How to fix the sheets of professional flooring on the roof? Fastening the proflist to metal runs - what and how do it? How to mount a profile on the roof by self-drawing.

The construction of the house at the cottage is a very laborious task, but its result is all the efforts spent. Partial or full performance of work independently is a good way to save. The article will talk about laying the roof with their own hands. Consider how to mount a straightfinder on the roof.

Characteristics of the professional sheet

Profiled sheet (it is also called professional flooring) is a very common material in construction. Among its advantages, it is possible to distinguish lightness, durability, strength, safety for the environment, reliability, as well as ease of installation. The material is great for coating roofing, finishing works, as well as installation of fences.

Professional official does not need to regularly paint, the color will not burn under the sun. Galvanized steel is used for the manufacture of material. Sometimes polymer coating is applied on top of it. In appearance, the profiled sheet is similar to slate. Products are available in a variety of variations that differ in operational characteristics, as well as sizes.

Material brands

Existing brands of professional flooring:

  • "C" - used to build small overlaps, the height of the corrugation in the range from 8 to 44 millimeters;
  • "NA" - is used as roofing, the height of the corrugation in the range from 35 to 44 millimeters;
  • "N" - professional flooring with strengthened ribs, is used as a capital roof, the height of the corrugation in the range from 57 to 114 millimeters.

It is best to cover the roof using profile sheets with a height of 20 to 60 millimeters, in which there is a special groove for removal of fluid. Thickness is selected on the basis of engineering calculations of various loads.

The set to the product should include the instruction "How to properly screw the straw on the roof". If it is absent, you should ask her from the seller.

For the owner of the country house, it is important that the roofing coating is durable, and also has a pleasant appearance. Therefore, when choosing a material, the climatic conditions of the region should be taken into account. For territories with elevated snow sediments it is worth buying a profiled sheet with corrugation from 20 millimeters, and the angle of the roof rope must be made from 15 degrees. The profiled sheets with the designation "NS35" and "NS44" are intended for private construction.

How to fasten the professional flooring to a wooden crate

The laying of the professional flooring is carried out with the overlap of sheets, as well as other roofing materials. At the same time, the cutting distance is determined on the basis of the roof slope.

The magnitude of the overlap of the profile for fastening the roof flooring on the roofs with a different slope:

  • If the inclination of the roof is no more than 14 degrees, the horizontal set of about 20 centimeters is performed.
  • For the roof with a bias from 15 to 30 degrees, the nestrest should be made from 15 to 20 centimeters.
  • For the roof with a slope of more than 30 degrees, the nest is worth doing from 10 to 15 centimeters.

Profile sheets are stacked in parallel eternity. Parallel sheets are fixed by one self-tapping screw. At the same time, it is necessary to take into account the magnitude of the cornese swell, which is calculated from the height of the profile.

The magnitude of the cornese swell:

  • If the discharge depth of the profiled sheet is 8, 10 or 20 mm, the sink value should be made from 5 to 10 cm.
  • In other cases - more than 20 cm.

Self-tapes with a length in the range from 2 to 25 cm and a diameter of 4.9-6.3 mm are used for fastening the profilters. In the fasteners EKT, Hilli, Fisher has drilling beards. Such self-tapping screws will turn out without prior preparation. In high-quality self-tapping screws there are special gaskets that protect the holes from fluid ingress.

Recommendation: When choosing self-samples, it is worth considering the length of the cylindrical thread. In high-quality fasteners, this indicator must be larger than the width of the connected sheets at least than 5 mm. The square meter of roofing is on average from six to eight screws.

It is still worth remembering that for fastening a professional flooring to the crate, you need to use rubber sealing washers. In the lower sections of the product screwed the self-samples from 28x4.8 mm. But the horse is attached to the upper "waves" (more detailed: "").

Isolation device

It is necessary to know not only how to mount the corrugation on the roof by self-reserves, but also the correct insulation device is a very important stage of installation of roofing material. The fact is that moisture is formed under the roe. Condensate gradually destroys the coating, as a result it will be necessary to replace it. Isolation allows the roof from the formation of moisture. The challenge itself includes a device of heat and vaporizolation, as well as adjusting the ventilation.

