How to build a house: wooden house and options for its construction. How to build a house from wood with your own hands? How wooden houses are built

The technology of building a wooden house from a bar with their own hands in gradually. Those who have a country house like no other are interested in the construction of a wooden house. If you build a residential building from a bar, you will have comfortable accommodation, which is different from many high quality buildings.

The construction technology of the house from the bar is simple, and to take up this business can anyone who knows how to use or electric saw.

Let's look at how everything is arranged.

From the choice of materials and construction begins. The main thing at this stage is to choose high-quality material. What do you need to know to make the right choice?

Such properties, as the strength and density, are inherent in the tree, and this can be compared even with metals, which means that the requirements for the choice of material for several times above. In a wooden house, the walls should be durable, have a long service life, and will also be excellent soundproofers. In addition, the walls of the tree must maintain the temperature in the house. But wood has a number of disadvantages, as it does not have resistance to fire, with sedimentary deformation, which can manifest itself soon after construction.

Build house


Next you need to be even more careful, as it's not so easy to create a project of the house. When planning it costs to calculate everything carefully, as it will play an important role when buying a material. The project you can draw yourself, but there are many companies that will provide you with ready-made plans that meet the wishes of the customer. If you contact the Stroymphirm, the plan will be developed on all geometric rules, and there will also be taken into account such a factor as seismic resistance and others.

Foundation set of timber

When you dealt with the project, you should start. Building technology The house from the bar is also designed for the presence of a foundation that must fully comply with all standard and reliability standards.


The foundation and its choice depends on such factors:

  • The characteristic of the soil on which will be.
  • The weight of the alleged load.
  • Constructive features.

The foundation is wooden and. Some developers are preferred from concrete, which needs to be uploaded, but only after that the walls from the bar. But there are those who want a fully wooden house.


Another foundation happens:

  • Small run
  • Deep downstream.

The most common ones are fine-shown and. According to the technology, it must have a depth of 0.5 to 0.7 m.

Construction of the house

After everything is ready with the foundation, it begins to build a log house. In this case, it is important to choose the correct assembly. The construction of walls from the bar is made by rows. By analogy, in such houses the timber is laid on the bar, as well as layers of salad, each other. So you gradually erect the walls.

The logs that will be used to build have special grooves that make it possible to make a dense connection. For insulation, special material is used in the joints of the joints. Strengthen the walls and make them stronger you can thanks to the spike that join the bars.

In a simplified embodiment, a pine unprocessed timber is used. It is very light and will not require the use of lifting crane.

After that, when building a house from a bar need to take into account some nuances. The seams need to be done to legitimize that there is no purity, and the walls should be treated with certain substances to provide them with refractory and strength.

Flooring and roofing

Quite often, when erecting a house from BRUSEV, a cheap material seems to be used. But the roof in such a house should not be poor quality, which means that it is impossible to save on this element. It can be of any kind, it all depends only on the rafting systems and the type of roof. On each section of the roof you need to install boards. On the offset and racks usually take the boards 10 * 4 cm, and for rafted 15 * 4.

After the construction of the roof you need to start. It is done in two stages: first put the sex board, and after intermediate, it is necessary to put the heat insulator between them.

Interior decoration

The final stage of the construction technology of the house from the profiled bar is the finish of the house from the inside. This includes the installation of partitions and frames, door frames, stacked the draft flooring, which after the insulation will be laid. At the end, all this is separating the finish coating. In addition, all communications are laid - water supply, electrician, sewage and heating.


Regarding the exterior decoration, it all depends on the wishes of the owners of the house. You can not separate the house and thereby get housing in a rustic style, and you can paint your favorite color - it all depends on you!

Photo report about the construction of a wooden frame house 8x10 with their own hands.

Project plan

Decided, we build a frame house on a new technology. Specific plan:

  • The house is designed to stay no more than 4-5 people
  • In the summer, the house is used daily, in winter in the period Friday-Sunday.
  • Estimated method up to 150 square meters.
  • Selected area located 20 kilometers from the city feature.
  • The heating system includes a heat pump, with a special geothermal contour element.
  • Used technology "Warm floor".
  • The design of the sewage is based on septic with three channels, discharge of compositions in the drainage pipe.

