden, garden and flower beds. Partial shadow does not scare plants, because their share of solar heat and light they get throughout the day anyway. But what to do with zones that are generally not covered with the sun or are minimal? What plants can be planted for a country house, under the old apple tree or a new garage for a car? Dachadecor.ru specialists are responsible for these issues, who conducted painstaking work on the sample of the necessary information, as well as the study of the forums and the collection of a wide variety of opinions.

Today we will try to describe the plant growing zones in the most detailed, choose for shaded areas. Annual and perennial, shrubs, berry and vegetable crops for shaded areas.

This formation of zones and sampling of plants for growing in the shade are particularly relevant for owners of standard cottages in 6-9 acres, where places, to be honest, is not enough, and it is necessary to land everything like a lot!

Determination of the shading of the site and the choice of plants

It should be very seriously approaching the study of the plant for planting plants and the time of its shading during the entire daylight day. Many of us are already known to the agrotechnics of popular country plants, and therefore it is not difficult to understand that not every one of them can normally develop in a complete shadow. In such a medium, only some types of decorative plants feel normally. For the rest, you will need to choose zones with partial shading, where the sun is at least half of the day.

Plant Distribution

The problem of the correct distribution of plants in the country is very serious, because in small areas it is very difficult to figure out where and that it will grow, how to correctly plant. Special difficulties are pursued by newbies, who only purchased a cottage and decide exactly where the garden, garden, flower garden.

Often planting trees occurs along the fence, so as not to occupy the useful area at the cottage. But here it is necessary to choose the right side so that the shadow from the trees does not shake the large area of \u200b\u200bthe site. It is possible to distribute them and evenly in the country, taking into account the requirements of the distance. Thus, it will be possible to form areas with partial shading and leave some zones with the greatest lighting for those plants that prefer the maximum light.

Sustainers Dachnips are also used to planting along fences and fences, but it should be understood here that some of them will be in full shadow from the fence or trees planted earlier. Therefore, the most correct solution will land the berry or decorative shrubs closer to the center of the country area, for example, for separating the territory to certain zones.

For colors and berries, the place can be founded everywhere, as we have long studied the technology of vertical landscaping and high beds. Besides, there are always such small architectural forms that suggest growing colors on the elevation. You can also consider unique decorative flower beds, special garden sculptures, original pots in the country and other products, thanks to which plants are ensured as correct conditions for growth and development.

Telyulyubiy and Shadowish Plants

These concepts we are accustomed to seriously confused, believing that those and other plants easily cope with dark areas at the cottage and endure conditions without sunlight. We recommend distinguishing the concepts and when buying a particular culture, be sure to study the agrotechnik, the requirements for the selection of plants planting the plant at the cottage. Remember, the shadow is stable throughout the day, partial (a certain part of the day due to the running of the Sun) or scattered (sunlight through the branches and foliage of the strongest plants).

Degree of shaders and soil

It should be understood that for the development of plants, not only conditions of lighting, but also certain soils and other conditions are necessary. Thus, in a thick shadow, discarded by summer buildings, thick plantings of shrubs or trees, will feel nice Singing Single, Coupling, Nine Magnificent, Tiaca Calcalized, EUROPEAN HOWE.

If you combine the dacha zones with a well-moistened soil, it is possible to planting clopogonica, primulus, frost, astilbi, geranium dark.

In areas with scattered shadow, for example, under nuts or old apple trees, it is quite possible to plant the planting of the souvenrian Spring, Mlanennik of fragrant, Lupins, Lilyniki. Some medicinal and fragrant plants will immediately grow - the peppermint, Melissa Drug, Others.

It is also necessary to know that not only the moisture of the soil determines the possibility of growing some plants in the shade or a half, but also its composition. Thus, on sandstones and letters in partial shades, they feel okay, the valley, parquinine, the violet, the lily of the creeping and others.

Shadowish shrubs

Interesting is the fact that in the shadow of the fruit garden or on the fences of the distinction of summer cottages, shrubs often can be found, which do not feel any negative shadow. They grow and develop quite normally, without requiring a special relationship.

But it is advisable to plant them in a half, scattered shadow, under the trees, since the complete absence of the sun seriously affects flowering.

Halfing is suitable for Hydrangees, she will not hurt and Kalina, elder. At the same sites you can land and ivy, maiden grapes, Clematis.

Flowers and decorative plants in the shade

In this section, we will present a small list of plants names that normally relate to the shaded areas, and some are generally ready to live without sunlight.


The greatest number of plants loving shadow, precisely among perennials. Thanks to the abundance of plant species, it is not possible to create single landings, but entire long-lived flower beds that will decorate the shadow landscape.

