Induction boiler. Overview of induction electrocalls and installation with your own hands

In modern heating systems to minimize the economic costs and increasing the efficiency of installations, more advanced equipment is used. Induction boiler for a private house is an excellent alternative to classic models with Tanni.

The main advantage of induction boilers is a quick heating of the coolant, so the data of the model besides heating are used to heal water.

Principle of operation

The basis of the work is the principle of electromagnetic induction:

  • After starting the device, an electromagnetic field is formation. In this case, the core is heated to a temperature of 75- degrees.
  • Water through the inlet nozzles is supplied to the heat exchanger with the core.
  • Heated to a given value, the coolant is fed into the pipe system through the outlet nozzles.

For heating large and multi-storey houses, the presence of a circulation pump in the system is required.

Induction heating is the fastest of all existing at the moment.

Models consist of three main nodes (layers):

  • Inner - directly core. It is made in the form of steel pipes.
  • Insulation. It is necessary to reduce heat losses towards the aggregate.
  • Outdoor - housing. Metal is made.

The coolant is used - water or antifreeze.


  • Efficiency. Compared with similar models, operating costs are 20% less. The efficiency of the induction installation is more than 97%, which is higher than in classical models (due to the fact that heat loss to heating an induction coil is minimal).
    The cost of electricity on heat production is significantly less than when burning coal or gas.
  • Fast heating of the coolant.
  • Durability. In compliance with the rules of operation and regular technical inspections, induction boilers can work up to 40 years.
    Due to the lack of mobile connections there is no wear of parts. The use of copper increases the service life of the winding. In modern models, the core is made of hardened materials that can work in aggressive environments of several decades.

It's important to know! The service life depends on the quality of transistors. Well-known trademarks offer a guarantee of trouble-free work up to 10 years.

  • No scale. Due to the constant vibration of deposit, they cannot linger on the surfaces of the instruments, even with the oversaturation of the lime coolant. On the core constantly present bubbles of water, which repel the particles of scale.
  • Compactness. The dimensions of induction boilers allow you to install them in a limited space. They do not require constant maintenance, separate room and the structure of the chimney.
  • Silent. Induction models do not create acoustic oscillations (the noise is published by circulation pumps).
    Important! There are many circulating pumps whose work does not create additional noise.
  • Safety. For correct operation and exclusion of emergency situations, UZOs and diphawtomates are used, a special disabling automation is installed on the housings of boilers.
  • Fire safety. Unlike gas and solid fuel boilers, during the operation of induction there is no open fire.
  • Easy installation. With minimal skills with electrical appliances and handling, install the boiler can be independently.


  • High price. Induction models are 1.5-2 times more expensive than classic gas boilers or solid fuel.
  • The presence of radio interference in close proximity to the boiler.
  • Large mass. Boilers consist of metal parts. High-power models should not be mounted on the walls, because There is a high probability of the collapse.
  • Installation of an induction boiler is acceptable only for closed heating systems with no more than 0.3 MPa.

Wine boilers

Designed for heating large frequent houses and cottages, garden and country houses, multi-storey buildings, industrial facilities.

The boiler with a vortex induction heater consists of the main nodes:

  • Cylindrical heat exchanger.
  • The primary coil is a large number of turns of the wire that is placed in a cylindrical case.
  • Magnetic pipeline.
  • Input and outlet.
  • Terminal box required for connecting to the power grid.
  • Control unit with thermostat.

It's important to know! The device is designed in such a way that there is no possibility of overheating of the internal elements of the system. The use of the compound allows metal surfaces to withstand temperatures up to 185 degrees.

Principle of operation

Cold coolant enters the unit through the lower nozzle. After heating, water is supplied to the heating system through the upper nozzle. Temperature control is carried out using a thermostat and thermostat.

Due to the design features, the unit always works at the maximum level. Therefore, to obtain an economic effect, it is necessary to use cyclic heating and connecting the coolant temperature sensors. After setting the required temperature mode, the automation shuts off the induction heating upon reaching the critical mark. After cooling the coolant, the automation also includes a boiler unit, creating a continuous heating cycle.

Important! The use of voltage control devices is irrational.

Single-phase wines boilers are made of small power, because With an increase in power, the current force increases to 50 A, which requires laying new household wiring cables of large sections.

To increase the power of the boiler unit from the wines, you must purchase and install additional water blocks or use a three-phase connection.

Important! When buying an induction boiler should also be provided for the purchase of an uninterrupted power source. For private houses, the best option is the transistor.

Mounting scheme

Induction boilers type SAV

Applied for autonomous and combined heating systems, hot water systems, backup heating source, maintain a given temperature in industrial installations (reactors).

The advantage of SAV boilers is the ability to remote temperature control and complete automation of the heating process.

Present an inductor, a system of short-circuited channels and pipes and a heating element - a core. Heated coolant occurs due to the formation of an electromagnetic field and the transformation of electrical energy into thermal.

Important! Due to the branchedness of the installation system has an efficiency approaching to 100%.

Cote machines are produced by three types:

  • Low power. 2.5-10 kW. For small private and country homes.
  • Average power. 15-60kW. For administrative and multi-storey residential buildings.
  • High power. 100-500 kW. Used in industrial installations.


Induction boilers have a number of advantages over models with Tanni. The high cost of equipment is completely paid off in several seasons, while the units do not require constant maintenance and structure of the chimney.

The methods of induction heating were widely used in industry, in particular - in the processes of smelting and hardening of various types of metals. However, if desired, induction heating can be used for the heating of residential premises, heating water and even quick heat heating. The main advantage of induction heaters is high efficiency at low power consumption and.

There are 2 main options, with the implementation of which you can cope with your own hands: a full-fledged water boiler and a relatively small electrical device connected directly to the heating batteries. Check out the features of the proposed solutions and select the most suitable for your case.

Before you begin to work out the time to prepare all the necessary accessories, so as not to be distracted by their search in the future. The assembly of the considered aggregates does not require the use of complex tools and expensive materials. Everything you need is sold in economic and plumbing stores.

