Doming fox nora. Fox Nora (laid house, dugout)

Samama is a composite material, a mixture of earth, clay, sand, straw and water, stacked manually during the construction of monolithic earth walls. Does not require forms, cement, rambling, equipment. ADOB is an earthy blocks dried in the sun. The term refers to both the material and the construction methodology. The word "saman" comes from the Staroangalian root, meaning "com or rounded mass." This term applies to both the material and the homes made from it, as well as to the traditional construction method used in Europe and in other rainy, cold and windy countries, up to the latitude of Alaska.

Samama is one of many construction methods from raw land - the most common building material throughout the world.
There is a lightweight self (straw, moistened with liquid clay fluid) and a heavy saman (blend of sand, clay and straw).

Making lung Samana

The essence is that in the bath (pit, capacity) the clay with water is soaked, in such proportions so that the clay milk or the bolt can be obtained - a rather liquid clay solution. A straw is thrown there, rushes in solution from a minute to several (there is an opinion - no more than a minute so that the straw does not have soaked with water). Then the straw from the solution leans on the tray where it is allowed to drain from excess water. Meanwhile, the wall that will be stamped by straw, mobile formwork is formed. Further, this straw is stalled into the formwork, where it is trambed with a brush or a board (can and hands / legs, someone is convenient in general, the main thing is good to raise, and there will have to rub a lot, so take care of the convenience of tools). The clay coating on straw stems provides a reliable fiber connection when the straw is pressed into the walls. After the wall is slightly "grabble", the formwork moves and pinch the following framework.

Since such material, in contrast to the traditional Saman, cannot be carrier, then it is just a wall filler, and the carrier is the frame of the future at home, ideally double. And the straw should be rice or rye, otherwise such a house is injected by rodents.

Houses from Saman have a number of undeniable advantages:

1. High heat insulation. Buildings from this material do not require additional heating in winter and delay the coolness in the summer. Thus, the practical method is that heat or cold is seeded through massive walls at a speed of 2.5 cm per hour. Therefore, on hot days, the walls of the structure accumulate warmly, and at night they return it back. Samama is beneficial to use for houses with sun collectors. In localities with aggressive cold winds, build houses of the streamlined form are built. Thanks to this design, you can reduce the level of heat and cold air.

2. The walls of the saman house almost do not miss the noise from the automotive and railways, the take-off stripes.

3. The fireproof of the Samana makes it possible to apply it in construction in fire-hazardous areas. The authorities of such regions require a clay or land when building the roof. Thus, it is possible to protect the entire structure from ignition.

4. Clay hygroscopicity provides stable air humidity indoor.

5. Ecology. All materials that are used for the construction of samanny houses - only natural origin.

6. Cheapness and accessibility. Samama does not require fuel for firing, and its source material lies almost everywhere.

7. High strength of houses is proven by centenary and even thousand-year buildings.

8. Samama is safe for beginner builders. While you do not need to use special tools, equipment and chemicals, all materials are familiar, and they cannot be spoiled.

9. Such material allows you to build any home, even with the most bold modern design.

10. For construction from Saman, there are no special skills. In addition, you can easily learn "along the course of the case." Of course, if there is no experience in construction at all, it is better to preach first on a shed or bath.

Here is an overview of beautiful houses from Samana:

Disadvantages of light self. Some are becoming more or less critical depending on the region of application.

1. Requires the existence of a carcass of the future at home, because Lightweight saman is only a filler and insulation of the walls, unlike other saman materials;

2. takes time for drying walls open on both sides! (This is important, because a traction is created through the wall, and the wall breathes, while driving. There were cases when lightweight saman was used as an external insulation of walls, isolated from the lowest material, such as aerated concrete. In this case, there is a risk of attenuation of straw due to insufficient output moisture.) i.e. We derive the rule - if we use a lightweight saman, then we will be erected first the walls from it, and after drying are covered with plaster, panels, and so on. And not secure the panel to the frame, and then fill with a light one. This is a common mistake! Based on what has been said, such a material is more suited to the southern regions. Lightweight Saman - Error

3. Such a method does not allow to build thick walls (30-40 cm or more) due to the fact that they may not have time to dry before the debate process (and reload) will begin inside the wall. So drying must be carried out as quickly as possible (which is also in favor of the construction method for the southern regions).
From heavy self-made, you can "blind" the house, just as they make a bump from clay, and you can use saman blocks. In essence, the same Saman, only molded in advance and dried in the sun. From such a molded Samana, then the walls of the house, laying it as ordinary brick.

The manifold unit can be easily made by himself, it is enough to bring to a special form and summer sultry days so that he can dry, after which it is immediately allowed.

In addition to the video, why some ekostroids do not build houses from the lung Saman.

Disadvantages of heavy saman. Ideal building materials (as well as nothing perfect in our world) No, and Samama also has its own minuses:

1. Blocks from the saman are not distinguished by the highest hydrostability. To remove such a flaw in the finished building you need to carry out additional work on plastering or at least whitening the substance of the lime of external walls. It will help protect the room from precipitation.

2. If you acquire saman bricks or blocks with a huge content of organic aggregates, then be prepared for the fact that there will be uninvited guests in the form of different insects or even more terrible - the mice. Such material parallel becomes the least fireproof. Again, due to the growth of the organic mass, which perfectly flares.

3. Ready-only built house should stand and dry out for a long time. This is typically for states with temperate climates. There are no such difficulties in hot countries. If the house does not give such an ability, then the materials may not gain complete strength, and the organic filler is capable of even facing. As a result, the local climate in the room will not be so pleasant as you waited. Because the housewarming you can fix it in such a house.

4. Construction from Samana has limitations depending on the time of year. It is best to build saman houses in the summer, in hot weather (the reason is clear from the above-mention). In frosting cool weather, such construction is hampered, and if it is conducted, it is asking for the presence in water, which mixes the composition, alkalis or at least salt.

5. Not enough compacted walls from the samana over time will give a huge linear shrinkage. Its dimensions are capable of reaching 1/20 part of the height of the wall.

6. The so-called heavy self (with a low content of organic fillers) asks for additional measures to insulate the room. In this case, it is better to use extruded grass, which is later plastered by clay or clay-limestone.

An example of the construction of a house of monolithic samana in the settlement of Merryal Slobodka, Chepuryshkinsky estate, 2011:

House of Bags with Earth (Earthbag)

The walls are made of bags with a pressed clay, Suglink, Earth. The technology is widely used in the Middle East. Outside, you can plaster, paint, or cling to shield structures, boards, or stalking the earth, as in the first version.

In the eighties of the last century, fashion came to the samanny houses. Earth construction enthusiasts went to England, where the sacred houses built 500 years ago were preserved and, despite their old age, are still used.

An example of the British so inspired the Americans that they began not only to build, but also to develop new methods of saman construction. The product of such an increased interest was Cal-Earth, the Institute in Southern California, which is engaged in developing and teaching the construction system from the Earth. His founder and leader was the American architect of Iranian origin Nadher Khalili.

The most noticeable development of the institute was the technology of Earthbags, or "Supersaman". Actually, Earthbags are bags filled with land, of which it can be defined in a certain way. Instead of bags, tubes are sometimes used. Build this method is very easy and much faster than from the traditional Samana. The only thing that can confuse the builder is the straight walls of this technology to build much more difficult than curvilinear or dome-shaped.

The house from the earth bags is a way out when housing needs and no money for construction. With all the cheapness, such houses are quite strong and durable.

Walls from bags are plastered, whitewash, paint, which gives such houses aesthetic and original appearance. Bags with Earth allow you to embody any forms of the house and domed ceilings, which eliminates the need to overlap the roofs. Even strong showers do not weaken the bathed of such houses, although many simply pull the dome of an ordinary film.

Advantages of houses from ground bags:

1. Low price building. The soil is used - the material that literally lies under the legs. Also, they use ordinary bags that are simply gaining in dumps, or buy in stores, the price of such bags of small, in the stores there are many bags accumulating after unpacking the goods. The same bags are bought at the enterprises of the packaging. With large volumes, construction is buying whole rolls of the bag tissue, which goes to the packaging of raw materials in enterprises.

