How to build it right for the goat. We are building a goat for goats: Materials and installation Internal layout Shed for one goat

How much hay need for winter one goat? Joint content of goats and chickens in one Saraj. Which area of \u200b\u200bthe cage on one goat? Space shed for goats and Senov. What should be the floors in a barn for goats?

Starting your goat currency, we, like most beginners, first passed the mass of literature on this issue. Much then we came in handy, but much the fact that literature recommends, we discarded or finalized under our conditions.

Here I want to dwell on the organization of goats and create a hotel comfort in the room as a whole and in each "room", in particular based on your experience committed errors And made, in my opinion, the right conclusions.

The walls of our goat are posted from concrete hollow blocks. I can say that the material of the walls does not significantly affect the microclimate in the room, where goats are located . The main thing is that these walls are not blocked and the drafts did not walk along the goat.

From above on the beams are made of rods. Pilments are located at a distance of 15-20 cm apart. On top of the jerdomy layer of the cane. The reed is put on the poles, so as not to fail. The cane layer is 20-25 cm. On reeds, a layer of 50-60 cm is straw. Such a dressing is enough to keep warm in winter and not so quickly fly out into the atmosphere and, at the same time, to provide excellent native goat ventilation. We have no other ventilation, and in the goat is always dry. This is the most natural way of air exchange when it occurs through the smallest looseness in the layer of the upper bed. Comparable with Berlnaya Bear. There are no drafts in the room, because Warm air slowly goes throughout the ceiling area, in contrast to forced ventilation, when air exchange occurs through a small hole by means of forced thrust created by the fan. Neither smells nor divers in our goat never happened.

For several years, a spiderweb from dust was formed under the ceiling, which, as a blanket, also holds heat. We are not specifically removed from the ceiling this web.

Every year, on top of straw, we lay the surplus hay to progress with feeds in case of a protracted winter.

The main hay is stored for one of the goat walls. Senovated 4x7 meters size. The entrance to it through the door from the goat. It is very convenient. In winter, to feed goats, it is not necessary to go out into the street. In the summer, the dried hay in the Senov is loaded from the street through a wide outer door. We never rationed hay for the goat. Always harvested with a margin.

Space shed for goats and Senov.

Planning a goat and hayl.

Dimensions of the goat 5x7. Pass 80 cm. The size of the ages for goats 1.4x2.0 m. The goat is a cage 2.2x2,5m.

What should be the floors in a barn for goats?

We started with female floors. I consider this option unacceptablefor many reasons.

  1. Costs for material and work.
  3. Creating conditions for the accommodation of rodents under the boards.
  4. After a while, when the boards begin to catch up, the goat can break the leg, which will quote into the lumen between the boards.
  5. In winter, the cold floor may be the cause of mastitis.
  6. Creating high humidity in the room.
  7. The wet floor is the cause of uncoat rot.
  8. The hooves glide on the wet floor, and the goat can stretch the ligaments. For a pregnant goat can be more difficult consequences.

No animal in nature arranges overnight on a similar litter.

We, seeing the inconsistency of the content of goats on the boards, transferred them to a deep litter. I snatched the boards, deepened every cage by 30-40 cm into the ground. This deepening filled with straw and then, as needed, straw is added to the cells so that it is dry.

The goat's wife is drove in street slippers. Straw is added two or three times a week. For the winter, the litter will grow by 30-40 cm and the total layer of the litter becomes up to 70-80 cm. In the summer we throw out, leaving 20-25 cm and everything is repeated first.

No frost is not afraid on such a litter.

From the bottom from the litter there is warm, and from the top of the goat from frost cuts the fur coat.

For all the time of the content of goats, we never encountered the case of the mastitis of udder. It only confirms that the animal is more comfortable on the deep litter rather than on board floors or (God forbid) concrete.

Our goats go to the toilet "on the little" in one place. At a certain angle of its cell. From there, the litter is often selected and fresh is laid. Polka dots they are low, but he, being dry, nothing terrible is doing for comfort of living.

In winter, at a temperature outside the street below minus 15 degrees, in the goat, the temperature is held not lower than minus 5-8 degrees. At this time, goats are like inflated balls. The wool is crushed to create a thicker layer of their fur coats and, thus, less heat is less.

