How to quickly make a wardrobe. Built-in wardrobe: Step-by-step instructions and manufacturing steps How to make a built-in cabinet type

Many remember times when the purchase of furniture was an event. It was difficult to "get", and the choice of consumer was provided extremely narrow. But the literature was popular, in which it was possible to find detailed descriptions, for example, how to make a closet itself. Despite the wealth of the market, a huge selection for the consumer among all sorts of models and colors, styles and price preferences, this information is still relevant. Indeed how to make a wardrobe for home? After all, this is not just an exciting occupation.

The closet can be made not only with the help of "hammer and nails", but also assemble from other healthy materials, and the idea can be borrowed from well-known designers.

As a result, you receive a unique subject of the interior, and fully corresponding to the parameters of your housing.

This problem most often rises against balconies and loggias, where every cm space I want to use with maximum benefit. And both wonderful that today in stores a huge selection of materials, as well as "semi-finished products", allowing to make such a necessary piece of furniture in a matter of hours.

Draw an idea in the form of drawing

Drawing can be drawn or find a suitable drawing on the Internet.

Production of your own cabinet should be started with the creation of the project, that is, sketch of the future product. First, determine the place where the piece of furniture will stand. You need to find out the width, length and height of the intended product, and also think about the presence of the shelves in it, calculate their quantity and size. The proverb says: Seven times will die - one resignation, and therefore do not rely on memory and skill. Take a sheet of paper and make a detailed drawing.

Already in the process of thinking out the outlines of the cabinet, it should be imagined, from which material it should be performed. The most popular is the chipboard - wood-chip panel, various color, surface type, quality of manufacture. It can be imitation of various breeds of wood, the front side is absolutely smooth or very textured. Choose your favorite coloring, not forgetting that the wardrobe should fit into the interior. Do not neglect such factors as environmental friendliness and practicality of the material.

We make parts and get ready for assembly

An electric jigsik will fit the material for cutting the material, they can, if necessary, do curly cuts.

Drawing is ready, materials are chosen. Now you need to make the details of the future cabinet. Of course, you can produce them at home, if there are special equipment and experience of such work. For these purposes, electric jigsaw is suitable, they can, if necessary, do curly cuts. However, if your skills do not have professional accuracy, chips occur, painting the edge, which affects not only the appearance of the product, but also on the timing of its operation. So only a workshop with special equipment on which will produce, according to your drawings, accurate and beautiful sawn can be guaranteed.

If it was strengthened in the thoughts to fulfill all the work independently, then you will have to cut the details, economically with them on the sheets of chipboard. So, blanks in stock. At the queue assembly.

From the quality of the fittings, it depends whether the cabinet will last for a long time or not. It is better not to save on it.

For this, firstly, it is necessary to take care of the presence of various fittings. It includes door loops or opening mechanisms, today, allowing you to smoothly open and close the doors, on sale a great set. In addition, it is possible to open the cabinet according to the type "coupe" (that is, on the parties), therefore you will need the guides for which the doors will move. It should be noted that they are presented in the market wealth of choice. According to the guides "go" and cabinet boxes, if any are provided in your project.

Secondly, handles and decor elements will be required to comply with the overall intent and requirements of functionality.

Thirdly, it is necessary to purchase elements that, strictly speaking, allow you to assemble. These are comformats and rivets, covering slots and holes. Considering the presence of shelves and other parts, we learn the amount of these items, add a little more "about the supply".

Fourth, we think that we will close the sections of the chipboard. Usually for this apply the edge. In addition to the one that glues on a cut in domestic conditions with the help of iron, the edge of the figure is used, easily dressed on the edges of the material. We precisely calculate the metrar, do not forget that the color of the edge should be harmonized with a tone of the material from which we make furniture.

We collect the cabinet

We start collecting a product from the construction of a frame. For this purpose, absolutely symmetric holes are drilled in the side walls, and then with a screwdriver and combospects connect the items.

For self-assembly, instruments will be required: drill with drills of diameters corresponding to the size of the holes of the fasteners, screwdriver. We start collecting a product from the construction of a frame. For this purpose, absolutely symmetric holes are drilled in the side walls, and then with a screwdriver and combospects connect the items.

Then we proceed to hanging the doors, or if we make a wardrobe, kpripim guides. By the way, if the gap between the doors was formed during the assembly, it can be corrected by adjusting canopies, or changing the height of the wheels. Special accuracy will require the installation of boxes and shelves.

The layout of old apartments usually did not do without niche. Looking at this one useful and interesting thought in the head - the wardrobe. This embedded wardrobe can be made with your own hands.

