How to make a staircase in the attic. Drawings stairs on the attic

Foldable ladder for cottages, country houses, and cottages with mansard premises, becomes a necessity. It should not take a lot of space, because every square meter is important in the country house. In addition, the big advantage of the stairs will be its mobility. Folding structures save space and easy to install. To perform all accompanying tasks on the construction of such a staircase with your own hands.

The folding staircase in the attic may be both indoors and the attic itself. The second option is more profitable in terms of saving residential space. According to the design of the ladder, there are the following types:

  • monolithic (marching or screw);
  • folding (lever, telescopic, scissor or folding);
  • portable (appitable or stepladers).

Portable structures are used very rarely, mainly when performing construction work. The most convenient option is monolithic products that have widespread marches and are equipped with railings. However, they are not suitable for access to the attic, as they have large dimensions.

It is better to use retractable designs that are safe to use and easy to install. In addition, in the folded state, they do not occupy places in the room. Due to the variety of possible designs, you can choose the staircase that is most suitable for your home.

Transformer stairs

For the manufacture of folding attic stairs, a tree and metal (most often aluminum) are used. This combination allows you to get the best results. The tree is necessary for creating stair marches (the weight of the design is reduced), and metal parts are most often the corners, fastening and mechanisms that provide stiffness of the structure.

For stairs, the solid wood is chosen (birch, ash, larch, beech, maple). Bar needed to choose at least 2 cm thick. Ate the staircase will be used quite often, it is worth thinking about the metal structure. The hatch cover should be filled with foam for greater heat insulation. The dimensions of the stairs to the attic:

  • the optimal march width is 65 cm;
  • the average number of steps - 15;
  • the optimal width of the step is considered 19.3 cm;
  • the thickness of the steps is not less than 18 mm;
  • the optimal angle of inclination of the structure is 60-70 degrees.

So that the staircase does not slide on the floor, it is worthwhile to wear special lining for each theater.


Such stairs are performed entirely of metal. Their other name is the harmonica stairs. They are easy, compact, easily attached to the hatch. However, scissor stairs have one drawback - over time, creiphing appears when operating. They periodically need to be lubricated.


In this case, the folding staircase has several sections that fold one to another. Usually they are made of aluminum. Domestic daches are wary of such stairs and prefer transformers more.

Sectional hinge products are more in demand. They are more cumbersome and complex in the installation, but they have high strength and durability. How the retractable staircase is manufactured in the attic, described below.

Location of stairs

One main requirement is presented to the location of the stairs - it should not interfere with residents when moving around the house. That is why it is not installed in the bedroom or hallway. Sometimes there is a staircase as an interior object - if the size of the room is allowed. In this case, it is not necessary to hide it.

Production of two-section stairs

The folding staircase should have a simple and practical design, it is worth seeking a variant with two sections. For the manufacture of such a staircase, a small amount of tools and materials will be required:

  • hacksaw;
  • ladder;
  • roulette;
  • bar 2-3 cm thick.
  • loops in the width of the Kourow;
  • hook, selflessness, anchor and loops.

First you need to prepare work, then make a staircase, and then install it correctly.

Preparatory work

First dismantle the old construction consisting of a staircase and a decorative frame equipped inside the passage. Then you need to pick up bars for staircase marches. Each advance must have a cross section at least 30 * 50 mm. The optimal slope of the attic staircase in conditions of a small size of the room is 60-70 degrees. It must be taken into account when calculating the length of the staircase and the angle of inclination of the steps of relative staircases.

It is located in close proximity to one of the walls to arrange a two-section staircase. Foldable design will hang directly on the wall. The presence of only 2 sections does not allow you to hide it on the attic directly above the passage.

Production of stairs

First collect the lower and top parts of the stairs. To do this, you will need 4 tents and steps. The lower must be 1/3 of the total length. Then it is necessary to strengthen the top of the diagonal slats to give it more hardness. Then the design is combined together with hinges. On the upper part of the stairs fasten the bar, which will later be screwed to the wall.

The staircase is attached to the wall with a pre-fastened bar. It should be installed directly under the hatch. The advantages of such a design are obvious - minimum of parts and efforts in the manufacture, simplicity of installation, ease of construction. The lack of a two-section staircase - it remains in sight.

To avoid such a situation, it is worth building a more complex design. The optimal option is a staircase with 3 sections. It can be easily hidden in the attic, using only if necessary.


The most compact version of the staircase in the attic is a hatch with a folding structure attached to it 3 sections. Such products are sold in stores. They are made of steel, have small sizes and are made of steel. You can also construct them yourself. Wood bars are most often used as material. To build a staircase on the attic with your own hands, you will need to perform a certain sequence of actions.

How to do hatch

Before performing the hatch it is worth calculating its dimensions. If the hatch in the attic is 125 * 70 cm in size, then the passage should be cut by 7-8 mm more on each side. This will make it easier to open and close the hatch. The level of thermal insulation from such a gap will not decrease.

As materials you will need:

  • Bars 50 * 50 mm - 2 long and 2 short.
  • Plywood with a thickness of 10 mm.

Now you need to build a hatch. For this, the 4 bar is fixed with each other, and then they nourish the plywood sheet. Before fastening plywood check diagonal. In order for the design from the bars not "led", you need to nail a brazer to the corners. After the hatch is made, it must be tried in the opening.

So that there are no locks outside, and the hatch is well closed, you should embed the door latch into the cover. It will be great to keep the hatch and convenient to open.

Opening mechanisms

Now it is worthwhile to do the most difficult - creating opening mechanisms. In order not to complicate and not delay the process, you can buy them in a construction store. However, if a desire to do everything with your own hands has appeared, you should follow certain rules.

To begin with the drawings of the future design, given the opening angle of the hatch. To make a hinge on which the hatch will be opened, you will need:

  • pieces of sheet metal;
  • one corner;
  • two metal strips of different lengths.

