Choose the best window sill for plastic windows (prices). Window sills for plastic windows how to choose the color of the window sill

Everyone, with the exception of lovers of High-tech, sooner or later, it is necessary to decide which windowsill are better. We believe, readers guess that all typical models, pushed by dealers, are not so good, otherwise this review would not appear on the light. What are the shortcomings of typical windowsill? If you get plastic windows, then the profile is chlipot. It does not hold not only a serious load, but also the effects of high temperatures. Who wants, once dropping ashes from cigarettes, stay with a spoiled windowsill? Werzalit advertising demonstrated precisely such a situation, and we decided to bring references.

Plastic window sill

The best plastic window sills

If you take Werzalit window sills, then their advantage in the presence of a training roller, which in addition to the high-quality definition of properties outlines the installation process in detail. Very good to have something similar at hand to try on your life situation in advance. Much further went to Moller (Möller), where tests were filmed on video, demonstrating product superiority. Another sales consultant on YouTube showed excellent heat-resistant characteristics, pumped down the window sill lighter, but, of course, I would like to evaluate strength.

This is exactly what they did in the laboratory. The series consisted of three tests in which 5 samples participated, including named Möller:

Well, this is a rather convincing demonstration of the possibilities of plastic windowsill Möller. And the fact that one of them did not burn on the flame lighters, also positively affects the opinion of products in general. I would like to have a test for fireproof and resistance to high temperatures. But not qualitatively, but in numbers. For example, will the windowsill with the Möller on the Soldering or Iron? And it is said in the video about the ability to put a frying pan, but it does not demonstrate it.

Cozy window sill

On the official site went further. Tables are given, where the superiority of the windowsill Möller over typical models and the requirements of GOST are shown. In particular, it is indicated that the product is withstanding the effects of +150 degrees Celsius for 30 minutes. We would say that about the frying pan the author of the movie got excited. We know that the temperature of the fryer for toasting donuts reaches 200 degrees Celsius. And you can prepare in a pan. Thus, there is nothing to think to put a soldering iron on the product. And I would also like to know the safety of the impact on the windowsill of high temperatures for health. According to some information, most of those who died in a chrome horse have suffered chemicals released by the combustion of PVC decoration of the room.

But on a general background, Möller's window sills look in lovely, and all our readers must agree with this. Even their profile is unusual. Perhaps we will repeat somewhat, but we will remind that today there are three types of window sides of the windowsill (it is possible that extruded in the neighboring garage):

But we would choose from ready-made parameters. It is better that the tests have been conducted in an independent laboratory, because if in America, for an attempt to give a police officer, you can sit immediately, then we will not be ashamed to pay for the right sheet of testing the head of the research center. Therefore, it is so difficult to decide what window sills are better in fact. We looked at high-quality and quantitative characteristics, but there are still installation issues.

Installation of plastic windowsides

The famous plastic windows installer, repairman, master and just a cheerful man A, Zemskov about the window sills said nothing. Probably missed. Therefore, fighting a little, we found a curious thing. It turns out on the advice, they often contradict each other. In one case, it is recommended to bring heat insulation under the bottom, in the other - in no case do it. Here is what supporters of the second method (not literally):

The windowsill should stand only on a solid concrete tie. There is no need for insulation of wood, polyurethane foam or mineral wool. If the battery is under the window, then the bottom wall is warm. The windowsill will be basked from him. It is not enough that in this case it's nice to stand up or sit down, so also the window will be less fisified.

The said is not some of the row with a knocking fact. Because everyone wants himself a plastic window sill in wider so that it can be possible to use it for economic purposes. In this case, the battery is closed, the normal air cycle is broken. Strictly speaking, it is not necessary to do so, but if I want, it really does not need to be inserted under the windowsill. It will warm up from the wall and to some extent to pass the heat room.

Not everyone can do and tie to something not to push. The easiest way to do as it is recommended in the Werzalit advertising and tutorial. One of the installation methods is as follows:

  1. To begin with, the height of the installation strokes is selected. Each of them is recruited from a variety of thin powders to get the specified height with an accuracy of a few millimeters. Total points of support three. And no longer necessary! Each is exhibited so that the window sill is located without sagging strictly horizontally. The wizard succeeded without any problems.
  2. Fastening will be conducted on cement pellets. The demonstration video uses four pieces. On the back side of the window sill under each of them is attached a special bracket. The intricate pattern pattern will be immersed in cement, and when it grabs everything, it will provide a solid fastening. Separately indicates the location of the supports, distances, the magnitude of hanging outside the wall.
  3. The windowsill is mounted at the place, and several spacers are installed to fix the position. So the design is withstanding until the solution is hardened.

