How to cook cherry jam. How to make cherry jam? Cherry jam with dark chocolate - you'll lick your fingers

Cherry fruits are good and healthy fresh, and jam made from them has been a classic and favorite delicacy in many families for many hundreds of years. But if you cook it without seeds, you will get a dessert that is not at all surpassed in taste. 100 g of pitted cherry jam contains about 64 g of carbohydrates, while the calorie content of 100 g of the product as a whole is 284 - 290 kcal.

Cherry jam for the winter without seeds - photo recipe

What do you associate with childhood? For me, with its subtle aroma and airy foam... Making pitted cherry jam, like in childhood at home, is as easy as shelling pears.

Cooking time: 6 hours 0 minutes

Quantity: 1 serving


  • Cherries: 2 kg
  • Sugar: 3-3.5 kg

Cooking instructions

Recipe for thick cherry jam

The recipe only contains two main ingredients. The desired proportions are 1 to 1. If sour cherries are used, then for 1 part of the berries you need to take 1.2 - 1.5 parts of sugar.

To prepare you will need:

  • sugar – 1.0-1.2 kg.
  • peeled cherries – 1 kg.

What to do:

  1. Sort the cherries, remove the stems, rinse. Let the water drain and discard the seeds.
  2. Pour the fruits into an enamel bowl or wide pan and add half of the taken sugar.
  3. Place everything in the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
  4. Over moderate heat, with gentle stirring, bring to a boil and simmer for a quarter of an hour. Remove from heat.
  5. When everything has cooled down, pour all the syrup from the cherries into another bowl.
  6. Add the rest of the sugar to it.
  7. Heat to a boil and cook the syrup over moderate heat to a certain thickness. You should drop a drop of sweet liquid into a mug of ice water; if it forms into a ball that you can squeeze with your fingers, the syrup is ready.
  8. Combine the berries with the syrup, heat to a boil, boil for 5-6 minutes and pour into jars while hot.

How to make pitted cherry jam for the winter with gelatin

This unusual and tasty delicacy cooks quite quickly, which is why the method is popular among housewives.

After the container with the contents has cooled, the syrup will turn into jelly with pieces of cherries.

Prepare in advance:

  • gelatin – 25-30 g;
  • sugar – 1 kg;
  • cherries (the weight of the fruit is indicated without seeds) – 1 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the berries, tear off the stems, peel, wash, and dry. Transfer to a suitable enamel saucepan or bowl.
  2. Mix sugar with dry gelatin.
  3. Pour the mixture into the cherries.
  4. Stir and place on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for 8 hours. During this time, the contents can be mixed 2-3 times to ensure uniform swelling of the gelatin grains.
  5. Remove the container from the refrigerator, stir and place over moderate heat.
  6. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, cook the jam for no longer than 4-5 minutes.
  7. Pour the hot mixture into jars and screw on the lids.

A very quick and simple five-minute recipe

For a quick “five minute” you need:

  • peeled cherries – 2 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg.


  1. Sort the berries, tear off the stems, wash and separate the pulp from the seeds.
  2. Place the cherries and sugar in an enamel bowl. Leave on the table for 3-4 hours.
  3. Heat the mixture to a boil, boil for 5 minutes. Cool completely at room temperature.
  4. Repeat the procedure two more times.
  5. After the third time, pour the hot mixture into jars and seal with lids.

Variation of the multicooker recipe

For the multicooker method you will need:

  • sugar – 1.2 kg.
  • already peeled cherries - 1 kg;

What to do:

  1. Sort the cherries, remove the stems, wash, dry and separate the pits from the pulp.
  2. Place them in a multicooker bowl and pour sugar into it. Mix.
  3. Turn on the device to the “quenching” mode for 90 minutes.
  4. Then transfer the jam into a jar and close the lid.

Cherry jam “assorted”

To prepare assorted fruits, an equal amount of raw materials of two or three types is usually taken. But there is one nuance here.

In order for the final product to be sweet enough, you will have to adjust its sweetness at the initial stage.

