Fairy tale turnip in English script. Scenario of the fairy tale "Turnip" in English for elementary school

"TURNIP" A skit in English for primary school students. Compiled by English language teacher MBOU Krasninskaya secondary school in Krasny village, Smolensk region V.A. PrudnikovaOne of the main tasks in teaching English in primary school is to instill and maintain students’ interest in learning it. All extracurricular work should undoubtedly be carried out in this direction. Staging skits in English will help solve this problem. In theatrical activities, students' vocabulary is significantly enriched with many interesting and frequently used expressions in speech. Children are proud to show off their new language acquisitions to classmates in class, which also increases motivation. An important aspect in this type of activity is the development of the creative and artistic abilities of each child. Children, together with the teacher and parents, participate in making scenery and costumes, dance and sing, and learn their role in the play. Classes in a relaxed atmosphere help overcome the psychological language barrier. Sand creates a communicative situation in which the child uses speech patterns with appropriate intonation, the language material is perfectly remembered, and pronunciation is improved. Of course, parents are invited to the performance.The Russian folk tale “Turnip” was probably staged in English more than once by each of my colleagues in different versions. Perhaps you will also like my version.Scene No. 1.The curtain is closed. The action takes place before the curtain. The teacher comes on stage and in his introductory speech, addressing the parents, says that there are many friendly families in the world who rest and work together, and we learn about one of these families from the fairy tale “Turnip”, plot which everyone has known since childhood. But our turnip is not a simple one, but an English one - Turnip . And the family is not simple, but English. Meet! On stage to the backing track "Themorewegettogether" “All the participants in the scene come out: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse. (If there are more children in the circle, you can come up with roles for them). Children sing a song " Themorewegettogether "and gestures indicate that they are planting turnips. The more we get together, Together, together, The more we get together, The happier we are! For my friend is your friend And your friend is my friend. The more we get together, The happier we are! The more we work together, Together, together, The more we work together, The happier we are! For my friend is your friend And your friend is my friend. The more we work together, The happier we are ! The children leave the stage.Scene No. 2. The curtain opens.The decoration on the stage is a large turnip, sawn from plywood or cut out of thick cardboard, beautifully painted. It says on it in big colored letters Turnip . A child was hiding behind a turnip, sitting on a chair and supporting a turnip standing on the floor. The teacher comes out and, turning to the parents, explains: everyone, of course, understood that the friendly family had already planted the turnip and it had grown very, very big and it was time to pull it out of the ground.To the soundtrack of the same song, a tone lower, the grandfather comes onto the stage, looking importantly at the garden and the assembled audience. All of a sudden he sees a huge turnip.Grandad: Oh! My God! What a big turnip! It's great! I want to pull it out! ONE! TWO! THREE! (wipes sweat from forehead) Oh! I can't! Hey Granny, come here! Help me, please! To the soundtrack of the same song, a tone higher, the grandmother comes onto the stage.Granma: Oh! Jesus Christ! What a big turnip!It looks tasty! Let's pull it out!(takes hold of the old man and pulls him together) ONE! TWO! THREE! (Together ) Oh! We can`t! Jane, come here! Help us , please ! A fashionably dressed granddaughter comes out to the same soundtrack, but two tones lower. Granddaughter: WOW! What a big turnip! It's super! Let's put it out! (together) Doggy, come here! Help us , please ! Zhuchka runs onto the stage.Dog: Bow – Wow! Bow – Wow! Bow – Wow! What a big turnip!It's super! Let's pull it out!(together ) ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! Pussy, come here! Help us please ! Puss in Boots runs onto the stage.Cat: Mew – Mew – Mew! Oh! What a big turnip!It`s marvelous! I'm very strong! I`m Pussy-in-the Boots! Let's pull it out! (together ) ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t! Mouse! Come here! Help us , please ! Mickey Mouse runs onto the stage.Mickey Mouse: Squeak – squeak – squeak! Oh! What a big turnip!It's lovely! I'm very strong! I`m Mickey – Mouse! Let`s pull in out! (together ) ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!ONE! TWO! THREE! Oh! We can`t!(wipe away sweat)ONE! TWO! THREE! (the turnip gets up from the chair and everyone rejoices) Oh yes! Well done! Turnip: Thank you very much! (together) You are welcome ! Everyone takes turns praising the turnip. Granddad: It`s great! Granma: It`s very tasty! Jane: In`s super! Dog: It`s fantastic! Cat: It`s marvelous! Mouse: It`s lovely! (together) Hurrah! Hurrah! Hurrah! Together they sing the song The more we get together And they leave the stage. There is a turnip ahead. They wave goodbye.

Play " Turnip ” ( turnip ) , 3rd grade


    costumes for the performance;

    audio recordings;

    musical equipment;

    scenery for the play;

The methodological goal is motivation for further study of the English language and the maximum possible disclosure of the creative potential of students.

