The game is the fourth extra charge rules. Game - Travel on traffic rules "I am an expert of road science

Educator: Morozova N A.

"Live and non-resident nature"

Direct educational activities on ecology in senior group

Education area "Cognition".

Form of holding - "Session of the Council of Young Ecologists".

Purpose: to summarize the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature, to promote the development of cognitive interests.

1) Developing

Develop curiosity, memory, ability to draw conclusions about the development of nature;

Develop creative imagination, ability to fantasize;

Develop active speech skills, enrich the active dictionary;

Promote the development of cognitive interests;

Promotion to an effective nature towards nature.

2) educational

Expand knowledge about living and inanimate nature, show their interdependence;

Learn to guess riddles;

Learn to quickly find the correct answer to the question assigned;

Learn to solve problem tasks;

Consolidate an idea of \u200b\u200bthe conditions for the growth and development of all living organisms on Earth;

To talk about the breath of plants and conditions for growth.

3) Educational

Continue to educate love for nature and careful attitude towards it;

Bring up the desire to restrain, show patience, perseverance;

Methods: Game, practical, verbal

Individual work: Activate low-effective children

Methodical techniques: conversation, didactic games: "Three words", "Scientific Message", "Finish Proposal", "Guess, Whose announcement?", "Wood", a surprise moment - telegram, riddles, psychogympics, the use of visual material and artistic words, independent activities of children, analysis .

Integration of regions: OO "Socialization", OO "Communication",

Oo "Music".


1. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. "Abstract of environmental classes in the middle group."

2. Nikolaev S.N. "Young ecologist".

3. Kolmind N.V. "Ecology classes in d / s".

Travel course:

Children (stand in a semicircle)

Educator: Guys, say hello we have guests today. And today you will be young ecologists. And who is this young ecologist?

(Answers children - "This is a child who loves nature, always and everywhere cares about her").

And what do you think - how can you become a young ecologist? (Answer children - "do good deeds to each other and to nature")

The game "Three words"

Educator: Young ecologists know a lot about nature. We play the game "Three words" (the educator calls the concepts, and children pronounce that it is included in this concept)

Vegetables ... (cabbage, cucumber, tomato)

Fruits ... (banana, orange, apple)

Winter birds ... (Sparrow, Pigeon, Owl)

Migratory birds ... (cranes, swallow, cuckoo)

Pets ... (cow, horse, dog)

Wild animals ... (wolf, fox, hare)

Sea inhabitants (fish, whale, dolphin)

Insects ... (Komar, Fly, Butterfly)

Waterfowl ... (goose, duck, swan)

Berries (raspberry, strawberry, cherry)

Well done, you all called correctly. (bring telegram)

Educator: Oh, guys, we are telegram (reads): "We invite young ecologists to the scientist, which will take place today at 9:55 minutes." We urgently need to go to the scientist. I ask you - go to the meeting room.

(Children enter the group - "Meeting Hall", chairs are a semicircle, pictures with the image of nature, the audio recording "Magic of Nature" sounds).

Educator: (in the clothing of a scientist) I welcome you, my young friends, in the hall of the meeting of the Council of Young Ecologists. Today we will listen to the messages of young scientists, talk about living and inanimate nature, how everything is growing, we will play smart environmental games, learn how the plant is growing.

(knock on the door, enter young scientists).

Game "Scientific Message"

Educator: And here are our young scientists. Dima will tell us about wildlife.

(Children make a message)

Vanya: The world of wildlife is plants, animals, insects, birds, fish (shown pictures). And the person and all living organisms cannot live without air, without water, without the sun, without food. Wildlife is all that grows, breathes, feeds, develops (shows the scheme)

Educator: Polina will tell us about inanimate nature.

vadim: Non-fat nature - all that is not breathing, does not grow, does not develop. That's all that surrounds us - stars, moon, planets, sun, mountains, water, stones, air, etc. (Shows pictures). And the person and all living organisms cannot live without inanimate nature.

Educator: Thanks to young scientists for messages.

Game "Finish Proposal"

Of course, you remembered what my young colleagues said about. Finish my offer.

Non-fat nature is ... (stars, moon, wind, water, air, etc.)

Living nature is ... (plants, animals, insects, fish)

All living organisms cannot live without ... (inanimate nature).

