How to make a small decorative bars in the country. We draw a pond in the country with your own hands: Interesting landscape ideas, useful information on creating, decoration, care

Answer, please, for one simple question: which object is able to transform the country area beyond recognition? Tip: This is not a garden and not a gazebo.

The answer is simple - this is an artificial decorative reservoir in the country, made by their own hands. The construction of the pool may be problematic: the large area and volume of water, the process of construction is expensive and painstaking. Another thing, if you build a small pond in the country. Anyone can afford to afford such a water. Moreover, the water in the garden does not require the help of specialists - all the works of the software are performed alone. Your desire and hard work will help achieve a good result!

You can build a design of any shape, decorate it with beautiful swamp plants, run inside bright Japanese.

What is necessary to know about decorative water bodies?

Have not yet decided on the place for the future pond? We recommend to do it first. A little secret: Choose it in such a way that it is not in the influence of direct sunlight with your own hands in the garden in the garden. Long stay under the sun promotes the reproduction of bacteria, the growth of algae - an unpleasant smell appears.

On the other hand, building water bodies in the garden next to the trees is also not recommended. Dry branches and leaves will swim in the water constantly standing nearby trees can destroy the design with their roots.

From the standpoint of Eastern Art Feng Shui, decorative reservoirs are always placed on the southern or east side of the site. So water will be able to bring energy benefits. But the territory, densely planted with fruit trees, is better not to use at all. It is desirable that the area of \u200b\u200bthe facility does not occupy more than 3% of the territory.

The next fact that you did not know exactly about the sizes of the pond. It turns out that the larger than the reservoir, the easier it is to take care of it. This is due to the fact that the solid volumes of water and the area contribute to the creation of a stable ecosystem between animals and plant worlds.

The basis for the reservoir is the ready-made capacity: a huge cast iron bath, a reinforced concrete bowl, a film from butyl rubber, polyvinyl chloride. Some craftsmen make a homely tire pond with their own hands. When there is a ready-made container, construction is simplified. You are elementary digging the pit, place this container in it. Although building a large reservoir will be already problematic.

The most convenient and at the same time the economical option is a film. In addition, it allows you to adjust the shape and depth. From using conventional polyethylene is better to refrain. Due to the short period of operation, it will give a flow after 2-3 years.

What does the construction process look like?

Now you will make sure that you build a step-by-step - almost elementary task. As evidence of the photo and a detailed description of the construction:

  • Preparation of the bottom. Drop the recess in the ground at least a meter, with an area of \u200b\u200b3-4 square meters. m. Kotlovan must be perfectly smooth, without any roots and stones, as well as protrusions. You do not want to damage the film that will become the basis, right?
  • Drainage. Put the film - it is only half. To immediately prevent the shrinkage, the sand layer is placed on the bottom. Of course, you can make a magnificent bottom of the pond, if you find it with concrete, lay out granite. These are solid financial investments, so it is better to do with simpler methods. Geotextile layer protects perfectly from rodents.

To achieve maximum film elasticity, stacking is best carried in a bright, sunny day. Under the influence of high temperatures, it reaches much better and easily envelopes the protrusions of the pit.

  • Laying the film and water fill. The edges of the film are fixed along the coast. To strengthen the decorative reservoir, as in the photo, use stones Hazard, plump with gravel or ordinary river pebbles. Well established already ready-made plastic containers, in which there are places for landing.

After filling out artificial capacity, we do not rush to cut the film. Wait a day so that the polyvinyl chloride material takes its final volume.

After that, you can cut the film, and in the pre-done trench lay the edges. They neatly convert and fall asleep with rubble. If the widths are not enough, you can connect several pieces with a spike.

  • Registration. Much will depend on your imagination. It may be all sorts of figures on the shore of the pond, beautiful plants, aids, of which water supposedly flows and so on. The bottom of the pond is littered with pebbles or rubble, plants are placed in containers.
  • Care of the reservoir. Without proper care, artificial reservoirs are quickly turning into a swamp. To this not happen, you should take care of whether to prevent stagnation of water. Buy a filtration system or plant plants that could regularly absorb carbon dioxide, saturating water useful for life oxygen.

Do not be afraid to experiment, actively combining several options at once.

In winter, the driver merges, plants go to wintering in a home aquarium or a natural reservoir located nearby. Plants are better to immediately disembark in the baskets, which are placed on the bottom of the pond. You can use lilies, cubes, as well as lilies as decor. You can carry out artificial lighting, additionally install the pump for high-quality water circulation. In the evening, the day the pond will delight you with beautiful illumination and pleasant murmur.

Made from the bath pond do it yourself

Let's look at the use of pig-iron baths as the base for the pond in more detail. Do not rush to hand over it on scrap metal or throw away the landfill. In a private house, it can be used for various purposes, including the creation of a decorative reservoir.

Make a depression and by filling it with sand, perform a cement screed. Thanks to such a simple way, groundwater will never be able to blur the design. Sand ratio with cement should be about 10 cm to 3-4 cm.

After 5-7 days, pour centimeters twenty gravel and lower the cast-iron bath. Side openings are also filled with gravel. Ensure that the edges of the vessel do not rise above the coast. It will look very and very unnatural. Lay out pebbles around the perimeter - it is desirable that it be flat.

The bathroom installed on the slope is strengthened by a large stone on one side and make a similar on. On this all - you can pour water and plant plants!

How to care for artificially created pond?

The construction of a water branch is half an end. Like any other object on the plot, it requires careful and attentive care. Without him, even the most beautiful pond will quickly turn into a dirty, swampy place, starts to disperse, making an unpleasant smell. In order to avoid this, experts are ready to give several tips.

In the spring, artificial reservoir look at their own hands as soon as ice comes. This is usually the middle or end of March. There are no better time - you have not started working in the garden and in the garden yet, you can inspect the pond is not in a hurry and very thorough. All comes into account, starting from the appearance and ending with the shores. Are they remained integer in what condition is the form?

The owners of deep water bodies often leave fish for wintering in a pond. Be sure to check their condition, pay special attention to the electrical pumps, filters. It will not be superfluous to check the bottom of the reservoir for integrity. With the appearance of cracks or leaks, they need to be embedded as quickly as possible, and in water fish - temporarily identify.

End of March, the beginning of April is a magnificent time to do plants. Last Year's Flora suits you 100%? Then land it for your previous place. Want something new? Purchase new plants. Do not forget about the nearby flower beds, creating a special atmosphere.

