Cake “Pancho” with pineapples, step-by-step recipe with photos. Culinary recipes and photo recipes Figured pineapple cake best chefs

Pineapple cake with sponge cake and canned pineapples.

Canned Pineapple Cake is an easy to make and delicious cake. It is based on a delicate sponge cake soaked in syrup. The sponge cakes are coated with milk custard and white chocolate. And canned pineapple pieces add flavor to the cake. I sprinkle the cake with chopped corn sticks on top, but you can replace them with coconut flakes or grated chocolate. The cream is prepared with starch. Moreover, I advise you to use corn starch, as it gives the cake its pleasant, slightly sweet corn aroma. But with potatoes everything will turn out completely different. In addition, I add a little starch to the biscuit dough. It makes sponge cakes more loose.

To make the pineapple cake, you will need:

  • Eggs – 5 pcs;
  • Sugar – 5 tbsp. lodge;
  • Flour - 13 tbsp. lodge;
  • Starch - 2 tbsp. lodge;
  • Water - 5 tbsp. lodge;
  • Baking powder - 2 teaspoons;
  • Milk – 600 ml;
  • Flour – 5 tbsp. lodge;
  • Starch - 1 tbsp;
  • Oil - 200-300 gr;
  • Sugar – 100-150 gr;
  • Vanilla sugar - 10 g;
  • White chocolate – 100 gr.

Pineapple cake recipe.

Preparing sponge cakes.

1. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat them with a whisk into a strong foam.

2. Place the yolks in a separate bowl, in which we will beat them.

3. Add sugar and grind the sugar with the yolks.

4. Gradually add water to the yolks with crushed sugar. Mix with a whisk.

5. Combine the whipped whites with the yolk mixture. Thanks to separately whipped whites, the biscuit dough will be much more tender.

6. Mix the entire egg mass with sugar and water with a whisk until smooth.

7. Mix flour and baking powder and sift. Add to the egg mixture with sugar.

8. Mix with a whisk so that there are no lumps. The biscuit dough is ready. All that remains is to pour into a mold greased with vegetable oil and place in a preheated oven.

9. Bake for 35-45 minutes at 180 degrees.

10. Cool completely, then just take it out of the mold and cut it into 3 parts - a cake layer.

11. Soak each cake with canned pineapple syrup.

Preparing milk cream for the cake.

12. Pour half the milk into a saucepan and bring to a boil.

13. Mix starch with flour.

14. Add the remaining 300 ml of milk and mix well.

15. Stirring constantly, pour flour with milk and starch into boiling milk. Cook until thickened, a couple of minutes, constantly stirring the cream with a spoon or whisk.

16. Remove the custard from the heat and add the melted white chocolate. Let cool.

17. Beat soft butter at room temperature with sugar until smooth. Add custard in small portions. Beat well.

18. Cut the pineapples into pieces or simply take them out of the jar.

19. Soak the cakes with syrup.

20. Lubricate with cream.

21. Lay out the pineapples.

22. Lubricate with cream again.

23. In this way, layer all the sponge cake layers with pineapple cream, forming a cake. Coat the top with cream. Grind the corn sticks in your hands and sprinkle them on top of the cake.

Pineapple cake is ready! Bon appetit!

I needed a cake for tomorrow, so I cooked it in the evening so that it had time to soak.

Biscuit from this recipe:

  • 7 eggs
  • 200 g sugar
  • 120 g flour
  • 75 g starch
  • vanillin

Cream from this recipe:

  • 600 ml milk
  • 5 tbsp flour
  • 1 tbsp starch
  • 200-300 g oil
  • 150 -200 g powdered sugar
  • vanilla sugar
  • 100 g white chocolate

can of pineapples


(I didn’t take step-by-step photos of preparing the biscuit. I don’t like taking photos in the kitchen in the evening - the lighting is bad)

Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the whites, gradually adding half or a little more than half the sugar until strong peaks form; separately beat the yolks with the remaining sugar until white.
Mix flour with starch (potato) and vanillin.
Combine the whites, yolks and flour with starch (sifted), mix gently with a spatula until smooth.

Line a mold (dia. 24 cm) with parchment and pour in the resulting dough

Bake the dough in an oven preheated to 180 C until done.
Remove the cake from the mold and cool

The cooled cake should be cut into 3 parts.

But I still decided to photograph the preparation of the cream.

