What material it is better to choose interior doors. What interior doors better choose: professional advice on the right selection for an apartment

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Suitable interior doors can be called those designs that are durable in operation and organically fit into the interior of the room. When choosing these products, it is necessary to take into account a number of characteristics of door structures: type of manufacturing material, dimensions, structural features, as well as used accessories. In addition, an important factor is what the company produced the door. What are the interior doors better? To answer this question, you need to familiarize yourself with the varieties of door articles.

What doors better choose. What is the first to pay attention to?

A few aspects affect the cost of the door block. For example, the design price depends on the material used in the manufacturing process. The most expensive type of raw materials for the production of interior doors is considered an array of natural wood. It follows structures made using veneer. It should be recalled that the veneer is a very thin layer of wood used as an external decorative layer for the door design. The framework of such products, as a rule, is performed from soft rocks of coniferous trees.

In the third place for the price you can put laminated doors. It should be emphasized that laminate can be different types. For example, a film or plastic laminated coating is distinguished. At the same time, such a functionality coverage is very reminiscent of veneer. Laminate is a fairly universal finishing material.

So, it can be used both to cover the main surface of the door design, and for cladding of chipboard or MDF plates. In this case, the cost of the product is composed of the amount of the price of laminated coating and the basic base for the finishing. On the basis of the foregoing, you can ask a question, what do the doors are preferable? Of course, interior door blocks from a solid wood array is better than many of their competitors, which confirmation are enthusiastic consumer reviews. But such doors are significantly more expensive than other models.

It should be noted that when choosing doors for a bathroom or kitchen, it is not recommended to give preference to models made from the wood array. Of course, this material has a lot of advantages, but its moisture-resistant characteristics leave much to be desired. In addition, wood array products poorly carry frequent temperature differences. Refusing the use of interior doors of this type in the bathroom and kitchen, you can significantly save money on their subsequent repairs. In these premises, it is advisable to establish more practical and inexpensive structures.

The cost of the doors does not last depends on the fitness used. These products include door loops, handles, platbands, as well as fastening elements and decor. The price of accessories depends on the material and brand of the manufacturer. It is important to emphasize that these two aspects may affect the essential difference in the cost of products. The best interior doors are equipped only with high-quality attachments.

Also on the price of the door is influenced by the manufacturer's brand. In addition to it, the value of production has a value. Large enterprises will value with their reputation. For this reason, they are usually used in the manufacture of their products only high-quality materials and raw materials. In addition, dubious technologies are not applied in such industries. Also, considerable attention is paid to the design of finished products. Often, famous designers take part in the development of the style of door blocks. True, the fees of such specialists are usually incorporated into the final cost of products.

Classification of interroom doors according to the method of manufacturing

Interior doors made from natural array of wood are divided into designs from valuable wood and on soft varieties. Obviously, the price of those and others will vary significantly. Interior structures made of wood array have a number of undeniable advantages, among which you can allocate strength and reliability, long service life, naturalness of products, respectability, as well as the presence of individual characteristics depending on the wood variety used. Such outstanding characteristics make these door blocks with the best interroom doors on the door product market.

The disadvantages of such structures include a high price, care of care and considerable weight. The cost of interior doors from the wood massif, as a rule, starts from 4.5 thousand rubles. By the way, it will be emphasized that products made of solid trees solid trees are especially high quality and expensive. First of all, the red tree, beech, larch and male should be attributed to them. Door structures from these materials over time do not change their dimensions, possess aesthetic appearance, and also characterized by high wear resistance.

Several cheaper are interior doors made of coniferous wood. For example, from pine. As mentioned above, such structures are not recommended to be installed in rooms with high humidity and frequent temperature difference. Interior doors made of coniferous wood can under the influence of excess moisture to be squealing. In addition, such structures are not characterized by high resistance to mechanical damage.

The next type of interroom doors are frame, or so-called shield structures. Such blocks are characterized by the presence within the cavity filled by MDV or cellular cardboard. The basis of these interroom doors is a frame made of a pine array. On both sides, it is filled with panels from MDF. Outside, frame interior doors are facing veneer, plastic or laminating film. In addition, in such structures it is possible to place glass or pale inserts, which are fixed using special baguettes. The main difference between the laminated frame interior doors from the designs with a veneer is the type of filler. The first door blocks are filled with cardboard cells, and the second - MDF panels. The cost of frame interior doors starts from 3.5 thousand rubles.

The panel doors are made of special frame inserts. Such panels can be made of wood array or combined materials. Often, the combination of pine and MDF array is used. The structure of the fillety interior door is a design that consists of a brusade frame, bars located in the middle of the plane of the canvas in the horizontal and vertical plane and installed between the fillets.

What are the interior doors better? In comparison with frame door blocks, scribbled structures have a large mass. In addition, such products are somewhat more expensive. At the same time, the fillety interior doors are stronger and reliable than shield structures, as well as stable for various kinds of deformations. The cost of fillety interior doors starts from 4 thousand rubles.

Another type of interroom doors is CARGA structures. Such products are a door leaf, whose across the elements of the bacage type are located. In the general form, the CARD doors look like a pair of vertical racks that are interconnected with three or more transverse bars.

Such structures can be combined with glass and pailen inserts, which makes it possible to obtain a large number of various doors options without changing the manufacturing technology. One of the main features of the CARGA interior doors is the absence in the frame structure. The function of this element is performed by bars elements. The cost of the CARD doors starts from 4 thousand rubles.

Steel interior doors are performed from a monolithic piece of glass and struts. The latter are needed for support glass part of the structure. Such door blocks have a significant mass due to the use of double-glazed windows. Triplex glass is strong enough, it is not easy to smash it. The glass part of such a door can be decorated with patterns, engraving or fusing.

Similar interroom blocks are widely popular thanks to versatility. They can be integrated in almost any designer solution. However, such structures have a small disadvantage in the form of low sound insulation. The cost of jogging interior doors starts from 7.5 thousand rubles. Based on the above, the answer to the question of which interior doors it is better to choose - those that have a greater value. However, among any options you can find decent samples.


In addition to the materials from which the base of the door block is manufactured, interior structures are distinguished by the type of finishing material. Flicted design veneers are an excellent alternative for those buyers who want to see in their home interior doors from a natural array of wood, but they wish to significantly save money. Such structures have a set of characteristics of a solid array, but it is much easier. The best interior blocks are separated by high-quality materials. The doors lined with veneer are widely represented in the Russian market.

Interior doors lined with ecoshpon are additionally processed by special environmental compositions, allowing to extend the life and maintain the appearance. The uniqueness of these products is a large assortment of color solutions and a durable finish making their maintenance as comfortable as possible.

Interior doors with laminated coating can be attributed to the budget segment of the door blocks. They are characterized by a low cost, a wide range of color solutions, insignificant weight and ease of care. At the same time, it is worth emphasizing that the laminating film of low quality is quite fragile, which can lead to a crime material. Using lamination, you can simulate different breeds of natural wood.

The best option for premises with high humidity and temperature drops is interior doors decorated with polyvinyl chloride film. In addition, such products are suitable for balconies and loggias. Interior PVC coating door blocks effectively oppose excessive humidity and sharp leaps of temperature, which allows you to install such door structures in bathrooms and kitchens.

In addition to the listed interroom doors, there are structures made from combined materials. True, as a rule, such products are copyrighted and have a significantly higher cost.

By the way, it will be that interior doors besides the traditional, opening type of opening are sliding and folding. Recently, from among the named structures, the latter is increasingly popular. The harmonica doors have a relatively low price and compact dimensions. Such structures are perfect for embonstructs of rooms where every square meter on the account.

When choosing an interior door, it is necessary to pay special attention to the design destination. Different types of products can be relevant for different premises of the apartment or house. For example, for the kitchen, the best solution will be a door leaf with glazing. This will allow the design to skip a significant amount of light, which is important for the premises of this kind. For the bedroom it is advisable to use the door block with a deaf cloth. The best interroom blocks should be organically integrated into the room and combine it with its purpose. In the living room you can install stained glass doors.

It should be noted that in premises with fireplaces and furnaces, in accordance with the rules of fire safety, refractory doors must be used. In the children's rooms it is recommended to use door blocks with increased resistance to mechanical damage and with environmentally friendly manufacturing materials.

In conclusion, it is necessary to emphasize that an important factor when choosing a interior door is the direction of opening and closing the canvas. This applies primarily by swing and sliding door blocks. Many consumers make a mistake and do not pay enough attention to this aspect. Such shortness can lead to the emergence of problems in the placement of furniture in the premises. In addition, the doors not opening up to the other side are capable of tanning the passage and prevent the full opening of the door leaf.

Interior doors are not an excess, but a way to isolate apart from each other in the room. Their presence is fundamentally important if there are children in the house, the working office has one of family members, separate bedrooms, and in the kitchen love to prepare a variety of fragrant dishes.

