Injection waterproofing foundation. Injectable Waterproofing Technology Injection Waterproofing Device

  1. Experience of 25 years - since 1993!
  2. More than 900 executed objects!
  3. Operational departure to an object assessment: 1-2 business days.
  4. Departure in Moscow and the nearest Moscow region - free!
  5. Performance of work in accordance with GOST, SNIP.
  6. Tolerance SRO.
  7. Used only high-quality material.
  8. Warranty for work performed - up to 12 years old!
  9. Cleanliness and order at objects in the process of work!

In this article:

The need for waterproofing

Modern construction standards oblige developers to carry out works associated with external waterproofing of parts of buildings and structures underground. Thus, for example, in front of the closure of the bellows from the outer part of the basements of buildings, waterproofing should be applied underground transitions. This insulating method creates the effect of "pressing" of the protective layer to the outer part of the structure, which additionally prevents the penetration of water. Installation of insulation inside builds leads to the opposite, "pressing" effect, which over time affects insulating properties.

Today, the highest quality and reliable protection against water penetration can be achieved by applying the method. injection waterproofing. This method appeared quite recently, but, nevertheless, most experts confidently consider it the best method of isolation of the underground construction of buildings and structures from water exposure.

Advantages of injection waterproofing

In comparison with other methods injection waterproofing has a number of benefits:

  1. Significant savings when carrying out repair and construction work:
    • a) Isolation can be repaired on local areas.
    • b) the scope of work is minimal both in time and by means.
    • c) There is no need to stop the work of the object.
    • d) There is no need for land in the case of underground waterproofing.
  2. The method is applicable at any time of the year.
  3. Waterproofing is monolithic - it does not have seams and joints.

Injection waterproofing is all-season,
Performed from the inside of the room

Features Injection technology

This method involves driving through holes in the designs of structures. Through these holes using elongated packers under high pressure on the outer part of the structures, an injection solution is injected. The compositions of insulating solutions are different, their choice is due to the water-absorbing properties of the surrounding soils. To fill the voids of large volumes, fine-grained compounds based on cement binders, an acrylic gel, low grade polyurethane resin are used. Each composition requires compliance with special rules when working with it, compliance with the temperature regime, the use of special pump pumps, etc. Solutions for injection have different response ability: slow, fast, instantaneous.

The most effective and practical in quality and price, in the opinion of many specialists, are polyurethane compositions of Peppelitsel (Penesplitseal) and Penepurfoam. They are resistant to physical exertion, plastic. In the process of interaction with water, they are polymerized. Possess hydroactivity. Polyurethane formulations are used in waterproofing wet and dry cracks, as well as for constant insulation of moving holes.

In addition, the method of injection is possible solid protection of the outer part of the wall of the structure during work from the inside. Sometimes this method of waterproofing is called "Veil". Veil waterproofing is made by means of polyurethane material using a single-component pump. After the preparatory work and the layout of the drilling of the tears, the creation of through holes at an angle of 90 degrees are made directly.

Objects application

Injection waterproofing Applicable:

  • on concrete
  • on bricks

Examples of objects on which the most appropriate use of injection waterproofing are:

  • Tunnels, stations, metro structures;
  • Foundations of buildings;
  • Base floors;
  • Underground garages;
  • Basements;
  • Support bridges;
  • Underground concrete tanks

Often we all face with cases when water flow is observed from some place of construction design. And in conventional ways to eliminate this problem is not possible. However, in the modern world there are new technologies that solve such tasks quickly, very high quality and at an affordable price. One of these technologies is an injection waterproofing. She has features of use for different buildings and conditions.

Injection waterproofing is an excellent method of protecting the structure from moisture. It copes even with pressure leaks in the structure. The principle of operation is based on the injection of waterproofing materials under strong pressure using a special pumping equipment.

