How to get rid of aphids on an apple tree. How to deal with aphids on an apple tree: the best methods than treat the apple tree from the summer

TLL - a sucking pest friend to any summer house and familiar. And for the long period of "war" with a tool received a colossal amount of knowledge to combat this victim.

But here 100% of victory over time expect no need toWhatever funds and substances are used. But it is possible and you need to restrain the number of Tsley at the level, not dangerous for the quality and number of apples.

True, for this you will have to spend a lot of strength and perseverance, but your harvest will save from Tly.

Usually the wave appears on those apple trees that grow on the soils from the deficiency of phosphorus, magnesium and boron, but when an excessive "organic" nitrogen is re-published.Do not forget that - a very important point of care of the garden and can be rearranged, trying to "improve" the soil.

Therefore, it happened that the gardener had enough apple tree decoction of superphosphate with the additive bora or on the sheet to apply the missing batteries, while Crop the tips of apple breets with a flush toolAnd the problem disappeared for the whole summer.

But sometimes there were particularly difficult years, when literally "outbreaks" of the number of tools were observed. Here it was necessary to look for other perpetrators of this disgrace, namely the Muravyov. After all chief "Rapid" Tlima - AntsThey feed them with sweet juice and increase their "livestock" to obtain such nutrition.

Therefore, the main stage of the fight against the air will be steps on simultaneous extermination and tli, and ants. Not bad help dusting strips will help On the stem of the apple tree.

Often it is an old agrofiber with a sharply smelling substance, for example, carbolol solution or oil infused on the fruits of anise.

Cutting belts from ants.

If a apple trees are young or dwarfs, then their trunks abundantly rubbing green pieces of onions or arrows of garlic, And such trees are becoming unpopular among ants.

But if all the unseated ways do not work, then one thing remains apply natural poisons. Well help:

  • Decoction of tobacco;
  • Infusion of bitter pepper;
  • Napar from wormwood.

Attention! Applying natural poisons, it is necessary to protect the respiratory and eyes organs, because They are dangerous for both people!

If synthetic poisons are needed, the poisons containing the private and summer apple orchard the least dangerous for nature and apple substances:

  • Carboosulfan;
  • Tiacloprid;
  • Tiamethoxam.

Look at the video, how to deal with aphid on an apple tree in summer:

TLL on the apple tree: how to fight in summer by months


In your garden, the TLL on the apple tree: how to deal in June with this misfortune? Fight start immediately as it is detected Clusters ofphids on branches and apple leaves. And on what the amount of this harmful insect depends on the method of its destruction:

  • In the first June decade Anabazine sulfate or its analogues can be applied, this drug is good because the action of its long-lasting and he kills not only tool, but also other pests too;
  • In the second decadaEspecially if there was no processing first, to use the infusion of burning pepper (50 grams) infused on 7 liters of boiling water. Especially quickly, it will act if you add an adhesive (natural soap of 10 grams to 7 liters);
  • In the end of the month Treat the trunks and skeletal bunches of the apple tree with a solution containing thiacalopride, to complete wetting, it will destroy the ant and thus reduce the amount of TI.


With the onset of the middle of the summer does not subscribe "War" with a soot in apple orchards. If a word was left in your garden on an apple tree, how to fight in July with this pest - the question is not too complicated.

Before spraying an apple tree from the colors in the summer, know - if the garden is young or the trees themselves are dwarf, or are located on Palmette, then remove the maximum possible number of tips of segable branches.

The executed removal operation will allow win the TRU without chemistryWhat is very important in the south and on the "summer" apple trees. Because it will disappear the need for the use of poisons.

If the apple trees are represented by winter varieties or tall, then processing insecticide containing Dythhoat or Chlorpyrifos.will help to comprehensively protect the apple tree from harmful insects.


In August, especially on trees with staining, i.e. ripening apples, processing are undesirable. But in the case of a large number of threes, a substance treatment is necessary, which will not only quickly kill bad insects, but also will not poison a ripening harvest. To do this, the connection is most fully suitable. Imidacloprid.

Also well hold apple trees decoction of superphosphate, this and sweets will add apples and not let it be wondering. For a decoction, a glass of superphosphate granules are boiled on a slow heat for 15-20 minutes.

The decoction of superphosphate will help in the fight against the tool.

Caution! Do not use store poisons when ripening apples!

Nuances and Thread Threads

Only the integrated fight against TLEY will avoid the loss of apples in the garden. Therefore, protection lead throughout the summer period. And than to treat the apple tree in the summer from Tly - one of the urgent issues of gardeners. If a lot of many, infusions and means are changed so that the resistance to any drug does not work out.

