How to choose the bed - the main criteria and recommendations. What bed is better to choose in the bedroom: everything about frames, mechanisms and appearance What bed is better to choose in bedroom reviews

Make the right choice is always difficult. Especially if it concerns the choice of the bed. She plays an important role in our lives, because thanks to her we can relax after a hard working day and, having gained more strength, go to him again.

Modern beds are equipped with a useful function of the lifting mechanism. With its help, the user saves a place in his small room due to the possibility of additional storage of things in boxes under the bed.

Rating Top 7 Best Beds for Daily Sleep! Reviews, Manufacturers, Overview it will help to learn more information about the right choice of bed, which will not make you regret after several days of use.

Best Bed Manufacturers in all price segments!

There are a large number of firms engaged in the production of beds of different types. We highlighted the most popular manufacturers of beds, relying on the reviews of professionals.

  1. Hoff. The popular firm for the manufacture of furniture in Russia is constantly developing and delights its users with new models that have the latest functions.
  2. Toris. Uses, when creating its designs, eco-friendly and high-quality materials that do not bear absolutely no harm to their user. The furniture of this company has its own uniqueness, thanks to the special style of patterns on mattresses and internal departments.
  3. Raiton. Produces a large number of designs for sleep, starting with beds and ending with couches and niches. All models of the submitted firms are hypoallergenic.
  4. ORMATEK. It has been working for 16 years and all this time pleases its customers with high-quality assemblies of models and long service life. She won respect and devotional attitude of many users and buyers.

Rating 7 best beds

After analyzing more the number of models presented in the best online stores and customer reviews on them, we made a list of the best beds. They will satisfy the requirements of absolutely any buyer, will provide him with high quality and long service life.

  • Hyper.

We propose to go to a more complete description of each candidate.

High-quality sleep is a guarantee of health, life tone and working capacity, so you need to choose a bed carefully, weigly and responsibly. This is the subject of the situation that is not accepted to change often, because a cool bed can serve not one dozen years.

How to choose a bed for a bedroom, pick up a mattress, which design features should pay attention to, will be told in this article.

Comfortable sleep directly depends on how the bed is in its size, the anthropometric data of its owner corresponds to the anthropometric data. How to choose the bed for the bedroom, will be discussed below.

When choosing a bed, pay attention to the following:

  1. If the bed is selected for a married couple, then its size in length should be focused on a higher family member. The optimal value will be a human growth, plus 10-15 cm for reserve;
  1. Check whether the dimensions are suitable for the beds, it is necessary to experiment - it is necessary to lie on the bed with the hands behind the head and painted elbows. It is necessary to do this together to make sure that there is enough space to both;

Council. You can measure the necessary width at home, lying on the floor in the specified position.

  1. The traditional shape of the bed is rectangular. This is the most optimal and convenient option in space. If the area allows you to choose a bed of non-standard form. It can be a round, oval or arcuate bed;

Important! When choosing a bed of non-standard form, it is necessary to consider that the covers for it will have to be made under the order.

  1. It is recommended to pay attention to the models with additional boxes - under the bedroom or in the headboard, which can be used for storage of bedding.

Basic models

Depending on the design features, the beds are divided into the following types:

  1. With support backs when there is a headboard and, sometimes, squirting. These elements are connected with the help of side panels, which are called the kings;
  1. In the form of a rectanglewhen 4, interconnected panels, form a cathyam;
  1. The design with legs consists of 4 panels and mounted headings and squatting;
  1. or other arbitrary shape.


Of course, the price of the bed to direct will depend on its manufacturer:

  • Foreign furniture will always be more expensive, the material is furniture that consists of solid or exotic breeds of natural wood is estimated expensive. It also concerns the design developments - furniture made under the order, as much as the standard one will be much more than the standard.
  • If we talk about the manufacturer, most people now acquire imported goods, in the hope of better material, from which furniture abroad is produced. But, the problem is that the price of a truly high-quality imported goods is very large.
  • The average price of the bed, which consists of such materials - 1100 - $ 1700. Cheap bed import is saving on all materials and qualitative indicators. It makes sense to draw my attention to not such an expensive, but sometimes a better category, these are domestic manufacturers, the price will be about 500 - $ 1000.
  • Now, according to materials, the most economical option will be chipboard. The bed, which consists of a chipboard on the external signs is pretty similar to the tree, but it will last much smaller. Wear visible after 3 - 4 years after the acquisition.
  • Beds that consist of wrought metal or wood will stand for a very long time. Wooden can serve for a long time, and these are decades, and metal - about a hundred years old, only over time they will darken a little, but it will give them a flavor.

