Diet for hepatitis patients with. What can and can not eat when treating hepatitis e? Classification of diet food with different types of hepatitis

The liver is the main iron of the external secretion, which produces enzymes to digest food. Another function is the disinfection of harmful substances. In hepatitis, some of the cells of this organ ceases to perform their functions. The load on the remaining healthy hepatocytes increases. In order to "help" liver cells to perform their work in an avral mode, a person must reduce the load on the organ. The best way of this is a diet.

The hepatitis diet is capable of significantly slowing down the spread of the pathological process in chronic inflammation. Observing therapeutic diet, a person can significantly reduce the period of recovery in the acute flow of hepatitis, and reduce the risk of complications.

Chronic Diet

The inflammation of the liver rarely proceeds isolated. Therefore, with chronic hepatitis, a diet is prescribed, which spares all the departments of the digestive tract. Below are the basic principles:

  • Products should be fine.
  • The temperature of the dishes is medium (impossible chilled or hot products).
  • Prohibition of alcohol.
  • Balancered by major ingredients.
  • Exclusion of the boiling bullets.
  • Minimal cholesterol content (eggs, offal), oxalic acid (cocoa beans), essential oils (garlic, onion).
  • The predominance of plant fibers.
  • Five meals a day.
  • Salt restriction up to 4 g per day.
  • Two-2.5 \u200b\u200bliters of water should be drunk.

Power in acute inflammation

Viral hepatitis A is a sharp process. With proper treatment it is possible to complete cure. Therefore, compliance with a strict diet is of paramount importance. Approaches to nutrition do not differ from the diet in the chronic process. It is necessary to strictly limit the prohibited products that will be talked to just below. The fat content should be less than in chronic process.

Another type of acute inflammation in the liver is toxic hepatitis. This is the hardest state, which is treated only in the hospital. Not only alcohol, but also smoking is strictly prohibited.

In hepatitis B, C, D

Most liver virus lesions have a long chronic current. Viral hepatitis B is a severe disease that occurs when infected through blood has pronounced symptoms and lasts almost all life.

Hepatitis C flows more hidden, no longer manifests itself. But in the frequency of irreversible complications, this pathology is in the first place.

Hepatitis D depends on the virus "Donor", in the role of which hepatitis B. This infection is only combined and causes an irreversible pathology of the body.

Periods of exacerbation of the listed diseases are replaced by a long resistant remission. Above, we described a diet with chronic hepatitis. It fully complies with all viral hepatitis in the period of the clutch. If there is an aggravation of the inflammatory process, then the nutrition requirements become more stringent. Fat are limited, the use of some products is strictly prohibited.

What is table number 5

In medicine, the use of certain products in various diseases is combined with the concept of "table". In case of chronic hepatitis, patients are prescribed table No. 5. The acute process or exacerbation of chronic requires the appointment of the table No. 5A, which is characterized by greater severity and restriction in the consumption of fats and salt.

What products are suitable

Proper nutrition in the hepatitis of any etiology can be delicious and diverse. You can eat:

  1. Black and white bread. Fresh pies.
  2. Bouillons on vegetables.
  3. Boiled chicken, veal, rabbit, turkey.
  4. Boiled and baked low-fat fish.
  5. Milk and its products are limited only by their fat.
  6. Omelet from one egg.
  7. Cereals (except legumes).
  8. From vegetables - cabbage, tomatoes, cucumbers, beets, carrots, zucchini, eggplant, onions.
  9. Sugar is moderately, part of replacing xylitol.
  10. Stunk teas, juices.
  11. Butter creamy and vegetable.

What products should exclude

The list of products that a person should forget:

  1. Sdob.
  2. Power broths on meat and fish.
  3. Lamb, pork, fat beef, smoked and canned meat products.
  4. Cod, trout, mackerel and other grades of fatty fish.
  5. Milk with a high fatness percentage.
  6. Eggs roasted or boiled screwed.
  7. Bean.
  8. Garlic, green onions, spinach, sorrel, radish, radishes, mushrooms.
  9. Ice cream, chocolate, all products with cream.
  10. Hell, mustard, pepper.
  11. Fat animals, palm oil, margarine.

