Garage for two cars with parking. Garage projects for two cars

Two cars on the family are not at all luxury, but rather the actual need. If you live in the suburbs or outside the city, then you get to work, school, supermarket, is sometimes possible only on our own transport. After purchasing a second car, many face a problem or with the expansion of the garage room. For two cars for comfortable and safe use? The article below will help find the answer to this and some other questions.

Before starting the design of the garage into two cars, decide whether there will be a premises to perform other destinations. There is no better place to perform a fine repair than your garage.
The more appointments, the greater territory will have to occupy. The main factor in determining the area of \u200b\u200bthe garage will be the dimensions of the machines contained in it.
Adopted standards for one parking place:

  • Width - at least 2.3 m;
  • Long - more than 5.5 m;
  • Height - 2.2 m (taking into account the height of the body).

Knowing it, you can calculate the dimensions of the double garage.
Distance to the walls do at least 60 cm. Between the side parts of the machines - 0.9 m. Open doors should not be a hindrance to each other and sad passengers. Block height for passenger cars - 2.2 - 2.5 m.

Tip! If you plan to purchase a minibus or an SUV, the floor height to the protruding ceiling elements is at least 3 m.

Convenient when the height of the garage gate and the room is the same. Then there will be no problems with the entrance. The width of the entrance can be determined by adding 40 cm machines with each of the sides.

Based on this, the optimal dimensions of the garage for 2 cars will be approximately as follows:

  • garage width - 5 m, depth 5.5 m. (for two small cars)
  • garage width - 7 m, length 6.8 m. (For minibus and jeep)

If your goal is a garage for two cars with a house. block, dimensions will be slightly more.

We select the type of garage for two places

You can make one swing or one lifting-turning construction. The width of the opening is better to make 6 meters. Entrance to the garage with the same gate will give more freedom to maneuvering.

For the installation of a common lifting-turning gate, one set of automation will be required. But manufacturers determine them to a number of non-standard, as a result of which, and high cost on the product. Like a rolling-section gate, a swivel design will take some space under the ceiling. These values \u200b\u200bare clarified in advance from the manufacturer and are recorded in the project. The drive at the gate can be automatic and manual.

It is not very convenient to operate the disintegration design of this size, at least this option will cost an order of magnitude cheaper. Often they make the owners themselves. Constructions are metal, wooden or plastic. In such a gate it is desirable to have a gate.
If your project is a garage with two gates, then it is preferred to use the standard sets of automatic lifting design. They are installed with a distance of 1 meter. Each of the openings is at least 2.7 m. Such a device is useful when one garage, for example, is rented.

How and what to choose the material?

To build a garage with your own hands, you need to choose the material. It can be:

  • Brick
  • Wooden bar
  • Various types of blocks
  • Sandwich panels

A frame garage is built quickly and relatively inexpensively. The framework of the frame may be a tree or metal corner. Wooden frame insulate with mineral rigid plates and siding. For the sheat, OSB plates or sandwich panels are isolated, isolated by foam. A good output to assemble a metal garage, covered with steel sheets. With competent installation and insulation, the design can be designed for several machines and the utility room.

More projects of garages for 2 cars can be seen from cellular blocks. The structure is separated by plaster. An important point is a belt made of concrete with reinforcement for plates of overlapping.
Very worthy of the garage built from a wooden bar. Fireproof impregnation will make it fireproof.

Since the dimensions of the garage for 2 cars are not small, then it is not appropriate to build it brick. This is not only long and expensive, such walls are bad protection from intruders.

Warness planning

On your site, a garage under 2 cars with a hozblock can be attached to the house. Look at the photo. It will save space and make free access to machines. If the construction site is new, learn the fitness of the soil and the network of communications. With a large area, you can increase the size of the garage into two cars. Mount the indoor canopy. So you make a small personal parking. When measurements and counts, observe accuracy and some of the assigned provisions.
The dimensions of such a garage for two cars will be approximately such:

  • Depth - 6 m
  • Width - 8 m

The utility space will be released area of \u200b\u200babout 15 m2. Part can be left under the barn, and the other meters under the mini sauna and bathroom.
Help the optimal garage size for your case experts will be able to help. Remember the durability and security of your project.