2. Easy construction.

3. Relatively fast construction

4. Ecology.

5. Unlike ordinary saming structures, they can be put in areas poured by flood waters. After all, the ground bags are traditionally used to combat floods and setting dams.

6. Strength and durability of houses from the bags with the Earth. The round shape of houses from bags balances external load in all directions. In addition, the load perceived by the dome creates normal membrane voltages in it with the effect of bending at relatively small areas of the surface. Naturally, the house building from the bags with their own hands does not always have an ideal form, but the magic is that the dome, even not perfect, is still quite reliable. Hali's himself argues that a traditional square house with vertical walls is almost doomed once to fall, and with the arch (domes) can never happen anything. In addition, cement is sometimes added to strengthen the construction into the soil mixture.

Another technology developed by the architect is houses from burned clay. The dome house is laid out of water, land and clay, dried and burned in about the same way as a ceramic pot.

Disadvantages of construction from ground bags:

1. Construction of bags with land is very laborious (albeit less labor-intensive than the construction of heavy saman) and physically severe process, since bags weigh quite a lot. When building a structure from bags from the earth, it is almost impossible to cope with one, since the weight of one bag is about 120 kg. Therefore, either a crane is used or several people work.

2. It is almost impossible to build two-storey and wide buildings. However, these shortcomings are easily eliminated by the construction of additional companies next to the main and connecting their corridors.

3. The main enemy of technology is rain and dampness. The whole design may be landslide if we neglect shtacking. In very raw districts, the construction of the roof over the house from the bags must.

4. Bags made of propylene are afraid of active solar radiation, so either providing the protection of the structure during construction, or build the building very quickly. Ideally, of course it is better to use bags of natural materials.

5. Build from earth bags better when you already live on Earth, and when there are already a circle of like-minded people around you, which can help you in construction

6. The departures on the weekend to build a house from the ground bags for a very long time and inappropriate (more time goes to ensure household needs and arrangement of a temporary tent camp for living).

Here are a few videos about the construction of houses from the ground bags:

House "Fox Nora" (Bloomed Dwelling)

"Foxy burrow"- House embedded in the hill or laid land and looking like a separate hill. You can sing the hill with flowers, plant shrubs, grapes, etc. Please do not confuse this building with dugout, as this is not the same. "Fox Nora" is an earthen hill. Depending on the wishes of the owner, it can be constructed with any blowjob or in general at the level of the usual home.

If the angle of inclination of the walls is 45 degrees, then it practically does not create a shadow, because The angle of summer solstice on the latitude of Moscow approximately this is equal. An insignificant shadow is created in the morning and evening hours from the West and the East of the construction.

House "Fox Nora", built in Mexico:

Advantages of the house "Fox Nora"

1. Ecology.

2. The rate of construction.

3. Cheap construction. Earth - the cheapest building material is free. For overlaps, you can use a rounder and unedged board.

4. The house almost does not occupy space. Earth embankment at home can be used under landing from all sides and from above (strawberry, raspberries, shrubs, flower beds, etc.). It is even possible to plant small trees while complying with certain conditions, which, in general, creates unlimited possibilities when making an external design of your structure and quick and cheap changes in your desire. Imagine: House-flowerba, he can be different every year. That is where an unpacious field for fantasy.

5. Reliability of the folded house. Before every year it becomes stronger, because every year the earth is more compacted, and the roots of herbs and shrubs so fasten the surface layer, that even remove all internal supports, it will still keep yourself. Go to a nonpauger meadow. After all, all his space is insisted by the holes of moles, mice, worms, but the earth is not falling under you. Do not be afraid of the penetration of the root system of plants into the house, there is a simple defense ...

6. Internal climate. In winter, such a house becomes still warm, as it is covered with snow blankets, and the snow load does not create additional weight due to the freezing of the upper earthen layer. An example of this is ice on rivers. Inside such a house, at any external temperatures, a plus temperature remains, even without heating, from which it follows that the construction of the structure requires a minimum of energy costs. The walls always breathe it. Summer is cool. Residents of foxes spend really less than firewood (at -30 ° C heads 1 time per day) than their neighbors in the fires. They can leave for a few days and do not coat without risk to freeze the dwelling.

With proper ventilation, it does not happen in it, but there is no such dryness that happens in the apartments in winter time, and humidity and cold, when it turns off the heat, which is mainly the cause of damage to furniture, referring wallpaper and clothing, cracks in the walls , jamming and drying doors and windows.

The inner finish of the house can be made from any materials, even from wood, as there are cheap well forgotten ways to protect it from external conditions. You can also make the walls inside the girlfriend: clay, Iva, reed, straw, rogoz, wild stone, etc.

7. Unusual appearance. The unusualness of the appearance - the argument is of course weighty, but let's look around and ask yourself, which is more pleasant to see: a house with swinging walls or a broken plaster, written by "wonderful" inscriptions, with a dilapidated roof, etc. or color flowerbed, or a neat lawn, or a dwarf garden with pergola or a gazebo, seized grapes, hop, etc. Of course, a beautifully made facade of the house with a fashionable architecture is also a pleasant sight, but for a long time? After all, the fashion for architectural styles is changing so quickly, some 20-30 years old and the style is obsolete. Try to change the facade of a stone or wooden structure ... and the same time makes destruction, and with them and care for restoration. Another thing is Alpine slide, or flower garden, or lawn. It can be changed at your discretion at least every year, and small trees or shrubs with a creeping root system (juniper, lilac, jasmine, Christmas trees, etc.) on the background of the hill will create a steady landscape.

8. No appropriate construction permit (advantage for those who are afraid of guests from the land committee). Although in Ukraine, for sure, its specificity.

9. Also among the advantages of "fox holes" it can be noted that such a house cannot be "to" disassemble, to squeeze, paint, etc.

10. Low costs (almost no expenses) to maintain the house, since the facade is reduced to a minimum, and the roof is closed, they do not need to be repaired every year.

Disadvantages of the house "Fox Nora":

1. Earth, like reinforced concrete slabs, has shielding properties, that is, it is an obstacle to natural cosmic radiation. People sensitive to fine energy feel it as internal discomfort. Therefore, such people are better to build wooden houses that are permeable to radiation;

2. Lack of opportunity to look out the window, the desire to be on top of the Earth is also serious psychological factors.

Houses from firewood (Glinocurka, Fleet, Cordwood)

- The construction masonry method used in the eco-building, in which dry chocks or lamps, purified from the cortex, are stacked by the walls together with cement mortar or clay sometimes with the addition of straw (in the construction of grinding walls) or needles.

The wall is erected in such a way that the edges of the flights protrude from it by 2-3 cm. Thickness reaches in a cold climate, an average of 40-60 cm, sometimes 90 cm.

The tree is usually 40-60% of the total volume of the wall, and the rest is the solution and insulating filler. There are two types of construction: through and lime-insulating.

The end-to-end method assumes that the building mixture contains insulating material, usually sawdust, crushed paper, newspapers in the proportion of 80% filler by 20% solution.

With a lime-insulating method, in contrast to through and brick masonry, the solution is not laid on the entire depth of the wall. It is clamped by 5-10 cm from the outer and inside of the wall, ensuring the stability of the connection, and the insulating material remains in the middle.

The advantages of building houses from firewood:

1. Low cost of building at home itself. Drinking materials can be used - dry wood, clay.

2. Beautiful energy-saving indicators - the house is extremely warm. At home, they calmly withstand extreme Yakut winters with temperatures below -50 ° C, and in the summer and in the offseason perfectly preserved microclimate even at daily oscillations from + 42 ° afternoon to 0 ° - 2 ° C at night.

3. These houses are not lit and they are long-livers: some of them are more than 200 years! The walls of houses from Globurki are not inferior to a brickwork for a cement basis. Houses from firewood can be built not only single-storey, but also raise a house in 2-3 floors.