Food of children with liver diseases is similar to a diet in adult patients.

Sample diet for a week

We present the approximate menu for the week:


  1. boiled piece of chicken with buckwheat, juice;
  2. cheesecakes, tea;
  3. oatmeal, kissel;
  4. zucchini sweened, juice;
  5. pumpkin porridge, tea;
  6. cottage cheese with raisins, tea;
  7. porridge, Kissel.
  1. vegetable soup, boiled potatoes, a piece of stewed fish, compote;
  2. puree soup with pumpkin, stewed chicken breast, fresh vegetable salad, fruit kissel;
  3. dietary potato soup, beef cutlets, boiled rice, tea;
  4. rice soup, steam fish, salad, kissel;
  5. soup on a vegetable brave, stewed rabbit, tea;
  6. pumpkin puree soup, beef therapists, salad, tea;
  7. milk soup, boiled chicken, salad, tea.

  1. cottage cheese casserole, fastening tea;
  2. chicken breast baked with prunes, salad, kissel;
  3. boiled chicken with vegetables, tea;
  4. fish cutlets with vegetables, tea;
  5. pilaf with beef, kissel;
  6. baked fish, salad, tea;
  7. oatmeal, kefir.

Top 3 diet recipes №5

In order for your diet not only useful, but also tasty, give popular recipes that meet all the requirements of diet number 5.

  1. Pudding curd.Three tablespoons of semoliars pour with milk (0.5 glasses) and insist for 15 minutes. Cottage cheese (0.5 kg) beat in a mixer. Separately beat 3 tablespoons of butter and two eggs. Mix all the ingredients, sugar to taste, raisins, lemon zest. Dispatch the resulting dough via molds and bake at 200 ° C 20 minutes.
  2. Oatmeal soup with pumpkin. Pre-wash and chopped pumpkin without peel (100 g) boil up to half-ready. Then the pumpkin is placed in the pan (the decoction does not pour it out), add the floor of a teaspoon of oil and sweat a little. Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal, a little left brave. Cook like oatmeal. The mixture is chopped in a blender to homogeneous mass, add some more cream oil.
  3. Beef cutlets. Meat grind several times in a meat grinder. Add grate on grater potatoes, operated yesterday, salt. Shaped cutlets decompose on a baking sheet, pour on half water and send to the oven. Bake until readiness.

Each of us at least once in his life was sitting on a diet. Diets are different, depending on the goal set before man. But there is a nutritional limit category associated with diseases available in the body. In most cases, the special menu is necessary if a person has any problems with the organs of the digestive system.

One of these serious problems in the body is the development of hepatitis C. With such a diagnosis, a special menu is prescribed to delivering the body from this ailment. It is the observance of a special diet and an exception from the diet of the patient of some types of products serves as a cornerstone in the treatment of the disease. In this article, we will consider the features of development in the body of hepatitis C, as well as make an exemplary diet of dishes that contribute to improving the condition of the patient and accelerating its recovery.

Hepatitis C is a rather complex disease that develops in the field of human liver. This disease may proceed both in the acute form of lesion and in chronic.

The nature of the development of the disease directly depends on the individual characteristics of the person and the factors acting on it. The disease develops as a result of penetration through the blood into the organism of the virus, causing damage to the liver cells.

This virus can get into the body and sex with frequent change of partners. Finding into the body of a person, and then in the blood in the body comes an incubation period, which continues from different people in different ways. It usually lasts from five to ten years. It is found in the body only by examining a sample of human blood.

Often hepatitis C reveals itself on the following signs:

  • Yellow skin in the facial zone.
  • Attacks of fatigue.
  • Yellowing eye scler.
  • Frequent depression.
  • Downtime leaps of temperature.
  • Weakening immunity.

Hepatitis with pretty cunning. His threat to the body lies in the ability of the transition to and subsequent cancer of the authority. In other words, with the lesions of the liver, hepatitis C in the body occurs its irreversible destruction. In contrast to other forms of hepatitis, hepatitis with difficulty is treated, even if the patient unlocked all the recommendations of the attending physician.

The patient for a long time has to sit on a special diet and stick to its menu, only in this case it will be easier for it to cope with this disease.