Please note that there is no speech about any permanent contact. Here are more like several points of support. At the same time, the strength is sufficient. In our opinion, this approach will not be worse to warm the windowsill, and the difficulty of work falls for the simple reason that not everyone can easily put the screed smoothly. In this light, the question of what window sills is better, it is decided to assess the complexity of the installation work. At the same time, if there is no battery wall, the installation can be conducted on mineral wool. From simple considerations so as not to be cold on the windowsill sit down. Remember when we are going to sit on the street in a frosty day, then the shop will be astate. Approximately the same thing happens in this case.


The windows board is a constructive element of the window that performs a number of useful functions:

  • wars excess moisture in the internal and external slopes;
  • keeps heat several times better concrete grounds, which is very important during the heating period;
  • simplifies the process of maintenance of window structures;
  • plays the role of an important decorative element in the modern design of the premises.

Types of window sills

Today, the choice of windowsill is widely as never. Let's look at the main market proposals and mention the advantages and cons of the use of each of them.

For economical - plastic

Plastic window sill is a simple and affordable solution. Select the appropriate product is very easy, because the offer in this segment is huge.

The windows of this type differ from each other only in two parameters: color palette and price. However, such structures do not differ in performance and wear resistance.

Among plusthe use of plastic window sills allocate moisture resistance and ease of operation. They can be washed with any detergents.

Among minuses- rough porous structure. Pollution with time is entrusted to the surface of the material. It is difficult to withdraw them, and, for example, stains from the marker and marker is impossible.

For cleaning and "bleaching" of the windowsills and window frames use a special solvent Cosmofen. The tool cleans the plastic from dust and dirt, but the stains from the marker does not displays. Use other means with caution. Many of them enter into a chemical reaction with plastic polymers and coat the irreparable harm, leave flaws on the surface.

Trendy acrylic

Acrylic window sills are PVC suboolent boards with a protective acrylic coating.

TO pluses This type of window sills include:

  • Strength. Thanks to the walls with a thickness of 3 mm withstand a large weight.
  • Resistance to abrasion. Depending on the manufacturer's company, there are from two to four layers of protective acrylic coating. The surface is difficult to scratch even when carrying out cosmetic repairs (nails, self-drawing, knife).
  • Decorative qualities.Each manufacturer offers a large catalog of colors, a glossy or matte surface to choose from. You can pick up the windowsill for any interior.

However, it is impossible to name the ideal option. Its main minus is the price: such a windowsill will cost five times more expensive plastic.

Varieties of acrylic window sills

Some acrylic window sills of popular firms have a number of additional benefits:

  • Danke.Mark produces premium window sills according to the latest German technologies with ELESGO protective coating. Coatings mimic the structures of natural wood and stone. The coating withstands contact with hot objects, immunity to cigarette ashes, chemicals, resistant to the formation of spots of any complexity. The manufacturer's warranty is ten years old.

  • Crystallit. These window sills also belong to premium products. The manufacturer offers twenty-seven types of decor: matte, glossy, woody, designer. As part of plastic, there is no formaldehyde lead, which makes them absolutely safe. The surface has high protection against ultraviolet rays.

  • Möller. These window sills are made of PVC and wood flour. The innovative coating of ELESGO PLUS ON TOP ® is five times more resistant to abrasion than standard acrylic coatings. The directory of the decor is constantly updated. Warranty on products - three years.

Wooden window sill

Most often they are ordered as a "companion" to wooden windows.

Wooden window sill made of glued shield with a thickness of 40 mm. It can be painted in any color from the factory directory. Typically, about ten colors are offered to choose from.

High-quality painting of wooden window sills is performed only in the factory conditions.

TO pluses Wooden window sills include environmental safety and the possibility of selecting the board tone to the tone to the wooden frame.

but minuses Products are much more:

  • Strength. Tree is much softer plastic. On its surface remain dents, scratches, cracked are formed.
  • Low resistance to abrasion. It is practically absent. Paintwork materials are spoiled from constant friction, for example, flower pots about the surface.
  • Coating "Afraid" of all caustic solvents and most cleaning products.

Woody window sills gradually burn out in the sun, despite special coatings with protection against ultraviolet.

Remember that the quality of the wooden window sill depends on many factors: wood breeds, painting and installation methods, operating conditions.

Reliable stone

Such window sills are harvested from various types of stone: acrylic, quartz agglomerate, marble, granite and others. Accordingly, the cost of products will depend on the basic material.


