Which of Mikhalkov's heroes has a monument erected? Monument to literary heroes in Russia and in the world


(Quiz based on the works of S.V. Mikhalkov)

March 13, 2018 - 105th birthday S.V. Mikhalkova

In what literary genre did Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov NOT work?
a) Fables;
b) Plays;
c) Poems;
d) Novels.
(And Sergei Mikhalkov’s creative arsenal also includes fairy tales, riddles, translations, comedies, hymns.)

To which statesman did young Sergei Mikhalkov personally risk sending his first fables?
a) Vladimir Lenin;
b) Joseph Stalin;
c) Nikita Khrushchev;
d) Leonid Brezhnev.
(He gave the go-ahead, and the fables began to be published in Pravda with illustrations by the Kukryniksy.)

Which work by S.V. Mikhalkov was first heard on the radio on the night of New Year 1944?
a) “Song of Friends”;
b) “All year round”;
c) “On New Year’s Eve”;
d) Anthem of the Soviet Union.

“Your name is unknown, your feat is immortal.” Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov is the author of these lines on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Where is this grave located?
a) In Moscow;
b) In Brest;
c) In Volgograd;
d) In Berlin.
(At the Kremlin wall.)

Who did the children of the children's poet Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov become?
a) Poets;
b) Policemen;
c) Film directors.
d) Astronauts.
(Famous film directors Nikita Sergeevich Mikhalkov and Andrei Sergeevich Mikhalkov-Konchalovsky are the sons of a children's poet.)

In which magazine was S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Uncle Styopa” first published in 1935?
a) “Banner”;
b) “Spark”;
c) “Bonfire”;
d) "Pioneer".

Which famous writer became the literary “godfather” of “Uncle Styopa”?
a) S.Ya. Marshak;
b) K.I. Chukovsky;
c) I.A. Krylov;
d) A. L. Barto.
(Sergei Mikhalkov brought the future famous “Uncle Styopa” to the court of Marshak, who liked the poem.)

How many parts are there in S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Uncle Styopa”?
a) 2;
b) 3;
at 4;
d) 6.

What part is NOT named in S. Mikhalkov’s poem “Uncle Styopa”?
a) “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”;
b) “Uncle Styopa and Egor”;
c) “Uncle Styopa is a veteran”;
d) “Uncle Styopa is a deputy”.
(The first part is called “Uncle Styopa”.)

I, friends, will tell you right away:
This book is on order.

What book did Sergei Mikhalkov write about in it?
a) “Uncle Styopa”;
b) “Uncle Styopa is a policeman”;
c) “Uncle Styopa and Egor”;
d) “Uncle Styopa is a veteran.”
(The idea for the poem “Uncle Styopa and Yegor” came to its author after a speech to the children of one of the kindergartens. There, the boy asked Sergei Mikhalkov if Uncle Styopa had children. Mikhalkov, with great regret, gave the boy a negative answer. But then he corrected this omission .)

Here is an excerpt from the work of S.V. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa":

In the house there are eight fraction one
At the Ilyich outpost
There lived a tall citizen
By nickname

What was his nickname?
a) Cherry plum;
b) Locust;
c) Kalancha;
d) Candle.

What is Uncle Styopa's last name?
a) Semyonov;
b) Stepanov;
c) Mikhalkov;
d) Ivanov.
(“By the surname Stepanov / And by the name Stepan / Of the district giants / The most important giant.”)

What nickname did Uncle Styopa NOT have?
a) Kalancha;
b) Lighthouse;
c) Traffic light;
d) Ment.

What size boots did Uncle Styopa wear?
a) 42;
b) 45;
c) 47;
d) 50.
(“They measured their steps dashingly/ Two huge feet:/ Forty-five size/ He bought boots.”)

Where did Uncle Styopa go for free?
a) At the cinema;
b) In the subway;
c) To the disco;
d) To the stadium.
(“But he got into the stadium for free:/ They let Uncle Styopa through –/ They thought he was a champion.”)

What did Mikhalkov’s Uncle Styopa have to put his feet on when he went to bed?
a) On the cabinet;
b) On the table;
c) On a stool;
d) On the floor.

What animal was Uncle Styopa advised to ride at the zoo?
a) On a camel;
b) On a giraffe;
c) On an elephant;
d) On an ostrich.