Folk Methods

Bales of:

  • White and black wormwood;
  • Yarrow;
  • Celebrated.

Infusions from:

  • Machorsi;
  • Tobacco;
  • Gorky pepper;
  • Young walnut sprigs.

After flowering

Folk remediesWe enjoy immediately after flowering - these are brazers and infusions from:

  • Chamomile;
  • Yarrow;
  • Wormwood;
  • Dandelion;
  • Horse sorrel;
  • Celebrated.

It also helps a solution of ash or soda, but a solution of economic soap can also be used.

Conservative methods

Before applying the store poisons to combat an apple tree tool, you can try to get rid of the pest with conservative methods - agrotechnical, physical and with the help of entomophages.

Cabinet Way on Apple

Most likely, this is a complex of pests or a new type of Tly. Either the defeat of young apple branches by a web tick. And from him it is necessary to get rid of special "chemistry."

Web on the apple tree.

Important! Do not use "Chemistry", without having experienced "folk methods".

Green Tlim

Protect apple trees from green ramber plantsfor her poisonous or removing Muravyov. Don't forget about phosphorus Apple trees themselves.

If you make a green wave on an apple tree in summer, then either folk decoctions from plants, or "chemistry" and eliminate the apple tree from the invasion. You can apply biomethod, that is, to attract god's cows.

If on an apple tree notes and ants

From the tool will help the connection Imidacloprid or broth wormwood. And from ant - Diazinon Insecticide containing

What is the harmful phase of the Tly?

The period from the moment of the birth of small females, which subsequently become the founders of non-fascinated colonies of tools consisting only of females, and will be the phase of development, which will be as harmful to the apple tree.

Fighting on a flowering apple tree

With a blooming garden, anyone, even the most advanced chemistry is unacceptable! Then how to get rid of the tli on the apple tree in the summer and do not spoil the harvest? Only application infusion from garlic or burning pepper with soap Blooming trees apple trees from a tool will save as a fit one.

Protection of seedlings

As a seedling is a young church, so with a small amount of apple trees easier delete TRU manuallyAnd it is better not to allow her appearance at all.

If the apple tree is planted, then under the roots superphosphate, and in the crown splash strong infusion of tobacco or Machorka with adhesive (soap).

Attention! Only the right summer struggle with trouble will save the country garden from the crop loss.

In contact with

People who are engaged in growing apple trees are often faced with dangerous pests. The most dangerous is the fault, since because of it, the treated trees may die. To get rid of it, you need to figure it out in advance how to deal with a tool on an apple tree.

The TLL is considered a fairly common pest, which appears on many plants. The distinctive features of adult individuals include small trumps, with the help of which they suck vegetation juice. Insect dimensions do not exceed seven millimeters, they are painted in a dark gray. However, there are other individuals who have reddished color.

In the apple trees, the TLL plays eggs, of which the whole colonies of pests grow in the juice from foliage and stems grow in spring.

Causes of appearance in apple landings

Several reasons for the appearance of pests on trees. These include the following:

  • A large number of amino acids in foliage. Most often, the pest attacks seedlings due to excess amino acids in leaves.
  • Nitrogen shortage. The village who lacks nitrogen is often sick and exposed insect attacks.
  • Growing next to infected plants. Sometimes pests appear on the apple trees due to the fact that they are grown near the seedlings that are affected by the tool.

Varieties and signs of defeat

There are several varieties of Tly, which most often attack the young apple trees:

  • Redogalla. This is the most common type of insect that feeds on the juice of Yablonlek. Many believe that such a gallovaya wave is red, but it is not. It is painted in steel color with a slight brown tint.
  • Puffy. Another apple TLL appearing on fruit trees. After the appearance of mild frames, foliage begins to be covered with yellow spots and suck.
  • Sheet. Appears on the leaves of many plants grown in the garden or garden. It is completely green, with a slight yellowish tint. When the leaf pest appears, the affected foliage twists and dries.
  • Koshenyleva. In colonu-shaped apple tree sometimes there is a blood, koshenyleva notch. It is painted in bright red, and therefore it is difficult not to notice. Feed on foliage and young shoots.

Than dangerous for tree invasion

Some believe that the failure cannot harm the apple trees, but it is not. If you can not get rid of this dangerous pest in a timely manner, the affected trees dried. First, yellowish spots will begin to appear on the foliage. Then the leaves will begin to curl, dry, and the apple tree will stop fruit.


Processing the apple tree in June it is necessary immediately after flowering. Therefore, it is recommended to carry out the procedure in the first days of the month. Specialists advise in June to spray apples 2-3 times, as a disposable spraying will not help get rid of the Tly. The interval between each processing should be 3-4 days.



