How to save a Kitten from flea: Tips for treatment and prevention. Effective folk remedies from fleas in cats than to process from fleas of a small kitten

See also: Thick blood from a cat: causes, treatment, prevention

Important! Individual animal sensitivity is an important and unpredictable indicator. Many "harmless" for a person of the substance are extremely toxic for the cat. Be careful and start processing from a small segment of the wool, follow the condition of the animal. Just making sure the absence of any reactions, proceed to full-fledged processing.

Full victory is possible only with an integrated approach. In parallel with the treatment of an animal, it is necessary to get rid of fleas in the apartment, regularly process the sun bed and all the tools for wool care. After processing the sun bed, it is recommended to put a mattress with fresh pine sawdust under it. The fleas are afraid of pine smell and will not be able to multiply in the sun bed. If the apartment lives in the apartment, rodents and other mammals, fleas processing should be done simultaneously for all.

Note! Means for the processing of the room, objects of life and animals are absolutely different in composition!

Holly grass

The smell of wormwood scares herbivore mammals, birds and insects. Suitable as fresh grass and pharmacy fees. We boil the floor-liter of water, rearrange the container on the wooden cutting board, pour 20 grams of collection or 40 grams of fresh leaf of wormwood. Cover the container and leave until complete cooling. Perfoliate infusion through gauze and break into a clean storage capacity in the refrigerator (no longer than 48 hours). With the help of cotton sponge or gauze cuts, wipe the wool of the pet.

Rosemary leaves

Two full glasses (250 ml) of fresh rosemary leaves are taken on 1 liter of water. The decoction is prepared on slow heat for 30 minutes. The resulting decoction will be thick, it must be diluted with warm water and pour along the pet's spine. Liquid liquid by massaging movements and do not wash off the decoction - it should dry by naturally.

Mixtures of herbal

Both infusions are prepared at the rate of 20-30 grams of dry herbs per 1 liter of hot water. Capacities are closed and wrapped with a towel to a complete cooling.

With adult cats, the problem is adjusted simply: Insecticides are used, active substances that are toxic for cold-blooded and cannot penetrate into blood through the skin.

Kittens did not formed a mechanism for protection against eradicate, which were etched by fleas. Therefore, the relief of the cubs seems to be physically removed insects. It is necessary to handle the mother, one-age, surfaces with which it in contact. In this article, Fellinologists will get acquainted with the ways of getting rid of fleas kittens under mothers.

The reasons for the infection of the kitten of fleas

In 5 ... 6 weeks old, the cub has already cut their teeth, they are able to eat meat, cottage cheese, and finished food.

The reasons for the infection of the baby, under the mother and taken away, differ. The cats get fleas only from her. Even if the animal was treated from insects, it, leaving the nest, acquires them on the street.

The new owners of the kitten comes in a two-month age. If the eggs of arthropods are located on it, which the former owners did not notice, the larvae are derived, attack the baby, they feed and turn into adult insects.

If you have other cats nearby, jumping insect to a new hunting object inevitably. Finally, the eggs of arthropogo can bring the owner on the soles of the shoes.

Malicity Bloch

The situation is complicated by the fact that when the flea is detected, one kid will have to drive them out of one-age and mother. The disinsection of the cats is carried out before viscous, and during pregnancy, as well as lactation support the room clean. Nursing mother to handle with habitual means is impossible: the toxic substance will fall into the alimentary path of the sucking and cause poisoning.

Therefore, the struggle against fleas in small kittens is divided into the following events:

  • Removing insects with cubs.
  • Disinsection of the room.

Bloch removal from kitten

There are the following ways of delivering a cub from annoying arthropods:

  • Mechanical deduction.
  • Bathing with special means.

Mechanical deduction

Bathing with special means

Grown babies bathe with specialized shampoos. They are expelled insects, but do not protect against the following attacks. The first bathing is carried out using the half of the drug specified in the instructions. It is necessary to trace so that the detergent solution does not fall into the mouth, eyes and nostrils.

After processing, the kitten is rinsed with warm water, dried with a hairdryer, isolate the day of the day from places where drafts are walking. Re-processing is carried out no earlier than in a decade. The litter on which kittens are erased in hot water.

Disinsection lactating cat

If you do not drive out insects from the cat, they will re-move on children. Of course, the detection of fleas on the kitten means that they are in the mother. Wash the cat with ordinary means - a stomasan or its analogs cannot be, active ingredients will stand out with milk or kneading the baby from the mother. In this regard, stronghold, the active substance of which - semektin, is not distinguished with milk. The drug is sold packaged in pipettes, the contents of which are applied between the blades.

Insecticide gives dry. It takes two hours. After that, the poison becomes insoluble in the saliva of the kitten. The trouble is that all drops do not act simultaneously. In order for fleas to leave the cat or died, a day is required. Insects remain a chance to jump over the cub. Therefore, it is necessary to watch the kitten for a day, two, and if insects are found again - to make them.

