Garage lifting gates do it yourself photo, drawings, and description. How to make a folding gate for a garage with your own hands: Drawings, materials

Garage doors - a design, the choice of which for many represents certain difficulties. Often the owners of garage buildings prefer such an option as a lifting gate. They have their advantages and cons who are advised to learn before buying.


The lifting garage gates are called those designs that are opened with the help of a mechanism lifting them. There are several varieties of the lifting gate, each of which has its own specific advantages and cons.

The opening mechanism is the following process: The goal sash (one of the features of the gate of the lifting type is the presence of only one sash) departures up, folding, or just getting up parallel to the ceiling. How the sash will be located in the end, depends on the variety of gates.

One of the characteristic features of such structures is that it is possible to mount additional elements in the sash, such as wicket or windows. And that other options are used extremely often. This is due to the fact that often the garage is used not only as a place in which the car is simply stored, but also as a space for car repair.

In this case, the owner is often inconvenient to open the garage, leading the heavy construction in motion. It is much easier to simply use the built-in door, allowing you to get into the garage without directly opening it.

It is worth mentioning about the features of the organization of windows that allow you to put additional light into the garage. The windows are made of glass, be sure to use grilles. Thanks to them, the garage remains protected, and the risk of intruders into it through windows is minimized.

Among other things, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the installation of the gate of this type is incredibly difficult. This is not only connected with the fact that the design has an impressive weight, but is due to the complexity of the mechanism leading to the movement. Difficulties arise both with systems on manual control and controlled using the remote control.

The price of lifting garage doors varies, however, it does not particularly exceed the cost of models of another type (swing, roller and so on). So, the cheapest model can be purchased for 16,000 rubles. There is no top boundary price. It should be borne in mind that the design made to order by individual measurements will be much more expensive.

Advantages and disadvantages

Lifting designs for the garage have both pros and cons of approximately equal number.

Speaking of advantages, it is worth noting the following characteristics:

  • Compact size. The canvas itself does not require an additional place to open before the garage, in contrast to the swollen gate, for example. Additional space is necessary under the ceiling, but it is small there. As a rule, the clearance assigned to the canvas does not exceed 20 cm.
  • Simple assembly. Collect the design, and not mount it, any newcomer can no problem. For direct installation you need to possess certain skills and experience.
  • The ability to equip the gate to remote control. We are talking both on opening using a mobile panel and on controlling a button or a remote control, mounted in the wall.

  • Ease of Management. Open and close the vertical gate is much easier than horizontal designs. This is achieved due to the use of a special mechanism consisting of springs and levers.
  • Silent. During lifting or lowering, the correctly mounted device does not make out foreign sounds.
  • High degree of protection. Some varieties of the gate are characterized by the fact that they are almost impossible to hack. The only way to get into such a garage from the street is to cut through the canvas.

  • Long service life. If the gate is not self-made, and the factory assembly, then manufacturers tend to give them a ten-year warranty of the uninterrupted service.
  • Ease of care. The material used in the manufacture of the substituent canvase itself is processed by special compositions that reliably protect it from corrosion and other adverse factors. Thus, all that will be needed is to lubricate the mechanisms from time to time to make their stroke smooth.
  • Variability of use. You can use lifting design and as street, and as intrastorm. It is also suitable for installation and in single, and in double garages.

Disadvantages are not so numerous, however, they are.

It is worth taken into account the following important characteristics:

  • Limit form. Louvreous garage gates can only be installed in the openings of a rectangular or square form. This is due to the features of the work of the lifting device.
  • The impossibility of repairing the canvas. If we are talking about the cases when the gate sash is executed as a single canvas, and not the section, then it will not work out some of its separate area during breakdown. It will be necessary to buy a new monolithic cloth by replacing the whole option. This feature does not apply to the mechanism responsible for the lifting process - it can be fixed.
  • Mounting complexity. As mentioned above, the installation itself requires certain knowledge and better entrust her professionals.

  • Risk of overload. When the gate is insulation, there is a risk that the lifting mechanism will not cope with the new weight of the structure, so it is pre-required to clarify how the working items are calculated.


By and large, only two types of lifting outdoor gates can be distinguished: lifting-section and lifting-swivels. With the stretching to the lift, you can rank and the winding gate shutters. They are also called the louvral, since on the principle of work they strongly resemble vertical blinds.

The rolling gate will not be considered, as most of the specialists refer them to a completely special, separate category, but on the first two species should be stopped in more detail.

Rotary lifting

Such folding gates are simpler both in design and in installation. Often you can meet homemade variants of this type, as it is not necessary to make them independently of great work. However, it is necessary to keep in mind that independent production is unprofitable from a financial point of view: on some materials will take 25% more money than when buying a finished design with a guarantee.

The lifting-swivel variety is represented by one monolithic web, often insulated. When opening rises to the ceiling, a whole sash, not folding and not flexing. It should be borne in mind that during the raising the cloth still performs a little forward, into the street, by virtue of which the gate should be discovered, leaving the car at 1-1.5 m from the entrance to the garage.


These gates can rightly be called folding. They are not consisting of one canvas, but from several interconnected. This is both dignity and disadvantage. On the one hand, the sash departures strictly up, not acting forward, as a result of which it is possible to drive close to the garage on the car, without waiting until it opens.

On the other hand, the fact that the canvas is not monolithic, makes it less hacking, so the lifting-section variety is less reliable than the lifting-turning.

And folded, and monolithic variety can be additionally strengthened with special profiles. Manufacturers take into account the fact that winter in Russia is extremely harsh, so there is always the opportunity to additionally insulate the gate so that they do not freeze.

In some cases, in the presence of a lifting sash, it is impossible to pump the garage, so the insulation turns out to be as impossible.

Principle of operation

To imagine how the process of raising and closing the sash is carried out, you need to consider the scheme, visually demonstrating it.

For the work of such a gate, a system of special drives is used. They lead the sash itself. Please note that the drives are not used ordinary, but reinforced. This is primarily due to the weight of the canvas, as well as with the frequency of operation.

Classify several varieties of used mechanisms:

  • hinged lever;
  • hydraulic system;
  • astrase system.

Each of the types has its own characteristics. The hinge-lever mechanism is used more often than others. It is connected with its simplicity and clearness, as well as the fact that its installation is even a newcomer. The articulated and lever system is well suited for home use.

The counterweights are installed on sash that are exposed to enhanced operation. It is mainly about industrial, production facilities, as well as all those places where extremely heavy gates are used. It can be garages for buses and fire parts, and other similar objects.

Hydraulic mechanisms - the most expensive of allHowever, they are the most comfortable. Managing such a gate, their closing and opening is not difficult. Independent installation of elements of such a system can only professionals, and independent manufacture, in general, it is impossible. A set for a hydraulic device can be purchased only in a specialized store.

Any gate can be equipped with automatic electric drives responsible for opening them. Thus, the process of control of the sash is facilitated, minimize the physical effort required to open the garage. However, such measures affect the price. When equipping the design with a remote control function, it is necessary to provide and the possibility of mechanical opening so that in case the electricity is turned off, it was possible to get into the garage.