Holes are performed on the hinges according to the drawings in advance. Then connect everything together, not strongly tightening the bolts. Determine the opening angle can be experimented. For this, the hatch is open to the desired angle and make marks on the metal. Then the area that interferes with the movement of the corners is cut out with a jigsaw.

Now every corner will stop in the desired position. In order for the mechanisms to be identical, one is completely manufactured alone, and then all parts of the second are performed on the finished sample.

For greater strength, the hatch connects with the opening that supports the design from the corners and metal strips. By the end of the upper strips, slices of metal welded in which the lower strips will be dried. The corner becomes the reference platform. As a result, a hinge mechanism is obtained, which turns out to be semi-covered when the hatch is opened.


The staircase itself is made of wooden boards. An inch board 100 mm is suitable for the instrument and steps. The first section is performed by the size of the hatch. The second length can be equal to the first section provided that it will not touch the ceiling during folding.

For the third section, the length that remains to the floor is selected. The angle of inclination is measured with an open hatch. Then it must be transferred to the board, noting the steps. Then placed the length of the sections. All marking that was performed on the first board should be transferred to the second. All lines must be in mirror reflection.

Where hinge hinge will be located, it is necessary to drill holes. The top will be drilled directly at the junction of the bonded boards, the lower ones on their external sides. So that the holes look more aesthetically, it is worth up to arrive on them.

Then the boards are collected in the joints of the segments. After cutting the steps and grind all the elements. At the assets perform small recesses in which the steps will be inserted. Once all structural elements are ready, you can start assembling.

Loops for marches

The next stage in the manufacture of stairs is the execution of loops for connecting stair marches. This will require you to find 8 metal strips with a width of 25 mm. On 4 of them it is necessary to prevail a small piece of the same strips. Every 3 holes are drilled in each. One will serve as a connection site with a hinge, others - for screwing to the stairs.

To connect the segments of the stairs, they must be put on a flat surface. The hinge must be screwed in such a way that the bolt entered the grooves specially drunk under it - in the center of the connection of the sections. After screwing the loops, you must check the section on bending-extension. Only after checking is performed, you can screw 3 sections. After all the procedures are made, you can remove the hatch and screw the staircase to it.

Each staircase, regardless of the type, should be comfortable. In addition, when performing an attic design, it is worth sticking to the basic rules:

  • dersighted folding stairs should not be more than 3 meters;
  • metal steps should be equipped with anti-slip overlays;
  • models made of wood are not installed in too dry or wet rooms;
  • mechanisms and fasteners should be strong and reliable;
  • from time to time rubbing parts of the product stands to lubricate.

Such rules will be useful in the manufacture of attic stairs.

As you can see, make an attic staircase with your own hands simply. In the process of its manufacture, certain recommendations should be followed, and before starting work, make a detailed drawing. In the process of work it is worth abiding, especially when working in the attic near the opening.

Starting the construction of your own cottage, do not everyone understand that such a trifle, like a hatch on the attic with a staircase, an element is mandatory to the device in any house. A small door will make life in the house safer, even if the attic does not use. In addition, it is important to make the approach to an attic hatch be as comfortable as possible and safe.

The space under the roof of a residential building can be used in different purposes. Even if the attic is not a residential, it carries the function of the technical room. But more often the owners of cottages still use the place under the roof with the benefit, placing there residential rooms or space for recreation.

Regardless of the purpose of the attic or attic, this space must meet certain safety requirements:

  1. It is necessary to have a free passage to the space under the roof, to extinguish the fire. Most often, for this is satisfied with the hatch. Materials from which the door is produced must comply with fireproof standards and have fire resistance not lower EI30.
  2. The construction materials of the roof and finish of the attic are mandatory are processed by flame retardant compositions.
  3. Large in the area, attic spaces are divided into compartments capable of overlapping the spread of the flame.
  4. Under the roof it is forbidden to arrange storage facilities.

If the attic is to be built, it should have a path of evacuation individual from residential premises. Despite the seriousness of the requirements, it is not difficult to realize them in private construction. Usually enough for this, it is enough to arrange a hatch with a staircase in the attic overlap.

Old and new

If you look at the houses built in the last century, then you can see that all of them are equipped with outdoor attic doors. People have always understood that the entrance to the attic is necessary to make the house more secure.

Modern construction technologies and materials allow you to arrange a comfortable and beautiful entrance to the attic of the house. At the same time, to the installation of this design should be approached with maximum seriousness and pedantry. Despite the seeming insignificance, the reliability of this door is quite possible once saved a building or life.

On a note! The negligence in the device of an attic door, at least, will lead to drafts.

If there is also an absence of a vapor barrier layer in the wrong design, then as a result, get high humidity under the roof and as a result of the reproduction of mold and fungus on the floor of the overlap.

Luke size

There are no restrictions in the size of the hatch normatively. It should be guided by economy, comfort and common sense. First of all, the door to the attic should provide a free passage into the space under the roof. The experimental means identified some optimal criteria:

  • the width of the door depends on the size of the staircase march and usually exceeds the dimensions of the steps on 10-15 cm;
  • if the staircase is mounted with railings, then the opening should exceed the march width on 20 cm least;
  • doorway length is usually done 1,2m, This size allows you to freely move along the stairs;
  • the height of the overlaps at the installation site of the hatch must be no lower 2m, It is important to take into account the size of the stairs in a disassembled form;
  • the most convenient opening will be internal: the doors open towards themselves in the direction of the residential premises.

Important! The mechanism for fixing the sash in the open and closed position should be provided.

Types of hatches

The door in the attic can be implemented in various ways. The choice of the opening mechanism and the type of hatch device depends on the option of the stairs, as well as from the frequency of the required passage to the attic. The most frequent implementation options:

  • Revision It is arranged in a situation where the attic is not used as a residential premises. Optimulated for roofs with a sharp angle of slope. It is usually operated along with the withdrawal staircase.