What doors are better to put in rooms, depends on the purpose of these rooms and presented in accordance with it requirements for tightness, insulating and aesthetic properties of door canvases.

All types of designs and models

It would seem that when choosing a interior door there can be no difficulty, unless family members may not fall in tastes, and one will insist on a white door, and the other on brown. But these are not limited to these nuances. There are a large number of models, the design features of which play a crucial role. From how much the design corresponds to the tasks depends on the convenience of its operation, the durability and preservation of the presentable appearance.

The door that is installed in the pantry is not able to ensure the safety of securities in the office, and the door to the bedroom is very different from the door to the bathroom.

The functions of interroom doors are diverse and have different functionality:

  • They visually share rooms indoors, whether it is an apartment, a private house or office;
  • Split specific functional areas: bedroom, kitchen, gym, bathroom, toilet and other types of concrete rooms;
  • Provide various kinds of room insulation: retain heat, do not allow to penetrate outsiders, do not allow condensate formation in rooms with high humidity;
  • Guarantee the safety of valuable documents and things indoors;

  • Help maintain a cozy atmosphere of privacy in intimate zones;
  • Provide safety for young children, overlapping access to traumatic subjects in storerooms or in the kitchen.

In this regard, interior doors differ among themselves to several criteria: the type of construction, the method of opening, purpose, materials.

Design type - generalized concept. It includes both the overall parameters of the product, and the form, and the peculiarities of the door canvase.

In size

In size, interior doors are:

  • Single bed (single-section). They are suitable for typical apartments with standard doorways.
  • Overhead.This intermediate size is a frequent phenomenon in the houses of the so-called "Old Fund" and "Stalinki", where doorways for several tens of centimeters exceed the standard width and may differ greater height. The one-and-half do the door canvases are up to 110 cm wide, and all that is more is bivalve doors.
  • Bivalve (double). An indispensable option for installation in the houses of the old building is the past or before a last century, when wide doorways were dominated between all types of rooms indoors. Such doors are conveniently wasolate a bedroom or living room or room in country houses and cottages, where the abundance of free space and large areas of rooms require the corresponding dimensions in the interior.

In the form of a canvas

On the shape of the door canvases are divided into:

  • Classic.Such doors have a familiar rectangular shape. The width in relation to height is less than 2-4 times, it depends on how narrow or wide there will be the doors. They are installed in those rooms where the size of the doorway is designed for a one-board door;
  • Arched.This design is distinguished by the complicated line of the upper edge, which forms the arch. Needed for doorways of a similar form or maintain a certain style in the interior;
  • Swing (stable, saline). It is impossible to call them with full doors, but nevertheless, this original product takes place in some nontrivial interiors. In appearance, they resemble bivalve doors at the entrance to the "cowboy" saloon. As a rule, it is made to order individually and design.

By the design of the web

Depending on whether the canvas is solid or segmented with deaf and combined (open) doors.


The deaf are divided into shield and viper.

Shield- This is the most common option of door structures. As it is clear from the name, these doors have a flat front and back side, without relief, decor and frills. They are distinguished by reliability and high insulating properties due to the characteristics of the structure.

The design consists of the following items:

  • Frame. Assembled from the bars and ribs of stiffness that increase the strength of the product;

  • Filler. They are filled with space between rigidity ribs for better thermal insulation and noise insulation. For this purpose, edged boards, mineral wool, PPU, foam, polystyolistrol, mounting foam are used.
  • Lining.There are embossed and smooth. With the help of reliefs on the door, a drawing is created, smooth differ in color or the presence of wood texture.

Written doors- This is a prefabricated design, the basis of which is a wooden frame with grooves. Decorative embossed elements from MDF, chipboard, extruded paper are inserted into the grooves. You can collect such a "designer" with any pattern and texture that the interior design will correspond.

Door canvases from Pilenok practically do not have drawbacks if the door is made in a conscientious manufacturer.

But the advantages are quite a lot:

  • Aesthetic appearance;
  • Ability to create an original decor. Special designer chic is the panel doors with a patina, that is, with the finishing of figure elements and the door relief by another color or material. One of the luxurious examples is a white door with a gold edge;

  • Little web weight, since inserts weigh less solid wood used in shield structures;
  • Long service life;
  • The ability to replace damaged fragments;
  • Cheaper cost due to the use of budgetary materials.


Combined include the CARGE and "open" doors.

  • Cingle doors Often refer to the varieties of violent, since the principle of their assembly is almost identical. However, the CARD doors have a more concise and elegant design. The "core" doors are filled with special plates - kings, different widths and from different materials. When alternating a tree with other materials, for example, glass, it turns out an interesting and easy-to-design decor.
  • Open doors They are a combination of wooden, plastic or metal base and a glass or a mirror insert, which occupies a significant part of the web. As a rule, the glass is used frosted, opaque. It can have a spraying, sandblasting pattern, relief or at all be stained glass.

For absolute insulation of the room, spyware is used - transparent on one side and mirror on the other.

By way opening

By the way the door opening is divided into:

  • Swing.This is a standard option used in most residential premises and in all administrative. They differ in the number of sash (one or two, while the double doors do not necessarily have the sash of the same width) and on the side of the opening (right-sided on itself, right-sided, left-sided on itself, left-sided from themselves). Swing doors are considered universal and are not suitable only in cases where there is not enough space for opening the door. Similar to swing pendulum doors, but they are distinguished by one feature - they open on themselves, and from themselves.

Externally, this design resembles the door at the subway.

  • Sliding. Divided into several varieties:
  1. Retractable or mounted.The door canvas of this type "walks" on a special mechanism - Monorails on wheels. Rolled back to the left or right side;
  2. Course or suspended.The mechanism works on the principle of the doors of the cabinet and can consist of 2,3,4 or 5 canvases. Such a door will easily replace the inner partitions in the room, separating the space on the zone. Due to the fact that all sash on the rollers, they can be moved by one movement of the hand, and if the rollers are gel, this process will be absolutely silent;

  • Cassette.The optimal option for the premises in which the space costs is in the first place. Cassette doors do not occupy space in general - opens, the door canvas enters the groove in the wall;
  • Telescopic or cascade. These are numerous door leafs in the form of partitions moving on automatic control guides. According to the principle of action, they are similar to the verse, but the design is more complicated and equipped with remote control. Can serve as interior doors and partitions indoors.
  • Radius. These indoor doors-transformers can only be installed in spacious rooms, since their movement is carried out around the circle and requires a lot of free space. The process of manufacturing radius doors of roads and time consuming, so such products refer to elite.

  • Folding. Along with cassette, these doors are designed for small rooms. Their unique design allows you to optimize the space due to the fact that in a folded form, the door practically does not take place. These include harmonica doors and doors-books. They consist of wide lamellae connected by loops, which, when opening, add up to each other, like the fuses of the harmonica, for which the design and received such a name.

The only drawback is that in the assembled form they occupy part of the doorway.

  • Swivel. Doors-Roto is a unique mechanism that allows you to open the door and to the right, and to the left, from the inner and outdoor side. They have the same drawback as the door-harmonica - "eat" the width of the doorway.

By destination

In terms of purpose, the indoor doors are divided into the doors for residential premises, for public and highly specialized.

In a residential house Interior doors can be located on the border of different zones:

  • Living rooms;
  • Corridors;
  • In the bedroom;
  • Cabinets;

  • Kitchen;
  • For bathroom;
  • Mansard or attic.
  • In some cases, when redeveloped, balcony doors become interroom.

Doors in public, administrative and municipal premises Must comply with the status of the institution and isolate foreign noises, the rest depends on the design in the premises and financial condition of the organization.

Specialized doors are:

  • Demarcation;
  • With increased sound insulation;
  • With increased thermal insulation;
  • Fire fighting;

  • Waterproof;
  • Hermetic;
  • Secret;
  • Emergency;
  • False;
  • Protective (shockproof, anti-burglar, antivanal, bulletproof, energy-saving, sealed).

Materials varieties

The purpose and location of the doors affect the choice of materials from which the product is made. So, for the bedroom you need doors with good insulating characteristics so that extraneous noises do not interfere with sleep, the kitchen requires doors with washing coating, and the bathroom doors should be resistant to moisture.

Modern manufacturers use different materials that are worthy of detailed consideration.

  • Tree and its derivatives:
  1. From the array. These are reliable, often deaf structures, characterized by aesthetics of appearance and environmental safety. Such doors can be solid or hollow inside (mazonic). For the manufacture, karelian birchs are used, ash, bars from larch, needles, pines, oak. Less often used maple, hazel and alder;
  2. From plywood. Such a canvas possesses almost the same properties that the door of the array, but it is easier by weight and lower in cost. A small thickness of plywood makes this material convenient for the manufacture of non-standard structures: "accordion", "books" and corrugated doors;
  3. From MDF, Feds, Chipboard and LDSP. This is a budget alternative to the array, but also more advantages. Doors from these materials are worse held heat, without high-quality layers, sounds, less wear-resistant, do not give such wide opportunities in design;
  4. From the lining.
  5. Rack.
  6. Veneered.
  7. Laminated.

