Types of double roofs. Asymmetric version of execution

A duplex roof or tweezing is a roof of two skate, i.e. Having 2 inclined surfaces (skates) of rectangular shape.

The frame of the two-sheet roof due to the design features perfectly combines the simplicity of device and maintenance with reliability and durability. These and many other parameters make the construction of a double roof with a practical and rational solution for private and commercial home-building.

As part of this article, we consider how to make a soling system of a two-tie roof with your own hands. For effective perception of the material, it is presented in the form of a step-by-step instruction from A to Z, from the choice and calculations, before the installation of Mauerlat and crates under the roof. Each step is accompanied by tables, diagrams, drawings, drawings and photos.

The popularity of the roof of the house is due to a number of benefits:

  • design variability;
  • easy in calculations;
  • natural water flow;
  • the integrity of the structure reduces the probability of leakage;
  • efficiency;
  • preservation of the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe attic or the possibility of arrangement of the attic;
  • high maintainability;
  • strength and durability.

Types of two-sheet roof

Installation of the rafter system of the bone roof depends primarily from its design.

Several options for two-tie roofs (types, species) are distinguished:

The most common version of the roof device for simplicity and reliability. Thanks to the symmetry, a uniform distribution of loads for bearing walls and Mauerlat is achieved. The view and thickness of the insulation do not affect the choice of material.

The cross section of the bar makes it possible to ensure the reserve of bearing ability. There is no likelihood of rafting. The backups and spacers can be put almost anywhere.

An explicit drawback is the impossibility of arranging a full-fledged indoor floor. Due to acute corners, "deaf" zones are appear, which are not suitable for use.

The device of one angle of more than 45 ° leads to a decrease in the magnitude of the unused area. There is an opportunity to make residential rooms under the roof. At the same time, the requirements for the calculation are increasing, because Load on the walls and foundation will be distributed unevenly.

This roof design allows you to equip a full-fledged second floor under the roof.

Naturally, a simple double rafting roof is different from broken, not only visually. The main difficulty is to fade in the complexity of calculations.

Construction of a soling system of a two-sheet roof

Building the roof of any complexity with their own hands involves the knowledge of the appointment of the main structural elements.

The location of the elements is shown in the photo.

  • Mauerlat.. Designed to distribute the load from the rafting system on the bearing walls of the building. For the arrangement of Maurolalat, a timber timber is chosen from durable wood. Preferably larch, pine, oak. The cross section of the bar depends on its type - one-piece or glued, as well as from the alleged century of the structure. The most popular sizes are 100x100, 150x150 mm.

    Council. For a rafter system made of metal Maurylalat should also be metallic. For example, a chawler or a foreign profile.

  • Stropile foot. The main element of the system. For the manufacture of rafting legs, a durable timber or log is used. United legs form a farm.

The silhouette of the rafting farm determines the appearance of the structure. Examples of farms in the photo.

The parameters of the rafter are important. We will talk about them just below.

  • Tightening - connects the rafting legs and gives them stiffness.
  • Run:
    • Skown runMounted in the place of the adjoining of one rafted to another. In the future, the roof lobs will be installed on it.
    • SidebreaksThey provide farm extra hardness. Their number and size depends on the load on the system.
  • Rack for timber - Vertically located bar. Also taken part of the load from the weight of the roof. A simple double roof is usually located in the center. With a significant width of the span - in the center and on the sides. In an asymmetric double roof - the installation site depends on the length of the rafted. With broken roof and arrangement of one room on the attic attic - racks are located on the sides, leaving a free space for moving. If the rooms are supposed to be two - the racks are located in the center and sides.

The location of the rack depending on the roof length is shown in the figure.

  • Troop. Serves support for the rack.

Council. The installation of a pan at an angle of 45 ° significantly reduces the risk of deformation from the wind and snow load.

In the regions with significant wind and snow load, not only the longitudinal pump (located in the same plane with a plumbing pair), but also diagonal.

  • Sill. Its purpose is to serve as a support for the rack and the mounting place of the pan.
  • Okeekhet. Designed for movement during construction and fixation of roofing material. It is established perpendicular to the rafter feet.

Council. An important assignment of the crate is the redistribution of the load from the roofing material on the rafter system.

The presence of drawing and schemes indicating the location of all listed structural elements will help in operation.

Council. Be sure to add data about the device for the passage of the ventilation mine and the smoke pipe into the diagram of the double-circuit roof.

The technology of their device is determined by the type of roof.

Selection of material for rafters

When calculating the material on a double-wing roof, you need to choose high-quality wood without damage and wormochin. The presence of bones for beams, Maurolat and rafters is not allowed.

For the boards of the bumps of the bitch must be at the same time, while they should not fall out. Wood must be strong and treated with necessary drugs that increase its properties.

Council. The length of the bitch should not exceed 1/3 of the thickness of the bar.

Calculation of the solo system of the two-tie roof

The calculation of the parameters of the material is an important stage, therefore, we give the calculation algorithm step by step.

It is important to know: the entire rafter system consists of a plurality of triangles, as the most rigid item. In turn, if the rods have a different form, i.e. They are an irregular rectangle, then you need to divide it into separate components and calculate the load and the number of materials for each. After calculating the data to summarize.

1. Calculation of load on the truss system

Load on rafters can be three types:

  • Permanent loads. Their action will always be felt by the rafter system. Such loads include the weight of the roof, crates, insulation, films, good elements of the roof, finishing materials for. The weight of the roof is the sum of weight of all its components, such a load is easier to consider. On average, the size of the constant load on the rafter is 40-45 kg / m.kv.

Council. To make a margin of strength for the rafter system better to calculate 10%.

For reference: Weight of some roofing materials per 1 m.kv. Presents in the table

Council. It is desirable that the weight of the roofing material coming on 1 m.kv. The roof area, did not exceed 50 kg.

  • Variable loads. Act in different periods and with different strengths. Such loads include: wind load and its strength, snow load, precipitation intensity.

In fact, the roof slide is similar to the sail and, if we take into account the wind load, the entire roof design can be destroyed.

The calculation is carried out by the formula: Wind load is equal to the region, multiplied by the correction coefficient. These indicators are kept in lowering "load and exposure" and are determined not only by the region, but also the location of the house. For example, a private house, surrounded by multi-storey buildings, accounts for less loads. A separate country house or cottage is experiencing increased wind loads.

2. Calculation of snow load on roof

The calculation of the roof on the snow load is carried out by the formula:

The complete snow load is equal to the weight of the snow multiplied by the correction coefficient. The coefficient takes into account wind pressure and aerodynamic effect.

