How to determine which apple is more juicy. Catalog of apple variety

It is difficult to imagine a country area without an apple tree - this culture is grown wide and everywhere throughout Russia, and its fruits are familiar with everyone since childhood. These fruit trees are capable of growing and fruiting for many years, but even such landings need to be updated sometimes. Therefore, if it was decided to plant a new apple tree, then approach this issue is needed with a special subsidism:

  • first, you need to know which varieties are suitable for growing precisely in the region where the site is located. When purchasing a seedling of an apple tree, you should always take into account the climatic zone of your garden, otherwise the apple tree will get out, and the money will be invested;
  • secondly, it is necessary to determine the crop ripening period, because it greatly affects the various qualities of the fruits themselves, for example, the bleeding and timing of their storage. It is important to know before buying an apple tree, then not to throw out the resulting harvest.

All apple trees in maturation terms are divided into summer, autumn and winter. It is clear that the first can be called rarers, and the last patiently waiting for their ripening until the middle of the autumn. On the one hand, it is, but it is better to consider the features of summer, autumn and winter varieties separately.

Apple tree summer striped

Summer varieties of apple trees are voluntary in the second half of August. Mostly, the varieties relating to this group are characterized by a friendly harvest. On the one hand, this is good, because you can collect all the apples in one or twice and recycled or put up for sale.

On the other hand, it is necessary to constantly monitor and inspect the fruits on the tree to prevent Padalitsa: it is summer varieties of apple trees that are prone to rapid harvest, and if the moment of collection was missed, you will have to choose the most healthy fruits from the Earth.

The shelf life of apples, even with a timely harvest, leaves much to be desired - up to one month.

But at the same time, it is in fruits with an early ripening period that contains the most vitamins and useful substances for humans. It is believed that summer apples are small, because they ripen earlier. In fact, it is not so, there are large-scale summer varieties.

Separate fruits are matured weighing up to 200 g and have a yellow painting with a light pink blush. Consistency of pulmonary pulp, juicy, has white. Despite the fact that the grade belongs to the summer, the fruits of "Melba" are well stored up to two months.

The best pollinator is "Welshi".

Recently, "Melba" variety, according to gardeners, has changed. After the first abundant fruit, the apple tree is prone to extinction. The fact is that it gives all the forces on the development of fruits and does not have time to prepare for the winter. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention and ensure proper care for it after the first real fruction (it comes to the fifth year of life), and the risk of extinction will be lost next year.

For taste quality, fruits refer to sweet-sour. Externally, they have a fairly interesting light yellow color with a pan-red blush. Apples ripen weighing up to 120 g. The harvest is difficult to call friendly, so there is an opportunity for a long time there are fresh apples straight from the tree. Despite the fact that the grade belongs to the duration of ripening to summer, the fruits are kept on the tree quite firmly and do not fall.

Excellent variety for processing and preservation. The fruits are small, weighing 100 ... 150 g, have a very juicy fragrant flesh. Fully matured apples are yellow with blurred red blush and have a sweet honey taste. It is noteworthy that the fruits can be used and not completely delivered. The variety is resistant to the paschers and is one of the most unpretentious.

The variety matures one of the earliest, already at the end of July. Croon tree (rare pyramidal) gives an apple tree special decorativeness. However, there are problems with harvesting and its storage: the fruits are very creepy, and in the refrigerator are stored only to three weeks. The weight of fruits is average - to 150 g. The peel is thin, the flesh is loose, but juicy. The taste of apples with sour-sweet with a pronounced aroma. The color of fruits is green, but is abundantly covered with raspberry-red blush. Fruit tree starts for the fourth year.

Depending on the observance of the conditions of agrotechnology, Ligol gives fruit weighing from 150 to 350 g. The main color of apples is yellow, diluted with a red blush. Consistency of meakty grainy, juicy, crispy. Apples have an excellent product view: Sleeper glossy-shaped, transportability is excellent. The variety is notable and a high dessert taste.

And under the correct storage conditions, the harvest is capable of maintaining for six months, which is simply unrealistic for other summer varieties. The fruits themselves are steady and some other diseases, but there is an exposure to the tree to the disease of the cortex.

The best pollinators for this variety are "Idreda", "Spartan", "Lobo", "Champion".

It has very small fruits weighing in 30 ... 40 g. At the same time, the tree is fruitful every year and gives abundant yields. Fruit begins early, already on the third year. Use apples both in fresh and canned form. In addition, they are used to prepare compotes, jams, juices, wines, etc. Apples are very creepy and have a short shelf life, so the collection is carried out quickly. The variety of "Chinese" is divided into several subordorts, which differ mainly only with the size of apples and their color color.

Early summer varieties apple trees, brief description, fruiting: video

Autumn variety of Apple Uralets

The fruits from the trees of the autumn time ripening can be collected from the end of August - the beginning of September. In this case, such friendly Padalitsa apples will not be observed, and the collection time can be defined as follows: if there are at least a few pieces of great healthy apples on Earth, you can start a collection.

A special friendship of crop autumn varieties do not differ, so their collection is made in 2-3 clips.

The shelf life of the assembled apples in contrast to summer varieties is longer and averages three months.

But over time and with improper storage, the pulp becomes unconscious and loose. Most autumn sorts of apples are excellent not only for fresh consumption, but also for processing.

Fruit color has a basic yellow color covered with a dark burgundy blush. The peel is dense enough with a wax rode. The consistency of the pulp is dense and juicy, fragrant. The taste is sweet with a pleasant thin acidic. An appleal yield is high, rises with age. However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the winter hardiness of this variety is average, therefore, for successful cultivation, it will have to periodically resort to agrotechnical techniques to ensure protection in harsh winters.

The virtues of the variety besides the high product qualities of apples, their heights and resistance to complexity complex can be attributed.

Fruits weighing 120 ... 150 g are golden color and covered with a brightly raspberry blush. The taste of apples belongs to sour-sweet, as the acid is felt quite strong, while the content of vitamins in such apples is very high. The tree begins to be fruitful for the fourth year of life, the crops give abundant, is distinguished by resistance to the brush. The fruit peel is very thin, so it should be particularly accuracy when collecting and transporting, to not damage it.

Apples of this variety are considered large enough, as they achieve weighing 160 ... 180 g and ripen uniform. Blurred orange blush covers the yellow-green apple, the peel is very subtle, and therefore the fruits have the average rates of transportability and forth. The advantages of the variety include plowing, high yield, the possibility of consumption in a fresh form or use in recycling. Winter hardiness average.

The fruits of the apple tree of this variety reach 200 g. The color of their yellow-red, the pulp of loose consistency has an excellent dessert taste. A feature of the variety is a clear frequency of fruiting - every two years. The yield of the tree is very high, however, fructures will have to wait long enough: the first apples will appear aged seven years.

Fruits can weigh from 120 to 200 g, individuals can ripen and up to 250 g. Fruits are not very juicy, sour-sweet, ripen cheaply. Most aged fertimes annually. This variety has no particular distinctive qualities, and gardeners belong to it is quite neutral.

The fruits are small, weighing 80 ... 120 g with thin skin and a wax chain have a light green color with a red striped tan. The pulp juicy, while loose, the fragrant has a sour-sweet taste. Sleeping apple is thin. The variety is very wintering.

The fruits are formed by the average - from 100 to 150 g. The apple itself is yellow, but orange-red blush coating almost the entire surface of the fetus. The taste is close to the acidic with sweet notes. The assembled crop is stored on average up to two months, and in the refrigerator conditions - up to 5 ... 6 months. Winter hardiness wood average.

In the cold climate zones, an apple tree of autumn ripening period is considered, in more southern regions, it fertures earlier. But the ability to quickly reset the harvest in this case remains. Fruits weighing 150 g have a green painting with a blurred blush and a pleasant sour-sweet taste. Cream color pulp is very juicy, fragrant. The tree refers to a stripper.

The tree is high-voltage, high (up to 5 m), stretched with fruits weighing 120 ... 150 g (individuals can reach and 200 g) is a prank variety and gives a harvest for five years. Apples have yellow-green color with a light pink blush. The variety is considered a crop, resistant to the paschers and winter-hardy, but at the same time the fruits are not very juicy, they can not boast any outstanding taste features.

Autumn varieties of apple trees, brief description, fruiting: video

They are intended for winter storage. For the summer season, they do not dare to the end, and, if you try to alright, when collecting a winter apple, it will be terribly astringent and sour, which will not be knitted in the head with the selected variety.

And all because the fruits of the winter term of ripening will be ready only when we ripened in storage boxes. Therefore, a gardener growing an apple trees, the new year will be able to put juicy and sweet fruits on the table from his site. With the final ripening, the apple becomes varieties, has a characteristic aroma and taste of pulp.

The unconditional advantages of growing winter sorts of apples include the possibility of their consumption in a fresh form in winter, however, for this it is necessary to take place for dosing harvest in boxes and provide normal storage conditions.

  1. you can not allow sharp drops of temperatures in the cellar (the place of storage of apples), the recommended temperature in it is about +6 0 s;
  2. you need to periodically sort out apples and eliminate damaged (just to do it, too, in the basement, without making drawers from the storage location);
  3. different varieties must be stored separately;
  4. you need to collect apples in a timely manner (to determine the collection time usually pay attention to the fruit: if it is easily separated from the branch, the apples can be collected).

The timing of ripening of the winter apple trees, depending on the variety and the region of cultivation, comes at the end of September - the beginning of October.

The fruits are medium or large depending on the care of the apple tree, have a yellowish color diluted with a bright red blush. The fruit is very short, so at first glance it may seem that apples are like "stuck" to branches.

The advantages of the varieties include the wonderful sour-sweet taste of apples with incredibly juicy consistency, an attractive appearance and sustainability for dry conditions.

But the disadvantages are also present: the average winter hardiness of the tree and the extremely short shelf life compared to other winter varieties of apple trees.

The fruits are average - from 100 to 150 g with a lush fragrant pulp have a light yellow color color with a red striped blush. Winter resistance of a tree average, the taste of fruit is good sweet and sour. This variety is distinguished by a brighter resistance and a complex of other diseases.

The variety belongs to colonia and therefore requires special care. The fruits are golden with a red blush have a sour-sweet taste, the pulp of juicy white. Store up to 3 months. Apples are achieved by weight 200 g, subject to all the rules of agrotechnology.

Bright green apples, whose weight ranges from 150 to 200 g, have a crispy dense pulp. Taste sweet-sour. The fruits are perfectly transported and stored under the observance of storage conditions before summer, so this variety is widely popular among gardeners.

Sinap North

A tree high-speed with fruits weighing 120 g is distinguished by high winter hardiness and strength. Yellow apples with a brown blush have a pleasant sour-sweet taste and juicy white pulp. Apple's focus is excellent, until May next year. In addition to consuming, fresh fruits are suitable for various types of processing.

Fruits grow weighing up to 160 g of unusually orange. The pulp sour-sweet, juicy, has a pleasant aroma. The best pollinator for Welly is considered "Melba". Fruits are characterized by high bodies until the end of February and are mainly intended for storage and use in fresh form when they are fully ripening.

The tree of this variety is low - it grows up to 3 m, which simplifies harvesting. It comes into fruction relatively early, for the third year. As fruits ripen change the color from bright green to golden yellow.

The size of one fetus can reach up to 200 g during cultivation in the southern regions, of course, in the conditions of the middle band, you will have to be content with the average sizes of apples. Taste of apples dessert sweet with tangible sourness.

The best pollinators for Golden Delishes are "Idared" and "Seven". The main deficiencies of the variety are low winter hardiness and susceptibility to a complex of diseases.

The tree is very compact, while the yield and migratory. The taste of fruits is very nice sour-sweet, pulp juicy and fragrant, contains a large amount of vitamins. The flaws of the varieties include the appeal of fruits and frequency of fruiting.

Grade old and long known gardeners. The fruits weigh 100 ... 140 g, have a golden yellow painting and a juicy white flesh. Vintage is able to be stored until February. The best pollinator is an apple tree "White Pouring". Tree is characterized by a very high winter hardiness.

Fruits are matured weighing up to 190 g, covered with a natural wax chain. Apples of sour-sweet taste have a weak fragrance and excellent freshness up to six months, and when stored in the refrigerator - until summer. Despite the high resistance to the complexity complex, "Idared" can not boast of high winter hardiness.

Winter varieties apple trees, brief description, fruiting: video

Apple trees, suitable for cultivation in cold climatic zones

If the goal of growing apples was determined, you can proceed to the search for a variety that will successfully grow and be froning in the region in which the site is located. It is necessary to proceed from the fact that not all varieties grown in zones with a southern warm climate will suitable for the conditions of the Moscow region, which is, to talk about more harsh zones, such as the Urals or Siberia.

Of course, it will be insulting to choose a seedling, put, care for him, and fructures never wait. Therefore, the apple trees will be listed below, suitable for growing in areas with an unfavorable cold climate. They differ in particular winter hardiness and at the same time give a good harvest of apples.

Apple tree varieties for Moscow: "Zhigulevskoe", "Mednik", "Lobo", "Grimers", "Orlik", "Bogatyr", "Seven", "Gala", etc.

Middle Stripe Apple Variet: "Spartan", "Orlovskoe", "Sinap", "Champion", "Idreda", "Florina", "Golden Delishes", "Glory to the winners", etc.

Apple trees for the Urals and Siberia: "White Puff", "Summer Striped", "Autumn Striped", "Beauty of Sverdlovsk", "Ural Bulk", "Anis Sverdlovsky", "Ligol", "Antonovka", "Konfotnaya", "Melba", "Welshi", "Chinese", "currency" and others.

Already after the list of varieties of apple trees suitable for cultivation in the region in which the site is located, you can get acquainted with their features and characteristics, choosing the most suitable variety.

When choosing a variety for a plot is usually guided:

  • external features of fruit (color, the presence of plaque, size),
  • flavoring (dessert estimate of taste, aroma),
  • meat consistency (dense / loose, juicy / obscure, graininess),
  • as well as some properties of trees (their height in adulthood, stretching, strength, resistance to diseases, arid conditions, etc.).

Taking into account the winter hardiness and time of ripening of the apple tree, you can choose the perfect variety suitable for a particular site. A reasonable analysis of these criteria, and not chase over the largest and beautiful apples, will allow to receive a high harvest of apples in any climatic zone of Russia. In addition, when choosing a seedling in the garden plot, it is recommended to be guided and the parameters of the tree in adulthood, it applies to the gardeners that have sections of small areas.

From the south to north of our country, an apple tree is a favorite fruit culture. Her growing people were engaged in ancient times, and therefore varieties of apples, antiques, known for a long time, new or brought to us recently exist more than 10,000! They differ in size, shape, taste of fruits: from bitter, fresh, sour to very sweet, because everyone can choose what he soul.

