Design of garden tracks with their own hands. Tracks in the country do it yourself

The first thing that meets for the country gate is a garden track leading to the porch. From it in all directions: both to the bath, and to the garden, and to the garage - similar trails and tracks are missing. It is always more pleasant to go on a solid, well-kept covering, especially when it is wet from rain grass or clay soil. Forget about the designers and try to make garden tracks with your own hands, and for this you will need only a desire and building material, affordable and inexpensive.

What classifications are not available - and according to the material for manufacture, and by location, and size. We will take division on species based on the method of the device.

Garden trails

This is a natural look, as the paths appear by themselves, without special planning. Usually they are protusive people's legs or tamped the wheels of garden equipment and serve to connect the most important points of the site - houses, baths, garden, garden, gate. The usual primer trail has cons (dirt after rain, puddles, grazing grass), so it is possible only as a temporary option. The trail, by the way, can also be created: it is enough to lay out a border from cobblestones or paving slabs along the edges.

Garden trails - the optimal option for plots located in dry areas

Tracks with backfill

It is easy to arrange: you should pull out a ditch, approximately 100 mm deep, lay out on the bottom and edges of geotextiles (density of at least 150 g / m²), strengthen the sides of the border ribbon. It will remain on the finished base to fall asleep pebbles, crushed stone, marble crumb or dropout. If this option seems simple, one can additionally be put on the surface stone or concrete slabs - ordered or chaotic. For the convenience of movement, the slab should be dried in the backfill so that they are on the same level with the surface.

Picking gravel or rubble of different colors, you can decorate the paths or divide them to zones

Solid faded tracks

A durable coating is perfect for a large load. The prevention of garden tracks occurs on a concrete basis with further laying on it decorative elements: tiles, paving slaves, natural stone. The use of a different color material gives the decor a natural look. It is better if the finished object will rise above the soil by 50-70 mm - it will relieve it from the erosion of water and soil nanos.

The tracks from the plates or stone laid on the concrete base are distinguished by reliability and durability.

Use in the work of wood spins and bars

Budget and beloved by dackets option - garden tracks from wood. Two types are most popular:

  • using wooden bars;
  • from wood sleeps.

If the climate is rather dry than wet, you can use wooden bars or thick boards, which are easy to purchase in any construction supermarket. It is better to stay on solid trees. The same segments are cut (100 cm long, 30 cm wide and 15-20 cm thick) and fit on the prepared base - gravel or sand.

Each bar should be treated with fuel oil or special composition protecting with humidity and rotting. For the same purpose, liquid asphalt is applied to the underground part of the bar, and sometimes it is suitable for a standard sandy pillow. Such combined coatings are better stacked in the fall, since in winter the soil occurs, at the expense of which a natural mummy is performed.

For tracks from wooden bars it is better to use fine gravel or crushed stone

Using smiles of different sizes and color, you can create unique paths of tracks

Old fallen trees at the cottage - a real find for craftsmen. Split trunks on the parts, from the obtained elements - sleep - you can make wooden garden tracks that look equally well, crossing the lawn or looping among flower beds. There will be not only trunks, but also thick branches, of which it is convenient to fill out empties between large elements.

Screening strengthens individual elements, and Geekanin protects the path from germination of grass

So that wooden products serve for a long time, they need to be processed from all sides of the hot oil, it is better to repeat the procedure twice. Between the spil and the soil put a piece of geotextile or polyethylene.

Short master class on laying paving slabs

With the help of pictures and descriptions, you can imagine how to make - material of noble and durable.

The paths from the paving slabs of the wrong shape look more naturally than straight

To work will be required:

  • wooden mystery;
  • rubber hammer;
  • stakes;
  • master OK;
  • building level;
  • cord;
  • rake;
  • broom;
  • watering hose;
  • channel;
  • manual traam.

Materials: Paving tile (thickness 50 mm or 60 mm), curb stone, crushed stone (fraction 20-50), dry mix for plaster or cement M400 (M500), sand, geotextile.

Now consider all stages of performance. The first stage is planning. It includes creating a drawing, a selection of laying and shape patterns of figure elements, a choice of color (or several colors). At the same time make the calculation of the number of tiles (including spare) and the consumption of the rest of the material.

There are many laying schemes paving slabs based on alternating products of different color

Next, perform marking. Accuracy of actions - one of the conditions of proper laying. Roulette, pegs and cords will help determine the boundaries of work. Sometimes you need to walk along the alleged path to understand how it is more convenient to lay it.

Marking accuracy and sequence of work are important for the device track of paving slabs.

After marking, it is necessary to prepare the base. To begin with, it is necessary to cut into a depth of 20 cm. The top layer - Derne. If the soil is clay, will help drainage. Then you should create a sandy or gravel pillow and cement (concrete) screed.