A variety of drugs that are able to suppress the development of hepatitis C in the body were discovered by the world-famous and numerous studies in the field of medicine, but many of them are quite expensive and able to have a side effect on the body. Therefore, it is not necessary to do only to medicine at hepatitis.

Finding hepatitis with in the body, doctors try to construct treatment in such a way that primarily the enhancement of the body's immune system. One way to enhance it is the correction of the diet of the patient. People with hepatitis C are prescribed special diets and a menu, in which there are no products harmful to the liver. By observing the menu with a given disease, a person has a significant improvement in well-being and the load on the liver is reduced.

Features of the nourishing menu of the patient

As already mentioned, the efficiency of getting rid of hepatitis C depends on the properly selected menu of the patient. Experts and nutritionists are working on the preparation of the dietary menu, specialists and nutritionists work.

The results of their activities were already presented at various seminars and forums, where there were many positive responses and recognition.

The basis of the menu with a patient hepatitis C represents:

  • Light diet capable of unloading liver cells. But, this menu, in spite of its ease, should fully provide the body with the necessary trace elements and vitamins, as it is very weakened and needs support. In this case, the diet of the patient should not contain dishes, severely processed by cells of the patient of the liver.
  • Fat food gradually excluded from the diet.
  • People, in whose body, hepatitis C is developing in the "snacks" or dinners in public catering, as the technology of cooking dishes in these institutions does not provide for compliance with the norms of patients with hepatitis C. Best of all dining at home, observing its menu and technology of cooking , as well as saving a family budget.

Diet with hepatitis C is suitable and with other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract), since the dietary table No. 5a is the most gentle, stimulates the release of bile and accumulation of glycogen in the liver, and also helps restore the functioning of the liver and biliary duct. Consumable foods for therapeutic nutrition should not overload the liver. What do you need to eat the patient to recover after the disease? What products can cause complications?

Dietary table No. 5a is designed not only for patients with chronic and acute hepatitis, but also people with cirrhosis of the liver, cholecystitis, stones in the bustling bubble, as well as gastritis and ulcers.

Observing the diet in hepatitis C, the patient gets the necessary daily reserve of calories for normal life. But still food with hepatitis with significantly different from the usual one. What is the difference between them?

Features of diet number 5a with hepatitis C:

  • limit fats;
  • refuse products containing cholesterol, oxidic acid or essential oils that irritate the mucous membrane;
  • limit the use of coarse fiber and soybean;
  • rejection of products that cause fermentation in the intestine and activate excessive allocation of bile;
  • refuse fried food;
  • eating small portions 5 times a day.

Proper nutrition will help the patient to normalize the process of digestion and the liver robot, and also do not overload the stomach and the liver of heavy food.

Diet No. 5a for hepatitis C involves receiving about 2400 calories per day. The patient needs to use about 100 g of proteins per day, most of which animal origin, about 80 g of fats and about 400 g of carbohydrates.

Important! In chronic hepatitis, the necessary vitamins and minerals can be obtained not only from food, but also to use special vitamin complexes, for example, vitruum.

On a day you need to drink about 2.5 liters of water.

Diet with hepatitis C involves the use of products that are most useful for the body and are easily digested. Dietary table No. 5a contributes to the acceleration of the treatment of chronic hepatitis.

Consider specifically what dishes can be, and what you can not.

What you need to make, and what to exclude from the diet

The patient is hard to rebuilt, because the diet with hepatitis C has many restrictions. First of all, it concerns thermal processing of products. Food can be boiled, cook for a couple or stew, but not fry.

A diet for patients with hepatitis C implies the use of liquid food in a warm form, which helps to improve bile outflow.

  1. Meat. There are only dishes from low-fat varieties. From meat you can make meatballs or cutlets. You can also try your doctoral sausage.
  2. A fish. You can eat pike, pike perch or cod.
  3. Fats. You can use only easily durable fats, such as creamy or vegetable oil.
  4. Milk products. You can have homemade non-large cottage cheese, kefir, ryuzhenka, sour cream and non-smear cheeses.
  5. Eggs. There are only boiled eggs, but not more than one per day.
  6. All varieties of porridge and pasta.
  7. Vegetables. You can eat carrots, cucumbers and tomatoes, boilers, cauliflower and zucchini in the raw form.
  8. Sweet fruits.
  9. Tea, fastening coffee, compotes, juices and rosehip.
  10. Flour products. Lovely cookies and stale white bread.