The cream is amazing! Delicious! Beautiful! Easy to prepare. No lumps!
And if someone couldn’t make custard, then I think this one will work out without any problems....

Place 300 grams of milk on the fire until it boils

Pour the other 300 g of milk into a bowl, add flour there

And mix well with a whisk so that there are no lumps

And pour it into boiling milk

Stirring continuously, bring the cream to a boil. Cook until thickened, 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat. Add white chocolate, stir until chocolate melts

Cool the cream to room temperature, stirring occasionally to prevent a crust from forming. It will become thicker.

You need to beat it with a mixer

Then beat the butter (room temperature) with a mixer.

Add powdered sugar and vanillin to the butter

Beat again with a mixer

Add milk custard slurry

And beat one last time until smooth. The cream is ready! Because cream without eggs, it's white, I really liked it

Surely many have tried the Pancho sponge cake with sour cream and various tasty additives - pineapples, cherries or walnuts. How to prepare it yourself at home? The main secret of this wonderful cake is good sour cream, and the fattier and thicker it is, the tastier the Pancho cake turns out. There are a large number of recipes for making sponge cake for this cake. For example, you can prepare two types of cakes at once: light and dark with cocoa, or bake a marble cake at once. Many people prepare biscuits to their taste - either light or just chocolate.

According to this recipe, the sponge cake is baked with cocoa (i.e. dark cake). Next, the cake is prepared traditionally - sour cream with powdered sugar and decorated with chocolate ganache. Pieces of canned pineapple are used as a tasty filling, but you can add any goodies you like.

Required ingredients:

For the biscuit:

  • 6 eggs;
  • 200 g wheat flour;
  • 3 – 4 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder.

For cream:

  • 120 – 150 g pineapple cubes (canned);
  • 800 – 900 g of fat sour cream;
  • 120 g of powdered sugar.

For the ganache:

  • 50 g dark chocolate;
  • 1 teaspoon butter (milk, cream, water, vegetable oil).

How to make Pancho Cake with pineapples:

Prepare a sponge cake. Break the cooled eggs into a large mixing bowl. Measure out about 1 cup granulated sugar.

Beat the eggs with a mixer until foam appears, and then start adding sugar in small portions. Continue whisking until the sugar is completely dissolved. This procedure takes about 10 minutes. The egg mass should triple in volume and turn white.

Sift wheat flour, cocoa powder and baking powder into the egg mixture through a fine sieve.

Gently mix the dough with a silicone spatula until it has a homogeneous consistency.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Prepare a round baking pan and parchment paper. Cut out the bottom for the mold from parchment; you don’t have to cut it exactly in a circle, but simply pinch the cut with detachable sides.

Cut out the walls of the parchment according to the shape, and to make the paper stick better, moisten it slightly with water and press. There is no need to grease the parchment with oil. Fill the prepared pan with dough and place in the preheated oven for 30 minutes.

Control the exact time and temperature in the oven yourself, as all ovens operate differently. Bake the sponge cake until the toothpick is dry.

Be sure to cool the finished cake and let it sit for at least 4 to 5 hours. It will be better if the biscuit sits overnight. If you start cutting it earlier, it will simply crumble and it will be very difficult to dip the pieces in sour cream.

Prepare the cream. To prepare Pancho cake with pineapples, the best choice is fatty, thick, ideally rustic sour cream. But if there is no such sour cream, then take store-bought, but not less than 20%. Cut the canned pineapples into small cubes.

Mix the cooled sour cream with powdered sugar using a whisk and cool in the refrigerator.

Now make the sponge cake. My biscuit steeped for about 2.5 hours, which is not enough, as you can see, it would do well to stand for a couple more hours. When slicing, it crumbles a little more.

Cut the sponge cake into two cake layers, and the bottom cake layer (base) should be about 1 cm thick. If desired, the main cake layer can be reduced to the desired size, just trim it onto a plate of a suitable diameter. Cut the cut cake into pieces about 3 cm.

Grease the main crust with a small amount of sour cream. Set aside a little more cream to coat the finished cake.

Now start dipping the pieces in the cream and placing them on the cake as tightly as possible.

Place pineapple pieces on top; you can simply stuff them into all the voids.

So continue to assemble the cake. Moreover, make each row smaller so that the result is a slide. As a result, there should be three rows of pieces and the bottom main cake. Spread the top of the Pancho cake with the reserved cream and put it in the refrigerator.