“Uncle Styopa saved a drowning man this time...” What was the name of the rescued student?
a) Vitya Doronin;
b) Petya Ivanov;
c) Vova Petrov;
d) Vasya Borodin.

In what fleet did Stepan Stepanov serve?
a) On the Black Sea;
b) In the Baltic;
c) On the Pacific;
d) In the North.

What sport did Uncle Styopa do?
a) Speed ​​skating;
b) Ski;
c) Swimming;
d) Gymnastics.

What was the name of Uncle Styopa's son?
a) Sergey;
b) Nikita;
c) Egor;
d) Andrey.
(“Whispers are heard throughout the wards / A loud conversation is heard: / - Uncle Styopa / A son named Egor was born.”)

Uncle Styopa's son Yegor became an Olympic champion. He...
a) Gymnast;
b) Weightlifter;
c) Football player;
d) Basketball player.

What profession did Uncle Styopa’s son, Egor, choose?
a) Children's writer;
b) Pilot-cosmonaut;
c) Director;
d) Minister of Internal Affairs.

What moment in the books about Uncle Styopa was captured by the monument to Uncle Styopa, which is located in front of the traffic police department in Slesarny Lane in Moscow?
a) Uncle Styopa is fixing the traffic light;
b) Uncle Styopa saves a drowning boy;
c) Uncle Styopa saves pigeons during a fire;
d) Uncle Styopa takes the boy off the tram step.

(Sculptor – Alexander Rozhnikov.)

There was a lock on the door,
There was a puppy locked up.
Everyone left, and one
They locked him in the house.

What was the name of the puppy in Mikhalkov’s poem “My Puppy”?
a) Trezor;
b) Barbos;
c) Ball;
d) Mukhtar.

If this medicine appears,
I would buy two packages.
No, not two, but three.
It is necessary, no matter what you say.

Remember what medicine is discussed in the poem “Wonderful Pills”?
a) A cure for laziness;
b) A cure for greed;
c) Cure for lies;
d) A cure for fear.

This is probably a decrepit grandfather,
One hundred and fourteen years old?

From which poem by S.V. Mikhalkov these lines?
a) “About mimosa”;
b) “About lilac”;
c) “About bird cherry”;
d) “About jasmine.”
(This was the nickname of the pampered boy Vitya, who is mentioned in this poem.)

She's just like me
From head to toe.
And repeats every step
And my every jump.

Who is this?
a) Little sister of the hero of the poem;
b) Grandmother of the hero of the poem;
c) The shadow of the hero of the poem;
d) Mirror image of the hero.
(Poem “My Shadow”.)

Not marked with red number
This day on the calendar
And the flags are not colored
Near the house, in the yard.

What day are we talking about in the poem “Important Day”?
a) O D not born;
b) About September 1;
c) About the Old New Year;
d) About April 1st.

What animals did the boys NOT have in the poem “My Friend and I”?
a) Snakes;
b) Hedgehogs;
c) Ruffs;
d) Siskin.
(To the “joy of everyone,” two snakes, two hedgehogs, and two siskins lived in their apartment. The fish would hardly have disturbed their apartment neighbors’ lives.)

But now, as soon as Sasha
Trying to get into the elevator
He doesn't want to go up or down
Take him alone.

a) Sasha is very fat and heavy;
b) Little children should not ride alone in the elevator;
c) Sasha draws on the walls of the elevator;
d) Sasha rides in the elevator a lot.
(We are talking about the poem by S.V. Mikhalkov "Elevator and Pencil".)

What animals are in the poem by S.V. Mikhalkov's name was One, Two, Three, Four, Five?
a) Fish;
b) Kittens;
c) Puppies;
d) Chicks.
(Poem “Kittens.”)

Two girlfriends – Varya and Vera –
These are collectors.

Remember what two girlfriends collect.
a) Baby dolls;
b) Wrappers;
c) Autographs;
d) Cavaliers.

They want it for their birthday
Give me a puppy
But I said: “Don’t!

What does the last line of the final quatrain of Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem sound like?
a) Buy me a bull!
b) After all, I want a groundhog!
c) After all, there is no leash.
d) I'm not ready yet!
(These lines are from the poem "Finch". It tells about a boy who, having played enough, forgot about the bird given to him, leaving it alone for several days. Arriving home, the boy barely saved his bird from starvation. He realized his mistake and released the bird into the wild. That’s why he answered his parents so sensibly.)

