Amazing Tibetan Javaguba Mushroom. Pill from Chinese caterpillar fungus and deer penis: unique composition, stunning effect! Chinese caterpillar

Every summer, Nepal covers a collective fever: hundreds of thousands of people are crawling around the mountains in search of the YarbaGumba mushroom (literally: "In the summer - grass, winter - insect"), germinating in the caterpillars.

Its value over the past 8 years has grown 10 times - up to 120 thousand dollars per kilogram. The main consumers of this "plant Viagra" are Chinese rich, and in Nepal Mushroom collectors, Maoist red squads are roofing.

It is completely digging, the ground part is a small process, and underground - mycelium with insect residues at the end. Maybe therefore, locals and believe that the mushroom was first the caterpillar. (By the way, he was awarded another name - the Tibetan ghost, apparently for what it became so hard to find him).

Yarchagumba has long been considered an aphrodisiac. It grows in Himalayas and on a Tibetan plateau at a height of 3 to 5 thousand meters. Approximately 60% of its range falls on Nepal, the rest - to Bhutan, India and China.

As soon as the time is suitable, all local population goes to the mushroom fees. The tiny shoots of mushrooms with the heads of dead larvae at the ends, who stopped a few millimeters from the surface of the earth more precious than gold. In China, Cordyceps is called "Divine Gift" and "Magic Talisman". For a long time, only the imperial dynasties were used for therapeutic purposes due to a very small number of this mushroom. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) argues that mushrooms that boil and add to tea or soup can act as aphrodisiac, treat cancer and tuberculosis, leprosy and radiculitis, fight fatigue, increase potency, and so on.

Although Yarsagube was used in traditional Chinese medicine over the centuries, the demand for it took off only lately. It became known about the extraordinary miraculous properties of the fungus after 1993, when three Chinese runners beat the world record, and the information was leaked in the media that it was the decoction of these mushrooms that were fed athletes, adding it to the soup of blood skuffing. But the most interesting property of these mushrooms is that he did not appear in any way when the blood of athletes is doping and does not have any side effects. Counselor of the National Olympic team of China 2012 on table tennis of Mr. Yuahua, as well as the head coach of the Fujian province team stated that China, winning gold in the team championship, won this victory due to the active use of Cordiceps.

Yarnsagube collect Nepalese rural residents who sell it more than $ 25 per gram (and retail prices take off to $ 150 per gram and more). But, alas, even with such astronomical prices, the demand for it is impossible to satisfy it because of a sharp reduction in natural reserves, climate change, etc. All over the world are now looking for other ways to obtain this valuable product. Local residents for whom the collection of Yarsagube is the main source of income has become even more difficult, once they collected from 150 to 200 pieces of mushrooms per season, now at best can detect only 10, 20 maximum 30 pieces. The main culprit of such a sharp reduction of the miracle mushroom in nature is called climate change. In the regions where the mushroom grew and developed normally, in recent years the amount of precipitation has decreased, and the average annual temperature has increased, which has been destructively affected its development, and consequently reproduction.

Today, the market of this mushroom is estimated at $ 600-700 million per year, but this amount increases the year. So, in 2002, 1 kilogram of this mushroom cost 12 thousand dollars, and in early 2012 - already 120 thousand dollars. No "product" in the world did not go so rapidly. For example, two more hits of the Chinese "kitchen" and "medicine" - the horn horn and bearish bile - for these 8 years have risen in price by 6 and 5 times, respectively.

Dried Yarchagumba in China, Hong Kong and in general in the Chinese southeast diasporas (Malaysia, Indonesia, etc.) get ready for prepaid dishes. Someone can afford to eat a caterpillar with a mushroom and "just so" like a pill.

Yarchagumba ended up the most expensive "product" in the world. At the cost of it, only truffles are approaching (also mushrooms, by the way) - but their cost per 1 kg rarely exceeds 100 thousand dollars (usually does not exceed 20-30 thousand per kg).

