How to transplant alocyses correctly. Alocacy care at home

Alocation is a rare exotic plant that came to us from the tropics (Southeast Asia). It is considered more decorative, since it rarely blooms in room conditions.

This fact does not interfere with Flora lovers, enjoy the contemplation of this flower, because alocation leaves have no less wondrous structure and attract attention. On long thick stems there are oval-shaped leaves with sharp tips, dense structure with well-pronounced veins. The size of the sheet is reached 30-50 cm, and the plant itself is towers to 1.5 m (in the wild - 3 m).


Alocation serves as an decoration of not only home interior, it is so extraordinary that it is used almost everywhere: near the artificial waterfalls, water bodies, in the gardens, in the lobby of hotels, restaurants, various organizations.

If it is lucky to contemplate the flowering of this exotic, and it only happens in an adult plant, then you can see how fragrant small flowers are assembled in the neat inflorescence of a pale pink shade and partially closed with a sheet like protection. After pollination, fruits appear in this place in the form of berries with seeds inside. No matter how sad, but if you do not want to spoil the appearance of your plant, then the fruits should be removed (to the location of the cut, impose a thick coal), as the leaves are stopped growing at this time.

It is very important that alocation did not look attractively, do not forget that this is a poisonous plant. Plant juice annoys the mucous membrane and skin, so keep the flower away from children and animals. For this reason, it is forbidden to grow them in kindergartens, schools, veterinary clinics, and so on. Also be careful with any manipulations with a flower, be it a transplantation, trimming or shilling. Work in gloves, and after, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Types and varieties

To its hybrids are attributed alokazia "Polly" , amazonian and Bambino .

Alocation Polly - Often it is used as an interior decoration. 50-70 cm high, and the width of the leaves is up to 20 cm. It differs significantly from other things that it blooms more often. Root system is not thick.

- Slightly less than 40-60 cm height dimensions. At the edges of the leaf, the jar is not clearly pronounced, but it has brightly battered white veins, which highlights and decorates this species.

Pretty miniature variety (not above 40 cm), has narrow elongated leaves with a pointed end.

(A. Odora) or also it is called plowing, has dirty roots, thick shoots of about one meter tall. The leaves can also reach one meter in height, and styling up to 80 cm, but the amount of them is limited to 3-4 pcs.

Young leaves have a thyroid structure, and adults are more oval. It rarely blooms, but has a specific aroma. This species is almost never found at home.

Also called it Arma - This is one of the large types of bedroom plants. The height of such a plant reaches 2 meters, while having large leaves to one meter and the width of about 70 cm. The form form does not differ from other types of alocation.

A clear case, such dimensions are not suitable for growing in apartments, he will be closely there. Arma is used to decorate parks, gardens, spacious halls. As for flowering, the fruit also has impressive dimensions (about 30 cm long).

Different from large-cornery smaller dimensions and what has a motley leaves with large white spots.

- It has a brilliant bright green shade of the leaves of the heart-shaped form. It differs from other low-heated veins and a large number of tubers. A mature plant has many leaves and has a greater probability of flowering, not high, only 70-100 cm.

- Another major representative of this family. A few meters high, has bright green large leaves (up to a meter in length and 65-70 cm wide). Like large-corneeling alocation, it grows only on large expanses.

Black Velvet. ») - It has a small stem to 10 cm, the leaves of the heart shape (length 35 cm, width 25 cm), velvety structure, on top of dark bordees with white streaks, and below green. What is characteristic, this species often flowers at home.

They differ from the "Black Velvet" by leaves, they have a glossy flower, a dark green low tip with a sharp tip.

- It is rather a decorative look, as it is very compact. The stem is only 10 cm, the leaves up to 35 cm long, and styling - 20 cm, have a copper-green with a metal glitter the upper part and the purple bottom.

- reaches one meter in height, short barrel, long stuffs from which oval sheets with a sharp tip, green with white streaks. Plates with silver tint.

- Leaves ovally heart-shaped, slightly elongated, light green with dark green veins. Has healing properties.

Zebrina alocation (Zebrina) - A distinctive feature of this variety is an unusual configuration sheet plates, they are a triangular elongated shape of a light green color on which not only accumulation is distinguished, but also an unusual pattern throughout the leaf (length 30-40 cm).