4. Clay and wood - the best friends. They have similar capture of moisture and its return. The tree transmits the structure, and the clay solves the problem of the microclimate: in the summer in such a house is cool, and in winter warmth. There is no extra humidity, because the walls instantly absorb her and slowly give.

5. House from Globurok can be built any form. Open space for fantasy.

6. No difficult foundation is required. The house is relatively lightweight, compared with the brick house, for example.

7. The house is built without special skills in construction business.

8. An unusual decorative appearance, especially when the house is not trimmed, and firewood is not closed. The house resembles a masonry from a natural stone, which cannot but rejoice.

Cons of houses from Globurki:

1. You need to build only from well-dried chocks. That is, they need to prepare for a year or two before the start of construction. Otherwise, the lamps will dry, being already in the wall, and this will entail the formation of through cracks around them.

2. You can build a house using dry trees from the nearest forest. Of these, it is possible to build immediately because they are already dry. But what does it entail? Sustained in nature is the deprived of the energy of life a tree that should have dried, fall and chain, giving food, shelter and food for the forest community. That is, it is initially rotten, and they never built at home out of the dry. The house of such chocks will not last and 10 years. The ends will instantly respond to the change in environmental conditions, and absorb, like a sponge, moisture from the air and dry at high temperatures. All this will destroy them.

3. If you build a house from grinurok, then from more dense tree breeds, such as oak (?). But again here is a nuance: because of its big density, oak chocks will dry for a long time and unevenly, as a result, almost 100% of the hemp will give a longitudinal-radial crack, which it will be impossible to close in any way. The whole house will resemble moves for flies, ants, wind and cold outside, and heat from the inside. But here there is an option to cut round whole lamps into several small parts. In any case, it is necessary to approach the choice of wood breed.

4. Washer freezing along the fibers 4-5 times more than across. This means that if there is a sufficient wall thickness for a chopped house - 15 cm (for the Yaroslavl region), then for such a house it will take 60-75 cm. It is worth paying for special attention.

Construction of a round galloon house in North Wales:

House of straw blocks (bales).

Bales are cooked clay and they become refractory.

The straw block is a rectangular bale of various sizes from the stalks of plants held together by two or three wires or blasting, and weighing 18 ... 43 kg.

Such bales consist, usually, of straw (dry, dead stems, remaining after extracting grain from the collected crop of the cereal).

This is an annually renewable cheap by-product of grain production.

For construction, bale should be very dry, without a grain, well compacted, consistent, in size and shape, and have a length - twice as much width.
If you directly work with the manufacturer, you can get bales approaching your characteristics to ideal.

Such blocks, being laid in the wall, will form the right dressing.

Straw Round House Evgenia Ivanovich Wistlish in Belarus:

Advantages of a straw house:

1. Oddly enough, the house of straw is very difficult to set fire. Despite the fact that the heap of dry straw flashes like a gunpowder, a pressed straw block still need to be easy. The fact is that a well-pressed construction block is only charred, but does not burn. And if you consider the fact that the walls of the future structure will also be plastered, then set fire to the straw housing will be much more difficult than the house from the bar.

2. The cost of the straw block is indecently low, significantly lower. Raw materials for the production of straw blocks are more than enough, it is inexpensive, and in some cases is given to the gift.

3. Thermal conductivity of straw is low - 0.050-0.065 W / MK, while the tree (the nearest competitor) is 0.09-0.18 W / MK, the brick is 0.2-0.7 W / MK. The average power consumption of the straw house usually does not exceed 35-40 kVH / m2 per year.

4. The lowest construction of the house is another advantage of the straw house. A light foundation is needed, as a rule, a columnar is satisfied. Walls from blocks are raised quickly, without special equipment and specialists. The solution is not required, fastening blocks.

5. Engineering of the construction of walls from straw blocks is so simple that almost any person can master it, and in a very short time. This makes it possible to independently perform the main scope of work without resorting to hiring qualified workers.

6. Ecology. In such a house you will be alone from nature, as if in a haystack, only much more comfortable.

Disadvantages of the house of straw blocks:

1. Rodents.

2. If the moisture content of the straw exceeds the figure of 18-20%, then rot, rot and mold may appear.

But it is solved, because it is difficult to call their disadvantages. To solve these two problems, they are applied as follows: the blocks are pressed to a density of 250-300 kg / m3, and lime add to the solution. In addition, when laying the walls, the blocks wake up harated lime. But keep in mind increasing the density of the block, you also increase its weight.

House of wood (log house)

An example of construction of houses from straw blocks in Germany:

- This is a system of walls, which consists of related horizontally laid logs.

Advantages of wood houses (cutters):

1. Short construction time.

2. Construction strength.

3. The log house does not need a mandatory internal and external finish.

4. Tree - live material. Gives a person extra energy. It has a positive effect on the nervous system.

5. Because of its lightness, the house can be installed: a simple columnar, tape or small-breeding belt base and not necessarily, install a road and massive foundation.

6. If we talk about humidity, in such a house it is not necessary to install additional devices for regulation of humidity and air conditioning. The walls are perfectly coping with this feature, sending all the extra moisture through themselves, thereby creating a comfortable atmosphere. And in such houses a very good sound isolation.

Disadvantages of wood houses (cutters):

1. A more expensive method of construction compared to the above listed (unless of course you will not use for the construction of a Darm forest).

2. Less eco-friendly than the above construction methods, as it implies cutting down of trees that grow decades.

3. Pretty long period of shrinkage, constituting from 1 to 3 years, which does not allow immediately with the completion of construction to move to finishing work.
In addition, during the construction of a bedroom house, additional funds may be needed on the insulation of the seams and the elimination of the gloves.

4. Low refractory and exposure of moisture and insect are another minus log cabins.
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I will warm up a copyupist, I liked the article painfully.
Our settlement is really glorified with its foxes. And even besides the "official" name, Rodnikas proposed the options of Lisenorsk and Norouralsk. But we can boast rather the number of holes rather than the creative originality of projects (although in the future I am convinced of the Norokophalters - I will show the wonders of architecture. The projects of 8-faceted and round foxes are already being laced. So it has developed historically that the three inhabited holes were built in with the aim of obtaining a ready-made home as soon as possible, spending small means.
In addition to these 3 inhabited sleepers (Nina Ivanovna Fetkulova, Nadi Rubatova, Tanya Womarochova) are 2 already covered, but without interior decoration and without stove, and (Volodya Simakhin and Andrei Beloborodova) Another 1 small (2.5x2.5 m) adapted Under the summer house (Okulovsky). In the next couple of years, at least 4 families promise to build themselves foxed holes.

Such popularity is associated with the advantages of such a dwelling:
1. The rate of construction. One of the holes (Nadi Rubatova) was in 2 weeks from scratch (pits, digging by the excavator) brought to a residential condition (with a stove and interior trim), of which 3 days left for the construction of the frame, the trim and frustration. Of course, with the help of neighbors.
2. Cheapness. We have in almost all projects the main materials - rounding and unedged board.
3. Low repair costs. Since the facade is reduced to a minimum, and the roof is closed by the earth, they should not be repaired.
4. Internal climate. In winter, the navorians spend really less than firewood (at -30 drown 1 time per day) than their neighbors in the fires. They can leave for a few days and do not coat without risk to freeze the dwelling (although in practice we still trample a friend of the stoves in the absence of owners). In the summer a pleasant coolness in the house.
5. No appropriate building permit (advantage for those who are afraid of guests from the land committee). Although in Ukraine, for sure, its specificity.

Fox flaws:
1. Earth, like reinforced concrete slabs, has shielding properties, that is, it is an obstacle to natural cosmic radiation. People sensitive to fine energy feel it as internal discomfort. Therefore, such people are better to build wooden houses that are permeable to radiation.
2. Lack of opportunity to look out the window, the desire to be on top of the Earth is also serious psychological factors.
For me personally, these 2 disadvantages are very significant. Therefore, I myself live in Srub. According to the same, apparently, the reasons are the inhabitants of all three inhabited holes dream of moving to the surface. While settlers who do not have any housing in the estate are dreaming of foxes.