By the way, Yarsagube played an important role in the Maoist uprising, destabilized the situation in Nepal in 1996-2006. Maoists, in dire need of money, could not pass by the economic potential of Yarsagube. In 2000, they took control of the Northeast District Dolo. To make income uninterrupted income, "Red Devilita" placed a large rebel army here; From each collector "Fighters for Social Justice" charged "Revolutionary Tax". They also forced the dealers to pay for each kilogram of the fungus exported from the region of the dolpo. Maoist income from Yarsagube in 2003, according to the information of the weekly "Nepali Times", amounted to 200 million Nepalese rupees (about 3 million dollars).

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In the mountains of Tibet, Bhutan, Nepal and the Northern Regions of India, not the mushroom grows, not the insect - yarsaguba. The literal translation of this name sounds like this: "Summer grass, winter caterpillar." The official name of this mushroom - Cordyceps Chinese (Lat. Ophiocordyceps Sinensis) - the genus of fungi from the Ophiocordycipitaceae family, belongs to the class of ascomettes.

A description of this strange combination of two forms of life is occurring in the ancient Chinese treatises. The Chinese believed that those lucky who were lucky to find a yarnagubu, are waiting for big changes in fate, long-male consistency and attractiveness for the opposite sex.

Every summer, the Nepalese go to search for a magic drug. In the season you can find empty Tibetan villages, because the collection time is limited to one month a year. Only children and old men are hunting for the mushroom.

It must be said that finding this miracle of nature is not easy, Yarsaguba grows only at an altitude of 3,500 m above sea level, in shady places. It is strange that the oxygen deficiency, the strong temperature differences not only do not kill the yasagumbo, but also give it unique properties.

Nesmemy Zvetylushka

If the dispute is hit on the larva or caterpillar, they penetrate the insect's head and germinate into his body. It is at that time the cover of the caterpillars are most vulnerable after molting. At the same time, the plant from the inside eats the insect until all the juices are completely extended from it.

But it does not happen immediately, because the Yarsagum needs to somehow climb the surface of the earth. Therefore, the fungus is striking the vital caterpillar bodies last. In the end, Yarsaguba subordinate to himself a motion system for the poor people and makes the insect to move into the upper layer of the soil. So the deceased caterpillar is frozen upwards in a few centimeters to the surface.

Another interesting feature of the mushroom is that he is so fill in the caterpillar that it does not decide and is not infected with any other microorganisms.

First, it is simply no place for them, and secondly, Yarsaguba has properties similar to the antibiotic properties. Therefore, both parts of the fungus use for the preparation of drugs.

A dark brown mature plant is very similar to a caterpillar with a bitch coming out of the head. It even repeats the bending of the body of the deceased insect. The mushroom seems to be two parts: the beugrous light brown body of the caterpillar and dark brown, with a smooth surface of the body of the plant.

The height of the Yarsagumes varies from 4 to 8 cm, there are and larger specimens - up to 11 cm. Weight ranges from 300 to 500 mg. The thickness of the stem is from 3 to 4 mm. The mushroom is sweet taste and has a pleasant smell.

Amazing drug

The first mention of this funds in Tibetan medicine is contained in the work "about a thousand drugs", the author of which was Zurkhar Nyamni Dorje (1439-1475). In Chinese sources, it is first mentioned in 1649.

The healing properties of this plant were discovered many centuries ago by the shepherds, which noticed the unusual activity of livestock, which had a hunker. Since then, the mushroom has become over and used as a tonic. But it was available only to the emperors of the Ming Dynasty. It is no coincidence that today the kilogram of Yarsagubes costs from 7,000-8,000 dollars.

It is believed that if you constantly take drugs based on this mushroom, you can extend your life. In Yarsagube, there are many substances that contribute to this, but their action is not yet fully studied.

The medicine made from the mushroom can defeat tuberculosis, get rid of problems with liver, kidneys, stomach, from toothache, back pain. Yarsaguba helps to cope with leukemia, saves from depression, restores the body after a long disease.

In addition, this natural aphrodisiac actively affects sex hormones and sexual excitement centers in the brain.

Research results have shown that Yarsaguba helps to return full sexual health of 86% of women and 67% of men.

The nepalse chopped mushrooms are boiled in milk or insist on alcohol, then add to tea or soup. In Western countries, drugs based on yokes are sold in stores specializing in the means of traditional medicine.

Records of Yarsagumby

Despite the fact that Yarsagubba has long been and actively used in Chinese medicine, they practically did not know about it in Western countries. The fame of the mushroom acquired in 1993 after the Chinese championship in athletics, when the three world records were installed on the run at different distances.

