How to apply liquid wallpaper on the walls. Liquid wallpapers in the interior are all about liquid wallpaper

A new type of wall coverage came to replace the usual wallpaper, which is rapidly gaining popularity among users. This coating is called liquid wallpaper. Try to separate the walls with liquid wallpapers in your home anyone can, but it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the types of products, the rules of choice and technology appliances on the wall before buying them.

Only with all features, advantages and disadvantages of this technology you will create the perfect design of the walls in your apartments.

What it is?

Liquid wallpapers are a coating, which includes components such as glue and cellulose. Often with a specific decoration of products used fibers of various fabrics, as well as special dyes of various shades.

Liquid wallpaper look like Dry mix in packets that resembles material for children's crafts. Often, products attribute the characteristics of plaster and say that liquid wallpaper is a mixture of classic wallpaper and plaster. The difference is that the latter includes sand, but there is no one among the components of liquid wallpaper.

In addition to buying finished products, you can easily make the coating yourself. To do this, use:

  • Sheets of paper A4 format;
  • Scissors;
  • Liquid tank (bucket or deep pelvis);
  • PVA glue;

  • Cool water;
  • Construction mixer;
  • Gypsum;
  • Decorative and colored elements.

Paper sheets should be cut into pieces of 20 to 50 mm sizes, then put them in the container and pour water so that the paper is slightly over the aqueous surface. By giving a mixture to spill a couple of hours, mix water with paper using a mixer to homogeneous mass. Repeatedly whip the mixture after adding color, decor, glue and gypsum.

An alternative to ordinary paper can serve a dense paper from newspapers. The relief can be created from sawdust and other girlfriends. Having created liquid wallpapers yourself, you can show your taste and personality in the design of the apartment.


Despite the fact that liquid wallpapers and plaster have a number of common properties, wallpapers are a greater variety of coatings. The difference in the types are mainly due to the composition and relief of products, as well as the features of the surface on which they can be placed

The mixture can include silk fibers, cotton elements, flax particles or even wool. Silk wallpapers are very beautiful and durable. They have high quality and resistance to the effects of sunlight. Cellulose-based coating is less wear-resistant, but has a democratic price compared to a silk analogue.

The most popular coating varieties consisting of a mixture of pulp and silk. But they are not very different in quality from ordinary cellulose materials. Cotton products are also very popular. Cotton is almost 100 percent of the composition. Another component of the wallpaper is mica. Often, plant fibers, mineral components and synthetic elements are added to the wallpaper.

Wallpapers are different in the method of application:

  • A simple option involves breeding the finished mixture in water. Even no experience in applying liquid composition on the walls can easily cope with this technology.
  • A more complex option implies a white mixture in combination with special dyes. A suitable dye should be selected separately.

On the location of the product are divided into:

  • Wall;
  • Ceiling.

So that wallpaper has an unusual texture, use various decorative components:

  • Marble chips;
  • Wood chips;
  • Quartz particles.

It is also worth paying attention to the species and features of varnish, which can be used for additional coating of liquid wallpaper. The most suitable will be acrylic varnish on a water basis. Additionally cover the walls only in rooms, where there are wet traces on the walls due to moisture. For dry premises, it is not recommended to make additional wall coverings.

You can choose among two types of varnish: matte or glossy. But remember that the applying of an additional layer can change the color of the wallpaper by making it more saturated or dark.

Pros and cons

For liquid wallpapers, both the advantages and disadvantages in comparison with other types of coatings are characteristic. It is important to take into account both positive, and the negative sides when choosing products in order not to encounter difficulties during operation and coating.

The main pluses of liquid wallpapers are:

  • Compared with ordinary wallpaper, liquid coatings leave no seams. They make the surface of smooth, without forming the joints and boundaries between the stripes.

  • The composition of the adhesive of the wallpaper includes natural components, so it is harmless, it does not cause allergic reactions and can be safely used even for children's rooms. In the process of use from the surface of the wallpaper, no substances harmful to health are distinguished.
  • Since products can consist of many different components, they differ in a huge variety of colors and textures of models.
  • Liquid coatings are not exposed to temperatures. Such wallpapers are ideal for premises that are not equipped with a large amount of heating devices.
  • These coatings do not fade into the sun. When exposed to ultraviolet rays, they do not lose color saturation.

  • The technology of applying liquid wallpaper is simple, they can also be easily removed. In the process of removal, there will be not so many garbage as usual when removing ordinary wallpaper.
  • Before applying the wallpaper, there is no need to shock the plaster small errors of the wall surface. Liquid wallpapers are perfectly masked small irregularities without the use of additional funds.
  • Due to its dense texture, these products create a noise insulating layer. Porous structure skips less sounds into the room.