  • Mansard inlet Very beautiful solution and, as a rule, combined with the door on the roof. This method is not recommended for an independent device, since it requires certain construction skills. In addition, it is necessary to correctly calculate possible loads on such a door.

  • Vertical hatch Built in buildings with different levels of premises. In fact, this is a lowered door from the residential room into the space under the roof. A simple way, but is extremely rare, since it is created in buildings with a specific layout.

  • Horizontal entrance to the attic - The most common way for private construction. It is quite possible to the device on your own.

It is the device of horizontal hatches that consider in more detail.

Prices for mansard windows

Mansard window

Requirements for attic stairs

By independent design and construction of an attic staircase, you should know what kind of requirement is presented to such designs. Restrictions on the angle of inclination and the width of the sticky are revealed by experimentally and confirmed by the calculations of engineers. These criteria are spelled out in Snipha And in the case of mass development is mandatory for implementation. This is done in order to still make the process of operation as safe as possible.

Before designing the ladder on the attic or the attic one to get acquainted with the main security criteria:

  • the length of the stairs in a disassembled form should not exceed 3m;
  • the width of the span must be within 0.6-0.7 m;
  • the height of the stage is chosen on the basis of the growth of residents, but usually hesitated in the area 0.2m;
  • the number of steps, that is, the steps to the rise must be odd and no more 19;
  • the optimal angle of tilt an attic staircase 60-70 0 ;
  • width sticky 24 -30 cm.

On a note! The stacuum material should be durable on the break and at the same time have some bending backlash. Comfortable thickness of sticking stroke 18 - 20 mm.

Types of designs

Depending on which the room will be under the roof and how much the building area allows, household owners can arrange a different passage to the attic.

All types of stairs can be divided into 3 methods of device and operation:

  • Stationary.

These are marching, screw, cantilever structures. That is, the staircase which is built together with the building, is associated with it by one amplification system, distributing the load on the carrier parts of the building. Such stairs are distinguished by the following characteristics:

  • thoroughness;
  • considerable weight;
  • long service life;
  • high strength.

In addition, such a design always occupies the useful area of \u200b\u200bthe lower floor. Even with the device of the screw steps, the most economical in terms of volume, you will have to sacrifice square meters.

On a note! To give preference to a stationary staircase, in the event that the attic room is a living and its daily use is planned.

  • Portable (Power).

The use of portable stairs to visit the attic is quite common in cases where the space under the roof is technical and does not require frequent visits. In this case, this is the most budget method of the device and the most inconvenient and traumatic. We are not recommended to use the panel staircase alone without insurance. In addition, the stepladder or an appropriate staircase must be stored somewhere and, if necessary, bring it into the area of \u200b\u200bthe attic hatch.

  • Folding.

If the attic has a functional value and is used often, but not daily, the optimal way of the passage of the passage becomes folding stairs. These designs are removed in the hatch or wall and for this reason have obvious advantages:

  • do not occupy a place on the lower floor area;
  • in unfolded form are durable and sustainable design;
  • do not require the organization of the storage location.

Folding stairs, as a rule, do not have a riser, so the width of the sticky is often reduced, rightly assuming that the stop 2/3 of the feet is enough. But when designing, it should be borne in mind that too narrow coming will make the staircase as an increased risk, so the steps still have to be about 20 cm In width.

Types of folding stairs

Folding staircase, even complete with an attic hatch, you can buy in the finished form, and you can collect with your own hands. Let us describe the most common types of mobile steps:

  • Telescopic. Guides for steps are laid out on the system of matryoshki, that is, one in one. Steps are installed on guides using mechanisms - clamps. Not the most reliable type of stairs, problems, as a rule, arise precisely with the clamps.

  • Scissor. Another name of such steps is a harmonica. It is on the principle of fur and stretches the staircase with a simple movement down. As a collected form, it is quite compact. This design can be purchased in the option of automatic sliding.

  • Sectional folding. The segments of the stairs are folded, as in the scissor version, but rather large sections, and not adapted. For this reason, the staircase in the assembled form is quite cumbersome, but it does not take place on the lower floor, because it is removed in the hatch. The absolute advantage of such a design is the price, this is the most economical option.

  • Folding. The stairs that are fixed in the nearest wall and are removed in the assembled form. In working condition, such a design is very similar to a conventional marching structure. The advantage of such a march is the normal angle of inclination, usually 45 0 . But for use will need a free area of \u200b\u200bthe lower floor. In addition, the assembled staircase on the wall will not decorate the interior.

Find out your own hands, as well as check out the drawings and videos, in a special article on our portal.

Prices for various types of attic folding stairs

Folding stairs

Wooden attic three-section staircase with her own hands

The first thing to be done is to cut down the opening in the ceiling in the selected place. All further calculations will depend on the dimensions of this opening. Note that the hatch will be attached to the body of the overlap, so if necessary, it should be strengthened.

After the proof is ready to draw up the project of an attic hatch with a staircase. The drawing must designate the following dimensions:

  • the thickness of the ceiling overlap;
  • length and width of the hatch;
  • the angle of inclination of the stairs;
  • width of a staircase march;
  • length and number of sections;
  • the number of steps and the distance between them;
  • strong width.

The most difficult from the point of view of calculations is the moment of determining the length of the stairs in a disassembled form. For such a calculation, it will be necessary to recall the school mathematics and find the Bradys tables, it will take the value of the corner sinus:

  • determine the location of the stairs on the drawing;
  • measure the angle of inclination (remembering that it should not be cooler 70 0);
  • calculate the length of the ladder by the formula L \u003d H / SIN, where L is the length of the staircase, H is the height of the floor to the attic hatch, Sin is the value of the sine angle of inclination.