Most likely, there will be many leaves in the water, which in the autumn brought the wind. In the spring they are cleaned to prevail to eliminate the processes of rotting and not spoil the water. The walls of a small reservoir are cleaned through a conventional brush, dirty water is pumped up, and a new one is poured instead.

In the summer, the main worries are associated with the maintenance of water at the proper level. In too hot days, when the moisture evaporates in front of the eyes, the water rushes additionally. To saturate liquid with oxygen, it is recommended to create an artificial shadow and turn on compressors from time to time.

Plants that grow around the pond are trimmed in time, as shown in the photo. The arranged weeds are removed in a timely manner. This applies to the remnants of the feed, which remains after the meal of fish. If you do not get it, the quality of water can worsen.

With the onset of the first colds, the initial task of the dacket is to minimize garbage and leaves in the pond. Plants on the shore are trimmed, the leaves are cleaned. You can hang over the pond a small grid to protect against leaves in the water. Some representatives of the flora can be removed into the warm room until spring. Fish feeding can be strengthened - it must be equipped with nutrients for the winter.

If the pond is small and winter freezes to the bottom, completely throw away the water, and take fish to the home aquarium until spring. From the deep reservoir, fish can not be taken. Take care so that the gunpiece had a wormwood to provide living beings with oxygen.

Contemplation is a way to restore your domestic strength and removes the fuss. Loving the nature in any of its manifestation - whether it is a leaf, a blade or even a little pebble, we fall into a kind of trance, deepening in our "I" without binding to what is happening events. Probably, therefore, there is a massive "escape" of citizens away from noisy habitats, closer to Mother's nature, where on his own, even a very tiny piece of land, you can relax and relax the soul. How to create a relaxing atmosphere in his garden? There is nothing easier! Instead of a couple of three beds with potatoes and tomatoes, we break a small pond at your dacha - now you will have more time to rest and contemplation of water stroits - and this is, as you know, the best cure for stress and decline. Do you think that such a complex hydraulic design is not for you? With our recommendations, you will be the "Sea of \u200b\u200bKnee", not to mention a small pond, whose bookmark you will be quite alone.

So, you realized that life is more inconceivable without a cute lake, designed to please your eye and soothe nerves. How to create a pond in the country with your own hands so that it harmoniously supplemented the landscape of the garden and existed long enough, and did not become a problem zone requiring tireless care?

The original feature of a small pond, decorated with boulders, can be an unusual track of flat stones.

Let's start with the selection of a pond style and selection of space for its bookmark. Then, tell you how to technologically correctly make a pond and equip it. Selected in the right style and laid in compliance with all subtleties, an artificial pond will become a real pearl of your garden and an excellent destination for peace.

A small excursion

Special charm landscape pond give its smooth outlines and decorative vegetation adorning the water surface

The landscape pond with natural outlines will always be appropriate in the depths of the garden near the gazebo or near the terrace of the house - after all, you should be able to comfortably accommodate to watch the water stroke.

The design of the reservoir can be more restrained in the Japanese principle - boulders of various sizes, boys, no multicolor dispensing. Or in Chinese style - more lush and bright, with a mandatory focus in the form of a tree with a motley foliage and an arched bridge. The landscape pond can be created in the style of "Natur Garden", which assumes landing only local plants, characteristic of this region, and the absence of all sorts of plant exotic.

The most concise formal pond with rectangular outlines is the most concise

The formal pond of the geometric shape - a square or rectangular configuration is profitable next to the house, emphasizing its vertical and horizontal lines. It is not bad for such a pond with a patio or a patio, especially if straight flower beds are broken nearby or lanes are laid.

Unusual flavoring pond can give a walkway passing over its surface - either in the form of a bridge or separate stones or plates

An interesting technique that is widely used in modern landscape design is the laying of tracks laid out of a terrace board and thrown in the form of a bridge through a water-leak geometric shape. A similar path through a pond can also have a form of a concrete path or separate square plates, as if soaring over the water. The cascades of small, different-dimensional ponds look original, where water flows from one bowl to another through small waterfalls.

The system of cascade ponds in the country will not only give her landscape unusual, but also fill the garden with pleasant murmur

Round-shaped formal reservoirs will decorate a patio or a parade group of your summer cottage

Round reservoirs along with rectangular forms are also related to formal ponds and can be decorating a lawn or an open lawn, stylistically add the garden zone with pergola or close to the picturesque group of trees. Round in the form of mini ponds in the garden can be made with their own hands much easier than any other configuration, applying ready-made concrete rings, wooden tubs, plastic containers and even car tires.

Select location, size, material

The correctly chosen place for the reservoir is the key to its long functioning without seasonal "flowering" in spring and summer, when green algae is activated under the influence of ultraviolet. A certain period of the luminous day of the pond must be in the shadows so that the algae is not so intensely multiplied. On the other hand, the placement of the reservoir in the fully shadow zone will lead to a delay in the development of decorative plants. It is important to keep the gold middle of the middle.

Locating a rest area with a brazier in close proximity to the pond, you can always admire the beauty of the water stroit

It is important to know that the pond should be covered with the sun around 5 hours a day and be open from the southwest. It is undesirable to have a reservoir under shady trees - the fallen autumn foliage will pollute it.

As for the size of the pond, Ideally, the reservoir should take 3% of the area of \u200b\u200bthe site. When the garden is small - with a standard area of \u200b\u200b6 acres, not every dacket is ready to highlight 18 m2 under the pond. Of course, the smaller the dimensions, the easier it is to make a pond with their own hands - and the materials will not need much, and labor costs will be minimal. Therefore, by defined with the width and length of the artificial reservoir, take into account its physical capabilities and the harmony of the perception of the pond, as a composite spot on your site - that is, how much of its size is combined with other elements of the country landscape.

A ascetic solution in the design of a water branch using only stones is a specific feature of the celtic pond

The design of the pond with a waterfall flowing from a small wall of beige sandstone, perfectly fit into the landscape garden style

In depth, the pond is recommended to divide into three steps: a zone for coastal plants, a shallow water zone for the Queen of the Pond Nimifii - Winter Handspoints and Blowing for Winter Fish - If you assume them to breed.

It is not worth the pond to do too deep, it is enough just to pull the winter pit for fish with a depth of 150-180 cm (below the marking of the soil) so that it takes about 1/5 of the pond square.

A cute rectangular pond can be equipped on a small summer cottage, and the unusualness of the water will give edging from the terraced board

The highlight of the avant-garde pond can be an extravagant installation from a tree, resembling an exotic animal or a plant.