Alocation care at home

Since the cultivation in the apartment is not a medium of the usual habitat of alocation, it is necessary to provide suitable conditions close to natural, for a long-term and healthy growing of this plant. It is not quite purity, but requires regular and easy care.

Alocation is a light-loving plant, but direct sunlight is afraid. The light should be scattered. You can stick on the windows special paper or film, or put flowers to another room. For varieties with a motley color, additional lighting may be needed, and for monophonic, sufficiently illuminated places.

The plant does not like temperature drops, prefers in the summer not higher than + 25 ° C, and in the winter is not lower than + 22 ° C. Do not allow draft.

Watering alocation

In the summer, it is impellent often spraying alocyses, especially in the most arid days. In winter, it is not recommended to do this at all. In addition, it will be useful to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. For additional moisturizing the flower, you can put a pot on the pallet with water and pebbles, only the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.

In the summer, we follow the land that the Earth does not drive. We provide abundant watering, as soon as the earth began to push. If water is delayed in the pallet - merge. In winter, moderate watering is provided after 2-3 days, not to pour, otherwise it is possible to upload the roots.

Up. Alokia

In the spring and summer, alocation requires feeding every three weeks, in the form of complex mineral fertilizer for indoor plants.

Alocation Transplant at Home

An adult plant is transplanted once every three years, the young is as needed. Earth for transplant should be well drained, passing air and water.

As for its composition, the following ratio of components is recommended: sand, peat, humid, leafy ground and hardening (1: 1: 2: 2: 2). Or buy a ready-made substrate in the store. The pot serets high plastic, and each new one for two or three centimeters above the previous one.

To transplant alocyses after purchase, you can in a big pot, if it is closely, or at will. In pruning the plants there is no need. Is that cut yellowing or old leaves (do not forget about gloves).

Alokasia Reproduction Seeds

This method is not particularly popular, as it is not characteristic of all signs of the original (maternal) material. For example, spelling features are not transmitted.

But still, if this method chose, seeds are sown immediately after harvesting in the ground (sheet or peat ground with sand), not too deep. To ensure humidity, it is covered with glass or film. The temperature regime is maintained at 20-25 ° C and regular spraying. Shoots thin, and after, transplanted into pots. The first large leaves are expected no earlier than a year.

Decisions of alocacy of stalks

The best way to reproduction with cuttings, tubers, "kids." We carry out these procedures in the spring, at the same time as the transplant, at an optimal temperature and in the mixture of sand and peat (1: 1). After separation of Chenkov, do not forget to process the cutting place of wood coal.

Diseases and pests

  • Occasionally leaves on alocation turn yellow This is a normal process, but only if one sheet is, not all at once. One dies, a new one appears.
  • Dry air and high temperature contributes damage to the plants with milderbirds, shields and trips . After detection, the leaves and stems should be treated with a soapy sponge. If it does not help, the stronger solutions are used (2ml of the accuteral to 1M water)
  • Slow Rost. - Consequence of lack of nitrogen in the ground. Adjust the urea solution (1g / l).
  • Write leaves - Dry or too wet soil. Watering adjustment will help. Or the reason may not be the right substrate. Pick another, easier.
  • Pale leaves, small and not expressive - Lack of light. If the plant was in too dark, then the sharp light hurts him, teach gradually. And in the winter, when the lack of light is especially noticeable, it is desirable to add luminescent light.
  • Dark spots on the leaves - draft or too low indoor temperature.
  • Drop the tips of the leaves - dry air or lack of watering. Add the amount of fluid and spray more often.
  • The tips of the leaves are yellow - When watering with rigid water or chlorinated. Water must be soft and stupid. Another reason is the lack of nutrients, adopt.

Natural feature of alocation

Alokasia "crying" - This is the most distinguishing feature of the plant. It is connected with the fact that initially growing in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, during severe rainfall to get rid of excess water, such a useful property was acquired. On the leaves there are a kind of pores, through which the excessive liquid is derived.

At home, there was a connection that when in front of the rain, high humidity in the air appears - the plant begins to "cry", i.e. Water droplets are highlighted on the leaves. In everywhere, the alociation was called a barometer, for the ability to predict rain.