Attention: There are pretty expensive materials, for example, leather bedroom beds will be quite expensive. Therefore, before buying it is worth thinking. How much such material you need.

How to choose a frame

The frame is not visible, but it plays an essential role in the design of the bed. The operational term of the product depends on its quality, and comfort from its use for its intended purpose.

The frame is the basis that must be durable, durable and reliable.

There are several rules when choosing a skeleton of bed:

  1. Choosing a frame, take into account the design of the product, materials from which it is made and dimensions relative to the sizes of the mattress;
  1. It is important that the maximum coincidence of the frame size and the mattress is achieved so that the latter remains in a fixed position and did not drive, otherwise it will be uncomfortable on such a bed, and the frame will quickly come into disrepair;
  1. At the stage of acquiring the bed, it is necessary to make sure the frame strength of the frame, estimating the number of ribs of rigidity in the form of jumpers and gratings, which should be optimal depending on the size of the structure. The number of fasteners directly depends on the size of the bed - the greater, the greater the rigid ribs should be;
  1. Save, purchasing bed, do not. The price for a reliable frame above, but also will serve such a bed longer;
  1. Frames from ash, oak and beech are the most durable;
  1. An important criterion for choosing a frame is its height. The traditional model is above the floor level at a height of 50 cm.

Modern models with oriental character are characterized by the location of the frame much lower.

Beds that can be found in modern interiors of American bedrooms, on the contrary, have too high frame - up to 90 cm.

Such a model is not suitable for everyone - except that, having a growing higher average.

Materials manufacturing housing

The most durable and reliable are the framework, the material of the manufacture of which is a wooden array or metal (see). One of the most reliable and aesthetically attractive is a wrought bed.

The bed of natural wood is aesthetically attractive and has ecology. Thanks to the microcirculation in the pores of the wood, the material for a long time retains its natural natural qualities.

A wooden bed in the bedroom interior makes it warm and homely cozy, and noble shades of wood create an atmosphere of sophistication and well-being.

The bed of metal with elements of art forging combines the strength and external ease of construction. Openwork elegant laces allow the bed to look light and weightless.

For the manufacture of modern bed models, veneered products from MDF and laminated chipboard are used. From these materials you can create models with concise forms and fresh bright design. Laminated chipboard can imitate the surface of many artificial and natural materials.

How to choose the base of the bed

The base relies on the frame, and serves as a plane on which the mattress is placed. In the people, this structural element of the bed is called grille or frame.

Three types of foundations are common:

  1. Rush (Wooden) base is a frame of a tree or metal, which recorded a certain amount of bent or direct rails located relative to each other with a small interval. For the manufacture of wooden supports, more often use beech or birch.

The positive qualities of the rattle base include the presence of air circulation between the rails and the available cost of the bed with such a design.

Of the negative sides of this reason, it is necessary to note the inevitable deformation of the mattress, which occurs over time, and a short operational period due to the fact that the initial shape and elasticity is lost.

  1. The base of metal looks like a grid, which is distinguished by a long service life (over 20 years), high orthopedic qualities and affordable cost. The disadvantage is the stiffness of the structure;
  1. The base of plastic springs has sufficient strength, good orthopedic qualities, a long operational period (over 15 years) and ease of use. By minuses include high cost and insignificant air circulation under the berth.

Important! If we compare the orthopedic properties of the base, then the highest quality are wooden bases. It is also important that the base is well ventilated, so the presence of linen boxes should not be a priority when choosing a bed.

  1. The base with transformable orthopedic lattices is the most perfect type of support. They are equipped with the mechanism of individual adjustment of the head of the head and the beds using the electric drive and remote control. As additional options, it is possible to adjust the rigidity of the base and the function of vibromassage.