  • Metal. Used in cases where an additional protection for valuable things, important securities and documents is needed inside the premises. Steel doors are considered the most reliable. If there is no need to ensure the security of a banking level, sufficiently aluminum or iron construction. And so that such a door does not argue with the interior in the house, you can use models with a PVC coating or a veneer with a veneer of natural wood;
  • Plastic.Ideal for premises that require frequent wet cleaning, such as kitchen, or feature high humidity (bathroom). Also, plastic and fiberglass doors are able to provide high-quality sealing and good noise insulation, but the doors from fiberglass more aesthetically look and easier decorated;

  • Glass. Clean glass, even if it is manufactured using triplex technology (not beating) in the interior almost do not meet. As glass, transparent, glossy or matte, colorless and color is used plexiglas, acrylic and plexiglass, which is essentially a variety of plastic. These materials are much easier, safer, less susceptible to damage and are easier to be cleaned of contamination. They look great in the shower and bathroom, suitable for the kitchen;
  • Combined models.These are doors with an interesting design, which is obtained by a combination of different materials: metal and decorations made of stone, wood and glass, glass and plastic.

Advantages and disadvantages

The presence of interior doors is a need for household conditions. However, it is important to understand that any model in itself and relative to the location in the room has its pros and cons.

From the array


  • Material of natural origin, which not only does not cause allergies and does not distinguish toxins, but in some cases disinfects the room (bamboo, birch, coniferous wood);
  • Exceptionally high-quality products in any type of wood;
  • The tree has retained a pleasant aroma for a long time;
  • Wood products will always relate to noble, expensive and beautifully looking in the interior;

  • High exposures of wear resistance and resistance to mechanical damage;
  • Provide excellent heat insulation and noise insulation;
  • Wide design opportunities: the tree is processed, painting, impregnated by various compositions that affect the structure and color;
  • The ability to produce web constructors with variable details that can be changed with interior shift;

  • Different types of finishes are available;
  • If there is a suitable coating and impregnation, protecting wood from fungus and mold formation, you can install in any room - from the bedroom to the kitchen.

Disadvantages of wooden structures a bit. Among them is a large weight of the door canvase, if it is not hollow, the property of wood to give shrinkage and "expand" from increasing and lowering the level of humidity, high price. Particularly expensive are wood products of valuable breeds.

From plywood


  • Small weight;
  • The method of manufacturing plywood (5-7 glued together with the help of resins of wood plates) allows you to save a tree pattern on the surface;
  • Strength;
  • Moisture resistance:

  • Good insulation qualities;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • The material does not give a shrinkage in the drops of moisture and temperatures, which is very important when changing the seasons.


  • With constant humidity "swelling";
  • Hollow structures are not able to provide maximum comfort and protection.

From MDF.

Faneru and MDF are often confused, but it is important to understand that these are two different material, and fundamental differences between them flow from the method of manufacture. If the plywood is a multi-layer product of wood plates and resins, then MDF is a derivative of fine chips (sawdust) and gluing compositions.

MDF is made compact, simple and lightweight door canvases. Wood fibers are characterized by good adhesion, so the product is characteristic of the constancy of the sizes when the moisture and temperature drops.

The surface of the doors is smooth, smooth and homogeneous, which makes it easy to process.

The main advantage of wood chip doors is their attractive price. Also, light designs make it possible to install them in any type of walls, and the installation can be made independently. Proper finish, for example, veneer, helps to make from the cheapest expensive way to view the door. However, the operational characteristics are largely inferior to wood or plastic.

Doors from the MDF are afraid of water, as they can swallow and start crumble, they are easier to break, a complex decor is not available to them, and gluing compositions are not always environmentally safe.

From dvp.

Close in quality to plywood and MDF products from fiberboard. Unlike other materials made by pressing wood dust and chips with adhesive substances, the Fiberboard is obtained by pressing the sparkling chips, so the wood-fibrous plates are less hydrophobic. But such a technology does not allow them to make them thick, which strongly reduces the operational properties of the doors. They are distinguished by high density and hardness, but due to the small thickness, the spectrum of their use is very narrow.

From chipboard and chipboard

  • In the production of doors, plates of the EMISSIA class E1 (minimum content of formaldehyde resins per 100g weight) are used), which is completely not harmful to the health of adults and children;
  • It is well amenable to different types of processing. You can cut without fears, to strict, milling, drill, glue and paint;
  • Biostustic;
  • Does not breed from moisture and high temperatures;
  • High rates on the heat insulation and sound insulation scale.


  • The edges of the product can crumble when processing and in places screwing off screws or fixing;
  • Low-class emission products are harmful to health, and manufacturers are not always afforded on the product labeling. Such a product is not recommended;
  • From high humidity, chipboard is stratified and crept.

From clap

In this case, it is more likely to finish the door, and not about making it from the clap, but it is exactly the duration of the service life and the appearance of interior doors as an outdoor layer.

The list of virtue of the lining consists of all points that are inherent in the woods from the wood array.

Characteristic features depend on the type of wood: pine is well amenable to various types of treatment, linden retains a beautiful appearance in conditions of constant humidity, larch is the most wear-resistant, oak allows you to paint it into the colors of the trees. In this case, the lining shield is less weight than solid wood.

It has a lining and its shortcomings: in the absence of processing with special compositions, it is susceptible to rotting, the highest grade products have a high cost, the finishing surface requires preliminary preparation (grinding, primer, processing).



  • Reliable in relation to burglary resistance. Even conventional metal doors have a third class of protection against hacking, and reinforced by the battles and platbands and are at all relate to bank protection;
  • When making steel doors, mineral wool is used as a filler. This material has unique characteristics, so doors with such a filler are warm, fireproof, soundproof and non-toxic;

  • Any type of finish is available, whether it is a veneer, lining or stone;
  • Maximum long service life;
  • Anti-vandal, damage resistant, impact-resistant.


  • In many interiors, such a door looks cumbersome;
  • The weight of the door leaf is from 100 to 250 kg;
  • The type of opening can only be swollen;
  • A good steel door will cost a significant amount.

From plastic


  • Functional. The spectrum of their application is the most wide, since they are well tolerated and humidity, and heat, and have a high burglar resistance. Such doors will serve for a long time in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the office and even on the balcony;
  • The base of the doors is lightweight and corrosion-resistant metalplastic or aluminum frame;
  • Beautiful appearance. Plastic doors are available all types of finishes, so do not be afraid that they will look like doors at the entrance to the supermarket. Even typical models are distinguished by an elegant and simple design, and by individual order, the manufacturer will make an interior decoration in the desired style;

  • Easy to wash, no moisture is afraid, so ideal for kitchens, bathrooms and utility rooms;
  • Silent. Many plastic doors have a smart argument mechanism that allows them to close them smoothly, without cotton;
  • Plastic doors there are any complexity and they are available to different opening mechanisms - from sliding to telescopic;
  • Insulated layer is not required. In PVC structures, air chambers are provided, which are responsible for sound insulation and maintaining heat in the room;
  • Hermetic;
  • Durable.


  • Plastic soft in its structure and is easily damaged. It may remain scratches and dents from shocks;
  • The protective decorative coating does not save from the fact that plastic over time "clings" yellowing and becomes unspoic;
  • The deposited dust and dirt is entrusted with the material over the years, and it is not laundering without aggressive chemistry;
  • It is easily flammable and distinguished toxins.

From glass


  • Durable. Modern production technology make it possible to use different types of glass: tempered, acrylic, triplexes. These materials are difficult to smash even intentionally, and the protective film during damage will not give fragments to operate on the parties;
  • The doors of almost all opening mechanisms are made of the glass;
  • This is an original designer solution that not only decorates the room, but also helps to visually increase it;

  • The glass must not be transparent, other options are available: matte, tinted, with a pattern, mirror, color, stained glass windows;
  • Provide excellent noise insulation;
  • Not afraid of water, so suitable for all types of premises;
  • Fireproof;
  • Durable.


  • Are not suitable for premises with a small area;
  • High price;
  • For glass doors, ordinary fittings are not suitable, and specialized at times more expensive;
  • Complex structures have a lot of weight;
  • Installation requires the participation of professionals;
  • Any contamination is visible on the glass surface, so they have to wash them extremely often.

How to choose?

Choose good interior doors - a responsible event. Their installation and dismantling take time and finance, so it is important to make a choice from the first time in favor of high-quality, reliable and easy-to-use products.

