Living room interior 18 meters in two-room. Last "Pisk" Designer Fashion - Studio Room

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I propose to see the 11 best living room designs (halls) of 18 square meters. m. in the apartment. These projects created some of the best architects. For these interiors, more than a thousand people voted. And for the beginning there are two interior from unknown authors.

Minimalism as Yin and Yang. Very beautiful living room from "Victory Design"

Creature light living room interior - Always a creative solution. Especially if households prefer to combine healthy conservatism with unusual modern solutions. Interior design hall of 18 square meters. m. Displays the duality of family world view:

  • The female principle represented by the sensual symbolism of Triptych by Klimt, delicate coffee hints of the sofa and bright accents of satin pillows.
  • Male - in the form of a brutal brick wall in , hooligan designer carpet, dark saturated color of curtains, contrasting furniture and flooring nuts color.

Harmony to achieve a balanced color gamut helps in such an interior. The calm color of the walls, painted with acrylic paint gray shades, serves as a neutral background to express the bright individuality of the situation.

Arrangement of furniture in the design of the living room at a small area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. thought out thoroughly. Nothing superfluous and the most needed: a solid sofa is located near the long wall of the room, there are a mirror rack with bookshelves and a coffee table. Opposite the sofa on the brickwork, a TV is fixed, a built-in stand under it.

The ceilings are tightened with moisture-resistant plasterboard. Lighting in 18 meter living room multi-level, represented by light pockets and built-in luminaires. It successfully complements the luminous balance of the room and does not irritate the eyes.

In general, the style of the living room of 18 square meters. m. It is characteristic of minimalism with a bright focus of the loft.

Interior from the studio " Victory design"

Hall of natural colors 18 square meters. m. From the studio "Arch-Buro"

Most modern cities are overloaded with concrete landscapes. We all lack the enchanting beauty of nature - blooming fields, intricate weave of the branches of trees, fluttering of nuts and green grass. The interior of the presented seating area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. Unobtrusively fills our need.

According to the architect architect, the living room is divided into 3 semantic zones:

  • working;
  • guest;
  • rest zone;

Used non-standard separation takes using lighting, wall and ceiling inserts of hypokarton. On the wall with a TV decorative plaster, saturated cream shades. It imperceptibly softens the straight corners of the black TV rectangle. The deep brown color of the central wall gives the design of a living room from 18 square meters. m. Saturated volume.

Wallpaper in the form of blossomed silver baths make us a little closer to nature. Spring flowers - the main semantic focus of the interior, they feel great on the sofa pillows, and on the light-coffee walls of the room.

Furniture in the design of the hall for 18 sq.m. Located around the perimeter of the room. With a fairly elongated room rectangle, this location is the most successful.

The secret of a cozy living room, an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m. Enclosed in rich multi-level lighting. The central chandelier is made in the form of dripping rain sticks, lanterns-fireflies are lit over the working and reading zones, the chamber space near the sofa highlights the elegant flying. Wall sconces serve as soft evening lighting.

A soft pile of carpet resembles a silver moss. Seascape of paintings in the work area of \u200b\u200bthe manita in the distant journey. The saturated color of spring grass on pillows, armchair, tulle is complemented by a deep green color of houseplants.

The design of the living room is provided by the architectural bureau Alexander Sukhova "Arch-Buro"

How to create eco-style on 18 square meters

Fashion trends in the interiors of this year are love for nature and a reasonable minimum of furniture. Relief for airiness of the surrounding space without heavy designer designs - actual trend of modernity.

Color range of a small room of 18 square meters. m. Characterized for natural tones - beige, green, burgundy. Basic colors - white and gray. Semantic accents are underlined by saturated purple textile color.

In the interior of the eco-friendly living room, natural fabrics and materials are used: on the walls of wooden panels, on the floor, washed parquet, paintings with the image of landscapes, woolen, cotton and silk fabrics.

Furniture in such a living room of 18 square meters. m. located around the perimeter of the room to leave the free space in the center, which gives the setting a feeling of lightness and weightlessness.

The lighting is responsible for the luxurious central chandelier in the form of a bouquet of flowers with white gloves, wall scaves in the same style and peculiar flower-flooring on an elegant steel leg. The top light lamps light the functional area where the consumer electronics is located, a built-in wardrobe and shelves with books.

In the interior of eco-style, it is customary to produce mini-garden of indoor plants and live flowers.

The design of the hall is provided by the architectural bureau of Alexander Sukhova " Arch-Buro."

The gray-white living room in Eco-minimalism style. Photo

Visualization Vyacheslav Zhugin

The living room in such an interior is made in the restrained two-color gamme - saturated brown and light gray shades. Added Salad Spots Color Chartresses in the form of a pillow and a wicker chair.