How to choose a mattress

Useful orthopedic qualities depend on the level of the stiffness of the mattress, which should be at the average level. Too hard mattress does not contribute to the uniform maintenance of human body parts.

Too soft mattress deprives the body of a man of support, and leads to the spine clearing. The stiffness of the mattress depends on its internal filler. There are spring and flavored mattresses.

The quality of the spring mattress is determined by the level of stiffery of the springs of the springs: the higher it is the mattress less comfortable.

Flame-free mattresses are produced on the basis of latex foam, which is hypoallergenic, durable, environmentally friendly and well ventilated material.

Important! To extend the operational term of the mattress, it is necessary in a week after the acquisition to flip over the other side - and so for 3 months. Then turn over once a year.

Choose a double bed

For a long time, the bed can serve its owner not only a place to relax, it can and perform the functions of an additional place to store things. Do not lose meters of your free space under the mattress, it is better to find a different application that area.

And on a comfortable rest it will not affect. It is for this that the lifting devices and drawers are created.

The retractable box is a retractable device that consists of a tree undergoes the bed based on the bed and extends with the help of rails. This is a very convenient way to store winter things, covered and not only, as well as a good option for bedrooms of small sizes, because it will not take a lot of space in the room.

Attention: But, nevertheless, for quite small rooms it is better to choose something without drawers, because you have to leave a place to be free to leave these boxes.


  • The bed in which there is a lifting mechanism, has special shock absorbers, with their use the upper part of the bed easily rises and then fixed in the closed (upper or lower) position, which reminds the hood of the machine. This is a fairly simple mechanism, even the child himself can do this work itself.
  • The bottom of the bed, together with the lifting mechanism, is provided for storing things. The appearance of such a bed is suitable for small bedrooms, because you do not need to leave places for drawn boxes and here you will not need free space around.

Bed transformers

Sometimes the area of \u200b\u200bthe room does not allow you to put a full-fledged double bed due to the fact that the free space must be used during the daytime. It can be a small bedroom with several functional zones or studio apartment. Requirements for the bedroom place in such conditions - maximum functionality and mobility.

A novelty is a wardrobe, which is harvested in the assembled form in a niche and looks like a closet that occupies the minimum area in space. For the night, the transformation mechanism turns it into a full-fledged bed.

The bed-sofa will be a good choice for a small apartment. It takes a little space and has built-in boxes for linen. In the afternoon, it can be used as a place to relax and be a decoration of the room, and at night the sofa is transformed into a spacious bed.

Ways to accommodate bed in the room

How to choose the bed in the bedroom, it was told above - now you should decide on its placement in the room. The instruction is simple. Depending on the area and configuration of the room, there are several ways to locate the bed in space.

There are also several rules for the design of the room with the bed:

  1. It is not recommended to install the bedding of the bed to the doorway and headboard to the window, it is also undesirable bed location along a line passing from the door to the window to the window;
  1. For psychological comfort, massive structures in the form of beams and other elements should not be located above the headboard;
  1. Uncomfortable, if the mirror will hang in front of the bed;
  1. It will be good for the location of the bed at which the headboard will be located in a deaf northern wall with a diagonal location of the doorway;
  1. It is important to take into account that on both sides of the bed must remain quite free space, so the wall location is permissible only for one sleeping;
  1. The bed can be put on the diagonal in the event that the bedroom room is narrow;
  1. Using dark furniture during the bright decoration of the walls of the bedroom, you can visually reduce the height of the room;
  1. In order for the room to seek spacious and lighter, you can choose the bed material in the tone of the walls;
  1. To visually increase the room height, you can use the podium bed.

With the help of a competent selection of curtains, covered, pillows and furniture upholstery, you can visually combine the interior and create a harmonious space. With one-photon walls of the bedroom, bright textiles and decorative elements use expressiveness to give it expressiveness.

Have you decided to replace your old Taht's old tachtu? Or maybe you move to a new apartment and want to furnish the bedroom furniture from scratch? In any case, the purchase of the bed is a useful business. Nice bed - the basis of a good sleep!