Competition of mysteries and problematic issues

Well done, and now riddles and questions for the mind. Check your intelligence.

Not a bird, but with wings, not a bee, and above the colors flies (butterfly).

Eight legs like eight hands, embroidered with a silk circle (spider).

From the branch of the blade, with the Trestiki - the spring jumps on the hole, the green back (grasshopper).

Flying, buzzing, eats in the summer, sleeping in the winter (beetle).

Without wings, fly, run without feet, float without sails (clouds).

He is faster in the world, call him ... (wind).

Well done, answered correctly.

Game "Guess, whose announcement"

Educator: (Takes the newspaper) See, the newspaper of forest ads, but without signatures. Let's guess whose announcements.

Come to visit me. There are no addresses. I wear your house for yourself (snail, turtle)

Tired of crawling! I want to take off. Who will lend wings (caterpillar, snake, worm).

I am the most charming and attractive! Who do you want to deceive, around the finger will circle (Fox).

Already 150 years waiting for a friend. The character is positive, but I am very slow (turtle).

Well done, guess.

Educator: And now I will turn you into a rain - Pour the Earth, Flowers, Grass, Trees.

Fizkultminutka "Rain".

Sleep clouds, rainy (walk on the spot)

Lei, rain, lei. (Slam in your hands)

Rains dance like alive (walk on the spot)

Pey, Rye, Pey! (Jumping in place)

And rye, leaning towards the ground green (step in place)

Drinks, drink, drink. (Slam in your hands)

And the rain is warm, the rain is restless

(Step on the spot)

Pours, pour, pours. (Jumping in place)

Educator: Everything, the rain ran out, the plants told you: "Thank you."

Educator: How do plants grow and develop? Plants are ... (Herbs, trees, bushes, flowers). Guys, and plants are alive or inanimate? (Live plants).

Why do you say that plants are alive? (grow, eat, breathe, live, breed, die ...)

The game "put a tree" (on a magnetic board).)

Let's put a tree on this magic chalk board. First, take ... (grains) and put it in ... (land).

To grain it, it is necessary to ... (pour).

Still a plant need ... (Sun)

It will take time and will appear ... (sprout)

Over time, if everything is fine and there are all the conditions, the thin trunk of the young tree will be fixed and become more mighty, the crown of the tree will become thicker. In our areas, when the cold is coming, the plants dry out, drop the leaves, their growth stops. It seems that the plants died. But their roots are alive, and the kidney is alive. And the blanket in the winter stepped it will be a snowy bedspread. In the spring, when the sun priges, the plants will revive again and season.

Look at the scheme like a tree grows

(Seed - Rostock - Trevy - Adult Tree)

Educator: Why do we need plants? (Clean the air, make it easy to breathe).

Psychodstastics "Grains".

(Calm music sounds)

Educator: Now each of you will become a small grain. Close your eyes ... Imagine, you are a small grain. You sit deep in the ground. Dark ... suddenly it became warmer. You reached up and your sprout was in the wild. The sun warmed you, the warm rays touched your stalk, swung the breeze. You wanted to straighten your young green leaves. Sun of his rays pulled you up. You began to grow higher and higher. And here I splashed a lively rain, you began to drink rainwater, became strong and big. Your bud revealed, and you turned into beautiful flower. And you so good that you live on this earth, inhale fresh airDrink rainwater And you warm in the rays of a warm sun ... and so grew up beautiful flower (The tutor shows a beautiful flower)

Educator: Guys, you liked to be a living grain, then turn into a wonderful flower and decorate our planet Earth? (Children's responses).

Our common Home (Shows Globe) - This is the planet Earth. Earth is a common, wonderful house for all people, birds, fish, insects, plants. We must preserve our planet and the nature of the earth, so that there are clean air, water, and plants and animals grew, and young environmentalists help in this adult.

(Children read poems about planet Earth)

There is a huge house on earth

Under the roof of blue

Live in it the sun, rain and thunder,

Forest and sea surf.

Live in it birds and flowers,

Merry ringing of the stream.

Live in that bright house you

And all your friends.

Where b expels did not learn

Always you will be in it.

Natural land

This house is called. (Poems L. Daineko)

Educator: On this, our scientific council finished its work. Thanks to everyone. I tell you - well done, thanks and rewarding with these memorable icons. Goodbye, my young friends.