Tropical exota, while not a frequent guest in the apartments of our flower water, alocation is capable of transforming the interior, making in it extravagance and originality. It belongs to the family of aroid, there are about seven dozen species that differ in the shape, dimensions, coloring, butlangery of the leaves.

Alocation is considered one of the most attractive decorative and deciduous plants and serves as an excellent decoration of various rooms. There are still a few names of this flower, speaking themselves for themselves - elephant ear, the dwelling, a shader.

Description of alocation

The plant is from hot, suffering-wet rainforest of the southeast of Asia. These are tuber plants with large egg-shaped, sharp at the ends of leathery sheet plates with convex veins, which are located on fatty stiffs and have tiny-heal-guidators on the surface of the leaves, through which excessive moisture is displayed.

It is said that the alocation flower is like a barometer, the drops of juice perform on it before sediments, alocation cries. Flowering occurs only in adult plants, small flowers and smelly collected by inflorescence, covered with a light lining petal.

Conditions of cultivation and care for alocacy

Detaculation of alocation with the division of the bush or root process

Decitation of alocation dividing bush photo

The plant is released from the container, neatly washed the roots and the knife is separated into separate bushes, enough one sprout on the bush. Next, they are planted as usual.

Alocation from the tuber

  • Daughter tubers are separated during transplantation. They are planted on a small depth of the container at a sufficient distance from each other, and better - in separate cups.
  • Nogreniki germinate not at the same time, this process can delay.
  • The appeared sprouts contain in a container with a transparent lid until the transplant is as long as possible.
  • Then neatly a small spoon pick up the largest seedling and put it in an individual pot.
  • And the rest at this time can only appear on the light and be completely tiny. They are left for growing in the same container, by adding into the liberated place of the Earth.

Siblings are formed from subsidiaries if the plant has survived from a smaller capacity to the greater year. When transplanting, they are neatly separated and searched by individual containers.

Before any transplant or transshipment for 2-3 days you can make a plants Water with the addition of ammonia alcohol (3-4 drops per liter). It acts as an anti-stress preparation and helps to transfer such an operation painlessly. After put on time (5-7 days), our plants in a plastic bag, so they will begin to grow much faster.

Pests and diseases

Consturbated by standard insects for indoor plants. Proceed with appropriate insecticides 2 or 3 times interval in 5 days. Some insects die from alcohol treatment or vodka. Wash your cotton disc with vodka, wipe the leaves of the plant.

Previously try on the edge of the sheet - if the leaf plate has not changed after the procedure - it is treated with a plant. In this way, we get rid of ticks, worms and shoes. As an option, you can place all the plant in the translucent plastic package and process inside it insecticide. The package is tied up and leave the plant there for a week, then processing should be carried out again.

Medical properties

Alocation is not only beautiful, but also useful. First of all, like a strong biogenic stimulator. Widespread use of a shader found in Chinese folk medicine. It is used for the manufacture of ointments, tinctures, juice, oils that are used to prevent and cure a wide range of serious diseases. Chinese plasters from different pains and to derive toxins from the body are particularly popular.

Alocation is able to benefit the human body even just being indoors. It spreads etheric oils and phytoncides into the surrounding atmosphere, which have a bactericidal action, tone, strengthen the immune system.

Alokazia is distinguished by a valuable monumentality, unique attractiveness. She will always serve a worthy decoration of any room, drawing attention to the attention and attracting views.

Views of alocation with description and photo

Alokasia Largeneous or Largenesting Alocasia Macrorrhiza Landing and Care Photos

It is an Indian alocation or an alocation ARMA - the impressive dimensions of this plant amazing imagination. Ovalo-heart-shaped leaves with a width of 45-75 cm and a length of 95 cm. Together with a cushion, the sizes reach 2 m. Floweros with yellow-salad coat. After flowering, bright red shiny fruits are formed. There is a variation with motley foliage. Serve a worthy decoration of office space.

Alocacy odoring Alocasia Odora

The leaves in the shape of the shield grow up length about a meter. The lower part of the sheet plate is growl with a camp. Flowers are distinguished by a strong aroma. Blue tone flower bedspread.

Alokasia copper-red Alocasia Cuprea

A small decorative look with leathery copper-emerald leaves. There is a characteristic bloody in the place of the plates to the paper. Dark purple flowers covered with dark bedspread.