  • Large rigidity.They can not scratch in contrast to plastic or wooden. However, how to break.
  • Huge selection of decoration colors. You can choose the necessary solution that successfully will fit into the interior or suitable in color to the window frame tone.
  • Latitude application.You can give the stone windowsill if desired, you can give any shape: round, semicircular, with the transition to the worktop and so on. There are no restrictions for the designer's fantasy and architect.


  • Mounting complexity.If wooden and plastic windows are drinking on the spot, the stone is cut out in the factory conditions, so the correct measurement in this case plays a very important role. It will be easy to use the error then it will be difficult.
  • Expensive repair. Acrylic artificial stone is inexpensive (compared to the rest of the stone) material. Therefore, to repair such a window sill in place for a professional will not be difficult. When the chip appears, the acrylic resin is mixed with the granite crumb, poured the damaged area and grind it. But if your windowsill is made of natural stone, this repair is impossible. For example, a very heavy object fell on the granite windows, and several cracks appeared on the surface. In this case, it will take a complete replacement of the base.

Table top

Many customers instead of the windowsill are asked to establish kitchen countertops from MDF and LDSP. Usually the customer buys the design itself, and the assembly company is engaged only by the installation, therefore it is not possible to present claims regarding the quality of the foundation material, you cannot.

Countertops are "sharpened" under intensive operation, however, when installing in places with frequent drops of temperature and humidity, it is worth providing additional protection to the end to the surface: paint and process the antiseptic. If this is not done, then the material will absorb moisture very fast and will swell.

Accordingly, the protective coating of tabletops from MDF and LDSP occupies an intermediate place between plastic and acrylic window sills. It is hard to scratch, and simplicity in care is due to the purpose of the surface.

Do you need a windowsill?

Someone this question may seem strange. But today in many apartments from the developer there are no windowsides in the understanding familiar to us. Instead of installing a classic wooden, plastic or stone window board, a "concrete base for support" of the window structure is poured. The same believes that very small window sills do not require such a competent installation as standard.

When installing windows and windowsides, it is necessary to take into account the climatic conditions of the region, the features of the materials from which the wall consists. Select designs need to be based on GOST recommendations.

Often builders do not leave additional space for the installation of this important element during the subsequent decoration of the room. The owner has to decorate the existing surface. To achieve an acceptable aesthetic species in this case is very difficult. In addition, paints and varnishes are not protected from moisture and temperature drops at the level of already proven constructions.

Solutions with brick or concrete windowsill are suitable only for Loft-style rooms.

Building companies such a reception reduce the cost of apartments "for self-election" and with the "primary finish". It would seem that this is a plus. But if there is a wide gap or concrete between the base and the frame and the frame to the sash level is a gross violation of technology.

The window structure established in this way will not perform basic functions and will soon be the cause of the indoor microclimate. In winter, the problem is possible to be aggravated by the formation of condensate and mold, freezing the junction of the frame and the wall and others. Savings will be wrapped by even larger spending. Are you ready to pay more?

Which to choose?

The main criteria when choosing a window sill is an appointment and price. For example, if you intend to buy a simple white window sill under the standard plastic window, you can hardly be convinced of the need to purchase a stone. Is that the fortified acrylics will interest the wide palette of shades.

If you select a wooden window sill under a wooden window (accurate compliance with shades) or stone for the implementation of an individual project and accurate interior compliance, then do not even remember about the plastic windowsill with a porous structure.

The price value for all listed types of windowsill is the following: plastic - the cheapest, then go acrylic, then wooden and closed the list stone. Countertop from MDF or LDSP is comparable in cost with acrylic windows.

Modern windows for windows require the installation of the appropriate accessories, and a worthy addition to them will be plastic window sills, subject to the choice of a qualitative option.

What can be said about the windowsill plastic?

Each owner of the urban apartment or a country manor simultaneously both Zaughz, and a master, skillful in some specific home affairs profiles (or mediocre, but diligent), and a designer. That is, as far as possible, a worker on all hands. And, looking at the cracked wooden window frames, the indigestion owner will say with confidence: "It's time to change on double-glazed windows." But what about the board and the kitchen, no less cracking, who lost aesthetic appearance? Of course, they require replacement, but the boards in this case will be inappropriate. What is the way out? The ideal solution will be plastic window sills, and what better - consider further.

However, someone, considering the proposed option, will definitely remember that plastic, unlike wood, is much easier to deform, it is afraid of contacts with hot objects, burns into the sun. That is, such a windows board may be very short-lived. Well, it's really not a myth, and a preheated iron even with short-term contact can really leave a spot on a glossy plastic surface. But, on the other hand, for ironing there are special boards, equipped with stands for an iron, a hot kettle is better to leave on the stove. It is better to put flowers to the window sill, and when combining it with a tabletop - put the laptop and books.

