How to collect a door frame with your own hands: Step-by-step instructions, scheme and recommendations. Instructions for installing interroom doors do it yourself, good on a two-door door box

In the apartment? In this case, it is important not to fall into a common misconception that all doorways are the same in size. To protect yourself from unnecessary financial costs, it is important to correctly perform measurements of openings and pick up interior doors with a box according to their dimensions.

Bathrooms and bathrooms are most often mounted and threshold. In the rest of the apartment or at home, as a rule, door designs without a threshold are installed. The threshold is necessary only when the floors in adjacent rooms differ in terms of the level. It allows you to hide the height difference.

In the openings of a width of 70 to 120 cm, single interior doors with box and platbands are mounted. In accordance with the standards in the bathroom and the bathroom, there are 60 cm wide, 70 cm wide in the kitchen, 80 cm. Door height is usually 190 cm for the bathroom and a bathroom, and 200 cm for all other premises.

The maximum possible width of the type door leaf is 90 cm, assembled with the box it can be mounted in the opening to one meter width. If the width of the opening is larger, then the non-standard double interior doors are used with the box. They are collected from two standard cloths of the same or different widths. Such door structures have a spectacular look and can become an accent of interior design.

Large doorways can also be issued using doors on rail mechanisms. At the same time, the same canvases are used as in swing structures.

What if the doorway is unnecessary or too wide and is not suitable for installing typical door structures? This situation is often found in the "Stalinist" buildings, as well as in private houses. The easiest and most inexpensive way out in such a situation is to bring the size of the opening in line with current standards so that the factory doors can be mounted. Options such as making canvases and boxes to order or trimming doors will be much more expensive.

For a narrow doorway, a single sliding or swing door is suitable. And for the overall opening, the best option will be bivalve wooden designer doors with glazing, they can be installed on swing loops or rail mechanism.

The depth of the opening is usually 7 cm, however, this indicator is often increasing due to the alignment of the walls or installation of various drywall structures. To hide part of the wall that will remain unlocked after mounting the door box, use a good board.

Benefits of buying interroom door assembly

Buy interroom door with a box and pen assembled is much more profitable than to acquire individually canvas and handling elements. First, the mismatch is excluded in the color scheme, as the door frame elements are covered with the same material as the door sash. And, secondly, the details of the box are coordinated with each other and the door web itself, which eliminates the mismatch of the sizes.

The finished interroom door assembled by the box has smooth clear drums in the fields of joints, which ensures the reliability and durability of the entire design.
Such a door block quickly and simply is assembled and mounted in the doorway, without requiring the use of specific tools to perform marbles at the installation site.

Door box for interior doors is a link between the doorway and directly the door itself. It is needed as a carrier part of the structure, on which all the power load is concentrated. She fastens hard to the doorway, and the door loops, dobors, platband and concomitant fittings are already mounted on it. It also performs aesthetic role and can be both a separate element of the assembly and the continuation of a homogeneous design.

Door box materials

The doorframe, as a rule, coincides with the material with the selected door of the door. Between the rooms you can put the iron door, for example, armored, and then the box will be steel. In public places, offices, stores are now plastic and aluminum doors, and the box in this case will be from the same material. For pendulum, sliding and glass doors, the Lutka (frame) can be made of MDF or aluminum.

The following materials are used for the manufacture of an interroom door frame:

  • Whole barwith the selected sinus, that is, the entrance. The bar must be of good quality, succeeded, without cracks and bitch, because the inner voltage of wood between the fibers over time and under the influence of external factors can lead to the deformation of the canvas.
  • Wooden array.Luxury trees are oak, beech and ash. Very beautiful doors made of mahogany: cherries, alder, nut and eucalyptus. Of the cheaper, they are addicted to spruce, lime, birch, maple, the most suits pine.

This material requires ultimate processing: grinding, putty, firing, painting, simulators, lacquer coatings or mastic at the request of the customer.

  • Survised barover the entire length of the product using the "Miniship" technology or glued bar of small pieces of wood along the same technology. Dimensions in retail - 35x70x2100 mm. This material also needs an finishing finish.

  • Brux from MDF and HDF. Wood-chip material, impregnated with medium and high density gluing substances, placed by natural veneer. The thickness of the bars is from 30 to 60 mm depending on the mass of the door canvas.
  • Planks DVP - This is a pressed layered composite material having the necessary strength. Wasing with an ecoshpon, which is artificial.

