Phobias of famous people. On the peculiarities of Petography of Petra I and its big interest in the anatomy grew into the way of what the most afraid of Peter the first

Man playing

Probably not in world historiography of the figure, about which it would be written as much as about Peter I. and despite this, his personality still remains a mystery: this man was bright and contradictory. He coolly changed the life and customs of the Russian court, reformed the army, won new lands - and at the same time so undermined the economy of the country, which was subsequently abandoned from most territorial acquisitions. He proclaimed himself with the emperor, but killed his own son, putting a continuation of the dynasty at risk. He founded the first museums and libraries in Russia, and personally participated in torture and executions. Completed the gallant assemblies and blasphemous "Combined Cathedrals." Almost all of his numerous biographers were surprised how two such different nature could coexist in one person.

Perhaps the answer lies in the fact that Peter tried to turn his life into the game and was afraid of collisions with reality, because she did not promise anything good to him.

How magnificent and perfect was Peter in his games, the same gnussen and disgusting he became when a collision with reality. Starting with robes and flotilla, he gradually expanded the scale of his games, transferring them from the village of Preobrazhensky in the Crimean steppes, then on the fields of the Northern War and sincerely enjoyed it. He loved and forgives those who supported the game, but severely revenge on those who did not want to participate in it.

First toys

Peter was the fourteenth child of Tsar Alexei and his first quarter of his second spouse - Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkina. Tsarina Natalia was brought up in the Family of Boyhari Artamon Matveyev, an amateur of all Western, so she and the palace suffered a European setting: Peter from infancy was surrounded by foreign things: Music boxes, "Cymbals" of German work, as well as "Clevikord" with copper strings . Natalia loved music - but Peter never revealed no musical hearing - all other tools he preferred to the army drum.

Alexey Mikhailovich. Polish engraving. XVII century

Natalia Naryshkin. Unknown artist. XVII century

Seeing the interest of the boy to the military case, Natalia purchased a whole arsenal of toy weapons for him: Tsarevich had miniature fortresses, wooden peashed, guns, horses and figures of soldiers.

His father, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, for a calm pointful nature of the nicknamed silent, was the second king of the Romanov dynasty. It was a very educated person, like a wife who was interested in European culture. It is with him that a secular life appeared in Moscow: there were books of short-term content. He built in the village of Preobrazhensky "Comedian Horomina," where Pastor Gregory was played from German Sloboda.

The king loved the book very much and even wrote a treatise about the hunt. Everyone knows the quotation from this essay, which turned into a saying: "Case time, fun - hour."

He was married twice: at Mary Ilyinishna Miloslavskaya, from which 13 children had, and on Natalia Kirillovna Naryshkin, who gave him three siblings.

Being a late child, Peter really lost his father very early: on the fourth year of life. It was the first invasion of harsh reality in his obedic existence. At that time, Peter was not considered the heir to the throne: after all, he had older brothers and sisters - the children of the first spouse Alexei Mikhailovich - Sophia, Fyodor and John and a few more probe. It should be noted that all the sons of Maria Miloslavsky were extremely poor health, some of them died in childhood, others - in the youth, and no one stepped over the thirty years.

Over the death of Alexei Mikhailovich, the throne took a fifteen-year-old Fedor - a smart man, educated, but very patient. His relatives Miloslavsky, to put it mildly, disliked Natalia Kirillovna and her children. They suspected the young, active and beautiful widow in their intention to bring damage to the new king, explaining his numerous feasible witchcraft.

The position of Natalia Kirillovna and her son deteriorated sharply. Miloslavski tried to remove away from Moscow all her relatives: brothers, uncle ... even the teacher of Matveyev exiled to the north, to the emotionist (who disappeared the town near the current Naryan-Mara). Natalia Kirillovna tried to go less at the courtyard and settled together with his daughter and son in the village of Preobrazhensky - the beloved palace of her late husband.

Meanwhile, Petra has already been five years old - the age when the royal children were launched to begin teaching. He was hired by the teacher - the Sala of Nikita Moiseeva, the son of Zotov, who, although he did not know the sciences and languages, but was pretty knowledgeable in history, and the patch of domestic. Unfortunately, Zotov loved to drink much: Subsequently, Peter even appointed his president of the Schutsk Board of Drunas - a kind of gesture towards the "first teacher."

Nikita Moiseevich told Tsarevich about the persons and events of the past, using "fun books with kunshites" - that is, with drawings. These "funny notebooks" of the Queen specifically ordered the masters of the Armory Chamber. From there, the young sovereign was also tuscarized, Carabins and drums - to familiarize themselves. In addition, Zotov showed him "Article with all military exercises", compiled under Alexei Mikhailovic. The teacher introduced Peter and with the life of the West by pictures, portraying "noble European cities, magnificent buildings, ships and so on." But "Tsifir Azbuka", that is, the arithmetic, not included in the program of royal education.

Zotov was held with Peter Alphabet, chairs, Psalrty, the Gospel and the Apostle. According to the ancient Russian pedagogical rules, "go through" meant to learn izubok. Even in the adulthood, Peter could quote these books. But literacy left much to be desired: I wrote the future king with errors, completely incredible, for example, inserted solid signs between two consonants. Probably, modern psychologists would diagnose Peter Dyslexia - the peculiarity of the perception of the world, characteristic of creative people with non-standard thinking.

Bloody end of childhood

As soon as Peter passed ten years, reality declared itself again: Tsar Fyodor died at the age of 1682 at the age of twenty years. And then intrigue began!

From Mary Miloslavskaya, Alexei Mikhailovich had another son - John, a weak and painful boy. Therefore, the remaining in the capital of Naryshkina began to persuade the Patriarch to proclaim the king of Peter - bypassing John. Miloslavsky began to spread rumors that Tsarevich John killed by Naryshkin in the Moscow Kremlin. It provoked the first shooting riot, which is also known as the Moscow University, or Hovhanshchina.

Miloslavski calculated the use of Sagittarius for their own purposes, raising them on Naryshki, but the events came out from under control: such a massacre began, which none of the Miloslavsky could have anticipated.

On May 11, 1682, the Kremlin captured the Kremlin, many relatives and friends of His mother were cut on the eyes of a decade and his mother's friends, including the Artamon Matveyev who returned from emberrsk. To calm the stallers and save the remaining, Natalia Kirillovna with children went to the porch, directly towards the angry crowd. She presented to the Archers of the living and more or less healthy John, he assured everyone that the stepmother does not offend him and cares about him, as a native, - but it was convinced not all. The prescribed people continued to convince the people that the king was slowly etched, because the boy and the pale!

He led the Archers Ivan Khovansky, angleless commander, who did not win a single battle, but he deserved the nickname of the emptylate - for the love of public speeches. Now he switched to the real banditism: Sagittarius fully captured power in the city, they were joined by beggars and tramps, robbery began. The royal family was hostages in the deposited Kremlin.

Tsarina Natalia Kirillovna shows Ivan V Sagittari to prove that he is alive, well. Nikolai Dmitriev-Orenburg. XIX century

In all folk troubles - from the depreciation to gold - Vinyli Naryshkina. Natalia Kirillovna has not touched: after all, the queen, but her brothers demanded to massacre.

Natalia opposed several days, but in the end I had to give - Sophia insisted.

- Your brother is not departed because of the Archers, do not die for us all for him! She said.

Cyril was ripped out right in the palace. Ivan Naryshkin confessed, passed and bold in the church of the rescue for the gold lattice, and then with the icon in his hands he went to the rover. Those caught him in the dungeons and for a long time tortured, hoping to get recognition in that he was trying to lime to the lime of King John - this would give an excuse of their Bunut. But Naryshkin was silent. So without having achieved, Sagittarius quartered him on Red Square.

Sofya Aleksrevna. Unknown artist XVII century.

It was not the only penalty - the rebellion continued for another week. One after another, the Sagittarius was served by "job", and the Kremlin hostages obediently fulfilled all the requirements: they were tonsured to the monks and sent outless, they gave out money from the treasury. To do this, even silver dishes melted on coins.

Satisfied Sagittarius, having received "will", drank in the Kremlin chambers. They did not object to Sophia to declare themselves by the government - renthet with two juvenile kings, John and Peter: all the same, Hovansky honored himself as a real ruler. But in the fall of the same year, he understood how deeply was mistaken. However, it was too late: Sophia sent him on the fell. She executed several more leaders - and spared everyone who switched to her side.

These events forced the young king early to grow up: a year later, a foreign ambassador accepted him for 16 years. At the same time, the first epileptic seizure happened to him. Convulsions, convulsions, migraines and bouts of panic fear and uncontrolled anger since then will torment him all his life. These attacks looked very scary: "He did various terrible grimaces and moving his head, mouth, hands, shoulders, hands and feet ... Waved her eyes and hated back his legs." During the seizures, Peter was truly dangerous: the Danish Messenger Yust Yulia describes how he slammed anything in anything in no clear soldier.

