How to create a unique trading offer: step-by-step instructions. Unique Trading Offer (UTP): Development Rules from A to Z

Want to make a slaughter ITP and give acceleration to your business?

For 2013, about 10 billion brands were registered in the world. And each of them wants you to be their client. Everyone is trying to sell something. How to remember them, how to distinguish between yourself?

Each of your potential customers faces such a problem. In each niche, whatever: the sale of automotive spare parts; production of building materials; Beauty salons and hairdressers; Private hospitals and other, other, there are many different companies. And each offers identical or almost identical goods or services. How to choose? How to distinguish? Who to contact? How to remember if almost defined?

Each company, it does not matter large or small (even more so!) It is necessary to stand out among competitors. Logo and - it is only half. It is necessary to come up with some kind of unique, special offer that will allocate you on a general background, and will help finish the client in general noise.

Here is how to come up with and make up your unique trading offer, or the ITP, and will be speech in this article.

What is the ITP and how used in marketing and sales

UTP is a unique trading offer. It implies some special characteristics of the brand or product that is presented as an advantage or additional benefit for the client. Utpa is used by marketers when working out an advertising campaign - often it is based on this feature to highlight the company among themselves similar on the market.

Introduced this concept as such an American advertising specialist Rosser Rivz. He developed this concept as an alternative to laudatory speeches in advertising, which was simply stopped believing ordinary consumers. According to his concept, the UTP should:

  • broadcast real benefit for the client;
  • increase the loyalty of CA K;
  • be a unique, special, unique in kind of market.

If you see a feature from a competitor and present it under your sauce - it will not be a strong Utel. It will be just a stolen idea, imitation.

Here it seems there is a unique trading offer, but the same 9 out of 10 competitors

UTP is the reason why consumers should choose you. And it is necessary for each company. Only the one who launches a new, innovative, revolutionary product, analogs that simply is simply not not, can do without a street. In this case, this very product and acts as a unique proposal.

In all other cases - deflated or die, paraphrasing the classics.

What is the ITP business for?

  • to distinguish between competitors;
  • to conquer appreciation to the target audience;
  • to create strong advertising materials () and work out a marketing strategy;
  • to highlight your product among the many similar.

Distinguish true and false UTP. True is the real unique characteristics of the product that there is no more in the market in this niche. This is what is laid in the product. False are the fictional benefits, for the lack of true differences. This is what and what is said about this product. And in most cases, entrepreneurs resort to such antel. And what to do if you offer the same product and service as the rest? If you have not invented something unique, some exclusive product, you have to turn on the head and think well than you can hook customers.

Definition from competitors is the key to the success of the advertising company. A unique proposal should clearly indicate benefits for customers on which a message will be built, which will continue to broadcast in advertising, on, social networks and other promotional materials.

How to create a unique trading offer

Many business owners think that Mortar is easier than simple. Two obvious paths for which they go, it is:

"We have the lowest prices!"

Race prices - a dubious advantage for two reasons. The first - there is always the one who has cheaper. The second - low prices you attract the appropriate contingent of customers - insolvent and too economical in order to do not actually say.

"We have a quality service!"

In fact, the concept of quality is completely different. And you can not always guarantee this very service - a lot of human factor plays a lot. But even if, and so, you really work for conscience, it is this phrase "high-quality services", "the best service" was nubbed asking so that they simply fly past the ears.

If you are just starting - yes, for quick sales, you can still somehow beat these two trumps as part of a promotion. For example, the lowest price. But if you want to build a strong brand for a long time - you need to take a time for working out seriously.

In general, any unique trading offer is built on three fundamental principles.

1. Advertising message Must translate specific benefits for the consumer. That is how it is necessary to serve the UTP in the light of your advantages, namely the benefits for the client. It's not so interesting for Italian wallpapers by itself, as the appearance of his room, placed by these wallpaper. So sell him beautiful repairs, easy care for wallpaper, which wash and do not fade, and not wallpapers themselves. But this is all the above, it can get only by purchasing these very wallpapers.