Types of door boxes

Distinguish several types of door boxes.


Universal box suitable for any types of walls. It is a design of a decorative platband attached to the frame. The angular box requires an additional sealing of gaps between the frame and the door of the door.

It will increase sound insulation and eliminate drafts.


It is most often used in the opening with thin partitions, for example, from drywall. This type of door frames is mounted in a metal frame to increase the strengthening of the structure. Otherwise, the exhausted design will lead to the breaking of the door mechanism as a whole.


The view of the box consisting of a frame and a swing with a platband. The optimal option, which allows not worrying about the preparation, refinement and subsequent decoration of the doorway. As a rule, this type of box is already provided with sealing elements.


Represents a set of planks that are connected to the designer manner or laminate locks. It simplifies the process of fitting the door frame to the features of the opening.

It does not need bonding elements, as the grooves in each other.

Profile configuration

The door frame for interior doors is usually a rectangular timber with a chosen quarter for the River.

Standard dimensions are as follows:

  • Thickness - 35 mm;
  • Width - 60, 70, 80 and 100 mm;
  • Length - 2100 mm;
  • The width of the gun is 30 mm, and the depth is 10 mm.

The imposition can be made by a semicircle or ribs. For wide doorways in a bar from the back side, opposite the gunner, make a quarter for a dog 10/10 mm. Recently, profiled telescopic boxes are increasingly producing, in the lateral grooves of which dobors and platbands are inserted in the kit. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe River there is a groove for fastening the seal. If there is no such groove, the self-adhesive seal is attached.

It increases sound insulation and does not give the doors to clap loud when closing.

Methods of assembly koroba

When buying a door block, the box to the door can be attached already in the assembled state, but most often the door is equipped with special bars made from the same material as the door itself. Sometimes the box has to be purchased separately. The interroom in the assembled form has a P-shaped form consisting of two vertical bars and top horizontal. A threshold in the form of a lower horizontal bar is added to the O-shaped form.

Large and thick boxes are collected using a thickening connection. To do this, at the edges of one canvase pierce the ties, and the other canvas make grooves corresponding to the size of the tongs. A thickening connection is turned through, and the hole is driven from a more dense tree of the tree into the hole, or the connection is tightened with self-draws. You can use and nails. When assembly, joiner glue.

For the rest of the wood boxes, it is enough to make bars under 90 or 45 degrees and pull them together with self-draws. All elements of the box having decorative features are roamed strictly under 45 degrees. For this work requires an end saw or a stood with a mounted hacksaw. The hacksaw should have a canvas with a small tooth, for example, for metal. Preparations reinforced with artificial veneer, to prepare in another way it is very difficult, because it is simply impossible to sharpen or hide any other method of inaccuracy. Such species include telescopic boxes.


Installation of the door frame can be made in different ways.

  • Internal method.Based on fastening the box in several places: in loops, under the castle plate and in the wall. In these places, the box is attached using selflessness, after which the struts are installed, and the resulting space is filled with mounting foam. This method provides a durable and durable fastening, but requires extreme accuracy in the calculations and fitting the door, because after frozen the foam, the door cannot adjust the door.

  • Mounting bolts.Reliable and time-tested fastening option.
  1. Holes drill in the box.
  2. The box is applied to the way, indicate the places where it is necessary to make holes in the wall.
  3. The box is attached to the mind.
  4. Bolts decorated with plugs.
  • Fastening on the suspensions. The suspensions are the plates fastening to the box. After their fixing, the box is placed in the doorway, aligned in terms of the level and is fixed at the expense of bolts in the suspension. This method is applicable only to the finishing of the room, as the wall suspensions need to be hidden by plaster.

Cuff box for wooden house

Houses made from natural wood have the properties of "breathe" or "walk". It is manifested while drying wood and drawdown at home. So that the doorway does not learn along with the house, and the rigid door design did not interfere with the "walk" the wall, in the place of the opening put a casing (s). There are three main ways to install it.

They differ in various location of the spike:

  • In the spike monolith. When the boxes of the box have a monolithic T-shaped shape with a spike in the middle, and the groove for it is made in the wall opening.
  • In a deck. The box canvas have a monolithic P-shaped shape with a groove in the middle, and the spike is made on the wall opening.