Snow weight, which falls on 1 m.kv. The roof area (according to SNiP 2.01.07-85) is in the range of 80-320 kg / m.kv.

The coefficients showing the dependence on the angle of the slope are presented in the photo.

Nuance. At the corner of the slope of the skate over 60 ° The burden of snow on the calculation does not affect. Since the snow quickly slips down and will not affect the strength of the bar.

  • Special loads. Accounting for such loads is carried out in places with high seismic activity, tornadoes, storm winds. For our latitudes, it is enough to make a stock for strength.

Nuance. The simultaneous action of many factors causes the synergies effect. It is worth considering (see photo).

Assessment of the condition and bearing ability of walls and foundation

It should be borne in mind that the roof has a significant weight that is able to harm the rest of the building.

Determining the roof configuration:

  • simple symmetric;
  • simple asymmetric;
  • loaven.

The harder the shape of the roof, the greater the number of rafter farms and the subcording elements you need to create the necessary stock by strength.

The angle of inclination of the two-sheet roof is determined primarily with roofing material. After all, each of them puts forward its demands.

  • soft roof - 5-20 °;
  • metal tile, slate, professional flooring, ondulin - 20-45 °.

It should be noted that an increase in the angle increases the area of \u200b\u200bspace under the roof, but also the amount of material. What affects the total cost of work.

Nuance. The minimum inclination angle of the bone roof should be at least 5 °.

5. Calculation of the step

The step of the rafted bartal roof for residential buildings can be from 60 to 100 cm. The selection depends on the roofing material and the weight of the roof design. Then the amount of rafter feet is calculated by dividing the length of the slope to the distance between the rapid pairs plus 1. The resulting number determines the number of legs on one slope. For the second number you need to multiply by 2.

The length of the rafted for an attic roof is calculated by the Pythagorean theorem.

Parameter "A" (The height of the roof) is set independently. Its value determines the possibility of arranging residential premises under the roof, the convenience of finding in the attic, the consumption of material for the construction of the roof.

Parameter "B" equal to half of the width of the building.

Parameter "C"it is a triangle hypothen.

Council. To the resulting value you need to add 60-70 cm. For the marked and removal of the rafter foot behind the wall.

It is worth noting that the maximum length of the bar is 6 mp. Therefore, if necessary, the timing for rafters can be spliced \u200b\u200b(extension, docking, compound).

The method of splicing rafters in length is shown in the photo.

The width of the rafted for the roof depends on the distance between the opposite carriages.

7. Calculation of the cross section of rafters

The cross section of the rafted double roof depends on several factors:

  • loads, we have already written about it;
  • views of the material used. For example, the log stands over one load, the timber - the other, glued bar - the third;
  • the length of the rafting leg;
  • wood type, which is used in construction;
  • distances between rafyles (stepped step).

Determine the section of a bar for rafters, knowing the distance between the rafters and the length of the rafter can be using the data below.

Surface Side - Table

Council. The greater the installation step of the rafter, the greater the load falls on one rafter pair. So, the cross section of the rafter should be increased.

Sizes of lumber (timber and boards) for a two-tie rafter system:

  • thickness (section) Maurolat - 10x10 or 15x15 cm;
  • the thickness of the rafting leg and tightening is 10x15 or 10x20 cm. Sometimes the timing of 5x15 or 5x20 cm is used;
  • run and pump - 5x15 or 5x20. Depending on the width of the leg;
  • rack - 10x10 or 10x15;
  • liezer - 5x10 or 5x15 (depending on the width of the rack);
  • thickness (cross section) of the roof crates - 2x10, 2.5x15 (depending on the roofing material).

Types of the solo system of the two-tie roof

For the design of the roof design, there are 2 options: urban and hanging rafters.

Consider each kind of detailed in order to make a weighted choice.

Hanging rafal

Applied with a width of the roof no more than 6 mp. Installation of hanging rafters is performed due to the fastening of the foot for the bearing wall and the ski run. The design of the hanging rafters is especially the fact that the rafting legs are under the influence of the suspension. Hanging rafters with a tightening mounted between the legs allow to reduce its effect. The tightening in the rafter system can be wooden or metal. Often, tightening are put down, then they play the role of beams. It is important to ensure reliable fastening of the tightening on the rapid leg. Because it is also transmitted by a pilot effort.

The higher the tightening is located, the greater the strength it should have.
If the tighten is not to install, the bearing walls can simply "disperse" from the pressure generated by the solo system.


Applied when arranged roofs of any size. The design of the spelling rafters provides for the presence of a chunk and rack. Liezer, lying parallel to Mauerlat takes part of the load. Thus, the rafting legs are working on each other and are supported by the rack. The rafting legs of the sleeve system work only on bending. Yes, and the simplicity of installation also inclues the scales in their favor. The only drawback is the presence of a rack.


Due to the fact that modern roofs are distinguished by a large variety of forms and complexity of configurations, a combined view of the solo system is used.

After selecting the type of the rafter system, you can accurately calculate the number of materials. The results of the calculations write. At the same time, professionals are recommended to draw up drawings for each element of the roof.

Installation of the rafting system of a two-tie roof

After the rainbow roof rafters are calculated, you can start mounting. The process will break into the steps and give the characteristic to each of them. It will be a kind of step-by-step instruction, containing additional information on each stage.

1. Mount Mauerlat to the wall

The timber is installed along the length of the wall to which rafters will be relying.

In the logs of the log, the role of Mauerlat plays the upper crown. In buildings constructed from porous material (aerated concrete, foam concrete) or brick, Maurylalat is installed along the entire length of the carrier wall. In other cases, it can be installed between rapid legs.

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Since the Length of Mauerlat exceeds the standard size of sawn sizes, it has to splicer.

The connection of Mauerlat is done with each other as shown in the figure.

How to connect Mauerlat?

The bars washed it only at an angle of 90 °. The compounds occurs with the use of bolts. Nails, wire, wooden brazening are not used.

How to mount Mauerlat?

Installing Mauerlat is performed on the top of the wall. Installation technology provides several ways to mount Mauerlat:

  • strictly in the center of the carrier wall;
  • with offset in one of the sides.

Maurylalat cannot be located closer than 5 cm. To the outer edge of the wall.

To protect the timber for Mauerlat from damage to it, it is placed on a layer of waterproofing material, which is most often the usual runner.

