Diagonal Laminate Laying: Calculation of Material and Installation Features. Laminate diagonally: a new way to emphasize the originality of the interior (27 photos) What is better: laminate or parquet board

Laying the laminate diagonally - so that the room becomes more beautiful and spacious

Laying laminate diagonally takes more supporters every day. The advantages of this floor covering are known to everyone and everyone, because it is a relatively inexpensive material that looks great in any room. In addition, the installation of laminate is quite simple and will not cause difficulties even from newbies. It will take only a few minutes to learn how to put the lamellae, after which the process will go very quickly. But if you want to make the room even more beautiful and more attractive, try laying the laminate diagonally. The result will more than please.

Diagonal laminate laying - what is its advantage?

In the laying instructions, which is issued when buying a laminate, the easiest way to install is usually indicated. It consists in parallel placement of boards in relation to the walls. The main disadvantage of this method is that the peculiarities of the room itself are not taken into account. For example, rooms decorated with a circle or semicircle, lay out parallel stinks will not be very convenient. In this case, the diagonal installation will help. With this method, the laying of the boards is performed at an angle of inclination from 30 to 45 degrees relative to the walls, and not in parallel.

Laying of laminate diagonally

If you figure out how to put the laminate diagonally, you can hide the irregularities of the walls or the shortcomings of the planning of the premises. Designers are often resorted to a similar method to lengthen and expand small room sizes. For example, diagonal strips visually lengthen the floor, especially if there is little furniture in the room. Due to this room, it seems more spacious. An important factor when choosing in favor of diagonal laying is that the floor drawing looks much more beautiful and more interesting.

The following main advantages of laying laminate diagonally can be distinguished:

  • If you have uneven walls at home, which are also not perfectly parallel to each other, the usual installation method will lead to an increase in effect. In the case of diagonal laying, all irregularities almost completely disappear due to the correct texture of the selected material and the desired angle of laying the coating.
  • Some window openings do not correspond to the standard standards, and this makes certain changes to the flooring process. If you turn to the help of diagonals, the floor will be posted so that the light falls in the right direction.
  • With the help of diagonal installation, it is possible to visually stretch and expand the room, emphasizing the originality of the room, focusing on the unusual and original method of coating.

Calculation of the amount of material - how many planks will need?

When installing lamellas, this method can also select multiple minuses. Thus, laying the laminate to the floor diagonally diagonally is more difficult compared to the traditional method. In addition, you need a slightly more consumable material. Due to the trimming and sawing, it is necessary to purchase more than 15-20 percent in advance laminate than you planned initially.

Calculation of the number of material

Naturally, it is possible to refer to the help of specialists who have tremendous experience in this area of \u200b\u200bhousing arrangement. In this case, the percentage of recalculation will be not very large and will not exceed 5 percent. However, the services of professional builders will not be able to attribute to the number of cheap, so most people try to lay the boards on their own.

Preparation of the foundation as the necessary stage of work

Diagonal styling, like any other procedure, requires certain preparatory actions. Check the bearing base of the walls percentage of deviations, assess damage. If possible, try to align distressed places that can be corrected.

Floor preparation

If your floor is concrete, remember that 2 m 2 of the height differences should not be more than 3 mm. Otherwise, it will take the fill of the layer of a leveling mass or a thin layer screed. In case of detection of more serious faults, the foundation requires more complex operations associated with fill up to 10 centimeters of a cement-sand tie. Anyway, the process of preparing a concrete floor will take a lot of time - up to seven days with small deviations and up to a month if a concrete screed is required.

Wood floor height differences can also be significant, but the main problem is the design in which hidden or visible damage should not be present. Such can be attributed bacterial and fungal lesions. For further work, it is required to process all distressed places with special antiseptics up to replace individual wooden elements. In parallel, you can level and adjust the existing height differences due to different substrates.