I ran out into the street
I walked along the pavement,
Turned left around the corner
AND ... found.

What did the hero of the poem “Nakhodka” find and then return to the girl?
a) Knife;
b) Wallet;
c) A book;
d) Keys.
(And the girl returned to this boy his pocket knife that she had found.)

Which poem by S.V. Mikhalkov ends with the wish “Old age must be respected!”
a) “One rhyme”;
b) “Important advice”;
c) “My friend and I”;
d) "Sheep".
(This poem about bad boys who do not give up their seats to old people in transport, the poet did not even want to write in rhyme - this is a blank poem. There is only one rhyme in it - in the last verse.)

Which poem by Sergei Mikhalkov is a must-read for all stubborn people?
a) “Spider”;
b) “About catfish”;
c) “Sheep”;
d) "Starling".
(Very useful and instructive for them poem.)

But it's audible
Familiar answer:
- Please don’t teach
I am eleven years old!

What is the name of the boy from the poem of the same name by S.V. Mikhalkov?
a) Stepan;
b) Egor;
c) Thomas;
d) Vanya.
(Poem "Thomas" about a stubborn boy who didn’t trust anyone or anything.)

What is the name of the famous poem by Julian Tuvim translated by Sergei Mikhalkov?
a) “Vegetables”;
b) “Fruits”;
c) “Flowers”;
d) "Mushrooms".

Where did the ABC in Sergei Mikhalkov's poem come from?
a) From the shelf;
b) From the table;
c) From oak;
d) From the stove.
(Poem “ABC”. “What happened? What happened? / The ABC fell off the stove!”)

For whom the Maybug founded the Academy of Sciences in the poem "Forest Academy"?
a) For plants;
b) For birds;
c) For insects;
d) For animals.

Which boy were friends with from S. Mikhalkov's poem? "Real Friends"?
a) With a boy who was limping;
b) With a boy who stuttered;
c) With a boy who lisped;
d) With a left-handed boy.
(This poem is about strong, true friendship!)

Why did I stand against the wall?
My knees are shaking...

What was the boy from Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem so afraid of?
a) Control;
b) Call to the director;
c) Vaccinations;
d) Mice.
(The poem is called “Vaccination.”)

In which poem by Sergei Mikhalkov “A children’s doctor appeared - Gleb Sergeevich Pugach”?
a) “At the hairdresser”;
b) “About a girl who didn’t eat well”;
c) “Vaccination”;
d) "Flu".

To her all roads are open,
And on all continents
Speaks she on many
A variety of languages.

Who is SHE in Sergei Mikhalkov's poem?
a) Map;
b) Book;
c) Translator;
d) Excellent student.
(Poem “How would we live without books”.)

All of a sudden
Some scary beast
Opens the door with his paw,
Jumping over the threshold...
Who is this?

Finish the line from the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov.
a) Angry bull;
b) Rhinoceros;
c) My puppy;
d) Capricorn.
(A restless puppy bitten by bees from the poem “My Puppy.”)

Who was NOT taken with them “to distant lands” by “good neighbors, happy friends” in Mikhalkov’s poem “Song of Friends”?
a) Chizhik;
b) Dog;
c) Mouse;
d) Monkey.

In which of Mikhalkov's poems was the puppy bitten by bees?
a) “My puppy”;
b) “Trezor”;
c) “About those who bark”;
d) "Dog".

Insert the missing name into the lines from the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov.
- a good student,
Worth respect:
In a year of study he learned
Multiplication table.

A) Egor;
b) Stepan;
c) Polkan;
d) Trezor.
(Poem “Trained Dogs” from a series of poems about the circus.)

What was the name of the little dog in Sergei Mikhalkov’s poem “Runaway”?
a) Cheburashka;
b) Filya;
c) Kashtanka;
d) Mumu.
(“Once upon a time there was a dog / named Cheburashka, - / Curly back, / Funny face.”)

What inscriptions are on the foreign dress of the girl Katya in the poem “Fashionable Dress”?
a) The names of movie actors;
b) Lines from the multiplication table;
c) Names of cities;
d) The names of the planets.

What a pity that adults
They don't understand us at all.
And childhood, they themselves say,
It only happens once!