It turns out to increase the service life of the roof, if we place a gasket protecting the formation of moisture. It is preferable to choose a pair-waterproofing membrane. It is mounted on large nails in increments of about 20 centimeters. Staying standing with an eaves, go to the direction of the roof ridge.

The protective film is placed with a small adhesive (from 10 to 15 centimeters). You still need to save provis about 2 cm between rafters. Sheets in the places of the admission are fixed on double-sided adhesion.

Ventilation holes are placed closer to the roof of the roof. They are intended for the free movement of air under the roof, which prevents the occurrence of condensate. It will take the adjustment of the ventilation channels, a small clearance under the roof, as well as the presence of ventilation grids, which are placed on the ends of the building.

Tip: On the protective film it is necessary to secure wooden rails, they are designed to remove the resulting moisture and liquid. All places you need to securely secure. Only it will be possible to qualitatively make ventilation gaps. On this with insulation, the roof is finished.

How to fix the roof career

Consider the task in more detail how to fasten the roof profile. When installing the profile, it is necessary to remember about one nuance: the sheets need to be laid so that the bottom wave is covered along the edge of the roof, and not the top. The capillary groove should also be directed upwards. Lagges are used to transport roofing material on the roofs.

Subsequent ranks need to lay on the SCAT, but already with a 10-centimeter adhesive on the previous ones. Thus, parallel sheets are built. When one slot is covered, you can go to another, the mounting algorithm is the same.

To facilitate the laying procedure, you will need a small staircase, in a roof length. It will be used to move a man on the roof. If there is no such staircase, it can be bought in a construction or shopping store or to build yourself. To do this, you need one longitudinal board - the basis - and many small - steps. The design is fixed behind the angle of the skate.

To overlap the roofing of the roof, you can use a galvanized strip or a professional list, which is also fixed on the self-tapping screw. When the installation procedure approaches to an end, it is necessary to clean the roof from the construction trash and chips. Places where a straightfalist is scratched or cut off, you need to cut down so that the edge corrosion does not occur. After 3 months it is advisable to perform feeds of screws. This is due to the fact that over time the attachment is weakened.

Fastening proflist Samoresamas - Possible mistakes

Possible errors and actions that can not be made when laying a professional flooring:

  1. In no case cannot be fastening the professional leaf to the wooden crate on nails. They can fly with strong wind, such a compound is extremely unreliable.
  2. It is forbidden to perform welding and gas cutting of profiled sheets.
  3. During the cut, the proflists cannot be used by the "Bulgarian". The friction will create a high temperature, which will destroy the polymer coating with zinc. Such a professionalist will be subject to corrosion and quickly collapses.
  4. Scissors for metal are suitable exclusively for the longitudinal cutting of the profile. Cross cutting such tools will result in product deformation. Correction of the irregularities obtained is a very difficult task. And there is no guarantee that it will deteriorate entirely to eliminate the deformation. As a result, the sheet will be unsuitable for laying.

With sharp, electroprips and electrolybiz will cope with sharp. Even for these purposes, a circular saw with large winner teeth.

Professor as roofing material ubiquitous asbestos-cement. This is not surprising - the material is much more practical, cheaper, it is easier, easier to install, and simply - more attractive. If the profiles are chosen correctly, and all installation work was carried out in accordance with the technological recommendations of the manufacturers, then the reliability does not inferior such a roof in other types of coatings. And some drawbacks with more than paying off its price availability and speed of roofing operations.

The dignity is also in the fact that any owner of the house will be able to build such a roof if it has at least a small experience of construction work. Without assistants, definitely, it is difficult to do, but together - threesome coating can be completely mounted in a matter of days. Of course, for this it is necessary to deal with the nuances of the main operations - how to make the right crate and how to securely fix the roof for the roof by self-draws. It is these questions that will be key in the proposed publication.

In short - about professional flooring

So what is a professional flooring? Under this term, it is customary to understand profiled metal sheets, most often made from thin (up to 1 mm) sheet steel, widely used to create various enclosing structures in different areas of construction. There are also products from aluminum or even copper, but it is very expensive pleasure, and it is unlikely to have a need to consider them. Especially since the principle of rooting works from the material manufacturing material does not particularly and depends.