With the help of a sliding mortgage bar. This is the easiest way. It should be considered in more detail.

To work, you will need the following toolkit:

  • fifty board;
  • saws.
  • sealant;
  • roulette;
  • level;
  • construction stapler;
  • screwdriver;
  • chainsaw;
  • bar 50/50 mm;

  • Chainsaws drink the doorway of the desired dimensions. In the middle of its vertical sides, the grooves are chosen under the bar. The same chainsaw is cut off the bar less than the length of the groove by 50 mm. You can use not solid bar, but to collect it from pieces. They score him into the groove so that he entered freely, but did not hang out. It is not necessary to mount it, it is sliding.
  • The board must be the desired width. Cut it in length by 50 mm less than the height of the doorway. In the upper part, a quarter is a quarter of 50 mm wide and a depth of 20 mm for a horizontal part. On the sides of the opening, the staples of the jute are shot by a stapler, leaving the timber to the free, so that it does not roll into the tapping screw. Insert the boards in the opening and align in terms of level. They screw the length of 65-75 mm through the length of the length to the bar, beating in the canvas, while watching not to flash the bar through. Mounting places are putty.

  • Cut the horizontal board length. At the top, on a quarter, the sealant is applied and drive it into place. Bonded the box among themselves with self-drawing from the back side of the horizontal board. The distance remaining free over it, in no case is not fought, but fill the packles.

Advantages of telescopic box

In wooden houses, especially the old building, often have to deal with the problem of the ceiling of the door frame under the deformed opening or width of the walls. Before the appearance of telescopic door frames, these tasks were solved by using the goodwill and their masking by platbands. To properly function, the door opening door must represent a single plane on both sides. The telescopic device of the box solves the adjustment problem: extended fragments allow you to adjust the box for any thickness of the opening.

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Performing repair, you should not forget about the change of inlets and interior doors, if they have already served their deadline or lost a presentable look. An important criterion that affects the operational characteristics of the doors is correctly selected measurements of door frames. The more precisely the sizes will be installed, the longer the door will last, whether it is input or interior. There are installed standard sizes that should also be considered when repaired.

Dimensions of entrance doors

The dimensions of the entrance doors should be removed correctly, first it is worth understanding, from which elements it consists of:

  • Canvas. It is a solid or consisting of several parts an element that closes the doorway. It establishes special accessories for convenience of opening and installation.
  • Box The frame in which the canvas lies and fixes on it. It serves as a gear ratio between the box and the opening of the wall. consists of three crossbars and threshold, sometimes the latter is not used.
  • Platbands. Serve elements of the board decor, make the appearance of the installed doors completed.
  • Good. Mounted between platbands and a box, they are compensated for a gap, which may turn out between the wall and the thickness of the box.

Before buying the input, you need not only to measure the dimensions of the opening, but also to establish the exact dimensions of the purchase product using the calculations.

Proper measurement

It is necessary to measure the width, depth and height. Check their compliance with the standard sizes adopted by GOST.


It is necessary to set the distance of the narrow part of the doorway, extinct it from one wall to the second. Usually the wall is narrowed in a place where the door is located, but if it is the same throughout the opening, then the size can be measured anywhere.

If the old door has not yet been dismantled, and you need to order a new one, then the distance bothers from the middle of the platbands.

Height of the opening

For measurement of the height of the opening, you need to find the lowest point of the opening and measure the distance to the top of it. At the same time, it is necessary to measure at the site of the narrowing, if it is not observed, then you can perform measurements throughout the perimeter of the opening.

With the presence of an old instance, it simply measure its canvas, or the distance from the middle part of the upper platband to the floor.

Standard door height equates 200 cmBut in sometimes its greater size is allowed. Some manufacturers can produce products with dimensions in the range from 2.1 to 2.3 m.

After mounting the door canvase, you may need.

Depth of the opening

Its measurement should be carried out at three points located on top, from below and in the middle. It is necessary to set the widest place.

Read also about how to install interroom doors with your own hands.

If there is still an old door in the opening, it is necessary to measure the parameter of the box and the distance on which the wall performs from it. Table:

Standard dimensions are performed within 60, 70 and 80 mm.