What is the name of the poem by Sergei Mikhalkov from which these final lines are taken?
a) “Unfulfilled dreams”;
b) “Lapusya”;
c) “Poor Kostya”;
d) "Klutz."
(Be sure to read this poem your parents!)

What word did the boy hate in one of Sergei Mikhalkov’s poems?
a) “Eat”;
b) “Sleep”;
c) “Read”;
d) “Walk.”
(Poem “Don’t sleep!”: “I hate the word “sleep”! / I cringe every time / When I hear: “Go to bed! / It’s already ten o’clock!”)

In what part did Andrei Khrabrov “have great talent” from Mikhalkov’s poem “The Steadfast Andrei”?
a) Regarding mosquito catching;
b) In terms of catching mice;
c) Regarding catching cockroaches;
d) Regarding catching butterflies.

To which children's writer are these lines of Sergei Mikhalkov's poem dedicated?
Creator of your favorite children's books
And a faithful friend of the guys,
He lived like a fighter should live,
And he died like a soldier.

A) Nikolay Nosov;
b) Viktor Dragunsky;
c) Lev Kassil;
d) Arkady Gaidar.
(Poem "Arkady Gaidar".)

Lives under our roof
Unrecognized artist
And all day long we hear
Artistic whistling.

Name the feathered singer from the poem of the same name by Sergei Mikhalkov.
a) Chaffinch;
b) Starling;
c) Woodpecker;
d) Peacock.

Peace-loving residents
They don't sit idle:
In the morning, soldiers are running to the post,
And nannies in kindergarten.

In defense of which representatives of the animal world S.V. Mikhalkov wrote a poem "Be human" Where are these lines from?
a) Bees;
b) Muravyov;
c) Hedgehogs;
d) Deer.
(In this poem, the boy thoughtlessly and mercilessly destroyed an anthill in the forest, for which the author called him a cruel egoist and, with the hope of correction, asked the character to become a Human!)

What was the boy in the poem afraid of and struggling with? "Strength of will" Sergei Mikhalkov?
a) Sleep in the dark;
b) Being alone at home;
c) Answer from your daughter;
d) Vaccinations.

What children's play does S. Mikhalkov have?
a) “Pilot”;
b) “Sombrero”;
c) "Panama";
d) "Hat".

Which of the three little pigs in the English fairy tale, retold by Sergei Mikhalkov, built himself a house of stone?
a) Nif-Nif;
b) Naf-Naf;
c) Nuf-Nuf.

Which of these catchphrases “fluttered out” from S.V.’s fable? Mikhalkov?
a) “Who are the judges?”;
b) “Bah! All familiar faces”;
c) “And the smoke of the Fatherland is sweet and pleasant to us”;
d) “And they eat Russian lard!”
(From Sergei Mikhalkov’s fable “Two Friends.”)

Project “Monument to Uncle Stepa”

completed by a student of class 2 A of GBOU secondary school No. 820 in Moscow

Getmansky Denis

Project Manager

Alexandrova S.E.,

teacher of the highest qualification category

year 2014

In first grade we read books by Sergei Mikhalkov.I read all the stories about Uncle Styopa.This is my favorite literary hero.He is kind, strong, fair, and will always come to the rescue.

"In the house there are eight fraction one
At the Ilyich outpost
There lived a tall citizen
Nicknamed Kalancha,

By surname Stepanov
And named Stepan,
From the regional giants
The most important giant."

When the teacher announced the “Monument to a Literary Hero” competition, I immediately decided that it would be Uncle Styopa. I would really like the monument to stand on my street. Everyone would pass by and know that everything is fine in the city, because there are strong and kind defenders of order.

I used different materials: dough, medicine boxes, colored paper, paints, glue, road signs. Since Uncle Styopa was a giant, I made the monument very large so that he could be seen from afar.

While preparing the project, I learned that there is a monument to Uncle Stepa in Moscow and in the cityProkopyevsk. They are all different.

The monument to guard Uncle Stepa from the famous poem by Sergei Mikhalkov stands in front of the building of the Moscow Region Traffic Police Department not far from Mira Avenue. It was installed in 2008.

The monument plays out the famous scene with a broken traffic light:

"Hundreds of cars are standing, honking -
They want to get moving.
Three, four, five minutes
They are not given passage.

