How to make a removal of rain and melt water from home. How to remove water from the foundation drainage system from melt water

Drainage around the house It is a prerequisite for long-term operation of the building. If the drainage system on the site functions competently - you can avoid a number of problems with excess moisture, leading to the flooding of the territory and winking of vegetation. If you buy and install drainage system On the plot, it will help to avoid premature destruction of the main and auxiliary structures of the house and around it.

Manufacturers and prices

Literaine and Lighting systems have a flexible form, which allows them to place them in the most difficult sections. Manufacturer 30 years warranty.

from 400 Rub. / P.M.

DRENLINE: concrete, plastic, polymer concrete and polymerpess trays; Ranges and lattices.

from 360 rubles / tray
Drainage hydrolyac - Effective solution for removal of significant volumes of surface waters.
from 396 rubles / tray

Drainage Nicoll. - Practical drainage systems, widely used in the arrangement of public, industrial and private territories.

from 280 rubles / tray
Drainage system Softrock wide spectrum Applications - a modern alternative to the traditional drainage of rubble. from 400 rubles / mp.

Modern house and the surrounding plot - these are competent drainage systems and others network engineering. Their gasket is very important work On the organization of life support systems of the landscape, taking into account all its features. Drainage of the site (drainage from water) is a system of hydraulic structures in the ground, which serves to lead the excess moisture from it.

Drainage without rubble Lyteraine - effective groundwater removal

Lyteraine Distribution System is successfully used in the construction of country houses, industrial buildings, dacha plots and other objects where the presence is not allowed large number rainwater. It is a branched complex of pipelines, which are installed around the perimeter of structures in the foundations and basements area.

The main task of the Lyteraine drainage system is to prevent the foundation of the base of buildings due to the effects of rainwater. Excess liquid flows into the pipes, then merge to the discharge point. From there, water is pumped up with powerful pumps and removed from the territory of the object.


Lytendeine drainage without rubble is one of the most reliable and efficient methods of protecting buildings from the destructive effects of rainwater flows. It has many advantages:

  • Ease of construction. Thanks to this property, all components of the drainage system can be transported on transport with any carrying capacity. In addition, the small weight of the design significantly simplifies the installation procedure.
  • Long service. Because Lyteraine is not clogged with Il and impurities, which are contained in rainwater, it can work consistently for over 100 years.
  • Strength. Pipes, of which Lyteraine Drainage is mounted, can be installed at a depth of 2.5 m. At the same time, they are not cracking due to the effects of the massive layer of soil and may remain unharmed even after the site erupts a car weighing 25 tons.

Buy Lyteraine Drainage System right now. Contact our manager to clarify all the details.

Drainage system on the plot

Drainage of the house and adjacent plot involves the arrangement of drainage and drainage systems that would complement each other, effectively removing excess moisture outside the site. It is desirable to drain the water from the roof, carried out directly into the outlet system stormwater, which is part of the drainage of the site. The drainage system on the site will allow when the high rainy or melting of a large amount of snow take excess moisture immediately beyond the site, without allowing it to be beaten with her surface layers of the Earth.

Prices for drainage systems depend on the set of factors: the size caused by the size of the area, the material from which items are made, such as (open, closed, flowing), as well as the number of elements that make up a holistic system drainage system.

This system will necessarily need this system in cases where a fence is arranged around it or there are built with a deep foundation. Also, the drainage of the house will be desirable if the house is located on clay or drum soils, as well as the placement of the site is at the foot of the mountain slope.


Designed for installation in places with a shallow depth.

Super series are made from high-quality brand B-30 concrete, equipped with enhanced galvanized nozzles from high-strength steel.

High strength of concrete channels, as well as lightness and chemical inertness of plastic.

Lattices for channels
For concrete and plastic channels.

Protects the lattices of channels of the drainage system of linear drainage from physical influences.

Avoid clogging of the storm sewage connected by means of a gutter with a system of linear drainage, sandingler or sandball will help.

For local water collection from the surface,
For the collection of stormwater from the roof in the drainage systems (installed under the drain pipe).

Protection of the well and drainage from damage and ensuring the safety of automotive and pedestrian motion.

Used on both individual buildings and urban infrastructure facilities

Preventing clogging of channels of linear drainage closed voids between plates

Ecoparking is a special lawn, protected from external influence with grille.

Open and closed

If the site is located on the slope, you just need a device open drainage system, representing a ditch of a depth of 0.6-0.7 meters and a width of 0.5 meters. Such a drainage arranged across the slope allows you to intercept the aqueous stream, thereby preventing the erosion of the soil and the flooding of buildings and plantations located at the foot of the slope.

If there are several sections on the slope, then the ditch passing between them for the removal of stormwater will perfectly cope with the volume of water derived by drainage systems of several sections. Thus, the lower sections will not be adopted by water saturating the land as a result of precipitation.

Installation of drainage systems closed type It provides for the arrangement of several drains, allowing to effectively remove moisture from precipitation and melting of snow beyond the site.

For this, several channels of 0.7-1.5 meters depth and 0.5 meter width are broken. Special pipes are laid in the resulting trenches, characterized by the presence of a plurality of holes on their surface, through which water penetrates into the pipe and is safely excreted either into the drainage well or in the natural water.

You can buy drainage for the house in such a configuration that would most accurately comply with the needs of the site in drainage in the rainy season and during the winter thaws. Flew drainage systems - complex engineering and technical structure, so it is desirable to carry out its gasket only with the help of specialists of relevant qualifications.


To trace the benefit of draining events, compare the two plots located nearby, but one of which stands on the earthy mound, and the other is simply on the surface of the Earth without changing its natural level. You will notice that on a plot located on the elevation, plants grow better and the house retains its bright colors. This is due to the natural process of water removal from the site.

A similar situation occurs with an effectively functioning drainage system. Its an integral element is storm sewage. During rainfall, the storm sewage by means of compounds with the drainage system allows an excessive moisture timely to leave the territory of the site, without having time to harm.

Impaired soil provides the ability to preserve plants even with excessive irrigation. In addition, with a timely diversion of water from the site, it does not dissolve the salts in the soil, which means that you can grow those plants that are needed or who like, and be calm for the condition of the basement, basement, scene and walls of the main and auxiliary buildings.

Such a system is a prerequisite for long-term exploitation of the house or site. Our company offers low prices Drainage for home and high quality site. Our managers will help you buy drainage systems at a favorable value, based on the needs and features of your home or plot.