Alokasia Sader Alocasia Sanderiana

From the tube rhizomes, glittering leaves are growing with white veins with a length of 40 cm. The leaf edge is expressive.

Alocacy Polly Alocasia Polly

This is one of the hybrids created by Sander alocation based breecia. Large leaves with bright convex streaks reach 45 cm. On one instance there are no more than 6-7 leaves.


Indoor Flower Alocacy Landing and Care Alokasia Amazonian Alocasia Amazonica Elephant in photo

Another sander hybrid with dense-green leaves in the shape of an elongated shield, the length of which reaches 50 cm. The edge of the leaf plate is notched, light veins are convex, clearly expressed shares.

Alokasia Kalidor Alocasia Calidora

The largest instance, above human growth. Extremely effectively and is suitable due to the size for a greenhouse or winter garden.

Alocacy Dragon Alocasia Dragon Scale

The healing plant with elongated malachite leaves, for which the dark veins pass.

Alokasia Black Velvet Alocasia Reginula \u003d Alocasia Hay Black Velvet

A small dense stem, on which velvety black and burgundy leaflets are located on short cutters, covered with a light pattern. Pinkish white bedspread hugs a gentle pink pink. Often blooms at home.

Alokasia Low Alocasia Lowii

A short barrel forms underground root offspring. Skilovoid malachite leaves are monophonic or with light residences on the reverse side have a purple-purple painting. Plates are sisido-green with a characteristic metal glitter and pulp are penetrated by silver veins.

Alocation Tobbing Alocasia Cucullata

Forms a large number of daughter tubers that are located close to the maternal tuber. Allows are less pronounced than other alocories.

All types of alocagus of poisonous, so with all the transplant operations should be used with gloves, extending caution when working.

Alocation is the desired acquisition for a lover of room gardening. Some of them believe that several different varieties will decorate the room, fill the air. Caring for such a home flower bed will be simple - the same conditions for all plants will be required. The reproduction of alocation at home will be the first step towards the implementation of the intended.

Methods of breeding alocation

If there is one adult plant in the house, then the material for reproduction is already available. Alocacy multiplies in various ways:

  • roasting kids;
  • separation of roots during transplantation;
  • stem pavement;
  • reproduction of sheet rooting;
  • seed method.

All types of reproduction are based on achieving favorable conditions for creating a healthy root system with any breeding method. Green parts of the plant are rooted into the substrate, water in this case does not serve as an intermediate link. However, there are special requirements for the substrate.

General Alocation Transplant Rules

In order for the processes to occur faster, the flower function is to organize a constant heating of the soil, where the process of creating the first roots. At the same time, the litter itself must contain, perlite, moss sphagnum and sand. That is, the place for rooting should be wet, warm and breathable. However, it is necessary to systematic ventilation.

Another general action for all types of reproduction except seed. All sections should be dried and sprinkled with a disinfecting composition. It can be:

  • fine across charcoal or chopped black activated carbon tablet;
  • cinnamon powder;

We also use root formation stimulants.

For propagation of alocation usually choose spring time when intensive biological activity begins in nature. But rooting can be carried out at any time of the year, except for winter. In winter, a high percentage of lounge.

All work related to touches to juicy parts of the plant is carried out in rubber gloves. Remove during the work of children and animals from the room.

The requirement for the composition of the soil for plants, which already gave the first roots and landed for a long time. For alocation, the land is selected loose and low acidity. This composition can be purchased in a specialized store or prepare themselves. Flowers are used by different soils based on peat and leaf land.

The main thing is the soil must be moisture, light, breathable. A slightly acidic medium provides dissolution of the desired amount of mineral salts from the soil. Therefore, it is important to comply with all the requirements. An example of such a soil can be:

  • humid or biohumus - 2 parts;
  • sheet land - 2 parts;
  • cherry land - 2 parts;
  • peat and sand - 1 part;
  • sliced \u200b\u200bmoss sphagnum - 2 parts;
  • cheering coal, vermiculite, brick crumb in sum - 1 part.

Purchased soil must be supplemented with the latest components. Of great importance is the disinfection of the composition by any means. Frequently uses landscape for alocation. To disembark plants to a permanent place, the pot must be high, the perfect form is a bucket. It is steadily and high at the same time. For drainage, the ceramzite is traditionally chosen, but you can use pebbles or a bit of ceramic dishes.