It would be a mistake to assume that all the windows of polyvinyl chloride are identical in quality. If the basis, as a rule, all models are the same, then decorative coating (lamination) is different. There are several types of films that are covered by PVC window sills, and all of them have different properties that are transmitted and processed. In particular, there are coatings protecting from high temperatures, scratches, burnout under the influence of ultraviolet rays. Next, we will consider and compare the most common types of films.

Such different windowsills made of plastic

Whatever the model you do not have chosen, you will have to deal with polyvinyl chloride, or, if short, with PVC. The difference between the products of certain manufacturers is only in the added plasticizers, and since the composition is not known to you, only the quality should be interested, it is desirable - tested by time. Cheap products of unknown manufacturers are better not to take, because it is quite possible, such windowsill from plastic have an insufficient amount of plasticizer and differ in high fragility.

In fact, you will have a choice of two options: with wood filler and without it, only with stiffeners. And, of course, all this will be PVC. What type of preferred? The first is more expensive, in view of what is not produced by domestic companies and comes only from abroad. The second option is a rigid polyvinyl chloride. And if the latter is high quality, nor by strength, no durability of differences you will not notice. You can even pick up such a model that will be resistant to high temperatures, that is, such window sills from plastic will not be sworn under the hot iron, nor under the kettle.

As for the ribs of stiffness, there is a choice here. In particular, the most common design, which is used in the manufacture of cheap windows - vertical edges with large gaps. Reducing the number of jumpers inside the windowsill allows the manufacturer to save on the material, but this affects the strength qualities. More qualitative models are equipped with a large number of rigidity, they are more expensive, but much more reliable and more durable, because they are not deformed under external loads. So many plastic slopes and window sills are produced.

The variant, the rigidity ribs of which are not vertically, and at an angle, cloth, has high strength. Connecting between themselves, they form a number of triangular cells, due to which any surface deformations are completely excluded. The strength depends on the thickness of the windows, since, the higher the rigid ribs, the less resistant they are to the loads, especially to sharp mechanical effects. However, just angular jumpers are an exception, forming an extremely stable design.

We choose plastic window sills

So, carefully examined the design options, we turn to the external coatings of the windows. As already mentioned, they are divided into several classes, conventionally can be called economy, classic and elites, with the corresponding quality of the finishing film. The first option is the most common, in this case, the basis cast from the polyvinyl chloride is pasted with the film from the same PVC. Cheap and quite reliably, if you do not expect from such a windowsill sustainability to scratch and hot iron. The coating protects against moisture, ultraviolet, non-beams, transfers the effects of detergents. The maximum temperature that such a product will be withstanding is a mug with hot tea or coffee. Even ashes from a cigarette can leave an indelible mark.

The second option occupies an average price position of the three listed, the coating on such models is more reliable, since it is a melamine film (CPL). Such is already quite persistent and without consequences, even the smoldering cigarette that fell on the surface, even with significant mechanical exposure remains scratching. What is the most interesting, this class coating is self-tapping, that is, will not give food for fire with random direct contact with fire, for example, with a burning match felling on the window sill. And, of course, the film is not afraid of household chemicals, especially detergents.

The class of elites includes plastic window sills, coated with film based on melamine resin, but a higher level of quality, which is one of the latest achievements of modern technologies. The VPL film is used as a coating, or the ELESGO produced in Germany. The first reports the windowsill full moisture and pairs of resistance, resistance to any temperature surcharge, long-term exposure to ultraviolet. This is not speaking of exceptional resistance to mechanical damage, whether they are scratches or chips. The second, among other things, provides antistatic surface of the surface, while being an environmentally friendly material.

Any type of lamination has its own service life, which depends on the quality of the coating (it also affects the price), and choose the better the most durable models, without looking at the cost, or choose a gold middle.

Films covering the basis of PVC, in the process of their production give a certain color and texture. In the future, laminated window sills also become glossy or matte, acquire any color, including imitating divorces of wood. By the way, such models look great with wooden frames. Elite films often have a silky surface surface, which indicates the quality of the coating.

If you change the old wooden window to modern plastic, it will naturally be changed and the old window sill on a new one, also plastic. Regardless of your attitude to plastic as a material, this combination will look organically.

What are the good plastic window sills

The advantages of plastic windowsill mass. They are easier wooden and cheaper marble. In this case, all the aesthetic functions of window sills made of natural materials remain.