The removal of water from home is the problem of almost every owner country house, it is necessary to decide immediately, without debugging "for later." During rains and shower, water can disrupt the stability of the house, destroying the foundation. Of course, this will not happen from one shower, but if such incidents will be constantly happening, then the house may just go under the ground, that is, "the doors" in it. The foundation of the building will be pushed by wastewater, the land under the foundation will be soft and under the weight of the house the foundation will fall down.

And, for example, if there is a basement in the house? This problem must be solved in this case immediately, it cannot be postponed even for a short time. After all, if the basement is constantly caught, then after a few years it will come to the unsatisfactory state and to use them for the appointment will not succeed. Why? Because due to the permanent dampness in the basement, the emergence of mold fungi, which, in turn, is extremely harmful to the health of people and animals.

Also for the site can be dangerous and groundwater. If your home is nearby from the river, lakes, or even the swamps, then you can be sure that there are those on the plot. The danger of groundwater is that they are locked in the depths of the Earth. If the water from the house during the shower and rain will come there, then the likelihood of the equilibrium and the stability of the house is high, which may later lead to its collapse. It is because of this reason that it is so important to correctly make a removal of rainwater from a residential building.

Water removal from the roof: Features

Water removal from the roof should be necessarily. For example, in winter it hits the roof great amount Snow that is fired on it and can simply break it down. There is also another weighty danger: during the daytime melting of snow in the evening I can form icicles. They, in turn, can fall to someone on the head. If you make drainage from the house of the outlined snow and rainwater, then the formation of icicles and the danger of their fall to someone can be forgotten to forget forever.

How to make a discharge system yourself, that's the question. You can immediately answer that it is not a complex process, you can cope with him personally. To do this, it is necessary to buy in a construction hypermarket or in the gutter market and drain pipes that will allow you to divert water from the roof. The gutter for removing the water from the roof is the less costly and easiest option. He is the most popular. Install the gutter to remove water from the house quite simple and with your own hands.

There are three types of grooves:

  • semicircular,
  • rectangular or square
  • trapezoidal.

How to decide which better suitable For your building? You can only rely on your taste, and also worth considering the structure of the structure. By functionality, these gutters are practically no different, we can say that they are the same in their properties and characteristics. Therefore, the choice completely falls on your shoulders.

You can help only with a choice of color: you should not buy light gutters, since in winter the snow will melt more slowly than if they were darker. This is due to the fact that dark colors "Attract" to yourself more solar energy. Light colors On the contrary, reflect the energy of the Sun, so the snow on them will melt slower. Also many experts are recommended to install storm gutters that have larger, therefore, they can withstand loads during strong rainseed precipitation.

There is nothing difficult in installing the grooves, you just need to follow the instructions from the applied instruction.

The system of removal of rain and melt water using the grooves is the following:

Water flows from the roof into the attached chute, on the groove it passes the path to the drain pipe, which flows down, to the ground. But the problem remains unresolved, the water continues to come directly under the foundation of the house. To bring the water removal system from home to mind to make an additional drainage system.

Drainage systems

What is a drainage system? What is it used for? What kinds of it happens? In what cases should it be used?

In fact, the drainage system is also a water removal system from the house, only it takes the water almost completely, which will turn well on the building and will prolong its life.

Drainage systems:

  • Ground Drainage (Surface)
  • Water dispatch lines
  • Drainage in certain places (spot)
  • Open drainage system
  • Closed drainage system
  • Trenches covered
  • Deep drainage

When there is an urgent need to establish a complex drainage system:

  • If there are natural water bodies next to the house.
  • The house is on lowline.
  • On clay soils, as water on such soils leaves enough slowly, especially after the showers.
  • Your area drops a large amount of precipitation throughout the calendar year.
  • Groundwater are close to the surface of the earth's crust.
  • The presence on the site of concrete or tiled tracks, as they do not let the water.
  • Low foundation at home, because the possibility of flooding is many times increase.

The system of the system that will ensure the removal of rainwater with your own hands, will help save money on the further repair of the building due to possible flooding.

Types of water removal systems

Surface drainage

Surface drainage will allow the removal of stormwater, it is also called the drain from the showers. It is very simple to equip such a type of waterproof waterproof water. Such a system will help to cope exclusively with the removal of rain and melting water, and with the recovery waters, such a system cannot cope. By itself, the superficial drainage is divided into another two types: on linear and point.

Linear water removal works as follows: Special trenches are broken throughout the site, which merge into one common tap well. Usually trenches are closed with lattices.

The point of water allows you to drain the input from different places of the site into a common well, while such a system is usually used simultaneously with linear. The point drainage is usually installed in those places where there is no need for a constant binding water. For example, in economic buildings or baths.

There is also a combined drainage, that is, both linear and point. Most often used on country houses and in country houses just such a kind of drainage systems.

Water disposal systems in private areas will not affect water supply, as usually water is taken from deeper wells or wells.

Drainage systems: open and closed type

Open systems are a totality of tranches, canals and gutters that allow you to take water from the house in a specially intended place, usually the well is the well.

Closed drainage systems also represent a combination of various drain and channels, but they have a more aesthetic appearance, as they are covered with decorative lattices. The diverse canal in the form of a pipe is often buried under the ground and is not visible from above.

All construction experts converge in one general terms when organizing drainage systems in the private site: "To arrange a drainage system to your site in modern conditions Not so difficult. Before construction, it is advisable to take a plan plan and place all channels and tranches on it, as well as determine the best place For a well, in which water will be given. The next important step should be counting essential materials. It is necessary to do it in order not to spend your time on an unnecessary shopping ride. It is necessary to start work from the roof, and only then carry out surface discharge channels on Earth. "

The constant impact of falling precipitation on the integrity of the foundation can lead to negative consequences. The foundation mocking, raws, blurs, turns mold, and moisture rises to the upper floors. Swell, the doors are thrown, on outdoor territory Appears flash. In order not to happen such problems, it is extremely necessary to make water removal from the foundation of the house. The execution of drainage is required in the construction of a residential building to calculate the angle of inclination, selection of materials, calculating the depth of the location of the elements of the drainage system.

Regardless of execution, the principle of operation of any drainage is to collect water and transporting it to the place allotted for this

Types of drainage

To protect the base of the building from precipitation, and the melt water uses different designs of the drainage and are combined into one system. These include: Distribution, drain, vertical wells, drainage systems.