Well, we will help you to decide and choose such a bed so that it is not only you liked, but also corresponded to modern ideas about the bedroom hygiene, that is, ideally suited for a full-fledged holiday. What are the beds?

To begin with: what we understand under the definition of "bed"

To begin with, we agree: a sofa and a bed are completely different things. Absolutely! There are various types of beds, but the type "sofa" is categorically no among them, this is another type of furniture. Although some people are synonymized and a big difference between them do not see ...

Unlike the beds, the sofas are undesirable to use for sleep. How and why, explained in detail in

After you and I have come to mutual understanding in this matter, we will study the variety of beds and determine how to choose a good bed.

In this article we will talk about the classic adult "one-story" (ie, not bunk) beds. Let's hope you adhere to traditional views on the bedroom atmosphere and just such and want.

Bed shape

Single beds and "Onesporks", that is, most varieties of beds, usually have a rectangular shape. Double - square or almost square. But on this variety of forms will not end. Sometimes you can find oval or round beds. And if oval at least somehow approached the usual form, then the round is unusceptible at all.

Usually round beds have a diameter of 2 meters and are considered double. However, in fact, it is not very convenient to sleep on them. Lying accounted for quite near. A round bed is suitable for you very well, if you sleep alone or embrace with your spouse or spouse. Then you will not feel any cramped. Also this is an acceptable option for those who are used to sleeping "Kalachik": two people can lie in different frequent beds, feline to curl and do not worry that they can not be pulled out in full growth.

So, the round bed is suitable for those who:

Prefers "Ergonomic" postures for sleep

Has a big bedroom and does not save space

Loves unusual

Ready to order a non-standard round mattress and bed linen.

The rest is better to abandon thoughts about such an object of furniture.


It may be present or absent. And what do you think, what bed it is better to choose: with headboard or without?

For a good sleep, the best beds have a headboard. You need some kind of "limiter", otherwise at night the pillow will slip out of my head all the time and fall to the floor.

If you think about it, the bed can be put on your head to the wall, and then the pillow is not going anywhere. Well, if you like to read before bedtime? You will often sit with the back of the back of the wall - the wallpaper will suffer. In many houses, where they rarely do repair, wallpaper near the beds are erased - pay attention if the case is presented! Based on this, we continue: the headboard not only should be present, it is desirable, it should be quite high.

As for the types of headboard, they are very different, for every taste. They are almost as much as varieties of beds. Most often, the headboard is directly connected to the bed, and sometimes it can be separate. Look in the photo: the locker is located to the wall, and it also serves as headboard. Also produced headboards, which are separately screwed to the wall, as a frame, and a bed is made to them.

The head of beds are low, high, solid or with lumen, rigid and soft, simple, or with decorations, rectangular, square, semicircular and irregular shape. There are beds, the shape of the head of which is generally difficult to somehow describe. (see photo below)

Types of Beds

A pair of types of beds: They are tough and soft (coated with filler and upholstery, kutany). The presence of the upholstery and filler does not apply to the bedroom, it remains tough anyway. Hard or kutan bed - choose to you. They are completely equivalent in their properties and equally hygienic (the upholstery is manufactured from waterproof materials).

Choosing a bed

Based on

Reflecting how to choose a good bed, remember: it should be not only beautiful in appearance, but also made of suitable "raw materials". At this point, you need to pay close attention. What are the beds on materials? Wooden, iron, with elements of plastic and glass, they are also often made of chipboard, LDSP or MDF.

If you buy a metal bed, make sure that it is high-quality, coated with an anti-corrosion alloy is to be sink. If you choose a tree, it is better to take an array. In general, wooden - as practice shows, the most high-quality beds and the safest.

Avoid low-cost beds made of chipboard and similar materials. During their manufacture, glue mixtures are used, which evaporate the harmful volatile components in the air (formaldehyde, etc.). Their inhalation is unsafe for health! If you choose in favor of "glued" materials, study the brand and make sure that the material is high-quality and harmless. The seller must have security certificates that it will give you to study on first request.

From whatever material, the bed is made, before buying, you need to make sure that it is good as the assembly, to see if it does not swing, whether it stands on the surface. Carefully inspect the locations of the joints and connections: there are no glue drills, evenly installed screws.