Sophia Alekseevna Romanova, according to admission, was a smart, strong and talented woman. She knew Latin and Polish, read a lot, wrote poems. But all this was not necessary for anyone, because Sophia was a woman. Her destiny was predetermined in advance: young princes were kept locked up in their rest, and then tonsured to the monastery. Even marriage did not shine: Russian grooms were considered unworthy of the royal daughters, and foreign confesses to another faith. Such a fate did not suit the sofa, and she joined the struggle for power at first quite successfully. Situations in Russia in those years have developed strange: "Senior Tsar" - John, "Junior King Peter" and Regent Sophia. It was she who was the real government of Russia in those years.

Merry German Sloboda

After the terrible events of 1682, Queen Natalia Kirillovna finally retired in Preobrazhensky, trying not to remind himself in Moscow, where Miloslavsky hosted. She lived very modestly, constantly needed money, but did not save on her son: in the preserved palace records, the funny guns played by the younger Peter were still mentioned. It was then that he got a "funny" army and then arranged hikes in the surrounding villages, ruining the peasant gardens and fields. After examining the barns of his rosulor grandfather - Nikita Ivanovich Romanova - Peter found the old English bot, which became the hedle of the entire Russian fleet.

"Funny" troops, "funny" stables were in all Russian kings of his age. They allocated funds from the treasury, rosy soldiers paid a salary - but no one took them seriously, despite the fact that after the toy battles in the fields remained the most real killed and wounded.

The history of Russia could form a completely different way if it were not for the neighborhood of two settlements on the Yauza River - Preobrazhensky and German Sloboda. Rysk around the surroundings, Peter inevitably wishes and there.

However, there is a joke, which binds the admission of Peter to Western culture with the prince donated to him by a long-term astronomy - instrument for measuring distances. Neither the Dolgoruk, nor the Peter Himself had no idea how to use it, and through the court of court guard, the Germans by origin, tried to find a knowledgeable person in the German Sloboda. They were the Dutchman Timmerman, under the leadership of which Peter began to learn arithmetic, geometry, artillery and fortification. Timmerman invited young Peter to German Slobod and introduced him to Franz Leftet - famous Kutila. Foreigners called Franz Lefort by a man of a big mind that knows the state of Europe, and pleasant in the country.

In the house of Lefort Peter, "began with the ladies of Inozemski to do and Amur began to be the first to be for one daughter merchant", there he "learned to dance in Polish"; Mastered the fencing and riding ride, learned foreign languages. Loving and appreciate Leforta, Peter appointed him by Admiral General.

"Daughter of the checkout" - Nomme Anna Mons was a daughter of a wine-dog from German Sloboda. For more than ten years, she was considered the official favorite of Peter, who was very tied to her, and, by rumors, even thought to marry. He gave her rich gifts, built a stone house for Anna, and her relatives granted estates.

This novel ended sadly, but not by the fault of Peter. On the contrary, he loved Anna "with a rare tenderness", but the girl turned out to be ungrateful, and in 1704 he followed the gap. The wife of the English ambassador Lady Rondo in the letter of the friend passes the next gossip:

"In one fatal day, he (King Peter - M. G.) Accompanied by its own and foreign ministers, I went to inspect the fortress constructed to them in the sea. On the way back, the Polish minister accidentally fell from the walkways and drowned, despite all attempts to save him. The emperor ordered all the paper from his pockets and seal in sight of everyone. When the pockets were searched, the portrait fell; The emperor picked it up, and imagine his surprise: he saw that it was a portrait of that very lady. In a sudden impulse of anger, he opened some papers and found several letters written by her late in the most tender expressions. He immediately left the society, one came to the apartment of my story and ordered her to send for the lady. When she entered, he locked in the room with them two and asked her how she had to write to such a person. She denied it; Then he imposed her a portrait and writing, and when he said about his death, she was overlooked by tears, and he reproached her with such rage in ungratefulness, which was ready to kill his lady. But he suddenly also cry and said that she forgives her, because it feels so deeply, how impossible to conquer the heart leaning, "for, he added, - despite the fact that you were in deception on my adoration, I feel that I can't hate you Although myself I hate for the weakness in which you are hanging. But I would deserve perfect contempt if it continued to live with you. Therefore, leave, while I can hold your anger, without leaving the limits of humilia. You will never need, but I do not want to see you anymore. " He kept his word and soon after that he gave her marriage for a person who served in a remote region, and always cared for their well-being. "

Portrait of an unknown, presumably Anna Mons. Unknown artist. 1700

In fact, after the gap, Anna was subjected to strict home arrest, and only in April 1706 she was allowed to attend the church. At the same time, Peter started the process of bribes who took the relatives of Anna.

As for her marriage, the Prussian Ambassador Kaysterling wanted to marry Anna Mons, but he received permission only in 1711. They lived for a short time: Kasenerling soon died, leaving Anna two children. She died in 1714 from tuberculosis.

But Lefort was not the only interesting person with whom Peter brought acquaintance in German Sloboda! You can not tell you about Andrei Andreevich Viniius - the Dutch merchant, who learned Peter I to his language. Translator, compiler of dictionaries, he is also known for his collection of cards, plan, engravings and books. Essays on geography, Dutch engravings introduced the young Peter with an ingoing lifestyle and were extremely interested in Tsarevich.

The relations of Peter with Vinius were complex.

At first, his career developed very successfully, but already in 1703 it was evident in bribery, bits whip and sentenced to pay 7,000 rubles.

"There is such a thing about that first, it is possible to accumulate a lot of opportunity, and then there is some accusation to him - and take all the accumulated accumulated under torture," said someone from foreigners about his arrest.

In 1706, Vinius fled to Holland, but already in 1708 he came to Russia again, having received the forgiveness of Peter I. The walked king ordered the return of his property "Domishko was printed, the villages were returned", only a huge library of Decoka in the house did not find themselves: valuable books were transferred In the pharmacy order. But then they corrected it. But after the death of Vinius in 1717, Peter again took the book to himself, and then they found themselves at the Academy of Sciences.

True dunk

Mother Peter did not like such liberty, and to form a 17-year-old son, Natalia Kirillovna decided to quickly marry him. The bride was chosen even without laid-looking - in absentia. Peter did not contradict the mother, and in January 1689 they played the wedding of the "younger king" and the twenty-year-old Evdokia Lopukhina, the daughter of the rally.

In Russia, there was a custom of that time: the tsarist bride and even her father changed their names, as if starting a new life, counting time with his Higher Hon. The daughter of the Sounding Praskovaya became Evdokia, and the Solnichy Illarion himself - Fyodor.

Evdokia Lopukhin in monastic closure. Unknown artist XVII century.

Unfortunately developed the life of this woman. Although she stayed by the queen of 9 years, Peter did not love her, and the mother-in-law - soon she was hated. It is considered limited and stupid, but in fact she was exactly the same as thousands of haruded, brought up in Terem, in the old manner, and nothing deserved universal condemnation.

The husband of Evdokia loved, during the separation he wrote to him tender letters, in humiliated expressions, as it should be brought up by home-based spouse:

"My paw, hello for many years! Yes, you ask you, how do you allow me to be to you? And you are probably about my paw, sprinkle. For the SIM Women's wife beats.

"The pretraine sovereign of joy, the king of Peter Alekseevich. Hello, my light, for many summer! Perhaps my father, do not despose, the light, my petition: otpishi, my father, to me about my healthy, so that I hear about your healthy, rejoice. And your sister is Tsarevna Natalya Alekseevna in good health. And about us to make mercy of my mind, and I am alive with Aleshenka. Women Your Dunka. "

Evdokia gave birth to Peter three sons, from which only one survived - Alexey.

In 1698 it was referred to her in Suzdal to the Pokrovsky Monastery and forcibly tonsured under the name of Elena. Six months later, Evdokia returned to worldly life, and then the lover began - the officer Stepan Glebova. The owner of the king did not contain, the money sent relatives to her. However, her life was demolished while Peter did not accuse her son - Alexey. Then the lover of the former Queen was planted on the number, and she herself was exiled to the distant Ladogian-Assumption Monastery, and then, after Peter's death, Catherine's jealously sharpened to the rival in the Shlisselburg fortress. The fifty-year-old Evdokia grandson, Peter II, and the residue spent in respect and prosperity was released.