Roofing professional flooring - construction material from sheet metal. It has in cross section the waveform from symmetric ridges (corrugations) of a trapezoidal or rounded species that attach ease and strength of the structure.

The low part of the profile is often called the sole or lower shelf, and the top - the ridge or the upper shelf.

Made from cold rolled metal with a thickness of 0.3-1 mm with different protective coating.

In this article we will look at how to fasten to the roof and how much roofing screws will need 1 m2 of professional flooring.

Roofing is considered a professional flooring from which:

  • thickness metal not less than 0.7 mm;
  • height corrugations at least 35 mm;
  • available Action Sustainable Coverage solar radiation, precipitation and mechanical damage;

For the roof, the roofs of residential buildings are used by Professor NS35 and NS44. But in those regions where a large amount of snow drops in the winter, it is recommended to H60 or H75 - they have the side walls of the crest of the waves are strengthened by an additional rigidity edge, and in the middle of the shelf there is a longitudinal groove to flow a melt water.

Unlike metal tile, professional flooring has a single profile over the entire length of the section and it can fit on a single roof with a small slope angle - 6-11 °.

  • with height profile 35 mm (NS35) and angle of inclination to 15º - to 0.5 m, more than 15º - 1 m;
  • with height profile 60 mm (H60) and inclination corner from 8º - no more than 3 m;
  • with height 70 mm profile (H75) and angle of inclination from 8º - no more than 4 m;


Between cruise and waterproofing there must be ventilation gap. To create it, equip the counterclaim from the rafting planks or metal runs attached along the rafted.

What kind of self-drawing is to mount a corrugation on the roof?

The screws for the roof of the corrugated floor are made of high carbon steel and covered with high-quality galvania. They are equipped with a special high-strength washer and plastic gasket (EPDM), insulating the edge of the hole from the fall of water and contact with the head of the self-press. The self-sufficiency hat itself has a wide hex head with a metric size M8.

When installing the roof three types of self-tapping screws with a diameter of 4.8 mmdiffering in its intended:

  • for fastening in the bottom shelf (sole) Profile of the Profile of the Profile of 35 mm long with a thinner edge in the form of a narrowed drill and a wide thread rate;
  • for fastening sheets on the top shelf of the ridge 20 mm long with a wide drilling edge and a small thread rate;
  • for mounting skate slats - 50 to 80 mm long.

Self-tapping screws

Consumption of roofing screws per 1 m2 of professional flooring

Usually the mount is produced in increments of 0.5 m. Leaf size 8 1.1 meters one square meter will have 4 self-proof. But the lower edge of the first row of the roof and the seaside zone of subsequent rows is recommended to be attached to each lower profile shelf.

The edges of the sheets overlooking the roofs are recommended to be attached to the interval of 200-300 mm. Side adhesions, end and skate slats also increase the number of required fasteners.

On average, 1 m² of roofing professional flooring is consumed by 8 self-sizes of all sizes. Approximately four of them - a length of 35 mm, two - 20 mm, two more - 50 mm and more. You should not use these values \u200b\u200bas final, as many self-tapping screws are rejected during the installation process.

A more accurate calculation depends on the overall size of the sheet, the angle of inclination of the roof, the thickness of the metal, as well as the number of roofing rods.

How to fix the roof for self-drawing

Competently twisted self-tapping screws does not deform the clamping puck in the opposite directionBut at the same time tightly presses the gasket to the metal, not leaving gaps and cracks. The axis of rotation of the self-press should be strictly perpendicular to the metal surface. So let's consider in detail how to mount the roof of the roof by self-drawing:

  • How to fix on the roof crate? Fastening the first sheet of professional flooring on the crate begins on the left side of the lower row. It is made with an insolence of 4 cm above the edge of the roof and the allowance of 15 cm under the next row. Mounting at the bottom of the sheet should be made "through the wave" - In each lower shelf (sole), the profile comes in contact with the crate - the strength of the entire structure of the roof depends on this. In order not to have breakdown, the sheets should be thoroughly aligned with respect to the eaves.
  • The next sheet is laid with a side overlay in one wave (Low-profile sheets - in two waves) on the previous sheet, so that the edge goes out and was mounted with short screws in a step of 300 mm on the ridge of the waves (it warns the water flow). It is also recommended for tight docking sheets to the lower shelf of the top sheet to twist fasteners with a deviation of 50 mm in the side of the adhesive.
  • The middle part of the sheet is fixed in a checker, in a step of two waves, which corresponds to 500 mm.