And to minimize possible errors, it is worth taking tips and recommendations of professionals in repair and design:

  • The first thing you need to do to everyone who wondered what interior doors is better to put in an apartment or a private house - it is correct rate the functionality of the premises, on the border of which the door is required. In places with high humidity it is necessary to refrain from wooden products, the doors with high-quality accessories should be installed in rooms with high passability, only doors from natural materials or the corresponding GOST can be installed in children's rooms.

  • The second important step is proper work of measurements. It is necessary to make measurements at least two, and ideally for three points in the width and height of the doorway. It is also important to measure and depth (the thickness of the walls) to understand whether they need good and what width.
  • Door canvas must be purchased with a suitable box. The replacement of the box and jambs is very important because it helps to avoid breaks and problems during operation in the future. In this case, the box (frame) should be wider than the thickness of the door.
  • The thickness of the door - An important indicator that characterizes its insulation qualities.

The thicker the door, the greater the likelihood that it will perform its thermo- and sound insulation functions on "excellent."

  • Opening mechanism Plays not the last role. The large space allows you to install any type of doors, but narrow rooms, such as Khrushchev's corridors, require compact solutions - cassette, jewel or folding canvases. Internal steel doors, as well as external, are most effective when the mechanism opens up "on themselves", since they are harder to knock out and in any way to damage.
  • Design features of doors - This is not only a matter of aesthetics. In some cases, non-standard solutions are simply necessary. So, the doors with a ventilation grille are recommended for storeroom and utility rooms so that things do not acquire a shaft smell, and in the houses of the old fund with the height of the ceilings 3-4 meters you need doors with a fraumuga (a fixed part of the design that is extended above the door, visually making it above ) For balancing proportions.

  • It is also important to pay attention to materials from which the door is made, the presence and quality of the filler, the weight of the structure, the type of finishes, insulating properties (whether heat is preserved, the noise blocks).
  • Special attention deserves Furnitura, especially when choosing glass doors. It must be high-quality, correctly installed and, if necessary, easily replaced, since its service life is only 5-10 years, while the door can also serve more than 30.
  • Study of components and technical documentation For compliance with GTA, security and guarantees do not take much time, but will save from many problems in the future.
  • Design doorsmust correspond to the prevailing style in the interior.

How to choose size?

When choosing the size of interroom doors, it is important to make accurate measurements, taking into account possible changes to their installation (laying of tiles, porcelain stoneware, laminate and other flooring, which will raise the floor level by 1 or more centimeters; extension of the doorway).

The standard of the door leaf in height is 200 cm. It corresponds to the doorways in typical buildings, taking into account the installation of the box and platbands. Measurements are made at two points in docks and one in the center. If the house has high ceilings and, as a result of measurements, it turns out that the height of the opening is more than 250 cm, it is necessary to install fraamuga. With a height, more than 210 cm will need to install wide platbands, and in the opening below 203 cm will be problematicly "squeeze" standard doors with a box. It will be necessary to trim the door cloth or do a little drank in the opening.

The width of interior doors depends on the type of room. It can vary within 50-90 cm, while the most narrow doors are installed in separate bathrooms and storage rooms, and the widest - in bedrooms and living rooms.

Classical solutions imply the choice of door leaf by 7-14 cm already opening. That is, with a width of 67-73 cm, the door leaf is from 60 cm, at 87 - 80 and more.

In the width, the doors are divided into one-bed (from 50 to 80 centimeters), one-and-a-half (80-120 cm), double or bivalves (from 120 cm, while the sash may be the same in width or multiple).

The third required parameter is the thickness of the wall. If it is more than 7 centimeters, the door must be equipped with good. DOWERS - these are planks framing the doorway in the event that the wall thickness turned out to be more than the thickness of the box.

Dogs are made from the same material that the box and the canvas.

What is included?

In the accompanying documents for the interroom door must be indicated complete set of products. Some of the elements needed to build may be missing, and they will have to buy themselves.

The equipment depends on the type of doors, features of the design and the opening mechanism.

A set of standard swing single and double-tested doors, deaf or open, includes:

  • Door box;
  • Shield (canvas)
  • Platbands;
  • Fittings: Door hinges and handles, for double doors plus spivenets. Handles are two types - Noby and swivel. Nobies are round, cone-shaped, square, concave double handles, which are 4 types: stationary, swivel with a latch, swivel with the retainer, swivel with the lock. Pressure - narrow, g-shaped handles open by pressing down. Also can be with a latch and lock.

Additional elements for hanging doors:

  • Transom;
  • Thresholds.

Accessories for sliding doors, including doors-compartment, radius, telescopic structures:

  • Door shields (2 or more);
  • Guides (with top or bottom rail);
  • Sliding system (carriages): rollers, stubborn mechanisms, bearings, fastening plates;
  • Metal cassette (necessary to hide the canvas in the wall when the device is assembled);
  • Furnitura.
  • In some cases - antiopogs.

The set of folding doors includes:

  • Door box;
  • Platbands and goodness if necessary;
  • Long side guides;
  • Short guide (top or bottom);

  • From two lamellas (shields, of which the door-harmonica or book);
  • Fasteners (clips, selflessness, gaskets);
  • Roller mechanism:
  • Stoporks (stops).
  • Door handles, latches, loops.

Assembling doors-Roto (swivel) is carried out from the following elements:

  • Door box;
  • Unique swivel-sliding mechanism: guide with groove, swivel joint with roller, upper and lower levers, top plank with carriage, bottom plank;
  • Platbands;
  • Accessories;
  • "Smart" AntiPorn.

Color selection

There are no strict rules for choosing the color of interroom doors. However, they occupy a fairly large area in the interior, and it is difficult to make them imperceptible, so the unsuccessful color can be an excess element in the stylistic composition of the room.

So that this does not happen, experienced designers developed a number of effective recommendations on the collection of color interroom doors:

  • Natural shades palette.For many interiors there is nothing better than naturalness. The color of natural wood, as it is, even if it is just a veneer finish, satisfies the requirements of classical interiors, some ethnic and modern directions, eco-styles approximate to nature. Support the desire of modern interiors to conciseness and functionality with the help of deaf structures of different shades (beige, ivory, nut, graphite, cappuccino), and craving for luxury in historical style will satisfy the aged canvas in the shades of expensive wood (Cherry, Mahagon, Wenge MOCO, TIK) and with a complicated decor (gilded patina, stained glass windows, laser cutting).

  • Warm tones in the warm interior. In order not to miss and not disturb the harmony in the cozy interior from the warm and pleasant eyes of the shades, it is worth stopping the choice of the color of the interior door on the same heat spectrum. It can be red, orange and yellow in different saturation, ocher, foam milk, mustard pear, nut, brown, some green kernels. Good combined with warm color "Golden" fittings.
  • Here you can note pastel tones (peach, powder, pistachio and others). At the same color temperature that in red or yellow, they have less saturation, but also harmoniously embedded in the overall interior composition.
  • Cold tones for cold interiors.Such shades are peculiar to the Gothic, Romanesque, Scandinavian interiors and relevant in our days minimalism, loft, techno. It work perfectly blue, gray, cold white, dark colors, elements from plexiglas, acrylic, plexiglas, chrome and mirror surfaces, silver fittings.

  • The use of contrasting shades.White is perfectly visible on black, and black shades white. This rule can be used, choosing dark doors for light floor (cherry tree and light gray porcelain stoneware, black tick and white laminate), and on the contrary (dark walnut parquet and white doors).
  • Universal color.Operating the base palette, it is important to correctly position the color stains in the room, but due to the successful combination of these colors, the task is greatly simplified. The database includes: white, gray, light lemon, terracotta, cream, sand, beige, coffee with milk, pearl, clean wood, lilac, light pink, mint, soft blue, marsh green.

  • Doors under the color of the plinths.A common European method is the selection of the same material in color. Also has a return reception - the use of contrasting colors.
  • Under the color of the walls. This technique works perfectly in rooms where the wall color is the same. Doors become less catchy, and the general view of the room is more harmonious.
  • Under the color of the coating on the floor. Outdoor coating takes a significant part of the room, and pick up the color spot on the wall is not so difficult on the wall. Especially interesting is the combination of identical colors, but different textures.

  • Under the furniture.The furniture group can also become a color plot of support, the main thing is to correctly determine the predominant shade if the furniture is not monophonic or assembled from different items in one style.
  • Under window frames. This is the most elementary, but effective method. The only condition - the window frames should be visible through the curtains.

Otherwise, the door of the doors will have to pick up under the blinds or curtains, and the window decor will be problematic.

Famous manufacturers and customer reviews

Many believe that the Italian doors of the a priori qualitatively Chinese "Shirpotreb" or domestic products without knowing that accessories for these doors are made in Chinese factories from the Russian steel, and the tree purchased in Russian forestry.