For example, if currants are used, then take a little more sugar, about 1 to 2. If gooseberries, then even more (1 to 2.5), and when adding strawberries, a ratio of 1 to 1 is sufficient.

For assorted cherries with currants you will need:

  • cherries, pitted – 1 kg;
  • currants – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Sort the cherries, remove the stems, and wash.
  2. Remove the currants from the branches, wash and dry.
  3. Mix the berries, pour them into an enamel bowl and cover with sugar. Leave on the counter for 4-5 hours until the juice is released.
  4. Over medium heat, heat the mixture to a boil. Cook for five minutes.
  5. Remove from heat and cool contents to room temperature.
  6. Repeat the procedure.
  7. Heat the mixture for the third time, boil for 5 minutes and immediately seal it in jars.

Pitted cherry jam with nuts

Any jam with the addition of nuts has always been considered an exquisite delicacy. In addition to the simple method (mix berries with nuts), you can prepare an option where a piece of walnut is placed in place of the removed seed.

For winter preparation you will need:

  • peeled cherries – 1 kg;
  • walnuts – 250 g or as much as it takes;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg;
  • water – 150 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the berries, tear off the stems, wash and separate the seeds from the pulp.
  2. Cut the nuts into stone-sized pieces.
  3. Insert pieces of nut kernels inside the cherry shells. If you don’t have enough patience to prepare all the cherries, then simply add the remaining nuts into the total mass.
  4. Heat the water and add sugar little by little until it is completely dissolved. This should be done in the container in which the dessert will be cooked.
  5. Bring the syrup to a boil and add the cherries and nuts.
  6. Bring to a boil again and cook over medium heat while stirring for 25-30 minutes.
  7. Pour the jam into jars while hot.

To make the jam tasty and store well you need:

  1. To remove seeds, it is better to purchase a special device. It resembles tongs with two spoons at the end.
  2. When heating, remove the scum from the jam. It begins to appear when the temperature of the mass approaches 80-85 degrees. To do this, you can use a slotted spoon.
  3. Prepare storage containers in advance. Sterilize the jars over steam and boil the lids in water. It is important to dry thoroughly after this. Excess liquid should not get into the jam, otherwise it will begin to ferment.
  4. Select ripe but not rotten cherries. The final product will not be tasty and of high quality if you use fruits with signs of rot or other damage to prepare it.
  5. Do not overcook. Sometimes the jam may be a little undercooked; when it cools, the syrup will still become quite thick. If the delicacy is overcooked, too much water will evaporate from it, it will become tasteless and quickly become sugary.
  6. Avoid burning. To avoid sticking and burning of the syrup and berries to the bottom of the dish, the composition must be carefully stirred with a wooden spoon, lifting the contents from the bottom up. If burning does begin, remove the container from the heat and carefully pour the jam into a clean container.

Cherry jam is a favorite delicacy of many, which is not called “royal” for nothing. Cherry jam is not only a very tasty and delicious dessert, but also a healthy product, rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Cherry jam is prepared in various ways; it is made from almost all varieties. It is believed that the most aromatic and rich-tasting jam is made from southern varieties of cherries (Zakharyevskaya, Shubinka, Turgenevka).

When choosing cherries for jam, it is important to consider not only the variety, but the degree of ripeness. The most delicious dessert is made from ripe, dark burgundy or ruby ​​fruits. Cherry jam is prepared both with and without pits. Medical experts say that seedless jam is healthier. Inside the cherry pit there are harmful and toxic substances, which, when the jam is stored for a long time (more than 2 years), begin to be released into the product itself, which can lead to negative consequences.

Cherry fruits contain many vitamins, mineral salts, and organic nutrients. Cherries contain vitamins B, A, PP, E, and folic acid. The fruits have a fairly high content of vitamin C, which explains its benefits for the immune system, which is especially important during seasonal colds and viral diseases. The list of minerals includes calcium, magnesium, fluorine, iron, zinc, potassium. In addition, cherries contain the natural antioxidant anthocyanin, which gives the fruit a rich red color.