The kittens themselves can be processed by this tool after the selection and the achievement of the six-week age.

Disinsection of the room

Bloch is a mobile insect, firing eggs that extend everywhere. Therefore, it is necessary to destroy arthropods on carpets, furniture upholstery, balconies, storage rooms, bathrooms. Optimal means combining the price and quality are preparations containing cypermethrin.

The processed surfaces are carefully wash, garbage on them is cleaned, the furniture move away from the walls, freeing the approaches to the plinths. All creatures, including aquarium fish, are removed from the apartment.

The operator dressing glasses, special clothes and drinks a dozen tablets of activated carbon. The surfaces are irrigated by the working solution prepared according to the attached instruction. Palances need to be collapsed and processed on the back. The apartment is left for a time sufficient for the drug to have worked according to the manual for the use of the disinsectant.

The event is completed with wet cleaning. Since the eggs are invulnerable to the action of insecticides, the processing is duplicated for 14 days. So that the larvae did not have time to grow and postpone the new portion of the eggs.

Before you get rid of fleas from a kitten, it is important to determine the reason for their appearance and make disinfection of the conditions in which cats live. It is important not to just save a pet from insects and fleas, but also to prevent their appearance in the future.

Fleas and mites - a threat to a pet at any age. At home, this happens due to poor sleeping and animal hygiene, constant interaction with animals, which periodically walk on the street. Most often, domestic pets pick up fleas from their parents.

Establish a flea kitten can be tens of means and ways, but you can not forget about precautions:

To remove fleas in animals that live in one environment (in particular in the house or apartment) is needed at once. If one kid or cats remained fleas, no protection will help.

What if the kitten is less than two months?

Age is the main problem of combating pests. The first task of the owner is to reduce the number of insects in the house. Prevention involves treating carpets and upholstered furniture, other fabric things that perform the function of interior jewelry and, as a rule, not subjected to daily cleaning.

While the kittens are not excommunicated from the cat's cat, one is combing. First, the cat is combed, and then children. For this, a comb with small teeth will fit (so as not to put irritation and injury to the baby). The ridge climbs insects with wool, after which the tool dips water.

How to treat kittens older than two months?

Get rid of fleas at home in "adults" kittens easier. The body of the baby is already solid, and therefore immunity is able to withstand the effects of compositions with an increased content of toxic elements.

You can only destroy fleas in newborn kittens only shampoos. For adults, droplets, aerosols, collars, sprays, powders are suitable.

Accessories are mainly designed for kittens under the age of 6 months. For two-month kids, the products are suitable under the Rolf Club brands. Beaphar S.O.S, Cleaner Junior and Biovaks - Products based on plant ingredients, but are only suitable for kittens, from the moment of which 8-10 weeks passed.

Flea treatment with kitten - multifaceted process. You can go in a simple way and risk - buy drops and specialized solutions. However, the kitten is active and high likely that particles of toxic substances will fall into the body.

The most efficient and effective way to get rid of pests is combing the row. If the insects do not go, but only add, it is worth waiting when the kitten grows up to 4 weeks. This is the optimal admissible age in which the baby can be bathed in the shampoo.

A veterinarian consultation is required. Information only for familiarization.

Signs of infection of kittens fleas:

  • Anxiety;
  • Wool loss;
  • Calculations, scratches;
  • Dermatitis;
  • Weight loss.

Where does the baby flea from?

Get easy. Where kitten can "pick up" flea

The way of infection of the kitten is a few fleas. Fluffs fall on a fluffy baby not only from cat-mom, but also:

  • On a walk;
  • From other infected animals;
  • Through shoes or owner clothing.

How to help a bluer kitten. Bloque for kittens

When the flea is removed from the kitten it is necessary to be careful in choosing drugs for treatment. Not all of them are suitable kids. List of fleas for kittens that can be used depends on animal age. The smaller the kitten, the more careful you need to be.

How to remove fleas from a newborn kitten

A great danger of fleas represents for a newborn kitten. Their bites are nervous, he sleeps badly, eats, gradually weaken. Due to weakened immunity, the kitten may die.

Let's give some tips on how to bring Bloch from kittens to the month:

  • Change and post the litter in kittens;
  • Thoroughly spend the room where they are contained;
  • Check the kitten with a frequent ridge.

How to remove fleas from a kitten with one month

If the kitten is one month, then it is possible to remove fleas with some anti-cylinder shampoos. However, be careful, not all shampoos are suitable for use such kids.

You can also save a flea kitten with a special insecticidal powder, but sometimes the use of it is problematic, especially for long-haired pets.

How to bring Bloch in three-month kittens at home

After serving the mother from the mother from three months you can use drops on the withers, sprays, collars from flea.

Spray from Bloch

When choosing a means for the treatment of a flea kitten from Bloch, pay attention to its efficiency and safety for your pet. For processing kittens older than 12-tender age, experienced owners and breeders use drops on the Max Blochnet Max. The drug is recommended for the use of veterinary doctors.