There is no unambiguous leader in the list of manufacturers, but there are producer countries whose products are tested by time and is considered high-quality and reliable:

  • Germany.For many, the name of this country is a symbol of reliability, durability and excellent quality, and German concerns Hörmann and ComTür confirm this truism. In the product line of these production giants, you can find the doors for every taste, but it will be hidden.
  • Japan.This country, in addition to the impeccable properties of products, also characterizes the refinement, originality and concise elegance. Japanese collections are rich in unobtrusive decor, sliding mechanisms, products for small-sized premises. If the apartment needs a sliding module or minimalistic design lacking doors in the style of Sedze - it is definitely worth looking for among Japanese manufacturers, which are still a bit on the Russian market.

  • Spain. This country is the flagship in many industries. Spanish interior doors are made in different styles, from the classics to modern execution, and 100% justify the expectations, whether it is a steel monolith on the protection of valuable things in the house or lightweight doors for the bedroom. Products Luvipol Factory and Fineza Puerta are especially loved.
  • Russia. Apartment interior doors of domestic production are not inferior to European. Often, with similar quality, this is also budget options, since the raw materials for the manufacture of materials are not exported from other countries and costs the manufacturer cheaper. Among the large number of finished products there are also the options for the category "cheap and angry", and products of the average price category, and elite premium doors. It is worth paying attention to the company "Volkhovetz", "Art Deco", "Sophia", "Matadan", and recently expanding the production plant "Gardian".

Ideas and Novelties Design

Modern designers offer new in the following categories.


The design of the room in a concrete style is a great solution to revive the interior. As a dominant direction, you can choose historical style, ethnic or modern.

In historical style Interesting avant-garde with his tendency on bright contrasts. It welcomes extraordinary combinations and bold paints. Wooden, and plastic, and glass doors of different colors and structures are suitable for this purpose.

Also worth paying attention to the thorough and restraintful-beautiful Victorian style, extravagant modern, democratic eclectics, dynamic expressionism, which gives full freedom for creativity, comfortable and functional constructivism, which is most suitable for Khrushchev and small apartments, the wealth of Art Deco, in which the door can Become a highlight of the whole composition.

Ethnic styleshelp create in the room unique flavor. Here, as the way, it is impossible to experiment with the design of the doors. English, Russian, French Provence and Scandinavian styles are a suitable environment for traditional tree-cutting doors with different types of finishes. The veneer and decoupage, and fraumuga in different shades of precious metals will be appropriate.

Asian styles Ensure light sliding and folding structures, in East and Egyptian to the place there will be a door-shirma or fabulous curtains instead of a deaf canvas.

African, Mediterranean and Moroccan Located to concise coarse structures from natural materials.

Modern styles- Razo for creativity and experiments.

Grunge- This is a copied classic, but with cheaper and more modern materials, the culture of the availability of materials is dominated in Contemporary, so the synonym for the style can be considered "simply and tasteful".

Loft- This is the kingdom of industrialism, space and contrasts, such as a combination of glass doors with brick masonry or concrete.

In minimalism, cream tones predominate, simple textures and a mandatory bright accent expressing individuality. It is such an emphasis that can be a bright door.

Kitch and pop art - This is a contrast and symbolism - the door can be made of red plastic or depicting the idol of past years.

Techno and High Tech- It is the dominance of the latest materials, glass and metal structures, chrome-plated surfaces, smooth and clear lines. Acrylic door with chrome handles - accurate getting into the target.

The form

Classic swing doors increasingly replace beautiful and non-standard designs: arched doors, semicircular framugs, folding structures, saline doors.

Material and texture

New interior doors practically do not do without glasses. Decor, chipples, various inserts are made of it. Fully acrylic or plexiglass canvas are very popular.

Transparent glass doors are perfectly suitable for the living room, and in more intimate rooms you can install matte.


Experiments with door backlight, molding, unusual accessories (enamel and chrome handles, brass products, imitation bronze, gold and silver), laser cutting, airbrushing, stained glass elements.

Modern options in the interior

Introduce market novelties of interroom doors in the interior is easy. At the same time, the statement that in all premises in the apartment should be the same doors, already outdated. Today you can use laconic budget doors to the storage room and stylish design solutions in the bedroom.

For the working office perfectly suitable steel doors of the class premium and suite with a finish from a natural veneer. In the children's room, it is reasonable to establish interesting in color and texture, but resistant to damage to the canvas. Creative and fashionable tailoring doors from plexiglas will help to transform the kitchen.

Elegant doors with a trim are available at non-standard sizes of premises and doorways. For a private house, doors are relevant to order according to individual sizes from different materials and with variable opening mechanisms, from swinging to telescopic.

And in a compact Khrushchev, it is convenient to install cassette doors to all rooms, including a wardrobe niche in the wall.

What material is it better to choose interior doors? The answer to this question is waiting for you in this video.

To date, any market or furniture store is filled with a large number of diverse doors, distinguished sizes and design. Despite the large number of models presented, many buyers find it difficult to make a choice immediately. To do this, they should consider many parameters, starts from the size of the room and ending with the color of wallpaper and ceiling.

Rating Top 10 Interior Doors! What better to choose for apartments, reviews, manufacturers and characteristics you can learn from our article that will help you make and facilitate the choice of doors for home or apartment.

The best manufacturers of interroom doors in all price segments!

Given the enormous diversity of firms producing doors, we chose the most popular and often purchased. Manufacturers guarantee their customers high quality assembly, easy installation and long service life. All of them have similar features - production from high-quality materials and reliable mounting to the doorway.

The most popular manufacturers of interroom doors in some price segments:

  1. VIP. Art Deco appeared not so long ago, but was already able to gain great popularity among his contemporaries. Products of this company are widely distributed throughout Russia and are used without any claims to the manufacturer.
  2. Budget. At first, the owner of the company Sofia was not going to become a large supplier of furniture. He wanted to make a trial version and distribute products in narrow circles. To date, he became famous and frequently purchased brand in Russia. Buyers celebrate high quality assembly, thanks to which the doors do not require much care and withstand even the most inaccier use.
  3. Middle. The trading mark called "Ocean" produces a large number of goods not only in the territory of its country, but also abroad. Every year, hundreds of various forms and designs of doors and other designs are invented. It is manufactured from a special polymer composition without substances harmful to its user.
  4. Expensive. Matadoor is the most popular company producing the door from the massif and MDF. The main difference from its competitors is the original design, significantly different among the entire presented variety. Based on the set of all these factors, it can be argued by the model from the company Matador perfectly complement the interior of any type.

Rating of the top 10 interroom doors

After analyzing a large amount of information on the Internet on the topic submitted, we took into account all the pros and cons, customer reviews and specialists, and, based on the entire totality of these factors, were the rating of doors. With it, you can decide which interior doors it is better to choose for an apartment, and which is better to save to install in a private house.

  • ONYX.
  • TriaDoors.
  • El'Porta.
  • Status.
  • Bravo.

We offer to go to a more complete description of each candidate from the list presented.

Opens the rating of the modern model from the popular manufacturer from Belarus. It differs from its competitors to the classic and strict design that you like all customers the ability to adapt and complement any interior. Supported not only in Russia, but also in other 16 countries. All products are laminated, preventing the appearance of scratches and other small shortcomings. Buyers leave exceptionally positive reviews on this model: the fastening is lightweight, the material is high-quality and non-primary.

The approximate cost is 5 500 rubles.

  • does not require special care, due to laminated coating;
  • enough for many years due to stable materials based on the design;
  • do not allow the transition of sound to another room, thus forming a high quality noise insulation.
  • there are a large number of fakes from low-quality materials.

Most of all I was pleased with the robust design. My children are often played and find funny to clap the door a hundred times, to hang on it and ride. Worried that this model would not stand and break, but to my great fortunely, it is strong, reliable and retains its trade look for a long time after the purchase.

Repair always creates a problem of choice: Bloom the wallpaper or paint the walls, lay a laminate or linoleum, what interior doors are better to choose for an apartment? Find answers to these tricky questions are sometimes difficult. High-quality repair and beautiful interior - the dream of any person. But all the changes that are planned in the apartment should fit into the family budget. Carrying out the choice of doors, construction or finishing materials, furniture and other inalienable attributes of cozy and comfortable housing, it is necessary to understand very well in the intricacies of the material with which it is necessary to deal with.

The interroom door is one of the most important components of the design of any room. Even in a small studio can not do without it. A single residential space, often combined with the kitchen, still assumes the door to the bathroom and the hall. Spacious apartments, where each family member has its own personal cozy corner, have several interior doors that are not only separating residential premises, but are an integral part of the interior.

Doors - a mandatory attribute of any housing that can create a unique style at home or destroy it. So that this does not happen, you need to carefully consider the design of the residential premises and choose doorsthat will correspond to the unified design concept of the apartment.

Materials for the production of interroom doors

How to choose an interroom door? The main criterion should be the answer to the question, the door from what material is better for one or another room. Studying various options, you need to get acquainted with product quality certificates, as some substances that make up materials, varnishes or paints can be toxic and pose a danger to health.

