Installation of a gas heating boiler in a private house. Requirements for the installation of a gas boiler

Autonomous heating system - the dream of many homeowners. Most of them choose gas heating, a significant disadvantage of which is the mandatory installation of equipment by the forces of certified specialists. However, control over the actions of invited workers is still needed, agree?

Here you will learn how the construction rules should be set to install a floor gas boiler. We will tell you how to prepare the room for installing the heat generator, as competently organize the removal of combustion products. Our tips will help build a secure and efficient system.

The information presented to familiarize is based on regulatory documents. To optimize the perception of a difficult topic, the text is supplemented with useful illustrations and video instructions.

Those who are confident that the installation begins with its purchase is very mistaken.

Start to collect permits. Simultaneously with the receipt of the necessary papers, it should be selected by choosing and preparing a place to install the heating unit, and the following regulatory requirements should be taken into account:

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Master of Architecture, graduated from Samara State Architectural University. 11 years of experience in the field of design and construction.

Natural gas is the most convenient and affordable type of fuel for the operation of heating boilers in private building houses. Pipeline supply gas supply system for burner, simple ignition, control of parameters and stops make the operation of gas heating installations simple and not requiring special learning. The possibility of immediate cessation of burning in emergency situations provides an increased level of security during the operation of installed equipment.

At the same time, there are special requirements for installing a gas boiler in a private house. Their execution is mandatory for all types of equipment, in order to ensure the minimum degree of risk when burning explosive fuel in residential buildings and individual structures.

Requirements for premises and air exchange

An important advantage of a private house, unlike urban apartments, is the possibility of separating non-residential premises to install heating equipment. In existing regulatory documents, a number of requirements for the size and arrangement of such rooms are given. The main ones are:

  • the total area of \u200b\u200b4 m 2 or more should provide the possibility of placing the boiler at a distance of 350 mm from the outer wall;
  • ceiling height is at least 2.5 meters;
  • floor level in the furnace not lower than the zero level of the building;
  • the width of the entrance door from 800 mm, while the sash should open out;
  • mandatory presence of a glazed window, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is determined depending on the thermal performance of the gas boiler;
  • the lighting rate is set to 0.03 l / m 2;
  • the minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe air channel of the air channel of natural ventilation is 8 cm 2 for each kW of the power of the heating unit.

When organizing air supply, it is necessary to take into account its number used for burning gas and add a three-time air exchange in the volume of the room.

All walls and inner partitions should be built from non-combustible refractory materials with a fire resistance limit of at least 45 minutes. The layout of the room and the ventilation channel device should not contribute to the spread of the flame during the fire.

The amount of free space not occupied by installed equipment is normalized depending on the power of the installed boilers:

  • for heating units up to 30 kW - less than 7.5 m 3;
  • 60 kW - 13.5 m 3;
  • more than 60 kW - 15 m 3.

Installation of a gas boiler in a private house with a total thermal capacity of more than 200 kW is prohibited. At the same time, the power of one unit should not exceed 100 kW.

Distribution of flue gases

Channels and pipes designed to remove gas combustion products should ensure normal combustion mode in the boiler firebox. Concerning:

  • the cross-section of the chimney channel should not be less than the size of the connecting pipe of the boiler;
  • it is allowed to reduce the cross-sectional area of \u200b\u200bthe chimney, if the construction of the heating unit provides forced removal of products of combustion and air supply;
  • channels can be located inside the capital walls and partitions of the corresponding thickness or to be attached to them;
  • material for the manufacture of chimneys should be non-aggravated and impossible active corrosion;
  • the design of the chimney should provide for the presence of a special hatch for cleaning the channel from soot and the device for draining the resulting condensate;
  • the height of the chimney is higher than the ridge of the roof or line at an angle of 15 ° when removing it.

All the butt connections of the elements are made hermetic and excluding not only the output of combustion products into the room, but also the possibility of air sucks and reduce thrust.

Preparatory activities

Preparation for the installation of a gas boiler in a private house begins with the study of regulatory requirements, the rules for installing a gas boiler in a private house, design solutions for the arrangement of auxiliary equipment, technical characteristics and an internal device of the boiler unit.

For permission to connect a heating boiler to a gas pipeline and supplying a gaseous supply to a residential building, the owner of the building must submit an appropriate application to the local gas service, where the request will be considered by specialists within a month.

After that, the applicant is given the technical conditions for connecting or motivated refusal to complete the elimination of existing comments. Installing a gas boiler without obtaining and performing technical specifications is considered illegal and may entail the responsibility of the host of the house, the level of which is determined by the consequences of the deed.

The project of individual fuel is developed taking into account all exhibited in terms of technical requirements and rules. The thermal loss of the building is calculated and the boiler power is determined, taking into account the consumption of hot water for economic needs.

The finished project should be agreed in a special gas supplying organization. To do this, in place with him to the controlling body heads:

  • technical passport of the boiler;
  • instruction manufacturer on the installation and operation of the heating unit;
  • a copy of the certificate for its compliance with the current regulatory documents.

The next stage of work is to configure the equipment and the necessary materials. Here you should pay attention to the compliance of connecting fittings in size and threading step by return connections of the boiler, pumps, tanks and other equipment provided by project solutions.

It is necessary to understand that the equipment is part of the heating system and should not be considered as a separate isolated portion of the house.

Installation of boilers in individual build houses

The method of placing the heating boiler in a residential building depends on its design and can be outdoor or wall. It should be noted that outdoor models in most cases exceed heat sources in thermal power.

In addition, a freer circuit of the coolant circulation in such devices allows them to be installed to work in autonomous heating systems with natural circulation.

Installation of floor boilers in a separate furnace

If you need to install a heat source with a capacity of more than 32 kW, the gas boilers are selected with the installation on the floor, since the thermal performance of serial attachments does not exceed the named value. Designed typical furnace schemes, for private build houses, provide:

  • expansion tank;
  • hot water heater for household needs;
  • capacitive or high-speed separator;
  • distribution comb;
  • at least two circulation pumps.

In addition, the installation of emergency discharge lines and safety valves is required, which are triggered by increasing pressure in pipelines.

Work on the installation of the boiler starts with the preparation of brick or concrete bases not only under it, but also under all the tanks, which, after filling with water, become quite severe. After that, it is necessary to collect distribution combs and pumping blocks with shut-off reinforcement, and consolidate them on the wall on the design scheme.

Pipeline strapping of the boiler

Install tanks and boilers on the base and, in the presence of mounting holes, fix the position using anchor bolts. Now you can proceed to work on the device of the chimney and the installation of pipelines.

One of their circulation pumps is installed on the line of the return between the boiler and the separator. The second is on the feed line after mixing the coolant flows in the separation column. On the output line of the heated water from the boiler, a safety reset valve must be installed, which will protect the installed equipment while increasing pressure.


Emergency reset pipelines cannot be connected to household plastic sewage, which can be damaged during boiling water drainage. As a material, it is necessary to use metal. On the connection to the water supply, the feed regulator of the heating system is installed, which in a simple embodiment is a bandwidth regulating pressure after itself.

The length of the horizontal section of the chimney at the outlet should not be more than two diameters of the factory nozzle. After that, the smoke tube must be translated into a vertical or inclined position at an angle of at least 30 °. If in passport data of the unit, the temperature of the outgoing flue gases exceeds 85 °, metal chimneys should be closed with thermal insulation.

Connecting a gas boiler in a private house to the gas pipeline, purge of the fuel line and a test start of gas perform employees of a gas supply organization. These works are allowed to produce by the assembly organization, but only in the presence of a representative of the controlling office.