On a note! A simpler, but less accurate method of calculation, it is determined by the size of the hypotenuse, in a triangle, where katenets are height to the hatch and the calculated length from the edge of the hatch to the location of the ladder on the floor of the lower floor.

The dimensions of sections are calculated as follows:

  • the first is the longest, the size of the hatch is reduced to 10% ;
  • the second is less than the first on 10%;
  • the third is the remaining length to the set of all the size of the march.

The project is calculated, the materials are purchased in the required quantity, you can proceed to the production of a hatch with a folding staircase.

On a note! After the project is ready to calculate all the fasteners, including connecting hinges, loops, locks and an external handle for easy opening of the hatch.

Prices for bar

Luke Door Making Technology - Step-by-step instruction

Any door consists of a box (frame) and doors (canvas). Box attached in the opening, and the canvas is fixed on the frame.

The size of the box must be somewhat less than the size of the opening for the hatch. Each party should be 2 - 3 cm on the formation of the mounting seam.

The process of manufacturing step by step looks as follows:

Step 1. Rama is knocked out of a bar or board. Corner connections are performed by 45 0 . All parts are fastened on glue or self-tapping screws. For greater strength, the corners of the box can be fixed with furniture corners.

Step 2. The core for the dense is also collected from the bar. The design can be enhanced by the transverse crossbar.

Step 3. From the side of the attic in the cloth, the material windproof (waterproofing) is laid. Inside the canvase is placed insulation, for example, mineral wool. The inner side of the door is pair insulation membrane.

Step 4. With both external sides, the door is sewn plywood, a thickness of at least 8 mm.

The canvas should be tight, but free to fit into the frame. Before starting work, all wood should be treated with firebow-protein composition.

On a note! The hatch box is mounted flush with the bottom plane of the ceiling, this should be considered when choosing a frame size for the frame.

Prices on construction boards

Building boards

Assembling stairs

First of all, it is necessary to cut the timber on the theater of a staircase march. As a result, three pairs of bars of different lengths should be obtained. The lowest pair is better to carve out with a small margin so that in the fact of the installation of cutting the angle on the end of the bar for solid fixation on the floor.

The algorithm of action is as follows:

  • failure boards for coming in the required quantity;
  • on the bars of the tents make marking for fastening steps;
  • while the bars pair using the tape and drill holes in the fastening places of the steps;
  • drill the place to install the hinge mechanism at the ends of the bar to connect the sections between themselves;
  • collect the whole design on the self-tapping screw.

Video - Self-assembly of an attic staircase on metal mounts

Setting fastenings of coming to the tutor, it is better to navigate on one edge and make one hole only. After the staircase is installed under the desired angle, one stage is set and the second hole is made so that it is strictly horizontal. To repeat the desired angle, make a pattern from cardboard and drill the place of attachment of the rest. Fasten the staircase to the door follows after fitting.

Mounting process

If work is performed by two or more people, you can mount the hatch together with the ladder on the attic assembly. The design is rather heavy, so it is almost impossible to carry out such an operation alone.

If everything is collected and measured correctly, the installation process will not be difficult:

  1. In the thickness of the overlap is mounted box. All on the anchor screws is fixed. Frame is fixed in several places: at a distance 10-15 cm from the top of each angle and in step 40-50 cm along the length of each side.
  2. Door hangs on the frame on the loop. In advance, it is installed a hinge for fastening the stairs and all shut-off mechanisms.
  3. The top section of the stairs is mounted to the fixed door.
  4. The whole design of the march is assembled with hinge mechanisms.

Mounting seam is melted. After that, the inner side of the seam should be sampled with a metallized scotch, and the upper part lay a waterproofing ribbon. After such an insulation, the seams can be closed with a strip of the ostel or any other decorative material.

Important! Seam from the side of the PSUL tape does not require additional protection. Stucked by a cut is categorically impossible.

Video - Installation technology of the attic staircase in the finished ceiling


A staircase with a hatch on the attic is an element required to the device in any building. Types of stairs and hatches, as well as methods of their installation must comply with fire safety requirements. At the same time, it is possible to collect all the designs with your own hands or purchase a finished product and order installation in a profile company. The modern building market offers a large selection of finished designs, as well as various materials for self-making.

Each house has a need for additional square. When all the rooms are functionally occupied, the owner of the dwelling begins to look for a free space beyond. This is where the folding staircase is in the attic. It will allow on to equip the workshop, children's room, put a billiard table there, a bar counter. The owner begins to think about this idea, to buy whether to buy a staircase design in the finished form or make it yourself.

An example of folding staircase made of metal on the attic

But before he must familiarize himself with its various options to choose the appropriate.

Depending on the place of establishment, the attic inputs are internal and outdoor. Foldable attic staircase outside, as a rule, is not installed. A stationary design installed outside is not entirely comfortable in winter, but it does not take a single meter of the useful living area; Another option is insulated.

So that the metal parts are not exposed to the destructive effects of precipitation, they are most often made from galvanized metal or paint special paint.

An attic staircases are made of wood and metal. Both options are sufficiently durable devices. However, they can creak or loud, although not for all these sounds are an irritant factor. In addition, they can be eliminated or at least muffle, if you use various nutrition or anti-slip overlays. Tree and metal are often combined to get very attractive multi-stage designs.


The monolithic structure with steps, as a rule, is installed on the tree, with handrails and railings. With the active daily use of the attic room, it is complemented by the door. Without it, it is not necessary when it is equipped as a comfortable room in a house as or adults, rest rooms, a workshop that you have to visit daily.

Equipment for stationary wooden staircase in the attic

For a stationary device, a separate territory is sometimes launched - a staircase.

Folding attic stairs

They can also be bought or make it yourself. Installed in rooms with limited space, when it is impossible to build a monolithic staircase. Folding attic stairs have several varieties, but they all are not cumbersome, but light, but the weight does not limit the strength, because the manufacture of solid wood and aluminum is used for manufacture.