  • In addition to rescue from noise, these wallpapers also retain heat. In rooms with liquid wallpaper, the temperature of the air is higher than in rooms with other coatings on the walls.
  • The surface of the wallpaper does not accumulate dust. Even light areas will not become darker after some time after the start of operation.
  • In the structure of such coatings, harmful microorganisms will not be multiplied.
  • When applying on the wall, these wallpapers do not need to be customized by the parameters of the room and cut separate pieces for hard-to-reach sections of the wall, which significantly saves repair time.
  • For products, the material is not important from which the walls are made. A pre-coating, which is a special primer, is applied only in case of particularly problematic surfaces so that the wallpaper subsequently lay uniformly.
  • When applied, you can independently create drawings on the surface.

  • Under all operating conditions, liquid wallpapers may have a long service life.
  • The surface decorated with liquid wallpaper is very pleasant to the touch due to its unusual relief and delivers not only aesthetic, but also tactile pleasure.
  • If there is damage to wallpaper, the spoiled area can always be removed and apply a new mixture to this place.
  • Coatings of this type open space for experiments with an appearance wall. Using this technology, you can embody your fantasy and create an exclusive design in the room.
  • Due to the fact that the surface of liquid wallpapers misses the air, a sharp smell will never be formed in the room or mold. Also, this coating property will help avoid the greenhouse effect.

Negative characteristics include the following:

  • Liquid wallpapers are not suitable for use in rooms with elevated moisture levels. They are not very moisture-resistant, and when contacting water can even be removed from the surface of the wall or ceiling.
  • It is not very simple to clean the surface of the product. They cannot be washed with ordinary water or soapy. Preferably use of dry cleaning methods. These include the use of special vacuum cleaner nozzles or just a dry cloth.
  • Compared to traditional coatings, liquid products have a higher cost, and for the finishing of large rooms this option can be very expensive.

Colors and design

When choosing liquid wallpapers, it is important to think about what colors, prints and accessories can allow these products. The palette of shades of liquid wallpapers is very wide, there are a variety of combination of colors.

Relief wallpaper rare absolute monophonicity is characteristic, Usually, they combine close to each other shades, but sometimes contrasting combinations.

Beige colors are usually used as basic. They are often diluted with more tone patterns. Sometimes this color can be seen if the wall is made in the combined design. Light stone and other textures look great in conjunction with a similar relief.

Close color combinations include yellow and green, peach and red, purple and pink. An example of contrasting liquid coatings will be red-black combinations. Often, white splashes are included in such products.

Dark items are present in the form of an additional basic color decoration. They are figures or patterns. A popular design is a strip that does not necessarily have a line of one form.

Picturesque paintings of different types are created in rooms due to drawings on liquid wallpaper. With the help of embossed products, you can decorate the wall with such elements as urban landscapes. Panorama of the city in the whole wall will make your room for a truly original. Sequins are a necessary decorative attribute in the decoration of many drawings.

To apply the picture, stencils are often used, which are bulk, multicolor, monochrome or anti-phrase. In the application of the liquid coating, the gradient technology is sometimes used. A part of the room can be covered with a rich shade wallpaper, but it smoothly goes into the pastel color on the opposite wall.

How to apply?

In the procedure for applying liquid wallpapers on the wall there is nothing complicated. Repair can be easily implemented independently at home. You just need to follow a specific action algorithm:

  • Preliminary work - cleansing walls from the residues of old coatings and cleaning their surface from contamination.
  • It is necessary to dissolve the mixture in such a way as indicated in the instructions or on the package. It is necessary to calculate the amount of material so as for the entire surface of the wall.

  • After it is necessary to give the composition of 12 hours of time so that it is fill. In some cases, that lumps are not formed, it is recommended to prevent the first 6 hours later.
  • Before the start of the coating, thoroughly stir the mixture with your hands. To preserve the wallpaper structure, it is not recommended to use construction tools.

  • Make sure the temperature in the room is at least 15 degrees.
  • With uniform movements, the mixture is covered with a wall with a spatula of metal. It is important not to push to the surface in the process of laying.

  • The layer must have a thickness of no more than 0.5 cm. To avoid drops in color, use one mixture on one wall. Sometimes the composition is applied in two thin layers.
  • If you want to apply a picture, then in advance of the image contours on the wall using a pencil and gently overlap the mixture without leaving the contours. The wallpaper of the applied shade is usually dried for 3-4 hours, then another color is applied. The consumption and distribution of the material will be optimal if the sections of all colors will have the same thickness.

  • After coating the wall will dry out completely about three days.
  • To increase the resistance of the walls to the effects of moisture, after drying, the wallpaper is covered with a special acrylic varnish.

An important point in applying is the material of the walls. Some surfaces still require additional processing. Such materials include organic, which strongly changes the form when in contact with water.

It needs to be processed by several layers of primer hydrostroke, before applying the wallpaper and use an antiseptic for surface treatment.

Where are used?

Despite the fact that such non-standard wallpapers acquire tremendous popularity in many homes and apartments, they can not be used in all rooms. Best liquid wallpapers are suitable for rooms such as Bedroom, Children's, Corridor and Living Room. They are usually moderate humidity.