In the case of an average non-critical rate of precipitation for the year in a certain location, the foundation is performed using the scene. It is usually done from concrete, but cumulative fixtures can be arranged. Each of the options allows you to carry out the removal of water from the house of the house for a safe distance, in accordance with its wide.

The scene must meet the appropriate quality characteristics:

    it should be 25-30 cm compared to the roof;

    its installation is required throughout the circumference of the house;

    the installation of a minor slope is needed (less than 5 degrees), which will ensure the drain of water to the other side of the walls of the house;

    the scene must be a litter (from rubble, gravel) and concrete coating.

If the humidity of the soil is low and precipitates falls a bit, then the scene will cope with the diversion of water from the foundation


The drainage system also contributes to the fencing of the foundation from excess water. Without her, the mass of precipitation will head to the foot of the building, will pour walls, to fill the foundation. Because of this, the surface of the walls molds, and the wooden components rot.

The installation of the drain, which makes up a horror and pipes, helps optimally secure housing from the upper water flow. The main task is to remove the water to a sufficient distance from the base of the building. For this use:

    drainage well;

  • general or private sewer;


    capacity on watering beds.

The drain collects water from the roof and takes it away from the foundation

Vertical wells

For such a variant of drainage, vertical wells are required in the form of a five-meter well. Rake is inserted into it, he wraps with geotextiles.

The rail is falling asleep by gravel, the throat of the well is closed by rubble and geometra. Then all the elements of the system are masked by the dressing. Similar wells in the most flooded places contribute to lower levels groundwater And the rapid drainage of large puddles.

Use of vertical wells when erecting a house in places in places with large quantity Groundwater

On our site you can find contacts of construction companies that offer the foundation design and repair service. Directly to communicate with representatives, you can visiting the exhibition of houses "Low-rise country".

Drainage systems

The drainage system is more costly and long-term method, but more efficient. Requires the study of the area, angle of inclination, alleged load (based on this material).

The drainage system includes three types:

    plasty - used very often, stacked under the entire territory of the structure in the form of sandy, rubble, gravel "pillows";

    inner drainage - pipes deployed under the basement of the building or under all the foundation, and then leading to the well;

    exterior drainage - located around the circumference of the building and includes trenches, pipes, for the direction of water in the well.

External drainage has two types:

    Open drainage system - a ditch is digging around the circle. The method is characterized cheap, efficiency, but aesthetics leaves much to be desired.

    The closed system - on the bottom of the dug in the trenches, lay sand, crushed stone. Then they put the pipes leading to the well or drain, wrap them with Geecan, masked with a row.

A good drainage system for removing water from the foundation of the house, is designed together with the project's project itself.

How to remove from the foundation of TELL and stormwater

Seasonal surface formations of surface water are eliminated by complex actions, including:

    roof drainage system;


    the drainage system.

The drain from the roof is needed to combine water flows, after the rain and melting of snow. Before you take the water from the roof from the house, the redirection of water flows to the lavetyls under drainage.

The removal from the base of wax and stormwater is performed by ring drainage. Such drainage involves trenches with pipes sent to the sewer.

Comprehensive water removal system from drain

Answering of groundwater

Protect the foundation of the building and carry out water removal will only help the drainage system of the foundation, which is recommended to be installed before the construction of the house.

Running groundwater from the house with a deep drainage system, more suitable for the terrain with a high level of groundwater. It is designed by professional experts according to the following plan:

    the soil of the terrain is studied;

    the level of groundwater lift is determined for the rain period and snowmates;

    the estimated load on the drainage system is calculated, given the water collection area;

    the slopes of relief are determined to perform a self-shot.

The deep diversion of groundwater is performed perforated drainage pipes. A valve is located in the well, which does not allow the return receipt of wastewater into the drainage.

Installation of the Drainage System of the foundation

Foundation drainage: varieties and features

With complex hydrogeological conditions of terrain underground part Buildings are protected by three types of drainage location:

    western - for houses with basement and social Floor;

    ring - for houses with all rooms above ground level;

    the reservoir - for the slab foundation below the waterproof layer.

A used drainage system is located under the ground along the wall.

Ring drainage is located at a distance from the walls by 1.5-3 m. On bends, the pipe is spinning or has a view well. Usually the system is placed throughout the building circumference, but there are exceptions.

Plasty drainage surrounds the pipeline ring, and under the stove is a layered drainage litter.

Plasty drainage is equipped before filling the foundation

Materials for drainage

When designing a drainage mechanism, the calculation of the degree of load on the drainage elements is the most important value. With a strong load, plastic materials may not withstand, so concrete execution will be more reliable. The execution of wells, gutters, canals from concrete can withstand 90 ton pressure.

The use of pig-iron protective grids on the gutters for drainage extends their period of operation. Material for rain-seekers located on the circumference of the building, is selected based on the degree of operational load.

The pipeline is placed around the perimeter of the structure in trenches having a drainage layer.

Drainage pipes can be a corrugated or smooth surface. A smooth coating helps a good bandwidth for enhanced drainage, and the pipe with the corrugation gives rigidity, which means the strength of the pipeline.

What is the drainage system for removing rainwater from home

Technology of installation of drainage from the foundation of the house

Installation of drainage begins by creating its schematic image. On the area of \u200b\u200bthe area, all elements are indicated, first of all pipeline. It should be located around the perimeter of the entire building and the entire local area. Professional installation crews often perform the installation of the pipeline on the principle of Christmas tree.

First noted the location autonomous sewage Or the well, where water will be directed. From this place to the building there is a straight line of the main drainage tube. The line is connected with a circuit of pipes with coverage of the entire perimeter of the foundation. Then the branch is followed from the main line, which forms a long and branched pipeline system.

Video Description

Vividly about the drainage of the foundation and ways to arrange it in the video:

Additional water collection methods

As an additional way to protect the foundation from watercourse, a lawn with high, thick vegetation is used. With a powerful root system, this herbous layer does not allow soaking the water of the upper soil, it contributes to the delay and diversion of the water flow. It may be decorative decoration Landscaping, but of all the options, how to remove water from the foundation of the already built house - this is the least effective.

In a highly flooded terrain of the usual way of leading water may not be enough. In this case, the combination of vertical and horizontal drainage is used (the trenches are paired, the wells are placed).

Video Description

Some more useful information About drainage, look in the video:


After studying the features of all drainage systems, you can choose the option that is most suitable for its situation. The main task is to determine how water should be removed: melt and storm or soil.

