Kids cereals and autistic correction classes. Correction lessons with children with cerebral palsy

Correction classes with children with cerebrals Children who are diagnosed with children's cerebral palsy have many restrictions and motor disorders. But if you work correctly and do with the child, you can achieve good success, teach him to sit, walk and live a less full life. It is necessary to start working with a child as early as possible with a child who has been diagnosed. In the first 3 years of life, the child is very actively formed by all motor skills, in the first year he learns to sit, crawl and walk. Exercises for children with cerebral palsy are aimed at improving and developing various nerve impulses that were damaged for any reason and now do not allow to harmoniously develop and move the child. Most often, the reasons for the diagnosis of cerebral palsy are heavy childbirth, hypoxia (oxygen fasting), injuries during childbirth, the wrong way of life of the mother during pregnancy. In order for the correctional program to have the maximum number of advantages and gave good results, it is necessary to adhere to the following principles: Conduct lessons sometimes and several times a day. Regularity is extremely important; Individual approach to the child. It is important to take into account all the possibilities and severity of the disease; The age of the child and his psychological and moral condition; The gradual passion for physical exertion, which depends on the possibilities of the child and its condition. Conducting correctional classes with children with a cerebral palsy in the early periods of diagnosis is important because the child in early childhood is able to better restore damaged areas and compensate for disturbed functions. It is very important to do regular baby body massage to restore and increase muscle tone. In the modern world there are various centers for assistance for children of patients with cerebral palsy. There are specialists who help such children and make up individual treatment. It includes the use of drug preparations, sometimes conducting various operations and frequent moderate physical exertion. Also in such centers there are simulators who particularly help restore all damaged neural connections and develop muscles. At home you can also spend your own different exercises on the developed program. There is a special gymnastics with balls, rollers and other devices. Properly compiled correctional program for children with cerebral palsy includes exercises both at home and in rehabilitation centers. At home, parents independently make the following exercises with children: bend and extension of hands, legs, stroke and massage them until they relax and do not warm up. You can use special salt drifts or bags with warm sand, put them on bending and extensible joints; Rash the child to put it on the ball, you can spend this exercise on the back, abdomen and sides; In an older age, teach a child with self-service. You can use drawing with pencils, paints, wovers to ensure that the child learns to control hands and fingers; You can use a chair for various exercises on the development of coordination. To do this, you need to put a child on it, put the ball or toy on the floor and ask the child to bend and raise the subject, then holding it in the hands of raising high above your head; If the child knows how to walk, then doing the exercises with him in the stairs in 5-8 steps, help him climb and go down. It will be very useful to find an individual instructor or a physician, who several times a week can come and control the physical condition of the child. Tell me how it is better to do exercises and will gradually increase the load.

Games and exercises for children suffering from cerebral palsy

PRP - Child cerebral paralysis refers to the category of complex diseases. It is a complex of motor disorders arising due to pathologies of conductive paths in the brain.

It is for these reasons for small patients with such a diagnosis, speech development has been slowed down, there are problems with hearing, vision and motility.

The conclusion that the baby suffers like a similar disease or not, the doctors are doing an annual age at the achievement of children, exploring the concomitant, hereditary diseases, intently observe how patients behave in everyday life.

As a rule, most parents do not perceive a terrible diagnosis as a sentence, but, on the contrary, provide all sorts of support to their chad in the fight against ailment.

Children with diagnosis reports to learn how to sit, it is hard to stand and also difficult to master the walking process, since they do not have clear ideas, as needed to move correctly.

Given these features, specialists have developed a number of exercises aimed at developing motor skills that can be performed at home. However, it is better if classes will be under the control of medical workers.

In order to organize such games and exercises, no special devices will be required. You can conduct them yourself or watch the classes conducted by experts.

Proved that childrenolder age is better remembering games that are conducted in groups of several people, however, in some cases individual classes are required.

Involve the child suffering from cerebral palsy in specialized games is better at the earliest. The specifics of the exercise depends on how difficult the disease occurs. In order to find the right complex enough consultation with a doctor.

Speeding exercise complex

Before you start a lesson, you need to massate the knobs of children or encourage them to perform exercises, which are a kind of warm-up to the main complex:

Kids circular movements cover the right and left brushes;

It is necessary to spend from the nail to the base of each finger first on the right hand, then repeat this procedure on the left;

Under the leadership of adult, children lead their hand from the base of the brush to the tips of the fingers on each hand alternately.