The breeding of alocacy of tubers

When transplanting an adult plant in roots, you can see the neoplasm. These are nodules - kids who can give a new plant in a month or two. Therefore, they must be carefully separated from the roots and put in a special substrate for germination.

The first pot for the seedlings, which gave roots can become an ordinary cup of their disposable tableware with a drainage hole. The rooted tuber will throw out his first sheet and turn it around after 2 months since landing.

Only clubs spread alocya of Kalidor, the leaves are a beautiful plant on a long thickened, towering above the pot of the root, it does not multiply.

Reproduction of alocation leaves

For breeding take the bottom sheet plate with a stalk. For several hours, the sheet is kept, giving him the opportunity to reduce tagory. After that, the petiole is cut, processed in the root formation stimulator and fix in a special substrate for rooting.

A wet warm microclimate is constantly maintained, ventilating, and in a month young roots will come out. After that, the sheet is planted into the prepared dishes with the nutritional soil, but continue to care for it in the greenhouse conditions until the next sheet arrows appears from the ground, it means that the plant has taken root and went into growth. During the reproduction with a sheet of alocation, you need to treat it, as a baby, not allowing cooling, drafts, drying or excessive humidity.

The plant purchased in the store must be transplanting as soon as quarantine passes. Alocasia, grown in Dutch technology, feed on hormones, which quickly end and the bush will begin to starve. So that this does not happen, the plant needs to change the soil, at the same time stretch the binding additional sockets and the muscles. This is the material for subsequent reproduction. Even a flower, dropped leaves, can be reanimated by re-examining rhizome to a new substrate.

Seed reproduction of alocation

At home, alocation does not bloom often, and the seeds are greatly rare. They are formed on the cob in the form of red or yellow berries. The germination of seeds persists while they are in a wet shell. Therefore, it is necessary to multiply alocyses with seeds with fresh when they are still wet. For seeds prepare light and acidic soil based on peat, humoring and sand. Close up seeds superficially, but take measures so that the layer is wet, covering the container with glass or film. The seedlings spray, twice dive and later transplanted at a permanent place. Basically, seeds spread alocopia of volatile varieties. Other breeding methods do not guarantee the beauty of the leaves.

Stroke cuttings rooted in a special substrate, as well as leaves.

Correct Alocacy Care - Video

This flower does not boast of lush flowering, but it is not required to him. Its main beauty is in unusually decorative leaves, often coated with a contrasting geometric pattern, which is formed by light veins. Caring for alociasia at home is not distinguished by difficulty - this plant is quite unpretentious.

Alocation is a representative of the family of aid, which includes about 70 species of this plant, highly differ in dimensions and appearance. Of the variety at home, only a few species are grown. But in a room flower garden, it always solorates, as she has a few competitors in terms of decorativeness.

All alocories are representatives of subtropical and tropical flora. In nature, they grow in forests, in open wetlands and very rarely among the rocks. Alocasia to grow well and develop in the room they need to provide conditions close to those in which they grow in nature.

Temperature, humidity and lighting

In the tropics of frosts does not happen, but the change of seasons is also available. Summer and autumn there are many differences, so the care will depend on the time of year.

What requirements makes alocation flower?

  • Temperature. In the tropics, temperature fluctuations are insignificant. It is the constancy of temperature that is an important condition for the successful development of the plant. In summer, he is comfortable at 20-22 degrees, and in winter - at +18. Alocation is afraid of drafts and reacts negatively to sharp fluctuations in temperature.
  • Humidity. Each type imposes its own air humidity. Most of all love the dampness Amazonian and weaving alocation. They need a humidity of about 80%. Provide such conditions can be provided only in rooms where the frequent evaporation of water, for example, in the kitchen. Frequent spraying with warm water will help. It should be soft, otherwise the leaves will appear ugly stains, and the plant will lose their decorativeness.

In winter, Alokazia is better not to spray.