Without alignment of the foundation, further work does not make any sense, since the laminate laying requires the most smooth surface. Only in this case, the coating will serve you without manifestation of deformations, defects and other mechanical damage during the entire period of operation, while maintaining all its positive qualities and advantages.

How to do everything yourself and do not spoil anything?

When you finish with preparatory procedures, align and clean the surface, the laminate laying on the diagonal is directly. There are two main methods:

  • From the center of the room. It will be necessary to pull the threads from the opposite corners of the room diagonally, their intersection and is a landmark. The first row should be laid parallel to thread, ranging from the center to the left side.
  • From the corner of the room. In this case, you need to move towards the door from the window. So that the joints between the dies were less noticeable and did not attract attention, you can position the long end connections of the lamellae in the direction of light, which falls into the room from the window.


The process of installing boards is not particularly difficult. First of all, the assembly of end locks of the lamellas occurs, after which the fully assembled and the finished row is combined with the following. It is much easier to do this when you have an assistant. Otherwise, you can resort to some tricks, for example, to use not very heavy loads to facilitate the process of snapping the lock joints. It works in the following way: Latching one part of the row, put the cargo on it. After that, you can safely start working with other locks, not experiencing that the very first one will disperse.

We recommend laying out the lamellae. At the same time, there should be no less than 40 centimeters between the plates. In this case, the laminate will turn out to be the most durable, strong and reliable, it will endure over long time the load without inflection and faults. Between the boards and walls, leave a small gap, the thickness of which should not be more than 2 centimeters. With humid or temperature fluctuations, such gaps can compensate for the shrinkage and swelling of the laminate.

Another useful observation is the installation in the gaps of special pegs in order to withstand the same distance throughout the perimeter of the room. At the end of the installation, the pegs are extracted, and the seams themselves are closed with plinths attached at the junction of walls and laminate. The greatest complexity in the process of laying laminate diagonally causes barking boards. After all, they need to trim perfectly accurately that the corner is fully matched the wall contour to which the dye is applied. It can be useful here all the same pegs - just just measured the length from the top point of the lamella to the cavalo and in exactly the same way from the bottom point to the cavalo.

The board must be cropped from the back, resorting to the help of ordinary hacksaw or, ideally, electric jigsaw. After that, calmly put the laminate, sawed under the angle, as it will be most tightly docked with the wall. As you can see, it will be able to put the laminate on the diagonal. The process is somewhat more complicated compared to traditional laying methods. It is necessary to slightly more than the source material, planning, preliminary calculations, accuracy and time. However, the result in the form of an elegant and beautiful floor, a visually increasing room, will delight you for a very long time.

Diagonal layout of laminate and parquet board in the interior

I see half the geography.

Laminate and parquet board are good not only by the color and texture of a tree that gives the interior special comfort. This coating allows you to influence the perception of the room, which is especially relevant for long dies with a longitudinal pattern. Probably, many noted this visual effect at home: if such a coating is stacked, for example, along the corridor, its length is visually increasing. Dies lying across the room. On the contrary, shocked it, but add widths.

It is much more neutral in this respect another method of laying - diagonal. Visually, it adds volume, but does not steal nor length or width. The floor with a laminated or natural board lying on the diagonal looks stylish and interesting.

Let's talk about the peculiarities of the diagonal location of the parquet and laminate in the interior.

Diagonal laying of parquet and laminate in the interior: What do you need to know?

Effects. When we find ourselves in the room, the eye instantly clings any lines available in it. It is they who lead our eyes behind them and allow you to draw up the first impression of the size and form of the object. If the lines on the floor are located along, the room seems to us longer. If across - wide. And if diagonally ...

With diagonal laying of laminate and parquet, our view slides into the angle - where the coverage lines are directed. The angles seem to be distorted from each other, due to which the room seems more spacious in all directions. This effect acquires double power if used light material with good noticeable stripes. When installing dark coat I can alternate the planks of different saturation - this will add semi expressiveness.