The multilayer base under the tile is necessary so that the track is durable, not sedated and did not blur

Between the layers of sand and rubble, you can pave geotextiles that makes the design more durable. The top layer is a dry mixture purchased in the store, or the prepared composition of sand and cement. The layer of the mixture (3-4 cm) should be dissolved using rhinestones and schuleler.

Uniform distribution of cement mixture is produced using conventional garden robble

Surveillator for leveling surface can be replaced by a conventional wooden beam.

Now we hold the tile laying. The direction of laying is from ourselves not to spoil the base. Products should be placed tightly, but with a gap of 1-2 mm. Each tile must be tamped with a wooden painting. At the end, check the level and end the rubber hammer. First, the whole elements are placed, and only at the end cut the paving slabs and laid missing pieces.

For high-quality laying of paving slabs, simple tools are needed - rubber hammer and wooden cizyanka

For the convenience of laying, first of all there are entire products, leaving the emptiness

Empty along the curb fill in pieces of tiles of the required magnitude

On the edges, the border is laying out, fix it with a solution M100 and fall asleep with sand. The seams between the individual elements fall asleep with a sandy cement mixture, which is then moisturized by water from the hose. Add a mixture to the place where she squinted, and repeat watering. After 2-3 days, the track will be finally ready.

Garden cement paths with their own hands

Video instructions from 7 parts to work with finished forms

Natural stone tracks: century strength

Spectacular garden tracks can be made from the material remaining after the construction of the house or the housekeeping decor, for example, the Alpine slide. The painting of the paths is created due to uneven shape and different size of the stones.

To create a beautiful walkway, the stones of different sizes and color are suitable

The first stage is the calculation of the number of large stones. To do this, they can be laid along the future trail. The base for laying is a pillow of sand, filled into a shallow ditch, right to the ground.

It is possible that they will need to handle the stones. Bulgarian helps or a more serious tool. You can position the finished material in two ways: in the form of a pattern (relief, mosaic) or in chaotic order, alternating large stones with smaller. If you do not score the seams between the stones of the cement mixture, after some time they touched the grass. This option is also possible, it looks more natural.

The scheme indicates the approximate thickness of each layer, which should be followed during the laying

The combination of stone of different types and plants is a pattern of a track suitable for a stretch in the Mediterranean style

Stone paths and tracks are appropriate when creating a landscape picture of any style.

Modern barcode - use of plastic modules

If there is no time to build a solid stone or tile coating, but there is a desire to quickly set the paths in the garden with your own hands, you can use the temporary option - garden plastic tracks. Finished modules, most often the same in size and color, sold in the store.

The color of plastic modules is chosen depending on the site to which they will be laid. Most often these are green or black products

In addition to low cost, plastic tracks have other advantages:

  • retain the form and appearance for a long time, slowly wear out;
  • have holes so that water does not accumulate and went to the ground, that is, they do not form puddles and do not create odor;
  • plastic is practically not amenable to rotting;
  • do not require constant care and attention, clean and clean with water from the hose;
  • resistant to chemical exposure;
  • quickly mounted and assemble on the principle of the designer;
  • the same easily fit on any base - sand, deurn, clay.

At the end of the summer season, the plastic modules are dismantled, wash, dried and folded in the utility room until next year.

Plastic paths - a successful option for creating temporary tracks on lawns

The tracks in the country area create not only for practical use, but also for decorating the territory

In addition to the above options, there are other types of garden tracks - bricks, from a parquet board, from concrete blocks, as well as all sorts of combined options. The main rule for the choice of material for the track: it must be combined in texture and color with the house and other buildings.

The paths in the country connect all the objects on the plot: house, gate, summer kitchen, barn, gazebo, greenhouse, bath, garden, shower. Without them, you can not do. In one section, they can be made of various materials, have all sorts of configurations, but must fit into a general type of space. At the cottage you can make the tracks with your own hands, after pre-reaching the plan.

Tracks on the country connect all the objects on the plot: house, gate, summer kitchen, shed, gazebo, greenhouse, bath, garden, shower

Designers are recommended in small sites to create them bending - this visually increases the area. Next to the tracks should not grow trees, since their roots can disrupt the integrity of the coating. Drawing the scheme, count on the ground, how convenient to move from one object to another according to the planned paths, so that the desires did not arise everything. It's complicated. Tracks Even from girlfriend, but successfully designed, attach the territory neat, completed and a cozy view.

To begin with, determine coated. Most often it is made of paving slabs, concrete, stone, brick, wood, pebbles. The general requirement for all materials is strength, moisture and frost resistance. The surface should be not slippery and easily cleaned. To make marking and prepare ground to laying, the following materials and tools are needed:

  • pegs, cord;
  • boards;
  • shovel;
  • sand, crushed stone;
  • traamman;
  • level;
  • screwdriver.