  • To increase air humidity, you can put a pot with a flower in a pallet with pebbles, which is poured a small amount of water. After evaporated, it will create the necessary microclimate. The bottom of the pot should not be in the water, so the pebble layer should be quite thick. You can wipe the leaves of the plant with a wet sponge.
  • Lighting. Alocation is sensitive to lack of lighting, especially species with motley leaves and young plants. Adult copies require bright, but scattered light in summer. Some species need to be shared in the hottest clock. In winter, Alokazia is placed on a light window sill, but even there may not be enough light. Therefore, additional lighting of phytolampa is required.

Watering and subordinate

Despite the fact that alocation is a moisture-loving plant, excessive watering can very quickly cause root. In the summer, the plants are watered according to needs, so that the soil in the pot was always a little wet. Do it only with warm and soft water. From time to time, the roots are allowed to ride, allowing to dry the upper layer of soil with a thickness of 1 cm.

After half an hour after irrigation, all the water accumulated in the pallet is poured.

In winter, watered carefully, once every 2-3 days, and some kinds of times a week.

Starting from March and until the end of September, alocation needs regular feeding with complex mineral fertilizer for decorative - deciduous colors. Their concentration is slightly reduced compared to the norm on the package. Make feeding 2 times a month, combining with irrigation. You can with a transplant to the drainage layer, pour Art. Spoon of complex mineral fertilizer. In this case, the plant will not need a fade for a whole year. The need for fertilizers depends not only on the season, but also from the age of plants. Young alocories additionally feed with soluble phosphorous fertilizers so that they increase the root system faster.


For this plant requires a high pot, since the roots are growing vertically. Alokasia loves fertile, loose moisture permeable and well-aerated soil with a weakness of soil reaction. You can pick up a suitable primer in a flower shop. But it is better to prepare a substrate for planting yourself. It may be the following composition: 1 pieces of sheet, conifer and peat ground and 0.5 parts of sand.

It is also a soil with such components:

  • 1 part of sand and peat;
  • 2 parts of sheet, turf and grounding.

For looseness, you can add a small amount of steady and crushed moss-sfagnum, coconut fiber, perlite, treated and crushed bark of coniferous trees.

Young plants transplant as needed. Adults - every 2-3 years, using a method of transshipment without destroying an earthen coma. Each time you choose a pot, which is 2-3 cm more in diameter than the previous one.

So that there is no stagnation of moisture, the pots are placed on the bottom of the drainage layer of clay tall up to 3 cm. The best time for transplantation is the early spring, when the plant comes out of the rest of the rest.


Alocation bloom in room conditions is a rare phenomenon. Not all sorts and only in conditions as close as possible to tropical are drilled at it. Only adult plants on 5-7 years of life bloom. When preparing for flowering, the decorativeness of the plant is lost, since it falls from it all the leaves, except for the last, young. It may take several months to restore the initial type of alocation, and the positive result is not guaranteed. You will have to remove the outflower bloom and dry leaves and arrange a plant with a limited watering plant and do not give feeding, but to ensure maximum lighting and constant temperature. After the rest, the flower will start recovering. As soon as the first leaflet appears, alokazia is transplanted into a fresh substrate and conduct feeding.

Flowers in alocation are not brushed in the form of the patch. Some species have a smell that not like everyone. After flowering in the plant, fruits are tied - berries having orange or ruby \u200b\u200bcolor. For seed reproduction, they do not imagine interest, as seedlings usually do not repeat the parental signs.

In order not to exhaust the plant with blossom, many flower products simply remove the flower, as soon as it appears.

Care in winter

At this time, the flower is in a state of relative rest. It requires a limited irrigation, the absence of feeding and illuminated by phytolampa, if there is not enough natural lighting.

Splitting alocation

To multiply this room flower is easy, because for these purposes almost all parts of the plant are suitable:

  • leaves;
  • stem kidney;
  • segments of root;
  • baby kids;
  • seeds.

The last way can be considered not too reliable: plants grown from seeds will not be similar to maternal, and the spelling, which is the decoration of many species, will be lost. Seeds very quickly lose their germination, so they are sown immediately after collecting. Seeders are grown in warm and loose soil. Instead of irrigation, the soil spraying is used, which should always be in a wet state. Seeded seedlings after the formation of a good root system.

All parts of the plant in the spring are best rooted, but it is possible to reproduce and at another time. Only the state of relative peace is not suitable.