In August, the ripening period of fruits formed on sprigs begins. Many specialists do not advise spray fruit trees during fruiting. However, sometimes there are so many tribes on the trees that it will have to get rid of it. It is necessary to use means that would not hurt the ripening crop.

Experienced gardeners spray seedlings with superphosphate decoction or a mixture cooked from Imidacloprid.

How to handle apple trees

Before proceeding with the treatment of trees, you need to familiarize yourself with some recommendations. Spraying should be carried out at temperatures above 15 degrees of heat. Also on the street there should be a windless weather that the liquid does not fall into neighboring plants.

Before carrying out work, special means of protection must be prepared to which rubber gloves, safety glasses and respirator.

Preparations and ways of destruction

Physical destruction

Natural enemies

The wave will stick to the installed belt and will not be able to harm the foliage and branches of the apple tree.


Saving an apple tree from insects will help such chemicals as "karate" and "Inta-Vir". To kill pests, you will have to prepare a working solution in advance. For this, two tablets of the means are added to ten liters of heated water. Then the liquid is stirred and insist 30-40 minutes. Spraying are engaged in the evening when the sun will go and subsides the wind.

Treat sick apples and remove hazardous pests will help the drug "Oleokurrit". It contains oil oil and copper naphthenate. If it is properly used "oleocupritis", it will be possible to completely get rid of the Tly and even some diseases. Experts recommend using a weakly concentrated four-percent solution. To make it, it is necessary to add four hundred oleokuprit grams to ten liters of fluid.


To remove the TRU will help such a chemical preparation as "Nitrophen". It is necessary to use it only early in spring, as the components included in its composition can burn the surface of the foliage. Processing of fruit trees is carried out by a three-percent solution. Therefore, when creating a working mixture, 250-350 grams of "nitrophen" is added to the ten-tier container with a driver.


The most toxic drug is considered "carbofos", which is capable of rid of all pests. It is necessary to use after flowering, since the remedy can harm the bees that pollinate the tree. You need to use the "carbofos" in the early morning or late in the evening, when the temperature drops below 12-15 degrees.

Biological methods

Some gardeners do not like to spray trees and get rid of rolling with biological methods. To do this, near the apple tree plant plants with an unpleasant odor. They scare the pests and prevent the appearance of Tly. These plants include:

  • calendula;
  • tansy;
  • garlic;
  • chamomile.

Also, biological methods of elimination of pest include the elimination of anthills in the garden, which attract to themselves.

Folk remedies

When pests appear on apple trees, measures immediately take measures to eliminate them. Some folk remedies will help to get rid of them.


When creating a mixture in a liter of water, 250 grams of soda are poured. A cooked liquid should be poured by a tree. The procedure is carried out 2 times a day.


Clean the apple fruits and sheets from the Tly will help special spices. Experienced gardeners use spices prepared from cinnamon and punch. Their in the amount of 100-200 grams is bred in 7-9 liters of water, after which the liquid is treated with plants. Too often do it contraindicated. Processing should be carried out once a week.




Remove the TRU will help the usual divorced ammonia in the water. In order for the composition to be weakly concentrated, it is mixed with fifteen liters of fluid. Spraying with ammonia solution is carried out only in the evening or sutra. In the afternoon it is contraindicated in the day to accidentally do not burn the leaf. Processing ammonia plants, you need to use the respirator and gloves.

Applends can be sprayed with garlic infusion, which helps to destroy TRU. In the meat grinder, several garlic heads are crushed, after which the casket is stirred with water in a ratio of one to three. Then the mixture is transferred to the dark room, where it will appear about one and a half weeks. After that, the composition is re-stirred with water and spray apple tree.

Infusion of ash

Among popular folk remedies from pests are distinguished by infusion made of ash. When creating a product for spraying fruit trees 450 grams of substance mixed with 7-8 liters of cold water. Also in the composition you can add a household chalk. The solution insists two days, after which spraying is performed.

Luke husk

Dutch and protect the apple tree from insects will help the ammonia. 100 ml of alcohol is mixed with 10-12 liters of ordinary water. Trees are sprayed with a solution obtained 2-3 times in 10-15 days. Each tree is consumed at 5-6 liters of alcohol solution.

Infusions and bookers of caustic and plowing herbs


If pests began to appear on the apple tree, it can be sprayed with a mixture of yarrow. For this kilogram of the dried herbs poured hot water. It should be sipped for half an hour, after which the grass is poured with a cold liquid and insist 30-40 hours.