Installation of mounted wall boilers

Unlike floor structures, attachments do not require such a complex pipeline strapping and installation of auxiliary equipment. Circulation pump, expansion tank, heat exchanger for heating the household hot water and the safety valve is already installed inside the unit of the unit, which is a compact mini-filling unit.

However, the power of such boilers usually does not exceed 32 kW, which can ensure the operation of the heating system in a residential building up to 300 m 2. At the same time, if we take into account the consumption of hot water in dual-circuit vehicles, then the heated area must be reduced by 25-40%. But for small buildings, wall gas boilers are the most optimal solution to the issue of organizing stable heating.

Place installation of boiler

The bulk is presented with two types of mounted gas boilers, which differ in the method of organizing air supply to burning and removal of flue gases. They are called boilers with atmospheric and closed furnace. In the second case, the design of the unit provides for the presence of an axial fan-smoke and a double coaxial chimney. The pipeline binding of both types is not constructively different.

Coax chimney.

The place to install the boiler is chosen depending on its design. Models with atmospheric furnace need to be installed as close as possible to the vertical smoke channel passing inside the wall. Units with a closed firebox can only be installed on the outer wall or on the partition adjacent to it in order to be able to output the coaxial tube to the street.

Brief Installation Instructions

In each package, manufacturers put a mounting or marking sheet, on which the contours of the boiler are drawn, the markup of all connections and the installation points of the fasteners. Its presence greatly simplifies the performance of work. The procedure for installing the following:

  1. secure a leaf of refractory material with a thickness of at least 3 mm on the surface of the wall;
  2. on the surface of the sheet you need to stick the mounting sheet;
  3. in the fasteners, drill holes and install the anchor hooks that the heating unit will be hung;
  4. hang the boiler on the wall;
  5. check the gap between the boiler and the wall, if necessary, remove the device and twist or unscrew the fasteners;
  6. focusing on the applied marking of the mounting sheet, connect the gas boiler to the heating system and hot water supply;
  7. install the gas duct on the outlet and bring it to the smoke channel or take it on the street;
  8. connect the boiler to the power grid through a voltage stabilizer or uninterrupted power supply;
  9. invite the gas service workers and in their presence to connect the unit with a gas pipeline.

The normal operation of heating attachments can be provided only under the condition of stable power supply. Even short-term failures will lead to a stopping of the boiler and possible damage to the electronic control unit. Therefore, the presence of protection is mandatory.

Operating Rules and Gas Boiler Maintenance

The operation of heating equipment should be carried out at positive air temperature and normal humidity. At least twice a year it is necessary to check the purity and performance of the ventilation system and chimneys. The main events during the operation of the boiler must be required:

  • annual cleaning of all installed filters;
  • control of the technical operation of the control unit;
  • inspection of the heat exchanger for soot;
  • checking the tightness of the joints and compounds of the gas pipeline by washing;
  • cleaning the burner from Nagar and dust.

All the details failed should be replaced by new ones, and not try to restore them. In conscientious attitude to the fulfillment of all necessary technical measures will increase the service life of the equipment and will ensure your safety.

Video on the topic

The gas boiler is the optimal means for creating a reliable and heating network for home. Such equipment is distinguished by high efficiency at low financial costs for use, and also allows you to flexibly adjust the heating of indoor rooms. About the requirements for the room, where it is planned to install the boiler, the characteristics of the heating equipment and the rules for its installation we will talk in this article.

Cooking for the installation of the boiler - regulations and project documentation

For the competent installation of the gas boiler in the cottage, in the country or in a private house, it is pre-familiar with the existing regulatory documentation governing the rules for the implementation of such works. The norms describe the features of the installation of gas equipment to create an autonomous heating system.

First of all, you should explore SNiP 31-02-2001 on the gas supply of country houses. It contains all the legislative requirements for the gas equipment installed. In addition, information on the requirements for the autonomous heating system is also contained in the documents:

  • Snip 41-01-2003 on ventilation, heating and air conditioning;
  • SNiP 2.04.01-85 about the device of the internal water supply;
  • SNiP 21-01-97 on fire safety;
  • SNiP 2.04.08-87 about.

According to these requirements, to install the boiler in the house, it is necessary to pre-obtain technical conditions that are the basis for organizing work on connecting home equipment to the central gas supply highway. For the receipt, you need to contact the local gas service and apply, indicating in it the intended gas consumption for heating needs. In Central Russia, gas heating is spent from 7 to 12 m 3 gas per day.

The submitted application will be considered by specialists of the company, if you organize the connection possible, the owner will receive technical conditions, but for some reason it is impossible to ensure gas supply to the house, the object owner will be issued a motivated failure. The procedure for consideration of the application takes place within one month, but the owner's answer can be obtained much earlier.

Technical conditions are the official permit for the installation of gas equipment. Performing work without that is considered illegal and dangerous for users at home.

Having obtained technical conditions, you can move to the creation of a project to connect an object to gas supply. The project should contain a scheme of installation of gas communications - gas supply pipes from the central highway to a private land plot and from the site of connecting the site inside the house.

The design of gas supply is allowed to deal with only qualified specialists who have all relevant permits and licenses for the implementation of such works. It is impossible to prepare the project to connect to the network. The finished project is transmitted to approval to the department of an organization controlling gas supply in the settlement. Coordination is carried out within 90 days from the date of submission by the owner of the statement.

When applying for project harmonization, it is necessary to attach the following documents to it:

  • technical support and instructions for using the installed boiler;
  • certificates of conformity;
  • confirmation of the compliance of the gas unit of security requirements.

If for some reason in the gas service will decide to refuse the owner in coordinating the project, it will be given a motivated failure and a list of actions necessary to obtain permission to connect the house to gas supply and install gas equipment.

Requirements for the room - where can I arrange a boiler room?

Gas equipment differs in power. Devices with a capacity of less than 30 kW can be installed in any non-residential premises, and for more powerful devices, a boiler room is required. Boiler room is a separate room designed exclusively for the placement of heating equipment and not used for other needs.

Most often for the boiler room in the house, premises are used in the basement, the room must comply with all modern requirements and standards. The boiler room in the basement is allowed only in single-sided residential buildings. You can also place the boiler in the attached room to the house.

Legislation regulates the requirements for the boiler room:

  1. 1. The area of \u200b\u200bthe room for installing the heating equipment should be from 4 m 2 or more. Only 2 boilers can be installed in one boiler room.
  2. 2. The height of the ceiling boiler at least 2.2 m.
  3. 3. In the boiler room you need a window for lighting, its size is calculated by the formula - for every 10 m 3 volume of the boiler room should have 0.3 m 2 of the window area. The minimum area of \u200b\u200bthe window is 50 cm 2.
  4. 4. The width of the doorway - from 80 cm.
  5. 5. Distance to doors - at least 1 m, but it is better to place gas equipment further from the entrance, at least at a distance of 1.3 m.
  6. 6. Before the boiler includes a free space required for repair and maintenance of equipment - from 1.3 m.

The boiler in the room must be installed strictly horizontally. Such installation will minimize noise and vibrations arising from its work. Equipment is installed only on the smooth floor, made of durable, non-combustible materials. Walls in the boiler room should also be built and lined with materials related to the class of fireproof and heat-resistant.

For the normal and safe operation of the boiler room in it, it is necessary to bring cold water, as well as organize the water drain system into the sewage system located in the floor. All electrical outlets in the room must have grounding. In the room, access to chimney must be organized so that when maintaining the equipment, the channels can be monitored and cleaning.