Materials in eco-style are used primarily natural - wood, plaster, cotton and wool. In the minimum quantities of plastic and steel. The walls are aligned with plaster stucco, the ceiling is sewn with drywall, on the floor parquet of light shades, it is pleasantly contrast to the entrance door and a coffee table.

Living room design with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. (see photo) is made in the best traditions of minimalism - a restrained furnishings consists only of a roomy sofa, a coffee table, a couch, TV with a stand and chairs.

Living room lighting is concise, over the perimeter of the ceiling is mounted point lamps, a ceiling is still framed with a LED tape and a TV stand. The central surreal chandelier complements the idea of \u200b\u200bnon-ray lighting.

The seductive project of the 18th meter living room in the style of eco-minimalism in its incompleteness. There is a desire to quickly enter the room and hang on the walls of the paintings standing on the floor near the chair. Make the last touch and complete the masterpiece.

Living room 18 meters. Zebra named Loft

Bureau of Architecture Nordes.

What should be the living room of a modern bachelor? The fashion magazine of interiors conducted a survey and revealed interesting trends. It turns out young people prefer to live in spacious bright rooms with a minimum number of furniture and brutal raisins.

Designers successfully coped with the task and created an interior with the ordered character. So it appeared not big, but a spacious living room of 18 square meters. m. B. with elements . Color palette - gray, white, black. The central wall of the room is made of brick masonry, it sets a rude male nature of the dwelling. The rest of the walls are perfectly aligned and painted in the base gray.

Furniture is kind and unobtrusively performs all the whims of its owner: a spacious sofa, which is pleasant to relax after a long working day, a soft dock under his feet instead of a traditional coffee table, racks with books and cute hearts baubles.
Lighting Living room Standard: Spotlights, bulk central chandelier and the same flooring in the corner (greetings 70s).
The unifying idea of \u200b\u200bthe interior was the picture of a young girl and a little zebra. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe poster is youth, beauty, rapidness and time frequency.

Light weightless curtains fill the living room with air and expand the space.

Museum Loft! One of the best options for the modern living room.

Designer Love Malenkin

At first glance, the Museum Loft seems a terrible cacophony among harmonious, strictly verified interiors. Do not immediately begin to understand the peculiar beauty and charm of such a loft.

And suddenly all the magic of the interior is opened:

  • a shadow brick creates a noble atmosphere;
  • dark floor is made in the best traditions of the style;
  • double door - Middle Ages echo;
  • and the ceiling frescoes to the atmosphere of the Renaissance.

Furniture in the design of a living room of 18 square meters. m. on + photo Also special: Sofa in a natural linen case with pillows instead of armrests, blue fireplace chairs, a strict coffee table in the center of exposure, bright cabinets and chest of clothes successfully beat the fireplace area, the dark rack seems to be an additional output or portal to another dimension .

Lighting is represented by massive central chandeliers, wall and ceiling lamps. The thoughtful light design creates a homely cozy atmosphere.

In conclusion, I would like to mention the cute films of the established interior: the portrait of the Great Charlie, a stepped Christmas tree and pictures in the framework.

Living-garden on 18 square meters. Mediterranean freshness

Designer Elina Zaynalova

How to make a dream about a country house with a winter garden in a regular panel high-rise building? It turns out that this is possible. A little imagination, a creative approach and a great designer - this is the key to the coming cherished dream.

For such a joyful interior, the favorite colors of the Mediterranean are chosen - bright azure and milk-white coloring. The walls are painted in turquoise and sealed with light wallpapers under texture plaster. On the ceiling, wallpaper imitating wide robberies. On the floor Light laminate.

The lattice wooden partition shares the room to the zone. Floral caspo fit perfectly in the lattice.

The first is a lounge area with a garden sofa and a flower bed, the second is a sleeping area with a couch, numerous shelves, cabinets. Cabinets for clothes are built into special niches.

The lighting is diverse, represented from a wicker chandelier, bulk paper flooring, point lights and suspended lights.

Decoration elements: Cell for birds, wicker basket, decorative candles, paintings with herbaries.

Children's Suprematism. Modern repair of the hall of 18 square meters. m.

Architect Mila Rezanov

About a hundred years ago, Casimir Malevich came up with the philosophical direction - Suprematism. Its essence is to transfer eternal movement through simple geometric shapes. The philosophical flow smoothly moved into the design of interiors and here found their grateful followers.

Draft living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. Perfectly illustrates Malevich's invention. For supramatism, basic colors are characteristic: black, red, yellow, brown.

Furniture is concise and made in compliance with strict geometry, located around the perimeter of the living room. Resonance makes a soft armchair, as if brought from the cabin of a spacecraft. Red and blue tables in the shape of circles are very characteristic of supramatism.