Continuous water supply to the pond can be equipped with an old column or a group of glady bottles of bright color

When with the location and approximate dimensions of the reservoir, you decided, it's time to think about what materials apply to make the pond was as simple as possible and faster. The most capital and expensive option to arrange a pond is a concrete basis that requires formwork and reinforcement. A less costly method for laying a water branch is the use of a finished plastic container.

Driven under the pond is formed by characteristic ledge - kurtins for plant landing

To ensure the circulation of water in the pond, the pump is installed on its bottom, from which water enters the cleaning filter and returns back to the reservoir

And finally, the most comfortable and budget way to make an artificial pond with your own hands - the use of a special moisture-resistant film, which is laid out the pond bowl. This method of bookmarking the pond we took the basis for a detailed description.

Page Technology for creating a pond with a film

1. Initially, it is necessary to draw a plan for the future artificial pond on scale with the indication of the depths and the width of the Kurtin (shelves for plant disembarking), and it is also desirable to draw an exemplary sketch of the decoration of the reservoir. Such an approach will help to avoid different alterations during the construction of a pond and at the plant disembarkation. At this stage, consider that it will serve as an emphasis in the composition of your lake - it can be an original stone, wood or sculpture.

Before starting the pond on its summer cottage, draw a reservoir plan with the depths and placement of the main elements of the arrangement

2. Using a conventional tap hose or scattering sand around the perimeter of the reservoir in the form of a line, outline the estimated contour of the pond. Be sure to check that the shores of your future lake are in the same level.

By placing the scene of the pond with the hose, dig up the housing according to the planned plan

Periodically measure the level of the shores of the pond in the process of forming a pit. If you do not have a water level of the desired length, you can adjust the usual long board and install a small 50-centimeter level to it.

3. Getting started to earthworks - we break down the cutlery to the depth of the coastal tier and place the line from which the pond is plunged into the next mark. Having received the second tier, lay the line for digging the deepest part of the pond and take out the last portion of the Earth.

The process of digging the pond is hard enough, so it is better to resort to the services of professionals for earthworks accompanied by a mini-excavator. However, if you, all the same, decided to fulfill this time-consuming part on our own, prepare for the fact that water can accumulate on the bottom of the pit and you will have to mess in dirty juicy. Water from the bottom of the pit will help you the pump, specially adapted for pumping water with impurities and solid inclusions. Nearby you can escape auxiliary pit and dump the water into it.

4. After the recovery is completely dug, with the help of a cord, we measure its dimensions, taking into account the depth, adding the allowance of about 50 cm on the sides of the bowl - it is necessary to purchase the film of the desired size.

The problem with which you will inevitably come across in the process of earthworks - is where to go to the ground, removed from the pit under the pond? A good version of solving such a task is to raise the level of the site, evenly distributing the soil through the garden. It is also possible to use the land of recovery as an embankment for a stream or as a base under the alpine slide.

5. The pond bowl is lined with a durable moisture-resistant film. As a rule, in order to protect the main film from damage to stones and roots of plants, an additional layer of geotextiles is laid under it. For this purpose, an old linoleum or ruleroid is also suitable, and you can simply fall asleep to the pit and tamper it.

When the recovery is formed, put a layer of geotextile, and then film, reflecting the edges of the cloth in a specially dug trench around the perimeter of the reservoir

So that the film for the pond becomes more elastic, it is better to choose a sunny day to lay it - then it will warm up a little and will be better reaching, with ease of rich all the ledges of the pit.

6. For the arrangement of the edge of the pond, an auxiliary trench is broken along its perimeter - to turn and secure the film. Having laid the edges of the film into the trench, sprinkle it with rubble - so it will be securely fixed.

7. Strengthen the edge of the pond by stone blocks or plastic pipes, brightened to the pegs, - so you will prevent the sickness of the Earth from the coastal zone into the pond bowl. Put the edge with a natural stone and decorate a beautiful lonely block or a group of boulders.

8. Place the prepared plants in special plastic containers and arrange them on the curtains, lay out the bottom of the pond with stones and rubble.

9. Now in the reservoir you can pour water. To make it more convenient to choose the pumping equipment in the future and the volume of hydrochemistry to care for the pond, do not be lazy to remove the water meter readings before and after filling the reservoir.

10. In order for water to the pond, it is better to equip a stream of stream - it will provide a constant circulation of water. For this, the source of the stream is raised above the level of the pond, and the water to it will be supplied from the pond bowl using the submersible pump. Be sure to think about how to decorate the mouth of the stream - use stones, plant landing, clay or glass containers.

Fill the pond with water, arrange the stream, install and connect the pump with the filter, fall out aquatic plants

11. Install the submersible pump at the bottom of the pond, stretch the pipes to the source of the stream and connect them to the filter for water purification. The cleaning filter is better to take a pressure (with a reverse purification system) - it is more efficient than the flow.

The material on the device of an artificial stream in the country will also be useful:

Your pond is ready, now you just need to carefully care for it - to cleanse from pollution, sometimes use preventive tools for the revival of water and prevent the spread of algae, and for the winter, pick plants in the basement at home.

Basic errors in the arrangement of ponds

By creating something with your own hands, it is difficult to avoid some errors, especially those like composite, so to make your pond correctly, consider some standard blunders inherent in our gardeners:

  1. The design of the banks of the pond from the equal diameter, why the pond acquires a somewhat boring look. Large stones are better to combine with smaller, but not to fill with them the entire coastal zone of the reservoir.
  2. Ponds digged very deeply, possess the walls and resemble a sort of stone bag. A small investigation has shown that deepest ponds are favorabled by landing companies, since they pay the number of cubes of the removed land. Pay attention to the depth of your pond - it is not necessary to do it too shrouded, especially if the fish breeding is not supposed.
  3. Link to container landscaping, which prevents the normal development of plants, and fear of fading a pond land for landing. On the one hand, the container landing allows you to quickly change the vegetable design of the pond by rearranging and regrouping plants. Probably gardeners also scare the prospect of a dirty species of a pond after the backfill of the Earth, but there is nothing to fear here - the soil for aquatic plants is a heavy mixture with a large clay content that is not washed with water, and over time, it will harden the root system of plants.

Having thoughtfully creating a pond with your own hands, do not forget that it is not easy - practice at first, forming a miniature pond at home.

If the dimensions of your site do not allow you to equip a pond in the country, create a miniature pond in the most ordinary cup

If it turns out, boldly proceed to a large-scale project based on a full-fledged pond in the country area. We are sure - you will handle!