For patients with hepatitis C, while observing a diet, it is allowed to pamper themselves with sweets, for example, marmalade, honey or jam. For those who cannot live without coffee, it is allowed to drink coffee with milk.

It is worth noting the importance of milk with chronic hepatitis, it must be present daily in the diet of the patient. Milk displays toxins and helps liver recovery.

Holding the diet for patients with hepatitis C, all the cereals are preferably cooking on milk, because they are not only satisfying, but also useful.

Observing the diet with hepatitis C, it is necessary to eliminate fatty dishes, sweets and salty foods.

You can not eat soups on broths or acidic soup, when cooking food, use fat, smarry, margarine, oily meat. About meat canned foods also need to be forgotten, as cholesterol leads to a change in liver cells.

Soues, spices, onions, garlic can also be included in its menu, as they irritate the mucous membrane. Those who love garlic is important to know that he is rich in essential oils. Even in a brained garlic should not be used.

Sai cabbage, legumes, radishes, radish, mushrooms, sour fruits, citrus, nuts and almonds are also prohibited in patients who observe a diet for hepatitis C.

It is forbidden to drink black coffee, cocoa, carbonated, alcoholic and cold drinks.

When making a menu, some patient doctors allow drinking coffee. What is it connected with? Consider a specific situation.

Indeed, coffee can be drunk, only with milk. Recent studies have shown that coffee even helps in the treatment of viral hepatitis, because reduces the level of hepatic enzymes. Also, coffee suspends the progression of the disease. A day is allowed to drink up to two cups of coffee.

Important! Make up the menu for a week and include or exclude certain products should a doctor. Only in this case the treatment will be effective.

What else can be taken except the diet with hepatitis C to protect the liver?

Of course, a diet for patients with hepatitis C is needed not to exacerbate the liver condition, but other measures should be taken. In this case, it is necessary to undergo a vaccination against severe diseases that may affect the development of complications.

Doctors to all patients advised to make the following vaccinations:

  • vaccination from hepatitis A do twice;
  • vaccination from hepatitis B make three times;
  • vaccination from pneumonia make twice in life;
  • influenza vaccination make every year;
  • vaccination from diphtheria and tetanus make every 10 years;
  • pickling from the cough make time in life.

Vaccination and proper nutrition contribute to rapid recovery.

To at least somehow diversify the table menu 5a, consider the most popular recipes for dishes.


The menu for a week can be made up once and stick to it constantly or change it every week, adding various, permitted with a diet for hepatitis C, dishes.

Despite some restrictions in a diet for patients with hepatitis C, all the same their menus are quite diverse, and food is useful and rich in vitamins and microelements.

For example, a diet menu for hepatitis C per day may look like this:

  • for breakfast oatmeal, cottage cheese and tea;
  • on the snack baked apple;
  • for lunch, vegetable soup, meat or meatballs cooked for a pair and compote;
  • for dinner, potato mashed potatoes with a piece of steam fish and tea;
  • at night you can drink a glass of kefir with cookies.

Soups and coarse cereals are best to perturbed to facilitate the process of digestion in chronic hepatitis. Do not be lazy to do it.

It is worth noting that after recovery, the patient is transferred to the table number 5, but the menu remains the same as during the diet of patients with hepatitis C, the difference is only in increasing the energy value of the menu due to the use of more fat and carbohydrates.

With chronic hepatitis, you can eat the following first dishes: soup with rubbed vegetables, manual or milk soup, oat soup with pumpkin, soup with oatmeal and berries, lean borsch.

Patients with hepatitis C under the observance of the diet are forbidden to eat soups and boings on broths with the addition of pea or beans.