Cherries and cherry jam are useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system, digestive disorders, decreased immune function, high cholesterol levels and joint diseases (arthritis). Some of the beneficial substances inherent in cherries are lost during heat treatment, but many remain. To preserve the maximum benefits in cherry jam, it is important to prepare it correctly. Before we tell you how to make cherry jam, let’s consider what utensils you need to have in your arsenal.

To prepare cherry jam, you will need a basin or pan with a wide bottom and low walls. This form of container is ideal for jam, as it allows you to mix it easily and well during the cooking process. It is best to take stainless steel or enamel cookware. Only such utensils guarantee that the jam will not acquire an unpleasant taste during cooking and that metal oxide ions will not enter it, as happens when using aluminum or copper objects. If you choose a recipe where the syrup is cooked separately, then the same requirements apply to the dishes for its preparation. To stir the jam, it is best to use a large wooden spoon or spatula.

To store the finished jam you will need glass jars and lids. The jars must first be washed with soap and rinsed well with warm water. Before pouring the jam, the jars must be sterilized, otherwise the risk increases that the product may become moldy during storage due to bacteria remaining in the container. You can sterilize jars in various ways:

  1. The traditional “grandmother’s” method is over steam. Bring water to a boil in a kettle or saucepan, place a wire rack on the top edge and place the jars on it, neck down. Steam entering the vessel kills microorganisms.
  2. In the microwave. Pour a little water into the jars (3 cm from the bottom) and put them in the microwave at maximum temperature, let the water boil for 3 minutes.
  3. In the oven. Heat the oven a little (no more than 100 degrees), set a wire rack, put a paper towel on it and place the washed jars on it, neck down. Close the oven and preheat the jars for a few minutes.

You can use different lids; the only important requirement for them is good tightness when closing. They also need to be sterilized - kept in boiling water for several minutes.

Preparing berries for cherry jam

Berries for cherry jam also need preparation. First, you need to wash and sort them, this can be done at the same time. Carefully pour the cherries onto the table, prepare a bowl of cold water in advance. Rejected fruits (spoiled, green) should be selected and thrown away; good fruits should be immediately placed in a basin or other convenient container.

Cherries cannot be kept in water for a long time, otherwise they will become saturated with excess moisture and the jam will be too watery. Place the washed cherries in handfuls on a kitchen towel to dry.

If you are preparing jam without seeds, then after drying you can begin to remove them. For this purpose, you can use special kitchen tools, but you can also get by with improvised means. For example, take a thin wooden rod or an ordinary pin, with the help of which you can push the seed through the hole in the stalk or carefully pick it up and remove it through it.

If the jam is made from whole cherries, then you need to make a small puncture in each berry with a needle. This is done so that sugar syrup gets inside each fruit. If you don’t have the time and desire to pierce each berry, then to achieve this goal you can hold the cherry over steam for 1-2 minutes or lower it into hot water (up to 90 degrees) for literally half a minute. Next, we have selected simple recipes for cherry jam at home for you.

How to make pitted cherry jam? To prepare this jam you will need cherries and granulated sugar at the rate of 1 kg of cherries, 1.2 kg of sugar, 1 glass of water. Wash the cherries, dry them and carefully remove the seeds from them using a special device or improvised means. Then you need to lay out the cherries in layers in a cooking container, alternating them with sugar. The top layer is sugar. Leave the cherries in this form for 2-3 hours at room temperature so that they release the juice.

Add 1 glass of cold water to the jam container with the cherries and sugar and place on low heat. Keep on low heat until all the sugar has dissolved in the syrup. After the syrup has become homogeneous, the fire under the jam can be made stronger. Bring the jam to a boil and remove from heat. During the cooking process, do not forget to stir and remove foam from the surface.
After the first approach, the jam should cool to room temperature. Depending on the volume, this may take 6-8 hours. Next, the procedure of bringing to a boil and cooling must be repeated 2-3 times. After the last approach, cool the jam and pour it into sterilized jars, close with lids (preferably sealing ones) and store in a cool place.