Often the treeper is treated with brazers from tomato tops. Prepare them are quite simple. To do this, 4-5 kilograms of tomatoes are put in a bucket with water and leave for 2-3 hours. Then the driver is drained and used to handle apple trees.


Sometimes to eliminate the Tli use mustard powder. It is scattered near the trees and leave there for 1-2 weeks. The specific smell of mustard scares the pests and protects the plants from them. To enhance the fragrance of powder, it is poured with hot water.

How to protect a tree from re-illness

Protection of seedlings

The main feature of young apple trees is that they are low. Therefore, when the behavior appears on such seedlings it can be collected by hand. So that it never appeared on foliage and branches, it is necessary to regularly water the treeper with Machorka or Tobacco.

- Dangerous pest. Her colonies destroy one tree after another, spreading with an incredible speed. As can be seen in the photo, the affected apple trees are physiologically weakened. The insect pulls the juices, transfers dangerous viruses, attracts other uninvited guests, for example, ants. Different means are getting rid of it, the most secure for plants are folk. How exactly they are used, you will learn from the article and informative video.

Types of Tly and the first alarming signs of defeat

Whew - Phytophag, she pierces the plant with its trunk, removing juice. There are two forms of tool: winged and loony. Separate types of tools are powered in the root system.

On the apple trees, most often, there is a red gallicle, as well as:

  • redogol striped;
  • blood;
  • green apple and plum.

Does not scream with fruit trees and potato notes. This survive view is found in seedlings and houses on indoor plants.

Attention! From weeds on the fruit trees, the tobacco till falls, so it is so important to monitor the purity of the site.

Cooling forms of TILDs multiply without fertilization. In other words, all individuals are capable of giving offspring. During the summer up to nine generations tool. From the pending females of eggs, the larvae hatch. At once there are from 40 to 100 pcs. Females are able to fly for 25 km, mastering new territories.

The peak of breeding insects occurs in September. In late autumn, adults perish die, and the eggs are safely winter in the wood crust. Spring larvae feed on the first greens, then hit the kidneys and buds of trees.

Red blowing spots on the leaves of the apple tree should alert a gardener. The so-called galls occur as a result of a virus infection, tolerated tool. Next stage - twisted dried leaves. All the famous sign of this pest is a sticky plaque (Pad). Saccharine fluid is released in the process of insects and is a delicacy for ants.

Physical and biological means of dealing with tool

If the lesion area is small, you can remove insect cotton swab moistened in soap solution. The wave is low-lived and washed off with a jet of water. The dried leaves are harvested and burned. This method is used to combat aphids in greenhouses and nurseries. In the large apple orchard, larger actions are needed.

Skvortsy cooled with pleasure. Arrange houses for these birds, and they will guard your trees. Pests feed canowbanks, sparrows, raspberries, tits, wipes. To lure birds to your site, equip the drinkers and feeders. Separate fragrant and berry shrubs, plants will give fruit and attract insects. Insects, eating aphid - this is a ladybug, Burning, Zlatagida.

Tip! To increase the number of ladybugs in the garden, leave a plot of no bevelled grass. Dandelions, Pijm, Yarrow, Dill - favorite plants of these bugs.

Colonies of Tly protect ants. A large number of anthills - a sure sign of the presence of a dangerous pest. It is necessary to follow this in the site and, as necessary, destroy the ants.

The failure does not make odors of the following insecticidal plants:

  1. Caucasian chamomile, calendula, velvets, cleanliness, tobacco.
  2. Garlic, burning pepper, celery, horseradish, bow.
  3. Lavender, Sage, Basil, Mustard, Fennel, Mint.

Herbs are cleared near a plot or garden. Effectively and spraying with influences.

Folk recipes against tool

Awed solution. The ash will not only cope with pests, but also enrich the soil by microelements. For 1 kg of ash, you will need 8 liters of boiling water. It is possible to brew 48 hours, after the liquid is constricted, removing thick. The infusion is diluted with 10 liters of water and irrigate the trees from the spray gun.

Infusion on tomato leaves. 2 tbsp. Ground green leaves pour 2 tbsp. boiling water. It insists 12 hours, after being filled, dilute 5 liters of water and treated trees.

Infusion on a dry husk onion. The husk bucket is poured 20 liters of water. It insists 5 days, filter and put the chips of the economic soap (on 1 liter of infusion of 2 kg of chips). Before the infusion procedure interfere with water 1: 2. For emergency assistance prepare according to the following recipe:

  • 200 g husk;
  • 10 l of water (70 s °).