For a long exploitation of the building, good foundation hydraulic protection is necessary. Therefore, when building a foundation takes 20-30% of the estimates from the cost of the structure. And that is why it is very important that the foundation be erected in compliance with all rules and rules. And one of these norms is the high-quality device of the foundation waterproofing.


Each building foundation is the main basis. And the use of the building depends on the quality of the foundation. Therefore, at the beginning of construction, waterproofing should be used. It will make the foundation resistant to corrosion and protect against rain and groundwater.

Behind the reliable waterproofing of a concrete base must be monitored. Such a supervision is not easy to organize, as it is not very visible behind filling and building materials. In this case, the effective waterproofing provides waterproofing materials with penetrating effect.

One of the troubles during construction is the capillary rise of groundwater. It takes place between the foundation and the wall, while the free space is quickly filled with water. Such water is often saturated with salts and acids, and with a capillary rise moisturizes the structure to a height of 10 m. From such a misfortune protects good waterproofing of the base of the building.

Injecting can be carried out horizontal waterproofing for cold rooms. Restoration of brick walls will happen much faster.

What is the essence?

The essence of injection waterproofing is to create a membrane between the layer of implanted soil and the enclosing design (wall or foundation). I.e, the hydrophobic gel is injected, which freezes, clogging the pores in the wall and in the soil.

In addition, a similar membrane, depending on the type of injection substance, has a different level of rigidity. Gel plays the role not only waterproofing, but also the reinforcing frame. And the technique itself functions no worse in the time of equipped external hydraulic protection.

This technology is used with planned repairs of tunnels, underground parking and other objects.


Injection waterproofing has special advantages over its analogues.

  • Saves time. Injection can be carried out after completion, and during construction.
  • Sheets finances. High-quality waterproofing serves for a very long time and does not require frequent repairs.
  • Decides most problems with leaks.
  • The injected material is able to penetrate even the smallest pores and cavities.
  • It has high quality waterproofing membrane.
  • A high-quality seamless waterproofing coating is created.
  • Such waterproofing is safe for drinking water.
  • Throwing time with a certain composition reaches a couple of seconds.

However, due to the difficult work on injecting waterproofing, which is thickly very quickly, specialists need specialists. Therefore, this method is found in the list of services not every construction company.


These method include the following flaws:

  • Dear materials and equipment.
  • Specialists are needed for quality work.

However, these minuses are quickly compensated by excellent quality and speed.


The basis for injections usually use the following compounds:

  • Polyurethane polymer gels. Pretty cheap and have high efficiency. The polymer gel when interacting with water increases its volume by almost 20 times. This material provides high-quality closure, not leaving the moisture space.
  • Acrylic acid-based gelsare called acrylate. Acrylate gels have almost the same density that the density of water. This gel quickly harms in the ground, concrete or brick, creating a very solid connection. Also depending on the temperature and ratio of substances in the gel, you can adjust the solidification time. Mixing with the soil, the gel becomes stronger, which ensures its protection against washing and fixes it in cracks and cream.
  • Epoxy options. This composition solidifies when contacting with air, and moisture only interferes with its frozen. It is used in dry construction.
  • Cement-sand (mic GEAT). This composition is able to fully fill all the internal expanses, due to this improves the internal structure and creates hydraulic protection.

Injection based on polymer and acrylate gels are most often used. They are hardening when contacting water and have a good penetrating ability.

Auxiliary capabilities

When introducing additional components to the gel, the following properties are achieved:

  • removal of fungus;
  • fighting mold;
  • improving chemical protection of the structure;
  • reducing the risk of corrosion of reinforcement.


Injection waterproofing technology occurs as follows:

  • First we study the surface where and in what places we want to cause injection.
  • Then, along the wall in a step of 0.25-0.5 m, drill small (diameter 20 mm) through holes.
  • Next, the holes of the same diameter are drilled along the crack.
  • At the next step, metal or polymer tubes (fittings) are introduced into the holes, to another end of which the valves are fixed.
  • To the ends of the valves plug the tank with an injection solution. By increasing the pressure in the tank, there is transportation of a solution on the tube behind the wall.
  • When the solution hardens the tubes, removed from the wall and the outer surface is treated with moisture-resistant plaster.