This article discusses drainage pipes for groundwater removal: a complete classification of products for drainage, their advantages, characteristics and basic parameters are presented. Thanks to this information, you will learn how to select suitable types of pipes for certain types of discharge systems in accordance with their requirements, the features of the soil, etc.

Corrugated pipe walls have a high resistance to the emergence of any deformation changes under the influence of loads

Drainage pipes for groundwater removal: Introduction to topic

The drainage tube acts as the main construction element, on the basis of which a drainage system is formed, designed to dry out the plots. This element is responsible for collecting and dischargeing underground, wax and rainwater outside the territory with pre-filtering.

Note! The large volume of melt and stormwater is capable of provoking the rise of the level of groundwater. The emergence of such a situation is extremely undesirable, since the resulting destructive effect on the foundation part of the building increases, as well as all elements landscape designlocated on the plot.

The drainage system helps get rid of excess water on the plot

Installation of drainage pipes big diameter Allows you to cope with such problems as:

  • increased soil humidity;
  • mold formation;
  • flooding of the site, the foundation of the residential building and the buildings of economic purposes, as well as cellars;
  • formation of permanent;
  • the appearance of puddles on cobbled coatings;
  • formation of land on pedestrian walkways;
  • the rotation of the roots of garden flowers, vegetable crops and other vegetation due to the overaffect of moisture in the garden and summer sections.

Features of drainage pipes with partial perforation, complete or its absence

If we talk about the general classification of products for drainage systems, the range is represented by the following types of pipes (by type of material):

  • asbestos-cement;
  • ceramic;
  • plastic drainage tubes with perforation and without it, as well as with partial presence.

In the building materials market, drainage pipes are represented by a large variety of species and sizes.

However, most construction companies have already abandoned the use of pipes made of ceramics or asbestos cement due to numerous flaws inherent in them:

  1. Large weight requiring significant costs for transportation and installation, because installation of so overall products can not do without the use of specialized construction equipment.
  2. The slow process of installation of a drainage system, which can only be carried out by the hands of professionals.
  3. Low performance. Drainage pipes are usually represented on sale without perforation, so the holes are performed manually. Because of this, during operation, the pipeline is clogged faster, so frequent cleaning is required, and in some cases the complete replacement of the elements.
  4. The construction of systems based on them is much more expensive than in the case of the use of plastic elements.

Installation of water removal system on a land plot using corrugated plastic pipes With perforation

Note! The table indicates the average price of 200 mm drainage pipes different materials. There are other diameter variants, however, in products from ceramics, asbestos cement and plastic, standard dimensional parameters do not coincide. Therefore, for comparison, the diameter of the drainage pipe is taken 200 mm, which is present in the assortment of all these items.

Drainage pipes for groundwater removal: product classification

Drainage pipes for groundwater removal with country plot: Types of products, their characteristics, rates and features of application in drainage systems.

Drainage device around a private house - water removal system from a plot and from the foundation

Let's notify immediately, drainage and waterproofing are different concepts and one of them does not exclude the other. Drainage around the house (drainage system) allows you to remove or reduce water levels on the site.

The danger lies both outside (precipitation, flood water) and from the inside (groundwater). Waterproofing protects the foundation of the structure from water from getting inside.

But, even qualitatively isolated from the water, the foundation will not protect the base of the private house (basement) and the basement from the fall of water for a long time. After all, if the water will write constantly, it will find weaknesses in waterproofing. And on the contrary, if you take it on time - your home or cottage will be safe.

Drainage around the house do it yourself

When you need a drainage system device:

  • location of the site. The lower it is - the more relevant the problem of drainage;
  • the quality of the soil - on clay and drum soils, the water level is reduced slowly;
  • the level of precipitation in your area;
  • the level of groundwater occurs;
  • blowing the rest of the buildings on the site. If the standing building has a strongly blurred foundation - the water will have nowhere to go, and it will accumulate on the surface, increasing the risk of flooding;
  • the presence of waterproof coatings - concrete paths, asphalt courtyard - these are not available for water penetration.

The drainage device around the house with your own hands will eliminate the problems caused by the factors listed above.

Types of drainage systems

Depending on the acute problem of the flooding of the site, several ways can be distinguished how to make drainage around the private house.

Surface drainage

This type can be attributed to the storm sewer (Livnevka). The advantage of such a drainage is that its arrangement is simpler and accessible after the fulfillment of most types of work on the site. Surface drainage systems allow you to remove only rain and melting water, it cannot be powder with soil water.

There are two types of drainage surface device: linear and spot.

Linear drainage

Focusing on the removal of storm or melting water from the entire area and from the house, in particular. Water flows into the canals dug in the ground and get into the drainage well. As a rule, the channels have a straight linear shape and closed with lattices.

Point drainage

Focused on the rapid removal of water generated from local sources (for example, under roof drains, watering cranes, etc.). Point drainages are closed with decorative metal lattices to eliminate the clogging of the channel by garbage and leaves. Drainage pipes are laid from each point, which are connected to the main main pipe leading to the drainage well.

Combined drainage combines two above-mentioned systems: point and linear drainage.

By method of device, drainage can be open and closed

Open drainage

System of trenches, gutters, drainage or catchment trays.

Such a drainage is a trench, which is intended for removal of storm and melt water from home and from the plot.

The principle of the open drainage system

Along all sides of the site and around the house there is a ditch width to half a meter and a depth of 50-60cm. All these trenches are connected to the total drainage trench.

In order for the water to be unhindered to the trench on the side of the house in the ditch, they make the SCOS at an angle of 30 o, and the bias towards the main water trench (or the drain well) will allow self-tolerated water in the right direction.

Plus an open drainage system can be called low cost and high speed of work. But, if the removal of a large number of melt and rainwater is required, then you will have to make a deep drainage line in which someone may fall. Uproeted wall walls are destroyed. Such a system spoils the appearance of the site.

Increase service life and improve the safety of such a system by using special trays (from plastic or concrete), which are closed with lattices from above.

Open drainage around the house

Closed drainage

It has a more aesthetic appearance, compared with the previous one, as it is equipped with a protective lattice, but the receiving channel is much already and smaller. Theses are presented in the photo.

Closed drainage around the house

Fucking drainage - biased trench

Used in the case when the area of \u200b\u200bthe site is small, and it is impossible to make an open drainage or inappropriate. The lack of this system in the inability to maintain trench after the arrangement without dismantling.