Apples are: summer, That is, early, usually in July, ripen, they lie badly, the shelf life is about three weeks in which they need to eat or recycle.

Apples autumn Categories start collecting in September, they can be stored until mid-winter. Yield late, or winter, finally matures at the end of autumn. Apples of this category are characterized by good fierce and winter hardiness.

It is curious that both autumn and winter varieties of apples may divert. We will look at the best and most popular in each of the categories of the list of the list with illustrations to possibly determine and find out the name of the fetus by photography.

Came from Crimea, although it grows in the northeastern regions of Russia now. Comes from grade Candil-Chinese.

Is different good winter hardiness and burning, Fruits can be kept up to May-June, thanks to which it is very popular. Minor, gives a stable, abundant harvest of very tasty apples.

For a good aging of fruits requires a lot of summer heat, because in the regions with a short and fairly cold summer, apples simply will not ripe. Collect the harvest is worth finally ripenedSince the immature fruits will not have characteristic tasteful qualities, and in the process of storage can wither, but do not divert. But the mature fruits have the most good taste two or three months later.

The average resistance to fungal diseases and drought. Suitable for consumption in fresh form, processing into juice, compote and jam, as well as for the manufacture of dried fruits.

Famous minor grade that came from Canada. Melba fruits literally for 3 years. They grow this apple tree almost everywhere in Russia, with the exception of the Far East, the Urals and the North-East of Siberia.

Is different high yield. The flesh of the Melba Snow, Skin is smooth. Fruits are not small, sour-sweet, with a pleasant candy aroma. Melbal apples are well transported and in proper storage lie until November, unworthy - until January, without losing attractiveness and taste, which is favorably distinguished by the variety from other summer.

Vintage collect at the end of the summer and early autumn. Melba is badly withstanding frost, infected with a pair, adult trees are fruitless regularly. But the dry hot summer is not scary to her.

Over 20 new species were displayed on the base of the apple tree.

Late, the harvest of the student falls on september and the first half of October. It has a particularly early fertility period: apples appear for the second year. The variety is popular in Central Russia.

Fruits are not too large, but have an attractive appearance, they differ in a pleasant, sour-sweet taste. The apple tree is quite well tolerating frost, resistant to the paschers. Fruits possess good fierce, Easy to save until May. Ripen for a long time, the harvest is removed in October.

Views of the Late Apple

Apple tree grade Idared - tall wood. Fruit starts 5-6 years after landing. Apples are quite large, green with yellow or red bliss, pleasant taste, pulp dense and juicy.

Vintage is cleaned at the end of September, and apples lie before the beginning of the spring. Resistant to drone spot grades, but is amazed by mildew and a pair. Use fresh, preparation of juice and compotes, as well as dried fruits.

A variety starting fruit 5 years after landing. The advantage is the ability to grow it almost in any climatic zone.

Fruits have a pleasant sour-sweet taste, solid and strong, juicy. Until the harvest, apples remain light green, when stored yellow, a blush may appear. Sustainable to the seamless, frosty, is well transported and consistently good fruits. Harvesting occurs in September, with proper storage, apples lie until the end of the spring.

The unique variety of Makintosh is from Canada. Fruits Beloto yellow or green with purple or beard stripes.

Fruit starts 6-7 years after landing. Vintage collect in late September - early October, after which it lies 2-3 weeks and only after that it is considered ripe.

Apples are modeled sweet, saturated taste. Possessed middle Sfore, Fruits are stored until the beginning of the spring and with complete ripeness, the pulp becomes a little transparent. Winter hardiness and resistance to the paschers are average.

Summer varieties

In most regions of Russia, the summer is not long, and therefore summer apples are sometimes not frequent. An apple tree of this category is early ripen and begin to frig.

Today, many varieties of apple trees have been brought by breeders, which can be grown in regions previously considered unsuitable for their growth.

Summer species apples, as a rule, juicy, sweet and very tasty. The greatest drawback is their bad blend. They are consumed in a fresh form, make juices and cans. Consider the best of them.

Popular, common, vintage variety. The fruits of the noble color of the ivory, from where it happened. Tree apple trees White pouring medium height, adult tree grows up to 5 meters from Vash, Croon Pyramidal.

White pouring is winter hardyBut very vulnerable to wood pests, therefore requires regular treatments. Possess a sour-sweet taste. Vintage collect in August.

Apples quickly deteriorate, especially when hitting or falling, because stored very short time. Therefore, it is correct to immediately use them into food or process them. It should not be allowed to peel the fruits, since in this case the taste qualities are noticeably deteriorating, the pulp becomes a torment and practically tasteless.

The fruits of white pouring are spoiled not only with falls, but even with a strong press on them with a finger, dark spots appear, the flesh frills, becoming dry and mild. Because the apples need to be extremely careful.

Another known variety, which is often confused with a white blossom. But this is not entirely right. Being relatives, they still have differences. Motherland apple tree dumping is the Baltic States. Fruit starts early, after 5 years after landing.

Well tolerate frostBut unstable to the paste, the traces of which can be noticed both on the foliage and on the apples themselves. The crop matures a week earlier than white pouring. The pulp in the white papidation, coarse-grained, contains an elevated ascorbic acid level, because the taste of apples refreshing-sour. Quite well resists the influence of pests and diseases, but suffers from drought and frosts.

Fruits papidation poorly transported and lie, It is stored for about three weeks, with damage quickly rot. If you want to save them for a while, relieving the crop need not. It is also well suited for processing and preservation.

Apple variety obtained by Michurin's way of white pouring and boxes. Apple trees are distinguished by rapid development and growth, they begin to be fruit for 5 years, possess a powerful spreading crown.

They are unpretentious, winter hardyWhat is an undoubted plus for many Russian regions. Trimming trees contributes to an increase in the crop, as well as the ability to form a bush from wood. Due to frost resistance, cultivation is possible even in Siberia.

Fruits ripen in mid-August, From one tree you can collect a crop to 50 kg. Fruits are smooth with a sweet taste and excellent product view. Apples are quite good in size, can be stored for up to two months.

The main difference in winter apples from summer is that the winter should be eaten after they have passed at least a month.

Apple tree withstand frosts up to -50Therefore, it can be grown in many Russian regions, even in the Urals and in Siberia. It is one of the most frost-resistant. Fruit starts already 5 years after landing, harvest matures in July-Augustbut fruit is not massively. Apples inside the crown and on the top ripen in different times, which significantly complicates harvesting.

The pulp of apples is juicy, but after the collection quickly becomes milder. Fruit poor tolerate transportation And practically not stored. With rainy weather being infected with a pair, and during drought the tree can even reset the fruits.

It is not very suitable for conservation, because the taste of apples is sour, which will require high sugar costs. But at the same time, there are many vitamins in and c, therefore it is better to use them in a fresh form.

It has Canadian roots, brought by the way of natural pollination of the Moscow. Apples rounded-oblong shape, slightly ribbed above, bright. The taste of manth is very sweet, almost without the presence of sourness, the flesh is white and fragrant.

Ripen from the end of July and until the end of August. Fruit early, but the fruits are kept no more than two weeks. Trees are subject to a scaffold, do not tolerate Morozov.

As can be seen from the name, the painting of the fruit is striped, which is its distinctive feature from other varieties. The apple tree is rather unpretentious in care, has immunity to a brummer, frost resistant. When growing almost in all conditions, you can get a high yield of delicious, juicy, fragrant apples with a gentle flesh.

The fruits are stored badly, overwhelmed and not removed in time the crop just crumpled from the tree. Suitable for consumption in fresh form, jam and compotes.

Quinty was led about 30 years ago in Canada, where came to us from. It was created specifically for regions with relatively low average annual temperatures. The ripening of fruits occurs early, the crop is harvested from mid-July.

The fruits of apple are small, with a stable bright aroma and sweetish-sour taste. Despite the early ripening of the harvest, resistance to mildew, drought and heat, which is undoubted virtues of the variety, the fruits are kept very little time, just about two weeks. Apple tree quinti not frost-resistant and amazed as a pair.

Autumn varieties of apples

Apples autumn most suitable for all kinds of conservation. Consider the best and popular of them.

The variety is considered one of the best in its category. High-threshold, different medium winter hardiness, Fruit planted tree starts for 7-8 years. Ripening in the second half of September, the fruits remain on the tree for a long time, not falling out. Stored until mid-December.

The fruits of medium size, with a blurred blush, with a cream pulp of a pleasant taste.

Despite the high quality of apples, the variety is not resistant to drought.

Cinnamine striped

Popular and long-known apple variety. It is characterized by the fact that abundant yields begins to give quite late, after 14-15 years. High-resistant The long-lived variety, transfers long-term strong frosts.

Fruits with the pulp of cream color, high flavors and scent of cinnamon, thanks to which they gave such a name. Harvesting occurs in September, Legek time - up to two months. Apples are well suited for urine and jam. With rainy weather, the variety is susceptible to the disease.

Consumer maturity, that is, the time when autumn apples can be eaten, comes after 2-3 weeks.

Winter hardy unpretentious variety with regular fruiting.

Fruits are aging in the beginning of Septemberand can lie until November. The apple tree begins to be fruit already from 4 years after landing, fruits of juicy, yellowish, medium taste qualities. Despite the high tolerability of low temperatures, the tree has fragile wood, the inephious taste of the apples themselves. Fruits and leaves are subject to the brush.

Grade Isaev's memory possessing extremely high winter hardinessHigh yield. Harvesting occurs late in autumn, and the collected fruits are kept until January.

Apples are characterized by sour-sweet taste, have no pronounced flavor, with a dense, juicy and tender pulp. Sustained by the paschers.

Matures in September-OctoberThe collected crop of rather large fruits is stored for up to three months.

Sweet apples with sour taste, juicy and very gentle. Fruit begins early, already for 4 years, good resistance to diseases and winter hardiness.

High yields, well carrying frosts grade. Large fruits with a pleasant sour and sweet taste ripen in the beginning of September.


Apple varieties that have late maturation, called winter. Winter apples are valuable in that you can have them for a whole year. The best varieties of this category possess such good.

Winter apples are difficult to eat immediately after collecting, since their ripening usually occurs during the storage process. The harvest is collected from the middle of autumn, and the fruits lie up until May-June.


Fruits ripen in the first half of OctoberStored until April-May. Large-size trees, yields remove abundant, up to 240 kg. Tree Powerful, Liste and the frost resists medium. Therefore, it requires special attention in the winter period, and also requires regular spraying.

Fruits are quite large, with excellent taste. Store up to May, suitable for consumption of raw form and for all processing methods.

The cultivation of winter varieties of apples is more difficult due to the small amount of heat as opposed to summer and autumn. For this reason, they need a more thorough care and regular feeding.

All well-known and popular variety. He has quite a lot of species: white, ribbed, gray, striped and so on. All of them are distinguished by a high but not regular yield. Frost resistant And well tolerate other climatic troubles.

Fruits have a characteristic aroma of high intensity, sweet with sour taste, juicy and crispy flesh.

Vintage remove in the first decade of October. Depending on the storage method, apples of this variety are: in the refrigerator - until December, in the basement - until December. Eating fresh, and also processed on a junior, marmalade and floppy, make compats and juices.

Apple trees are distinguished by resistance to drought, strong wind. Trees grow very high with medium and large green fruits of different shades. Distinctive sign are the formation of a brown shade on the fruits.

Possess very high fierce, Stored until the summer. The crop of juicy fruits with a spicy, slightly giving wine, a sweet taste is removed in September-October. Suitable mainly for consumption in the fresh form.

A variety capable of transferring the coldest winter. Highly frost-resistant.

Prowing, fruits become red, have a pleasant tangible aroma, juicy and sweet. It is not rare on apples there is a wax falling, which helps to increase the fetus fetus.

Harvest falls on end of September-beginning Octoberi, and apples are stored can almost until the end of the spring. There are them you can 2 months later lying when they fully ripen.

SINAP (Candil) Orlovsky

Trees are quite large, with large practically the same fruits. Green apples with a blush, sweet with small acids. Vintage collect at the end of September, apples are in spring.

Led in the Volga region because transfers both strong frosts and drought. Fruit scarlet begins pretty late, for 6-7 years after landing, bringing abundant yields.

Harvesting occurs in November, The bleed is limited to two months. Unpretentious apple tree, but with too wet weather fruits and leaves are infected with a pair.

Ripe fruits are practically completely covered with a scarlet blush, small size, they differ in good taste.

The sweetest and delicious fruits and their names

Adults and especially children love to enjoy a tasty, sweet apple. The most famous in this category is the white pouring and the candy, which we talked about earlier. In addition to them there are still popular varieties of this category.

Winter hardy Speed \u200b\u200btype. Due to major sizes, the tree can withstand quite large fruits. Apples are sweet, with very fragrant, but not too tight pulp.

Vintage remove in early October, and there are fruits until the end of February. Possessing excellent taste data and commodity view, besides sustainable as a brishe.

Sweet Nega

The mid-grade tree of skiel-sweet fruits of a rounded form of a small size. The bright with a blush apples are characterized by an excellent aroma, a sweet dessert taste without the presence of sourness.

Well resists unfavorable environmental factors. Is different high frost resistance.

The fruits are small, similar to a cylinder, yellow, with a very sweet taste and a pleasant aroma. The yield is medium.


Summer winter hardy grade. The fruits of medium and large size are sweet, with light sourness and honey flavor. Maturation occurs in the end of August And lasts for a month.

Winter hardiness is very high, withstands frost to -40. Good immunity to diseases and resistance to pests.

It is grown in the middle lane of Russia, Belarus and the Baltic States. Summer maturation perfectly tolerate freezing.

The yield is medium, and the tree begins to be fruit pretty late. Fruits of small size, very fragrant, with a honey-sweet taste. Foliage and apples themselves are resistant to the paschers. Ripen in late July-early August. However, the fierce is low, stored for a month.


Variety with uneven maturation, harvest is removed in the second half of August. The taste of apples is improving after a brief lying, becoming even more sweet-honey. Taste qualities are saved for a long time unchanged.

The best green

Green, with an acidic taste, green apples are considered most useful for health And with diets. Among them is the most popular variety of Renet Simirenko, as well as dumping, Antonovka and white pouring, described above, and others.

Probably the most popular winter grade of green apples, which is difficult to confuse with others thanks to a bright, brilliant green color and rigid peel. Released in Australia. The taste of fruit is very juicy with pleasant acid, are considered dietary due to the small content of sugar.

Lovely, ripens by the end of autumn. Fruits large I. do not have aromaWhat is their feature. Well tolerate transportation and are able to be stored for a long time. Morozousty, with regular abundant fruiting. However, with a lack of heat and light, fruits are minced and become yellow.