Set for arranging induction heating

  1. Soldering iron.
  2. Apparatus for welding. It is best to build this kind of system using inverter units. In general, a simple welding transformer is also suitable.
  3. Lubes.
  4. Stainless steel wire with a diameter of about 6-7 mm.
  5. Enameled copper wire by 1.5-2 mm.
  6. Steel pipes with a diameter of about 2.5 cm.
  7. Plastic tube with a diameter of 5 cm.
  8. Explosive valve and other plumbing fittings.
  9. Details for assembling scheme.

Water induction boiler

Pre-prepare the welding machine with the ability to set the current to 18-25a. Also prepare a stainless wire. From it will be collected structural elements responsible for heating water. In the absence of a suitable wire, you can use cropping rods.

First stage. Cut the stainless wire on a piece of 4-5 cm long.

Second phase. Make the heater housing. For its manufacture, use a thick-walled pipe from plastic. There will be enough product with a diameter of about 5 cm. Close one end of a grid with small cells. In the second open end, plunge the top of the pipe cut stainless wire or rod.

Third stage. Make a inductor coil. To do this, take the copper wire with enamel and wrap it to the heater prepared earlier. The number of turns may vary from 85 to 95. The exact value depends on the ampera of the inductor used. The coil is watered in the center of the main pipe that performs the functions of the home-made heater housing.

Fourth stage. Connect the assembled product to the heating system or water supply. To connect, use the appropriate adapters.

To transform the product into a full-fledged vortex induction heating unit, you need to perform certain additional actions.

First step. Cook two pipes in a product similar to a bagel. This product will perform the function of the boiler for water.

The second step. Buy or weld yourself the tank suitable under your diameter case and cut into its body nozzle to exit the fluid (bottom) and a similar nozzle for water supply (closer to the top).

Third step. Insert the induction coil into the housing prepared in the previous part. Connect the "bagel" to the water pipes so that in the inductor housing it is located strictly in the middle.

Fourth step. Make a thorough insulation of the output ends of the coil and connect to the transformer from the device.

At the end, you will remain to cover the heater heat-insulating M to the screen so that as much of the heat can be stored inside the aggregate.

The principle of operation of such a device is extremely simple: water passes through the pipes inside the coil, it is heated, and it turns out through the corresponding nozzle is already hot. Such an aggregate is suitable for use exclusively in closed heating systems, to circulate water in which the pump is used.

If desired, the homemade heater in question can be connected to the heating or water supply system collected using plastic pipes.

In accordance with the safety requirements, such equipment should be installed at a distance of at least 35-40 cm from the walls and 85-90 cm from the surfaces of the ceiling and floor.

Additionally, you need to install the valve to remove excess air to the boiler.

If you wish, you can connect the heater to the heating radiator and use the resulting construction for heating some particular room, and not at home.

Electronic induction heating

The second option of heating, with the implementation of which without any problems can be cope with its own, is based on the use of achievements of modern electrical engineering. The presented scheme does not need any additional configuration - it can be used to use it after completing the assembly.

The work of the scheme is based on the provisions of the resonance sequence. Even the product of small dimensions will have a rather impressive power. For additional increase in power, you can use capacitors with a higher capacity, as well as field keys with an enlarged manufacturer.

First step. Prepare a throttle. Perfectly suitable detail from a computer power supply. You can also buy new components.

The second step. Prepare a ring of powder iron. You need to hide 10-30 turns of the wire of 1.5 mm.

Third step. Prepare the necessary components. The IRF740 transistors are perfectly suitable. If they are lack of details with similar resistance. The reverse voltage indicator of diodes should be at least 500V, the optimal current value is from 3-4a. Such characteristics have, for example, diodes UF4007. Also buy Stabilians for 15-18 V. Optimal power - 2-3 W. Resistors should have a power of 0.5 watts.

Fourth step. Collect the scheme and make an induction coil. For the manufacture of coil, use 1.5 mm wire. 6-7 turns will be enough. Attach the coil to the product assembled in accordance with the shown and turn on.

The scheme is extremely simple, but the product capacity will be quite high. Under the influence of the generated heat, transistors may fail. To this not happen, install them on the heating batteries.

To connect such a heater, it also does not have to take any challenging actions - you simply connect it to the battery and use the resulting system for heating the room. If necessary, you can easily collect the desired number of such heaters for all other rooms at home.

Having skills to work with the simplest tools, you can make a self-made induction heater without any problems. Do everything according to the instructions, remember the safety technique and is already very soon in your home will be warm.

Good job!

Video - induction heating with their own hands

A constant growth in the cost of energy carriers caused the emergence of new heating technologies. In addition to the modernization of already existing systems, manufacturers offer fundamentally new water heating methods. Of particular interest is the induction heating of a private house with its own hands.

Features of induction heating

To increase the temperature of the coolant, it is necessary to ensure the transmission of heat from the energy carrier. In traditional electric boilers, Tenni is responsible for it. However, they have a number of shortcomings, which are primarily associated with increased consumption of electricity. Modern induction furnace of heating works on another principle.

In order to make induction heating with your own hands - it is necessary to thoroughly explore the specifics of his work. The basis of its functioning is the principle of the electromagnetic inductor. Its design consists of two windings, each of which performs a specific function:

  • Primary. It is necessary for converting electricity supplied to it in the vortex current. This is one of the steps to create an induction phenomenon;
  • Secondary. Due to the effects of the electromagnetic field, it begins to heat up, thereby transmitting the resulting thermal energy to the coolant.

In practice, it will take an outer circuit for the manufacture of induction heating of a private house, which performs the function of the case. The inner core is made of steel straightened, the thickness of which is usually 10 mm. This design allows you to reduce the mass, and at the same time increase the efficiency of work. For factory models, the efficiency of KPD can reach 98%. At the same time, even the properly made induction boiler of heating with its own hands has the meaning of this characteristic of about 87-90%.

All induction heating systems are not equipped with circulating pumps, an expansion tank and security system. These components must be purchased separately.