The diagonal laying of the floor covering is well suited for narrow and very narrow rooms, also for rooms with incorrect layout. The fact is that the dies are parallel to the walls focusing on them. Laminate and parquet, located diagonally, on the contrary, distract it from the walls. The diagonal layout seems to redraw the room.

Focus point. Since such arrangement of boards emphasizes the angles, one of them can be made by a composite center. For example, install a fireplace in the corner to which the flooring strips are conducted. The composition center will draw attention to itself, so that the size and form of the room will be "in the shade". Instead of the fireplace in this focal corner, you can position the cabinet with a TV, a large floor mirror, a dining table, a shop window, or an angular sofa.

Docking. Combining diagonally directed boards with tiles, it is desirable to have both materials at one angle. Typically, the tile is put so that the direction of its "seams" coincides with the position of the junction of the laminate or parquet. This allows you to avoid "chaos" on the floor, when different coatings conflict with each other. Otherwise, the interior can turn into "hell of perfectionist".

Docking with tiles

The arrangement of the boards. It is desirable to lay the dice at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the walls or close to this. If the angle is significantly deviated from 45 degrees, the floors look ugly or at least unnaturally. There is a feeling of chaos and misunderstood.

Parquet board and laminate diagonally: one important plus and one weighty minus

A plus. Many prefer the coverage in the corridors and rooms to be laid skidding, without joints and thresholds. Often, in such situations, the owners turn out to be a difficult choice. For example: if in the corridor to mount the laminate across, then in the room, perpendicular to the corridor, it will take place along. Conversely: if in the room across, then in the corridor - in parallel walls, which I would not want to. What to choose? Giving preference to diagonal laying, the owners will get rid of themselves from this dilemma. The board everywhere will lie about the same.

Minus. With diagonal positioning of the parquet board and laminate, there are always more waste. Accordingly, the floors are expensive. Especially since the masters estimate such work is slightly higher. Do these spending justify themselves - to solve you.

On the features of diagonal laying - in our next article.

Parquet and laminate diagonally in the interior

Light coating stacked diagonally adds room

Combined Laying Parquet Board

Board diagonally: good choice for a narrow corridor

Material contains images of photobank Depositphotos.com

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Gray laminate and parquet in the interior

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What is better: laminate or parquet board?

Diagonal laminate laying - how to put

Laminate is increasingly popular as an outdoor coating, which many owners are not just purchased under the interior of the rooms in their homes, but also seek to make it laying on their own without the involvement of specialists from construction companies. The article will discuss how the diagonal laying of the laminate laminate is not worse than those of professionals and what the features of this process are.

Basics of laminate laying at an angle

The usual business for many owners of their own housing is the purchase of laminate and the work of styling clearly according to the instructions on the package, but there is no grace and highlights in such a coating. No construction company will not represent photos of similar flooring as advertising their own services, as they do not attract potential customers.

It is reasonable to use such a way when certain conditions of the room require the laying of the joint boards into the joint and not otherwise.

If the room has some lack of planning or on the contrary, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe designer (rounded walls or characteristic protrusions of the overlaps), then the option will appear aesthetic, when the laminate is under the angle to the walls.

The traditional flooring of the floor covering implies the laying of boards in parallel one of the pairs of walls. Diagonal styling implies an angle compliance from 30 to 45 degrees. The angle is selected depending on which angle is observed at the junction of two walls. READ ALSO: "What layout of laminate is better suitable for the room".

Advantage of diagonal styling

Usually laying the laminate diagonally is made with their own hands because it is original. But, nevertheless, their pros and cons laying laminate diagonally has and need to consider them before purchasing materials and start work.

We are talking about the following advantages of technology:

  • hiding various deficiencies planning;
  • smoothing the irregularities of the walls;
  • visual expansion of space in very narrow rooms with a disadvantage of natural lighting;
  • naturally, the diagonal location of laminated panels is much more beautiful.