Kittens are treated once at a dose of 3 drops per 1 kg of pet body weight. Blochnet Max is applied to a healthy animal skin in the Wellee area. The fleas will die within 48 hours after processing the kitten. For maximum efficiency, do not bathe pet with a cleaning agent 48 hours before and after processing.

A small and fluffy lump of happiness appeared in your house - kitten, and with him you discovered some more uninvited guests - fleas? First of all, you need to know what it is for guests, whether they represent a threat to the life of your favorite and how to get rid of them.

Signs and ways of infection

The fleas are bloodsowing insects that transfer infection. They have a flat body and strong chain limbs, which allows you to quickly move in animal wool. Fleas have a flat body and strong chain limbs, which allows you to quickly move in animal wool

There are types of fleas that can still do without the animal host blood. They are very survivors and a strong smooth shell does not allow them to be easily crushed.

  • on the street;
  • on the carpet, litter or upholstered furniture;
  • on clothes and / or man shoes;
  • from adult cats and other pets;
  • from mice and rats, behind which kittens hunt.

Fertilized flea female with power throws eggs on the go small portions, then they roll off the host wool

Bloch you can notice not immediately, only if there are already a whole colony. To recognize them, it is enough to spend your hand against wool, and you will see small dark insects on the skin of the kitten.

Each owner wants the most efficient and carefully to free his ward from the unreasonable guests. There are different ways to deal with fleas:

Kittens up to 1 month

At the age of 1 month, the kitten is not ready for potent means, its immunity is weak and susceptible to infections and diseases. Therefore, our recommendation will be the decision to postpone the struggle with bloodsuckers until the age of 3-4 months, in case Bloch is still small. Only if the animal is constantly itching and spreads the skin claws, you can proceed to machining:

Kittens up to two months

If the state of the kitten is deplorable, and you will not wait to help your pet, find a flea shampoo for kittens for up to two months.

You can not use shampoo for people due to the difference of alkaline skin balance in humans and cat.

Wash the kitten shampoo from fleas as follows:

  1. Start with trimming pets, otherwise your hands can be pretty injured.
  2. Check that there are no drafts and in the house it was warm. Cats are very shaken after swimming.
  3. Then prepare the necessary tools: basin (bath), shampoo, combing crest and towel.
  4. Keep the kitten and, affectionately talking and stroking, put in a pelvis with warm water (38-42 o C).
  5. Start calmly and confidently wash the kitten from my head to the legs. So that the water does not get into the ears, carefully insert cotton swabs in them, and apply a drop of vaseline into the tearmen's eyes with a cotton wand.
  6. As soon as the wool is wet, apply a breeded shampoo on the body and the paws of the kitten, thoroughly foole and hold 7-8 minutes.
    To remove fleas, you should apply the shampoo on the wool of the kitten and hold 7-8 minutes
  7. Then under running water rinse the kitten. Note that the shampoo washout is a thorough and mandatory process. Rinse 5-7 minutes, otherwise the shampoo may not be washed, and the animal will poison when losing it from wool.
    After washing, you need to wash the shampoo with the wool of the kitten so that the animal is not poisoned when closing
  8. Immediately after washing the shampoo, place a pet in a towel, it will start tremble, it is important to bite and warm the baby.
  9. Right in the towel you can begin to prevent fleas comb. They are perfectly visible in wet wool.
  10. Write, dry, stick the kitten - he survived a considerable stress.

In kittens after 2-3 months

Flea drops for kittens

Be vigilant when applying droplets in the event that the kitten is not excited from the mother. After all, when lining the poisonous agent can get into the mother's body, and then in the milk.

VIDEO: Cottage processing from flea

Spray from Bloch

When the kitten was already separated from her mother, you can choose to combat fleas spray. To do this, you need to shake the bottle with sprays before use and, vertically, sprayed throughout the body of the animal. After some time of the tracks from Bloch will not remain. Be sure to ventilate the room and do not let the pet lick the drug until it is completely drying.

Collars from fleas for kittens

The collar of fleas is applicable if the animal does not have a stable allergic reaction to substances concluded in it. It is more often used in preventive purposes, just remove the collar from the box and put on the kitten.
Bloch collar more often used in preventive purposes

Folk remedy for the fight against fleas from kittens

If you want to do without chemistry, try the folk recipe:

Additional measures

Fleas can hide not only in animal wool. Distribution area larvae is extensive - the pile of carpet, shoes and clothing, bedding and the house of animal, upholstered furniture and other secluded corners of the house. Therefore, the following steps should be taken to complete the problem:

  1. If there are other animals in the house, you should also do their processing.
  2. Thoroughly clean the whole apartment - let out and wash the floor, clean the carpets, if there is an opportunity, flip out on the street, and rinse furniture.
  3. Special attention to pay the place of maintenance of the kitten. Wash and replace animal bedding.
  4. Treat carpets, bedding and upholstered furniture with steam generator, and then a special means of fleas or a solution of insecticide.