Recreation area and work is highlighted with individual lighting.

The contrast of dark and light walls is slightly mitigated by children's drawings, figures of kids and photos of households.

Modern minimalism. Beautiful living room design

Bureau of Architecture Bureau.

The presented interior is minimalism in its original form. What is called - the purest charms, the purest sample.

For this style, a bright color scheme of walls is characteristic. For their painting used white silky enamel. Curtains and sofa have more rich colors. The floor is posted from a light oak parquet board, has a beautiful texture of lamellas.

Hinged console, chairs and a table near the sofa are made of wood. The second table with a glass stand and a tabletop on a metal leg - designed to receive guests. The storage system is represented by racks and closing boxes.
Living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. M. Performs four functional tasks: serves as a library, vacation spot, dining room and office.
Lighting is well thought out: SPOTS, PERFECT LAMPS, Copyright lamps in the form of two steel pipes reflect the spirit of minimalism. LED backlight is successfully inscribed in the interior and creates the illusion of space.

Scandinavian living room. Tradition and simplicity. Snow-white freshness

For It is characterized by the use of only natural materials, plaster stucco on the ceiling, symmetry of the details of the interior - paintings, candles, homemade utensils, robbed flooring from a natural tree. All this is present in the interior.
At the same time, the room is not overloaded with furniture. Only the most needed for life. On the left in the corner there is a smoky-green sofa, in front of him the coffee table, a chair for reading, a rocking chair - tribute to Vintage, a dining table for six persons. On the far wall, openwork racks with books.

The walls are painted in a beige color, which gives a living room in 18 square meters. m. airiness and space. A large number of diverse paintings and posters tell the development of the creative thought of households.

Magnificent crystal chandelier - upper lighting method, wall sconces are designed to read and relax.

Live tulips, white geranium add a sophisticated tenderness interior.

When you want to the sea. Turquoise Sea Living Room

Architect Natalia Volkova

The strongest impression of rest always leaves the sea. Cold winter evenings remember the warm sand and the emerald depth of the seabed. You can arrange a resort in the living room and create a romance of the sea at home.

The purpose of the living room is to get a cozy relaxing atmosphere for all family members.

The walls were lined with putty and painted in turquoise color. On the center of the room staged a fireplace stylized shells. The floor is made from Slavonsky oak - very durable material. The ceiling is tightened with plasterboard and painted in the same turquoise color.

Furniture is selected by light shades and pleasantly contrasts with the color of the sea wave. Cute piquancy - the console in the form of a squigger, made from acacia, adds warmth and comfort to the interior.

The staircase staircase does not climb the space, and it seems weightless. The coffee table transformer is easily turning into a dining. The dark plot of the wall is located a representative sofa of sand color.

Light: Designer chandelier from seashells, plafoons-tablets and sconces in the form of jellyfish, author's lantern with verses B. Pasternak.
Brush vegetation in pots turns the living room of 18 square meters. m. in the paradise.

Creating a room design 18 sq. M bedroom in the living room photo, modern apartments have little space. The owners act creatively with our projects and advice.

In any room, no special concern can be put cabinets, folding sofas and armchairs, but full-fledged variants of beautiful design are more acceptable externally and in terms of functionality. And the cost of such a repair is cheaper than the repair of several rooms, so significant budget savings will be observed.

We update the design for your bedroom in the living room: photo

The bedroom's living room is a combination of two rooms - bedrooms and guests zone. In the creation of the interior, there should be no difficulty, you can create an original design of the room of 18 square meters. m. for a bedroom and a living room, and also evaluate the photo in our

gallery that will help you choose the necessary idea. The living room bedroom can be created for different family members, sometimes adults live in it, but often this room combines a living room and a children's room.

The bedroom's living room is a popular interior design option, involves using the best parts and elements:

  • Free space - competently arranged all zones;
  • It is distinguished by the original design - the search for a suitable version will not be difficult;
  • Inexpensive repairs - to repair a small room simply;
  • There are many options for creating a unique indoor style.

You will receive a great pastime in the decorated room, as well as place all the necessary items in it.

Features showing bedroom living room design, examples

Professional design of an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters. m. hints at the location of the sofa. There is an option - combine the bed with a sofa, because both items will not be placed in the room, even if high-quality and good layout will be provided. The workplace is recommended to locate the window, the cabinet to send to the entertainment zone. The main thing is compactness and capacity, modern furniture manufacturers take into account this feature.

The design of the room is 18 square meters. m will be original for bedroom living room, this can be appreciated in our

photo gallery.
There are several acceptable options for the location of the elements. On the podium, the bed can be placed near the window, along with the flooring and chest. The cabinet near the opposite window has impressive sizes, and also consists of two compartments. This element will ensure the scenery, and will also eliminate the large size of the cabinet and hide its bulkiness. You will emphasize the sophisticated design of the room using drawings combining on the wallpaper.