Here to the ORUD employee
Uncle Styopa says:
- What, brother, is it bad?
The traffic light is not on!

Stepan didn’t begin to reason -
I took out the traffic light with my hand,
Looked into the middle
Something turned up somewhere...

At the same moment
The right light came on.
Movement restored
There are no traffic jams!

The guys told us
What is Stepan from now on?
The kids in Moscow were nicknamed:
Uncle Styopa - Traffic light."

The author of the monument, Alexander Rozhnikov, captured Uncle Styopa at the moment when he helps a bird get out of a traffic light. The rescued bird does not fly away, but remains sitting on the hand of a kind policeman - this plot is taken from a cartoon.

The figure of Uncle Styopa was cast at the Khimki Art Works Plant. The bronze giant reaches a height of three meters, it stands on a low pedestal. At first they wanted to depict the guard in a pre-war uniform, but then they decided to dress him in a modern one, thus indicating continuity between the past and the present.

The idea to install a bronze Stepan Stepanov in Moscow was born among traffic police officers a long time ago. Indeed, in recent years, many unusual monuments have appeared in the city, but not a single one for the guards. The idea was supported by Alexander Rozhnikov, a member of the Union of Artists of Russia, who proposed creating a monument in the form of a kind traffic controller, who is always happy to help not only drivers, but also pedestrians, and even birds and animals. At first, there were supposed to be two more child figures next to the traffic controller, but then this option was abandoned.

In 2011, on the eve of the 80th anniversary of the city of Prokopyevsk, an unusual monument was erected by law enforcement officers. Prokopyevsk became the first city in Kuzbass where they decided to immortalize the hard work of law enforcement officers in this form. The bronze giant turned out to match his literary hero - fair, strong, brave and kind. It’s not for nothing that a family of ducks crosses the road at the feet of Prokopyevsk Uncle Styopa.

I live in Moscow and love my city very much! I think my monument could decorate it!

Probably because many of these characters did no less for us than real-life celebrities who once lived. They give happiness to readers all over the world every day, teach us to be faithful and kind, noble and courageous.

The installation of monuments to heroes of works of poetry and prose is a tradition that goes back many decades. In many cities, on the streets and squares, in squares and parks, there are sculptures dedicated to various characters.

Each monument to literary heroes has its own destiny, its own history. We will describe the most interesting sculptures installed both in Russia and abroad in this article.

Monument to the heroine of the fairy tale about the goldfish

The goldfish is one of the most auspicious and powerful symbols that brings prosperity, luck and well-being to the home. Every child knows from books that she is the main fulfiller of any desires.

Fish are present in many folk tales. The literary fairy tale about the goldfish was first reworked by the Brothers Grimm. In our country, A.S. Pushkin created his work. It's called "The Tale of the Goldfish." As the analysis of these works shows, the fish is not so much a fulfiller of desires as it represents the opportunity to start a new life and is a symbol of enlightenment. The image of an unhappy old man hiding a wise old man is the “spiritual” part of human consciousness, while the greedy old woman is our insatiable ego, which is immersed in worldly vanity. The ego demands various pleasures.

The goldfish monument was installed in many cities (Donetsk, Saransk, Berdyansk, Mamonovo, St. Petersburg, Adler, Lvov, Astrakhan,

Interestingly, psychologists have identified a group of people who are afraid of goldfish. Of course, not literally. The point is that a person prefers to be afraid to let something unknown and new into his life.

We can add to the list of the goldfish’s merits that today it has become the heroine of numerous jokes, as well as the main participant in Simoron rituals.

The monument, located in Astrakhan, is a goldfish embodied in bronze, which appears lying on the waves, also made of bronze. The sculpture is an advertising ploy for the Megafon company. The emblems of this operator adorn the pedestal of the monument.

The fish has a crown on its head that is polished to a shine. According to a belief that has already taken root among the residents of Astrakhan, you should make a wish and rub it. Then it will definitely come true. The opening of the monument was timed to coincide with Fisherman's Day. It took place in 2011. The author of the sculpture is Marat Dzhamaletdinov.