Grennie Smith is the most popular apples with a diet for weight loss.

Pepin saffron

Variety does not possess good frost resistance And with severe cold it is frozen, although after haosho is restored. For regular fruiting requires regular trimming, the first yields brings 5-7 years after landing.

Apples are sweet, with an interesting grape and spicy taste, with a bright aroma. Possess good fierce, from the moment of gathering in October Perfectly stored until March, keeping their taste.

Golden Delishes

Despite the yellowish color, the variety belongs to this category. Apple tree well tolerate frost, But the droughtness resistance is low.

Dense, very juicy fruits with sweet taste from september, and stored until March. Lyzka has a positive effect on taste, making it even more gentle.

Best red

Beautiful, bright apples will decorate any table and seem particularly tasty. The best varieties in the category are the following.


French grade, has resistant to the paschers. Large, slightly shaped apples ripen in October. Fruit starts for 6 years, but good yields are collected only by 8-10.

The quality of the fruit is very high: sweet, juicy, with signs of sourness, while lying is still sweeter. Well transported and stored until March. Frost resistance and drought resistance middle.

Grade with large, bright red fruits of beautiful shape. Excellent taste, appearance, however, resistance to the middle level. The tree begins to be froning 5 years after landing, but significant crops give only 10 years.

Red Delishes

Scropped grade, the first yields can be removed after 3-4 years. It is necessary to do it at the end of September, and the fruits lie until the end of winter, with proper storage until April.

Saturated, bright red apples, with dense skin, sweet, with a slight iron aftertaste, juicy and crunchy. Well transported, resistant to mechanical damage, but when stored is affected by bitter spot. Sustainability has no sustainability, but frost resistance middle.

Latest variety from America. Known gardeners are also under other names: good winter, winter Red, Olema. It is necessary to grow on wet soils, only at the same time can be obtained good crops. The tree is steadily both to the paschery and mildew.

Fruits with pleasant, sour with sweetness taste and bright aroma remove in mid-September. Well tolerate transportation and storage, lies until the middle of the spring.

Jonathan's fruits are most often mentioned in culinary recipes and are used when baking.


The variety occurred from Macintosha, and therefore has its properties: rich red color, wonderful taste. The variety is distinguished by annual fruiting with a noticeable increase in harvest, the first can be removed after 3-4 years.

Feling frost well And resistant to drought, but to diseases are stable.

Best Sorts of Apples for the Moscow Region and Medium Stripe

The near Moscow region is distinguished by an unstable climate, a brief summer and a lack of light. Because the grades that are best suited for cultivation should be endless, unpretentious and frost-resistant.

Among the summer varieties are suitable: GRUSHOVKA MOSCOW, MEDICAL, CONFETIVE, CONNITING STRIRED, ON THE MANAGE. As well as autumn varieties of apples.



The first fruits take off for 5-6 years after landing, the crop comes out abundantly, but over the years it decreases.

A characteristic feature of the variety is very large fruit. But it is better to plant in southern areas, as the variety poor tolerate frosts And weakly resist the paschers. Matures in September, and there are assembled apples up to two months.

Cinnamy new

Another autumn grade apples suitable for growing in the suburbs. The first harvest is removed fairly late after landing, closer to 6-7 years. At the beginning, the trees are fruit regularly, with years, yield increases, but becomes irregular.

Fruits small, juicy, fragrant, with bright stains collect in mid-SeptemberThey are stored for about three months. Winter hardy, resistant to pests grade.

Among winter varieties suitable for cultivation in this region, it is worth noting the already described Antonovka, Pepin Safrank, Borovinka, long, Candil Orlovsky and some others.


Sort S. medium winter hardinessBut good resilience to the paschers and different pests. Fruit starts the earliest - 5 years of cultivation, the crop of bright striped fruits is collected in the fall and stored about six months.

Good, morozousty variety with excellent resilience pests and various diseases.

After 5-7 years, you can shoot a good crop, big, sour-sweet apples, green with a bright blush. Ripen in September-October, with proper storage lying until April.



The semi-caric autumn grade is well fruitful with 3 years of growth. SPLAYED, high-yielding apple tree with red medium-sized fruits. Due to the thickened crown, the size of the apples is different, their taste is sour-sweet. Especially valuable for immunity to the paschers and good resistance to frosts.

Already by the third year of cultivation, you can shoot good crops of sour-sweet apples. Sustainable to frozam And the pasche, loves feeding, but you need to fight the tool.

Tree Dwarf, Yellow Fruits in the second half of AugustStore for a month.

The described varieties of apples are considered the best, because they enjoy tremendous success and popularity with many gardeners. Salting summer, autumn and winter grade together, you can enjoy delicious fruits for a whole year.

Here you will find the best varieties of apples for completely different regions. After our wonderful selection, a huge amount of reviews about other interesting apple trees, the taste and yield of which I liked our readers. Actual in 2019.

Leave your feedback and you, just definitely specify the growing region.

Apple tree Volodarka

Apple tree is the most common tree in our gardens. Apple trees are divided into: summer, autumn and winter.

The main differences are in the timing of ripening, and in storage time.

We present you the most popular varieties of apple trees with photos, title and description.

Summer varieties apple trees

Summer varieties apple trees ripen and are stored little.


Apple grade docking. The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded-oval, dense fruitful crown. The variety is an average winter hardiness, resistant to pests and diseases. But the exception is the passage, which in the rainy years the tree can be quite affected. Apple tree starts fruit on the 4th year after landing. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. The ripeness in the fruit occurs in mid-August. The duration of their storage is about 10-15 days. Apples are characterized by very low transportability. The average magnitude of the fetus is 100 grams, it has a rounded conical shape and seam, which is observed throughout its surface. Pale yellow apple and sour-sweet taste.

Apple Melba

Melba variety - The apple tree of medium height, has a widely oval crown. The grade is medium-resistant and often damaged as a pair. Apple tree begins to be fron with 5 -6 year. The variety gives a harvest annually. The ripeness in the fruit occurs in late August. Storage duration of about 30 days. Apples are characterized by excellent transportability. The average magnitude of the fetus is 100-120 grams, it has a rounded conical shape and a strip with a bright red blush that occupy a significant part of the surface. Apple color greenish-white. White flesh, gentle and sour and sour taste.

Apples Stark Erlity

- The apple tree of medium height, has a widely pyramidal compact crown. The grade is winter-hardy, can suffice slightly as a passion and mildew. Fruit apple tree begins on the 4th year. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. Fruits begin to ripen a week earlier than the "papidation". Storage duration about 20 days. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a rounded-conical shape and the entire surface is covered with a bright red blurred blur. The color of the fetus is greenish yellow. Puffed juicy and sour-sweet taste. Apples ripen unevenly, therefore it is better to remove them in 2-3 receptions.

Grade early sweet - The apple tree is weary, has a flat-round crown. The grade is winter-hardy and is well resistant to the paschers. For 3-4 years, an apple tree begins to be fron. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. Fruits begin to ripen earlier for 10-12 days than the "papidation". The average value of the apple is 90-100 g, it has a flat-core shape. The fruit color is light yellow. The characteristic of the pulp is white color and sweet taste.

Apple tree white pouring

Sort white pouring - The apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal krona in young trees and rounded in adults. The grade is medium-resistant and can easily affect the pair. On the 2-3rd year begins to be fruiting the apple tree, grafted on dwarf bed, and for 5-6 years on the strip. The variety gives a harvest annually. The ripeness of fruits occurs in August. Storage duration for three months. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a rounded conical or wide egg-shaped form. The color of the fetus is greenish yellow. The characteristic of the pulp is its white color, tenderness, juiciness and sour-sweet taste.

Apple Borovinka Borovinka - Middle height apple tree. The grade is winter-hardy, very badly affected by a pair and therefore matured fruits quickly creep. Apple tree begins to be fruit for 5-6 years. The grade gives a harvest almost annually. The ripeness of fruits occurs in August - early September. Storage duration of apples 2-4 weeks. The average weight of the apple is 100 grams, it has a flat-incubating shape with a striped blush. The fruit of yellow color, has a juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste.

Belfler-china - Medium height tree. Middle yield grade. Apple tree gives a harvest almost annually. The average weight of the fetus is 100 grams. An apple has a sour-sweet taste.

Grushovka Moscow - winter hardy grade. The apple tree is high, has a spherical or widely pyramidal crown. Gives a harvest almost annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early August and they are not transportable. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it is light white, it has a juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste.

Apple tree Chinese golden

Chinese golden- The apple tree of the middle height, has a feather-shaped crown in young trees and a molding crown - older trees. The grade is winter-hardy and often damaged as a pair. The fruits begin to ripen the end of July and then quickly appear. The average value of the apple is 80 grams, the pulp of yellowish color, juicy, with a good sour-sweet taste and a very pleasant aroma.


- winter hardy grade. For 2-3 years, it starts to be froning the apple tree on the dwarf bed, and for 5 years - on a strongly rolling stock. Removable maturity in fruits begins in early August. The average value of the apple is 80-150 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. Green-yellow fruit with brown stripes and sweet taste.

Apple tree Dream - Medium height tree. Winter-hardy grade, high-yielding, resistant to the paste. On the 4th year begins to be froning the apple tree on the seed stock, and on the 2nd year - on the dwarf. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in August. The average value of the apple is 200 grams on the dwarf bed and 100-150 grams on the seed, it has a rounded-conical shape and a bright red stroke blush. The fruit of creamy color and sour-sweet taste.


Mironchik - winter hardy grade. The tree is a strong-starred durable, has a high crown. Begin to ripe fruit in mid-August. The lives of them about 1 month. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it is yellow, has a yellow coarse flesh and sweet taste.

Suislepskoye - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, densely abusive, or a widespread pyramidal crown. Grade winter-hardy. For 3-4 years, it starts to be froning the apple tree on the dwarf bed, and for 6-7 years - on a strongly rode. Removable maturity in fruit begins in August - early September. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a flat rounded shape with a pink striped blush. An apple is white and yellow, has a white, fragrant, fine-grained pulp and sour-sweet taste.

- Middle height apple tree, compact. For 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to be fruit. The variety gives a harvest annually. Begin to ripe the fruits earlier than the white pouring. Apples are firing and transportable. The average magnitude of the fetus is 60-70 grams, it is juicy and sour-sweet taste.

Yandikovskoye - The apple tree is high, has a thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, well tolerate drought and is not damaged by diseases. For 5-6, the apple tree begins to be fruit. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in the third decade of July. Apple burns about 3 weeks. The average magnitude of the fetus is 100-150 grams, it has a flat rounded shape, blurred striped blush and sweet-sour taste.

Autumn varieties of apple trees

Anis Alla

Sort Anis Alla- The tree is high, has a wide pyramidal crown. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to drought, but weakly resistant to black cancer. Apple tree starts fruit for 6-7 years after landing. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Yield Tree 200-300 kg. Storage duration of apples before the winter start. The average magnitude of the fetus 50 is 70 grams, it has a flat round, weakly ribbed shape. Apple green color with a dark cherry blush and wax. And the pulp of his juicy and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is periodic fruiting.

Anis striped - The apple tree is high, has a wide pyramidal thick crown. The variety is winter-hardy and resistant to drought, but the fruits and leaves may be affected by a pair. At 6-7, the apple tree begins to be fron. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins at the end of August. Yield Tree up to 250 kg. Fruits are stored until February. The average size of the apple is 70 grams, it has a flattened round or ribbed form. The fruit of light green color with a cracked, striped blush, has a white, fine-grained, juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and winter hardiness.

- The apple tree of medium height, has a compact root crown. The grade is winter-hardy, but can be very affected by a pair. For 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to be fron. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September. Yield Tree up to 75 kg.

Fruits are stored for about three months. The average value of the apple is 90 g, it has a rounded-oval form. The fruit of greenish-cream color with a red blush, has a white, juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is good winter hardiness of apples and an excellent dessert taste of fruits.

Apple Auxis

Auxis - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Apple tree begins to be fruit for 5-6 years. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in September.

The average value of the apple is 140 g, it has flattened round or repulsory shape. The fruit of light yellow color with a red blush, has a yellow, dense, juicy, fragrant flesh and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until January, and in the refrigerator until March. The advantage of the variety is good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Apple Baltika

Apple tree Baltika - The tree is high, has a lot of medium thick crown. Grade winter-hardy and stable against the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 5 years. The variety gives a harvest annually. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September.

Tree yield up to 200 kg. Fruits are stored for about two months. The average value of the apple is 120 g, it has a rounded or repulsory shape. Yellow fruit with striped pink blush, has a white, dense, juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is good commodity quality of fruits and high yield.

Michurinskaya Michurinskaya

Michurinskaya Michurinskaya- The apple tree is high, has an empty, thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy and is well resistant to the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 5-7 years. Removable maturity in fruit begins in September. Tree yield up to 130 kg. Fruits are stored until December. The average value of the apple is 130 g, it has a rounded or flat round shape. Fruit of greenish yellow color with orange, red strokes and stripes. The flesh of greenish yellow, juicy, gentle with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the uneven ripening of fruits - therefore, part of the crop is tremended, and the dignity is high-quality fruits.


Apple tree Zhigulevskoye- Medium height tree, has a widespread pyramidal, rare crown. The grade is affected by a pair. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Tree yield up to 200 kg. Stored fruits until January. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a flat-round shape. The fruit of golden yellow with orange or red blush, has a juicy flesh and sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is good commodity and taste quality of fruits.

Cinnamy new

Cinnamy new - The apple tree is high, has a highly rounded, dense crown. The grade is winter-hardy, has good stability against the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-7 years, and gives irregular crops. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Apples are stored until January.

The average value of the apple is 130-160 g, it has a flat round, conical shape. The fruit of greenish yellow with a cracked, striped blush, has a light cream, gentle, juicy pulp and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is the good product quality of the fruit.

Cinnamine striped

Cinnamine striped - The apple tree of medium height is widely pyramidal or rounded the crown. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to the paste. Apple tree begins apple tree for 6-8 year. There comes removable maturity in fruits in mid-September. Storage duration 2 months.

The average value of the apple is 80-90 g, it has a gluable, repulsory form. The greenish-yellow fetus color with dark red defined stripes and specks, has a yellow-white, gentle flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is later his entry into fruction.

Beauty of Sverdlovsk

Sortovsk sverdlovsk variety - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for 4-6 year. The fruit comes from fruit removable maturity at the end of September. Tree yield up to 70-100 kg. Fruits are stored until March-April. The average value of the apple is 120-160 g, it has a widespread or rounded conical shape. The fruit of cream color with a Punchy-red Rumen, has a light cream, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is a good commodity and taste quality of fruits, as well as their long-term height and an increased ascorbic acid content.