Actually, with a similar method of laying, you can experiment if there is enough time and means for this. For example, designers, taking into account the latest fashion trends, love to produce the zoning of the premises, combining various colors and textures, or the mixing of different floor coverings. READ ALSO: "How to lay a laminate along or across - choosing a method of laying".

Calculation of the number of laminate under the laying

Before laying the laminate diagonally, it is necessary to correctly calculate the amount of material in order to generate installation without additional purchases and overpayments. Diagonal styling implies increased costs, because the laminate is not purchased into the edge, but by 15-20 percent more (for waste). If earlier the owner had experience in laying such a coating, then a stock can be made in just 5-10 percent.

Start of diagonal laying of laminate

Naturally, laying a laminate at an angle, like any other coating, can only be produced after careful preparation of the draft floor: alignment and purification from dust, dirt, garbage, liquid, etc.

You can start the installation process:

  • from the long corner of the room, which is opposite to the front door. It is done so that the joints of the slats (along the long sides) were located along the sun's rays entering the room through the windows. Thus, it is possible to make joints less noticeable, which makes the coating more aesthetic in the photo and visually increases the space;
  • also, the laying can be made from the center. To do this, through the center diagonally between the opposite corners of the room stretches the cord. Laying is carried out in parallel with a cord with a gradual removal from it on the sides.

Features of the styling process

Initially, a row from the panels are assembled into one solid long design by snapping the lock mounts. Then he joins the already laid row. Before laying the laminate diagonally, it is necessary to find an assistant that will help at least at the initial stage, since the longest rows will be held through the center and it is quite difficult to combine such rows.

Without an assistant, the procedure is performed using a small weight. Initially, several panels are snapped, and in some place the load is stacked so that when working on the remaining part there is no previous section. Read also: "How to put a laminate - the sequence of laying with your own hands."

Stacking, as in the case of a conventional parallel option, must be carried out with some discrepancy of the ends of the boards. It should shift each row to about 30-40 centimeters, as in the case of installation of a ship deck. This condition is required to increase the strength of the coating.

In addition to putting laminate diagonally correctly, some features of this coverage should be taken into account. We are talking about a possible change in the size of the flooring due to fluctuations in temperature and humidity in the room. Each specialist will say that it is necessary to create a compensation gap between the laminate coated coating and the walls.

The width of this clearance should be from 1.5 to 2 centimeters and then the coating will not be deformed because of the increase in temperature or humidity. In order to observe the distance from the laminated panels around the perimeter of the room to the walls, you should use special pegs or small bars that can be made personally. Upon completion of work, they are taken out. The gaps themselves will be closed with decorative plinths.

Of course, there is a laminate laminate diagonally, but they are banal: the high complexity of the work carried out and the high cost of materials (including what needs to be bought). The increased flow of laminate when laying diagonally can be eliminated if you seek help when laying to a specialist, then the material overrun can be reduced to 3-5 percent.

The greatest complexity for novice workers is a stage of trimming laminated panels that need to be located at the wall. The essence is to circumcise the corner, completely repeating the outlines of the wall. Help in this pegs, according to which the near and long-distance dot on the panel is determined, the line is connected and cut off from the inside with the help of an electric jig.

The points are determined by measuring two distances:

  • from the top corner of the row to the inserted cavoy;
  • from the lower corner of the row to the inserted cavoge.

Then, on the same distance from one and another part of the plank, points are set.

The article describes in detail how to retain the laminate diagonally, what are the main advantages and complexity of this process. If the owner wants to get high-quality and organically looking at the coating in his own home, this method is suitable as it is impossible. Read also: "How to string a laminate is a sequence of actions".

Do not forget that any difficulties will help to overcome professionals from a construction company who can take responsibility not only for laying, but also for choosing an outdoor coating, taking into account the main wishes of the owner.