Device of chimney and ventilation systems

According to the rules of installation of gas equipment in the room where the boiler is installed, it is necessary to organize the functional systems of ventilation and removal of smoke. If these systems are in the room there will be no, or they will not be able to function normally, it may cause a breakdown of expensive equipment and emergency situations.

The ventilation and chimney canal in the boiler room must be separate. The ventilation system should work not only for removal from the air room, but also on the influx of pure oxygen, therefore the organization of the functional supply-exhaust system is necessary. The input window of the Ventkanal is made at the bottom of the front door or in the outer wall. The size of the opening should be at least 1/30 from the boiler room and at least 8 cm 2 per 1 kW of the boiler power (if the air flow comes from the street). If the air enters the room from another room, the size of the openings is made from 30 cm 2 per 1 kW. In the boiler room, the ventilation channel should be open all the time so that the air can constantly circulate indoors.

The boiler is best set in close proximity to the chimney pipe. The chimney mounted in the wall should have two channels:

  • main - for mounting the pipe;
  • audit - for maintenance (located below the main one at a distance of 25 cm or more).

The outlet of the chimney must match the output nozzle of the installed gas equipment. The chimney itself should have no more than 3 turns and bends. The pipe system is made of stainless steel or carbon leaf steel. Installation of pipes made of asbestos or other layered materials can be carried out only at a distance of 50 cm from the chimney nozzle of the boiler.

Before installing the chimney, it is necessary to calculate the optimal location and extent. This calculation will increase the functionality of the system and will make it safe in operation. For pipes used in chimneys, the following requirements are imposed:

  • the pipe must rise above the roof without a skate at least 50 cm;
  • the pipe that goes on the slope on the removal from the skate is less than 150 cm, equipped with a headband towering over the skate by half a meter;
  • the pipe overlooking the pitched roof at a distance from the skate is more than 150 cm, but less than 300 cm should have a leg not lower than the top of the skate;

With a distance from the pipe on the pitched roof to the horse, more than 300 cm, the tanks are placed so that its height reaches the conditional line, which is fixed at an angle of 10˚ from the top of the skate to the horizon.

Types and features of the connection of gas equipment

On the gas equipment market, the boilers are presented in a wide range, the owners of private houses remain only correctly selecting devices that correspond to their characteristics to the installation site and the requirements for the intensity of heating. There are several options for the classification of boilers, such devices are divided into the following criteria:

  • by the installation method;
  • in design;
  • in power;
  • by way of ignition;
  • according to the method of removal of combustion products.

According to constructive characteristics, the boilers are divided into single and dual-circuit. Devices with one contour are designed exclusively for heating. If necessary, to organize in the house also hot water supply, you have to use an additional device - boiler. Dual-circuit models can ensure the operation of hot water and heating systems at the same time. They operate on a flow heating principle either have a built-in boiler, which heats the water to the required temperature. Due to this, the two-circuit devices are considered more versatile, but also cost more.

By the installation method, the instruments are divided into wall and outdoor. Outdoor devices differ from the walls with large sizes and power, because of this sometimes require installation in a special boiler room. Wall boilers are becoming more popular lately, because their use is possible in private houses, and apartments. Wall-mounted devices are good in that they do not require the installation of a full chimney, the removal of combustion products can be carried out through the outer wall through the coaxial chimney.

A very important parameter when choosing a boiler is its power. To guarantee high-quality heating of all interior premises of the residential facility, it is necessary to pre-conduct the capacity of the gas equipment. For effective heating every 10 m 2 at home, a minimum of 1 kW of the boiler is required. It is very desirable to choose a device with a power margin of 20% so that in the process of operation it has not had to work at the limit of possibilities.

It should be borne in mind that the specific capacity for heating 10 m 2 area of \u200b\u200bthe house varies for different regions of Russia. If in the middle lane, 1 kW is quite enough, then for the north it is better to calculate, taking a value of 1.5 or even 2 kW for a specific power. In the southern regions, such power is not needed, it is enough to calculate with the indicators of specific power at the level of 0.7-0.8 kW.

Heating System Installation Rules

It is best to entrust the task of installing gas equipment by qualified specialists who will be able to fulfill the necessary work correctly, in full compliance with modern legislation standards, will make a safe and functional system for your home. Sometimes it is possible to carry out installation work and on their own, but for this you will have to receive personal permission from representatives of controlling organizations, but even in this case, professionals should be acceptance and testing of the installed boiler.

Before starting the installation, you need to make sure of the acquisition of all the necessary equipment and components, for this it should be re-examined by the prepared project for installation and technical documentation on the installed boiler. After that, the floor device is installed on a solid surface, the ideal base for mounting is a concrete screed covered with a metal sheet or ceramic tiles. Such the floor is needed not only under the boiler itself, but also on the entire pre-spacing space - about 40-50 cm in front of the boiler.

The device is installed on the base in such a way that it firmly relied on the surface with all legs. Unstable installation can lead to improper operation of the device.

When installing, the following requirements must be compliance:

  • the distance from the surface of the boiler to the ceiling is from 1.2 m;
  • distance from the boiler to an unprotected wall - from 32 cm;
  • the distance to a closed metal sheet of the wall - from 26 cm;
  • the distance from the chimney to the unprotected wall is from 50 cm;
  • the distance from the chimney to the protected wall is 25 cm;

For mounting wall-mounted boilers, special brackets or fasteners included in the device kit are mounted. Installation must be performed at a height from 1 to 1.6 m to the floor. Installing brackets and planks are needed by the construction level so that the boiler is suspended exactly vertically and horizontally. The device hangs on the installed fasteners.

Next, the boiler is connected to the installed chimney through a special nozzle (fastening the pipe to the pipe should be sealed without gaps). After the water supply system, the heating pipeline is flooded with water (before entering the boiler on the pipe, coarse cleaning filter and locking cranes on both sides of it). To ensure the tightness and proper operation of the system itself is very difficult, so we once again recommend contacting professionals for installation of the device.

To date, gas boilers and columns are used everywhere both for heating water and for heating houses. For the most part, separate single-circuit boilers or one single-mounted boiler and an indirect heating boiler are used for heating and hot water supply, which creates certain inconveniences in their placement. Therefore, in homes and apartments with small hot water consumption, the installation of two-circuit gas boilers, combining water heating, both for household needs and heating. Installation of gas boilers is associated with a number of certain difficulties associated with respect to the norms and requirements for boilers than with the process of their installation.

The design of the two-circuit gas boilers is similar to the design of a conventional single-circuit, where the gas burner heats the heat exchanger with the coolant. The main difference is the possibility of double-circuit boilers to heat at the same time water for home heating and for household needs. This is achieved by combined accommodation in the heat exchanger of pipes for heating and for hot water supply.

At first glance, the heat exchanger of the two-kided boiler is a conventional coil with a radiator grille. But it is necessary to note the following, the coil of the two-kilt boiler most often is a combination of pipes 2 in 1. Inside the main pipe, which flows water for heating, one more, for hot water supply is placed. It should be noted another very important point. Water in such a double heat exchanger circulates in opposite directions in each of the contours. This is done specifically for improving heat transfer and it is necessary to take into account when designing and connecting the water supply system and heating to a two-kilt.

The presence of two contours at once for heating has also affected the number of connected pipes. Unlike a single-mounted, where there were only three pipes, leaving and reducing water and one supply gas. In the two-circuit boiler of such pipes five. On the diagram depicting the gas boiler dual-circuit, the following is visible (right to left):

  • pipe with incoming heating coolant;
  • summer pipe for hot water supply;
  • tube, supplying gas;
  • pipe with outgoing hot water for water supply;
  • pipe with outgoing heat carrier for heating.