Duel with sister

Sophia came to Sophia, and she could not understand that in a few years she would have to part with the authorities. Her mother's brother John did not cause such fears: he was "grief glad" and also faded in his eyes. Sophia would have been crowned, but the Patriarch Joachim was categorically against: after all, she is a woman.

It was her floor who served as a reason for the first conflict with his brother. In 1689, on the feast of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, according to custom, the procession was made from the Kremlin to the Kazan Cathedral. Seventeen-year-old Peter approached the sister and announced that she would not be able to go along with men in the procession. Sophia did not answer anything, but he picked up the image of the Most Holy Theotokos and went beyond the crosses and chauruga. Peter demonstratively left a holiday.

Further events are extremely inadvertible. It is believed that Sophia again began to spread the rumor, as if King Peter decided to take his "funny" Kremlin, kill the princess, his brother Tsar John and seize power. The new head of the Streltsy Shallock collected the shelves to go with the "Grand Assembly" on the Preobrazhenskaya and to beat all the supporters of Peter. But he did not undertake any real actions or did not have time to take. And just at this time, Peter had an epileptic seizure with a suspiciousness and acklessness with his peculiar painful attacks.

Having recovered, he threw a mother and a pregnant wife and, jumped at the horse, he was twisted in the Trinity-Sergiev Monastery. What for? After all, in Transfiguration, he had "funny" troops - and in the monastery he could only hope for the piety of the monks.

However, the next day, Peter took himself in his hands: he moved to the monastery of both kartins and caused "funny" troops. He then announced that Sophia was going to deprive his power and wandered to the kingdom herself.

The confrontation between his brother and sisters continued during the whole of August. They took turns issued "diplomas", calling for troops to themselves, those were lying, not knowing whose side to take. As a result, most of the troops still obeyed the King Peter: after all, he was a man.

Sofye had to recognize defeat. Soon she was concluded in the Novodevichy Monastery under a strict supervision, and Shallovitis executed. The older brother of the king, John, met Peter in the Assumption Cathedral and officially handed him all the power.

John V. It was considered a king, but never showed interest in state affairs. Most likely, he suffered from some genetic violation: at the age of 27 she looked very stray, I saw and was partially paralyzed. He died on the 30th year of life and was buried in the Arkhangelsk Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin.

John was married to Praskovye Fedorovna Saltykova and had several daughters from her, including Anna, elected in 1731 by the Russian Empress. Another daughter of John, Catherine, was married to the Duke of Charles Leopold Mecklenburg-Schwerinsky and gave birth to his daughter Anna Leopoldovna from him, subsequently became the regent at his unfortunate son Ivan Antonovich.

Azov games

A few more years after the government went into his hands, Peter did not do business, but continued to play and make it possible in German Sloboda. "There was a debauchery, drunkenness is so great that it is impossible to describe that on three days, locked in that house, they were drunk and that many happened to death and dying," Prince Kurakin wrote. The death of Natalia Kirillovna in early 1694 only unworthy interrupted the usual king lifestyle.

"Funny" troops either did not bored. A few months after the death of Mother, the king arranged the so-called housing campaigns, in which "Tsar Fedor Pleshbursk" (Fedor Romodanovsky) broke the "king of Ivan Semenovsky" (Alexander Borisovich Buturlin), leaving the funny battle of 24 killed and 59 wounded.

The expansion of marine fun prompted Peter twice to travel to the White Sea, and during a trip to Solovetsky Islands he was seriously danger due to the storm.

As the continuation of the games, Peter approached its first military campaign - Azov.

Military disassembly with Tatars were traditional for Russia. Tatars supported the Ottoman Empire - once mighty, and now more than more weak.

Peter put himself a goal - to beat off the Fortress of Azov, located when the Don River is shied in the Azov Sea.

The first goiter ended unsuccessfully: the Russians besieged the fortress from sushi, but the sea continued to bring the supplies there.

Errors were taken into account, and by the spring of next year, a rowing flotilla was built. They built it on the shipyard near Voronezh, at the place of the lion of the River Voronezh in Don. In April 1696, the 36-walled sail-rowing frigate "Apostle Peter" was lowered. Created his Dane for the surname Meyer. The length of this flat-bottomed three-dimensional frigate, which had 15 pairs of cheer, almost reached 35 meters, the width exceeded 7 and a half meters. Served this ship for 14 years - up to an unsuccessful prudecaroid.

In the spring of 1696, the Azov fortress surrounded from all sides surrendered.

The next step of the young king was t. N. The Great Embassy is a diplomatic mission to Western Europe, in which the loyal friend of Peter Lefort and, incognito, he himself participated. For Russia, it was an unprecedented adventure: Russian kings never left the country.

The initial purpose was to boast military successes, to declare the take agen and enlist the support of European governments in the further struggle against the Crimean Khanate. But instead, Peter refused to fight for the Crimea and allowed himself to draw himself into the twentieth-year-old Northern War. It is possible that he brilliantly foresaw the benefits for Russia from future territorial acquisitions in the north. May be. But others are likely: the young sovereign just wanted to participate in a large European game.

The Vicer of Fürstenberg in a letter to August II describes in more detail, as Petra took part and, according to August, he pleased with him, hidden in ridiculous whims. Funny detail: Peter is incognito, and therefore ordered that when visiting the castle no one has seen. However, everyone was aware of his visit: the governor even had to set the guard around the castle, which was distilled off curious.

Most of all Peter was interested in the army and all with her connected, as well as Kunstkamera.

"During the lunch, I ordered to put on the balcony under his room of trumpeters and flutists, and also ordered to approach the balcony to the bodyguards, the Life Guardsmen, dressed in the Swiss dress with Alebards, as I know that drums and whistles are his favorite music and In general, it is all the taste of all more than everything, which is relating to war. I led him to this in such a great location of the Spirit that he himself took the drum and in the presence of the ladies began to beat with such perfection, which far surpassed drummers. "

Talked vicer Fürstenberg.

The poor governor complained that, contrary to his own will, was forced to drink a lot, as Peter demanded that. After a break, they walked around the garden with a governor, and Peter went to where the carousel is located, and more than half an hour turned on Lion.

Here is the famous review of Kurfurstina Sofia Hannover about Peter: "... He admitted to us that he did not like music very much. I asked him: does he love hunting? He replied that his father loved him very much, but that he had a real passion for the navigation and fireworks from his youth. He told us that he had been working on the construction of ships, showed his hands and made the bark of corn, formed on them from work. We must admit that this is an extraordinary person. It is a sovereign at the same time and very kind, and very angry, he has a very character of his country. If he had received the best upbringing, it would be an excellent person, because he had a lot of advantage and infinitely a lot of natural mind. "

Peter was not a secular man. You can also leave the impression on his manners from this record of the German court: "The king surpassed himself in continuation of the evening: did not grow out and did not make a chakal, did not pick up in the teeth, at least I did not hear it and did not see it, talked completely at ease With the queen and princesses. "

Tsar Palach

The great embassy was interrupted by the second Streletsky Bunlet. They suppressed him very quickly, but Peter still hurried returned to Moscow. Investigations and executions began, in which all the worst qualities of Peter's nature were manifested: he handed the head of the head of the hated arons, the horror in his childhood. "The king, Lefort and Menshikov took each in the topor. Peter ordered to distribute the axes to his ministers and generals. When everyone was armed, everyone began for their work and cut off the head. Menshikov began the matter so awkward that the king gave him a slap and showed how the heads should be cut down, "said the events of the events of Georg Gelbig.

At the same time, about 800 people were executed (except for those killed when the rebound of the rebellion), and later - a few more thousands, until spring 1699.

Tsarevna Sofya, before that, simply located in the monastery, was now tonsured in the nuns under the name of Susanna. To make even more sister hateful to him, Peter ordered to hang out executed Sagittari right at her windows.

Peter had every reason to regard this rebellion as a betrayal, hit in the back. "Holy Rus" betrayed - and she had to pay for it. Therefore, the king was not limited to spreading with the rebels, and immediately began to change the established gesture of Russian life: right on the feast scissors cut the traditional Russian long-rolling clothes of the dignitaries, the beard of the beard approximate Boyars. Tried everyone to change clothes to the European dress. By decree introduced a new, Julian calendar: canceling the chores from the creation of the world and the celebration of the New Year was moved to January 1. Prior to this, the latege was noted in the fall.

Then Peter started to walk with a big baton in his hands, which he beat stratum courtes.

The sovereign, the human figure on the lathe and being very fun, that work successfully goes, asked Nartov's mechanics:

- What is the exact same?

"Good," said NARTS.

- Such, Andrei, the bone exactly, I'm pretty pretty, and I can not sharpen the Dubino stubborn.

Ancient joke.