After that, you can spend games that will make the pillars of the child's patient more movable:

Ask to kids to squeeze your fingers into the fist, except for the middle and index, stretch your hand forward, and then turn the brush to the right and left;

Index and middle fingers children pull up (we recall that the remaining fingers remain compressed in the fist), and then bend and extension them alternately;

The peculiarity of the next exercise is to touch the thumb with all the others alternately;

The index fingers of the kids draw a circle, and they make it with his right hand, and then left. Subsequently, this exercise can be performed by two hands immediately.

Games and exercises for children suffering from cerebrals.

Game "Bunny gray washed"(3-7 years).

All participants, except for one, sit in a circle. The one who stayed comes into his center and proclaimed the bunny. All others say:

"Bunny loves to swim,
We will wash him with him.

So he washed her mouth, ears.

Oh, what is he obedient!

He will not forget about his paws -

They are protected by the purest rag.

And let's jump -

"You need to go to visit!"

Meanwhile, the bunny should make all the movements that are in a poem. And the rest of the participants must repeat them after him. Then the chief player chooses someone one of them, and he becomes a new hare. The game can be completed after at least 5-6 kids will be in the role of this animal.

Game "Ramine Ball from Hills" (2-5 years).

In order to do this movable game, you need to roll the ball over the inclined plane. At the same time, one participant must throw it from above, and the other is to catch this item below. After such throws, players need to be changed in places. This sedentary game well affects the coordination of movements and the mobility of the joints.

Games for the development of the vestibular apparatus.

"Pass, did not cross the gate" (5-14 years).

To proceed to the game, you need to make the gate chairs (four pieces), the passage in which will be 50 cm. Through them, the kids need to go so as not to hurt anything and not to knock. First, the participants act with open eyes, and then try to carry out the same without the involvement of organs of vision.

The winner is announced by the one who was able to pass the obstacles without interference. These rolling games teach care and good concentration.

"Turn - not mistaken"(7-14 years).

Children become in a row in a step from each other and turn face to leader. Then they close their eyes and make what the instructor says. And he gives the team to turn to the left or right, work in place, take a step back or forward. Those participants in this mobile game that fulfilled all exercises are correct, considered the winners.

Exercises for muscle strengthening (Malgy)

"Forbidden Movement" (6-14 years).

Children take a standing position or sitting, put hands on her knees. According to the instructor, they begin to repeat the various exercises, aimed at warm-up, torso and legs. At the same time, all movements are performed, except for one "prohibited" - it is negotiated in advance. Or instead of it, participants make some other exercise (also defined before the game starts). For example, instead of raising hands up, you can clap your hands. It is noteworthy that this kind of sedentary games develop attentiveness and speed of the reaction.

"Pass - Sit down" (7-14 years).

Players are divided into two teams, each of which should be 5-6 children. They are in the ranks face to each other. Groups choose captains that depart for the distance of five steps from their teams. Their place is outlined by chalk, and balls are issued in the hands of the leaders of groups. The captains of both teams throw them to the first representatives of their rank and those when they catch the balls, throw them back, and they themselves go and sit on the shop. This is happening until some group wins (in this case, all members of one team should be on the bench rather than their rivals).

All these mobile games are not only helping to fight the above-mentioned diseases, but also give the opportunity to smoke, increase the mood. Especially well affect the guys entertainment, which awaken the spirit of competition. Moving games are best spent in the outdoors - it will become an excellent and healthy pastime for patients or weakened children.

Kinesiological games with lesions of the joints (polyarthritis)

"Whose horse is faster?" (4-9 years).

Children sitting on the chairs, and in their hands are given wands, on the tips of which ropes are tied. It is attached toys-horses on wheels. These items are put in twenty steps from the participants of this low-alignment game. The winner is announced by one whom the horses will be faster to the owner. To do this, you need to wind up the rope on the wand.

"Kulak and Palm" (6-14 years).

In this sedentary game you can participate in the sitting or lying position. To begin with, all participants need to squeeze the left handle in the fist and deploy it to the right, the fingers of which should continue to rest in it. Then, on the contrary, the brush of the right hand is compressed into a fist, and the fingers of the left in the elongated state touch it. This exercise must be done quickly and clearly. Thus, joints are very well developed.

