How to treat chicks from ticks. Tick \u200b\u200b- the worst enemy of poultry

What diseases cause: how to output and than treat

Did you know?The first home chicken genus from Ethiopia. Thus, the history of home breeding of this bird has about three thousand years already!

Treatment is to apply to the affected areas of acaricidal drugs:

  • the bathtub from the forty-portus birch concert: the legs of the chickens are immersed in her lean joint; A dozen birds are enough 300 g of fiction;
  • semi-profile nicochlorine emulsion;
  • berezovaya to come to a kerosene in a cold;
  • azuntola emulsion 0.3%;
  • 1% solution of trichlorometaffos.
The procedure is carried out three times, observing the interval per week.

Velive scabies

The causative agent of kemidocoptosis of the body is the same as in the previous case. This tick differs from the fellow only light yellow color. It dwells mainly in the feathers, in the folds of the skin of the chicken, forming knots in the skin. In the nodes it contains his offspring.

Important!If most of the chicken body is affected, only a third of the skin can be lubricant at a time.

The leather scabies

Other name - epidermoptosis. The causative agent is the yellowish epidermoptes microclast, which is in the first follicles under the top skin.

The probability of infection has repeatedly increasing in the warm season. Foci of the disease can be seen first on the bird's chest, then on the neck, and later the disease eats on the head, rigging comb and seelings. If you start the treatment, the distribution will go further on the back and on the top of the legs. Peeling, red leather with crusts of dried sukrovitsy - this is the main sign of the epidermoptosis. The skin in particularly sensitive places is inflamed so much that he can die, making the smell of rot. Most often it is not observed.

Effective treatment will be the treatment of inflamed skin sections with ointments or acaricidal solutions:

  • degtyar ointment in proportion 1: 5;
  • creolyn ointment, 1:10;
  • a mortar hit in half with alcohol;
  • soap emulsion to (5%).

If all the chicken herd or most of it have strong lesions, it is possible to spray the livestock with a semi-profile solution of chlorofos.

Important! Modern science was debunking the myth that only late in the spring and at the beginning of the summer the ticks are dangerous, and in the rest of the time you can remember them. The chicken tick is active 6 months a year, so the eye examinations must be carried out regularly.

Red chicken mite

Red chicken mite is resistant to low temperatures, it can be starved for a whole year, and even its adult larvae suck. It is extremely dangerous in that it is a carrier of many infectious diseases, including common for chickens and for humans.

Video: Red chicken tick in chickens The symptoms include itching and inflammation of the affected area in the part in which the tick got: larynx, trachea, nose, auditory passage. Chickens are massively dying from depletion and blood loss. Chickens are almost losing egg production.

Did you know?Kuras do not distinguish their eggs from strangers, and if the bird is imperceptibly replacing the eggs, then she will raise them as their own.

Treatment will be the treatment of a sick bird with a Dust Sevin (at a concentration of 7.5%). Depending on the severity of the lesion on one chicken leaves 5 to 15 g of the Dust.

Treatment is to process 7.5% of the man, as in the situation with the red tick.

Clear mite

It is cytodiosis, it is a lung tick. The pathogen is cytodez, settling in lungs or bird bronchi. This is an extremely dangerous disease, sometimes mortality is up to half of the sick chickens.

Bird is hard to breathe, she pulls her neck and throws her head in trying to get more air. From the nose there are mucous allocations of gray. If during this period put on the trachea, the chicken goes in the cough. The affected individuals are not only losing their appetite and weight, but also can go to the state of the coma.

Although some measures to save sick birds are being taken (for example, the introduction of camphor oil into the abdominal cavity), the treatment is considered ineffective and extremely few hope for recovery. Sick birds are clogged, the remaining disinfection by spraying acaricides. The best option will be the replacement of the sick flock on healthy.

Important!Be sure to spend thorough disinfection of the poultry house before launching new chickens there!

Ixodic tick

Are chicken mites for man

The most important harm to a person from the chicken tick is, of course, financial losses. The affected birds that die, the disinfection of the poultry house, the reduction of productivity among the remaining individuals - all this hits the poultry's wallet, given that, first of all, the tick is striking young and nurses.
In the European Union, there are statistics even on such issues: loss of poultry farms from chicken ticks are sometimes about 130 million euros per year.

914 09/10/2019 5 min.

