Protection from groundwater - waterproofing of the observation pit: how to make it yourself and what can be filled with it. Measuring road repair on your own how to close little bottomless pits

I know for sure that there are visitors to I have a request for them there are one or two questions there.
In the spring-summer 2010, a certain car flash mob rolled. Quote:
"Vladivostok motorists took repair of roads into their own hands. Charter split cars through city roads, the seaside youth announced the collection of funds and arranged an indicative action.

On Sunday, April 4, 2010, volunteers themselves asphalted a pit at the intersection of the main street of the Primorsk capital - Svetlan - and meadow. At the same time, motorists used a special asphalt, more expensive, but much more durable. To compare the quality of work of urban road services and volunteers, the second one was "repaired" next to the first pit: the traditional technology was put in her crushed stone covered with a layer of asphalt, and .. money. Thus, activists wanted to show how Vladivostok Mayor's Hoodie appeal with taxpayers.

By the way, the drivers continued to make funds into a symbolic piggy bank and during the action itself, giving money straight from cars. "

Almost two years have passed. I would like to know the state of these pits. Reference and control. What, as a result, ended up this flash mob?,
My forecast was then - no more than half a year will fly up this specialist. The material itself can and is good, but, judging by the rollers, placed in an unprepared place. The walls of the pits were not aligned, were not cleaned and not treated with the binder.
PS. Just in case, mention and similar shares in Ukhta. This is not the Far East, but the information is also interesting. "On July 5, at 21.00 in the city, the first action was conducted on the sealing of holes on the roads, with the help of cold asphalt. Two unfamiliar people with the help of one of the Ukhta forums, they got off and acquired 300kg of cold asphalt, then the place was chosen on the same forum And the three pits are asphalted by many drivers, the action was successful, some passing drivers expressed gratitude to the signal. Now anyone can bring their money and indicate which pit in the city prevents him, we will bring asphalt to him and help you remove it. "

Tags: Than close, pits, on, road

In Primorye, public activists embellished pit on the road ... Money `Road tax without intermediaries`

"Road Fairy" - in a hurry for help. Want the road - do it yourself.

The original is taken from Taransv to the "Road Fairy" - in a hurry to the rescue. Want the road - do it yourself.
The video appeared on the Internet, where a young girl climbs a hole on the road,
caused the rustling interest of social network users.
She was called the "Road Fairy", but the help of the girl's responsible for the state of the roads did not appreciate.

YouTube places a roller in which a young motorist independently repairs the pit on Pushkin Street in Omsk,
and it makes it in the dark, armed with a spatula and buckets with cement mortar and rubble.
26-year-old Veronica Beobruly admitted that every day she travels past this dangerous place and desperately wait
when this pit is chosen, so I decided to do it myself.

However, the help of Veronica was responsible for the state of the roads, stating that she worked not according to GOST.
Say, it is unknown than she close up the holes, and finding a person at night on a highway without workwear very dangerous.
So far, officials justified, Veronika Bobruly drew another pit in the city's value.
In the end, the power surrendered, stating that they were ready to cooperate with the motorist.
She was suggested simply to inform the road users about the pits, which the experts then close.
Patience at the lady burst.
And chinonics, as always, are not to blame.

What to get a pit? [Archive] - Volgograd Forum

I got huge pits in the asphalt, every day I drive once 1 5. ... But in practice, if the pit is not on a busy road, but somewhere ...

"Plumbing", how can you close the pits in the asphalt ...

Tell me the "plumbing", how can you close the pits in the asphalt road? The asphalt plant is not within a radius 500km. Elina Lingberg Higher ...

A smooth road is a dream, not only car enthusiasts, but pedestrians. However, there are no eternal materials and cracks and wins appear through the coating time. On the central roads, educated pits are eliminated more often, but for some reason the road workers are often forgotten or postponed him by year. The reasons for the deformation of the asphalt acts not only the weather conditions, but also the use of low-quality materials and violation of technology.