Badan - Plant preferring to the middle and dense shadow. In such conditions, only flowering may suffer, Badan is perfect in the growth of the same.

Ransette Lily Prefers half-day, in the strong shadow flowering weakens noticeably. Modern varieties of Lilyika better planting in the sun.

Host - A plant that is not only not afraid of the shadows, but also just loves her. The only requirement is wet soil.

Aconite It feels good in the shaded areas, but also like most, prefers wet soil.

Astilby - Shadowish plants, but prefer a partial shadow or half.

For doccentra Senten and shadow with well-wet soil - also the best place of existence in the country.

Brunner - A pretty and absolutely non-additive plant that will survive in any shadow. But it should be careful, since Brunner is quickly growing.

In the scattered shadow of a young garden beautifully blooms doronikum.

Lily of Lily and Blue - Practically classic plants for shadow and fellow in the country.

In addition to this list, lupine, swimsuit, violet foolish, Barwin, Ariaria, Tiarca, Churchwich, Others feel great in different shades in different shades.


Start worth S. pansiesBy choosing different varieties of which and planting in pronted places in different periods of the warm season, you can easily achieve flowering from spring and to autumn.

Digitalis - Tall dual-year-old plant, which is well coped with the lack of the Sun, but necessarily subject to the observance of agrotechnics.

If you need to land something in full shadow, remember Forget it,Which Self-Soviet will soon create a whole carpet of pretty flowerflowers.


It is quite difficult to choose from annuals, as lovers of pronted sites are not so much.

Balsam - Corrects with a half, but in full shadow suffers from blooming.

Tobacco fragrant - An excellent and fairly beautiful plant that can be planted in a scattered sunlight in a young garden.

Begonia eternal - Suitable for privided flower beds and single landings.


Almost all the bulbous love sunlight, but there are some exceptions that are normally developing with minimal lighting.

Most Molacrovic, the bloom of which begins early in spring, Can grow in the shade of a garden or shrubs. These are crocuses, prolesk, whitewasters, snowdrops.

Positively to the shadow in the garden includes daffodils, which are still brightly bloom and do not change the vertical position of the stem.

All this refers to flowers and decorative plants for which it is no longer necessary to look for some special place in the country area. Hosts, ferns, Barwinka - in the shade and half of them they will grow easily and show the expected result.

What vegetables can be grown in the shade?

Shadowish vegetables and other garden crops are available, and in the country there are almost half of them. That is, you will not have any problems with the cultivation of food, if you find them a small plot between shrubs or in the genital garden.

In addition, there is always a problem of placement of light-chapter plants, which must be at least 5-7 hours in the sun daily. As an example, we can bring the most popular tomatoes at the cottage (although such plants are enough). So, if there is no place for all the light-loving plants in the country, you can always use the materials of our site and arrange high gardens in several tiers, come up with special designs from pipes or boxes, plant tomatoes in containers and pots, for example, creating a similar way "heavy flower bed "On a chopler.

If the places for such plants are enough or you have already coped with their placement, we have many plants that can be planted in the shade.

By the way, it is better to approach this issue on the other hand - calculating the landing of light-loving plants, repel from the shadowless and, placing them in suitable places, score the remaining sunny vehicles with susmonders!

So, vegetables that grow in the shade. In compliance with the correct agricultural engineering from these crops, it is possible to expect a good harvest even with minimal solar lighting. Here is a brief list of that, under what you will not need to look for a place for a long time on the cottage - beets and beans, salad-latch, cauliflower and broccoli, onions, parsley, garlic and many others.

Gardening crops in the shade (according to dachnikov)

Regarding the next list ... It is not an advisory, and purely conditional, since we chose the views of the dacnis, speaking about the possibility of growing certain garden crops in places with a lack of sunlight. We give just a few of the most interesting:

  • Excellent copier with full shading sorrel and garlic. Sometimes in such zones you can collect and a good harvest of carrots, but this culture is still better to be in the sun. In addition, it is possible to grow in the shade of the trees and a reprehensive bean, peas, often you can see even planting cucumber;
  • In the regions with hot summer, tomatoes grow well in the fellowship. Of course, they need sunlight, but not always his overabundance is good for tomatoes. In the shade of a young or even old garden, you can grow the entire line of green salads;
  • In the shade of high living hedges grows red currant. The lack of the sun affects the speed of ripening, but not at the quality of the harvest. Immediately, the hell is growing nearby, a little indeed, in a half-haired - rhubarb, Chinese cabbage, zucchini ... everything gives a normal harvest if you care.

These opinions from dachnings from different regions, and therefore it can be noted that, depending on the climate, the plants can relate differently to the shadow and the sun.