Laminate is one of the most popular flooring. Natural color and texture give the room comfort and warmth. It is difficult to surprise anyone in such a material. The most common variant of laying laminate is longitudinal. Next, the article will consider the diagonal method of laying.

Pros and cons

This type of laying gives a spectacular appearance of the room, adds volume, while the length and width are visually reduced. Also this way will look important in long and non-stroke rooms. In the rooms of a complex form, it is undesirable to choose a longitudinal laying - all the flaws will be visible, so you should choose another option.

To the advantages of such stacking should include:

  • Ability to hide the irregularities of the walls. If there are no parallel to each other in the room for more than four angles or walls, such a laying will help hide almost all flaws. With longitudinal laying, all these shortcomings will be clearly noticeable;
  • In small rooms there is a visual increase in volume, especially with small employment of the room furniture;
  • It clearly emphasizes the naturalness of the coating;
  • With asymmetric, the diagonal styling window allows you to achieve a better and more uniform penetration of light into the room;
  • In a square and rectangular room, such laying of the laminate will give a special beauty. To do this, it is advisable not to make the floor monotonous, but choose several colors and combine them correctly;
  • If necessary, connect two rooms, the transition of the floor from one to another room will be less noticeable;
  • With a competent combination of direct and diagonal styling, your floors will look amazingly beautiful;
  • Light definition of the point of focusing room. In the corners, from which the pattern is coming, it is necessary to place something large, which attracts the look: fireplace, chest of corner sofa or a large outdoor mirror.

The main disadvantages can be attributed:

  • Increased material consumption and a large amount of waste. The consumption of material increases by about a quarter of the actual floor area;
  • A large amount of time on calculations, sketching the plan and the workflow itself;
  • The small room with asymmetric walls is the most uncomfortable for such types of work. Waste will remain much more;
  • If moisture gets, especially for cheap material, it is possible to swell or change the properties of the material. Only expensive laminate can withstand moisture drops or a small amount of water.

Calculate expenses

To start counting, you need to know these parameters: length, width, area, number of angles, degree of corners. Also define the angle of laying the laminate itself. Most often, an angle of 45 degrees is selected due to the convenience of counting. It is less likely to use an angle of 30 degrees, the rest are almost not used due to complexity in calculations and drawing.

To correctly calculate the number of items, it is necessary to know exactly the floor area, the length and width of each part. It is also necessary to recall the geometry. There is a universal formula for calculating if the angle of laying is 45 degrees, it looks like this: the number of elements \u003d (Room Square + (Hall Width x Room Width x 1,42)) / Square of One Hall.

As an example of calculation, you can take an area of \u200b\u200b6x9 m. The part width is 10 cm, its length is 1 m. The amount will be equal \u003d (6 x 9) + (0.1 x 6 x 1.42) / 1 x 0.1 \u003d 548.5 . You can conclude, to cover the room with such dimensions you will need 549 items. At the same time, you should always take stock: it is recommended to take 10% more than it turned out when calculated, that is, 549 + 10% \u003d 604 parts.

For corners other than 45 degrees, there are no universal formulas, so it is easier to use such an angle.


There are two ways to lay:

  • From the center to two opposite corners;
  • From one corner to the opposite.

The first option is selected when working alone. When working together, you can choose both the first and the second option. You can start from the center and move towards different corners.

There are also several tips for laying methods:

  • Do not stop on the cheapest laminate. When installing and with time, various defects may appear;
  • Before mounting, the material needs a day to keep in the room where it will be operated. This is necessary so that the laminate is accustomed to temperature;
  • Work should be carried out in warm and dry room.


Before starting work, you must prepare the necessary tool:

  • Hacksaw or jigsaw;
  • Hammer or kiyanka;
  • Corolnic;
  • Roulette;
  • Pencil or marker;
  • Scotch;
  • Stationery knife.

It is also best that before starting work, a drawing plan was drawn up by a diagonal layout, which will be clearly indicated how many boards are needed and how to properly lay them. This scheme will also help when buying a material, and when it is installed, putting the drawing in front of it.