Prepare the ganache. Place the dark chocolate pieces in a small saucepan, add a spoonful of butter and heat the mixture over low heat. Once the ganache has melted, stir it and cool slightly.

Place the ganache in a plastic bag and cut off the thin end.

Cover the cake with chocolate ganache as desired and place in the refrigerator to cool a little more. Serve the finished Pancho cake with pineapples to the table with hot tea.

Pancho is a fairly famous dessert with amazing taste.

It is never dry thanks to a special method of assembly and impregnation.

It's hard to believe that you can make such a gorgeous dessert from an ordinary sponge cake and sour cream. There are many variations and recipes, but pineapple cake is especially delicious.

Pancho cake with pineapples - general cooking principles

Cakes. For Pancho, you can use absolutely any sponge cake, the main thing is that it is porous and airy, capable of absorbing a large amount of cream. The classic recipe uses chocolate cake layers, but it turns out just as delicious with vanilla sponge cake.

Cream. In the classic version, it is prepared on the basis of sour cream and sugar. But cream, condensed milk, and spices can also be added. It is better to use fatty sour cream for the cream, in which case it will not liquefy too much after combining with sugar.

Pineapples. You can use fresh, but more affordable and convenient to use canned fruits. Before putting it in the cake, you need to strain the syrup well so that it does not accumulate at the bottom of the dish with the cake.

Glaze. It is the finishing touch to the cake. You can simply melt the chocolate with a little sour cream or butter. Or you can make cocoa glaze. But some housewives prefer not to waste time and simply sprinkle the cake with chocolate chips, nuts, and decorate it to their taste.

Nuts. Frequent companions of Pancho. A particularly delicious dessert is made with walnuts, but you can also use peanuts or hazelnuts. Before using, it is better to fry them or dry them in the oven, it will be tastier.

Recipe 1: Classic Pancho Cake with Pineapples

A version of Pancho cake with pineapples from a classic sponge cake. We will add a little ripper to it to make the cake fluffy and porous.


For the biscuit:

300 grams of sugar;

A packet of ripper;

Flour 1.5 cups;

2 spoons of cocoa.

The cream will require:

Sour cream 800 grams;


300 grams of sugar.

For the glaze:

Chocolate bar;

50 grams of butter.

For the filling we use 300 grams of canned pineapples.


1. Bake a biscuit. Separate the yolks and whites into different bowls. Pour sugar into the yolk mixture and beat until foamy. Separately beat the whites and combine both masses. Mix the baking powder with flour and cocoa, add it to the egg foam, mix with your hand, from bottom to top. Pour the dough into a round pan and bake until done at 190 degrees. The time depends on the thickness of the cake; check by piercing a match.

2. To make the cream, simply mix sour cream with sugar and vanilla with a spoon. Do not stir for a long time so that the mass does not become liquid. Put it in the refrigerator for now.

3. Drain the juice from the pineapples and cut into pieces of any size as you like.

4. Cut the cooled cake in half into two layers. Grease the bottom layer generously with sour cream and lay out the pineapple pieces.

5. Cut the second cake into squares. Dip each piece in sour cream and place in a heap on top. Arrange creamy pieces with pineapples.

6. Break the chocolate and melt together with the butter until dissolved. This can be done in a microwave oven or in a water bath.

7. Pour the cake over the top and let it soak for at least 2 hours.

Recipe 2: Pancho Cake with Pineapples and Walnuts

The recipe for an incredibly delicious Pancho cake with pineapples, which has an amazing aroma of walnuts. We make the biscuit with condensed milk.


For the biscuit:

A can of condensed milk;

A packet of ripper;

250 grams of flour;

3 spoons of sugar;

Spoon of cocoa.

In cream:

700 gr. fat sour cream;

250 grams of powdered sugar;


100 grams of chocolate;

40 grams of butter;

Spoon of sour cream.

For the layer you will need canned pineapples and walnuts, quantity as desired.


1. Make a sponge cake. To do this, beat a broken egg with sugar, add condensed milk and mixed flour with cocoa and baking powder. Mix everything thoroughly and bake until done.

2. Mix powder and sour cream.

3. Chop the nuts, but not finely. Fry in a frying pan or simply dry in the oven, which is very convenient, since it should be hot after baking the biscuit.

