In a dream to see her husband's treason. What to dream of treason husband? Interpretation of various dreams

Dream Interpretation Treason Musha

Many married women fear the treason of her husband to such an extent that fear will develop in mania, and they see a rival in every connoisseur woman.

It is not surprising that such terrible paintings can be presented in dreams. The question is what dream of the treason of her husband is important.

Interpretation of dreams

No self-respecting dream book missed this topic, the answers can be found in any interpreter of dreams.

Dream Miller

To see in a dream, the husband changes, it means that, according to Miller, you are too trusting and perceive everything as this, without thinking, right or lies.

Dreams, where the husband changed, then sincerely repented, mean - you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs.

The second half has changed consciously, due to revenge - in reality in the family all safely.

Dream Vangu

If the husband has changed in a dream

After the dreams, in which they saw the wrongness of the spouse, all plans would go as shock. Expect a long depression period, decline of the spirit.

If in a dream, the husband's intention to change, but at the last moment he refused this venture, then you will be a volitional person, you can overcome all obstacles to the goal.

Dream Interpretation Loffa

This source provides only a positive interpretation of such dreams:

  • the husband has changed from the feeling of revenge - a strong and friendly family in reality;
  • removable after treason - you are ready for any tricks and tricks to achieve the desired one.

Dream Longo

An interesting interpretation of dreams about treason provides this dream book. Any betrayal in a dream is considered a subconscious desire in reality to make an act from a series of outgoing and prohibited.

Although, such dreams have another subtext - you are too worried about the loyalty of the satellite of life, transfer anxiety to the Morpheus world.

Esoteric dream book

In which her husband changes with your girlfriend - all hopes and plans to no avail.

Why dream of treason

With whom changed

Such a dream can not be considered unilaterally, every detail is important when, with whom, your emotions, whether repentance was on his part. Your reaction is also important, what you did, hugged him, began to beat.

Not the last place will occupy the day in which you dreamed of sleep. There is an opinion that the dreams who visited us from Thursday on Friday.


As in real life, it is important, but interestingly, with whom the husband had intimacy.

Treason with a stranger

Men by nature monogamans, the world was arranged so that the male must hope more females to continue his kind. And although we have long moved away from those times, still some individuals are male, returned to the sources.

Sleep, where your favorite had intimate proximity with an unfamiliar woman, not pleasant, but what can he mean? Nothing concrete, you just have an internal conflict with yourself. Emotions that you carefully hide in the afternoon, at night are found in dreams. Often, the dreams are dreaming of women who have disagreements with his spouse, and they can not solve them for certain reasons.

Physical contact with sister

If you dreamed of a dream, in which you had a chance to see the sex spouse and your sister, then this is a bad sign. You will be disappointed in your work that will stop living, all your projects and developments will break up about the wall of misunderstanding of the manual.

In the near future, you should not take any decisive actions. Do not start new cases, do not admit in your feelings, it will only bring harm.

Adultery with girlfriend

If changed with a friend

To see the copulation of his beloved with his girlfriend - nothing foreshadows. These are your inner fears, you consider yourself worse than girlfriend in some spheres of life. Improve constantly, and similar dreams will not bother.

To find out that the husband's mistress is his girlfriend, this is an omnant that they will soon be sent, and become enemies.

Dreams of the day of the week

It is believed that if the dreams about treason are filmed on Monday, Tuesday - do not pay any attention to them.

Wednesday is a bad day. If a woman has a dream from Wednesday to Thursday, then she often faces treason. Alas, this is not so much a man's wines as your karma.

Regarding Thursday, find out what it means to change in a dream - the interpretation of the following. Perhaps the partner did not change you, but seriously thought about it. Repeat that dreams from Thursday to Friday dreams are considered things.

To see in a dream as a husband changes with another person, on Friday, often means that the Poblovers appeared a permanent mistress.

The main thing to take measures so that the husband does not become former. Since dreams on Friday mean consistency. The spouse is too passionate about the new passion.