As the growth of trees and shrubs increases the territory shaders. For many gardeners, sites that are in the shade are a real problem. Although in reality, make a beautiful flowerbed under the apple trees or plant shadowless shrubs near the house or fence is quite simple. You need to choose the right plants that are suitable for these purposes.

Before choosing shadowable plants for the garden, it is necessary to determine the level of illumination of the site: low-sighted places and those in which the light does not penetrate at all.

Pay attention to the shadowable plants of examples and photos of which are presented below, it will help correctly choose the appropriate seedlings for planting and growing on the shaded areas.

To fill the shaded spaces or make a smooth separation of the area on the trees from trees to herbaceous plantations, shadowed shrubs are perfect.

Biryika (Lat. Ligústed)

It is distinguished by gussonment, unpretentious to the soil, resistant to droughts, but it does not tolerate frosts. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully wrap a bush of turquish on the winter with a cloth or burlap.

Kisser (lat. Cotoneáster)

It is released by dense branches with a dark green shade foliage, which blues in autumn. Little rosewood or white flowers are not particularly decorative, unlike black and bright red berries of the Kizilnik, appearing by the beginning of the fall.

Magonia Padoliste (lat. Mahōnia Aquifōlium)

Plant, loving shadow and wet soil. Magonia will delight green foliage all year round, and in April and May - spectacular yellow-gold flowers.

Deer (lat. Córnus)

This shrub is often powered with decorative - derely white, due to the similarity of the names. But unlike him, it brings fruit, delicious and sour-sweet. Due to the sustainability of frost and non-dustiness, takes particular popularity in the middle and northern lane of Russia. Its foliage, changing coloring, depending on the time of year, is excellent as summer and in winter. Also called Kizil.

Forzition (lat. Forsythia)

Chubuschnik (Lat. Philadélphus)

It is also called jasmine garden. The bush planted on the shady sector grows perfectly and blooms. Most of the varieties of the Chubudnik are well tolerated drought and winter, and not particularly demanding to the soil.

Snowy Year (Lat.Symphoricárpos)

Morner during fruiting. The fruits of the snowy year are greenish and white with a reddish blush or pearl pink, will delight the eyes to late autumn.

In an unavailable place, you can organize an excellent floweruba using the blooming teothelubile plants.

Frost (lat. Helléborus)

It will delight yellow or cream flowers for two weeks of May, and the rest of the rest is beautiful and bright foliage.

Forest hyacinth (lat. Hyacínthus)

It grows well under the trees, early spring large spacing is covered by a variety of small bells. Growing forest hyacinth, it is necessary to observe precautions, because often the plant causes skin irritation when contacting.

Lily of the Lily (Lat. Convallária)

Very loves shadow. Its white fragrant flowers appear in May and June. In August, the stalk covers bright orange berries that look appetizing. The plant is considered to be poisonous, so you need to follow young children. Used for medical purposes.

Trillium (lat. Trillium)

Different with dark green wide leaves. Blooming in June White, smoothly changes the color to her pinkish, and then becomes red. The plant loves the shadow, but requires the aeration of the soil.

Natherovka (lat. Digitális)

It grows well in the places inaccessible for light, a year after landing, it gives white, pinkish-orange or purple flowers.

Dicéntra (lat. Dicéntra)

Blossom starts in May, ends in September. Flowers of raspberry or bright pink flowers.

Brunner (Lat. Brunnera)

A perennial plant with blue or creamy small flowers, whose leaves are distinguished by special decorativeness and a large variety of coloring.

Each home plant also needs certain conditions under which it will develop and feel comfortable. Not all of them endure even a light shadension. Therefore, it is very important to know which vases are better to grow on the windowsill and terraces from the south side, and which with North.

Solerolia or Heltsina (Lat. Soleirolia Soleirolii)

The plant belongs to the soil plate from the spectal family. Perfect for accommodation from the server side, refers to the shadowish.

Sanseveria Three-Roll (Lat. Sansevieria Trifasciata)

The most favorite flower view of Sansevier. Thanks to unpretentiousness, the plant is widely used to landscap in office space and public places, shadowfully.

Ivy ordinary (lat. Heedera Helix)

Suitable for vertical landscaping. Due to the large mass of the leaves, the plant is considered one of the best to update the air in the house.

Philodendron Lazzing (Lat. Philodendron Heederaceum)

The most popular view used for gardening kitchens and warm veranda in the house (called home binding). Requires abundant irrigation from spring to autumn (the land should not dry) and limited in winter (just once a week), unpretentious to the light.