Determine the boundaries of the track by adding a formwork. Its width depends on the destination. Usually from the wicket to the house it is made wide and solid, and, for example, near the aviary for a dog, it can be narrow and intermittent. On the outstanding edges, pegs are put up, stretch the lace. The shovel is removed by the turne to a depth of 10 cm, in the resulting trench, smallen the bottom. The straight lines of the tracks are limited to boards at the same level by fixing their stakes outside. One to another board is screwed up using a screwdriver. Sand poured into the trench and tamper. The depth of it and the height of the pillow depends on the selected material for coating and the technological features of the laying. The coating can be solid or soft.

Solid tracks

Turning coatings include: paving slabs, concrete, clinker brick, stone, wood.

Paving tile is the most common option for tracks on the site. The market offers many types, sizes, shapes and colors. There is from what to choose, including at an affordable price. Depending on the placement location, it can be laid on the sand, crushed stone or per solution. At the same time, it is necessary to observe the rule: the track is needed with a slight bias so that water flows freely.

The tile is placed tightly, lines its position with the level and rubber hammer, if necessary, be enough sand. The quality of the styling is controlled by wooden bar: if the tile is raised, it is planted, tapping along the bar. Proper to start laying from the border. Having finished work, the seams fall asleep with a mixture of sand and cement and watered. In order for the track to retain the shape, it is limited by curbs, setting them onto a liquid solution.

If there is an expectation of the tile on the concrete, then after the pillow from sand and rubble is made, across the track at a distance of 1 m throughout the length are installed on the edge of the boards to ensure the compensation gap during temperature drops. Align them by formwork, which should perform for 2-3 cm above the ground level. So that the concrete does not stick, the boards are treated with machine oil or oil.

To make smooth turns, formwork is made of wet plywood, it can be born as you like. The constructed frame of concrete is poured: cement (M500), sand, crushed stone in proportion 1: 4: 6, the water is added as much as the mixture takes. To obtain a more plastic solution, a special plasticizer is used, a liquid soap can be used. It is best to make a mass in the concrete mixer.

This is the most common option for tracks on the site.

Inexpensive is a monolithic path of concrete. It looks decorative if add a dye to the top layer and arrange it under the stone. The first layer of rubble is poured on the prepared base with a thickness of 4 cm and put the grid with cells up to 20 cm. When the solution is frozen, a layer of concrete layer 3 cm without a rubble with a small amount of water, carefully tamping it. The surface is aligned, smoothed.

To decorate it under the stone, you can use bent reinforcement, causing a pattern to your taste. Usually, along the edges of the track, the pattern is made up, simulating the small stone. To make the surface of the characteristic porosity, it can be treated with sponge places. Until full maturation concrete must be closed from the sun, and from the rain. The slower it matures, the stronger the coating.

Gallery: Tracks in the country (25 photos + video)

Forms for garden tracks

You can make tracks from decorative concrete, purchasing a special dry mix in the store and a plastic or silicone shape with a pattern. Choose it with small in depth and width of the furrows, as the dirt and the track loses decorative quickly accumulate in bulk gaps. Figure form may consist of rhombuses, squares, divergent fan of rectangles, all kinds of weave. Country tracks from decorative concrete look very stylish and cost no more than laid out paving slabs. Work is performed in such a sequence:

  • prepared the base, as described above, and fall asleep with a chubble layer of 10 cm;
  • poured with cement mortar and smoothed;
  • sprinkled with dry powdered dye of the desired shade;
  • stamp surface with forms, laying them close to each other and slightly tamping;
  • after 3 days, the track was washed with a brush moistened in a solution of hydrochloric acid;
  • covered acrylic varnish, which protects against negative impact and gives greater attractiveness.

You can make tracks from decorative concrete, purchasing a special dry mix and plastic or silicone shape in the store.

Instead of the dye, you can use a hardener, which, in addition to the pigment, giving color, contains quartz sand. You can proceed to the press when the concrete mixture does not stretch behind the finger applied to it.

Stone and tree

For wood paths, larch as the most moisture-resistant material is used. Solid flooring is installed on piles of 10-20 cm high blocks with a paint with a pattern so that it is not slippery. The soil is aligned only under the blocks, put them on pillows from sand and gravel, isolating from the ground and bar Ruberoid. First, make a complete laid out of the boards across the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe track and only then they are attached.

Despite the fact that the wood loses the strength of the stone and concrete, boosts, to create tracks in the country's cottage in the rustic style use the spins of trees. Often for this purpose there are logs, which remained after the disassembly of old buildings.