Such a dream came on Saturday, then expect betrayal, and not necessarily from her husband. Kids, relatives, best friends can betray.

Sunday dreams are usually responsible for health, poor sleep - worsening health, good - improvement.

Do not forget that an important point for interpretation is the day of the week, in which the dream dreamed.

Consequences of treason

If you beat your husband

Evalnamed is the result of the wrongness of her husband, when the fact has already happened.

Beat or not beat

Beat a husband in a dream - to harmony and calm in life together. Beat for treason that happened in your eyes - to loyalty and sincere love of the spouse.

The only amendment, if you are very jealous in reality and worry about the loyalty of the spouse, thus, in a dream, your aggression can go. Remember, most likely, you had to hold back in order not to beat my spouse because of its disadvantage, or other disagreeable qualities. Thus, the dream does not contain interpretation.

Not caught, not a thief

There is such a situation when the husband himself admits in his treason. If you dream of recognition of the spouse in infidelity - listen carefully to the words of the spouse. Somewhere in them can slip the desired information. Perhaps in reality, the spouse did not change, but in the family it is clearly a problem. In his recognition, the code word is invested, which should bring you to the idea how to resume the former relationship.


The main rule, whom the days did not dream of a dream, and whatever he would be foreshadowed, you should not rush into the outer with your head. To begin with, talk to my spouse for cleanliness, find out what moments you are not satisfied with both. After all, rapid actions, you can turn your beloved husband, on the former.

Your mark:

When it dreams of treason in a dream, the value of this vision is able to change depending on which parts were attended directly inside sleep. Always pay attention to the trifles, because each of them can become decisive. A particularly important aspect is what emotions and feelings worried a girl or a woman at the moment when she dreamed of treason to her spouse.

What do dreams say about the treason of her husband in a dream

Sleep always had a symbolic meaning, so people relate to such renovations with greater emotionality. However, it is worth noting that if it dreams that the husband changes, this does not even indicate that in reality it will actually happen. Do not perceive what happens in a dream, literally. The dreams are always precursors of something, and the energy of sleep, as a rule, does not coincide with what sense it concludes.

After such dreams, there is often a question that dreams of her husband. As a rule, such dreams warn a great sex representative that soon in her life may have serious changes. It is possible that its spouse will be the cause of such changes.

If the woman is quite powerful or simply afraid of changes in the real way in life, she will resist them. However, as they advise dreams, it is not worth doing this. The fact is that a man is always considered a wiser of a woman, so the latter need to try to submit to his satellite of life. It is possible that such reformations in family life will lead only for the better.

Or later, if a woman dreamed that her husband had changed, she would have to take those steps that she was taking her husband.

As a rule, similar dreams are a harbinger of pleasant changes, and the woman herself will feel the pleasant consequences of such changes.

Interpretation of treason in other dreams

Miller's dream book in relation to the treason of her husband says that sleeping can be subconsciously, without even suspecting, to experience some kind of guilt. Perhaps this is due to thinking about its earlier actions, after which the woman found some flaws in them. Or the spouse was guilty before his companion of life, and he condemned her for it. And it is not at all that it was treason from the wife. It could be completely innocent at first glance, however, for a spouse he turned out to be some serious guidance. As a result, the wife of himself is the canster, even if the husband has already forgotten about this situation. It is such a plot that can symbolize what it dreams that the husband changes.

Vanga claims to see in a dream a husband with another woman does not mean at all that the spouse has a potential for such actions. Most likely, the wife is still experiencing some fear that can be based on internal complexes. For example, she understands that now it is no longer so good as before, so her satellite of life could like an extraneous beauty that looks better than her or the female energy more.

These fears can create the most unsightly images in dreams. Therefore, after such a dream, a girl or a woman understand that it is not suitable in himself, and after she comes to some definite conclusion, try to change something in itself. Then, with great probability, the feeling of anxiety will pass.