Buildings from concrete and brick are durable, stable, can withstand strong mechanical loads and temperature drops. But the joints remain between the plates, groundwater penetrate into the deformation seams, and any crack in the wall can become a source of leaks. Waterproofing of concrete foundation, stone or brick masonry prevents "Flood". With it, you can eliminate the existing flows and, embedding the slots in the plates, prevent the appearance of new ones.

Waterproofing injecting implies the restoration of the integrity of the system with hydrophobic material. During the work, the injection of the polymer is made: the substance under pressure is pumping inside the destroyed design. "Warmroy" applies powerful pumps, safe for concrete slabs and bricks. The advantage of the method is the lack of need to perform disassembly disassembly.

"Warmroy" conducts injection recovery:

  • workers (cold) seams;
  • deformation seams;
  • microdefects and cracks;
  • enterprises of engineering communications;
  • promotion nodes.

The contractor offers a cut-off isolation device. All works are carried out using modern European sealants.

Cold seams

Pour all concrete structures is simultually technologically impossible. Molecular voltage arises between the old ones, and the new layer. Sooner or later, water begins to be frozen through the work seam. The liquid destroys the concrete slab and inside the reinforcement. As a result, the strength of the entire structure is reduced.

Defect location:

  • flat or ribbed overlaps;
  • foundation;
  • columns;
  • beams.

The procedure for installing insulation:

  • Workers stroke cold seam.
  • Clean it from dust and boil the repair mixture.
  • Holes are drilled for an injection mixture.
  • Install packers.
  • Sealing defect with polyurethane foam, then polyurethane resin.
  • Clean the packers.
  • Spin the problem zone with a diamond instrument.
  • Fracture surface sealing sealant.

Deformational seams

The cuts provided for by the construction technology shall separate the building to "autonomous" blocks. Such a separation allows you to level the load on the supporting structures, prevent critical deformation of the construction.

In the floor space can accumulate down the water, and through the slots - the soil flows penetrate. Over time, the deepening cracks, ceases to keep the liquid.

The procedure for installing insulation:

  • Workers remove the old suture aggregate.
  • The new sealant is placed in layers.
  • Burn the cavity with the repair mixture.
  • Hole holes at an angle to the longitudinal line.
  • Install packers.
  • An acrylate gel is injected under pressure.
  • Clean the packers.
  • Sealed holes with hydrophobic composition.
  • Tone glued tape on an epoxy basis.


Microes in cement or brick will grow quickly into gaps, emptiness or bars. Increased humidity only speeds up the process. Cracks are formed due to improper design of construction, excessive loads, seismic shifts, redistribution of the weight of the upper floors.

The reasons for non-constructive defects are the total shrinkage of the facilities, the strong temperature differences, the destruction of the inner reinforcement. Such gaps do not affect mechanical strength, but serve as water streams.

The procedure for installing insulation:

  • 1. Workers are cracked.
  • 2. Clean the insulated surface, boil it with a repair mixture.
  • 3. Hole holes at an angle to the main line.
  • 4. Install the packers.
  • 5. By pressure is fed by polyurethane foam.
  • 6. After frozen, the polyurethane resin is pumped.
  • 7. Clean the packers.
  • 8. Spinning the diamond equipment adjacent to the defect defect.
  • 9. Surify the surface with a sealing composition.

Communication entries

Water, electric cabbage, natural gas are summarized in the building by means of pipes. In the walls of the building, holes in which steel sleeves are inserted. Through the leaks and soil waters are seeping through the leaks. They are stored indoors, provoke further destruction of concrete. Rates are given per m2.