Orlovskaya Garland

Orlovskaya Garland - Apple tree low growth, has a rounded, thick crown. Grade winter-hardy and stable against the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 4-5 years. The tree has a high yield. Removable maturity apples comes in mid-September.

Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 90 grams, it has a replicious form. Fruit color golden yellow with red blush. And he has a greenish-white flesh, juicy, gentle, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste.

Autumn striped

Autumn striped- The apple tree is high, has a widespread crown. The grade is medium-resistant, but has a good restorative ability and is slightly affected by a pair. The apple tree begins to be fruit for 6-8 years. Removable maturity in fruit occurs at the end of September. Tree yield up to 200 kg. Fruits are stored until November-December. The average weight of the apple is 120 grams, it has a rounded conical, weakly ribbed shape. The color of the fetus is light yellow, with a cracked, striped blush of orange and red. White apple flesh, tender, and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety It is a good yield of apples and excellent quality of fruits.

Apples Riga Doves

Riga dove - The apple tree of medium height, has a widely rounded, thick crown. The variety is medium winter-hard-resistant and steady against fruit rot and brush. Fruit begins apple tree for 4-6 year. The tree has a periodic fruit. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September, and 1-2 months after harvesting comes - consumer maturity.

Apples are stored until December. The average magnitude of the fetus is 120 grams, it has an extended conical shape. An apple with a removal of greenish-white, and when the milk-white ripening is ripening with a blurred blush, it has a white, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage is poor fruit transportability.

September - The apple tree is high, has a pyramidal crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy and stable against the brush. Fruit starts apple tree for 5-7 years. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September. Yield Tree up to 140 kg. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a rounded conical form. The fruit of greenish-yellow color with weakly pronounced stripes, has a yellowish, juicy, gentle flesh and sour and sweet taste. Apples are stored 2 months. The advantage of the variety is good quality fruit.


Tambovskoe - The apple tree is high, has a sprawling, rounded the crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, has a weak stability against the brush. Apple tree entering fruiting for 5-7 years. Removable maturity in fruit begins in early September. Yield Tree is good, but irregular. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has an oval conical shape with bright red specks. The fruit of light cream color, has a snow-white, fine-grained, juicy flesh and a wine-sweet taste. Apples are stored for about 2-3 months. The dignity of the variety is good marketability and excellent flavor quality of fruits.

Apple Uralas.

Urals - The apple tree is high, it has a solid, thick, pyramidal crown. The grade is winter-hardy, sustainably resistant to the paschers. The apple tree begins to be fruit for 3-4 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits from late August and in early September. Yield Tree 70 kg. The average value of the apple is 40-60 g, it has a rounded-conical, truncated shape with a bright-carmine striped blush. The fruit of creamy color, has a juicy, fine-grained, gentle flesh and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored for about 2 months. The dignity of the variety is the winter hardiness, early fruiting and good yield.

Ural bulk - The apple tree is high, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, strongly resistant to the paste. The apple tree begins to be fruit for 3-4 years. There is ripeness in fruits in early September. Shelf life for about two months. The average value of the apple is 40 grams, it has a rounded form.

The fruit of light yellow, has a white, juicy, mediterranean pulp and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is winter hardiness and good adaptive properties.

Saffron Saratovsky

Saffron Saratovsky - The grade is winter-hardy, is well resistant to pulse dew and craze. The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded or widely pyramidal crown of medium density. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Fruits ripen in mid-September. Yield The tree is 150 kg. The shelf life of the fruit until December of the month. The average value of the apple is 120-160 g, it has an elongated or rounded conical shape, with red strip stripes. The fruit of yellow-green, has a creamy, dense, fine-grained, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is a good taste and commodity quality of fruits.

Winter varieties of apple trees

Antonovka ordinary

Antonovka ordinary - The apple tree is high, has an oval crown. The grade is winter-hardy, but may be affected by a pair. Fruit starts for 7-8 year. Removable maturity in fruit begins in mid-September. The yield of the tree is 200 kg. Fruits are stored for about three months. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a rounded, weakly compressed form. The fruit of greenish-yellow color has a yellow, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the frequency of the fruction of the tree and the short shelf life of the apples. And the dignity is good yield and excellent quality of fruits.

Aport - Middle-resistant variety. The apple tree is high, has a flat round crown. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Removable maturity in fruit begins in the second decade of September. The average value of the apple is 220-250 g, it has a wide conical shape with a red blush. The fruits are stored until January-February. Yellow-green apple, has a green yellow, gentle, fine-grained pulp and sour-sweet taste.


Aphrodite - The apple tree is high, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is characterized by a high winter hardiness, excellent sustainability for the paschers. Begin to ripe the fruits of September 15-20. Storage duration until the end of December. The average value of the apple is 125 g, it has a medium flattened, wide-ribbed shape with stripes and nettle of dark raspberry color. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is white, juicy, finely grainy and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is good commercial and consumer quality of apples.

Aelita - The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. The tree is high, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. For 5-6, the apple tree begins to be fron. The tree can produce annually. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. An appleal yield is 140 c / ha. The fruits are stored before January. The average value of the apple is 120 g, it has a rounded conical, correct shape. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The pulp of his juicy, yellow, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is the excellent yield of apples.

Bezhin Mead.

Bezhin Mead.- Fabric of large size with a rounded crown. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. Begin to ripe the fruits of September 15-20. They are stored until February. The average value of the apple is 150 grams, it has an oblong, wide-ribbed form.

The fruit of yellow-green with a raspberry blush. And the flesh is delicate, juicy, fine-grained with sour and sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is the yield and excellent transportability of the fruit.

Belorussian synap

Belorussian synap - Tough apple tree, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. Fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until the end of April - early May. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has an oval shape with a pink-red dim blush on the sunny side. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is green, dense, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is a low juice and satisfactory taste of fruits. And the dignity is winter hardiness and long-term infantry of apples.

Apple Berkutovskoye

Berkutovskoye- The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but may be amazed by mildew. Fruit tree annual. The average value of the apple is 150 grams, it has a rounded shape and dark red stripes around the fetus. The flesh of greenish yellow, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sour and sour taste. Dignity of variety It is a compact crown, abundant annual fruiting and good fetus fetus.


Bogatyr- The apple tree is tall, has an empty rare crown. The grade is medium-resistant, resistant to the paschers. For 6-7 years, fruiting begins, after the eyepiece. Fruit annual. Yield Apple tree is 50 kg. Vegetability of fruits about 89%. They are stored 250 days. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a cluttered shape with a noticeable edge on the surface. The fruit of light green. The flesh is white, juicy and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is the abundant annual yield and long-term shelf life of apples.


Bolotovskoye - Apple tree above average, has a rounded crown. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. Removable maturity comes from fruits in early September. Yield The tree is 130 c / ha. They are stored until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 150-160 grams, it has an altitude, wide-ribbed form. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is green, juicy, dense with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the sweepability of the fruit, if it is late to shoot them. Dignity is a high yield and excellent quality of apples.

Bratchud - Dwarf apple tree, has a flat-terminal crown. The grade is winter-hardy, it may be affected by a passion for 3-4 years begins with an apple tree, after vaccination. Tree fruction regular. The fruits of 140 days are stored. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has an oblong-rounded form. Fruit of greenish yellow color. The flesh is white, weakly juicy, coarse and sour and sour taste. Dignity of variety It is a high yield and good commodity and taste quality of fruits.


Bryansk- An apple tree of medium height, has a round of medium thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, not sufficiently resistant to fruit rot. For 3-4 years, the apple tree begins to be fron. Yield The tree is 270-350 c / ha. Fruits are stored until February. The average value of the apple is 150 grams, and the maximum - 300 grams, it has a rounded or weak ribbed form. Green fruit. The flesh is white, juicy and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is: a short period of storage of fruit. And the dignity is resistance to the paschers, yield, not gladness, as well as high commodity and consumer quality of fruits.


Venyaminovskoye - The apple tree is large, has a round of medium thick crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Begin to ripe the fruits of September 15-20. Yield Tree 150 c / ha. Fruits are stored until February. The average value of an apple is 130 grams, it has a medium flattened, conical, wide-ribbed or beveled. An apple is greenish color, has a white, greenish, dense, coarse, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good commodity quality of fruits.

Veteran - The high height tree, has a spherical, compact crown of medium density. The grade is medium-resistant, resistant to the paste. For 4-5 years, the fertilization of the apple tree begins after landing. Begin to ripe the fruits until the end of September and they are stored in the refrigerator until mid-March. Yield Tree 220 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a weakly compressed form. Yellowish-green apple, has a brown-yellow, gentle, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the shower of foliage. And the advantage is a high yield, suitability for an intensive garden garden, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Vita - The apple tree of medium height, has a rare, dowel the crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield The tree is moderate with non-permanent periodicity. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. Storage duration until the end of March. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has a flat, ribbed, proper form. The apple is greenish, has a dense, greenish pulp and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is the lengthy prestibility of fruits.

Knight - The apple tree is large, has a dowel crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Begin to ripen fruit at the end of September - at the beginning of October and they are stored until May. The average value of the apple is 140 g, it has a conical or rounded conical shape. Apple color yellowish green. The flesh of his white color, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety It is high productivity, long-lasting persistence and good quality fruit.


Cherry - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded or flat-stocking, thick crown. The medium-resistant grade, as well as the average resistant to mushroom diseases. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average values \u200b\u200bof the apple is 115 grams, greenish yellow. It has a white, gentle, fine-grained, juicy flesh and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety It is an excellent dessert taste of fruits and high yield.


Star - The apple tree is heavy, it has a wide, spread, slightly dumped the crown. The grade is medium-resistant, resistant to the text of the apple tree. For 5-7 years, the fruiting of the apple tree begins, after the eyelid. Fruits are stored until February-March. The tree is fruit annually. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has flattened round, with poorly noticeable fins. Apple color light green with red blush. And the pulp is green, juicy, fine-grained with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the fruits become small with time and therefore need to do regular trimming. And the advantage is a good taste quality of fruits and their prolonged blend.


Health - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The grade is winter-hardy and resistant to the paste. Begin to ripe the fruits in early September. Storage duration until mid-February. Yield Tree 230 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has an altitude, the correct form. An apple of greenish yellow color with red specks and wide blurred stripes. The flesh of its green, juicy, gentle, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and good quality fruit.

Winter striped - The apple tree of medium height, has an extender-rounded crown. The mediterranean grade, the leaves may be affected by a pair. Fruit starts apple tree for 3-4 years. Apples begin to ripen in late September. Storage duration before April. Yield Tree 80 kg. The average value of the apple is 140-170 g, it has a flat-round or rounded form. An apple of greenish yellow color with red strokes and stripes. And he has a cream color, loose, juicy, gentle, with sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruction of wood, long-lasting persistence, beautiful shape and good taste of fruits.


Amazing - The apple tree of medium height, has a spherical crown. The variety is characterized by an average winter hardiness and an excellent resistance to mildew and a seamless. For 6-7 years, the fruiting of the apple tree begins. Yield Tree 200 c / ha. Maximum fetus fetus 250 days. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has an elongated conical, leveling form. Apple color greenish-yellow with red blush. The flesh is white, juicy, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that it can freeze in a harsh winter. And the advantage is good quality fruit, high yield, fruit transportability and long-term focus.

Immir - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for the 3rd year. Fruits begin to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until the end of February. Yield Tree 90 c / ha. The average weight of the apple is 100 grams, it has a flattened, weakly ribbed form. Apple green color with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is cream its color, juiciness, density and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the fruit is thin skin. And the dignity is high yield, long-term persistence, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Candil Orlovsky

Candil Orlovsky - The apple tree is average, has a rounded crown with drooping branches. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruits start to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a one-dimensional, conical form. Apple color greenish-yellow with raspberry blush. And the pulp is white, juicy, fine-grained, gentle with sour and sweet taste. Dignity of variety is a good commodity and consumer quality of fruits

Dwarf - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded, dense crown. The grade is medium-resistant, as well as the average resistant against mushroom diseases. Fruit starts apple tree for 3-4 years. Begin to ripen fruits in mid-October and they are stored until February. Yield The tree is not sharply abundant and periodic. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a rounded, the correct form. Apple greenish yellow color. The flesh of the light cream color, the floor oil and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield and beautiful form of the fetus.


Karpovskoye - The apple tree is high, it has an oval crown in young age, and in the fruiting spherical. The variety of medium-hardiness may be affected by a pair. For 6-8, the fruiting of the apple tree begins, after the eyelid. The high-yielding grade, especially 2-3 years after the start of the fruiting, the crop increases very sharply. The fruits are stored in the fruit until May. The average values \u200b\u200bof the apple is 100 grams, it has a flattened form. An apple of greenish yellow with a dense-pink blush. The flesh is greenish, juicy and sour taste. Dignity of variety It is a high yield, long-term fetus and good commodity quality of fruits.


Kuibyshevskoye - The apple tree is stripped, has a widely conical crown of medium luggage. The grade is winter-hardy, is not sufficiently resistant to the paste and fruit rot. For 5-6, the apple tree begins to be fruit. Yield Tree high. Fruits start to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until February and longer. The average value of the apple is 110-130 grams, it has a plane-rounded, the correct shape. Apple yellow color with red blush. And he has a cream color pulp, gentle, juicy, fine-grained with sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is an annual fruitry, high yield, good quality fruit.


Sort Kulikovskoye - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield The tree is 272 c / ha. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until the end of March. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a rounded proper form. Apple greenish-yellow color with blurred purple blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the smallness of the fruit when the tree is overloaded with harvest and there is no trimming. And the advantage is annual fruiting, high yield, transportability, long-term preserving of fruits.


Cornakovsky apples grade- Apple tree of medium height, has a pyramidal crown. The variety is resistant to the pasche, winter-hardy. Fruit begins apple tree, grafted on inset 3-4-98, for 3 years. Yield Tree 150 c / ha. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of an apple is 130 grams, it has an oblong conical, weakly ribbed form. An apple of greenish yellow with pink stripes. He has a cream color, dense, fine-grained, juicy, gentle with sour and sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.


Grade Kutuzova - The apple tree of medium height, has a flat-incubating, and with age weching the crown of medium luggage. The variety is medium winter-hardy, as well as mid-resistant against the past. For 5-7, it starts to be froning the apple tree since the growth of the eyepiece. The yield of the tree is 113 c / ha. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until May. The average value of the apple is 120-130 grams, it has a flat-terminal shape. An apple is greenish color with a striped dim blush. White pulp, fine-grained, juicy, dense and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is that he is one of the best winter sorts of apple trees.