Pit on the road is trouble. Even if we are talking about the courtyards. The first thing that comes to an ordinary person is to fall asleep pit on the road. The easiest and cheapest way is gravel and sand. Small stones fall asleep into the pit, covered with a layer of sand and thoroughly tamper. But this repair is temporary, since the sand-gravel mixture is quickly divided by cars and washed away.

More cardinal can be called repairs to the yam in the courtyards using:

  • cement;
  • hot bitumen mastic;
  • cold asphalt.

Measuring repair with cement

Like most other types of patch repair, not providing for the use of specialized equipment, this method involves the use of special aggregates, especially if the pit has an impressive size. As aggregates, as already mentioned above, crushed stone of various fractions and sand is used. After cleaning the pit from the pieces of asphalt and the murdration of the aggregates, the layer of cement mixture is poured on top. The higher the cement brand, the stronger will be the coating. Of course, such a full-fledged pit on the road is difficult to name, since its service life usually does not exceed the year.

Sealing holes in the yard using bitumen mastic

Bitumen mastic can now buy in almost any construction store. The process of displacement is similar to the previous way. The only nuance is the preparation of mastic. It requires preheating to achieve liquid consistency. You can do this with an industrial hair dryer, blower or gas burner. It is important to comply with safety.

You can only pour the mastic in the dried pit. After the repair mixture is equal to the surface of the asphalt concrete, you can pour out a small layer of fine-flower crushed stone and sand. When the mastic will freeze, unbound particles are desirable to remove.

Cold asphalt

Seeling holes on the road with the help of cold asphalt is convenient because you do not need special skills and equipment. The bitumen mixture does not require heating. Thanks to special additives, it hardens not in the process of cooling, but when drilling. Such asphalt can be stored for quite a long time.

As one of the varieties of cold asphalt is the mixture of "Mastasting 05". It is almost the perfect option for those who are looking for what to close the pit on the road near the house. Its advantage is that, in contrast to other materials, it is implemented in the finished form. Close the cracks on the asphalt with the spatula. To give additional strength to the coating, the road should be treated with a special sealing substance "Protection 02". It can be used in any type of displacement.

"For" and "against" patchwork

Some car enthusiasts do not please such a type of repair. After all, only the complete replacement of the web allows you to achieve an ideally smooth surface. However, in the event of damage to the asphalt in one place, soon the whole road will cover cracks and potholes. Even in Moscow there are on the road of the pit, although the asphalt is much more often changed in the capital. Inserting defects allows you to restore the coating at the time, thereby reducing the likelihood of emergency situations.

Care for a cesspool in the country area. The main problems of such structures, rules and technologies of their repair, recommendations on insulation and eliminate the freezing of PMs in the winter period.

Main problems of cesspools

If the filter cesspool has become fired faster than usual, it indicates a decrease in the efficiency of its operation. The most common cause of this problem is the bottom of the bottom or fat deposits on the walls of the structure. If there are a lot of them, insoluble fat fills the portions of the soil and counteracts filtering into the soil of liquid fraction of wastewater. A similar effect is the thick crust of the sludge at the bottom of the reservoir.

Another problem is an unpleasant smell. It should not be if the cesspool is equipped technologically correct: there is an output of ventilation, and from above - a hermetic cover.

The third problem is mechanical damage to the walls of the cesspool. This happens when the material for the construction of such a structure was incorrectly chosen, for example, silicate or aerated concrete blocks. We should not forget that the drains in the cesspool are a chemically aggressive medium. Therefore, the material is more suitable for such a structure - this is a concrete or clay brick.

If the lining of the pit occurs as a result of penetration into the docks of oils and fat, it is recommended to equip the kitchen sink to equip a grease filter. Although the ideal option will be a septic device between a drainage pit and a sewerhouse at home. Frames containing fats and soap waste in septic tank can be purified to 95%, and then drain into the soil, no longer representing the threat to the natural environment.