The reliability of the Mauerlat attachment is an important aspect of construction. This is due to the fact that the slop of the roof is similar to the sail. That is, it is experiencing a strong wind load. Consequently, Mauerlat needs to firmly fix on the wall.

Moveda Mounting Methods for wall and rafters

Anchor bolts. Ideal for monolithic structure.

Wooden brazen. Used for log cabins from logs and timber. But, they are always used with additional fasteners.


Stud or fittings. It is used if the cottage is built of porous materials (aerated concrete, foam concrete).

Sliding mount (hinged). A bundle in this way allows to ensure the displacement of the rafting legs during the shrinkage of the house.

Annealed wire (knitting, steel). Used as an additional fastening in most cases.

2. Production of truss farms or steam

Installation is performed in two ways:

  • installation of bars directly on the roof. It is not used often because to carry out all the work, measurements, trimming at a height problematic. But allows you to fully accomplish your own hand;
  • assembly on earth. Those., Individual elements (triangles or pairs) for the rafter system can be collected downstairs and then lift them to the roof. The advantage of such a system in a more rapid completion of high-rise works. And the disadvantage is that the weight of the collected design of the rafter farm can be significant. To raise it will be required special equipment.

Council. Before collecting rafter legs, you need to put markup. Very convenient to use templates for these purposes. The rafter collected pairs will be absolutely the same. For the manufacture of a template, you need to take two boards, the length of each of which is equal to the length of one rafter, and are connected.

3. Installing rafting legs

The collected pairs rise upstairs and are installed on Maurylalat. To do this, at the bottom of the rafter feet should be done.

Council. Since the slots on Mauerlate will weaken it, you can take a pressure only on the rafter foot. To the same washed the same and firmly lightened to the base, you need to use a pattern. It is cut out of plywood.

Methods for attaching a rafter foot showing in the figure.

Starting the installation of rafting steam is needed from opposite roof ends.

Council. To properly set the rafter legs, it is better to use temporary soap and struts.

Between the fixed pairs is stretched by the twine. It will simplify the installation of subsequent rafting steam. And also, denotes the level of the skate.

If the rafter system is mounted directly on the roof of the house, then the skate support is installed after installing the two extreme rafal legs. Next to it are fixed half of the rafter pairs.

It is worth noting that in this matter the opinions of professionals diverge. Some advise the use of a chess order of attachment, which will evenly distribute the increasing load on the walls and the foundation is more evenly. Such an order assumes the installation of one rafter in a checker order. After part of the rafter feet installed, the missing parts of the pair are assembled. Others, insist that you need to make a consistent installation of each pair. Depending on the size of the design and configuration of the farm, the strengthening of the rafting legs is performed by backups and racks.

Nuance. Additional structural elements are connected with cutting down. Fix them preferably with construction brackets.

If necessary, you can lengthen the rafter foot.

Methods of splicing of the rafter feet are shown in the photo.

Council. The method to be lengthened by Mauerlat (washed at 90 °) in this case cannot be applied. It will weaken the raftered.

4. Installing the rope

The ridge of the roof is manufactured by connecting the rafter foot at the top.

The roof ridge device:

  • The method without using the support bar (see Fig.).

  • Method using a rafter bar. The bar is needed for large roofs. In the future, it can be support for the rack.
  • The laying method on the bar.

  • The method shown in the photo can be considered a more modern variety of manufacture of the skate assembly.

  • Word method.

After the solo system is installed, we make the capital consolidation of all structural elements.

5. Installation of roof crates

It is mounted in any case, and is designed for a more convenient movement on the roof in the process of performing work, as well as for fastening the roofing material.

The shap of the crate depends on the type of roofing material, for example:

  • under metal tile - 350 mm (the distance between the two bottoms of the crates should be 300 mm).
  • under the professional and slate - 440 mm.
  • under the soft roof we fill a solid crate.

Slinged Double Roof System with Athenor - Video:


As we see, despite the seeming simplicity, the installation of the rafter system of the bone roof contains many pitfalls. But, relying on the recommendations given, you can easily build a reliable design with your own hands.

Building your own home - the task is clearly not the lungs. The difficulties begin not when the walls are arranged and not even when bookmarking the foundation - the most difficult to choose the optimal type of design, to design the building so that it is both functional and quite attractive visually.

One of the most notable elements of the building is the roof, so its design must be thought out in advance and in all details. When choosing a type of roof, the majority of developers forget about the existence of bantal structures with asymmetric skates. This article will consider a duplex roof with different skates and its features.

Prerequisites for the appearance of asymmetric roofs

For the existence of humanity, the architecture has undergone significant changes. A huge number of a wide variety of structures was invented, built and redone - and once at times were new, increasingly sophisticated architectural solutions and ideas, which, as far as possible, have implemented, sometimes becoming unintentional masterpieces.

All this is fully related to roofing structures. The roof of residential buildings over the past millennia has incredibly changed, passing through the mass of historical eras and geographical features. At different times, this building element was used both to solve purely practical tasks and to demonstrate the degree of freedom of flight of creative thought.

Over time, fashion for sophisticated solutions began to pass - it is possible that precisely because the creative thought began to cross with common sense and the functional purpose of the roof. The knowledge gained and interesting developments did not go anywhere, they simply began to use them more rationally and with the mind.

As for duplex roofs, one of the solutions that showed themselves quite profitable was the following:

  • One of the roof rods were located on the south side;
  • The opposite slope was located at a different angle or increased in length;
  • The roof loads were carefully calculated, as well as the inland area of \u200b\u200bthe building.

Making such changes to the classic roof design made it possible to increase its efficiency and give it an original appearance. An important factor is and the ability to more competently distribute the free internal space in the building.

Development of duscal roofs with different skates

The roof with different lengths of the skates is not a new invention. Of course, accurate dates and periods are unknown, but it can be assumed that the very first options for the roof were already asymmetrical - at least because the builders of those times simply did not have knowledge and the ability to make the design smooth.

For measurements, a long rhothet was used with a cord and plumb tied to its ends. Rogatina was installed vertically in such a way that the plumb indicates the center wall of the future building. The edges of the cord stretched to the corners of the construction. After determining the sweep on the wall, the board was nailed. As a result, a completely understandable design was obtained, which reflects the boundaries of the future roofing design.

With the first skate of special difficulties did not arise, but the arrangement of the second was associated with a number of problems. If round logs were used for the house (as well as it was), then the alignment of the walls was almost an insurmountable task, and attempts to make a flat design because of this were also unsuccessful.