The oldest Nora (Nina's house Ivanovna Fetkulova) was built in 2004, the other two in 2006. Flood from 0.5 m to 1 m. The experiment was a success: the owners are generally satisfied with their homes.

About waterproofing. We have in all 5 cases (except for the Summer Micronorca Okulovsky, I don't know about it) Ruberoid or bikrost was used. It was placed under the bottom strapping (it was almost all, except Volodya Simakhin, lies on Earth, and he has on bricks), they also crossed the walls of the walls from the outside. To be honest, this option does not really like it: it prevents the natural balance of humidity between the Earth and the house (on the theory of the sublighted soil itself regulates humidity and supports it at an optimal level). But I don't know other options. Maybe plastering the walls outside the clay, dry and fall asleep? Clay stucco protects the tree from rotting.
The humidity in the room, probably depends on the type of soil and depth of groundwater. We have loams, water for 5..7 m. Experience shows that dampness does not arise in heated fox. Only Tanya Skomarokhova collided with the problem of dampness: her cellar was attached to the hole, and from there through the door damp and pulls. It also seen the wetting of the ceiling in the corner and disaggregated the boards: there, probably, the backfilling is insufficient and rubberoid is damaged somewhere. Or maybe condensate? It may well appear on the rubberoid on the side of the boards, if the room is wet from the cellar.
Tanya was also the only one whose Nora suffered from the load of the Earth. After the year of operation, the skating beam gave a noticeable crack, and I had to stop her column in the center of the house. The length of the beam is 4 m, the diameter is about 16-18 cm, in the scene a large bitch. It must be said that the logs were used from the boring, which also affected the strength. (Nadi a scar bike beam with exactly the same characteristics is maintained). Conclusions Such: Use logs to bother and with a minimum of bitch. And, most importantly, leaving rafters into each other to redistribute the load on the walls. At the same time it is worth paying attention to the quality of the upper strapping of walls. Although, according to our typical project, numerous wall boards (perpendicular skate), as well as the soil itself must protect the walls (parallel skates) from destroying.
I must say, Tanina Nora is generally a phenomenon. There we built our same settlers, but the work was organized badly, no one knew the project. Deli, you can say, at random. Now I look and surprise: the distance between the rafters is 133 cm and the doomle is made of an inch (!). The inches rushed under the weight of the earth, but keeps! Of course, all other rules are constructed more reasonably.
You ask about the racks. Everything is alright with them! They will not go anywhere.

Different smart people advised ventilation through two vertical pipes. Nevertheless, it has not been implemented anywhere, and no one has suffered from it yet. Although it is possible that it would be even better with her, including in such "clinical" cases, like Tanya Wozroichova.
Windows in all of our nera from the facade, and the facade from one of the frontones.
Even in two Norahs (Nadi Rubatova and Nina Ivanovna) made ceiling windows. Before installing the first, we argued for a long time: is it worth it? The fears about the lakes of condensate, about the flush of the rainwater under the glass, under the frame, about the city, breaking the glass, that in winter it will notice everything ... did - and saw: standing !!! There was no water flowing, dear, too, did not damage (the top glass tempered), the snow does not cause inconvenience and easily cleaned. True, a little condensate Nadi was still. But it did not overshadow satisfaction from the window: bright, but soft, nice scattered light from above lights the house up to the sunset.
On the second window (Nina Ivanovna), the condensate was noticed.

I bring a typical project for which the three-mentioned living holes were built (the other 3, headed under the roof, are also very similar on the project). True, only the initial stage drew. Further will understand the description. We have sizes from 2.5x2.5 to 4x4.

1. The pit is digging more in size than the planned Nora. For the hole 4x4, they dug a pit 5x5 m. Blowing on our average 1.5 m.
2. Ruberoid is placed on the bottom of the future frame.
3. On the rubberoid put 4 logs of the lower strapping, we connect them to Poledev, align in terms of level (you can with some error), caught up to the equality of diagonals and fix the brackets. As an option, you can put lower strapping on bricks. In our area, the main soil - loam, so it can be considered a trusty, and deeply pillars do not burn.
4. At the corners of the bottom strapping, we install 4 posts (length \u003d 180..200 cm): For a good fit, it is peredalized either logs of strapping or pillars. Of course, we will recall on the plumb. We fix temporary shapes, from the porridge, for example (not shown in the figure).
5. Install in the middle of the parties A and C central poles (length 250..300 cm). We fasten them with a hill with angular columns.
6. Installions and beams. It is recommended to take longer than the parties b and D on the project to provide a canopy from the facade.
7. Install rafters. In our projects, they rely on horseback, but it is probably better to rest them in each other. The distance between the rafters is 80..100 cm. When using a canopy from the facade, it is necessary that one pair of rafters is just above the logs and columns of the side A.
8. Intermediate pillars are crashed on each side. In the 4x4 project, we had 2 of them on each side.
9. Walls of the resulting frame are trimmed outside by boards (25 mm) and rubberoid. The facade wall must be insulated additionally.
10. The shapper is hampering and placed rubberoid. We have a doomlet 25..30 mm, but it is better to make it thoroughly, or raftered more often.
11. Well, there, windows, doors and all that. Then the interior decoration.

That's all.

Design and construction of beugoned housing is currently developing rapid rates, as it is one of the ways to reduce the dependence of residential buildings from continuous supply of fuel. It was previously believed that mention of the possibility of building underground or blunt dwellings can be a Nz-for a negative psychological reaction to cause a negative attitude towards any other similar ideas.

In fact, a person has always applied to Earth to protect against the effects of adverse and extreme climatic conditions. Only a historically, a short era of affordable and cheap fuel allowed us to build houses that do not depend on climatic conditions and supply these houses with energy that is necessary for us to create comfortable conditions. Now that the amount of natural fuel is reduced, and the prices of it are growing rapidly, it is time to reconsider the look at the opportunities that land offer us.

We collect on the site information about the construction of fox holes, earthlings.

  • Basements and cellars: how to build

    Over the city without cellar and the basement can not do. Especially in the presence of its garden and garden (and it is almost always in the site). I want to keep on the winter and vegetables, and pickles, and apples ... a good basement (cellar) is very important, and therefore it is necessary to approach its construction with the mind.

    All everyone who faces the problem of long-term storage of a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, you need to build a cellar.

    Methods for storing fruits and vegetables outside the house: in earthy pits, barts, ice storages, in the cellars of various types, etc.

  • Distributed house

    Exceptionally hot summer of 2010 delivered a lot of trouble to the Russians. From the heat it was just nowhere to go. Personally, I escaped in the semi-base of my own house, where there was a rather comfortable temperature, which made it possible to get enough sleep in a pleasant coolness. True, they won't live in the mixture. Involuntarily came thoughts - and how to combine this comfortable temperature regime of the mixture, in which the summer is cool, and in winter heat, with the usual convenience of natural lighting of the usual home. Here, by the way, the project of the fastened house of Foxes Nora B. Novoselova was remembered (house number 10 1999). The most significant disadvantages of this project are the lack of natural lighting and the need to ensure high-quality waterproofing at home. Both are quite difficult to make proposed methods. By changing the specified design and applying modern materials, these problems managed to solve.

    I note that this is only a project, however I used my personal experience when choosing some constructive solutions.

    Comments: 3.

  • Stock Foto Houses and interior fox

    Photo sent Dmitry Dorogov.

    Comments: 1, Catalog: 9

  • Two fox decisions

    Design decisions of cropped buildings will illustrate two examples. These buildings are simple and economical. They can be compared with well-performed, carefully isolated ordinary buildings, although they cannot be considered perfect. Calculated examples of solutions should not be considered as optimal. Attention to TRN is the main especially "of projects, in which: firstly, architectural and planning solutions; secondly, energy conservation issues; Thirdly, economic characteristics according to local designers. Capital and operating cost issues are of paramount importance for the construction of blunt dwellings.

do it yourself »Useful Tips» Building a house "Fox Nora"

13-04-2011, 21:19

It is unlikely that where the feeling of such a security may arise as in the stuffed building. The secret was simple and I learned this secret on the pages of the site - the energy and spirit of the Earth literally permeate the construction under the turf dome. Natural grounding of the construction eliminates stresses, removes electromagnetic fields caused by wandering currents, which is typical of multi-storey reinforced concrete structures.