And these achievements still remain records. The world community could not leave such an amazing factless fact.

Three athletes who have established a record have passed doping samples, but in their blood they did not find anything outsider. Their coach said that the girls ate blood soup with the addition of bumber yarsagube. This information confirmed the adviser to the National Olympic team of China. That's where the "Yarsagumba Boom" began in the United States and Europe.

Mushroom fever

Hunting for Yarsagomby resembles the times of gold fever. By the way, this fishery is quite dangerous. For the season, several people die. A resident of the village of Nar, Namchngng, says: "A year ago, the leader was killed by the leader. He was stabbed the group of nurses of yarsagube, when he checked if they had permission to collect valuable raw materials. Passators were engaged in fishery illegally, so they killed him and even tried to escape with the gathered. "

Mushroom mining for many locals is the only way to make money. And those who came to the fishery before the established period, threatens a serious penalty. Almost every collector for a month produces about 1,000 pieces of yard, for which it can help out about 3,000 dollars. By the way, there are licenses for the collection of mushrooms only at local residents. Fans are not right for it.

It is clear that where there is something valuable, there will definitely have people who want to warm up on this hands. Yarsagube is one of the items of smuggling, which means that the income from its sale go past the state treasury.

Nepal authorities are going to establish a mushroom collection tax, which makes $ 70 per season from a single miner. The dealers acquire larvae infected with Yarsagumba, 700 dollars, and sell them 3,000. They guard collectors, not allowing them to take out goods. Caught violators are severely punished.

In addition to problems with the law, the poaching of Yarsagumes entails environmental problems. The collectors are not ceremony with nature in pursuit of progress. They do not look for a mushroom among vegetation, and as the tractor pumped the soil, pulling down the grass with the root. In addition, touring guests manage to collect the harvest of the fungus before the start of the season.

From year to year, the amount of valuable fungus decreases. Experts caution: if it continues to continue further, Yarsaguba will completely disappear.

Galina Belyshev

It is completely digging, the ground part is a small process, and underground - mycelium with insect residues at the end. Maybe therefore, locals and believe that the mushroom was first the caterpillar. (By the way, he was awarded another name - the Tibetan ghost, apparently for what it became so hard to find him).

As soon as the time is suitable, all local population goes to the mushroom fees. The tiny shoots of mushrooms with the heads of dead larvae at the ends, who stopped a few millimeters from the surface of the earth more precious than gold. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) argues that mushrooms that boil and add to tea or soup can act as aphrodisiac, treat cancer and tuberculosis, leprosy and radiculitis, fight fatigue, increase potency, and so on.

Although Yarsagube was used in traditional Chinese medicine over the centuries, the demand for it took off only lately. It became known about the extraordinary miraculous properties of the fungus after 1993, when three Chinese runners beat the world record, and the information was leaked in the media that it was the decoction of these mushrooms that were fed athletes, adding it to the soup of blood skuffing. But the most interesting property of these mushrooms is that he did not appear in any way when the blood of athletes is doping and does not have any side effects.

Yarnsagube collect Nepalese rural residents who sell it more than $ 25 per gram (and retail prices take off to $ 150 per gram and more). But, alas, even with such astronomical prices, the demand for it is impossible to satisfy it because of a sharp reduction in natural reserves, climate change, etc. All over the world are now looking for other ways to obtain this valuable product. Local residents for whom the collection of Yarsagube is the main source of income has become even more difficult, once they collected from 150 to 200 pieces of mushrooms per season, now at best can detect only 10, 20 maximum 30 pieces. The main culprit of such a sharp reduction of the miracle mushroom in nature is called climate change. In the regions where the mushroom grew and developed normally, in recent years the amount of precipitation has decreased, and the average annual temperature has increased, which has been destructively affected its development, and consequently reproduction.

Latin name:Cordyceps Sinensis (Berk) SACC; SPHAERIA SINENSIS BERK; Ophiocordyceps Sinensis (Berk) G.H. Sung, JJVL. Sung, Hywel-Jones & SpataFora.