Clivia (Lat. Clivia)

An herbal plant with beautiful flowers, grows perfectly in a fertilous, wet soil, refers to the shadowish.

BegoniaCeae (lat. BEGONIACEAE)

The plant prefers a moderate watering (no more than a liter of outstanding water a week, it is best to simply spray the leaves and maintain air humidity in the room). With a strong bay of water, the roots begin rotting, and the flower dies. To date, there are hundreds of begonia varieties. Flowering - prefer bright lighting, but require protection from the straight rays of the sun. Decorative leafy - Teleboy.

Nephrolépis (lat. Nephrolépis)

From the genus of fern. It is best to grow on Western, Eastern and northern windows. It is a shadowless room plant - will become an excellent decoration of any garden.

Adiantum (Lat. AdiNTUM)

With hard cutters and sophisticated leaflets, requires constant protection against the rays of the sun and stay in onest.

Drazena (lat. Dracaena)

Shrub grows on the eastern and western side, does not like direct light of the sun. It is considered a shadowed plant.

Rapis (Lat. Rhapis)

Prefers scattered light, but it can be under direct sunlight.

Hamedoria Elegant (Lat. Chamaedorea Elegans)

Small, slowly growing palm tree. Requires moderate lighting or lightweight, as well as protection against the straight rays of the sun.


If your fruit garden develops well and takes most of the territory of the site, this is not a problem. Thanks to our catalog of plants, everyone can easily pick up just such teen-bought perennials for the garden, who will make him like.

Beautiful well-groomed garden always pleases the eye and raises the mood.

It sometimes happens that the location of the country area does not allow growing light-loving plants due to the large shadow falling into the territory.

According to the result, nothing grows in the shade, and so I want to admire the beauty of nature.

However, even in this situation is a way out. Nature provides remarkable plants that can grow in the shade.

Types of garden plants

Plants that can grow on the shaded areas of the garden are divided into two groups:

  • shape;
  • teleboy.

Shadowishly love bright sunlight, but can exist and cost the small amount of the sun. The lack of light affects the abundance of flowers, the thickness of the leaves and the saturation of the color of such plants. They look more weak and painful, but still retain their vitality. Such plants are shadowed.

Telebobile plants are those that prefer to grow in the shade. A large amount of sun can even harm them.

Garden plants can also be divided into:

  • annuals (grow and bloom only 1 year);
  • perennials (will delight you for several years).

Popular Telebobile Perennial Flowers

There is a huge number of plants for the cottage, affecting with its beauty and blossom, but at the same time calmly growing in the shade.

Some of the most common tepeless flowers for flowerbeds and the garden are:

Small delicate flowers of various color. Grow off 1 cm. The plant easily transfers frost and blooms from June to July.

You may also be interested in the article on the care of the drasa at home:

Cute plant with fluffy colors of a variety of coloring. Astilba is a white, gentle pink, red shade and Fuchsia color. A very unpretentious flower that will become a bright accent of any garden. Loves a watery terrain.

Plants are high enough, about 30 cm in height. Change your color in the flowering process with white on pink. He loves moisture and blooms in the middle or at the end of August.

Green plant with the same light green colors. Very easy with him in terms of circulation. It grows on any soil. Grows bushes.

I won the love of gardeners because of an unpretentious character. Flowers have a pink shade and look like asterisks. Loves moisture and fertile soil. Grows in the form of high bushes.


Decorative plants with lots of leaf and white colors. Sufficiently monophonic and serve a good addition and background for the whole garden. It is often used to form a green border (read more about low curvature perennials). Well suited for a novice gardener, since they do not require much care.

Lily of the valley

Favorite many plants with small elegant white flower and long oblong leaves. Loves shadow. It smells very tasty.


Very loves shadow. With the help of violet, you can create massive floral bushes. Flowers of violets are different colors: blue, yellow, pink, purple.

The people are known as the "broken heart" because of their bizarre flowers. Flowers, usually, pink color in the form of a heart and a white middle. Grows a bush, unpretentious.

Sophisticated and gentle predecessors of spring. Flowers have a white color.

Rules landing perennial plants

When you decide to plant perennial plants in your garden, then be sure to consider that the most important thing will be the first year of their lives.

The future bloom and growth of the plant depends on the right landing.

It is better to acquire seedlings at rest, that is, when the leaves of the plant did not sprout. If you purchased them in this state, then put the seedlings into the cool dark. Then, in front of the landing, inspect the roots and remove all the dry and damaged.

On the site, select the Future Plant Place. Drop the hole in the ground and place a sapling there. The well should be more than the root itself, do not plant the plant in bulk. At the same time, be sure to keep the neck of the root leaving below the ground level.