Such a retractable design is attached to the hatch cover, and is folded to the floor itself on the principle of the tram converser or the harmonica. This design is only metallic, so over time, without due lubricant, it starts to creak. Used in a private dwelling during non-intensive use of the attic.

Scissor staircase scheme on attic

Load capacity is small, but the weight of an adult is maintained reliably.


The staircase from several sections that are packaged one to another are called telescopic. Usually it is made of aluminum, so it is light and durable. But the consumers do not use such folding stairs on the attic of great popularity. More often they are used on construction works in the form of a stepladder. In the packaged form, it is so compact that the dimensions allow you to transport them in the trunk of a passenger car.


This is one of the varieties of folding staircases, usually consisting of two sections. The first is rigidly attached to the base of the hatch. On the bottom to it is attached the second special hinges, allowing to be folded forward.

Drawing with a folding staircase

When it does not need it, and the entrance to the attic is closed, then the folding design is in the attic room. If you open it, it leans and falls on the floor.


With a lack of space, a retractable staircase is installed on the attic. It can be made of wood or metal. Speed \u200b\u200bfrom the hatch, which opens manually or using an electric drive.

The basic requirements for such a design are compactness, strength, low weight. To achieve this, the manufacture combines a durable tree and light metal.


It requires a larger space than folding devices. Maybe with or without railings. It looks very light, no matter whether it is wooden or made of metal. Original design, but lifts and descents are difficult, and sometimes risky, especially for the inhabitants of the house of old age.

These attic stairs are used in homes, in which the attic operation is not so intense. They can be arranged so that all the steps are attached to the pole, which is located in the center of the system. There are such staircase spirals, in which the steps are held with curved carriages of the antiforms.

Folding and can be without any particular problems to buy in the store building materials, where pine, oak, and metal, and usually made from aluminum are sold. The cheapest product is made of pine, but it is not inferior to other materials.

We should not forget that the staircase purchased in the finished form needs proper care, which includes the processing of wooden surfaces by fire impregnation, lacquer coating or paint.

Metal parts, hinges, rollers need to be lubricated with machine oil.

But the market can not always find a suitable staircase. Then the best option is the attic staircase with your own hands, which can be done in accordance with your own wishes and tastes. How to do it? Today in the World Wide Web there is no shortage of relevant information. Only a desire, the necessary materials, tools and creative enthusiasm are needed.

Primary requirements

An attic staircase is a risk zone, so it must comply with the following requirements:

Details of the stairs

A homemade master who has decided to independently build a staircase design must familiarize himself with its components.

Staircase design elements on attic floor

Then he will be better to deal with how to make the ladder in the attic in the best possible way.
Any thoughtful staircase consists of parts, some names may not be previously known homemade craftsman. It would be nice to get the drawing on which they are depicted and signed.

These include:

  • Beams that are called the growths and kosomers;
  • Railings, security handrails;
  • The edges of the steps, also having their name: horizontal - appeal, and vertical - concentration;
  • Flight of stairs.


This is a durable beam in which cuts for fastening steps from above, so that their ends are visible on the side. There are staircases, which she is one in the middle, and wooden planks are attached to it horizontally. But more often the installation of an attic staircase for greater strength is made on two cosos.

Then, even visually the whole design looks strong, able to withstand heavy loads. Metal support is often manufactured by a non-straight, but stepped form. Make it at home is very problematic, it is easier to buy in the finished form.


This is called the carrier inclined beam, and differs from Kosouffe the fact that she hides the ends, and the steps are attached to it with the help of special grooves. Therefore, they must be two - on both sides of the staircase. Without these beams, it is not even a folding staircase in the attic, if it is made of wood.

With them, the stationary design looks massively, good, while on the cosos, it seems visually easy and spacious.

Railing and handrails

It should be sorted out if there is a difference between these concepts. Railings - fence on the outside of the staircase march. From above, they are connected by handrails - this is an integral part of the fence, which is based on their hands. In the complex, they ensure the safety of movement. These elements can be metallic, wooden, even glass. They look very attractive if they are made of stainless steel: protection equipment is not required, especially painting, and the service life is almost unlimited. But not every consumer will decide to buy them due to a high price.

Option device Rail stairs on an attic floor

Railings are needed good, reliable. If an attic staircase with a hatch, then they must end near its foundation and do not interfere with the functioning of its cover.
Some mandatory requirements are also imposed to handrails:

  • The width should allow a person to clashes them with his hand to keep tightly;
  • Height - at the level of an adult belt, not lower;
  • In order to avoid injuries, there should be no sharp corners at their endings;
  • In appearance, a single, harmonious ensemble decorating the house should be composed of the entire staircase.

Precepts and narrowing

The vertical part of each attack is a contee. It closes the space between adjacent steps, and is also an additional support for them. Such steps are called closed, and those that consist only from some horizontal dors for legs are so-called open. These details also equip folding ladders in the attic.

Flight of stairs

This is an element that connects all components into a single design. He has a maximum of 18 steps fixed on carrier beams - a tutor or a koser. There are one-time stationary systems without turns from the floor to the entrance to the attic and multi-hour with several spans. They must comply with the same requirements that are presented to all staircase details: durability, convenience, safety.

Design of staircase march

The useful width of the march determines the distance from the wall with the finished finish to the inside of the handrail.

In a country house, the space under the roof is often a useful area and is actively used, so it will be worth the attic staircase with a hatch made by hand.

Types of stairs to access the attic

Ladders were always used for communication between floors, it is not an exception and the last, the top level is an attic or attic. The rise in the undercase rooms can be included in a single marching complex, that is, the ceiling located below will serve as a platform for the next staircase. But in the attic access can be organized in two ways - through the door from a small site, where you can climb from the steps from the residential floor, or through the hatch, directly to the upper overlap.