Chinese name:Duccussao, Chonsao, Dunchonsao, Xiaosodunchon

Morphological features

Stromrom is single or rare two or three, growing from one place. Typically, the stromas grows out of the head of the caterpillar. The length of the stroma reaches 40-110 mm. In shape it happens to be pinned or cylindrical. The base of stroma is 15-40 mm in diameter. The top of the stroma is cylindrical, brown, dense, gradually becomes a hollow, 10-45 mm long, 2.5-6 mm thick, with 1.5-5.5 mm sterile painting. Peritiation surface with a slightly immersed in a stroma base, elliptical or ovoid, 350-550x120-240 microns. Thin bags, 240-485x12-16 μm, 2-disposable, elongated, septic, are not divided into small parts, 160-470x5-6.5 μm.

Ecology and distribution

Nourishing and chemical composition

Cordyceps contains 18 amino acids, including those that are a material basis for strengthening and improving immunity: aspartic acid, threonine, series, glutamic acid, proline, glycine, alanine, valine, methionine, isoleucine, leucine, tyrosine, phenylalanine, Gistidine, Lizin, Arginine, Cystin. Cordiceps Cockonop Street Caterpillar contains 19 amino acids, including tryptophan hydrolysis. When comparing individual parts of the Cordyceps, the amino acid content is reduced in a row: Stroma\u003e Cordyceps complex\u003e Caterpillar.

The nucleotides contained in Cordycepssex are isolated: Cordycepine, adenine, guanine, oxypurine, carlin, canine, adenyl acid, deoxyadenozin, thymidine, and others are obtained from natural Cordycepsum, deoxyadenosine, adenilic acid, deoxyadenosine, adenilic acid, deoxyadenozin, and uracil, Guanillaic acid. Thympic acid and uracil are isolated from artificially cultivated Cordyceps.

Sterols isolated from cordiceps and artificial enzymes are 9, peptides - 6. Cordiceps polysaccharides are one of the main active components of Cordyceps, they are effective against liver fibrosis, regulate immunity, render antitumor, hypoglycemic effect. Polous structural components are mannose, galactose, glucose, xylose (wood sugar). Cordycepsis highlighted palmitic, stearin, oleic, linoleic acids and many other organic acids and polyalkyls. Cordyceps is very rich in mineral trace elements.

The highest content falls on phosphorus, then follow sodium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, iron, copper, zinc, gallium, vanadium and zirconium. In the stroma, the highest content is cobalt and selenium, but the highest is the content of zinc. Selenium is considered one of the trace elements that play a very important physiological role in anti-cancer and antioxidant activity. Cordyceps contain vitamins B12, thiamine, riboflavin, C, A, E. Proteins and nitrogen-containing substances are represented by 1.3-diaminopropan, pretrad, cadaver, sperm.

Pharmacological value

1. Traditional application

It helps to strengthen the lungs, kidneys, is used to stop bleeding and sporming sputum.

2. Regulation of cardiovascular and circulatory systems

2.1 Antiarrhythmic action. The alcohol and ether extracts from the Cordyceps mycelium are effective against arrhythmia, they counteract the atrodium experimentally caused by aconomy in mice, reduce the duration and intensity of arrhythmia.

Cordiceps aqueous extract is also effective against arrhythmia. Cordyceps has a direct impact of the corned artery, which provides the nutrition of the heart muscle, can increase blood flow to the heart. Mushroom Cordyceps can reduce the tone of blood vessels in a healthy person and relieve the load on the heart, treat arrhythmia in the elderly.

Injection into the vein of the ether extract in doses of 100 - 200 mg / kg removes tachycardia caused by Wabaina in a guinea pig.

2.2 Action against ischemia and oxygen starvation.Cordyceps can reduce oxygen consumption with cardiac muscle, increase blood flow, improve physiological condition for ischemia and oxygen starvation of the heart muscle. The subcutaneous injection of Cordyceps extract in a dose of 5 g / kg increases the stability of cardiomyocytes to oxygen deficiency.

2.3 Impact against damage to the heart muscle.The alcohol extract from the Cordyceps mycelium (CSB) may noticeably increase the lethal dose of Wabahin for the guinea pig, increase the activity of SOD, i.e. it has a protective effect on the cordious muscle cells. The protective effect of Cordiceps was observed when the adriaminicine (doxorubicin) - anthrazyclin antibiotic, used to treat the tumors in humans and causing cardiomyopathy to the perfusion of the insulated heart of the adriaminicine mouse (doxorubicin).