Lobo variety - The apple tree of medium height, has a wide round, rarefied the crown. The variety is characterized by the average winter hardiness and weak resistance against malievable dew and craze. Yield Tree is high and stable. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has flattened round, weakly ribbed shape. Yellowish-green apple with raspberry blush. It is characteristic of the flesh of white, gentle, fine-grained, juicy, sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is a stable yield, large-endness, as well as high commodity and taste quality of fruits.


Martam variety- The apple tree is fast-growing, stripped, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, weakly resistant to the paste. Fruit begins apple tree for 5-6 year. Fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until March. The yield of the tree is 110 kg. The average value of the apple is 145 grams, it has a flattened form. Apple green color with red blush. And the pulp of it is green or white, juicy, oily oil, fine-grained, gentle with sour and sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the tree is large, not allowed fruit, as a rule, when stored is covered with a tan. And the advantage is the annual fruiting, high yield, convenient for the formation and trimming of the crown, as well as good commodity quality of fruits.

Moscow winter

Moskovskaya winter variety - The apple tree is strongly tasty, has a sprawling, widely rounded, thick, strongly desirable crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 6-7 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits late September. Storage duration until April. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a one-dimensional, flatched, the correct form. Apple light green with blurred dark red strokes. The flesh is light green, medium density, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety is the size, long-lasting persistence, good taste of fruits.

Moscow Red

Moskovskaya Red Apple - Apple tree is low, it has a good desirable and thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, practically does not affect the pair. Fruits are stored until May. The average value of an apple is 130-190 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. The color is greenish-yellow with a blurred red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is the yellow color, as well as a sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is long-term persistence, good consumer and product quality of fruits, as well as a small height of the tree is convenient for an intense garden.

Moscow Later

Moscow LaterThe apple tree is strongly grew, has a widely pyramidal crown and widely oval later. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 6-7 years. Fruits begin to ripen at the end of September. Storage duration until May. The average value of the apple is 165-235 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. An apple of greenish yellow color with a pink blush. The flesh has white, juicy, dense, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the crown thick thickness. And the dignity is long-term persistence, good consumer quality of fruits.


Apple string grade - The apple tree is low, has a glittered crown of medium-sized density. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 4 years. Yield Tree 170 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 g, it has a rounded, a surplus shape. An apple of greenish yellow color with red stripes. The flesh is greenish, fine-grained, kneading, dense and sour-sweet taste. The advantage of the variety is high yield.

Olympic apple grade - The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until mid-February. Yield The tree is 172 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a weak ribbed form. An apple is greenish color with brown-red stripes. The characteristic of the pulp is the green of its color, tenderness, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the flesh in fruits loose. And the advantage is high yield, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Apple variety Orlik - Apple tree is mid a tall, has a compact rounding crown. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Yield The tree is 220 c / ha. Removable maturity in fruit occurs at the end of September. Storage duration until mid-February. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a weakly composed, weakly conical shape. Apple color greenish-yellow with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is cream its color, density, juiciness, fine-grained and sour and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is the partial shower of fruits. And the advantage is high yield, good taste quality of fruits.

Orlovskaya Zarya

Sort Orlovskaya Zarya- The apple tree of medium height, has a reverse pyramidal crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield Tree 180 c / ha. Removable maturity in fruit comes in early September. The average values \u200b\u200bof the apple is 100-120 grams, it has a rounded, shiny, a wide ribbed, a slight bell form. Apple color greenish-yellow with bright red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, tenderness, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. The fruits are stored until the end of January. Dignity of variety It is high yield, good commodity and taste quality of fruits.

Orlovskaya Polesie

Sort Orlovskaya Polesie - The apple tree is mid a tall, has a rounded crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Yield Tree 133 c / ha. Fruits start to ripen in mid-September. Storage duration until mid-January. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has an oblong conical, wide ribbed, bevered. An apple of greenish yellow color with red specks and stripes. White flesh, coarse, juicy, kneading, dense and sour and sour taste. The dignity of the variety is high yield, good commodity quality of fruits.

Sort Pepin Orlovsky - The apple tree is large, has a rounded crown of medium density. The grade is winter-hardy, highly resistant to the paste. Yield Tree 162 c / ha. Apples begin to ripen in late September. Storage duration until mid-January. The average value of the apple is 140 grams, it has a wide conical, wide-ribbed form. Apple color greenish-yellow with raspberry blush. The characteristic of the pulp is its white color, density, juiciness, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is high yield, good commodity quality of fruits.

Rape Tatar

Renet Tatarsky variety- The apple tree of medium height, has a widely rounded, thick crown. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 3-4 years. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Storage duration until April. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a strongly compiled and widely conical, weakly ribbed form. An apple of greenish-cream color with a pink blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. Dignity of variety is the yield and transportability of fruits.


Freshness- The apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown of medium density. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Begin the fruits at the end of September. Yield Tree 187 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 110 grams, it has an altitude, barrel, wide ribbed, the correct shape. An apple of greenish yellow color with red strokes and stripes. The flesh is greenish, dense, fine-grained, stuck, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until May. The advantage of the variety is yield, good product quality of fruits.

Sort North Sinap - The apple tree is large, strongly tall, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is characterized by the average resistance to mildew, the paste, as well as high winter hardiness. For 5-8, the apple tree begins to be fruit, and on the dwarf dive (62-396) fruits for the second year. Removable maturity comes from fruits in early October. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a rounded conical shape. Yellowish green apple with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is white color, fine-grained, juiciness and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored in the refrigerator until May. The disadvantage of the variety is that the quality of fruits is reduced with abundant yield. And the dignity is yield, long-term persistence, good quality fruit.

Apple tree synap Orlovsky

Synap Orlovsky variety - The apple tree is strongly tasty, has a widely empty crown. The grade is characterized by high winter hardiness and excellent sustainability of the brush. For 4-5 years, the apple tree begins to be fruit. Yield The tree is 170 c / ha. Removable maturity comes from fruits at the end of September. The average value of the apple is 130 grams, it has a one-dimensional, oblong, rounded conical shape. Apple color yellowish green with blurred blush. The flesh of greenish-cream color, juicy and sour sweet taste. Apples are stored until May. The disadvantage of the variety is that with a lack of calcium in the soil, the fruits are amazed by bitter daughrel. And the advantage is high yield, long-lasting persistence, good commodity and taste quality of fruits.


Sokolovsky apples grade - Apple tree natural dwarf, has a flat-horizontal crown and its maximum height is two meters. The grade is winter-hardy, middlely resistant to the paste. For 3-4 years old begins to fruit apple tree after vaccination. Yield The tree is 65 kg. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a flat-round shape. Apple color greenish-yellow with red blush. The characteristic of the pulp is cream its color, juiciness, fine-grained, density and sour and sour taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the quality of fruits is reduced with a long-term high summer temperature and dryness of air. And the dignity is large fruits, good commercial and taste quality of apples.

Start - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Removable maturity comes from fruits in mid-September. Yield Tree 170 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 140 g, it has an oblong, wide-ribbed, bevered. Green fruit with red stripes and specks. The flesh is greenish, white, dense, coarse, juicy, kneading and sour and sweet taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The dignity of the variety is high yield and suitability for growing in the garden of intensive type.


Stroevsky- The apple tree of medium height, rapidly growing, has a wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The variety is resistant to the paste, highly winter-hardy. Removable maturity comes from fruits in mid-September. Yield Tree 117 c / ha. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a medium flattened, conical, weakly ribbed, little beam. Fruit color greenish-yellow with raspberry blush. The flesh of green, white, dense, coarse, juicy and sour and sour taste. Apples are stored until mid-February. The advantage of the variety is high yield, good commodity quality of fruits, as well as suitability for growing in intensive type gardens.


Student variety - Apple tree of medium height, has a rounded crown. Grade is medium-hard-resistant, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 5 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits at the end of September. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a gluable, rounded shape. An apple is greenish colors with a raspberry blush and a spike. The flesh is light green, gentle, fine-grained and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until mid-May. The dignity of the variety is yield, long-term persistence, good commodity and consumer quality of fruits.

Sort Suvorovets - The apple tree is strongly tall, has a highly round, compact, rare crown. Grade winter-hardy, resistant to the paste. Fruit starts apple tree for 4-5 years. Removable maturity comes from fruits in early October. Storage duration until mid-December. The average value of the apple is 120 grams, it has a flat-round shape. Apple color yellowish green with blurred blush. And the pulp of pale cream color, juicy, fine-grained, dense and sour-sweet taste. The disadvantage of the variety is that the taste of fruits in cold raw summer deteriorates. And the dignity is abundant yield, long-term persistence, transportability, good product quality of fruits.

Apple variety Utös - Apple tree is strongly tall, has a pyramidal crown. The grade is winter-hardy, medium resistant to the paste. For 7-8, the fruiting of the apple tree begins. Yield Tree 80 c / ha. Removable maturity comes from fruits in mid-September. The average weight of the apple is 125 grams, it has a flat-round, one-dimensional shape. Yellow-lemon apple color with red blush. And he has a cream color, fine-grained, gentle, medium density, juicy and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until March and further. The advantage of the variety is the annual fruction and good product quality of the fruit.

Sort Welcy. - The apple tree of medium height, has a widespread pyramidal crown in young age, and later rounded. Grade is medium-hard-resistant, resistant to the paste. For 4-5 years, fruiting of the apple tree begins. Welly's yield Abundant. Removable maturity comes from fruits at the end of September. The average value of the apple is 100 grams, it has a replicious or flattered round shape. Yellowish green apple with dark red stripes. The flesh is greenish, white and sour-sweet taste. Apples are stored until the end of February. The disadvantage of the variety is that with abundant harvests begin to fracture, turning to turn. And the advantage is high yield, long-term persistence, transportability and good commodity quality of fruits.

How to define a variety?

It often happens, the apple trees will grow up, the first apples will appear on it, and he wonders, and what has such grown? Not in the best situation is a gardener, who diligently recorded a variety in a notebook, and even hung a label with his name, but it turns out that he is very mistaken. So, as this apple tree is not at all, but she received its name completely by chance with the easy hand of the employee of the nursery or the same seller. Here it will be necessary to make a reservation, in some cases the reist is quite unintended, as no one is insured from errors.
Actually, there is nothing terrible, that apple tree turned out to be another variety. Moreover, it happens that the apple tree grown is even more valuable than it was stated. But, nevertheless, there are several unpleasant moments. For example, you wanted late varieties that are stored for a long time, but it turned out that only summer varieties grow in your garden. Or suppose, in the future, you decided to buy another couple of apple trees, then the duplication of varieties can occur, and it will not be completely good. I'm not talking about what, it is always helpful to know exactly what kind of apple trees grows in the garden. In some cases, the agricultural engineering applied to a particular apple tree depends on this.
In this regard, there is a need to identify a variety. How to do it now and try to explain.
Usually, varieties with pronounced distinctive features are easily determined. So, it is impossible to confuse Antonovka with an ordinary thanks to the aroma of only this variety. It is also easily recognized, such varieties like Chinese gold early or Urals and many other varieties with whom have encountered. With some varieties, the situation is somewhat different.
It should be noted that in itself, the identification of the variety is quite complex, and this question will require the study of all major morphological signs of the variety. And even in this case, you can go to a dead end. But an attempt is not torture, so I will start ....
And first is worth finding out the period of removable maturity of fruits. Not to be confused with consumer maturity, as the separation of varieties on this principle on summer, autumn and winter, little will help the cause. Due to the fact that the concept is quite conditional. So, for example, the early-sort of Bashkir handsome man, the removable maturity of which comes at the very beginning of September, is ready to use, almost immediately after the removal, i.e, three weeks before the autumn variety Zhigulevsky. Trying to keep it, to clarify the ripening period of the variety, the undeuna is quite empty. Yes, and at the bulk of the gardeners there is no purpose for a long time to store apples. And in this case, there is no difference between the autumn variety of Anis Striped and Winter - Sedane Titovka
Therefore, it is important for the definitions of the variety, it is important to know the term of removable maturity, which, as a rule, is characterized by a darkening of seeds or partial falling fruit.
So, we set this period. For example, formill in the vicinity of Ufa, it will be, about mid august. Here, it is necessary to clarify that on the deadlines of removable maturity, especially summer varieties, has some influence, weather conditions of this year. Therefore, the date of removable maturity, you need to take averaged one by years.
The second main feature, when recognizing a variety, is a fruit. To study, typical fruits are taken (with a frequently repeated form), which are in good lighting.
They are of different sizes: very small up to 25 g. Weight, below average 60-80 g. Average - 80-100 g, large - 125-180 g and very large - more than 180 g.
Fruits are flat (1), semi-rounded (2) flat-round (3), widescreen (4), narrow monoconial (5), conical (6), rounded-conical (7), rounded (8), oval, cyudentening -Ove (10), round-cylindrical rounded (11), cylindrical. With characteristic ribs, and they, in turn, are different - from wide to narrow or without that. The degree of ribbies in turn is weak, medium and strong. Sometimes, the ribs are so strongly pronounced, which makes the fetus on the lobe (Babushkino). Some fruits are mowed to the top (August).

