How to separate the walls with laminate? Laminate on the wall in the interior - features of independent fastening as it is better to lay a laminate on the wall.

Finishing walls with laminate - does not require professional skills and great physical efforts. In general, this material was developed as a universal floor covering, but soon it became clear that it can be used for other surfaces. First, his decorative species is great for creating various types of interior. Secondly, at its price it is significantly cheaper than many other finishing products.

Laminate has several significant advantages that allocate it among other materials. Some of them:

  • The coating has good wear-resistant qualities. They were laid on the basis of his direct destination. It is not exposed to most pollutants. Easily cleaner.
  • Decorative look - allows you to create individuality. A variety of colors and textures make it truly universal.
  • The cost is significantly lower than other types of finishes, while its durability is much higher.
  • It perfectly tolerates high and low temperatures, but not sharp differences. It has significant fire resistance.
  • Installation of laminate on the wall does not require much time. All works are performed very quickly.

Attention! Laminate has significant advantages. It can be used in any premises. However, it is not recommended to use this material - in rooms with high humidity.

Choice rules

Do not think that all laminate has the same properties. No, like other types of products, it has a number of varieties that determine its operational qualities.

  1. A distinctive feature of this material is the presence of abrasion resistance. It is determined by the class, which was assigned to him.
  2. For the walls of the walls, there will be no high class (the highest equals 34), but also the lowest one is not necessary (it is 21). It is better to give preference to medium values.
  3. Immediately defined with texture and color. It is very important if you want to work on large areas. The fact is that different parties may have significant differences, different shades. Therefore, the purchase is better to do simultaneous.
  4. The presence of a certificate of conformity is a prerequisite. Materials used to finish the premises must be environmentally friendly.

Selecting a laminate, like any other finishing materials, you need to pay special attention.

Installation on the wall

Laying the laminate on the wall is carried out in two ways:

  1. By creating a crate (frame).
  2. With the help of glue - the material can be glued to the surface.

Attention! To secure the laminate use special glue or liquid nails. Immediately it should be emphasized that such a type of finish requires no less preparation than the construction of the frame. You can glue only on the perfectly smooth surface. If you ignore this moment, then all the joints and swings will be visible.

Also, you can use plasterboard sheets, as a surface that will be chopped by laminate.

The first - glue

So, everything starts with training:

  • The wall is completely cleaned, all foreign elements are removed.
  • Immediately define, what kind of pre-finishing will be selected. It can be the surface of the surface or sheathing sheets of drywall. In any case, you need to get a perfectly smooth surface.
  • The required number of materials is calculated. The minimum margin of 7-10% is taken into account.
  • Prepared tool:
    Electric jigsaw or hand saw;
    Drill and screwdriver;
    trowel or gun for glue;
  • The elements of the door design are removed - platbands. They will need to be installed after all the work. If the doors are not yet installed, it is not worth a hurry. You can make the installation of the box, but not making a facing (not to use good) - until laminate is laid.

Directly installation:

Thus, it turns out a fairly attractive surface, but only if the basis was properly prepared.

Tip! It is required to monitor the difference of walls in height. This is especially true when the upper row is coming. The correct measurement allows you to carry out an exact trimming.

Method of the second - do the crate

It is believed that this technology is the most reliable. It is better if the material is selected that has a significant length of the planks. This will reduce work twice. In addition, laying of laminate on the frame does not require to conduct alignment of the walls, which saves the budget. But, there is one minus - the lamp "eats" some square.

It all starts with the construction of a frame:

  • The timing is used 40 * 40 or more.
  • Calculate the number of vertical racks. It is quite simple - proceed from the length of the chosen laminate, given that it should be attached in three places.
  • All rails - immediately drill (step 250-300 mm.). For speed, it is better to take one stencil hole as a base.
  • From the floor and the ceiling are meant one centimeter. At this height and the fastening of all vertical racks will be made.
  • On the wall, make marking the necessary intervals. But they should not be more than 40 - 50 cm.
  • With the help of one rail, which was pre-drilled, placed fastening sites (all over the wall).
  • Dowels are driven.
  • The first rack is installed. It is immediately naked. The main thing is to correctly make alignment. To do this, use the level, and under the rack itself put a substrate. Next, the procedure is repeated.
  • Thus, the frame appears, which covers the entire surface.