The design of the room is 18 square meters. m. with saving space in bedroom living room with photos

How to arrange the design of the room of 18 sq. M photo - Tips will be prompted so that the size of the bedroom living room is not broken. You can familiarize yourself with this process, and the visual representation will give a photo.

  1. If you have a lot of cabinets in the room, then the wall shelves will replace them with ease, to save space, they can be placed above the couches and sofa.
  2. If you install a TV on the wall, you can save a lot of space.
  3. It is advisable in such interiors to use transformable furniture that is extended.
  4. If the head of the bed has a shelf or a cabinet, it will benefit.
  5. It is recommended to abandon large walls and cabinets at all on such a small space.
  6. If you think the chair takes too much space, then the soft pouf will easily replace it.

You will not be difficult to create an original interior with space saving. You will find an excellent solution for the interior, it will emphasize his sophistication and uniqueness.
Applying the design room of 18 sq. M bedrooms of the living room photo for the separation of zones can be used panels or branded partitions, as well as blinds. The ideal solution will be partitions from transparent plastic, and glass blocks can be applied. This solution will become perfect, because products can be made with their own hands. Spectacular are glass partitions with stained glass and toning.

Divide the room can be cabinets using racks. In practice, systems are a bed-rack bed or a bed cabinet. If you acquire a bed with a high headboard, it will also become an excellent partition.

If there is a need to hide the resting places, curtains from beads are perfectly suitable, as well as other designs. When complying with the main subtleties of work, you can create an original design.

Lighting, photos and options

Artificial lighting will allow separating the bedroom from the living room, while it will well emphasize the overall design of the room. To create a bright room, you can use air curtains from Tulle. Some ceiling lamps can be replaced, and maximum benefits will be respected for each site. If there is a need to decorate local illumination, then a table lamp can cope with this task.

Zoning room 18 sq m

In order to divide the room on the zone, it is necessary to determine what will be present in it. In the traditional bedroom living room for two people - couples - usually there is a place to stay - this is a sofa and a TV. The sofa at night smoothly turns into a double bed. In addition, it is necessary to place the furniture for personal belongings in the room - these are shelves and cabinets, and provide a place to work at the computer. Zoning is carried out through the game of light or decorative elements, a variety of options are offered.

Thus, any viewed option as: the design of the room is 18 sq. M photo, for the bedroom living room can be decorated beautiful, and each person can adjust its ideas according to the photo presented in our

gallery. Multifunctional furniture will be perfectly suitable, which will save space. The price of such furniture is much lower than the cost of elements purchased separately. For premises that have small size, the style of minimalism is of particular importance, which will create harmony in the room and at the same time provide a maximum of free space.

With a competent design of your house, you can get the maximum comfort and pleasure from staying in this place. All the proposed planning options are tested in practice, and managed to bring their owners all the best.

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Room design 18 sq m: hand dexterity and no fraud

Imaging the original design room of 18 sq m - the task is interesting. On the one hand, you have a rather standard room size that can be easily disposed of. On the other hand, you need to withstand a thin face, in which space will not remain empty or overloaded.

On how to do this, without wasteing a whole state, I want to talk.

How to combine quadratura

Regardless of what type of room you want to equip, during the repair process, some rules and recommendations should be followed. With their help, even in a one-room apartment of small sizes will always be reigned and a pleasant atmosphere. Below are the useful tricks collected by me, which will greatly facilitate the process of living the housing.

  • One of the most important things you should remember is the correct placement of furniture.. Forget about massive Soviet headsets, like monsters devouring all free space. In the same living room, quite a small sofa, a pair of original chairs, a coffee table and several open racks.
  • The interior of the room of 18 square meters is better to fill the so-called furniture "transformer". For example, let your armchairs turn into elegant ... no, no pants, but, let's say, sleeping places for your guests. An excellent solution will be the purchase of a small coffee table, which in a few moments can be laid out in a full-fledged dining table.

  • Standard swing doors are better replaced by sliding structures. First, it looks much more interesting, and secondly, such an element takes less space.
  • The bedroom or the hall of such sizes requires certain stylistic solutions from their owners. If you are a passionate fan of classicism, or baroque, then it is better to embody all your ideas in something else. A small space does not accept all wealth, light jet and luxury of these styles.

But your room will perfectly decorate minimalism. As an example, I will give the style of High-tech. Only the most necessary accessories, the lack of superfluous things and the dedication in their placement will make the interior unusual and practical.