Winter we do not have rigid and not long. Minus 15-20 degrees it happens no more than 10-15 days for the winter. I believe that such "yarovization" they even benefit. Any organism should be able to fight similar natural phenomena. From this, only immunity will be stronger. In frosty days, goats appetite above.

"How many goat gives milk?"

"Proper feeding of a goat is high villas in the future."

Which area of \u200b\u200bthe cage on one goat?

Our goats are every in their cell. Paint method We did not practice, because Never cooked animals so much so that there was not enough space of each individual. Better less, yes better.

Middle The size of our cells is 1.5 meters in width and 2.2 in length.

Joint content of goats and chickens in one Saraj.

Joint content with churars we had only one year. For the winter, the goat was overpowered by three legs of eight. More this is not practicing. But if there are no other conditions of content, then it is possible to contain chickens and goats in the same room, highlighting a specific area for each type for this.. This will help avoid victims from weaker and vulnerable, which, in this case, will be a bird.

How much hay need for winter one goat?

It is necessary to know that the goats eat the hay very carelessly. Standing at Nursery, she picks up the hay in his mouth and chews him, believing his head in different directions. The hay, naturally, is scattered to the floor. This must be taken into account when the hay is harvested, if the sechcarrine is not used (strawzer) or if the trough type is nursery or drawer and not slitwhere the goat squints his head and does not take it out until it reaches.

The amount of hay on one goat depends on several factors.

  1. The quality of the hay. The higher the quality of the hay, the more less than the goat gets everything you need.
  2. Goat weight and her appetite. The harder goat, the more feed she needs.
  3. The presence of a crosscar and the type of feeder. Sechcarrine allows you to feed 100% of the harvested hay.
  4. Number of days at low temperatures. The lower the temperature, the higher the consumption of the hay. I once (at the very beginning of my goative practice) I measured the daily consumption of Sena with one goat. During the day, the goat ate 3 kg. It's pure that I got into the stomach. The goat was big and quite voracious.

What is the name of the goat?

If you take a rate of 2-2.5 kg of hay per day, it is not difficult to estimate the required amount for the winter for one goat . In each region, has a stall period And in each shed its feeding diet.

Better if the hay remains, than it is not enough. In the spring, on juicy grass, the goat hay is simply necessary to balance the liquid coefficient, and eliminate diarrhea from excess water in the body. The violation of the liquid coefficient is observed and then when the glass of flour is poured with three liters of water and feed goats pylon. For the sake of flour, the goat drinks all the water . The kidneys do not cope With the conclusion of such a number of fluid and the goat from under the tail is constantly floating with a liquid mass, which should come out with a peas. We do not eat only one first dishes by drinking them with compotes. We need and dry component in our diet. On the spring, the hay for the goat will be very by the way.

« What to feed goat in winter? Billet hay. Photo of Siechkari.»

Closer to the spring, even if the main hay is in sufficient, we slowly begin to feed the hay, which was on the seating of the goat. It does not have any repulsive smell, because We have dry in the goat.

Goats are not particularly afraid of frost if you are in a dry room. It is for this reason that we bring goats on a deep litter.

Each cell has its own feeder. This is an ordinary drawer with three high sides. From the fourth low side of the goat eats. Boxes 40x45 cm on the bottom. On legs.

Feeder for goats do it yourself.

Cod feeder inside. The wife tilted to the aisle so that the hay can be listed without entering the cage.
The feeder on the aisle is the most convenient option for both goats and a livestock. An animal husband does not need to enter the cage, and the goat is less than the hay. He drew her head into the fence slot and, watching all what was happening. Eats calmly.

Cut for goats on the aisle.

Vegetable salads and thick mixtures are laid out on the shoulders. Each goat has its own personal bucket. There are no goats from someone else's bucket. Veser is set immediately outside the door, next to the feeder.

Cutter for goats.

Cut for goats - slit.

The sizes of the feeder itself can be arbitrary and depend on the existing cell area. The main thing is that it is necessary to envisage - this so that in the upper cut there is a sufficient hole for heading the head into the feeder, and the lower cutout should be so that the goat, lowering the head to the Seine, could not stick his head back through the bottom neckline. It will be forced to eat hay with a constantly laid in the feeder head. Satisfied, she will raise his head again and go away from the feeder. Hay, with this method of feeding, is not scattered through the cell. This is a very economical design.

Each door has a discovery, where the goat can stick his head and watch the actions of the hostess, which is scattered on the aisle with thick mixers before feeding.