Frustic history of Mary Hamilton

Peter's excessive cruelty of Peter tells and the gossip associated with one of his mistresses is Maria Hamilton. As if he was executed by him for treason, and when the head of beauty rolled to the ground, picked it up and began to reason about the anatomy, showing the courted knife and the vessels.

Maria Hamilton before execution. Pavel Svyutsky. 1904

In fact, the atrocity of the king is very exaggerated: Maria really was at the same time with him in an intimate connection, but the passion has long passed. Since then, she had other lovers and was pregnant several times, but arranging the miscarriages. She still gave birth to the last baby, but immediately drowned in the ship (i.e. in a night pot), and then thrown out the corpse in the place. It was for this disgusting crime that she was convicted of death, and rather humane: she cut off his head, and not buried alive in the ground, as required by the Code of 1649. Mary's head was hurt and was kept for some time in Kunstkamera, but then some sailors kidnapped the vessel, alcohol drank, and they drove their heads.

Antichrist of a glass city

"The All-Eastern Cathedral" is one of the most extravagant clauses of Peter. For him, it was an opportunity not only to have fun and hug into rampant, but also mood over a hate real, serious life. So there was a board of drinking, or the "crazy, all-in -out-and-nothing and the violent cathedral." He presided over the former royal teacher Nikita Zotov - Prince-Pope, or the "Messenger and Complete Patriarch of Moscow, Kokuysky and All Yauza." With it, it was a conquance of 12 cardinals, seamless drunks and a rumble, with a huge state of the same bishops, archimandritis and other spiritual ranks that were frankly unpleasant nicknames.

Peter wore San Protodiakon, and he himself composed the charter of this cathedral, in which they were defined to the smallest details of the election of the patriarch and ordination for various degrees of a drunk hierarchy. The first commandment of the Order was to be drunk every day and do not go to bed with sober, and the goal was announced - to praise Bahus with pettif. The order of drunks was determined, the "ministry of Bakhus and the honeycomb passage with strong drinks". The jets had their own vesions, prayers and chants, there were even the oversized mother-bishops and Igumeni, or rather x * Igumeny - just like that, with a hint of an obscene word. One of them was Anastasia Petrovna Golitsyn - a smart woman, but devoid of all sorts of concepts about decent behavior and besides alcoholic. She knew how to cheer the sovereign and stayed in Favor for a long time - but then she was accused of treason in connection with the case of Tsarevich Alexey and beat Bat's. The humiliated and the patient, she lived his century in the manor of Cheryomushki - in the south of Moscow.

As in the ancient church, they asked the baptized: "Whether?" "So in this cathedral, a new appendant to the member asked the question:" Pieshi? " Sober away from all kabaks in the state, Pianoboretsev was betrayed by Anathema.

Often, Peter collected a huge company, a man of two hundred and nights to the sleigh in Moscow or in St. Petersburg. At the head of the procession - the Shutovskaya Patriarch in his own closure, with a rod and in a tiny miter; Behind him, laying his head, rushed Sani, a bitmaker stuffed with his losers, with songs and whistle. The owners of houses awarded to attending these Slavicians were obliged to treat them and pay for his relatives.

Once at Maslenitsa, the king made a ministry of Bakhusu: Patriarch, Prince-Pope Nikita Zotov drank and blessed the knee-eyed guests, autumning them folded with two letters, just, as they make bishops and triking; Then with the staff in the hand of "Vladyka" went to the dance.

The cataly fun was familiar, but jokes who threw the sovereign during the Great Post, cobbled many. Members of the Comcompretated Cathedral in the fried serpents went on the sleigh harvested by pigs, bears and goats.

Often they were arranged "Judov weddings". Peter could quit all the case to compose another judovo "decree" or the regulations of the Judov rite. With the death of Peter, the Cathedral ceased existence, leaving the bad memory not only as an example of the emperor's self-seeming, but also as another evidence that he really was an "antichrist".

From alcoholic beverages, Peter preferred vodka. Boxes in which bottles with vodka were stored in shape resembled the Gospel.

In those years, distorted production was still well developed. The then vodka, we would now be called poorly purified by self-refinery or raw alcohol. For fortress, she was no more than 18 degrees, but desperately stinking Sivukha. At the Assemblies, Peter ordered to cut the vessels with this drink throughout the park and forcibly saw them, including ladies and spiritual persons, until everyone was fought up to the Pig State.

These fun were the cause of the legends about the tsar-impostor and Tsar-Antichrist. Peter was declared the son of German and "Lafert," said that in the "glass kingdom" (Stockholm), the present sovereign was kidnapped and putting into the barrel, they were allowed to go to the sea, and he was sent to the "German". Raskolnikov interpreted the sacred books, where it was written that the Antichrist would be born from the unkind connection from the wife of a bad and maiden by imaginary, from the knee of Danov, and recalled that Peter was born from the second wife - illegal, imagining that the Danovo tribe is and there is a royal tribe.

Was Peter such an unfriendly blasphemy or unbelievers? It would be strange, given his upbringing. In addition, it is known that Peter cared for the construction of temples and even died for the architects of the sketch. So according to his drawings, the Petropavlovsky Cathedral was built in St. Petersburg and the church on the new Basmanny Street - very close to Jauza and Cube. In addition, possessing a good voice and hearing, Peter often sang on the closer, thereby expressing respect for the church and the divine service.

"Minh Herz" and twins

Alexander Danilovich Menshikov was the son of a bober, and became a close friend of Peter and the bright prince of the Russian Empire, the Duke of Izhora, a member of the Supreme Secret Council, President of the Military College, Senator, Field Marshal, and Other, and Other ... He was a brave and lucky warlord, but a diplomat, a talented organizer, but a shameless bribe. For the treasures was repeatedly bits by Peter himself. Ultimately, Menshikov has acquired a lot of enemies, was exiled in birch trees, where he died.

"Menshikov was strongly tied to the king and sympathized with his rules regarding the enlightenment of the Russian nation. With foreigners, if only they did not consider themselves smarter than him, he was polite and kind. He also did not touch the Russians who skipped back. With the lowest turned Krotko and never forgot the service provided. In the biggest dangers found all the proper bravery and, once having loved someone, became his diligent friend.

On the other hand, there was no ambiguously; Neither above himself, nor equal he tolerated, and even more so a person who would think to surpass his mind. Altitude was an insatiable and enemy irreconcilable. In his mind he did not have a lack, but the lack of education affected his gross handling. "

She told Colonel K. G. Manstein.

Rumors are connected with Menshikov about the alleged place of the bisexuality of Peter the first. One of the reasons for the occurrence of these gossip is a dizzying career of Menshikov's handsome and the appeal that the king used in the correspondence with him, "Minh Herz" - "My Heart".

Another source of rumors - Memoirs Tokary Andrei Konstantinovich Nartov, which says that in the absence of Catherine Peter put with him to sleep young twins. However, the narts explained it differently:

"The sovereign happened sometimes in a new time Takia Convulsia, which put with him on the bed of Murzin's jacket, holding the Kotorago's shoulder, pounded that I saw himself. In the afternoon, I often threw my head up. This began in his body to be with the son of rebellion, and before that there was no. "

Excessive Love Menshikov to luxury has been reflected in numerous jokes of that time. Crested Jester Balakirev often checked over the royal favorite.


In St. Petersburg, Prince Alexander Danilovich Menshikov built a palace for himself on Vasilyevsky Island. This palace, modest than today's standards. Then he was considered one of the huge. The sovereign himself followed the works and more than once came to admire the construction of buildings. In one of these visits, he suddenly noticed that Balakirev, armed with Arshin, is important with the view of the connoisseur, it is just over with a connoisseable, and arguing with himself, everything measures something.

Suspaying him to himself, Peter asked:

- Have you long, Balakirev, got a surveyor and what are you measuring there?

- I, the Sovereign, since I began to walk in Mother-Earth, and what I measure, then you will be expected to see.

- What is?

- Earth.

- What for?

- Yes, I want to measure on this foundation, which space of the earth will take Danilych when it dies.

The sovereign smiled at Menshikov, who frowned from the words of Balakirev.

One day, Balakirev somehow, especially for a long time and crawled over Menshikov, so the prince was finally patient and wanted to beat the jester. The latter managed to escape.

"Well, you, a fraudster," Menshikov shouted him, "I can't deal with you!" Not only alive, but also the dead will not be peace from me. Even the bones will know my strength.

Another day after the threat, Balakirev appeared to the sovereign boring and saddened.

- Batyushka-king, hollow! - he crushed.

- What does it mean? Petr asked.

- Give your club.

- Established, but first tell me why you need her?

- But for what I need her: when I die, then we can put it with me in the grave. And you know what? She is very afraid of Danilych, so she will protect me. And then the prince threatens that my bones will not be peace from him.