Usually fruits even on one tree are somewhat different from each other. It depends on many circumstances, including the characteristics of the variety. So the fruits of the variety common in Bashkiria - the sighs of titons are like cylindrical and rounded-conical. It is established, just as the central flowers of the inflorescences of Antonovka ordinary form are mainly formed by the fruits of the cup, and from the side flowers - a flat-round form.
The next distinguishing feature of the fetus is the color of the peel, which is the main and coating. So the main color of the fruit is green, greenish, light green, greenish-yellow, light yellow, yellow and whitish. The main color of the autumn and winter varieties in the process of storage is changing, for example, from greenish yellow to Golden (Buzyazovsky).
The coating color is striped and blurred (in the form of a rumant). The striped color is characteristic, for example, for Terentiyevka, Borovinki and Anis of the striped, and blurred for the Sunchard and Kuibyshevsky variety. Some varieties are formed, something like a tan or light blush (Kushnarenkovskoye).
Some varieties have covert coloring, pink, red, dark red, burgundy occupies almost all the fetal surface (Lobo, Spartan). A number of external factors are influenced by the intensity of the coating color: the sun, inhibition, soil hole, etc. So in the shade, the varieties characterized by solid color, they only have partially.
The characteristic sign of the variety is the surface of the peel. It is smooth, rough, brilliant, matte, Safyanovaya, from here Synonym Anisa Scarova - Anis Safyanan. Also, the surface of the fruit is an oily or wax-covered with a wax chain, which gives the fetus a naiza tint (Anis Abiry).
Sometimes fruits have pronounced subcutaneous points, which, differ, both in size and in color (Orlovskaya striped).
At the base of the fetus there are fruit and funnel. Fruit is long (Zhigulevskoye, Borovinka) or short (Persian), thick or thin. The funnel is different in depth. It happens that the funnel is generally absent (on-screen).
In some varieties at the base of the frozen, there is a kind of thigh (twist).
For some varieties, the Orzheniness of the funnel (Antonovka) is characteristic, while it happens that rough ventilance is far from the funnel itself, in the form of a flame (shackle). On the surface of some varieties (Zhigulevskoye) there are ventilated tubercles ("warts").
The top of the fetus is a saucer and a cup. The saucer differs in depth and width, as well as the degree of ribbed walls. A cup consists of five cups. There are three types of a cup of three types: a closed (the cups are tightly closed on top), half-open (cups are slightly diverged) and open (seashelistic is widely broken). The characteristic feature of some varieties (cinnamon striped) are pearls - tubercles at the base of the cups.
Inside the heart is five seed chambers with leathery walls, which together form a seed nest. Seed cameras can be closed (not communicated with each other), semi-open (only with small holes in the axial cavity of the fetus) and open - widely communicated with the axial cavity and with each other, as, for example, by papidation.
Seeds, the same are distinguished by the form, size and coloring (light brown, brown, dark-root).
An important sign of the variety is the painting of the pulp of fruit - it happens white (Melba), with green (Anisa), yellow (sighted titon) or a cream tint (Persian), with the presence of painted areas in it, streams near the painted peel (Grushovka Moscow).
The following varieties are the taste of fruits. In the description of the varieties, this characteristic is sufficiently conditional. So, as the concept of the sour-sweet taste of fruits, one can attribute to most of the known varieties. Therefore, we will focus on the shades of taste. It can be sweetish (medpet), tart (shackle), acid (Antonovka), unplantable (arcade), bitter-spicy (Bashkir handsome), a wine-sour-sweet (sighter of titons) in some varieties there is a special fragrance (Anis striped, Antonovka).
The pulp of fruit is dense, loose, tender, coarse, sometimes kneading (Persian).
An important feature in the definition of a variety is the structure of the tree. Do not deepen in detail in the morphologically, the properties of the apple tree, I want to highlight the following moments.
Already at a young age, you can see how Crohn is formed. In particular, with an acute angle for the fatal of skeletal branches (cinnamy new), a pyramidal crown is naturally formed, characteristic of young age for Chinese gold early. And, for example, for a variety, the Urals is characteristic of a droopful crown in age.
Distinctive signs of the variety, the same, is the color of the bark, which is grayish-green, gray, dark gray, light brown, yellow-brown, red-brown, brown, etc. So, the vintage variety the black tree is named so precisely for the color of the crust.
The most important indicator of the variety is its leaves. To describe and define varieties on the leaves, it is necessary to take leaves from the middle part of well-developed growth shoots, as it is here that the most typical leaves are located.
They can differ in size, shape, painting and bent.
The magnitude of the leaves may be large, medium and small.

In shape, they can be elongated (1), elliptical (2), ovoid (3), reverse ovoid (6) and rounded (7).
Another important feature for grade recognition is the edge of the sheet, namely the leaves are the large-throat - large cloves, rounded; Small grudge-cloths small, rounded; large-grained cloves are large, sharp; Melkopilic - shallow teeth, sharp; Pilly-Golden - Intermediate Type, Teeth Loafered with Rounded Base, Double-Golden (Lobo) Congrators Double Rounded.

Some very similar varieties, such as dumping and bulging white, can be recognized by leaves. In the spill of the white leaves of the sawn, and by the papitation - the ordinary.
Leaf's petiole happens with characteristic color or without such.
In some cases, studying the features of the structure of the tree, in particular, the debit of skeletal branches, the shape of the leaves and the features of the edge of the sheet, even before the fruction of the apple tree, you can make sure whether the variety you have acquired, such.

Apple tree is the most popular garden fruit tree of our country. Their varieties differ in summer, autumn and winter. They differ in the terms of ripening and storage. The crop can be used both in fresh form and in the recycled, for example, in canned. It contains only a few of the most popular and sought-after grades.

Summer sampling

If you wish to know the varieties of apples, then in our article you can see their photos with the title and description. At the beginning, we list those varieties that ripen in the summer. They, as a rule, differ in early ripening and short-grated storage.


A low tree with a rounded-oval crown has an abundant foliage. It has medium frost resistance, but excellent resistance to diseases and pests. Only the passage and can hit it, and, very much, especially in the rainy years. After 4-5 years after landing, you can get fruit from the tree. . Then the fruiting takes place every year. Apples ripen by mid August - month. But harvest is not more than two weeks. Transportation does not endure at all. Fruits have a sour-sweet taste, and they weigh about 100 grams. At the same time, the fruits are silent throughout the round - the conical shape of the apple. Apples are distinguished by a pale yellow color.


Also the middle height of the tree, but the crown of its wide and oval shape. Also the middleweight and prone to the seamless. The fruction of the grade can be waited only 5 years after landing. Annually by the end of August brings a crop. Stored about a month. But the transportability is high. With a mass of 100 - 120 grams, the fruits differ in a rounded canonical form. At the same time, in a greenish - white background, bright red rosy strips are located. Snow white apple flesh. It has a pleasant sour and sweet taste.

Stark Erlity.

Middle height tree. The crown of this variety has the shape of the pyramid. Refers to winter-hardy varieties, but at the same time exposed to mildew and a passion on a small scale. The fruction of this variety can be achieved only for 4 years after landing. Then this process occurs almost annually. Matures a week before paping. You can store not more than 20 days. The fruits differ in the rounded canonical form. Their weight can reach more than 200 grams. Over all the form of the fetus, blushes blushed on a greenish - yellow background. The pulp is distinguished by a high degree of juiciness, and her taste is nice-sweet with small sourness. Apples ripen unevenly, so they are recommended to collect them in several techniques.

Early sweet.

The lowest apple tree, which has a flat-round crown shape. This variety is winter-hardy and does not succumb to the passage. And fruits brings the growing after 3 years. Vintage will collect almost annually and 10 to 12 days earlier than that of papidation. The mass of apples is 90 - 100 grams, they are flat rounded shape with light yellow color. The pulp is distinguished by a flat taste and has white color.

White filling.

Average high apple tree with a pyramidal crown in youth and rounded in maturity. Wintering medium and subject to the seamless. In the dwarf, the cutting is fruits for 2nd - 3 years, and on the stripper - only on 5 -6. But the crop will be annually. Ripens in August and the mass of the apples can be 100 grams. The form they have a wide egg-shaped or rounded - conical. The color of fruits is greenish - yellow and with a white, delicate pulp, which is characterized by an acid-sweet taste.


We list you summer varieties apple trees and offer their photos so that you can eat apples in the summer. The next grade is characterized in that it has a medium high tree. Winter-hardy grade is strongly subject to the pasche, because of which ripe apples can very quickly turn. It is possible to wait for the appearance of apples after landing only for 5 to 6 years. Ripens almost annually in mid-August - September - month. Store is recommended for about a month. Apples grow a flat rounded form. Their weight has 100 grams. A striped blush is located all over the fruit of yellow. Apples of sour-sweet taste and with a juicy flesh.

Belfer is a Chinese.

Medium high tree with medium yield. Every year it fertoys, apples 100 grams mass and their taste is sour-sweet.

Moskovskaya Grushovka variety.

The variety without problems transfers the cold winters of Russia. . Tree high has a spherical or widespread pyramidal crown. It almost annually fruits in early August, but not at all transportable. Apples are 100 grams and light white. Fruits have sour - sweet taste, and their flesh is very juicy.

Chinese golden.

A medium height with a crown, which is something like a broom. What does the dimmer form hold only in the youth of the tree. And in the maturity of Krone becomes a wrapper. Winter hardy, but prone to a brummer. The fruits are already mature since the end of July, but quickly crept. Apples 80 grams, yellowish color. The pulp of them is also juicy and has a shared source - sweet taste. It also differs with a pleasant aroma.


Winter hardy. If it starts fruit on the dwarf, only after 2 years of landing,. If on a strong rode only for 5 years. You can shoot in the first few months of the month. The fruits differ in the rounded canonical form. The minimum mass is 80 grams, and the maximum 100 grams. The color of apple fruits is greenish - yellow. Brown stripes may be present and the taste of each apple is sweet.


The height of the tree of this variety is average. It has a good yield and not afraid of frosts. Perfectly opposed as a brix. From 4 years, the apple tree is fruitful on the seed and for 2 years - on dwarf. And this is annually, in August, it is possible to shoot apples that can achieve in a mass of 200 grams on dwarfs and 100-150 on seed ingredients. The form has a rounded - conical. On each apple can be seen brightly - red stroke blush. And the taste apple is sour - sweet. The flesh of creamy color.


We hurry for you to list the summer varieties of apples with a photo and description. The next grade of apples is frostable. Tree is high and durable, with a high crown. Fruits to collect from the tree are already beginning in the first days of August. And they can lie about a month. By weight it is 100 grams, yellow, with the same yellow pulp, a little rough taste, but sweet at the same time.


This variety has a middleweight tree, with a thick crown, which can be a sharp or rounded. Grade winter-hardy. Fruit begins on a dwarf dating for 3 - 4 years, and on a stronger - for 6 to 7 years. The fruits of varieties are ready to collect at the end of August either in early September. The average mass is 100 grams, flat-circular shapes with a striped pinkish blush. Apples are yellow - white, and they taste with sour - sweet, with fine-grained pulp.

Super Precos.

Middle high and compact tree. Fruiting is waiting after landing only for 4 years. Then, this process takes place regularly. The variety is characterized by the fact that maturation occurs. Much earlier than the ripening of a white pouring variety. Stored and transported simply wonderful. The middle mass is 60 -70 grams, juicy and sweet taste with small acids.


High apple tree with a thick crown. Winter hardy, not susceptible to disease and drought-resistant. Vintage can be collected for 5 years. Further, the ripening of fruits occurs every year. You can take closer towards the end of July - month, and they are stored about 3 weeks. Mass Missing 100 - 150 grams, the form of fruits is flat - rounded with a blurred, striped blush. The taste is very nice. As always, sour is sweet.

Autumn varieties

It is worth noting that the average variety of apples we were able to list above. They are usually summer. Now we will list those varieties that ripen in autumn time.

Anis Scarie.

High wood has a wide pyramidal crown. Winter-hardy and drought-resistant, but are subject to black cancer. The crop gives for 6 to 7 years after proper landing and good care. You can shoot in early September. From the tree you can get 200 - 300 kg. Apples with a medium fetal mass of 60 - 70 grams. It can be stored until the beginning of winter. The form has a flat and weakly ribbed, the color has a green with a dark cherry blush. On the apples there is a raid, which reminds of something wax. Also, the grade of the apple is characterized by juicy and sour - sweet to the pulp taste. Fruiting iseriodic.

Anis striped.

Tall grade with a wide-brown crown. Also winter-hardy and drought-resistant grade, but prone to the paschers. Fruiting does not occur immediately. It can be waited only for 6 years. After that, tasty apples can be eased annually. At the end of August, you can already start a harvest. A variety of high-yielding, which means that you get to remove from one tree to 250 kg. Apples. You can store until February. The middle mass of the apple is 70 grams. The form of it is flattered round or ribbed. Color has a light green with a flat, cracked blush. Small-grained pulp is very juicy. Her taste is sweet - sweet. In general, winter-hardy and yield grade.

Anis Sverdlovsky.

Average grade with a roof and compact crown. Although winter-hardy, but very subject to the seamless. Fruits brings for 4 to 5 years, and every year. Already in the middle of September, the ripening of fruits occurs. From the tree you can collect up to 75 kg. Harvest. You can store it for about 3 months. On average, the mass of the apple can be 90 grams, with a rounded - oval form. Peel greenish - cream color. It can see a red rumyant. The flesh is characterized by white. It is juicy, with sour - sweet taste. To the advantages of the varieties of Anis Sverdlvsky, you can attribute excellent winter hardiness and beautiful, dessert taste of apples.


Want to have autumn apples in your garden, then you should remember their varieties as well as photos. At the variety auxis, the tree is distinguished by medium height and Crohn has medium density. Winter hardy, the paschers are steady. Fruit for 5 to 6 years and further annually. You can shoot in September.

The average mass of 140 grams, flattened or repulsory shape. The apple is light - yellow, with a red blush, with a dense, yellow, pulp, which is very juicy, tasted sweet - sweet. You can store until January, and if in the refrigerator, then it can go to March. The advantages include excellent commodity quality of the harvest, which has a property to persist for a long time.


The high tree is crowned with a buggy crown. At the same time, there is an average foliage density. Grade and winter-hardy, and against the paste persistent. For 5 years of normal growth of the tree, fruiting occurs. Then the fruits can be collected annually. Maturation falls at the beginning of September. With wood remove up to 200 kg. Harvest. You can store it month two. On average, the apple weighs 120 grams. It is repoveed or rounded form. In the color of yellow with a striped rug of pink color. The flesh is dense and sufficiently juicy. Its color and taste apple sour - sweet. Advantages - High yield and excellent product quality.

Meshamian Michurinskaya.

High tree with splash and thick crown. Perfectly winter and steady to a brumshide. For 5 to 7 years, it begins to be fruit, assembled in September the harvest can be saved until December. Mass medium apple - 130 grams, it is rounded or flat - rounded. Color has yellow - greenish, with red or orange strokes on the sides. The pulp is also yellowish - green, juicy and gentle, sour - sweet taste. The disadvantages include the unevenness of the ripening of fruits and their partial sprinkling because of this, and the dignity is the excellent quality of apples.


Middle height, with a crown of a pyramidal shape, rare denatants. Persisted with a pair. After the tree grows, namely, for 6 years it is possible to get used to the harvest. Ripens the harvest in early September. After that, the month of harvesting fruit can give 200 kilograms. You can store them until January. An apple of medium mass per 100 grams. They differ flat-circular shapes, and golden - yellow with an orange or red rumbling with a tint. The pulp is distinguished by pleasant taste. The merits can be attributed to the wonderful taste and good external data of these apples.

Cinnamy new.

Here you can see the varieties of apples, which5 are intended for the middle strip of Russia. The tree is very high crowned with a rounded crown with very thick larch. Winter hardy and well opposed as a brighter. Fruit from 5 to 7 years from landing. Crops are irregular. Ripens in September, storage period - until January. The weight of each fetal on average reaches - 130 - 160 grams, its form - conical, flat - rounded. Color is greenish - yellow. You can also observe a striking cracked rumyant. The pulp has a light cream color. It is juicy, as well as very tender. Her taste is sour-sweet. The advantage of this variety is considered a wonderful appearance that many people like that.

Cinnamine striped.