  • It seems to me that you should leave the window opening as open as possible - due to this space will be filled with light and visually expand. In the process of repairing with their own hands or with the help of builders, you can lie with the size of the window, increasing it to the floor or by making the wall. Rolled curtains or revealing curtains will greatly cope with scoring sunshines.
  • Do not neglect the use of mirrors or mirror surfaces. Correctly using their properties, you advantageously change the contours of the living room or bedroom, emphasizing all its advantages.

Decor of different types of rooms

In the previous section, I described the main tricks on the improvement of space, in the same I will consider the main features of the arrangement of different types of rooms. By drawing up a project of coming repair, you can use the information received.

Living room

The living room is a resting place for the whole family, so it is so important to pay for its design due attention. Do not forget that stylish design is not always forged feet of sofas, heavy curtains or huge carpets. So that your living room is comfortable and cozy for the entire family, you should follow the following nuances:

  • In addition to minimalism, Japanese or Scandinavian styles are perfectly suitable for the living room. Light shades and translucent tones of such a decor visually expand the quadrature of the room.
  • If you live in a one-room apartment, it is very important to properly zonate space, highlighting places for sleep, recreation and work in it. This can be done at the expense of easy screening, curtains or racks.
  • Popular Loft style as it is impossible to fit into the interior of a studio apartment. Having a wall that shares the kitchen and the hall (provided that it is not carrying, of course), you will significantly expand the space and get additional square meters.

Room in the hostel

The design of the room in a hostel is 18 sq m. Only at first glance seems an unsolvable task, it is very difficult without applying magic. You just need to remember one important truth: by using each centimeter of the room at the maximum, you will get more than a convenient and comfortable home.

  • Give preference to mounted racks and regiments where you can place the necessary items.
  • Take the kitchen with a bar with a rack or a long table. The advantages of such a solution are obvious: you simultaneously zonail the space, besides, get a place for family lunch.
  • Sleeping with a podium, where it is convenient to add bedding or a bed, which with the help of a special mechanism hides in a niche or - that's what will give you the opportunity to effectively use the existing quadrature.

  • If the height of the ceilings allows, in the apartment you can equip such a second floor on which you can make a working or sleeping place.


The design of the bedroom is 18 meters square is most often susceptible to the following features:

  • Most of the room will occupy a spacious bed. I can not agree that someone considers such a decision is not too rational. But how nice sleep on such a family bed.

  • Using mostly bright shades in the process of decorating and diluing them with bright accents in the form of a motley stragan blankets, catching pillows or charming curtains you get a room in which it is pleasant to wake up.
  • Do not climb the bedroom with a large number of furniture. A small trumulous, toilet table, bedside tables and a wardrobe compound is enough.
  • For the bedroom, such sizes can be used or high-tech.

If you still have not decided on the desired style and the type of housing, I recommend watching the video in this article. In it you will find a lot of interesting information and useful information.


I hope that a peculiar instruction on decorating rooms with an area of \u200b\u200b18 square meters will be something useful to you. With a creative approach, you can cope with any task: and equip the living room, or make a bedroom, or transform the room in the hostel.

I will be happy to answer all questions about the topic in the comments to the material or I will listen to your opinion about the decoration of the decor in small areas.

One-room apartment is not a reason to despair and forget about meetings with friends. Accommodation with an area of \u200b\u200b18-19 square meters. M can fit a full-fledged bedroom and a room for receiving guests if the space is competently zoning and expanding accents.

It is important to save a single style in the room and visually divide it into the sections. It does not necessarily hide the bed behind the rack or a closed door, let it be visible. Coloring or wall texture can talk about the function of the site, as well as the floor and the furniture itself.


Where to begin?

Repair of a one-room apartment begins with the preparation of a plan of the future room, because even at the first stage it is important to understand what you want and how much will be ready to spend on it. Details It is important to consider in order to install the arch or combine the room to install the room with a balcony, think about the ceiling (mounted or ordinary), the floor (single laminate or parquet board) and wall color. If you plan to make a podium for the bed, it is also necessary to create in advance.

If you prefer minimalism and choose a bed, a sofa and a TV (and no tables, chairs), then it is important to think about where the other things will be stored - on the balcony or in the closet in the niche of the corridor.

Zoning space

Zoning is a division of the room into several functional sites, the use of several colors of wallpaper and textures, partitions, arches, racks in one room for creating zones for work, recreation, games, and so on. Today Zoning is a trend and a working idea that designers do not neglect.

Really and visually divided the room:

  • Rack;
  • Arch;
  • Partition;
  • Curtains;
  • Podium (where the bed will be located);
  • Floor (color, level, materials);
  • Headboard;
  • Color and texture of walls.