Treason to conflict in the family

In the event that the spouse in a dream does not see the treason of her husband with an outsider, but at the same time he learns about the fact of treason from his mouth, then such a skill of events in the kingdom of Morpheus can talk about the brewing crisis in family relationships. It is such a dream that may well lead to what seen in a dream will come true.

However, it is not necessary to be especially worried about this. Nevertheless, if you feel some kind of break, you need to stop all subsequent disagreements with your own husband.

Usually such dreams are a hint to the fact that you should not sit back, but you need to start acting rapidly.

If you dreamed of treason husband with another man

If you have dreamed of treason with a strange thing, this vision can be interpreted in several ways. Among them, the main interpretations may be as follows:

  • the spouse does not feel sexual satisfaction next to his beloved man, but can not find the strength to say to his faithful, so the woman herself does not notice, can think about treason with another man;
  • the spouse began to pay very little time to his wife, so she began to feel abandoned and lonely;
  • the wife has forbidden secret desires, to which the need for a variety of sexual life, for example, she wishes to try one-sex communication, threesome or something like that.

As a rule, such a dream pushes a woman to one - to a frank conversation with his own spouse, because if you constantly sink what is constantly disturbing you, it can only aggravate the situation.

Treason husband with sister or girlfriend in a dream

Dream Interpretation of a husband with loved ones can interpret this situation ambiguously, so it is necessary, first of all, to pay attention to the details of the dream. Sometimes a woman can dreamed that her faithful changed her with her sister or even with a friend. Therefore, wives often arise that they carry the interpretations of these dreams.

According to Freud, a woman feels the sexual advantage of other women with whom she often communicates quite often, and their relationships are close. That is, subconsciously she compares himself and, for example, his girlfriend for the fact that it is superior to her.

Some suits the dream book, betraying a husband in a dream in which is interpreted as trivial jealousy. That is, a woman can simply safely jealous her husband to other women, especially those with whom they often see. The reason for this can serve as amateur conversations, which from the side could seem like a flirting wife.

Another reason for such dreams may be the fact that the woman actually considers his sister or girlfriend rivals. It is possible that it feels the superiority of another woman and at the subconscious level imagines that, since she is better in something better, then the husband can notice it and in his own way to perceive.

In general, if you dream of betraying a husband with some kind of relative, then it serves as a warning that the conflict is brewing in the family, or the family relationship is too stretched.

Treason husband in a dream with another woman

If it dreams of treason in a dream, Dalka's dream book interprets it so that in potential conflicts, the initiator can perform by the spouse.

If your beloved man goes to another woman in your eyes in a dream, then it means that in the family is brewing misunderstanding, which may later be the reason for the next scandals or conflict situations at home. Therefore, such dreams are asked to show attention to relationships with their own spouse. Perhaps they have already become no such rainbow, which seemed before that.

If you dream of treason, the dream book can interpret as a boring home atmosphere. At the same time, the option is possible that the husband calls for a woman to some kind of diversity, that is, it comes to not only sexual life, but also some joint cases with her husband. For example, you can more interested in your own spouse's hobbies. It is possible that in these classes you will also find something curious and for yourself.

Studying Dream Interpretation, the husband changes in a dream, does not mean that it is also in reality. Usually, such a dream encourages a woman not to panic after she wakes up and not to put out on her faithfulness with questioning, which can only worsen the relationship.

If the dream came to the woman in the period from Thursday on Friday, then you should not think that he will certainly come true. Some elements of reality our brain can simply recreate in a dream, as he remembers the situations that have occurred before and how the husband and wife did. Therefore, a woman can simply subconsciously assign in advance which events will be later likely to.

If the spouse dreamed of treason

In fact, similar dreams for greater extent will the lot of women, since it is inherent to think about men's actions. However, it happens that the spouse dreamed, as if his wife was changing him.

After that, the men begin to wonder what to do with betrayal to her husband. Here the root cause can still serve a banal jealousy, since the spouse always considers his own wife part of his life and will not allow someone to eat it. The reason could be elementary smiles fleeing to another man or too cheerful communication with an extraneous gentleman.