The sovereign smiling promised him to give his royal club.

The next day, all the courtiers were learned about this, and Menshikov began to do with Balakirev and more badly.

Prince Menshikov, angry for something on d'Aacota, shouted:

- I am to your death, unsuitable!

Frightened jester from all legs rushed to run and,

renting to the sovereign, complained to the prince.

"If he would surely kill you," the sovereign said smiling, "then I drove it to hang it."

I do not want to him, "the jester objected," but I wish that your royal majesty commanded him before, while I am alive.

Narva - broke!

In the northern union against the Swedish king Charles XII, in addition to Russia, Denmark, Saxony and Commonwealth and Commonwealth, (Poland) were included. In order not to be distracted by the Crimea, Peter urgently concluded a truce with the Ottoman Empire for a period of 30 years, and already on August 19, 1700 declared War of Sweden.

But, alas: this game, Peter did not succeed, failed, summed up allies: Denmark almost immediately left the war, and the Polish king Augustus did not manage to take Riga. The attempt of the Russians to capture Narva ended in complete defeat. The Swedes even released a medal with the image of the pretentiously delusted Peter and the Gospel inscription: "And the plastic bitterly, ISED WON".

However, the Swedes were rejoiced early: Peter knew how to learn from his mistakes. He reformed and re-taught the army, cast a gun, built new ships, and since 1702 she won the first victories. "Narva, who drank 4 years old, now, thank God, broke," Peter joyfully wrote in a letter. The way out to the Baltic Sea was opened.

Baltic beauty

In 1703, during the siege of the fortress, Marienburg Peter I met the 19-year-old Marta Skavron, the Baltic peasant. At first she attered Menshikov, but Peter took his beauty from him and made her his mistress. Soon she accepted Orthodoxy: the Mother of Peter Catherine (one of the daughters Mary Miloslavskaya) became the godfather (one of the daughters of Mary Miloslavskaya), and his son from the first marriage Alexei. Since then, Martha has become called Catherine Alekseevna.

The Frenchman Lavi in \u200b\u200b1715 described her appearance: "... has a pleasant fullness; The complexion of her is very white with an admixture of natural, a few bright blush. Her eyes are black, small, the hair of the same color is long and thick, neck and hands are beautiful, the facial expression is meek and very pleasant. " Lavi noted that the king refers to the spouse "with special respect."

Interestingly, despite the abundance of portraits, many biographers are stubbornly called Catherine blonde. Not wanting to give up the image of the "Blonde German", they even invented that Catherine specially painted her blond hair into black to fit Peter's tastes. In this case, they should be mentioned that it was the first in history with dark contact lenses.

"Once, when the king was at dinner at the King of Danish, on which he drank more ordinary, the last, wanting to joke, said:

- A, brother, I heard that you also have a mistress?

The king, finding a similar joke far from his taste, objected:

"Brother, my favorites are inexpensive to me, your public women have thousands of talers that you could consume much better."

In 1706, the king was replaced in Poland, and Karl XII began a new campaign to Russia, saving to his side of Hetman Ivan Mazepu. But luck left him: the battle of the village of Forest and Poltava battle decided the outcome of the war. Swedish king with a handful of soldiers fled to Turkish ownership. There he was met too affectionately, and soon he was forced to return to his homeland, where in 1718 he died in mysterious circumstances.

Russian diplomacy and dancing on the table

The Swedish Queen Ulric Eleanor tried to resist two years, but in the end was forced to go to peace negotiations. In the fall of 1721, Nestadt world was concluded, which completed more than twenty-year war. Russia received an exit to the Baltic Sea and joined the extensive Baltic lands.

With Nesteadt peace negotiations, which were wonderful diplomats and in general, people outstanding Andrei Ivanovich Osterman and Yakov Vilimovich Bruce, an anecdotic story is connected. Peter, wanting to end as soon as possible with the war, I was ready to make concessions and give the Swede's fortress. He sent to negotiations Pavel Yaguzhinsky, having endowed him to the authority to conclude the world in the Swedish conditions. Osterman and Bruce, believing that the Swedes are about to agree to give the fortress, sent people to meet Pavlu Ivanovich with a letter addressed to the commandant of this very Vyborg. The letter was pleased to intercept the Messenger, persuade the ride, drink extra and thus delay on the road. The plan has succeeded. Yaguzhinsky was delayed for two days, and when with a sick head, suffering from a hangover, I got to Nesteadt, the world was already concluded and became a triumph of Russian diplomats.

The conclusion of the world was celebrated by a seven-day masquerade. Peter was beside himself from joy and, forgetting his years and ailments, sang songs and even danced on the tables.

Yakov Vilimovich Bruce - Famous "magicians" and a scientist. He came from a noble Scottish family and was the descendant of the King of Scottish Bruce. His brother, Roman Bruce, was the first Ober Commandant of St. Petersburg. Their ancestors lived in Russia since 1647.

Jacob Vilimovich participated in all the wars who led Peter, and was awarded the Order of Andrei the First-Called, many ranks and title.

He was one of the most educated people in Russia, the scientist and astronomer. He owned six languages, actively engaged in the transfer and publication of scientific literature, gathered a library from more than one and a half thousand volumes and "Cabinet of curious things", which lay down the Kunstkamera. The "Map of Lands from Moscow to Malaya Asia" was the author of the zodiacal radial-ring planning of Moscow.

Yakov Bruce. Engraving XVIII century.

In 1702, Bruce discovered the first in Russia in the Sukhareva Tower in Russia at a navigator school in Moscow. His passion for astrology was expressed in the publication of famous "Bruce Calendars."

The people folded about Bruce a lot of legends. Allegedly once, Bruce took guests in his manor, and to entertain them, the pond froze in July heat, so his guests could skate.

This text is a familiarization fragment.

Reading time: 8 min

Peter I is a great Russian emperor and an incredibly attractive and creative person, so interesting facts from the biography of the king of the Romanov dynasty will be interesting to everyone. I will try to tell what it is precisely impossible to meet in any school textbooks.

Peter the first one was born on the new style on June 8, according to the sign of the zodiac-closers. It is not surprising that it was Peter the Great became an innovator for the conservative Russian Empire. Gemini is an air sign that has the ease of making decisions, an acute mind and amazing fantasy. Only the "expectation horizon" usually does not justify: Rough reality will be too varied with blue dreams.

Unusual fact about the character of Peter the Great

According to the calculations of the Pythagora square, Peter 1 character consists of three units, it means that the emperor was distinguished by a calm character. It is believed that it is a person with three or four units most suitable for work in state structures.

For example, a person with one or five, six units is distinguished by a despotic character and is ready to "go through the heads" for power. So, Peter the first had all the prerequisites for the occupation of the royal throne.


There is an opinion that Peter is not the native son of Alexei Mikhailovich Romanova. The fact is that the future emperor was distinguished by strong health, unlike his brother Fedor and Sisters Natalia. But this is only an assumption. But the birth of Peter was predicted by Simeon Polotsky, he informed the sovereign that he would soon have a son who will go into the Russian history of the Great Almighty!

But the wife of Emperor Ekaterina I was peasant origin. By the way, this is the first woman who was aware of all public affairs. Peter discussed everything with her and listened to any advice.


Peter first made many new ideas in Russian life.

  • During the trip in Holland, he noted that skating is much more convenient if they are not tied to shoes, and attached tightly to special boots.
  • In order for the soldiers to be confused by the right and left, Peter I ordered to climb to the left leg of the hay, to the right-straw. In case of classes, the commander instead of the usual preparations: "right-left", commanded the "hay - straw". By the way, it was used to be able to distinguish the right and left only educated people.
  • Peter intensively fought with drunkenness, especially in court. To completely eradicate the ailment, he came up with his system: produce cast iron, seven-cell medals for each rippled. Such an award was hanging on the neck at the police station and it was necessary to walk with her at least 7 days! It was impossible to remove yourself, and ask someone - dangerous.
  • Peter I was impressed with her beauty of overseas tulips, he brought the bulb of flowers from Holland to Russia in 1702.

Favorite occupation of Peter I is a dentistry, he with such interest died sick teeth with everyone who will only ask. But sometimes it was fascinated that he could snatch and healthy!

Substitution of Peter I.

The most unusual and interesting fact in Russian history. Researchers A.Fomenko and Snovoovsky argue that the fact of the substitution was and leading weighty evidence to confirm. In those days, the names of the future heirs of the throne were given in accordance with the Angel's Day about Orthodox canons, here and discrepancy was opened: Peter's first birthday falls in the name Isak.