Standard dimensions

If we talk about standard dimensions, you can decide only with the typical height of the garage gate themselves and with the height of the lifting-section-type panels. This is due to the fact that the width of the sash varies greatly, depending on what garage it is purchased. There are single garages, and there are double and this significantly affects the width.

The height of the panels in the design of the lifting-section-type gate is an average of 50 cm. Such a height is due to convenience: first, the seams in the canvase turn out not so much, and secondly, the bands of such a height are easily bent and go under the ceiling without deforming.

The height of the leaf of the sash is usually 2.3 m. This dimension is considered standard for garages, the height of the ceilings in which rarely exceeds this indicator. The size of 2.3 m takes into account and amendment to the storage of the canvas itself in a folded form, equal to 20 cm. Therefore, even opening the gate, it will be comfortable in the garage, because the height of the ceilings in this case will be 2.1 m.

If the gate is equipped with a wicket, then its sizes are also typical.It is worth paying attention to that such structures will differ from typically taken due to the fact that they are regarded as for the utility room. So, the dimension of the door into the garage cutting into the sash will be 60x190 cm or 70x190 cm. Receive and that option. The final decision on the width of the door remains behind the manufacturer.

As for windows, there is no standard for them, because glass inserts are often used in decorative purposes. Glasses of inclusions can be twisted, complex shape, and not just rectangular.

If your garage differs from the standard (for example, it was performed individually according to the design project), it is highly recommended to perform a garage gate to order.

This is due to the fact that only this can be selected the optimal option, which will protect the construction as much as possible from penetration. In addition, the exclusive gate will look the most advantageous because they can be stylized under the existing exterior.


On the market, their products are represented as foreign suppliers and domestic. Based on the reviews of garages owners who bought some popular lifting gates, the rating of the most popular companies was compiled.

  • "Leple".The Russian company, who has proven itself. When installing this option, it is possible to equip the door to the automated opening system. Users also celebrate a large warranty period: the manufacturer promises that the gate will withstand at least 25,000 opening and closing cycles.

  • "SYBARS". Representative from Russia. The Siberian sash is already originally equipped with an electric drive, which facilitates the process of operation. One additional advantage is the thickness of the canvas. Sandwich panels, which are used in production, vary in thickness from 40 to 60 mm.

  • Zaiger.The Swiss factory produces high-quality models that, however, are not suiced. The minimum price of the gate is 26,400 rubles. The gate is insulated at the factory, therefore the thickness of the used panels is 53 mm.

Judging by the reviews, the quality of insulation is very good. The gate is perfectly withstanding Russian frosts.

  • Alutech.The company from Russia produces a high-quality gate that belong to the premium segment. It also affects the price, which begins with a mark of 35,700 rubles. The gate is equipped with a special mechanism that guarantees the tight fit of the sash to the way. A complete absence of gaps and cracks is achieved.
  • Doorhan. The Russian manufacturer has perfectly proven itself. The presence of additional parameters for adjusting the brackets makes the system extremely convenient, but simultaneously there are a number of requirements that must be observed for the successful design of the structure. Fold fully automatic. Judging by the reviews, the automation works fine.

  • "Corn".The rating of the "Corn" manufacturer is closed from Russia, a famous abundance of color and design solutions to his gate. This firm specializes in the release of sectional spring models. Product prices should not be called low, but buyers note an excellent value for money.

Assembly and installation do it yourself

To assemble and install yourself, you need to make certain efforts. If there should be no assembly as such problems, then with installation you will have to tinker. This is especially true of the gate of the section-sectional type. First you need to arm the drawing of the gate. If the finished model is bought, the drawing is attached to the assembly instructions. If the gate is manufactured independently, then the drawing needs to be done. To do this, remove all the measurements from the garage opening, including its width, height.

It is also necessary to check whether there is enough space on the ceiling for finding there the canvas at the time until the gate is open. It must be borne in mind that the dimension of the pests to successfully carry out the installation should be 90 mm.

There is a simpler version. When all measurements from the opening are removed and the dimensions are clear, a suitable ready drawing is selected, after which it is simply copied. Here are some of the prospecting options.

To fulfill all the work, you will need a suitable toolkit, including:

  • installation levels;
  • a hammer;
  • marker or other option that allows you to celebrate spaces for drilling or fastening;
  • drill and drill set;
  • screwdriver Set;

  • apparatus for welding;
  • circular saw or Bulgarian;
  • set of wrenches.

After everything is ready, you need to decide on the material, as well as the drive system that will be used. You also need to think if the gate will be equipped with automatic. If so, it is worth it in mind that the electric drive will need experience, special knowledge.

An amateur for such a difficult thing is better not to be born, because the system is expensive, and if it will not be able to cope with work, then the repair will also be expensive. The manufacture of the gate with their own hands is unprofitable, because both cash, and labor costs will be clearly higher than when buying a finished design, so more rational to buy a factory version with a guarantee and mount it.

Choosing materials

Despite the apparent lack of diversity, the lifting garage gates can be made from different materials, each of which has both its advantages and disadvantages. Metal is always taken as the basis, but it can be faced with a tree. It should be borne in mind that a one-piece array is impossible to use when the gate is cleaned. This will additionally buzzing and without that heavy construction. It is better to give preference to lining.

For wooden gates, it is necessary to have a special impregnation that will protect with wooden panels. It is worth remembering that the tree is a pretty "capricious" material, unstable to various external influences. Temperature differences, increased humidity, constant mechanical influences are able to quickly spoil the original appearance of the tree, and also adversely affect its heat and sound insulation qualities. If you know that the conditions in the garage are unfavorable for wood, it is better to refuse to refuse it.

If we talk about the material for insulation, then the choice is small. Often prefer either mineral wool or foam. And that, and that well protects against heat loss and drafts, but the foam is more preferable because it has less weight. In addition, the sash, insulated by foaming, will thicker, therefore, it will be harder to hack.

However, the foam flag is not suitable for the gate of the lifting-sectional type due to the fact that the sash will turn out too thick, and the load on the mechanism will increase. For folding models, mineral wool is used, which perfectly copes with thermal insulation, while giving the ability to keep the thickness of the panels at the proper level. As can be seen, the choice of material is one of the difficult steps that must be extremely thoughtful. Evaluate all operating conditions, also do not forget about your wishes to the appearance of the design. Then it will be possible to choose the option that meets the most as much as possible.


Before starting to install, it is worth checking the set of components. It is necessary to make sure that everything is available. A set of one or other elements varies from the model to the model, but it is extremely important to check the quality of the guides and springs. Both the other element is responsible for the reliability and safety of the structure, and this plays a paramount role, because no one wants to harm your sash or car.

To install the gate yourself, it is necessary to arm the next step by step instruction:

  • Start from the manufacture of a frame. First of all, it is necessary to weld the frame of the P-shaped form from the fortified profiles. Corners should be strictly 90 degrees.
  • Frames try on the way. The necessary plug in the tie - 2-5 cm. This is done so that the design keeps the most well. The frame is fixed on the opening with anchor bolts, and all the slots and gaps between it and the opening are processed by foam.