It is not terrible to shut down heat centers and interruptions with electricity, since to maintain a comfortable temperature of a fairly elementary wood focus. The habitual monotonously flashes by the window of the electric train of country villages. Booths, Shalashi, Houses, Houses, Domysi ... And for the whole of this breasting is not visible the main - beauty of the cultivated land. And at home (or rather, cases) are empty most of the year. In the cold warm them for overnight (15-16 ° C) problematic: while the walls are warm - it's time to gather in the city.

In the stuffed house will never freeze water in the pipes or in the kettle, and at a minimum cost it is easy to create comfortable living conditions. The lack of natural lighting can be compensated for by a device for transparent roof elements (anti-aircraft lamps), the effectiveness of which is much higher than traditional windows.

Fig.1 Plan of a house "Fox Nora" type for a small area:
1 - veranda (14.0 m2);
2 -kun (12.0 m2);
3 - room (20,0m2);
4 - vegetable store (18.0 m2);
5 - greenhouse (18,0m2);
6 - pantry (1.3 m2);
7 - Bench Runduk;
8 - Conditions water supplied

Modern stuffed structures can be the most detailed destination: these are space for livestock, garages for agricultural machinery, etc.

Strawberries of the Third Millennium - from elite mansions to the mink of the Hobbit

d. at home, erected using the simplest materials (ceramzite concrete blocks, sand bags, logs, soil blocks), can help solve the acute housing problem of many categories of the population - refugees, immigrants, etc.

This type of wedding houses received our conditional name "Fox Nora". Our architectural workshop is ready to help develop projects both small buildings and entire public complexes (sports, cultural purposes, etc.). Let's see how for a small garden plot you can build a small house embankment.

Manufacturing jobs.At the first stage, a total pitual depth is 0.5-0.8 m and dimensions of 0.5 m more than the dimensions of the future building. The soil is folded on the permanent of the embankment. Upon bottom, the ribbon foundation 400 mm thick and a depth of 250 mm from the M300 concrete reinforced with the grid from ZF6A-1. Under the ribbon foundation lays preparation with a thickness of 150 mm from a sandy-gravel mixture. At the top of the foundation - waterproofing of two layers of rubberoid on the bitumen.

The walls of the house are made of red bricks ML00 on a cement-sandy solution M50: to a marker 0.00 - a thickness of 380 mm, above 250 mm thick.

You can make walls from other materials, for example, from concrete blocks, or produce from monolithic ceramzito concrete. The outer surfaces of the walls in contact with the soil must be isolated with a coating hot bitumen (two to three times) or rubberoid.

The overlap is arranged from the volatile reinforced concrete plates of the PK63-15-8 type, on top of which the leveling screed is made. The overlap is insulated with polystyrene foam plates with a thickness of 50-70 mm, which are placed on cold bitumen mastic. The insulation layer is coated with two - three layers of rubberoid (hydroize) on bitumen mastic with waterproofing of pairing places with walls.

Over the facility - Clay lock with a layer of 10-15 sms to the subsequent embankment of the soil removed from the pit. Subsequently, at this place can be seen decorative grass, laying a flower garden, etc.

House under the protection of the Earth

Modern underground house is little similar to the bunker, cellar or dugout. It is beautiful, comfortable and environmental. Construction of such unusual housing is a bold experiment, but it is fully justified.

Underground houses have a view of a hill or holes in the slope and look like an element of a natural landscape. Growing interest in housing, in which the walls and roof are covered with land, as a result of which they are often referred to as "foxes", explained not only by the desire for originality and maximum unity with nature, but also by rational considerations - the desire to obtain economic benefits during erection and operation. Underground construction is available for all, and technology compliance guarantees high quality of the medium in the house. There is a large selection of options for the construction of the construction of the structure into the ground: from completely underground to the entire ground, laid land (bulk, fenced beirds - from it. BERME is an element of the slope of the embankment). Construction methods are also diverse: from simple suitable for erection of the house with their own hands, to complex, based on avant-garde architectural and engineering ideas. Therefore, at home are different - from low-budget buildings to luxurious underground villas.

Temperature under the ground

The temperature of the soil is an important factor in energy saving at home. The soil does not heat the soil and it accumulates it well (in a dry state, it is about such as bricks, therefore, the temperature fluctuations occur on the surface of the Earth are slowly distributed in it, reaching depths with a large delay. Measurements have shown that at a depth of 2-3 m, the warm moment of the year comes 2-3 months later. The coldest soil is spring. In the climatic conditions of Ukraine at a depth of 2 m in winter, the temperature will be 6-8 ° C, in the summer - 15-18 ° C.

Benefits of construction

Live below the surface of the Earth in past times was considered the lot of poor. To divert the space for one or more rooms in the ground, the means, the enclosure structures can not be erected - they are the earth. However, the disadvantages of such a dwelling remained dampness, the lack of sunlight, the complexity of the ventilation, therefore it was impossible to be considered healthy and environmentally friendly.

The view of the house underground began to change in the late 60s of the last century. Over time, decisions were developed to organize life in such structures in accordance with healthy standards.

But it affected the cost of housing: when using high-quality materials, which it is desirable to apply in underground construction, it may not be less than a similar area located on the surface.

But at a suitable area you can take full advantage of the unique advantages that the earth is protected:

Energy saving. Since the earth does not heat the heat and can have a greater thickness, for such dwellings is characterized by the stability of the internal temperature: in winter it is well maintained heat, in the summer it does not need air conditioning. In an extreme climate with long-term cold, windy winter and hot summer, maintenance of comfortable temperature will not be energy consumption;

High sound insulation. The earth perfectly protects against the sounds of any frequency, there will always be silence and peace in the premises. It is also limited to the penetration of sounds outward. Therefore, underground houses are comfortable in a noisy locality, near the autogide;

Safety. The underground house is safe in zones with increased seismic activity, not afraid of hurricanes, is being protected from the outside of fires. In the dwelling it is difficult to get to the thieves, since the number of places for penetration is limited. In the event of hostilities, the underground construction becomes a comfortable personal bomb shelter and provides reliable disguise;

Saving a landscape. The natural landscape of the terrain will minimally change after the construction of the house, the area of \u200b\u200bthe green cover of the site, the ecological and aesthetic value of the place will continue; The ability to build on inconvenience. Attractive, but sophisticated slope, hilly plot can be turned into an advantage and easy to master;

Reducing labor cost during construction. In rough terrain, you can reduce the volume of earthworks. The labor-intensive facade and roofing works will not be required. This will reduce the cost and time of the house; The minimum costs of maintaining the construction in preservation. When using high-quality waterproofing walls and roof, overgrown with grass, will require care only from the point of view of landscape design, as part of the site.

Competently erected underground house will not have shortcomings, unless the overview of the area from the windows may be limited. However, its features and the cost of construction are significantly dependent on the natural conditions of the site. Sometimes the house is beneficial to burst into the ground, in other cases it is rational to build it above the ground and stomp. Analysis of the site will show how difficult and expensive events will be needed in construction, so that the house does not suffer from the penetration of water, soil shifts, lack of lighting.

House on the top of the hill

A comfortable place for construction - on the top of the hill. The location at the highest point of the relief helps to maximize the placement of water from penetration, orient them on any sides of the world, provide excellent lighting and overview from the windows. During construction, the upper part of the hill is broken, and after the construction of the structures fall asleep again.