Wooden timber frame
  1. The first row is fixed by this principle: the first bar is screwed to the rack, it makes at the very bottom where the plinth will be. Using screws that have a hidden hat.
  2. For further consolidation, it is better to use kleimers. Docking elements comes from the selected lock.
  3. And again, remember that laminate laminate in a checker order.

The location of the castle, where kleimer will be attached, it is better to preliminarily clean. That is, a little drown. Then the connection will not be difficult.

In principle, the crate can be made not only under the horizontal location of the elements. If you increase the number of racks, you can create a diagonal pattern. But such work will require more strength and concentration.

On a note! You can use a metal profile that is used to fasten the sheets of plasterboard. Then you will need to choose the appropriate fittings. And it is also impossible to forget that the space that remains between the wall and the material can and should be used for additional insulation and waterproofing.

As a result

How to put a laminate on the wall? Very simple. It is necessary to follow a fairly simple technology and take into account the specifics of a particular room. And also forgive forever that this material is made mainly for the floor.

There are many variations of laminated wall panels. They are made from different materials and different formats, they produce auxiliary profiles for them. But no less popular for decoration of walls laminate, designed as a floor covering. Although due to this, its installation takes place according to other rules.

Differences of Laminate

Most of its lock laminate, like floor covering, is not intended for hard fastening to the base. This is a floating type of floor, the main feature of which is the reliable fixation of the flooring among themselves. Typically, hard grip is provided by the end locking connection with a complex snatching profile. Of course, you can meet the adhesive joint, but rarely.

The decoration with wall panels requires a reverse rigid mount to the base, and the profiled end goes as an additional option that provides a hidden type of installation.

The most common type of roll panels is a lining with the usual ship-groove end. Therefore, both laminate are assembled to the walls as well - through the groove, fixing the fastener to the shell. But this is not the only type of installation.

Methods of fastening

Fasten the laminate to the wall in three ways:

  • with glue;
  • nails through the bottom wall of the spike to the barn of doom;
  • kleimer to doom.

Fastening on glue

Laminate in essence can be viewed as a type of fiberboard, therefore glue on an anhydrous basis for its attachment. This is especially important if the alignment of the wall surface is carried out with the help of HCL or plywood - with long-term contact with a wet medium, it can be swollen and "stories" or the base or the panel themselves.

You can use parquet glue, but not dispersion, and based on solvent or two-component.

The surface of the wall should be almost perfect. If the small roughness of the black floor can be compensated for by the substrate, then there is no such possibility for the wall. The glue is quite expensive, it is applied by a thin layer, so the uneven surface of the wall will lead to a decrease in the spots of the clutch area, which will affect the reliability of the attachment.

After alignment of the wall (plaster, putty, with the help of drywall), it must be primed and dried.

Then, the lines are applied to the surface using the level to which they will be navigated during the installation of the laminate.

The most common drawing of the laying is the displacement of the neighboring rows on half the length of the plank.

The first row starts from halves. Wash its inside surface and spook contact on the wall. Climb on short time, then "torn" and give glue to watery, then pressed again to the primary gripping. In principle, it is a technology for working with quick-drying adhesives, which may vary by exposure time at each stage. In such an algorithm, the first row of laminate is glued, and then all the others.

The second row starts with a whole panel, and the third again from half. The technique of connecting panels between the rows depends on the type of laminate lock.

The advantage of this method of installation is the minimum loss of useful volume.

Disadvantages More: considerable complexity, high consumption of flawed glue, low environmental friendliness of quick-drying anhydrous adhesives. In addition, the walls, the surface of which was aligned with plaster and putty, may not have sufficient strength of the upper layer capable of holding the weight of the laminate.

