History of the Timiryazev Academy. History of Timiryazevskaya Street

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The main administrative corps, the rectorate of RGAU-MSHA. Timiryazev

In the XVI century, there was a wastewhere and a small village seven. This locality belonged to the boyar Alexander Ivanovich Shuisky. In 1639, she moved to the nephew of Ivan Ivanovich Shuisky - Boyarian Semen Vasilyevich Proorovsky (mind in 1660). In 1676, the estate seedly acquired Boyarin Kirill Piechektovich Naryshkin (1623-1691). In 1692 was built church in the name of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul (Disassembled in 1938). According to one of the versions, it was from this church that the new name was taken by Sela - Petrovskoye. According to another version, it was obliged to the village of King Peter to the first one, who accounted for a nephew of Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin (1664-1705).

Church of Peter and Paul in Petrovsko-Razumovsky, Photo N.A. Naidenova, 1888

In 1746, the Ivanovna Naryshkina (1729-1771) became the village of Catherine (1729-1771) to hold Count Kirill Grigorievich Razumovsky (1728-1803), Brother Alexei Razumovsky (1709-1771), Favorita and the secret husband Empress Elizabeth. When Cyril Razumovsky begins the arrangement of the manor. At the same time, the second part of the estate names - Razumovskoe appears. At the place where Timiryazevskaya Street is held, on the project of architect A.F. Kokorinova, the main manor house was built in the form of a closed kare with an extensive courtyard. On the Zhabna River (as then called Zhabenka), the dam was built, thanks to which the cascade of ponds appeared - large garden. A regular fleet in French style was broken, terraces are created, which reached our time. The other landmark of the park is survived - the grotto, which had previously decorated the pavilion, from where the owner of the estates and guests admired the surroundings. The economic complex consisted of almost 50 buildings.

During the Patriotic War of 1812, Petrovsko-Razumovskoye was employed by the French equestrian army of Marshal Nei. Survived here and Napoleon. The French plundered the village, cut off the park, desecrated the temple. Then the estate changed several owners, and in 1829 it was acquired by the Moscow pharmacist P.A.Font Schulz.

Petrovskoye village and future Timiryazevsky Park, 1823 at the shooting of 1818, military topographic depot at the main headquarters of his imperial majesty

Petrovskaya Academy

In 1861, Petrovsko-Razumovskoe was redeemed in the treasury for the "highest command" for 250 thousand rubles, "with the aim of establishing the agronomic institution, farms and other agricultural institutions." The dilapidated Palace of Razumovsky's estate was disassembled, and in his place on the project of the architect Nikolai Leontievich Benoit (1813-1898) by the architect P.S. Kapioni, the main educational building in the Baroque style was built. It is decorated with a clock tower and unique convex glasses from Finland, which have been preserved to the present day. At the same time, the official rooms of the second half of the XVIII century were rebuilt - Flygeli, the greenhouse (in which the agricultural museum is located), Manege, Farm, etc.

Rectorate of RGAU-MSKH named after K.Atimiryazev, view of a regular park, photo from the Internet

December 3, 1865 was opened Petrovskaya Agricultural and Forest Academy - Higher agrarian institution of the Russian Empire. Among the first professors of the Academy were Chemik P.A. Lienenkov (1821-1877), Agriculture practices I.A. Rushrebut (1833-1923), Nato-test K.A.Timiryazev (1843-1920), Economist M.P. Schepkin ( 1832-1908), Economist A.V. Stainov (1888-1937), Soil Science V.R. Villiams (1863-1939) and others. Timiryazev taught at the Academy from 1872 to 1894 and even lived on its territory, but his house So far has not been preserved.

According to his status, the Petrovsk Academy was higher than that Mountain Goretsky Agricultural Institute (Now the Belarusian Agricultural Academy). Initially, the Academy was all-known and open to all classes with an educational institution, where students loosely chose items; Introductory and translated exams did not exist. Academic classes were combined with agricultural practices and inadatic work.

In 1869, a murder had a murder in Grotto the Academy Park, which shocked the whole country and served as the basis for the novel of Dostoevsky "Demons". Ivanov's student was killed by members of the secret revolutionary organization "People's Railway" (Nechaev "for its cohesion.