If such a hole is not, then the goat will stand in front legs to the fence to observe what is happening on the passage. It is poorly reflected in the goat, especially for pregnant.

Goats are very curious and polishing creatures. They have such a positive energy that they can successfully replace any psychotherapist. Each time, leaving them, feel easily, though, before that, the head was full of worries and heavy thoughts. Quite a few minutes to chat with them to get a positive charge for the whole day.

Each door has a discount, where the goat can stick out his head and watch the actions of the hostess.

We have a chart of Doyki Goat such that one daughter falls at night. The wife says what goes to them, as a holiday, although all normal people are already sleeping. Opens the door of the goat, and it is already celebrating the heads dried into the corridor, and each head makes his sound of joy. Happiness mutual! It's nice when you know that someone is waiting for you.

The content of the goat in the barn along with the goats.

The goat is contained in the same room with goats. No smell in milk neither we nor other people who drank our milk did not catch. I consider it a prerequisite for the content of goat in one room with goats. And in general, the attitude to the goat should be completely different. Not as written "experts".

"Goat's color, the birth of a goat."

Belarus. Grodno.
© Alexander Sosnovsky (2017) -

I will answer your questions in the comments.

Since mankind has tamed wild goats, these animals have become massive inhabitants of country farms and even country sites. Their main advantage is unpretentious and survivability. There may be a goat in the Seine, many manage to keep it even in the attic. Nevertheless, experts strongly recommend organizing goats special place, the best option is a separate barn.

Supervisory accommodation contributes to the shed

Although the goats are perfectly getting used to any climate and they are not afraid of the cold, no heat, still the construction of a home requires compliance with some rules. We list them.

  1. Dampness has a harmful effect on health, because the goat must be dry and necessarily well lit - the more sunlight it will fall inside, the better. The output of windows on the south side is desirable. Humidity in Klelev should not exceed 75% - the floor will not be raw, it is not necessary to regularly clean the cleaning.
  2. It will take good ventilation in the room - along with dryness it will relieve the owners from many problems with the health of their wards. Do not confuse the ventilation with draft, the last - goat is destroyed!
  3. Living in a warm climate, goats will be quite enough for a canopy in the yard. But if the winter you have harsh, you need a barn and necessarily insulated. It is allowed that the temperature in it is lowered at least 5 - 6 degrees, it is better if it will stay in winter at the limit of 10 degrees. In the summer, heat should be avoided, maintaining the temperature within 18 degrees.

Summer - goat enough canopy

  1. It is not necessary to divert a separate room to the goats, they easily get along with other pets. But make sure that each "horned" ward accounted for the next minimum of free space:
  • 1.5 cube on an adult goat;
  • 2.5 cube on a goat with kids;
  • 0.8 Cuba for each part of young people.
  1. The room can be common in all animals, and can be equipped with separate stalls for each individual - it does not play a big role. Goat and future goats - still you will have to burn a separate place.
  2. Correctly insulated the walls and creating the desired design - the constructed goat will not need additional heating. Exception - Study Winter in your region, then heating is obligatory. Experts advise to organize steam. The best option is to build a heating furnace in the neighboring an extension laid out of the stone. The furnace heating is prohibited by fire safety rules.

Health and rivers of goats depends on the right organization of personal premises. If it cost for a goat, there will be insufficient sizes, with violations of standards and conditions of content, animals will appear chronic diseases that can lead to a pope.

Before building a goat, decide which breed of goats you want to purchase and how much. You can buy them everywhere in Russia, where there are large farms, since it is they guarantee fully healthy and breeding young. Therefore, if you are interested in dying goats, pay attention to the farms, where there are animals by white Russian and Gorky dairy breeds. If you already have experience in the content and breeding of these breeds, we propose to pay attention to the animals of Swiss origin, Toggenburg, Alpine and Zaenney goats.

The cost of young goats depends on the breed, Russian cost 5,000 - 15,000 rubles, and the price of alpine starts from 20,000 rubles, but their acquisition pays off.

Cats are sold, ranging from two months old. For example, the goat of the Zaenan breed can cost from 3,000 rubles. Depending on the farm.

The goat stall is placed to simplify their content, as well as for insulation of patients or aggressive (cheaper) animals.