There are dreams, in which the husband not only clearly sees the direct process of betrayal of his wife, but can also distinguish the features of a foreign man. Such a turn in the Kingdom of Morpheus may be a precursor that in reality conflicts will soon occur with this person.

To eat at his wife, this man is unlikely to dare, but it will be quite forces to destroy career growth.

The dreams in which the treason appear are usually evidence of difficult relationships and desire to change anything. For a more detailed interpretation, what dreams of the husband's treason, you need to take into account all the small details.

Most often, those who are very tired of the family quarrels and household problems, as well as those who feel the lack of love experiences. Your relationship with the spouse require immediate updates.

After such sleep, you should not go crazy and wait for the same in real life. Usually, the vision indicates the fact of your spouse's loyalty to you, you have no reason for jealousy. But, if you are restless in your heart, then you should simply turn to talk to him and dispel their doubts. It is possible that the spouse will make you take it, but the reason will be completely different.

Often treason of her husband is a harbinger of change in life, and not necessarily in the family. It can concern an absolutely any person that is nearby. In order to avoid serious scandals and trouble, you will urgently have to establish relationships with loved ones. If your favorite husband changed you in a dream, then it may say that you, unlike the second half, are not yet ready for fundamental change.

Sometimes a similar dream shows that her husband or someone else abuses your trust and enjoys you for mercenary purposes.

If the betrayal happened to the girl of easy behavior, then this means that your spouse is inclined to make irresponsible and rapid acts. Also, this fact says clarifies: the surrounding belong to it is unpervently, maybe even with a mockery.

In addition, the dream of a treason of her husband may indicate that you are not able to part with your past, you are constantly tormented by memories that do not allow you to live happily with your husband. You often compare your spouse and your relationship with your former guys, which is not completely acceptable. You keep yourself with your husband closely and suspiciously, do not trust him completely, because before you often deceived and betrayed. You do not spend your free time for stupid experiences, you need to buy on your spouse. Try to remember your acquaintance, your wedding and other pleasant joint moments. Something because forced you to get married for this person. Think about his advantages and about your collaborative plans.

Dreaming, where you changed the spouse, may have to make an unexpected love. It is quite possible, she will remain no one known except you, and will not turn into any relations.

If you saw how a husband changes you in your bedroom, then this may mean dissatisfaction with sex life. You seem to be completely banal and boring. In fact, this task is to solve simply, you just need to talk to your beloved.

When your spouse has changed you with your acquaintances, it promises disappointment, collapse of hopes and unrealized plans. It is not worthwhile to depress about this, because your ambitions were extremely high. You need to be modest in your requirements and desires, and also applies to her husband with great understanding. About the difficulties in relationships says.

Negative sign is a dream, in which your spouse has changed you with your sister. In this case, you should not wait for nothing good, you are waiting for many problems, however, a white strip is not far off.

When, in a dream, your spouse told you about treason, you can be calm that in reality he is not going to do so. He feeds truly bright feelings to you and does not even think about betrayal. It is satisfied with everything in you. If he is very repeated in a dream, it is a symbol - he is not satisfied with the situation and takes everything possible to change it.

In the event that the husband is not justified in treason, but, on the contrary, says that you are worse in bed, than the other, you really should think. This dream shows that you have a fear that you are not very sexy and not satisfy your spouse. However, he still loves you, but it is afraid to admit to problems on your part. You can not yet forget: in dreams there are many projections and reflections of our reality.

It dreams of treason in a dream with your girlfriend - it is likely that you will become completely indifferent to my husband, passion will leave, love and is suppressed. Therefore, it is necessary to take measures to resume romance.

Sleep, in which someone told you about the change of faithful, foreshadows obstacles and difficulties on the way to the appointed goals. But do not worry, there are friends in your environment, ready to always come to revenue. Dislike and sleep, in which.

You will be waiting for the fulfillment of desires and promotion over the career stairs after sleep, in which your spouse could resist treason. After such sleep, you will have a quiet family life without quarrels and reproaches.