The air in the kitchen is also periodically rather wet. During the cooking process, various pairs are allocated that can affect the state of wallpaper. You can allow liquid coatings in this area only if the kitchen is quite overall. Similar wallpaper can be separated by a wall that will not be in direct contact with the ferry and moisture.

Some placed liquid wallpapers on the balcony. But in this case, a number of conditions must be observed. It is best to separate the loggia similar wallpaper if you live in a terrain with a dry climate. If it is not, then do not keep the balcony windows constantly openSo that weather conditions do not have a strong influence on the state of the walls.

How to choose?

The main criteria for the choice of liquid wallpaper - consumption of material and features of the design of the room.

The first criterion is very important, because if it is not taken into account, the mixture for applying can end up at the most inopportune moment, and this will significantly stretch the repair process. Consumption must be taken into account even in order to calculate the amount in which the walls or the ceiling will cost.

  • Measure the area of \u200b\u200bthe entire surface to which wallpapers will be applied. For this, the area of \u200b\u200bthe walls is measured with a deduction area of \u200b\u200bdoor and window openings.
  • Pay attention to the state of the walls. Surfaces with irregularities may require the costs of a larger number of material.
  • Look at the consumption tables available on each package of the mixture.
  • Be sure to stir the material very carefully, because the lumps are more difficult to distribute over the surface.
  • A less economical factor becomes a loss of elasticity mixture. It occurs as a result of the overexposition.
  • Do not overdo it with the addition of water. In the excessive moisture in the mixture, the material will be slipped, and it will affect consumption.

Considering all the factors, you can choose the desired wallpapers, while saving money, time and strength.

Liquid wallpaper beautiful suitable to any direction of the interior.But the question arises, which design of the walls to choose the right thing to not disrupt the style in which the room is framed.

The ceiling is usually applied with liquid wallpaper of light tones. If the surface of the ceiling is embossed, then its protruding parts sometimes choose brighter shades, echoing with the color of the walls. Such an emphasis is characteristic of the style of Provence. On the walls there should be bright wallpaper with pastel plugs - green, pink, blue or lilac. The concept should be present ease and airiness.

Natural colors for relief wallpapers, such as beige or green, perfectly fit into the idea of \u200b\u200becological style. A classic style with embossed walls and deepening will look great with the cream tones of liquid wallpapers, "diluting" an in-depth wall compartment.

For styles Country and Loft. You can choose wallpaper imitating brickwork. They will brightly reflect the concept and complement the interior originally. For modern style, geometric relief and bright monophonic colors are often chosen.

The hall is the most suitable place to create a panel on the wall. An interesting element created with liquid wallpapers will always attach the views of your guests.

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper actually refers to the Danish plaster, which can contain cellulose or cotton fiber, silk, wool, crumb of cortex, mica, dried algae, dyes, shine and adhesive base. The coating obtained its name because initially it was only cellulose. Modern finishing material forms on the wall of a matte and smooth embossed surface without seams.

The building mixture is a fine powder that needs to be swollen in warm water. If desired, the gloss is added to the solution, it is sold together with plaster. Stir the mass with hands, swing lumps. So that there is no difference in shades, cook the plaster is necessary immediately for the entire volume of work. The mixture should stand at least 15 minutes, it is possible. Some masters advise to swing the powder all night.

Stages of preparation and applying liquid wallpapers

Where can I use liquid wallpaper?

Liquid wallpapers can be used in the same rooms as the usual paper with some roller paint the ceiling with water-level paint. If you take a kitchen or bathroom, you need to cover them with a thin layer of transparent varnish to give water-repellent properties. A variety of textures, colors and additives allows you to use the wallpaper to create any interiors.

Liquid wallpapers: Reviews and application technology

Today, the finishing materials market demonstrates such a wealth of choice, which creates practically unlimited opportunities for buyers in finishing offices, houses and apartments. Thanks to the abundance of solutions, you can not just achieve the desired result, but also to fully show your own design abilities.

- It is possible to apply liquid wallpaper to the surface of gas-silicate blocks, but it is still necessary to prepare the surface.

The preparation sequence is as follows: to sharpen the surface with plaster mixtures, primed the surface in 2 layers, then cover the surface with white water-emulsion paint.

Is it possible to apply liquid wallpaper on top of the half-male white latex paint based on an acrylic copolymer?

- Apply liquid wallpaper directly on the paint can not be. First, it is necessary to conduct standard surface preparation - we apply 2 layers of branded primer Silk Plaster waterproof, or the primer of GF-021 (do not need to plant water), then cover the treated surface with white water-emulsion paint (it is not necessary to breed), to improve adhesion (clutch) and create homogeneous White substrate. After drying the water-level paint, you can apply the liquid wallpaper Silk Plaster.

The logs are painted enamel PF-115. Is it possible to cover with liquid wallpaper? How to prepare the surface?