Important! Before using the above-described scheme when connecting your own boiler, carefully examine the manual to it. It is possible that the connection of your boiler will be made somewhat different. For example, both undermining pipes are on the right side, and both outgoing with the left.

It is also worth noting that today the market can be found in the market as a wall-mounted and floor. In addition to the installation method, the difference between them is that the outdoor requires a mandatory separate room - a boiler room, while the wall can be installed in the kitchen or in the place allotted under the boiler. Where exactly and how to install gas heating boilers we will look at further.

Norms and requirements for the installation of gas boilers

Immediately it is necessary to make a reservation that only specialized organizations that have permission and license may be engaged in the installation and connection of a two-kinning gas boiler. Self installation and connection is fraught with rather high fines. But still a certain work on the preparation for connecting the boiler and the design of the necessary permits will have to be performed independently.

The following recommendations and rules are holding of the main regulatory documents, such as SNIP 42-01-2002 "Gas distribution systems", as well as SNiP II-35-76 "Boiler plants", a set of rules for the design of autonomous heat supply systems SP-41-104 -2000. In these regulatory documents, it is described in detail that it is possible, and what can not be done when installing gas equipment. We will consider the main most important requirements for the installation of gas boilers.

1. The room where the gas boiler will be installed must be at least 4 m2 with ceilings not lower than 2.5 m;

2. The doorway in the room should be at least 80 cm in width;

3. The room must be with a window opening. The size of the window is calculated on the basis of the following requirements - by 10 m2 of the area with an area of \u200b\u200b0.3 m2;

4. Required high-quality ventilation in the room to ensure constant burning of gas. The opening area should be 8 cm2 per 1 kW of the boiler power. This also applies to boilers with a closed combustion chamber for which coaxial chimneys are used, combining the functions of removal of combustion products and air supply to the boiler;

5. The chimney diameter is selected according to the power of the boiler itself and is calculated according to the special formula. In general, boilers from 30 kW to 40 kW are most often used for home heating. Accordingly, the chimneys with a diameter of 130 mm and 170 mm are installed;

6. The upper end of the chimney should perform over the ridge of the roof by 50 cm. In the event that a coaxial chimney is used, its output end must be opposed from the air intake at least 20 cm;

7. The gas pipeline in the house must be made of metal pipes. But for connecting the boiler to the highway, flexible corrugated pipes can be used;

8. The boiler must be equipped with a special machine for current and thermal protection;

9. The room with the boiler should be equipped with a gas analyzer;

10. Installation of gas boilers in basement rooms are allowed only for private houses. For apartment buildings, the installation of gas boilers is permitted only in the kitchen or in specially designated under boiler rooms;

11. Each boiler must be equipped with a gas meter;

12. Indoors necessarily the presence of a cold water pipeline;

13. Indoor where the boiler will be installed, the walls must be aligned and plastered;

14. Boilers can not be installed on the combined surfaces, in the corridors, in the bathroom, in the hostel, on the balcony, in rooms without windows and forces, in the basements of apartment buildings;

15. The boiler should be placed at a distance of 15 cm from the wall. From the upper edge of the chimney to the ceiling must be at least 20 cm. The outer part of the chimney should perform from the wall of the house by 30 cm. The height of the installation of the mounted boiler should be 0.8 - 1 m from the floor, and between the wall and the boiler, it is necessary to place the heat insulating panel.

Important! If a double-circuit boiler with a closed combustion chamber, then the presence of windows in the room is optional.

Observing these simple rules, you can easily get permission to install a double-circuit boiler at home. Of course, it will not be more detailed to familiarize themselves to SNiP, since the above rules are common and certain restrictions are possible for each specific case.

Coordination of installation in the authorities

When installing the two-killee boilers, the absence of SNiPs is only a small part of the hassle that you have to face. The most time will be required to receive the necessary permits and coordination of the installation. To obtain a permit, do the following:

1. To connect a private house or apartment to urban gas supply, it is necessary to obtain technical specifications for the connection. To do this, write a statement in the city gas service. The statement necessarily needs to specify the alleged amount of gas consumed per hour. The satisfaction of your application will leave 1 to 2 weeks. After that, the technical conditions of installation will be given to your hands.

2. Having obtained the technical specifications to develop a gas supply project. In essence, this is the installation of the boiler, gas pipelines and connection points. In a private house, there is also a layout of gas communications on the site. The project is being developed in a specialized designer engineers with a license for the design of gas communications. Contacts companies performing designs can easily find in Gorghause.

3. After creating and improving the project, it is sent to Gores or other competent service (Rygaz, Oblgaz, Mingaz). The project approval may be required from 1 week to 3 months. The term of coordination depends on the complexity of the project itself. Together with the project, it is also necessary to submit a number of related documents:

  • types of boiler;
  • instructions for its operation;
  • certificate of compliance with technical and sanitary requirements;
  • conclusions of expertise for compliance with the boiler with all the necessary requirements.

These documents are included with the boiler from the manufacturer, so it is important to check their availability when buying a boiler.

Of course, a variant of the project deviation is possible. In this case, you must receive an official document with the failure and reasons for failure, as well as a list of edits for the project. After making edits and re-submit to the approval, you will receive permission to install the boiler.

Installation of a two-circuit gas boiler

Deciding with the place of installation of a two-kinth gas boiler, as well as by submitting all communications from DHW (hot water supply) and heating can be started to install the boiler itself. It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that in independence from whether it will be a wall or outdoor boiler, for its installation and strapping they will need the same materials and components. Below is a general list of what will be needed for reliable operation:

  • ball Valves;
  • coarse filter;
  • magnetic filter;
  • mesh filter;
  • gas filter;
  • signs;
  • flexible corrugated hose;
  • pressure gauge;
  • thermostat;
  • coaxial chimney;
  • safety valve for 3 bar.

Important! The amount and equipment of the associated materials depends on the gas boiler connection scheme.

The boiler the gas double-circuit wall is installed in almost any room allowed for it. Its installation can be performed independently, but directly connecting the gas equipment is performed by a specialist with an appropriate certificate for performing this type of work. Self-connecting boiler will entail fines.

Connecting a double gas boiler begins with the preparation of space for its installation. First of all, it concerns the supply of pipes for hot water and heating, as well as the preparation of the hole for chimney and facing the wall with refractory material. As soon as everything is ready, start the installation of the boiler:

1. The first step will be washing the boiler pipe system to eliminate possible dirt particles from the system that could get there during the assembly of the boiler at the factory. After that, we put on them the previously removed plugs.

2. The wall boiler is attached to special planks that come in the kit. The height of the installation of a wall boiler should be 0.8 - 1 m from the floor. We deplorable in the wall of the hole under the plank and fix them against the wall by self-draws. For reliability, instead of self-tapping screws, anchors can be used.

Important! It is necessary to follow the horizon of installed slats. It depends on the correct placement of the boiler itself. The slightest skew can lead to a rapid failure of the boiler heating system.

3. Install the boiler on the mounting planks. Check how much it is worth it. If necessary, correct and fix it.

4. We find incoming pipes and attach to them first ball valves, and then filters for coarse or fine water purification. This will allow, if necessary, overlap the entire system for washing and cleaning filters.

6. The next step will be the installation of Signs. They will connect the boiler with pipes from DHW to heating.

Important! Gas supplying pipe boiler do not touch. Installation of the counter, valves, as well as its connection and crimping a specialist from a gas company, having permission to carry out this kind of work.

7. Go to connecting the heating system. If you are connected to the boiler to the old system, it is first necessary to rinse it several times to remove scale and salt from it.