The correct drainage around the house of this type is placed in several stages.

  • there is a trench to a depth of about a meter with mandatory observance of the slope toward the drain (drainage) well;
  • a geotextile is stacked on the bottom of the trench;
  • the trench is covered with gravel, rubble, etc.;
  • from above stacked a layer of turf. This stage is optional, but allows you to give a plot more aesthetic appearance.

Fucking drainage

Depth drainage

The discharge of a large amount of groundwater requires a solid system device - deep drainage of the site. Device of the deep drainage system is used in areas with clay soilLocated in lowlands and characterized by a high groundwater level.

The process of the device is laborious and consists in laying the pipes (the diameter depends on the amount of water reducible) from perforations in deep trenches (depends on the height of the soil water).

Closed drainage - pipe system

Scheme of closed drainage device, pipes and laying method

How to make drainage around the house do it yourself


  • Determine the location of the closed drainage system, which can be implemented in two versions:
  1. pass only near the foundation, i.e. Around the house (used drainage), preventing water penetration directly into the house.
  2. place around the site will thus be protected by the cottage base, as well as plantings and other economic buildings.

Closed-type drainage device (solid, wounded)

Drainage circuit around the house is represented in the photo

  • Note the location of the drainage ditch on the site. Usually for this uses such devices as a laser rangefinder and level. But, it is possible to make it easier to trace where water grooves remain after the rain - there are drainage trenches.
  • Dig a trench. When digging, it is necessary to observe the height difference. After all, water should flush to the drainage well, and not accumulate in the pipes.

Drainage trench for drainage area of \u200b\u200ba country house

  • Lay a layer of geotextile. Its role in drainage is to filter water from impurities that can score the perforation of the drainage pipe.

Laying geotextile on the bottom of the trench for drainage

Geotexyl can be taken any, the main thing is that he missed and filtered the water. Tight needlecable geotextile is better not to take, because He misses the water well.

Laying the perforated tube to lay a perforated pipe - the basis of the drainage system. Pipes can be ceramic or plastic. But in any type of pipes there should be perforation for water intake (perforation can be made independently, with a drill). Pipes are connected to each other by means of a cross-line or a tee.

  • Take the ends of the pipe into viewing wells. Such wells are installed at all turns so that the system can be careed. For example, clean the water pressure pipe or estimate the change in the water level.

Take the ends of the pipe into the drain well. This is the last component of the closed drainage system.

Turning pipes into viewing wells

By functional purpose Drainage wells are divided into two types:

  1. accumulating. Such a well has a hermetic bottom. Water in it accumulates and then used for watering;
  2. absorbing. Well without a bottom, water in it gradually goes into the soil.
  • Fall asleep geekan rubble without reaching the upper level of the earth 200mm.
  • Purplus drainage pipes with rubble to a height of 300mm.
  • Cutting the pipe with a geotection of the brass and fix the joints with the rope.
  • Flip sand, land and / or lay the turf.

Absorbing well and winding of the drainage tube by geotecer

Finished drainage system in the context is presented in the photo

Drainage system scheme in context

Which of the listed types of drainage is suitable for you - can be determined, only knowing the site features. In general, you should choose that drainage around the house, the cost of work on the arrangement and operation of which is the lowest, and of course, which can be made with your own hands. At the same time, it should qualitatively and reliably perform the role of drainage. After all, according to the calculations of specialists, the correct drainage around the house will allow to extend its life for more than 50 years.

Drainage around the house with your own hands - scheme, instruction, tips

How to make drainage around the house - the principle of the device of the correct drainage system closed and open type. Ways to remove water from the base and the foundation of the house and from the site. Photo and video instrument

Device drainage system

The decision to make the drainage system is often taken already on the fact that part of the house, the foundation with the basement or the basement is derived to the level of the meter-one and a half over the soil. Most often, it is at this moment that the water rise occurs around the construction due to the pressure of the heavy foundation on the soils, which flow below the depth of the support of the concrete blocks. In this case, to ensure normal state The soil must be arranged on the plot drainage system of water removal.

Less often, the corner rises due to errors in geological intelligence on the site under the future building at home. In this case, when digging a kitty, it is possible to exit the location of the underground key or water lens in the clay layer. Save the position will be able to emergency disregard of key soil water using a drainage system and special blocking pillows. In this case, it will be necessary to separately make a special drainage system, calculated only on the key lead. For the site around the foundation of the building and adjacent territory with zooming soils, a drainage system will be required at a high level of groundwater.

How to make drainage water removal systems

The set of measures to prevent the flooding of the site and the lift of the soil involves to make one or more modern drainage systems:

  • Storm surface water removal systems from the foundation of the building;
  • Underground drainage systems for removal of groundwater from the foundation;
  • The rainwater collection system and moisture drainage from the surface of the site;
  • The drainage system of removal of soil water on the site.

The cost of special drainage pipes and wells is small, as 99% of the reinforcement for drainage is made of polyethylene and polychlorine.

Modern drainage systems

Even under the use of modern means of calculation and design, all possible changes in the state of groundwater cannot be taken into account. Too many factors affect the water level in the ground:

  1. Natural factors - a significant change in the number of precipitation dropping out for a short time, flood, river spills;
  2. Technogenic reasons are the maintenance of high-rise construction or changing the infrastructure around the site, for example, an increase in the number of asphalt surfaces and roads, or the use of a large volume of water on the irrigated areas near the house.

In both cases, the amount of groundwater increases dramatically and their level even in the period summer heat. Qualitative sign Increasing the volume of groundwater is the winding of the base of the basement or the basement and the enhanced growth of grass, shrubs and vegetation in the immediate vicinity of the house.

Drainage system device for home

If, with a strong climb of groundwater, it is not possible to remove moisture from the foundation with the help of drainage pipes from the foundation, you can get a very unpleasant effect "floating". Especially dangerous excess water in conditions of excess in the soil of clay and sublinka. In some cases, even a two-meter belt foundation does not save, the building begins to see and lose stability, which leads to the appearance of cracks in the wall masonry. In addition, walls basement At the joints of concrete blocks, they always become wet, dampness appears, after some time, groundwater will begin to accumulate.

To correct the situation, it is necessary to make a full-fledged drainage system, discharged excess of groundwater and penetrating the rain moisture.