Moving games with lesions of the joints.

"Return to place"(7-14 years).

All children sit on the bench (you can sit on the chairs). The instructor outline on the floor or on the asphalt circle. The first participant of this mobile game gets into it, and with a bandage in his eyes makes four heads. Then he turns left, again makes four heads and unfolds the case to the right twice. There are four more heads, turns to the right, there are four more heads, and so he should be in a circle, from which he left. If he is behind his feature, then you can repeat the exercise. Win those children who are not crime of her.

"Snowflakes" (3-12 years).

To start this game, half children are determined in the snowflakes group, and the other half is referred to the discharge of winds. The instructor itself receives the proud title of "frost". When he pronounces the phrase "blows a strong wind", then the guys who fulfill his role, run to snowflakes, have already managed to run around. Babes, staying in the image of ice fluffs, become on socks and raise pens high up. They relax fingers and begin to walk on the socks, and then slowly run, spin. Meanwhile, the mobile game continues, the frost instructor covers himself with his hands and says: "That frost came."

And the kids are squatted from such words, and hugging their knees with handles, confirm "ah, as cold!", And they lower the consent of the head to the chest. After that, Frost again starts the conversation: "But the breeze is lightweight," and snowflakes in response slowly utter "Fu-U-U-y". Then they get up, again raise the handles, get on socks and gently begin to run, imitating smooth snowflakes. This is how this mobile game ends, but after graduation it starts again. At the same time, the snowflakes turn into the wind, and he, in turn, takes on their role.

All games and exercises are conducted under the supervision of parents or medical workers. In case the child is hard to stand, you need to support it, help make movement.

Do not leave the baby in trouble, you need to help him get on my feet, you need to make it happy and healthy.

Raising a child - the process itself is quite laborious, and when it comes to children with obvious deviations of a psychophysical nature, it is necessary to prepare what it is not easy. However, if you diligently come to this problem, you can overcome all the difficulties and misses of nature.

To date, many ways to fix interference in development, including speech therapy and physical classes.

Child cerebral paralysis is a violation of the motor functions and the development of the body as a whole, which without appropriate corrections have a destructive impact on the psycho-neurological functions of the child.

  • All information on the site is familiarized and is not a guide to action!
  • Put an accurate diagnosis you may only a doctor!
  • I convincingly ask you not to engage in self-medication, but sign up for a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

Damage to the motor and motor system may have a different character. In particularly severe cases, the child is deprived of the opportunity to move freely. In the event of a unwitting impaired muscle tone, children hardly master the skills of independent actions.

This is due, first of all, with poorly developed tanging, a weak sense of movement and interaction with objects around. Therefore, classes with such children should be comprehensive.

When start

The sooner you begin to deal with the child - the better. It is better to start with infancy, literally from the very first days of life. During swimming, let's lie on their own in the water, move the legs and handles. At the age of about two to three months, do the following: Baby put on the tummy, attract his attention to the toy so that he turn his head after her.

At the age of five months, tighten the child by the handle, thereby stimulating it crawl on the tummy. Entertain baby toys, for example, give him a rattage or a nipple, so that there is a grabbing reflex and a motorcycle of fingers.

In conversation with him, it is advisable to change your location to change their location, the child must follow you, making turns head. To seven months, kids are usually trying to sit on their own, try to study themselves.

Doctors do not recommend making their child to make these actions prematurely, everything should occur quite naturally. However, it is necessary to facilitate the desire of the baby to sit, it is necessary to stand with the help of exercises.

In the period when the kid has already been fulfilled a year, healthy kids can already stand and walk with the help of adults, try to keep themselves in space, relying on furniture items. At this time, you need to make any kind of rhythmic exercises with a child, especially since it really likes it.

Play with the child once a day. Turn on cheerful music and jump with him under the song, let him march under the poem, songs so that he pouring and patted in rhythm.

You can organize a kind of sports using simple tools, such as a ball or balloon. These classes will be the first step towards further physical loads of the kid.

The task of the parents - to school to instill a child skills of dexterity, as well as elementary actions in the form of walking, lasagna, jumps. This can help the game with imitation of various animals, which children are very coming in spirit.