Preparation for work

All that is available is unprepared for the construction of the site, there is no gas, water supply and electrical energy. There are 20 tons of sand, about 10 tons of gravel and within 3 cubic meters of boards. The preparatory stage builds a working time card, for storing materials, a working tool. Sumka is built of wood, covered with metal.

Construction of foundation

The frame house 8x10 is built with the construction of a high-quality foundation. The trench is prepared by means of a standard Cop, as a foundation, painted as a foundation, built on boronobiling piles. Used when working on working wells, first Bur on tees technology, after which a special machine, 38 holes are prepared with its help, whose depth of 220 centimeters is prepared. The diameter of piles 30 centimeters is taken by an armature with a diameter of about 14 millimeters.

The 10 centimeters of the sand mixture is stacked, the operation is performed by means of lasers. After checking the level, 10 more centimeters of gravel is laid, the reinforcement framework is carried out. It was planned to choose the foundation, according to tees technology, but the fertile layer under construction is not an optimal solution. Scarlet allowed to quickly build a frame house 8 by 10, making it an excellent alternative. The columns are cleaned, sculpt the special concrekontact.

Woodworking manufacture

A formwork made from high-quality laminated plywood and OSB material - 9 mm. Next is the fill with the design of the mixer, the material is accelerated along the formwork surface. The last procedure is simple, but when the earth formwork is sacrificed, be sure to strengthen the design. The construction of the base structure is performed, for which the brick is brought. A brick sorting is carried out, marriage excludes, minimizing its minimum.

Laying of the basement design

Next, we build a frame house from the stage of laying the base. The operation is carried out with the direct placement of the brick in three rows, while there is a special masonry grid between the second and third nearby. After proceeding with the formwork assembly. During the installation of the formwork on the beams, the planned position of the septic is necessarily placed, after the excavator is used to work on the cop. When we build a frame house, we take into account the septic tank directly away from the house itself and closer to the road level. On the plot one section of the fence is predicted removable, which will allow you to get prompt access to the Asshenizative machine.

Seat preparation

Two drainage pipes are removed from the Septics. In the brick, appropriate shurts are drilled, having a depth within 3 centimeters, after which the corresponding rods are inserted into them. In the nosed trench under the right and left branches of the geothermal type contour, it is planned to install a well on water, as well as a collector. Locked in the trenches, water pipes, which will be three.

The formwork at the stage of the Bay facilities is re-installed, the second span is installed on the first to 50 centimeters, which allows you to easily use at work no more than four beam formwork sets. When you need to create a non-removable formwork, an inch is used in the paper. The foundation already added a septic, geothermal contour, a water well has been worked out.

As septic, it is equipped with a hamper with a three meter width and a similar depth. The depth is chosen by the reserve is sleeping with sand bottom, performed by alignment, sewer pipes are paved. The length of the pipe is 20 meters, in case of its cleaning in the central part, revision pipes are inserted so that the technological hole is provided for cleaning. The slope of the pipe is 2.5 centimeters per meter, the whole length is 0.5 meters, the end will be higher than the established exit level of the earth.

The pipe turns the geometha, which is fixed by lavasan twine. Drainage pipes are covered in reverse order, gravel, sand. Septic is selected three-chamber, although in fact from one, but additionally equipped with special partitions. For partitions, an asbotic plate is used, the fluid yield is adjusted by the check valve. The volume of septicism is 7 m.Kub, which is enough for 11 people.

Floor Floor

When filling the floor, the design is not tied to the outgoing beams of reinforcement. The floor is reinforced with fiberglass, thickness 6 cm, the design is "shell". Lighthouses are nuts, they are screwed into the rods that are installed at greater height. To control, through the span, the cord was pulled by the level of nuts. After filling the floor, we strengthen the strapping bar. Drill through the design in the locations of the rods. In the upper part is drilled by a nut with a washer.