Monuments to a lady with a dog

At the end of the 19th century, when human morals were not yet as loose as in the 21st century, but the culture of the world was already anticipating the breath of revolution, Chekhov’s famous work was written. Resorts, including the Crimean ones, where a person, torn out of the closed circle of everyday life, found himself in the enveloping aroma of freedom, became the first places in which husbands, fathers, mothers, wives could feel the taste of life. Of course, the heralds of the new era were the masters of the literary word, who with their pens brought the trends of new times to life.

The story “The Lady with the Dog” is one of the most striking works that has become a classic of the resort romance genre. This happened thanks to the skill and talent of A.P. Chekhov (1860-1904). The work was first published in 1899 in the magazine "Russian Thought".

It is not surprising that the center of the Yalta embankment was chosen to perpetuate the memory of the writer and the main character of this work. In 2004, as part of the centennial anniversary of Anton Pavlovich, the monument “Lady with a Dog” was erected. Its authors are Gennady and Fedor Parshin. The sculpture depicts a slender female silhouette, dressed in a modest, elegant dress with lace. The girl holds an umbrella in her hands. She froze in dreamy reverie, fixing her gaze on the horizon. And next to you is a faithful dog with a smart, sharp face. He looks with devoted eyes at his mistress.

The figure of Anton Pavlovich located in the background is also very remarkable. He observes in a relaxed pose the creation of his own thought, which for a moment has left the literary pages. The finished appearance of this sculpture is complemented by a cloak thrown carelessly onto the openwork of the fence, as well as a sign with the phrase from the work “...a new face has appeared on the embankment: a lady with a dog,” which is located at the feet of the writer.

Also in the city of Khabarovsk, on Amursky Boulevard, a monument to this heroine of Chekhov’s story was erected. This is a bronze bench on which sits a woman wearing a dress with a deep slit and strapless. She has a hat on her head and high-heeled shoes on her feet. She strokes the dog sitting next to her on the bench with her left hand.

This sculpture decorates the square near the fountain located next to the Druzhba cinema on Amursky Boulevard. It was installed for the 150th anniversary of the city.

Monument to White Bim in Voronezh

We now move to Voronezh to look at the next monument. There are sculptures that make passers-by stop and feel anxiety, tenderness, and excitement. The monument to White Beam belongs to them. It was opened at the beginning of 1998.

G. N. Troepolsky (1906-1995) - Voronezh writer, author of the famous book called "White Bim Black Ear", published in 1971. The sculpture of Bim is located at the entrance to the puppet theater. It was installed on an autumn day when residents celebrated City Day.

Today the monument to White Beam is one of the most popular among children. Bim is cast in metal. He sits in a position in which loyal, intelligent and kind dogs are waiting for their owner to leave for a while. There is no pedestal for this sculpture: Bim is simply on the ground. And children love to pet him, as if this dog were alive.

He really seems alive. When you see this sculpture, it’s as if you feel the dog’s devoted and anxious gaze on you, as if asking: “Where is my master now?” However, Bim could not wait for him. The owner died and the dog became orphaned. Now Bim was left completely alone in the huge city.

Troepolsky's book about the fate of White Bim was a huge success. Sometimes the writer jokingly said that he released him into the wild in Voronezh, and since then the dog has been running. He's probably already covered half the world. This story was translated and published in dozens of countries. For example, the curriculum of American colleges includes this work without fail. In our country, a film was made based on the story, which was also a great success.

The authors of the monument are Ivan Dikunov and Elsa Pak. The author of the work often came to them during work, gave advice, and consulted. Gabriel Troepolsky, unfortunately, was not destined to see his beloved Bim in the metal: he died before he could see the installation of the sculpture.

Monuments to Sherlock Holmes

Sherlock Holmes is a literary character created by A. Conan Doyle (1859-1930). The works dedicated to his adventures are rightfully considered classics of the detective genre. Societies of fans of Holmes and his deductive method have spread throughout the world. This detective is the most popular movie character in the world, according to the Guinness Book of Records.

The Holmes Apartment Museum opened on Baker Street in London in March 1990. There are a lot of monuments to this hero.

The first monument to Sherlock Holmes

Holmes monuments in Japan and Great Britain

In 1988, on October 9, a statue of the great detective was unveiled in Japan (in Kariuzawa). Nobuhara Ken, the Japanese translator of Holmes, lived in this city. This monument was unveiled just a month later than in Switzerland.