It is important to monitor that the child does not slope, instill a beautiful, correct posture, light gait. If the child is eagerly developing, you can try to teach it on skis.

In the process of the game of the child with adults, its subject thinking is formed, thinking in action. The physical activity of the kid, the work of the shallow motility of the hands is developing not only the sophisticated movements of the brushes and fingers, but also stimulates the speech function in the child, has an impact on the development of sensory.

It has long been noticed that the motor activity of the hands has a positive effect on the development of speech, as it contributes to the maturation of the CNS, which accelerates the development of the kid.

If the child in preschool age will receive all these simple skills, then by the time he starts training, he will already have the ability to load physical nature, discipline at school, concentrated work.


As you know, the movement is life. To date, the situation is such that the natural movement finds less and less incentive. Therefore, it is necessary to teach the child to constant physical activity. However, not all sports are suitable for children with cerebrals.

The physical activity should be directed to the relaxation of the muscles and decrease their tone. Such sports as football, classes on simulators are categorically not suitable for people with a similar problem, as such exercises lead muscles into tone, cause stiffness and violation of coordination, and also require tremendous physical and mental tension.

In general, cerebral palsy and sport are fully compatible, and even create a good duet.

At cerebral palsy fit well:

Hydrocenezotherapy (swimming) Water soothing acts on the muscles, while maintaining them in working condition.
  • A good technique that helps regardless of how difficult the clinical picture of the child is. A horse that goes quietly, transmits a rider body more than a hundred different oscillations and movements, thereby training it and helping to eliminate the pathological stereotype of the child's movement.
  • Rhythmic oscillatory movements - wave-like, compressive - do not bother the rider.
  • With the help of a horse, the rider is trying to retain equilibrium, coordinate the work of the arms and legs. The muscles of the limbs that on everyday life may not be adequately loaded, now begin to work. In addition, it is a good massage and heating of the muscles of the child.
  • The psychological component is very well developed. Observation of the horse calms down, and interacting with it brings confidence in the world. In addition, in hippotherapy you can combine both riding and ordinary exercises with the ball.

Or better physical education?

First you need to understand what the difference between sports from physical education as such. Physical culture is a daily culture that helps to form a healthy daily lifestyle. With the help of certain knowledge and skills, it forms a healthy physical condition of the body.

Physical education is not only exercises, it also includes hardening, hygiene, motor activity throughout the day, morning charging. In sports there is an element of competition, which is not in physical education.

In children who regularly engaged in physical education, there are more volitional character and confidence in achieving the goals.

For schoolchildren

The main thing in physical education is reasonably organized movements that should be carried out regularly and, preferably, at the same time of the day. Exercises should not be monotonous.

Jumping every day or slopes if they are performed in the same way for a long time, they will not give any result and benefit to the child.

Schoolchildren on the first time replacing the most comfortable time for exercises - the second half of the day. However, this should happen at least 2-3 hours before meals.

For students in the second shift, the principle is the same, with the only difference that it is worth practicing a few hours before lunch, and not dinner.


One of the most important components for a child with cerebral palsy are sounds.
  • In the future, the kid will try to imitate them because of their capabilities.
  • It is necessary to constantly talk, you can also try to repeat the sounds, pronounced by the child so that he then repeats them for you.
Children really like to do on the meal-phytball
  • Lay it on the ball with the belly down, and make rolling movements.
  • Then lower the lower limbs of the baby on the floor, let him use them, strain.
  • Easily pushing the ball, thus stimulating their work.
  • You can come up with a lot of exercises for games on the phytball yourself, and if your fantasy is not enough, they can suggest a specialist in the rehabilitation center.
Simple games like "Ladushka-Ladushka", "Soroka-Beloboka" Have a good impact on the development of the sensitivity of the fingers of the hands, so you should not forget about them either.
To develop the auditory and speech apparatus, you can play with the child to play the game "Who said that?"
  • To do this, you need to put an animal figurine before the child, explaining what a little animal makes it a sound.
  • Then ask him who says, for example, "meow" and offer to the child to show.

Speech therapy classes with children with cerebral palsy

First of all, you need to find out what is actually the cause of a speech violation of a pretty baby. It is one thing when the behavior of the brain structures, which are responsible for the correct functioning of the speech apparatus or disruption of hearing agencies, and is completely different, when the problem of socialization becomes the problem of socialization, a lack of communication.