First you need to carefully climb and make the floor even and clean. After that, the substrate is placed on the entire surface of the floor. The places of compounds and seams are stuck with scotch. Extra pieces are removed using a knife.

It is necessary to decide without thresholds or with thresholds there will be a room. If there are thresholds, you need to calculate the clearance from the material to the wall and make the workpiece so that this gap is observed.

We begin to lay the room from the corner. You always need to take into account in advance and cut holes under the pipes.

When connecting the first and second rows of laminate, you need to either ask someone to get up on them, or use the load. After that, you can safely continue to work.

Putting the details of the painter with their own hands, you need the same as when laying bricks. It is necessary to make shifts by 25-35 cm in order for the coating to be stronger and not deformed in the joints of the joints.

Trimming parts need to be produced at the same angle. You can use a pre-prepared pattern, and for an angle of 45 degrees, you can use the usual square.

When a row consists not from one floorboard, they will need to first collect in a row. Only after that you can put a number of details at once. You can collect at once a trapezium with angles, but there is an option to collect only long details, and the angles will measure and sprink separately. For the ideal seal of parts, you can use a hammer or rubber image.

According to such technology, there are a number of near the opposite angle. At the end there is a small corner. It is necessary to place correctly and gently insert it into the right place.

For waterproofing, the joints of the elements are predetermined by hydrophobic composition or silicone.

Flow rules

In order to properly set the laminate, it is necessary to cut it correctly.

For this, some rules must be followed:

  • Strictly observing the angle that you have chosen to work. It is best to make a pattern and work on it. To cut the best tool to which you are accustomed;
  • When working with the electrolovik, there should be increased revs. This is necessary for the lack of chips and burrs. With small turns of the smooth cut, it will not work;
  • Bulgarian cutting will not be difficult if the metal or laminate disk is installed.

Stop Linoleum under the compliance of the rules of the calculation is not a lot of work. The process itself will be simple, if you properly prepare the surface, select the desired material and be ready for operation.

Ideas in the interior

You can think, and whether there is no sense in laying laminate diagonally. After all, this occupation is more expensive, takes longer than the usual, longitudinal laying. It requires large skills, constant observance of all angles. But the result is worth it.

Diagonal laying makes the room wider, which is especially important in long and narrow rooms. When choosing contrast boards, this type of installation allows you to achieve beautiful color games and shades. This type of laying is universal and can be applied in all rooms.

Laminate has long established itself as a practical material. It is considered stylish and attractive. The specifics of this material makes it possible to lay out it different in complexity by geometric patterns, and the effect of such styling will be indescribable. For example, laminate laying diagonally is an unusual option for beauty, allowing to significantly transform the room.

Pros of using diagonal styling:

  1. With such a laying of the panel, arranged at an angle to the walls of the room, successfully hiding all the shortcomings. If the walls are non-parallel, the usual layout of the panels will only emphasize this drawback, and the diagonal laying will hide.
  2. Diagonal laying creates a unique visual effect of visual expansion of space. This will be especially relevant in small rooms.
  3. The main advantage is the beauty and sophistication of the finish.

Question price

If you decide to use this laying option, then be prepared for the fact that the material, and accordingly, and the means will have to spend more. This is explained by the fact that in the places of the adjoining of the ends of the laminate to the walls they will have to be trimmed at an angle to "fit" at the place. From this it turns out that the waste will go more material than with the classic method of laying the panels.

Experienced wizards with laying cost 5% of the material of the material, because they have developed a little on the optimal location. For those who decide to do this for the first time, it is better to take on a 10-15% material in stock.

Note! It is better to take to buy at once all the material that will be required for laying. Because there is no guarantee that after a while you will find exactly the same color.

Required tool

  • roulette,
  • lobzik,
  • metal ruler,
  • small wooden bar and rubber hammer,
  • pencil,
  • spacer wedges.