For this jam, 1 kg of cherries will require 0.5 kg of sugar and 800 ml of water. In the process of preparing cherry jam from whole berries with syrup, there are several nuances, taking into account which you can avoid unpleasant moments. For example, the cherries in such a dessert often look wrinkled.

To prevent this from happening, each fruit must be lightly pierced with a needle. This is the first stage of preparation.

Next you need to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour 300 mg of sugar into 800 ml of water in a separate bowl and mix well until completely dissolved. Then put the cherries in a cooking vessel and pour syrup over them, so they should stand at room temperature for 3-4 hours. After this time, you can start cooking. Place the container with the cherries in the syrup over low heat, stirring gently, and bring to a boil. Cook over low heat for about 10 minutes. Then you need to cool the jam a little and drain the syrup from it. It needs to be cooked separately from the cherries for 5 minutes.

Then pour the syrup into the cherries again and add 200 g of sugar. Until the jam is completely ready, it must be brought to a boil and cooled another 2-3 times. After this, you can pour it into jars, seal it and send it for storage.

Recipe 3: Thick cherry jam

This recipe is intended for those who love thick desserts or use cherry jam to make pies and buns. There are several secrets for making thick cherry jam. Firstly, when choosing fruits, you need to give preference to dense, fleshy varieties with a little juiciness. Secondly, the more granulated sugar, the thicker the jam.

For 1 kg of cherries you will need 1.5 kg of sugar and 1 glass of water. As a rule, for thick jam and jam, cherry pits are taken out, but this is a non-critical issue and depends on the preferences of the housewife. Cover the cherries with granulated sugar and leave for 3-4 hours to release the juice. As soon as this happens and the juice appears on the surface, add a glass of water to the cherry and you can put the basin on the stove. Heat the jam over medium heat, stirring constantly so that the berries do not burn. Bring to a boil and let cool. Repeat the process 3-4 times. Cool the finished jam and put it into jars.

This original recipe allows you to prepare a complete dessert that can be used for breakfast on sweet sandwiches with butter or as an addition to ice cream. To prepare it you will need:

  • 1 kg of ripe sweet cherries;
  • 0.5 kg of sugar (you can use special gelling sugar for jam);
  • 3 g citric acid;
  • a small pack of gelatin (if using regular sugar);
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder;
  • 3-4 tbsp. spoons of instant coffee;
  • 50 ml liqueur (cherry or Amaretto).

If desired, the amount of coffee and cocoa can be reduced, then the taste of the jam will not be so specific.
Wash the cherries and remove the pits. Mix all the dry ingredients in a separate bowl and pour over the cherries. Mix all ingredients and place the bowl with cherries on low heat. When the cherry mass heats up, you need to grind the cherries a little with a blender. Bring the jam to a boil and cook for 3-5 minutes, remembering to stir constantly. At the very end of cooking, add liqueur to the container. Pour the finished jam hot into sterilized jars and close with airtight lids.

If the cherries are sour or very juicy (watery), then the amount of sugar can be increased. For example, when using wild cherries, the ratio of berries to sugar can be 1:2, that is, 2 kg of sugar is taken per 1 kg of cherries. The same technique is used to increase the thickness of jam or syrup.

A prerequisite when preparing jam of any kind is to remove the foam that forms during boiling from the surface. Curdled whites, which is what foam is, can lead to rapid souring and spoilage of the finished jam.
It is also important not to overdo it so as not to overcook the cherry jam. If you cook it too long, the cherries will lose their appearance, shrivel and become too dry.
Various ingredients can be added to cherry jam:

  • pink petals will give it an amazing aroma and add sweetness and sophistication to the taste;
  • cloves will add a spicy taste and oriental aroma;
  • lemon zest will enrich it with vitamins and add slight sourness;
  • nuts and sesame will complement the taste of jam in an original way.