Insist 12 hours. Blowing and blowning water, spray apple trees. The tool is completely safe and can be used unlimited number.

Infusion of garlic. 5-6 garlic fractions are powered and poured 100 g of water (70 s °). The solution insists 24 hours, after pouring 2 h. vegetable oil and 1 tsp. Liquid household Soap. The resulting liquid is bred by two liters of water and spray apple trees.

Tobacco infusion. For this, 50 g of tobacco or mahors is dissolved in 10 liters of water (70 s °). Put the chips of the house. Soap and insist day. After fixing and sprayed a garden.

Spraying Coca-Cola. Interestingly, this drink has a destructive effect on the TRU. A sprayer tip is worn onto a plastic bottle and processed infected areas.

Safe preparations and measures of prevention

If the facility is seen during the tamental of fruit or flowering, do not hurry with radical chemistry. The following substances are effective for dealing with tool:

  1. Urea. Burns pests, even protected cocoon shell. It is used as a preventive agent in early spring.
  2. Bordeaux liquid + copper vigor. Performed two weeks after the start of flowering. The tool kills other pests. Good prevention of viral diseases (moniliosis, anthraznosis, apple passage).
  3. Inkstone. Destroys the masonry of eggs and movable larvae. Treat the tool in early spring, before the kidneys dissolve. In addition to the harmful effect on the TRU, the iron is the necessary element for growth and yield of apple trees.

For any processing, it is important that droplets of the tools are sitting on the bottom side of the leaves. Works begin to pursue early in the spring to destroy overwhelming masonry. Usually 10 liters are enough for spraying five adult apple trees. Various herbal compositions can be used without restrictions and at any time of vegetation. Some chemical. Preparations are used 1 time in the year. On time the selected foci of infection and urgent measures will be saved by a fruit garden from death.

TLL on the apple tree: video

The trouble may appear on any plot. It is enough to fly only a few insects - if you have the necessary number of food, they breed very quickly. After a few weeks, the plant will be almost completely affected by insects. Therefore, it is important to know how to deal with aphid on an apple tree. If you do nothing, insects will have a negative effect on the tree, which can lead to his death.

The life cycle of apple tree Tley consists of several generations. The females lay the eggs of light green color, which gradually change the color to black. Out of eggs appear wrongful founders. Gradually, they develop in cullless virgins who can be two types - with wings and without. At the end of the growing season, normal eggs and males appear. But for the laying of eggs, female do not need a male gamets, so insects multiply at a huge speed.

Before starting to fight the tool, it is necessary to study its varieties. And there are quite a lot of them:

  • Green apple fault. These are small greenish-yellow insects, body length less than 2 mm. The pest is dangerous for apple trees, pears, quilience, rowan, kizilnik and some other plantations. Very quickly multiplies, so it can reduce the yield of the tree. Because of the insects, red spots are formed on the fruits, the leaves are twisted, and the shoots bend.
  • Redogalla TLL. Buro-green insects are covered with a powdered pile of white color, have black transverse strips. Body length does not exceed 1.6 mm. The wave is striking leafy plates and fruits. At the same time, the plant harms all insect generations.
  • Black Tl. Combines several types of insects, having a black, dark blue and green-brown color. It feeds with juice of young leaves and fruits, for this has special trull. Because of this, the plant may die or reduce its yield.
  • Blood. Received its name due to the fact that when crushing it in her place, a bright red spot remains. Insects ovoid shape, bright orange. Tlla settled on young shoots of cuttings of leaves and fruits. In the place of their distribution, deep ulcers are formed through which malicious bacteria penetrate into the plant. If you do not remove the blood stream, the plant will stop fruit and die in 2-3 years.

To reveal the TRU in a young or adult tree is easy, as it is accompanied by very pronounced symptoms:

But gradually the insect becomes little food, so they are lowered to the lower tiers. To detect pests, you need to deploy a piece of paper, and on the back side it will be possible to detect a plurality of larvae.

When to start wrestling

Start destroying the TRU must be as early as possible. It is desirable to do it immediately after it is detected:

  • During the flowering of TLA tree will affect the drop-down buds. As a result, the flowers will begin to be down. And this can lead to a lack of harvest. Therefore, it is recommended to destroy the TRU before flowering.
  • If it appeared in June-July, spray the tree with special compositions need immediately. Otherwise, insects will lead to falling out of forming fruits.
  • If they spray the tree during the ripening period of fruits, the apples will have to leave another 1-2 weeks on the tree. During this time, insects will die, and the means that were used for spraying are evaporated.

Therefore, it is advisable to regularly examine trees for the presence of pests. The earlier to identify the TRU, the less damage it will apply apple trees.