Put a laminate

The most common scheme of laying laminate diagonally is from the corner of the room. Work is carried out in stages.

  1. Initially, the surface is carefully prepared. If the work is carried out on the concrete floor, then it must be smooth and dry. When laying on the wooden floor, it is also checked for reliability. Align the wooden surface can be plywood sheets.
  2. Then the substrate is placed on the surface. The joints must be glued to scotch.
  3. To control the accuracy of laying, you need to stretch the rope on the diagonal of the room.
  4. To select the desired angle of inclination of the panel, you can pre-decompose several boards on the floor.
  5. After you collect several rows, they need to be copped with each other. To do this, use a rubber hammer. Only when connected do not overdo it in order not to damage the lock connection.
  6. The gaps between the wall are fixed by wedges.
  7. If necessary, laying the board at the site of pipe passage, holes in the panels are cut off, fill that can be sealant based on acrylic or silicone.
  8. In the final part of the work, installation of plinths is carried out. It is better to choose high-quality material with the ability to pull the cable inside it.

Conditioning corners

The trimming is carried out at an angle of 45 °, for this is used as a carbon or you can prepare a pattern in advance. The first rows make from one panel. Each row is a trapezium. The adjacent side must be equal to the length of the external part of the previous series.

  1. At first, with the help of a square or template, there is a location of the cut and an electroll q or another tool cuts the desired angle.
  2. When you reach a row from several panels, you need to pre-call angle from the extreme left plank, connect them into one row. Such a connection will be temporary, so it is not necessary to cherish the density.
  3. Next, measure the size of the residual piece (do not forget to take into account the thickness of the wedge, which is inserted between the wall and the web), we take the next panel and cut off the desired angle for the resulting size.
  4. The entire row is output from the engagement with the previous one, the resulting corner is inserted, and all connections are finally fasten.
  5. Thus, a number of outside the corners are outlined. Having reached the edge of the room, you need to change the direction of the segment of the left corner. Further, work is carried out in a similar order, only in the opposite direction.

By correctly completing all the work, you will get a smooth and beautiful coating.

  1. Choosing the material, you should not stop at cheap versions. Due to low quality, various defects can be revealed during operation.
  2. After the acquisition of the laminate, you need to give it to "fly away" in the room where you decide to put it. This is necessary so that it is accustomed to room temperature after warehouse storage.
  3. Working on laying can be carried out only in dry rooms. Increased humidity level can affect the quality of the material.
  4. During the laying, it is necessary to leave the "thermoshi" between the wall and panels. They will provide additional protection against compression or expansion. Clauses must be foreseen from all sides of the room. The gap is counting like this: for each meter of the width of the room, you need to leave 1.5 mm clearance around the perimeter.
  5. If in the room where laminate laying is made, heavy furniture will be located, then the gap must be left in the limit of 10 mm from each wall of the room.

The photo shows examples of laying laminate diagonally, also, you can watch the video where the work process is described in more detail.

Development is not only in the technology of manufacturing materials for finishing, but also in the method of their installation. Laminate is a beautiful high quality material. Recently, laying of laminate diagonally in the apartment has become popular. This method is suitable for those who want to add a highlight to their interior, make it more individual. This type of laying will also have to visually expand the room. You can do your own work.

Calculation of material with this method of laying. Is it true that it is necessary more than with traditional laying?

For the installation diagonally, it is necessary to calculate the amount of material according to a special formula, which differs from the one that is used in the method in a straight line. It is necessary to take the length of the room and the width and multiply them. To this work it is necessary to add a product of one boards of 1,42 width to the width of the room.

Mathematically, the formula for the calculation looks like this: the speakers - the width of the room; Cd - room length; 1.42 - Square root from among 2; (ACCD) + (1,42 AC x width of one board).