Requirements for the site

To determine the feasibility of building an underground house, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the site in the complex:

RELIEF. Preferably relief with height differences - inclined or hilly. In such a plot there will be a place to harmonize the house at the economy on earthworks. In any construction on the slope, the floor is formed, at least partially located underground, and its expansion and deepening will allow you to do all the rooms underground. In a hilly area, the home can be placed on a horizontal platform, while partially by entering into one of the elevations of the relief, which will play the role of natural interval of the walls. Therefore, most underground buildings are built on the relief. The owners of a hilly plot, difficult to build a standard house, should think about the construction of underground housing.

It is also important that with inclined sites, surface water and soil remains dry. There should not be an underground house in a lowland, ravine or Talvega, where water is going to the surrounding area.

ORIENTATION. Ideal southern slope orientation, for most of the day providing rooms sunlight. The northern slope, although it will cool the coolness in the hot climate, is still unacceptable for the underground house from a hygienic point of view, since the premises need insolation. With a hot climate, a good orientation is Eastern. On the flat platform, you should also focus the input and windows on the sunny sides.

PRIMING. Best of all, if the plot is sunk, which are well passed water - sand, sandy and loam. They dry quickly, suitable for natural and artificial obmissions (which is performed by the soil taken out of the pit). The adverse type of soil is clay, because it delays moisture and blurred at moisture. However, it can be used as an additional waterproofing lock in layers adjacent to the carrying underground structures of the house. As a top coat, a fertile soil layer is used, which during construction is removed and saved.

GROUND WATER LEVEL. The best will be a plot on which groundwater is locked at great depths. This will allow you to maximize the house, embed it in the relief. Below is the level of groundwater, the dwelling cannot be positioned, it should also be verified that an underground flow does not occur at the construction site - in these cases it is difficult to eliminate the penetration of water inside the house. Modern technologies allow you to reliably protect against moisture seepage through the design, but the cost of work will be unreasonably high.

MICROCLIMATE. The land of the territory, the better for the construction of an underground house. The humid microclimate is contraindicated to him: to fight dampness it will be necessary to strengthen ventilation, constantly monitor the status of the structures, which will cause costs and discomfort.

Types of houses

The two main types of houses, protected land, are underground and stalked. The underground is the structure, fully or mostly located below the ground level. The lined house can be located above the level of the Earth or partially under it, while the upper part of its walls and the roof falls asleep with soil. The earth roof directly moves into the surface of the site (which distinguishes the underground dwelling from the ground with a landscaped roof).

Each house, protected by the Earth, is individual, but you can select several common variants of solutions depending on the appearance, the location on the relief, the construction method.

1. House-dugout. Traditional and easiest option of the underground house. The most suitable relief for construction - with a slight bias or flat, also the construction can adjust the hill. Only the roof covered with soil is noticeable above the ground surface. With a rectangular plan, it is usually double, but it can be flat or vaulted. The entrance is arranged in the end wall, in front of which the veils are made with a canopy and leading down steps. The windows are embedded into the frontones on the end walls, sometimes (for example, if the rear end adjoins the hill) use windows embedded in the roof as light lamps or lug-free. The house can only be one-storey (for greater floors, there is a regular building with a basement), its width usually does not exceed 6 m (this is determined by the possibilities of overlapping the span), the length is arbitrary. The room can be broken into rooms, providing them with windows.

When erecting, the dugouts are torn the pit, installed along its perimeter of the wall enclosing from raw land, as well as supporting structures for the roof, then overlap the room and fall asleep the roof of the earth.

2. Dried house. An option suitable for any type of relief - flat plot, slope, hilly terrain. The house may be insignificantly swallowed, including completely terrestrial or combining underground and stalked parts. For example, the ground can be "attached" to the hill, which will serve as a natural fence of the part of the walls, and the rest of the walls to observe (it is economically, since the volume of earthworks is reduced). There is an opportunity to make the house of any form in terms of multickest, two-storey, with the orientation of windows by several sides of the light.

When building a wedding house, first in the kittle's depth or on the surface of the Earth, walls and roofs are erected. Fencing structures should not only separate the room from the ground, but also to withstand the soil pressure. Then the building falls asleep, leaving the vertical sections of walls with windows and the entrance.

3. House built into the slope. The parameters of such dwellings depend on the rope of relief and the orientation of the slope. The steeper the slope, the more there may be the floors.

Cheap, eco-friendly, fabulous ... do it yourself

Lights residential premises usually on the side of the slope, while the light front is desirable to make the highest possible. During construction, as a rule, a part of the slope is removed, the building structures are erected and the landscape is returned to the previous state. If the stability of the soil allows, construction works can be carried out directly in the thickness of the Earth.

When the site is located near the top of the hill, the house may be a cross-cutting tunnel with outputs on opposite sides of the slope, which will expand the possibilities of lighting and ventilation of the rooms. It can be built by direct penetration into the thickness of the soil or removing and falling asleep over the top of the relief again.

Architecture and interior

The architectural appearance of underground and stuffed houses is significantly different from the ground.

In addition to green walls and roofs, for many of them are characterized by plastic, streamlined forms of volumes. The formatives of their structures are often performed from the reinforced concrete, as it is able to withstand a large pressure generated by a ground of the soil, and effectively protect against water.

There are also differences in layout. The houses built into the slope often have an extended plan from a small depth of rooms - up to 6 m. Deeper under the ground can be placed premises that do not require daylight (bathrooms, pantry), but their area will be small. For underground construction, the use of top light lamps is characterized, as well as light guides equipped with mirrors, launching land inland sun rays. The outer walls are sometimes completely glazed. South-oriented large windows help not only better illuminate the house, but also to accumulate heat. In order to improve lighting in the interior for the separation of premises, translucent partitions are sometimes used, painted surfaces into light tones.

Dissolved houses may have a traditional plan. But there is another possibility - the rooms can be made not adjacent to each other, but by the connected corridors ("underground strokes"), which will increase the similarity of the house with the "fox". This is important if it is necessary to insulate the premises. In addition, it is possible to form interior details from the soil (tables, layers, etc.), separating their surface with tiles, wood or other material depending on the style of the interior.

Terms of construction

When building underground and crumpled houses, it is necessary to prefer moisture-resistant materials. You can use ceramics treated with impregnation wood, a suitable material is a monolithic reinforced concrete. Aerated concrete, which absorbs moisture abyss, should not be applied. It is important to use high-quality waterproofing (the material depends on the specific conditions and technology of construction). The dying of the building is produced by the soil selected from the pit. To cover an overhead house, you will need to get a large amount of soil into the site.

The most simple and widespread technology involves the construction of the house (both underground and obmounted) in the open way. Remove the recovery of the necessary depths and forms with a size of 0.5-1 m more dimensions of the construction. On the perimeter of the walls, which will make a shell of the house, make a small-breeding foundation (its power depends on the size of the structure, design and material of the walls, the planned thickness of the soil layer). Walls are created from bricks, wooden logs, concrete blocks, monolithic concrete. They may be thinner than that of the ground house, but when the stuffing must withstand the pressure of the Earth (Polikirpich or up to 10 cm concrete). The carrier structure of the roof can be mounted in the form of a rafter system with frequent arrangement of the rafted (for increased strength) and a downtown. With brick or concrete walls, it is worth performing a monolithic reinforced concrete overlap and give the ceiling that will become the roof of the house, vaulted the form most effective to maintain the array of the Earth.

The outer part of the shell of the house and the floor is hydroizing the continuous contour. The thermal insulation is not required if the thickness of the ground layer protecting the structure is more than 1 m. As a rule, in the roof area, the soil is placed in a smaller layer, so in the upper part of the house you have to arrange an additional insulation (preferably extruded expanded polystyrene, resistant to interaction with wet ground). The floors are performed on the ground, as in the usual house, consistently laying waterproofing, insulation, tie and finishing coating.

To remove water from the walls, it is necessary to organize drainage. Drainage databases are located around the perimeter of the construction (on the slope, paying special attention to the site above the house) and discharge into the territory below the house. The drainage layer is also required in the thicker covering the house of the soil. It helps reduce water pressure on underground structures.