4. Cut the baked cake into two parts. Grease the bottom layer with cream, lay out nuts and pineapples.

5. Cut the top cake into pieces, grease them with cream and lay them in layers, as in the previous recipe. Don't forget to top everything with pineapple pieces and sprinkle with nuts.

6. Melt chocolate with butter and sour cream, pour over the cake and sprinkle nuts on top.

Recipe 3: Pancho Cake with pineapples and vanilla sponge cake in boiling water

You can prepare a popular cake not only with chocolate cake layers. It's also delicious with vanilla sponge cake. We will prepare the glaze for this dessert from cocoa powder.


For the biscuit:


150 grams of flour;

3 tablespoons of oil and boiling water;

A glass of sugar;

A packet of ripper.

In cream:

Large glass of sugar;

600 grams of sour cream.


3 spoons of milk;

Spoon of butter;

2 spoons of cocoa;

70 grams of powder.

For the filling, 200-300 grams of pineapples, you can also take any nuts. Peanuts go especially well with vanilla Pancho.


1. For the sponge cake, beat the eggs and sugar into a stiff foam, add separately mixed vanilla, flour and baking powder. Immediately add boiling water and vegetable oil. Stir and bake until done at 180 degrees.

2. For the cream, simply mix sour cream and powder.

3. Assemble the cake in the same way as in previous recipes. Layer the pineapple pieces, don’t forget to sprinkle the layers with nuts.

4. For the glaze, mix all the ingredients, heat in a water bath, cool slightly and pour over the cake.

Recipe 4: Pancho Cake with Pineapples without Eggs

This cake recipe can be a real lifesaver if you don't have eggs at home or just don't want to use them. The cake also turns out to be loose, porous, and absorbs the cream well.


For the test:

0.15 kg sugar;

0.15 kg sour cream;

1 bag of ripper, you can take soda;

100 gr. drain oils;

Flour 1.5 cups;

Spoon of cocoa.

In cream:

600 grams of sour cream;

250 grams of powder;

200 grams of pineapples.

We use any glaze, from the above recipes.


1. Mix sour cream with sugar until the sand is completely dissolved, add melted, but not hot, butter. Mix flour with baking powder and cocoa, knead the dough. Pour the mixture into the mold and bake.

2. For the cream, mix sour cream with sugar.

3. Cut the pineapples into small pieces.

4. Assemble the Pancho cake in the same way as in previous recipes.

5. Pour glaze on top and remove the dessert for a couple of hours to soak.

Recipe 5: Pancho Cake with Pineapples without Bake

A very quick version of pineapple cake for lazy housewives, or those who do not have time to bake a sponge cake. You can prepare a wonderful dessert in 15 minutes. We will use ready-made cakes, but since they are often not very sweet and differ from homemade cakes, we need to change the cream a little.


For cream for one pack of sponge cakes 400 g:

400 grams of sour cream;

150 grams of condensed milk;

150 grams of powder;

A pinch of vanillin.

Any glaze, 250 grams of pineapples, 100 grams of nuts.


1. Mix sour cream with powder, add condensed milk and vanillin. Mix everything well and you can start assembling.

2. Cut the pineapples into cubes, chop the nuts and fry. You can fry it and then chop it, it makes no difference.

3. Since there are three cake layers in the pack, we cut two of them into pieces, leaving one for the base.

4. Grease the base with cream, sprinkle with pineapple and nuts, dip the remaining pieces of biscuit in the cream and place on top. Sprinkle fruits and nuts into each new layer. Coat the top of the cake with the remaining cream.

5. Fill Pancho with glaze.

Recipe 6: Pancho Cake with Pineapples, Bananas and Buttercream

Instead of sour cream, you can use any other cream, but it should not be too thick, otherwise the cake will not be very juicy and it will take a lot of time to soak. We use any of the above recipes for sponge cake.


For cream:

Half a can of condensed milk;

Half a glass of fresh milk;

300 ml of heavy cream from 30% and above;


200 grams of pineapples;

2 bananas.

Any glaze, at your discretion. You don't need to fill this cake, but sprinkle it with grated chocolate.


1. Peel the bananas, cut one in half lengthwise and cut into half rings. We simply cut the second one into rings.

2. Decant the juice from the pineapples and cut into cubes.

3. Cream must be whipped with powdered sugar into foam. Pour condensed milk and fresh milk in small portions.

4. Assembling the cake. Apply a layer of cream to the base, then banana slices and pineapple cubes. Place the remaining pieces of biscuit, grease with cream, add bananas and pineapples. Cover the mound with cream on all sides and put the cake in the refrigerator for an hour.