From January 1, 1879, regular meteorological observations began in the meteorological service under the Petrovsk Academy, thereby putting the start of the weather observations in Moscow. In 1889, the Forest Department was abolished, and the Academy became known as agricultural. In 1895-1898, Professor S.I. Gostovtsev (1861-1916) laid the Botanical Garden. At the end of the XIX century, a selection station appeared, where many varieties of winter wheat, oats, pea, potatoes, etc. were derived.

Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev

In 1917, Petrovsko-Razumovsky became part of Moscow. In 1923, the Petrovskaya Academy was renamed to the Agricultural Academy named after K.A.Timiryazev. In the 1930s, construction of residential buildings began. In 1991, the metro station "Petrovsko-Razumovskaya" was opened.

On June 20, 2005, the Academy received the name of the Federal State Educational Institution "Russian State Agrarian University - ISHA named K.A.Timiryazev".

Currently, the following faculties exist in the Moscow Agricultural Academy:

  • Agronomic,
  • Soil science, agrochemistry and ecology,
  • Gardening and landscape architecture,
  • Zooengery
  • Economic,
  • Accounting and financial
  • Humanitarian-pedagogical
  • Technological,
  • Internally absentee, absentee and distance education,
  • Dovevuzov training.

Created interdisciplinary centers and scientific and production associations.

Photos of buildings of the Timiryazev Academy

Unfortunately, go to the territory of the manor is not possible - it is fenced with a high fence. Sometimes, if you're lucky, you can detect a hole or climb through the fence. We also left to admire only the appearance of the Timiryazev Academy by Timiryazevskaya Street.

Department of Forestry MSC, Museum "Forest Cabinet", XVIII century

Bust K.A.Timiryazev, sculptor M.M.Strakhovskaya, Architect S.E. Chernyshev, 1924

View of the larch alley, once the front entrance to the manor Petrovsko-Razumovskoe from the Dmitrov road

Address of the Russian State Agrarian University - MSHA named after K.A.Timiryazeva: 127550 Moscow, ul. Timiryazevskaya, 49.

Petrovskaya Agricultural Academy finished my great-grandfather Gabriel Ivanovich Goretsky and my great-grandmother Larisa Josephovna Parfenovich. It was thanks to the comprehensive education that the Academy gave my great-grandfather, the economist for education was able to become a geologist, an academician. Perhaps it was this that saved his life in the terrible years of repression.

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January 1861, Petrovsko-Razumovskoe was redeemed from P.A.Fon Schulz to organize an agronomic educational institution and training. In the estate there were still 159 souls of serfs, which were resettled behind the dam of a large garden pond. So the new village arose, Petrovsky races. The peasant houses lined up along the road to the village of Coptevo, at an angle to modern Mikhalkovskaya street. One of the fisheries of residents of the new village was to take at home for summer time under the cottages. Petrovskie races grow up toward the village of Lower Lichobor, renting a plot of land along the Mikhalkov road from the neighbors. These houses and cottages later formed Mikhalkovsky Street. In 1903-1908 The line of the Moscow District Railway stretched to the northeast of Petrovsky, the main station of the new road - Likhobor.

Let's go back to Petrovsko-Razumovskoe. For five years, the former Moscow region of Razumovsky was adapted to the opening of the Higher School: old buildings were rebuilt (which sometimes were sometimes in a deplorable state. Such a description of one of the acquired buildings was preserved, further rebuilt into the training building No. 9 "... floors, window bounds and doors from time floors , They require their devices again. The roof on the flague from Tesa, the old boy, although the leaks are not foreseen, but it requires ambulance to re-"), they have erected new, conducted highways, broke out flower beds. A.R.Vargas de Bedemar arranged a forest experienced cottage, in the cowshes and stalls reappeared the tribal cattle of the best breeds, I.A. Sustabuta created a agricultural museum.
This is what Professor A.F.Fortunates wrote about this:

"... Do you know the house where glasses of a strange form
Passely diffuse special beauty?
In the peer of public reforms
Caseschins are not visible.
There are other archings around him:
Laboratory, and farm, and museum,
And the Cabinet of Forest, and everywhere
There was a reason for attentive
And attracting people. "

The construction committee was headed by Professor P.A. Lienenkov, architectural design was instructed by the St. Petersburg Academician of Architecture N.L. Benua (this is his only Moscow work). The production of works conducted by the BUSURIN contractor under the supervision of the Construction Committee, which included the architect P.S.Kompioni. N.L. Benua retained the overall planning of the estate. New buildings were erected on old foundations or completed by the second floor.