Now that you know what to dream of betrayal husband, you know that it is not worth jealous of it in reality. But to talk with him to souls and refresh the feelings - the necessary measure. It all depends only on you, so the sooner you suspect the wrong, the easier it will establish relationships and save the family.

The main link in the relationship of her husband and wife is confidence. It is confidence in the sincerity and dedication of the second half tightly holds the family alliance. But there are in the life of the situation when all the dreams and plans for the bright family future rushes. This happens when the wife finds out about the treason of his spouse.

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Quite often, this blow of fate materializes in the night Gins of representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. In the next morning, a woman arises only one question - what does the husband dream of treason? Why do I see such dreams? Does it make sense to torment yourself with suspicions and do not trust her husband?

In fact, most dream books interpret such dreams as an omnant of negative events in the life of a woman. This may mean that endless family troubles and scandals with her faithful morally devastated a woman, she wants peace, consent and family coziness.

    In order to save the family, you need an emotional splash and bring something new to the relationship.

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      • Interpretation of a dream

        In most cases, each woman is very emotional and sensitive. Each of the representatives of the beautiful gender wants to be the only one for his spouse. Therefore, strong internal experiences are sometimes transferred to the world of dreams. But how to recognize that symbolizes the wrongness of a husband in a dream: the insecurity of a woman in itself or is it really a hint of what is happening in reality?

        The spouse, who succumbed to the temptation in a dream, means the presence of a sense of guilt and anxiety for the act in the past, for which she is still a shame. This may not be at all associated with marital loyalty, but there is a possibility of condemnation by the second half.

        Another value of the treason of her husband is more favorable. The infidelity of the husband, who has done in front of his wife, promises the establishment of warm and confidential relations between spouses. Therefore, you should not hurry to suspect your man.

        Has my husband changed in a dream and is comprehensively confessed in betrayal? The dream tells his wife that she needed more time to pay his beloved, otherwise there is a possibility that night dreams will become a reality. It is necessary to create in the house such an atmosphere of heat, comfort and psychological comfort so that the spouse even did not think to seek comfort somewhere on the side.

        If his wife dreamed of treason and she accidentally learned about betrayal, then all the details of sleep should be remembered: names, addresses, items, a person who revealed the truth. In the near future, all this is useful for possibly exposure of faithful.

        To see treason, perfect for coercion, is to the danger and great trouble with the spouse.

        If the end of the afternoon was chosen at night and the woman remembered everything to the smallest details, then this promises the betrayal and humiliation of the closest people, perhaps even the main heroes of the dream.

        Woman dreamed like a spouse wanted to go to another, but then changed his mind sharply? This means that the family will come a bright period in life. The feelings will flare up with a new force, and all the troubles and evil goats will cost a family nest side. Also, such a dream can talk about a very strong will of a woman or a properly chosen way to solve a complex problem.

        If the beloved changed right in the family's bedroom, it may indicate sexual dissatisfaction. Wife wants greater diversity in intimate relationships. In order to solve this problem, you just need to discuss it with the second half.

        Dream Miller

        Miller considers her husband's treason in his wife's dreams, first of all, from the point of view of psychology and a subconscious level of a person. Such night dreams talk about the insecurity of their spouses, her fear remains alone. Sometimes, it behaves naive and ingenuously, it goes unpropriately than in a hurry to take advantage of other people.

        If at night, it was chosen that the husband changed, but he followed the sincere repentance of the beliefly, then this means dissatisfaction with his financial situation and social status. In order to correct the situation, the purposeful woman will be ready for almost everything.

        Treason of her husband in a dream, deed from revenge, promises prosperity and success in family relationships.

        Also, treason may be an unreasonable accusation of a woman in what she did not commit. In reality, his wife should be more affectionate and tolerant to the spouse, since excessive irritability and suspicion of his wife can really push him to betrayal.

        A dream in which the temptation of her husband is happening in front of his wife, the ambulance and divorce promise, and the separation will be cold and indifferent from the woman.