General rules for repairing cesspools

Special conditions in which the cesspool is working, sooner or later lead to the need for its repair. If the construction has mechanical defects, first of all it follows:
  • Call an assession machine and pump out its contents from the pit;
  • Carefully examine the walls and bottom of the facilities for damage;
  • Calculate the cost required for repair work;
  • Select performers to restore the structure depending on the degree of damage.
In the process of repairing a cesspool, it is necessary to check the integrity of the entire sewage system, including pipes and filters, choose reliable materials, excluding slag blocks, silicate brick and other porous or chemically unstable products.

Cesspool repair technologies

Now consider the most common damage to cesspools and the methods of eliminating their defects.

Repair of concrete yama

If the walls of the sewer receiver are made of old barrels, stone blocks, plastic or automotive tires, in each of these cases, the material can be replaced by concrete rings. This procedure is called overhaul.

For its implementation, a car crane-manipulator will be required. The elements of the damaged or rotten design must be dismantled, align the walls of the earthen hole, and then install concrete rings and the lid with the hatch. Feeding Stroke Pipe must be installed in the process of mounting the rings. The bottom of the pits can be made by filtering or sealed.

If in the concrete ring is detected by a break, it can be seen. To do this, it is necessary to free the pit from the soil to the bottom of the problem area. After that, the place of damage should be cleaned from the sludge and fat deposits, using a hammer, a chisel, a brush with a steel pile and a solvent. It is important that after cleaning the damaged concrete had a good adhesion with cement mortar. If this managed to achieve, the break can be closed with brick masonry, and then it is shuffled.

In the case when the old pit has been synthered so much that its cleaning is economically inexpedient, you can adjust the second receiver from concrete rings, and then both tanks connect the overflow pipe. Calculating the distances between facilities, you need to consider the recommendations of SNiP.

Repair PVC septic

The main form of damage to the plastic reservoir is cracks. Eliminate such a defect yourself is unlikely to succeed. In such cases, it helps the imposition of a seam-shaped seam made using a rod welding, that is, hot air. However, such equipment is usually absent in the household. Therefore, the best output may be a challenge of specialists. They will not close the crack, but the reservoir will change.

Before dismantling the old capacity, it is desirable for them to find out which model will be installed in exchange. It is recommended to choose a septic with an additional reservoir-sump and cleaning system. This model allows you to collect water, which can then be used for technical needs, for example, for watering. Modern septic tanks are used by biological products that neutralize sewage drains and produce clean water.

It is important to pay attention to the declared duration of the reservoir operation and its environmental safety. Usually, the life of high-quality septicism, such as Astra, is 50 years.

Features of the maintenance of a cesspool

Behind the cesspool, care is not particularly complicated, but for normal operation for a long time it needs periodic maintenance. It includes timely cleaning capacity, elimination of unpleasant odor and preparation for winter. Let's consider in detail each of these events.

Cleaning the facility from

The draining of the waste reservoir leads to its accelerated waste filling. Gradually settled on the bottom and walls of the pit, the solid fractions of the waste fluid create a impermeable layer on the surface, which counteracts the drainage of water into the soil and reduces the internal volume of the container.

Clear cesspool can be sprinkled independently either with the help of specialists. The easiest way to free the reservoir from the drain, overflowing them into another pit. Then you need to clean the surface and finish the procedure for pouring clean water. This method gives a completely tangible result.

  • Install the submersible fecal pump in the waste reservoir. The hose from its outlet should be brought into a separate pit. Structurally, it can be a common pit, dug in the ground. The distance from the residential building should be no closer to 50 m. The end of the hose must be equipped with a filter that will not allow penetration in the earth-cutting of large inclusions of a liquid that cannot be absorbed into the ground. Several cubes of the liquid fraction of the effinquitors can in a couple of days to completely go into the soil.
  • After pumping up the effluent from the cesspool in the kitty, it is necessary to go inside the facilities and remove the alkali rals using tools on the contaminated surface. To work in concrete tank, you can use brushes with a steel pile. If the reservoir is steel or plastic, it is more convenient to use polyurethane crests. Before descending to the reservoir, it is necessary to wear a special costume, a construction helmet and suitable shoes.
  • After removing the sediment from the walls and the bottom into the cesspool, it is necessary to download clean water with a conventional electric pump, and then drain the tank again. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated again.
It may happen that the above-described vehicle cleaning option will not suit you. Then you can contact a specialized company for help. However, there is a certain catch here: the assessing machinery removes only liquid waste, exporting them outside the territory. And the highlights of the alien in this category are not included. Therefore, one way or another, before the arrival of the assessing agents, a pit with drains will have to be prepared.

