How to make a ball ball with your own hands. How to make a writing handle with your own hands

February 20th

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There is a huge variety of pens that can be bought without any problems in any stationery store. Sometimes, I want to have such a thing that there is no one, and will never be, or is, but a limited circle of individuals. Also things are and with handles ... Yes !!! With the most common writing handles that students write their nobody necessary abstracts, chemists write different formulas of reactions, accountants fill out all sorts of different forms, references, etc. In this article, "how to make a handle ..." (CER) I will try to show how to make the original wooden handle.

Project development (office work).

Before, to do something, do, you need to develop a plan. Now the plan will be called a selection of materials, the development of a 3D handle model, subsequently the creation of the necessary drawings, the development of technology for the manufacture of one or another part.

Selection of materials.

Step to which you need to come with all responsibilityAfter all, it is from the choice of material that the durability of the handles will depend on, their appearance. Wood, from which handles will be made, should be the most solid, dense, as a result will be nice to polish. My choice fell on Eben (black tree), beech, klyon, as for the tree; From non-wooden materials - aluminum tube, brass rod, and the ball rod itself with paste itself. Actually, that's the whole list of materials.

From the left and right: rods with pasta, aluminum tubes, brass rod (type of such, because they are in lacquer), male, ben, eben.

Development of appearance.

Having essential material can be proceeded. First appearance of the handles. Immediately make a reservation that the cap from the handles will not be, as well as the clips (to hung on the pocket). Actually, here are four variant of the handle (drawn in Photoshop CS). By the way, none of them realized in life, in a different way.

Actually, it is clear that the tip of the handle will be made of Eben, then the beech and, finally, Clay. Caps (screwed, not those that closed the rod) will be made of brass, and then polished.


After the appearance is completely defined, we will turn to 3D modeling of the handle. What is it done for? The fact is that when you look at what it should succeed, it is easier to do and represent, besides, with the help of the model, all sizes of the handle (dimmeters, lengths, depths) are determined, and the necessary drawings can be obtained from this model, which It is also well helped in the manufacture (of course, the handle is the object well, a very simple, the model could not draw it, just decided to show the approach).

About how to draw a model can very much to paint, but this is another topic, therefore it will not be affected. I just say that I modified in the Solid Works 2008 program, it created something similar to the drawings.

Here is a 3D model (from above - right, top-down) front cap, rear cap, wooden array, ball rod, aluminum tube.

The same model, but assembly and with superimposed wood texture.

Modeling on this completed, now let's turn to our materialization
Project. It looks good on the piece of paper, and in your hand there are even better in your hand. So,
Production ...


So, let's proceed to the most interesting thing - the manufacture of what they painted. As I have already written, in the process of manufacture, it may vary both appearance and sizes of the handles ...

Making a central rod.

One of the most important details, as it closes the front and rear cap, is also the most rusting detail in the handle. The billet for the rod will be an aluminum tube with an external diameter of 6 millimeters, and an internal 4 millimeter.

The rod subsequently will be "placed" by a tree. For the best adhesion of the bundle "Tube - Glue - Tree", it is necessary to load the surface of the tubes, that is, to make it a rough (skin, supfyl, file, not the essence). Next, wrap the thread, preferably cotton (cotton thread is better absorbed adhesives).

Tubes wrapped in thread. At this stage, the tubes are ready.

Making a wooden shell.

As previously planned, the decorative shell will consist of three colors of wood - black (Eben), reddish-brown - beech, cream - Clay (if the colors did not call it, then do not be afraid, perhaps I'm a donstonik). The difference from PHOTOSHOP CS will be that the large part will be a black tree, then the beech, and the least cool.

Beech and Eben have in the form of plates, so you have to glue two rails to increase thickness. But the male in the form of an array and in the crossing does not need.

Eben, the beech, the beech, prepared for the gluing rack, the beech (from above - down). We divorce epoxy resin (ED-20). It is possible to use a polyester resin, but it loses in strength, moreover, styrene is distinguished during polymerization, and it is harmful (at epoxy resin - chlorine). When working with a resin, it is extremely desirable to use rubber gloves.

Introducing the resin and compress the clamps.

After the resin got up, (it does not dry, and it is polymerized, therefore, the experienced and say, the resin got up) you can proceed to dismemberment. To do this, we use stupid (roughly speaking, pattern).