2.4 hypolypidemic and hypoglycemic effect.It was reported that in mice suffering from hypercholesterolemia, regular, for 28 days, washing the stomach with hot water extract of the Cordiceps mycelium can reduce the level of fat in the blood, reducing the content of total cholesterol (TC), trigletizers (TG), β-migrant levels (VLDL ) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C), increasing high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). The subcutaneous injection of the drug Cordiceps CSB and its CSB-851 extract reduced the total cholesterol (TC) and the level of triglycerides (TG) in the liver of healthy animals and animals with an experimentally caused by Priton WP1339 with an increase in serum in serum. The possible mechanism of the control action of Cordyceps on the lipid exchange of the body is associated with the suppression of cholesterol biosynthesis in the liver and an increase in lipase activity, but does not have a great effect on cholesterol absorption in the intestines and cholesterol selection with bile.

As a result of three-month rolling feeding with a high cholesterol feed in the animal, the level of fats increased and the atherosclerosis of the aorta wall has developed, whereas the simultaneous cottage with the feed of the Cordiceps CSB has restrained the increase in blood feed content, facilitated the course of atheroxlerosis, reduced cholesterol content in the aorta, but not influenced the level of free cholesterol.

Reception of cordiceps in a complex with sulfomochina increased the effectiveness of this means to reduce sugar in the blood of patients with diabetes.

2.5 Influence on blood pressure and blood rheology. Studies have shown that Cordyceps reduces blood pressure levels, slows down the heart rate and promotes the reversion of myocardial hypertrophy in mice suffering from arterial hypertension. The basis of the mechanism lowering the pressure is the action of the fungus on the regenanangiotenzine system, participating in the regulation of the tone of the vessels.

2.6 Influence on platelet function and blood formation system.The CSB preparation has a stronger activating effect on platelets than ADP or collagen. CSB-851 can restrain the Mongolian gerbal in the brain tissue, the increase in thromboxane B2 (TCH2) caused by brain ischemia, which indicates its protective effect on the brain tissue. It was also reported that the extract from Cordyceps contributes to the processes of hematopois in the red bone marrow.

3. Impact on immunity

Cordiceps preparations can increase liver and spleen in animals, strengthen the function of the retico endothelial system (RES), phagocytic function. Scientists reported that the injection of a liquid from the natural Cordyceps and the artificially grown of the Cordycepsian mushrooms into the abdominal cavity of the muscles could counteract the decrease in the activity of macrophagocytes caused by cortisone. The mechanism of action of cordiceps on the immune system requires further deep research. Preparations from natural Cordyceps and artificially grown cordiceps mycelium have immunostimulating activity. The injection of alcohol extract of cordiceps in the abdominal cavity of the mouse increases the number of spley macrophages and NK cells, but does not have any influence on T-suppressors, in addition, it may contribute to the deferment of the onset of an allergic reaction, suppress the formation of hemolysin and humoral immunity.

Cordicepsum is also expressed in a predominantly inhibiting action on specific immunity. Preparations from natural Cordyceps and artificially grown cordiceps mycelium extend the time of the initial rejection of the transplant. In the Research Institute of Organ Transplantation at the Nurse University of Tonzzi, an experiment on ectopic mouse heart transplantation was conducted, which showed that the extract from mycelium, developed at the Institute of Traditional Medicine, significantly prolongs the time for the survival of the transplanted object, is not toxic for the liver and spleen. According to the protocol of clinical testing of medicines, the extract from cordiceps has an effectiveness comparable to azatioprope and cyclosporin, is an effective immunological inhibitor of a new type and has very good prospects in practical use.

4. Antitumor action

Cordyceps suppresses development in the culture of tumor cell lines: nasopharynk carcinomas (Kb) and cancer cells of the cervical canal of the person (Hela). It is believed that Cordyceps may noticeably strengthen the cells of a healthy person, and in all gradient of concentrations of 1.56-25 mg / ml, the dependence of "dose-action" takes place. Liu Jie and Liu Fenan found that Cordyceps directly inhibits the proliferation of nasopharynge cancer cells. Di Zhui and others reported that the ascite tumor of Erlich in mice can be treated with subcutaneous injections of the water extract of Cordyceps. They found that the aqueous extract from Cordyceps can enhance the anti-cancer effect of 6-imurana.