The stall must correspond to the size of the goat, do not limit its movements and not cause stressful state. What does it mean? The standard is the length of 1.7 meters, and the width is at least two meters. Practice has shown that fishing widths depend on the width of the stall - if the goat is closely, it will give a minimum of orders, and in a wide stall - maximum.

Since the goat is a herd animal, it is advisable to have at least two individuals in one pioneer in neighboring stables so that they can see each other. This means that the height of the stall should be such that the goat can turn his head without voltage and see his neighbors.

Height of the fencing stall from 1.2 m or more, depending on the dimensions and rock


The stall is created from natural materials, bars or logs, as they greatly retain heat.

  • The side walls of the stall can be with gaps, the main thing is that there are no drafts in the goat in the goat, and for this, the wall of the goat should also be wooden, without cracks, insulated sawdust, peat or second layer of boards.
  • Floor Make a solid, preferably from a flat slate or metal with a slope of 2-3 cm for flowing urine and feces into a special container.
  • The wooden floor is inappropriate, as the tree absorbs smells and moisture perfectly, so it will be very soon from it, the danger of the development of pathogenic microflora and various diseases will appear.
  • For the stall door, a steel galvanized grid is used, which is firmly fixed in a wooden frame so that the goat can be bored with sharp ends of the grid.


What should be a normal stall for goats? The standard is considered to be such a design in which the side walls are provided, the front with the feeder and the rear, which can be opened to output the goat to the grazing or to care for the inner space of the stall.

Often, the door hang feeders or nursery for the hay, so as not to go inside once again, so the rear wall is the wall of the goat, and the side - the board - borders with neighboring stalls. The height of the door may be about a meter. From above stall, if it is inside the goat, should be well covered, and when placing a stall in the courtyard in the warm season, it is desirable to cover it from above with a grille.


Dlzhna is ventilation, to ensure air circulation all year round. The air in the room should be fresh, without an unpleasant smell, because otherwise it is soaked in food, and goats will refuse him to eat. A good option will be a ventilation pipe with a throttle valve in a goat, because you can configure manually power of the drawing.

Construction of a stall for goats is not too complicated, if you know the features of the design, materials, sizes and requirements for the room.

Goats are not demanding animals. They are adapted to any climatic conditions, but in winter they need a closed room.

For wintering goats you need a goat

Requirements for building

The goat can be built at the calculation of the needs of the animal. Take into account the number of cattle heads and their sex differences. Females with children require personal space per square meter more than individuals without children. The humidity in the room should not exceed seventy degrees, and the temperature does not fall below six degrees. In cold raw room, the animal is subject to disease.

Build a room above two meters.

To make a goat to make your own hands it is important to choose the place right. The elevated area is ideal, preventing dampness from melting snow and protected from drafts. The room is prepared from the calculations of dryness and heat in it.

Next to the goat is definitely located the pasture, intended for grazing animals. The yard is located from the south of the building, in this direction, output the windows. In the cold season, the illumination of the room is maintained for eight hours.

If the smell of animals and goat milk causes rejection in you, then the construction of the goat is your own hands, based on the distance between their stalls and your home.

Scheme of goat and its size

The dampness in the room is avoided if you build a goat on the foundation. Or leave the floor of the earthen consistency, but build the room under a slope for the drain. In the direction of the drain, place the place where it will be poured, and change the timely.

Put wooden boards on concrete floors. From concrete there is a cold, which hurts the animal.

Floor surface with straw or hay.


Build the room preferably on the earth's floor, or clay-concrete, shining wooden boards. Change raw boards on the new ones in a timely manner. On top of the board, linger five kilograms of hay or straw. Build Lena for goats, placed on the hill. Since the animals prefer to sleep in such places, and not on the floor.

Wall material choose based on heat conservation properties. Prefer the wood material.

Constructing the walls of the goat from the boards with their own hands, take them in a warm material and break over the second layer of boards. This will save heat in the goat. Window openings place in such a way that the goats could not get to them. Check the walls for the presence of slots, possible foci of draft.

The best material for the goat is the tree

Animals are often susceptible to morbidity in rooms with loose walls and cold floors. Each individual needs a separate stall. Preserving the personal space of the animal reduces the risk of conflicts between animals. The quantity of the flux is reduced in flavored. The length of the stall should reach two meters, and the width is two meters. Facial Door Make a meter high and fix on a loop. The roof of the stall is either covered with grille or leave free. On the front side of the stall attach a wooden bowl where the hay falls asleep. Drinking placed on another wall.