Peter the first from youth was distinguished by love to all Russian: he wore a traditional caftan. But after a two-year stay in Europe, the sovereign began to wear exclusively fashionable European clothing and never put on the Russian caftan's favorite once again.

  • Researchers argue that the impostor returned from the distant countries had a body structure other than Peter the first. The impostor was higher and thin. Peter 1 is actually not an increase in two meters in fact, it is logical, because his father's growth was 170 cm, grandfather - 167. And the king came from Europe - 204 cm. Therefore, there is a version that the impostor did not wear The king's favorite clothing due to the inconsistency of the size.
  • Peter I had a mole on the nose, but after staying in Europe, the Mountain mysteriously disappeared, this confirm the numerous portraits of the sovereign.
  • When Peter returned from a passage campaign, he did not know where the oldest library of Ivan Grozny is located, although the mystery about her location was inherited. Tsarevna Sophia constantly visited her, and the new Peter could not find a repository of rare publications.
  • When Peter returned from Europe, his accompanying consisted of the Dutch, although when the king only went to the path with him there was a Russian embassy consisting of 20 people. Where are 20 Russian citizens in two years of stay in Europe, remains a mystery.
  • After arriving in Russia, Peter first tried to bypass the side of his relatives and associates, and then got rid of everyone from each other way.

It was Sagittariov who were announced that the returned Peter was an impostor! And they arranged a riot that was brutally depressed. It is very strange, because only the approximate king was selected in the shooting troops, the rank of firemen was inherited from confirming the king.

Therefore, each of these people was definitely dear to Peter first before the trip to Europe, and now he suppressed the uprising the most cruel way, 20 thousand people were destroyed according to historical data. After that, the army was completely reorganized.

In addition, being in London Peter the first concluded his wife Lopukhin to the monastery without announcement of the cause and took the peasant in his wife Marta Samulovna Skavron Cruz, which in the future will become Empress Catherine I.

Researchers note that a calm and fair Peter first became a real despot after returning from a foreign hike.

All of his orders were aimed at the destruction of the Russian herget: Russian history was rewritten by German professors, many Russian chronicles disappeared without a trace, a new system of summer, the abolition of the usual measurement measures, repression against the clergy, the elimination of Orthodoxy, the spread of alcohol, tobacco and coffee, ban on alcohol, Growing a healing amaranth and much more.

Is it really, it remains to guess, all the historical documents of those times available from us cannot be considered valid, because Everything was repeatedly rewritten. It remains only to guess and assume, you can also see the film on this topic.

In any case, Peter I is a significant identity of Russian history.

Do you have regular fear attacks before any specific things or phenomena? Obviously, this phobia is an obsessive state of fear. Varieties of phobias There are a huge amount: obsessive fear of reddening - erythrofobia, fear of closed spaces - claustrophobia, fear of sharp objects - oxyphobia, the fear of height is gypsophobia. And even there is a fear to experience fear: phobophobia.

Here, for example, phobia described by the famous doctor. "He scares his girl playing flute; As soon as he hears the first note, taken on Flute, it covers horror. " Fear of flute is called auofobia, and a doctor who described this state was hippocrate.

Nowadays, doctors have more than 500 different phobias. No one definitely knows what the cause of phobia is. Some experts believe that the nature of the phenomena is psychological, others - that biological. But more and more evidence in favor of the fact that this is a combination of both. It is known that phobia has a tendency to be inherited. If one of your parents had a phobia, you may have a predisposition to it, but not necessarily to the same.

Some phobias are more serious than others. If your fears seriously prevent you from living, you should turn to professional help. In one way or another, the phobia has every person, just not everyone is in a hurry to admit. Great were no exception. Here is a brief description of phobias of some of them.

Napoleon was afraid of horses

One of the greatest historical characters, the conqueror of Europe, Napoleon Bonaparte was afraid, what would you think? - White horses. Psychiatrists see there are two phobias here: the fear of horses (hypofobia) and the fear of white color (leukophobia). Numerous canvas where Bonaparte is depicted on a white horse, nothing like a fantasy artist. The shit-artillerist hated and afraid of these animals, however, they never had them in his stables.

Peter first avoided free space

However, Russian autocrats were not deprived of some phobias. When visiting the house of Peter the first and his summer palace in St. Petersburg, the modesty of the autocrat is striking: low ceilings, small rooms. In the summer house, the so-called "false ceiling" is arranged: it is highly suspended lower, creating a feeling of a casket. It turned out, it's not in modesty. The king could not feel comfortable in large spacious premises with high ceilings. This indicates ecoophobia and spice phobic (fear of his home and empty spaces). These phobias were not limited to these phobias: he suffered all his life acarophobia (fear of insects).

The fears of generalissimus

The fears of the Comrade Stalin, obviously, largely identified the tragic fate of many of his associates. Thus, Generalissimus suffered toxicophobia (fear of poisoning). Also, Stalin patologically afraid of flights (airfobia). So, being the commander-in-chief, he never was at the front. And in Potsdam, the Peace Conference went on the train under the enhanced security. In addition, the famous night vigils of Stalin allow you to suspect a dubyphobi from him (fear to go to bed). It is known that he fell asleep in a state of complete exhaustion to which he pleased at night.

Gogol foresaw the future

Nikolay Gogol suffered from youth to Tatefobia (fear of being buried alive). This fear was so tormented that he repeatedly gave a written order to bury him only when signs of explicit decomposition appear. In addition, from thirty years, Gogol suffered Patophobia - the fear of a variety of.

Fear of women: happens

An outstanding Russian artist, the author of the "Demon", Mikhail Vrubel felt the fear of liked women (Caliginefobia). In his youth, because of unsuccessful in love, he cut his chest with a knife. Losing and Robust before his love, the artist easily resorted to the services of prostitutes. From one of them, he became infected with syphilis, which led him to loss of vision and damage to the nervous system.

This article is your long-standing readers (on different resources of the world web) I promised to write a long time ago. Therefore, I apologize for making it to wait. But, first, I wanted to remember the events of our distant story to reinforce your words with significant arguments. Secondly, after condemning me by the personality of Peter and good reviews about Lenin, one of the readers ordered an article comparing these two, in any case, great historical personalities.

In advance will disappoint. Comparison in pure form will not work, because how can I compare not comparable? Too different historical epochs, a different level of development of equipment and knowledge, finally - completely different thinking.

And perhaps the most important thing. The reader asked me to compare specifically, they say, Peter gave the country to the country, Lenin - that. However, if Peter managed to hold out the state steering wheel with a small 40 years (given that he began to rule since 1689, by eliminating the sister sister, at the same time, it was officially the king already at the 10th age, i.e. in 1682- m), the Board of Vladimir Ilyich, as was known, was short (1917-1923), where years from the end of 1917 and up to 1922 left for the collection of Russian lands (under the new name of the USSR). In other words, time to catch something to do, the fate of the first chapter of the Soviet government simply did not give.

And yet, I will take the courage "at the request of the workers" to spend some parallels. But I will not compare the activities of Peter and Lenin, but Petrovsky time and time of the formation of Soviet power (i.e. Lenin-Stalinsky period). I think that it will be more correct, because In contrast to Petrovsky reforms, it took no one for the Soviet, and two generations of rulers.

From Russia "medieval" to Russia "new"

Again, among the reader's reviews, in response to the condemnation by me by King Peter I, there was such a statement: they say, thanks to him, Russia from the Middle Ages "skipped" in a new time (well, somehow, sorry, if I do not exactly give).

I hope no one will argue that the concepts of "Middle Ages" and "New Time" are very conditional? What do you suggest to take the point of reference, in order to determine that before such a year it was "Middle Ages", and then - already "New Time"? - What are the indicators - technical, public? ..

Suppose, let's start with technical. We will take it on the point of reference in the army of one or another powerarm powers. And what do you get? - Yes, roughly speaking (according to the generally accepted summer, also, by the way, quite and very conditional), the XIV century. And in Russia too. Let's remember that the "mattresses" (primitive such guns) appeared on the walls of another white-changing Kremlin, i.e. With Dmitry Donskoy.

Well, this is already too, the "mattresses" were only in the Moscow Kremlin, therefore, for the whole country they are not an indicator. Take the creation of the first regular army with a single outfit and firearms per point. In the case of Russia, it is a shooting army, which, as is known, appeared with us when Ivan Grozny (it is believed that in the 1550th year from the first three thousand Streltsov).

Looking forward, I will say that PeterI.undoubtedly very much changed the army, but not technically, and organizationally. Since Ivan IV, small arms has undergone little change. Yes, in the middle of the XVII century (shortly before the birth of Peter), shifts (in fact, the Russian Musket) came sprocket (i.e. cutting). Peter decides to replace them with a lightweight Musket (fuses), which a little simplified the life of a soldier (especially, a shorter or not distinguished by the heroic force).