After simple movements there - here we get the blanks for the "Taurus" handles. The black and large on the table is a stub, in it there are grooves for the hacksaw.
Now it remains the most difficult - to sew the hole for the tube. The complexity is that the hole must be coaxial in each harvested kit for the handles. If the holes are not pines, then our planes will not match the plane, but the line and will be a gap, which, of course, will be filled with a resin, but it will not be careful. Therefore, I will first drill a hole in the most dense and long billet - in Ebene.

The drill is fixedly fixed, so we simply move our workpiece in the axial direction on the drill, look at the eye (if you do not trust your eyes, then make the guides that will be parallel to the drill).

Drilling Eben It is necessary to glue it to the cyciane (ethylcycrylate, in the commoner super glue) to the beech, by the way, it is necessary to glue it point, a little grabbing to tear it was possible. Thus, the hole in Ebene will be guides, and no offset will not. Drills

After the hole in the beech is drilled (it will, by the way, will be deaf, that is, not through, due to the fact that the drill is short) it is necessary to break these halves and drill a hole through.

Build a blank handle.

The assembly will be carried out on an epoxy binder (epoxy resin). At first, reconciles the resin, we impregnate the thread on the rods, there should be no dry places. Then we ride our sliced \u200b\u200bblanks on the tube, like meat on the skewer, without forgetting to lubricate the mating planes with resin.

It turns out something similar to multicolored sticks. The resin completely gets up in 24 hours, but the polymerization process continues and the maximum strength of the cured resin reaches approximately a week later, this is provided that it was properly prepared (the correct ratio of the resin / hardener; for ED-20 it is 10 parts of the resin 1 part of the hardener) . It remains to squeeze clamps and wait a bit.

When compressing clamps, the gap between the blanks becomes even less.

After harvesting, epoxy can be processed to the sharpening of the handles. I'll figure it out on a universal TV-6 tutorial.

Sticking (profiling) handles.

As I wrote earlier, the profiling will be made on TV-6 lathe, it can be almost any bodies of rotation (cylinder, ball, cone and others) on turning machines.

The lathe has a cartridge in which one end of the handle and the rear grandmother is clamped, into which the center is inserted. When we clamp the part into the cartridge, we still have a freely loose end of the detail that you need to hold the center.

After the workpiece is clamped in the machine, you can proceed to processing. First, it is necessary to handle the workpiece in such a way as to obtain a cylinder with a diameter corresponding to the maximum diameter of the handle plus a 0.5 millimeter to the reserve.

The resulting cylinder must be applied to the ends, thus giving it the shape of the handle. Make it is the easiest all first with a cutter, and then bring to the desired state of the skin pasted on the bar.

Processing, we obtain a certain semi-finished product that needs to be treated with a shallow skin for aligning the surface. Cut off an excess protruding aluminum tube.

Cutting threads.

The thread is necessary for fastening the front and rear unscrewing caps. Because, the handle is thin enough, then the choice of thread size needs to be taken very carefully. First of all, you need to decide on the diameter and the thread rate. The diameter will be 5 millimeters. The step of the thread is the distance between two adjacent threads. The more step, the larger the thread, and vice versa.

For pens, more important, aesthetics and beauty, and not the strength of the mount, so the thread step is the maximum small as possible - 0.5 millimeters. In addition, the smaller the step, the smaller the height of the thread and those in a smaller diameter of the tube can be chopped into the thread, not "breaking" it. A thread fixture is called a tank. The testers differ in numbers, 1, 2 and 3. The difference is that 1 is a tap, which has a gentle slope and smaller threads, 2 - coolest occasion and almost full-sized thread, 3 - serves for finally tapping a thread, where High accuracy required. I will use only the first that the thread is more dense, without the backlash.

On the left - a twin tap, right - a tap unit.

Before cutting the thread, it is necessary to drill an aluminum tube to a diameter of 4.6 millimeters (remember that the inner diameter is 4 millimeters). Otherwise, the tap will turn the hole, as if it is an explosion.

To cut the thread, and more precisely, the knocker is used to hold the tap. When cutting the thread, the handle is better to hold in hand, for vice, pliers and other retaining devices remember the handle and make its appearance disgusting. Still, when cutting a thread, it is better to wrap the handle into the foam rubber, because if we hold the handle in your hands, the fat is absorbed into the tree, sweat and dirt that is on hand and especially it will be visible on a light tree.

Threads must be cut into a depth of millimeters by 10, not less. It is determined by the fact that the length of the thread in the cap is 10 millimeters.