Similarly, we will not specifically negotiate that the coverage of all windowsides has anti-vandal properties that they are made of fireproof material and other self-evident things.

Basic brands in the plastic window sill market

Plastic window sills Moeller

German brands dominate the plastic windows market, they also prevail in the market of modern windowsill.

The chip of this brand is the manufacture of products from a mixture of polymers with wood flour. The resulting material (Lingodur's branded designation) has a small thermal expansion coefficient, does not change its geometry in the toughest operating conditions: with high humidity, under the influence of temperature drop.

Another plus - a formulation developed by Moeller specialists does not contain formaldehyde components, which increases the safety of these health products.

Plastic windowsill melenger

The domestic analogue of Moeller products are window sills Melenger. They are produced at the RBC Factory in Mytishchi. Thanks to the more developed system, the rigidity and increased up to 3 mm thickness of the outer walls, these products are distinguished by increased strength.

The use of acrylic coating ELESGO makes window sills are resistant to mechanical and thermal influences - scratches from claws of homemade animals, "burns" from cigarette ash, etc.

Plastic windowsill VITRAGE PLAST

It should be noted that the Russian manufacturers of plastic window sills are quite successfully intercepting the initiative in Germans. Thus, the company "Stained glass" in Russia began the production of window sides based on calcium-zinc formulation, refusing lead stabilizers. This not only improved product quality, but also allowed it to be 100 percent recycling.

In addition to the windowsill, a standard European series - 500 mm, 600 mm, 700 mm and 800 mm, VITRAGE PLAST. Enters the consumer market and in a modification of a width of 900 mm, which, of course attracts the domestic consumer.

Glossy Perfection of Crystalit Window

Window sills Crystalit. Participated in the category of premium products and are derived to the market under the slogan "glossy perfection". In general, their description is completely coincided with the previous model, but a very high service duration is indicated - 50 years. And in some sources - all 70!

With everything, there is one misfortune with everything: the search of the global network did not give an answer to the question where the miracle of durability is produced.

Knowing domestic realities, you can even assume that the creation of this glossy perfection is carried out everywhere where only you can drag and put "high-precision German equipment".

Plastic windowsill FineDek

And there is reason to believe that the main bastion of the production of plastic windows in Russia is the Moscow region of Mytischi. Here is also located and CJSC "Tern Polymer", a conquering domestic market by plastic window sills FineDek..

The release of products under this brand is conducted since 2002 and in two versions: with a coating of a decorative polymer film and (of course, "premium class"!) With an acrylic coating of Elasgo.

Plastic window sill Bauset.

Under brand Bauset. Famous Russian company T.BM It has established the production of the most diverse products of the window and door genre, including the windowsill, in several factories in Russia, China, Holland and other countries.

BAUSET window sills are positioned as a practical product in the budget price segment, which is confirmed by a quick viewing of the puzzles. Protective coating - polymer film.

Plastic windowsill Danke.

Another "bottomroom" brand - Danke. - Positioned as Germanic, but from reliable sources it is known that the products entering Russia are produced in Odessa. True, not in the Small Arnautskaya, but at the enterprise, LLC "Jupiter 2003".

Positioned as premium products with an infinite selection of color options. Of course, all this is done on the German equipment from Europe coming from Europe. Coating - Elasgo.

Plastic windowsill fibersill

The windowsill of their own model produces CJSC Biokhimplast. Judging by the list of counterparties, this company has its roots in Soviet times and has a rich experience of both the design of plastics processing equipment and the development of prescriptions.

Premium-class window sills Fibersill A wood and polymer composition is used (as well as the Moeller window sills), but its own development. Coating - Elasgo.

The outer walls of the increased thickness provide designs good strength. The production base of the company is located in the near Moscow village of Aprelevka - the most, where the records produced in Soviet times.

Plastic windowsill Venta.

Since 2007, the production of plastic profiles and from 2009 - the windowsides leads the Russian company "Krunor". Products have good advertising, prospectuses assure that the goods meet all the requirements of guests and other articles.

But, alas, at the moment, neither the phones of the headquarters in the city of prominent Moscow region are not nicknamed

Also, the website campaign does not shine affordable, and well-known retailers cannot say anything about their cooperation with Krunor. Therefore, it is not entirely clear whether it is worth mentioning this organization in our list. The crisis is he and the crisis so that someone came down from the distance.

A few mansion in this Russian-German-Ukrainian windowsill is a Belgian firm Venta.. It is represented by two window sill models: Renodur coated from a heat-mounted film and Lamidur coated with a melon-resin that provides increased resistance to scratches and heating.