Now let's talk about the design of the staircase. It can be stationary with steps, or descended directly in the hatch, being fixed on its cover. The second option is more compact, but harder in execution, the first requires a significant area, even for. Separately, it is worth mentioning a folding staircase with crossbars, which is fixed on the wall when not needed. Movable models are most practical: Folding, telescopic, sliding and scissor.

Often, in search of information about folding models, you can find a mention of sectional, hinge, folding stairs. All these are different variants of the same type - folding, since it is the principle of the construction of the construction. Do not confuse sectional folding models with spans of the same type, but with antimitatives as the basis. The latter are conventional steps fixed on the hollow space located, which are called the assets, one of which is rigidly fixed on the wall, and the second rises on the hinges of the steps.

Folded staircase - design features

First, let's look at folding models that are made from both metal (aluminum, stainless steel) and wood in combination with steel parts. Regardless of the height of the ceiling, even if you can reach it with your hand, the folding staircase in the attic will always consist of at least 3 sections, both purchased and done with your own hands, the drawings rarely differ in this regard.

The fact is that the supports of the lower section must necessarily be restarted in the floor, and if you make only 2 long tribes, the attic hatch will have to be very pulled out in length. This, in turn, take part of a useful attic space. If it should be taken into account its slope to the floor, it is strictly vertically, it is never installed. Accordingly, the cover must be folded down not under direct, but at a sharp angle about 70-75 degrees. At the same time, the hinge between the two upper sections becomes the center of the arc, which describes the folding knee, in connection with which the hatch should be such that the lower part of the second section does not hurt its edge.

The line between the supports resting in the floor is 20-30 centimeters on the edge of the attic opening, which ensures a sufficiently comfortable angle of the staircase. The last factor is also fair to telescopic or scissor structures. The uppermost section of the folding model is usually fixed directly on the hatch cover to open it at the same time starting the submission of folded sections down.

Consequently, the suspension sash holds must be strong enough, they are best to choose from the calculation of the load of 150 kilograms. An attic staircase should be made with a large margin of strength, if it is actively operated with frequent visits to the attic, it is best from metal. The exception can be the steps, they can be made of wood so that it is not too weighty design. Sections are connected by conventional all-in-mail hinged or lever loops.

Telescopic attic staircase - buy or make yourself?

The sliding sections of the telescopic type are presented a very complex device for making at home, and many buy ready-made along with the attic hatch. However, you can do the acquisition of only the retractable staircase, which is often found in building stores next to the tools. Its distinctive feature is aluminum sections and plastic elements for fasteners of the crossbar.

This staircase is mounted on the attic with his own hands on the hatch, the thinnest part over the loops of the cover down the covers. It will not be possible to fasten to the last rigidly due to the fact that the telescopic knees are rather short, and fixation of at least one, besides the top, will interfere with the stairs to extend.

Before making and installing such an attic staircase with your own hands, you need to carefully measure the distance from the floor to the ceiling of the uppermost floor. If the fully spread of the knees will be too long even with the inclined position of the structure, 1-2 upper sections can be rigidly fixed on the hatch in a semi-imaginary or folded position. Worse, if the supports of the staircase do not get to the floor, in this case you will have to install it on the descending suspensions without mounting to the edge of the hatch opening, the cover of which will be kept with separate levers.

With self-assembly of the mechanism to lower the entire design down, the suspensions are best fixed on the staircase racks using steel clamps, it is possible with through boldly fixing them to the support. Hold in lowered the telescopic staircase can be both purchased crankshaft, and ordinary cables. For the hatch cover, in addition to the suspensions, there will be needed springs that, in addition to holding it in a closed position, will raise it without much effort. However, such springs can also be equipped with the upper retractable sections of the stairs (even blocks are used for such an operation, which will be discussed on).

Sliding sectional design for attic access

Many believe that the retractable telescopic staircase on the attic is identical to the sliding model, but the difference between them is quite significant in manufacturing with their own hands. If in the first embodiment of the section in length in the length of the rack between two crossbars, one of the other is put forward, then in the second case, they consist of 5-6 steps and slide one along the other by the external guide.

In other words, the telescopic design is more compact, but the sliding is easier to do on its own. After all, it is easier to collect sections moving on the sleds than to select the segments of the pipes of different diameters, not to mention the fixation of these segments so that they do not disintegrate when nomigious. As for the assembly of sliding stairs, they can be different. The easiest option is all sections of the same size and are placed one on top of another, with a connection on the sleds with rollers.

Another type - the lower sections are already upper and there are one inside the other, according to the principle of the fire staircase. In this case, the top knee supports should be wider than the bottom so that the section can easily fit on top of the crossbar, the salazzas are located on the inside of the racks, and the rollers - with external. This model has the topmost knee, regardless of the type of construction, should be rigidly fixed on the hatch cover equipped with durable suspensions and springs.

Scissor attic staircase - advanced technology

This option is perhaps the most interesting, because it makes it possible to rise into the underfloor rooms on full flat steps of sufficient width, to comfortably put the sole of the leg. At the same time there is a staircase as compact as the telescopic. This design has one indisputable advantage: if you attach a spring at least one section, pulling it up, in the hatch, the stretch element will fold all the knees that are interrelated levers.

The whole design resembles several dozen scissors, which are pairwise joined the rings and tips of the knives among themselves. Steps are always mounted at the points of intersection of metal strips, where the screws are located in the scissors. At the same time, they are strictly fixed in relation to the axes that have a limit of rotation. It is not difficult to make such attic stairs with their own hands, you only need to have in stock for 25 steps 100 metal strips, preferably from durable stainless steel.

Each 2 bands are connected by a bolt exactly in the center, and then the resulting elements in the form of the letter x are movably mounted with a short sleeve. Steps are installed at crosses. At the same time, so that they do not swing, you need to either make them slightly lower in the corners, or make limiting protrusions on opposite metal stripes.