Gas and heating risers (steel) in the apartment painted paint for metal with hammerite hammer effect.

- Most likely this happened due to the fact that you did not handle the walls with primer with waterproof properties. When preparing the walls for applying liquid wallpapers Silk Plaster, you must first process the walls of the Silk Plaster water station (or primer GF-021) twice (or primer GF-021), and then apply the water-emulsion facade paint.

There are two options to get rid of the stains that have arisen:

You can try to get rid of stains (if there are not many) using a stain remover. Distribute the stain remover (for example, BOS brand without chlorine) with water somewhere 50% by 50% (depends on the intensity of the stains) how to change the gas meter in a private house. First, lightly twist the spot from the sprayer (sprayer) with conventional water and without waiting for drying, just from the sprayer, treat the dilution of the stain removal.

If, after processing the stain stains, the stains will not disappear, it will be necessary to waste areas with stains and remove liquid wallpaper from them. Then to conduct a standard processing of these sites - 2-3 layers of the proprietary primer Silk Plaster Water Resources (not dilute with water), or primer GF 021 + water-emulsion white facade paint. After drying the surface, we apply new liquid wallpapers of the same species on these sites (old soapy liquid wallpapers that you removed from damaged areas, it is impossible to use).

- Bubbles can be formed if there is no sufficient adhesion (clutch) - this may occur if the wall after the primer has not been treated with water-based paint or have been missed. If there are a lot of bubbles, you need to twist the coating, remove it from the wall, re-cover the wall with water-emulsion paint, and then apply liquid wallpaper. You can re-apply the removed liquid wallpapers - if necessary, you can add to 1 liter of water to the prepared mass and a small amount of colorless wallpaper glue (to improve the adhesion of the already used material).

Do liquid wallpaper mold?

- Mold appears if the walls were originally infected with fungus (especially in rooms with high humidity), regardless of which finishing material is applied from above. If you have such a problem - you must first get rid of the fungus using anti-grab compounds. After you completely get rid of the fungus - it will no longer appear. Then, if you decide to apply a liquid wallpaper, it will be necessary to conduct standard preparation of walls for applying liquid wallpapers (2 layers of Silk Plaster water station, then a layer of white facade waterfront paint for improving the clutch).

Is it possible to add additional glue into the liquid wallpaper if so what?

- add glue into the Silk Plaster liquid wallpaper is not necessary, it is already there in sufficient quantity. Prepare the material according to the instructions and apply.

Is it possible to attach the battery on the wall covered with your wallpaper, the wallpaper was pre-covered with aqualak?

- On the wall with liquid wallpaper, you can mount the battery, with wallpaper with wallpaper nothing happen. When heated, only a change in varnish properties is possible, but on this issue it is better to consult from the manufacturer of this aqualak.

Do you spend free master classes to apply liquid wallpaper if yes, then where you can sign up. Thank you and wait for an answer

- Good day! You can participate in the master class at the head office of Silk Plaster at the address: Moscow, ul. Ural, 19/1 in the sales office of silk decorative plaster. Training can be passed on any day. During the master class, a demonstration of application techniques is underway, information on the preparation of the surface and material is provided, the possibility of self-applying.

Questions and answers are prepared on the materials of the Silk Plaster website. Trust the best Russian manufacturers! This quality and reliability! But ... Fake fakes!

If you have more questions, write in the comments to the article. And if you have experience or reviews, you also share your knowledge and recommendations in the comments.

Technology of applying liquid wallpaper.FLV

In this video, the lesson you will get practical knowledge of the application of liquid wallpaper

Repair work in a house or apartment almost always includes wall decoration. One of the most plastic, environmentally friendly, safe and durable coatings can be considered liquid wallpaper. Many consumers are interested what made liquid wallpaperand is it possible to consider them a variety of ordinary paper wallpapers. The answer is obvious: liquid wallpapers can not be considered with wallpaper. Most likely this material intended for the finishing of walls or ceiling, which combines the best qualities of decorative plaster, paper wallpaper and paint coatings.

Liquid, or wet wallpaper called a bulk mixture consisting of water, silk or cellulose cotton fibers and acrylic additives for giving color. And the binder in such a composition is the glue. Also, the mixture can include various fluster diameter, mica pieces, pearl, mineral crumb, threads and other materials. After applying on the wall, the composition dries out, fastening all the components together and leaving the elastic coating on the surface.

What are the types of liquid wallpaper?

Depending on the type of filler liquid wallpaper There may be the following types:

    Cellulosic - this kind is considered the most accessible option, as it has the lowest price, compared with other species. The basis of liquid wallpaper is a product of processing of wood materials - cellulose, solids are also often used. This type of wallpaper is ideal for processing walls with small flaws, as it has a property to hide them, and to create a coating in unheated rooms. Cellulose liquid wallpaper is inferior in decorative properties silk and is less resistant to sunlight.