        If it dreams that the official husband changes with some young maiden, then numerous frivolous ties are waiting for him, which will only leave the emptiness in the soul, but it does not acquire family warmth due to its frivolousness and causing behavior.

        If the husband in a dream succumbed to temptation, then this means that he will deceive someone.

        Also, married infidelity can be interpreted as the lack of a single opinion in some very important issue for a family. Couple should find a compromise to solve the existing problem so that this situation does not lead to a deterioration of relationships.

        To see treason and seduction of another woman can fill his wife's ambulance. But there is a possibility that it will remain unrequited. The representative of the beautiful floor should not be silent about his feelings, then she will have a chance to become happy.

        If a stranger appeared in the dream, who spoke about the betrayal of faithful - to difficulties in the implementation and implementation of the life plans of his wife. However, in a difficult minute, the best friends and close people will come to the rescue.

        If the husband did not succumb to temptation, then this promises a quick fulfillment of the cherished wishes of the spouse or rapid advancement over the career ladder.

        Modern dream book

        If the wife saw in a dream to betray her husband in her eyes, then this means that the appearance of his feelings for his half weakened because of the constant scandals and the tense atmosphere of the house. A woman should be a little convict and tolerate to the spouse to eliminate the possibility of occurring events in reality.

        Another meaning of the marvelous infidelity is an ambulance or perhaps even a divorce with faithful. The reason for this may become frivolous behavior of the spouse. Wife should be more serious and restrained to save the family.

        Another shocking of dreams, in which the husband changes, promises great trouble with whom the spouse can cope only with the help of old proven friends.

        If the spouse is very regrets about what he did, then this means complete discontent with his own position in the family. In this situation, it is worth a frankly talk to your second half to correct the existing state of affairs.

        A bright dream about treason, which a woman remembered in all details, may be a foregoing fire. It is worth being attentive with household appliances and electricity.

        Wife broke her husband in his dream for treason? It promises a quiet and peaceful family life, harmonious relationships with faithful. Also, such a dream speaks of a sincere and great love of her husband.

        If the spouse himself admits that he succumbed to the temptation, then it is necessary to try to remember with the maximum accuracy that the husband said in a dream. Apparently, in the near future it will help to solve some kind of mystery. This does not mean that her husband dreams of being with another woman. This is a sign that the family problems still exist. The wife must do everything possible to restore the previous passion in relationships.

        The spouse, who repents in his act and gives flowers, means that he wants to make novelty notes in their marital life, but the wife does not want it. This may indicate a deep crisis in relations.

        If the beloved stood before the tempted, it will be foreseen the emergency fulfillment of cherished desire and prosperity in all matters.

        Night dreams in which the husband makes betrayal right in the house where a married couple lives, says that the beloved thing really leads a double life.

        Interpretation of Great Chair and Psychologists

        Treason of her husband in all cases is a serious psychological trauma for his wife, even if she saw it only in a dream. However, how to understand that just a bad dream, and not the prompts over. What do the interpreters of dreams of great people say about this?

        • Wanta argues that if the wife sees her husband in a dream with another lady, then it will be a collapse of all plans and reliance, resulting in a long and deep depression.
        • If the spouse, the beloved, which very much wanted to have physical contact with a different woman, but in the last second thought, says that the wife has a strong character that will help her overcome all life adversity;
        • Dream Interpretation Freud says dreams, in which the wife sees how her spouse is copulating with another young lady, means internal doubts of his wife, her insecurity;
        • Nostradamus explains similar dreams as a sign of emergency cardinal changes in life or deep resentment on the spouse;
        • Loff claims that sex out of revenge begins a long and gentle marriage. If my husband regretted what he did, the woman was dissatisfied with his intimate life with faithful;
        • According to the Dream of Tsvetkova, body contact of the second half with an unfamiliar woman means that his wife conceived some plan, but he was not destined to come true, as she did not carefully thought out all the details. Adultery of life satellite with sister or girlfriend - to unrealized dreams. Sexual relations with a stranger - a quiet and pleasant life without any chagrin;
        • Dream Longo interprets that treason of her husband is a sign of unreasonable jealousy and suspicion of his wife;
        • Esoteric dream book Physical contact of the spouse with another woman explains as a sign of happy and calm family life. Wife should learn to trust her spouse in everything;
        • According to the British interpreter of dreams, the treason promises passionate love with his second half in reality;
        • What does Medele's dream book about such dreams? The infidelity of the life satellite can mean gossip and evil goats of their wife's cheapers, as well as heavy vitality. If the husband did not succumb to adultery, then it promises success and prosperity in all matters;
        • According to erotic dreams, the treason of faithful - the collapse of plans and hopes;
        • The dream book of the White Maga claims that such dreams will dream of those women who reveal too concerned about this issue. The reason for this is their own uncertainty;
        • Why dream of treason of her husband according to the XXI century dream book? Sexual contact of the spouse on the side promises big problems in life, but they will be overcome thanks to the support and help of loved ones.