5. Decorate with grated chocolate or icing.

Recipe 7: Pancho Cake with Pineapples and Marshmallows

For this version of Pancho, in addition to canned pineapples, you will need vanilla marshmallows. Fruit and chocolate are not suitable, as they will interrupt the taste. We use any sponge cake, we also prepare the icing at our discretion.


For cream:

Half a liter of sour cream;

Half a can of boiled condensed milk;

2/3 cup powder.


200 grams of pineapples;

300 grams of marshmallows.


1. Mash the boiled condensed milk with a fork until the consistency becomes homogeneous. Gradually add sour cream, mix thoroughly. Pour in the powder, stir and place in the refrigerator.

2. Cut marshmallows into round slices, 4 mm thick. We use a sharp knife.

3. Cut pineapples into cubes.

4. Assembling the cake. To do this, apply a layer of cream to the base, place pieces of pineapple and spread marshmallows on top over the entire area. We cut the remaining marshmallows into pieces and use them in layers.

5. Dip the sponge cake pieces in the cream and assemble the cake as usual, making layers from the remaining marshmallows and pineapples. Coat the top with cream and decorate with glaze.

To level the surface of the cake and make a neat mound, put on rubber or cellophane gloves, gently press the cake on top and cover with a new layer of cream.

If you want to sprinkle nuts on top of the cake, you need to do this before the glaze hardens. In this case, the sprinkles will stick well.

Do you want to check the readiness of the biscuit, but don’t have anything wooden at hand to pierce? Just press the crust with your finger. If the hole is restored, the biscuit is ready. If it remains, it is still raw and requires extension.

To prevent the cream from flowing on the cake, the glaze must be cooled to a lukewarm state before pouring. But it is important that it does not start to harden, otherwise it will be difficult to apply.

To ensure that the glaze hardens quickly and does not melt the cream, the cake must be kept in the refrigerator before coating.

  • 5 eggs
  • 150 g sugar
  • 100 g flour
  • 30 g starch (I used corn starch)
  • 30 g butter
  • 2 tsp. vanilla sugar
  • 1 tsp. baking powder
  • 5 tbsp. l. pineapple syrup + 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1 can of canned pineapple (I have a 600 g can)
  • 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice
  • 1 tsp. with a heap of starch (preferably potato starch)
  • 600 g cream 33-35%
  • 100 g condensed milk
  • 30 g powdered sugar
  • 2 sachets of cream fixative
  • coconut flakes for decoration

Very tender, soft, and of course delicious cake with canned pineapples. As a basis, I took a white meat biscuit, which I had already used previously in and in, this biscuit is currently my favorite and most successful variation. I used a can of canned pineapple for the filling, and made the cream from heavy cream with condensed milk. I like cakes moist and well soaked, so of course I soaked the sponge cake well in syrup, with a little lemon juice added to highlight the sweetness. The cake turned out very tall, elegant, festive and so snow-white that you couldn’t take your eyes off it! I and all my tasters really liked it. I think this cake is simply universal; everyone will like it, both children and adults of all ages!


Prepare the sponge cake exactly as in.
My eggs were large, and the sponge cake turned out to be very tall, it even “came out” of the mold a little.

Let's prepare the impregnation.
From a jar of pineapples, measure 5 tbsp. l. syrup, add 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, stir.

Let's prepare the pineapples.
Transfer the rest of the syrup from the jar along with the pineapples into a saucepan, add lemon juice, and put on fire. Stir the starch in a couple of tablespoons of cold water, pour into the pineapples, and bring everything together until thickened. Cool.

Let's prepare the cream. Whip the cream until thick, then add condensed milk and powdered sugar and beat some more. I also added a cream fixer and used 2 sachets (each for 200 ml of cream) so that the cream would hold its shape well.

Assembling the cake.
Cut the sponge cake into three layers, place the first layer on a plate or board.
Using a teaspoon, soak in about a third of the impregnation.

Spread half of the pineapple filling.

Spread about 4th part of the cream.

Place the second cake layer, soak it, add the other half of the pineapples, and another part of the cream.
Cover with the third cake layer, soak it as well, and add another portion of the cream. Cover the cake with the remaining cream on all sides, setting aside a little cream for decoration if desired.