The procedure for installing insulation:

  • 1. The workers are expanding the pairing knot.
  • 2. Close up the space between the wall and the pipe with a polymer sealant.
  • 3. Burn the place of connection with the repair mixture.
  • 4. Hole holes around input.
  • 5. Install the packers.
  • 6. The insulating composition is introduced under pressure - an acrylate gel.
  • 7. Clean the packers.
  • 8. Sealed holes with a repair makeup.
  • 9. Fracture the place of work by hydrophobic substance.

Promotion nodes

Water penetrates through the joints between:

  • - walls and horizontal plates;
  • - columns and floors or ceiling;
  • - Pieces or arches and overlaps.

Water accumulates in the cracks, even speeding destruction. To prevent collapse, microdefects need to be sealed. The price of work is considered by M.Pog.

The procedure for installing insulation:

  • 1. Workers are expanding the joint.
  • 2. Boots it with a construction mixture.
  • 3. Ajections are suitable.
  • 4. Hole holes on both sides of the main line.
  • 5. Install the packers.
  • 6. Sealing the node first polyurethane foam, then a polyurethane resin.
  • 7. Clean the packers.
  • 8. Close up holes.
  • 9. Grind the surface and deceive its sealant.

Cut-off waterproofing

In the foundation, moisture accumulates under the influence of groundwater. It penetrates inside, leads to a rapid destruction of concrete, the spread of fungus, microorganisms.

The procedure for installing insulation:

  1. Workers are drilled around the perimeter, at a distance of 100-120 millimeters, holes. The angle is selected depending on the foundation.
  2. Clean the surface from dust.
  3. Mounted packers.
  4. The injection composition is supplied under pressure.
  5. Clean the packers.
  6. Close up holes with hydrophobic substance.

The following types of polymeric injection compounds are used in construction to injected concrete, cracks, brickwork, as well as waterproofing cutoff:

Polyurethane resins (PUR):

  • for elastic sealing and filling dry, wet and water-saturated cracks, seams and joints in overhead, underground and engineering structures, including drinking water facilities
  • to create cut-off waterproofing from raising capillary moisture on brick and stone walls.
  • for the injection of concrete into the injectable hoses, designed to seal the working seams in reinforced concrete structures in the design in the design.
  • rhyroactive polyurethane resins (foams) are used with a large water intake inward, to eliminate filtering and infiltration of water under significant pressure.

Resins (gels) based on acrylate (A):

  • for additional external sealing of building structures, opened in the soil (waterproofing cutoff), by means of the gel injection along the border of the ground-building construction.
  • for sealing and sealing injection of cracks and voids in brickwork and concrete
  • for elastic sealing and filling in wet microcracks in concrete and stone structures
  • to create a waterproofing cutoff from raising capillary moisture on brick and stone walls
  • for consolidation of soils

Waterproofing is necessary for additional protection of the building or structure from aggressive exposure to water. If errors were allowed during construction, the water-repellent layer is able to eliminate them.

The essence of injection is in the injection (downloading) under the strong pressure of modern hydrophobic materials using special pumping equipment.

One of the main advantages of this method is not necessary to dismantle the design.

Main types of injectable waterproofing services:

Injection of cold (workers) of concreting seams

RSHB (HSB) is a seam arising when pouring (laying) of a concrete mix with breaks: in the process of laying liquid to already dried concrete.

RSB is the most vulnerable place of concrete facilities. Over time, water begins to leak through RSB, which leads to the destruction of the material and corrosion of the reinforcement - the integrity of the structures suffers from this.

Typical locations Location RSB:

  • Columns
  • Ribbed overlaps
  • Flat slabs of overlapping and foundations
  • Beams

Stages of work:

  1. Stroke / RSB;
  2. Cleaning and grinding RSB repair tool;
  3. Drilling holes for injection;
  4. Installation of packers for injection;
  5. Primary sealing of RSHB polyurethane foam;
  6. Secondary sealing of RSB polyurethane resin;
  7. Mowing packers and holes of holes repair means;
  8. Foolish waterproofing of RSB.