The muscles are separated from the maternal plant during transplantation, but in this case the roots of alocation need to rinse well. There are species whose tubers wake up only when they are not separated from the maternal flower. They are dispersed when they will germinate. Root the nodules in small cups in the substrate intended for adult plants. Usually the first sheet appears in 2 months.

The stem kidney is cut off with the pulp, and the cuttings are cut off at an angle of 45 degrees, cut into the corneumin. In both cases, all sections are treated with coal or cinnamon. Root the kidney or stalks under the jar in a warm and bright place, but not on the bright sun. The soil should always be wet.

Only a young leaflet suitable for rooting. It is slightly dry, cut the cuttings and plunge into the ground slice down. The pot with a sheet is covered with a can.

Rhizomes are divided into a sharp knife so that on each part there is either sleeping kidney, or the outlet of the leaves. Cuts are given to dry over an hour, sprinkled by their torque coal. Separate plants in individual pots. The first time they will be saved from bright light and often spray.

Do not forget that all parts of the plant allocate poisonous juice, protect your hands with rubber gloves.

Common plant diseases

Most often, the painful state of the plants is explained by errors in care.

  • The tips of the leaves became brown. The reason is too dry air. Humidity is raised by installing a pot into the pallet with wet pebbles so that the bottom of the pot does not concern water. Increase the number of spraying.
  • Ends of leaves wishes. For irrigation, chlorinated or rigid water is used. Alocation may not be enough nutrition or in the soil too much nitrogen.
  • The flower resets the leaves. If the roots are not exposed to rot, alocation needs to be arranged by the period of rest before the growing leaves.
  • Leaves minor. The reason is the lack of nutrition.
  • The pallor of the leaves happens with insufficient lighting.
  • Leaves dry out. To blame the drafts or a sharp change in temperature, staring water in a pot or dry air.
  • Brown spots on the leaves - malievable dew. Need processing fungicides.
  • Pulling the leaves signals incorrect irrigation mode.
  • Picking the rhizomes happens with water and too low temperature content.

Alocation may be damaged by a web tick, shields, aphid, tormentless Cherwec. Against pests use acaricides and insecticides.

Types and varieties of flower

Species of alocation, which can be grown in a room quite a lot. As a rule, they have modest sizes. There are tropical species with huge leaves. Such instances will decorate the greenhouses and winter gardens.

The most common types of alocation for rooms:

  • Longiloba or Low is one of the few species that grow in nature among the stones. It does not exceed 1 m. Dark green leaves with a bluette shade are decorated with a clear geometric pattern of white or silver streaks. Large, up to 45 cm long, sweat leaves have a purple or purple-green painting from the wrong side.
  • Sanderiana or Sander looks like a previous look, but the leaves are notched and decorated by the Cant of the same color as the bodies.
  • REGINULA BLACK VELVET - PARTNING PART Has a monophonic green color, facial - dark green, almost black, velvety, decorated with white streaks. Alokasia Black Velvet is very decorative.
  • Polly or Alocacy Polly - Large leaves with bright green shrinks slightly wrinkled, decorated with convex veins of greenish-white color, have the same color of the cant. The stem reaches a height of 2 m.
  • Cuprea or copper is a very unusual view of alocation. Dense leathery glossy pointed leaves have the shape of a shield. They grow up to 30 cm long and have a copper-greenish color with depressed green streaks. The wrong side of the sheet has a purple color with a purple tint.

This beautiful plant will become the bright center of any flower arrangement, and on the eve it covers water droplets, predicting the weather.

If the flower came across at home and pleases with its beautiful view not only the owners, but also guests, there will always be wisp to make the same. Today we will tell how to propagate at home this is a tropical plant, to finally keep the promise given to the best friend, and give her a little alocycle.

There are 4 methods for the reproduction of this plant, but not each of them is suitable at a specific point in time to a certain type of plants.

How to multiply this flower?

In nature

In natural conditions, alocation multiplies predominantly in a vegetative way, forming subsidiaries next to the maternal.

Also holds self-seeds from seeds, which are matured in orange berries - alocation fruits.

At home

The flower seed seeds get extremely difficult, so the flower products are resorted to simpler and efficient ways of obtaining new plants:

  • Division bush.
  • Reproduction sheet.
  • Tubers (kids).

Consider in more detail each of these methods.

How to propagate?