    Silk - the type of finishing material, which is considered the most expensive and has excellent decorative qualities. The composition of these wallpapers includes silk fibers, thanks to which the coating on the surface of the walls externally resemble fabric wallpaper. This type of finish has increased wear-resistance, does not fade in the sun. It can be applied to concrete, drywall surfaces, on which there are no large cracks.

    Cotton - liquid wallpaper, which includes cotton. They are an environmentally friendly and hypoallergenic finishing material. Such a coating is very warm and pleasant to the touch. In addition, mica impurities, various decorative additives, cellulose are added to the mixture.

    A mixture of pulp and silk fibers - this kind of liquid wallpaper is considered a "golden middle", as in the price category it takes an intermediate place. Cotton fibers may also be present in the mixture, as a result of which the coating is obtained quite elastic and attractive externally.

Depending on the initial state, liquid wallpapers are divided into two types: dry powder, packaged in packages, and material in liquid state. The dry mixture contains all the necessary elements in its composition, and the consumer remains only to breed it in water tanks. Complete with powder presents detailed instructions, how to use the mixture. One package is usually enough to cover the wall surface with an area of \u200b\u200b3 to 5 square meters. And for those who for the first time will use liquid wallpaper, the second option is preferable, since the mixture is already fully prepared for application. But no matter what types of liquid wallpaperacquired, special rollers, spatulas or sprayers are used to decorate walls.

What properties does the material possess?

The composition of liquid wallpapers includes natural components that have an excellent antistatic effect, have good fire resistance indicators. This type of finishing material has excellent heat and noise insulating properties. It can be used to hide surface irregularities or even large damage due to plasticity. Liquid wallpapers are often applied even on pipes and batteries, pre-coated with insulating material, as a result of which the material prevents the appearance of rust.

Advantages and disadvantages of material for wall decoration

Like any other material designed to finish the surface of the wall or ceiling, liquid wallpapers have their advantages and disadvantages. The following can be attributed to the undisputed advantages of the coating:

    The mixture represented in the form of a dry powder is very easily divorced by water, while you can not even use to stir the mixing nozzle, but to do everything with your hands;

    All types of coating are environmentally friendly, safe for people and can be used including for the finishing of the children's room, apply in educational and medical institutions;

    Unlike paper wallpapers, the liquid form a seamless coating and when applied there is no need to dock, as well as fit in the corners of the rooms;

    In the mixture, you can add various additives, for example, compositions that prevent the appearance of mold, fungus, etc.;

    The service life is practically not limited;

    With the application of the solution on the wall, even an unqualified worker who has no experience can cope;

    If on a certain section of the wall over time the coating is necessary for any reason to repair or replace, then this can be done easily and almost unnoticed;

    This material allows you to decorate the walls of originally and to your liking due to excellent plasticity, for example, put patterns or make a panel;

    Dismantling wet wallpaper also does not take much time and passes quickly, without disturbances of the walls of the walls;

    The removed coating can be used to re-apply;

    Compared with some other materials for finishing the walls, liquid wallpapers, even silk, are much cheaper;

    Due to its high elasticity, liquid wallpaper is widely used by designers to create bulk drawings, intricate patterns and even paintings;

    Liquid wallpapers can be combined with other materials, such as photo wallpapers, ceramic tiles, artificial and natural stone for creating a certain effect.

Speaking about the minuses of wet wallpaper, it is worth noting that they are not so much. The disadvantages of the finishing material can be called the following:

    The coating is not moisture resistant, and therefore, when water gets into water can be spoiled. For this reason, it is not recommended to apply in the bathroom or kitchen. However, if you add special protective additives into the cooked mixture or apply a colorless acrylic varnish in a few layers on top of a dry finish, oh, you can get a washing decorative surface.

    Relief texture attracts dust, contributes to its settlement. But this deficiency can be easily eliminated if they regularly carry dry cleaning and clean the walls with a vacuum cleaner.

    The color range is pastel colors, there are no bright accents;

    Apply the wet wallpaper better on a slightly rough surface, as with a very smooth - the coating can simply flush.

How to prepare a mixture for applying?

In order to dilute the powder and prepare the wet wallpaper for applying to the surface, you need to perform the following actions:

    In the deep container, pour powder and pour it with warm water. The water temperature is at least 30 and not more than 35 degrees. The fact is that if you pour a mixture of very hot liquid, it will become unsuitable for application, and if it is too cold - the process of preparing the solution will be delayed.

    Using a mixing nozzle and a screwdriver, mix the solution. In addition, a fairly common variant of the preparation of the mass is the kneading powder with hands until a homogeneous consistency is obtained, something resembling mince.

    For 10-15 minutes, the solution should stand, and then proceed to wall decoration.