The material from which the doors of interroom and their components are made, not only on the outdoor type of product. It will depend such important qualities as durability and soundproof. Basic materials for the production of interroom doors presented in the Russian market:

array of wood;

There are aluminum and glass samples, but they are less popular. They are rarely installed in the apartments. The price of the product depends on the material. Quality interior doors can not cost cheaply. Even with a modest budget, you can choose an opportunity optional option that will correspond to the interior of the room and serve for a long time.

Doors from the massif

The choice of interior doors from natural wood is considered the best, since this material is considered the most durable and durable. However, not any wood is suitable for the apartment. How to choose a high-quality interroom door to the apartment? It is necessary to take into account the properties of wood. Coniferous products are spoiled under moisture influence. Such doors quickly deform.

The most valuable breeds recognized beech, mahogany, oak, maple. From this wood produce the best interroom doors, which are distinguished by special strength, durability, soundproofability. The main minus of such doors is a high price that is not all for the pocket.

Inexpensive, good quality and appearance substitutes for samples from an array - these are fillety doors. They are also made from natural wood, but lower quality. The canvas in this case is not solid, but consisting of glued pieces. Such interior space separators have a beautiful appearance, but have lower operational performance. They are subject to deformation, can be burned from temperature drops and high humidity.

Doors made of natural wood should be made in compliance with the special production technology. This is especially for drying. If the selected product was made of poorly dried wood, it can quickly lose the shape. Therefore, buy interroom doors, taking into account the rating of manufacturers, better in stores with a good reputation.

Doors from MDF and chipboard

Popular on the market there are interroom doors from MDF and chipboard. They are in medium and low price categories and are available to everyone at cost. So what interroom door is better to choose for an apartment?

  • MDF consists of groundwater waste industry. Owls are hampered by steam and glued together with the help of paraffin and lignin, forming an absolutely smooth plate with a perfectly smooth surface.
  • MDF serves to make the door leaf and all components: boxes, platbands, thresholds. This material is cheaper than the array, but it retains some of the operational and qualitative characteristics of the natural tree:
  • MDF safe for health;
  • material moisture resistant;
  • MDF is well amenable to mechanical processing, long retains the form;
  • the door from the MDF has a beautiful appearance, can be finished with laminate or veneer.

Wood-chip slabs are widely used in construction, finishing the premises, the manufacture of interior partitions and doors. As a product of the processing of waste woodworking and forest industry, chipboard remains the cheapest material that is presented in the market. The main difference from the MDF is that the chipboard includes resins containing formaldehyde. How to choose the right interior doors from this material? We need to pay special attention to the marking:

E1 - the product contains a small amount of formaldehyde and can be used in residential premises.

E2 - Material with a high content of harmful substance, it is not suitable for the decoration of rooms intended for accommodation.

Another minus interior doors from the chipboard is that they have low moisture resistance. This canvas is not suitable for the bathroom and kitchen. Low price is the main advantage of the material that determines its high popularity among buyers.

Glass and aluminum doors in the apartment

Fans of unusual solutions are increasingly preferred by unconventional materials - glass and aluminum polished. Glass and used to be used in the production of interroom doors in the quality of the decor element. Today there are high-strength types of this material that allow you to make unique door canvases that differ not only in durability, but also extraordinary beauty.

Glass interior doors in the apartment are not afraid of moisture, they are easy to wash, they are refractory and perfectly pass the sunlight. Such products are recommended to choose for a bathroom or kitchen, as well as for apartments with windows, leaving the poorly lit side of the street, or small residential premises.

What do the doors are better to put in the apartments decorated in Loft or High Tech style? In this style perfectly look in duralumin interior structures. They are made of aluminum, differ in good performance, can be used in any rooms. Dulely doors give the modern style of any room, but at the same time often deprive her home comfort.

Comparing various materials, it is difficult to unambiguously answer the question, what doors it is better to choose. Each person makes the choice of interroom doors, based on its priorities and material opportunities. For some, the most important safety and environmental friendliness. Another first place will decide to put the appearance of the product and its ability to emphasize the interior of the apartment. The third, having a modest budget, prefers to buy inexpensive and practical interior doors that will serve not 1 year old. And someone is confident that only the best manufacturers of interior doors can satisfy its demanding tastes, and trusts only well-known brands. The modern market is able to meet the needs of any buyer, providing him with the right to independently make a decision.

Types of doors by way opening

Single double "book"
"Harmonica" "coupe" rotary

Before traveling to the store you need to carefully measure the interior space, where the new door will be installed. In typical apartments, the doorway, as a rule, has standard sizes, focusing on which we choose suitable interroom doors.

It is more difficult to find a suitable design if there was a place what-Lo redevelopment in the apartment, or the house was built on an individual project. In such cases, it is better to apply to the workshop where the door will be made in size necessary for a particular room.

The question is very important how to choose interior doors on the type of opening. A classic model of the overwhelming majority of modern apartments is the presence of swing versions consisting of a single web or 2 sash. Such products are divided into left and right.

For small rooms, there are more folding or door coupe. For such a door design, the selection of models is represented by two options:

Book. The door consists of 2 halves, which are folded as a book.

Harmonic. The product has several sash. Opening, they resemble fur harmonica.

Sliding doors significantly save space, as they are moving towards a special guide along the wall. Such kinds of doors can consist of 1 or 2 sash. They are performed from various materials and give the room a modern and unusual appearance. By installing such a door can be confident in its safety. The risk of getting an injury in case of a sharp discovery is reduced to zero.

Interior doors The choice is always carried out with regard to the specific interior. If the swing doors are a classic suitable for any room, then folding and door coupe can only be combined with a specific apartment design.

Door color and its meaning in the interior

The appearance of the apartment directly depends on the color of the interior doors, how to choose a harmonious combination with a common design concept. Beige shade is considered universal. Light tones are perfectly combined with almost all wallpaper options, almost any furniture headset and visually increase the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

Pastel color gamut gives the apartment comfort. It is suitable for small rooms with weak illumination. White doors - an unchanged element of a classic style. Good furniture, expensive carpets, crystal chandeliers with plenty of small parts, picturesque canvas in carved frames on the walls - all these attributes of luxurious life are perfectly complemented by an intercommercial double white door.

For interior door How to choose the right color? It should be remembered that all components must be the same shade. If the box and platbands are lighter or darker, it may indicate a production marriage.

It is worth abandoning the purchase, if the color of the door is inhomogeneous, and the lacquer on the surface of the canvas cloths or too dark in certain places. Such signs suggest that the material from which the interroom door is made, low quality and not well processed. Under the thick layer of varnish, the manufacturer is most likely trying to hide obvious defects.

The ideal option is when the doors of the same color are installed in the apartment. They are becoming certain supporting points of the general design plan and advantageously emphasize the unique style of residential premises. But in any rule there are exceptions, and if you are not sure how to choose an interroom door, the advice of an experienced designer will help you.

It does not matter whether the construction and finishing of a new residential private house is carried out, or the overhaul of the KV Artira is planted - the question of the right choice and the installation of interroom doors will definitely rise with all the sharpness. It will be completely meaningless to invest a lot of money in the design of interiors, if the door "breaks" the picture with a designer's planned by the designer.

Exit - bring these interior details in full compliance with the intended style of interior decoration. You can, of course, try to put them in order and try to give them the required appearance, but this task is not at all of the simple, but sometimes it is just impossible. Therefore, more often resort to their complete replacement, the benefit of the choice of such products is just huge. So, interior doors how to choose how to choose how not to get confused in the variety of models, without acquiring an obvious marriage, but not overpaying for completely unnecessary qualities?

We begin to deal with the row, because the criteria is like a choice - a lot.

Dimensions of doors

First of all, it is necessary to determine the necessary dimensions of the doors. It is clear that this parameter will be directly tied with existing doorways.

In accordance with the gta stations that have been operating to the recent past, the standard door height in 2000 mm was adopted in the domestic service construction. In principle, most of the doors produced at the present time fully meets this standard.

In the West, these values \u200b\u200bwere and remain somewhat different - 2100 mm. When drawing up projects of houses Nowadays, architects using European software often laid the height of just such as being taken there. Therefore, this parameter tr egs mandatory verification.

(In European standards, it is often possible to meet a millimeter, but a modular calculus, for example, the height of M21. Nothing terrible - one "module" is 100 mm, and it will not be possible to translate any difficulty).

So, the table shows the standard dimensions of interior doors, taking into account the dimensions of the doorway itself and the openings necessary for it.

Standard door leaf sizeDoorway compliant
by widthin heightby widthin height
550 2000 from 630 to 6502060 ÷ 2090.
600 from 680 to 700
700 from 780 to 800
800 from 880 to 900
900 from 980 to 1000
1200 (two sash: 600 + 600)from 1280 to 1300
1400 (Two Sashes: 600 + 800)from 1480 to 1500
1500 (two sash: 600 + 900)from 1580 to 1600

If the dimensions of the doorways advise these values, it can be considered great luck - the acquisition of a standard door is always much cheaper than the manufacture of it under the order. Doorway, of course, you can try to fit under standardized size, but it is not always possible.