There is never a lot of space in the garage, so in the process of solving the issue of the roof arrangement for auto and motorcycles by future owners, most often preference is given to the highest possible size of the construction, for example, for two passenger cars. Options to build a room today more than enough, the main thing is to choose the most practical and relatively inexpensive garage project for two cars, so that it is convenient and reliable.

Requirements for the project that it is necessary to take into account first

What should be a garage for two cars, depends on the preferences and kind of owners' activity, respectively, the layout and design of the design at the first stage should take into account the specifics of the project selection:

  • The construction is separate or attached to the main building, with a minimum box size. Most often, such a decision is forced due to the limited size of the plot and the absence of necessary funding;
  • One-story garage projects with a workshop, a bathhouse and a warehouse of useful things. These are the most common options, since in the building for two cars there is always the opportunity to highlight the working space;
  • The maximum functional projects of the garage for the placement of two machines, with a subsidiary and system of individual heating, the presence of a full-fledged residential premises on the second floor.

Tip! For a home version of the garage under the parking lot of cars, the project should be done with the prospect of the possible acquisition of a more overall car. Therefore, the size of the gate and the height of the ceilings is better laying into the project to the maximum.

In addition, the wide gate and convenient entry into the garage room will be useful if there are inexperienced or beginner drivers in the family, for which entrance to the room is a rather difficult task. The width of two cars will make the process of arrival and parking in the garage easier, even for beginners.

How to choose the project "Under yourself"

When drawing up a project of the construction and arrangement of the garage, a solution will be required to solve several contradictory conditions:

  • First, it is desirable that the garage room for two cars was heated and at the same time with good ventilation. In this case, most of the heat can fly into the wind, so the installation of forced ventilation and a recuperator will be required, heating the incoming fresh air due to the room emitted beyond. If the garage building is a mansion, often from insulation refuse to use natural ventilation. If you choose a garage project built into the house, an additional warming of the gate and walls will be required to avoid "discharge" of the entire building due to the large and relatively cold space for two cars;
  • Secondly, if, in addition to storing machines, it is supposed to organize your own workshop, to insulation and good ventilation it is necessary to add a special work area, where racks, workbench, additional equipment will be standing. Accordingly, it is necessary to make a separate entrance, divide the utility rooms or install dustproof partitions, equip a separate entrance to the basement;
  • Thirdly, it is necessary to choose the design of the ceiling overlap, as with a large width of the room, more than six meters, it will be necessary to provide additional columns in the project that support the ceiling overlap. To carry out the maneuver of machines inside the garage, supports do not interfere, but there may be problems with opening the doors. This solution is used if there is a second residential floor over the parking area for two machines.

Important! If the dimensions of the site allow, easier and cheaper to perform a garage for two machines in the form of an extension to a home or a separate single-storey building type.

The building with a garage for two cars on the first or basement looks much more attractive, saves a place in the site, but such a project requires a significantly larger amount of investment.

Draft two-storey garages under the parking lot of two cars

Today it is one of the most common options for the country area, on the configuration and level of arrangement, it looks more like a country house than on the garage, even with the possibility of storing two or more vehicles.

For giving such a project fits perfectly. On the first floor you can install two cars, for example, if relatives arrived. In addition, in the presence of motoblocks, mowers, minitractor, other gardening equipment such a scheme of the garage will allow you to work and maintain a passenger car, and the technique is almost in ideal conditions. The second floor, in fact, it becomes small, but a full-fledged house with a living room, a bedroom, shower and a bathroom.

When choosing a project, you should pay attention to several basic requirements.

Such a house with a garage for two machines cannot be built according to a temporary scheme, for example, from an arbite block, sip-panels or a conventional framework. Perhaps at the initial stage in the construction, such a project will cost cheaper, but over time the residual value of such a building will steadily decline, whereas with a successful project, a properly built major garage from bricks or a slag block will cost several times more expensive.