Cherries go well with other berries and fruits. If you wish, you can experiment by combining cherries with strawberries, cranberries, black currants, apples, and raspberries.

Amber cherry.

In this article you will learn how and how much to cook cherries so that the berries do not wrinkle and remain juicy and whole. I offer simple recipes for making delicious cherry jam; all you have to do is choose the method you like.

Thick cherry jam with pits for the winter

This is a simple signature recipe for the winter at home. To prepare it, we take selected, ripe and large berries.

For this recipe we use repeated cooking in syrup. We will stand for several hours in between cooking, this will ensure better and even saturation of the fruits and better preserve their integrity.


  • 1 kg fresh cherries
  • 1 kg sugar
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 100-150 ml water


1. We sort the fruits, select whole and ripe berries, remove wrinkled and spoiled ones. Then rinse thoroughly with cold water.

Overripe cherries will be overcooked, while unripe cherries have not yet acquired the desired aroma and taste.

2. To make good quality jam, first prick cherries with thick skin using a toothpick. Thus, we remove air from the fruit, which, when heated, increases in volume and tears the skin, violating their integrity.

3. Cook the syrup in a large saucepan. Pour the sugar with water, stirring constantly, completely dissolve the sugar and cook over medium heat until tender.

4. Pour cherries into the prepared hot syrup in portions, shake the dishes slightly so that all the cherries are covered with liquid and let sit for 2 hours. The berry immediately begins to release juice, and the syrup turns a beautiful bright red color.

5. After the time has passed, put on the fire and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Collect the resulting foam and cook for 5 minutes.

Then remove the pan and leave for 8-10 hours. We do this procedure 3 times, constantly carefully removing the foam. During the final cooking, add vanilla sugar.

6. We determine the readiness of the jam by pouring a drop onto the saucer (it should not spread), and by berries, in the finished dessert they do not float to the top, but are evenly distributed in the syrup.

7. Remove the foam from the finished jam and pour small portions into sterilized jars, close tightly with screw caps.

8. Turn it upside down and cool under a warm fur coat.

9. Store in a cool cellar.

Video recipe for delicious cherry jam with whole berries

Want to try a jam where the berries explode in your mouth and fill your mouth with fruity nectar? Then this recipe is for you!


  • 1 kg cherries
  • 800-1000 g sugar
  • 1/2 tbsp. water

Five-minute cherry jam with pits

This is the fastest and easiest option. It saves time and, thanks to short-term heat treatment, retains all the beneficial substances and natural taste of the product. A novice housewife can prepare such a sweet treat.

Required ingredients:

cherry and sugar. The usual ratio is 1:1, but may vary slightly depending on the variety.

Cooking process:

  1. We sort the berries, remove cuttings and fruits with signs of disease. Rinse with cold running water and let the water drain.
  2. In a cooking container, place the prepared fruits with sugar in layers. Leave for 5-6 hours. During this time, the cherries will release juice.
  3. Mix carefully, put on fire, bring to a boil with constant stirring.
  4. Cook for 5 minutes, skim off the foam.
  5. Pour into prepared, clean, hot jars, close the lids tightly and store for the winter.

Cherry jam with gelatin: how to prepare it correctly?

We will need:

  • 300 g cherries
  • 400 ml water
  • 100 ml freshly squeezed juice
  • 100-150 g sugar
  • 20 g gelatin


Pre-soak the gelatin in a small amount of water and leave to swell. With its help, we achieve the desired thickness of the jam, while the berries remain intact and vitamins are preserved in them.

Pour water into the saucepan.

Add granulated sugar.

Add juice, which we quickly prepare from overripe cherries. Mix everything, bring to a boil, stirring, dissolving the sugar.

After boiling, pour in the berries. And as soon as the sweet mass boils again, remove the foam, cook for 10 minutes and turn off.

Cool to 60-70 degrees and then add the swollen gelatin.

Stir until not a single lump remains and pour into small jars.