Please note that most Petrov soldiers have smooth-bore guns. Printed meals or how they were renamed by the German Federation with the Tsar-Western, fittings, armed only the best shooters. What am I leading to? - And to the fact that the revolutionary re-equipment of Peter speak, obviously, is not worth it.

Yes, a regular military fleet appeared, but before him there was not at all. And the Russian people (who lived by the sea) were able to manage the sailing vessels before (talking about it too).

In other words, in the sense of a technical jump from the "one" time in "Other" during Peter did not happen.

Do not think that in front of you is a sort of ignorant that does not know what is accepted in historical science to take for the beginning of "New Time". I know I know. This turning moment is considered to be the bourgeois "revolution" in England (well, I can not write such a word without quotes and laughter in this case) 1640-1649. It is also called the English Civil War (the last much more similar to the truth). It is believed that in the end, England from feudal became bourgeois (if you want, early capitalist). Those. For the point of reference, historians are taking a sort of "breakthrough" from feudalism to capitalism, a new appearance of the Company's organization.

And now answer me: in Russia, during Peter, something like this happened? - Obviously, no. The fortress right, as it was and remained. Working workers like a class, not even outlined. They were replaced by a purely Petrovskoye invention - "Possessing the peasants" (about the position of the peasantry, too, let's talk more in more detail), i.e. farmers attached to the early production (manufactory) along with their village. That's right, why pay when you can not pay ...

Of the foregoing, only one conclusion is suggested: Yes, the country has changed, but the jump from one era did not happen to another!

Russia is generally managed for capitalism to "pass externally" exams. Again, it is very conditionally, but we will assume that "Russian capitalism" in its pure form will begin by the abolition of serfdom (1861), already in 1917 it will be put. And thank God!

It is because of this that we, the only and unique Russian people in the world, and retain our great and wide Russian soul, not spoiled by Mania to the money, as in the West, where this "value" was placed in centuries. After all, even with feudalism there are things like courage, honor, courage, which are valued by the ruling class (nobility) much higher than money. With capitalism, the ruling class - bourgeois. They rule the rule, but they themselves are also slaves. His money is the only value for them ...

And here is the first Slah-a-A-Abnyakaya such parallel Peter with the Soviet government (why weak, read above). In 1917, Russia, "Issue for Capitalism Externity", with terrible pain (and you wanted other in kinds?) Stepped into a new society. Where is the right bourgeois! How not to twist, but the authorities of the Soviets (Lenin's incarnation was) truly forced the country to step into a new era, a straightenably different from all previous ones. Moreover, on the whole earth, we were the first in this experience (as in space).

In which country, the country went to Peter I

I do not dare to argue, the country went to the young king is not at the best of the form: who lost their way out to the Black and Baltic seas, without a regular fleet, with a semi-regulatory army, the organization of which has long been time to change, with an extremely confusing control system. In addition, Russia was still terzate (and will be long) raids of Crimean Khanate from the south.

The next Russian-Turkish war (1672-1681), in which the Crimean Tatars were traditionally fought for the Sultan, just turned out. Western outskirts of the Russian kingdom did not live. Ukraine (more precisely, only the eastern part of it), as is well known, returned to the Lohn of Russia only under the father of the young king, Alexei Mikhailovic. Consequently, the Commonwealth (with all its fragmentation and inner confusion) had its plans for the new seizure of our Western lands.

Strictly speaking, and then there was no right to the throne, there was no Tsarevich Peter. For seniority, Fedor, Fedor Alekseevich inherited. But painful Fedor died in 1682, without having lived until 21 years. By the way, the thoughts of the need for transformations, as the story shows, were the elder brother Peter. Alas, fate did not give him time to their exercise.

I will not retell a period of two (the only case in our story, when the throne shared the two kings: Peter and his composite brother Ivan), and it is written enough. It is important for us, just understand that in order to get the real authorities to the present authority to the young king, of course, I had to sweat. After all, to send a consolidated sister sister to the monastery, the former government in two juvenile brothers, it was necessary to at least enlist the support of most of the seruners, incl. And Sagittarov (with whom Peter has a relationship throughout life, to put it mildly, did not develop).

And here you are the second (not tired to repeat, very ghostly) Parallel - the Bolsheviks, and Lenin, at the head of the country, got into another worst: Razied by the First World War and completely talentless (and in fact - a treacherous) policy of the temporary "government" (also to me , "Rulers"), here is about ready to break into pieces. The army also represented a completely broken soldier's mass. And here it is important to note that there are no efforts by the efforts of the Bolsheviks, as it is now fashionable to represent, and first of all, thanks to theft of the trial and the disgusting command.

Summarize. Peter got a hard burden, but at least the question of the further existence of the country was then not stood. But with the arrival of the Bolsheviks (in their case, there were no rights at all, i.e. this power was still necessary to take and retain) the question was exactly the case. I am convincing for the future to remember, it is important.


Obviously, without having a strong army, about a quiet life (and even more so, about the return of lost lands) the state may forget. In the case of our long-suffering Russia, eternally surrounded by enemies, this truth is true three times.

The Streetsky army, which was given to the young king from his predecessors, did not pull such an army. A man of military unblesnly in the free time to engage in trade, keep mills, etc. Alas, the Sagittarius just lived, because they had a little salary, so as not to say insignificantly.

The shelves of the same ingenic (or new) system were represented as it is called a prototype.

And, if evaluating "by top", then it is only necessary to admire the fact that Peter by the end of his reign gave the country a regular army. But not so simple, as it seems at first glance.

It was in organizing shooting troops one undoubted advantage. Sagittarius is free people who do not pay out (that you mean, pillow). Thus, he was emphasized by the leading of the position of a man, he was not a holop. And once again, I repeat, the warrior, of course, should live only by the service, more precisely, he should have enough complain of a salaries. In return, he is obliged to constantly witness his skills and be prepared on the first call to defend the Motherland, if necessary, then put the head.

The question with Sagittarius could be resolved by dismissal from the service of those who too "stopped" and "braked", an increase in the salary to the required level, nomination (and if necessary, by learning) young capable commanders. More than I am confident that none of the same Archers would have anything against re-equipment. But deprivation of military people of their personal freedom, well, did not follow in any way!

Peter, in the conversion of the army, went along the path of smallest resistance. Instead of raising the attractiveness of the service of a high salary, the possibility to climb on the service staircase, the transition to a privileged estate, which would give the right to man not to pay to submit (expressing modern tongue, taxes), the young king introduced the recruit set system, when the service was driven in direct sense stick.

In fairness, it is worth notify that at first, the soldiers of the peasants were freed from the fortress state, but this is only at first. Then, even pulling the 25-year-old "strap", the servant again became the property of the Barin. And if the landowner refused him, the old soldier had to look for a new Mr.!

It is understandable. Why look to seek funds, think how to replenish the treasury, if you can get a person against his will. Those who, reading before this place, will say, they say, the treasury of the Tsarist was empty, ask the question: And then, then, then "the bright prince" Menshikov Millions buried their own? And rumors about theft reached him to our days only because there was a "light" approximate sovereign hill. Now think about, and how much could be a smaller thief? Here, by the way, the parallel is no longer with the Soviet authorities, but with the surrounding modernity (regarding Varya).

About weapons already wrote at the very beginning. We must admit that what could, Peter I re-equipped the army (until the best then simply did not think). We recognize the fact that thanks to the young king, in the army created by him, the advanced techniques of combat, used at that time in Europe, began to study. And here we came to the most interesting ...

We studied acceptors, but whom Peter invited to the teacher? - understandable thing, foreigners officers. Often, without checking who they are, and where they came from. And the trouble is not that many of them turned out to be dubious personalities, but in the fact that, entering Russian service, they did not even know the Russian language.

Peter, inviting foreign people, allowed an unforgivable thing - put them on command positions. Whether they simply in the position of advisors with Russian officers - harm b did not bring. But they were entrusted with them to directly command the soldiers, yesterday's peasants who did not know, often, not to read, nor write, who did not know what "right" and "left". It is not difficult to guess how the newest colonels and generals (we note that you received double, against Russian officers, a salary) from the shores of Elba and the Rhine sought the execution of orders: with fruits, sticks and leaf.

In those days, corporal punishments were an ubiquitous phenomenon in all countries. However, one thing when he hits his. In this case, it is possible (at least sometimes) to avoid punishment, because you understand what it can follow. And completely different when your commander is a foreigner, and you do not understand each other. In the second case, daily tumaks are simply inevitable. I'm silent, about a huge abyss between the soldiers and officers talking in different languages.