Biological methods that put under the apple tree from the Tly

The trouble may appear in any garden. She is striking not only an apple tree, but also other fruit trees, tomatoes, roses. To scare it, it is not necessary to use harmful chemicals.

To protect the agricultural culture, such plants can be attached next to it:

  • Pyrethrum. It contains Pyotrin, which is destroying effect on the nervous system of insects. After entering their body, he causes paralysis. Insects die, as they can not move, and eat accordingly. Part of individuals can survive, but they lose reproductive functions.
  • Lavender. This is a perennial plant with a pleasant smell and bright lilac flowers. It is grown as decorative. Contains essential oils and strong aromatic components. This scares pests.
  • Nailing (calendula). This is an annual plant with orange or yellow flowers. Leaves, stem and flowers have a strong aroma that scares the TRU.
  • Garlic. Its specific sharp smell accounts for not by temper, so it does not settle next to him.
  • Marigold. This is annual or perennial plants. Flowers can be pure yellow or motley - reddish yellow. However, it is recommended to choose the thin colors of the velvetsev. Otherwise, they can get a snail, which over time can go to the apple tree.

Such plants are very effectively scaping the TRU. At the same time, they are completely safe for the human body, in contrast to aggressive chemicals.


The use of insecticides and pesticides is the most effective method of fighting tool. Malicious insects die almost immediately or a few hours after spraying of the yadogymicates.

There is a wide variety of chemicals that can be applied against the Tly.

But that the use of such drugs has been effective and secure for a person, a number of simple rules are required during the procedure:

  • Spraying the tree is needed in good dry weather, there should be no wind. Chemicals act even after the rain, but if they are not washed with water, the effect of them will come faster.
  • It is advisable to put the mask on the eyes and mouth, gloves. Clothes need to take a worker, and after spraying it immediately remove and wash.
  • Means pour into a garden pulverizer. After the procedure it is necessary to wash well, and the remnants of the means are better sprayed to the adjacent trees for the prevention. It is impossible that chemicals get into reservoirs.
  • Processing is best carried out early in spring to the dissolution of the kidneys. Thanks to this, the wave overwhelmed will die quickly.
  • Spray need not top down, up to bottom. So the remedy will fall on the back side of the sheet, with which the pests are located.
  • If the chemical will be fruitful, they are not recommended to divide the minimum of 2-3 weeks. And after that they will need to be carefully soaked.
  • You can not spray pesticides while flowering wood. They lead to the death of bees. As a result, pollination will not occur, and the apple tree will not give a crop.
  • The finished tool must be used immediately or during the day. Do not leave it next time - the effect of it will decrease.
  • Every year it is recommended to acquire a new insecticide. The fact is that the tribe can be developed immunity to the same means. Therefore, she will not die.

Such simple rules will allow to get rid of pests quickly and efficiently.


If you make a garden of early spring to them, it will save the trees from various pests - Tli, snails, caterpillars and others. In addition, the spraying of nitrophen is an excellent prevention of pasta and other diseases. Produced in the form of a brown paste, which is well soluble in water. To prepare an effective solution, it is necessary to dissolve 200 g of a means of 10 liters of liquid. But it is forbidden to use the remedy for green vegetation, it can be applied either early spring or late autumn.


Contains petroleum oil that allows you to quickly destroy pests. To achieve the effect, the concentration of the solution should be 4%. That is, in 10 liters of water it is necessary to dissolve 400 g of the means.


This is a drug contact-intestinal action. It helps protect the apple tree from Tsi, caterpillars, ants and other pests. After spraying, the tool will kill them within a few hours. For the preparation of the solution, one ampoule of the preparation is 10 liters of water.


With the help of such a tool, you can deal with various pests. It is suitable not only for garden crops, but also for indoor plants. Produced in the form of tablets. To prepare a spray solution, it is necessary to dissolve 1 tablet in 1 liter of water. Then strain and add 4 l liquids. Treat apple tree. After 2-3 weeks, re-spraying is recommended. The drug has an intestinal contact action.

Insects will die after eating sprayed leaves.


Available in the form of tablets or a water-soluble solution. Contains 8 isomers, effective against scales and tough insects. Quickly destroys the population of tool. Paralyzes both larvae and adult insects. Long persists on the surface of the leaves (up to 30 days), is characterized by resistant to high temperatures and sunshine.


After spraying, the drug immediately begins to act and destroys the TRU. In this case, the tool has an advantage - its action is premissible for a short time, up to 2 weeks, after which it begins to collapse.