Even the most small and externally, no remarkable household plot can be made cozy and interesting if they equip an artificial reservoir on it. The decorative reservoir in the garden is not only able to harmoniously fit into the landscape of the household plot, but also visually expand the space.

Artificial reservoir in the landscape of the subsidence

The presence of a pond or a small artificial waterfall on the household plot is caused not only to aesthetic considerations, but also the practical component. On a hot summer day, even from the little on its size of the reservoir does cool, the air seems much cleaner and fresh, and a calm surface or a measured murmur will help remove the nervous tension and fatigue.

The most popular types of artificial water bodies in landscape design:

  • pond;
  • creek;
  • fountain;
  • waterfall.

Over the form of water bodies, both rounded, with an irregular coastline and proper geometric shape can be both rounded, square, rectangular and rhombid. It all depends on the style of the site as a whole, its location, features of the site and your imagination. The main rule at the same time - the reservoir should be perfectly fit into the surrounding landscape, to become an integral element.

The most common form for an artificial reservoir is rounded or oval. It is this way that natural lakes look like, so if you want to create a corner of nature near the house or in the garden, then this particular option will be the most acceptable. In this case, it may even appear the wrong coastline and an asymmetric reservoir plants.

If the reservoir is located on a plot where everything is performed in a classic style, direct lines are dominated and there is no place for natural forms, then the pond is the right shape. Often, this is the basis for the fountain, which is the center of the exposition. Since the natural barrier in the form of vegetation and stones does not have such a pool, its sides need to be located higher to prevent falling into the water. As an option - to protect such a reservoir with a low forged grille.

It should be noted that the most common and least expensive in terms of labor and financial investments is the pond. But it is quite possible to equip it on its site independently without attracting specialists.

Here is the main experience. When it appears, the pond created by you can become the first in general complex connected by waterfalls, streams, decorative bridges.

Decorative reservoir do it yourself - where to start?

If you have a wonderful idea to get an artificial reservoir on your household plot, you should not throw my head for a shovel. First of all, it is necessary to choose a good place. At the same time, the following factors should be taken into account:

  • section size;
  • illumination;
  • relief;
  • degree of gardening;
  • type of soil.

Best to equip a pond closer to home. In this case, it should be placed in such a way that the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe reservoir is lit by the sun at least 5 hours per day. Otherwise, there is no time a beautiful pond with time can turn into a milder bolot.

The relief of the terrain also has an important meaning. The optimal place is the lowlands, where the water level in the well or in the well is closer to the surface of the Earth.

In the process of choice, you should also pay attention to the presence of vegetation - large trees located along the shores will be in the autumn time to pollute the reservoir foliage, and the roots of the trees can damage the protective film at the bottom.

The type of soil is important. For the arrangement of the reservoir, loam and clay soils are suitable, as well as peat, less preferable chernozem - it contributes to the formation of the alley. In acidic soils, the equipment of the reservoir without reliable protection of the side walls and the bottom is inappropriate.

After the site is selected, form and sizes are defined - it's time to stock with the necessary materials and tools. Most often to create a pond use ready-made hard containers, which can be purchased in a specialized store or flexible waterproofing, much less often - concrete (most expensive and time-consuming process).

Types of waterproofing for artificial reservoir:

  • polyethylene film - inexpensive material, not resistant to ultraviolet;
  • PVD - high pressure polyethylene. Visually practically does not differ from polyethylene, but has greater flexibility and durability.
  • PVC - polyvinyl chloride - durable and durable material, the edges of which are welded with each other.
  • rubber and butyl sheets are the most optimal, but expensive option. The service life of this material is practically not limited.

Specialists recommend to avoid polyethylene film for the arrangement of waterproofing. With its function, she copes, but it is enough for no more than 2 years. If you want a pond to please longer, choose more durable materials.

Materials and tools:

  • shovel;
  • protective film or reservoir;
  • pipes for supplying and removing water;
  • valve;
  • geotextile material or sand

It is better to see once. The whole process of arrangement of the pond in pictures looks like this:

Construction of decorative reservoir

There is another way to arrange a pond - a concrete bowl, but this method is time consuming and costly, so it is currently not applied. Construction begins with the fact that on the selected area make marking and remove the turf layer. After that, you can proceed to the root of the necessary form. At the same time, it is necessary to leave the edges a little inclined (gentle, and not cloudy). Further, if you plan to make a decorative water with a polyvinyl chloride film, and not a finished tank, you must lay out the bottom of the future waterproof material. For these purposes, clay is quite suitable. It is necessary to lay it in two layers - the second after complete drying of the first (between them you need to pave a waterproof film). After that, it should be filled with a bottom of gravel.

IMPORTANT: If you plan to plant a pond with plants - there should be special recesses on the bottom and fill them with fertile soil.

How to make a decorative reservoir so that water in it is always clean and fresh?

In order for the appearance of a reservoir, located on your site always pleased with his appearance and gave freshness and coolness, it is necessary to make water in it in it. For these purposes, you need to pave two pipes: flow and waste. On the running tube, the water will flow in the pond, and it is shut down to the ditch. Note: the ditch level must be slightly lower than the level of the pond. For ease of use, you can install a valve on the waste pipe or simply to close the hole with the plug. The first option is the most practical.

Decorative reservoir device using "Calosh"

Mainports will need significantly less if you acquire a special reservoir for an artificial reservoir. In the people, these containers were called "Kaloshi". Why is that? Everything is very simple: they are made of plastic black color, and the form of such tanks on its external outlines resembles rubber shoes. But if you wish, you can always find and buy a bowl for a reservoir suitable forms.

In order to equip the decorative reservoir in the country , You will need to purchase a special reservoir of suitable size and shape: the cost is relatively small.

The main stages of the reservoir arrangement:

  • circuit markup;
  • digging care;
  • setting capacity.

In order to properly designate the outline of the reservoir, it is necessary to install the tank to the ground and vertically set up the rail at its perimeter with an interval of 40-50 cm, further tied with the twine. So you get the outline of the future pond.

Installing the container needs strictly horizontally. The reservoir should be filled with water gradually, while the gaps are existing between it and walls, the gaps should be accurately filled with sand.

Note: If you want to equip a fountain in an artificial reservoir, it is important to purchase a special pump and nozzles in advance, which are installed in the water-mounted process.