If feeding is carried out on the plot, close the feeder from precipitation. Crude food goats are practically not eaten.

The pasture is selected at the calculation of the following requirements:

  1. Only goats walk on it.
  2. The pasture should be wide enough.
  3. One part should have three square meters.
  4. Be sure to protect the meadow, applying high fences from non-trainable material.
  5. Place the pasture on the hills.

It is not difficult to make the room. It all depends on which climate is peculiar to your area.

You can build it in the southern part with your own hands from a lightweight material, significantly saving on costs.

But to make it with your own hands in the northern regions you need from a solid material that protects against draft, dampness and maintaining inside the heat.

Goats are unpretentious animals for home dilution. They can easily transfer severe cold, rolled normally on one territory with birds. Goats can easily live on a lounge or saint. But if you have such an opportunity, it is better to quickly make a separate room for goats. Building the barn only with their own hands will not work. Such content of goats will be the most correct.

Shed for goat can be quickly made with your own hands

How should it look like?

Hvelev for goats should correspond to installed breeders and farmers criteria. These animals are perfectly adapted to any climate, they are not afraid of a large amount of the sun or cold. But nevertheless, the barn should be dry and light, because the goats can not be in dampness.

The pledge is extremely successful and correct in all parameters of the content of goats is thoughtful ventilation and complete dryness. In the warm region, the goat can live even under the usual street canopy. In the cold and even frosty winter, it is not necessary to do without a higher warmed pon. Placing goats can be separate or common with other pets. The minimum temperature that should be for normal content is 8 degrees of heat.

Remember that a separate erected stall should be a goat and small goats - avoid different conflicts in the pen, and the goat will always have enough food.

Pagon with your own hands is being built quickly, if you know certain features. You can do everything literally in a couple of days. Build a barn - a pretty easy task, but what should be his details?

Shed drawing for goats

Paul premises

The barn for the correct content of the goats must be made with their own hands in order not to create discomfort by pet. Caprician goats in relation to the bedroom place. They prefer the soul and slightly elevated places.

If you decide to make a shed with your own hands, you need to build a high-quality floor. When bookmarking the floor, it will be necessary to make a bias so that the flow of fluid takes place - so the content of animals will be correct. From above, a litter should be located, which will help the goat to avoid even the slightest contact with the annoying factors. As a litter in the pen, sawdust, leaves, chips, straw can be added.


When you do the barn only with your own hands, consider that the content of the goats should be in a spacious room, as the closest can affect the villas.

The front erected stall wall is manufactured as not a very high door on stable and strong loops. The height should be approximately a meter. If you want to enhance comfort, you can make a nursery with your own hands on this wall and give the coams of the hay so as not to go directly into the stall.

Stall Scheme for Goats

Nursery and Kormushki

The google content itself involves the fact that in the barn you will make your own hands and nursery with feeders. Animals are quite overdoor, so you can easily go through a whole stack of hay in search of the traveler's favorite. It is recommended to equip the pen with special feeders, so as not to spend a lot of feed. In this case, the shed will look much cleaner, and the content will be perfect, as the goats will not be trampled on their own food.

Placing feeders and nursery is so that you can easily get to them.

Provide drinking - this is the usual bucket that you do not just put in the pen, and hang the goat is easier and more convenient to drink from there.

Dimensions and Schemes for Goat


All criteria for which it is necessary to build a pen is clear, then everything is done in stages and promptly. To make a good pen, you should use only high-quality materials. Detailed instructions for the preparation of the barn looks like this:

  1. Choose space for the construction itself.
  2. Carefully laid the foundation so that the barn is stable and comfortable.
  3. Build windows taking into account the main entrance, several windows only with the southern and warm side. If the room is distinguished by small dimensions, the window must be made from the side of the main door.
  4. Make reliable and strong wooden flooring and floor.
  5. The roof can be low or two-tie. The second method is leading - you can store the hay on a small attic. Additional insulation from the roof is not required. It is recommended to cover the shed tiled or ordinary slate.
  6. Put an exhaust small tube that provides dampers. This item is located away from the place of permanent rest of the goats.
  7. Doors are made bivalve, but such to be easily insulated with severe frosts.
  8. The stall is built inside, the necessary nurseries and feeders under them are installed to maintain grain, hay and convenience.