ATTENTION - Folding scissor sections, be careful that there are no fingers between the planks.

Folded staircase fixed on the wall

Here are 2 ways, how to make a ladder in the attic. At the very beginning, we mentioned that two-section folding stairs were impractical if the hatch had small sizes. However, such a model can be fixed on the wall, if the opening is located at the edge of the overlap. In this case, we make 2 sections, short and long, and the second fasten under the most hatch, loops on the thick bar, attached at the top point of the wall. The second knee is made longer than the remaining distance to the floor, and the beams are screwed down on the loop, so that in the folded position it was between the wall and the long section.

Another folding attic staircase is done on inclined growths with full-fledged steps instead of a crossbar. One board is rigidly fixed on the wall, which we have already mentioned above. The loops are screwed to mount the mobile coming, to which, in turn, also on the hinges, fastened the second theater, can even with railing on rod balasines. At the top, under the opening, make the focus for the descending board. So that the entire design is kept upside down, it must be cling to the crochet to a metal loop specially attached to the wall.

In private houses built with scanty roofing, there are necessarily attic rooms. They may be assigned a technical role, but more often in them there are residential attitudes. Useful space needs to everyone, but how to get into the attic if the operation was not planned when creating a house project? You can make a stationary staircase, but this task is very troublesome.

For sale now, attic stairs with hatch and without it, which are easily installed in the overlap between the floors. Constructions occupy the minimum amount of free space, functional and practical. Thanks to these staircase systems, you can comfortably get on the attic floor.

Choosing a staircase type

An attic lifting designs can be installed outside or inside the house. If the attic residential, then use the second option. But even if the room is not residential, access to it must be the most secure, convenient and imperceptible.

The following types of stairs are used to access the attic:

  • monolithic marching or screw structures;
  • portable in the form of a stepladder or sub-stairs;
  • built-in solutions.

The choice of a particular staircase depends on the conditions of operation, the requirements for strength, from the volume of space in the overlap. If a foldable design is acquired, then the product dimensions are taken into account, the material of manufacture.

For residential premises it is better to purchase wooden solutions. Metal stairs are more suitable in the house with a modern interior.

It is important to pay attention to the distance from the floor to the ceiling. If the staircase model has a greater height than necessary, then it is necessary to clarify the possibilities of adjusting it - the staircase should not simply hang on the ceiling, it should be supervised to the floor surface.

Also important is the size of the opening. It is very often limited to the distance between the elevations of the overlap or the overall dimensions of the hatch in the construction of reinforced concrete. In this case, if there are no restrictions, you can buy a model as much as possible. If a design with a hatch is selected, the latter must be highly thermally insulated.


Stationary monolithic stairs on the attic are marching or screw structures. This is one of the most traditional types of stairs in private house-building. Such solid solutions, aesthetic, comfortable and safe. But these are massive and expensive products that occupy a lot of free space.

Among the advantages of such solutions can be noted the presence of handrails, as well as protective fences. It is very important if older people or little children live in the house.


These attic stairs are nothing more than the ladders and the withdrawal stairs. They do not occupy a lot of space, inexpensive, and after operation they can be removed into the storage room. It is very simple to use them, but you need to understand that it is not always convenient to use the stepladder and safely. Power staircase applies only during construction or repair, as well as at dachas.

There are steel, aluminum portable and domestic, European and Chinese-made stairs. Products differ in price, quality, number of steps, as well as the presence of additional elements.


The folding staircase combines the advantages of the first and second options, but also not devastable. Such models are safe, easily and easily fit into any interior, allow you to save space, easy to use. The democratic price of models with a hatch will delight, and it can even be surprised.

The folding staircase can be made of aluminum alloys and wood. Often manufacturers combine these materials. The wood uses predominantly durable rocks. Thus, the attic folding system "Faro" is made from a high-quality timber of coniferous rocks. Other brands use beech, maple, oak.

Foldable aluminum staircase is suitable when it will be used constantly. This staircase is distinguished by increased resistance to wear, greater durability.


Sliding or retractable staircase is a metal or wooden design. It can consist of their two or more sections. On the upper section there are guides for which the lower part will rise and fall. The feature of the sliding / retractable model in the complete absence of spring elements is to reduce the price.

The sliding system is able to withstand the load up to 200 kg. Wooden retractable model will withstand up to 150 kg. The mass of metal products and wood models are relatively small, the size is compact, the march has a slight scope. Since the device is simple, then the mechanism is durable.

These models are primarily used in a private house with low ceilings. In most cases, the design is embedded in the hatch and insulated.

Folding with spring mechanism

Folding staircase with spring mechanism - the most common type. The principle of its work is simple. Two mechanical nodes for opening and closing the hatch correspond to the quality and reliability of work. The folding staircase sections are connected to each other powerful loops with a shoe or lever loop.

The staircase can be purchased at a finished form or make it yourself from the Power, it is important to only calculate the desired length of the plots. The folding staircase mechanism is made to ensure smooth operation, when the lid moves down, and weightlessness when it closes back. A special return spring is installed along the box.

Article on the topic: Telescopic aluminum staircase - Mobile stepted for all cases

Also presented scissor staircases. Here, the steps are connected with each other with special scissor elements. The design when lifting is folded in such a way that each stage is very tight to each other. When lowering the stairs, the brackets are revealed, and the steps are held on a convenient to lifting / descent.

Most often, manufacturers offer metal products. Additionally, the models are equipped with comfortable handrails.

Among other important advantages are high fire safety, as well as strength. The model is able to withstand up to 200 kg of weight. These solutions are more compact - the staircase is distributed in a straight line, and the additional space is not necessary directly next to the hatch.