Analogue of the calculation of the opening

When choosing a box, you need to take into account the gaps: from the upper side and in width it should exceed the resulting size by 3 mm, its lower part is increased by 10 mm.

When installing the box, it is necessary to take into account the gaps around the perimeter of the box between it and the wall, they make up 1-1.5 mmTherefore, the input opening is taken by a large 2 mm.

The door height is determined based on the fact that its standard size is equal to 200 cm, it is necessary to add the size of the upper bar of the box to it, and this is 25 mm and the gaps: the upper - 3 mm, and the lower - 10 mm.

You can also learn about the types of locks for aluminum doors.

For balcony openings depend on the type of building. For small-sized apartments, its width is 68 cm. You can perform a width of a smaller dimension, but it should be at least 61 cm, otherwise it will be difficult to pass onto the balcony.

Standard Dimensions of Interior Door Boxes

Their elements are performed from boards or bars of pine, and on top of it decorated with veneer of trees of more valuable breeds.

Box thickness

In standard apartments built in Soviet times, this size is 7.5 mm, so the box with a size of 10.8 cm is selected. If the thickness of the interior partitions is 10 cm, then you need to install a box 12 cm. These are the standard sizes that are accepted domestic gostami. In the interior doors of foreign manufacturers, the capacity of the door thickness is wider and goes from 8 to 20.5 cm.

If the wall thickness is obtained more than the selected box, it can be rewrong, applying enough elements or use a compensatory frame that can be telescopic, expansion or perform in the form of a transformer.

To increase the strength of the door design, recommended to use.

When performing measurements of interior doors, the thickness of the opening can be different, it is caused by the feature of the walls, they can be carriers or installed as partitions.


It is regulated and can be from 190 to 200 cm. These sizes will satisfy the dimming dimensions in the range from 194 to 203 cm or 204-211 cm.

When calculating the height of the future door, you need to consider the threshold. It can be from 1 to 2 cm, and in the end it may turn out - 208 cm, and without it 206 cm. This is an ideal height that meets the standard dimensions to many door boxes.

Width of the door design

It is measured from one to the second wall. Between this distance, the canvas and two side elements of the box should be placed.

What are the locks for the input metal door read.

The standard value of 800 mm width is accepted. Almost all manufacturers adhere to this particular dimension.

If necessary, insert the glass into the interroom door will prompt.

Dimensions of good

Dobors may be no less important than the box itself. Due to them, you can eliminate the hollow part of the doorway.

They are two types:

  1. Planks having a protective edge. They are fixed in the opening on the nails or the adhesive basis. Their width may vary by subsided, and the height is 2 meters.
  2. Telescopic doors. Suitable for solving any lack of width. Their installation is made at the expense of a special lock, which represents the "spike groove". The groove is made in the box, and the spike is good. Their width is adjustable from the platband.

The feasibility of using goodness can be installed after the measurement of the width of the doorway.

All information about the sealer for interior doors, read.

On video sizes:

Dimensions of two-sided copies

Comfortable for use are the size of the door width of 120-180 cm. If the opening does not allow them to withstand, then the doors cannons will be different in width, one smaller sizes is fixed in its place, and the second with large dimensions is used as a regular door. The latter has standard dimensions, and its smaller analogue comes with dimensions equal to 1/3 of it.

The height of such doors can be from 2 to 2.5 m. The depth of the two-dimensional doors according to the standard is from 7.5 to 11 cm.

Set the parameters of the doorways is easy if you know in which places they need to be measured. The adjustment of the obtained parameters is made taking into account all the gaps. If an error is assumed in the case of installing doors in the house, it can be fixed in the box or , with the entrance door it is not so easy . In the case of a large lumen between them and the wall, the installation of countercrob may need.

The telescopic box was named due to the principle of operation: the movement of a number of parts by special grooves. An erroneous is the opinion that the name is formed on the basis of the appearance of the structure. It does not have any similarity with a telescope or pickle.

Often, in the process of installing interroom doors, it is necessary to deal with difficulties caused by the incompatibility of the doorway and the box itself. Even the minimum discrepancy in size can lead to undesirable defects, curvature of the forms of the canvas and frame. It should be noted that the installation of a conventional door box entails additional time costs and the rise in prices.

The telescopic box for interior doors is a reliable design that consists of a set of special planks connected between themselves through grooves. Thanks to this assembly principle, the installation process is quick and is not difficult.