  • Upper guides are fixed to the ceiling. It is extremely important to accomplish this work as high quality as possible, since it is the guides that the entire mechanism is responsible for the smooth operation of the entire mechanism. With the help of the level check the quality of the fastener: the guides must be fixed exactly.
  • Next comes the brackets. They are welded to the slats. Mounting brackets are necessary with the fact that there is a small gap for the unimpeded opening of the canvas. This is especially true of the gate of the rotary type. Brackets are complemented by rollers.
  • After that, the slat canvas itself is trying on the frame. If it goes freely through it, the frame is fastened finally. Special attention should be paid to the junction of the canvas and guides: here the gaps should be as small as possible.

  • Welding works are performed. Seams are cleaned.
  • The sash is insulated by laying a material that is brewed from two sides by iron sheets. Next, the sash degreases, it is ground and painted either decorated with clapboard.
  • The canvas is installed in the guides. Springs are immediately adjustable. Remember that their task is fixing the sash. They should not pull the cloth down. It is important to ensure that the springs are not too rigid.
  • In conclusion, fittings are installed: handle, junk, locks.


Management of gates equipped with automatic electric drive, exercise much easier. It is required to make less physical effort, and you can open the gate without leaving the car, which is relevant most of the year.

Alone to adapt automation will be able only if you are a professional electrician or already have experience like this. The wiring system is quite complicated, it requires a connection directly to the wiring of the house. You will also need to equip the remote control. It can be both stationary on the wall and portable.

Many owners are mounted at once two of these options simultaneously, complementing the manual opening system. This decision is made to maximize convenience.

The most expensive version of the equipment belongs to the hydraulic drive. It is possible to mount a system operating at maximum speed. Such a gate is also called fast. If usually, the lifting of the web is required 3-5 minutes, then in these systems, the time of raising and lowering the sash is reduced by half. It is extremely convenient, especially for those who always hurry somewhere.

To equip automatic control, additional funds will be required.On average, such works require about 30% of the value of the garage gate, but the final figure remains individual. It is worth weighing everything and against before deciding, to equip the gate with automatic or not. In some cases, automatic control is not so necessary, as it seems, at first glance, and the refusal of it allows you to save considerable funds.

If you still decided to make automatic control, pay special attention to all the electronic components were top quality. So you minimize the risk that due to the short circuit, the wiring will be unworn and secure yourself from possible expensive repairs.

Adjustment and checking

To adjust the gate, you need to open them several times and close.

At the same time, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • availability of foreign sounds;
  • the smoothness of raising and lowering the canvas.

The operation of the mechanism must be completely silent, otherwise we can conclude that the installation was not fully manufactured correctly. The simplest thing you can do is lubricate the mechanisms. Perhaps the problem lies precisely in the insufficient number of lubricating mortar on the components.

The second option is more complicated. The reason for the absence of a smooth stroke can be covered in insufficient grease of mechanisms, in improper adjustment of the springs or in excessive weight of the canvas. If the first and second reasons to eliminate are quite simple, then too much weight is a more serious problem. It is necessary to either facilitate the sash itself, or to re-equip the lifting mechanism at the rate of a heavier design.

You can strengthen the gate at the installation stage. This is negotiated with the manufacturer who has a design. As a rule, professionals are calculated and delivered to the set, fully appropriate. If still problems arise during operation, then you need to contact the manufacturer's office - such cases refer to warranty, and you must provide a free consultation, possibly with the departure of a specialist at home.

You can try to adjust the mechanism with your own hands, but it should be borne in mind that any attempts of independent repairs are regarded as mechanical damage. In case, during your intervention, you will make even worse, repeated repair you will have to do at your own expense. Sustain immediately seek help from professionals.

  • If when installing there is an alternative - drilling or welding, then choose welding. With a similar approach, the frame is obtained more reliably bonded, since there are no additional holes.
  • Also pay attention to the dimensions of your garage. The setting of the lifting type is only possible when the height of the opening is not less than 230 cm, and the height of the pitch (the distance between the upper edge and the ceiling) is not less than 90 cm. This is due to the feature of the design of the lifting garage doors.
  • The canvas should not be heavier 100 kg. In other cases, an enhanced mechanism for fastening and work is required.

  • If possible, equip the design of the staps. They are equipped for safety purposes, since they do not allow the sash to pinch a person standing in the opening, or damage the car.
  • Pay attention to modern decorative solutions. Garage doors can not only paint so that they are harmonized with the interior and surrounding landscape, but also decorate with windows, glass inserts.
  • If you use a garage as a repair shop, as well as an additional entrance to the house, equip the gate with a gate or a door that allows you to get into it without a complete lifting of the sash. So you will save time, and also do not subjected to excess loads. However, it is worth it in mind that a similar solution reduces the burglar resistance of the garage, so it is necessary to additionally set the alarm, take other measures to enhance safety.

In the article, we consider how to make a garage lifting gate with your own hands, the main plus of such a gate is that when the garage opens, there is a movement of the ceiling in the garage, and this is much more convenient than in the case of swing gates.

So, you decided to equip the lifting gate in your garage, and to do it on your own. The simplest design of the lifting gate is the one that was installed on the "shell" garage garages. However, these gates have a technological gap from the door of the gate to the day. Naturally, it is unacceptable, since in our conditions the garage should be insulated, and the presence of even a small gap is completely inappropriate.

It is required that the fitting of the closed gate to the runner is implemented as long as possible, in addition, it should be provided in the gate the presence of gate, in order to do not catch cold air in the garage structure during the full opening of the gate.

Garage lifting gates

For the manufacture of a garage gate frame, you can use an aluminum profile, and for the arrangement of the frame under the gate, you can use wooden bars. From the outside, a professional owl is mounted on a garl frame, or any other light finishing material.

After performing these actions, we get the gate in which the wicket opens to the side of the street. The wicket must open so that when lifting the gate, it has not been opened in itself (this is fraught with injuries).

The size of the gate is performed in large than the length of the opening (about 10 cm), this is done in order to ensure the absence of a gap between the gate and the wall of the structure (5 cm from the inner side).

The lower part of the canvas from the sides need to be provided with wheels, I used wheels from ordinary roller skates. And so that they easily move around the wall of the garage, I installed vertical guides: I bought a bought a profile for mounting drywall (metal thickness 0.6 mm) in the construction store (metal thickness 0.6 mm), and used as guides. From the beginning I thought it would blow up, but practice showed that the side of the profile does not have a very big load and it fully withstands.

The doors are suspended with chains (then replaced on the metal stripes 25x4mm) on the front wall of the garage structure so that the location of the center of gravity of the canvas was lower than their mount, and the location of the upper part was close to the opening.

In the closed state, the position of the lower edge of the canvas should be in a special recess, it is necessary that the gate is not moved away from the construction. The canvas must be pressed against the reverse effect under the action of its weight. In the extreme lower position, the gate must be blocked, for which the special valve is attached from the inside.