8. We connect a squint with the heating pipe supposed to the boiler. If necessary, a circulation pump can be installed between a Sgon and the Pipe.

Important! Make sure that the arrows on the cranes, edges and filters are shown in the direction of water movement from the system to the boiler.

8. Connection procedure to heating Complete the connection of the outgoing pipe from the boiler to the heating system. At the same time, watches the direction of water movement on fittings corresponded to the real one.

9. Connect the DHW. All the work is essentially identical to the connection of heating, with the difference that instead of a coarse filter, a fine cleaning filter or a magnetic filter is installed.

10. We attach the chimney to the boiler. To do this, a chimney tube prepared by the previously prepared hole and then through the knee connects with the chimney fitting in the bolet itself.

Important! If you bought a boiler with an open combustion chamber, the chimney pipe must comply with the following conditions:

  • the pipe should be made of an acidic environment resistant;
  • the chimney is displayed above the skate of the house;
  • in the chimney, a hatch for cleaning should be mounted;
  • the chimney itself should consist of no more than three knees;
  • parts of the chimney from the boiler before entering the street should not exceed 25 cm.

The gas-benton-rounded gasket is installed in the manner. The key differences in the installation of an outdoor boiler is the discharge of a special room under the boiler, where fire protection on the floor and walls is placed. In addition, the boiler itself is not attached to the wall to the brackets, and most often fixed to the floor.

Upon completion of the installation of the double-circuit boiler, it remains to wait when it is connected to the gas pipe and will be launched. This stage of installation of the boiler is performed by a specialist from a gas company. It should be noted that if you have never previously performed this kind of work, it will be better to apply for help to the masters. Of course, all work will be in a penny, but the safety and reliability of the connected boiler will also be an order of magnitude higher.

The most popular energy carrier for individual heating is gas: when combustion is highlighted enough heat for efficient operation of the system and it is relatively cheap. There are two options for installing a boiler operating on this fuel: outdoor and wall. The latter is more common, because it is suitable for gas devices with a capacity of up to 42 kW (enough for heating 450 m2), but if high productivity is required - they are mounted on the floor. The advantages of the wall installation are: price, compactness, ergonomics, lack of necessity in a separate room. Works trust in specialists or carry out the installation of the boiler with their own hands, subject to certain construction standards and mandatory subsequent registration of gas equipment.

The housing is located: gas burner, heat exchanger, expansion tank, circulation pump and control system. This scheme allows the device to work with maximum efficiency without acquiring and installing additional parts. When choosing a wall gas boiler, its future functions and performance (1 kW per 10 m2 heated area) are taken into account. If it is used only for heating, then a sufficiently single-mounted model, with a hot water requirement should be stopped on a double-circuit.

Another difference concerns the method of installing the chimney (to exit combustion products) - distinguish wall boilers with a closed or open furnace. In the first case, the flue gases are detached, in the second - due to natural traction. Depending on the choice of the desired option, the technology of mounting the output pipes is radically different. For boilers with a closed combustion chamber, a coaxial chimney includes a coax: plastic cylinders inserted into each other; Oxygen for combustion enters one of them. The organization of natural traction implies the setting of the chimney taking into account all the rules (height - at least 1 m from the outlet, diameter - from 15 mm, mandatory insulation), such works are difficult to conduct independently without proper skills.

Requirements for the room and installation conditions

When choosing a location of the wall gas boiler are guided by such recommendations:

  • The prepared channel for the output of combustion products is installed away from window or doorways.
  • The minimum room volume is from 7.5 to 15 m3, depending on the power of the boiler, the ceiling height is 2 m, the door width is 80 cm, the distance to the adjacent wall - 10, to the floor - 80, to the ceiling - 50, to other items - 20 cm.
  • The presence of natural light (at least 0.03 m2 of the window surface per 1 m3 of space).
  • Installation of a gas analyzer in rooms where people are constantly located.
  • Free access to gas equipment.
  • Fasteners area: 8 cm2 per 1 kW of boiler power.
  • Fire resistance of walls - from 0.75 hours.
  • Room temperature - from +5 to 35 ° C, humidity - no higher than 80%.
  • For safe combustion of gases, the inflow of fresh air is not less than 30 m3 / h, and it should not only act from the street, but also from other rooms at home (that is, it is impossible to fully insulate, it is necessary to completely isolate, it is necessarily a clearance or other ventilation in the upper zone).

In the bathroom, the wall boiler is not recommended, and two-circuit models are prohibited in the kitchen. According to the manufacturers' instructions and SNIP II-35-76 "Boiler installations" - gas heating devices with a capacity of over 150 kW mounted exclusively on the first or basement floor, but it is impossible to put them in the basement of apartment buildings. If the walls of the room are made of flammable material, then a non-combustible gasket with a thickness of at least 3 mm is located between them and the boiler. The surface under future fasteners should be smooth, reliable and durable.

The main stages of the installation

Installation technology implies the following sequence:

  • Preparatory work.
  • Placement of fasteners and directly installation of the boiler.
  • Connecting to water supply, gas and electrical network (it is in such a sequence).
  • Connection with chimney.
  • Filling a water system, check, trial start.

Preparation for mounting

First of all, the gasification project is also being implemented: gas is supplied, a ball valve, a counter and a trap (these works are categorically prohibited to do to themselves, only certified specialists have tolerance). For the power supply, a separate wiring is laid with mandatory inclusion in the voltage stabilizer scheme to protect the automation, also provides for the provision of a wall-mounted grounding boiler. The presence of all required components is checked, the instruction is once again. Before the start, a washing of a gas boiler, highway and radiators from garbage and extraneous particles are carried out. These actions are relevant both when commissioning the new system and when replacing the heating device.

Mounting and connecting the boiler

The kit includes a special bracket and clamps, it is necessary to consider that the latter are not always suitable for the material of the walls, sometimes they are purchased separately. The selection of these parts is extremely important when installing a wall gas boiler, they must withstand the load exceeding the weight of the entire equipment. Fasteners are placed in parallel floor, as soon as possible, otherwise the automation will fail. The boiler is hanging on the wall, the level is checked and only under the condition of the absence of distortion is connected to the heating line. The dismantling of the unit and the drainage of the coolant using the corresponding shut-off reinforcement is envisaged.

Connect communications and chimney

Wall-mounted gas dual-circuit boilers are connected directly to the water supply, to protect against garbage to the reverse of the heating circuit, the angular mesh filter is mounted. Before connecting with nozzles, all the plugs are removed. Water is checked for rigidity, when a 2.5 mmol / l is exceeded, an instrument installation is required to mitigate it. Gas is easier: extraneous experts are carried out all the work, the owner's task is to provide free access to equipment. The design uses a three-in-room wire with a fork, when connected it is important not to confuse the phase and zero, otherwise nothing will work.

The chimney is displayed above the roof skate, a regular cylindrical shape is recommended for wall gas boilers, the material is metal, the best stainless steel. The scheme is as simple as possible: no more than three knees or turns, in front of the entrance it is planned to clean the soot. The shorter the connecting pipe, the better, the perfect length is up to 25 cm. When organizing a natural traction, it is directed up with a small bias towards the boiler.

Filling with coolant and check

The wall gas boiler is disconnected from the power grid, then the lower valve opens and the system is slowly filled with water, after reaching 0.8-1.2 bar it closes. Air traffic jams are unacceptable, excess are removed through the radiators on the radiators. The tightness is checked and the possibility of fuel leakage and then everything is connected to the power supply. The first launch is prohibited independently, as well as when applying gas, the tolerance is allowed only if there is an appropriate certificate. When pre-enlisted, the elements of the wall boiler are checked at maximum loads.