The trunk is divided into hemp with a thickness of 15-40 cm, the upper layer is grinning, removed the bark and treated with an antifungal agent that part that will be underground, after which they are laid on the prepared surface, align.

Build tracks from stone. They look very harmonious. It is not recommended to use the sewer and limestone, as they are short-lived, as well as slippery. Most often they are placed on the sand. It will be slow to be done, because each stone should be examined by choosing the most smooth side that will be outside. Often they have to be written. Setting 2-3 m, the segment made fixed, pouring the slots between the stones with a liquid solution of cement and sand (1: 3). It is convenient to do, taking advantage of a peculiar cone from a blank bag with a cut corner. Plates for stone tracks must be a thickness of at least 4 cm.

For paths made of wood mainly use larch, because it is the most moisture-resistant material

Original new coating material - Decon, or garden parquet. It consists of small sections made of solid rock trees. Garden parquet is placed on supports, selected in height so as to smooth out the earth level drops. A sandy-gravel pillow, concrete coating with drain or wooden lags. Water under it should not be stamped. It is mounted quickly and simple. At the end of the season, it is disassembled, washed, smeared with special oil and stored in a dry room.

Garden tracks on the country, the donor site or in the courtyard of private home ownership is not only an important element of the landscape design necessary for a comfortable movement between objects of the territory, but also the method of zoning and decoration. The correct location of the garden tracks will allow you to spend as little time as possible and forces to move between elements of landscape design, and the beautiful, practical and durable execution will allow you to decorate the courtyard or country area, create a creative design on the envy of the neighbors and the pride of your city or country household guests territory. Even in a small private courtyard, the tracks are necessary for safe and comfortable movement between the main and secondary objects of the territory - the building of a country or city house, a garage, a gazebo, household buildings, a children's corner or platform, swings, a barbecue area, a swimming pool or pond.

Requirements for Garden Tracks

If we talk about physical parameters, then the main requirement for tracks of the local area and garden plot is the smallest distance from one object to another. But often this criterion comes against the aesthetics of the landscape - winding tracks look beautiful, romantic and even mysteriously, but at the same time make up a longer way than their analogues with clear straight lines and turns.

Conditionally all tracks of the site are divided into basic and minor. From the path of the path depends on the width of the track - the main usually are made with parameters in 1-1.5 m, and the secondary can have a width of at least half a meter. But much depends on the material of manufacturing a garden path - if the standard size of the workpiece (bricks, concrete or stone slabs, "garden parquet" or any other products with non-varying sizes are followed), then the trail width is formed by their number.

If we talk about the aesthetic qualities of garden tracks, then they should externally correspond to the overall concept of the design of the yard or site. If there is a natural stone in the design of the facade of the house or other buildings, the natural stone is participating, then it will be logical to use this material or combining it with other raw materials and for lays down the tracks.

In addition to its main function, it is possible to provide opportunities to freely move between the objects of the local area and the separation of the site into segments, and otherwise zoning, garden tracks are performed by the role of decorative elements. With the help of the original choice of material or the method of execution of country tracks, you can not only create an exclusive landscape design of your site, but also to implement your creative abilities, design ideas.

Types of garden tracks

According to the material used, all tracks can be divided into the following groups:

  • concrete;
  • stone (in turn, they are divided into those that are from a plastic stone, pebbles, blocks and other species);
  • brick;
  • wooden;
  • from the cast material (plastic covers, parts of glass bottles, traffic jams, etc.).

Materials of the tracks are selected based on the design of the main building (its facade), other large-scale buildings in the yard or on the plot, performance of the execution, the sizes of the trail and the owners themselves (the stone track will require financial investments, and the bottleneck trail is only time for their collectibles ).

In addition to the material, the criterion for separating the tracks is the method of execution - they are divided into solid and not solid. The name speaks for itself. The view of the tracks will depend on their length and purpose - whether the trails are fulfilled by a practical role or carry a decorative burden.

Also, all summer cottages and garden tracks can be divided into two types - temporary and constant. Most tracks involved in landscape design are permanent. But in some cases there is a need for paving tracks, for example, only for the period of the country's season. The finished tracks are most often made of rubber or plastic and sold on a metro station or blocks (sections, products) connecting to the type of puzzles.

Preparatory work

Regardless which lengths will be your tracks, from which material will be met and how exactly, any execution will require preparatory work. First of all, it is necessary to make a plan for the location of the tracks on the site. This can be done both on a regular sheet of paper and in a special program, which is not easy to find on the Internet. Indicate all the elements of the landscape design on its plan - not only the main buildings and sites, but also the location of the flower, beds, economic objects.