Advantages for interior doors

With the advent of telescopic design, all stages of installation of interroom doors simplified. The assembly resembles a sequential connection of the details of the designer on the principle of laying parquet board or laminate. Each detail is fixed by special grooves. The assembly requires the use of fasteners, there is no need for glue and nails.

The design is suitable under the thickness of the wall more than the standard width - for this, retractable elements are provided. Suitable for installing interroom doors in old houses. Here, the feature of the openings has its own specifics, and for them there is a need for fit. With telescopic constructive development, you can not worry that the size of the opening and the width of the door box will not coincide.

What is produced from

For each door system, there are materials. It can be:

  • array;
  • metal.

The choice of materials will depend on the functionality, room requirements, pricing policies, interior aspect.
The most popular material for the manufacture of a telescopic door box is MDF. This material is practical for the manufacture of this kind of designs and is available in its price criteria.

The array has much greater durability, but also costs much higher. Metal, such as aluminum, is used less often, it is not suitable for all types of premises.

Correct installation

The entire installation process is easy and passes quickly. The presence of a special tool will allow you to establish the required box size even to someone who has no experience in holding construction work. It is important to understand the design feature and comply with a clear sequence in the implementation of its assembly. It is necessary to select the size and shape of the frame in advance.

Source Details for Mounting:

  1. box with grooves;
  2. dobly Planka with grooves;
  3. door leaf;
  4. calcarions corner;
  5. furnitura.

List of special material and tools:

  • perforator;
  • drill screwdriver;
  • a hammer;
  • roulette;
  • pencil;
  • level (preferably laser);
  • liquid Nails;
  • mounting foam.

The assembly process will depend on the type of platband and the width of the box. For example, platbands that contain a good bar are used for the openings of non-standard widths - it can be hidden.

  1. Conduct (trimming) of a good plank. Dobors are attached to the selected quarter from the back of the box.
  2. Then the bar is fixed with wedges (pieces of rail). It is important to make that wedges that are installed, did not go beyond the wall plane.
  3. The gaps between the frame and the wall are reliably overlapped and filled with mounting foam.
  4. Fastening the telescopic platbands is made, after which they are cut - better use the hacksaw. In order to avoid the formation of slots between the details, the process of trimming must be made with increased accuracy.

The process of installing platforms is that they are moving into the appropriate grooves. They must be strengthened as accurately as possible. They are fixed firmly, but in some cases the masters additionally use liquid nails. It should be noted that such an supplement makes the design is all. The outcome of the work - each side of the box should be one plane with good platbands and bad peers.