Fastening on the doom

Installation of laminate to the wall on the cut has the same sequence of operations as when finishing with clapboard:

  1. Select the direction of laying: vertical, horizontal, diagonal.
  2. Perpendicular to the direction of laying make marking for fastening the root. Its step must ensure the fastening of the laminate at least in three points - along the edges and in the middle. Therefore, the distance along the axial between the adjacent rows of the root should be fixed: 1/2 or 1/3 of the length (the exception can only be for the lower and top row of the root). Reducing the shift step of the styling pattern to 1/4, which is practiced for flooring, is technically impractical, given the width of the bar for the root.
  3. For the root, the wooden bar with a width of at least 40 mm is chosen, since the distance from the edge of the short end of the laminate bar to the attachment point should be at least 15 mm. Shakes of laminate planks in each row should have to the middle of the bruck of the root.
  4. In the lower and top row of the dohes, you can use a smaller width bar. It is necessary to start and finish the installation of a row not in the center of the bar, but at its edge.
  5. Brukes of doomles are attached to the wall in accordance with the markup, observing the overall level of the surface.

The glue laminate with a smooth profile of a spike-groove is mounted to the cutter as well as the lining: a thin nail through the lower wall of the groove or using swipes.

For fastening the lock laminate, kleimers are usually used to the doom, but they will have to:

  • for the lock Click trim at the point of attachment, the profile of the lower wall of the castle groove;
  • for Lock Lock to trim at the attachment point, the lower part of the spike panel inserted.

Disadvantages of laminate as finishing material for walls

Among all types of wood-based finishing materials, laminate is one of the most expensive (only parquet board and parquet). Previously, it would be possible to save on the class, but below 31 classes are no longer released. The cheapest laminate of domestic production with a thickness of 6-8 mm will cost about 400 rubles. per square. meter. Therefore, it is not necessary to talk about the availability of this type of finish.

High wear resistance of laminate, use in the carrier HDF layer and complex locking profile - all this is redundant qualities for wall panels that will not "work" and will not affect the durability of the finish.

Installation of laminate on the walls is more complicated than the wall panels. Even with the use of dohes, more materials, fasteners and time will be required.

The only thing that excloses spent the means and forces is high decorative properties and the possibility of creating a harmonious interior. Moreover, not necessarily all the walls (or the entire wall) to wash the laminate - it is usually enough to highlight a separate zone.

The design of walls with laminate is an unusual way to decorate, since it has long been proven as a solid and durable flooring. Nevertheless, laying the laminate on the wall increasingly displaces the decoration of the walls by plastic or MDF panels, clapboard or plasterboard. In addition, technology and laying methods are quite simple, they can be done with their own hands, if you follow photo examples and video instructions.

Laying of laminate on the wall

If you wonder what arguments exist in laying the laminate on the walls, it is worth lifying its advantages:

  1. Modern laminate is an environmentally friendly material without harmful evaporation.
  2. It is longer, durable, the service life is more than ten years.
  3. Laminate will hide any irregularities of the walls, in connection with this, it can be used both in the apartment and in a private house.
  4. As an outdoor coating, laminate should choose the highest strength of the strength. But, using it as a wall coating, you can save significantly on this, choosing low classes, since the material is not subjected to the walls as on the floor.
  5. Due to the wide variety of textures and shades, you can implement any designer idea in the apartment.
  6. Antistaticity - dust will not accumulate on the walls, and the ceiling can be washed.
  7. Working with these material is quite simple, it can be done with your own hands.

At the same time, there are some drawbacks:

  1. The material is sensitive to elevated moisture.
  2. Sensitivity to temperature drops, which can have a negative impact on the appearance of the material.

Laminate selection

There are three types of laminate: tongue, click and adhesive.

You can apply it to cladding the wall, but only if it is perfectly smooth.