While laying while still drawn tracks from the main objects to the secondary, you can optimize the location of the flower, beds and temporary plantations, in order to reduce the distance between objects or connect some elements to the zone. In the course of drawing up the plan, it becomes clear which segments can be combined by the track leading to them, and for which areas of the courtyard will have to use branching or to host the site. Only on paper it may seem that rarely visited the corner of a garden or yard can do without a walkway - imagine your reluctance to go on the ground after the rain, and you will find resources for the manufacture let it be completely non-trap.

Next comes marking on the ground. This stage should not be neglected in particular in cases where not only the length, but also the width of the tracks will be clearly governed by the parameters of the material - plates, brick or any other standard blanks. The easiest waywork to carry out with the help of pegs with a stretched rope or cord. In order for the outlines of future paths to be more obvious, the boundaries can be outlined by lime.

The ideal option may turn out if together with the markup of the tracks, it turns out and lay the mark on planting trees and shrubs, plants that these very tracks are framed. On the ground everything looks somewhat different than in the program or on a piece of paper. You can lay stones with the inscriptions of the names of trees and shrubs or designate by their layout of future flower.

Drive under any track should be somewhat wider than the laid out trail itself. So that the garden tracks last as long as possible, on the edges it is necessary to lay a border of stones or concrete.


You should not neglect this stage of work if you want the track you have served for many years, and did not start crumbling or sprouting the grass after the first season of operation. Preparing the basis for garden yeast, it is important to remember that they should have a small slope for draining rainwater. The presence of a small drainage trench on the side of the path of the path will be a great help for the entire landscape design of the yard or a plot for rainy weather.

So, it is necessary to carry out the following manipulations to prepare the base for the garden path:

  • remove the upper fertile layer of 2 to 20 cm (it all depends on the quality of the soil, length, tires and material for lays down the tracks);
  • along the entire length of the walls of the resulting pit, wooden boards are installed, pre-padded under no sand;
  • if the width of the track will be limited to concrete borders, then they are set by the level and fixed by reinforcement bars (to prevent shifts), which are driven inside the pit;
  • if the ground on your site is very loose and the walls of the trench turned out to be uneven, you will have to drive the reinforcement pins and along the edges of the walls, and then install borders;
  • next, the bottom of the trench is poured, small gravel or crushed stone, pre-mixed with cement or sand (the thickness of the layer from 5 to 10 cm);
  • for a more thorough tampering of the gravel layer, it is necessary to periodically make it possible.

An example of a beautiful and practical garden track

Consider the option of arranging garden tracks from the brick, as the most affordable and easy to use the material (in case you have the opportunity to use the used brick, and not buy material).

The brick garden path is a rather durable, durable and aesthetic surface, which even homemade can be made independently without special skills and experience. The brick path is laid out by the same principle as the pavement tile or paving. In order for the trail to serve as long as possible, choose a high-quality clinker brick and spend all work with a high level of accuracy.

So, you must pass the following algorithm of actions:

  • the prepared framework with the rammed top layer of sand must be carefully aligned with the help of the rule (homemade adaptation from the board with an ideally equal surface);
  • next, the installation of lateral bricks (with respect to the width of the track), they are mounted by the edge and drive into the sand on half their width with the help of a rubber hammer;
  • if your track does not have a curb, then lateral bricks need to be copped with a solution (use formwork, after the removal of which it is necessary to arrange a subftitude of rubble, to ravages it at the end of this paragraph of work);
  • next, it is directly laying out the drawing of the track of the brick (it can be put on an edge or put in width);
  • usually, to create the most rigid and durable masonry, one row of bricks lay along the trail, and the second is across. Also, to increase the strength of the masonry, the street glue on a cement basis is used (it will help not only bind bricks among themselves, but also prevent the grass to prevent the products through the products).
  • the solution will be needed a bit, because It is necessary that he does not speak to the surface between bricks, and was inside the masonry;
  • upon completion of the installation of bricks, the slots between them are filled with sand with a large brush;
  • in order to give the brightness of the resulting brickwork and extend its service life, the surface must be coated with penetrating primer, and after its complete drying - varnish for street stone.

And finally: several original ideas

In modern landscape design projects for the territories of various shapes and sizes, design styles, you can often find garden tracks laid out in the Steppingstones manner. You seem to move through the elements of the track in the form of separate plates, flat stones or spilles, which occur directly from the lawn or bulk material of the trail base. Beautiful, modern and at the same time, the functional track is easy to make with your own hands, if you use the so-called "steppes" from the concrete of various shapes.

In this case, it seems to combine the material. For example, clear faces and sharp corners of concrete square or rectangular plates or a plane stone against the background of rounded river stone forms - pebbles. In the aggregate, these two types of materials give an organic and attractive alliance to create creative, but at the same time practical surfaces.