        The main "heroes" of dreams about treason

        Unfortunately, men, according to the laws of nature polygamans. Instinctively, they feel the need to fertilize a large number of females in order to continue the genus. This is one of the reasons for such an unpleasant event as treason. However, even in a dream, betrayal brings his wife a strong pain and disappointment. Interpretation of such dreams depends on who has occurred with married infidelity.

        Copulation with a stranger

        Extremely unpleasant are dreams about treason with a completely unfamiliar and unpleasant woman. Such dreams may indicate that the wife has an internal conflict with itself. During the daytime, the wife hides his feelings and resentment, and at night they find a way out in her dreams. In most cases, such dreams say that there are disagreements and troubles in the family, but the married couple is in no hurry to decide.

        If you had a dream in which the husband changed with a girl of easy behavior? This indicates the irresponsibility and frivolity of faithful. His environment refers to a man is not serious, perhaps even with a mockery.

        If the stranger had a dreaming not visible, it promises serious problems with the law, administrative or even criminal responsibility for the commission of a rapid act.

        Corporate contact with sister

        If the wife saw the physical contact of his faithful and native sister in the night's nights work.

        What dream of treason husband with sister in a dream? Such a dream warns a woman that it is not worth talking to anyone about his plans, dreams and feelings. This can cause envy around.

        Husband indulgested carnal uteuham with his wife's sister? This promises a complete failure in all important endeavors. It is not necessary to take into the introduction of new ideas, as they can completely fail.

        Sex with girlfriend

        If in a dream, a dreaming girlfriend makes love with her husband - this is a bad sign. This suggests that the wife has some doubts about their appearance, insecurity and in their abilities. In order to solve this problem, it should be constantly self-sustained and developed.

        If the husband changes with a girlfriend in a dream, then this promises their ambulance quarrel and enmity.

        If the spouse copulates with his girlfriend, the development of such a scenario of events is unlikely. Do not be afraid of the real adultery of the spouse with this lady. Most likely, the cause of such dreams is a banal envy or resentment of spouses. To solve the problem, it is necessary to analyze your feelings.

        Sleep value depending on the day of the week

        Of great importance to the interpretation of sleep, in which the husband committed a cruel betrayal, affects what day the day was performed.

        For example, night dreams in the first half of the week, do not carry any danger and bad omen. These night dreams are most often related to the past women, her memories, feelings and emotions that arise when she thinks about these events. Do not worry about such dreams.

        If the dream in which the spouse changes with another woman, he dreamed on Monday, then it could say that his wife recently survived a betrayal. Thoughts about the event that happened, do not give her to live calmly, anxiously disturbing the soul.

        Sophisticated infidelity that has dressed up on Tuesday has a similar value with Monday. However, in this situation, treason has occurred much earlier. Perhaps it was very painful, and that is why the representative of the beautiful half of humanity is afraid to start a new relationship.