If you look at the scheme, then three different width parameters are visible. Two of them relate exclusively to the design of the door - this is the magnitude of the "pure pass" (in fact - the door canvase) and the width of the door block (along with the box). And for the door easily stood in the wall, its width should be 10 ÷ 15 mm more with each of the sides (the same applies to the size of height).

But here it is appropriate to make a very important remark. A common mistake of many inexperienced apartment owners or houses is improper measurement. The trouble is that the buildings of the old buildings are not always distinguished by the correctness of geometric forms, and their elements are vertically calibrated and horizontally. Therefore, wall openings under D VERI can not take at all rectangular forms, and when trying to establish a qualitatively manufactured door block in them, it will fail.

Promes should be carried out in several places - along the edges and in the center of the opening, so that these indicators can be compared. But even this is not the most important thing. To the door well "worked" it should be strictly focused horizontally and vertical in all planes. It means that measurements must be carried out not just between opposite points of the goof, but exclusively on vertical and horizontal lines, shot down with the help of a level and a plumb. Quite common The picture when the actual dimensions of the opening where the door can be installed, it turns out to be significantly less seemingly at first glance.

Which exit? Or expand the wall of the opening in order to give it to the parties a vertical location, or order the door block slightly smaller.

To finish the topic with linear dimensions of interroom doors, it is worth mentioning another important point. If the opening in the wall exceeds 1000 mm, and the door is planned with a swing type, you will have to pick up from ready-made or order a double-minded model. Applying the flaps with the width of the web of more than 900 mm - it is impossible, as this is a huge load on the door frame, loop, and the door will start to sign very soon, it will stop normally closed, etc.

If you look at the table already mentioned, it can be seen that there are several standard types of double doors, with symmetrical or asymmetric sash. Very often, one of the sash holds most of the time constantly closed, and it opens only as necessary (transfer of overall cargo, rearrangement of furniture, etc.)

Video: Proper measurement and installation of interroom doors

Design of doors

The next parameter of the selection of interroom doors is their principled design. All of their diversity can be divided into three main groups:

- swing doors - sash moving around the circumference around the axis (loops);

- sliding doors - the sash moves parallel to the wall on the guides;

- Folding doors - the door canvas folds, freeing the passage.

Swing doors

This is perhaps the most common Type of doors - it. Perhaps due to certain conservatism, it is used even where it would be much more convenient to use other schemes. The principle of growth - the canvas is suspended in the door frame, virtue by means of moving loops that become the axis of rotation of the door.

Ordinary swing doors - "deaf" and glazed

With the simplicity of the design, comparative lightness and operation of the technology of their installation, good characteristics in terms of sealing closed opening, heat and noise insulation, such doors have one significant drawback - they always require a certain free space for the course of the opening canvas. In close conditions, for example, in narrow corridors, this can deliver a lot of inconvenience.

By themselves, swing doors are also divided into several types:

  • Ordinary, with a web or two canvases opening only one way. It is a "classic" type of door that meets everywhere. Depending on the direction of opening, such doors differ on the right and left - this should be considered when you choose and when buying the necessary fittings.

It is easy to submit this: if the door opens forward, from a person to the right side, then it will be right. Accordingly, on the contrary. Usually on the packages or even on the elements of the fittings themselves, it is indicated for which door they are intended ("P" and "L", or "R" and "L").

  • Pendulum or swinging. The loop of such doors allow you to carry out the opening of the doors in any direction - on yourself or from ourselves. In most cases, the sash are equipped with special mechanisms (open or hidden closers), providing independent closure of doors to its original position.

Such doors in the conditions of apartments or private residential buildings are infrequent - they are not too comfortable in the sense that they do not provide a reliable seal in a closed state, that is, they will not be a good protection from drafts, smells, noise. Their ordinary scope of application is public institutions, shops, stations, and most people are familiar at the metro station. Nevertheless, lovers of such doors are still located - they are sometimes ordered for interiors performed in Loft or High-tech styles.

  • "Storey" doors. As can be seen from the name, such doors used to be used in pens for pets. .
"Storey" door - sometimes it is very comfortable!

Their characteristic structure - the door canvas is divided into two independent half, each of which has its own loops and locks of the locks. Such doors look like enough "vintage", but such a design is not only a tribute to fashion, but may have a purely practical application. For example, it is possible to limit the output of their room by a young child when carrying out a hostess of any homework, but at the same time leave the opportunity for complete visual and speech contact with the baby. Another example is to conduct air ventilation without fears that the home dog will begin unwanted "travels" to those places where she is not supposed.

Sliding doors

They are often yet They are called in a direct analogy with the design of doors in railway wagons. The canvas either move along the walls along the guides, or even completely hidden in the wall structure (in false-wall).

Of course, the door canvas, fully hiding in the wall, looks very aesthetically, but the installation of such a door will not always - usually it is envisaged at the stage of general construction or finishing works. More often they are installed on external guides, which can be located only on top, only from the bottom or in both places at the same time.

The doors hung on the top guides look very cool, easily moved, but due to the fact that the bottom is not fixed, can be somewhat swinging during drafts. Doors with only lower guides in the operation of worse - they are very dependent on the purity of rails, according to which rollers move. The optimal choice - doors with double-sided guides - and the load is evenly distributed, and the canvas is stable.

Detailed doors require perfectly special fittings, from guide rollers, rails, stops and to the system of specific locks and latches. An independent installation of such structures is quite complex, and not all under power - it is better to entrust this operation to those skilled in the art.

There can also be single and double, with canvas that will meet meet each other.

The main advantage of such a scheme is a significant savings of space, which is particularly important in close premises. Very often, sliding doors are installed in bathrooms and bathrooms emerging in a narrow corridor.

The disadvantage is the vulnerability of the mechanism from the ingress of dirt and foreign objects, as well as not as swing, dense adjacent of the canvas to the door jam.

Folding doors

This is the original design., allowing, for example, overlap the doorways of non-standard width. The canvas of the door is divided into several vertical fragments that are hinged with each other. Each of them has upper and lower support rollers with bearings, providing easy movement by rails-guide.

The number of sections may be different. The minimum sash can be twice as much as the books like the book.

Door-"Book" - just one addition

In other embodiments, the width of such sections can be much less, about 100 - 150 mm, and, accordingly, their total number increases. When opening the door, these segments are assembled into a kind of harmonic to the edge of the opening (in some cases - even hiding in false-wall).

And such a door is going to the whole "harmonic"

Such doors look very original and well saved the useful space of the apartment. In addition, sometimes they allow you to arrange a doorway curvilinear configuration, for example, on an arc. But on this, their positive properties, perhaps, ends, and disadvantages - much more. The main ones are extreme low "closing quality", that is, a weak clamp of the canvas to the door jamb, which is not preventing the free passing of odors, noise, drafts, etc. And the second important minus is an abundance of hinge compounds and guide rollers makes such a design very vulnerable to mechanical breakdowns, a crossbar, and so on. Probably, it makes sense to weigh well, is it worth it for the original appearance to pay for such doors a lot of money without much guarantees of their durability?

Video: Types of interroom doors

Prices for interior doors

Interior doors

Material manufacturer of interroom doors

Next important selection criterion that It is directly reflected on the operational characteristics of the doors, and at their cost - this is the material of the fabrication of the canvas.

First of all, it should be noted that the door canvas itself can be solid - "deaf", the pilient design or have glass or other inserts.

According to the manufacturing material of the main, carrier part of the canvas, the doors are distinguished on toural wood, made of MDF, mazonite - having a special cellular structure, plastic, aluminum and even fully glass.

  • About wooden doors, in principle, everything is clear - this is the highest quality and expensive product, for the production of which is used or a one-piece array, or a cross, so-called sheet wood, the layers of which are mixed so that the fibers are arranged in multidirectional.

For wooden natural doors, wood of valuable and durable breeds can be used - excellent results gives oak, beech, ash. But often, in order to save the hosts of housing, products from ordinary wheels are purchased, reeling with natural veneer under the "elite tree". Alas, such canvases, although they will be favorable from the point of view of the environmental friendliness of wood, are not distinguished by strength - they are easily scratching, they are growing rapidly, they can deform from insufficiency or excess moisture.

  • Interior doors from MDF are an excellent alternative to high-grade wood according to valuable, and there is little more inferior in quality.
One of the most running materials for the manufacture of doors - MDF

One of the main advantages of such a material is easily processed, dried, milling, it can be given very complex geometric and embossed forms, which are stored unchanged for a very long time. It is this quality material that predetermines that truly a truly huge range of PR elacted by buyers of patterns and reliefs.