Methods of laying

Before choosing a way of laying a laminate with your own hands, you should deal with two questions:

  1. Glue or doom?
  2. Vertical way or horizontal?

Disease for laminate

The first question reflects the methods of fastening - with the help of glue or by arranging the crate on the wall. The adhesive method is quite simple, it is suitable for all types of laminate, but it makes high demands on the quality of the wall surface - it must be uniform and smooth, otherwise the gaps and joints will be visible, and for a long time the panel will not be able to hold onto the wall. But this method is very simple, installation is easy to implement with your own hands. The method of creating the crate has advantages in the way that it is not necessary to spend time and means for alignment of the walls, and the additional sound and thermal insulation of surfaces is created. If the ceiling is additionally decorated with laminate wall decorated with laminate, it will serve as good insulation from the neighbors from above.

Vertical laying of laminate on the wall

The second question reflects the laminate laying methods - vertical or horizontal stripes. The horizontal method, at first glance, seems like the most simple - panels are stacked with horizontal rows above each other. But all the joints should be closed by plinths that are attached to the wall with the help of a dowel. It is necessary to put them every meter - one and a half, otherwise all the cladding, without having additional fasteners, will be "harmonic". To give the strength of the laminate with this method of laying, you need to alternate half-one, i.e. Shorter panels, long, laying them over each other (see photo). Shorter panels will allow evenly distributing the load at the place of attachment.
The vertical method of laying the laminate will create the original wall design, the design of which will affect the ceiling, if, for example, combine various shades or panel sizes (see photo).

What do you need to mount laminate on the walls?

When laying a laminate on the walls and the ceiling with their own hands, the following tools will be required:

In order for the process and technology of laying to be more understandable, you can watch the video at the end of the article for clarity.

laying laminate on the wall

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Preliminary calculation of the required amount of material. At the same time, you should not forget to calculate the extra material for fitting and trimming.
  2. Preparation of the laying surface - wall or ceiling to clean, align, dry if the glue method is used. When creating a crate, wooden or metal rails 20-40 mm wide are used, fastened with screws with a width between them at 30 - 40 cm. The location of the plates should be perpendicular to the location of the planks.
  3. Choosing a padding point. If completely the entire wall is laid out, the laying begins with the upper left point, if only part of the wall is not up to the ceiling - from the floor from the same point. It should be noted the distance in one bar and start laying out the cladding from this border regardless of the laminate laying method.
  4. Installation of laminate panels. When using the adhesive method, the adhesive composition is applied to the opposite direction of the panel and tightly pressed against the surface, you can also cry locks. Hard to fix the joint panels into the joint is not recommended. When creating a crate, the fastening technology is carried out similarly to working with clapboards and plastic panels, with kleimers or small nails
  5. Installation of plinths. After the laminate is laminated on the wall or ceiling, the location of the connection with the wall or floor must be closed by plinths and corners.

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As you know, laminate is an outdoor coating. But what ideas do not come to the head of designers to create a unique interior of the premises. One of these original solutions was the use of laminate for wall decoration.

This innovation is becoming increasingly popular, which is why many homemade masters began to think about how to mount the laminate on the wall.

This article will tell how to fix the laminate on the walls.

For which the laminate is separated by the walls

It is no secret that PVC and MDF panels are most often used for simple and fast wall decoration.

If from this point of view we consider the laminate, then it has some benefits in front of them:

  1. His strength is much higher. PVC panels can be broken, and laminate, designed to cover the floor, withstand great efforts and loads.
  2. Its hygroscopicity is much less than that of the MDF panels and wash the laminate is not difficult.
  3. Easy care.

Against the background of these advantages, there is only one drawback - the cost, which is almost 2 times higher than that of the panels.

Problems when laying laminate on the walls

Before starting to fix the laminate on the wall, you should familiarize yourself with some nuances of this process.

In order to avoid problems sometimes arise when installing, you need to know what they can be:

  1. Laminate has a fairly large weight. That is why the surface on which it will be attached, and the fasteners should be durable.
  2. Despite the fact that the hygroscopicity of the laminate is much lower compared to the panels, it has the ability to swell when there is a change in humidity in the premises.
  3. To attach the panels with each other, the lower part of the protruding groove is used, which ensures the speed and ease of connection. With laminate, the situation is somewhat more complicated. As a rule, laminated boards are equipped with cliking locks.