Chicken tick delivers a lot of trouble and sick bird, and farmer. As a result of the infection, productivity falls, the state of the feather cover deteriorates, chickens may begin to lag in growth and development, poorly gaining a lot. Although in the warm season, the ticks show maximum activity, theoretically infected in regardless of the season. About how dangerous ticks, what they happen, how to be treated (depending on the type) you will learn later. Independently the disease does not pass, and the sooner you take action, the better.

Determination of the disease

Symptoms of infection:

  • apathy and weakness;
  • yazens, wounds, mass and wounds;
  • shortness of breath, dry frequent cough;
  • pallor of earrings, scallop, mucous membranes;
  • termination of eggs;
  • weight loss;
  • thirst, rejection of food.

When infected with ticks on the bird body, small stains of red and black color are usually noticeable, there are blood droplets on the feathers.



Large ticks can be easily seen, visually and in size they look like fleas. Varieties:

Red tick is considered the most dangerous - it transfers viruses, bacteria, distributes typhoid, cholera, spirochitosis, borreliosis.


  1. Knemidocoptes. - cause the appearance of tel and foot scabies.
  2. Epidermoptes. - microorganism-causative agent of the leather maternity pathology.
  3. Citodes - pulmonary or tracheal microclast, which is powered by the highlights of the epidermis and particles of cellular structures.


Treatment of ticks, regardless of the breed of chickens (,), is assigned taking into account the type of pathogen.

Foot scabies

Treatment involves the treatment of feet acaricidal drugs - only 2-3 processing with intervals in one week. Possible options - birch tar (baths with it), nicochloran, soap K, trichlorometaffos 1% solution, emulsion Azunts 0.3%, carbofos emulsion 1%, Degtyar-soap hexahlorane paste. About the description of the breed of quail Manychuhnye read.

In the risk zone of "limestone" - chickens aged 3 to 5 months.

Velive scabies

If the pathological process is clearly expressed, the bird is recommended to bathe in solutions:

  • Odilene;
  • Inhouvelop;
  • Yakutin;
  • Mycotectane;
  • chlorofos;
  • metaphos;
  • non-masted;
  • azunts.

The procedure is carried out once a week a total of 3-4 times. Additionally, it is recommended to use acaricides in the form of ointments. More than a third of the body area at once, the drug is not applied. Acacyridal ointments are prepared with the use of Vaseline and birch tar. If the lesions are not strong, it will be enough to smear only damaged areas.

The leather scabies

Treatment - processing of affected areas with solutions and ointments with acaricides:

  • degtyar ointment;
  • delet with alcohol;
  • creolyn ointment;
  • creilin solution.

If the population is large, you can spray it with solutions of chlorofos and carbofos 2-3 times with intervals in one week.

Clear mite

Cytodes tick has a small rounded yellow body, lives in breathing tracks. Most often it amazes chickens since the 120rd age. Pathology often gives you to know about yourself in summer and autumn, it is able to hit up to 50% of the entire livestock. From the nose begins mucous serous sections, if you press the bird on the trachea, it will begin to cough. Chickens, and other breeds infected with ticks, are quickly becoming sluggish and weak, can be included in a semi-execution state. The diagnosis is made after laboratory research. Treatment is considered not effective. Patients with individuals are recommended to introduce an oil solution of camphores - 0.5 ml from two sides of the peritoneum. It is desirable to replace the herd.


In this video will tell how to deal with a red chicken tick.


  1. The chicken tick delivers a lot of inconvenience and the birds themselves, and farmers. Treatment must be carried out necessarily, although it is not effective with the same cytoids.
  2. Pliers are microscopic and visible to the eye. It is possible to determine the first only according to the symptoms characteristic of ticks and / or using a microscope.
  3. Standard processing of infected birds spend from 2-4 times from a weekly interval. Please note that solutions and ointments must have a certain concentration that is prohibited.
  4. Chickens of any breeds are often infected, including and, aged 3 to 5 months. In order to timely detect the problem, regularly inspect the livestock.

Feather or red ticks live in unlocked raw poultry houses having bad ventilation. First, they occupy sockets and litters, then move to the bird body. Their bites are very painful and dangerous. Bowing a bird, tick injects a poison that prevents blood coagulation. This creates a painful hearth red.

Methods of struggle

There are various chemical preparations and solutions made to combat ticks, but many of them are not tested on currens, so they are not recommended to apply for this purpose. It is best to try to fight with tick-like facilities.