The order of work will be like this:

  1. To remove the deposits of il from the filled pit, the pit needs to be prepared by a special pole. This is a kind of upgraded brush. The length of the pole must fit the depth of the cesspool, the stick must be durable and tough. At its end you need to install the disk. This may be a metal plate, for example, to which the "Vault" is welded from nails.
  2. From above above the pit, you need to make scaffolding, although you can stand on durable wide boards. But in this case, in order to comply with the rules of safe operation, there will be insured in the person of a partner.
  3. To clean the tank from the sludge, the brush follows the transparent movements through the walls, repeating the procedure several times. The bottom of the tank can be cleaned by rotating the disk around the axis.
  4. Periodically, the brush must be lifted to the surface, remove the scustered soft silt from it and check the function of the tool.
After such training, most of the solid waste will become a suspension, which the assessing agents are discharged without problems together with drains.

Elimination of the smell of cesspool

Almost all cesspools accompany extremely unpleasant odors. If ventilation works, the spread of odors in the area becomes less, but does not disappear at all. The main reason for this problem is the deposits of an insoluble sediment within the cesspool. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to clean the raised tank, and then conduct preventive procedures.

Not bad reviews have microbiological preparations specially designed to disinfect the waste tanks. These substances not only remove the residues of the sludge, but also effectively eliminate the smell. However, they are not suitable for pits with chlorinated and soap drains.

Universal chemicals for cleaning sumps. They eliminate the bad smell of cesspool under any conditions. But here there are limitations here: chemical compounds may disrupt the integrity of plastic and metal containers. Therefore, such a means to care for cesspools are used only in concrete facilities.

Winter care for a cesspool

With the right approach to work, the insulation of the walls of the cesspool should be carried out at the stage of its construction. As a heater, clamzit, foam, mineral wool and other thermal insulation materials can be used. But if these works were not performed, you can try to minimize the risk of reservoir freezing by installing an insulated cover on it. It should have a sufficient thickness and block the inner space of the container slightly. For insulation, the cover will fit the foam.

A more reliable way is to install a clay box. To do this, on the capacitance cover you need to make a formwork and pour it clay. The resulting sarcophagus will not allow the cold air to penetrate inside. This method can only be applied if the autumn was carried out cleaning the tank and its inspection for the absence of damage.

If the cesspool in the winter still frozen, you can try to warm it up using a lowering transformer. In the absence of experiment heating pipes by electric conductor, it is not recommended to use a welding machine as a coolant. For a beginner it is dangerous.

The cesspool tank made of steel barrel can be heated in this way:

  1. The sewage pipe leaving the house is needed tightly wind the heating cable. The second end of the wire, stretched out to the waste reservoir, should be connected to the power supply phase. The grounding of this system is not required, as the residual current takes the ground due to its conductivity.
  2. If after switching on the cable to the network, voltage differences are observed, this means overload: too much current is absorbed by the Earth. In this case, the heating process must be stopped.
If the pit is freezing to the bottom, it should be driven into its center. It is necessary to attach a bare end of the cable to it, and the other end is included in the outlet. Time for warming up a lot - from 12 hours before a day, but the effect will be.

Tip! Pin in a pit that frozen, harder than in ice. Therefore, it is recommended to warm up the frozen content of the container from above using a soldering lamp.

How to care for a cesspool - Look at the video:

We hope that our information on the repair of cesspools and care for them in the country site turned out to be very useful for you. Good luck!