Recipes of the first table dishes 5a:

  1. Sweet soup with oatmeal and berries. Take 4 tbsp. l. oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. Sugar, put cooking. After readiness to be taken into the blender and fill with creamy oil.
  2. Vegetarian borsch. On the 3-liter container take potatoes, beets, cabbage, 2 carrots, 400 g of water, 10 g sour cream, 10 g of vegetable oil. All vegetables cut, chopping cabbage and cook about 40 minutes. At the end, fill with oil and sour cream.
  3. Soup puree with oatmeal and pumpkin. To make the soup you need to take 100 g of pumpkins, 2 tbsp. l. Oatmeal and teaspoon of vegetable oil. Pumpkin cut into cubes, pour with water, in volume twice as much, and cook. After readiness to remove the pumpkin and sweeping with the oil, then add oatmeal and decoction. Ready soup wipe in a blender. It can be made sweet or salty.
  4. Vegetable puree soup. For preparation you need Polkobachka, 2 potatoes, 1 carrots, some cauliflower and olive oil. All vegetables need to be cooked and crushed in a blender.

With a diet for hepatitis C as a second dish, a manna porridge is suitable, porridge from rice, oatmeal cereals or buckwheat, vermicell. Swim porridge is prohibited.

With a diet with hepatitis C, you can prepare fish bedrooms, meatballs, cutlets or boiled soufflies.

Among the meat dishes of the table number 5a during chronic hepatitis, you can select beef and bugs in dairy sauce. Consider the recipes of these dishes.

Recipe steam beef boiler.

Take 100 g of beef and a piece of stale white bread, worked in water and drive through a meat grinder. Add salt, some water and mix. Shape cutlets and cook in a double boiler for about 20 minutes. Cooked dish fill with butter.

Cutlets are suitable for vegetable puree or porridge.

Observing a diet with hepatitis C, you can prepare souffle of cauliflower. To do this, take about 200 g of cabbage inflorescences, 2 tbsp. l. Milk, 1 tbsp. l. Manki and egg. Pour milk for 10 minutes. Pre-boil cauliflower for about 10 minutes, then grind in a blender with a semoline and milk. Separately beat the eggs of the egg and fill it the resulting mince. Share in the shape of a double boiler and spend about 5 minutes.

With chronic hepatitis, the white cabbage is not desirable to eat in food, but the cauliflower is even useful.

It is not worth a hurry to switch to a common table after chronic hepatitis, because the liver is restored during the period from six months to one and a half years, depending on the complications of the disease. In order for you not to say: "I have hepatitis C," it is necessary proper nutrition - the diet of the table No. 5a for hepatitis C.

A man suffering from hepatitis should be responsible to approach his treatment.

He must follow all medical prescriptions, abandon excessive physical activity and follow the rules of the medical diet.

Diet with hepatitis C, based on reducing the risk of liver fibrosis.

What should be powered by hepatitis C? What should be included in your diet, and what, on the contrary, to exclude from it?

After reading this material, you will learn how the patient's menu should be, whose liver struck the HCV virus.

The main rules of the medical diet in hepatitis

The inflammatory process of internal organs leads to a loss of human performance. Its presence has a negative impact on the quality of life.

This is not surprising, because the inflammation of the inner tissue provokes a failure in the functioning of organ systems.

What can be used in hepatitis? Dietary nutrition of the patient whose liver was amazed by the HCV virus, should be gentle. It is recommended to eat balanced.

The diet for the treatment of many doctors is called strict. This is an explanation. The fact is that the liver affected by infection does not function properly, therefore, the body has problems with the function of isolating and regenerating cells.

We list the basic rules "Stroy" diet:

  1. Power with hepatitis C should be fractional. The patient should not overeat, so as not to overload the gastrointestinal tract and the liver.
  2. All dishes must be prepared with a minimum amount of fats. It is unacceptable to eat products, which includes cholesterol.
  3. The amount of oxidic acid and essential oil in dishes should be minimal (the basis of these components - fat).
  4. Consistency of food must be liquid or puffy. You can not swallow large pieces. If it fails to crush the dish, it should be chewed well before swallowing.
  5. The ideal cooking option is to use steam. For example, you can cook patients with cutlets or meatballs for a couple. Also allowed the feeding of the product with minimal adjustment.
  6. There is fried food when hepatitis is contraindicated. The fact is that such food is hardly digested and absorbed by the body. With viral lesion of the liver, the stomach is not recommended to overload.
  7. An important rule: during the recruitment period, hepatitis symptoms need to be completely abandoned from bad habits, namely from tobacco and alcohol consumption. First of all, this refers to those who take drugs.
  8. It is recommended to eat fractionally. It is desirable to eat from 4 to 7 times a day.
  9. You should refuse to eat too hot / cold products. Such food has a negative effect on the esophagus. The optimal option is the use of medium temperature dishes.