Finished carving in the handle.


In order for the handle to be even more unique and acquired the belonging to his owner, that is, it became a nominal one, it is necessary to apply a name. The name will be applied to the brightest part of the handle (on the Clay). The principle of applying the inscriptions is as follows:

1. In Photoshop CS draw a name, type of font name, which we want to see on the handle.

2. Invert the image vertically or horizontally. No matter how, the essence is to get a mirror image of our drawing.

3. Change the size of the image in such a way that it is remarkably fit on the bright part of the handle and has not searched anywhere. In this case, the length (the greatest size) is 20 millimeters, and the height is determined proportionally.

After these operations, print multiple image data on a sheet using laser The printer (is the laser, not inkjet and not matrix, otherwise nothing will happen).
But before you put an image on the handle, I will try to apply first on a trial piece of wood.

How to do, cut off a small piece with our image, fix it with paper scotch on the workpiece. Next, take a heated iron and heated our image. It is necessary to heat carefully, since when overheated, the paper can stick to the tree and the pieces remain on it (the transfer of the image is carried out by almost the same principle as in the laser printer; the coloring matter in the laser printer is toner (powder), which when heated "sins "And sticks to the surface on which it was heated, so if the toner woke up on the clothes it is impossible to wash it in hot water).

Restrained on trimming, proceed to apply the image directly to the handle itself.

Fix, and after heating we get. As can be seen in the picture, the name looks not very contrasting, that is, it does not have a radically black color, therefore, we take a gel black handle in the hand and carefully interwit the contours. The result is clearly visible in the following photo (the letter "A" is not fully circled).

After the inscription is completely circled, we leave the handle alone so that the paste is dried. On this inscription can be finished.

Production of caps.

Unfortunately, when I sharpened the caps, there was no camera at hand, so there are no photos of the manufacturing process. There are only photos of ready-made products. Therefore, I will try to describe the process of manufacturing with words.

We put the drawing before your eyes, drawn earlier. First you need to determine the sizes at the place. The maximum diameter of the cap will be equal to a small diameter of the handle from the other side with which the cap will be. Then exact "protrusion" for the thread (diameter of 5 millimeters). Distribution, cut the outer thread Lerka (tool for cutting an external thread, the difference from the dies, Lerka is an indefinite tool, and therefore gives more accurate threads, especially small diameters). And only after that, it is after cutting the thread, drill a hole. Why after cutting the thread? Everything is simple, the fact is that if we turn the hole first, then we have a case when we cut the thread on the tube. Cutting the thread is accompanied by a large twisting torque operating on the rod (tube) on which we cut, as a result of this, the tube can simply break. It is for this reason that we first cut the thread, and then drill.

After cutting the threads and drilling holes, you can proceed to the external design of the revival of the cap.

Referring a cap to the form (similar, with a drawing form), take the skin and equalize the surface (the fact is that after turning, the "rings" remain on the material). We use several skins of various grainies, to achieve the best results. And, on the last, we take a felt circle (the felt boots from the felt are also done) we apply a goe paste (polishing paste) and water the cap so that the metal looks evenly, without rings and scratches.

To achieve even greater shine, you can lick the caps about the paper, the most ordinary sheet of paper.

Patch vapor.

So we came to the last, final stage. To protect the tree, from which the handle is made from atmospheric conditions, sweat from hand, fat, cover the handle with varnish. At first I wanted to use the epoxy resin to cover, but it turned out to be thick, and when, the discharge of her methyl alcohol after curing remained soft and loose, like jelly. This option, understandable thing, does not fit.

Next, followed the trip to the store, more precisely in the supermarket of buildings. Most interested shelves with paint coatings. In general, after a long time being there I chose a parquet gloss lacquer. In theory, the varnish is specifically designed for the surfaces that are most susceptible to abrasion.

Will be lacquered by the "pouring method", that is, completely lower the pen into a jar with varnish and room in place, where extra lacquer quietly strokes and remain smooth glossy layer. Why exactly this method? Everything is simple, the handles are more made at home and are covered with varnish, too, so the coating with the help of the pulverizer immediately disappears, since the spread when spraying varnish will be very large and blurred everything around. Tassel. You can cover with a tassel, but in this case the directions in which the brush drove was visible on the handle, and the remains of the pile of joy do not bring.

Before the dipping, it is necessary to roll on with plasticine, for example, a hole at the bottom, thereby protecting the thread from falling into her lacquer.