Delicious cherry jam with lemon

I have a great recipe on my blog for making this kind of jam, only from cherries. Therefore, I don’t want to repeat myself, and I suggest you go to. Be sure to prepare such a tasty, thick delicacy with the aroma of almonds and the sourness of lemon.

Drunk cherries for the winter - a simple recipe without sterilization


  • 1 kg fresh cherries
  • 700 g granulated sugar
  • 300 g water
  • 150-200 g cognac, liqueur


  1. We choose only ripe, selected large fruits. Wash and let the water drain.
  2. Cook sugar syrup at 70% concentration.
  3. Immerse the fruits in sugar syrup and cook for 10 minutes.
  4. Then we separate the berries from the syrup and pack them into sterilized jars.
  5. Add cognac, liqueur or vodka to the hot syrup at the rate of 150-200 g per liter of syrup, stir thoroughly and pour it over the fruit.
  6. We close the jars with screw caps and do not sterilize them.
  7. Store in the refrigerator.

How to cook cherry jam with pits in a slow cooker?

Just five years ago we never dreamed of such a kitchen helper. Want to make a sweet dessert for the winter, but don't have much free time? But you have a slow cooker. This is a solution to the problem... we comply with several conditions and get good quality jam:

  • correct ratio of fruits and sugar;
  • aging between cooking, it promotes the penetration of sugar into the fruits and preserves their integrity;
  • hot filling into cans;

This recipe can be adapted to any brand of multicooker.

Thanks to boiling 3 times, the berries were well saturated with syrup, while retaining their sweet and sour taste. The jam in the slow cooker was not liquid; the berries in the rolled up jar took up 2/3 of the volume.

We store it for the winter, as usual, in a dark, cool place.

Cherries in syrup - a recipe for the winter

This recipe produces cherries for the winter, which cannot be called either jam or compote. Prepares quickly. Sweet berries prepared in this way for the winter serve as a delicacy, and the syrup can be used as a fruit drink.


  • 1 kg cherries
  • 1 tbsp. granulated sugar
  • 500 ml water
  • 0.5 tsp. citric acid
  • leaves (currant or mint) - optional

Cooking process:

1.Preparing the fruits: sorting, cleaning, washing, drying.

2. Sterilize the jars: steam, boiling water or fry in the oven.

3. Place berries in prepared jars 2/3 full.

4. Pour boiling water. Let sit the berries for 5 minutes, then pour the water back into the pan and bring to a boil.

5. Pour boiling water over the cherries for the second time and let stand for another 5 minutes.

6. Then pour the water into the pan. Add sugar, mint leaves, and citric acid to it.

7. Boil for 3-5 minutes and fill the jars up to the neck with the prepared syrup.

Citric acid gives a beautiful color to the product and protects against sugaring

8. Seal the jars hermetically.

9. Turn it upside down and, wrapping it in a blanket, leave it until it cools completely.

Friends, do you like cherry jam with pits and whole berries? Share your favorite recipes and wishes in the comments.

Summer is a wonderful time. You can go on vacation to the sea, go on a picnic. But on summer days they also have to work backbreakingly on their plots, especially during the harvest period. It is at this moment that you need to preserve cherry jam, which is very beneficial for the immune system, cardiovascular and nervous system.

A simple recipe for a delicious delicacy

Not everyone can afford to indulge in enough cherry jam, since every spoon eaten is fraught with weight gain. Those who closely monitor their figure should know that the calorie content of cherry jam is about 250 kilocalories per 100 g of product.

Today we will discuss how to make cherry jam. To insure yourself against incidents, it is better to remove the seeds. To do this, you can use both special and improvised means, for example, a hairpin or a pin.


  • 1 kg of cherry berries;
  • 1.5 kg granulated sugar.


Lazy recipe

For those who do not have the strength or desire to bother with preparing cherries, cherry jam with pits is suitable. The process of preparing it is much simpler, because you don’t have to do painstaking work.


  • 1 kg cherries;
  • 0.25 l of filtered water;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar.