        The betrayal of the blessed, which was inserted on Wednesday, should be very alert, it may be a bad sign. Perhaps because of some ridiculous coincidence, the woman belongs to the number of ladies that husbands constantly change. Psychics argue that this is the result of the impact of some magical action. Such girls are very easily acquainted with new men, but the relationship never lasts long.

        Dreams about treason that were dressed in Thursday are things. Most likely, the husband will really immediately succumb to the temptation. But do not be upset, as it can be simply a fleet flirting to raise your self-esteem.

        A very serious and threatening omen are dreams about the betrayal of the spouse who dreamed on Friday. Most likely, he really has a different woman, and soon he will go to her.

        Dreams about treason, dreamed on Saturday, are not serious. They denote betrayal with mercenary motifs, which can proceed not only from her husband, but also from friends, children, loved ones, colleagues.

        Night dreams about adultery of a legitimate spouse right on the eyes of a woman who dreamed on Sunday, promise treason to reveal or great financial losses, health problems or at work. Also, the spouse can be the initiator of the cardinal change in the life of his wife.

        Treason is a hard test for any woman. However, it is not necessary to safely suspect the spouse in close relations with another woman. It is best to frankly talk to him and get answers to all your questions. Well, the most important thing to preserve warm and gentle emotions in the family is to trust your second half in everything.

In a dream, a man spends a lot of time, experiencing emotions and feelings like reality. Psychologists say that dreams are the relationship of consciousness and subconscious, and with proper interpretation you can learn a lot of interesting things. Women often trust dreams, as they are more emotional. A dream in which a beloved man is in the arms of another woman can lead to a stupor and cause a panic state. Do not panic in advance, you need to take yourself in your hands and calmly understand what has happened. What uniquely can be said is that after such a sleep, it is necessary to radically revise relationships with your beloved.

Sleeping about treason can simply reflect your and experience in reality, perhaps you have already given a husband that he goes to the left or an excessive jealousy nuts you in a dream. In general, treason is a symbol of scandal and conflict, not only with a partner, and with relatives, colleagues and friends. Try at this time calm down and calmly solve all the problems, without bringing to serious scandals.

Another night vision can tell about the fact that changes are coming in real life, the initiator of which is your husband. Most likely, you do not want to take them and go against your will. Another interpretation of why it dreams that the husband changes, will tell that at the moment you have taken for the implementation of the plan, but at the same time they overestimated themselves, and did not take into account important details, and this may be negatively affected by the result.

In one of the dreams there are information that a dream about treason is a sign that soon you will be accused of violating the law, but the case will be insignificant, but the unpleasant sediment will still remain. If you see that a man changes with her friend - this is a symbol of destruction of your hopes. Dream Interpretation advises a little change his attitude to the partner, become kinder and forgive his small misses, it will help to cope with problems and feel happy. If you dream that the husband constantly changes, you may have subconsciously yourself want to get a relationship on the side and constantly think about it.

You can also find information that sleep is caused by your alarming state, which provoked by a sense of guilt due to a perfect act. This may not be at all infidelity, but the husband can negatively respond to what happened. Dream of treason may also have an opposite interpretation, may soon be between you with the spouse, the relationship will become warmer and sincere.

If you, waking up in the morning, you can retell seen, to the smallest details - this is a warning that in real life it is worth a careful person, as they can humiliate you. When the husband, I wanted to change, but at some point I changed my mind, is the sign that all problems will be part of.

What dream of a husband's lover?

If the lover of the beloved was close to his friend, the dream book recommends noting the attention not to her husband, namely on it. Most likely, the spirit of rivalry is constantly present in your relationship with it, which is the reason for such dreams. When the mistress of her husband is his friend, perhaps in real life between them there will be some scandal, and they can even become enemies. If the mistress turned out to be your sister - sleep carries negative information, up to the destruction of all hopes. Treason with a former beloved - foreshadows great trouble.

Why dream, what did the husband threw?

If in a dream a partner admitted that he changed you and going to leave - this subconscious gives you a hint that the crisis has come in the relationship and sleep can come true. Do not be upset, you still have a chance to fix it and establish relationships, everything is in your hands.