Objectives: to activate students’ knowledge acquired in English lessons; develop language abilities, abilities and skills to work in a team; cultivate interest and love for the subject.

Main characters:









(In the center of the hall is a girl depicting a turnip. The hall is decorated in accordance with the theme of the event: house, flowers, vegetable garden. Participants of the event leave the house one by one. Light background music is playing.)

Narrator: Once upon a time there was a nice turnip…

Turnip: It"s about me! I am a turnip. I am big and very-very nice. Oh, what a lovely day today! Good morning, Sun! Good morning, Wind!

Good morning, good morning,

Good morning to you.

Good morning, good morning,

I am glad to see you!

Narrator: But the turnip is not the only character of our story…

(A boy portraying Grandfather comes out with a basket of eggs in his hands):

Grandfather: Hm-hm.. What a nice morning today! My favorite hens gave me so many eggs!

Look at the eggs

And count with me:

1 egg, 2 eggs and now 3,

4 eggs, 5 eggs, 6 eggs, 7,

8 eggs, 9 eggs, 10, 11,

12, 13, 14, 15,

Then 16 and 17

Now we've got 18, 19,

20 eggs in one yellow bin.

My turnip is really big. I want to pull it out. 1, 2, 3! (Pullsturnip). Oh, it's too big for me! Grandmother, come and help me, please.

( It turns outgirl, depictinggrandma):

Grandmother : OK. I am coming. The turnip is really big. Let's pull it out. 1, 2, 3! (Pullingturnip).Oh, it's too big for us! Granddaughter, come and help us, please.

There is a little girl

And she had a pretty curl

Right in the middle

Of her forehead.

When she is good,

She is very, very good,

But when she is bad,

She is horrid.

Grandfather: Granddaughter, come and help us, please.

( It turns outgirl, depictingGranddaughter):

Granddaughter: Just a minute, I am coming.

I am a very pretty girl,

My hair's long, I am not tall.

My blouse is beautiful and new,

My shoes are very small and blue.

Grandfather: Stop talking! 1, 2, 3! (Pullingturnip). Oh, it's too big for us!

Grandmother: I know! Let's call our dog. He is very strong.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter: Dog! Come and help us, please.

(A boy in a Dog costume runs out):

Dog: Bow-wow! I am very-very strong! I like jumping, running and swimming. I can help you.

Exercise can make you strong,

It can be fun and won't take long.

Grandfather: 1, 2, 3! ( Pullingturnip).Oh, it's too big for us! Let's call our Cat.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Dog: Cat! Come and help us, please.

( VoicefromHouses):

Cat: I am sleeping...

Granddaughter: Cat! Come here, please.

(A girl dressed as a Cat comes out):

Cat: I don’t like turnip, I don’t want to pull it out.

Grandfather: Stop talking! 1, 2, 3! (Pullingturnip).Oh, it's too big for us!

Grandmother: I know! Let's call our Mouse. She is little but she can help us.

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Cat, Dog: Mouse! Come and help us, please.

(The Mouse runs out, trembling with fear):

Mouse: I am not afraid of Cat! I am not afraid of Cat!

Cat: Mew...

Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Where is your house?

Mouse: Little Cat, Little Cat,

I have no flat.

I am a poor Mouse,

I have no house.

Cat: Little Mouse, Little Mouse,

Come into my house!

Mouse: Little Cat, Little Cat,

I cannot do that.

You want to eat me!

Grandfather: Stop talking! 1, 2, 3! (Pullingturnip). Once again! 1, 2, 3 (pulled outTurnip)!

Grandfather, Grandmother, Granddaughter, Cat, Dog, Mouse: Hooray-hooray!

(Children dance around the turnip and sing the final song The more we are together ):

The more we are together, together, together,

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

And my friend is your friend.

And your friend is my friend.

The more we are together,

The happier we are.

Narrator: And here our story is finished. Thank you for attention.

Eliza Ilyasova
Summary of an open lesson for children 6–7 years old “The Tale “Turnip” in English

Open lesson summary

By fairy tale« turnip»

Gadzhivagabovna, teacher

additional education

for training children's English language skills

Private educational institution "Kindergarten No. 98 OJSC" "RUSSIAN RAILWAYS"

Age orientation:6-7 years.

The Turnip (turnip)

Goals and objectives classes.

1. Motivate children to language learning and develop a positive attitude towards foreigners languages.

2. Develop listening skills.

3. Train correct pronunciation with the help of songs, chants, and poems.

4. Develop cooperation and respect children to each other and to themselves through dramatization.

5. Provide cultural information.

6. Develop communication skills.

Grandpa (grandfather)

Grandma (grandmother)

Granddaughter (granddaughter)

Dog (dog)

Cat (cat)

Mouse (mouse)

Once upon a time there was an old men who planted a turnip.

Grandfather planted turnip.

He gave it some water.

The grandfather began to water it.

Turnip: O water, I like water.

O water, I love water.