Installation of frame wall

In the boiler room, we start the pipe of the geothermal contour, the second end is fixed in the well well, the collector is placed. Three Water pipes PND-40 are becoming the bathroom. According to one of them, water is served, on the second - electricity to the well, the third will be spare, in case of marking.

The framework of the walls of the walls is performed, the locations of the attachment, distressed zones are calculated. In the process of installing walls, attention is paid to the strengthening of problem beams, the load is taken into the surface of the material, from the structure of the second floor. It was decided to strengthen the overall design of the framework, adding a series of beams (on sites with a distance of 1.5-2.0 meters). After mounting the frame, the walls are installed, in the lower part of the racks are nailed, the rigidity of the walls forms OSB.

Construction of the second floor, roof

By the time of the construction of the second floor, electricity is carried out. On the beams (the basis of the floor of the second floor) are installed in the joints of the joints passing racks. To raise weights, the telfer, placed in the house design. The staining of the walls is performed by glassic (approximately 2/3), the GLK is hung around the perimeter. For waterproofing, the inner surface is covered with a reinforced film pressed by 4-mm plywood.

A grill is used to jar, breaking space on separate pillows. Blook fasteners are used as overlaps. The spans between the lags are plywood, technologies are used as insulation, 40 cubes, which at the overlap are closed on top of the membrane. Racks in the designs lie on the racks, due to the availability of windows having a different step. After the first skate, the second is stacked, all the same insulation is used. Ondville is chosen as a material for the roof, any iron is decided not to use.

Installation of windows

Among the two options for mounting windows, one with unpacking, or installation immediately with a double-glazed window, it is decided to choose the second one. Complexity - high weight frame weight, about 50 kilograms. The option is to build a ramp for lifting the structure to the second floor. Frames were made by individual order, the installation was engaged independently.

If you are tired of the monotony of gray concrete cubes and parallelepipeds of the city, that is, it makes sense to build a wooden house in the suburbs with their own hands. It is difficult to do it, but quite feasible. In such a house, the walls breathe, smell like a tree. You can safely forget about urban affairs and completely surrender naturalness and nature.

Wooden house for a long time and to this day is considered the best. It is completely safe, environmentally friendly and has a useful effect on health.

What to build a house

For construction, some types of coniferous breeds are used mainly:

  • larch;
  • pine;
  • cedar.

But in the middle lane of Russia, deciduous rocks are used. For example, oak, ash (thermodevine). The tree has various advantages that are used in the construction of houses:

Wooden house diagram.

  1. The elasticity and strength of this material is very high.
  2. Low weight.
  3. Low thermal conductivity.
  4. Even untreated trees of some breeds have a beautiful appearance.
  5. Easily processed and mounted.

Small thermal conductivity is one of the main advantages of this material. In the cold in such a house will be quite warm, even warmer than in the construction of bricks. Thermal conductivity of wood is 5 times lower than brick indicators.

Of the negative points it is worth highlighting:

  1. Heterogeneity of the inner layer of some breeds.
  2. Rotten.
  3. Curvating and warping due to humidity.
  4. Low fire safety.

But some disadvantages are easy to fix by processing wood with different compositions designed to eliminate these shortcomings. For example, antiseptics are used to eliminate rotting, and to eliminate water absorption, wood should be proliferated or painted.

How to build a wooden house

Screw pile foundation scheme for wooden house.

The very first steps in creating your environmentally friendly design is to create a project and choosing a place of construction. In both cases, you can contact the specialists, but this will lead to expenses. It is easier to find a suitable project on the Internet, and the place to choose yourself. The construction can be located anywhere in the yard, but if there is an elevation in the site - build there:

  • this is allowed to leave the house without water (rain and talom);
  • easier to build a sewer - there is a natural slope

Article on the topic: Build high-quality wooden frame garage

After that, you should decide on the foundation. A wooden house is built on the foundation by a bar from reinforced concrete, brick or concrete, which, depending on the soil, is reinforced (solid soil) or unarmed (soft soil).