Design project apartment with a rack or partition in the middle is the simplest possible solution. It is important to pick up the furniture in a single style and dilute it with textiles to the barrel - for the living room, a little calmer - for the bedroom. If the space shares the wall, it must be harmonized with the overall color of the walls, the rack can "resist" them and be contrasting.

The arch, leading to the bedroom zone, looks good in the classic interior - it gives the dwelling of chic and does not too climb space, does not take the light and generally looks luxuriously.

Interesting the idea of \u200b\u200bzoning headboard or backing bed. Its essence is a high original back (front go back), which will distinguish the room and create an emphasis in it.

The most budget way to split the room is to use curtains. You can collect them in the daytime and open access to the lie, close at night and enjoy solitude.

Vertical zoning is different from the classic separation of the room. The idea of \u200b\u200bvertical zoning will enjoy children and those adults who are tired of stamps. The location of the bed here is unusual - right under the ceiling, the rest of the room is given under the living room.

Wall color

A small bedroom-living room by default has blonde walls and it is on your hand, as they make the space visually wide and free. It is important to zonail the room and think about it in advance where the bedroom will be, and where the living room is.

Zoning with flowers will help turn one room into a few - a separate bedroom and a full-fledged guest space. The color of the room can be the main, for example, beige, or even the space is indicated by wallpaper with a pattern or ornament.

An interesting solution is to use several colors on the walls of one room. White designer allocated a sleeping area, gray - living room. Even the floor visually divided one room for two.

White and beige - universal shades, with which you can "play" and turn the space from a dull to functional and stylish. Choosing a white color as a basis, stop the decorative wooden or imitating brick panels (for walls) and degrees them one of the walls or several sites on one or two - it turns out a stylish Scandinavian style or soft "loft".

Bright colors like red, blue and green engage for accents, but in general, these colors look well in modern modern.


If the ceiling in the bedroom is low, the following techniques will help to be visually high:

  • Wallpaper with a vertical strip on one of the walls - They will additionally create one of the zones in the room (bedroom, living room);
  • Use two colors on the ceiling - in the middle place the white, around the perimeter - darker, for example, beige or yellow;
  • If the ceiling is whole, choose a glossy surface for it;
  • Use mirrors not on the whole ceiling, and on one of its sites or on the wall;
  • Instead of bulky chandeliers Choose point lighting, located around the perimeter of the room on the ceiling;
  • Choose light shades for the ceiling - It must be the lighter wall and floor.


Creating a room design 18 square meters. M It is important to determine if you need a full-fledged bedroom bed or you can do without it and sleep on the sofa.

If the bedroom without a bed is not a bedroom, put the largest furniture away from the entrance to the room - to the window.

To protect the area of \u200b\u200brecreation from the reception area will help the shelving to the ceiling or almost to it. Well, if it will have open shelves and will be narrow. Since the massive bulky "eating" valuable meters.

Sofa bed - exit for those who prefer minimalist design. The corner design occupies a useless angle, while its analogue is a classic long sofa without angles makes it possible to take a place by the window with a work desk and a chair.

Dressers, cabinets, massive tables and closed racks leave for a corridor or replace them with a wardrobe, which can be placed in the same niche of the corridor (if it is) or along a small wall in the bedroom. The interior of the room with a wardrobe will look good if it is a mirror or glossy - it will create an additional visual space.


In the room, where the bedroom and the living room occupy one space is important to use the decor, but it is necessary to do it wisely. Do not litter without the modest room with statuette and outdoor pots with flowers. It is better to use the walls and hang pictures \\ mirrors \\ open and closed shelves on them.


If two zones are connected in the same room, then the lighting will have to divide the sun, to do point and use the lamps and lamps to the maximum. Of course, there are no small luminaires around the ceiling perimeter without ceiling lighting.

If the chandeliers can not be avoided, hang it in the living area, and in the bedroom, place a couple of landslides - this will be quite enough to read before bedtime or creating a cozy atmosphere


Apartment 18 square meters. M Easily turns into a room with an area of \u200b\u200b22-25 squares, if you attach a balcony to it (insulated and in coordination with government agencies). Redevelopment of the apartment sometimes really helps - the bed is well fastened in the former balcony zone and gives additional space for the living room.

Combining the room and the balcony is quite laborious and costly compared to the installation of partition, arch or order and purchase of the rack.

Windows and doors

A large window visually makes the space of the room more and favorably illuminates it. If the window takes a whole wall, this is a great reason to create an informal loft style interior, minimalism. Be sure to place a bed to it "face" and separate the space of its back.

Doors as an indispensable part of any interior can be advantageous to emphasize the space. Choose light blades with glass - gloss visually increases space. Save the place in the room sliding designs (coupe) or swing models that open in the corridor.

The living room combined with the bedroom usually takes more space. If the room is 19 square meters. Meters, then for recreation zone, you can give about 2 \\ 3 spaces and lay the bed away from the entrance to the room - by the window.