For measurement accuracy, a water level was required - it allowed to align the roof so that the horse was located in the center, and the skates were uniform. Architects and professional city builders had access to good tools, but in the villages and villages they had to build at home without accurate measurements, so the roof was often asymmetric.

However, unintentional asymmetry can not be called a thoughtful and time-tested time - it was achieved by chance and did not have any characteristic features. It is completely different - the conscious creations of experienced architects, which allocated a pavement roof in a separate architectural look. Most often, such designs were used in the arrangement of houses of the rich and were needed to demonstrate the wealth of their owners.

The methods of arrangement of roofs with different skates was quite a lot. Often occurring were constructions consisting of several separate buildings with their own roofs. Skates could be wrapped in a variety of parties and differ in all respects. Of course, these designs were not similar to modern duplex asymmetric roofs, but some similarities simply can not be noticed.

Advantages and disadvantages of pavement roofs

The duct asymmetric roof has a lot of characteristic features. Of course, first of all it is worth considering the visual characteristics - they are most noticeable, and even on them you can understand whether you need to use such a roof in your own home. The building with an asymmetric roof against the backdrop of classic duct designs will be vividly allocated, so it remains only to decide on the simple question - like it or does not like this design.

The next aspect, which is not so noticeable at first glance, but closely connected with a unique view of the pavement roofs - the ability to use the inner space of the building to the maximum. The traditional two-tight roof in this regard is not so convenient because it creates a certain framework, go beyond which is not possible.

The duct roof with short and long slots allows you to combine the building with any extensions and combine them under one roof. If you wish for a paved roof, you can install not only a residential building, but also a garage, a gazebo or veranda. Most importantly, it is in advance to portray the future design on paper and competently design all its elements.

As a rule, the bartal roof with different angles of slope tilt is established if the second floor of the building should have a smaller area than the first one. In addition to more rational use of the area, this design allows you to unload the foundation and is great for mounting various equipment (such as solar cells).

The next positive quality of asymmetric roofs is the ability to resist various natural phenomena. If in the area where the construction of the building is held, the wind is constantly blowing down in one direction, then with a windy side it is worth the slope of the slope, and on the opposite side it may well be a steep slope. In addition to resistance to the wind, this design is also well suited for snow regions.

Another weighty plus in the piggy bank of the merits of the pavement roofs - they are great for the arrangement of residential attic. Standard double design is deprived of some of the advantages, in particular, the attic in it often looks not very comfortable. Of course, there are many ways to more fully use such space, at least - visually, but in most cases it is just a half-term.

The roof with different angles of inclination makes it possible to expand the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe second floor without additional supplements. The increase in the area will not be actual, but visual - but the extensive space can be used more rationally than under two traditional skates.

If you collect all the "for" and "against" a double roof with different slopes, then you can come to the following conclusions:

  • The asymmetric roof has unique visual characteristics, allows you to implement various design solutions and more rationally use the existing area;
  • The main problem is the complexity of the roof arrangement with different skates.

If the difficulties that will inevitably occur at the design and installation stage of the asymmetric roof are not scary, then such a design will become an excellent solution and give the building a very interesting look.

Types of pavement roofs with short and long skates

All designs of the pavement roofs can be divided into several main categories:

  1. Asymmetric roofs. In such a design, the skates converge to the skate and are located under the same slope. Asymmetry is achieved due to the fact that one skate has an enlarged length. An increase can be not very big - the roof will still look unusual, even if the elongated slope is not striking.
  2. Partially broken roofs. The main difference of this type of roofs from traditional duct solutions is that one slope has a broken shape that allows to overlap an extension. For the design of the roof with a break, the same calculation is required as for any single-stop roof.
  3. Asymmetric roofs. This type of structures is considered to be the most original. The asymmetrical roof is the best solution that makes it possible to make the attic limitly comfortable, bright and spacious. A constructive feature of such a scheme is to change the length and slope of one of the rods.
  4. Asymmetric roofs with a displaced center. At first glance, such a roof is not different from the standard two-tie, but with a detailed consideration of the difference is still - the roof line in this case is shifted relative to the center. This displacement naturally leads to a change in the length of the skate and the angle of the construct. Such roofs are very convenient to use, but their design and installation require maximum effort.

Standard projects of two-tight roofs with different angles of inclination

The construction of the roof with different slopes can have a lot of minor nuances, but the main parameters will be a bit. For example, the skates in the asymmetric roof may have the same length, but to be located at a different angle, or vice versa - the rods installed at one angle will have a different length.

There are several standard design options that it is worth considering a little more:

  1. The same skate length, different angle of inclination. One of the slopes in this design is located at a large angle. Such a roof allows you to equip a good terrace on the one hand, and under the lower slope there are shopping premises. It would be unprofitable to make the whole roof of the canopy - in this case too much snow will accumulate. This option asymmetric roof is quite simple and does not require special efforts - in particular, there is no need to enhance the foundation. True, one lack still is - it will have to thoroughly tinker with the design. The roof with the same slope slope is designed much easier.
  2. Same angle of inclination, different skit length. This design option is the opposite of the previous one. An increase in the length of one slope allows you to cover all the extensions near the house, such as a veranda and arbors. There are no special requirements for the foundation in this case, because part of the load from the roof will be on an extension. However, in the absence of attacks or other nuances of construction, it is possible to increase the length of the skate, which is above the main building. In general, even such a simple scheme has a lot of variability.
  3. Different length and shape of the skate. To optimize the loads per liner at home, is often used by a pavement roof with different lengths and shape of the skate. The main feature of such a design is the presence of a break, thanks to which part of the loads are self-equipped. True, there are new loads on the site of a break, and they have to compensate for additional spacers - but this is a good reason for the balancing of the forces acting on the roof.
  4. Non-standard designs. The variable roofs give the default maximum degree of freedom in the arrangement, so there is nothing surprising in the appearance of very interesting designs. For example, there is a scheme in which all efforts are aimed at creating an interesting second floor. If you cut the corners of the building, then you can reduce the degree of pressure on the foundation, and therefore save on the construction.
  5. Shift roof. It is more difficult to work with such structures, but with the right implementation of all stages of arrangement, it is hardly not the most interesting roof. The main difficulty lies in the exact calculation of the loads on the rafter system, especially if we are talking about wooden houses - they sit down for a while, so you need to prevent the roof skew.

There are other drawings of a double roof with different slopes, but the design described above are most often.