A high-class garage project for two cars should be provided by several classic solutions. First, in the garage project there must be a powerful full-fledged belt foundation. Whether the design pit will be in the project, depends on the preferences of the host of the machine, but the ability to equip a full-fledged huge basement is worth their efforts and means. The staircase between the garage and the residential module should be located inside the building and have a separate output to the street.

Important! Most often, such a ladder from the garage to the living room above is performed through an auxiliary room, for example, a boiler room - a warehouse, the main thing is that it has very powerful ventilation, stopping the penetration of the smells of Gary and the exhaust of two cars in residential rooms.

Roofing and gate

The draft garage construction should provide for the smallest distance between two machines at least 80-100 cm, while the size of the parking area will not be more than 34-26 m 2. This is quite enough to repair and maintain cars. If one of two cars are used as a workhorse for personal use, and the second goes as needed, it makes sense instead of one common sash to provide in the project to use two separate races.

For a unguarded dacha option, the most preferred is the use of swollen gates, in terms of reliability and resistance to hacking, they are clearly an order of magnitude higher lifting or sectional options. In all other cases, they will become a good modern addition to a stone or frame building.

Most often in the garage projects with a small house, two-tie roofs are used as the most convenient and practical. For regions with a large number of snow, it makes sense to use asymmetric roofs under metal products, with the removal of a slope of a larger area in the side of the skate in the lateral economic zone. Thus, the snow will be discharged away from the construction. Thanks to this solution, the amount of snow cleaning work is reduced, and to go out of the garage at the same time two machines are relatively simple, even if the snowfall continued all night.

Light carcass garage designs for two cars

Often, such a garage becomes not only the storage location of the machine, and the starting platform for the workshop. In a large room, calculated for the parking lot and more machines, there is enough space for the device of a tire fitting, plumbing workshop or car wash. In this case, the building is performed in the form of a frame structure from a galvanized profile, covered with sandwich-panels or metal products.

Build a capital building with a powerful foundation in this case does not make sense, such a workshop works for 18 hours a day, and this is more like a place of work than the storage of the car. In definitely, the project provides for the presence of a large canopy and platform before entering the garage. Due to the need to use Talya and winches such projects for two or three cars can be performed with a different size of the entrance gate. Perhaps it does not adorn the building, but very practical.

From foam concrete on the frame scheme, most separate garages are built, which is called "for themselves". At the same time, the owner may not own such a number of transport, in this case the presence of a place for two machines is a condition for comfortable stay and working with technology. The attitude to its garage is perfectly visible on the inner and outdoor design of the construction.


The cost of building a light box for two cars is only 30% more than for a garage to one vehicle. The paired scheme is of great popularity from motorists that have long been tormented in the conditions of old Soviet 24-meter garage boxes, and the possibility of fulfilling the second residential floor allows you to use a typical project to build the room of any type, from the gym to the bike club.

Construction of garage

  • Brick garage - from 16 000 rub / m2
  • Feno-gas-concrete garage - from 11 000 rub / m2
  • Frame garage - from 8000 rubles / m2
  • Garage of profiled timber - from 12 000 rub / m2
  • Garage of glued timber - from 16 000 rub / m2
  • Garage of the rounded log - from 13 000 rub / m2
  • Garage from R / B Plate - from 24 000 rub / m2
  • Metal garage (LSTK / Professional flooring) - from 5 500 rubles / m2

Construction of a canopa

  • Canopy for a car from polycarbonate on iron pillars - from 3300 rubles / m2
  • Console canopy for car - from 4700 rubles / m2
  • Worn canopy for a car - from 5100 rubles / m2
  • Canopy for a car from a professional flooring - from 4000 rubles / m2
  • Canopy for a car from metal tile - from 4100 rubles / m2
  • Canopy for a car from wood - individually