Meal repair of small areas up to 7 m2 with cold asphalt

If there was a need to close the pits on the squares of no more than 7 m2, experts recommend to apply a modified asphalt concrete mixture with Canadian perma-patch concentrate that is suitable for any weather. Cold asphalt is rarely used in the construction of roads, however, it is constantly developing and is now ideal for road repair under all weather conditions. This material copes with the ambient temperature within -200s - + 400c. Still, if the repair is performed in winter, it is best before starting the laying, it is necessary to heat a little, then to hold in a warm, dry room for several days.

How is the repair?

Repair of holes arising on the roads are usually accompanied by such work:
  • 1. To begin with, all potholes are treated with special slicers around the perimeter to remove unnecessary parts and align the pit. If several holes are too close to each other, they are connected in one.
  • 2. One treated area (card) should not exceed 5m2. Slicing the edges of the pit is performed only vertically to avoid in the further influx of the asphalt concrete mixture before it hardens.
  • 3. If the work is performed in the winter, it is necessary to pre-clear from pieces of ice and snow.
When the pothole is treated evenly fill the asphalt concrete mixture. When filling, the layer is 2-5 cm with a thickness, and so that the mixture towers over the main coating of several centimeters. The laying is made exclusively in one layer. If the depth is quenched more ordinary, first swell the rubbed base, seal it and only then the asphalt concrete mixture is stacked. After laying the mixture, it is sealing a tamper (often manual, but an option of sealing with vibrating plates is also possible. The seal begins with the edges of the card and ends in the center. For greater efficiency at the end of the tamping, the sealed should be sprinkled from above sandy materials or granite dust. After the seal process, you can instantly resume movement on the work area.

But because Eye a hated pit on the road can any of you! It is not difficult and does not require much time!
To begin with, we need two tons of asphalt View GOST R 50597-93 in it: Pits on the road should not be more than 15 cm (width) * 60cm (length) * 5cm (depth). those. If at least one parameter is exceeded, then this pit must eliminate road services!

Now the most exciting (what to do next?!):

If you saw a pit on the road, which clearly exceeds the parameters of the GOST, then remember the address by which you can find this pit. For example, a pit in the first photo is on the lane between houses No. 30 and №36

It is advisable to take a picture of the pit on your mobile, it will help employees of the traffic police then find it.
And now it's time to take the shovels just sit down at a computer and go to the traffic police site. There Select Section: Contacts - Receptions

In the drop-down list, select your region (my option: 70 - Tomsk region)

Well, in the field "Test text", describe the problem, something like this:

At the address Tomsk ul __________ on the roadway, damage to the road canvase was found in size __________, which exceeds the permissible size of the elevation according to GOST R 50597-93.
Please take measures to eliminate damage to the roadbed.

If you have a photo of the pit, then the site has the opportunity to attach a photo.
Press "Send" and that's all!

Now your message is considered officially accepted into the traffic police and already employees of the department will begin the proceedings on your application. First, they examine the area specified by you and in case of violation, the prescription of the responsible organization to eliminate the violation (in Tomsk is the Department of Urban Economic Economy).
Also, the traffic police will take control of the removal of the pit and if the Department does not make a pit, he will be discharged an administrative penalty - 20,000 rubles. Very good amount, so the department is easier to close the pits than to save debts.

Remember: the traffic police does not close the pits, but only prescribes the prescriptions !!!

So this is not a difficult way you can make your city a little better, and the road is even more smaller!

By the way, according to my pit, it turned out to be an elevenistant story: at the end of last year, Aleksey Ivanovich wrote an appeal to the administration of the Leninsky district of Tomsk, with a request to eliminate the pit. In January 2013, the Administration of the Leninsky district promised that the pit would begin to close in the second quarter of 2013.

Work, naturally, did not start, so I decided to write an appeal immediately into the traffic police, already with the attached screenshots of the answers of the administration of the Leninsky district, so we are waiting for the continuation of the story!