Installation of a duplex roof with different skates

The device of the asymmetric roof, as can be concluded from all the above, cannot be called simple. Even the most primitive roofs with different slopes are more complicated in the arrangement than traditional two-tie structures. If we talk about roofs with a shifted center, the complexity of design and installation immediately increases. The main load in the asymmetric roofs is not concentrated on the skate, so the classic vertical backups in this case do not make sense.

However, the process of calculations and perception of such a complex design can be simplified - it is sufficient to present the roof not in the form of an asymmetric scheme, but in the form of two triangles with different sides and angles. Of course, both triangles will be in complex interaction, so it is easy to calculate them separately from each other - but such a consideration of the roof design seriously simplifies the process of its arrangement.

One of the most important elements of the design that allows you to fully equip an asymmetric roof is Mauerlat, which takes on the whole load from the roof. The correct calculation and installation of Mauerlat - it was already half an end, if we are talking about a single design.

Calculation of the roof with different skates

In order for the design of the roof to be high quality and reliable, it is necessary to correctly calculate. For calculations, it is best to use the relevant programs that will allow accurately calculate the loads entering Mauerlat and determine the location of the necessary supports. An independent calculation of these parameters is possible, but the process will in this case be too complex - and the arrangement of the roof with different rocks does not differ simplicity.

If you describe the calculation of the roof with different slots by several theses, then it will all look like this:

  • A slope having a large length has the greatest impact on the truck system and the wall of the house under it;
  • To compensate for the load from a long skate, it is worth installing one or more additional backups;
  • If the building is made of durable materials and is installed on a fairly powerful foundation, then you can do without additional elements.

On the process of manual calculation of the asymmetric roof can be said so - ultimately it will be reduced to the determination of the parameters of two single-sided roofs, which are reduced to a single skate. Considering the factors described above, you can design a design rather accurately.

Load distribution

The design schemes described above are just the most popular types of roofs. There is a mass of other, more sophisticated and complex forms, the implementation of which is available only to professional builders. However, it is always possible to try, but the effectiveness of the entire building will stand on the horse - the main goal of the roof improvement is still to protect against atmospheric precipitation and frost.

So that the roofing design is reliable, a number of calculations are performed to the uniform distribution of loads on the skates. The roof must fully rely on all the walls of the building, otherwise the wind and snow loads will lead to skewers or even the complete destruction of the roofing design.

On the domestic space, the pavement roofs have not yet acquired sufficient popularity, so it is unambiguous to say something about their effectiveness and durability is difficult. If you judge the experience of foreign builders, then asymmetric roofs are quite comparable with conventional double-circuit structures, but only subject to the competent calculation of the skate, the rafter system and loads on the building box.

And the last moment - in the absence of confidence that the two-tie roof with different slopes will be high-quality, it is better to abandon it. Still, independent installation of such structures is quite complicated and requires the availability of appropriate experience. Most professional builders with such experiences simply refuse to work with asymmetric roofs, motivating the refusal to difficulties arising from the installation of such structures.


Double roof with different skates, despite his many years of history, not only not outdated, but also became a very modern solution. Properly calculated and equipped roof can work as much as more traditional counterparts, while demonstrating increased efficiency in conservation of heat and rational use of free space.

The bartal roof is a roofing design, which is more often used in private house-building. It is not only easy to build, it is reliable, it will cost it inexpensively, if you correctly carry out the calculation of the number of elements .. The article discusses which items this kind of roofing is, and how it can be collected with your own hands. You will learn about the basics of calculations, rules and assembly stages, which will allow "on one wave" to talk with the contractors of the construction company.

Source Oz90.ru.

Online Calculator Roofing

To learn the approximate cost of the two-sheet roof, use the following calculator:

Which elements are the roof of two skate

It becomes clear from the very name that such roofs have only two skates, which may be the same or different in the area. The first is called symmetric, second asymmetric

Not all two-tight roofs consist of the same elements. But there are among them the main, which are present in all designs.

    Mauerlat. - Bar 100x100 mm (minimum cross section), which resumes a rafter system. The main purpose is to distribute evenly the load acting on the roofing structure on the walls of the construction. Mauelalat is fixed to the walls (there are several options).

    Rafyla, in a different way they are called rapid legs. These are boards (rarely bars) with a minimum thickness of 50 mm, located with a slope of the walls. They form the skates. The bottom end, they are attached to Mauerlat, the top to the skate bruus or to each other.

    Bar Skad. It is not always used, but only when the roof is covered with sprinkling rafters. About this little below. His appointment is a support for rafting legs.

Rafters attached to Mauerlat Source Krysha-expert.ru.

Additional wooden elements that are not applied on all bounce structures.

    Supports under the skate bar. They are installed only if there is contained in the roofing structure.

    Racks under the rafal. Apply if the width of the structure is more than 12 m. The longer rafters, the lower they have a carrying capacity.

    Run, he is a barlaid on the rack across the rafter feet. On him, and not on supports, rafters rest.

    Sill - Bar located in parallel to run, only at the bottom. The racks for rafters are mounted on it.

    Tightening. These are bars, tighten the paired racks (each other).

Varieties of rafter systems

There are two of them: hanging and sleepers. The first variety in which the upper ends of the rafter is based on each other, together and fasten. To increase the strength of the connection and reliability of the design, the tightening is often installed between them.

The second variety is the legs resting on the horse. They can also be pulled by tightening if the task is set to increase the carrying ability of the entire system.

Attention! Tightening functions for hanging species can perform the beam of overlapping, to which legs rest.

Hanging and swelling rafters Source KayabaParts.ru.

On our site you can find the contacts of construction companies that offer the service of calculation, installation and repair of the roof. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Rules for assembling a bartal roof

The double roof is going differently. Dependency - type of the rafter system. We will understand separately with each.

Assembling hanging rafyl

There is strict sequence of operations performed:

    Produce montage Mauerlat on the wall. It is attached to them with the help of studs that are installed in a fused reinforcing belt. The top end of the hairpin is a threaded part to which the nut with a wide washer is screwed. It is them and pressed Mauerlat to the wall.

    Produce installation of the skate bar. For this, along the roofing design, right in the middle (if a symmetrical roof is constructed) reference racks from a bar or boards are installed. They are attached to the fading or to the beams of overlapping with special metal corners on the self-tapping screw. Additionally, the backups and bodies are installed to withstand the verticalness of the racks.

    On the latter the skiing bar is stackedwhich is fixed to the racks the same metal profiles (corners, plates and other). The main task of the manufacturer of the work is to set the skate run in the horizontal plane.