Contains malation related to phosphorodorganic compounds. It is necessary to dissolve 90 g of the drug in 10 liters of water. An emulsion is formed, which will need to spray fruit trees.


Decis is a universal means that destroys all types of malicious insects that live on garden and indoor plants. The tool has a good contact-intestinal action, destroys the TRU by about 12 hours after spraying. Available in bags for 1 g. This quantity must be divorced in 20 liters of water and use for its intended purpose. The use of decisum is excellent prophylaxis - insecticide will protect the apple tree within 30 days after spraying.


Intavir is also a universal means that is suitable for the destruction of more than 50 types of insects, including Tlima. The active in the drug is cypermethrin. Finding into the organism of insects, he causes paralysis and death. Produced in the form of tablets. One tablet is designed for 10 liters of water. For spraying, only freshly prepared solutions are suitable.


The drug karate is a very effective means. Available in the form of a water-soluble liquid. 10 liters of water need to take 250 g. Spray trees are recommended in the morning or evening in mad weather. The preparation is toxic for fish, bees and birds. Therefore, it is necessary to use it with caution.

Application of folk remedies and recipes

You can get rid of aphids using folk remedies. However, they act slower chemicals. Consider the most effective folk remedies.

The ash helps to bring the TRU in the shortest possible time. To do this, you can use such recipes:

  • 3 kg of wood ash pour 5 liters of boiling water. Insist two days, then strain and add to the resulting infusion of 3 st. l. liquid soap. Use such a means for spraying trees.
  • In 10 liters of cold water, 1.5 kg of ash and 100 g of grated soap fall asleep. Leave the mixture for a day. Then fixed and used to process the affected trees.
  • Take an equal amount of ash and mackets. Poured with water and insist during the day. After that, they are filled and used by destination.

The ash does not harm the plants, but strengthens their immunity. It also sprinkles soil to increase fertility. If the soil is very acidic, the apple tree may suffer, its immunity is reduced from this. Therefore, it becomes susceptible to various diseases, quickly dies from pests. After treatment, the acidity of the soil decreases ash.


To combat aphids, a household soap is used. It contains kapronic acid that destroys harmful insects. To prepare a soap solution, it is necessary to grate on a large grater of 300 g 75% soap. The resulting chips pour 2 l warm water, well stir up to its complete dissolution. Pour another 8 l of water so that it is less concentrated.


Ammonium solution is used to combat the threes. It burns mucous membranes, leading to paralysis and death of insects. After that, they fall. If a small amount of fonds remain on the tree, repeated spraying may be required.

For the preparation of the solution, it is necessary to add to 10 liters of water in 1 tbsp. l. concentrated ammonia and liquid soap.


From garlic you can prepare several effective tools from the Tly:

  • Infusion of garlic. 10 heads of garlic to divide on the teeth, but not clean them. Pour a liter of water and insist 3 days. Then the liquid merge and add more than 10 liters of water. Use for spraying wood.
  • Garlic arrows. They must be postponed under the tree, tie to branches. They have a very pronounced smell, so the trouble flies.
  • Garlic soap solution. It is necessary to squeeze 400 g of purified garlic cloves on the meat grinder. Add 3 tbsp. l. Liquid soap and pour 10 l of water. Insist for 3 days. Then straighten and process the affected tree.

It must be borne in mind that all the products cooked from garlic have a very unpleasant smell. Therefore, during spraying, it is recommended to wear a face mask.


200 g soda pour 10 l of water and spray trees. To increase the effect in the liquid, you can add a small amount of soap. So insects adhere to the leaves, after which they will begin to die under the action of an alkali solution.

Also, soda can be used as a powder. To do this, simply sprinkle to it. But this method is effective if there are few insects.


There are several ways to apply Cepurela:

  • Discarding. It is necessary to collect dried grass and chop it into powder. After that, process the affected areas. In addition, it is possible to use such a tool for prophylaxis during flowering period - it protects flowers from malicious insects.
  • The use of green cleanliness. It must be disruptable and scattered under the trees. You can also encourage cleanly on the branches of the apple tree.
  • Infusion. With mass lesions, the floss requires spraying. For the preparation of infusion from Cellity, it is necessary to fill the 1/5 bucket of chopped grass. After that, pour 5 boiling water and insist half an hour. Then strain, add another 5 l of liquid.

Cleptela juice poisonous for insects. Therefore, as soon as it falls into the body of the Tly, the paralysis of all systems will happen, so it will die.