A more complex technology - construction in a closed method - is used to build underground houses on a cool slope. It involves the creation of an cavity in the thickness of the Earth and carrying out work completely underground and requires the participation of specialists who have experience in underground construction, the use of special equipment, creating a strengthening structure of the construction.


The energy and water supply systems of the stalled and underground houses are the same as in the ground. There is differences in the ventilation device. It is necessary to take into account the wallproof of the walls and the danger of the appearance of dampness (especially if there were errors in the waterproofing device - for example, the material turned out to be fragile and cracked). Therefore, in the stalked, and in underground houses (even more oriented only on one side of light and deprived of through ventilation), it is necessary to provide pressure forced adhesive ventilation. Holes of the exhaust pipe are placed under the ceiling, lifting the pipe over the roof (if the house is large, there may be several of them). The inflow is made through special holes left in the area of \u200b\u200bthe entrance at the height of the half meter from the floor. The volume of air exchange and cross-section of holes must calculate the specialist, and the first indicator increases if the house uses an open flame instruments, such as a furnace. Fans are installed not only for exhaust, but also on the air holes, providing a forced influx of air. Hood and influx must be provided with dampers to adjust the air exchange. It is also desirable that the windows can open. They will provide an additional air flow, and when placed in the upper part of the house, for example, on the roof, - and extract.

In the underground house it is better to use electrical heating systems and water heating, it is advantageous to equip the house with solar collectors. The furnaces and boilers operating on solid fuel are also possible (however, they increase the load on the ventilation system). Gas use is dangerous.

When the underground blown house is located on an even relief, difficulties can occur with the sewage device. If the formation of the effluent is at a depth, it is not always possible to organize their samples to the accumulation site and it will be necessary to use the pump. Such a situation is desirable to avoid, because it puts tenants in a serious dependence on the supply of electricity.

Therefore, the question of the sewage device should be taken into account when determining the level of destruction of the house. It should be opened only to the level allowing the sewage to be sewed.

Selection of waterproofing

The variant of the waterproofing device depends on a number of factors:

Material of walls and roofs. When using stone materials, a coating, rolled, plaster waterproofing is used. For concrete - most effective penetrating (injection) waterproofing, creating inside the wall impassable for water barrier.

Soil humidity. With dry soils, there are enough coloring two layers of hot bitumen, with wet it is better to apply rolled materials in several layers (their quantity should be that higher than the water pressure on the surface).

Mechanical effects on waterproofing. In the presence of shifting forces (for example, on inclined surfaces), it is not worth using bitumen and synthetic waterproofing materials that differ in the creep. For walls experiencing shifting, tensile or large compressive stresses, as well as seismic loads, the most reliable plaster waterproofing.

Solid coating device

The comfort and durability of the underground house largely depend on the correctly performed multi-layer system from the soil, which is actually its finishing enclosing construction.

The carrier horizontal part of the house (slab plate, roof) should have a bias to avoid stroke water in the thickness of the soil and its further winding. To protect the inner space of housing and designs from supercooling, thermal insulation is organized, and then waterproofing, which has a long service life (20-50 years) and high strength. On top, the drainage layer is placed (from crumbs, fine gravel, large sand) and protect it from erosion with filtering material (geotextile). At large slopes for drainage, it is convenient to use special synthetic mats or profiled membranes.

The soil over the house is poured with a layer of at least 30 cm, which is enough for the device of the lawn and a flower garden. On the inclined surfaces, the scratched roots securely keep the soil, but in order to immediately protect it from slipping, a rolled lawn is usually used, and with more than 45 ° slopes, the surface is reinforced with a special grid. The more massive layer of the soil, the larger plants can be planted, but you should always choose copies with a surface, and not a rod root system.

It is also important to consider the watering system.

Fox Nora (laid house, dugout)

Design and construction of beugoned housing is currently developing rapid rates, as it is one of the ways to reduce the dependence of residential buildings from continuous supply of fuel. It was previously believed that mention of the possibility of building underground or blunt dwellings can be a Nz-for a negative psychological reaction to cause a negative attitude towards any other similar ideas.

In fact, a person has always applied to Earth to protect against the effects of adverse and extreme climatic conditions. Only a historically, a short era of affordable and cheap fuel allowed us to build houses that do not depend on climatic conditions and supply these houses with energy that is necessary for us to create comfortable conditions. Now that the amount of natural fuel is reduced, and the prices of it are growing rapidly, it is time to reconsider the look at the opportunities that land offer us.

We collect on the site information about the construction of fox holes, earthlings.

  • Basements and cellars: how to build

    Over the city without cellar and the basement can not do. Especially in the presence of its garden and garden (and it is almost always in the site). I want to keep on the winter and vegetables, and pickles, and apples ... a good basement (cellar) is very important, and therefore it is necessary to approach its construction with the mind.

    All everyone who faces the problem of long-term storage of a large number of fresh fruits and vegetables, you need to build a cellar.

    Methods for storing fruits and vegetables outside the house: in earthy pits, barts, ice storages, in the cellars of various types, etc.

  • Distributed house

    Exceptionally hot summer of 2010 delivered a lot of trouble to the Russians. From the heat it was just nowhere to go. Personally, I escaped in the semi-base of my own house, where there was a rather comfortable temperature, which made it possible to get enough sleep in a pleasant coolness. True, they won't live in the mixture. Involuntarily came thoughts - and how to combine this comfortable temperature regime of the mixture, in which the summer is cool, and in winter heat, with the usual convenience of natural lighting of the usual home. Here, by the way, the project of the fastened house of Foxes Nora B. Novoselova was remembered (house number 10 1999). The most significant disadvantages of this project are the lack of natural lighting and the need to ensure high-quality waterproofing at home. Both are quite difficult to make proposed methods. By changing the specified design and applying modern materials, these problems managed to solve.

    I note that this is only a project, however I used my personal experience when choosing some constructive solutions.

  • Stock Foto Houses and interior fox

    Photo sent Dmitry Dorogov.

  • Two fox decisions

    Design decisions of cropped buildings will illustrate two examples. These buildings are simple and economical. They can be compared with well-performed, carefully isolated ordinary buildings, although they cannot be considered perfect. Calculated examples of solutions should not be considered as optimal. Attention to TRN is the main especially "of projects, in which: firstly, architectural and planning solutions; secondly, energy conservation issues; Thirdly, economic characteristics according to local designers. Capital and operating cost issues are of paramount importance for the construction of blunt dwellings.

  • Bunkers

    The big Soviet encyclopedia says that the bunker is refuge in the German military terminology. In our same - a provider for storage. And when you see the modern bunker in American, in terms you start rubbed.

    Company: U.S. Bunkers ("American bunkers"). Location: Miami, Florida. Business: "Production of portable, aerodynamic, monolithic concrete structures for one single goal - protection and rescue of life."

    Hobbit House

    Description: "You must see it."

  • Sherry roof

    Photo of a turf roof, Norway. The technology is the following: galvanized sheets, on top of them the grid (in order to prevent the soil rolling), then the upper fertile layer (broken from the Earth) or simply a bulk land that falls on anything.

  • Like Nora in the Altai Territory

    This construction, I built this summer in the suburb of Barnaul, Altai Territory.

    Inside the finish has not done yet, so I would like to know the latest ventilation and heating.

    I also want to make a turf roof (now I have a ruberoid there).

    I would like to talk with like-minded people.

  • Foxes around the world

  • Earth houses from Peter Vetsch

    Information about this site (photos from where are presented below) sent us to the site Marina Iron.

    Very interesting projects of earthy houses. Part of the photos - below in the photo gallery.

    All of them are located in Switzerland and part - in Germany.

  • Dugout and Spring Flood

    The most serious test for the dump truck was the spring flood. This test they could not stand - they were flooded. The presence of the slope and drainage did not guarantee the dry dust. Conclusion Simple to correct the situation need to do drainage to the depth of the diverse of the pit or raise the earthen floor. Neither the slope, nor the pit under the pond saved the dugout from flooding. I had to lift the floor to the ground level. At the moment it is "roof on earth."