Laying professional flooring


Self-tapping screws need to be swirling strictly at right angles to the surface. Excessive force when twisting can lead to deformation and detachment of the protective coating of the sheet of professional flooring. It is best to use special screwdrivers for this operation.

  1. The second and subsequent ranks are laid with an overlap at 10-20 cm on the previous one. Self-tapping screws in the forefrenched zone are also twisted through one wave. When determining the width of the forefrenched zone, it should be borne in mind that the higher the lip of the roof and more, the less the nesting is done.
  2. The top edge of the last row of sheets, adjacent to the skin of the roof is fixed through the wave.
  3. At the second stage, end-in and wind straps, chimney aprons, are fixed. At the same time, the fastening of 50-90 mm with self-draws and the fastening step is up to 300 mm. If the end plank consists of several enough items (which is extremely undesirable), then it is necessary to observe a nest of 100 mm.
  4. The final stage is the installation of the roof skate. The horse is a special form profile having two shoulders width 100-300 mm. His appointment is to protect the roof from moisture from entering the undercase and giving the additional stiffness of the structure.
  5. It is necessary to make sure that the conjugate edges of the roof rods have a discrepancy in a height of no more than 2%. More important leads to deformation under the action of wind and severity of snow and the formation of the slots.

Fastening sheet

Stacking the skate starts from the end, opposing to dominant wind. Fasting of challenges make the same as the end planks. Rain and melt water falls under the horse through the gaps of the lower shelves of the corrugated.

Therefore, under the shoulders of the skate laid special sealing gaskets that repeat the profile form. Self-tapping screws up to 80 mm Spin on the bottom edge of the shoulder of the skate with an indent of 3-4 cm through the top shelves (ridges) waves of professional flooring in the crate.

Fastening wind strap

It is imposed on top of the final series of sheets and the method "through the wave" mix skate screws up to 80 mm long to the crate through the top shelves VKontakte

Mounting professional flooring need self-drawers (to metal surfaces or wooden frame) and ripples (sheet to sheet).

For the installation of the profiled sheet in most cases, the framework is made. The design is made from a metal profiled pipe (square, rectangle), wooden rails, a plasterboard profile, an ordinary corner. Sometimes they make the walls of the walls, mounting the sheets directly to the brick or stone.

How and how in every particular case to mount a corrugation?

Self-tapping screw (self-seed) for metal with metal washer and rubber seal

Self-tapping screw (in use of self-sufficiency) is made in the form of a rod with a tip resembling drill, triangular thread and turnkey head or screwdriver. In addition to screws with a tip in the form of a drill, screws with a sharp tip. For fastening a professional flooring complete with a screw, a press washer and a rubber sealing gasket are used.

We use:

  • for fastening the proflist to metal surfaces;
  • with thickness steel to 12.5 mm;
  • without prior drilling holes;
  • for mounting, for facing facades, frontones, manufacture of gates, wickets, etc.

We do not apply:

  • for fastening sheets for instrumental and high carbon steel;
  • for binding metal profiled sheets among themselves;
  • for mounting to wooden structures;
  • for mounting to metal, a thickness is less than 1 mm.

How do we determine the quality?

When buying, we demand a qualitative certificate that reflects the characteristics according to DIN standard, including:

For fasteners to a frame with a thickness of 2.32 mm, we use products under the drill number 1, with a diameter of 4.8 mm, step 2.12. For metal 5.5 mm Drill No. 3, 8.5 mm - No. 4, 12.5 mm - No. 5. Thread pitch 1.8. The screws of large diameters should be covered with zinc with a thickness of at least 12 microns.

Self-timer length is chosen depending on the destination. For fastening the proflist to the bottom wave, choose the size of a larger connected materials for 3mm. When screwing into an upper wave, for example, for fastening skates, the length increases to the height of the profile.