Scatter carefully roots over the entire hole and pour the earth. After that, see the land and sprinkle your plant.

Note: If you are going to plant a plant in the spring, then in the autumn necessarily enter fertilizer into the soil.

If it happened that the perennial appeared leaves or kidneys, then you must first give him to germinate at home in a pot. After germination, move the flower to the area directly from the ground from the pot. Do it carefully not to damage the roots.

Do not forget to leave the space so that the perennials it is where to grow. True, the first time the garden may seem a bit empty. To avoid this, you can plant plants closer to each other, but subsequently transplant to the right place.

Features of the care of perennial plants

Perennials are very non-additive plants, especially those that love to grow in the shade. However, they need care. He will not be much difficulty.

Consider the main perennial care tips:

  • To hold the moisture of the Earth and food of the plant, use a mulch. Mulch is a mixture of a variety of dry leaves, dry herbs, husks, sawdust, compost and other waste materials.
  • Water the plants in a timely manner, especially during drought.

Tip: Hold water before irrigating the sun, as the ice key water is destructive for plants. You can watered under the root.

  • Use special fertilizers during the period of germination of the leaves of the plant, then during the period of its flowering or formation of buds (we recommend reading an article about the properties and standards of application). Once again it is worth resorted to feeding at the end of flowering.
  • It is necessary to remove dried leaves on the bushes and crop seeds. The formation of plant seeds spend a lot of energy and can bloom worse.
  • Put the backups. Plants can bend due to the severity of their colors or strong wind. Bushes, pressed against the ground, look outnetic, so reflect them. The backups are worth choosing neutral colors, inconspicable eye.
  • Over time, any plant begins to grow strongly in the garden. So that this does not happen, transplant or remove extra bushes. It is recommended to produce this procedure late autumn or early spring.

What plants can be landed in the shady corners of the garden, look in the video:

Almost in any garden there are sites where you can plant only teen-bought or shadowable plants: both annual and perennial flowers and shrubs. The article contains names and detailed descriptions of various unpretentious crops with colorful photos.

Perennial teothelubile and shadowable plants for the garden

Traditionally it is believed that the flowers love the sun, so either badly bloom in the shade, or do not grow at such sites at all. At the same time there is a difference between cultures that really feel comfortable only away from sunlight, and between those that can simply exist in such conditions:

  • if the plant has a magnificent greens and a healthy, blooming look - it is a teotalem. In nature, such cultures are located in the lower tiers of the forest, under the crowns of trees, therefore they can be seized in the garden;
  • if the plant blooms in the shade, but a little worse than in the sun, this is a description of a shadowed flower that adapts to the conditions.

Attention! The shadow can be on the plot throughout the day, and may depend on the position of the Sun on the sky. Also, an important factor is a solid or scattered shadow on the selected area (for example, the sun can peck through the crowns of trees). Consider this by selecting the teothelubile cultures.

For sections of different degrees of shaders, such many years of culture will be suitable:

  • AKVILIA. Another name of this flower is a catchment, because after the dew of its cups are always full of water. The plant is best planted on fertile, moistened soil, then it abundantly produces the inflorescences of various shades, resembling stars. The catchment grows in the sun, but his bloom in such conditions is worse than in a half. Every 3-4 years, Akyvilia needs to be laid down, because it loses its decorativeness.
  • Astilba. It is distinguished by a variety of colors and a height range: dwarf varieties grow up to 30 cm, tall - up to 1.5 m. It is believed that in one place of the Astilba can abundantly bloom the maximum of 5 years, and then it requires a transplant. The inflorescences are collected in the original blizzes, they have a less bright shade in the sun than in a half. Put a teothelubil plant in weakly acidic, nutrient soil. It puts out frost well, but in the first year needs shelter for the winter.

Council. If you competently pick up the grants of the amusts, you can provide bloom on the site from June to September.