And the "steppes" from the wooden plates luxuriously looks on the fine decorative gravel of snow-white shades. Against the background of the bright greenery of lawns, such paths will look especially spectacular ...

Wooden garden tracks are not so rare. Only recently, the so-called "garden parquet" is increasingly used for modern landscape design projects. The material is the standard size of the workpiece that is very easy to connect to the creation of not only durable and wear-resistant, but also an incredibly beautiful coating. The "Garden Parquet" is used not only to create tracks, but also laid out on open verandas, palm, terraces and patio sites or barbecue. The tree in such products is processed in a special way - it does not affect the usual "natural stimuli" - moisture, temperature drops, direct solar rays.

The laid out of the drawings from the round river stone (mostly, the Altai Blue) allows you to create a difficult original tracks, but bring the beauty of the creative process into the design of your yard or the country area. Round row stones of different sizes from very light gray-blue to dark, like anthracite, you can lay out in the bizarre abstract patterns or quite clear prints in geometry. Creating such a track will require not only financial, but also time costs, incredible accuracy and a large amount of free time. But all efforts will be more compensated by an incredible aesthetics of paths, their uniqueness.

Not less than the originality of the effect can be achieved when the pattern is laid out of the remnants of the porcelain tile (products for flooring, street use). The advantage of this method is not only in the originality of the result and freedom of flight of your imagination, but also to save a family budget, because it is not easy to go easy, and fragments from tiles of different shapes, sizes and colors.

The track created solely with a bulk gravel may not be surprised by your guests or neighbors, but will help save a family budget. It is only important to establish durable, solid borders that will keep small fractions of the stone inside the trench.

Beautiful garden walkways do it yourself

Dachits with great enthusiasm began to ennoble their cherished six hundreds of landscaped houses, beautiful arbor, mangals. Protane paths are increasingly inferior to specifically made garden paths. In the article, we will tell how to make such paths from various materials (concrete, wood, brick, tile), consider inexpensive and high budget options, demonstrate the video and photo instructions.


For small sites, you should not plan direct or intersecting at an angle of 90 ° track. Such a location will visually reduce the already small plot. If necessary, change the location of the bed for this. Connect all country buildings and the most visited places.

Note! Planning, draw a network of future tracks and eliminate the intersection of them in the center of the plot. Pick the material for them in accordance with the common landscape.

Surface preparation

Pay special attention to the markup and preparation of the soil to laying the selected material. List of necessary work:

  1. With the help of pegs and durable twine according to plan, place the contours of the passages.
  2. A well-sharpened shovel neatly remove the turf so that the edges are not torn. The resulting strip of a depth of 10 cm is filled with sand.
  3. The material selected for construction is placed on a carefully tumped pillow of sand.

A rock

Stone paths are suitable for any garden landscape. The stone is selected so that one of its sides is as flat as possible.

  1. The depth of the strip is made 20 cm.
  2. A sandy pillow is satisfied in the prepared strip on which a stone is put on.
  3. The seams are filled with conventional sand and water water. If necessary (sand snaps), the submail procedure is repeated until the aggregator is flushed with the stone surface.

Spiel brica

  1. Pre-prepare wooden sleeves, a thickness of at least 10 cm.
  2. To protect against moisture, double impregnation of boiling olifa is made.
  3. Polyethylene film is laid on the sand pillow. It will protect the wooden parts from rotting in contact with the ground.
  4. Prepared wooden elements are stacked on the pillow, and the gaps between them fall asleep with sand, fine crushed stone or gravel.


Laming - excellent durable material for creating garden tracks. It is not afraid of temperature drops, moisture, withstands heavy loads. The sequence of laying paving slaves is as follows:

  1. drop the strip of a depth of 20 cm;
  2. on the sandy pillow to put a paving slave. At the edges of the track, install borders;
  3. the paving can be laid in different ways - by oblique, with ligation, squares offset relative to each other, etc.


Reliable and durable paths from concrete. They do this:

  1. In the prepared trench, small stones are stacked by the first layer and poured with cement mortar. If you wish to have a path towering over the soil, mount the formwork and pour into it a solution.
  2. Concrete can be decorated with mosaic, pieces of stained glass, natural beautiful stones. To do this, they should be pressed into a non-frozen solution.
Note! Concrete strength depends on the cement brand.


Perfectly look at the country's cottage tracks from clinker bricks. It is more expensive than red, but there is more reliability and durability. Bricks can be uploading a different regular pattern, it will make the track more expressive. You can lay on a solution and a sandy pillow. If brick is used as a curb, then the use of the solution is necessary.