The loops for metal doors from aluminum should not only withstand heavy loads, but also serve a long time. Much attention is paid to the method of their installation on the door.
Different types of profile
With the spread of technology, some familiar things change. Doors, for example, are increasingly made of plastic and aluminum. These are modern profile designs, elegant, lungs. But they have a different level of strength. Aluminum solutions are increasingly used for entrance groups of stores, public buildings, many establish them on the verandas of houses. Here are not standard hinges for metal doors, but special systems whose task is to ensure the control of sash that have not quite a standard design.
By the nature of thermal protection, two types of aluminum profile can be distinguished:
Naturally, these are only conditional names. Warm received such a name for the reason that inside it is a special insert from the polymer material. It serves as a peculiar insulation, so with a decrease in air temperature, the inner part of the profile is not cooled as much as the outer. There is a significant reduction in heat loss. It takes only due to the fact that the thermal conductivity of the metal is high, and the inner surface of the frame still cools.
Cold profile is the simplest technical solution, bent fit metal sheet. He has no internal filler, when frost occurs, all problems associated with the lack of compensation are observed:
Heat loss,
sharp cooling of the inner surface of the frame,
Sometimes - the altitude of ice.
These are the main differences related to the user characteristics of two types of profile and affecting the price of the finished product.
There is another important factor that concerns the types of loops for an aluminum door or window sash. Depending on which profile is used for the manufacture of a constructive, loops are selected:
They are fixed in several ways, differ in the material from which the angle of opening, the possibilities of adjustment and other subtleties are made.
Materials used for manufacture
For aluminum structures, hinges for metal doors, systems, the appearance of which are known literally to everyone. However, the same materials are used:
stainless or slaughtering alloys;
stainless steel;
Aluminum and alloys based on it.
Each of the materials has its advantages, which forms the applications of certain loops.
Brass loops are ideal for creating various coatings. Metal plastic, easily processed, polished, provides good adhesion. Also, brass loops are the most common option in the case of hidden structures, which at certain points in the door movement are visible. Such accessories are very durable, provides long reliable operation, the surfaces are not formed on the surface or color changes. The applied coating is very well held.
Iron-based alloys.
Widely used in adjustable structures. Hidden under overlays or inside the elements allow different defects of the appearance - the surface darkening, erasing, oxidation. The only key requirement for such details is strength and resistance to wear, which can successfully provide iron-based alloys.
Stainless steel.
The most durable material for the manufacture of loops for aluminum structures. They can withstand the huge weight of the canvas, have a modern appearance, the polished surface is very durable, characterized by a pleasant mirror glitter or consciously matted. The oxide film is almost not formed, so the view is the perfect - even color and other characteristics.
The disadvantage is that parts of stainless steel are poorly galvanized. This material is difficult to apply the coating. Another disadvantage is the complexity of processing, so stainless steel loops are the most expensive. If you see the proposal of the market, we can safely say that without linings there are products made of stainless steel only one type: the colors of polished metal or with a matte surface.
Aluminum and alloys not by it. Similar hinges are quite rare. Although they belong to the low price group, they have enough deficiencies that limit their use. For example, stainless steel loops can withstand the maximum loads - 150 kg on two hinges is considered a normal indicator.
Similar advantages have a loop from brass - here the recommended indicator of the weight of the door sash is 100 kg per two loops. Aluminum can not boast of such a level. However, the hinges for aluminum constructs from the same material are found at the entrance doors with a small glass area, the total mass in the range of 50-60 kg. Such a solution in the field of hidden loops is especially common.
Methods of fastening
Depending on the profile used, there are several options for connecting the loop with the mounting area of \u200b\u200bthe web. Some of them allow you to maximize the assembly, others provide the possibility of repeated installation, the third applies only for a specific type of profile.
Cold structures. Here is more freedom for engineering solution. The profile is empty, therefore there are no restrictions on the use of anchors, screws or internal fasteners. Distribution received two main ways: mortgage and fast assembly.
When installing the fallated inside, the part of the profile is placed an element into which screws are screwed. Its design depends mainly on the configuration of space, sizes, profile brands. The ability of the loop carry the weight of the sash depends on the area of \u200b\u200bthe mortgage plate and the thickness of the metal wall. Standard recommendations for this type of fastening sound as follows: 100 kg of door mass, 1.7 mm Thickness of the profile wall, 25 square centimeters of the area of \u200b\u200bthe mortgage plate. For overhead loops of stainless steel, this type of connection is the most common.
Specific anchors are used to speed up the installation. This is an element that is inserted into the hole, when the bolt head is screwed, the inner part expands and reliably presses the loop to the profile. This method of collecting, as well as the previous one, allows multiple installation. You can promote, pull out the anchor, change the loop in case of need.
Warm structures. To install products from the profile filled with insulation, embedded plates are used. The difference between the cold profile is that they are placed in advance, in clearly regulated areas. To fix them in the same position, special spacers are applied. Mounting using the spacer anchor is also available.
There is another way - screwing the anchors with a self-timer. Although the installation speed will be the maximum, the key disadvantage is that multiple dismantling-installation is impossible. The thread gradually collapses, the connection becomes fragile. For a warm profile with dense aggregate, a wedge anchor is used - when screwing into the inner part expands and reliably fixes the part.
Special types of accommodation
Separately, it is worth noting the hidden loops. They are mounted on the end parts of the aluminum parts. Therefore, it is most often used to fit into a cutout or an overlay on the surface. The mount is carried out using spacer anchors or self-timing connections. Here minimal requirements, mortgages are not used, since the loop itself distributes an effort on the area of \u200b\u200bits fastening zones.
For aluminum doors, all sorts of loops are used. In order not to reinvent the bike, contact your products suppliers. Some types of fittings can cost inexpensively, but apply only for a specific profile type.
If the goal is to create a completely invisible connection or other non-standard cases, it is worth choosing special accessories for this purpose. Today, there are very many convenient options among technological solutions that can provide any conceivable characteristics, parameters and convenience.