For normal drainage, it is necessary to arrange two drainage systems - storm and ground. Both are stacked around the perimeter of the construction, the storm directly adjoins the foundation to the breakfast and serves to remove the rainflows from the roof. The soil drainage is designed to collect moisture surrounding from the surface, as well as the Earth accumulating in the thicker from aquifer.

Storm drainage system

Make a removal of water from the foundation without effective landfill is almost impossible. The storm drainage is established much easier than the soil drainage, it is a system of gutters and pipes laid around the building. In places of installation of drain pipes, through which rainwater from the roof merge, special water wells are installed. The location of such a device is coordinated with the direction of the fall of the jet of water so that the entire flow is captured without scattering and spraying moisture on the foundation and wall of the building.

The water collected by gutters and water drivers is headed through pipes into a storm sewer or to the place of general water collection with a drainage system. As a water fluid use conventional water supply polyethylene pipes diameter from 100 to 150 mm. Each water collector is equipped with its drainage pipe. The water segment is calculated based on the maximum amount of precipitation and, accordingly, the water flow power for this particular surface area of \u200b\u200bthe roof. Usually the building accounts for at least three waterborne wells. To avoid clogged with sand, foliage, in the design of the waterborg, a filter-sump must be provided, which allows periodically removing the accumulated garbage from the receiving device.

The storm drainage system can significantly reduce the amount of moisture in the soil in areas adjacent to the building, but its capabilities are clearly not enough to make water removal as efficient as possible. Therefore, in any case, in the presence of converted soils, you need to make an underground drainage design.

Design and device of the drainage system of groundwater

Foundation equipment drainage system needs to be made at the stage of laying the blocks of the basement. But most often it has to do postfactum, after the building is built, and groundwater raised. In this case, the drainage system needs to be made to the depth below the floor level of the basement floor or basement. Otherwise, the soil waters will pour the basement.

To make a modern drainage system for a truly effective, it is necessary to perform the scope of work much more than for storm system. The main costs are associated with the need to make a large volume of earthworks, namely:

  1. At a distance of one to three meters, depending on the location of the building and the nature of the soil, dig a trench to the depth of the soil freezing;
  2. Make the bottom of the bottom of the trench of a small rubble or chump dropout, thoroughly align the material layer;
  3. Lay geotextile and drainage pipe;
  4. At the corners to install swivel wells. These elements will allow you to connect separate cuts of the pipe into one contour. When connecting the drainage pipe to the wells, it is necessary to make a drain slope;
  5. After assembling all the elements of the system in one drainage contour, the pipe wrapped with geotextiles and fall asleep with a layer of sand at least 15 cm thick. Sand thoroughly align both the trambra using a manual or electric traam;
  6. On top of the sand, it is necessary to make a sweeping from rubbing with a thickness of at least 30-40 cm, after alignment of the layer, the design of the drainage is falling asleep.

In some cases, the immediate diverge to the foundation walls is more efficient. Due to the risk, damage the surface of the foundation waterproofing is more appropriate to make a trench around the foundation box with a manual way with a shovel. It greatly complicates the work due to the need to use neverthent manual work.

In addition, it greatly worsens carrying ability The foundation, especially if there is a lot of water, and it significantly blocked part of the soil. If you have doubts or concerns about the appearance of cracks or the foundation drawdown, it will be correct to make an examination of the situation at a specialist. The main reason, due to which is solved on such a risky procedure, is the restoration and strengthening of the waterproofing layer on the outer surface of the foundation box. In this case, the trench draised under the drainage system will allow to make the waterproofing revision, restore the insulating layer and even strengthen it. The execution of the drainage system in close proximity to the foundation makes its work more efficient. In some cases, this location of the drainage system allows preventing its freezing into the strongest frosts.

Service drainage system

If you make the installation of water pipes in swivel wells with hermetic, drainage pipes wrap the additional layer of geotextile, you can practically eliminate seeping into the system of drainage of the smallest particles of clay, yla, organic substances that can stick together and score the inner surface of the highways.

Most often, an industrial perforated polychlorial tube with a corrugated surface is used for the drainage system. Thanks to this design, it is easily lightning and strifted at any angle. The inner surface of such a pipe creates strong resistance to the flow of water and the conditions for accumulating on the walls of all sorts of pollution and deposits. Because of this, after a while, the bandwidth of the holes on the walls is reduced. In some cases, the owners require additional number of holes on the surface of the pipe. It does not add its bandwidth, but only increases the amount of dirt falling into drainage.

Check the efficiency of the drainage system can be used using an audit well. If the amount of moisture taken by the pipe fell to a minimum, then it is necessary to make a test flushing of the drainage system. The easiest way can this be done with the pump high pressure and the usual irrigation hose.


The greatest efficiency in the use of the drainage system can be achieved if you make the entire design of high-quality polymeric materials. Attempt to replace them with asbetic or sewer pipesPerhaps it will reduce its cost, but does not guarantee sustainable work for a long time.

How to make a drainage system

Device of the drainage system Decision on the need to make a drainage system often accepted by the fact that part of the house, the foundation with the basement or the ground floor is removed to the level

How to remove water from the foundation of the house

How to remove water from the foundation of the house

It is possible to counteract the influence of moisture on the foundation of the building using a drainage system and waterproofing. Properly made drainage and soil and stormwater removal system will ensure the integrity of the foundations and long term operation of any construction.

Globe and waterproofing, as a tool for protecting the foundation from water

Especially if the moisture penetrated into the structure of the bearing walls, then winter time will not be increased level freezing and internal destruction of walls. It is also important that the foundation of the building was dry due to its immediate contact with microorganisms and bacteria, especially rotted bacteria, which very much destroy the buildings, and also affect the comfort and safety of living or work in them.

The basis of an effective water removal system is laid in initial stage Construction of the house. At the same time, it is necessary to carefully approach the arrangement of the foundation and its waterproofing, both at the level of the pillow and at the level of the base. It is important is the arrangement of the scene, which allows you to remove water from the building. In this case, it is possible to use not only the water drainage system, but also of the usual removal to the accumulative pits. This proacts the occurrence of puddles and increased soil blotch.

The most important thing is to correctly determine the line of the watershed, which is determined by the experimental way in accordance with the line of the land cover horizon on the territory adjacent to the house. Establishing the possibility of direction of outflow of water from the foundation of the structure facilitates work. At the same time, if the construction is carried out from scratch, it is necessary to assess the structure of the soil, and the presence of groundwater horizon in the depth of the occurrence.