The final stage is the design of the reservoir. In order for your man-made pond to look really stylish and beautiful, for example, just like the bizarre decorative reservoirs, the photos of which we placed, you need to make it right to arrange its shores.

Registration of the shores of an artificial reservoir

At this stage of work, you can not limit the flight of your imagination. To decorate an artificial reservoir, you can use ceramic tiles, marble, granite, artificial stone, pebbles, wood, etc. These materials need to mask the edges of the reservoir, by type of close to natural. It is important to fix them with the help of a cement solution. If you plan to additionally equip your fountain pond - in the process you need to take care that the pump hoses are hidden under tile or stones.

Next, you can pour the bottom of the reservoir pre-washed sand, lay minor pebbles and plant water plants in pots or baskets. You can breed around the pond decorative shrub or just flower bed.

Decorative inhabitants of ponds - always in joy. It can be aquarium fish, and dwarf turtles. And if you spend the backlight on the bottom of the pond or lay the floating lanterns on the batteries on the surface, you can create a real enchanting of light and water.

Pond care

  • To maintain an artificial pond in good condition, it will be needed.
  • First of all, you need to get a bottom vacuum cleaner for garbage collection.
  • During the leaf fall, it will take to close the pond with a mesh so that the foliage does not fall into the water.
  • If fish lives in the pond, then they will need filtering and aeration of water.
  • To avoid the greening of the water, it is either filtered and cleaned (for this, the water should be flowing), or plant oxygen-made plants: the shrovers, rogol, Elodea.
  • If the pond drop the pita or cubes, then they will prevent the sunshine and overheating of the water with their wide leaves.

An artificial pond on its household plot is an important element of landscape design, to the arrangement of which you need to approach the arrangement, with a sense, arrangement! And then the beauty created by your hands will delight you, and your guests!

Do you like to swim or just relax near the water, rest on the reservoir - one of the wonderful fun pleasures. But not every dacket has the opportunity to build a cottage near the water. Therefore, sooner or later, each of us is thinking about how difficult it is to make a pond on the plot. Ideally, we see a pond in the country not only as a decorative element of landscape design, but also as a small reservoir, in which you can enjoy swimming on a hot day.

However, encountered with colorful descriptions of technical difficulties, the cost and nuances of regular care, many of us break up from this clause.

Let's start with the basics - than the pond is fundamentally different from the pool so this is a self-regulation system.

Bathing pond do it yourself.

We will tell the process of creating a pond step by step, and you will be able to make a garden pond with your own hands - by building a cool oasis in the midst of heat right on your summer cottage, where our every light blows disappear our everybody concerns.

Garden pond is a living organism.

The pond imitates the process that uses nature in order to maintain the lake clean. All, - from the size and shape of the pond, plant species and turnover of water are designed to maintain a pond in a stable natural state.

The problems that the pond owner faces is to hold the balance between plants and water - plants either die or delay the entire surface of the pond. Only the pond that is a balanced ecosystem provides optimal transparency and water quality, and the maximum pleasure from swimming in the pond.

Water in the pond should circulate among the roots of the plants to be cleaned. Plants enrich water with oxygen, which maintains the vital activity of beneficial bacteria, recycling pollution and potentially harmful organisms, and also create habitat for dragonflies, frogs and other aquatic inhabitants. The result is a stable, environmentally friendly system. Nature revealed its technology for us and we need to carefully use it.

How to make a pond yourself. Principles of work pond.

Water is a living biologically active component and all cleaning occurs due to the work of plants and useful microbes. To do this, the pond provides for a swimming zone and a filtration zone for plants. The filtration zone is actually the swamp part of our water zone, and also, as in nature, it is she guarantees the purity of the entire reservoir. This zone should take at least 50 percent of the total water surface of the pond.
If you have noticed, in nature, there are almost no tiny reservoirs with a steadily clean stroke of water - they quickly overgrow or styled. Natural stable biological equilibrium can be achieved in ponds from 100 sq.m. Smaller ponds, require more of our attention, because Biological equilibrium they have a shaky. Therefore, to maintain purity, these ponds include a skimmer and UV sterilizer in their composition, but still offer a chemical bathing area and maintain an increase in aquatic plants.

Useful for regular enrichment of water with oxygen to add a small waterfall, a stream or fountain to the pond. Although, for the same purposes you can use aerator.

How is the water purification in the pond.

You can see that the process of filtering water in the pond is not complicated:
1. Water from the swimming zone enters the regeneration zone.
2. Water circulates back to the bathing area.

Through drainage pipes under the roots of plants in the regeneration zone or / and after skimmer, water is pumped through a UV sterilizer into a waterfall, stream or at the bottom of the swimming zone. The pipe leaving the bottom of the swimming zone is slightly raised over the bottom so that the flow of water prevents the formation of the sludge at the bottom.

What a pond shape should be.

The pond bowl looks more like a soup plate with large edges than on the bathroom. The height difference must be about 30 cm for each meter of depth. It is this form of a pond bowl ensures the stability of the walls. The figure shows a cross-section of a pond with a plant and bathing zone:

After sealing the surface layer of the soil in the pit, the pond is placed on the bottom of the pond and the seed insert. In the plant zone - drainage pipes and gravel. In order to separate the navigation zone from the plant zone, form a small borger - its top is below 3 cm from the surface of the water. You can make it from sand or gravel bags. The hill allows water from the navigation zone to switch to the plant zone, where the water is filtered by plant roots, and at the same time protects plants from fluctuations in the water of the swimming zone.

This design of the pond will allow you to conveniently clean the swimming area without affecting the plant zone. In addition to cleaning water, shallow water quickly warms up and serves as a habitat for frogs and other invertebrates, you will rate their favor when they start to eat mosquito larvae.

In order to mimic the natural outlines of the pond, use a combination of various profiles for its shore. If you have plants on the terraces of the pond, it is better to do it in pots so that they can be easily removed when cleaning the pond.

What size of the pond is suitable for our site?
The optimal size of the pond on - 1/10 of the area of \u200b\u200byour site.

How about mosquitoes?
One of the first questions that occurs with the word "pond do it yourself" - and mosquitoes? The mosquitoes multiply only standing water, the water in the pond will never be in statics, so mosquitoes will consider him unattractive for their habitat. Even if at some point they will appear - the ecosystem of the pond in the form of frogs will reduce their population to a minimum.

Why do the dacha pond?
People who make a pond do it yourself make such a decision because they want to see their pond with a beautiful part of the landscape design and at the same time have a pure attractive bathing place on a hot day.
Is it possible to start fish in the swimming pond?
Unfortunately, the fish, on the one hand, will gladly eat the useful microflora, on the other hand, is a carrier of pathogenic bacteria, so there should be no fish in the swimsuits.