Slinge system from 300.00 rubles. m2.
Okeekhet from 150.00 rubles. m2.
Cross-cutting board from 150.00 rubles. m2.
Fronteon sewing siding, block house, clapboard, etc. from 300.00 rubles. m2.
Laying under the undercoal hydraulic isolation from 100.00 rubles. m2.
Laying Ruberoid from 100.00 rubles. m2.
Laying ondulina from 250.00 rubles. m2.
Laying metal tile from 300.00 rubles. m2.
Laying flexible tile from 400.00 rubles. m2.
Laying OSB - Plywood from 200.00 rubles. m2.
Warming of roofing rods from 150.00 rubles. m2.
Installation of the drain system from 250.00 rubles. p.M.

Prices for the foundation for the garage

  • Ribbon foundation (height 60cm - thickness 30cm) - from 3000 rubles / mp
  • Ribbon foundation (height 80cm - thickness 40cm) - from 4350 rubles / mp
  • Monolithic plate (height 20cm) - from 3500 rubles / m2
  • Monolithic plate (height 30cm) - from 4360 rubles / m2

Cost of one screw pile with screwing and concreting

  • pile thickness 89 mm. + Height 1.5m - 3 000 rub.
  • pile thickness 89 mm. + height 2.5m - 3,200 rubles.
  • pile thickness 89 mm. + height 3m - 3 300 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + height 1.5m - 3 100 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + Height 2.5m - 3,400 rubles.
  • pile thickness 108 mm. + height 3m - 3 500 rubles.

Electric installation work

Assembly, installation and installation of electrical panels Units. change Cost
Installation of outdoor electric shield pC. from 800 rubles.
Installing a hidden electric shield pC. from 1500 rubles.
Installation of an electric shield without electric power meter pC. from 2000 rubles.
Installation of an electric shield with an electric power meter pC. from 2500 rubles.
Installation and disconnection of spread boxes 3 Units. change Cost
Up to 4 cables for open electrical wiring for soft material (wood) pC. 350 rub.
Up to 4 cables for open electrical wiring for solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) pC. 400/450/500 rub.
Up to 4 cables for electrical wiring under GPSO2 pC. 350 rub.
Up to 4 cables for hidden electrical wiring in foam concrete / brick / concrete pC. 500/550/600 rub.
From 5 cables for open electrical wiring for soft material (wood) pC. 450 rub.
From 5 cables for open electrical wiring for solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) pC. 500/550/600 rub.
From 5 cables for electrical wiring under GPSO2 pC. 450 rub.
From 5 cables for hidden wiring in foam concrete / brick / concrete pC. 600/650/700 rub.
Installation (gasket) of power cable up to 4 mm2: 2 Units. change Cost
Opened directly on the wall using the bracket m / p. 50 rubles.
Open in a corrugated tube on soft material (tree) m / p. 100 rubles.
Open in a corrugated pipe for solid material (brick / foam concrete / concrete) m / p. 150/150/150 rub.
Opened in the Cable Channel for Soft Material (Tree) m / p. 100 rubles.
Opened in Cable Channel for solid material (Brick / Foam concrete / concrete) m / p. 200/200/200 rub.
Hidden in foam concrete m / p. 300 rubles.
Hidden in brick m / p. 350 rub.
Hidden in concrete m / p. 400 rubles.
Installation of a new electric motor (socket / switch) 1 Units. change Cost
Open electrical wiring for soft material (tree) pC. 200 rubles.
Open wiring for solid material (Brick / Foam concrete / concrete) pC. 250/250/250 rub.
Wiring under GPSoukarton pC. 250 rubles.
Hidden wiring in foam concrete pC. 300 rubles.
Hidden wiring in brick pC. 350 rub.
Hidden wiring in concrete pC. 400 rubles.