Before preparing a solution, it is necessary to get acquainted with the instructions and follow all manufacturer's instructions. The instructions indicate how much water, depending on the composition, must be added. Many consumers are convenient to stir the mass in the plastic bucket with their hands. It is not necessary to be afraid that the solution will have a negative impact on the skin: it does not contain chemical additives, and therefore there will be no irritation on the skin. Some manufacturers recommend the finished mass to shift back into the package, tear away the neck and leave the solution for several hours (at least 4-x) for uniform swelling.

Is it possible to make liquid wallpapers yourself?

Liquid wallpaper is a type of finish coating that can be made. The composition of the self-made mixture is quite simple. For its preparation, old unnecessary paper, such as newspapers, magazines, segments of old paper wallpapers, various dyes, PVA glue, water, mica pieces, wood sawdust, mineral crumb, various additives to create an unusual texture. And in this case, the choice depends exclusively from the taste preferences of the home owner.

The process of making a solution does not take much time and is pretty simple. So, how to make liquid wallpaper yourself?First, water is poured into the container, and then put finely chopped paper and leave for a while so that it is well soaked and risksila. Then, with the help of drills and mixing nozzles, the components are mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. Then add glue, dyes and decorative additives into the solution. The mixture is thoroughly mixed, and the gypsum is added to the latter. It is not recommended to prepare a large amount of mixture at a time, since it starts thick in the process of applying. Before solidification of the solution, it is necessary to fully work out the finishing material.

In addition, in the manufacture of homemade wallpaper mixtures, cotton, cellulose fiber, such as cotton or heated pulp-based cellulose, is often used. Wool, the twine, linen fiber can also be added to the composition, all this affects how liquid wallpaper on the wall will appear.

Of course, the mixture, prepared at home on its own, is a very budget version of liquid wallpaper. But such material has some minuses. If you neglect the technology of preparing the solution or use low-quality components, then the finish can peel or lie on the surface with lumps.

Preparation of the surface of the walls to applying the mixture

Before applying the finish finish, it is necessary to prepare the surface of the walls. For this, they are cleaned of dust, dirt, old wallpaper. Moreover, the glue that remains after removing old paper wallpapers can be left, as it will contribute to the best adhesion. If the walls have flaws and irregularities, then it is necessary to carefully align them with a putty. After that, the surface is ground and remains until complete drying. Then you can proceed to apply liquid wallpaper.

How is liquid coating apply?

In many ways, the technology of applying liquid wallpapers on the surface of the walls is similar to decorative stucco finish. Therefore, consumers who wish to know how to glue liquid wallpapermust be able to properly use any dry decorative mixtures.

The first thing to be done is to prepare a working tool and materials: a ready-made mixture, culma, rollers, spatulas, rags, stepladder, water. During applying a mixture on the wall, it is important to adhere to some rules:

    The layer of the solution is stacked along the entire length of the blade of a wide spatula and then rubs on the surface of the wall;

    Apply the finishing material on the walls follows from the middle of the ceiling itself and then move on the parties from the center;

    For trimming angles, a narrow spatula is used;

    If the layer is applied too tightly or some flaws turned out, this area is written and the solution is applied.

    In order to reduce the flow of liquid wallpaper, you can in advance to paint the walls in the tone of the finish coating, and if the liquid wallpaper will be shifted, then the flaws will not be so visible.

It is convenient for applying a solution to use a cell with a transparent plastic work surface. This method will allow even beginners without flaws to distribute the mass on the wall surface. First of all, you need to apply an intertwined composition on the plane, and then rub it on the wall with circular motions. Then put a new batch of material on the plane and continue working from the same place.

At the same time, the most economical way to apply wet wallpaper is the use of special sprayers. This allows you to get a smooth layer of a small thickness. You can also apply a mixture with a roller and at the output to get original design solutions.

If it is intended to decorate the wall using various panels or patterns, the finish includes the creation of the contour of the image fragments on the wall with a pencil and a marker. If necessary, bright acrylic and oil paints are applied to the designated areas as a base, and then on top of them - liquid wallpaper. The drawing boundaries are adjusted using a spatula.

How to repair the coating?

Often at certain parts of the wall, the liquid wallpaper is damaged or dirty. If the material is not fixed by a transparent lacquer, which can be washed, then you have to replace damaged areas. It should be borne in mind and in advance to leave in stock a certain amount of a dry mixture or purchase a new, suitable in the store and shade in the store.

Repair damaged areas can be very fast. Places with damage needed by a simple pencil and moisten these fragments with water. Then, when sections of the softening coating, gently remove the liquid wallpaper with a spatula. If the base of the wall was damaged, then it can be sharpened and rebound. Then a small amount of dry mixture is divorced and a "patch" is superimposed on the prepared surface. As a rule, this method of repair does not leave after itself traces and the finish coating fully takes its own former look.

As for the reuse of liquid wallpaper, it is also possible without any problems. If there is a need to transfer the liquid wallpaper or replace the coating on another type of finish, then the wallpaper is sprinkled with water. Then, when they are splashing, the layers are neatly removed by the spatula. In this case, the base of the wall is practically not damaged, and the material removed can be dried and reused. The main thing is to store it in closed containers or in polyethylene packages in a dry place.