On the one hand, such a fastening provides good stiffness of the connection, but on the other? The nail hat or self-reserves falling on such a lock will prevent the dense closure, which will lead to the occurrence of gaps.

Based on the foregoing, we make the following conclusions:

  1. Laminate must be fixed only on a flat and durable surface. Sheetsockarton sheets planted on plaster can fall off together with laminate boards fixed on them, under their severity.
  2. It is impossible to allow rigid fixation of the laminate panels. In the case of adhesive seams, they must be elastic.
  3. When attaching boards, you should pay attention to the fact that the fastening elements do not fall on their locks.

Helpful advice! In rooms with high humidity, such as bathrooms and kitchens, it is not recommended to apply laminate as decoration walls.

This finish is suitable only for rooms with a permanent and moderate level of humidity (bedrooms, living rooms, hallways).

Installation of laminate

Baspen laminate boards on the walls with their own hands in different ways. The technology of this process depends on the features of the surface on which they are installed.

Installation on a smooth, durable surface

The easiest way - Fastening of the laminate on a plastered surface or listed sheets of plasterboard. Such a surface is quite smooth, so the laminate is fixed with liquid nails. This adhesive connection even after frozen has good elasticity and is also strong enough.

Help in your work will have the following instruction:

  • At the bottom I install the focus for the first row of laminated boards to avoid their climbing under the weight of its own weight.
  • On the first board we apply zigzago-like glue, press tightly to the wall surface and immediately check the horizontal level.

  • We apply glue to the next board. With this attachment, you should not sweep the boards through the bob. It is recommended to insert them into the lock with a slight breakner, then snap and press. The bottom board is to hold.
  • We put the boards so that in the neighboring rows of transverse joints did not coincide.

Helpful advice! If the laminate should be covered with a small area, then on the floor you can collect the shield from it and in such a form to glue the wall.

Installation on an uneven wall

For the fastening of the laminate to the wall having irregularities, the lamp is used.

  1. Mount the frame of the crates can be made of wooden rails with a cross section of 40x40 mm or from metal profiles. The step of the guides should be no more than 60 mm.
  2. The first board is placed so that it relies on the rail (profile). This will ensure the stability of the entire design, and when installing it does not eat down.
  3. Subsequent installation is carried out in the same way as in the case of a smooth surface. Do not forget to suspend the transverse joints. At work can be useful and plinth for laminate.

Mounting on kleimers

Laminate can be mounted on the walls not only with adhesive compositions. There is a very simple and proven way - kleimer fastening.

These are galvanized staples specially designed for fastening the wall paneling and laminate on the wall or ceiling.

For such an attachment, kleimers of two types are used:

  1. Staples with jested protrusions. They are driven into the board and fixed with self-drawing on the crate or wall;
  2. Staples with a flat protrusion. They are used to press the protruding part of the Click-Castle.

Self-tapping screws are used to attach kleimers to the wall or board.


Laminate is a reliable and durable finishing material that gives you a beautiful and modern view to any interior. No wonder it began to be used to finish many surfaces.

We looked at all the subtleties of laying laminate on the walls, fully covered by the specifics of such work. These recommendations will help you avoid the basic problems encountered when installing and implement it with your own hands without any special difficulties.

Additional information and step-by-step laminate installation process can be found in this video.

Designer solutions in some cases may be unexpected, but always make a highlight to the interior or exterior. It is more familiar to see sexual flooring in its place, but in some cases it looks great on the wall. This, for example, can be said about Laminate. Perform such a finish is easy to independently, but it is important to know the technology of how to put the laminate on the wall. On the benefits of this option, as well as the method of installation will be discussed in the article.

Laminate in the interior

Laminate is used for finishing for quite a long time and there are several simple and convincing reasons. Among them can be allocated:

  • variety of textures;
  • wide selection of color solutions;
  • resistance to mechanical effects;
  • long service life;
  • simple installation scheme;
  • easy care.