The photo shows that when draining the lacquer forms transverse irregularities, similar to the waves. But after the surplus of the varnish glasses, the surface will become glossy and shiny.
After 24 hours, pull the handle, carefully clean the ends with a scalpel from the residues of varnish, clean the entire plasticine, screw the caps, inserting the paste. After the operations done, we will receive two different, and at the same time two identical products.

Upper: short, stupid, rounded
Lower: long, sharp, little rounded

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The usual handle is easy to buy in any store. But it is almost impossible to buy an exclusive handle made by your own hands, and if you can, then in very expensive boutiques and for huge money. Simple manifiers such spending are not affordable. But to make it from the usual piece of wood and small devices - it is possible. At the same time, the handle will be an excellent author's gift that everyone will appreciate.

On the video you can see how to create a tree handle

To create the handle we will need:
- two metal tubes;
- rod;
- mechanism for handle;
- Wooden blanks;
- sandpaper;
- glue;
- lathe.

Getting to work. First, we clean our metal tubes with a small piece of sandpaper.

After both pipes are cleaned carefully facing them with glue outside and insert them into wooden blanks.

If you do not have such forms, they are easy to make themselves it is enough to take a small piece of wood, which will be slightly larger in diameter than the thickness of the handle is planned and drilled exactly the hole in the center, the diameter of which will be equal to the diameter of the metal tubes so that they are tightly entered into billet. The length of the blank should be the same as the length of the tube, this is an important condition.

When the tubes were glued inside the forms, we put them on a lathe for further processing.

We turn on the machine and proceed to the processing of wooden blanks, giving them the necessary form, which will be a handle.

After the necessary shape and the desired dimensions are achieved with a tree with a special impregnation and varnish, in order for it to light up as long as possible.

Remove the basis of the handle from the lathe. Now it remains to collect a handle.

First we insert into one of the blanks the tip of the future handle and press it up to the bottom right. After that, exactly also secure a connection for two blanks. The so-called jumper or thread, which will connect the two parts of the blanks into an integer.

Insert the rod and check its location.

Then insert the cap to the second blank, which will close the rod, also press it into a tree.

Good mistress never throws anything. And that's right, because any thing, after she stopped used by appointment, you can try to remake something else.

Holder for thread

What can be done from the handles that no longer write? Great solution - holder for coils. This is especially useful to women who are actively engaged in sewing. To do this, you will need only a wooden base with holes for used writing objects. Everything, the stand is ready!


What else can be done from the handles? As an option - Stand under the stationery themselves. To do this, you need the used DVD, which will serve as the basis, and many old handles that will be glued along the rim of the disk. Well, if they are different colors and lengths, so things will turn out bright and extraordinary.


And now you can make something for boys. Let's look at how to make a gun from the handle. To do this, you will need a writing object with a spring. The design is completely disassembled and collected in the reverse order: first the spring, then the handle. Everything, the gun is ready. And bullets for such a weapon will serve small dense lumps of paper. Also from the handles you can make nunchaki - Eastern weapons. And, by the way, it will be safe for health. So, we will need two simple handles, as many matches and cord. The handles are completely freed from the content, the cord is pulled in them and the tips is fixed with matches (so that it cannot jump back). All, weapons are ready to use! And one more is a very simple way to create weapons from the cavity of the handle (by the way, it is generally a classic!): You just need to remove all the contents, leave a naked tube, through which it is very convenient to spit small pieces. What is not weapon in the fight against boys?


What else can be done from the handles? Excellent option - holder for knitting hook. To do this, just need to choose a comfortable handle, push into it - instead of pasta - the right product and fasten with glue or molten polyethylene. Such a crochet is easy and convenient to use!

In campaign

Holder for hiking forks and spoons is another variation on the topic: "What can be done from the handles?" Everyone knows that such cutlery often do not have a long handle, but only a removable holder. But what if he is lost? Everything is simple: take advantage of your stationery spent! That's just in such a situation, most likely, you will have to cut a little to the product so that the devices are fine in it.


The next our advice will tell you how to make a self-stall. For this, however, additional details will be needed: four new inexpensive pencils, seven paper gum (money) and an old handle. First you need to do the base. For this, two pairs of pencils, tightly pressed to each other, you need to make a T-shaped design (everything is fixed with the help of stationery). The handle is attached at the bottom of the letter T a few scotch strips (without ampoules with pasta, only the cavity itself). The rubber band is spinning at the ends of the pencils (on the cap of the letter T), you can attach a wide insert in the center to make more convenient to insert "ammunition". The same arrow itself (most likely - the usual paste) is inserted into the handle and the instrument is started. Here is a simple invention.