In combination with cyclophosphane, the mushroom is more effective than when using cyclophosphane or cordiceps separately. Carcinoma Lewis was grabbed in the abdominal cavity of mice. From the second day, animals were divided into two groups. One was administered a solution of extract from cordiceps, another - saline. For the ninth day, those and others were determined by a mass of the tumor. Results: In the control group, the tumor weight was 3.2 ± 0.96 g, in a group with Cordyceps - 1.06 ± 0.48, this shows that the Cordyceps has an effective effect, while holding back the tumor growth. Experiments on the prevention of metastases of the spontaneous tumor of lungs have shown that, as a result of treatment with injections of cordiceps, metastasis is noticeable below. The effectiveness of cordiceps in relation to carcinoma Lewis is 30-50%.

5. Hepatoprotective action

We studied the influence of mycelium of cultural cordiceps on the metabolism of the liver of mice suffering from hypochromic anemia. In the body of those animals, which four weeks in a row were fed by the cordiceps mycelium, found that the liver ATR gradually increased. It turned out that Cordyceps can eliminate damage to hepatocytes caused by chlorouparrode, prevent the occurrence of liver fibrosis, but cannot prevent reduction in liver insulin activity. Studies have shown that the inhibitory effect of Cordiceps (CP) poliosis against the proliferation of hepatic stars cells (HEPATIC STELLATE FELL - HSC) and collagen synthesis can be one of the paths of the antifibroid influence of cordiceps on the liver. Cordyceps may increase SOD activity, reduce lipid peroxidation intensity (LPO). In addition, Cordyceps facilitates the symptoms of hepatitis, protects the liver from medication damage.

On the model of a rabbit with fibrosis of the liver caused by schistosomatosis, it was shown that the reception of cordiceps, contributing to an increase in the activity of the collagenase of hepatocytes, can stop the development of the liver cirrhosis. Fermented Cordyceps - the drug called "Jewelness for the Heart and Liver" has a very good effect against liver fibrosis, its mechanism can be associated with protection of hepatocytes and inhibition of inflammation in the liver, suppressing collagen synthesis.

6. Impact on the nervous system

Cordyceps has a sedative effect. In mice five minutes after the injection of alcohol extract of the CSB mycelium in a dose of 2.5-10 g / kg, the motor activity is noticeably reduced. CSB promotes the duration of sleep caused by diethylbarbituric acid increases the effectiveness of soothing agents such as aminazine, can inhibit the action of a tetanus toxin that causes convulsions and death of mice, but does not protect against seizures caused by electric shock and caffeine in addition, CSB may noticeably lower the body temperature of a healthy Animal, inhibit salivation caused by pilocarpine

7. Impact on the respiratory system

Preparations from Cordyceps expand the isolated trachea of \u200b\u200bthe guinea pig, relax it with a convulsion caused by histamine. The mice can affect the incubation period and the cough frequency caused by ammonia couples, increase the amount of exudate in the trachea, reduce the mortality of animals from the chronic edema, due to the insufficiency of the adrenal glands, but do not protect against asthma caused by spraying the mixture of acetylcholin chloride and histamine.

8. Antioxidant and antiheryciatric effect

Cordyceps is active with respect to the binding of free radicals, reduces the level of lipid peroxidation level, the MDA content increases the activity of SOD, protects cells from oxidative damage, facilitates manifestations of ischemia of the heart muscle and contributes to the restoration of the metabolism of the heart fabric. The culture liquid of the cordiceps mycelium has anti-characteristic effects on the body.

9. Hormonal action

The decrease in sexual function is usually associated with the mismatch of the work of the cortex of large hemispheres of the brain and a decrease in the secretion of the adrenotropic hormone. There are 50 examples when the patients with violations of sexual function as a result of reception within 1 month of drugs from Cordyceps the effectiveness of treatment reached 64%, including the effectiveness of 27.5%, and the level of adrenotropic hormone secretion increased by 73, four%. The mechanisms of the effect of Cordyceps on the activity of the genital glands and on hormonal status as a whole differ from each other. The stimulating effect of cordiceps on sex glands is achieved due to the regulation of the work of the adrenal cortex. This suggests that drugs from Cordyceps have an action that replaces men's sex hormones. But the effect of cordiceps on sexual function is connected not only with the activity of the sex glands, but can also manifest themselves through the regulation of the nervous system activity.