How to care for liquid wallpaper?

Due to the fact that the liquid wallpaper is easily twisted when moisture falls on them, then cleaning with detergents is completely excluded. This is possible only under the condition that the surface of the walls is treated with varnish or has a protective film. But it should be borne in mind that after such treatment, the wallpaper loses its valuable property - vapor permeability. In general, it can be noted that liquid wallpapers do not require much care. In the course of operation, they can be easily cleaned from dust using a vacuum cleaner. If there are some minor contaminants, you can try to remove them with the help of an ordinary elasty.

Liquid wallpapers in the design of the rooms

Liquid wallpapers allow you to create a unique and practical design of any room. At the same time, such a finish of the walls is appropriate for many styles: classic, retro, provence, eclectic, high-tech, country, loft, etc. You can choose not only one version of the finish of a certain color range, but also use stencils to create original patterns and patterns. And if you use liquid wallpapers with flickering particles in a composition, for example, with golden components, you can make the interior more spectacular, emphasize the exclusivity of decor items.

Liquid wallpapers can be chosen for most rooms: hallway, bedrooms, children's room, living room, etc.

So that in the hallway or corridor the coating is more durable, practical and durable, it is desirable to fix it from above with a transparent varnish. As for the choice of color gamut, it must be selected in accordance with the design of other rooms. Universal shades are considered: dairy, beige, gray, peach.

Liquid wallpapers in the hallway can be combined with various materials: stone, brick masonry, plaster, decorative plaster. You can choose a one-photon discreet design of a wall or a more interesting option with other color strips or complex patterns. They can be placed in chaotic order, horizontally, vertically, diagonally, only below or upstairs, etc.

Pastel, and bright shades of liquid wallpaper can be selected for the living room and bedrooms. At the same time, they can also be perfectly harmonized with other finishing materials, for example, decorative plaster. Wet wallpapers are suitable for the selection of individual fragments, for example, the headboard or zone where the racks or shelves are located, and for the design of all the walls is completely. For the living room, it is preferable to choose a wallpaper with an inhomogeneous texture or independently add to the granule and flock solution. The classic design style of the room will emphasize the coatings with golden splashes, bringing the element of royal luxury to the interior. The main thing is to choose the corresponding lighting to emphasize the brilliant elements. And due to the fact that some varieties of finishing material include natural silk, you can create an effect of using textiles in the design of the room.

Is there a liquid wallpaper in the kitchen? This option is also practiced, however, auxiliary agents will be required to finish the walls that protect the coating from moisture and temperature drops. It is best for this purpose to use acrylic varnishes, and before applying liquid wallpapers to the walls to apply primer.

Liquid wallpaper is the perfect material for finishing the walls and the ceiling in the children's room, because they are environmentally friendly, safe, can be repaired and can be a beautiful composition. The drawing may be simple or complex, multicolored. The boys like the interior with a wall that imitates a football field or space, and for girls you can create a beautiful flower decoration.

The use of liquid wallpapers as an finishing coating is an excellent solution in which the optimal quality of the material and its inexpensive cost are combined. And simplicity in applying on the surface make this type of finish available to people who do not have construction skills. In addition to the walls of liquid wallpaper, you can cover arches, niches, erkers. Applying creative fantasy, you can get really original surfaces.

Before purchasing liquid wallpapers, you need to know what they have liquid wallpapers on the market today is presented by a great set. They are enough just to renovate if the surface was damaged during the operation, and after you decide to replace them, it will be easy to get rid of the finish.

Features of liquid wallpaper

Liquid wallpaper is, by and large, the usual decorative plaster. Some consumers are asked about why this material has gained such a name. Everything is explained by the fact that it is based on cellulosic fiber, which is completely harmless, as it is natural. In addition to other ingredients, there is a binder in the composition of the wallpaper, which is a glue composition - CMC. After the frozen, the liquid wallpaper does not look at all as traditional, but they can be represented by different coatings, among which silk, glossy, matte, etc. can be distinguished.

Positive features of liquid wallpapers

Choosing what finish to purchase for the surface of the walls, it is necessary to take into account the advantages and disadvantages of liquid wallpaper. If we consider the pros, then you can immediately compare the liquid variety of wallpaper with traditional material. In the latter case, masters have to be pretty to work hard to stick the canvas on the wall, combine the drawing, and also overcome the angles and all irregularities of the room. In addition, in order to apply glue to the sheet, it is necessary to have a large free space. In the case of liquid wallpaper, you should not be afraid of damaging them or break, as they are implemented in powdered form, and preparation for work implies only the breeding of the composition in water.

You do not need to think about how the light is falling in the room, because there are no seams after applying liquid wallpapers, and feedback is confirmed by them. You can apply the composition after cooking not only on the walls, but also on the ceiling, and the work will not seem so time-consuming compared to the technology that is used when sticking ordinary wallpaper. In the process of this, you will not even need the help of an outsider, with work it will be possible to cope on your own.