Pros and disadvantages of induction boilers

Is this type of heat supply as effective as manufacturers advertise it? Reading reviews about induction heating You can not make an unambiguous conclusion. Many consumers complain about high electricity consumption, some homemade boilers are obviously dangerous.

Before making an induction heating boiler with their own hands, select components and components for him - it is recommended to get acquainted in detail with the pros and cons of this type of heat supply.


But along with this, you need to take into account the negative points of operation of the heating boilers of this type:

  • High cost factory models. The truly high-quality electrical induction boilers are made using modern materials, the cost of which is more and caused a high price. Therefore, homemade models are significantly inferior in quality and technical parameters factory;
  • To install boilers with a capacity of more than 7 kW will require to equip the power grid 380 V. Otherwise, the load will not work to work in normal mode;
  • In the absence of water during the operation of the induction furnace of heating, there will be overheating and its output. Therefore, the design should include pressure sensors that are connected to the circuit breaker. When the pressure drops, an automatic shutdown of the device will be completed.

Deciding that it is still necessary to do induction heating on their own - you can start choosing the optimal boiler scheme and the calculation of its parameters.

The induction principle of heating is already applied in the steel industry for heating metal. It is from this industry and induction heating boilers came.

Homemade induction boiler

For the manufacture of induction heating of a private house with their own hands, you must first make a housing. To do this, use heat-resistant steel. As an internal rod, a steel pipe is usually used to be installed with a copper wire.

To reduce thermal losses, the outer walls are insulated with basalt cotton wool. Thus, it is possible to install induction boilers for the heating of a private house in the economic premises.

After installing the internal circuit, you must perform the following work:

  1. Display contact wires through special holes on an external design.
  2. Carefully insulate cables in the field of passing through the outer casing.
  3. Connect the boiler to the control system. It is best to purchase the factory model of this component, as it provides for protective and regulating elements.

Before the first launch of the induction boiler of heating made with their own hands, you need to check the tightness of the whole design. To do this, one of the pipes should be sealing, and in the second with the help of the pump to submit water. After filling in the inner space, it should be increased pressure to the maximum settlement. Usually this indicator is equal to 15-20 atm.

In practice, truly reliable and efficient boilers for induction heating of water in heating cannot be made independently. Exceptions are only small structures, which are more likely to perform the function of hot water supply than heating.

This is due to the complexity of compliance with all manufacturing technological standards. Often, in reviews of homemade induction boilers, you can face attempts to make them yourself. But after a series of tests, the choice is stopped on the factory models of this heating equipment.

In the case of an incorrectly made winding, an emergency electrical breakdown is possible. This will lead to a short circuit and the failure of the equipment. Therefore, the boilers must complete the RCD.

Rules for organizing induction heating

Since induction electrocurceptors for heating differ from the usual, then the requirements for their operation are also the others. First of all, you need to know that the installation of this type of equipment is possible only in closed heat supply systems. To improve the circulation of the coolant, you can install the pump.

In order for heating from the induction plate to be safe - it is necessary to adapt the existing wiring. To do this, it is necessary to calculate the power of electrical appliances in the house, including the boiler, and to add a 14% to the resulting digit. The technical characteristics of the electrical cable must be at least the figures received.

Connecting an induction oven heat supply to the power grid should be made through a separate cable. It must be connected directly with the central distribution panel. Connecting to this power line of other devices is prohibited.

To increase the efficiency and safety of induction heating made by your own hands, you will need to install the following components:

  • Expansion tank. We are necessary to compensate for pressure in the event of its exceeding due to overheating of the coolant. The temperature inside the induction boiler for heating at home can reach + 110 ° C;
  • Pressure and temperature sensor. They are connected to the central control unit;
  • Circulation pump. Its installation is not mandatory, but desirable. Natural thermal expansion of water may not be enough to create a normal movement speed;
  • Security group - air vent and water shore valve.

Often in reviews about induction heating can be found complaints about the deformation of plastic pipes due to excessive overheating of water. In order to avoid this, all the technical and operational characteristics of the heating system must comply with the preliminary calculated.

To avoid cooling water when the electricity is turned off, it is recommended to install an emergency generator. This is particularly relevant for induction systems of the private house.

Overview of manufacturers of induction boilers

But what should I do if induction electrocons for the heating of factory production is required? Alas, but currently there are not many manufacturers on the market, the products of which meet international standards.

When configuring induction heating, which is done with your own hands, it is recommended to analyze the current offerings on the market. At the same time, it is necessary not only to get acquainted with the reviews about induction heating boilers, but also check their compliance with current standards. Make the latter will not be easy, since there are currently no guests and SNIPs regulating the production process of their manufacturing. Maximum, with which you can compete - with the internal technical specifications of the manufacturer.

But how, in this case, equip the induction heating of a private house with reliable equipment? To solve this issue, we offer an overview of manufacturers of boilers for induction heating systems.


One of the largest and most reliable companies for the production of equipment for electrical heat supply. Currently, the consumer can choose an induction heating boiler with a capacity of 4.5 to 250 kW. It is noteworthy that the design has an electrical safety class "2", which does not require the organization of an additional grounding circuit.

In the models of the "E" series there is a cumulative capacity, which allows the induction heating of the heat carrier for heating is more economical.


The company specializes in the production of large heating systems intended for heat supply of public and industrial building. The supplied equipment complex includes all the necessary components. The assortment has models designed for heating from an induction plate of low power. But their number is extremely small.


A feature of the electrical heating boilers of an induction type from this company is a modular layout. This makes it possible to increase the power of the heat supply system at any time without a complete replacement of equipment. The assortment has boilers from 4.5 to 30 kW.

Before purchasing an electrocotel for induction heating, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with its technical passport. It must contain the operating conditions of the equipment.

Electric boiler, without doubt, an excellent alternative to gas or solid fuel equipment. But he has a significant minus - great electricity consumption. In the process of finding ways to reduce the consumption of electricity, an induction boiler was invented.