Such space is most often in the corridor, less often in the bedroom. No furniture to put there is no sofa or chair. But the shelves suggest themselves, and they would also close them with the door, and you can also sliding. So the wardrobe and evaporates itself. What is needed for this, and where is it better to start. Take about it and talk.


From the current selection will depend on the set of tools that will be needed in the future. The drawings for the manufacture of the built-in cabinet will also depend on the selected material.

If we talk about the materials, then a tree comes to mind first. This is a great furniture material, but not the best solution for the built-in wardrobe. All because such a closet is mounted to a deaf wall, most often. It increases the level of humidity inside the cabinet, and when the door opens, the level of moisture outside and inside is mixed. All this negatively affects the wood.

It can be solved by its choice. You need to pay your attention to a high-quality tree, with straight layers, in which there will be no cracks and bitch.

Another tree should be carefully impregnated with an emulsion or oil. Otherwise, the walls and shelves can swell, which will negatively affect the overall integrity of the design.

Speaking about materials for the built-in wardrobe, it is worth remembering about the simple fiberboard. The material is familiar, it is excellent, the options for making structures from it is a huge set. Do not take thin sheets, they will quickly degrade.

I also did not say about the lining and plasterboard design. In the case of the first option, the need for a tree, which will again need to additionally process, otherwise the moisture will not allow you to enjoy the cabinet for a long time.

In the second case - forget. The material is sufficiently heavy, with the strength no different. The designs of it are obtained unreliable, and the vertically installed parts will soon begin to lose their shape. It can work when interior decoration, or external, cabinet, in particular, if a fireplace or stove is nearby.

I did not mention consumables, such as self-tapping screws, dowels, guides, and the like. Here everything will be dependent more from your preferences when planning the cabinet.

Separately, I would like to say that you should not save much, especially on the back wall. If you make a wardrobe on the site of the niche, then it will be possible and can do the wall as the back of the cabinet.

If you plan to store things in it - it is better to take some more sheets of the main material, and cover the back of them. At a minimum, in aesthetical plan it will be a huge plus. In addition, after assembling the cabinet, you will be able to redo something in it in coming in it. Save with the mind.


To more clearly and clearly understand how to make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands, you need to take care of the drawings. They can be made independently, but you can search the Internet ready-made options. The second way is more interesting because you can find a very similar option of how you want to see your closet, after which it is easy to adjust it to your needs and opportunities.

In this regard, you can make an inner design easier by removing some details of the accessories, and you can change it. In general, everything will be repelled from the total sizes of the connector, which is available to you for the cabinet.

During the calculations, take into account a small error that may occur at the installation stage. Leave a place for guides under the door if you decide to use the option with a wardrobe.

If you have any problems with drawings and calculations, it is better to use ready-made, or find the wizard that you can do. Having them at their disposal, the preparation and assembly processes will become much easier and more pleasant. Instructions with a description for embedded cabinets can be ordered in any workshop in which they work with furniture.

If you have not previously worked with the assembly of furniture, it is better not to rush to the facade, but in particular with complex structures for it. In this process there are a lot of features that can be easily missed in the calculations. If the drawing is already there, it is better to call the wizard that will help you install the front part.


By this time you have to be ready for all the components of the future cabinet. Depending on the size of the cabinet and the complexity of its inner design, parts can be very much. Check if everything is in place, and once again deposit the sizes of the same details.

Installation of built-in wardrobes The case is not very fast, but therefore it is not necessary to hurry. The peculiarity is that, in fact, such a wardrobe will not have its own frame. The main parts will be embedded in a niche, for example, after which they will install the remaining parts on their basis.

The first is worth installing the false panel, after which to attach guides for doors. After that, you can start mounting the insides of the cabinet. Since the walls, the floor and the top of the cabinet are already there, the installation of the design of the problems should not be delivered.

The final stage of the installation will be the door. By setting them to guides, you can make disinfection of the cabinet and its cleaning from the garbage. On this installation ends. Next you need to add accessories, if such is provided, and you can start using the cabinet.

Stock Foto Embedded cabinets do it yourself

Very simple! Even those who did not hold in the life of the hammer in their hands in their hands. A few hours of work, and in your house there will be a stylish cabinet from the cover of a fashionable design magazine.

You can clearly follow our instructions, but you can choose your sizes, add more shelves, hooks, and even hang on the door loop for the closet. True, it will be a completely different model!

In order to make a wardrobe with their own hands, it will be necessary.