(distributes memorable badges)

Nadezhda Titkov
Node abstract in the senior group on the topic "Live and non-resident nature"

Abstract Node in the senior group on the topic: « Live and non-fat nature» .

Prepared tutor Titkova N. N.

purpose: Improving knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature.


- Remember the concept: "Circulation of water in nature»

Exercise in distinguishing concepts « nature» and "not nature» .

Exercise in the name and classification of objects on "Live" and « non-fat»

Intensify the adjectives and consolidate the ability to coordinate

adjectives with nouns.

Fasten the ability to place pictures and gently stick them to the collage.

Exercise in leaps in place, walking between objects and in the subjects under the arcs.

Educate careful attitude to nature.

Wordwork: Activation of words - nature, live, non-fat, water, sun, air, adjective-definitions; New concept - water cycle in nature.

Material: Pictures - « Nature is not nature» , "Live - not alive", water, sun; Collage with the image inanimate; Pictures with the image of alive nature..

Travel course:

1. The tutor introduces artificial flowers.

Children, I would like to plant these flowers in our group.

Do you think they will grow if I plan them in the ground?

(not alive, will not give roots, will not grow).

Flowers made by man. All objects made by the hands of a person do not belong to nature.

Do you know what nature?

(children's responses).

Nature- It is the world around us, more precisely, that part of it, which is not created by the hands of a person. This is the sun, water, air, sky, animals, insects, plants and man, as part nature..

Slide show "What is superfluous?" - mushroom, carrot, cloud, ball.

Mushroom, carrot, cloud, ball. What is superfluous? Why is the ball excess?

(all objects belong to natureAnd the ball is made by a person).

2. Nature is alive and inanimate. What do we relate to alive nature?

(Plants, Animals, Insects, Flowers, Man).

What breathes, eats, grows, develops - everything applies to living nature.

What relates to K. inanimate nature?

(Wind, snow, water, air, sun, sand, earth).

Slide "What is superfluous?" - Grach, flower, goat, moon.

What is superfluous? Why is the moon extra?

(Ruch, flower and goat - relate to live objects, and the moon - non-residents)

3. - Can the Planet Earth exist without inanimate nature? Why?

(Everything can need water, air, solar heat).

Slide: "Water"

There will be no water on earth, there will be no life. Water is prerequisite for life. Imagine that you came to the shore of the reservoir.

"The water cycle".

Many, many droplets play and frolic in water. The sun shines brightly, blends. And the lifestyads of one are starting to separate and climb into the air. That is, evaporation takes place. Highly from the Earth, the air is becoming colder. And the droplets are going together again. So the clouds are obtained. The wind drives them to the ground. Clouds become dark and hard. It rains from them. And the rain is small water droplets. Under the ground, small droplets are going to underground streams. Brooks flock into the reservoirs. The stock of water on the ground is constantly updated. From the ground to the sky, from the sky to the ground. This process is called a water circulation in nature, from the word "a circle"that is, water moves in a circle. (Provariant by the choir)

4 Fizminutka "There are droplets in a circle"

I will turn into a droplet and play in their circular journey. I am Mom Tuchka, and you are a droplets. It's time for you to go on the road (Children move around the hall under the rain phonogram). Droplets flew to the ground (Light jumps in place). It was boring to fly alone. They gathered together and flowed with small cheerful streams. Met streams and became a big river (walking in each other between objects). Cock the droplets in a big river. (subject to arc) Tell, flowed river and hit the ocean. Children form a circle. They remembered the droplets that Mom Tuchka punished them home to return. And here just a sun hardened. Steel droplets are lightweight, stretched up. They evaporated under the rays of the sun and clean, merry returned to the mother of the tuchka.

What is the name of the circular journey of the droplets? (The water cycle)

Educator: And now a little rest.

Without wings fly

No legs run

Without sails float. (Clouds)

In clothes rich,


Lives without ends

Did not see the sun. (Mole)

Parents and babies have all clothes from coins. (Fish)

Not water, not dry:

We will not swim on the boat

And you won't pass the legs. (Swamp)

On a green cord, white bells. (Valley)

White peas on a green leg. (Valley)

I live under the roof

Even scary to look down.