In fairness it is worth noting that the principle of an induction furnace was invented quite a long time, back in 1887, and they were used only in industry. The development of the technological process made it possible to create compact models of a new generation, suitable for household use, such as the heating of a private house.

Device and principle of operation

The main element of the induction boiler is a toroidal winding transformer. The device itself of such a boiler consists of such elements:

  • The housing of the unit, which is made of metal.
  • The layer of electrical protection and thermal insulation.
  • The core, which is ferrimagnetic tubes.

The core winding acts as a primary winding, and the secondary is the boiler housing. Included also go:

In the role of the coolant in such a system, not only ordinary water and antifreeze can act, but also oil.

Operating principle

In the title induction electrocotel, the principle of its action is electromagnetic induction. When the voltage is submitted, the following processes occur:

  • An electromagnetic field is created.
  • The core is heated to a temperature of 750 ° C.
  • The coolant arrives through special nozzles and, passing through the core, heats up, then transmitting heat heating radiators at home.

This method of heating allows heating a large amount of coolant for a short period of time. In this case, the created convection streams can be done without a circulation pump.

Tip! The absence of a circulation pump is justified in small heating systems. When heating the induction boiler of a two-story house, its presence is required.

Advantages and disadvantages of induction boilers

First consider the positive characteristics of induction boilers:

  • High and permanent efficiency: up to 99%.
  • Such a boiler does not need to arrange chimney.
  • The absence of moving and heating elements contributes to the high reliability and durability of the new generation systems.
  • Feedless work.
  • Low inertia system allows saving energy.
  • A separate room is not required to install an induction boiler.
  • The high-frequency vibration of the core prevents the formation of scale.
  • Available installation does not require special knowledge and skills.
  • High level of fire safety due to the lack of open fire and heating elements.

Like all equipment, the induction heating boiler has not only advantages, but also the cons who belong to:

  • In the first place, of course, the high cost of such boilers. A more familiar electric tank boiler costs 1.5 times cheaper.
  • Connection is performed only in the closed home heating system. At the same time, the pressure in it needs to be monitored and kept below 0.3 MPa.
  • Significant weight at a small size. This fact should be considered when fixing the boiler on the wall.
  • The generation of interference throughout the radio view within a radius of several meters (depending on the power of the boiler). Such interference for a person is absolutely safe.

Tip! The main advantage of induction type devices is a fast and economical heating of a large amount of coolant, for which other types of boilers would need significantly more time. This quality found its use in induction flowing water heaters.

Help in choosing a boiler

In connection with the novelty of such equipment, only two brands are presented in the domestic market:

  1. Win - Manufacturer of Alternative Energy LLC. This vortex heater (this is how the abbreviation is decrypted) consumes the converted high-frequency voltage. At the outlet of the coil, it gives a sharp jump in the tension of EMF and the strengthening of the surface currents of Foucault. This allows the corpus and all inner details that are specifically made of a special ferrimagnetic alloy, almost instantly warmer and transmit heat to the heat carrier. It can be said that all the assemblies of the aggregate design act as one heat exchanger, it explains its high efficiency.
  2. SAV is the manufacturer of ZAO "NPK" Inhere ". This induction boiler consists of a short-circuited labyrinth of pipes with a coolant, which acts as a secondary winding. A variable current generated in this winding makes it possible to quickly warm the surface of the heat exchanger. Due to the branched labyrinth of pipes in the heat exchanger, the coolant, passing through it, quickly heats up, which explains the high efficiency of this type of boiler. Thanks to the law of self-induction, the device of a new generation allows the coil to independently induce the necessary reactive power. This allows you to use this type of induction boilers in low-voltage power stories, which gives a tangible result when working in rural areas with weak electrical substations.

All induction electrocotels differ in power and number of connectivity phases:

  • Single-phase: Power 2.5-7 kW.
  • Three-phase: 7-60 kW power.

In addition to the standard automation (automatic dispersion), the induction boiler can be equipped with an electronic programmer. This device allows you to install the boiler operation for the entire week, and if necessary, adjust remotely - by the GSM channel.

Calculation of boiler power

To calculate the power of the system as accurately as possible, you need to invite specialists. But it is easy to make an approximate calculation, which will be quite enough. For this, each square meter of heated area should have 60 W capacities of the boiler.

This power is quite enough, because the efficiency is very high and not reduced during operation.

Tip! When choosing an induction boiler, you need to specify the thickness of the core walls. The optimal thickness is 10 mm. Such a core guarantees a long and uninterrupted operation of the home heating system.

Installation and Connection

Installation of boilers of this type is quite simple, but requires compliance with a specific technology:

  • Installation is made only in the closed heating system.
  • Required equipment of such a system expansion tank type expansion.
  • The feasibility of the presence of a circulation pump depends on the system of inclination of heating pipes at home. In some cases, when complying with the correct slope, you can do the natural circulation.
  • It is necessary to set an induction boiler vertically. At the same time, the mounting to the wall occurs through special "ears" or ordinary clamps, depending on the model.
  • It is important to withstand the free distance between the boiler and the walls: on the sides - at least 30 cm, on top and bottom - at least 80 cm.
  • Fastening the unit, it should be taken into account its solid weight and choose a reliable bearing wall for mounting.

Connecting the boiler to the heating system

A feature of the induction boiler is the fact that it is not necessary to perform the strapping from metal pipes. You can connect directly by metal plastic or plastic pipes:

  • The pipe located in the upper part of the case is connected to the supply of hot heat carrier in the home heating system.
  • Then to the nozzle located at the bottom of the boiler, the feed feed heating pipe is connected.
  • On the segment of no more than 80 cm from the output nozzle, you must install the unit security group. A set of devices present in this group standard for all types of boilers: automatic safety valve, pressure gauge and air vent.
  • After the security group, it is possible, but not necessarily, make a circuit of the contour (connecting hot feed with the return). In some emergency cases, the presence of a small circuit protects the induction electrocoon from overheating.
  • In any case, the installation of shut-off valves occurs after a mounted security group.