  • Badan. In one inflorescence of this perennial plant, up to 120 flowers. It is good winters, keeping in some cases foliage during the cold season. In nature, there are 10 varieties of culture, and the name of one of them is a Badan Tolstivotny - is excellent familiar to lovers of healing chigir tea, which is brewing from the leaves of this type of plant. Unpretentious perennial comfortably will be located on a wet, explosion and slightly alkaline soil.
  • Barwinka. A dropping plant that transfers well and the shadow and drought. In the spring, blue or lilac flowers appear on it, less often - white or pink. It has therapeutic properties, but during the self-treatment of Barwin is dangerous.
  • Brunner. A tepeless plant in which everything is fine: both blue flowers and leaves with an interesting pattern. This preserves decorative properties from the moment of flowering (the end of spring) and before frosts. It looks great when designing borders, near water bodies. Prefers nutritious soils, but it grows well on non-fermented soils.
  • Fabric. The name of the plant is, in fact, its description, since the low-spirited culture is good for any soils and requires watering only during the time of severe drought. It blooms from the end of spring and approximately until mid-June, but at the same time it is indispensable in areas where you need to quickly create a beautiful decorative carpet: it grows well, and growing in the boring, even those who do not have gardening experience.
  • Couping. Medicinal plant, it looks spectacular in the shade. Other his names are "Solomonov Print" or "Wolf Berries", it looks beautiful in bouquets, in the compositions in the photo, has a gentle fragrance. Loves moisturized, fertile soil, on which in May-June produces white flowers, and by the middle and the end of the summer, the berries of the combination ripen. Care requires caution because it contains poisonous substances.
  • Lily of the valley. Classic flower for growing in the light shadow of trees and fences. It needs abundant irrigation and protection against drafts that can cause lack of flowers. The valley does not like frequent transfers, quickly multiplies and grows, does not tolerate the neighborhood of other plants. Such a fragile look at the flower has a powerful root system. Disgraced in May-June, and sometimes, depending on the climate, and at the end of April.

Council. If you do not want to create lily of the valley plantations on the site, make the borders of the flower beds, inserts into the land of slate pieces (depth - about 0.5 m).

  • Primula. Due to the variety of color palette, this unpretentious plant is loved by many gardeners. After all, it is possible to create a motley flowerbed playing with white, cherry, pink, brown and other shades. Needs in wet and loose soil.
  • Host. The real queen of the shady garden. Does not bloom, but with its beautiful decorative leaves of various colors will decorate any plot. This unpretentious culture is developing on any basis, in one place grows up to 20 years, it is well tolerating the winter.

Annual plants that can be landed in the shade

Among the annuals, with the comfort of growing in the shadows, the choice is not so extensive, as in the case of perennials, but still there are:

  • Velhets. Right and please the variety of colors, from yellow to burgundy and brownish. Decorate the garden all summer and autumn, right up to frosts. Among the varieties there are also "kids", which grow up to 20 cm, and the real giants reaching 1-1.2 m in height. Flowerbed with velvets need to regularly cut forward, as well as water. They protect garden beds from aphids, nematodes, fusariosis, mice and bear.
  • Begonia eternal. It looks good both in vases or in the flower beds and trees. The plant is low - only about 15-20 cm, so it looks spectacularly the carpet from the begonia. Flowers painted in white, pink, orange, red and raspberry shades. Requires fertile and moistened soil. If you bring it to the winter to the room, you can grown as a long-term culture.
  • Malva. This flower is decorating many rural landscapes and colorful photos. It grows up to 1.2 m. Annual varieties are distinguished by bright, large colors with streaks, which are darker of main shade. Malva is rather shadowless than a spelled plant: in the absence of the Sun has a larger color, but it grows well. Soil for this culture should be loose, and watering is moderate.
  • Nasturtium. Withstands a slight shading. Abundant irrigation is needed only by young plants, adults need moisture only with a strong drought. Annulty terry nasturtium will decorate a border or balcony. The leaves and flowers of this culture are used to prepare salads and seasonings, as well as in traditional medicine.
  • Tobacco scented. The main dignity is a beautiful fragrance that this unpretentious flower exudes, mainly in the evenings. Tobacco is white, pink, red, and the varieties of non-market, simple shades smell stronger. It is suitable for its cultivation and a moisturized, loamy soil. We must not forget about regular watering and timely removal of dried inflorescences.

Council. Some cultures that are well transferred shadow can be grown as annual, and as perennial. For example, it is Balzamine and forget-me-not. As a two-seat culture pansies. They can also be planted under the trees or on shady flower beds, although here blooming will not be so abundant as in the sun.

Flower bed in the shade: Video

Teotelubovy Plants: Photo

In each garden there will be a place that, because of its shaders, remains pale and dull. Such places are found under the crown of high trees, along the fences and walls of the buildings. Sometimes it becomes even a problem, since moss begins in such places. In this situation, the gardener comes to the aid of the gardener. Correctly picking up and disembarking them, you solve the problem with the design of the shadow area not for one year.

In relation to the illumination of the growing area, all plants, including perennial, can be divided into light-minded, teothelubile and shadowish.

Plants are light-minded prefer to be well lit during the day of the day, in other conditions they can be very pulled out and will not bloom. Shadowish-like - love solar plots, but well tolerate light shading, however, can bloom less intense. And the reporting wells feel well in the shade. Such plants in the sun can get burns and dried.