I could be higher

If there were roofs there. (Icicle)

Flies - howl, sit down - the earth Root. (Bug)

In the morning I always fall

Not a rain, not a star -

And sparkles in burdocks

On the edges and meadows. (Dew)

In the seas and rivers live

But often flies across the sky.

And how to bump her to fly,

Falling on the ground again. (Water)

He is in his forest ward

Wears a variety of bathrob.

He trees treats

Hello - and easier. (Woodpecker)

Zarya-charge, red maiden,

On the field walked, the keys lost.

I saw a month - did not raise

The sun saw-picked up. (Stars)

The lines and sauces do not sneak and do not fight. (Squares)

Ser, yes not wolf,

Long, yes not hare,

With hooves, yes no horse. (Donkey)

Very kind of them are wonderful!

Pope Locks wave,

And mom walks stripped,

What is it offended? (A lion)

Improved - the tail cliffs

Dark dress wore.

Grown - green became

The tail on the oars changed. (Frog)

I catch the bugs all day,

Eat bugs, worms,

I do not fly to winter

Under the cornice, inhabit. (Sparrow)5. Sun, air and water - our best friends, Without them, the existence of everything alive on Earth is impossible.

"Water" - What is water? (Clean, cold, transparent, warm, etc.)

There is no life on earth to all alive and without the sun.

"The sun" - What is the sun? (radiant, round, yellow, warm, etc.)

"Air"- What is the ball filled? (air)

What air? (Cold, Clean, Transparent, Warm, etc.)

Air is needed to everything alive.

How do we care about nature? (Fall flowers, do not break the branches, feed the birds, etc.)

Children, today at the lesson, we learned a lot of interesting things, right?

Children: Yes!

Publications on the topic:

Abstract "What is wildlife?" Abstract continuous educational activities on FEEP with children preparatory for school group

Node abstract in the senior group.

Subject. "What is a living and non-fat nature."

Tasks. Teach children to distinguish the objects of wildlife from objects inanimate, as well as natural objects from artificial; expand the ideas of children about living and inanimate nature, show their relationship; encourage and maintain the activity and initiative of children in cognitive activity; Laying the basics of careful and caring attitude towards the environment.

Material. 2 easel with pictures depicting objects of living and inanimate nature; The results of experience with the germination of oats seeds ("men"); Summer sketches of growth and development of velvetsev; "Environmental traffic light" from the demonstration material "ecology lessons"; Collection of stones, a sequence of human development (from the baby to the old man), recording with bird singing.

Literature. Bondarenko TM "Environmental classes with children 6-7 years old."

- Guys, we have guests today. Let's say hello and give them a smile. And now all attention is on me. Listen to the poem.

Here on earth a huge house

Under the roof of blue.

Live in it the sun, rain and thunder,

Forest and sea surf

Merry ringing of the stream.

You live in that house bright you

And all your friends.

Where b road did not

Always you will be in it

Natural land

This house is called.

Children, today we will talk about nature.

What do you think, meaning the word nature. (Answers and reasoning children. In case of difficulty I explain: we went to nature, what they saw around, heard).

Nature is something that can exist without human help. (Children repeat).

The whole nature of our planet Earth can be divided into two huge worlds: the world is alive and the world of inanimate nature. (Showing the corresponding easel).

All plants, animals, fish, birds, insects, residents of sea depths, mosses, lichens are wildlife. They (I put modules for a magnetic board) move (legs), feed (mouth), breathe (nose), multiply (egg - chicken), grow (chicken - chicken).

Non-fat nature is air, light, sun, sky, earth under legs (soil), sand, clay, stones, snow, rainbow, water.

I take a collection of stones, I specify by living modules: move? Food? etc.

Two weeks ago, we made two such little people.

What did we do with this little man? (Watering, fed, it was warm).

What did you do with this little man? (nothing, it was just put in the closet).

Children means what you need in order to live wildlife. (Light, warmth, water, food, care, care and love surrounding).

What do you think can the wildlife live without any life? (Answers and reasoning children).

Rest Our physical attachment, occupy from your place.

Hands raised and shocked -

These are trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shook -

The wind knives the dew.

Smoothly with the hands of fear

This is a bird to us fly,

How they will sit down, show

Wings we fold back.

With you last spring, the velvetsey seedlings and the flower leaf and on the site near the fence, and in the summer and autumn they watched their growth.