It is also important to know how solest in the site absorbs moisture, and accordingly, it is capable of carrying pressure load. It is the right-paid foundation that guarantees the integrity of the building and its dryness.

Drainage guards the foundation from water

The organization of the drainage system is carried out with the help of materials having a high level of seepage of water. It may be crushed the special fraction. It is in it that the drainage system of the drainage system, as well as rain sewage, is produced.

Drainage system on a water removal area

The most important component of this system is a breakfast, surrounding the foundation of the building around the perimeter.

The effectiveness of such a construction reception directly depends on right choice The width of the scene and the degree of her tilt. At the same time there should be no cracks and emptiness.

Building base (foundation) and its protection against melt and rainwater

According to the rules of construction science, the scene is used to remove natural water from the foundation. At the same time it provides for not only internal system drainage, but also water removal channels (internal and external). However, the use of an outdoor water system is at risk being blocked, especially in spring, during sharp drop Temperatures: from the positive, up to minus.

According to experts, outdoor system More efficient in summer and autumn when the water disposal is made using the slope of the site horizon. It is the most optimal and cheap way Watering water from the building. However, it requires constant and attentive maintenance.

Drainage knot creation scheme on site

Performing such works It is necessary to have a reservoir inventory: shovels (bayonet and selection), rake, wheelbarrow.

After - the establishment of the parameters adjacent to the foundation of the watershed in width and depth. The most effectively works watershed in large sites, almost under the planning stage construction site. In this case, this method is used not only to protect the buildings, but also technological structures (car platform, lawns for recreation and sports ground, etc.)

Having his own idea of \u200b\u200bcomfort in housing, you can form personal design solutionswhich suggest the creation of functional zones with a bias from the buildings at the level of 5%. Under such conditions, you can organize various local water structures, crossing. It should also be remembered that the presence of natural water allows you to use it to replenish losses at a round room.

Plan for the organization of drainage from the foundation

In principle, rain or melt water can be discharged from the area in drainage wells or channels for further removal from households. The difference between the breakdown and the water drainage system should be at the level of 20 centimeters.

After marking the lines of the watershed, proceed to the direct organization of the water removal system, which is traditionally carried out in two ways.

Sign of protection of the groundwater

Water removal methods

In the first case, make the channel laying on the base of the watershed having a slope to the tap channel. This work is carried out using the usual shovel, as well as a flat board and building level. To do this, you first dig up several channels - landmarks that have the necessary bias and connecting with the tap channels. After that, they make the recess of the soil on the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe watershed.

In the second case, serious work is carried out on the planning of slopes in the entire site. To do this, there is a plug or removing the soil on the site in order to obtain the desired slope for removing the water from the structure. The main task is to achieve that the foundation of the house there was a slope with a maximum distance from the structure to zero.

This method subsequently does not require periodic maintenance and allows for all weather conditions to contain the foundation of the building in the waterproof mode.

At the same time, additional protection of the watershed zone should be carried out, which can be equipped with an additional drainage system. This makes it possible to reduce the level of softening the soil adjacent to the building.

The essence of such protection is to organize a protective layer on the big plot. The most radical method is a concrete or stone platform. However, it is expensive and not always justified. Therefore, around the perimeter of the building you can make a herbal lawn. It has a high level of counteracting the penetration of water and practically sends in the desired direction from the structure.

Such a decision is not only practical, but also beautifully in essence, it provides the maximum comfort of accommodation in household. However, the use of lawns, as a method of waterproofing the soil, has specific rules, because its effectiveness depends on the health of the root system and the growth of grass.

The foundation of any structure is subjected to adverse effects on it with groundwater, which in connection with the soil minerals have a destructive effect on the structure of the foundation. Even the foundation waterproofing measures does not guarantee its integrity, especially if the FSB blocks were used for this.

Groundwater removal from foundation

The most effective protection of the foundation of the building is carried out, as at the beginning of construction or can be organized after. To this end, in the corners of the structure, technological recesses are digging, which allow to make the inspection of the soil, its blobs, as well as the level of the structure of the building on the site, as well as the organization of the natural water removal system.

The drainage system is set to the depth of the freezing of the soil, and all that is higher is insulated. Providing landscape beauty is achieved by organizing closed water removal systems that have the necessary slopes.

At the same time, the integrity of the foundation is provided by laying the water system along the perimeter of the structure, followed by its assignment to special wells or channels.

The contour drainage system is equipped with a specific technology laying of layers of building materials. At the very bottom, the sand pillow, then gravel and rubble, then special drainage pipelines that fall asleep with rubble. At the same time, the laying of pipes is carried out in accordance with the necessary slope, which is made on the basis of the previously developed plan.

The effectiveness of the drainage system directly depends on the total compliance with the drainage technology. At the same time, non-compliance with this rule may result in a violation of the water removal system, which then softened soil and can lead to shrinkage carrier structures, and damage to the structure, up to its complete destruction.

Reduce the volume of subsequent costs of laying engineering communications can be used if you use the drainage system technological channels for laying the necessary cables or a hidden water removal system.

Construction rules provide for the laying of hidden drainage systems that are at a depth of at least half a meter from the foundation level. Special attention It should be paid to estimating the level of soil floting, which determines the further use of pipes for the drainage of the corresponding diameter from 60 to 200 mm.

Also, all pipes additionally turn into special materials (geotextile or tissue, coconut fiber), allowing to protect drainage holes from clogging. This ensures durability and serviceability of the drainage system.

Modern manufacturers offer pipes for drainage in 50 meter bays and an operating period of 50 years. They are connected by special fittings.

Checking the status of the drainage system involves the installation of viewing wells, which are made using special plastic structures.

Rightly planned drainage system through the operational well comes down to a drainage canal or well, which has a natural drain of water in technological canal, or is equipped with a pump for pumping and exporting accumulated waters.

How to take water from the foundation of the house - find out how!

Learn more about how to take water from the foundation of the house with your own hands, step-by-step technology + Video!

The foundation is a support for the entire structure, therefore special requirements are presented to its quality and strength. The strength characteristics of the base under the house are declined primarily on the effects of water, it may be ground and melting water, as well as seasonal precipitation. From contact with water on the walls of the foundation, mold and fungus is formed, it becomes raw and uncomfortable in the room. All this makes it just necessary to lead water from the base of the house.