Medium height tree crown wide round or pyramidal crown. The variety of frost-resistant and paired. Fruent starts for 6 to 8 years. Ripe fruits are retracted for two months from mid-September of the month.

Apples have a middle weight - 80 - 90 grams. And the form is a repulsive flattened. Painted in greenish - yellow with dark red with disincinction stripes and specks. The pulp of the fetus is characterized by the tenderness and high content of juice. The pulp as well as other varieties sour is sweet. The disadvantage is very late start of fruiting.

Beauty of Sverdlovsk.

The middle height of the apple tree has a medium, rounded crown. Winter hardy and sustainable asked. As with other varieties of apples, this variety is not fruitful in the first year. Here fruiting takes place on 4 or for 6 years. From the tree yield 70 - 100 kg. And you can keep it until March - April. The weight of the apple fetus is 120 -160 grams. Each fruit is characterized in that it has widespread, or rounded is a conical form. The fruit of cream colors with Puntsovo - Red Rumen. The pulp also has a cream shade. And I will like her taste without exception. The advantages include the fact that in each fruit there is a large content of ascorbic acid. Their long-burning and generally excellent taste and commodity qualities belong to the weighty advantages.

Oryol garland.

Low apple tree with a rounded crown, which has thick larchiness. Winter hardy and resistant to the paschers. Fruiting happens for 4-5 years. High-threshold grade. Ripening of apples occurs in mid-September of the month.

It is possible to store apples until mid-February. The average fetal weight is 90 grams, repulsory form. Painted in Golden - yellow shade. There is also a red blush. Greenish and white flesh is juicy and gentle. She is also fine-grained, and to taste - sour - sweet.

Autumn striped.

High apple tree with round crown. Wintering medium, but is well restored. Not afraid of pasta. The fruit period comes from 6 to 8 years. Remove the crop from late September. From the tree you can get up to 200 kg. Harvest. Store it until November - December. Weigh the average apple 120 grams, rounded - conical, weakly ribbed shape. Painted in light - yellow with a striped blush orange or red with colorful color. The pulp has a white, gentle, juicy, taste - sour - sweet. Advantages include high yield and excellent product quality.

Riga dove.

Autumn varieties of apples are impossible to imagine without this variety. There is already a middleweight tree, with a thick widespread crown. Wintering medium, but highly resistant to the pasche and rot. Fruit from 4 -6 years from landing. Yield has periodic. Remove the fruits from mid-September, and they only ripen after 1-2 months.

You can keep the harvest until December - month. The average weight of the apple is 120 grams, renainly - conical shape. Remove the apple is greenish - white, and at rushing it becomes milky - white with a slightly blurred blurry. The flesh of his white juicy, the taste of sour is sweet. Do not remove transport!


The tree is high, with a crown of medium thick and a pyramid shape. Winters on perfectly, to the paschers are stable. Fruption should be expected on 5 to 7 years. Collect harvest, approximately in the middle of the first month of autumn. . From the tree is obtained up to 140 kg. Apples with medium weighing 130 grams. In the form they are conic and rounded. Their color is greenish - yellow with light stripes, yellow pulp, it is sour - sweet to taste and juicy and gentle consistency. They are stored for a couple of months. Excellent fruit quality - their main dignity.


High and sprawling tree, with a non-knocked crown. Although it is winter-hardy, but the pasche is not very stable. Brings the first harvest for 5 to 7 years. He matures by early September. His crops are good, but irregular. The average mass of fruits is 130 grams, they are ovally - conical with bright red splashes. The color of the peel is light - cream, and the pulp - snow - white, it is juicy and fine-grained, sweet with a wine flavor. You can store them 2 - 3 months. The advantages are excellent taste and commodity qualities.


Apple tree varieties are high, with a thick and durable crown, which is characterized by a pyramidal form. Winter hardy and perfectly resistant to the paschers. Bring fruits for 3 to 4 years. Ripens with the last number of August - and in early September. From the tree get up to 70 kg. Apples. Apples of 60 - 70 grams, truncated, rounded - conical shape. According to its cream color, a carmic bright blush is located. The pulp of it is juicy and small-seed, gentle, with sour - sweet taste. Pluses of apple varieties: Excellent yield, winter hardiness and early fruit.

Ural dummy.

On a high church there is a crown of a rounded form of medium-sized gloves. Winter-hardy and well-resistant to the paschers. Already from 3 to 4 years of growing grade comes fruiting. Matures to the beginning of September. Stored a couple of months. The apple has a rounded shape and the average weight of 40 gamps.

Delicious fruits have a light yellow shade, with white, juicy and fine-grained pulp, which is characterized by a sweet taste. The advantages are winter hardiness with excellent adaptive qualities.

Saffron Saratovsky.

Winter-hardy grade, perfectly opposing the paschers and mildew. Average high tree with a rounded or wide pyramid-shaped crown and medium luggage. Vintage brings for 5 to 6 years by mid-September. From the tree you can get 150 kg. Apples with an average weight of 120 - 130 grams. They are elongated or rounded - conical, with red stripes - specks. In color, these apples are yellow - green with a cream pulp pulp grainy and has an excellent juiciness. It tastes like a pleasant sour-sweet. The advantages of grade belongs to the beautiful taste quality of the crop and a very beautiful appearance.

Winter varieties

Above in our article, you were able to see white apples and which variety they have. Today, many varieties refers to winter. And it is now worth transferring them.

Antonovka ordinary.

High tree with an oval crown. Winter hardy, but prisoner. Fruit only from 7 to 8 years. Ripens from mid-September. According to yield - from the tree is collected up to 200 kg. Apples. They are stored for almost 3 months. The average mass is 200 grams. Form - weakly flatted rounded. Color - greenish-selected, flesh yellow and sour - sweet taste. The disadvantages are the frequency of harvest and its short storage, advantages - excellent quality of apples and high yield of apple trees.


Wintering medium. High wood with a crown, which is rounded shape. Fruit from 5 to 6 years. The harvest is proceeding from mid-September. The average apple weight is 220 - 250 grams, the form is a widespread conical, with a red broken. You can keep them until January - February. They are green - yellow with yellow - green flesh, gentle, fine-grained and sour - sweet to taste.


High apple tree with a medium round crown. Winter hardiness is high, to the pasche of insensitive. Fruits ripen in the second half of September, and persist until December. The middle mass of the apple is 125 grams, it has a medium-slim, wide shape, with dark raspberries and specks on a greenish-yellow background. The pulp has a juicy and white, fine-grained and sour - sweet to taste. The advantages include its excellent taste and consumer quality crop.


Want to know the best types of apples, then in this article we have collected all the interesting things. Aelita variety wonderful and confronts the brighter. High apple tree with a wide pyramidal shape of the crown with medium deniming foliage. Will be given a harvest from 5 to 6 years of growth. Then the fruits can be collected in early September. What can it be done every year. Yield reaches 140 c / ha. It is possible to store it before January. Apples with an average weight of 120 grams and proper, rounded conical shape. The color of them is greenish - yellow. The flesh is delicious, and also rich in juiciness. The taste of the fetus of an apple sour is sweet, with fine-grained meat consistency. Dignity is a high yield of this variety.

Bezhin meadow.

An apple tree grow big, with rounded crowns. Winter-hardy and perfectly copble with a pair. The fruits also ripen in mid-September. They can be saved until February. Mass medium apple - 150 grams. They are oblong and wide ribs.

The color is yellow - green with a raspberry blush. With a juicy and gentle pulp, a fine-grained, having a sweet taste. Advantages - yield and its excellent transportability.

Belarusian synap.

High tree with medium thick widespread pyramidal crown form. Winter hardiness and brief resistance - on perfectly. Vintage get by the end of September. And they are stored until April - the beginning of May! The average mass is 100 grams, an oval shape with a non-lass pink-red blush on the sunny side. The main color of the fetus is yellow - green. The pulp has a dense green, fine-grained with sour - sweet taste. Disadvantages - nonsense fruits with taste is so-so, and the advantages - long storage and winter hardiness of the variety.


This variety of large apples has a middleweight tree with a medium thick crown of rounded shape. Winter hardy, variety, as well as drought-resistant, but very unstable to mildew. Harvests annual with a medium mass of fruits in 150 grams, rounded in shape with dark red stripes over the entire surface. The flesh is greenish - yellow, dense, juicy and fine-grained, with sour - sweet taste. Advantages - annual crops on a compact crown and their long storage.


High Tree with rare, but scattered with the form of the crown. Wintering medium, but resistant to the paschers. After the oulings, the fruit begins for 6 to 7 years. From the apple tree get about 50 kg. Apples. You can store them up to 250 days, while their marketability is 98%. Apples are 100 grams with a flat-shaped round shape and an edge on the surface of light green. They have a juicy and white, with sour - sweet taste. The advantages include annual abundant yields and their long storage.


In this extensive article you will find the best winter grade apples. The next grade has a big tree with a rounded crown. On perfectly winter and confronts the brush. In early September, you can shoot yields. They are up to 130c / ha. You can store until mid-February. The middle mass of the apples is 15 - 160 grams. They are flattened and widely ribbed shape, greenish - yellow. The pulp of them is greenish and is distinguished by density, juice and sour - sweet taste. The disadvantages of this variety include sweepability at the late collection, and the advantages are excellent quality and a large amount of crop.


Dwarf apple tree with a flat rounded crown form. Winter-hardy, but can be amazed by a pair. After vaccination, it begins to regularly bring yields for 3 to 4 years. You can store them about 140 days. The average mass of them is 100 grams, with an oblong - rounded form and greenish - yellow. The flesh is white and weakly juicy, but coarse-grained with sour - sweet taste. Advantage is high yield, with excellent product and taste qualities of this variety.


Medium height tree with medium thick rounded crown. Although the grade and winter-hardy, but not resistant to fruit rot. Begins to bring fruit for 3 to 4 years. From the tree you can get 270 - 350 centners / ha. With the weight of the middle apple, 150 grams, and the maximum can reach 300 grams. The shape of his rounded or a weak greenberry green with a white pulp, she is juicy and sour - sweet taste. The disadvantages include short-term shelf life, and to advantages - good yield and incomparableness, as well as sustainability for the passhers and the excellent commodity qualities of the crop.


This grade of green apples is very popular. High and large apple tree with a rounded crown, where the foliage is average. Winter-hardy properties, as well as a resistance to a brummer, excellent. The harvest matures in the average numbers of September, and the yield is 150 c / ha. An apple weighing 130 grams has a conical flattened, beveled or wide-ribbed shape, green with white or greenish pulp, dense and coarse-grained, to taste sour - sweet. The advantages are excellent yields and excellent product quality of fruits.


Average high tree with a spherical compact crown of medium luggage. Winters medium, but to the brush is stable. By 4 - 5 begins to be fron. By the end of September, the harvest matures, in the refrigerator can be maintained until mid-March. The yield from the tree can be 220 c / ha, with an average weight of an apple 100 grams with a flattened form. It has a yellowish color - a meal, with a brown - yellow, gentle and juicy flesh. The taste of them is sour - sweet. The disadvantage is the shower of foliage, the advantages are high yield, a suitable option for an intensive type garden, amazing taste and commodity qualities.


Medium high tree with a dowel and rare crown. Winter hardy and resistant to the paschers. Moderate yield is distinguished by non-periodicity. The fruits begin to be very old in early September, and then stored until the end of March. The average weight of the apples is 140 grams, the shape of them is flattened, ribbed, correct. The color is greenish, with a dense and greenish pulp, and sour - sweet taste. The advantages include a high shelf life.


Large apple tree with a dowel crown. Winter hardiness and sustainability are excellent. Creates a crop from late September to the beginning of October and can be kept until May - month. With an average mass of 140 grams, an apple with a conical or rounded - a conical shape and yellowish - green and white flesh. Advantages are high yield, long storage, and excellent harvest.


The middle height of the apple tree is crowned with a rounded or flat ripple and thick crown. And the middle of the middle, and the fungal diseases are stable, too. The fruits crumble from the beginning of September - month, and then stored until the middle of winter. Fruits weighing 115 grams and greenish - yellow. The flesh is fine-grained and has white. In color, it is snow-white. And taste qualities are very pleasant. Indisient advantages This is a high yield and dessert taste of apples.


Want to know all the varieties of apples with a photo and description, then our article is created for you. Here you can find the most popular varieties. This variety has a growing tree sharply, with an empty, wide and slightly drooped crown. Mid is winter-hardy, but resistant to the paschers. After the eyulification begins to be fron at 5 - 7 years annually. Vintage can be stored until February - March. By weight, apples are 100 grams, they have flattened rounded, with poorly noticeable ribs form. And they are painted in light - green with a red blush. The pulp of them will be juicy, small-seed, green with sour - sweet taste. From disadvantages - regular trimming is needed to avoid crop grinding, and advantages - for a long time and have a wonderful taste.


Average high apple tree, which has a crown rounded and thick. Winter hardy and perfectly resistant to the paschers. Rasps in early September, and it can keep his qualities well until February of the month. Productivity is obtained 230 centners / ha. The average mass of these apples is 140 grams, the form has an altitude and proper, with a greenish - yellow color with red specks and wide blurred stripes. And the pulp is green and sour-sweet taste. Different with grainy. High yield and excellent taste - the advantages of this variety.

Winter striped.

Average high tree with a rounded crown. Medium winter-hardy, the leaves are subject to the brush. Fruit from 3 to 4 years at the end of September. The harvest until April is stored. From the tree you can get up to 80 kg. Apples with their average weight 140 - 170 grams. They are rounded or flat-rounded. The color is greenish - yellow with red stripes and strokes. The pulp of cream color, juicy, gentle and loose, sour - sweet taste. Annual fruiting, beautiful form of fruit and their good taste, long storage - all these are the advantages of this variety.


The tree is characterized by a spherical crown. His height average. Winter hardiness is average, and resistance to the paschers and pulse dee. High. From 6 -7 year begins to be fruit. From the tree is obtained 200 c / ha. The lastness of the maximum of 250 days. And the average weight of apples is 100 grams with an elongated conical alignment form. Color they are greenish - yellow with a red blush. Their flesh is white, fine-grained and juicy, the taste of sour is sweet. The lack of a variety is frozen cold winters, and dignity is a high yield with good quality, long storage and excellent transportability.


Apple varieties that you meet here are suitable for the Moscow region. Variety Poluris is also popular. This apple tree is medium high with a crown round shape of medium thick. The variety tolerates the winter well. And he is not afraid of the past. Fruption happens for 3 years! Maturation falls in mid-September. It can be stored until the end of February. The yield from the tree reaches 90 c / ha. Average weight of 100 grams with a flattened and a weak-book form. Color have green with a red blush. The pulp is characterized by cream color, juit, density, and sour - sweet taste. The disadvantage is thin skin, and the dignity is long storage, huge yield, and good commodity - consumer properties of apples.