MDF doors can be decorated with natural veneer and will become almost indistinguishable from real wooden.

  • The most inexpensive, quite attractive externally - mazonite doors (the name is associated with the name of the Canadian company - a pioneer in the field of such developments).

The main feature of such cloths is the hollow cell structure. The outer surface is formed by subtle MDF or DVP-sheet. The door rigidity gives an external frame - usually from a pine array. The whole cavity of the door is filled with cardboard cellular "accordion", or jumpers from thin pine bars are installed. In some species, cellular partitions are used from Feds. The reinforced part is done only in the places of fastening the loops and the inserts of the castle. In principle, special rigidity and not needed, since the door itself weighs very little.

Such doors attract a low price, environmental friendliness, ease, a large variety of finishes, practically non-inferior doors from MDF. But with sound insulation qualities here everything is much worse. And one more minus - such doors require a very careful relationship, as they are easy to damage. If suddenly in the hearts, in the attack of irritation, move it by foot - almost guaranteed will be a surface break.

  • Plastic doors are, most often, PVC-windows. They are made of the same polymer, quite environmentally friendly, harmless to humans, durable and not fearing moisture and temperature drops.

Such doors distinguishes quite acceptable price, high performance. Very often, such canvases are used for the manufacture of "accordions" or sliding structures, as they hold the form very well and are not subject to strain.

The use of modern finishing films make it easy to decorate such plastic doors "under the tree". The only thing that, probably, makes these products not so popular in residential construction, shifting them to use more towards public buildings or offices - some existing prejudice against plastic, although high-quality PVC is not more harmful than MDF or DVP.

  • Metal, and more precisely - aluminum interior doors. Anodized polished aluminum profiles are used as the material, which, due to its complex configuration, perfectly hold the predetermined form of the door design and is well opposed by deformation loads.

Aluminum is sometimes subjected to color, but still more often in the interior design uses its natural light matte metal glitter, so well-coming to a high-tech or loft style. Most often, such doors are found in office or public buildings, but there are lovers of such an interior and among apartment owners.

Rarely, when aluminum doors are made completely "deaf" - most often they have fairly large glass rates.

  • Glass doors. Glass is generally very widely used in the manufacture of interroom doors as inserts. However, you can meet the models performed entirely of glass. They look very original, and the number of supporters of such doors is constantly increasing.
Glass doors look very original ...

It is clear that this uses not ordinary silicate glass, but more perfect species that ensure the safety of operation.

- Calenne glass having increased impact resistance. It can be completely transparent, with an embossed or shedding pattern. Even if such a glass is critical load, it will disarm not on sharp fragments, but crushes into small fragments of the practically proper faceted form, unable to apply deep cuts.

- Another type of glass that is used for the manufacture of doors - Matilux. Such material combines two qualities - it is opaque, with one degree or another degree of mattness, but perfectly misses the light, which gives the premises a special visual spaciousness.

- Finally, triplex is a multi-layered structure in which the glass layers are mixed with polymer films. These are the highest performance Strength, and break this construction is quite difficult even if desired.

... But if they can bring warmth and comfort to the interior - the question is very controversial

Glass doors are definitely products on a big amateur. They stand very much, but they differ in durability, simplicity of care for them, are not afraid of dampness and temperature drops. But for those people who love warm home comfort and privacy - such doors do not fit. They, rather, for those who love constant communication and leads a very active lifestyle.

External design of door canvases

In this question, various options are also possible, from inexpensive to elite.

  • Quality wood valuable breed does not need additional decoration.

Its beautiful factory can be simply covered with resistant transparent varnish. Sometimes, for greater contrast, the tree is impregnated with special compositions (verses), and must be treated with antiseptic solutions to prevent rotting, the appearance of fungus or insect nests.

  • Well-structured wood can be painted by special compositions - it is thus attached to the necessary toning, but the characteristic factory does not hide, but only focusing.
  • The following method of external finishing of doors and boxes - Shoning.

- Natural veneer from the wood of valuable breeds can be used as a material - thin, thickness up to 1 mm slice, which is stored a wing pattern of a tree. Such a thin coating is applied to a wooden, MDF or DVP of the oops on the technology of hot pressing using special joinery glue, and the door becomes almost indistinguishable from genuine.

Disadvantages - a fairly high price of such models. In addition, natural veneer does not possess no plasticity, and ech.oh can not be pasted on the door with a complex embossed surface

- Not so long ago, the "Fine-Line" veneer technology was included. This coating is obtained from hard-growing trees, it is significantly cheaper than high-quality veneer, although in appearance close enough to it - it is possible to imitate almost any breed of wood. It is often known to "reconstructed veneer."

Veneer "Fine-Line" - quality is clearly worse

Although The material seemingly natural, however, it is still "Erzatz", not distinguished by durability, resistance, in particular, to ultraviolet radiation. Such a coating even under the layer of varnish quite quickly and loses fresh look.

  • MDF, Majonite, Wooden (made from inexpensive war breeds), plastic and even aluminum doors are often subjected to lamination. This process means applying to the entire surface of a durable film layer, transparent or with a pattern that performs both decorative and purely protective functions.

Cover-based coatings are used as a laminate, whether bo More committed, which is called a two-mined laminatin or still artificial veneer.

- The thickness of the laminated coating on a paper basis is rare, when exceeds 200 microns. This type of surface treatment is inexpensive, has a good heat resistance, and externally transfers the color, and the texture of natural material - wood or even mineral, stone structure. However, such a coating is usually short-lived, it is quickly engaged even with not too pronounced abrasive load. So it will very often have the need to update the door surface.

- more modern, wear-resistant, resistant to ultraviolet exposure, hygienic in terms of ease of care, is the coating of their laminatin. It has a polymer base, and its thickness reaches from 0.4 to 0.8 mm.

Door canvases covered with such laminate are less susceptible to cracking, scratching, there are no surface chips on random accented shocks. They recently retain their primordial look. The only minus of such a coating is much more expensive than ordinary lamination on a paper basis, but believe me - it is worth it.

A few more tips for choosing interroom doors

What else, in addition to the already said, must be considered when choosing interior doors?

  • First of all, any doors are not only a door leaf. Almost always they are implemented by sets in which the box includes, platbands on both sides and. if necessary so called "DOWERS".

Probably, it is worthwhile to return to the topic of sizes, in which another indicator was not stipulated - the thickness of the wall opening. In order for the door carefully fit into it, L-shaped platbands are used, which are easily mounted with a box without applying any additional fasteners. However, if the wall at the installation site is overly thick, then the width of the platbands may not be enough. So, the seller in the store should help choose the buyer an additional insert - a good appropriate width and perfectly suitable for external decoration.

  • There is a "golden rule": the door leaf and the box must be made of the same type of material!
  • If the repair is expanded by large-scale, in the entire apartment, then before ordering the doors you need to decide which budget is allocated for them. The fact is that if there is a desire to achieve harmony in the overall stylist of interior design, you will have to buy several sets at once. Agree that obviously heterogeneous doors will look in a small apartment simply ridiculous. But to buy the same after a certain time may be problematic. - It is better to carry out a similar purchase.
  • K not fit as to the acquisition of furniture. With a certain external similarity of these interior items, the load on dozens falls on the door, and even hundreds of times more intense than on the cabinets. No matter how important appearance is, the main emphasis is still done on the quality of the assembly and the strength characteristics.
  • It is always necessary to go to the salon with a tape measure so that you can independently control the size and geometric correctness of the box and the door canvase. Must be made for the diagonally - the difference should not exceed 1 mm. If it is more, then from the acquisition of rhinestone it is necessary to refuse - the door or the box are uneven, peashed, and therefore they were made by some kinds of low qualifications.
  • It is necessarily checked by the reliability and quality of fastening glass inserts - they should not rattling, vibrate, otherwise they will not last long. It is worth clarifying the sellers and in technical documentation, which specifically glass is installed on the cloth, which seals are applied. Best reviews deserve high-quality Belgian and Italian glasses.
  • Be sure to literally "try" all the seams on the connections of the parts of the canvas or the box - they must be even, beautiful, stable, without any signs of discrepancies.
  • Typically, appropriate fittings will be proposed in the form of locks and handles. If there is such an opportunity, it is not necessary to assume the obligations on self-sizing them - this can perform qualified salon masters.

One more thing. Interior doors do not apply to those groups of goods that require mandatory certification of conformity and quality. It became possible to rely on this issue on the blessings of the store workers, the rating of the doors, their own life experience, attentiveness and common sense. Nevertheless, ask about documentary confirmation of quality still does not interfere - and many campaigns-manufacturers, and some salons, really intentending their own prestige, will completely voluntarily go to certain costs, conducting comprehensive certification of their products and accompanying the door with a solid warranty.

Find out the interesting decision, how to make, from our new article.

Video: expert advice - how to choose the right interior doors