How it all looks in fact:

Another simple and inexpensive version of the lifting mechanism of the gate

To facilitate the rise of the carrier sash and simplify its maintenance in the extreme upper position need to be equipped with a counterweight, the selection of which is made according to the weight of the canvas. The axis of the rollers are supplied with cables that should be skipped through blocks and load using a counterweight.

At the bottom of the goal, the installation of a conventional door handle should be installed, which helps when closing and opening the gate, since it is convenient to use it.

This is about all the production technology. Using these instructions, you can easily build a lifting gate in my garage.

A few more options for garage lifting gates --Video

In the article, we consider how to make a garage lifting gate with your own hands, the main plus of such a gate is that when the garage opens, there is a movement of the ceiling in the garage, and this is much more convenient than in the case of swing gates.

So, you decided to equip the lifting gate in your garage, and to do it on your own. The simplest design of the lifting gate is the one that was installed on the "shell" garage garages. However, these gates have a technological gap from the door of the gate to the day. Naturally, it is unacceptable, since in our conditions the garage should be insulated, and the presence of even a small gap is completely inappropriate.

It is required that the fitting of the closed gate to the runner is implemented as long as possible, in addition, it should be provided in the gate the presence of gate, in order to do not catch cold air in the garage structure during the full opening of the gate.

Download the drawing of the garage lifting gate

For the manufacture of a garage gate frame, you can use an aluminum profile, and for the arrangement of the frame under the gate, you can use wooden bars. From the outside, a professional owl is mounted on a garl frame, or any other light finishing material.

After performing these actions, we get the gate in which the wicket opens to the side of the street. The wicket must open so that when lifting the gate, it has not been opened in itself (this is fraught with injuries).

The size of the gate is performed in large than the length of the opening (about 10 cm), this is done in order to ensure the absence of a gap between the gate and the wall of the structure (5 cm from the inner side).

The lower part of the canvas from the sides need to be provided with wheels, I used wheels from ordinary roller skates. And so that they easily move around the wall of the garage, I installed vertical guides: I bought a bought a profile for mounting drywall (metal thickness 0.6 mm) in the construction store (metal thickness 0.6 mm), and used as guides. From the beginning I thought it would blow up, but practice showed that the side of the profile does not have a very big load and it fully withstands.

The doors are suspended with chains (then replaced on the metal stripes 25x4mm) on the front wall of the garage structure so that the location of the center of gravity of the canvas was lower than their mount, and the location of the upper part was close to the opening.

The gate that do not open with flaps, and slowly disappear from our eyes, "leaving" along the walls of the garage - comfortable, because: they do not interfere and not cumbersome, do not occupy a place. The owner of such a device is not needed to think where it will be located when opening when the garage is built, there is no option "difficulties in winter because of snow". When opening such an input, only the bottom of the garage door at the garage ceiling is seen. The lifting gates are very safe, because, in fact, a solid piece of wood or metal and they are very difficult to hack. If they are galvanized, they will also be very resistant to corrosion. The door will reliably protect against the thieves, keep warm inside the building and will become very comfortable and easy to use, but to buy it quite notice. Much cheaper and more interesting to do the lifting gates in the garage do it yourself.

What to choose a model?

The model with sections is a canvas that make up the blocks of wood, plastic, or steel somewhere 1.5 m size. During the raising of this door, the blocks "pulls" up and then return back the same way. Inside the wooden canvas will be filled with polyurethane foam, which will not miss the cold in winter in the garage. The panels are connected by hinged-type loops, moving parts consist of steel or plastic (better steel, last last time), and the guides of the route are resistant to destruction and rust due to its composition.
Unfortunately, this door is almost impossible to do on their own, and it is simple enough to hack it. You can buy a ready-made prefabricated kit and put the door to get the main plus it - simplicity and ease for the owner.

Lifting and rotary doors - sash in the process of movement "calls" under the roof using the action of hinges and levers. Such a door is very reliable and hacking her an attacker with the purpose of the garage robbery is very difficult. They are also quiet during the lifting, because they do not use "driving" elements: guides and rollers, still using them, is quite difficult to hold yourself a finger. This is an expensive choice, about 60 thousand rubles. For the object and 15 thousand - to the installation.

Pottime lifting

This type of door includes a box, lifting sash and a mechanism that opens the door. Steel or wooden frame mounted in the opening, profiles are installed in the box directly for the web. It is made of wooden boards, sandwich panels, should be coated with metal. The door made from a solid piece of wood, very sophisticated pleasure, the choice of simpler - boards, soaked in chemical composition, which will tap from weather and covered with metal, painted in any color. You can enclose the tree with pieces of extruded foam or other insulation material.

Before you start directly do the gate, you need to explore the available ways of lifting.

  • Method for using hinges and levers. A simple design promises reliability, but you need to very well mount the guide profiles and put the tension of the springs to it very well. Profiles should be put in parallel and smooth.
  • Counterfeit method. The cable is fixed in the corners of the frame down, passed through the block, lead to the pulley of the swan, and at its end and is opposed. His mass will be a commemorable gate weight. The option means that the frame and framework will be subject to considerable load, such a mechanism is advised to choose exclusively for a huge gate. Next step: Design of the gate. We measure the discourse and draw the sketch (we are looking for drawings on the Internet).

The box is collected from wooden bars, their ends are connected by steel or corners with plates, and the bottom is deepened by 2 cm deep into the floor, then fasten it in the opening pins of steel.

This type of door includes a box, lifting sash and a mechanism that opens the door.

How to make a design

Frame is done like this: Take a thick corner, its parameters are directly dependent on the panel of the shield, with the 25-ke take the 75th, with a 50-k, 100th corner. Next, we measure the garage and we prepare the way to attach the frame, you need to trace the surfaces to be smooth and smooth if it is not - we take the grinder in your hands and work. Next, we are looking for a workspace for the welding process. 2 channels from us will lie on the platform for welding, their parameters are less than 20 cm. Cut off the corner along the length from both ends, watches so that they are lightened tight. We weld them together, we make seeds and use the fourth (five) of the electrode, create a frame, but do not weld very tightly. We apply to the opening and control the density, if it is not, then we fit what happened and boil again, then we clean the seams. We do the same with the second part of the frame, further the same - on the second wall, the frame should be made double - inner and outdoor, install it.

From the corner there is a support for a chamber bracket, in one shelf we make a hole to fix to the racks, in the other - 3 holes to secure the spring bracket. Fix the bracket by drilling 3 holes in one of the shelves. Next, we produce the adjustment plate from the iron strip, we combine the spring and bracket. The last springs springs are wound with the hooks, connecting the voltage regulator from the bar to the bottom. Create a hinged angle from the corner to the bottom, we drill a hole of 8.5 mm and weld to the frame, retreating from the bottom rib to the central part of the hole. Thus, we prepare for the manufacture of the lever for the rise on a 12-cm joint. Further to its end, we weld the plane for the voltage regulator.