Industry produces 3 types of self-ejecting screws on the shape of the head:

  • hex;
  • crosslike
  • anti-vandal.

For normal installation, it is easier to work with a hexagon head. Anti-vandal screws apply for fences and cladding, the removal of which from the outside will make free access to the room or to the territory. Product installation is made by a special tool.

Important nuances when attaching professional flooring by self-drawing:

  1. Spinning screws with washer and rubber gasket strictly perpendicular to the sheet plane.
  2. According to the characteristic, the screws are offered to twist at 2500 rpm, but the effort to calculate to the touch is difficult. Spin the screws so as not to transmit the rubber washer. The split seal will crack over time, and will not create tightness of the attachment.
  3. We do not use rubber seals where monolithic mount is required.
  4. In places with the possibility of unauthorized access to fastening, we use anti-vandal valve of screws or take a screw with a notch that prevents arbitrary turning.

How to fix profiles to a wooden frame?

For the roof, mounted on a wooden crate, alternatives to traditional self-drawing on metal does not exist. We choose the screws with the highest pitch. The more this parameter, the most reliable fastening.

Vertically arranged professional clothers who do not need a hermetic fastening in order to save securities with galvanized self-refining screws with a monolithic press washer. In use - this is a regular self-tapping screw with a wide hat. Crusading screwdriver is inserted into the screwdriver.

If the lamp is made from the two-floor plates, chipboard, etc., we use twincaded screws. For the roof, we make a set of washers and cuffs yourself, picking up a screw diameter.

  1. Apply standard wood screws, including those intended for fastening plasterboard sheets. This fastener has a secret head and when screwing will hurt the surface of the proflist.
  2. Use screws with tip in the form of drill. The tree does not require drilling, sharp self-tapping screws more reliably, and the passage through the professional flooring makes it acceptable for a large amount of work.

Is it possible to attach a professional flooring to the shell (limestone, brick)?

Directly to the wall of stone or brick sheets mounted using a dowel with anchors. To install, pre-drill holes in the metal. Fasteners choose with monolithic wider washer. The form of a plastic insert with a tump, which performs the function of the seal. The hole in the straightener is taking 0.5 mm more than the insert diameter.

  1. For quick installation, use dowels with shock screws. They differ from traditional screws and screws of the form of a thread. Disadvantage - when you hit, you can damage the surface of the sheet.
  2. Do not fix sheets on the surface with protrusions and irregularities.

How to connect the sheets of profiled metal among themselves?

The standard thickness of the profiled iron is 0.4 mm. To connect with the help of screws, two sheets, for example, in the place of the fattest is unreliable, since the mount is fragile and depends on the thread step.

To solve the task, we use rivets. Fasteners consists of two parts that are made of aluminum. Rivets are installed in pre-prepared holes and do not require access to the back. For mounting, use a riveting device. In places where a hidden rivet installation is required, we use a hole punch (special ticks holders punching professional flooring from the end of the waves).

Rivets can be used as fasteners for mounting roofing, fence facing, etc. The disadvantage is complexity. Under each rivet, drill through a hole.

Other ways to install professional flooring

Screw and bolted

The professional sheet with screws is attached to metal surfaces, for example, when used as casing on machines, for fastening to special steels. In the sheet and the base, which is mounted, drill holes, cut the thread and install.

The bolted compound is used in the same way, but the drilling of through holes is required for fasteners both in the sheet and in the material to which the installation is. Bolts are used to connect a professional flooring with metal and wooden frames, counteracting vandalism and unauthorized access.

Adhesive base

For the inner cladding of smooth walls, the professional clothes can be installed on glue. As a binding element, the plaque for metal, mixed with PVA glue. Sheets are pressed to the base and withstand to the plasticization of the adhesive composition. In this embodiment, the professional flooring does not perform supporting functions, and serves in decorative purposes.
We have you and a set of self-tapping screws to it.

26.11.2018 5667

Building material that is used in the construction of buildings - professional flooring. It is widely used for fences, roofs and walls. It is not difficult to mount the corrugation, but it is worth considering a few features.

How to choose and what is the professional flooring

First of all, why choose professional flooring? It is environmentally friendly, serves for many years and very durable.