There are two ways to make a wooden house:

  1. For those who do not know how to start building, but they are ready to collect the design on their own. Call the factory. You bring a ready-made disassembled house, which is going through special marks. Brussia have each attachment pins and are located accordingly to the populated numbers. You are issued documentation, drawings and a plan of consistent build structure. The advantages of this method:
  • no need to pay construction companies;
  • no need to wait every day of workers (many live quite far away), to have (if they arrived at all time construction), feed them;
  • determines are reduced: you can get up early, and falls down.

  • budget reduction due to independent execution of many operations (wrote, cutting, drilling);
  • any work schedule: You can work half a day or skip the day.

Project and calculation of materials

Scheme of the interior decoration of a wooden house.

Design a house if you are not an architect, quite difficult. Therefore, or refer to the knowledgeable person, or find the project on the Internet and print it. Taking a pencil, calculator and paper, determine all the data and recalculate them under the sizes of your home. For example:

  • house 7x7 m2;
  • the distance between the floor beams is 0.7 m;
  • applied Bar 15x15x700 cm;
  • height 2.7 m.

In this case, the number of bars in height will be:

2.7 / 0.15 \u003d 18 pcs.

4 pcs stacked around the perimeter. So, the total number will be:

But the remaining materials are not specified in the calculations.

For full coverage of all data, make a plan-calculation of materials. Sewer the correct installation sequence by points. Side Squeeze the materials necessary to perform a particular point.

Thus, calculating all the data, you will find the total number of materials for the construction. Multiplying data on market prices and folding them, you will get the amount necessary for the construction. For convenience, you can add the column "Price of Material" to the table.

After finding a project and all the necessary calculations based on materials, they start assembling at home.

At the same time it is necessary to perform all the work consistently and accurately.

For quick and high-quality assembly, you must listen to the advice of experienced masters. Some recommendations are shown below.

Device roofing wooden house from a bar.

  1. Make construction in place beams or logs processed by styling antiseptic substances. To reduce water absorption, the material is impregnated with oil. Popular dimensions 10x15, 15x15.
  2. Start work from stacking rubberoid (toly) to the foundation, when pouring which it is desirable to leave 15-20 cm high at the corners.
  3. Next laid the lower crown. Drill holes and put on pins. In the corners join the bars of the crown in the Poledev and are strengthened with anticipation made of oak or birch.
  4. The rest of the bellows are connected immediately by 3 bar at a distance of 30-40 cm. For easy robing, the hole is drilled immediately in all bonded bars.
  5. From above, on the first crown in Poledev every 0.4-0.7 m, a number of bars are installed, for which the floor of the house is placed. Fill or lay insulation under the floor is not recommended. Beams should be ventilated.
  6. For the insulation of the floor, it is necessary to make a draft floor, to put the transverse bars, between which the insulation is located. On top of a steeter base floor.
  7. All the gaps between the beams should be made and caught with moss, hemp, pacles, felt or jute.
  8. After reaching the heights of 2.7 m or more construct the ceiling, then the attic, the next floor or the attic with the roof.

Materials and tools

  • bars, boards, rails;
  • braided;
  • ruberoid;
  • saw, chainsaw;
  • bulgarian with a nozzle;
  • hammer, sledgehammer;
  • plane;
  • drill, electric drill.

The main thing is to comply with safety.

Already a large number of people prefer accommodation outside the city in their home. But to become the owner of this kind of real estate, you need to either buy it or. Of course, the option with a building is more preferable, since you can make a house with your own hands exactly what you dream about, and financial investments will be significantly less.

The wood house has the ease of construction, due to which it is possible to use a cheaper foundation for its construction.

Many country household owners think about the construction of houses from the tree. This is due to wood qualities, which, firstly, is an eco-friendly material, secondly, brings some particular atmosphere, cozy and homely. The construction of a wooden house is most accessible and can be performed with their own hands without circulation for help from specialists. How to build a wooden house with your own hands, what do you need to know and be able to know?

Before embarking on the construction of a wooden house, you need to weigh all the qualities of the selected material, estimate the possible pros and cons. And if everything is satisfied with everything, you can proceed to the construction of a wooden house.

What are the good wooden buildings?