  • Choose Transformer FurnitureIf you do not like to clutter space. An ordinary cabinet or sofa in the evening turns into a two-bed bed;
  • Stick one style in the interior of the room - Barroo in the bedroom and loft in the living room will look strange and ridiculous;
  • Let the main color of the room be light - white or beige, and the contrast create partitions and decor;
  • Instead of beige, you can use gray - Drag the walls with this shade and choose snow-white furniture if the interior stamps are already tired.
  • If you store things yet, Install the wardrobe on one of the walls of the room. Let it be as narrow as possible, but wide and invisible to others. You can beat it by putting opposite the sofa or a couple of chairs;
  • Position sofa and armchairs in one room - So it is lit by him. Prefer compact soft puffs and offer them to friends (which do not fit on the sofa). When there is no one visiting anyone, the frameless furniture can be stored on the balcony.

Living room 18 sq.m. - Completed option in the houses of the Soviet building. This is not the most spacious square, but it is enough to accommodate all the necessary furniture items, there will also be a place for free movement. Today we will tell you how you can arrange a room of this type and show in real examples a variety of stylistic, as well as color options.

Choose interior style

Selection of style - key stage in living room design. First, to create a one-piece image in case other rooms are decorated in a certain stylist. Secondly, a properly selected style can perform not only a decorative function, but also advantageously emphasize the advantages or smooth out the premises. Below are options that are suitable for design living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m.

Living room 18 sq.m. in modern style

In the living room with such an area perfectly fit modern style. Although it is free from the rules and norms, but such a style implies the creation of a concise, functional interior, in which the decor plays a "decorated" role, and it follows quite practical purposes: forms a feeling of space, cleanliness and comfort.

The emphasis is placed on lines, forms and planes, pure unobtrusive colors and comfortable furniture. Instead of decorative diversity - order and attention to detail. Modern style continues to prove that even a small space can accommodate everything necessary for life if thoughtfully treat each element.

Living room 18 sq.m. in classic style

It should not be assumed that 18 "squares" is a small area, and you should try to visually expand the space, avoiding any decor. A classic style is suitable for such a living room, it all depends on your preferences or requirements. If there is a desire to create a cozy, luxurious interior with richly decorated wooden furniture and textile wallpaper with floral patterns is a completely feasible target.

Pay attention to the more modern interpretation of the classic style and try to keep balance in the interior composition so that the items do not overload the room, and also left free space. Traditionally, in the center of the living room of this type there is a table around which the sofa and chairs are placed, and on the sides - a bookcase, a fireplace or plants.

Make an emphasis on the details, on the interior of the picture or mirrors in the elegant frame, tables with carved legs and a sofa with satin upholstery. Massive curtains will bring the feeling of comfort, and the luxurious chandelier will become the perfect ending touch in design.

Living room 18 sq.m. Loft style

Of course, Loft style loves large open spaces. But if there is high ceilings in your living room and there is an opportunity to get rid of extra partitions, a small area will not interfere. In addition, this is a fairly budget decision, thanks to the absence of the need for wall decoration and buying dear furniture.

For walls it is recommended to leave a bare brickwork or concrete coating with an interesting texture. White ceiling with outgoing wires and beams will fill the room with light and freedom, and a wooden floor with a minimalistic carpet - comfort.

It is important that in the room there were high windows, otherwise the lack of natural light will visually reduce the living room and make it gloomy. The center will exceed a great leather sofa with a glass coffee table, opposite which is a plasma screen.

Traditionally, in the arrangement of the loft use "coarse" furniture with a metal frame and modern art objects. At the same time, you can purchase the necessary items in the flea market or auctions - to create an authentic image.

Living room 18 sq.m. In the style of minimalism

Minimalism is not boring and empty spaces without decor. This is harmony, functionality, as well as space, which are not so easy to achieve with other styles. Laconic aesthetics - perhaps the most optimal option for the 18-meter living room and those people who love the freedom, cleanliness and a pacifying atmosphere.

Minimalism assumes smooth, "landed" lines, high ceilings and matte surfaces. When choosing a color palette, you should give preference to white and beige shades, while dark aims are aimed at emphasizing accents.

In minimalistic design, mainly natural materials are used: wood, smooth cement, glass, metal and mirrors. Despite the minimum design solutions, the emphasis is not done here on the amount, but on quality. Therefore, this is not the most budget version of the repair, but very effective.

Living room 18 sq.m. in the style of Provence

Although Provence is considered the "French country", but it is definitely impossible to be called rustic. Rather, it is a luxury, imitating simplicity. And also, it is a very cozy and sunny style, which is not suitable for design with a small living room with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m.