To choose the right place for each of them, it is also necessary to figure out what the shaded areas are.

- The shadow calls the places where sunlight falls less than three hours during the day. Regardless of the time of day (in the morning, day or evening).

"Sentena is when the sun gets into a plot of more than three hours a day (most often only in the morning or in the evening).

- A rarellic shadow is formed under a delicate crown of trees, when sunlight penetrate between the foliage.

- Deep shadow is such places where sunlight does not penetrate almost completely or for a very short time.

In nature, for each such places there will be suitable plants. To choose them to pick them up and form a flower garden, which will look decoratively the whole season, it is also necessary to determine the time of flowering of those or other reporting perennials.

The success of any design is a harmonious combination of its key elements that is achieved with the help of the right ...


Although the spring sun is not very active, but while the leaves on the trees have not yet appeared, the spring of the branches feel well the spring primroses feel well. Snowdrop (Galanthus) and SCILLA (SCILLA) - forest residents and therefore grow in the shade of them naturally and comfortable. A small shadension is perfectly tolerated Muscari (Muscari), Narcissus (Narcissus), frost-resistant varieties of Candy or Eritronium (Erythrónium), Pushkinia Beauty (Hepatica), and "broken hearts" dicentra (Dicentra).
Suitable perennials for landing Even in a dense shadow are the valley (Convallaria). Beautifully look at the curtains from the valley in the shady corner of the garden.



In areas where the sun appears only in the morning hours, I will ideally feel Brunner (Brunnera). For small blue flowers, forming miniature clouds from inflorescences, it is also called fore-free. Begins blossom in May and finishes by July. But not only the flowers are good Brunner, after flowering, it is also decorative due to large beautifully colored leaves. Brunner is indispensable for rocaries, mixboraders. This plant will help the flowerflower in the filling of shady and outlined places.


Ayuga (Labor)

Not in vain a cute soil plant Ayuga (AJUGA) received the second name - a luggage. It can grow practically in any conditions. And what is important - shadowfully. In a short period of time creates a dense beautiful carpet. After all, its leaves can be burgundy, green and chocolate shade. Flowers Ayuga in May. At low (10-15 cm), the blooming forms a false spikelet made of a dozen small blue-purple flower. Blossom is long and therefore the carpet of the luggage acquires a bluish shade. Wonderfully suitable for shady stone gardens. It can make a slope and slopes.

An example of the design of a springtorm flower garden you can see on the proposed scheme. The top tier of the mixboarder is represented by teothelubile shrubs.

Mahōnia Aquiflium (Mahōnia Aquifōlium) - evergreen shrub, bloom in spring, have a spicy fragrance. It grows from 30 to 100 cm. It gives up a haircut well. Leather leaves are very decorative. Reddish in spring, they become dark green and brilliant in summer, and in the fall acquire a bronze tint. Shadowish plant.

Magonia Padoliste

Rhododendron Atlantic

Rhododendron Atlanticum (rhododendron Atlanticum) is a leafy shrub growing up to 60 cm. Winter-hardy and shadowish. Leaves appear simultaneously with colors in May. Flowers - fragrant white with a pinkish tint of an asterisk collected in a brush. The leaves in the fall become bright yellow.

Azalea Sadovaya (Azalia, Azalea) is very beautiful. It will not grow in the sun and in a thick shadow. She needs half. Azalea is rather demanding in caring, but when it blooms in May, the flowers cover the whole bush so that even the leaves becomes not visible. It looks awesome beautiful!

Azalea Sadovaya

The medium tier filled plants with beautiful leaves.

Women's jigger

Female Kochrier (Athyrium Filix-Femma) - fern with gentle beautifully dissected foliage height about meters. Teleboy plant. Morious. Unpretentious.

Badan Tolstive (Bergénia Crassifólia) - evergreen perennial. Its dark green leaves, thick and rounded, do not die in winter. Spring from under the snow begin to look out his brownish-green ears-leaflets. In the fall, they acquire bright red. Large inflorescences - panicles consist of pink flowers blooming in May. Shadowish and unpretentious in care.

Tolstive Badan

Host planting

Host Plantaginea (nosta Plantaginea) - has large bright green heart-shaped leaves. Sheet shape and pronounced streaks resemble a planter leaf. On high flower table there are large white stars flowers that have a gentle aroma of lilies. Flowers in August. But all kinds of hosts are valued primarily for large and beautiful leaves. Very shadowed, survives in such places where other plants may die.

Host White Camered (Hosta Albo-Marginata) - a plant with very beautiful oval-pointed white-green leaves. Purple bell-like flowers are collected in inflorescence. Flowers in July. Like other types of hosts, a shadowless plant.