Next, go to the installation of auxiliary devices on the feed feed pipe. The following devices are consistently mounted on a small circuit or before the shut-off reinforcement;

  1. Expansion tank.
  2. Filter-sump.
  3. Bronze coarse filter.
  4. Circulation pump.
  5. Flow sensor. The presence in the system of this sensor allows you to control the circulation of the coolant and turn off the boiler in the case of its termination.

A more detailed connection diagram is contained in the manual attached by the manufacturer, which must be studied before the start of installation work.

Electrical connection

By performing electrical connections, you must use the wires specified in the section manual. Electronic control systems are connected using special connectors that are included with the equipment.

Tip! An important point in the installation of the induction apparatus is to connect ground. It must be performed by a separate wire (optimally tire) and connect to the existing home ground.

Service induction boilers

As such, the induction boiler does not require. The only thing that can be recommended in this matter is to periodically check the reliability of grounding and electrical connections.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the induction boilers of the new generation are ideal for heating at home, where the hosts are no longer anywhere else. Efficiency, autonomy and safety of this type of heating equipment quite justify its rather high cost. And if you use antifreeze in such a system as a coolant, the freezing does not threaten it.

Due to the constant increase in energy prices, owners of country houses and urban apartments in transition to alternative, more profitable types of heating, mainly choosing autonomous options. Some prefer to establish not to overpay for central heating, which in some regions is paid not only in the winter, but also in the summer. Other housing owners are interested in heating at home with electrical appliances.

Electricity is more convenient in the sense that it does not require coordination with permits, compiling and approving the project to install such a water heater. But many scare up high rates. So, it is necessary to stop your choice on electric boilers, characterized by increased efficiency and efficiency of work. This is definitely the aggregates of the induction principle of operation can be attributed. They rightly created a fairly high competition of gas heating devices.

But the induction boiler itself is very checked "pleasure." Therefore, many homemade craftsmen are interested in the question - it is possible to make an induction boiler of heating with their own hands. It turns out yes, this is done by the task, but requiring certain skills and knowledge, especially in the field of electrical engineering.

Immediately make a reservation about the following. The author of this period is not a supporter of "self-herders" in the field of electrical equipment working with stresses life-threatening. Therefore, this publication should be considered as an overview of possible options, but not as a step-by-step manual for action. It should be very soberly weighing your strength, knowledge and opportunities before you begin to fulfill such a task.

What is the induction boiler?

Induction heating systems began to be used in the 1980s last century at industrial enterprises. The household devices appeared only in the mid-nineties. Over the past decades, they were improved, and some updates were made to their design, however, the principle of their work remains unchanged.

The name of these heating systems and devices in itself is in itself saying that electromagnetic induction is based on their functioning. The essence of the principle of operation is that if through the wire is a sufficiently large diameter in the section, accepted in the form of a coil, skip the alternating current, then a powerful electromagnetic field is created around this primary winding. If the conductor will be in this field, then it will induce (induced) voltage. Well, if the power lines of the field crosses the core located in it from the alloy with magnetic properties, it turns out a kind of short-circuit contour. And due to the appearance of wandering currents of Foucault on it, very fast and strong heating of this material occurs.

This principle is widely used, for example, in the steel industry. We found it use for fast and high-temperature water heating. It is clear that the core in this case will be a pipe or another channel, which circulates the coolant.

And the most affordable example of an induction heater is a wire wounded on a pipe made of dielectric, which will isolate a magnetic core, placed in its internal space.

The wire coil is connected to the power supply and creates an electromagnetic field. As a result of the effects of an alternating electromagnetic field, the metal rod core will be heated, transmitting heat to the heat carrier, which then enters the pipes and radiators of the heating circuit. As a coolant in autonomous heating systems, oil, water or ethylene glycol can be used.

This, of course, is a very simplified explanation. In induction boilers of industrial production to the heat exchanged ferromagnetic core, there may be a whole labyrinth of pipes or channels, and often, for example, in vortex heaters, the instrument housing is also involved in this process.

In the heating systems of a small length, the coolant, heating, will to go up, and the created natural pressure is usually enough for its natural circulation. If the heating line pretty long And the branched, tied to collectors with a further distribution of the flow of the coolant in separate circuits, then one or more circulation is set to the system, since without them the desired movement of the coolant will not be achieved.

Is the induction method of heating the heat carrier are effective and reliable?

Before buying or proceeding with the manufacture of an induction boiler, it is worth understanding how effective this method of heating is. In specialized shopping centers from sales assistants, you can only hear the positive characteristics of systems working on this principle. However, not everything that will be said, all 100% corresponds to reality. And these heating aggregates have their own so called, "underwater rocks".

Sellers operate with a whole list of theses, trying to increase sales of boilers working on the induction principle:

  • For example, the approval is common that the principle of operation of these instruments is an innovative development.

In reality, this is not true, since electromagnetic induction was opened back in 1831 english Physico-Experimentator Michael Faraday. In the second half of the twentieth century, induction systems were successfully used in the metallurgical industry.

From this we can conclude that these devices are unlikely to be attributed to innovative technologies. However, there is also its own "plus", since this system has already been tested by time and proved its effectiveness.

  • The following important quality on which sellers is doing is the cost-effectiveness of the induction boiler. It is usually argued that this type of aggregates consume energy by 25 ÷ 30% less than other electrical heaters. Is it possible to agree with this?

Prices for induction boilers heating

induction boiler heating

Probably still not. Anyway consumes electricity, respectively, its power specified by the manufacturer in a technical passport. That is, to generate a single kilowatt heat, in the very ideal case (with 100 percent efficiency), the device needs to consume kilowatt electricity. MoreoverEven with the parameters named, the Aggregate efficiency may be less, since much depends on the specific operating conditions of the boiler.

From the power and efficiency of the heating element, the heating time of the coolant to the desired temperature depends. It must be said that a part of the energy spent, one way or another, is spent in good, since the materials from which the details of the device are manufactured are not zero resistance. However, the heat loss from the work of the induction boiler does not go "into the chimney pipe", and remain indoors where the device is installed, which is often the obvious advantage.