In the market you can find an abundance of solutions that mimic a variety of wood breeds. You can choose from representatives that are considered rare or very expensive. Together with the texture is easy to pick up the color of the laminate. It can be a soft beige or screaming orange. Everything will depend on the overall picture, which is scheduled for a particular room. Laminate is initially an outdoor coating, so it perfectly transfers the mechanical impact that beats may be. In due rates, laminate without special difficulties will serve for more than 20 years and will require a replacement due to the desire to update something. With due skill, the installation of the flooring can be performed independently. You can install without a special tool. Care for laminate on the wall is carried out in the same way as on the floor. At the same time, its purification is simply carried out, since there are no strong pollutants. Among the shortcomings that it is worth considering when solving a wall decoration, you need to know:

  • sensitivity to high humidity;
  • sensitivity to temperature difference;
  • harmful discharge.

Laminate has a fibrous layer in its composition, which is the cause of sensitivity to temperature and humidity drops. The consequences of such an impact may be the loss of form laminate lamellas. This leads to a violation of the integrity of the seams and to the need to replace. Inexpensive types of laminate can have as part of a resin that is isolated phenol or other substances. The latter are of serious harm to the human body.

What to use for the wall

When choosing a laminate as an outdoor coating, its strength and durability is paid special attention, so they buy an average or high class by strength. For walls, the picture is a little different. Since there is no special load on the laminate, then you should not overpay for the high class. You can stop at the options 21.22 and 23 classes. The main criterion is the texture and color, which has a finishing material. In large cities, you can still find such variables of the laminate, but in small things will have to make an additional order, since the sellers rarely keep the non-indoor goods.

Another problem with which you can encounter when choosing a low-class laminate is a lock connection. Some manufacturers produce such a look only with Lock lock, which implies the use of glue when performing installation work. Such a product is easier when installing, but in some cases it is difficult to achieve perfect seams between the planks. This will require a special glue that needs to be applied both on the castle itself and on the wrong side of the panel. More difficult in installation, but more reliable in operation, is a lock type CLICK. When connecting two separate layers of laminate, they must be held at a certain angle to get into the groove. At the same time, a characteristic sound is distributed, indicating the successful completion of the work. Additionally hold the planks in their place metal brackets or klyamimers. In some cases, the best solution will be the use of glue in the form of liquid nails.

Where to apply

Laminate, fixed on the wall, will be a good solution for each room. For example, it cannot be used in the kitchen. By virtue of a constant cooking, a large amount of water vapor is distinguished, which will necessarily fall on the surface of the laminate and leaning in the seams, caused its deformation. In addition, there are significant temperature differences in the kitchen, which also adversely affect the flooring. The same fate comprehends the bathroom, where oscillations may have even greater amplitude.

Note! Some types of laminate have not a wooden, but plastic base. It is insensitive to moisture drops, so such a laminate can be viewed as an option for mounting in the kitchen, but its price is too high for such purposes.

Laminate on the wall looks great in the bedroom. For example, you can lay out a small area behind the bed, which will visually allocate the sleeping area. Laminate is used to protect the walls in the hallway, so it is laid out at the level of the belt. You can separate the area in the living room, where there is a sofa or TV. An excellent solution will be the use of a shade other than that is used on the floor. At the same time, the areas will not merge.

Stacking process

The process of laying facing on the wall will depend on what state is located. If it is smooth and spacious, then you can install directly on the wall, but if the surface is imperfect, then you will have to resort to the help of the crate. Each method will be described in more detail below.

Preparatory stage

The preparatory stage includes the calculated work and the preparation of the tool. To calculate the required amount of laminate, it is necessary to determine the area area to which the laminate will be posted. If it is the form of one of the geometric figures, then it is necessary to apply the corresponding formula. In some cases, the form is complicated, so it will be necessary to transfer it to the scale of paper and divide into simple figures. After that, their squares are calculated and the results are summed up. The next step will be the calculation of the area of \u200b\u200bthe plank of the selected laminate for the wall. For this, the length of one plank laminate is multiplied by the width. The total area is divided into the area of \u200b\u200bthe laminate bar. So the number of laminate planks will be revealed, which will be needed. Their quantity must be divided into the number in the package and becomes clear how many packages will be required.