Finishing work

  • Installation of a set of electricians inside the garage - from 10 000 rubles.
  • Production of garage concrete floors - from 25,000 rubles.
  • Replacement. Production of wooden floors - from 20,000 rubles.
  • Internal decoration of the garage dry eurryagon - 800 rubles. for m2.
  • Making a metal gate with a gate, painting - from 30,000 rubles.
  • Set of lifting-section gates + installation - from 45 000 rubles.
  • Cosmetic repair inside the garage - from 1500 rubles. for m2.

Something I tried my attention to men! But they also want to have their own shelter cave in the country and the best option than the construction of the garage - the workshop, I do not see. So, men do not like long entry, so immediately to the plans. On the first we see a two-story garage with a studio room. Convenient, you can even say, perfect! Sizes in feet and inches, use the calculator to recalculate in cm.

Simple small beautiful garage for your country house

Garages in summer cottages are usually built separately from the house, as the place allows. See what a beautiful stylish garage project I found! Small, compact, beautiful! There is even a canopy with a bench.

Garage for two machines with an attic

This is a real male yarn, with a residential premises on the second floor. The garage itself is two cars. If the space of the site allows, then such a garage can be considered the standard of male housing.

All sizes are given in feet and inches. Transfer to centimeters on special services on the network is not difficult.

A neat garage project 3 by 8 meters with residential area on the second floor. A feature of this option is a balcony.

The staircase on the second floor of the garage is located on the street, on the side. In the garage itself there is a hosbler. On the second floor there is a living room with a kitchen, as well as a bedroom and a bathroom with a bath. In essence, this is a full-fledged house for a bachelor! Or a secluded place for a wishing to relax a man.

Well, and several species angles of the second floor:

Cons warm garage in winter

By the way, there is an opinion that in the warm garage rotes the car. It really is so, so it is better not to do heating in the lower room. Warm home garage can become in winter the cause of aging of the car, as it is in winter that the roads and other chemical elements are sprinkled everywhere.

This is because in the closed and heated room, the car begins to disappear. Thaw and splashes and salts and the body are quickly covered by corrosion.

The car, protected from the weather, only one roof or walls of a separate cold garage, will be operated much longer. It is not necessary to build a warm garage only because the car in warmth will start faster.

In this case, it is easier to install the electrical heating system in the car. It will save and nerves and finances. If you already have a built-in garage, then it is better to make a guest room or a gym.

Scheme of a simple garage from foam blocks

If you need a simple garage from foam blocks, then here are the standard dimensions. It is especially nothing to paint, the plan is extremely simple.

More beautiful foam garage option

A decent draft garage from foam blocks for one car. Practical roof design, two windows, a small resting room is also with a window.

Video from Masters Masonry - Garage from slagoblocks for 2 days

In addition to the plan of the garage out of foam blocks, I recommend to get acquainted with the video in which the master of the masonry shows and tells how they built a two-day garage for each other. Video is a living, interesting, shown the process of construction with a follower and motion.

Construction of cold garage

When building a cold garage, the thermal insulation of the room is particularly important. After all, in case of getting warm air on the cold surface of the walls of the moisture garage, it will begin to condense and drain on the floor.

The gate will also cover water droplets, which will fall into locks or thresholds, and this in winter conditions can lead to the fact that the garage in the morning will not appear. Constantly wet metal elements will quickly start rust.

Draft two-storey garage 8 on 8 for 2 cars

This option is more strict, unlike the first, which, on my, female look, is more beautiful. Men, I know, all these decorates do not need anything, however, since we are talking about the garage at home, then women's opinion should also be considered. This garage project is 2 cars with a residential second floor.

How to improve the thermal insulation properties of the garage

Boxing walls fold from foam blocks. The roof should also be insulated. The garage gate should also be insulated with a leaf foam, the thickness of which is 4 - 6 cm, then climb them with plywood or wooden clapboard. It will be easier to insulate the garage from the inside with a complete cover of OSB with a thickness of 16 - 22 mm thick.

4-meter two-storey garage project for 1 car

Here is a simpler design of a two-story garage for one car. I even enviable - such pretty functional houses - on the second floor shower, where you can wash off the dirt, kitchenette and a rest room, where you can sit with friends and cheat for your favorite sports team.