It is believed that thanks to the enhanced system of ribs of cruelty, these windowsills have increased strength.

Plastic window sill Verzalit.

And in a completely separate category we would allocate the window sills of the German firm Verzalit.. Unlike most competitors obtained by the extrusion method, the rigidity of which is provided by the internal Ryuber system, Verzalit windowsills are made from a mixture of polymer resins and crushed wood, which is pressed in high pressure forms at high temperatures.

As a result, a monolithic alloy is obtained, which is also heavier than conventional plastic windows, but provides higher strength, durability, water resistance, other performance.

The windowsill is one of the important elements of the window opening. Its installation is necessary for performing several functions at once: gives the window the completed view, closes the mounting joints, protects against drafts and serves as the shelves for indoor plants and other useful things. In the manufacture of window sills, different materials are used, but plastic window sills are most popular. The reason for the high demand of this product lies in the virtues inherent exclusively PVC material.


Despite the relatively low cost, plastic window sills are not inferior in quality wooden, metal and marble analogues and Have advantages:

  • plastic moisture consoles, and therefore not subject to processes of rotting and corrosion in rooms with high humidity;
  • plastic is chemically resistant to such solutions such as acetone and hydrogen peroxide;
  • the cost of plastic windowsill is much lower than wooden, marble and metal products;
  • installation work does not require certain construction knowledge or skills;

  • due to the fact that the windowsill from PVC has an internal separation on the chambers, the product can be considered heat saving;
  • the plastic profile does not need shrinkage and warming, as in the case of wood;
  • the surface of the plastic window sill is presented in different color shades, and can also imitate marble or wood texture;
  • the strength and heat-resistant characteristics of the PVC window sill can be increased by applying a specialized composition.

This product has its drawbacks:

  • relatively short life;
  • low thermal stability (on PVC window sills it is not recommended to put hot objects, as this can lead to the formation of stains and deformation);
  • plastic products are subject to mechanical effects (if cracks or chips will appear on the surface of the windowsill for any reason, the only option will be completely replaced by the product - the local repair of the PVC window sill is not possible).

It is the opinion that the enhanced windowsill is useless, deprived of any functionality of the thing. In reality, the windowsill has at least two functional purposes:

  • is a certain obstacle that does not miss the cold air into residential space, and warm air is dissipated inside the windows construction;
  • controls warm air flows, directing them to the surface of the glasses, and therefore the formation of condensate does not occur.

It turns out that the windowsill forms a "warm airbag", which isolates the cold window glass and the atmosphere indoors. Refusing the installation of the window sill, there is a high risk of high humidity formation, and therefore the microclimate of the room can be broken.

In the manufacture of plastic window sill, a standard typical PVC profile is used. Window profiles are extruded using an extruder - a specialized device, which softens the plastic material and gives it the necessary form by means of fostering through extrusion holes. Inside the space of plastic profiles is divided into several cameras, which are called honeycombs, as well as vertical and diagonal ribs. Similar design helps to increase the heat capacity and give the windowsill rigidity, not allowing it to be fed and breaking. After that, the product is subjected to lamination.


Replacing and installing new plastic windows according to GOST is always accompanied by a question: "What kind of window sill to choose? " The most common decision of this issue becomes the acquisition of a plastic window sill. Brands engaged in the production of suboofer blocks offer consumers a huge range of plastic window sills, including imitated under natural material, one of which wood.

First of all, plastic analog "under the tree"much hygienic than a natural product: it is not subject to absorption unpleasant odor, and removal of contamination is carried out without the use of special chemicals. If the wood begins to rot after some time, then the service life of plastic, subject to operational requirements, is more than thirty years.

The double-sided windows block is extremely rare, but still found its use in high-function interiors. Such a product is characterized by the presence of two edges. Depending on the installation method, the double-sided windowsill is easily modified into a one-sided model. In connection with the addition of wood or other filler, such window sills are quite durable.

If you plan to subjected the windowsill with serious loads, for example, to use it as a sun bed, it is recommended to purchase dummy block of increased strength.This product is characterized by a greater thickness and increased rigid ribs. Such a window sill is able to withstand more than a hundred kilograms.


The plastic windows block, due to its operational characteristics and relatively low cost, is an undoubted leader. By type of coating, the plastic window sill happens: matte, glossy, laminated.

Matte and glossy coating fit perfectly into the interior of any interior. They can be performed in any color scheme - it all depends on your preferences. Matte coating has become popular not so long ago. If the glossy window sill instantly attracts consumers with its luxurious glitter, then the matte coating gives the feeling of heat and comfort. It is worth noting that in contrast to the matte surface, the glossy equivalent absorbs dust and dirt.