Garage Doors

They advise to shed concrete trench along the length of the course of lateral racks, press the channel parallel to the Earth, when hardening - we weld both frames.

Installation of canvas

We measure diagonal, considering the dimensions, bent it with welding, all sorts of clearances are excluded, we clean the seams and put the cloth. We attach the brackets and guides, their horizontal need to be done perfect, further: warm the canvas, secure a metal sheet, we clean the seams, degrease. We adjust the springs, fix the internal fittings. Two or three days will go to all the celebration of work and design.

Lifting-section doors

The option is folded, but they are sealed and better protect the room. Can be electric or manual. The first option is convenient, it is necessary to press a button or remote - ready. But the manual drive is less likely breaking, and the shield for it is easier. The necessary details cannot be made at home. Details can not be bought on the market, it is better to buy a factory set.

The doorway of the garage should be measured and estimate whether the standard canvas will also be checked, so that the side parts and the upper side of the outlet are in the same plane. Add 50 cm to the height of the doorway (if the gate with the drive is 100 cm), this is the length of the garage, the gate should be left to its ceiling.

Option is complicated, but they are sealed and better protect the room

Sectional doors consist of a web, locks, motion mechanism, spring balancing mechanism and guide modules. In terms of the edges, the tires are attached to the overlap, which go under the overlap, and the gate moves. The sections are better to buy polymeric, they are practically no corrosion, do not create noise, withsting temperatures -50 - +60.

Installation scheme

Create marking for fixing the frame and composite elements. Collect frame design (not much different from a similar algorithm for lifting-turning gates). Everything is standard: we put the frame, Bolts are dripping the guides to the ceiling, but you do not need to drill holes and make other designs for weighing weight. We collect the cloth, starting below, the elements of the panel with rollers. We protect the design of the housings. We check - if everything is done correctly, the canvas will not move itself, depending on what installed it.

It is worth saying in completion - homemade sectional gates must be safe. The rate is your own car, and even life. It should be extremely careful about the installation rules, adhere to safety and pay a small amount by a specialist who will check the quality of the door installation after the owner's effort.

Lifting gates do it yourself

Communities\u003e DIY\u003e Blog\u003e Lift garage gates.

Unfortunately, I can't buy sectional doors, therefore, it was decided to manufacture a gate alone.
I decided to do as much as possible, and from what is at hand and in any house. The store, as a result, came to this design.

I liked this option by the fact that it is easy to manufacture, the upper guides are unnecessary and the fact that the gate has a departure out of the garage, convenient in the summer when the rain or the sun on the side of the gate, covered a bit and no problem.
Well, the main factor, this type of mechanism eats less internal space when closing and opening, as if you put the car back to the goal, then the simple design would be touched. And I don't want to move there cars here for opening and closing the gate

Well, actually about the design.
Dimensions of the gate of the gate: width 298 cm., Height 230 cm.

I used in the manufacture of the gate:
Pipe Profile 40 x 20 x 600 cm \u003d 4 pcs.
Corner 35 x 35 x 600 cm \u003d 4 pcs.
Corner 25 x 25 x 600 cm \u003d 1 pc.
Polyurethane wheels \u003d 2 pcs.
Professional flooring C8 120 x 200 \u003d 6 sheets.
Unfortunately, 3 meter I could not find, there is no, but for the order is very small volume.
Cable 3 mm \u003d 5 meters.
COUNT under the cable 3 mm \u003d 4 pcs.
Mount for cable \u003d 4 pcs.
Block for cable 30 mm \u003d 6 pcs. (Temporary solution will be replaced with bearings).
Bolts, nuts \u003d I had.

I started with calculating the distance of the departure of the grief and attachment of traction.
On paper, I drew everything on a scale and checked how the grotne will open.
I decided to make 80 cm to Koloysik Niza, that is, it turns out the departure of the gate of 80 cm, but it turned out 81 cm.
At the same time, the distance of the grief at the opening did not hurt the car.

But with the distance of the attachment, the traction had to act as a selection method.
I took a rake at a height of the grief, marked the place of fastening of the wheel of 81 cm on it, then screwed up the self-tapping screw where the upper attachment was planned, tied the rope, another end on the rail was chosen the required distance, I got 85 cm.
The principle of the selection as in the photo below.

For the upper attachment of thrust, one corner of the support rack above the height of the gate of the gate was digested to the other side (the corner outside, see photo).
He drilled a hole under the M12 bolt, the shock absorber sleeve from the Volga or Zhiguli was welded, I don't remember exactly, I don't remember the spare parts (see Foto below).

To date, a variety of diverse garage gates has been developed and successfully implemented. Among all the existing options, traditional lifting gates are distinguished by special convenience and ergonomics, spectacularly leaving the garage ceiling during opening. At the same time collect and install lifting garage doors can be independently.

Garage Gate Lifting DIY

Varieties of lifting gates

There are 2 main varieties of lifting garage gates.

Gate of lifting-section type

Gate of lifting-section type

The canvas of such a gate consists of a number of separate panels, each of which is about 50 cm. For the manufacture of panels, steel, wood and plastic can be used.

Hinged loops are used to connect panels. Rollers, couplings and other moving elements are made of steel either plastic, stainless materials are used for the manufacture of guides.

The inner part of the canvase is necessarily insulated (mainly polyurethane foam), which allows you to maintain additional heat inside the garage.

Types of lifting section garage gates

Among the main advantages of the lifting-section gates should be noted the following points:

  • use of use;
  • simplicity and the most convenience of operation;
  • not bad strength characteristics.

The main disadvantage of this subspecies of the gate is the almost complete absence of the possibility of hacking and illegal penetration. In addition, you will not be able to make such a gate own - it is extremely difficult.

The only available option is to buy the factory set and mount the gate alone according to the instructions.

Gate of the lifting type

This design can be collected and installed on your own. When opening these gates, the whole sash rises. For the movement of the rolling part corresponds to the system of the hinge-lever type. The gate is characterized by excellent strength characteristics (the final indicator depends on the properties of the manufacturing material) and ensure reliable protection of the garage from the encroachment of intruders.

Rotary type gate

The design can be collected without using guides and rollers. Thanks to this cloth, it will move silently.

To build such a design, narrow technical knowledge is not needed. Large financial investments this event does not require.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all existing mechanisms, the lifting garage doors have a number of strong qualities and some drawbacks.


The main advantage of the systems under consideration is increased anti-svlotnoste b. The only option to get inside the garage is to cut the cloth. Frame to cut and get inside without attracting attention is almost impossible.

Garage Gate "Hörmann"

The second important advantage of the design is a long service life. However, in order for the gate to serve a truly long, a galvanized high-quality metal should be used for the manufacture of the canvas.

Garage Gate "Hörmann"

The gate does not occupy space before the garage, which makes entry and check out as comfortable as possible.