The turn came to Edinburgh in 1991. On June 24, the third monument to Holmes was unveiled in Conan Doyle's homeland. It is installed on Picardy Place.

In London, a monument to Holmes was unveiled in 1999, on September 24, near Baker Street tube station. Sherlock looks thoughtfully into the distance. He is dressed for London weather - in a hat with a small brim and a long raincoat. Holmes has a pipe in his hand.

Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson: monument in Moscow

In 2007, on April 27, a monument to the work was opened in Moscow, on Smolenskaya Embankment. This is the first sculpture depicting Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson together. A Russian actor participated in the creation, who was awarded the Order of the British Empire by Elizabeth II for embodying the image of the main character of the work. The monument to literary heroes Holmes and Watson today is very popular among Muscovites and visitors. Many people like to take pictures against its background.

Monument to the frog princess in Moscow

In Moscow in 1997, an imitation of the Neglinnaya River was created to decorate Manezhnaya Square near the Kremlin. It was this that flowed here in ancient times, but was enclosed in a pipe in the 19th century. Zurab "settled" the heroes of various Russian fairy tales along the banks of the river. Among his creations is a monument to the frog princess.

Other sculptures in honor of the frog princess

Another monument to the character is located in Svetlogorsk (Kaliningrad region). The sculpture represents a female figure sitting on a stone. Her lips are pursed for a kiss.

A sculpture of the frog princess was also installed in Kaliningrad (children's park "Youth"). The frog is very cute and fabulous.

Monument to the literary hero Pinocchio

In honor of the 130th anniversary of the author of the story "The Golden Key" Alexei Tolstoy, a monument to Buratino appeared at the gates of the literary museum in Samara. Its author is Stepan Korslyan. A triumphant Pinocchio made of bronze holds a golden key in his raised hand. A big book lies at his feet. Dmitry Iosifov, an actor who played the main character in the film “The Adventures of Buratino”, was present at the opening ceremony. It was on the basis of the image from this film that the sculpture was created.

Monument to Josef Schweik

More recently, in 2014, on August 24, a monument to Schweik was erected in the Czech Republic, described almost 100 years ago in Jaroslav Hasek’s work “The Adventures of the Good Soldier Schweik” (1921). It is located near the town of Pisek, in the village of Putim. Some of the adventures of this hero took place here. Done by F. Svatek. A soldier is dressed in a military uniform from the First World War.

Previously, monuments to this brave soldier were erected in Slovakia (photo below), Russia, Poland and Ukraine. In total, thirteen monuments are known.

Monument to Gulliver

It was installed in St. Petersburg in 2007, on November 2. The sculptor is Timur Yusof. The hero of Jonathan Swift's famous story "Gulliver's Travels" is located on the University Embankment. The monument depicts a whole series of title characters of the work, decreasing in size. Each subsequent Gulliver is several times smaller than the previous one.

Monuments to Baron Munchausen

On May 11, 2004, the first Russian one was opened. It is located in the Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, in the Munchausen Museum. The author of the project was a descendant of the baron himself, Vladimir Nagovitsyn. This is a writer-storyteller who creates works under the pseudonym Vladi Nagova.

A monument to literary heroes can be very original. In Kaliningrad, for example, in the Central Park there is one of the most cheerful monuments. It is also dedicated to Baron Munchausen. The sculpture stands next to Queen Louise's Church. It became a gift to Kaliningrad for its 750th anniversary from Bodenwerder, the German city that is the birthplace of the baron.

It is known that the real prototype of Munchausen visited Koenigsberg twice on the way to St. Petersburg, as well as on the way back. The author of the sculpture is Georg Petau. The monument to Munchausen is a steel wall in which the silhouette of this hero is carved, flying on a cannonball. On one side, the inscription “Kaliningrad” is stamped on the pedestal, and on the other, “Koenigsberg”, to emphasize the historical connection between the Russian and German peoples.

Uncle Styopa now regulates Samara

The monument to “the distinguished citizen, nicknamed Kalancha, last name Stepanov and named Stepan,” in other words, the legendary hero of Sergei Mikhalkov’s work, Uncle Stepa, was erected today in Samara. Our former colleague, deputy Alexander Khinshtein, came up with this initiative. The grand opening of the monument was timed to coincide with November 10 - the Day of Employees of the Internal Affairs Bodies of the Russian Federation.