Sasha made a sequence of growth and development of velvetsev. Look and give a rating: Does Sasha fulfilled the task correctly.

And now we will make a sequence of human development. (The child is a sequence under the sequence of plant development. So that the similarity of the development of the plant and man is visible: the sprout is a baby, the first leaflet is a preschooler, etc.)

And what about the baby so that he grew up and become an adult? (Light, heat, air, water, food, love and care of others).

You see, it turns out to be a person you need everything that and any living on earth. If we say: plants are part of wildlife, animals part of the wildlife, how can we say about a person?

In order for the child to grow a good man He needs help, care, love and attention of parents, friends, neighbors, educators. Each of you in turn is obliged with respect and understanding refers to those people who surround you.

The game "Live and Non-Living Nature": Children get up near the chairs, the teacher calls the items or phenomena of nature. If they relate to wildlife, then children raise their hands and at the top are masting them left-right, and if the named refers to an inanimate nature, then stand in place, and if something else is called quietly sit down. At the end of the game, I call the car (actually at the reaction of children).

Yes, children, thanks to their mind and their observation, a person created a lot of things with his own hands, by his work, but they are all like nature.

Showing: Machine - Beetle, helicopter - Dragonfly, Airplane - Bird, Rain - Shower, Paul - Soil, Wind - Fan.

I call: in the apartment a fluffy carpet, and in nature (grass), a person created a submarine (KIT).

What do you think, why the car, helicopter, carpet, the submarine is not nature? (They created a person, and nature is something that can exist without the help of a person).

What do you think, can nature exist without a person? (Yes)

Of course, nature was on our planet Earth for a long time, when dinosaurs did not live on it.

Or maybe a person live without nature? (No, he needs water, food, clothing, dwelling, medicine).

A person has long been using nature for his own purposes, and knows that it must be preserved and protected by all people living on Earth.

What did you do in the winter for this? (They wrapped the roots of trees and bushes with snow, fed birds).

Nature always thanks man for his care. On the last day of winter on the excursion, we heard the funny singing of the skills. Remember "What a sparrows sing on the last day of winter. We survived! We survived! We are alive! Lives we! " (I put a picture "Environmental Traffic")

The red traffic light shouts us trouble. Which picture is it suitable?

Yellow - Think! Do not rush!

Green - How good that there are such caring children!

If the money is accumulated

You can buy a lot.

House, clothing and factory

Airplane and steamer.

An entry with bird singing) is included).

But it is impossible to buy dew

Bird singing in the forest

And do not hide in the wallet

Spring and topolak.

Tree, flower and bird

Not always know how to defend

If they are destroyed,

On the planet we will stay alone.

Outcome: most diligent today ...., most active ..., the most inquisitive ..., the most attentive ...

You guys came a gift. (Showing a book, packed, with the inscription).

"For guys who are for nothing, the flowers do not tear, the grass is not crushed, the branches of trees and shrubs do not break, birds, insects and animals are not offended." This gift sent you our old familiar king of Berendia.

Name: Abstract Cognitive Development Claim (Ecology) in the senior group "Live and non-resident nature"
Nomination: Kindergarten, abstracts of classes, nodes, ecology, senior group

Position: Educator of the First Qualification Category
Place of work: MDOBU kindergarten № 29 "Silver Kopyts"
Location: Minusinsk, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Abstract Cognitive Development Claim (Ecology)
In the senior group
"Live and non-resident nature"

Purpose:improving the knowledge of children about living and inanimate nature



  • Encourage with the concept of "Court of Water in Nature"
  • Exercise in the name and classification of objects of alive and inanimate nature
  • Exercise in distinguishing concepts "Nature" and "Not Nature"


  • Promote the development of cognitive interests
  • Develop curiosity, memory, ability to draw conclusions


  • Continue to educate love for nature and careful attitude towards her
  • Learn ways of independent knowledge
  • Relieve communicative skills

The educator brings artificial flowers.

- Children, I would like to plant these flowers in our group.

- What do you think they will grow if I put them in the ground? Why?


- No, they are not alive, they will not give roots, they will not grow.


- Yes. Flowers made by man. All objects made by the hands of a person do not belong to nature.

- Do you know what nature is? (children's responses).