If you need to make a long and winding path, and the budget is limited, make it from gravel. This is the most democratic option for the price. Such a track will not differ in durability and the ability to withstand heavy loads, but perfectly suitable for pedestrian walks.

Note! To limit the "spreading" of gravel on the parties, borders are installed. For gravel paths, additional care will be required - the removal of weeds and periodic gravel rack.

Regardless of the selected path of the track, the garden plot will undoubtedly transform and will become much more comfortable.


Without country tracks, it is impossible to imagine a country site: they not only associate a house with the rest of the objects, but also perform an important decorative function. Choosing the right material, you can create a harmonious picture in a single style, while building the tracks in the country with your own hands - turn a few acres into a unique and comfortable territory.

The main reason for dividing country paths and tracks on species is the material from which they are built. Its variety allows you to choose the best option for landscaping.

Natural beauty is distinguished by natural stone, but the price is high enough.

Natural stone is ideal for the construction of curved shape tracks: stone elements are located in chaotic order, so it is easy to make smooth bends

To improve the territory in the rustic style, a tree is perfect.

Natural factory on wood spiles depends on the tree of wood, but an interesting effect can be achieved using also special impregnation and varnishes.

Brick is a wonderful material, especially if the house is also built from it.

For the device of garden tracks, an ordinary full-length construction brick is not suitable, it is better to use special paving species that are not afraid of water and frost

For a long time, the paving slabs or a paving slave will be true.

Using a blocking of different colors, as well as a specific laying scheme, you can create an amazing original drawing, suitable for your garden

Simple and inexpensive trails from Gravel are also appropriate in the garden.

Gravel is good not near the well-maintained area around the house, and in the garden or near the stream - it is better combined with wildlife

Concrete can be used to create unique road tiles.

In building stores, you can purchase special plastic forms that serve for the manufacture of road concrete elements with their own hands.

Combining materials, it is easy to achieve a style matching tracks by environmental and artificial objects.

You can combine absolutely different materials: natural stone and multicolored gravel, wooden boards and river pebbles, brick and concrete

Location of tracks taking into account the landscape and climate

The tracks are the same important strategic part of the countryside, like a house, a garage or a bath, so you need to think about the construction of buildings and utility rooms. For convenience, it is better to make a scheme, drawing it out of hand or using a computer-designer program. Deciding important points, it is necessary to connect them with ways - straight or curved, depending on the terrain.

It is better if all objects will be present in the diagram, including the garden, garden, greenhouses, baths, gazebos - tracks are a binding element between them. Material for the construction of pathways should be combined with buildings and surrounding decor elements.

The tracks in the country area do not have to be the same: perfectly combined solid and step-by-step, straight and curved options

By constituting the scheme or plan of the site, one can designate which plants and shrubs will be planted - this will help when choosing a material for the construction of tracks

If the rains often fall in your area, it is necessary to consider the drainage system and at the edges of the roads to pull out plums so that water does not occur. Performing the construction of summer paths with their own hands, remember: freezing, water will spoil the material - wood, brick, concrete. Near coatings should not grow powerful trees as their root system will easily break the integrity of the roads.

Than more prior planning, the brighter the picture of the future country landscape will designate and the easier it is to come to the selection of design elements.

Place the 3 best budget options

The owners of villas and luxurious cottages are likely to not mess with sand and stones, and the famous landscape designer and the team of specialists will be invited. One who independently deals with the arrangement of the garden, perfectly knows that, for the construction of original and comfortable tracks, it is not necessary to use an expensive natural stone or a collectible paving. Therefore, we consider three options for creating tracks from affordable and inexpensive materials: cement, brick and wood. Be sure the result will surprise you!

Option # 1 - Trail from cement leaves

Lovers of short-sided lawns do not exchange silky green herbs on thick thickets of shrubs or flower bed, and even more so they give up the track crossing the luxurious carpet in front of the house. But there is a tricky option, in which you can preserve the integrity of the lawn and at the same time arrange a kind of path, which allows crossing herbal coating directly.

Decorative concrete leaves are just an option that can be replaced by other elements: human trails, geometric shapes, animal silhouettes

For the construction of wonderful paths, the usual and plant will be required, which can be found somewhere nearby, - burdock, or rather, his big leaves.

The leopa leaves can be replaced by any other, most importantly, they are big. As an option - the use of several differentifactive leaves

In a small container, we knead the solution according to the instructions and lay the thick mass on the large sheet of the burdock. What is not a form for fill?

Make sure that the cement solution has the necessary consistency: too thick is nervously lying, and the liquid will not save the form

After the sand-cement mixture completely grabbed, remove the sheet. We get the original decorative tile - the main element of the track.