Is it possible to make a sandy beach on the pond?
The best solution for entering the pond is a packer or staircase. For the beach entrance to the water it is necessary enough square, because The angle of entering the water is small. In addition, the sand is quickly styled - those beaches that we see often just wound up to sand, most of the shore of the pond usually bractures plants.

What should I swim with frogs?
Yes, frogs are full and important inhabitants of the pond. Additionally, to clean the water in the pond, it is good to start two-sided seashells of toothless or peklocks that filter water to 40 liters per day. You can also start a snail (coils, custodials) - they eat dead plants and clean the pond well.

What is the best place for the pond?
Better to arrange the pond away from the trees, because Falling, foliage will rot in the pond. Moreover, growing roots can damage the waterproofing film or tilt the finished container. The lighting of the site should be about 5 hours in the morning, and the rest of the time is in the half. Large illumination pond is not needed because leads to the enhanced formation of algae and overheating of water in the reservoir.

What to do in winter with a pond?
In winter, the pond, like natural reservoirs freezes. It is not necessary to merge it. For the winter it is necessary to remove all equipment from the pond (pumps, filters, skimmers).

Does the type of soil affect the creation of a pond?
No, the composition of the soil does not affect. It is a delusion that is good when groundwater level is high. In fact, groundwater at the level of freezing, rather a problem. Freezing, ice can let the bottom of the pond. Especially problematic if the pond is made on the basis of a rigid finished form.

Pond do it yourself from the film.

The main question when creating a pond: how to make it waterproof. There are several types of pond waterproofing - film, clay castle, concrete and hardware installation.

Installing a rigid form is a simple and durable way, but they are usually produced small sizes to 3, 5 square meters. meters. Their service life is 10-50 years.

Waterproofing concrete is the most expensive, in addition, to protect against frost, it needs additional processing of frost-resistant tool and liquid glass.

The clay castle is the cheapest according to the materials, but the most time consuming. In order to make waterproofing a cauline, the rammed soil is covered with wood ash or soot. Then, 15 cm layer of clay dough is applied on the walls, they are tamped. When the layer serves a layer, they apply the second 30 cm. When the layer is almost drying, the crushed stone poured on it, slightly indulging in the layer.

The optimal solution for the construction of ponds of more than 5-6 sq.m. - film waterproofing.

How many films need for a pond:
Length of film \u003d Pond length + 2 Pond depth + 50 cm stock for fasteners.
Width of the film \u003d Width of the pond + 2 Pond depth + 50 cm stock for fasteners.

The film is produced with a width of 2 to 10 m, 10-50 m long. Knowing your needs, you can choose the optimal roll. The film is bought to the digging of a pit, it will allow you to make it immediately at the readiness of the pit, not allowing the crepe of its edges.
What film to choose for a pond.
PVC film for the pond is cheaper, but over time, it is collapsed from ultraviolet, its service life is 8-10 years old.
Butyl rubber canvas is more expensive, but has protection both from ultrafiolet and cold. Lifetime of such a film of 50 years.

Pond do it yourself photo of construction.

Pond begins with the markup of the pit. The curvilinear form can be placed with a hose. Along the coastline, we remove the turne along the coastline and remove the soil on the bayonet - it will be the line of the marsh zone, then the next level of the land is taken inside the resulting border and so on. As a result, our terraces will be 50 cm wide with slopes 20 cm. When the pit for the pond is ready, all solid items that can damage the film: stones, roots, etc. , remove. Less and trambes the walls and the bottom of the pit.

Film before work is laid for several hours in a sunny place so that it is warming up, has become more elastic. Placeing the film is done with warm weather. On the rammed pit, the pelling of the brackets of the panels of geotextiles or felt, they are needed to protect the waterproofing film from the repellent roots and stones.

From above, geotextile spread the waterproofing film with a margin of 50 cm around the edges of the pit. The edges are temporarily fixed by stones. The film is given a little shower, smoothing and smugging it in the form of a pit.

Film inside the swimming zone can be protected by stones laid on each other on dry.

Instead of stones, you can use bags with gravel or sand. But consider that it is more convenient to care for the pond with the walls of the film. - It is easier to clean from El and Tina.

Portions are poured with water with water, removing air bubbles from under the film.

When the pond is completely filled with water reliably pinch the ends of the film into the trench, which is made at a distance of 15 cm from the edge of the pit. In the trench, a depth of 20 cm edge of the film wock a roll fall asleep with stones and pebbles.

We make a pond with your own hands. Shopping.

After you made a pond with your own hands, before starting to make a shore, it is necessary to hide it with water and wait 2-3 days, because Possible shrinkage. In addition, water in the pond will be removed during this time.
Film on the shore we disguise rubble, stones, snags. Look at the plants in shallow water. For the pond, we need plants saturacing water with oxygen. Plants suitable a lot - reed, labulite, iris, swimsuit, bow, smolder. Any plant that grows on the shore of a natural reservoir is suitable for your pond. Do not forget about algae, for example, a rogolistnik who just swims in the water. Fall decorative shrubs are better to close the marsh herbs that are planted directly on the shore.

Additional charm adds backlight to the water.

Seductively look at the stroit of the pond floating flower beds.

Safety of the pond.

If there are very little children in the family, then it is possible that the construction of the pond should be postponed until they become older. It is necessary to consider a visit to the pond by the elderly people and children of school age. Make a comfortable staircase to enter the pond, do not forget to clean her so that it does not become slippery! All other sides of the pond, except the entrance it is better to close plants.

Caring for a pond.

The new pond will gain its natural look during the year - as long as he will form his ecosystem. The little world of your pond is very vulnerable. The pond can quickly warm or frozen, water can evaporate or pond overflow after the rain. This creates a load on water inhabitants who cannot instantly move to a safer, stable setting.

Therefore, your pond, like any living organism, requires care. On a hot day, it is necessary to add water, collect the chick of rubbish that floats on the surface, whether the plants have not grown or perhaps something did not fit and need to annoy. Nevertheless, an amazing number of life forms colonize your new pond, they quickly explore new waters and will remain if the conditions arrange them.

Silent water splash is the most charming roast summer melody, the water is near, attracts and seduces us with a playful game of light, transparent depth and life-giving cool. Pond, made by your own hands, give your dacha special charm.