And finally, on November 21st (December 3, a new style) of 1865, the Petrovskaya Agricultural and Forest Academy was open. It was a kind of school. "All hopes, revived by the intelligentsia of that time," wrote V.G. Korolenko, a former student of the Academy - "reflected in the Charter of the Academy, found their reflection in it." The foundations of the Charter were as follows: "Freedom of study, faith in the country's young forces." The task of the school was "the dissemination of information on agriculture and forestry." The first charter was very liberal: free admission of listeners, without examinations, contributed to the set of differences. During the reception, certificates were not required about the end of the secondary school, according to the information provided by A.V. Styanov, "out of 1111 students who passed the Academy in the first seven years, only 139 had evidence of the secondary educational institution, the remaining formal educational censes did not have." The first director of the academy was Nikolai Ivanovich Zheleznov (now his name is the central scientific library of the university). He and her first professors K.A.Timiryazev, I.A.Stwebut, P.A. Lienenkov, K.E. Deldeman, and others - were worthy Keepers of these traditions of a free agricultural school.

By 1866, the Academy had 680 listeners and the focus of agronomics science was laid, so exactly described by Professor A.F.Fortunate in his "Word about seven teachers":

"... so much has grown minds
Where many dreams bloomed,
Where did the people from thousands of houses
Live seeds meaningful foundations
Agronomical knowledge

But such a free charter could not help but contribute to the emergence of a "revolutionary nest", free-industrial sentiments. Already in 1869, the Nechaevsky case with the murder of student Ivanov leads to adoption in 1873 a new charter, traditional for higher educational institutions. The murder of I. Ivanov, accused of betraying the interests of the Society "People's Spravel" (which became one of the best events in the novel by F.M.Dostoevsky "demons"), happened in one of the grottoes of the park. But this is not the grotto, contrary to the problem, which stands to this day almost on the shore of a large garden pond, and the other. This so-called The "Nechaev grotto" was located in the depths of the park, near the road for an apartment, and was destroyed after the crime, in order not to worship the followers of Nechaev's ideas.
However, even the tightening of the Charter of the Academy does not reduce the public activity of students. Student-Petrovac, bearded and in space, became in the philistine representation by the personification of confusion of confidential.

"... the fight against ignorance and to the truth is striving,
Here he is a scientific school result,
Petrovts is waiting for a public opinion court
And believes that other genera
His inaction will not blame "

I must say that in these difficult times, when it seemed, the youth is more busy with ideas about the reorganization of the world, agricultural science flourishes in the Petrovskaya Academy: K.A.Timiryazev puts its famous experiments on physiology, G.G.Gustson improves chemical analysis, and . P.Ludogovsky writes the first labor in Russia in the economy of agriculture, I.A.Tebut lays the foundations of scientific agriculture, M.K.Tursky creates science about the forest, R.I. Shreder lays the foundations of scientific gardening (before that gardening is considered simply craft ) and removes the varieties of fruit trees, V.Z. Markovsky receives unique yields of rye, and A.F.Fortunates writes scientific works and the famous "Word about seven teachers", captured in verses of their contemporaries-Petrovtsev ... This poem was in the winter of 1891. At the next anniversary of the Petrovskaya Academy as a speech:

"... and student walked, ready to teach,
There, where young men were able to pass
And Gustav son's sweaty word
And Timiryazev is a prying speech.

Dimensional period of Lindeman,
The conversation of the stew sounded with the walls,
And gradually the darkness of ignorant fog
Redested in student minds.

Let the garden of Petrovsko-Razumovsky be fed,
Where Shredder raised his children so many years,
Let be flexing those fields where Markovsky received
Surprisingly by the province of Moscow
Rye Middle Vintage in fifteen quarters.
Let them destroy the forest where the Turkie lasted,
But no power to destroy
What Petrovtsiets learned
What you got used to over the years he appreciate. "

The first blow to Petrovsk Wolnitsa was inflicted in 1889, when the "Regulations on the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy" was adopted, while the forest department was closed, and another charter was adopted in March 1890, which became almost similar to university, receiving new listeners It was stopped.

On January 31, 1894, the Academy was closed and turned into Petrovsko-Razumovsky estate. In this estate, it was planned to arrange a female institute, then translate from Tver Cavalry Military School ... But in the end, on September 26, 1894, i.e. A little more than six months later, a new reformed Moscow Agricultural Institute arose in Petrovsko-Razumovsky. All the old professors of the Petrovsk Academy were dismissed, and students were forbidden to accept former listeners "Petrovka".