If you like thick jams and jellies, then add a little edible gelatin to the pitted cherry jam. There will be no difficulties in the process of preparing it. Read the instructions for diluting gelatin carefully.


  • 1 kg of cherry berries;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar;
  • 25 g edible gelatin.


  1. Pour the gelatin into a bowl and dilute it with filtered water according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Leave the gelatin to swell.
  3. We sort out the cherry fruits, wash them thoroughly and dry them.
  4. Using a special gadget or a hairpin, remove the pits from the cherries.
  5. Place the cherries in a thick-walled container in which we will cook the jam.
  6. Add granulated sugar and mix gently.
  7. Leave the cherries in this form for several hours so that the berries release their juice.
  8. Place the jam on low heat.
  9. After boiling, time it for exactly 20 minutes.
  10. Don’t forget to skim off any foam that forms and stir the jam.
  11. Place the gelatin mass in a steam bath.
  12. Let it sit until all the crystals dissolve and the mass acquires a homogeneous consistency.
  13. Add the gelatin mixture to the jam and stir.
  14. Bring the jam to a boil again and immediately place it in sterilized containers.
  15. After rolling up the lids of the cans, turn them upside down and put them in a secluded place.
  16. Wrap the jars in a blanket and leave until the jam has cooled completely.
  17. You can store this jelly-like jam in a cellar or basement.

Favorite jam with citrus notes

Fans of culinary experiments and delicious sweets will appreciate the taste of cherry jam with zest and freshly squeezed lemon juice.


  • 1 kg of cherry berries;
  • 2 lemons;
  • 2 kg granulated sugar.


  1. We sort out the cherry fruits and wash them.
  2. Use a convenient method to remove the pits from the cherries. We try to damage the berries as little as possible.
  3. Place the cherry fruits in a convenient thick-walled bowl.
  4. Fill them with granulated sugar and mix gently.
  5. As in previous recipes, in this form the cherries need to be infused so that the juice is released.
  6. Using a grater, remove the zest from the lemon and add it to the cherries.
  7. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and also add it to the jam.
  8. Place the jam on low heat and bring to a boil.
  9. After boiling, boil for five minutes. Don’t forget to stir the jam and constantly skim off the foam.
  10. After this procedure, remove the jam from the stove and leave for 12 hours.
  11. Then we repeat the same procedure three or four times.
  12. Prepare sterilized jars and lids in advance.
  13. After the last cooking, put the jam into canning containers and cover them with lids.

Hi all! Today we will cook thick cherry jam with pits. I am sure that I have known the sweet and sour taste of cherry jam since childhood. Do you know that it contains many vitamins and microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body? Now, you know for sure...)) And if you want the berries to be whole and with a seed inside, then today’s release is for you!

So. In order not to waste time removing seeds, we will make cherry jam with pits. And let's get down to business...

Note! Over time, the seeds release hydrocyanic acid, so it is not recommended to store the jam for more than 1 year.

But this is not a minus, since cherry dessert rarely lasts for a long time, because all family members and guests will like it.

There are a large number of recipes. The article provides an overview of the simplest and most common cooking methods.

Cherry jam with pits. Recipe for delicious cherry jam with whole berries

Each housewife has her own secrets for making jam for the winter. Therefore, there are a lot of options. First of all, let's look at the simplest recipe. The most important thing here is to decide on the amount of sugar; the more sour the berry, the more it will be needed. The average ratio should be 1:1.


  • 1 kg fresh cherries.
  • 1.2 kg granulated sugar.

Cooking process

First you need to sort the berries, remove debris and rinse thoroughly under cold water. The cherry should dry, then place it in an enamel bowl. To make it give juice faster, you can pierce it with a regular pin.

Sprinkle sugar on top. Cover the dish with a lid and place in a dark place for 10-12 hours. This should be enough for the berry to release juice. If this does not happen, then the pan must be placed on the stove and turned on over low heat, stirring the contents periodically so that the sugar does not burn. After a few minutes, the granulated sugar should completely dissolve and the cherries should release juice.