The telescopic system is not particularly popular in the domestic market, but in Europe such stairs are in great demand. The main material is aluminum. The staircase is assembled from individual hollow tubes, in the folded form, the stage can very firmly fit alone to the other, and in unfolded form are securely fixed.

The sidewalls are formed by hollow pipes located on a larger diameter to a smaller. In the process of folding, the side elements add up to each other.

The minus is that the telescopic design has a load limit - is not designed for greater weight, as well as the system is not equipped with handrails for convenient lifting up. The staircase is also not different.

The telescopic staircase in folded form has a compact size - such a model is able to be easily integrated into overlap. Also there are structures of wood, but such products do not differ in particular strength, so apply less frequently.

Simplified folding stairs

These designs are not hidden behind the manhole of the attic, but they are easy to hide in the corner or for any interior decoration. This is a rare kind of attic stairs. They consist of two or more sections connected by loops, and fold on the principle of the book - part of the ladder is folded and competently leaning against the wall.

In the video: an overview of the attic stairs and tips on the choice.

Selection of material

In the manufacture of attic stairs, manufacturers use various materials. It is predominantly aluminum and its alloys, natural wood, as well as steel. The choice of one or another material depends on the type of staircase, as well as from the destination - is it a product for the room or for the street.


Wooden ladder is the most common and affordable option. If the attic in a private house is not so often applied, then you can purchase the most inexpensive products - the withdrawal stairs. If the entrance is beautifully decorated or the staircase is needed for the street, then other requirements have been put forward - wood should not be rotted, expand after several years of use.

The tree breeds are used in various, it should be selected based on the tasks. So, in classic interiors you can buy products from oak, ash and other breeds. Of the more expensive breeds most often make stationary stairs with railings, and the folding are made from pine.


A metal product is a guarantee that the lifting system will work for many years without wear.This is especially true for aluminum or stainless steel models. Steel, if the product will be used on the street, will require anti-corrosion processing.

Metal is more attractive in modern interiors, such as high-tech and minimalism. Especially harmoniously fits telescopic and retractable systems.

Selecting the size of the stairs, you should focus on already proven, as well as approved norms:

  • The recommended march width for convenient lifting / descent is from 650 to 1100 mm.
  • Height is no more than 350 cm. If you choose more significant sizes, then the product will lose in rigidity and safety.
  • The number of steps - no more than 15 pcs. Sometimes this figure can be enlarged, but you will have to further strengthen the stairs.
  • The distance between the steps makes approximately 15-20 cm, the thickness of each step is 2 cm, but it is not rigid.
  • The angle of inclination of the stairs is 60-80 degrees. To install the staircase under small angles, you need a free space, and the big angle reduces security.

Sizes of stairs with hatch

To have a complete picture of the overall sizes of typical lifting stair systems with hatches, on example, one of the largest manufacturers' companies consider the parameters.


This category includes stairs on a attic with a hatch, the dimensions of which are 60 by 60 cm. Such models are available in the catalogs of many manufacturers, but the size is non-standard. The stairs themselves are compact and do not take a lot of space, you can install them in any rooms.


Staircase with a hatch of 60 by 80 cm - a more standard solution. Such models are available at various manufacturers in large quantities. These products are popular with buyers.


Luke is not the simplest detail and at the same time an important part in the folding or folding staircase system. There are several types of hatches:

  • horizontal - typical solutions installed in the ceilings;
  • vertical hatches;
  • mansard structures;
  • auditing hatch for checking the condition of the attic.

The first, horizontal option is the classic and the most frequently used design. The manufacture of such a hatch and installation to it can be carried out with their own hands, there are drawings on the Internet and everything you need. However, there are models of stairs, already equipped with a hatch.

Mansard hatch multifunctional. It is a hatch for access to the attic, and at the same time exit to the roof. It works hard, but very functional. The minus is that this hatch will not work independently - it is necessary to order a product in the studio, the installation should be carried out by the hands of experienced professionals.

With a staircase

The hatches are equipped with folding, sliding and scissor staircases. Such solutions are most often assembled in rooms with a shortage of free space. Among the advantages - compactness. You can choose a staircase without orientation to the interior and the style of the room - the staircase itself hides inside the overlap.

Some hatches are equipped with a special mechanism - lifting devices in a few seconds will empty the staircase down. If the built-in staircase is manual type, then to lower it, just one easy hand movement.

The only lack of construction is difficulties in independent installation work. However, if you clearly follow the instructions of the manufacturer, everything will turn out.

Without stairs

Here everything is much simpler, it is wooden or plastic hatch. Built-in folding staircase is missing - it needs to be done independently. Montage of the hatch can be performed with their own hands. You can even make an independent product. Hold the design on the ceiling loop. So in the room it was warm, if the attic without heating, one or more layers of insulation are stacked in the hatch.

Construction of the hatch [do it yourself]

A homemade design will not be serious from factory models. The only nuance is finishing. The drawings are presented on the Internet, and for the manufacture you will need a small amount of tools and materials. To make a simple hatch, you need a few sheets of plywood and a timing of 5x5 cm. Thick can choose another. This hatch will not have insulating materials inside.

Stages of work:

1. The first thing is to choose a place where the hatch will be located. Then determines its optimal dimensions. Another 9 mm for each side should be added to the numbers. This is allowed to further fold the lid without noise and squeaks.

2. Further cut the wooden bar on the part of the overalls of the hatch. Then at each end of the bars make grooves, they are lubricated and connected to a rectangular design. Most often, the size of the hatch is such that it is the rectangle.

4. In order not to be diagonally, they screw the jacks. After that, you can try to try-install the hatch in the opening of it.

5. So that the hatch can be closed, the latch is cut into the top cover. The design will open with the help of the handle, it is fixed on the lid.

6. Then the product in the opening is fixed, ordinary loops are used for this.

A more complex design includes a ram with a thickness of 10 cm, as well as insulating materials inside and rubber seal around the perimeter.