10. Other functions

Cordyceps is effective in the treatment of bronchitis, increases the body resistance to bacteria. Cordyceps may inhibit Balf cell proliferation (Bronchoalvelar Lavage Fluids), which explains the mechanism of the Cordiceps action in the treatment of bronchitis.


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The Himalayan mountains for which the border of Nepal and Tibet runs, are considered one of the most noticeable corners of the planet. Foreign tourists go hiking in the so-called "contour of Annapurna" - a route running through the snow-covered passes at an altitude of more than 5 thousand meters.

"Previously, it was considered a sin"

When a cold night falls on the Himalayan village, Sangai Gourung and his wife gather at the fire to cook dinner of rice and vegetables. Sangai says he can sell me a yasagumbo. A little bit of this valuable drug got him from a son who earns his fee.

53-year-old Sangai Gurung for mushrooms
does not go. This is embaning his son

"Sangai Gurung himself is not glad that he got some fragile mummified caterpillars, in which a mushroom sprout." We believe that to trade Yarsaguba is sin, "he says. - According to Buddhist tradition, we should not collect it. So my grandfathers told me, and I listened to them. "

I am 53 years old, and I never collected [Chinese Cordyceps], but the younger generation is different, - adds Gourung. "They do not believe in sin or religion, so they make money on it."

Viagra diverse action

Over the past 500 years, Chinese Cordyceps has earned a reputation as a powerful Aphrodisiac. It grows only in the Himalayas at an altitude of more than 3.5 thousand meters. And the traditional it is time for collecting in the spring, on the eve of the rainy season. Each year, hundreds of Tibetan traders illegally pass the border with Nepal to buy a yard from local residents, and then resell in China. The cost of 1 kilogram reaches 10 thousand dollars.

"The medical properties of Yarsagube are very diverse," says Medical anthropologist Carol Dunhan, who has worked in Nepal 25 years. - It is known that it improves immunity, and is also considered an excellent means to enhance potency, like Viagra. " All this led to the fact that Yarsaguba became the most expensive raw material in this remote region of the world, not possessing rich economic opportunities.

Yarsaguba can be found
at an altitude of more than 3.5 thousand meters

"Mushroom fishery" became so profitable that local authorities even began to issue special fees for the collection. In some areas, such permissions are more expensive for people from outside the region. And somewhere strangers is simply forbidden to engage in this profitable fishery.

Mushroom places protect knives

For some residents of Mountain villages, Yarsaguba became the opportunity to get rich, the other brought the mountain. In June 2009, seven men from the city of Gorkha were killed for gathered mushrooms on someone else's Dyanka. The attackers used sticks and knives, and the bodies of those killed were thrown into a deep gorge.

Pramad Fadhai, which led the investigation on this case, says that five bodies have not been discovered. "Two we got out of a very difficult place to raise them had to use ropes," the policeman says. "It was a very big operation: we mobilized more than 80 police officers. As a result, 36 people from a small village of Nar were arrested. All of them still Expect verdict court.

The building of the regional education department,
re-equipment in prison

"All men sit in prison"

There is no prison in the area that can accommodate all the detainees, therefore the authorities have been given to the place of local education buildings.

Since there are no prisons in the area, the prisoners were put in the building of the local education department. In the past few months, 17 people were released under guarantee. The rest are sitting for barbed wire and play cards. Relatives bring them to them.

"I think my brother very soon will come to freedom," says Sammaya Tsering. "Every time I see with him, he says that he did not commit anything."

Since most men village Nar sit in prison, there is no one to work, says Samm. "Our land came to the launch," she complains. - No one plowing, and we have not seen anything for two years. " The verdict in the case of mass murder for Yarsbub is expected in February. And in March, a new season of collecting a valuable mushroom will begin, about which in the old times it was said that nothing but trouble he does not bring.