Among the main flaws of the lifting gate should be noted the following provisions:

  • big weight design. The lack of relative - other existing structures weigh no less. But that the exploitation of the lifting gate was safe, you need to pay special attention to the quality and reliability of the frame;
  • slightly increased consumption of source materials;
  • some inconvenience when arriving in the garage. For example, you will need to constantly leave the car, without reaching the garage about 1.5-2 m - without such a reserve, the gate will simply do not open.
  • in the open position, the gate takes about 20-30 cm of the height of the opening;
  • in case of significant damage to the web, it will have to completely dismantle.

However, despite all its small flaws, such a gate is an incredibly convenient and ergonomic solution.

Features of design design

Garage Gate Lifting DIY

Traditional lifting gates consist of a variety of elements. Check out the functions of each of them.

The frame performs the function of the base for the entire design. The frame should be as tough and reliably fixed in the garage wall.

The side profile is a guide element for which the main part of the design is moving.

Guides - without them, as already noted, you can do. But if possible, it is better not to exclude them from the structure of the construction.

Homemade lifting gate

Canvas. It is manufactured as a solid device. Usually running from the professional flooring. Sometimes wood is used for making paintings and wood is used, but it is better to refuse such a solution - the material is heavy and relatively short-lived.

Insulation. Located between the sheets of the canvas. The most convenient to use polyurethane foam.

Rollers, springs and levers. These elements are responsible for the movement of the barn sash. The sash rises along the guide element, closer to the ceiling occupies a horizontal position and in the completion parallel to the ceiling surface is fixed.

Compensating springs. Provide lifting lifting of the web.

Electric or mechanical drive. Electronics is more convenient - to manage the gate just press the button on the portable remote. Mechanics in most cases are more reliable. If you decide to use an electrical drive, remember the important rule - the portable shield must have a somewhat lightweight design.

If desired, the finished canvas can be decorate with a variety of decorative elements. All of them are available on sale in specialized stores.

It is important to remember: any decorative element, especially if it is forging, contributes to an increase in the weight of the structure. Know the measure.

What to buy?

With the manufacture of most elements of the gate, you can cope with your own hands. However, there are such things that it is better to buy at the finished form and not waste time. Give preference to devices made of good quality metals. In general, you will need the following:

  • planning plank. Placed at the bottom of the system;
  • casting profile. Protects from moisture and warns the appearance of corrosion, without giving rain and melt water to get into the garage. Instead of this element, you can use high-quality and reliable sealing material;
  • decorative lining. With their help, you will close the gap between the frame. Even if you follow the instructions and do everything as accurately as possible with a regular level check, to output and adjust everything to the millimeter will not work anyway;
  • heat insulating materials;
  • decor elements on your choice.

Lifting garage doodles do it yourself

Gate do it yourself

The personnel and installation of the gate will allow you to save a significant amount of money on the purchase of the finished system and the services of third-party installers.

Video - Installation of sectional gates

Rotary garage gate

First step. Select the appropriate type of door opening mechanism.

Hinged mechanisms are most popular. This design is durable and extremely simple. However, its installation requires an increased accuracy from the installer at the stage of placement of the guides and setting the level of springs. Guides must be installed extremely vertically and in parallel.

The second option is a mechanism made using counterweights. The cable is attached to the corners of the support frame in its lower part, passes along the block in the direction of the pulley, and some counterweights are already on its (cable). The harder and more canvas, the harder must be used by the counterweight. Preferring this mechanism is recommended solely in the event of a massive and very heavy lifting gate.

Video - lifting gates View from the inside

The second step. Make a gate project. Pre-measure the existing opening and prepare a sketch (or select the finished version from open sources).

Third step. Prepare gate assembly fixtures. You will need the following:

  • high-strength wooden bars;
  • metal pins of good quality;
  • corners;
  • brackets;
  • rigid springs;
  • metal rods;
  • decorative elements.

Fourth step. Collect the box of future gates from the transverse and pair of vertical bars. To connect bars, use the coal, the plates are also suitable.

Fifth step. Blind the bottom of the box in the concrete tie of the garage floor by about 20 mm and secure the product in the opening with metal pins.

Sixth step. Collect the frame and cover it with the selected material.

Installation of garage doors

Seventh step. Make a support. Use the corner as source material. Make a drill in the shelf hole for fixing to racks. In the second shelf, prepare 3 holes for installing the bracket. For the manufacture of spring support, use a chamber bracket.

Eighth step. Prepare the steel strip plate. Connect the bracket and suitable in the parameters of the spring with the steel plate. The extreme coordinates of the attached springs are arched like a hook. Bottom Connect the tension controller made of metal bar.

Installation of garage doors

Ninth step. Make a lower hinge corner. You need to drill a hole in the corner of about 8.5 mm in diameter and weld the product to the reference frame of the structure, retreating from the bottom to the center of the prepared hole. The gap will allow you to place the lifting lever in the desired place of the hinge.

Tenth step. Attach the plate to the end of the lifting lever. To reliably fix items, use welding.

Eleventh step. Make rails for the movement of the door of the gate. As a source material, use a couple of corners. Make them up and weld at one edge. The distance between the inner vertices of the steel corners should be 50 mm.

Twelfth step. Attach the finished rail to the previously prepared plate. Use welding for fastening. At the same time, leave an 8-centimeter indent between the axis of the guide part and the rebier of the transverse product at the bottom. To the second end of the rails, attach a piece of chapelle with welding with welding, while retreating about 15 cm. Then screw the channel to the ceiling bruster bolt.

Video - guides for lifting garage doors, part 1

Video - guides for lifting garage doors, part 2

Thirteenth Step. Mount into the cloth several translucent inserts. This is an optional point. Translucent inserts use if necessary to improve natural light inside the garage.

Video - Lifting Gate Frame, Part 3

Video - Wheels for lifting gates, part 4

Fourteenth Step. Stick sealing edging from rubber. It will not hurt to stick off compensating overlays. In the complex, these elements will increase the stability of homemade lifting gates.

Fifteenth Step. Fix the cloth in the box.

Thus, in an independent assembly of lifting garage doors, there are no ultra-sided tasks, but to perform this work you need to approach with the maximum responsibility and knowledge of the case. Follow the instructions, do everything as accurate as possible, and the gate of your garage will become its reliable and durable protection.

Video - Garage Gate Lifting DIY

Lifting gates in the garage do it yourself: how to make better

The lifting gates into the garage is a convenient, reliable, practical design to protect the room from the penetration of unauthorized persons. When opening, they occupy a horizontal position, slightly advanced forward, form a small visor's entrance.

How to make a garage lifting gate with your own hands, their advantages and disadvantages will be discussed in the proposed article.

Types of lifting gates, their advantages and disadvantages

Raising garage gates are of two types:

  • Devices that have a canvas have several sections with a height of about half. When opening such a web, consisting of panels, "delayed" inside the garage under the ceiling, and then lowers back vertically down. Material for the manufacture of elements can be:
  1. wood;
  2. plastic;
  3. metal.

The space inside the door leaf is filled with insulation - polyurethane, providing efficient heat insulation.

The gate panels, in this case, are connected on the hinges of the hinge type. In such products, rollers, couplings and other moving elements are made of metal or plastic, materials that have substitution to corrosion are used for the guide polls.