So, it suggests that it is unlikely to seriously save on electricity when using an induction boiler. But the effectiveness of them and the heating rate is really high.

  • Despite the approximate service life specified in the technical service (not to be confused with the warranty!), Sellers assure that the induction heating boiler will serve at least 25 years. It is necessary to agree that this information is reliable if the electronic control unit is performed efficiently. The block includes semiconductor elements, which can still fail. As a rule, manufacturers give a ten-year warranty on component elements of the electronic unit. However, quite often they work perfectly for 25 ÷ 30, and even more years.

On and in the bolet itself, by and large, just nothing to break. Thus, the primary winding, usually manufactured from copper, has a large margin of safety and serves a long time if its proper cooling (and this is ensured by circulating the coolant).

The core rod or the material of the internal channels of course will eventually begin to collapse, since the aggressive medium of the coolant will constantly have an adverse effect on it, as well as the alternation of cooling-heating. However, in order for it completely become unsuitable for operation, must pass more than a dozen years.

Considering the design of the boiler operating in the induction scheme, it can be concluded that it is much more reliable and durable heating devices, in which as Heating elements are used by Ten.

Prices for heating boilers


  • Another quality that is placed in a plus induction heating device is a silent job - allegedly it distinguishes it from other heating units. The question arises, is it so?

But here, just, with the accuracy "on the contrary." Yes, electrical heating units function silently, since during their operation, acoustic oscillations are not created and mechanical nodes are not used. However, it is in the functioning of an induction device that low-frequency oscillations can be clearly fastened, which can irritate people with aggravated hearing. This negative phenomenon is minimized in vortex-type boilers, in which the supply voltage to the primary coil is pre-converted to high-frequency.

In addition, if the system has a circulation pump of low quality, it can also be a source of light irritating noise. But it already applies to all heating systems, regardless of the type of boiler. But the modern range of pumps fully allows you to purchase a completely silent model.

  • Copper compactness Buyer can evaluate visually. It can be said that this unit consists of a segment of a certain length pipe that does not take up a lot of space, unlike other heating devices. True, the mass of the induction boiler is usually very impressive, that is, reliable brackets will be required.

However, you should not forget that the place is required for the associated elements of the system, as well as layout of contours and the installation of collectors, if the scheme requires. If it is necessary to heat a fairly large area of \u200b\u200bthe house, several induction devices are often installed, and a lot of space will be required for the entire system.

  • The statement that the boilers of this species are completely safe, moreover, this quality of boilers is more pronounced than their inner analogues, incorrectly. The safety of operation in these two types of heating devices is about the same, and depends on the proper connection and on the performance of the systems laid in them from extreme situations.

For example, if a coolant leakage occurs in the induction device, and the electromagnetic field will not turn off on time, and the heating of the internal core will continue, the body and fastenings can be mounted literally in minutes. Therefore, purchasing the device or designing it yourself, you need to pay attention to the automatic shutdown of the unit in case of an emergency.

As can be seen from the above information, in induction boilers, as well as other heating units, have their own shortcomings, and they are not unique devices that allow you to pay for heating of a decent penny. However, their effectiveness is not questioned. And more thanks to the compact size of the boiler, it can be placed in an apartment, for example, in niche, so that it will be virtually impaired.

How to independently make an induction boiler?

There are quite a few designs of induction boilers. Some of them are complex for independent execution, others are simpler. Next will be considered relatively available options that can be made at home. However, to embody these projects into life, specific materials and tools will be required.

First option - with using induction hob Panels

This version of the heating device can be called experimental. It is suitable for heating a small room at 20 ÷ 25 m². In the heating circuit heated from such a device, it is best to install or radiators that quickly warm and give heat into the room. In addition, the volume of such radiators is small, so a small amount of coolant will be required, which will quickly warm in the induction mini-boiler.

The source of the variable electromagnetic field in this project is the induction cooking panel, which may have been replaced with a more modern model, and so far it is lying in the storeroom.

For the manufacture of this model of the heating device operating on the induction principle, the following materials will be required:

  • Steel profile pipe 50 × 25 mm, ten segments of 500 mm long and two in 300 mm - for the manufacture of a heat exchanger of the boiler.
  • Steel profile tube 50 × 30 mm, two pieces of 500 mm long and one in 700 mm - for the manufacture of the bracket.
  • Steel pipe with a diameter of 20 ÷ 25 mm - two segments of 120 ÷ 150 mm long.
  • Steel sheet with a thickness of 3 ÷ 4 mm for the manufacture of an expansion tank with a size of 270 × 270 × 100 mm.
  • . Their quantity will depend on the specific scheme, which is done for a specific placement of the boiler and its strapping. To connect pipes, the associated elements are required - couplings, corners, threaded fittings, and the like. - Here you can show your own vision of strapping and pipe wiring.
  • Ball cranes that will overlap the movement of the coolant if necessary for preventive or repair work on heating equipment.

In addition to these materials, it is necessary to prepare some other devices and accessories necessary to complete the installation and for installation in the strapping of the boiler.

Prices for polypropylene tubes

polypropylene pipes

  • Circulation pump.
  • Induction electric two-component The stove is differently called the panel in a different way.

To perform work, you will need some tools and appliances, as well as, of course, work with them:

  • Device for soldering polypropylene pipes.
  • Gas key.
  • Electric drill.
  • Bulgarian (grinding).