As you can see, nature was the best decorator artist - a decorative leaflet with a natural pattern will not break the harmony of lawn or garden

It remains to prepare a place for laying. With the help of a scoop or a small blade, carefully remove a piece of turf so that a shameless fossa is formed.

The advantage of a step-by-step track device for the lawn is the absence of a special tool: for example, for the device of the fossa, a children's symptom

We lake the tile in the prepared nest, then act likewise with the rest of the elements. The track is light, air, harmoniously complementing the lawn. For beautiful decorative leafs, walk pleasant and safely even in rainy weather.

Option # 2 - Durable brick track

Brick - universal material. You can not think about how to make a path in the country, if there is a necessary amount of solid material at hand, as if specifically created for the construction of reliable coatings. His advantage is that it is ideal for almost any country style. Red bricks, like gray, amazingly look at the building of the building from a similar material, are perfectly combined with wood, harmoniously fit into the natural environment. One advice is to use only special, paving material.

The advantages of brick are obvious: it is durable, serves dozens of years, it is easily stacked, not slipping even in the rain, has aesthetic value

The main stages of construction:

  • Defining borders and extraction of soil.
  • Preparation of sandy gravel base.
  • Filling with emptiness sand.

The width of the trench depends on the size of the brick and the pattern, which will be posted on them. The minimum width of the track is 0.9 m. We define the boundaries and refer to their splies with a stretched construction cord. We take out the turf and pull out a shallow trench. It must be strengthened by boards - they will serve as an additional focus on the border in the next two years. Then they can be reached, and the grooves fall asleep with gravel crumbs or pebbles.

The base under the brick consists of two layers. Lower - gravel and sand of a large fraction. After frustration, the gravel mixture must be evenly distributed over the entire length of the track and tamper.

Determine the depth of the trench for laying a brick track simply: it is necessary to fold the thickness of both layers of the base and the size of the brick

The rambling of the gravel layer is obligatory: loose material will provoke the movement of the rest of the layers and as a result destroy the brick surface

The upper layer consists of one sand. Running it along the track, while at the same time press the layer to become quite dense. It is better to ram the segments of 20-30 cm, so the base will be better.

By making a sandy backing, it is necessary to align the surface: to pull a special device, at the same time pressed on it, so that the sand is the dense layer

The next step is to lay bricks along the boards. Turn a small hole before laying each element, then put a brick in it and adjust its position using a wooden hammer. Products put on the end will play the role of the border.

To "scoring" bricks in the sand better use a special rubber hammer: metal or even a wooden can damage the structure of the material

Given the drawing of the styling, fill the distance between the borders of bricks, easily inserting them into the sand and checking on the level regularly.

Focusing on a concrete element, do not forget about the integrity of the track: regularly check the horizontal location of bricks using the level

The last stage - filling with sand gaps between bricks. Gently pour sand until it is equal to the level of bricks. Pour the track and repeat the last operation. In the next few days, you can adjust the position of the bricks.

Equally distribute sand will help an ordinary cleaning brush: with its help you can easily move sand over the surface and push it between bricks

Option # 3 - Using wooden sleeps

If you compare a tree with a stone, then it will certainly lose: the wood does not differ in durability and strength of granite or marble. However, when the device of garden tracks, the elements of it seem to be used in the country. Woodwear when compliance with the laying technology are excellent "bricks" to create a decorative rustic style path.

Choosing Woodwear, you kill two hares: "add" unnecessary cut trees and decorate the territory of a beautiful and practical track

Old tree can be found directly at the cottage or in the near forest. The trunk is cut into small segments - from 10 to 20 cm thick. Thick bumps will be useful - small buzzles are suitable for decorating the site or the edges of the track.

There are several variants of the device of the garden track from the sleeps: in one use flat parts, in the other - in the form of hemp

At the planned area, remove the layer of the turf and pull out a shallow trench.

Removing the soil when digging trenches, do not take it outside the dacha: it will be useful to fill the path of the track, and the remains can be used for a vegetable garden or a flower bed

The bottom of the trenches fall asleep sand, sufficiently layer at 5 cm. We are tamped and align.

Drill hemps spread along the track: it is easier to imagine how much they need them, and in the future it is easier to use when laying

On the prepared base, layout Spike. Taking advantage of the level, give them a horizontal position, a wooden sledgehammer or a big hammer is perfect for it. In some places voids are formed - they can be filled with small solishes.

Placeing large elements, do not worry about a large number of emptiness that remain between them: they are easy to fill in small hemps, gravel or pebbles

Clauses between wooden elements fall asleep sand or earth. In the spring, they can be placed lawn grass or small flowers - so the track will look more artistically.

To determine how to lay out beautiful decorative tracks in the country, just look around. Do not be afraid to use your own technological secrets and designer solutions - then the country area will become really unique.