The cost of installation services

The process is quite time-consuming and expensive, the installation is cheaper to spend your own hands. The services of specialists in installing a wall-mounted two-circuit gas boiler are estimated on average at 12,000 rubles, one-circuit - by 2,000 less. The price usually includes work on the placement of fasteners, connecting to the gas highway, the heating and water supply system, chimney, check and launch. Many firms offer their assistance in the design of permits, but must be clarified whether it is part of the estimate or is paid separately.

How to install a wall gas boiler ()? Usually padding is carried out on the mounting bar. The bar is attached to the wall at the calculated height, over the non-combustible facing laying with a thickness of about three millimeters. To other equipment located in the same room, no less than 20 centimeters should be left.

Usually wall-mounted models connect to the bottom circuts. Installation of strapping makes immediately after installing the wall boiler. Connection to the gas highway performs a specialist. On this site, it is possible to use only metal pipes (not propylene, not rubber), as well as strips from a paronite. Connect hard.

For installation of a gas wall boiler with their own hands, materials will be required:

  • pipes (optimally - metalplastic);
  • fasteners;
  • building level;
  • non-combustible sheet for laying on the wall;
  • tool - screwdriver, drill, keys;
  • metal strips for hanging the boiler;
  • threaded couplings;
  • pacle, glue.

The area of \u200b\u200bthe installation room is not less than 4 squares, the ceiling is 2 meters minimum, be sure to open the window. The width of the door is at least 80 centimeters. Metal slats form a pallet, a metal sheet is installed on it. Width a little more of the base of the boiler.

Side strips are attached to the pallet, fixed to the wall on the preliminary markup. Control the verticality and horizontality of the fastening system level. Drill holes for fastening the boiler, hang stand and boiler itself.

The next step is to connect to the water supply. Overlap water, connect the boiler with a threaded coupling with a pipeline, compact the connection of the packles or a special cord. Start connecting from the end. The flow is connected from above, the return - bottom. Next - connecting the boiler to chimney and to the supply of gas.

A few moments to pay attention to the installation:

  • in the fan compartment (if any) should not get the garbage;
  • the chimney tube should not touch the wall (indent - two centimeters), height - at least two meters from the floor;
  • the horizontal flue of the chimney is mounted with a small bias for the free flow of condensate, the condensate collector is placed under the compound;
  • for energy-dependent automation, it is necessary to highlight the electrical wiring line.

Video on the installation of a gas boiler.

Existing norms and rules require that the installation of a gas boiler, like any other gas equipment, was carried out by certified specialists of enterprises with a special license for such activities. But prices for their services are so high that sometimes constitute almost half of the cost of the device. In the meantime, the certificate is not necessary for installation, but only for works conducted on the gas pipeline itself. It is quite acceptable to spend your own hands. Especially since the connection of electricity (if your device is energy-dependent) and the coolant, the water supply and other works do not require specialized skills and knowledge.

But it must be remembered that the premises in which the installation of gas boilers are carried out, which tests are made by special and fairly stringent requirements.

Failure to comply with such prescriptions and norms can lead not only to solid fines. If you take installation with errors, the result may become an accident, the victims of which people will be. Gas is an extremely explosive and flammable substance. Therefore, to behave with him is extremely careful, observing all the safety standards.

Requirements for the equipment installation

All requirements are written in special regulatory documents with which it is necessary to get acquainted before entering the installation of equipment. The main rules for the installation of gas boilers regulate the following points:

  1. In any room at home, with the exception of the bathroom, residential and bathrooms, a single-mounted boiler can be installed if its power does not exceed 60 kW.
  2. The kitchens forbidden the installation of dual-circuit equipment. But even when installing a single-mounted device, the standards for the area of \u200b\u200bthe room are changed. The volume of the kitchen should be calculated on the basis of 0.2 m³ per 1 kW of the boiler power.
  3. If the power of the wall gas boiler does not exceed 150 kW, it can be mounted on any floor of the building. If you need to connect multiple devices, whose total power is in the range from 150 kW to 350 kW, or one device of the same power, only rooms on the first or basement floor of the residential building are removed under the boiler room.
  4. The boiler room should provide free and comfortable access for staff serving gas boilers and accessories. For foreign persons, access must be limited.
  5. Norms and rules for installing gas equipment prescribe the presence of natural lighting source. The area area should be calculated based on the fact that 1 m³ of the volume of the boiler house should have 0.03 m² of window opening area;
  6. The room must be equipped with ventilation. Moreover, the ventilation grille should be located at the bottom of the inlet door or in a wall partition separating the boiler room from the next room. The width of the ventilation channel is calculated based on the fact that 1 kW of the power of the gas boiler should account for 8 cm² of ventilation grille area;
  7. Before installing wall gas boilers, the room must be equipped with a gas analyzer and a valve that will automatically block the valve supply in the event of an accident or leakage;
  8. The premises in which the installation of gas boilers is carried out must comply with the following characteristics:
  • the height of ceiling floors can not be less than 2.5 m;
  • the total volume of the room should not be less than 15 m³;
  • the width of the entrance door must be at least 80 cm;
  • the limit of fire resistance of the walls and their coating should be at least 0.75 hours.

When installing the boiler, all these requirements must be strictly observed.

Installation of chimney for heating equipment

One of the most important elements of the safe work of wall gas boilers is chimney. Its incorrect installation or non-noticed fault has changed more than once again to the tragedy. But the overwhelming majority of modern heating systems is supplied with automatic, which overlaps the gas supply, as soon as the thrust force in the chimney weakens.

Connecting gas boilers to chimneys also has its own safety rules. In order to avoid possible problems and trouble, this work is wiserfully to entrust professionals.

Basic requirements for chimney device:

  1. The diameter of the exhaust pipe of the chimney cannot be less than what is indicated in the instructions for equipment.
  2. The chimney cross section should not be less than the section of the chimney hole of the wall boilers.
  3. The outlet hole of the chimney is obliged to rise above the ridge of the roof at least 0.5 m.
  4. To install gas boilers, chimneys having a cylindrical shape are recommended. It is best if the pipe is made of black or stainless steel, and has a special cleaning hole;
  5. Modern rules for the installation of gas equipment prohibit the presence of more than three turns and fibers of the chimney pipe, and the shoulder connecting the chimney with the main equipment should not exceed 25 cm long.

When choosing and buying the necessary components, these requirements need to be remembered.

Features of the installation of wall equipment

Before you start installing the boiler with your own hands, you need to get a number of coordination and permits.

First of all, it is necessary to compile and sign an agreement on the supply of natural gas to the building. The following is required to obtain a project to gasify the house-building and installing the necessary equipment. All these documents must be prepared and approved by specialists of a gas supply company.

Choosing a gas boiler, you need to check the device's package, including the necessary fixing elements. It is reasonable to give preference to those devices that are equipped with everything necessary for installation so that you do not have to buy missing parts.

By purchasing heating equipment, be sure to make sure it has a certificate. Otherwise, serious complications may arise when you will register the boiler. Carefully compare not only the characteristics of the device. All that is described in the accompanying documents must also be indicated on the inside of the door of the device. The serial numbers of wall boilers must coincide with the numbers included in their warranty coupons.

Once again, inspect the equipment after its delivery. If you notice defects on it, then it is wiser from accepting such a device.

Independent installation of wall equipment

Competent installation of a wall gas device requires preliminary preparation. Walls for the placement of wall boilers must be made of non-combustible materials, such as concrete or brick. If the overlaps in the house are wooden, then it is necessary to mount the heat-resistant pillow from a special coating. The thickness of such an insulation cannot be less than 3 mm, the equipment itself needs to be attached to the remote brackets so that between the boiler and the distance it is not less than 4.5 cm.