These are the basic rules, to observe which every person who diagnosed hepatitis.

If you like tomatoes, you should not only eat them every day. Cook your favorite tomatoes in the salad, adding the cucumber and greens there.

Prohibited products

Speaking about what you can eat during hepatitis, it is impossible not to say about dishes that the patient will have to be excluded from its diet.

The fact is that there are some dishes that use with viral lesion of the liver, may aggravate the position of the patient.

Why? It's all about stagnant phenomena, the emergence of which is the result of the use of some products.

Because of the wrong nutrition in viral lesion of the liver, the bile is stared in bile ducts and the liver does not get it in sufficient quantity.

Such a situation leads to an increased liver load. Constant phenomena provoke her irritation and inflammation.

So, among the prohibited products, the hepatitis can be allocated:

  • Fish or meat broth (fat).
  • Fatty meat / fish (beef, pork).
  • Fatty dairy products (sour cream, rippy).
  • Smoked.
  • Canned food and semi-finished products.
  • Sorrel, beans, beans, garlic, radish, mushrooms, corn.
  • Baking.
  • Ice cream.
  • Oil (animal origin).
  • Sour berries and fruits.
  • Spices and sharp spices.
  • Marinated products, including mushrooms.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Strong coffee.
  • Alcohol.
  • Palm extract.

Also, the patient with hepatitis is contraindicated in food pomegranate, chicken eggs in fried form, pearl and biercar, as well as ginger.

What you need to include in your diet

The main purpose of the medicinal diet with hepatitis is to restore the liver-affected HCV virus.

So, the patient to be diagnosed with hepatitis should be included in its diet such products:

  • Peaches, pears, grapes (they supply the liver sugar, which contributes to its regeneration).
  • Apples and avocado (these fruits are necessary to eliminate the body of toxins and other harmful substances. They also contribute to the synthesis of updated liver cells).
  • Citrus (lemons, grapefruits, oranges). They have an antioxidant effect on an affected organ, and also stimulate its purification from toxins.

The main thing is to eat balanced. This is not a complete list of products that may be patient during the relief symptoms of hepatitis C.

He is also allowed to eat:

  • Cereals.
  • Lean soups.
  • Porridge cooked on water.
  • Non-fat varieties of fish (for example, pike perch).
  • Low-fat varieties of meat (for example, turkey).
  • Vegetables cooked for a pair.
  • Vegetable juice (for example, carrot).
  • Oatmeal.
  • Cunning
  • Pasta (in small quantities).
  • Milk (with low fatness percentage).
  • Low-fat yogurt.
  • Wheat bread with bran.
  • Honey and marmalade.

If the patient suffering from hepatitis really wants to eat a chocolate, should not refuse him in this little joy.

If a person suffering from viral liver damage will drink at least 3 cups of green tea per day, then he will certainly feel better well-being.

In addition to mineral purified water and green tea, the patient with a diagnosis of hepatitis can also drink cyll and compote from dried fruits.

To please yourself with a budget "yummy", it is recommended to cut into small pieces with small pieces, after which it is to dry it. Such crackers can be eaten by drinking sweet tea.

If the patient wants to eat a vegetable salad, then it is impossible to refuel it with mayonnaise or sunflower oil.

In this case, preference must be given to olive or linen oil. The same ingredient can be added to the side dishes.

Classification of diet food with different types of hepatitis

Hepatitis is called viral lesion of the liver, in which the process of necrosis of its fabric is observed. Provokes this ailment of the HCV virus.

It is impossible to recreate it in medical conditions, since this chemical compound has high resistance to high and low temperatures.

There is no medication from hepatitis. However, this does not mean that its symptoms cannot be stopped. For successful recovery, the patient must comply with the complex of medical measures, including compliance with the rules of the medical diet.

