How to exchange combat experience on gold. What is free experience in World of Tanks? How to get, translate

Game resource earned in battles. Divided by:

  • Experience on a specific tank - used to study new modules for this tank and new samples of technology (according to the "Research" tab).
  • The experience of a certain crew member is used to improve the ownership of technique (basic specialty) and additional skills and skills.
  • Free experience - can be used to explore any modules and types of equipment.

Experience earned

  • For damage to the enemy tanks (the difference in the levels of tanks is taken into account).
  • For applying critical damage to enemy tanks (the difference in the tank levels is taken into account).
  • For "assistant" points (any tank for damage caused by the Allied Technique during the repair of the caterpillars of the enemy tank shot down by him).
  • For the detection of enemy tanks (for SAU more than an ordinary tank).
  • Any tank for damage caused by the Allied Technique on the "flora" goals. The player will receive additional experience for damage by his intelligence for each level of the difference between the player's tank and the "highlighted" target, but not more than 30%.
  • For encountering / drowning enemy tanks. If the tank pushed several players, then the experience is separated between them in proportion to their effects on the tank.
  • For the destruction of the enemy tank (only who this tank destroyed; the difference in the levels of tanks is taken into account).
  • For the capture of the base of the enemy (only invaders, in proportion to the time of location).
  • For knocking out the seizure of its own base (in proportion to "shot down" percentages).
  • For the fact that your tank was not destroyed during the battle.
  • For active fighting. Under such actions it is understood by the shooting of the enemy tanks next to the player's tank. In general, the impact on the total number of experience is not very significant, but it still is.
  • The more damage to the enemy will apply your team, the more experience will receive every player. It is considered only the damage caused by the tanks destroyed later. (The coefficient is not very significant.)
  • For the victory of the team (+ 50% of the experience of each player).
  • When you receive the achievement of the "Hero of the Battle", the epic achievement or platoon award players of the loser team receive as much experience and loans as the winning team players.

Obvious modifiers

In the results of the battle, this bonus is displayed as a "premium level level".

Free experience

  • 5% of the experience gained for the fight goes to free experience.
  • Experience with "elite" technology can be translated into free gaming gold.

Standard course 1 \u003d 25. Sometimes, during the shares, the preferential course is valid 1 \u003d 35

Experience crew

  • Each crew member receives the same experience for the fight as the tank.
  • If the crew member was contused, it receives 10% less experience.
  • In a personal case, only "combat" experience, all bonuses (first victory, accelerated learning) are not displayed, but are preserved, and the level of ownership of the current skill is considered to be the level of experience and bonuses.
  • The dependence of the level of ownership of the resulting experience is logarithmic: if 1x experience is required for learning from 0% to 1%, then from 50% - 10x, and from 99% to 100% - 100x.
  • When transplanting a tanker to another tank, he gets serious fines that reduce the level of ownership of the main specialty and reducing the experience gained. To avoid this, you need to re-write a tanker to a new tank.
  • If the tank has become "elite", you can include accelerated crew training. With accelerated crew training, the entire experience gained (tank) for the fight is to train the crew. Thus, the most lagging in the level of possession of the crew member (marked by the Golden Icon of the Tank Academy) will receive twice as much experience. For a lot of battles, with the equal level of the entire crew, with an average experience for the battle 1000, the accelerated learning will look like this:
    • the lagging member of the crew will earn a fight on average (1000 + 1000) \u003d 2000 experience.
    • the remaining crew members will earn 1000 experience.
Additional skills and skills
  • For learning, each subsequent additional skill or skill is required 2 times more experience than for the previous one.
  • Additional skills start working immediately, proportional to the level of ownership. Prior to reaching 100% of the main skill of the crew member, they will work with a fine.
  • Modifiers begin to work only after their pumping up to 100%.
  • When transplanting a tanker to another tank, further skill growth will occur only at 100% main skill, up to this point the entire experience gained will go to pumping the main specialty.
  • The effect of additional skills on the tank is taken into account by the average level of the crew: for example, if from 5 tankers 2 have masking 80%, one 20%, and the rest are studying and fire extinguishing, on average tank will receive (80 + 80 + 20) / 5 \u003d 36% Bonus to imperceptibility.
  • If you do not choose an additional skill, experience will accumulate as much as you like long, and at any time it can be spent on learning any available skill or skill.

Experience is not earned

  • For damage and destruction of union technology.
  • For ricochets and impuses.
  • For damage.
  • There is no bonus experience for a draw. For the defeat, of course - too.
  • If you come out of the battle (and did not have time to return to the game before it ended) and at the same time the tank was not destroyed - in this case, on the basis of the battle, 0 experience will be accrued.
  • For receiving the "heroic" titles on the basis of the battle (with the exception of special shares, during which additional experience may be accrued). However, in case of obtaining the "heroic" title or epic reward lesion, experience is considered as victory. Such bonus experience is shown in a special column "For decent resistance".
  • Special bonus experience of the entire team for the destruction of all enemy tanks does not exist.

In World of Tanks, as in any other game, there is such an important component as experience. But the difference between World of Tanks from other toys is that it presents 2 types of experience: ordinary, which can be distributed on improving only ordinary equipment, and free, using which can be studied any tank or spend on accelerated crew training. And the "highlight" of the game was the opportunity to translate experience from an elite tank into free, on which and let's stop in more detail.