Only if you have to cooperate with you, customers will choose your company.

2. The benefit of the client There must be unique on the background of another, similar to your products. Here everything is clear - this principle is laid in the definition itself. Want to be different? Come up with something that is not your competitors. Only differing, only offering something that no one else offers, you can be not like that. As a result, your product will be chosen (if the benefit is well described) and remember.

3. Benefit must be meaningful, That is, quite attractive for the client to make a choice in favor of your products without unnecessary thought. The benefit should be argued, and not fictional or supened out of the finger. That is why you should greatly explore your target audience, know your customers, their pain and on the basis of this.

When you know what problems your customers are worried, you will be able to offer them a decision in the form of such a unique benefit.

Examples of ATP

Often you can meet the ITP, which are absolutely not playing your hand to business: they are too general and not attracting attention.

How to make such a proposal that will become a heart and engine of the success of your business?

1. Tell something that your competitors are silent.

If such businesses like yours are hundreds, it is very difficult to find something really unique. But maybe there is something about what your customers are simply silent?

Such a case was in my practice. The company is engaged in the production of granite monuments. For customers, the "Default" service is offered - the development of a 3D layout of the future product, and for free. Such a service is provided by other firms, but modestly silent about it. We did not be silent. Benefit - see a full-fledged three-terrible image of the future monument - works well on many customers of the company.

And chewing gum, "orbits", which without sugar? Read the composition of other similar rubber bands - it is identical. And without sugar too. But the "orbit" presents it as antel.

2. Indicate novelty or innovation

If you invented a new way to solve the client's problem, or updated your product, or added some kind of new ingredient to it - do not be silent. It is necessary to make your MTP, and quickly, until someone did it before you.

Remember the advertisement of any new shampoo or cream. They came up with a new formula, then keratin added, then some L-lipids, about which no one heard anything, but if you believe advertising - shampoo makes hair stronger. And the cream just once or two smoothes wrinkles. All thanks to the innovative formula. Take into service.

3. Formula John Carlton

According to this formula, it is very easy to make up, especially if you provide services. The formula is built by type:

Product ___ Helps ___ T. ___ Solve the problem ___ Indicate the benefit.

For example:

The new cream will help women to overcome the first wrinkles and look younger.

The phrase is a unique commercial offer or briefly the OTP meets quite often in advertising and marketing. And with all the clearness of words, not all companies were able to form the ITP and use it in order to promote their goods. Most people seem that all the good ideas are already used by someone and come up with something new is almost impossible.

What is UTP.

A unique trading offer from the English. UNIQUE SELLING PROPOSITION (OTP abbreviation is often used) is a concept according to which advertising and promotion of the goods must be founded on certain unique properties of the product of understandable consumers and benefit it. UTP This is primarily the allocation of your product among all competitors. The word "unique" implies not repeating competitors. Unlike the classic displayed advertising, which the UTP strategy was opposed, your product should be associated, recognized and unified by the Client with the benefit described in the UTP.

In many products, especially complex, properties and benefits are very many and many are unique to a certain extent. The Concept of the ITP says that it is worth trying to promote all the benefits at the same time. It is better to identify one basic benefit and put all the forces in its promotion.

The manufacturer love patent and use the same development in advertising under different names. So for example, one of the manufacturers of washing machines began to promote the "Light ironing" function. In fact, it is just an ordinary delicate washing mode, but on the consumer this marketing trick worked just fantastically. Soon this option appeared in all leading manufacturers of washing machines. But the name has changed a bit, then a slight ironing, then a simple ironing, then just painted the button with the image of the iron.

Often people think that for the UTP, you need some kind of unique product or service. In fact, it is more important to be able to allocate unique properties in the product and correctly present them to the client. Examples of mass, see how social spreads. Instagram network. It was founded in 2010, when the market was already more than saturated. Making a bet on enough at that time a narrow niche - online publication of photos, social. The network was able to stand out, attract attention and as a result, ahead of many competitors.