Injecting deformation seams

The deformation seam (DSh) is a cut in the building structure, separating the construction into separate blocks, is designed to reduce the loads on objects in the places of possible deformations.

DSh is a hollow space (usually filled with suture aggregate of the Penopelex type), through which water leaks are possible.

Stages of work:

  • Partial dismantling of the existing suture aggregate in DSh;
  • Laying of suture aggregate (type "Vilaterm" in two layers;
  • Dsh zackecan repair tool;
  • Drilling holes;
  • Installation of steel packers;
  • Injection of DSh acrylate gels;
  • A mover of steel packers and holes of the holes repairing;
  • Installation of waterproofing tape on epoxy adhesive composition.

Injecting cracks

Constructive cracks - holes that affect the carrying ability of the object. There are due to errors in designing, improper operation of the building, as well as with increasing loads on the design.

The non-constructive cracks are holes that were formed during the plastic shrinkage, shrinkage of the building, temperature drops, as a result of damage to the reinforcement. They do not risk for the strength of the object.

The presence of active leaks through crack leads to the destruction of structures.

Stages of work:

  1. Strobin / Fishing Cracks;
  2. Cleaning and grinding cracks with a special solution;
  3. Drilling holes;
  4. Installation of steel packers;
  5. Primary sealing of a crack of polyurethane foam;
  6. Secondary sealing of the crack of polyurethane resin;
  7. A mover of steel packers and holes of the holes with a repair solution;
  8. Diamond grinding the dissemination zone of the defect;
  9. Corrective waterproofing of cracks.

Injection of communications injecting (pairing node)

Communication inputs - sleeves / steel pipes passing through the foundation of the building.

With an unmeretic junction of communications with the foundation, leads to the penetration of ground / wastewater. "Standing" water can also be formed, which can bring the structures and formations of cracks.

Stages of work:

  1. Extending the steel pipe pairing node with reinforced concrete wall design;
  2. Sealing node of the pairing polyurethane sealant;
  3. Zackecan of the coupling assembly repair composition;
  4. Drilling holes;
  5. Installation of steel packers
  6. Injection of the pairing node by acrylate gels;
  7. A mover of steel packers and holes of the holes by the repair makeup;
  8. Caution waterproofing of the mating assembly with polymer compound.

Injection of adjoining nodes

Adjunction assembly is a place of junction of the building design elements:

  • Wall - floor / slab overlap.
  • Column - floor / overlap plate.
  • Window / Door openings - floor / slab overlap.

With an unmelomic junction of communications with the foundation or walls, leads to the penetration of ground / sewage. "Standing" water can also be formed, which can bring the structures and formations of cracks.

Stages of work:

  1. Stroke / extending the adjoining assembly;
  3. Device cartel repairing;
  4. Drilling holes;
  5. Installation of packers;
  6. Primary sealing of pricing nodes by hydroactive polyurethane foam;
  7. Secondary sealing of pricing nodes by polyurethane resin;
  8. Dismantling packers;
  9. Hole zackecan repair;
  10. Diamond grinding the dissemination zone of the defect;
  11. Refractory waterproofing of the dissemination zone of the defect.

Cut-off waterproofing

When contacting the foundation with groundwater, moisture accumulation occurs in the design (capillary effect in concrete). The presence of water leads to rapid degradation of structures, a decrease in heat engineering properties, to the formation and development of mold, fungi and microorganisms.

Stages of work:

  1. Drilling holes with an interval of 10-12 cm, forming a horizontal line. Depending on the type of wall structure, an angle of drilling is selected;
  2. Holes are cleaned of dust and foreign objects;
  3. Installation of packers for injection;
  4. The injection composition is supplied through a packer into a pressure design / no pressure;
  5. Dismantling packers;
  6. Hole zackecan repair makeup.