Plus, in the absence of the need to prepare the surface

Another advantage for which consumers love liquid wallpaper is expressed in the fact that it does not have to prepare the surface for too long, which cannot be said about the traditional wallpaper, the base of which after gluing will issue all surface irregularities. Even on the contrary, if there are minor irregularities on the walls, it is possible to get rid of the composition by applying. As a result, it will be possible to get a high-quality finish, which is completely devoid of flaws.

It is important to know the disadvantages of liquid wallpapers. Reviews will help to figure out what exactly covers them. But what exactly to them should be attributed to them, so this is the ability of such a coating to pass the air. Some believe that during seamlessness, the surface does not breathe, and therefore fungi and mold can appear under it. But cellulose perfectly passes the air, which is why it is not worth afraid that the walls will be cooked. It will relieve you from the so-called that is peculiar to rooms with vinyl wallpaper.

Before purchasing the described coating, consumers think about what else there are disadvantages of liquid wallpaper. Reviews of a number of buyers indicate a relatively high cost. But it can only be true at first glance. After all, it cannot be overpowering the material in this case, in addition, after the work there will be no waste, since it is possible to prepare exactly such a number of composition that will be used, and repairing the coating after damage is very simple, which cannot be said about ordinary wallpaper. All these circumstances make it say that the price turns out many times more profitable.

MAIN TRANSFER - in aesthetics

So what attracts the consumer liquid wallpaper? Reviews (Disadvantages Consider below) indicate that they are very aesthetically looking at the wall, and this can be called one of their main advantages. Considering this particular feature, answer the question about whether you met the neighbors, relatives, friends and acquaintances the same wallpapers that are pasted in one of the rooms of your home. This happens, you must admit, quite often. But through liquid wallpapers you can create unique interior solutions that will remain unique under any circumstances.

It is possible to achieve an even more impressive effect in this regard by applying liquid wallpaper on the wall in several combinations of colors and textures.

Negative characteristics

The disadvantages of liquid wallpapers, the reviews of which must be examined before the acquisition of the composition, are expressed in the fact that they do not tolerate the impact of moisture. In this respect, they lose moisture-resistant type. If there are animals or small children in the house, then the wall surface cannot be washed after it turns out to be evaporated. In order to correct the situation, it will only have to repair a separate section, which involves the use of dry powder. It will be pre-prepared, diluting with water. The wall in the retained zone should also be previously prepared, which involves cutting the old coating. Next will have to apply the usual application technology. The snag may be that the drying composition for breeding may not be left after the first repair, and choose identical color a few years after the completion of the work will be quite problematic. Yes, and the walls during operation could be slightly lost and burn out. Applying a new layer in a separate area may be very noticeable.

Consumer reviews

After the disadvantages of liquid wallpaper were studied, the reviews can help make the right choice at the time of purchase, buyers claim to work with the application of a liquid mixture very simple. And not only an experienced homemade master can cope with this, but also a beginner. The only thing to pay attention to how buyers claim is a method of preparation of the composition, which involves the initial falling asleep in the container or bucket and the subsequent injection of liquid. It is not recommended to produce data for manipulation in another sequence. After the mixture is thoroughly mixed, they emphasize those who have already done the composition of the walls on the walls, should be left for half an hour, which will allow the WOOLAM to be broken, and to the chemical components to interact.

(Disadvantages, advantages, etc.) about which you were well studied, can be applied in several ways. Experienced masters advise this through a gun, which will significantly speed up the process. Regardless of which the tool was used in the process of applying the mixture, it must be left on the surface at rest for a period that can last up to 70 hours, because it is necessary that the wallpaper is necessary for the wallpaper completely gained strength and dried.

Liquid wallpapers, reviews, tips, the recommendations of which you were previously understood will please our owners for a long period. Despite the fact that the preparation of walls is not accompanied by special difficulties, such works still require compliance with some rules. Among them, you can select the need to remove from the base of old coatings. After to be applied to what will allow you to get rid of the errors. In addition, the more even the wall will be, the less will be the overrun of the material.

Liquid wallpapers, reviews, features, recommendations for the application of which are familiar to any master, will look very aesthetic on the wall. And even if something is not at all it turns out to be done in accordance with the instructions, the way out of the situation always exists. For example, if the defects could not be removed from the surface, then the design of the wallpaper can be made in two layers, the first of which will be primitive, and the second is decorative.

Calculation of consumption of material

In order to calculate the consumption of material, it is necessary to take into account that 1 kg of the mixture will cover 5 m 2. Thus, if there is a need to separate the walls, the area of \u200b\u200bwhich is 20 m 2, then 4 kg of dry composition will be prepared.

After the pros and disadvantages of liquid wallpapers have become known to you, you assessed your skills and abilities in carrying out repair work of this type, you can begin to reflect the walls.