Circulation Pump Prices

circulation pump

Work on the manufacture of such a heating induction boiler is carried out in the following order:

The first step, with the help of "Bulgarian", a profile steel pipe is cut into segments of the desired length. Of these, the housing of the heat exchanger will be manufactured, according to which the coolant will circulate.
Segments fold close to the end side, it turns out a kind of battery. They must be fixed in pressed to each other.
Next, the pipes are welded with a point welding. First, they are grabbed along the edges, and then throughout the line of the joints, every 100 mm.
For the faster cooling and strengthening of welded points, as well as for cleaning from welded Gary, it is possible to shed a jet of cold water to clean the design.
The next step is to fir the edges of the resulting "battery" - for this they are cut by grinding.
Smooth edges are necessary, as they will be closed with a metal P-shaped profile (channel), which should be perfectly installed on the edges of the square pipes cooked together.
The P-shaped profile can be purchased at a finished form or make it yourself, cutting out one wide band from the profile pipe.
Such details need to prepare two pieces.
Moreover, the carved bands will continue to be used to close the end edges of the P-shaped parts, as well as for the design of the brackets.
Now, the resulting scope profile must be very gentle by a solid seam to the edges of the "batteries". The space that will be formed by this part will make it possible to circulate the coolant through pipes - two kind of collector are obtained.
It should be noted here that it is quite possible to make a heat exchanger-battery in the form of a serpentine - it will simplify the circulation of the coolant, it will warm up faster, which will increase the heat transfer.
Further, from one of the bands that remained after the manufacture of P-shaped profiles are cut down four plug inserts, in size, corresponding to the holes formed by the P-shaped profiles, welded to the ends of the battery.
Then, they are welded to the place intended for them with a solid seam, as the design should turn out to be hermetic.
Now, on the end sides of the battery you need to drill two holes in which the segments of pipes having a thread from the outside are breeding.
One nozzle should be located at the bottom of one side of the battery - it is intended to enter the cooled water into the heating boiler (the so-called "return").
The second nozzle is welded into the hole located at the top of the opposite side of the structure. Through it, the heated water will enter the heating circuit (feed).
In addition to them, in the center of the side, also with welding, segments of the profile pipe with a length of 100 mm are fixed.
Welding points and seams on the finished heat exchanger are cleaned with a grinder and give the designs a neat appearance and smoothness.
Especially carefully you need to process the rear side of the heat exchanger, since it should be pressed the heating surface of the induction plate.
Next, the finished assembly needs to be primed and then covered with heat-resistant paint intended for metal elements of the heating system.
The next step from metal panels is made expansion tank. Its parts are welded with each other with a solid seam, as it should be sealed.
In the lower side of this detail of the system, the nozzle with an external thread is crashed to connect to the heating contour.
It must be said that the expansion tank can be bought and in the finished form. Its capacity is chosen depending on how much coolant will be in the heating circuit - it is possible to proceed from the value of 10% of the volume.
Next, you need to prepare a frame-bracket for installing an induction panel and fixing the heat exchanger.
In this illustration, you can see that the bracket consists of two vertically arranged profile pipes and a lower shelf. The latter can also be made of a profile pipe with which one narrow and one wide side is cut.
In the middle of the vertical profiles, the segments of the profile pipe are welded. Their location must be calculated so that they can docile with the cuts of the pipe fixed on the ends of the heat exchanger. Then all the parts are sealed with the welding, and the lower horizontal part of the design should form a shelf to which the induction panel will be installed.
After that, the heat exchanger is fixed on the bracket with the segments of the pipes welded on its ends. However, there should be a gap between the bracket and the heat exchanger, in which the induction panel can be installed, so that it is tightly pressed against the heat exchanger with its heating elements.
The induction panel for cooking works on the same principle as the boiler, since the coils induces the powerful variable electromagnetic field inside it. This field and will become the "initiator" of heating with steel profile pipes of the heat exchanger battery.
The convenience of using it is that all electronic and electrical modules are inside the design, and the external panel coating makes the device safe.
By installing the panel into the bracket behind the heat exchanger, it is pressed to its surface.
Now it remains only to bring pipes to the boiler that will connect it with the heating circuit.
To do this, polypropylene or metal-plastic pipes can be used, the main thing is that they are intended for hot water having a temperature of at least 95 degrees.
As mentioned above, the outlet of the heated coolant from the installation is associated with the pipe delivering it to radiators, as well as with an expansion tank, which is fixed on the wall under the ceiling.
The entire system will not effectively work without a circulating water pump, which can be installed in any convenient place of the heating circuit, but ideally - on the pipe "Frames" before the input of the boiler - there is a lesser extent being exposed to high-temperature effects.
It is desirable that it is located not far from the power outlet.
It remains to fill the system with water (coolant), check the tightness of all connecting nodes.
If everything is normal, you can run the boiler.
The illustration shows a trial start, using carrying. In real operating conditions, certainly it is necessary to bring a separate supply line with the corresponding cross section of the wire and the ground circuit.

Using the induction panel, you can make another option of the boiler, which will be more efficient than the above described above, albeit less compact.

The peculiarity of this option is horizontal arrangement induction panel with installed directly to heating pads located in it, heat exchange blocks. Here the design, in fact, works in the same way as the usual tile on which is installed with water with water and heated to high temperatures. The difference lies in the fact that the capacity ("pan") is made from ferromagnetic Alloy, all its walls are actively heated. These containers are made with hermetic, associated with each other, and the heated water does not evaporate, but goes into the heating circuit connected to such a boiler.

The second option - with a homemade induction coil and welding inverter

The second version of the inductor heater of the boiler is manufactured on the basis of a high-frequency welding inverter. It is desirable that the device is equipped with a smooth adjustment of the welding current. The power of the inverter must be directly proportional to the power that the heating boiler must have. The most suitable option for homemade design is an inverter in 15 amp, but if necessary, you can make it more powerful.

It should be properly understood that the connection of the water heater is made by no means to the terminals of the welding wires - nothing but the short circuit in this case will not work. The inverter will have to be somewhat modified - the primary winding of the generated heater should be connected after a high-frequency converter, instead of the induction coil of the inverter itself. If it is difficult to deal with this very much, then consult with a specialist in this area.

This principle of heating and is used for heating the coolant that It passes through the same pipe placed in the electromagnetic field. The option shown below can be called a very controversial, but the master who tried it in practice, convinces it in its performance and efficiency.