Good day, mozharrosia! Maybe you will be interested to know about mozgoprocess Creating an elegant ballpoint handle that the other day I made it for my wife.

Going to such mozgarica Of the paper and epoxy resin in the technique known among the shells as "Getinax".

Creating a handle is a fairly common thing to occupy having special sets and tools that are becoming increasingly affordable. (Included in the set tools, such as the handle core, can easily use for other purposes and expand your self-lecher feature). In that mozgorovodiculture I use a set of "fine handle".

My wife (just three weeks ago we said "agree") has problems with joints and it was found that avoiding pain really helps the ergonomic shape of the ballpoint handle, which is why the top of his crafts I added a large ball.

Step 1: Cutting paper for handle hull

For mine Selfieckers I chose several large sheets of paper of different, but emphasizing each other (dark green and creamy) colors and folded them together before on the jigsaw to cut paper squares of 25x2.5 cm.

During this molds of the MoldsYes, and always, it is important to comply with the security technique! For myself, I found a safe way to cut paper - clamp it between two wooden bars, and thus hold it on the jigsaw table.

You can still cut the paper with a knife or scissors, but what method you would not have chosen, expect caution.

Step 2: Creating a Conductor for Handle Case

I collected a small device - a conductor, which will help streamline paper squares during their gluing. This conductor is made of two lumps built in the form of the letter g, and nailed to the plywood.

Step 3: Handle Housing Slice

This is the main and long stage of everything mozgoprocess.

Paper squares glued together with each other using epoxy resin, and during the globe itself, the surface voltage of the resin and paper hold squares, not allowing them to decay.

Most of all I was worried that the divorced epoxy hardens faster than I finish the gluing process crafts. Fortunately, if you breed it in small quantities, then more time it turns out to glue the squares, so I managed.

I believe that experiments with different adhesives and resins can speed up and facilitate the gluing process compared to my experience.

Step 4: Cutting Case Shape

And now the most interesting begins.

After the glued harvesting of the body is separated from the conductor (I did a jigsaw), it's time to determine in which it is cut into parts.

In the past, I used a lathe with a long mozgosverl For drilling through hole in the case, which is very convenient if this housing has a beautiful wooden pattern and it is necessary to align it perfectly. But in most cases it is still easier to use a drilling machine.

Before cutting on the jigsaw, I scheduled a line of cut with copper tubes.

Step 5: Reversing holes in the housing

Fixing the harvesting of the case crafts In a vertical position, 7mm-M drill I drilled through a hole. But this is for my "knob assembly set", you may need a drill of another diameter.

Step 6: Punches Pads

Copper tubes I spend to increase the surface area of \u200b\u200bgluing, and to remove dirt and fat that can reduce the quality of this bragoskleiki.

In the hole of the handle housing and on the copper tubes, which came with the kit, I inflicted cyanacrylate / medium density superclauses. The entire focus is that when the tube is introduced into the hole does not stop. When the tube slides over the hole, the glue acts as a lubricant, but when stopped it quickly hits. Ideally, at the end of getting a tube completely placed in the workpiece.

For pushing the tube into the case Selfieckers You can use a pencil or something like that.

*** Tips from comments ***

@ Scanner2 writes:
After plying the copper tube into the case, it is possible that there will be some glue inside the tube. To remove it, I use the 6mm-e of the drill, which scrolls in the opposite direction, thereby drilling the tube. The reverse direction does not engage the material of the tube, but passes through it.

(Excellent advice - I would add that depending on your "set" and the method that you clean the copper tubes may possibly be useful to walk with a snack to the sharp edges of the tubes, which will reduce the probability of engagement of the tube for the housing and facilitates the knob connection when before It comes to the case).

Step 7: Turning

My "Handle assembly set" came with the carrier.

I squeezed him in the batter of the lard mozgostanka And I planted a copper tube to the blades, which remove the excess material around the tube. The result was a completely flat surface for a liner mounted later.

If there is no such a carrier, you can run or cut the outer surface flush with a copper tube.

Step 8: Connection of blanks and formation of profile

Prepared paper blanks are put on the core with the insertion of the appropriate size between them.

In my case, the liner is thin, "Slimline", although there are many other styles to choose from.