Tip! The material should be purchased with a reserve of several slats to compensate for miscalculations or unforeseen situations.

For high-quality laying of laminate, this instrument will need:

  • a hammer;
  • rubber cizyanka;
  • level;
  • perforator;
  • screwdriver;
  • liquid Nails;
  • pistol for sealant;
  • marking tool;
  • hacksaw with fine tooth or tracing saw;
  • kleimers;
  • lubrication for seams.

The perforator and screwdriver will be needed in the case when the installation of laminate on the wall will be made using the crate. It is also worth taking care of sufficient quantities of dowels and self-tapping screws.

Equal Wall

Laminate on the perfectly smooth wall is one pleasure, but you will have to work well before assembling. Before working, it is necessary to clearly designate the territory on the wall, where the planks will be mounted. It is better to start at the bottom and move up. Before conspicing the first bar, it is necessary to cut off the spike from it to ensure better adjacent to the floor. To do this, you can use a construction knife or hacksaw. It can be opened directly to the floor if the installation will be carried out from its plane. In another embodiment, it is important to set horizontally in terms of the level and fix it to the wall using self-pressing or resting to the stand, the height of which will correspond to the initial level of installation of slats on the wall.

The reverse side of the laminate bar is labeled with liquid nails. It is necessary to do this evenly, better zigzago-like. The plank is applied to the wall and attached well. The glue should evenly distribute between the bar and the wall. Kleimers will not be able to use, since each would have to drill a hole in the wall and mount a dowel for a small self-tapping screw. Thus, the first row is mounted. The second must start with half the plank. It is important to do to ensure the weave of the seams. If an adhesive module is used on the wall, then the seams are covered with glue. In the case when the installation without glue is used, then the locks are better covered with a special silicone lubricant. It makes it easier for the joints of the seams, and also makes them elastic. To facilitate the task, it will takes the use of rubber xyiyanka or hammer and lining.

Tip! If laminate is installed on the entire plane of the wall, then you can pre-install moisture-resistant fane. With her, adhesion adhesion glue will be better, as well as it is easy to score kleimers with small nails. This method of installation can be found in the video below.

Uneven Wall

An uneven wall can always be aligned with stucco or putty. But time will leave not only to work, but also to dry out the composition. When there is no desire to spend funds for additional work or dates, it is pressed, then it is better to install on the wall using the crate. A variant of how to lay a laminate on the wall with the help of the crate, is very similar to how the lining indoors is mounted. A wooden board or aluminum profile can act as a crate. When buying wood to the crate, you should make sure of its good quality. It should be well dried and without pests, since the subsequent difficulties will not make long wait.

The next step is determined by the difference, which has a wall plane. For these purposes, you can use the laser level. The beam is projected, which is located parallel to the wall. From it it is necessary to make measurements at various points and calculate the spread. The lamp is mounted in a step that will not exceed half the layer of laminate. If the laminate on the wall is horizontally, then the labels of the crates must go vertically and on the contrary. It is in this case that the required emphasis will be ensured. The space between the cutting racks can be filled with insulating material in the form of mineral wool to obtain additional thermal and sound isolation.

Fitting strips are attached to the wall of the wall. Wooden steps with a plane, and metal is aligned with mounting brackets. Installation of laminate on the crate occurs in the same way as in the previous version. At the same time, each laminate bar is fixed with a kleimer, which is fixed in the crate. It is important to remember that from the side walls, gender and ceiling it is necessary to make a gap of 5 mm. It is necessary for temperature compensation. When the temperature change, the laminate plank can be slightly expanded or narrowed, which will be compensated by the gap. An indentation between walls and laminate can be closed using a plinth.


As can be seen, the installation of laminate on the wall is an interesting task. Laminate should optionally be located perpendicular to one of the walls. It is interesting to the diagonal location of the laminate on the wall. In this case, there is no need to combine the location of furniture with laminate seams. If desired, laminate on the wall can be put a rhombus or another geometric figure. In case of fragmentary placement on the wall it is easy to make backlight on the edge of the LED tape.