How to translate experience in wot

As you know, after each battle, the player receives a reward in the form of silver and experience, 95% of which can only be used for improving the tank participating in the battle, and 5% goes to free experience. But I want to pump your key machine as quickly as possible, and the experience accumulates very slowly. It is for such cases that there is a function of transferring experience from an elite tank to free.

So, in order to start the process of translation of experience, launch the client of the game and go to the account under your account.

  1. We find in the upper right corner the inscription "Transfer of Experience" and click on it.
  2. Further before us opens the exchange window, with a list of elite techniques and an indication of the amount of experience earned by each of them.
  3. To activate the exchange function, remove the mark from the "All Technique" row.
  4. We set the mark opposite that tank from which the transfer of experience has been planned.
  5. We establish the number of necessary experience and click on the "Translate" key.
  6. Next, confirm the execution of this operation in the window that opens.
  7. Waiting for the completion of the translation.
  8. Important! To make the exchange, it is necessary to have gold coins that are purchased for real currency. To date, the exchange rate is 25 glasses of free experience to 1 gold coin.
  9. Remember that the transfer of experience can only be carried out with elite tanks.

Now you know how to translate experience in tanks.

At the end of each battle, the player receives silver and experience glasses as a reward. The latter is simply necessary for research with tanks and modules. Only five percent of all earned points become free. And what to do if this is not enough? Today we will touch this topic in detail and tell about how to translate experience in World of Tanks (Blitz). Thanks to several simple actions, any player will be able to significantly increase its points of points.

How to translate experience in the game World of Tanks

The transfer button is in the main menu, it shows the number of points earned at the moment. After its activation, a special window appears with a detailed list of all elite tanks. Before transferring experience in World of Tanks, you must mark all the necessary units of technology.

Consider further actions on a specific example of an elite tank model A-20. How in World Of Tanks Translate Experience, which is 3905 points? Recall that we turn it out of the "elite" in "free".

I celebrate the tick the aforementioned tank and specify the required number of points in the "Translate Experience" tab. Click on it button mouse. It is worth remembering that gold is required to translate. One such coin is equal to twenty five points. Suppose that we need to turn a hundred units of "elite" experience in "free" - on this we will spend four coins. For a thousand glasses - forty, and so on. At the beginning of the game, 100 gold coins are listed at the expense of each player - a gift from the developers team.

After pressing the "Translation" button on the screen, the window is displayed for confirmation. Ready! The selected glasses from elite tanks became "free". Such an easy way will help you to translate experience in World of Tanks.

What to spend free experience

Tanks, whose level reached 10, are bought in fairly good condition. What can not be said about the low-level technique. To remove the tank in the top, you need to spend money on research and purchase of loans for modules. For this, there is a "free" experience. Of course, you can study the technique without any cost, however, the stock condition is dubious pleasure.

Thanks to the "free" experience, battles on infallible cars can be avoided. If you do not want to spend time on a certain tank, you can easily skip it and proceed to the next list. It is worth saying that the number of points that is required to carry out such an operation is significantly different from the standard one.

Can I buy?

You can not buy experience, but you can buy special gold coins, which were previously stated. There are many ways to receive gold, both honest and dishonest. Purchase in the official in-game store is perhaps the most proven of all options.

For gold, you can purchase elite models of tanks that are called "premium". This technique is elite default. The experience that is earned with it for one battle is several times more than that of linear tanks. The translation of ten thousand points will need sixteen dollars (or 550 rubles).

Free experience Unlike combat (main) makes it possible to player to explore any technique or modules. Due to the fact that Wargaming introduced a single account, from December 12, the free experience of World of Tanks and World of Warplanes became one for both games. This universal experience will help you without any problems to make a tank top, open a new branch without investing the time and strength in pumping low-level equipment, or to help the opening of the technique of a higher level, when the previous "not bent" or tired of playing.

How to use it everyone decides for himself. Many newcomers do not think about this and thoughtlessly spend the hardly earned free experience "where it fell."

How to use free experience rationally?

There are a couple of tips that will help to use it more efficient:
  • - Do not explore the next level tank with free experience. Why? All because the experience can use us to open modules in the future on the new tank (caterpillar, tower, engine, etc., etc.), which will significantly increase the techniques in battle. As they say: "It is better to play fighting 5 on top 6 level than 10 to level 7".
  • - When opening a new branch, it is advisable to use free experience for the study of technology 1-5 levels. In principle, it will be not bad. The fact is that the statistics suffers at low levels, and the gameplay to put it mildly leaves much to be desired.
    Private Council for pumping branches. If you are lit by the desire to open the legendary French Tank 5 of the level ELC AMX (Christmas tree), in no case you do not care for the 4th level of the same branch of the Easy Tank AMX 40, because it is not at all and you will receive only disappointment. Tree Explore free experience.

How to get free experience?

After the fight on each tank, 5% of the experience gained by the player is translated into free. For example, 50 free is charged for 1000 combat experience.
For players, who will have an extra gold. It is possible to translate military experience from elite techniques in free experience at 1 gold at first experience, however, as for me, it is better to play a couple of extra fights. It is good to farm experience will help us premium techniques, as well as a premium account, but it again requires cash investments.

How to get free experience free?

I would like to remind you that there are no ways to turn or buy directly free experience, you should not trust fraudsters. For lovers of freebies, there is only one way to get free experience with almost the task, it is to farm it using World of Warplanes on the same game account, where the pharmacum mechanism is similar to tanks. As a result, you will get more experience with a smaller number of battles in World of Tanks. And remember, the higher your combat experience on the basis of battle - the higher the free.
Article author: Voven95