To install the boiler you will need the following materials and tools:

  • adjustable gas and wrenches;
  • screwdrivers (cross and flat);
  • passatia;
  • perforator and set of drill to it (depending on the material of the walls);
  • FUM tape;
  • gas grease.

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all internal channels and equipment tubes. To do this, you need to remove the transport plugs and skip the water under low pressure through the device. The fact is that during the assembly of the gas boiler, the dust and small garbage could get into it, which better remove before starting to install.

To fix the gas boiler on the wall, special mounting strips are usually used, which are attached at a height of 80-160 cm from the floor. The equipment itself is hanging on them. Be sure to check the correct location of the boiler using the construction level. Drying can lead to incorrect operation of the device.

Remember that the heating device must be installed at least 20 cm from any electrical appliances and other gas equipment. In close proximity, it should not be an open flame source, radiators, flammable products or materials. Reliable safety rules can lead to deposits.

Installation of wall equipment

In order for the gas boiler heat exchanger not clogged, the filter must be installed on its pipe. Any equipment needs regular cleaning. The most convenient is such a system that does not require drain of water. Therefore, the filter is installed on both sides of the filter, which allows serving the boiler without any problems.

Next you need to assemble and connect the chimney to the boiler. Be sure to check the presence of thrust, even if such a step is not provided for by the instructions. This does not need to be done if your device belongs to modern smoothly boilers. In them, burning products displays a small fan. Such forced ventilation does not require traction, but you need to check the operation of the fan itself.

At the last stage, a gas pipeline is connected to the boiler. To carry out these works, it is necessary to resort to the help of specialists from the serving or gas supply company. The fact is that the existing rules allow gas to the instrument only with the help of a special metal pipe through a characteristic Sgon (the so-called American). It is better not to fulfill this installation.

Installation of outdoor equipment

It has its own characteristics, but there should be no serious problems with their installation. The main difficulty lies in the fact that such equipment is usually not only more powerful for wall analogs, but also has a significant weight.

Under the floor boiler, the solid base is assembled, as it has a significant weight. At the same time, the concrete screed is not necessarily. It is quite galvanized iron. The sheet should be slightly wider than the base of the boiler. The largest stock is left from the front side - at least 30 cm.

When the boiler is fully ready for further functioning, it is connected to the power supply network. If the device is non-volatile, it must be equipped with an automatic system warning overheating.

It must be remembered that only gas service specialists are entitled to start the gas supply to the system.They must check the quality of equipment installation and its compliance with existing rules and standards. Only after signing the act of acceptance of the system, you can open the gas valve.

Most popular blog articles for the week

It is not uncommon that many private houses do not have centralized heating and water supply. For this reason, the owners themselves have to solve such issues. Wall gas boilers can come to the rescue. How to correctly make a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands? How much is the installation of the gas boiler?

To date, they are presented in the market in a huge amount and variety of brands. With their choice there should be no problems. However, it is worth deciding how to mount the boiler - on its own or using qualified specialists? The last option is not bad, but you have to spend extra money as payment to employees.

The room in which the boiler will be, must have a ventilating window. The door to the room should open out. The room should have an area of \u200b\u200bmore than four square meters. The ceiling must be at two meters and more. As for the doorway, its width must be at least 800 millimeters. Mandatory condition for the boiler room - the presence of a good ventilation channel. Often wall boilers are located in the utility rooms, kitchens or storage rooms.

Another important condition is a wall pasting where the unit will hang, non-combustible materials. This action will eliminate the likelihood of fire, which may arise by hitting sparks on combustible materials. Modern non-combustible products will harmoniously fit into the design of the room, without spoiling the interior.

During the purchase of the boiler, you need to acquire an official certificate, because in the absence of this documentation, the registration of heating equipment will become almost impossible. Also, the certificate will allow connecting the equipment to the gas supply system.

After choosing a place for an aggregate, you need to think over the installation of the hood for the gas boiler. Old chimneys can be used, and in absence it will be necessary to hold new chimensing pipes. Most often, the branch of combustion products is complete with the boiler itself.

Compliance with such rules for installation of the gas boiler is vital.

Some boiler installation tips

One of the most important steps during the installation of gas boilers - their connection to the gas supply system. In order for the controlling authorities to give it permission, it is necessary to install and install the gas boiler strictly in accordance with the recommendations and the requirements that the technical passport has. Otherwise, you will have to redo something, if not all.

When installing the gas boiler "Navain » , as well as the installation of the gas boiler "Immergaz" it is important to check whether its power of the entire heating system corresponds to its power. When connecting the boiler to the old heating system, it is mandatory to clean and flushing all pipes, which will eliminate the probability of clogging in the near future.

In advance, it is necessary to think through the entire installation scheme of the wall gas boiler. It should provide for water treatment to supply the system. The entrance to the unit must be equipped with a cleansing and metal-welding magnetic filter.

One of the worst enemies of the gas boiler, and the entire heating system, is corrosion. Therefore, in order to avoid its appearance, it is better to do the installation of a closed contour, which will interfere with the air freely fall inside the system.

Installation rules

  1. The wall gas boiler must be attached to the carrier or capital wall.
  2. During the installation of the Ariston gas boiler, it is necessary to ensure that the hood and chimney are commensurate.
  3. The unit should be easily accessible so that timely maintenance can be carried out and freely replace the details in case of their breakdown.
  4. If the boiler is installed inside the cabinet, it is necessary to provide a five-hundredth metering indentation from the wardrobe partition. Such free space will make accessible knots in the upper part, so that any preventive work will be possible.

Installation of a wall gas boiler with their own hands - video

Montage technology boiler

Before the immediate installation of gas equipment, you need to do a smoking hole.

Much more convenient will be installed if you use a special cardboard pattern. With it, it is easy and without much efforts are made for all attachments and chimney. When the place under the boiler is finally chosen, you should attach a template to the wall. It must have points of fastening lines and places where the wires will be connected. These important marks should be transferred to the wall with a marker or color pencil. Then the template can be removed.

The next step is to drill holes under the dowel. To do this, select the drill having the desired diameter. Each dowel must be selected according to the material and the thickness of the wall. After the holes are ready, metal angles are attached to the wall.

Then you need to remove the upper lid of the aggregate. Now you can safely catch the equipment to hanging corners on the wall. Before installing brackets, you need to make sure that all fittings for the chimney have the desired dimensions exactly according to the instructions, otherwise there will be problems. The bracket to which the gas boiler is attached, it must be very reliably assigned on the wall. This is the most important point.

It is important to remember that depending on the type of wall there are various methods of fastening. There are different types of fasteners, each of which is designed to install a certain type of unit and the type of load.

When installing it is important to keep track of the fan inside the fan. The nozzle on which the combustion products will be removed must retreat from the wall surface for two centimeters at least.

Mounting Tools Boiler

Before installing the wall aggregate, you should get in advance:

  • scores
  • fasteners
  • glue
  • pacles
  • wrench
  • drill
  • gloves,
  • threaded coupling
  • non-combustible finishing material.

First you need to close the water supply, using the valve. After that, you can connect the boiler and pipeline using a threaded coupling. To achieve the most dense fixation, it is necessary to use the passage. Connect the unit first from the end side. The supply of hot water is connected to the upper pipe of the unit, and return to the bottom.

The unit camshaft must be connected to the power cable, while the switch must be provided with a removal of safety contact.