Now it came directly to technological issues. I will write as much as possible (everything I remember) so that wishes to build the dugout did not repeat my mistakes and studied at someone else's negative experience (on mine). Everything that concerns technology should be very thoughtfully and executed. A small miscalculation at the initial stage turns into large problems at the final stage. This, unfortunately, was convinced of the practice. All this led to additional costs: material, physical and nervous.

Socket markup is better to do together. it is very important to set the size of the rectangle to diagonals with an accuracy of 1 mm.. Then the corners will be straight and the axes will not shift. One can also, but it is much more complicated and in this case it is better to have adaptations in the form of rectangles with large parties. Why is it important. An error in a diagonal of 1 cm may lead to a change in the size of the side by 5-7 cm. It is necessary to place two rectangles, one - directly the boundaries of the pit, the other - the borders of the slopes. As a result, two rectangles are obtained on Earth: the outer designates the boundaries of the open pit on top, the internal - the bottom boundary. Kotlovan tear off first on the internal borders of breakdowns on the entire depth without slopes (vertically), and then cut off the outdoor borders. Setting the inner size of the dugout, you need to take into account that inside it will turn.

Removing the row on technology is necessary. He will go to the roof (if he is preserved) and, in my opinion, the digging of the cutting excavator will be more neat. So that around the perimeter of the border, at least, the removal of the jam is necessarily and as much as possible - on the bayonet shovels is a minimum.

When I digged, I had a collapse of the edge of the dugouts: the rod turned out to be very strong and pulled the big lands of the Earth, and the edge turned out to be torn. This will later become one of the reasons for the detachment of the layer of the Earth and Singing Slinge. The second reason was no slopes. As a result, it was necessary to strengthen the rafted. Ideally dig an excavator with an indent from the border and in the further shovel ending the walls. It will be more neat. After the flipping of the pit and alignment of the walls, they need to be strengthened. Because It was not done, it was the third cause of the detachment of the Earth. For the clothing device, vertically stakes along the slopes along the boundaries corresponding to the internal size of the room are clogged. The walls downstairs are slightly dug so that clothes fit behind the stakes. As the clothes laying, it is pressed to the stoles, having sabbing it. Instead of stakes, I have a bar 50, (and better, probably 100), and the board is 25. But I have more decorative, which is more decorative than the functional - it should keep the earth. And the fourth reason was the moisture content of the Earth - the result of the hasty embankment of the roof - as a result of the dugout, very slowly dried. So slowly, that at a critical moment (increase in the load on the roof) the wall began to slide. I thought that the main reason for the location is a thick layer of the Earth at the base of the roof, it was approximately 70 cm. But, rereading the construction technology of the zero, was convinced that the thickness range varies from 20 cm. Up to 1 m.

When digging, you need to consider that the bucket goes on an arc and when gluing on 1m in the middle of the pit is approximately 1.5 m. Therefore, the floor will have to smoke. Earth after alignment of the walls is quite enough. For information: with the size of the rectangle 3x4, its diagonal is equal to 5 that is, With a ratio of 3: 4: 5, you can very clearly set the straight angle and sizes of the parties can vary - the main thing is to comply with this proportion.

Kotlovan dug, the walls are strengthened - you can put pillars. Their four 3m high. Those. Two six-meter bar leaves on the poles. On each post end, you nail a nail 125 or 150 board from a forty-meter (height 4cm.) 50cm long. This is the so-called heel, which increases the support area. The heel and post at a height of 60 cm. We wonder the green "seen", precisely green. It is just for such purposes. I dig up for each post a hole with a depth of 50 cm. We put the poles, align vertically in two planes, set all the pillars on the same line and drunk, the ramming ground. All is well, if not one "but". All the tops of the pillars must be exhibited by horizontal level. Here it begins "the dance around the pillar, and then together with him a job" - "indescribable pleasure". I have to pull out the pillars several times, pouring or removing the earth. There is not enough forces on the last pillar (I remember someone else's mom again ....) And you are preparing to put the plate under the run when it is installed. What was done in the future. But you go to another way.

First - I establish a finally and irrevocably one post. This is the point of reference. I dig up the rest of the pits - in this case it does not matter how mistaken is 1 cm. Or 5 cm. Pits need to catch up - this is important because in the future and selection, and the subfold of the Earth is excluded. This technology allows. I would also like to consider one circumstance - because The pillars are usually longer than 6 m., they will simply drink them in half, and not strictly three meters. The second put all the poles in the pit, we strengthen, exhibiting vertical planes and with the help of a "magic" hydraulic level (hose and two glass tubes with marking) make horizontal marks. Now the horizontal plane will be exhibited. Third: we cut off the unnecessary part, pre-pulling the pillars to conveniently and accumulate. It turns out, pull out three posts one time, and not 5-6 times each.

In addition to the heel to the top of the pillars, you need to nourish two boards from the same forties and the same length on both sides - it will be guides and holding planes from the horizontal run offset. They are nailed with the same nails as supporting platforms. Now set the run. Bar is six-meter pretty heavy and install it (throwing up) better not two, but by three or four of them (if there are so many people). I wrote that it appeared on time, Glory and the timber threw. Think, everything is so simple? No matter how. Not all poles corresponded to the exact size, and he had to climb a sledgehammer into the guides, and then nails to kill it to the columns. Sergey perfectly coped with this. I, frankly, with a height of you.

The pit is dug, the walls are strengthened, the pillars are standing, the run lies - now you can install rafters. They will need 18 pieces. To do this, take the timing of 15 in the amount of 9 pieces and saw it in half, and unevenly three meters, as I did. It is easier to freeze unfiner than to put it lacking - this is an axiom. We place a place under the timber 15, which will serve as a displacement limiter in the horizontal plane towards the pit. We jump in the ground in the ground, having previously treated "Segery". Because I have a slope, part of the bar turned out to be lying on Earth, and in this place opposite the rafter, an additional pillars from Birch were driven. Now it is necessary to put the supporting board with a length of 6m and 4 cm long and thickness. It will prevent them from pushing to the ground and distribute all the load evenly along the entire length. Because This was not done, it led to the future (as described above) to the detachment of the layer of the Earth. Upstairs on the run pumps the grooves under rafters, they do not allow shifting along the horizontal axis. You can simply knock the boards - it's easier. The angle of inclination of the groove is approximately 45 degrees. Ideally, he should definitely be 45whors, I have about 40 degrees. At the top of the rafter, it is better to bage with each other to enhance the design. In my case, it was not done, but in vain. Perhaps this also contributed to the detachment of the Earth.

The distance between the rafters where the pit is approximately 50cm., And where is the pre-banker 2m.

Attention! When the distance is marked, it is necessary to consider the place where the stove will stand in the future. According to the fire safety equipment, the distance from the pipe to the wooden structure is at least 25 cm. This means that if the diameter of the pipe is 10cm, then the safe distance between the rafters is at least 60cm. The data is taken from the instruction for the heat fabric. I have 53cm. I had to handle fire makeup and close the dangerous place by the prevention material and foil. Conclusion: You need to decide on the stove you want to put, read the instruction and according to it to take into account the distance between the rafters. It is also necessary to take into account the distance to the walls. They are trimmed by trees. True, if between the stove and wall lay out protection from the brick, then the distance decreases 3-4 times. We summarize.

The rafters are at the top lie in the grooves and are insured against horizontal displacement, fixed with each other to enhance the design. Lying on a supporting board for a fortification that protects against the vertical offset, and rest on the burst of the beam 15, which does not allow the horizontal displacement. Everything seems to be. But! To enhance the design at this stage, it would be advised to immediately embed the door boxes to enter the pre-banner (Songi - who like it) and for entry into the living area. I did not have it done. When the rafters crashed into the ground, the trimming from the boards was so impudent that they could not be delivered. If there was a box in the living area, the load on the remaining rafters would clearly decrease.

Indeed, the eyelids live - two learn. " And I would like the "eyelid, and know two."