Host White Caymal

Fascular violet

Decoration of the lower tier serves the violet sully (Viola Odorata). This is a gentle forest guest, and therefore shadowed and unpretentious. Everyone knows her miniature purple butterfly flowers with a wonderful aroma. She blooms in May, and then again at the end of summer. There are decorative varieties with large flowers of white, dark purple and reddish-purple color.


Summer - sunny time. But at this time of year there are teen-born garden flowers and shrubs. Using the example of the design of the summer-waving shadow mixlener, we will get acquainted with such plants.

With a Badan with a thick and host, we are already familiar to spring flower beds. These plants are decorative all warm season, so they are often used in landscape design.

In our composition, there was a central place in the digitalis - a two-year unpretentious plant. She feels good enough both in the sun and in the shade. High (more than one and a half meters) The floweros crowned one-sided spikes from large bells. Coloring them is very diverse. It may be pink, white, yellow, purple, red, as well as with a pattern in the form of blurry spots and dark dots. It blooms almost all summer. Very beautiful, but poisonous plant.


The background serves magnificent bushes of two types of hydrangeas: Hydranges of the tree (Hydrangea Arborescens) and hydrangea of \u200b\u200blarge-scale or garden (Hydrángea Macrophýlla). This type of shrubs loves a loose shadow. Blooms in summer. Beautiful colors of pink, blue and white colors closes almost the entire bush and look incredibly beautiful.

Hydrangea Large (garden)

Flox Plows

Also, the upper tier is also occupied by phlox paniculata (Phlox Paniculata) - a perennial having many varieties. The color of them is very diverse, there are two-color. The height ranges from 60 cm to 1.3 m. Flowers are assembled into sufficiently dense inflorescences of various shapes. Flower all summer and some varieties even in autumn. Shadowish and unpretentious plant, but sensitive to drought.

The middle tier together with the hosts and Badan is occupied by perennial teothelubile flowers - Astilba (Astilbe) and Aquilegia (Aquilegia). Astilb can be called a universal plant, it can grow almost everywhere. But the perfect place for her is the half. Appreciated by designers for beautiful blurred inflorescences made of small flowers of various color. Flowers in summer. (More information about this elegant plant can be found). Aquaille is also an amateur manual. The charm she attaches an unusual form of a flower with spur. Color color is diverse - both one-color and two-color. For the ability to assemble in the flowers of water droplets, she was given the second name - a catchment.


The lower tier is decorated with a mild cuff (Alchemilla Mollis), Geihana (Heucra) and Garden Primulus (Primula).

The cuff is a fluttering perennial with unremarkable greenish-yellow flowers. The main advantage of this plant is rounded fan-shaped leaves, with a slightly concave blades, which miraculously delay dew droplets, giving the plant additional charm. Practically does not suffer from the illumination of the site. It feels normally everywhere.

Cuff (flowers)

Geikhera is a very popular plant due to decorative leaves and a small (up to 50 cm) height. Rough-blade pubescent leaves are collected in a socket. The color of them is diverse: green, red, yellow, silver gray. Flowers, similar to the bells, are collected in small rubber blinks of white and reddish-pink shades. Loves shaded places.


Primula or primrose is a beautiful flower, a variety of its species allows you to ensure flowering of flowering flowering from spring to autumn. In our case, presented primulus, blooming in the summer. Primories are mostly low, rounded leaflets form a socket. Flowers are collected in a group (bouquet) and have a variety of coloring both monophonic and two-color. They do not like straight sun rays, prefer to grow in a half.

Primula (primrose)

You can remember such summer teothelubile garden flowers like Barwin (Vinca), gelenium (Helenium), bells (Campanula), forget-me-not (Multiflorum), Roger (Rodgersia) and others.


No discard


In the fall, gradually the Sun loses its activity, the flowering of plants goes to the decline, but nevertheless you can create an attractive shadow flower bed at that time. Turn to the scheme.

As you can see, the autumn composition does not indulge us blossom. Now plants with beautiful leaves come to the rescue. Among them are a variety of hosts, namely Ziboldi (Hosta Sieboldii), bloated (Hosta Ventricosa) and Wavy (Hosta undulata). Hybrid Astilbe (Astilbe), blooming at the beginning of autumn with pretty metels at the beginning of autumn. It pleases flowering and Cimicifuga Rasemosa, growing up to 2 m. It has small flowers, white, collected in the pyramidal inflorescence, have a specific drug smell. Stem and leaves of this type of clockon green-purple, which is also decorative. Because Klopogon is a forest plant, it warks wonderfully in the shade.

Host Zibold
Host Zibold
Host bloated

Host wavy