After that, I began to form and bring the shape of a pen using various tools. For a more complete overview of the turning tool and working with it, I have prepared a brief guide for one journal, and you can familiarize yourself with it.

Step 9: Revision and Polishing

Before applying the finish coating on under the treeI wanted to make sure the shape of the handle.

After my satisfaction and grinding with sandpaper with grain 1000, I inflicted a thin layer of superclone, distributing it evenly with my finger. The main thing here, to apply enough, with a small number of the glue will not lubricate the surface during its distribution.

So I inflicted on mozgoruchku Four layers of superclaud Before polished with its sandpaper with grain 1500 and united the mixture for polishing to show the mirror glitter.

The cabineturists call this process with rubbing, as a result, an impeccable view that satisfies you, and it is necessary to make a lot of effort to achieve it.

Step 10: Handle assembly

Components from a set like me have a friction fit, but can easily fail if you are not attentive.

I came to the conclusion that it is better to assemble the kit dry to understand the position of the components in selfie and develop order mozgosborki.. For example, if you do not install the handle tip to the mechanism, then there may be problems. For pressing the details and getting a good fit, I used a vice.

I would also recommend to get high-quality ink for your handles, because, ordinary ink, as a rule, just good, but not the best. All the "Cross Style" knobs are essentially the same mechanism, so that you can successfully use the same ink, which people have spent much more than you are on your hands, besides there is a cool moment in what you have the only one in your Rare handle, and which you have done with your own hands.

That's all, all mozgoudachi!

We have collected the most interesting and creative ideas, how can you turn boring in the original accessories, decoring them on your taste and color. You will be surprised how pleasant will be even outside the school with such updated school supplies made by your own hands.

The academic year approached the end and you can forget about the school until September. But do not rush to throw out stuffy pencils, handles and notebooks. Having spent some time, you can get, either bright and interesting school supplies, which will be one pleasure to lead your own, who, by the way, can also be very interesting to arrange, using our ideas.

The most simple pencils, PVA and sequins glue - that's all you need to give the second life with ordinary school supplies.

Pens decorated with delicate feathers with a watercolor pattern - what can be original?

By the way, feathers to such handles can be made of paper, painting it in. Then they will even transmit all the ease and weightlessness of the present.

To make such interesting "tassels" at the tips of the pencils, only decorative paper and thread will be required. Yes, yes, so everything is simple! Purley the usual pencil with colored paper or decorative tape, but so that the paper hung a little from the end of the pencil. Then drag it with a thread and cut, making a fringe.

What could be a male, what a pencil or pen with an ever-flowing flower? The chip of such a decor, of course, in, which should be done in advance and attach to the pencil of Scotch. Pencil itself can be wrapped with green paper to create a twig.

School supplies decor: how to decorate school notebooks

You can decorate the school notebook with a tissue cover. Of the advantages of such covers: they are pleasant to the touch, you can make additional pockets both inside and outside, a variety of textures and patterns and, of course, a simple design technique. Such a notebook can be used as a notebook or personal diary.

Embroidery on notebook. It sounds strange, but it looks very beautiful and unusual. Such decor is suitable for notebooks with monophonic and soft cardboard covers.

The stamps and drawings with paints can be made not only in the album for drawing, but also on the covers of notebooks, so as to decorate these very school notebooks in such a way. Try and you like it!

The decorative adhesive tape is also perfect for the decor of school notebooks, folders, book covers and albums. Thin strips of tape can be glued directly or diagonally, creating its own special pattern.

You can decorate the usual notebook with a photo film from your favorite photos or pictures for the summer mood. The link is full.

Girls will especially like such an idea of \u200b\u200bdecorating school supplies. Openwork decor for the cover of a notebook is created for romantic schoolgirls.

School supplies decor: how to decorate paper clips for school and stationery clips

To decorate your school paper clips and clamps, you can use a bright decorative adhesive tape. In addition, it will take very little material for such a decor of school supplies, and this school smoke will be happy to please for a long time.

Decorative adhesive tape can be tied on a clip or attach to it in the form of a flag. Such beautiful paper clips can even be used as.

Will be pretty looking as decorating school supplies, especially stationery clips. These will raise the mood with bright colors and the school stationery will be original.

Watch online how to decorate school supplies with your own hands

Now you have enough ideas for your decor. These and other ideas, how to decorate schoolbooks, pencils, handles and other useful office, will help create a mood for the summer and be suitable when preparing for the new academic year.