The earlier will be found the main reason, the sooner the speaking therapist will be able to proceed with the adjustment. Of great importance in such a correction has the relationship of parents and a disabled child.

Errors of education can even more aggravate the position of things, forcing the child to close from the world. The reason for this can be a hyperopus, a negative psycho-emotional background in the family.

Surgical classes with children with cerebral palsy include not only the formulation of the correct pronunciation of words and sounding, but also teach a child to breathe correctly, develop a fine motoric of fingers, be able to detect the sound source and respond to it.

More often take children to your arms, help to make it to the music of foot and hands in a certain rhythm.

Children first react to the intonation of the voice, the height of the timbre. For the development of the correct sense of rhythm, you can use special toys that can make sounds and sing songs, or just tapping with "sounding" objects by palm.

Development of small motility

Small Motorika is the work of muscles of hands. At the same time, it is important not to forget about the connection of the movement of hands with vision, because all their work is coordinated with the help of visual contact.

It is very important to develop a child with a small motorcycle of fingers, since the whole further daily life of the child will continuously be connected with it in the most elementary actions, for example, when writing, dressing, food intake, and so on.

There is a different sequence of motility formation depending on the age:

Up to 2 years
  • At this age, children are just beginning to explore the world around themselves.
  • The kid learns to sit, stand, take different items in the handles. For example, during this period, children often draw a doodle, shift toys from the box to the floor.
From 2 to 4 years
  • The child improves previously acquired skills. For example, if earlier the subject was captured mainly with the help of the palm, then fingers are increasingly involved in this process.
  • At this time, children learn to draw more even lines, roundness.
From 4 to 8 years
  • At this stage, children are already using the earlier motility skills purchased earlier in everyday life.
  • They eat, fold toys, dress up.
  • There is a period of training in special skills and actions that require a clearer coordination of hands, fingers, joints.
  • At this age period, children learn to actively turn their wrists and work with thumbs, they already quite confidently open the covers, shift things, write, draw.

We form the capture and movement of fingers

Capture education sequence:

To form the right grip, you need to coordinate the large, index and middle fingers for manipulation item, and the little finger and non-name - to maintain it.

Age in the formation of hand movements has only an approximate value. Much more important, what kind of skills the child has already managed to buy.


The wrists, first of all, regulate the positions of the hands in space. Little children turns wriscuits are given with great difficulty, so they usually use all the entire hand to do. In order to master the proper appliance of the wrist turn, you need to make special educational exercises.

The importance of shallow motors of the hands is invaluable. Children with children's cerebral paralysis have to constantly use hands for the safety net, in particular, they are tightened when they get up from the chair or keep themselves in equilibrium when they are sitting.

For the development of wrists, it is recommended to play in the ladies with the child, give him to keep bulk or liquid objects in the palms (for example, cereals, shampoo, etc.). Perfectly develops the movement of the wrists and fingers of the modeling of clay and plasticine, drawing with small or pencils of different figures (preference should be given to a rounded), turns of the hands and palms when the door is opened with the door handle.

After three years you can already do various applications with the baby using scissors. An excellent idea for the development of the wrist is to make a tactile book. Use various fabrics and textures for this.

Put the child at home and ask to turn the pages of this book, simultaneously explaining that he feels under his fingers at the moment. Thus, it trains not only the wrist, but also the sensory sensations.

Use nevoshai. At first, they themselves shake her with the hand of the child, then ask to repeat it yourself. Let him throw coins into the piggy bank and collect them back. For additional impact on the wrist, give the child a bottle with a lid and ask him to unscrew it and twist.

And do not forget to play with the child in the "finger" games, examples of which in the network - mass.

What conclusions can be made?

  • Starting classes with children with cerebral palsy as soon as possible, from the first week of life.
  • Correctional work is built on the attentive study of the functions of the body of the child, which were amazed or preserved.
  • Classes need to be organized within the surrounding life, using the items that the child uses or will be used in everyday life.
  • One of the most important conditions: the work should be comprehensive and daily!

It is this approach under which the emotional component is used, stimulates the development of speech and motor activity in children, brings results, helps the child to speak and reveal psychologically.