To prepare a tool, you will need:

  • 30 ml of garlic juice;
  • 300 ml of water;
  • a teaspoon of any combination of mint essential oils, cumin, lavender, coriander, carnations, cinnamon, laurel sheet.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and sprayed chickens in a day for 2-3 weeks. For prevention, this agent is used once a week. Special attention should be paid to the zone under the wings and around the rear pass. After spraying chickens, it is recommended to treat diatomitic earth, rubbing powder in feathers and skin. At the same time, care must be taken to dust in the eyes and light birds.

In the treatment of patients with birds, in order to prevent anemia, they should increase the consumption of iron. To products containing a large amount of iron include:

  • eggs, seafood, poultry meat, fish, meat;
  • green dandelion, beet trees, spinach;
  • sheet cabbage, broccoli, sweet potatoes;
  • raisin, watermelon, strawberries, kabbraj kudryavaya;
  • patok, corn, oatmeal, wheat products.

The introduction of these products into the diet of birds contributes to their early recovery, as the infection decreases the level of iron in the blood and imminent immunity.

Adding a fresh garlic clove into drinking water or in the feed of garlic powder is a good prevention of infection, because ticks do not tolerate the taste of blood of those birds that eat garlic.

Chicken mites are inhabited, both in residential and non-residential premises - in attics, poultry houses. A lot of them on the litter, as they attack only for food purposes, and the rest of the time live in the nest. The ticks can be found on the upper floors of the houses, where they fall through cracks in the windowsill and ventilation. The apartment can be taken ticks with feathers.

Chicken tick closeup

The main fight against chicken tick, by the way, is also called a pigeon tick, produced in the indoor indoor.

  • Clean the chicken footage from pollution and define birds to another room. Need careful cleaning of all nests, petrolers, walls. Remove the litter, web and litter.
  • Treat the floor, walls all that is in the chicken coop of steep boiling water, gas burner or other heat source, for example, a soldering lamp. Thus, burn your entire room, throw out the dilapidated elements, and pesters, if possible, do new ones.
  • As prophylaxis, sometimes spray the chickenuted with a diesel fuel, and the floor and the walls are enough to lubricate with white lime.

Choose a heater from the chicken tick:

Good prevention of chicken ticks - hot solidol. But they need to handle wood for the chicken coop still at the stage of construction.

Chicken mites are able to annoy the inhabitants of the chicken coop much stronger than other bloodsows. With the slightest suspicion of their presence, the poultry produce should be diagnosed and it is possible to get rid of annoying parasites as quickly as possible. How to do this is described in the article.

The chicken tick is divided into several varieties, differing from each other by the appearance, size and habitat on the body of the bird.

  1. Very small arthropods that are not visible to the naked eye. These include Knemidocoptes, epidermoptes, cytodezes. Feed skin scales and various election of the animal. Cause foot and bliss, live in trachers and lung birds.
  2. Larger representatives of the species. In size as lice and fleas. This is xode ticks, Persian and red chicken. Representatives attack chickens only to bite and feed blood. All the rest of the time the arthropods is carried out on the walls, pancakes, semi chicken coop.

It is not so easy to notice a small tick in feathers, so more often the owners are focused on signs of defeat.

Attention! Chicken tick can drink the blood of people who care for the bird. Frequent bites lead to allergies and dermatitis.

Settling in the chicken coop, the red tick delivers tangible troubles to its inhabitants. Adult individuals regularly feeling for himself reduce egg production, and young people grow poorly. If the arthropods settled in nests - the chickens will stop visiting them. Permanent, although small blood loss leads to anemia, which is easy to determine the pale of earrings and ridges.

Attention! Too much of red bloodworms leads to the death of birds.

The fact that a red chicken tick appeared in the smokeshield, can be suspected of the following signs:

When such signs appear, each bird should be carefully examined. If it is a red tick, then small black and red grains are noticeable on the body and feathers. The red tick looks like:

  • Oval Taurus 0.6-0.7 mm long.
  • Arthristone has 4 pairs of naps of different lengths.
  • Taurus red color. After the tick was flooded with a dark purple.

Council. The tick is well noticeable on white paper. In order to detect the bloodstream, the sheet is carried out on walls and piping. Maximum cluster in the litter.

The chicks affected by the tick and the room of the chicken coop are treated with an insecticidal agent. The walls and indoors are recommended to burn a soldering lamp. On the pad for the walking, containers with sand and ash, where birds can "swim". For the prevention on the floor, fragrant herbs are scattering: wormwood, chamomile, pyrhy.

Diseases and methods of treatment

Attention! When ticks are detected, you should contact the veterinarian. The specialist will select the necessary drugs and prescribe treatment.