The advantages of such a design:

  1. simple during operation;
  2. sufficient reliability.
  1. slight resistance to hacking;
  2. unreal such a device is made independently completely.

To reduce cost, you can:

  1. leave manual drive, but the failure from the mechanical device, worsens convenience during operation;
  2. reduce the size of the gate opening - to fit their width and height for the minimum number of panels.

Tip: If you wish, install the design of this type in the garage with your own hands, you should purchase a set of elements already prepared for the assembly, and install them to perform themselves.

  • Lifting gates for garage rotary. In this case, one-piece sash at the opening rises under the ceiling. The movement of the element is performed by the action of the articulated and lever mechanism. The diagram of such a device is shown in the photo.

The advantages of such a design are:

  1. high strength of the product;
  2. the device perfectly protects the garage from the penetration of strangers;
  3. noiselessness of the work of the gate when the web movement - there are no rollers and guides that could create noise;
  4. rotary-lifting gates for the garage with your own hands make it quite real. To do this, you can not have special technical knowledge, while their price is significantly lower, expenses will be associated only with the acquisition of material.

The disadvantages of the design include:

  1. the installation is possible only into rectangular openings;
  2. the height of the opening open state is reduced by about 20 centimeters;
  3. the solid canvas device does not allow the repair of individual sections, which damage requires a complete replacement of the entire element;
  4. the gate has a spring mechanism designed for a certain mass of the product, so if it is necessary to perform heat insulation, it should take into account the mass of the insulation: if it will increase the total weight of the warmed gate, it will be necessary to install counterweights;
  5. between the frame and the canvas, it is possible to have cracks, it is possible to eliminate them with a rubber seal, but such a gate should be installed only in unheated garages.

What principle work lifting and swivel gates

Rotary-lifting gates to the garage consist of:

  • Rama.. This is the basis of the structure, it is arranged in the outlook of the garage or directly behind it serves as a leading part of the product when moving the gate. The manufacture of the frame is usually made from rectangular pipes.
  • Systems of rollers and lifting leversserving to open the gate. With their help, the design of the design moves along the guides, and then fixed under the garage ceiling.
  • Loves. The lower part of it rises up and over the garage opening forms a visor. For the insulation of the garage, the door leaf is glued with extruded foam, he is insulated with polystyrene foam or other thermal insulation materials. For beauty, they can be seen with plastic or wood panels.
  • Guideswhich serve to turn the frame around their axis. At the same time, it moves from the vertical position to horizontal and back.
  • Compensation springswhich in the closed position of the device is stretched, and in the open remain free.

  • Hinged-lever or simple, is the most reliable and most popular device that provides a simple shield movement and prevents it from blocking.

Tip: Be sure to accurately adjust the springs tension and ensure high accuracy of the guide assembly. In this case, to prevent the shield to prevent, the guides are necessary to set strictly vertically and necessarily both in parallel.

  • Mechanism on counterweight. In this design, the cable is attached at the bottom of the corners of the frame, goes through the block to the pulley of the winch, at the end there is a counterweight. With an increase in the weight of the shield of the gate, the mass of the counterweight increases. In this case, the frame of the gate and frame is greatly loaded, and the mechanism is used to install in a massive gate.

How to make lifting garage gates on your own

Before starting to make the lifting garage doors, you need to decide on the opening mechanism. After selecting it type, the dimensions of the gate opening are removed, the design sketch is designed, materials and tools are purchased.

For work you will need:

  • Wooden bars, for the manufacture of the box - section 12 x 8 centimeters and on the ceiling of 10 x 10 centimeters.
  • Metal pins.
  • Corners are equilateral: for rails, cross section of 40 x 4 and for frame 35 x 4.
  • Schweller number 8 for bracket.
  • Spring.
  • Metal rod, with a diameter of 8 millimeters.

The instruction on which the garage lifting gates offers with their own hands:

  • Collect the frame from two vertical bars and one transverse. Details are connected by steel coal or plates.
  • Vertical racks will burst into the floor tie for two centimeters.
  • In the opening frame to fix steel pins.
  • Collect the frame for the door of the gate.
  • The leaf of the gate is going from the boards, the outside is covered with a steel sheet.
  • Polystyrene foam, foam can be used for thermal insulation.
  • Make a support for a node: in one of the shelves, the corner is drilled by two holes with a diameter of 10 millimeters for fastening the supports to the racks, in another shelf three more holes under the fixation of the spring bracket. For the spring, the support is better to do from the chaserler.
  • From the metal strip, make an adjustment plate, for connecting the spring and bracket.
  • The extreme coils of the spring are strung in the form of hooks, the voltage regulator made from the rod is connected below. On one side it turns out a ring, cutting threads on the other.
  • From the corner to make a hinged assembly for the design of a structure with a hole with a diameter of 8.5 millimeters and weld it to the frame between the edge located below and the middle of the hole intended for the installation of the lever of the lifting mechanism located on a 120mm hinge.

  • To the end of the lever to weld the plate to install the voltage regulator.
  • Make rails for which the gate will move. For this, two corners are connected, and then weld in such a way that there is an internal space of five centimeters between their vertices and welded at one edge.
  • Rail to weld to a record with holes. Between the axis of the guide and the edge installed at the bottom of the crossbar should leave 8 centimeters.
  • At the other end, the rails welded a piece of channel, retreating from the end of about 15 centimeters.
  • The rancher is fixed by a bolt to the ceiling bar.
  • In the installation process, constant control of the horizontal guides should be carried out.
  • The canvas additionally can be equipped with locking systems that will increase its safety, and the installation of various prevention mechanisms will protect against hacking.
  • Increase the amount of light in the garage, can be installed in the canvas inserts from translucent material.
  • To give the design of additional stability, you can stick compensating overlays and set the rubber edging.

How to make a gate lifting gate for a garage in more detail video. Also on our resource, you can learn in detail about the swap garage metal gates with a gate.

How to insulate garage doors: do it yourself

It has now been created by a lot of types of garage gates, characterized by convenience and reliability. The most ergonomic and comfortable in the application among the existing options are traditional lifting (folding) structures, which, when opening, spectacularly go under the ceiling.

Types of lifting facilities - what can be done yourself?

The lifting gate into the garage is most often manufactured in two main versions. They can be sectional or swivel. The first type gate is structures collected from several plastic, wooden or steel panels up to half a meter. The connection of individual elements in the overall structure is carried out by hinged loops. Moving parts (clutches, rollers) make plastic or metal. But the guides for the gate are always made of stainless steel. From the inside, the swivel structures are insulated with polyurethane foam. It provides high-quality heat insulation of the garage.

Rotary gates for the garage are characterized by decent strength characteristics, simplicity and safety of operation. The disadvantage of these designs is that it is practically unrealistic to make them with your own hands. If you plan to equip with an autode such goal, you will have to purchase them in the form of a set of elements in a specialized store. Installation of the factory dialing can be made independently, focusing on the manufacturer's instruction.