Thanks to the cable, power supply to a powerful boiler is supplied, and therefore each fuse should not exceed three amps in power, or the fuse must have a denomination less than the current value that is required for high-quality use of the boiler. At the end of this type of work, you need to connect gas equipment with reliable grounding.

As you can see, the installation of the gas boiler is quite fulfilled in the shortest possible time without the extent of time, forces and means. Installation of a wall gas boiler with your own hands on video can be studied in more detail. For example, questions were most frequently related to the installation of the Danko gas boiler, which gained its popularity.

The cost of mounting the gas boiler is much lower than the price of the call of specialists. In addition, work is carried out quickly, and the skills obtained during installation will still be suitable in the future.

The gas boiler is a universal device for heating the fluid used as a coolant in autonomous systems of heating of an apartment or a private house. Since the boiler operation is used to work explosive gas, its connection must ensure maximum safety for residents at home. Therefore, the installation of a wall gas boiler and all work on its connection to the heating and gas highway must be carried out in strict accordance with the construction norms and regulations.

Can I install the boiler yourself?

Gas heating systems are always starting with the development of a project, which is consistent with representatives of local supervisory services. The project shows all the necessary parameters of the boiler, the place of its installation is determined and the functioning scheme of the entire system is described.

Only after the approval of the project, a certain part of the installation works can be performed independently.

However, it is necessary to keep in mind that not all manufacturers admit independent installation of their boilers:

  • ARISTON, BOSCH, VIESSMANN and some others oblige buyers to install only the forces of certified installers;
  • Loyal suppliers, such as Electrolux, Baxi, Ferroli, do not prohibit the unauthorized installation of a wall boiler, but they still require to involve specialists with admission to connect electrical and gas equipment.

Thus, if you plan to mount the boiler yourself, before purchasing it, make sure that this is permitted by the manufacturer.

Requirements for the installation of the boiler

The mounted boiler is better installed in a separate room, which is called the fuel or boiler room. Requirements for such a room depend on the type of boiler being installed, or rather, on the type of its combustion chamber.

Open chamber of combustion

The scheme of the operation of such a device is identical to a conventional stove, which takes the air from the room and removes the exhaust gases through the chimney using natural traction. Such boilers require a certain amount of air indoors, otherwise the gas will not burn completely, forming toxic substances hazardous to health. In addition, when installing a wall boiler, it is necessary to provide a window to the street with an area of \u200b\u200bat least 0.5 square meters. m., as well as a place for maintenance. The walls of the room must be treated with fire-resistant materials.

The volume of the boiler room depends on the total power of the connected heating devices: 8 cubic meters. m. When boiler power up to 30 kW, 13-14 cubic meters. m. for 30-60 kW and 15 or more cube. m. for power up to 200 kW.

Closed Camera combustion

Such boilers include a special coaxial chimney. It is a double tube, the outer part of which serves to fence air from the street, and internal - to remove combustion products. Installation of such systems requires a mandatory connection to the electrical network for the fan power supply, which provides the circulation of air along the closed chimney.

Boilers with a closed combustion chamber are more environmentally friendly and safe, so they can be located directly in the residential room (in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the pantry, etc.). The requirements for the parameters of the chimney in this case are not normalized, since automation is completely monitored by the removal of gas waste.

In urban apartments, it is allowed to install only heating boilers with a closed combustion chamber.

Installation process of wall boiler

Installation and connection of a wall boiler - an important and responsible part of the implementation of the entire heating system. The order and specificity of the work depends on the type of combustion chamber and the number of contours used (only heating or heating plus water supply).

Since currently it is more common to use single-circuit boilers with a closed chamber, the entire installation process will be described specifically for such a modification. Where necessary, notes will be made about the features of installing a type of gas boiler.

Mounting on the wall

The gas mounted boiler must be mounted on a special bracket that is supplied. To properly install the bracket, the fasteners are always suitable, which lie inside the box. Perhaps they will have to be selected separately, taking into account the material of the wall to which the boiler is supposed to hang.

In case of difficulties, it is better to turn to specialists to any building market. The wall bracket must withstand the weight of the boiler and the entire attachment and ensure it is smooth, without distortion, position.

Parts of the walls directly behind the thermal unit should be protected by a non-aggravated material. The height of the suspension of the lower part of the gas boiler is at least 800 mm, the distance from the wall to the rear surface of the boiler - 5 cm.

Connecting main heating pipes

The number of pipes that need to be connected to the boiler depends on the type of heating system (single-tube or two-pipe). In any case, before performing the connections, you must remove the protective plugs from the boiler nozzles.

Special attention should be paid to the quality of water, especially its rigidity. If this parameter does not comply with the manufacturer's requirements, it is desirable to use special cleaning equipment, such as polyphosphate dispensers. Otherwise, the wall boiler can quickly fail.

Connection to the gas network

Connecting the heating boiler to the gas pipeline must only be performed by a specialist with the corresponding tolerance. During the work, you will need to install:

  • Ball gas valve. It is put directly at the entrance to the wall boiler;
  • Gas meter and leakage sensor. They are crashed into a highway to the boiler and serve to account for gas consumption and security;
  • Term record valve. Its presence is prescribed by fire safety rules. When the temperature is raised near the wall boiler to a certain value (for example, in case of fire), this valve automatically overlaps the gas supply.

Connection to the electrical network

These works are not needed for all boilers. For atmospheric units with an open chamber, the presence of electricity is not necessary. In boilers with closed cameras, there is a fan for removing gas waste and the automation system to which the power supply must be connected. Typically, a three-wire power circuit (with grounding) is used.

It is extremely desirable to include a hinged boiler in the power supply through the voltage stabilizer. This will help to avoid sharp voltage jumps and will prolong the life of expensive gas equipment.

Conclusion in the chimney pipe

For atmospheric gas boilers, a prerequisite is a connection to an individual chimney. The wall boiler is connected with chimney with the help of an iron pipe of the desired section, resistant to high temperatures, the effects of combustion products and mechanical wear.

Before performing the compounds, it is advisable to make sure that the chimney is not clogged with the mounting garbage and soot residues. To install the pipe from the pipe from the boiler to the chimney, it is necessary to ensure the following rules:

  • The vertical segment at the outlet of the gas boiler should have a length of at least two diameters to rotation;
  • Next, the pipe is carried out towards the boiler;
  • The connection area to chimney must have the minimum possible length.

At boilers with a closed chamber, the burning products removes much easier. Such boilers can be connected to collective chims or use a coaxial pipe that goes outside through the wall. If you install a wall-mounted boiler with a closed chamber, then it is not necessary to follow the height of the gas pipe suspension: the built-in fan will create the desired traction.

Filling the water system

Before conducting a trial start, the heating system must be filled with water. To do this, you need to open the valve, which is usually located at the bottom of the mounted boiler. You need to pump water until the pressure is reached about 2 atmospheres.

This process is desirable to produce as slower as possible in order to ensure the output of the available air.

At the same time, the whole system of heating system should be tested for tightness.

First start

For the first launch of the wall boiler, you must invite a certified specialist. As a rule, trained staff are in most companies dealing with boilers and equipment for heating systems. It will execute all settings and check the system operation modes.

In the process of commissioning, it is better to ask him all available issues on the management and features of the use of the heating system devices. If everything works fine, you can sign an act of commissioning and enjoy warmth and comfort in the house.

Let us sum up: the installation of a wall gas boiler is a rather complicated and painstaking engineering operation, requiring experience of construction and plumbing work and the mandatory presence of specialists at some of its stages. However, by performing independently those steps that the technical process allows, it is possible not only to save well on the services of an assembly brigade, but also to get a sense of deep satisfaction from competently performed serious work.