As will be seen, manufacturing costs are minimal, so if you wish, it is possible to carry out an experiment. Let even power not enough for full heating - it is possible that it will be an acceptable solution for heating water for domestic purposes.

IllustrationBrief description of the operation
So, in addition to the welding inverter unit, a number of parts will be required to create a heater.
As a hull, which will be part of the heating circuit, as well as the basis for the formation of an induction coil and heat exchanger, a segment of a polypropylene tube with thick walls (PN25) is 400 ÷ 500 mm long, designed to transport hot water.
It is desirable that the inner diameter of the pipe is at least 50 mm, that is, a pipe with an external diameter of 75 mm is used. You can take and smaller, say, with an external 50 mm, internal - 33, but the performance of the heater is understandable, will decrease.
A steel wire or a metal rod with a diameter of 6 ÷ 7 mm is reduced - a length of 40 ÷ 50 mm is cut from it. These elements will take on the role of the ferrimagnetic heat exchanger core. Other sources of heat exchangers are possible - it will be referred to below.
Instead of sliced \u200b\u200bsegments of the rod inserted into the cavity of the pipe, one thick metal rod or a steel pipe of a smaller diameter, steel auger, or other products with magnetic properties and convenient indoor PVC can be used.
So, practice filling the pipe with steel balls, a large chips, unnecessary nuts, etc.
If small metal elements are used to fill the pipe, from which the coolant will be heated, then one edge of the pipe must be closed with a metal grid. Then fill the steel elements of the filler into it, and then close the second edge with the mesh.
You can use a metal auger with frequent coils or several metal tubes with a diameter of 4 ÷ 5 mm, which will be tightly installed in the polypropylene body tube. They will provide a large area of \u200b\u200bdirect heat exchange with circulating water.
Some wizards are used to fill the "boiler" steel wire or even ordinary kitchen rods from a stainless steel, tightly scoring with a polypropylene tube.
By purchasing kitchen rods for such purposes, there will be necessary to check on whether they have magnetic qualities. To do this, departing for buying in the store, you can take a regular magnet with you and attach it to the product for cleaning the dishes. If such a urine is magazine, it means that it is suitable for filling the cavity of the induction heat exchanger.
Since the chips are thin, it will warm up very quickly, giving thermal energy to the coolant, which will pass through it.
An optional filling of the pipe with a metal chip can, perhaps, be called the most simple, affordable and efficient option.
When the housing of the induction heat exchanger is filled with metal products, the adapter couplings are welded at its edges, leading its large diameter to the diameter of the heating circuit pipes.
Then, if it is necessary to install the device in a particular place, the corners of the coolant in the desired direction are welded through the cutting of the pipe. It will be nice to breed the coupling with American nuts -
So the heating device will be removable, for example, to perform any repair and recovery or preventive work.
The specific scheme of the splitting of these corners-taps or, if necessary, direct pipes of the pipe is prepared in advance, based on the specific conditions for installing the heating device and wiring the contour.
Next, you need to stick the textolite sticks or rods that will serve as the basis for winding an induction coil.
Textolite is selected because it has excellent dielectric qualities and is not afraid of elevated temperatures.
At the edges of the heat exchanger case, from the same textolite, you need to make counter-compensators for the wire ends, 12 ÷ 15 mm high.
They will be required to locate terminal contacts through which the boiler will connect to the inverter unit.
The coil is wound from an isolated wire with a cross section of 1.5 mm, which is used for winding in transformers.
The coils are stacked on top of the textolite rods in a step of 3 mm.
The ends of the cable are fixed on textolite retainers. Winding should consist of a whole segment of a well-insulated cable, since it is precisely the electric current that creates the electromagnetic field necessary to warm up the heat exchanger core will be held.
To create a winding, you will need 10 ÷ 10.5 m insulated cable from which 90 turns should turn out.
Its length and the size of the section was determined after the correspondence of the coil parameters located on the "native" inductor of the welding machine.
To connect the coil to the welding machine to the ends of the winched wire, terminals are fixed. The connection is necessary to isolate well.

All this design, in order to safety, can be placed in the casing, which will serve as an external insulation for the device. It must be made of dielectric material that can serve as a pipe of large diameter from PPR, PVC or PE. In the protective cover, the holes are provided for the release of the ends of the power cable, the output of the cutting nozzles in the heating circuit or hot water supply. For example, ends can be sealed with plugs, putting on heat-resistant glue and making in them or side parts of the housing of the holes for nozzles. Here, in principle, a wide field for the fancy of the wizard.

The test of this device can be carried out only after installing it into the heating system and filling it with the coolant. Otherwise, when heated, the polypropylene tube of the hull can quickly melt.

This illustration shows an exemplary scheme of an autonomous heating circuit with an inductor boiler installed in it. The system consists of the following elements and nodes:

1 - Connecting to an electrical network through an energy converter. In the above construct, a high-frequency welding inverter converter is used as it.

2 - Induction water heater itself.

3 - elements of the "Security Group", which can relate to a pressure gauge, thermometer, safety valve and automatic air road.

4 - ball valves overlapping water supply on a specific section of the contour, as well as for feeding or draining water from the heating circuit.

5 is a circulation pump required to create the necessary flow of coolant.

6 - mechanical (mesh) for cleaning the coolant. The filtering of the coolant allows you to significantly increase the service life of the boiler equipment.

7 is a membrane expansion tank required to compensate for the temperature expansion of water or a different coolant.

8 - heating radiator. In a system running from an induction boiler, a bimetallic or aluminum radiator will work efficiently. They are distinguished by small volumes and very high heat transfer.

9 - line for fueling the water system or emptying for prophylactic or repair work.

In the conclusion of the publication, it is necessary to emphasize once again: if there is no experience with electrical products, the knowledge of the beginning of physics was forgotten, there is no confidence in their skills in plumbing and plumbing work, then it's not worth it for such a thing. It will be best to purchase an induction boiler in the finished form or in case of emergency, Order the device at the experienced master who not only makes it, but will check its performance and safety.

Video: Master is divided by secrets of independent manufacture of induction boiler