Based on

What are the advantages of a lack of reason? They consist that beds with grille or lamellas are easier by weight. In addition, it is believed that so the bottom of the mattress can "breathe" on them, and therefore evaporates the liquid. It does not accumulate in the mattress, it remains dry, and mold fungi and dust pliers, loving moisture, do not actively multiply in it.

All this, of course, is good, but not so much.

First: what do you care how much your bed weighs? You do not have to carry it daily - it is designed to sleep, and even if it is very hard, it will not cause any damage to you.

Secondly, the "breath" of the mattress is also a thing is not essential. During the sleep from the body, there is about 700-1000 ml of fluid from the surface of a person. Part of it evaporates in the air, the part is absorbed into the pillow and the blanket, and the part really gets on the mattress and in it. However, so that it is soaked through, and the fluid began to evaporate on the other side ... it is unlikely possible. The moisture remains mainly in the upper beds of the bedroom surface. And so that it evaporated, sufficiently after waking up for 20-30 minutes to leave the bed that is not refilled.

Thirdly, the praised orthopedic properties of spring lamellas are completely useless if you have already.

Whatever you say, the base of the bed must be solid. For the mattress, it is much better than the lattice that will be deleted in it. On a solid base, the mattress will remain not deformed and will retain its original appearance for a long time. In addition, you will never have to face the problem of replacing the rods of lattice and lamellas, because breaking the solid base of the bed is extremely difficult. The highest quality beds are more often made with a solid base. And if you think how to choose a good bed, you can safely lean in favor of this variety.

By gradually

Flying, that is, the "side" beds in its foot part is the most minor part. Without it you can do. Most modern beds are made by default without squinting, and it is even good: the sleeping person can swing, crawling out of the pillow, get his legs from under the blanket - and nothing hurts it.

By construction

The design of the bed can be different. If you like the sophistication of the forms and you have a big bedroom, it will be great to look great, but an elegant bed on four legs. If you are a practical person, then you will probably get a bed with a lump box, and if, besides, love convenience, then buy furniture with a lifting mechanism. Finally, the inhabitants of small apartments will probably prefer the transformer bed with an abundance of shelves, niches and boxes.

Any option is good. About tastes, as they say, do not argue.

To size

The size range of beds is wide, but most people are known only three options - this is a single, semi-gun and double beds. Choosing the width and length of the future bed, many people become hostages of circumstances. Naturally, in a small bedroom, where you can hardly turn around, it will not look and place a two-meter bed.

However, in whatever conditions you have lived, try to keep the size of your bed as much as possible. If you sleep on a single one, just think about these numbers: its width is almost comparable to a width of a cot. Ideally, everyone should sleep on double beds, even those people who spend the night alone. Large space is a free pose in a dream, the lack of a feeling of shyness, the ability to strifting as much as you like. This is convenience! Not worth it to deprive him.

Maximum width of beds that can be bought is 200 cm, but under the order with a big desire you can make a larger bed. Do not forget to pick up suitable mattress under it.

Choosing a bed, do not forget to rate this parameter as a length (many about it for some reason forget). The minimum Length of the Lodge is the magnitude of the growth of a person plus 20-30 cm.

And last: such a dimensional parameter as height. Now you can buy both very low beds and very high. Buy such furniture as it like, however, consider the following:

  1. Low options are better not to choose for an elderly person. Sit down and get up with a low bed quite inconvenient.
  2. Also, low beds are not recommended in rooms where there is draft. At the floor and at an altitude of up to 30-40 cm, it is most of all, it is necessary to sleep.
  3. Very high bed visually climbs the space, so if you are the owner of a small bedroom, you should not choose this option.

According to the availability of accessories

Modern buyer, in the conditions of the current abundance, surprise is quite difficult. The most unusual objects of furniture appear to the attractive view of people. What other beds are there?

For example, recently popularity has returned a bed with dietary beds. Are they good? From some side, yes. They are very beautiful, in addition, when you lie on such a bed, you can create a complete privacy effect, putting a canopy and extinguish your small sleepy world.