In Provence there is no place in dark colors. Preference is given to light shades and natural materials. Excellent option - white plastered walls with small, "careless" irregularities, wooden furniture, patterned textiles and many plants.

It will be appropriate to look for vintage furniture "under ancient", natural fabrics and ceramic products. At the same time, it is important to keep the balance between such authentic details and modern appliances.

Color palette for living room 18 sq.m.

The next step when decoring the living room is to decide on the color scheme. It is better to repel from the style if it is already selected. But even in this case, there are universal palettes of shades that will be profitably looked in small rooms.

Secondly, try to create accents with furniture and decor. If the room is made in bright colors, then the dark items will "revive the interior, without reducing its area.

Thirdly, pay attention to the location of the apartment. If the windows overlook the south and in your living room often "peers" the sun, it is better to choose a cold color gamut. And vice versa - to compensate for the lack of the sun, place the living room in warm colors.

Finishing 18-meter Living Room

Now consider the design of the living room of 18 sq.m. In detail: What better use colors and materials for finishing floor, walls and ceiling? This is the foundation of the interior, a kind of "frame", which is filled with characteristic elements.


Perhaps the most optimal option that is suitable for the interior of the living room in any style - laminate or linoleum, imitating natural wood. Light colors in priority, but if you choose a dark floor, follow the walls to be a few shades lighter.


When choosing the walls of walls, there are a lot of options. Of course, if it is a loft style, then the masonry or concrete will look more than appropriate. To raise low ceilings, give preference to light monophonic walls or wallpapers with vertical stripes. Quite bright and modern will look like combining monochrome walls with photo wallpapers.


The ceiling in the living room is 18 sq.m. There must be a brighter wall, otherwise it will "push" on the inhabitants of the apartment and narrow the space. Best of all in any interior will look like a white smooth ceiling. But stretch, cassette, robes and other options - will be attracted to themselves more attention.

Decor and textiles

With the finish, we figured out, now consider the "filling" options for the 18-meter living room. If your goal is to expand the area as much as possible, avoid unnecessary decor. Although the classics and Provence suggest a variety of details in the interior, like VAZ, paintings, or sculptures, if possible, try to limit their number and leave only bright items. Conversely, if the living room decoration is made in restrained colors, such unobtrusive elements, such as pillows with a pattern, chandeliers of unusual forms or art objects - are able to diversify the view of the room.

Camefully approach the selection of curtains, because they not only protect you from prying eyes, but also can become a conversion element. For a room with low ceilings, you can install the ceiling eaves, and the cloth itself extends to the floor - this visually will increase the walls.

High-windows can afford French or Italian curtains, especially in the classic interior. And for the style of Loft, the curtains can not need to be completely, or have a light one-photon texture without unnecessary decor.

How to put furniture right?

The placement of furniture depends on the form of the room. Any designer will say that the square living room is the optimal version from the point of view of geometry. The center occupies the main furniture composition, and other items are located along the walls. But in typical Russian apartments, rectangular interiors are more common. This type requires a special relationship and thoughtful planning.

First, it is not recommended to arrange furniture along the long wall. For this principle, many Soviet apartments are decorated: a sofa and chairs on one side, and TV and cabinets are on the other. This will emphasize the disproportionality of the premises and will create a non-harmonic image.

It is better to share the space on the visible zones: on one side of the workplace, and in the center is the main composition. You can zonail along, across or locally - the square for this is quite enough.

Secondly, in a narrow living room of 18 sq.m. It is better to avoid direct symmetry - it will only emphasize the rectangular geometry. For example, lay the chairs diagonally or enter the G-shaped sofa in the interior.

Thirdly, do not create "corridors" in the room. Such an effect occurs when large furniture is located far from each other, and there is too much free space between her. Try to not overload the spaces.

Lighting in the living room 18 sq.m.

Many do not pay due attention to lighting and stop at the most typical version - chandelier in the center and, possibly, the lamp in the corner of the room. But the correct and complex placement of light sources can transform and visually diversify the space.

For example, in the living rooms 18 sq.m. Low ceiling is better to abandon massive chandeliers and give preference to several common light sources placed around the ceiling perimeter.

It is recommended to use different types of backlight. For example, lamps or wall lamps are suitable for recreation zone. But note that it is not recommended to posture scaven down in front of the TV, since the glare will be reflected on its screen.

In modern design interiors, a decorative backlight is often used, which does not play a practical role, but helps to diversify the general view of the room. This solution can be used for paintings or shelves built into the wall.

Design living room 18 sq.m. - Photo

We hope our tips will be useful to you. And to inspire you for even more interesting decisions, we made a selection of photos of living room interiors with an area of \u200b\u200b18 sq.m. Happy viewing!