Remove the enamel container from the burner and leave for a while to allow the dessert to cool. Pre-sterilize the jars and wash them with soda. Place the jam in glass jars and roll up the lids. If you use plastic lids, then you need to store the cherries in the refrigerator, otherwise they will turn sour.

This way, you will have the opportunity to enjoy cherry dessert in winter. This is especially important, since during the cold season the body needs vitamins to maintain immunity.

Five-minute cherry jam with pits

Your favorite recipe can be prepared in just 5 minutes. But this does not affect the quality of the finished product and its taste. However, this time is conditional, because you still need to pick the berries, sort them and prepare them for cooking. The whole process will not take more than 10-15 minutes.


  • 1 kg of ripe cherries.
  • 400 grams of granulated sugar.
  • 200 ml water.

Cooking process

  1. Sort the berries thoroughly. This stage is very important, so you need to select only fresh and ripe cherries without any defects. Then rinse under running water, dry and place in an enamel bowl.
  2. The next step is to prepare the syrup. To do this, pour granulated sugar into a separate container with a small amount of water. Bring the liquid to a boil. Don't forget to stir, otherwise the sugar may burn. The syrup preparation time is 15-20 minutes.
  3. Pour the sweet liquid into the pan with the cherries and place on the stove. After boiling, cook for about 5 minutes. In most cases, this process takes no more than 3 minutes.
  4. Place the hot jam into sterilized glass jars. Then roll them up with lids.

Thanks to minimal heat treatment, all beneficial substances are preserved in the berry. In addition, the taste is reminiscent of fresh cherries.

How to properly cook cherry jam with gelatin?

If you use gelatin to make jam, it will be thicker. In addition, you need to cook less, so more vitamins are retained in the berry. This recipe requires a little less sugar.


  • 1 kg cherries.
  • 800 grams of sugar. But it all depends on preference. You can add more or less granulated sugar.
  • 15 g gelatin.

Cooking process

For jam you need to select only whole berries. Therefore, cherries with defects need to be sorted out. Then rinse it under cold water, leaving a short time for it to dry. In a separate container, mix gelatin with sugar, pour the mixture over the cherries and put them in a warm place for 10-12 hours.

Place an enamel pan on the burner and cook the berries over medium heat. The granulated sugar should completely dissolve. During the cooking process, the cherries need to be stirred regularly using a wooden spatula. When the jam boils, be sure to remove the foam so that it turns out transparent. After this, cook for about 5 minutes.

The jam must cool slightly before putting it into jars, which must be sterilized.

Prepared cherries according to this recipe should be stored in a cool cellar or refrigerator. Otherwise, it may simply turn sour.

Delicious thick cherry jam with pits for the winter

Cherry jam can be prepared in various ways, and it will differ in consistency and taste. If you prefer a thick cherry dessert, then you will need to stock up on time and patience, since this process is more labor-intensive than the options described above.


  • 1 kg of ripe cherries.
  • 1 kg granulated sugar.
  • 100 ml water.

Cooking process

  1. Select whole and ripe berries. Then they need to be washed thoroughly.
  2. To prepare the syrup, you need to pour sugar (800 g) into a pan with water. Place on the burner and cook for about 2 minutes.
  3. Pour the sweet solution over the prepared cherries and leave them in a dark place for 10-12 hours.
  4. During this time, the berry should give juice. Then you need to add 200 grams of granulated sugar and cook over medium heat. When the jam boils, reduce the heat and cook for about 5 minutes.
  5. Remove the enamel container with berries from the stove and place in a dark place for 10-12 hours.
  6. At the next stage, the jam needs to be cooked for about 5 minutes and again left for 10 hours in a cool place.
  7. After this, the sweet dessert needs to be put back on the stove and cooked for about 10 minutes.

During the cooking process, do not forget to skim off the foam, otherwise the jam may turn sour in a few days. This recipe makes it thick and tasty.