    Installed rafters ParnvoWhen forming triangles of the roofing system.

Hanging rafal Source KayabaParts.ru.

    If necessary, then under the rafter feet are installed additional racks. They are fixed or directly among themselves, or laid on top of the racks run across the legs.

    Over the rafter system installed doomle From wooden bars or boards.

    On top of the crate roofing material is stuffed.

Assembly of urban

The rolling line of the duplex roof of the skeleton house, and not only frame, is assembled on the roof, but on Earth. The thing is that it is difficult to fit the elements among themselves when they do not have a support at one end. To do this, you will have to build an additional reference design of temporary type. These are the costs of time, strength and money, no one needed.

Therefore, pair rafters, they are in the assembled form are the name of the farm, are collected in the plane of the Earth. Since the design of the farm is a triangle, in a symmetrical roof, besides an equilged, then collect it will not be much labor. The main task of the manufacturer of the work is to comply with the dimensional parameters of the farm elements. Because customized farms on the roof will be more difficult if there are quite large dimensional errors between them.

    Raise rafters assembled on the roof lifting crane or other device.

Installation of sprinkled rafted source Pallazzo.su

    First install two extreme farms According to the front of the house, they are exposed to each other and fixes to the beams overlap with backups and bodies (temporary).

    Stretch between the upper dots of two farms threadon which the remaining rafting triangles are assembled.

The rest, as in the case of hanging rapid legs, is stuck and roofing material.

Video Description

The process of construction of a duplex roof in video:

Calculation of rafting legs

An important preparatory measure on which the carrying capacity of the system as a whole depends. Independently carry out the calculation if you do not understand it, it is impossible. Therefore, ordinary people use online calculators or tables. The calculated manipulation is based on the cross section of the bars (in mm) or boards, depending on the length of the legs and the installation step.

The dependence is this: the longer legs and the longer the distance between them, the greater the cross section of the bauses. For instance:

    installation step 2.15 m, the length of the rafters is 3 m, for this use the timing segment 100x150 mm;

    step 1,4, Length 3, section 75x125 mm;

    step 2,15, length 5 m, cross section 100x250;

    step 0.9, Length 5.5, section 50x200 mm.

For each position there is its own parameter of the used bars. There are tables in free access.

Scheme distribution of rafter feet Source Chaos-heart.ru.

Slope slope

Determine the bias of the two-tie roof design is not easy. Take into account the type of roofing. The dependence is:

    if asbotic slate is used, then the angle should be no less than 22 °, the decline in this parameter will lead to leaks in the locations of the adjacent sheets;

    metal tile - 14 ° corner;

    professional flooring - 12 °;

    bituminous tile - angle should not exceed 15 °Otherwise, the probability of climbing the coating from the crates will appear;

    roll Material (Ruberoid, Tol and Others) - Tilt within 3-25 °.

But there is one nuance here. The cooler roof, the less loads act on its slips, because rainwater and snow quickly go from the surfaces. But at the same time the construction of the structure increases. That is, wind loads increase. At the same time, high roofs are an increase in the cost of building materials that increase the cost of structures.

The angle of inclination of the roof of the roof source Arhplan.ru

Drowned roofs

The bartal roof with different rods today is often found quite often. It is impossible to say that they are better than symmetrical, but the originality of the design made them popular. We add that such roofs are more complex than traditional with the same skates.

These roofs are divided three types:

    Asymmetrical. They have a skate run located in the middle of the house. Skates are located to each other at one angle of inclination. But one of them is always longer than the other.

    Asymmetric. On the length of the skates can be the same or different, but the angle of the inclination is different.

    Asymmetric with displacement. The same as the previous option, only the skunk run is shifted relative to the middle of the house in one of the parties.

Asymmetric Diple Roof with Skate Runs Offset Pinterest.ca Source

Rules for the construction of asymmetric duplex roofs

Double roof with different skates - the construction is not easy. All the difficulty lies in the fact that the offset of the skate bar relative to the middle of the building creates completely different loads. They are no longer distributed over the skate. Their main pressure (central) falls on a long more gentle-skate. That is why at the design and settlement stage, it is necessary to accurately determine the installation site of additional racks. They are installed under the rafter legs of a long canopy skate.

At the same time, they do not carry out the installation of the entire sropling system on the eyes. Even the most slight deviation from the project can lead to irreparable consequences. Make changes to the design will be difficult, and sometimes it is simply impossible.

Sling Farm Asymmetric Roof Source Builtec.info

And one moment. For an asymmetric roof (duplex), a construction of a very durable mauelalate is required, with which the uneven loads will have to redistribute. Special attention to the mount of Mauerlat to the walls of the house.

As for the construction of the roof with different skates, the technology itself is no different technology. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the requirements indicated above. Typically, such structures are collected from removal rafting legs with the installation of the skate bar. Therefore, the main task of the manufacturer of work is to accurately set the horse horizontally on the site strictly on the project. Be sure to accurately withstand the dimensions of the rafter, which basically concerns length.

Multi-level roofs

Another kind of roofs with two slopes. To understand what we are talking about, look at the photo below.

Multi-level double roofs Source Moscow.sk-Evrodom.ru.

According to its configuration, the roof is bunk, covers the whole house. But individually, each slope is a single design. Usually, the carrier wall is being built between them, on which both skates are based on.

But at the same time, the slope is larger in size relies on the top end of the wall, where the skiing bar or the Mauerlat beam is installed, and the smaller on its vertical plane, where the beam is usually fixed. The construction of such roofs is carried out using a single-table technology.

Duscal roofs with broken rods

These structures are mainly used in homes where the attic construction is planned. Under traditional skates to organize a room problematic. The reason is the presence of "dead" zones on the joint sections of the rafting system and the wall of the house. To remove these zones, it is necessary to make part of the slope sharper in terms of tilt relative to the vertical.

In the section, the roof will not be triangular, but pentagonal. It is not easy to collect it, too many elements disposed near different angles. But she serious advantages Before everyone else:

    well withstands snow loads;

    perfectly opposed pressure wind.

Minus one is a large consumption of building materials. But the winnings are explicitly - an extra living room for small cash spending.

Loan roof Source nkkconsult.ru.

The construction of the attic roof is the installation of the racks to which the litters are stacked and the lower ends of the rafter system are resting. At the top of the ends of the rafters are connected on the skate. Steep lower rafting legs rest in the bottom in Mauerlat, and from above on the ice. It turns out quite stable and robust design.