Order Plywood plywood 2 cm thick:

  • 50 cm x 180 cm - for lateral walls - 2 parts;
  • 50 cm x 90 cm - for shelves, top and bottom - 3 parts;
  • 30 cm x 180 cm - for the rear wall - 1 part;

  • copper or chrome pipe;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • round mirror with a diameter of 20 cm (optional);
  • truborez (or ask to trim the pipe immediately in the store);
  • electric drill and drill;
  • grinding machine or sandpaper;
  • screwdriver;
  • construction roulette;
  • line.

Make the cabinet do it yourself

As usual, we recommend not to bother with independent opening parts, but simply buy a sheet of plywood 2 cm thick in a construction supermarket and immediately ask him to cut down the dimensions we need. The only thing that should be done when you bring carved details home is well cleaned by their sandpaper or grinding machine, if any.


On the side parts from the bottom edge, measure 2.5 cm up and swipe the horizontal line - there will be a bottom item, the bottom of the cabinet. Meach another 50 cm up and read another horizontal line - there will be a cabinet shelf. In principle, the height of the shelf can choose their own.

On the same side parts, measure 12 cm from the top edge and spend the third line - at this level there will be a crossbar for the shoulders. Find the center of the line and mark it with a cross - here you need to drill a hole in which the pipe is tight.

Check again if you have duplicated all the marks on both side parts: there should be no extinguishes!

Drills a hole for a pipe in one side part, put the second under it, we circle a pencil, drilling in the second.


We collect the whole cabinet. At first to one side part we attach the upper, middle and lower shelves. After making sure that everything is in their places, attach the second side part, and at the end and rear.

It is better to first drill thin holes, and then it is already planted for a self-tapping screw. And do not drive the screws to the end until you make sure that everything is in place.


Insert the pipe into the holes, cut it to the desired level, taking into account whether you want to use it also as an external hook. You can glue the mirror on the back or, for example, on the side wall. If you wish, you can make additional hooks outside or inside the cabinet, for example, for belts and scarves.

    Get the perfectly smooth wooden surface without changing the color - exactly as in the photo - you can use the oil for wood. Apply oil to the surface so that it is a bit more than necessary, wait for 15-20 minutes, wipe out the surplus. If you use butter with wax, do not forget to pre-primed the surface of the so-called oil for surfaces in contact with food.

    Want to turn an inexpensive light tree into a noble "rosewood" or "Eben" - use the azure on the water-based BELINKA INTERIER of the desired shade. Apply the azure with a tassel, wait 3-4 hours, apply the second layer.

    If you decide to give a closet bright overlapping color, use paint for wood. You can paint up immediately and wooden, and metal parts of one paint can be used by the enamel BELINKA Universal.


The wardrobe is always something big and solid. Along with the bed, it must be installed in any residential room. If there is still a lack of, for example, a television, a microwave or a spare towel, you can still get better, then the cabinet is just vital. Wardrobe objects scattered around the apartment are not the most presentable spectacle. Yes, and this is at least uncomfortable. Prices in various furniture stores are sometimes overestimated by 300% and more from the cost of the product, so it is much more interesting and more profitable to deal with how to make a closet with your own hands. You do not have to be inventing the bike - everything has long been done for you. It remains only to understand the manufacturing technology and fit the product under the desired dimensions. As an example, the medium-sized wardrobe will be considered. This option is quite easy to assemble, convenient and very functional.

Detailing homemade cabinet

The following dimensions are determined based on the use of laminated chipboard. Board thickness - 18 mm. Also used self-adhesive melamine edge 0.5 mm. For facades, you can apply a standard sliding system. It can be bought in specialized stores in the finished form or order in size. The facade system in the end costs several times cheaper than the finished closet. As an example, it will be considered how to make a wardrobe with their own hands height in 2284 mm and a width of 1164 mm. These are dimensions of pure opening under the door. You can correct the size of your needs.

Retractable boxes are mounted on the so-called. Full-point guides from the proven manufacturer.

Use for internal boxes of the homemade cabinet roller guides can not, because They occupy a lot of space and do not withstand large loads.

Before you start work, you must take into account all the nuances and requirements, even those that, with superficial families, may seem insignificant. It is important to do everything right, because It will take a lot of time, strength and nerves on the alteration.

The photo shows a two-color wardrobe made with your own hands. Buying two types of boards is justified when a set of cabinet furniture is made, but different trimming remains when assembling one product. Color gamut choose at its discretion.