As nice in the streets of a sunny day to sit at the pond, admire the water surface, relax, relax. But what to do, if there is no reservoir nearby? Construct him personally in its area! This does not require tremendous financial influences. All the nuances of the creation and arrangement of a small country pond will be discussed in our article.


If you have conceived to equip the landscape of your site and decided that you will certainly have a pond in the yard, then before proceeding to work, you need to determine which functionality will be at the reservoir on your site.

In its purpose, the ponds can be divided into three types:

  • decorative;
  • pond with fish;
  • for swimming (pool).


The decorative pond can be small, built exclusively for decorating any garden zone. Being the component of the landscape composition, it can be its final stroke or original addition in the design project.

Such a pond is created with aesthetic purpose: they are pleased to admire, sitting in the garden.

Decorative ponds can be larger: the pond itself is deeper, the composition is larger, where the decor can serve bridges, fountains, streams, backlight. In addition to the pleasant sight of the spectacle, such ponds are also a place to stay: on a warm summer day around the reservoir you can stay in the sun loungers and get your dose of ultraviolet.

For breeding fish

Which of us does not dream of watching fish, frolic in our own pond and the eyes of households? In addition to the decorative function, this pond will also perform the antidepressant function: floating in the pond fish - an excellent soothing and relaxing agent.

Such a pond should be large enough in order for your fish to feel comfortable. It can be absolutely any form. But anyone would you think of breeding - crucian or ducks - do not forget about the need to filter water, as well as about the enrichment of it with oxygen.

For swimming

Homemade bathing pond - Salvation in a hot summer day! The size of such a basin will depend on your wishes and from the capabilities of your site. If the size of the site allows you to build a beautiful reservoir in my yard, in which you will swim in the summer. You can do the smaller pool, which will be no less pleasant to just plunge to refreshing on a hot day.

Artificial waterfront style

Conditionally ponds can be divided into two large main groups, each of which has many varieties:

  • regular pond;
  • landscape pond.

Regular pond is created using a finished form. Surely you thought out the landscaped project in advance, so you already present well how the homemade reservoir should look like. Based on the wishes for the design of the pond, you can choose a suitable finished form: they are not only right geometric, but also more complex species: broken, asymmetric, and so on.

The landscape pond differs from the regular in that it does not use the ready-made form.Therefore, the configuration can be given any.

Dimensions and appearance of the water branch can also be different: you can build a small Japanese-style armor, the main advantage of which is simplicity, and you can give fancy will, not limited to the standard round shape and create a large reservoir filled with various scenery.

How to make a reservoir with your own hands?

Suppose you have decided on the type and functionality of the pond. Now consider how to practically make an intended idea.

Where to begin?

Start, of course, it follows from the definition of the location and the size of the future pond. The choice of space is very important. Still, the pond, even if it is functional, must please the host's eye, complement the landscape composition, perfectly fit into it, or even become an emphasis in your designer project.

Choosing a place for a pond in the country, you must take into account not only and not so much of its visual advantages, how many other factors affecting the choice of space:

  • Section size.Of course, the pond in size will be as much as it will be to be the size of your garden.
  • Relief area. Different relief allows you to achieve different results: on a flat surface you can create a wonderful concise pond, the water in which will delight the eye with its smooth surface; An uneven surface allows fantasy with fountains and waterfalls.

  • The level of groundwater and soil. You must take into account these factors when you determine the depth of the pond (you may need certain consumables and additional forces).
  • Lighting.It is preferable to find a pond in the shade: exposure to direct sunlight for a long time will strengthen the evaporation of water, and the microorganisms living in water are activated, and the reservoir will lose all its attractiveness. To this not happen, when choosing a place, pay attention to the light mode. This is especially true of small water bodies and water bodies with fish.
  • Environment.Of course, trees and shrubs surrounding the pond look very attractive, but do not forget that foliage falling from these plants will be contaminated with water, and the close proximity of the roots of trees can spoil the waterproofing.

  • Power supply. Special attention should be paid to the location if the pond is planned to decorated with fountains or backlit in order to consider the electrification of this part of the country area in advance.
  • Expansion perspective. You should always consider this moment, perhaps in the future you want to increase the pond itself or expand the area of \u200b\u200brecreation by the reservoir, you wish to correct or remake something.

For this, be sure to leave a piece of an empty place in the garden on one side of the pond.

  • Consistency with other buildings: Still, the pond is part of the overall composition, so it is necessary to take into account the general view of the country area, thinking through the design of the reservoir.
  • And finally, the visual component. Of course, the pond must delight the eye, so its location must be organized so that it can be seen from most garden sites.

The size of the pond, of course, depends on the dimensions of the site, but not only from this. The size of the reservoir depends on your design project, in the end, just from your desire.

So, consider the main parameters:

  • Dimensions.There are no specific recommendations regarding the pond area. Some sources have information that the reservoir should be located on a plot of approximately 10% of the entire garden area, but these are not fixed standards.
  • Length and width. These parameters are taken into account based on the total area size. If you dig a hole for a reservoir with your own hands, then they also depend on your physical possibilities.
  • Depth.It depends on the dimensions of the reservoir, its potential functionality, soil and your physical forces (again, if you are digging your own).

  • Zoning. Specialists allocate three parts:
  1. Coastal (100-300 mm): It contains plants growing in shallow water, and is in the reservoir.
  2. Shallow water(300-900 mm): There is a place for other plants living in more deeply.
  3. Deep-sea(from meter and on): zone required for fish habitat. The larger and more diverse the living world of the reservoir, the greater part of the area is given to the deepwater zone. We also keep in mind: In winter, the fish in the reservoir does not froze, the lower part of the pond should be located below the level of the freezing of the Earth.

  • Content. W.variously, but for a large reservoir, it is easier to care for the small one.

What do you need?

When you were determined with the location and sizes of the future reservoir, it is time to buy materials. Now in the construction and finishing materials market, you can purchase everything necessary for the arrangement of the pond:

  • One of the most financially cost options - pond from concrete. This reservoir will serve you for a long time, but consider the functionality of the future pond: if you are going to build a swimming pool, then this option can be the best choice for you, if not, learn other offered options and select the most appropriate you.

  • Plastic containers- Option simpler. They are of different composition (from polyvinyl chloride or fiberglass), therefore, they are also different from them: on average from 10 to 30 years. The installation work is simple, so this option is quite convenient: you need to pull out the pit, set the shape, fall asleep emptiness sand. However, there are also cons in this embodiment: plastic forms are quite expensive, they also need particularly gentle transportation, unstable to ultraviolet, but is resistant to frost.