Video Description

In this video about the devoration of the attic roof:

Generalization on the topic

A variety of two-ropted roofs makes it possible to choose the option that will fit into the architecture of the erected home. The effectiveness of the structure is just a visible part. The same design is the exact calculation of the elements and loads on them. But, as practice shows, most of the roofs in the category of private house-building is precisely 0.

Looking for an original and unusual project of a country house, which would be functional and practical at the same time? Double roof with different skates is a suitable option. An unusual design is characterized by an attractive appearance, high thermal insulation and rational layout. You can make such a roof by placing one slut in the southern side, and the second - under a different angle or longer towards the north.

Specificity and Types of Double Roof

Double roof - traditional and affordable roofing. In this case, the two inclined planes intersect in a skate, which is located parallel to the long side of the structure. Despite other more modern and complex types of roof, the two-tie form remains in demand today. After all, such a design performs protective functions. With such a roof, the snow is easily rolled and the rainwater flows, without accumulating in some sections.

Depending on the angle of inclination, the two-tie roof is the following types:

  • Symmetrical classic design provides for an equifiable triangle and an angle of 45 degrees. It can easily withstand snow and raindling loads, but not suitable for the arrangement of the attic;
  • The broken roof is suitable to rationally apply the space in the attic. In this design, in the upper part of the rocks, gentle, in the bottom - have a sharp tilt. The broken roof requires a more complex rafting system;
  • Asymmetric design also allows to equip the attic, but spaces remain much smaller for this. In this case, the roof looks original and unusual;
  • The asymmetric roof is characterized by the same design as the classical symmetric, but the horse is shifted to the side, and not in the center. The multi-level design will allow the roof as a canopy for a terrace or veranda.

The angle of inclination of the two-tie roof varies within 11-45 degrees, but maybe more. The land and the warmer climate, the more flat there should be a roof. Coloring design is recommended for regions with regular strong winds, since with a strong slope of the wind pressure rises five times. And for areas with an abundant amount of precipitation, it is better to make a greater bias. Then the snow and rainwater will not accumulate on the roof, the snow load will decrease.

Example of calculation

Advantages of a pavement roof

  • The device at least one slope at an angle over 45 degrees significantly increases the useful area in the attic. As a result, an attic can be equipped;
  • The internal space under the parallel roof has almost straight and smooth walls, which allows you to equip a comfortable and cozy living room on the attic floor;
  • A unique beautiful design that will benefit home against the background of other buildings, will cause surprise and admiration;
  • Under such a roof it is convenient to place a bounted terrace, a garage or a veranda on one foundation and under one roof. This reduces costs and construction time;
  • The foundation turns out to be less pressure. In addition, the basis does not need to be done too wide. What is the foundation to choose for a wooden house, see;
  • On an asymmetric roof, solar panels and other similar devices can be installed;
  • High performance, strength and durability. Roofing easily withstands the load of snow and strong wind.

The best projects of houses with a single-stop roof

The company "Marisrub" offers individual and typical projects of wooden houses with a double asymmetric, asymmetric or broken roof. The architect of the firm will select the most suitable angle of inclination, the shape and material of the roof, so that the house becomes functional and looked harmoniously. The specialist will make the necessary calculations, taking into account the climate of the region and the design of the structure. Under the roofs will build mansard premises and comfortable living rooms. We offer popular projects with a differential roof.

Baikal - cottage with attic, balcony and terrace. This is a suitable solution for people who appreciate comfort and functionality. On the square 123 square meters there is a spacious kitchen-living room, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. In addition, the project includes a storage room and a separate boiler room.

The protruding part of the pavement roof completely closes the small terrace and a neat balcony. The balcony gives the structure of the grace and originality. It will increase the area and can be used as a place to relax. In addition, it is convenient to store on the balcony and dry things. And on the veranda comfortably relax.

Olympus is a spacious cottage with a pavement roof. This house is suitable for a large family and for those who like to receive guests. It includes three bedrooms, a kitchen and a living room, a spacious office and two bathrooms. A feature of this project is a huge angular terrace with an area of \u200b\u200bover 30 square meters, a compact cozy balcony and a large loggia. The pavement roof covers the terrace, and balconies, looks spectacular and unusual.

Forest fairy tale 3 - a popular project among customers "Marisrub", which has undergone a few changes. This option differs from previous presence of second light and the absence of a ceiling between the second and the first floor it makes the inner space by air and light. A lot of light appears in the house. The structure is distinguished by an elegant and bright appearance, which is achieved due to the original duplex roof and the erker between the terrace and the main part of the house.

Erker represents a multifaceted protrusion with windows in the wall wall. Speaking beyond the boundaries of the facade, it increases the internal space and lighting inside the cottage. The main part of the house and a cozy square terrace are located under the parallel roof. A 132 square meter cottage accommodates a living room and a kitchen-dining room, three bedrooms and two bathrooms. The main entrance to the house goes through the terrace, and from the rear facade of the building there is another entrance.

Clover - a house of 130 square meters includes a kitchen-dining room and living room, three bedrooms and a bathroom, a cozy terrace. Despite the fairly large area, the structure does not look cumbersome. The characteristic of the project was the elegant pavement roofing and an auditory window. This window makes the cottage original and performs a number of useful functions. It is used to ventilate the attic room and will become an additional light source.

Choose your favorite version at http://marisruub.ru/proekts, and the architect will make changes to the project according to the wishes of the client and the peculiarities of the land plot. We will develop any layout! The house may include wardrobe, office, bedrooms, swimming pool and other rooms. If you did not like any finished project, we offer individual design.

Create a project for free when ordering the construction of "turnkey"! We carry out a full range of services in the construction and finishing of a country house. We collect and install a log house, we carry out and connect engineering networks. We will select the desired type of roofing and foundation, the necessary materials and carry out installation. Independently we make lumber under the project! Own production is a guarantee of the quality of sawn timber and low construction prices, because we work without intermediaries.

The row roof is the most standard option. It is with her that even small children draw a house, and it is she who comes to mind. And this makes sense: this roof is simple in its design, at the same time adapted for a variety of climatic conditions and has sufficient stability that humanity has no one century. But in practice, the ideal forcep roofs are not so often - often just with unequal angles of inclination, different length of the eaves and unusual design.

The reasons for such an "anomaly" are usually two: either so the owners of housing tried to express a certain architectural feature of the house, or to this led certain operational requirements. Or different types and options for bantal roofs actually make up a lot of bonuses in the form of additional comfort, style and functionality! Tell me?