To implement this method it is necessary to cut off the bottom sheet from the bush of alocation and root it in the nutritional soil.

  1. To stimulate the growth of the roots, the cuttings are better to hold 2-3 hours in the corneser solution.
  2. After that, the sheet is placed in the container with the ground to a depth of 2-3 cm, the ground is spilled well and are covered with a polyethylene transparent package or a cropped plastic bottle (depending on the tank pot and the size of the sheet.). It turns out a small greenhouse that will create the necessary microclimate.
  3. It is necessary to water after 1-2 days, not allowing drafts.

In a month, you can expect the appearance of small roots.

Important! The procedure should be performed in gloves, since the plant juice is a strong allergen.

Kids (child tubes)

In the spring, from March to May, many varieties of alocation near the parent plant are formed by tubers. Often they look at the surface and they can be separated, without removing the plant from the pot.

  1. Tubers are separated from the uterine plant with a sharp knife.
  2. For the germination of children most often used moss sphagnum. It should be placed in it and then regularly moisturize it throughout the germination period. The required temperature is not lower than +22.
  3. To maintain the necessary humidity of air to the container, the polyethylene package is put on and mini-guy is formed.

Only after the germination of the tuber and turning the first sheet, the young plant is transplanted into a full-fledged soil.

The division of rhizomes

Reproducing alocyses by the division of rhizomes, you need to take into account that this method of breeding is better to combine plants with planned plants (The end of March is the beginning of May). This will make rid of your pet from excess stress.

  1. The plant is removed from the pot and gently, trying not to damage the roots, remove the ground. If the substrate is too dense, it is blurred by water.
  2. The liberated rhizome with the help of a sharp knife is divided so that every Delleka has a rosette of leaves, or a growth kidney. Sections of sections are carefully treated with poured charcoal and leave for drying within an hour.
  3. After drying the cut, alokazia is planted into the appropriate soil mixture and soil shed well.

During the week after the procedure, the ambient temperature should not be descended below +23 degrees. Besides, need to regularly spray the plant As long as the leaves again do not get elasticity.

Attention! During this period, alokazia is better pronounced, as the bright sunlight will stimulate the growth of green mass and can interfere with rooting.


As already mentioned, the complexity of the breeding of alocation seeds is that it is extremely difficult to get the latter. With loss of moisture seeds are quickly losing germination, so it is necessary to sow them immediately after collecting. However, if you still managed to get seeds or independently get them out of fruits, you can safely begin the case.

There is one more a modern way to germinating seeds - in polyethylene bags with a fastener.

  1. Fill the bag with wet perlit, put the seeds there, and then inflate the air package and close the lock. Make sure that the ratio of perlite and air in the package is 5% and 95% respectively.
  2. Daily ventilate the package until the alocation seeds are good. The percentage of germination can be increased if you place a bag of bright light and ensure the daily temperature of about 27-28 degrees. At the same time, at night, the thermometer's column should not fall below 20-22 ºС.
  3. The period of germination of seeds fluctuates from a few days to three weeks.

Reference! The seed method of reproduction is not suitable for the volatile forms of alocation, since hybrids do not transmit their artificially derived properties inheritance. They can be multiplied with a vegetative way: leaves, kids or rooting rhizomes.

What difficulties may arise?

In addition to the bad gem of seeds, difficulties may occur when the root. We are talking about the extraction of the plant from the old pot, as the roots are practically growing into it. When this problem appears, try using a wooden stick or pencil.

Subsequent care for young plants

As much successfully, alocation is caring, it depends to a greater extent of the selected method of reproduction, but on compliance with the condition conditions.

  • The main and basic requirement is air humidity. The optimal indicator is 80%.
  • Alocation does not like dust, so you need to regularly wipe it with a damp cloth or arrange a warm tropical shower from the shower in the bathroom.
  • Twice a month, rooted seedlings are fed by nitrogen fertilizers in order to stimulate the growth of green mass. However, the feeding starts only when at least 3 unfolded leaves are formed.
  • The frequency of watering depends on the time of year. In the summer, the plant is watered 3 times a week, in winter - once.
  • Young alocories require an annual transplant and, as they grow, gradually relocating in heavier sustainable pots.

In compliance with all the requirements for the care of the tropical guest, it willingly multiply and practically does not ill.