However, there is no big practical benefit from Baldakhin, and even on the contrary. The main complaint to such beds is that the bastachene fabric becomes a concentrated source of dust accumulating in the material. In addition, even if the canopy is not thin, it disrupts the circulation of air around the sleeping, does not impair the access of oxygen. The person actually breathes with dusty air, and it is harmful to health.

Another frequent "device" beds are numerous upholstery decorations. Folding, rushes, other decorative elements ... Objectively - they are also not needed. First, in numerous folds, dust and pollution are collected, the bed is heavier to care. Secondly, all these decorations often become victims of encroachment from small children and animals, ultimately come off, and instead of them there remains seam or an ugly glue spot.

We really hope that this tour of the world of furniture did not go for you for you, you made conclusions for yourself and now you understand what bed it is better to choose. We wish good luck in search of your dream bed!

Good sleep is a guarantee of health, and on health, as you know, it is impossible to save. Doctors have long proved that in almost half of the cases, the cause of the back pain is incorrectly selected bed. On the contrary, if the purchase is done correctly, taking into account all rules and recommendations, then the dream will bring real vacation and relaxation, and the morning will always be kind, even despite the bell of the alarm. How to choose a bed and not lose your head from a huge assortment? We deal with the type of design, preferred materials, size, style and other features that are important to consider when buying.

№1. Bed size and shape

When choosing a bed, you must focus on the growth of those who will rest on it, as well as on the size of the room. Rule simple: buy the largest bed that can fit in the bedroomwithout interfering with free movement. Asking the parameters of a specific model in the store, you can hear the answer that the size of the bed is standard, but it is better to clarify and recall the exact data in centimeters, since the standards in different countries may differ:

Standard Bed Length - 190 cmMore rarely there are models 200 cm long. If you search, then you can find a bed and 218 cm long, and if you need a sleeping place even more, you will have to make a bed to order.

When choosing the optimal size of the bed, take into account these recommendations:

What concerns forms, it is better to stay on the traditional rectangular, and their design fantasies implement in an unusual decor and bright textile. Bed round, oval, arcuate form or in the form of a heart It looks spectacular, but can cause a lot of problems: from inconvenience during sleep to difficulties with the selection of bed linen and plaids. All will have to sew individually.

№2. Bed frame design

The bed consists of the base where the mattress is placed, and the framework, which relies the base. The framework of the frame can enter backs Heart and Flying support (legs, podium) and tsargi. (These are the side panels of the bed).

The frame may be one of these two types:

What type of frame is better, it is definitely difficult to say. If the bed is performed qualitatively, it will in any case will be durable, and low-quality copies will soon begin to creak. However, samples on the support backs show themselves somewhat better than the models on the legs. Supports of larger square break far less frequently than legs, but the bed on the legs looks more air and weightless.

Number 3. Bed performance material

High-quality bed material is a pledge of the durability of the product. There may be several options:

  • array of wood - most preferred material. Such beds have maximum durability and durability, they are environmentally friendly and safe. The most durable will be carcasses made of oak, ash and beech, but it is possible to find a good option in a more accessible category;
  • metal Also shows record resistance, has a high service life durable. welded and wrought beds. The second option, of course, looks more exquisitely and elegant and today, by the way, is at the peak of popularity;
  • bed from will cost cheaper, but largely inferior to the tree and metal. Such products look good, harm to health is not applied, but the life of their operation to the first breakdown is somewhat lower than that of wooden analogues. By the price / quality ratio, this is the most attractive option in the market, so such beds are very popular;
  • beds from Feds and Chipboard It is cheaper than everyone, serve for a short time, quickly begin to creak, and then they scatter them at all. Purchase of DSP - Forced Measure, when the budget is strongly limited, but even in this case it is necessary to watch certificates of safety and pay attention to the level of formaldehyde emission (in residential areas it is possible to use products of the level E0 and E1).

MDF, chipboard and fiberboard can be laminated and repeated patterns of any breed of wood or stone, can be painted or veneered, so externally such beds look very attractive. Often manufacturers are used upholstery with cloth, leather and eco-skin. Pay attention to the fabric to be dense and wear-resistant.