Power is determined by the doctor depending on the form of the disease. With an aggravated hepatitis form, the diet should be more strict.

When the disease is exacerbated, the patient is forced not only to adjust its diet, but also to consider the amount of calorie absorbed calories daily.

It is an erroneous belief that with any form of viral liver damage the best medical measure is starvation.

On the contrary, the human body affected by the HCV virus should be regularly enriched with natural microelements contained in food.

Consequently, starvation in hepatitis is contraindicated. It is also not recommended to refrain from food during cirrhosis.

Consider the variations of the diet under different forms of the disease.

Chronic Stage

As you know, the chronic stage of hepatitis proceeds almost asymptomatic. Doctors nicknamed this stage of the disease latent.

Despite the high degree of liver damage, the patient practically does not feel pain in the field of right hypochondrium.

What is it connected with? The fact is that the liver does not have nerve endings, so the patient does not feel discomfort.

Patient nutrition that has become infected with HCV should be diverse. The main mission of such a diet is to maintain the performance of its liver.

It is impossible to instill an irritation of the organ, otherwise, the health of the patient will deteriorate. The maximum number of calories, which a person can eat at this stage of illness - 3200.

Glazed Stage

When the disease exacerbates, the fabric liver surface is strongly inflated. Here the patient also starts tangible health problems.

The pain arising in the right hypochondrium does not even be focused on potent.

The attack of a strong painful colic with hepatitis requires an immediate provision of emergency patient.

At this stage, he needs to significantly adjust its diet. Therapeutic diet imposes hard restrictions.

List them:

  1. Recommended protein concentration in dish - up to 80 g.
  2. The amount of daily calories should not exceed 2500.
  3. The amount of fat in dishes should not exceed 50 g.
  4. Recommended daily amount of salt - 5-7 g.

Compliance with these rules is very important! If the patient does not adjust his diet, then it is not necessary to count on successful recovery.

What can be included in your diet with the aggravated form of the disease? The main food of the patient is boiled cereals. You can only boil them on the water, the use of milk is unacceptable.

You can not cook it on meat broth! It is also not permissible to cook soup on the bones, because the broth will be very fat.

First of all, the patient must exclude fatty and too saline from its diet. Its normal assimilation in hepatitis is not possible.

Another 1 important point is not to swallow food with large pieces. Before use, it is recommended to grind it.

It is desirable to eat swashing dishes. If you eat a vegetable, then first cut it into small pieces, and even better - grind with a blender.

You can not load your stomach with plenty of food eaten for 1 meal. Otherwise, the attack of pain liver colic will increase.

The patient with an acute hepatitis form is recommended with an interval of 3 hours. This will allow food better to seek the stomach.

Diet in the recovery period

If the exacerbation of hepatitis can be stopped, then there is no doubt that the patient is amended.

When the disease is in the remission phase, the diet is more "sparing", which cannot be said about the aggravated phase.

After stopping the symptoms of exacerbation of the ailment, the patient needs to receive additional vitamins. What should be taken when you need to restore the functioning of the liver?

  • Tiamine.
  • Foliic acid.
  • Pyridoxine.
  • Riboflavin.
  • Ascorbic and nicotinic acid.

It is very important to take vitamin complexes daily, since they stimulate the process of cell regeneration.

When the virus hc regulates the liver, it regenerates slowly. In its tissue surface, an increased amount of dead cells prevails.

It is necessary to affect the organ so that dead cells are replaced with new, healthy.

The components are stimulated in the injured organ of cell regeneration in the injured organ. Their action is aimed at restoring it.

Also receiving additional vitamins in the recovery period contributes to the improvement of the immune system.

Strengthening immunity is the best prevention of hepatitis. Therefore, it is not necessary to abandon vitamin therapy.

As for rigorous restrictions in food after complete recovery, they are not. Of course, it is impossible to stop the symptoms of hepatitis at 100%.

It makes itself felt even after the patient's complete recovery, however, the food of the one who overcame the HCV virus is not much different from the nutrition of a healthy person.

To reduce the risk of infection with the HCV virus, remember the vaccinations. Regular injections from hepatitis must be made to people who are in the risk group, for example, addicts and children born in unsanitary conditions.

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