Pros of professional flooring

  • strong material;
  • not exposed to weather conditions, does not fade, it does not oxidize, not rust, etc.,
  • it is not necessary to constantly paint and repair;
  • made of steel, which is covered with zinc, due to which it is not subject to corrosion;
  • it looks beautiful and reliably protects the roof from precipitation.

The most sought-after types of (brands) of professional flooring

  • For light overlap, professional flooring with a corrugation height C8-44 mm.
  • Corrugation of NS35-44 mm is a roofing professional flooring, respectively, it is suitable for the roof.
  • If a capital roof is needed, the masters are chosen by the H-57-114 mm, here the ribbon ribbon is reinforced.
  • NS44 and NS35 is considered a standard solution to shelter the roof.
  • H75 and H60 are perfectly suitable for those who live in the regions where more snowy winter and a lot of snow. Such a professional flooring is made with ridges on the sides, has a ribbon rib and a wide horror designed for draining (drain) of large volumes of melt or rainwater.

Professional flooring, which is greater in a thickness of 0.7 mm and in a height of 35 mm is manufactured with protection against radiation of solar radiation and damage.


For laying roofing, fences and finishing works from the professional flooring will be needed qualitative. Usually they are made of steel, and top covered with zinc, there are carbon in their composition. The top of the self-made is made in the form of a washer, which has the kind of hexagon and is very durable. A plastic gasket is also included. With the help of such screws, the profile sheet is screwed especially reliably.

Three applications of 4.8 mm self-tapping screws in diameter for mounting:

  • Fastening the sole occurs with the use of 35 mm screws.
  • The top and the ridges are best fixed by twisted 20 mm.
  • Skate planks ideally fix 50-80 mm in length.

Here the degree of load on the self-tapping screw is already calculated.

Fastening professional flooring self-proof

Consider how much the screws need to attach a profile.

It will take 4 screws, measure 50 cm (the distance between them) if the sheet is 8/11.1 m.

If you make an indent of 200-300 mm and then mount sheets, flystone and the bottom edge is then attached to each shelf, then the sheets will go to the frontones and therefore will need more screws, 1 m2:

  • 4 35 mm in length;
  • 2 to 20 mm;
  • 2 50 mm.

TOTAL, 8 pieces.

Pay attention when purchasing screws on their appearance and condition. Sometimes self-tapping screws can come across marriage, and these are cracks, fears, twisted thread or washer, etc. Use such self-tapping screws is extremely recommended. Indeed, in the future, professional flooring will go cracked at the base, and what it will lead to guess it is not difficult. The roof will begin to leak, the material will deteriorate, the reputation of the wizard too. Therefore, it is better to spend extra 10 minutes and drive to another store for self-draws.

Installation of wood professional flooring

Before you start laying the roof from the roof of the roof, it is necessary to prepare the basis - the doom.

  • It is necessary to create insulation from steam, water with a special material.
  • Created the right zone for ventilation (the gap is left).
  • After it is done and then installs professional flooring.

The bumbel is most often made of planks and timber, originally processed by antiseptic so that they are moisture resistant (not rot). The board is used in the amount of 32 / 100mm, the bar is 50/50 mm or 40/40 mm - this is the standard.

It is important to correctly customize the straps, carefully calculate the distance, and then it will be much easier to choose the distance to screw the screws.

Controlling - is done for the ventilation gap, it consists of metal or rafters.

Froze and its manufacture

It all depends on the height of the profile and inclination of the roof:

  • Size 35-50 cm is made when the slope from 15⁰ and more.
  • A solid drying is done if the tilt is less than 15⁰.
  • If the tilt is 20⁰, then 3-40 cm.
  • You can make any design if the slope is less than 12⁰.

To make a doom properly, prepare the material in advance, it is better not less, less. Self-tapping screws for roofs, their diameter is from 4.8-6.3 mm, and length from 20-250 mm. A hat on such a self-tapping screw should be with a rubber gasket, it is durable and does not deteriorate due to precipitation.