The best choice in this case is a form of fiberglass with a rubber basis.

The strongest and reliable film - Butylchukovaya: It will last up to 50 years, it is also resistant to frost and very durable.

  • You will also need the following materials and tools: shovel, watering hose, cord (for marking), stakes, car for the export of land, cleaning filter (especially relevant for water bodies, where fish is bred), the pump (with its help it is formed by the pressure required for the water bay, it will also be needed for Fountain facilities and for cleaning filters), the sterilizer (will need for water purification), the compressor (aerator) (is necessary for water bodies in which fish live, as it saturates water with oxygen).

Plan and calculations

So, you thought about how your future pond will look like, found a suitable place for him, decided on sizes, materials, but you still do not know how much the materials will need for the construction of your dream pond. To learn this, we will make calculations and, based on the size of the pond, we calculate the optimal amount of materials necessary for its construction.

Suppose we decided to take a polyvinyl chloride film (PVC) as the basis, since this material is available for the price, quite durable and easy to use, and also to be reached.

PVC film is different colors: black, brown, blue (or cream):

  • the black film will close the bottom and will allow to observe the reflection of the sky on the surface of the reservoir;
  • a brown film in color resembles the present bottom, which will make it possible to make a more realistic reservoir;
  • light film (blue or cream) will allow you to see under water in its inhabitants, for example, fish.

When buying a film, the composition should be taken into account (PVC is more durable than, for example, polyethylene film) and thickness (we need a film whose thickness is greater than half a million).

It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer, strength, ultraviolet resistance and lack of toxic substances.

  1. The length of the film is equal to the length of the reservoir + 2 of the depth of the reservoir + 400-500 mm just in case.
  2. The width of the film is equal to the width of the reservoir + 2 of the depth of the reservoir + 400-500 mm just in case.

It is necessary to glue the film in the same place, in a construction store, glue, for example, "tense" or adhesive tape.

After you figure it out with the film, you have to make a sketch of your pond. First draw a mini sketch on paper, and then right on the ground, with the depth and width of the container, as well as the depths and width of the steps. You can write a garden hose or sand - it is convenient.

Production: Step-by-Step Guide

After all the preparatory stages are successfully completed, you can proceed to the main actions:

  1. Remove the top layer of soil.
  2. Dig a hole.
  3. We remove the earth.

It sounds quite simple, but be careful, do not forget to take into account all the recesses you need (for plants, for steps, etc.), as well as the features of your reservoir (waterfall, pond, swimming pool). When installing the basin of the big pit, you will have to dig an excavator, as with full-scale construction.

When the case is done, the pit managed to dig, and the walls are tightly tamped, you can start waterproofing. If she does not pay close attention, then the water will turn into the soil, and we do not need it at all. If you act correctly, everything will turn out as it should.

There are three ways to form a substrate at the bottom of your pond:

  • The easiest and cheapest way is to float the bottom of the sand and stones. But the result of this method is short-lived: for several years and such a substrate will stop properly function.
  • Another way is to store the bottom of geotextiles. The result, of course, is more durable, but also the cost of this method is higher.
  • This method is the most reliable: to be displayed bottom PVC film. It is not very energy-proof, but the result is the most durable.

Consider in more detail the third option, since its result will allow us to enjoy the pond in our garden for many years. The main thing is to act according to the instructions.

The fact that we chose a film method of waterproofing at all does not prohibit us before laying the film to float the bottom of the sand: so we will protect the film from unnecessary damage by stones or roots. When laying, unfortunately, it will not come out to completely do without folds, but it is better to make one big fold than a lot of small: it can then be pressing with stones or glued. The main thing, do not tighten the film, otherwise, it will break through the weight of the water.

To secure it, you need to dig an extra key, lay the film, fasten the rods and sprinkle with stones, and then lay them and self. When you cope with the film, you should pour water into your pit. Do it gently, without a sharp pressure. It should be done carefully: the film is although it is durable, but still from the wrong actions can be spoiled and break. After 1-2 days after the bay of water, you can cut the film.

Now it is necessary to strengthen the shore so that the reservoir looked beautiful and neat. We will pay attention to the soil: if it is a black soil or clay, then you can make vertical walls, if it is sand, then the walls must be inclined. It is believed that the perfect slope of the pond is 45 °. With such a bias, the coast does not appear, and during the freezing period the ice does not repel. Do not forget about plants: Since the depth of landing in all plants is different, it is necessary to foresee the shelves in advance.

It is possible to strengthen the shores of the shore with a geovel or geomat, and steep shores - gabions, pile and retaining walls. By the way, there is an option for those who are not yet ready for such large-scale work on our site, but still wants to be the owner of a small island of happiness in his garden. The pond can be built from very well-in-law. For example, from the tire.

The pit will need a much less deep, the film will need much less, and the joy will eventually be as much. The creation process is extremely simple: you need to dig a hole in the size of the tires, insert it into this recess, put on the bottom of the film, pour water, decorate the outside of stones.

Of course, the pond will be quite small, but if it should be reappearing, it will delight the eyes no worse than a full reservoir.

What plants plan?

Of course, that your pond looks spectacular and attractive, it needs to be arranged accordingly: to re-establish plants. So that your reservoir is closest to the similarity with the natural reservoir, it is necessary to do landscaping.

We offer several options:

  • You can put plants on the bottom of your reservoir.It is better to use local plants: they will come quickly faster.

  • Also you can plant various plants in some container, for example, in a barrel and set around the pond. At the same time, you can sue all that your soul, choosing the container to taste and, in accordance with the style of the pond and the garden composition as a whole: will look spectacularly, while not separating visually from the common picture. In addition, just replacing the container, you can easily change the appearance of the entire environment, if suddenly the former look is bored.

  • The highlight of your design project can be a decoration in the middle of the pond.Put a beautiful stone in the midst of the reservoir, and install the pot with some interesting plant or decorate it with some kind of figure, for example, mermaids. Such a move will certainly attract the attention of others.

  • To keep water in your reservoir clean as long as possible, you need to protect it from falling from the trees of leaves, branches and insects with a special design from the grid.
  • If still the leaves were in the water, the saccus will help you: just remove the unnecessary garbage from the water so that it remains clean as long as possible, and the reservoir pleased you with his beauty. But the net will not help get rid of garbage from the bottom of the reservoir. Therefore, it is sometimes necessary to clean the pond with the help of a water purifier.