Candil Orlovsky.

Apple tree has a middle height with a rounded crown and drooping branches. Winter hardiness and resistance to the paschers are excellent, matures by mid-September. Stored until mid-February. Mass medium apple is 120 grams, has a conical, one-dimensional form. Their color is yellowish - green with a raspberry blush. And the flesh has a white, juicy, gentle and fine-grained, with sour - sweet taste. The dignity of the variety is good commodity - consumer harvest qualities.


Our article contains all the late varieties of apples. Apple tree medium height with thick and rounded crown form. Grade and winter-hardy, and resistant to fungal diseases. Brings a crop from 3 to 4 years. It matures in mid-October and lies until February. The yield is periodic and medium in the number of apples in the beginning, increasing over the years, with an average weight of 130 grams. They are rounded, and the right shape, greenish - yellow. The pulp of their light - cream color, alumina, sour - sweet to taste. Advantages - high-yielding grade with beautiful fruits.


High apple tree, in my youth has an oval crown, and in maturity -sharovoid. Wintering medium, affected by a pair. After the eyulification brings harvest for 6 to 8 years. In general, high-yielding grade, with increasing fruiting in a couple of years after the start. If the crop is stored in a vegetable store, it can be saved as much before May. The average weight of the apple is 100 grams, it is flattered - rounded shape. Color they are greenish - yellow, with a dense pink blush. Advantages - long storage, good commodity qualities and high yields.


A very high tree has a wide conical shape with a crown of medium luggage. Although the winter is good, but prone to the passion, and fruit rot. By 5 - 6 years brings a high harvest. Matures in mid-September. You can store until February and more. Mass medium apple 110 - 130 grams with a flat rounded, correct shape. It is painted in yellow with a red blush. The flesh is creamy, juicy, gentle, fine-grained and sour - sweet taste. Advantages are a fertility annual high yield, and good harvest.


Middle apple tree with rounded crown. Winter hardy and sustainable asked. Yield reaches 272 c / ha. Sports in mid-September. Stored until the end of March. Apples with a medium weighing 100 grams and the right rounded shape with greenish - yellow with a blurred purple blush color. White flesh with sour - sweet taste. The disadvantage is a pruning to avoid fruit grinding, and dignity - long storage, high transportability, annual high-yielding fruiting.


Middle apple tree, she has a pyramidal shape of Crown. For 3 years, it may be fruitful in case of grafting on insert 3-4-98. Yield with wood 150 c / ha. Matures at the end of September. You can store until February. Apples with a medium weighing 130 grams, and oblong - conical, weakly ribbed form greenish - yellow with pink color stripes. And the pulp cream, fine-grained, dense and juicy, taste - sour - sweet. Advantages - high-yielding with good commodity - consumer properties grade.


Kutuzova is the variety that is not distinguished by a very high tree, whose crown is flat-rounded. After several years of cultivation, it becomes a waveled medium thick in the subsequent time. It is urgent to frost resistant, and as an average of a password to the brush. After the occupation, it starts fruit on 5 -7 year. Yield is obtained 123 c / ha. It ripes closer to the end of September, and stored until May. Apples give with a mass of 130 grams, a flat rounded shape and greenish color, there is a dull striped blush. The pulp possess white, juicy and fine-grained, dense and sour - sweet to taste. Dignity is considered one of the best Russian winter sorts of apples.


The middle height of the apple tree, there is a rarefied crown of rounded shape. Winter hardiness is average, and against the pasters and pulse dew in generally weak. But the yield is stable and high with an average weight of apples in 130 grams with a flattened round and weakly ribbed shape. They are greenish - yellow with a raspberry blush. They are inherent in white flesh, it is juicy and gentle, a finely grain, and sour - sweet taste. From the merits of this variety, there is a stable large-scale yield, and excellent commodity - taste properties of the crop.


Fast growing and strong gardens, with a wide pyramidal form of crowns with medium deniming foliage. It is although it is winter-hardy, but against the brush is not very resistant. The crop appears on 5 to 6 years at the end of September, and it is possible to store it until March. From the tree you can get 110 kg. With the average mass of one apple is 145 grams with a rounded form. It is painted in green with red blush color. The pulp is also green or white, juicy and oil olive, fine-grained, with gentle acid - sweet taste. Of the disadvantages - a very high tree, and not dosing fruit can be covered with a tan. Of the advantages - the annual high-yielding fruiting, for trimming the crown is comfortable, and of course, good product quality of apples.

Moscow winter.

A very tall apple tree with a spread and wide, rounded crown with a very thick foliage. The frost and the passhers are perfectly stable. Bring the crop starts for 6 to 7 years at the end of September, these apples are stored until April - month. With an average weight of 130 grams, it is flattened - rounded, proper one-dimensional form. They are light green with blurred dark red hatching. The pulp has light green, medium density, but at the same time juicy and sour - sweet to taste. The advantages of the variety are large fruits, long-burning and excellent taste.

Moscow red.

A low church with a thick and well-width of the crown form. Winter hardy and pair practically not affected. Fruits are preserved as much before May! The middle mass of apples is 130-190 grams. And their shape - rounded - conical. Color is available yellowish - green with blurred dark - red blush. And the flesh is yellow with a sweet taste. Advantages - Long persistence, low height of the tree, excellent commodity - taste quality crop.

Moscow later.

Very high tree with a widely pyramid crown in youth, and wide in adulthood. He is opposed to frosts, and the pasche on perfectly. The crop begins to collect for 6 - 7 years by the end of September, and stored until May - a month! The apples are large, the middle mass of them - 165 - 235 grams! Form - rounded - conical with greenish - yellow with a pinkish blush. The flesh is juicy and white, dense and fine-grained, to taste - sour - sweet. The disadvantage is a very thick crown, and the advantages - for a long time lie and have excellent consumer qualities.


Low apple tree, with a glued medium thick crown. Although winter-hardy grade, against the pairs are steady. Fruits brings for 4 years, from the tree is obtained 170 c / ha with an average weight of 100 grams apples, they are with a rounded and flat shape and greenish - yellow with red stripes. Greenish of their flesh is stuck and fine-grained, dense and sour - sweetish taste. The advantages include a very high yield of this variety.


The middle height of the tree, it has rounded and medium thick crown. Frosts are stable well, but not very small. Ripens closer to the end of September, the harvest until mid-February is stored. Yield can reach 172 c / ha with an average mass of fruits of 100 grams, they are weakly ribbed shape and green with brownish - reddish stripes. The flesh though green, but gentle and juicy, sour - sweet. The disadvantages include loose pulp, and to the merits - with high yields, excellent commodity - consumer properties of apples.


In order to choose the sweetest grade of apples, it is necessary to explore the characteristics of all varieties that are popular. The average rosage tree with a rounded and compact form of the crown. At a good winter hardiness to pass, steady is very medium. But yield - 220 c / ha. Collect it by the end of September, you can save until mid-February. Apples on average weigh 100 grams with a weakly conical and weakly bleached form. The colors are yellow - green with a reddish blush with a cream pulp, it is fine-grained, but dense and juicy, sour - sweet to taste. Partial crop fiction refers to disadvantages, and advantages - high yield with excellent taste.

Orlovskaya dawn.

With a medium height of the tree has a pyramidal form of the crown. Winter-hardy and sustainable asked. The harvest is obtained by 180 c / ha, the average weight of fruits is 10-120 grams and they are widely ribbed, with a flat and a little beveled form. Color - green - yellow, with a bright red blush. White flesh is juicy and gentle, taste - sour - sweet. You can save them until the end of January. Advantages are good commodity - taste properties with high yields of this variety.

Orlovskaya Polesie.

Jablocks are mid a tall with a medium thick rounded crown. Winter hardy and against the pairs are stable. According to yield - 133 c / ha, they are collected in mid-September, stored until mid-January. The average weight of fruits is 140 grams, with wide ribbed, beveled and oblong - conical shape. These apples are yellow - green with red stripes and specks. And the flesh has a white, coarse-grained, though kneading, but juicy and sour - sweet to taste. Dignity is excellent quality of submission at high yield.

Pepin Orlovsky.

A large tree crowned with a middle routine crown. And to the pasche, and to frosts are highly stable. The yield can be 162 c / ha, the collection starts at the end of September, and stored until January. Mass medium apple 140 grams, with a widely conical and wide ribbed form. They are green - yellow with a raspberry blush. With white, fine-grained, juicy and dense pulp taste - sour - sweet. Advantages include high yields with excellent product qualities of varieties.

Rape Tatar.

Average high grade with thick and wide, rounded crown form. Winter is good, but to the paschers are steady. But it fertures after 3 to 4 years at the end of September with a storage duration until April. The average all fetus is 100 grams, it has a strongly flattened, weakly ribbed and wide conical shape. The fruits are green - cream color with a pinkish blush. The flesh is characteristic of white, juiciness and sour - sweet taste. Advantages include both yields and good variety transportability.


The middle height of the apple tree will complete the round the middle crown. And winter-hardy, and to the paschers are stable. The crop is removed in late September, the yield from the tree is 187 c / ha. Apples on average weigh 110 grams, with barrel, shredded and widely ribbed correct shape. Greenish - yellow apple has red strokes and stripes. There is a green flesh, dense and stitching, fine-grained, juicy and sour - sweet taste. Can be stored until May. The advantages include high yields with good product quality of fruits.

Northern Sinap.

A large and tired apple tree with a wide crown in the shape of a pyramid, with medium dense of foliage. Sustained so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so-so, but frosts are so-so stable. On the dwarf dive (62-396) can bring the fruits already at 2 (!) Year, while simple will bring the harvest only for 5 to 8 years. Remove apples in early October with an average mass of 120 grams, they rounded the conical shape, yellowish - green with a red blush. Their white flesh is juicy, fine-grained, taste - sour - sweet. If they store them in the refrigerator, they will fly out already before May! With abundant yield, the quality of fruits is reduced - these are their lack, and the dignity is long storage, quality and yield.

Sinap Orlovsky.

Also a massive apple tree with a spread and wide crown. To the pasche and frost are stable perfectly. It begins to be fron with 4 - 6 years and matures at the end of September, then from the tree you can get 170 c / ha with an average weight of one apple in 130 grams. Its form is oblong - conical, one-dimensional and oblong. Color they are yellow - green with a small blush. And the flesh has greenish - creamy, sour - sweet taste and very gentle. You can keep them until May - a month. The disadvantage of the variety is that with a lack of calcium in the soil, the fruits may hit the bitter dish. And explicit advantages are a rich yield, long-grade and excellent product qualities of crops.


This is a natural dwarf, high a maximum of 2 meters, with a flat-horizontal crown. Winter hardy, but the middle resistance is medium. After vaccination, the harvest can be obtained for 3 to 4 years. From the tree is obtained about 65 kg. With the average mass of fruits of 120 grams, their shape is flat-headed, and the color is greenish - yellow with a red blush. The pulp cream, juicy, gentle, fine-grained and sour - sweet taste. The disadvantage - with a long summer heat, the quality of the crop decreases, and the dignity is large, delicious fruits with good commodity qualities.


Average high grade, with a rounded crown form. And winter-hardy, and to the brighter increased stability. At the end of September, from the tree, you can get 170 c / ha with an average weight of an apple 140 grams, its form is oblong, widely ribbed and beveling, green in red flat with recreation. And the pulp is also greenish or white, coarse and dense, stitching, but juicy and to taste sour - sweet. Store them until the end of February. Dignity is a comfortable grade for an intensive garden type plus high yield.


Middle high and fast-growing apple tree with a pyramidal wide crown. Foliage - medium density. The variety is perfectly winter and resistant to the paschers. By mid-September, 117 c / ha at the average mass of apples is 100 grams, in shape they are conical, flattened, weakly ribbed and little mad. Coloring greenish - yellow with raspberry blush. The flesh of their white or green, dense, fine-grained, juicy and with sour - sweet taste. Advantages are also a suitable option for gardens with intense type, high-yielding variety with excellent product properties.


The medium height tree ends with a rounded crown. To the frost and the paschers are steady. Fruits brings for 5 years at the end of September, they weigh an average of 120 grams, rounded outlooked form of greenish color with a raspberry blush and a squeezed raid. The flesh is gentle, light - green, fine-grained and taste - sour - sweet. You can save the crop until mid-May. This, along with commodity - consumer qualities, is the undoubted advantage of this variety.


This is a strong tall tree with a highly rounded, compact and rare crown. And winter hardy, and the pasche is perfectly stable. Vintage can be obtained for 4 - 5 years in early October. These apples are stored until December. With an average weight of 120 grams, they have a flat rounded shape and greenish - yellow with a blush color. They have a pale - cream, juicy and fine-grained, dense and sour - sweet to taste. Cold summer decreases taste qualities, it is minus, and the plus of this variety is long-term storage with abundant yield and distinguished transportability, have good consumer qualities.


Very high apple tree with a pyramidal crown. Winter tolerates well, but the paschers are average stability. Fruit only for 7 - 8 years, yield - up to 80 c / ha. Remove the fruits usually in mid-September and their weight is 125 grams. They are flat rounded and one-dimensional. Painted in yellow - lemon color with a red blush. The pulp inside cream, fine-grained, medium density, gentle and juicy, sweet taste. Store them until March. Advantages include annual crops with good product qualities.


With a medium height, it has a widely pyramidal in youth, and in maturity rounded the crown. Resistant to the paschers, and the average is resistant to frozen. For 4 - 5 years at the end of September harvest is collected. Usually they are abundant, with an average weight of apples 100 grams, a repulsive or rounded shape and yellowish - green with dark red stripes. The pulp or green or white, the taste is sweet - sweet. You can keep them until the end of February. The disadvantage - with abundant harvest, the fruits are minced and tremendous, and the advantages include both excellent product quality of fruits, and good trousers, abundant yields and long-term storage.

Anniversary of Moscow.

Average tall, but fast-growing apple tree with a crown round shape. The variety is medium in winter, steady is stable. The yield reaches 83 c / ha with an apple weight of 100 grams. They are collected in the second half of September. Apples have a wide, little beveled, oblong - conical shape and yellowish - green with raspberry blush color. Their pulp of greenish or white, dense and stitching, coarse and sour - sweet to taste. You can keep them until the end of February, the advantages include excellent commodity qualities of fruits.

Let's sum up

In this extensive article, you were able to get acquainted with many varieties of apples. But it is worth noting that this is not a complete list of all kinds of varieties that enjoy well-deserved popularity in different regions of our country. Indeed, with such a variety of signs and commodity qualities, you can choose the most suitable variety on any, even the capricious or selective taste of the gardener.