- Nature is the world around us, more precisely, that part of it, which is not created by the hands of a person. It is the sun, water, air, sky, animals, insects, plants and man, as part of nature.


- Guys, today, I suggest you play young ecologists. And who is this young ecologist?


- This is a child who loves nature, always and everywhere cares about her.


- Right. And what do you think - how can you become a young ecologist?


- You need to make good deeds towards each other and to nature.


- Young environmentalists should know a lot about nature. And now we will play the game "Three words". I call the concept, and you must call three names that belong to this concept.

The game "Three words"

  1. Room Flowers (violet, geranium, ficus)
  2. Garden flowers (chamomile, rose, petunia)
  3. Winter birds (Sparrow, Pigeon, Owl)
  4. Migratory birds (cranes, swallow, cuckoo)
  5. Waterfowl (goose, duck, swan)
  6. Pets (cow, horse, dog)
  7. Wild animals (Wolf, Fox, Hare)
  8. Animals of the Far North (polar bear, seal, sea cat)
  9. Animals Tropikov (Lion, Lynx, Gorilla)
  10. Marine life (Fish, Kit, Dolphin)
  11. Insects (Mosquito, fly, butterfly)


- Well done, you all called correctly. Guys, all nature can be divided into two huge worlds: the world of living and inanimate nature. What do you think, all that we have now called, belong to what world of nature? Why?


- To the world of wildlife. All living organisms cannot live without air, water, without sun, without food.


- Right. Living nature is everything that grows, breathing, it feeds, develops, breeds. And now, I suggest find out what applies to inanimate nature. Go to the table. On the table are cards with signs of living and inanimate nature. You must choose those that correspond to the concept of "non-fat" nature from the proposed cards. (Children perform the task, then check the correctness of the choice)


- Guys, look at the rest of the cards. What are they denoted?


- This is wildlife.


- Right. Pay attention to cards (toys, balls, doll). These items can be called nature? Why? (children's responses)


- Not. This is done by the hands of a person. They do not need to feed, they do not breathe, they do not multiply and do not grow.


- Right. For example, the car is made by the hands of a person: but a horse, a camel, on which a person goes, is already nature. The man only tamed them, made her homework, they existed in nature without it.

- So what we conclude - what is nature and what is "not nature"?


- Nature is what exists without the help of a person, and "not nature" is all that made by the hands of a person.


- Tell me, and wildlife can exist without inanimate nature? Why?


- All alive for growth and development need water, air, solar heat.


- Well done boys. We found out what applies to nature and "not nature."

- And now you will go to the chairs. We will play the game "Fourth Superst". I call a group of words, and you must define an unnecessary word and justify your choice.

The game "Fourth Excess"

  • Mushroom, Carrot, Cloud, Ball
  • Ruch, moon, flower, goat
  • Fly, Bear, Wind, Birch
  • Doll, snow, cloud, stone
  • Machine, bucket, house, water


- Well done, my young environmentalists. Even the environmentalists should know such a phenomenon as - the cycle of water in nature. Today I will introduce you to this phenomenon. Listen.

Many, many droplets play and frolic in water. The sun shines brightly, blends. And the lifestyads of one are starting to separate and climb into the air. That is, evaporation takes place. Highly from the Earth, the air is becoming colder. And the droplets are going together again. So the clouds are obtained. The wind drives them to the ground. Clouds become dark and hard. It rains from them. And the rain is small water droplets. Under the ground, small droplets are going to underground streams. Brooks flock into the reservoirs. The stock of water on the ground is constantly updated. From the ground to the sky, from the sky to the ground. This process is calledwater cycle in nature , From the word "circle", that is, the water moves in a circle. (Provariant by the choir)

- Well done. We have learned a lot about nature today. Tell me, please, what do you think, what do environmentologists do? (children's responses)

- Now I suggest you to unite into the pairs and choose two cards related to each other in one rule of nature. You must consider pictures and formulate a rule for the protection of this object.

  1. Protection of water bodies
  2. Protection of forests
  3. Insect protection
  4. Protection of trees
  5. Protection of birds



- Well done boys. You coped with all the tasks and learned a lot of new things. I think you will be excellent ecologists, you will always take care and guard nature, and teach your friends and close to it.

- What's new you learned today? What knowledge can you share with your friends and loved ones? (children's responses)