Sometimes they use screws for fasteners, but for them it is worth buying or make self-rubber gaskets. But it is best to buy self-made screws that made of steel and covered with zinc, work with them is much more convenient and more reliable. In addition, they can be selected for the color of the professional flooring!

Further, the self-tapping screws are screwed at the joints of sheets, top and bottom. Approximately 6-9 self-samples leaves 1 m2. The technique of screwing the self-pressing is especially important, it is not necessary to screw it too much (drag) and do not cheat, in the first case the rubber gasket will deteriorate, in the second self-tapping and time (due to the wind) can fall. And in that and in another case, the sheet of professional flooring will be subject to flow.

Putting the sheets of professional flooring, carefully ensure that the distance on the linings is the same throughout the perimeter, if it decreases as the exaltation, it is not good, but permissible in the most minimal relations. Finding sheets must be evenly uniform.

Screw the screws right, without deviations otherwise they will be loosened over time, and all work will be done in vain. By installing the ribbon, compact it with ribbon and secure from above, choose the correct location, only from above. Getting Started with flooring, consider where it is more convenient. First, in order to not be injured, but secondly, not to spoil the painted surfaces.

If you use rivets for fastening sheets, then the main thing is not to use aluminum, you will need a gun with it more convenient and work faster.

For work it is worth using special clothes and shoes without spikes. Tools put separately, not on the sheets of professional flooring to not damage them.

After 1.5-2.5 months, depending on the time of year, in summer and in the spring, it is possible to withstand a pause, in winter and in the fall of 1.5-2 months, and in the fall. Re-slightly tighten the screws across the roof to fix them thoroughly. Professionals before re-tightening, handle the joints of the professional flooring with silicone sealant.

Features of working with professional flooring and self-drawing

Of particular difficulties in working with professional flooring and self-drawing, it usually does not occur if it is correct to do the measurement, to calculate the material, use special tools and clothing, not overdo it or, on the contrary, to work without desire.

But, it is necessary to take into account moments that categorically impossible to do:

  • For installation, I do not use nails, otherwise the sheets will break, and will flow, rust and disappear.
  • Electric and gas welding are not suitable.
  • Use special scissors.
  • Bulgarian is also not suitable, the edges are obtained very uneven, ugly.
  • Only along, you can cut your hands professional.

Fastener Professional Metal Professor

You can use two options for fastening the metal professional flooring. Some prefer ripples, other self-tapping screws. But it is worth saying that using ripples, you will need a special tool, you will need to drill holes, carefully nourished rivets. Back to pull them into mono, but the sheet of professional flooring deterrent. Therefore, the best option is considered self-tapping screws, it is easy and convenient to work with them, they can be unscrewed with incorrect screwing and screw them again. At the same time, the professional flooring does not deteriorate if you unscrew carefully.

Bars usually use in cases where there is no other choice. More often they apply when working with fences, runs, frames.

The wall mounting is best to produce vertically vertically or horizontally, the sheet to the doom is fastened from below and from above, 1m2 will leave 6-8 self-tapping screws.

Professional flooring is not thick for 2 mm, you can not drill in advance, but screw the screws manually or with a screwdriver.

Instructions for fastening professional flooring on the roof

  • To raise sheets of professional flooring, place them arcuate, do not fold much immediately. Better two, three sheets to raise on the ropes, which are located at the edges.
  • You can lift the stairs, then the steps should be lowered inside, and drag a sheet up onto the roof.
  • Then install the sheets (first with a 10-15 cm input) in width.
  • Further fasten as described above.
  • Do not forget to fix the leaf on all parties and in the middle (center).
  • Put the next row and attach, I joking up to 10 cm.
  • Having reached the skate on one side of the roof, you do not need to continue, go to another part of the roof.
  • Staying sheets start to do only from below, so that it is convenient to walk on the roof. Make a wooden small staircase.
  • Finishing all sides, proceed to the skate, take a galvanized sheet of 40-50 cm in width and secure.
  • Now clean the whole roof from garbage and dust, cover the corrosion tool.
  • After a few months, clean the roof from garbage and dust, and pass again against corrosion on the joints, self-stakes (tighten them again).

If finance is allowed, go through the whole roof, but without fanaticism, within the normal range. Choose a handset to your taste and color, and how to install it you now know!