You will need the following materials:

  • 2 boards 240x65 cm for sidewalls of the homemade cabinet. It is better to prepare a sample in advance under the plinth, so that the finished wardrobe will get into the wall.
  • 1 Board 228.4x55 cm for partition. Immediately mark on it the right and left side;
  • 1 Board 120x75 cm for the top cover. This board must be rounded and protruding for 10 cm in relation to the sidewalls - so more beautiful;
  • 1 board 116.4x65 cm for the bottom;
  • 2 boards 116.4x10 cm - socles;
  • 3 boards 50x55 cm for left shelves from the side of the boxes;
  • 3 boards 64.6x55 cm for right shelves;
  • 2 boards 49,5х20 cm for facades of mailboxes;
  • 4 boards 50x15 cm for sidewall boxes;
  • 4 boards 43.8x15 cm for the rear and front walls of the boxes.

You will also need harvesting from organice:

  • 231,5x119.5 cm for the rear wall;
  • 2 parts 47.2x50 cm for bottom boxes.

Before starting work, prepare the following tools:

  • drill;
  • perforator;
  • level;
  • roulette;
  • a hammer;
  • glue;
  • self-tapping screw;
  • dowel;
  • handsaw for metal and wood.

The rods under the shoulders are scorn from a single product with a diameter of 22 mm. This product can be purchased in the store specializing in the sale of furniture fittings. The same store sells end fasteners under the rods. A single rod is cut into parts, the length of which should be 1 mm less than the width of the shelves, i.e. Specifically in this case 645 and 499 mm. This clearance is needed for larger installation.

Handles for mailboxes can also be bought in the store selling furniture fittings. Choose beautiful handles that fit well in the interior of the room.

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Preparation of details

To freeze all the necessary parts with the required accuracy, it is necessary, first of all, a circular saw equipped with a disk with winners. If you do not have this tool, the most optimal option is to have a sawing in some construction store specializing in the sale of organisals and chipboard, or in firms that are engaged in the manufacture of cabinet furniture to order is quite inexpensive.

And on the sticking edge you can save well by doing everything with your own hands. The edge is very cheap and simply attached to the surface with the iron.

Turn on the iron on its highest power and follow the instructions. Attach the edge of the selected color by the adhesive side to the end, then spend the iron. Repeat several times. Then swallow the edge with a soft dry cloth, trying to press the edges as close as possible, and do trust unnecessary with a stupid knife. It is advisable to use exactly a stupid knife - this will reduce the risk of damage to the laminate. For processing roughness, use fine-grained sandpaper, wound, for example, around a small wooden bar or any other similar object.

Any wardrobe, and especially the one that is made with your own hands should be durable and reliable. However, simultaneously with this, the fasteners available to ordinary people should be used. The best solution is confirm. The size of the confirmates may differ, in the case of this cabinet, it is suitable for a length of 7 cm and a diameter of 0.5 cm. As the fastener is performed, shown in the following image: Fig. 2.

Through the plane are made through holes, in the end - to a depth of about 60 mm. In this case, the diameter of the holes should be 8 mm and 5 mm, respectively.

The assembly of the boxes is performed as shown in the following image: Fig. 3.

The most reliable to do all cabinet shelves stationary. With a big desire, several shelves can be made removable by arranging them to the trappers. However, in this case, as practice shows, you have to drill new holes almost every time you need to shift something in the closet.

Updating your wardrobe every season, you suddenly notice that new things put just nowhere. Throwing good quality clothes, but a hand purchased last season, a hand is not rising. You can solve the problem, collecting the wardrobe with your own hands.

Comfortable and spacious designs will collect things in all family members, while occupying a completely small space indoor. This is mainly a place that is not used and not entirely convenient to accommodate other furniture elements.

Design options

If you wish to install a wardrobe in the apartment or house, you need to make accurate measurements of the intended installation site of the furniture element and make an order in the company engaged in the manufacture of cabinets. The second option will be a measure of installation location, self design design, ordering cut parts and installation of a wardrobe.

You have a choice - embedded structures, angular cabinets and models of individual passing structures. When you decide on the choice, you can proceed to self-assembly.

Types of cabinets differ in design. If you have never been engaged in assembling furniture, it is better to start from the passage model. This universal model can be installed in almost any room.

In many projects, apartments have a small sizes in the form of a rectangle. If you put a regular wardrobe with a swing door, there is no place left. The wardrobe with the sliding door became a real salvation. Its height mainly goes to the ceiling, which gives the maximum use of the area. Mirror doors canvas visually increase space.


Even the most arrogant buyer will be able to find the color and shade of the laminated chipboard on the market, which is most often used for self-assembly of a wardrobe. For the rear walls use organitis. The choice of fittings in stores has practically no boundaries - from the simplest to the sophisticated bizarre forms. Door canvas can be made to order from any material.