The failure is sensitive to the vapors of the ammonic alcohol. Therefore, such a tool can be effectively used to protect the garden from pest invasions. For the preparation of the solution, 50 ml of ammonic alcohol is necessary to dilute 10 liters of water. Mix thoroughly and add a soap base - 50 g of liquid or grated on a solid soap. It is necessary for sticking to the leaves, otherwise it will fly away and die. It is not recommended to spray the cooked tool, since small drops of the ammonia may not fly to the tree. In this case, pouring the solution is required from the watering can.

The infusion of onion husk has a very rare smell. Therefore, insects are not transferred and leave the spray tree. The use of such a tool makes sense if there is only 1 apple tree in the garden. Otherwise, the TLA can move from one tree to another. For the preparation of infusion, 200 g onion husks pour 10 liters of water. Insist 5 days then strain and spray trees. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times with a frequency of 5 days.


After hitting the mustard in the insect organism, it causes their death. It can be used in various ways:

  • Dry mustard. It is necessary to sprinkle the places of cluster of Tly. The substance acts very quickly and aggressively, so insects will die within a few hours.
  • Infusion. 100 g mustard pour 10 liters of water, insist the day. Then add another 10 liters of water and 30 g of household soap.
  • Solution. In 10 liters of water, add 1 tbsp. l. Mustard and vinegar.

Mustard compounds must be used with caution. If you get into the eyes, they can cause strong burning.

To get rid of the Tly, you can grow tobacco on your site, buy a pack of cigarettes or use tobacco dust. The easiest is the last option. Tobacco dust is sold in specialized stores, and to prepare a means against aphids, it is simply necessary to dilute with water. For this, 50 g of dust pour 10 liters of water.

Also can be enclosed. To do this, close to the apple tree lay out a thin layer of straw, sprinkle with tobacco dust and set fire. But you need to follow the fire so that it does not spread to the tree.

Other funds

In the process of destroying, other insects can help. To lure them to the site, it is necessary to comply with some recommendations.

Feed tool such insects:

  • Larvae of God's cows. Attract them is difficult, it is easier to buy them in flower shops. After that, release them on the apple tree.
  • Ground beetle. To attract it, it is necessary to land in the garden of ternary cultures.
  • Burbed. You need to land under the tree of Daisy, the pollen feed these insects. And their larvae eat adulthood and her larvae.

Also help cope with pests can birds. To attract them, it is necessary to place in the garden the nestings, feeders, drinkers.

Mechanical ways of struggle

It can be removed by mechanical methods. However, such methods are less effective. The fact is that insects can return. Mechanical methods can be attributed to:

  • Remove to the hand. This is a pretty problematic occupation, since insects are very small. And when touching them, they are easily crushed. Therefore, so as not to blur hands, it is recommended to work in gloves.
  • Wash the water pressure head. However, in this case, it does not die, so after some time it can return to the tree.
  • Crop the affected branches and burn. This method is effective only if insects only appeared and did not have time to populate all the tree. And if you remove too many branches, the apple tree can suffer.

Unfortunately, there are no baits for these pests, as they love to be harvested only by green leaves. Therefore, to combat it you have to use one of the above funds.

PREVENTION OF WI on the apple

To avoid the appearance of aphids in the garden plot, a number of preventive measures must be observed. Often it is entered into the garden along with seedlings. Therefore, before buying, they must be carefully examined. Only healthy seedlings are recommended in the ground.

In preventive purposes, it is necessary to involve in the territory of birds. They will prevent the emergence of not only Tlima, but also other malicious insects.

Fruit trees in the garden - the pride of every gardener. He cares about the timely watering, feeding, fights with diseases and with a toy! This insect most often occupies an apple tree during flowering, which complicates the possibility of destroying the pest. But it is necessary to deal with the tool at this stage. All secrets are revealed here!

A couple of words about the temperature and prevention of the struggle, or what's one to another

  • hergan brands phyton-, insecticidal action;
  • broth of onion, garlic husk;
  • soap, evil-soap solution.

The only drawback of folk remedies is multipleness of treatments. Treatment once does not have an effective action.

Chemical preparations for fighting aphid: acting for sure

If people's recipes do not help, but I want to get a good harvest, you can use chemicals. In order to avoid "burning" colors, the spraying should be carried out objects, that is, only at the places of the largest cluster of Tly. This will help:

  • a weak solution of copper sulphate;
  • preparations of decis, nitrophen;
  • funds, spark.

Spraying is carried out in dry weather without wind. The result is on 3-5 days: leaves are spinning, the growth of the roots is visible. And the word is defeated!

It turns out that the fight against the tool is not only measures at the time of the detection of the pest, but also compliance with the rules of cultivation, and prevention. Do not forget about the trifles - and your garden will be healthy!

How to deal with aphid on an apple tree: video