In fact, the double roof is two slopes that are fastened at a certain angle. But under what, the same, and solidly the rods themselves, and depends on what kind of roof you are going to build:

  • Traditional symmetric.
  • Asymmetric, with different angles of rods.
  • Broken, with the refraction of the skates in the middle.
  • A row roof with a skate is not in the center of the building.

And their interesting combined options.

For centuries Verified classic: from 30 ° to 60 °

Of course, today it is a symmetric duplex roof yesterday. The most simple in the construction and in miscalculations, with ergonomic classic designs, which is based on an anoscele triangle. A sharp corner is well assigned any atmospheric precipitation, snow does not accumulate, and the roofing material can be used any.

A classic symmetric duplex roof is also called forcep. In essence, these are two inclined planes-rocks of rectangular shapes, which are installed under the desired angle to the walls of the building. And the functional features of such a roof depend on the corner itself.

The row roof, depending on the corners of the rod, there are such types:

  • Classical with an angle of 45 °. The most common option for houses width up to 8 m.
  • Color, with an angle of less than 45 °. It occurs more often on small houses in particularly windy regions.
  • Pointed with angle of inclination 60 °. It is the most expensive construction option, but justified when the roof neighbors break from tons of snow.
  • Broken with rods of different angles: 30 ° and 60 °.

The angle of inclination of such a roof is calculated based on the climatic features of the area. For example, the roofs with a steep angle of inclination usually build in the regions with especially snowy winter, and gentle rocks - in windy regions. Where rains are more often than the sun, and in winter a lot of snow, this angle should be at least 60 °.

It is clear that the steeper the skates, the easier it is to reset them with themselves and not to give rainwater to linger on the coating for too long. But such a roof is able to disrupt the wind, which is fraught with considerable loss and problems. And therefore, if your locality is more windy than snowy (and the wind snow from the roofs usually blows away), then the skates should be made by gentle. So the whole difference between these subspecies of the classic duplex roof: canopy and steep.

Skates of different lengths: for additional attacks

Yes, such a roof looks unusual. But this design has a huge advantage in the fact that for the same gazebo, the garage or pool no longer need to build a separate roof or canopy. This is a considerable savings, agree, and an attractive memorable design.

The essence of this kind of roof is that she has one slot noticeably longer than the other.

Moreover, in terms of construction, nothing is difficult here:

Broken Roof: All for Herzard Coats

The whole of this kind (even a subspecies) of the bartal roof lies a rectangle, over it - a triangle and two more triangles on the sides. The ceiling in the attic is high, windows can be installed vertical, and in general space looks cozy and as close as possible to the ordinary residential room. Yes, geometry is still unusual, but it is rather plus. But now, with one of the sides of the attic, you can safely add balcony.

The broken rope roof is built when they are going to equip the residential attic in the future. After all, the room is obtained cozy and warm, the conventional duct roof is not enough due to such minuses:

  • On the skates it is quite difficult to make high-quality attic windows. Such is difficult to open, they leak during the rain and visually lose the vertical.
  • On such skates, do not make almost no attachments in the form of a balcony and other additional elements.
  • Inclined walls in the interior, no matter how the designers did not play them, do not look too comfortable. And on some people also pressure psychologically.
  • The sharp corners indoors are not really a bonus, but a problem, and they are quite difficult to beat comfortably.
  • Heat such a roof more complicated than broken.

That is why the foes on each slope are so important: the angle changes, and the inner space of the attic is obtained more cozy and spacious.

As you can see for yourself, it does not happen easier:

Or these are broken-broken:

Assymmetric roof: design and practicality

At the heart of the asymmetric roof, the refraction of which is not in the center, is based on an arbitrary triangle. It just has different angles, and therefore different sides. As a result, one slope of the roof around the area is already greater than the other, and the load on it will also be different. Therefore, the asymmetric roof is more complicated in the calculations: the load on both skates are not the same, and there will be little in the rafter system of identical elements. Somewhere you have to do something thicker, to strengthen something, but to save on something.

Unusual "broken" the inner space of such an attic is quite comfortable, and, as if cut walls hide behind fitted wardrobes. Yes, and psychological to anyone to live in such an attic much more comfortable: no sharp pitched walls.

The big advantage of this variant of the double roof is that now the windows in the attic will be inclined, and vertical, and the water is already harder to get into the inner space. Moreover, in such premises there is an opportunity to even attach a full-fledged balcony!

So why such a fruit? Why are such complex calculations if a classic never goes out of fashion? Such roofs, with asymmetric elements and forms, usually not only the whim of architects and designers, but also the excellent opportunity to make a living room under the roof is more comfortable and spacious.

The asymmetric roof itself really looks stylish, and is able to make an interesting any boring gray house. Moreover, with the help of modern computer programs, you can easily compile a detailed draft of the double roof of the most different variation:

"Understanding" of rafal systems of a bone roof

And here we picked up the most popular unusual views of the row roofs:

It is not difficult to build such unusual duplex roofs: they are laid all the same principles, it simply connects the rafters in a different way. The only thing that needs to be done is to carefully calculate in advance the future loads of the roof and how much such rafters are ready to withstand them. And all the costs of time and effort on the construction of an unusual roof will necessarily pay off a more interesting design, spacious and comfortable attic and other functional bonuses.

With the attic and without: change the trash to valuable meters

In fact, what is kept in the attics of ordinary private houses? Of course, trash! And all over the world has long become fashionable to abandon such a part of the roof in favor of a cozy attic or a real second floor, only with slightly pitched walls. And the attic itself in a more correct concept as a space for underpressure ventilation remains, however, under the coating.

But all this concerns only residential buildings. But for a real Russian bathhouse it is imperative to create an air layer between the steam from the ceiling and the top roofing coating. Otherwise, the snow in winter on such a roof will constantly be adopted, and then you alone and hang icicles. Therefore, the attic in such buildings to be!

Why is it important to solve in advance? Business in the supports and stability of the rafter system:

  • Single-level attic roofs are the simplest in terms of the device. They are usually not considered part of the structure of the house due to ease and simplicity. But at the same time, no one hurts you to make two attic rooms at once and even raise one of them on the podium.
  • Two-level attic roofs are already built as part of the house, the same as the second floor. Accurately calculated weight and load on the foundation.

Of the advantages of two-level roofs - vertical walls, twice as many living space, unusual stylish architecture. And with all this is still not a full-fledged second floor, and therefore the costs are not at all.

Chose the option you like? Then proceed to the construction site, and our site will help you in this!