“We had the idea to immortalize Uncle Styopa as the most popular and tall policeman,” Alexander Khinshtein told MK. “An organizing committee created on my initiative, called “Cultural Samara,” has been operating in Samara for 3 years now. Thanks to his work, we have already installed several sculptural compositions in the city dedicated to literary and film heroes, mythical characters, one way or another connected with Samara. For three years, the Red Army soldier Sukhov, Yuri Detochkin, the brave soldier Schweik, barge haulers on the Volga settled here. All of them are related to Samara. The idea with Uncle Styopa was happily supported by Zurab Tsereteli, who completed the sculpture, and he refused a fee for the work and, moreover, took on half of the expenses. The rest of the funds were collected by the whole world, employees of Samara and veterans who liked the idea took part in this. The creation of the sculpture was based on the first, pre-war edition of the book.”

As a result, a sculpture 5.5 meters high was made; it was brought to Samara only the day before. Nikita Mikhalkov, Zurab Tsereteli, Alexander Khinshtein took part in the opening celebrations.

“In fact, this is the first 100% sculptural image of Uncle Styopa,” Khinshtein assured MK, “there are small sculptures in Russian cities, but these are abstract policemen and traffic controllers, but here is a full-fledged monument so that both Uncle Styopa himself and a traffic light are depicted there , and children, appeared only in Samara.”

Several hundred citizens gathered for the opening of the monument, which was installed in the very center of the city.

Today, on the eve of Children's Day, President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and family members - Andrei Konchalovsky,Nikita Mikhalkov and Yulia Subbotina unveiled a monument to the classic of Russian literature, the famous children's poet Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov. In a solemn atmosphere,friends and colleagues of S.V. Mikhalkov, officials and admirers of the talent of the famous poet, laid flowers at the monument.

Despite the gloomy morning, a festive mood reigned in the park on Povarskaya Street. Guests of the solemn opening ceremony of the monument to S.V. Mikhalkov were greeted by a musical collage of songs based on the poet’s poems, poems and fables were performed by famous contemporary actors of Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov.

The cadets stood solemnly on guard at the monument, the Russian Anthem sounds, the blanket slides off the monument and a familiar figure appears before those gathered, sitting thoughtfully on a bench...

The sculptural composition is complemented by a touching detail - a figurine of a schoolgirl carrying flowers to the poet, as a symbol of the grateful audience for whom Sergei Mikhalkov lived and worked.

In his speech, V.V. Putin noted that “Today, opening the monument, we feel proud that in our culture, in Russian literature there is such a great name - Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov” (full text of V.V. Putin’s speech).

Then the sons of the poet, Andrei Konchalovsky and Nikita Mikhalkov, spoke.

The ceremony was attended by First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of Russia A.D. Zhukov, Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation V.I. Tolstoy, Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation V.R. Medinsky, Moscow Mayor S.S. Sobyanin, Representatives of the Moscow City Duma - V.M. Platonov and E.V. Gerasimov, Archimandrite Tikhon (Shevkunov) and other officials.

The creative intelligentsia of Moscow was represented by Genrikh Borovik, Ilya Glazunov, Andrey Dementyev, Viktor Chizhikov, Svetlana Vragova, Ivan Pereverzin, Alexander Adabashyan, Mikhail Lermontov, Alexander Toroptsev, Olga Muravyova, Irina Kotunova and other writers, artists, publishers.

The ceremony was conducted by the Honored Artist of Russia, Sergei Kolesnikov. Musical accompaniment - Orchestra of the Moscow Musical Cadet Corps. The DOMISOLKA children's musical theater performed the famous song based on the verses of S.V. Mikhalkov “We ​​are going, going, going...” completing the official part of the opening ceremony of the monument to the famous children's poet.

The monument is located in the park on Povarskaya Street, next to the house where the poet lived for many years and opposite the house where the International Society of Writers' Unions is located, in which he worked until the last days of his life.

The initiative to create a monument to the outstanding Russian poet, writer, and public figure Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov in Moscow came from the Russian Cultural Foundation and was included in the plan of events to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the writer in 2013.

Architect - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Arts Sergei Aleksandrovich Sharov

Architect for the reconstruction of the square - Alexandra Igorevna Voskresenskaya

The reconstruction and improvement of the square, design and construction of the monument were undertaken by the Moscow Government.