However, during damage, the gloss is not amenable to restoration, and in the case of a matte coating, it is only necessary to purchase a special tool for surface recovery.

For more budget options for plastic windowsill, the coating is characterized. in the form of a laminated film. It is she who gives the product a texture, as well as a long service life and increased strength. For the lamination of the surface, a polyvinyl chloride film is used, which is a thermoplastic colorless polymer. For the white side of white color, one PVC film layer is used, re-applying with the addition of a dye is used for the manufacture of a color window sill.

Another interesting variant of the windows block is Product WengeMade of PVC and wood flour mixture.

The unique manufacturing technology presented the product with the following advantages: scratch resistance, insensitivity to ultraviolet rays, preservation of the initial type and long service life.


As in the case of installing plastic windows, the windowsill is made individually (to order). This is due to the fact that even the standard multi-storey construction has a window opening, the size of which can vary within 10 cm. The entire width of the plastic profile corresponds to the depth of the window opening and may also vary. In this regard, when commissioning the order, it is recommended to pre-use the services of a measurer that will determine the dimensions of the window opening.

The plastic window sill is made from the standard PVC board of standard size, the length of which is in the range from 4050 to 6000 mm. As a result, the product that is manufactured to order is limited to 6 meters long. The standard PVC windowsill width is ranging from 50 to 600 mm in a step of 50 mm and from 600 to 1000 mm in increments of 100 mm. For the manufacture of the windowsill, it will be necessary to measure the width of the internal window openings. Then to add 5-10 cm obtained to the value and round up to the nearest standard size.

Suppose that the windows width is 38 cm. To this magnitude, add the minimum value to 5 cm and we obtain 43 cm. This value is rounded to the nearest standard size - 45 cm (450 mm). And it is for this indicator that the cost of the finished product will be determined.

The maximum thickness should not exceed 600 mm.


Most consumers are convinced that the usual plastic window sill is presented exclusively in white color. Meanwhile, the development of modern technologies today allows manufacturers of plastic window sills to make products in any possible color shades. On the shelves of construction stores, you can see various models: from imitation of different wood species before styling under natural stones with a matte or glossy surface.

Today, color models are popular, as well as brown and gray options. A brown profile is made by mixing white plastic and acrylic dye, after which the product is laminated. In construction stores you will come across a huge color palette of a brown shade: from a light golden nut to a saturated chocolate. The brown windows block will give your interior of respectability and solidity. The gray window sill has some advantages, for which they love many consumers. First of all, the gray color is not so contaminated in contrast to white, and the neutrality of the shade allows it to fit into any interior.

Style and Design

Among other things, the windowsill carries aesthetic function. He delicately smoothes the difference between the thick walls and window frames. As mentioned earlier, modern technologies allow imitating a plastic surface of any natural or artificial material. For example, imitation under natural rocks, Such as marble, granite or asbestos, perfectly fit into the kitchen interior, and the unique gamma of natural shades will give the place of sophistication and luxury.

Wooden window sill is an environmentally friendly material. Its high cost and demanding to regular surface leave stops many consumers from buying. And the plastic analogue with the imitation of the wood structure will not only cost it cheaper, but also give the interior of the living room of the heat and coziness.

Stitched- This is one of the fastest and simple methods to give the plastic surface of the windowsill of originality and practicality. The stained glass finish of the windows block involves gluing a mesh glass mosaic to the surface of the window sill. You will need a tile glue to fix the mosaic to the surface of the submap unit and grout neutral in order for moisture and dust into the joints. Mosaic is represented in a wide variety of variations.

A mosaic will look great, formed from the color gamut that is harmonizing with the color of the walls of the walls.


For installation work, it is not necessary to possess certain construction skills and knowledge. You can easily cope on your own, do not resort to the services of specialists. but you can not do without componentswho can either be provided by the manufacturer immediately, complete with the windowsill, or they will have to be bought independently.

So, for the installation of PVC windowsill, you will need: a double-sided end plug and connectors. Face plugs serve for the decorative frame of the end of the windowsill. They possess two "noses" that are cut in the middle. One part is fixed to the windowsill on the left side, the second, respectively - on the right side. In order to dock the window sill at an angle and connect it all over the entire length, connectors are used.

Do not forget to also acquire slopes, brackets, stands. The slope is called the perimeter inside the window passing from the frame to the edges of the wall surface. After dismantling the old window, there is often a deformation of old slopes, therefore their repair is required. Brackets may need when installing a plastic window sill in order to exclude the deformation of the surface under significant load. Window opening, as you know, is often the perfect place to locate indoor plants. If the dimensions of the windowsill do not allow you to place all the necessary flower pots, pay attention to special colors stands.