Today it is fashionable and close to use. Of these, not only cottage furniture and cozy sofas with tables for summer sites cafe are made. Several such boxes can serve as an excellent base for the bed in an urban apartment. This decision will fit, however, not in any interior.

№4. Bed base

The base of the bed is firmly attached to the frame and becomes support for the mattress. The base may be such species:

It is best when under the base of the lamellae (this is the preferred choice) is nothing. In this case, the mattress will be perfectly ventilated and served for a very long time. In order to use beds with storage compartmentsunder the sleeping place. These can retractable boxes, which is not very convenient, or a large storage area, access to which is carried out due to the lifting mechanism.

№5. Bed with lifting mechanism

Under the big double bed, so much space is formed as on average or. If the apartment is small, stupid not to use this space. Of course, you can take a model where you are under the bedroom several retractable boxesBut this approach does not allow the sub-space as much as possible. You can open such boxes in any bedroom, and it is not so easy to find a similar option.

It is better to take a bed with a lifting mechanism: it is only possible to raise the base with the mattress, as a huge one appears in front of you (approximately 1.8 * 1.9 m and 25-40 cm in depth) storage location. It is possible to fool there as bedding, and the unreasonable clothes - the spaces are enough for everything.

Depending on which load is assumed, choose one or another lifting mechanism:

№6. Folded bed, or transformer bed

It is clear that the stationary large bed can fit in every apartment. Often you have to be content with the best place, but there are also alternatives. These are the so-called transformer beds or beds-cabinets. In the afternoon they are held near the wall and do not interfere with free movement, and at night due to the folding mechanism turn into a full-fledged bed. In the afternoon, such a bed can serve as a butt closet, to be decorated with a pretty picture or and to turn into a small sofa.

There are transformer beds who are in the afternoon and open access to the table, and the mechanism is arranged in such a way that all items on the table top when moving the bed remain in their places.

№7. Bed back

The presence depends on where it will stand. If you collect the bed headboard in bulk to the wall, then without a separate back, you can easily do. The wall near the headboard can be highlighted, for example, paint or wallpaper of another color. There are more bold solutions: boards, spins of trees, etc. Over the headboard, you can organize a shelf for storing the necessary or purely decorative things. Sometimes such a shelf smoothly flows into the storage system, which continues on the sides of the bed.

If you plan to put a bed not back to the wall, then it is better to take model with your headboard.It should be reliable and convenient for it to be able to boldly learn while reading or watching TV. In some beds, the headboard is located at a low angle - this is the most ergonomic option.

№8. Bed style

The material and design of the bed should not only meet the requirements of ergonomics, but also respond. Therefore, deciding which bed to choose, it is necessary to take into account her design:

  • low platform Beds and Podium Beds High-tech, Japanese style perfectly fit into the style;
  • bed. with leather headboard will decorate the interior in ethnic, modern, minimalistic and classic style;
  • beds S. bamboo frame and wicker backs will become a tropical, ethnic or;
  • in retro style, and Country will also fit the bed with forged back, but it is not very convenient, so it is better to stock large quantity;
  • beds S. carved wooden backs, gilding, decorative linings and inlays will be used in the interior in the classic style, and Rococo.

№9. Mattress

The convenience of relaxation on the bed is very dependent on the chosen mattress. As a rule, high-quality orthopedic mattresses are already included with the bed, but often you have to buy this product yourself. It is better to take a medium-rigid or hard mattress if it is not prohibited to you for medical records.

Springs, latex, polyurethane and even wool can serve as a filler. Among the specialists there is still no consensus, what mattress is better: some say that the ideal are those filled with latex or polyurethane, others advise to take combined mattresses. The best advice is to rely on your own feelings and test the mattress in the store. The topic is very extensive and deserves separate consideration.

№10. Bed accessories

Among additional options, the bed may have:

№11. What else to consider when choosing a bed?

In pursuit of a large spacious bed Do not forget that the place in the bedroom is limited, and besides the bed, it is often necessary to arrange a wardrobe or, leave a free passage to the bedroom and the window.

You can find the beds for sale very original design. For example, in the form of a boat, nests, there is even a swing bed, but trying to make a variety of home interior, do not forget that the bed must first of all should be comfortable.