Calculation of the number of laminate on the room

When installing diagonally, you really need more material than when. Explain it easy. The thing is that in areas where the ends of the panels are adjacent to the walls, they need to be cut in a certain way. So the waste-free production here will not work. It is advisable to take the material with a reserve of 15-20%.

Laying of laminate diagonally can be carried out with their own hands.

Laminate laying tool

You will need such tools for this:

  1. a hammer;
  2. roulette with a pencil;
  3. lobzik;
  4. laming for a shotboard;
  5. wedges for struts.

Before you start laying the laminate diagonally, you need to hold certain preparatory operations. , surrence from garbage. In order to make the surface smooth, you can use self-leveling mixtures. They are very easy to use, and they give an excellent result.

It is better to follow the floor first, but only after strengthening the floor by primer.

After that, you need to cover the surface with the cellophane. There is a substrate or. Before starting to work, it is necessary to hold the material in the room about a couple of days. So he will not swell and will not give a shrink.

You can lay laminate diagonally in two ways: from the center and from the corner. Both methods are used quite often, but it is the first one gives the least waste. You can do your own work.

The corner method:

Method from the corner
  1. If you choose the direction of laying laminate from the angle, you should start with a solid panel, which is cut on both sides under the required angle. It is this panel that will indicate the direction later. It is important to remember that the panel is needed from the wall to 10, in order to make the temperature expansion compensation.
  2. If not far from the corner in which you start work, the heating system runs, then starting it out of here. At the junction with the system, you can immediately make a cutout. This will simplify the task. From the main panel it is worth moving towards the center of the room. With this laying, the ranks later will increase in length. So it is necessary to displace the seams about half the length of the panel. So it will be much higher reliability, and the floor itself will look prettier. Look at the learning video, you can quickly understand the installation system.
  3. Panels in each row need to be fastened. The exceptions are segments that adjoin the walls. A number lay out to your own place, while it does not adhere to the previous one tight. After that, the survey is carried out in 2 points. This length is reduced by 10 mm and transferred to the panel, which is subject to discoloration. It is important to notice if the walls are strictly opposite each other, the corner that remains after trimming should accurately approach the opposite direction. So you will be able to not spend extra material.
  4. After you prepared the details, remove the row from the lock, and then completely assemble the ends. And only after that the clutch with the castle from the past row.

Method from the center:

Method from the center

Laying of laminate diagonally can be carried out by the method "from the center". With this method, the first team will be first followed. He will give direction in the future. Its installation is carried out in the same way as described in the previous method. After that, it is worth starting the installation of the coating first to one corner, and after - to another.

This technique is justified for those rooms in which external angles are present.

The first row is better to start from external corners by tangential. After you finish the installation, you will need to remove the spacer brows and attach to the plinth wall.

How to remove the extreme panel

Remove the extreme panel

Measure the length to the wall. Transfer to the measurement material. Measure the length from the opposite edge. Again transfer the measurements to the material. The points that you have turned out will need to be connected. Cut is better with an inside.So on the front you will not have chips.

Creare all the castles

To lay them out, you need to make all the locks. Set one panel at an angle to another. Next, click on the floor, the lock will lock it, thus you need to make all rows. Now brush the sides, the more you have made a number, the harder it will be to snap it. The technology is the same: slightly lift the opposite edge. In the lock, install the timber, click on the floor and snap. In order for the panel to enter into its position, you can slightly shake it. And to see the process of visually, turn on the video.

This method of installation in this way has its advantages and cons.

Method of installation

The main advantage of its beauty is beauty. You can easily hide the disadvantages of the room. The minuses include a greater consumption of material.

If you decide to run laying the laminate in the apartment, then you can do it with your own hands.

To do this, it is enough to watch the learning video. Such a floor will look very unusual and exquisite. He will make more your room.


In today's video, you will see how to put the laminate diagonally in the master class.
Thanks to this material you will learn a lot of useful for yourself.

Photo source: Laminatekspert.ru, Strmnt.com