Effective drainage methods

Protect the base of the house from atmospheric precipitation and groundwater in various ways:

  • Installation of the scene around the perimeter of the house.
  • Creating a storm sewage in a complex with a drainage.
  • Drainage system.


Mandatory I. effective way Tire of rain and melt waters is. In a single system with drain, this design is able to protect the house with minor precipitation deeply located groundwater. The scene must have a mandatory slope to ensure the outflow of water from the walls of the house. The design can be performed with an additional gutter at the outer edge of or without it.

Storm sewage and drain

When installing the drainage system, the main condition is proper installation. Otherwise, water will be drained along the walls to the foundation, which leads to the destruction and walls, and the grounds. To drive water from the drainage system, storm sewage is used, which includes many devices. In particular, we are talking about rain-seekers, chutes, wells and filters.

Drainage system

Drainage is the most difficult, but most effective option for removing water from the foundation. A full-fledged drainage system should operate in aggregate with storm sewer, so in general the process requires responsibility and large investments.

Material for the improvement of the drainage system

The efficiency of the drainage system largely depends on the quality of the materials used and their correct choice.

For systems to which high load is assumed, the strongest materials should be chosen. Consequently, in these cases, it is better to use products not made of light plastic, and from durable concrete.

Extend the service life of the gutters for water removal can be using pig-iron lattices that protect elements from the outside.

The pipes used in the drainage system should fit into the pre-prepared grooves, on the bottom of which the drainage layer is laid. The most effective is the corrugated pipes for drainage. Their smooth inner surface It does not prevent the passage of water flow, and the corrugation outside the pipes makes them more durable.

Protection of the foundation from groundwater

Groundwater has a constant impact on the foundation, so it is important to create a reliable protection of the foundation from this negative factor.

Very often for greater efficiency use comprehensive protection: trench drainage and. The drainage system is designed to remove water from the foundation, and the waterproofing provides protection against moisture penetration inside concrete structures.

Trench drainage

The drainage system can be open or closed.

Open drainage is a ditch having a width of 50 cm and a depth of up to 1 m. The walls of the ditches are made with a slope of 30 degrees to ensure maximum water accumulation. The duration of the ditch should also have a bias for an arbitrary flow of water.

Make a closed trench drainage with your own hands according to the following scheme:

  1. On the perimeter of the base of the house rotate a trench of about 30 cm wide, the depth should be slightly lower than the sole of the foundation.
  2. On the bottom, sand layer up to 10 cm, providing a slope.
  3. Sand covers geological textiles, fixing on the walls of the trench.
  4. On top, gravel layer 10 cm.
  5. Next laid drainage pipes. They drilled a lot of holes in them, thanks to which water will be seeded into the pipe, and go to specially trained places. Pipes must have a bias of 1 cm on the trafficphone meter.
  6. Pipes fall asleep by gravel, whose layer over the pipe can reach 10 cm.
  7. Gravel is covered with geotextiles, whose ends are stitched.
  8. The end of the drainage tube should be left from the base of the house at a distance of at least 5 m.
  9. The drainage system ends with a water acceptance, which can act artificial or natural reservoirs.

Waterproofing foundation

Waterproofing work protect the base of the house not only from groundwater, but also from soil moisture. Waterproofing can be. In the first case, the protection receives the upper part of the base in places of contact with the walls. In the second - the side surfaces of the foundation.

For waterproofing vertical type, you can use several options:

  • Protect the foundation with a layer of cement-sandy solution.
  • Create insulation with.
  • To lay several layers of rubberoid or toli.

Protection of the foundation from tales and stormwater

Seasonal surface formation of surface waters is also big problem. It is possible to solve it with the help of integrated protection, which includes the drain system, and drainage.

Drain system

Design is designed to collect rain or melt water from the roof of the house. Water on special gutters flows into the funnels and the pipes are given from the foundation of the building.

Distill from the foundation, the storm drains helps the ring drainage. It is performed as follows:

Ring Drainage

  1. In the open trench laid pipes that lead to a common sewage. Stacking pipes perform on the rammed pillow of their sand and rubble. It is very important that the diameter of the drainage and drainage pipes is the same.
  2. Install wells that take water from the drainage.
  3. All water is assembled in the overall well, from which it is removed by pumping, directly removing in an open reservoir or absorbed into the soil through the drainage field.


Water, which accumulates on the surface, is assigned to the foundation using the scene. Its arrangement is as follows:

  1. Marking is performed.
  2. The layer of soil is removed to a depth of up to 25 cm.
  3. Mounting formwork is performed.
  4. The soil is covered with a layer of clay and is carefully compacted.
  5. Then follows the sand layer of 10 cm, which is also well tumped.
  6. On top of the sand, a shallow rubber layer is poured with a layer of 5 cm.
  7. At the junction of the unit with a wall of the house, compensatory seam is necessarily formed in 2 cm.
  8. The scene is poured concrete.

Water from the drain system and the scene is discharged by surface drainage. Its arrangement is performed according to the following scheme:

  1. On the outside of the scene, there is a shallow ditch having a small bias.
  2. The bottom of the trench falls asleep with sand and gravel, creating a sandy-gravel pillow.
  3. Next laid special trays and close them with grilles.

Creating a watershed

To send the storm and melting water from the base of the house by another way - creating a watershed. In this case, costs will be minimal, and efficiency is high. The main purpose of the watershed is the direction of the upper water from the structure, its collection in the ditches and the removal from the site.

There are two options for creating a watershed:

  • Determine the boundaries of the future watershed and the channel of a certain depth is played by its bottom so that the channel is in the direction of the cuvette for collecting water. Next, additional channels will jump from the cabin to the canal and remove the soil between them.
  • From the cabin to the border of the watershed, bypassing the formation of additional channels, the ground is removed so that it turns out a small bias from the structure that provides an outflow of water. Of the removed soil, there are peculiar bars with a bias from the house.

As a result of actions, the structure turns out to be on an artificial elevation, thanks to which the precipitation and melting water flows towards the house.

To prevent the softening of the soil adjacent to the structure, you must create an additional protective layer. You can make a concrete or stone platform, but it requires significant investments. An excellent solution is to use herbal lawn. It prevents the penetration of water into the lower layers of the soil, directing it in the right direction.

The removal of water from the foundation of the house is a necessity, but it is important to correctly organize this process. The result of the work will be comfortable accommodation In the house, an increase in the service life of the base of the house and its reliability.