Video - Garage Workshop with an attic

An interesting video with forum khauses about how a man built a garage - a mansard workshop. Not finding anything suitable in the search, he decided to build an individual plan. See the story and the description of the construction of this construction from the author.


Using the supply and exhaust holes, we make natural ventilation of the garage. Holes should have the basic designs of the garage - overlap, walls, partitions, doors.

These holes are better to have diagonally from each other. The supply holes should be located 20 - 25 cm above the floor, and exhaust to 10 - 15 cm below the ceiling. All holes should not exceed the area of \u200b\u200b0.3% of the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe garage, otherwise it will be bad.

Draft budget two-story garage

This project is designed for one car, as well as on free layout of the second floor. With a budget execution on the second floor there can be a single space under the chosan, or a full-fledged recreation area for a man.

Canopy instead of garage

If you decide to limit yourself only to a canopy for your car, you should remember that you must ensure due strength of the support racks. This is especially important in winter snowfall when the roof must withstand significant loads.

8-story garage project 8 8 meters for 2 cars

And this is a project to one floor, but for two cars, or one, but with a large space under the workshop. I repeat that all sizes in feet and inches, can be counted in centimeters yourself.

Video review of the garage

If you are interested in how to optimize the space of your garage, I advise you to watch the video from Eugene, who built a garage with a naked mansard. The author tells and shows his garage for diagnosis and work with customer machines. That is, it is a truly professional car repair workshop.

By the way, I was interested in the draft garage with a bath. I do not know how you, men, but it seems to me some kind of prosperity. You have enough shower, and do the bath for the whole family 🙂

The car stopped being element of luxury. Most often, it is perceived as a necessity, without him, many people simply change or stop. In many families, there are two cars at one disposal. And it is very convenient - someone goes to work, and in the second car another family member is engaged in his affairs. Or two cars are diverse - the first car is a small hatchback for trips around the city, and the second is an SUV for frequent trips outside the city.

In such a situation, the question arises - to build two garages or one, but common for cars. Naturally, one common garage is most often built, because it is much more convenient.

As well as during the construction, many different factors must be taken into account.

Standard size

Before building a garage for two cars, it is necessary to take into account not only the sizes of those machines that you now have. You constantly need to keep the fact that your future machine will be higher, longer or wider than the present.

If you plan to own your car for a long time, you can safely begin the calculations. There are standard indicators for calculation - the size of one parking space is taken as the basis:

  • width - more than 2.4 m;
  • length - from 5.5 m;
  • height - completely depends on your car.

It is necessary to put into calculations free space between the car and the wall, as well as between the cars themselves. It is usually half a meter. It is necessary to calculate both the height - usually to the height of the highest member of the family or the highest car, it is customary to add 50 cm. Therefore, conducting all calculations, you can get the minimum dimensions of the garage into two cars based on standard parameters:

  • width \u003d 50 + 240 + 50 + 240 + 50 \u003d 630 cm;
  • length \u003d 550 cm;
  • height \u003d 220 cm.

These calculations do not take into account the brand and layout of the auto cabin nor the presence of additional shelves and cabinets for the tool. Therefore, this system of calculations resort extremely rarely.

Other calculation methods are used more often.

Individual parameters

Width choice

This envelope is one of the most important plans for the construction plan of the future garage. All - and the number of building materials that will be needed in the process and the functionality of the future structure depends on the width selection.

Naturally, the garage width should not be equal to the amount of the width of two cars. When the width counts must be considered: the width of the car, the distance between the car and ran from the car to the wall. However, the garage is often used as a premises for storing strollers, sleds, bicycles. There may be a large number of racks for tools, spare parts and parts.

When calculating the distance between the wall and the car, many factors are taken into account. If you need to store a bike, you need to leave an extra meter of width. If the car is five-door, then the wall must be at least 50-60 cm, if the car is three-door, then 70-90 cm.