For cabinets use 16 mm thick sheets of LDSP. The market for sale with a height of 2450 or 2750 mm and a width of 1830 mm. If you want to save money by reducing the material waste, consider these sizes when designing a wardrobe.

Let us consider in detail the option of assembling a wardrobe height of 2450 mm, width of 2400 and a depth of 650 mm.

In addition to LDSP sheets, we will need a melamine self-adhesive edge. To collect the cabinet presented in the picture of the design we will need items:

  • Two sidewalls in size in 2433x650 mm.
  • Bottom size in 2367x650 mm.
  • Cabinet cover in size in 2400x650 mm.
  • Big shelf - 2367x550 mm.
  • Seven small shelves - 778x550 mm.
  • Two partitions - 1917x550 mm.
  • Rear and front base - 2367x100 mm.
  • Side pieces of the box of the base in the amount of 3 pcs. and 550x100 mm in size.
  • Two edges of the base box in size in 1159x100 mm.

Details of the rear wall of organity:

  • Wide detail for two compartments - 1940x1595 mm.
  • Narrow part per compartment - 1940x800 mm.
  • Detail for the top of the cabinet - 2395x410 mm.

The sawing of the details of the future cabinet-compartment is better to order in the cutting service, which is necessarily eating with any construction supermarket. Show specialists your cabinet project and accurate measurements. In our case, there are already detailing and masters on cutting better show it.

Do independently the system of doors a wardrobe can, but do you need? If you plan to assemble not one, but several cabinets, it can be beneficial. Doors for one cabinet will cost you much more expensive than ordered sliding doors in the company producing, delivering and collecting sliding facades.

You need to visit the company's office and place an order by specifying the exact dimensions of the pure opening and the number of cloths. For our closet, the clean size of the facade has a height of 2317 mm and a width of 2367 mm. We need to make two sash of the same color as the acquired LDSP and one mirror sash. Mandatory must be a seal, stoppers guides. In general, the entire set required for the quality of the sliding system of the facade.

All with regard to the facade is already ordered, but for the internal design of the closet, you need to purchase furniture fittings. For our project you need to buy:

  • For fastening the self-tapping screw or nails.
  • In the middle cabinet compartment to adjust the shelves in height, you need travelers.
  • Confirmage sizes 70x5 mm.
  • Holders for rods.
  • Self-sample size of 16x4 mm.
  • Two rods under the shoulders in size of 775 mm.

When finished parts will be delivered, you can begin to prepare for the assembly. It will take iron to work. Acquired edge gently attach to the end of the part so that the beautiful side is on top. Thoroughly walk on it preheated iron. Look at the Iron, the evaporation mode is not turned on.

Preheated edge to press well and wipe thoroughly. Cropped face carefully handle emery paper. When preparing parts, you do not need to hurry. Try to achieve maximum quality of work so that your wardrobe look neatly and beautiful.

From the details of the base, collect the basis of the podium for the closet bottom. The base must be necessarily.


To build the cabinet you will need:

  • Pencil and rectangle.
  • Drill and drill 5 and 8 mm.
  • Roulette.


  1. For the assembly of parts in one whole design, acquired configmatics are used. First we look at your project and make markup places of fastening.
  2. When marking will be launched on all parts, proceed to the drilling process. For holes in the plane, we use the drill with a diameter of 8 mm. The hole must be through. The depth of the opening in the ends is not more than 60 mm, but a diameter of 5 mm. In places of installation of the trafficking, we make holes at several levels. When the wardrobe is ready, you can safely move your shelves to the desired level.
  3. For assembly, the design will need the help of one person. Work will go faster and the quality of the assembly will be better. We connect all the details of the cabinet and install it in place. Exhibit a wardrobe exactly using the level.
  4. Now you can start installing the facade. On the edge of the cabinet cover, we screw the upper guides. We retreat from the edge of the bottom of the cabinet to a maximum of 10 mm and fix the lower guides. Before spinning the screws, insert the staps into the roller roller.
  5. Now you can first install the facade in place. One person the top of the facade turns into the guide, and the other sets the wheels in the desired kola. A hex key is used to adjust the facade. Adjusting screws are located at the bottom of the facade end. Raising or lowering the bottom roller, set the facade to the desired position.

When the wardrobe boosts things, the adjustment will need to be repeated. That ended the work on the installation of the wardrobe. Now, with pride, you can consider yourself a master and try to collect a more complex design. The experience is already there, it means that the assembly will be much faster and better.

Video: Build a wardrobe

We offer to watch the video for assembling the cabinet coupe.

Wardrobes Coupe do it yourself photo