And if you still add to this that the majority of invalid ingensers were treated for the country and the people who fit them, with deliberate arrogance (they are from the "civilized" Europe, where, in contrast to Russia, there was no real bath, and Hands in front of the food learned to wash at Muslims during the crusades), then the picture turns out quite insolent.

And one more small item. The uniforms of Sagittarov, of course, was not so beautiful, but is it necessary to prove that high boots in the context of Russian dissolutes are much more reliable than the newcomers in which the army shook? Yes, and linen shoes and kaftans warmed better uniforms (due to the theft of other officials often sprawling on the seams).


Creating a regular military fleet - the undoubted merit of Peter I.. There is even me, although not his fan, but I will have to agree. Agree, forgive me, I have my favored ulcer, with a reservation.

The fleet was not, but attempts to create it, like the experience of navigating and shipbuilding was. The first hardly deserves attention, here the ship "Orel" comes to mind, built under the father of Peter I Alexei Mikhailovic, a sleek "robbery" walls. And earlier - the caper flotilla of Ivan the Terrible on Baltic during the Livonian War. None nor the other in comparison with the proposed Peter does not go.

But in Russian navigation and shipbuilding it is worth stopping. The only major port during Peter was, unfortunately, freezing Arkhangelsk (by that time the Russians had already reached the Pacific coast, but our presence was still very few). Accordingly, the then Russian navigators were Pomor.

Of course, Nekazy Pomeranian Kochi (other names - Koch, Kochamor, Kochmar) in their appearance could not compete with beautiful sailing ships of the same Dutch, the British and Swedes. Well, so the task in front of them was completely different. But these seemingly not too beautiful ships perfectly coped with swimming in northern latitudes among the broken ice and fine water. Poms were known for a part of the future of Sevmorputi, the path to Mangazei (the first Russian Polar city in Western Siberia).

As for the secrets of shipbuilding, they were inherited by generation to generation. At first, Pomeranian shops-ships tried to attract, along with Inomers, to the construction of ships of a new type, but later Peter, faithful to their Western preferences from Pomeranian experience refused. Moreover, in 1719, he allowed Poms to leave their old vessels, but forbidden to build new, threatening a reference to the catguard. A special act was forbidden to send goods from Arkhangelsk on the courts of "former affairs". Well, isn't it impoverished?

The Peter did not ceremony and with the population of the Russian north, it was not enough of him that Pomra is not the serfs peasants. If he needed slaves, he simply turned his subjects to them.

In 1712 Peter I took for service on a fleet 500 Pomorov, in 1713 - 550, in 1715 - 2000. And he took the best young workers, condemning their families for hungry existence, ruin and poverty. Thousands of families have lost their breadwinners then.

In the name decree, the Arkhangelsk governor of October 9, 1714 Peter I writes: " In the Sumy Ostrog, on Mezhenia and in other places where there are the best workers who go to the sea for fish and animal fishery on the nomads, recruit 500 sailors, and so that they were not old, not injured, namely, so that there are years old 30 years».

It is necessary to say that, hitting the Petrovsky fleet, hereditary seawards, as well as their counterparts in the Petrovsky Army, often turned out to be subordinate to the ingenians, nor saying Russian people (and not betting today!).

And how it looks like a story with the archers, is it not true?! Why try to interest hectic sailors with a high salary, if you can just drive on the ships with sticks? And I did not interest anyone, we will repeat that these are freedom-loving people, who have not bent the back since childhood.

One God knows how much the Russian fleet has lost from the fact that discipline in its ranks (as in the army) was originally parliamentary, and not based on friendship and mutual execution, according to the customs of Pomorro!

/Vladimir Glybin, especially for "Army Bulletin"/

Image: © Wikimedia

On November 2, 1721, Peter I accepted the Imperial title in St. Petersburg, and Russia was proclaimed the empire. What led to these historical events, which man was the first emperor, and also that was changed in the life of ordinary people after changing the status of the country in an interview with RT, the doctor of historical sciences Yevgeny Anisimov said.

On November 2, 1721, Russia became an empire, and Peter I was proclaimed the first emperor. We know a lot about Peter as a rule. What was he man?

Like many talented and brilliant people, Peter was a very heavy man. During the war with Sweden, one of the Petrov generals Vladimir Dolgorukov said: "If it were not for Catherine (Peter I - Catherine I - RT's wife), I would have moved to the Swedes." It was so hard to deal with Peter. According to letters and many other testimonies, that era can be seen as those surrounding Peter. He led himself towards all very cruel. Peter believed that this is the only way to make people around them do something. Such a style of communication of Peter with people affected and on the management of the country.

On the other hand, Peter was in his own way a very touching person, even somewhere defenseless, especially when it came to his personal life. He often wrote some kind words of his subjects, who, for example, a wife or children died. Peter often used folk expressions, proverbs in his letters and performances. It is worth noting, Peter had a good sense of humor, but in some places very tough.

Peter often experienced warm and friendly feelings towards their approximated. He was condescending to the mistakes of his friends than they actively used. Peter immensely loved the statesman Alexander Menshikov, but by the end of his life he was disappointed in him. In general, Peter is a fanatic of his business. He all gave himself a service to the state.

- Under what circumstances Russia was proclaimed empire?

The empire was a prize to the winner in the Northern War, which Russia led with Sweden from 1700 to 1721. This victory was very highly appreciated by Peter. He believed that for Russia it was a serious challenge with which she coped. For victory in the war, colossal agents and resources were spent. As a result, in 1721, Russia reached the Baltic Sea, seized many territories owned by Sweden, and began to dominate Eastern Europe. Based on these achievements, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe proclamation of Russia of the Empire arose. At that time, only one empire existed in Europe - the Sacred Roman Empire of the German nation. Thanks to the victory in the Northern War, Russia led by Peter reached unprecedented heights, approaching his power to the Sacred Roman Empire.

From October-November 1721, Peter began to position itself as a European ruler, and Russians as Europeans. It was all in the wonder, since before that the "Russian world" was in isolation, considering herself to the heir of the Byzantine Empire. But Peter did not want to continue next. Byzantium - the ancient state, separated from the Roman Empire, existed for more than 1000 years and collapsed under the Natius of the Ottoman Empire. For Peter, the example of Byzantium was instructive. He believed that Russia should not repeat the fate of Byzantium. Peter believed that Russia should be afraid, respect that she should have a strong army and fleet.

On the other hand, Russia's recognition of the European country led to the fact that Peter borrowed many symbols of the European Empire to themselves. Actually, the proclamation of the empire and the adoption of the title of the emperor and were those symbols that allowed Russia to stand on the path of Europeanization in international relations. For Peter Empire meant adjuncing to the community of European powerful powers. Peter focused on many Roman imperial symbols. It was traced in the title of the city - St. Petersburg (Holy Peter), in the coins with the image of the Roman profile. Byzantine symbols that were at the heart of Doperer Rus, did not satisfy Peter. Goldenordskoye, asian heritage he did not like. Peter sought to achieve the reputation of Russia in the international arena through the use of imperial symbols and mighty armed forces.

- Why not happened before?

In the middle of the XVII century, after the end of the University, the Russian state gradually restored. This process was passed against the background of domination among the tops and the bottom of the population of the medieval consciousness. Therefore, the consciousness and ideas were dominated before Peter, which were still with Ivan Grozny and earlier. It was Petr completely refused such thinking and stood on the path of searching for a new ideology. It was based on an imperial idea.

- What did the emperor title mean?

For Peter, he denoted the establishment of a new continuity from ancient Rome, and not from Byzantium. The title put it on the level of the emperor of the Sacred Roman Empire. Before Peter, no one in Europe received such a title. Only later appeared the British Empire, the German Empire. The title of Emperor denotes the establishment of a new ritual order.

- What has changed in the life of ordinary people after Russia has become an empire?

In general, nothing, but in the mental and spiritual sense, the transformation of Russia into the empire, he led to close convergence with Europe. Russian newspapers of the XVIII century were filled with news from Western countries! This world became for Russian people their own, their household and universal interests began to coincide.

On the other hand, Russia after becoming the empire, passed to active foreign policy, built on the principles of domination. A huge number of people began to be involved in this policy. Many people fought not to defend their country, but in order to win new territories for the Empire.

- How to explain the fact that the anthem of the Russian Empire was called "God, King Keep"? Why not "emperor"?

In the title of emperor, the word king repeated several times. This is synonymous names for the symbol. It is more important to note the fact that this anthem repeated the anthem of the British Empire, and it was not by chance. The anthem supported the symbolism of the Imperial Spirit. Despite the fact that Peter refused to follow the European canons, many connections with ancient ruus remained, in particular, in the rituals of coronation and in the preservation of the title of the king.