The turnip grew bigger and bigger.

Grew big turnip.

Grandpa came to pick the turnip, pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up!

Grandpa: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for me!

Grandfather went to tear turnip: pulls - pulls, cannot pull.

Grandpa called Grandma.

Grandfather called grandma.

Grandpa: Hey, wife, come and help me.

Grandpa and Grandma: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

Grandma pulled Grandpa, Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up!

Grandma for grandpa, Grandpa for turnip - pull - pull, they can’t pull it out!

Grandma calls the granddaughter.

Grandma; Hey, granddaughter, come and help us.

granddaughter; All right.

Grandpa, Grandma and Granddaughter: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

Granddaughter came. Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up!

My granddaughter came. Granddaughter for grandmother, Grandmother for grandfather, Grandfather for turnip - pull - pull, they can’t pull it out!

The granddaughter calls the dog.

Granddaughter ;Hey doggy,can you help us?

Dog; Yes, of course.

Grandpa, Grandma, Granddaughter and dog:: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

The doggy came. Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up!

The dog calls the cat.

Dog;Hey,Pussy cat,come and help us.

Grandpa, Grandma, Granddaughter, dog and cat: One, two, three, one, two, three! It is too big for us!

A kitty came. Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled but couldn't pull it up!

The cat came. A cat for a dog, a dog for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for turnip - pull - pull, they can’t pull it out!

The cat calls the mouse.

Cat: Hey, Little mouse, come and help us.

Mouse: O with pleasure.

Grandpa, Grandma, Granddaughter ,dog, cat and mouse:: One, two, three, one, two, three! It will go!

A mouse came. The mouse pulled kitty, Kitty pulled doggy, Doggy pulled Granddaughter, Granddaughter pulled Grandma, Grandma pulled Grandpa, and Grandpa pulled the turnip. They pulled and pulled and pulled the turnip up!

The mouse has arrived. A mouse for a cat, a cat for a dog, a dog for a granddaughter, a granddaughter for a grandmother, a grandmother for a grandfather, a grandfather for turnip- pulled - pulled - pulled out turnip!

The Turnip: Here I am!

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TURNIP.The Turnip

Village courtyard. There is a fence on the left in the background. Behind it is a sunflower. On the right is a bed, a wide brown strip of paper laid on its edge (a turnip sits behind the strip). Early morning. Music. Sounds of nature.

Farmer Joe comes out.

Joe: Hello, my name is Joe. In May I planted a turnip and now it’s high time to pull it out.

Joe: (Joe approaches the turnip, bends down to it and tries to pull it out of the ground): The turnip is too big. (Claps hands) One, Two, Three. I love my wife and my wife loves me. Rosie!Rosie! Please! Help me!

The farmer's wife Rosie comes out.

Rosie: Hi, I'm Rosie. I love my husband and my husband loves me.

Together(together): One, Two, Three. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! (pulling a turnip)

Rosie: The turnip is too big.

Joe: (straightens up and wipes sweat from his forehead) One, Two, Three. (Claps his hands) I like my dog ​​and my dog ​​likes me. Doggie, Doggie, please, help me!

Dog: I'm the dog.

My name is Jack.

My ears are white.

My nose is black.

Together (together): One, Two, Three. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! (John, Rosie and Jack try to pull out a turnip together)

Dog: The turnip is too big.

Rosie: One, two, three. I love my granddaughter and my granddaughter loves me. Lizzie, Lizzie, please help me.

Lizzie runs onto the stage.

Lizzie: Hi, I’m Lizzy, I love my grandmother and my grandmother loves me.

Together (together): One, Two, Three. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! (They all try to pull out the turnip together)

Lizzie: The turnip is too big. One, two, three. I like my cat and my cat likes me. Pussy, Pussy, please help me.

A cat runs onto the stage.

Cat: I'm a cat.

I don't like rats.

When they sit on the mats.

Together (together):

Cat: The turnip is too big. One, Two, tree. I like mice. Mice don’t like me...But Mouse, Mouse, please help me.

A mouse runs onto the stage.

Mouse: I’m a brave and funny mouse.

I am marching through the house.

All day long I dance and sing.

I'm not afraid of anything.

Together (together): One, Two, Tree. Pull and pull! We Cannot pull it out! Everyone is trying to pull the turnip

Joe: The turnip is too big. Let's try again. They pull the turnip again.

Rosie: Wow! We have done it!

The turnip gets up and comes out from behind the garden bed.

Turnip: Hi! I am Turnip!

Everyone sings the song “The more we get together”


The more we get together,

Together, together,

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

Oh, the more we get together,

Together, together,

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

There's Chris and Tanya

Source teksty-pesenok.ru

And Jason and Jusitn.

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

(Ok, are you ready to sing now?)

The more we get together,

Together, together,

The more we get together,

The happier we"ll be.

‘Cause your friends are my friends,

And my friends are your friends.

The more we get together,