However, life took his own, and by 1905 the Moscow Agricultural Institute was practically different from the Old Academy. So, during the 1905 Revolution, students of the Institute took an active part in it. Created as a contrast of rebellious Petrovka, Moscow S.-H. The institute has become one of the places of social democratic assemblies and the appearance, and this happened at the time when the territory was vigilantly protected by the police from the penetration of foreign elements ...

At the same time, scientific work at the institute grew. At this time, there were two offices - agricultural and engineering. The new composition of teachers has developed from professors who have passed from other institutions. It was V.R. Villiams, A.G. Doyarenko, D.N. Prikanishnikov, I.A. Iveronov, N.S. S.Resterov. New departments were created and new courses were introduced, for example, in 1906, Professor M.A.hovrenko first began to read the course "Viticulture and winemaking". Agricultural microbiology taught N.N.Hudyakov, entomology and beekeeping N.M. Kulagin, Chemistry - N.Demyanov and I.A. Kablukov, agricultural mechanics - V.P.Gohochkin, Meteorology and physics - V.A.Mikelson , phytopathology S.I. Gostovtsev et al. Now the names of these science figures are worn streets (Sprinknikov Street), Institutions (VIU them. D.N. Prikanishnikova and MgAU. V.P. Gromachkin), divisions (meteorological station. V. A.Mikhelson, Soil Museum. V.R. Villiams and the Botanical Garden. S.I. Rostovtsheva) and the audience (the name of Khudyakov, the people simply called "Khudyakov"). The director of the Institute of 10 years was a professor of physics K.A. Stachinsky.

At the same time, certain steps were taken in the expansion of female higher education. Taking advantage of the right to admit women to the exam for the title of agronoma, D.N. Présanishnikov organized private paid higher female agricultural, so-called Golitsyn, courses. Now, when at some faculties among students, more than 50% make up the young lady, it is difficult to imagine that 100 years ago women did only the first steps in agricultural science!

D.N. Prikanishnikov instigated the skills of independent scientific work. They were entrusted with separate fragments from the general cafeterial work. In 1908, on the project, D.N. Prikanishnikov, instead of the overall study of the course, sections were organized than the beginning of the faculty device was found. At the Institute, experienced stations were organized, which allowed students to give practical skills. During these years, the student N.I.Vavilov made his first scientific discovery - revealed an unknown type of wheat and wrote the first monograph. D.N. Prikanishnikov At this time, issues the fundamental works "The Doctrine Doctrine" and "Private Agriculture", and V. Villiams - "Soil Science". New training buildings are built. In 1910-1911. Instead of the old building, a new building of a meteorological observatory with an observational tower (ARH NN Khanetov, Ing. P.S.Strakhov). In 1911-1913. Rebuilding, including the old building of the hostel and the dining room, the building number 15, now related to MGAU. V.P. Goryachkin (Arch. G.A.Kizer), where the engineering department is located. Across the road from him in 1912-1914. The building of the chemical building ("Chemical") on the project N.N. Chernetov, developed jointly with professors of the university. The central part was occupied by amphitheater audiences and laboratory halls for laboratory experiments on organic and inorganic chemistry, and side wings - apartments of the faculty and attendant personnel.

The 1st World War began in 1914 made its adjustments and the life of the agricultural institution. The Institute in 1915 was preparing for the anniversary date - the 50th anniversary of the Petrovskaya Academy, but because of the war, everything was suspended. The scientific journal "Izvestia Agricultural Institute" began to appear photographs of those killed on the front of Petrov. In 1915, Petrovtsian students guarded the approaches to the institute, notified that the Russian troops were upset by defeats, the crowd of black-and-minded hooligans walked out of Moscow to loud professors with German last names. After learning about the pogrom, the students mobilized hundreds of two "fighters" who did not give hooligans to realize their plans: they were defeated on the fields of the Butyrsky farm (in the area of \u200b\u200bButyrskaya Street and the subway station "Dmitrovskaya"), swing the flags and "Pattles" at the same time OSIs ... The last capital construction on the territory of the Institute, which began to erect the project P.S.Strakhov in the war years (in 1916) - the hull for hydraulic, hydraulic and hydrological laboratories has been completed soon, only in 1923. Now in this building is the Moscow State University of Natural Communications.

In 1917, the Provisional Government returned the institute for the same status: he again became the Petrovsky Agricultural Academy. The changes began in 1918 ....