If there are shelves, racks or cabinets in the garage, you must take into account their width, and also leave an extra place. It is necessary for the free approach to them and the car. On average, 40-70 cm is added to the width from the other side where there will be a large number of shelves.

Select length

Many owners of Iron horses have cabinets, racks in the far part of the garage. In this case, it will have to increase not width, but length. The calculation of the length of the garage is influenced by such factors as:

  • car length;
  • it is necessary to leave 90-110 cm from the car to the gate - this will allow convenient to leave the garage;

  • with the presence of a workshop in the back of the garage, it is necessary to leave 2-2.5 meters on it, in addition to parking spaces;
  • if there is a rear door to the courtyard or in the next building, it is necessary to increase the length of the garage by 50-60 cm for a convenient passage.

Choosing a height

Most often, the height of the passenger car does not exceed the growth of a person - about 180 cm. Then the calculations are carried out so that the driver is comfortable to move indoors.

According to the technical standards, the height of the garage should not be lower than 2 m. However, this indicator is not used almost anywhere, for a person has grown from 180 cm, it is simply inconvenient to move on the garage. The ceiling height is calculated, given the height of the car:

  • add half to the convenience of opening the rear door of the car;
  • the availability of lighting and other devices on the ceiling is taken into account;
  • height is added if there is a sliding mechanism;
  • the need to create a stock.

The average garage heights for passenger cars - 240-260 cm, for SUVs - 3 meters and more. When installing in the new garage, the lift height of the garage increases to 4.5 - 5 m.

Main drawings

Considering typical schemes, it is necessary to understand what the advantages and disadvantages of each option.

The option on the left is good only if you need to simply put two small cars. And also this option is good if you do not have a lot of garage space. But in such a garage it is impossible to store anything, and it is extremely difficult to move in it. The disadvantage is that the larger car will be extremely problematic together with the second car.

The option on the right is an option of a more prepared garage to work in it. The width on each side allows you to install small racks or calmly open the doors, not afraid to scratch them. The length of the garage is enough for a very long car (up to 5 m), or to place the workshop.

The width allows you to replace the car for more not to take care and do not think about what will be extremely crowded.

Gate and their dimensions

During the construction of the garage, it is necessary to take into account that not only the walls and the roof will become a construction facility. You need to remember about the gate as an integral part of the garage. There are two gate options.

The first option is a common big gate. Their width is 5 meters or more. However, the installation of such gates is usually associated with some problems - the need to increase the rigidity of the canvas, large heat loss. To get into the garage, it is necessary to make a separate entrance - it is better than using these big gates.

When the gateway or a separate part of the general system is difficult, it will be difficult to drive out machines from the garage - also the lack of such a system.

The second option is more optimal - make a separate entry for each car. The width of each entrance is calculated as the width of the car + 40-50 cm. And also when there is a breakdown of some gates, if necessary, both cars are leaving through the same gate.

But the cost of work and the gates themselves will in this case will be higher than the price of a single gate.

Many experienced builders use additional tricks during the construction of the garage and the calculation of its dimensions:

  • If children live in the house - it is better to increase the width of the garage. Children can very sharply open the doors of cars and when they are closely located the door, walls and neighboring cars may suffer. In order to avoid this, it is best to make a stock in width.
  • Lighting devices should not hang on the ceiling. Many have a stereotype that the lighting lamps should only be at the top. If necessary, all lighting or partially can be placed on the walls.

  • Take a look into the future - there will be no need to buy a larger car. Even in the near future there will be no such possibility, remember - the garage is being built for decades, so the stock for the main parameters should be.
  • Place for cabinets, shelves and racks should be planned. The ideal option will be if you calculate the place for them in advance and you will define the parameters of the shelves and cabinets themselves. Even if you leave the reserve for racks - not each of them will do well in the place allocated to him.
  • When choosing the width of the gate it is worth understanding how the entrance to the garage looks like. If the car does not enter not directly, and at an angle, then the width of the gate should be increased or the design and the location of the entrances are changed.