Any material, including the tree, has a number of properties that can be denoted as advantages and disadvantages. Consider both those and others. Let's start with the advantages:

  1. The obvious properties of the tree include its strength and environmental friendliness.
  2. The following plus consists in a small weight of this building material, which is also important in the construction of a budgetary nature. Since the design will be light, it means to save on the construction of a capital foundation.
  3. A small percentage of thermal conductivity indicates that the wooden house will keep warm in the cold season and, on the contrary, create a cool atmosphere on hot days.
  4. The aesthetic side of the tree is also its positive property. The designs of houses made of wood look much more attractive than stone or any other buildings.
  5. Not very complicated installation. Building a house with your own hands will be able to anyone would be desire.

Consider the existing flaws of wood:

  1. Sometimes you can find a structural damage in such a building material like a tree.
  2. Susceptibility to the effects of a wet environment, which resulted in a damage of wooden structures.
  3. Change shape (deformation) when founding in special conditions, for example, humidity.
  4. Low fire safety. The tree is a fairly flammable material.

But it is quite realistic to deal with these shortcomings. You can avoid side effects by observing the technology of building a wooden house. In particular, it will be necessary to conduct a thorough treatment of all wooden surfaces with the help of special compositions.

And do not forget about what is happening the shrinkage of the house built, which can occur for several years. During this period, various unexpected surprises may also wait for you.

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Some features

As noted above, independent construction is even not very experienced masters. The main thing is not to neglect technological rules, use in construction only high quality materials and the necessary tools. And everything else will depend on your desire and financial opportunities.

What are wooden houses build from? As a building material can be used:

  • bar - glued or planed;
  • rounded log.

As for the type of wood, coniferous representatives are most popular. This is due to their higher-resistant shutdown. Many professionals will advise you to purchase pine material, as this is the most acceptable option available for the price, and the quality of such wood is at a high level.

If you do not care how your home will look like many years later, you can stop your choice for ate, as this type of wood is very aesthetic and is well preserved during operation. Here are another number of popular types of wood suitable for the construction of the house:

  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • cedar and others.

The most expensive and durable option among the listed is cedar. But such a tree, like aspen, is most often used for buildings that have contact with moisture.

OSB-stoves can be used in wooden private construction.

Tools for working with wood: ax, planer, drill, saw.

With their help, they perform the inner part of the trim, and also use partitions for the device in the house, crates and gender.

The right and high-quality foundation also plays a last role in the construction of a wooden house. It depends so much, for example, the quality of the floor. Wooden designs are not heavy compared to other materials used to build houses, therefore, most likely, choose the foundation type will have to depend on the nature of the soil existing on the site.

Very often the choice drops on a column foundation. For its construction, brick, and concrete, and reinforced concrete structures can be used.

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Two ways of building a wooden house

If you decide to build a wooden house, then first you need to decide how you will do it. How to build a wooden house? The question is relevant for many. There are two main ways:

  1. Make an order for a ready-made brusade house. In this case, you will only need to build all parts according to the plan. Such installation can do any man with your own hands, even if it is not related to construction. Using this option, you can significantly save time and financial costs.
  2. Independent manufacture of all parts of the house. This option involves manufacturing with its own hands all the designs of the future house, gradually, bar for a bar, with the fulfillment of calculations, as well as sawing on its own.

Most often, the independent construction process involves the use of beams having a size of 10x15 or 15x15 cm. But do not forget before collecting the design of the house of them, spend thorough treatment with a special antiseptic composition.

The size of the bars of one structure of the cut may differ from each other, but not much - only 2 cm. If the length of the acquired material is less than necessary, you can dock two parts. To erect the seals, the same material is used, but already smaller, for example, 10x10 cm.

First of all, it is required to install the crust of the strapping, the angular connections of which must be performed by the method of the mustache. For these purposes, the timber is cut half, its assembly is made by the method in the paw.

For a stronger and reliable fastening of components, bent (wooden), which is placed in the prepared hole are usually used. Its location is chess character in increasing from 30 to 40 cm. The optimal variant of the material for their manufacture is considered wood birch or oak.