To date, there are both suspended and desktop structures made of metal, wood or plastic.

How to choose?

One of the important aspects when choosing a PVC window sill is the quality of the product. Despite the fact that most plastic blocks can visually look identically, nevertheless, their filling and production technology may vary. The window sills, in the manufacture of which plastic was involved, it is secretly accepted to divide into economical, middle and luxury categories.

TO economical category It includes products produced in Russia and China. They are characterized by a low price, a meager choice of color shades, a rather small period of warranty and light weight. Since products from this category have thin ribs of rigidity, it is recommended not to expose the surface with a strong load. Many consumers noted that after some time a period of time on the surface of the window sill made from a thin PVC board, black-colored divorces appear, which are not subjected to cleaning.

For medium category Characterized more dense ribs and enlarged strength quality. Often, the windowsills from this category are covered with a protective polymer layer and have a rather large range of color shades. Belgium, Ukraine and Russia are the main manufacturers of these plastic window sills.

Plastic window sill belonging to luxury categoryhas the highest cost. There are similar products on the territory of Germany and are popular around the world. The windowsill of German production is characterized by a more significant weight. This is due to the fact that the manufacturer covers the bottomroom block with a protective layer acrylic. This allows you to achieve the stability of the product to mechanical and thermal exposure.

So, regardless of the selected price category, pay attention to the following recommendations that will help you choose a really high-quality product: the product must accurately match the sizes of your window opening, have a certificate of quality of the state sample and desirable to have an acrylic coating.

Famous manufacturers and reviews

In the PVC-subcast block market, the undoubted leader are German stamps. Today, the most popular and in demand brand is Moeller.. A specific feature of this manufacturer is the technology of manufacturing a plastic window sill: mixing polymer and wood flour. The finished material has a small thermal expansion coefficient, does not change its form, even in mechanical impacts, resistant to high humidity and sharp temperature rings. A pleasant bonus is the absence of formaldehyde, which is a confirmation of product security for the human body.

Another German high-quality manufacturer of plastic window sills is brand Werzalit.. Their products have a unique feature: the bottomroom block is completely filled with inside, which gives the product monolith and increased strength. Due to the fact that in the manufacture of extremely natural materials are used, the windowsill is recognized as environmentally friendly.

From domestic producers you can highlight the company Vitrage.. Mark, which one of the first began to apply calcium - zinc production technology, which made it possible to abandon the lead stabilizer. This has a positive impact on the quality of products manufactured and today makes it possible to expose the product to one hundred percent processing. In addition to the standard sizes of the windowsills in 500, 600, 700 and 800 mm, Vitrage produces a modification of 900 mm.

This is an extremely tempting offer for the domestic consumer, given the standard window opening size in a multi-storey building.

So, when buying any product, it is recommended to carefully familiarize yourself with the nuances inherent in the material. Consider those characteristic of a plastic bottom block.

  • Make sure there is a protective layer on the product. Thanks to him, the windows block is not deformed during the installation process.
  • The manufacturer must necessarily provide warranty period and service in the service center.
  • A high-quality product withstands no less than 2000 kg per 1 m3.
  • Depending on where the product is located, make sure that its characteristics are at the proper level. For premises with high humidity, it is necessary to purchase material with high moisture resistance. The greater the number of rigidity ribs, the higher the strength of the product.
  • The bottomroom unit should be well harmonized with a window profile.
  • The material involved in the manufacture of the sub-block block is responsible for the quality of the product. Therefore, do not hesitate to be interested in consultants about the raw materials used and its compliance with the State Standard.

When clarifying the above nuances, the purchase of a window sill of plastic will not give you difficulties.

Successful examples and options

Modern equipment allows manufacturers to produce plastic models of submool blocks, masterfully imitating expensive natural materials. The windows block "under the wood" will add to your home solidity and weights. It is these qualities that are a successful combination of luxury and wealth.

It is difficult to submit, but in this interior, a PVC panel imitating a natural stone is used as a sub-block unit. And the application of the acrylic layer increased the strength and moisture-resistant characteristics of the product. Bright glossy overflowing surface of the sub-block block, artfully imitating natural stone, give the interior of your room chic and aristocracy.

Standard White Windion Block is characterized by low cost and high strength. Such a product is perfectly combined with a white plastic window profile, forming a single design. At the same time, the coincidence of technical parameters will greatly facilitate the care of the whole structure.