Rotary gates can be done by himself. Their design, we will tell about in detail in the next section, simple and durable. The key advantage of such folding systems is a high level of garage protection. They cannot be hacked without noise. In addition, turning facilities provide a truly convenient departure. They also do not occupy over the garage of unnecessary space, which is very important for many motorists.

Disadvantages of rotary systems:

  • "eat" about 25 cm of the height of the opening (only when they are in the open position);
  • the need to use qualitative (and therefore expensive) materials;
  • great gate mass.

Another minus of the swivel design - with significant damage to repair the system is impossible. The gate will have to completely dismantle, and then re-assemble them.

Device and principle of functioning of folding gates

Constructively described systems, which many garage owners are made with their own hands, are performed as a maximum strong and reliable reference frame and a canvas that closes the input opening. The scheme of such structures is shown below.

Folded gates are theoretically can be built without guides. But experts do not advise it to do not reduce the operational reliability of the design. The gate canvas is solid. If you have an extra wood in the farm, the entrance shield is actually collected from it. But it is better to make a canvas of profiled sheets. This material is relatively inexpensive. And the canvas from it provides excellent optimal protection against outsiders. If the autodode is used yearly, the professional clothes must be insulated with polyurethane foam.

To facilitate the lifting of the canvas, we recommend using special compensators springs. In general, the movement of the portal sash is carried out by levers, springs and rollers (the so-called hinge-lever mechanism). The system drive can be mechanical or electrical. Mechanics are considered more reliable during long-term operation. Electric drive - capricious and more expensive. But it is much more convenient in use (the opening / closing of the structure is performed by the command from the remote control).

Functioning systems are functioning simply and understandable. When opening the gate, the upper part of them deviates, and then moves towards the bearing bearing or rollers, where it is fixed in a horizontal position (parallel to the ceiling). This system does not require the installation of exterior loops that attackers can cut off with a grinder. This ensures the unique safety of the lifting gate.

In addition, the sash closing entry into the garage to the carrier frame is adjacent from the inside. Consequently, criminals will be much more difficult to pull out the gate with a cable connected to a tractor or other powerful vehicle.

First steps - competent start of work

Alone, the gate in the garage is made according to a strict algorithm. First, decide on the type of closing / opening mechanism. We have already talked about the hinge and lever system. It is recognized as the most convenient, especially if the design is constructed with your own hands. Here the main thing is to achieve strictly vertical installation of guide elements.

In some cases (in particular, when installing severe and large gate size), such a mechanism may not cope with the lifting of the sash. Then you should pay attention to the lifting system, which includes cargo-counterweight. When it is implemented, it follows to the lower corners of the support frame to attach and securely fix the metal cable, to carry out it in the direction of the pulley by block. At the end of the cable place the cargo. The mass of the latter is selected taking into account the weight of the structure. The counterweight mechanism is labor-intensive in installation. Therefore, if the gate has a standard mass and conventional sizes, it is better to install a hinge-lever system.

Next, develop a design project. Measure the autodomic opening parameters for its vehicle, view the drawings available in the open access. Use finished sketches or make up their own project on their base. Below we give a detailed drawing that will allow you to create lifting with minimal time costs.

Then, pamper with metal pins and rods, sturdy wood bars, brackets, steel corners, rigid springs, if it is planned to finish the design - also decorative elements. Now you can proceed directly to the assembly of the gate. About this next.

Assembly of the lifting-turntable - embody the project

The gate box is assembled from two vertical wooden bars of the desired size and one transverse element. These parts are combined with metal plates or corners (the second option is preferable). Then proceed by such instructions for the entrance:

  1. 1. The lower part of the canvas will burst into the outdoor base of the garage (in a concrete tie) by 2 cm, and then secure the design with the help of pins in the opening.
  2. 2. Perform a frame assembly, make it a trim as a straightened.
  3. 3. Make a support from the corner. In one shelf, drill three holes (they will be used for mounting the bracket), in the other - one hole (for mounting to the racks).
  4. 4. Using a chamber bracket, make a spring support. Connect the steel plate with spring and bracket. Examine the extreme springs of the springs (you must have a kind of hooks). Connect the metal bar to them, which will perform the function of the tension controller.
  5. 5. Make a hinge (bottom) angle. Remove the 8.5 mm hole in the corner, weld to the support frame this product. Then install the lever to lift the gate. To his end breed a steel plate.
  6. 6. Make a rail (connect the corners with welding), attach it to the previously prepared plate with one end. To the second end, retreating from it somewhere on 0.15 m, weld a piece of the chawller. The latter connect the bolt with the bar on the ceiling.

Now you need to install rubber edging on the design. If there is a desire, additionally stir up compensators. They will increase the stability of the folding structure. You can only secure the canvas in the box. The gate is ready! You can use them for 10-12 years without the need for any repair work.

Lifting garage doors differ in the type of lifting mechanisms designs that allow you to install fencing on the object of any architecture. The specific type of lifting is determined based on the overall dimensions of the opening, which will be mounted a sectional type.

Inclined rise

Used in the presence of pests near the portion opening to 500 mm, as well as the inclined ceiling in the room rising up. The geometry of such premises allows to buy lifting garage gates with a maximum mass of the web to 1000 kg. The fence is installed in the width of the opening to 7 m at an altitude of up to 9.7 m and the angle of tilt the ceiling of 0-45 degrees. For an angle of inclination of more than 45 degrees, the height of the opening is limited to 8.5 m. The inclined rise ensures the ergonomics of the structure and the ability to optimally position the gorgeous guides with the inclined type of ceiling.

Vertical ascent

It is used in the premises when the height exceeds the height of the opening by 500 and more mm. Garage lifting gates with this type can not weigh more than 1000 kg. The geometry of the opening should observe the parameters of the width to 7 m and height to 8.13 m. With such a lift, the sash moves up as a guillotine. This type of construction location requires the use of a powerful electric drive, since large gate dimensions have a lot of weight distributed without supporting guide elements.

Low rise

This option is applied when it is necessary to buy and install a sectional lifting gate of a small size. It is used for a gate with a proloce of 220-350 mm, changing the gate geometry with the addition of a special radius guide that provides a low rise. With this accommodation option, the ground-based drive is used, when opening, the sash is fused at the top of the opening.

Standard ascent

The lifting-section gates with standard lifting are produced with two radii of bends of the guides - 305 and 381 mm. The first option of bending is used for premises with prioloka 350-400 mm, the second is suitable for the pitch more than 400 mm. This type of lifting allows you to establish a fence with the width of the opening up to 7 m and a height of up to 9.7 m. The mass of the web should not exceed 870 kg, which eliminates the additional load on the design and the mechanism of lifting sections.

High rise

It is used at a magnitude of the loading pendant from 500 mm to exceeding its size height of the opening by 500 mm. The design allows you to install the garage lifting gate up to 7 m wide at a maximum height of 9.7 m. The weight of the gate canvase should not exceed 890 kg. A comfortable design allows you to optimally position the gorgeous guides at high perturbation, providing stable operation of the automatic gate.