For the first time about the concept, Rosser Rivz spoke. In 1961, in his book, "Reality in Advertising", he talked about a rationalistic approach to sales. Advertising, according to this approach, must be concentrated on certain unique properties of the product or services that brought the client clear, tangible benefits.

Three principles of UTP

3 basic principles were formed to be respected to form a unique trading offer:

  1. Advertise an important benefit for the client;
  2. The benefit should be unique, that is, missing competitors;
  3. The above two points must be strongly affected by the client ,.

The Concept of the UTP takes into account that the client is guided by decision-making not only by intelligence and logic, but also by emotions. New and interesting properties are of interest, surprise and interest (read the article). These are important parameters to attract customer's attention to the product or service.

Of course, when you could attract the client's attention, it will start evaluating your product from the point of view of the benefit of the benefits. And if he finds them, he will buy goods. Prepares the client to purchase it is the emotional component, and closes the transaction logic and emotions.

True and false UTP

So, you have your own product, for example, you deliver water for offices. The same companies as you are a great set and at first glance about uniqueness can not be speech. But if there is no uniqueness, it needs to be created. For example, you can position yourself as the fastest delivery, delivery on the day of the order, you can take money in cash, turn on in your range water for the rich, regularly order a pizza and the like. It is much easier to stand out from the total mass than it seems at first glance.

Hello, dear readers. Today we will talk about a very important component of any business, which 90% always forget. This is a UTP (a unique trading offer). This is the basis of the foundation, this is what any business project should begin, this is what it allocates from competitors, which pushes your business up or on the contrary dragged down. The fact that IT is and how to form it for your business, we will talk in this article.

This article will give you to understand how to unmistakably resolve the problem of the client, to realize his desire to reality and persuade to make the purchase for you.

What is a unique trading offer (ITP)

UTP is the definition of the properties of your business, which are unique for your product or service. In addition, these properties are distinctive features of your product, and certainly no competitors. This is what makes you drastically different from competitors, shows your strengths and solves the problem of potential customers.

Why do business need to start with the development of UTP

Take an example of online stores (if I'm closest to me). The absolute majority of modern online stores are trying to master everyone at the beginning of their work. As a rule, their principle of work is to be glorified by excellent quality, available prices, instant delivery of goods, polite couriers, high level of service quality, as well as long warranty. But this is not all.

But often it turns out that trying to cover a lot of things, it is impossible to cover anything.

I somehow led him. For example, you have a car brand Audi. You have something broke and the car requires repair. You find 2 auto-service: auto repair, repairing a lot of car brands and car service, specializing in the Audi brand. In favor of what of the above options do you still make your choice?

Of course, the right decision will be the one hundred that specializes in the Audi brand.

But not everything is so unambiguous, there are exceptions. The first company can also have tremendous experience in servicing your car and cope with the task quickly and efficiently. But, if you conduct a survey, most will clearly be in a hundred, which specializes in a separate brand.

Which of this can be concluded? It is necessary when developing your ITP to cover only a piece of market, but to reach it 100%. For example, sell not children's clothing, but clothes for newborns. Examples can be given a lot. The main thing to convey the essence. Start with a narrower niche, become the leader in it and only then expand.

How to create your own

The algorithm consisting of only five steps will help you create your ITP, which will be your business card for every potential buyer.

Describe and give an assessment of your audience.

Even before the launch of the business, decide who your potential audience. Try to think more narrowly and then you will hit exactly in the target. For example, if you want to open an animal feed shop, then think about it to cover only cat owners or dog owners. No need to initially cover all animals. Believe me if you have a cool service and a large range of dog feeds, then you have enough customers in the face of dog breeders. Because of the variety in choosing and aimed at them, all dogs will be yours.

Find customer problems

Try to put yourself in your client's place. What problems do he have? When we opened the bag shop, they immediately understood that women with young children would be from women. And we were not mistaken. Delivering the goods, very often thanked us for the delivery, because it is impossible to go beyond the purchases and leave a little one. We also understood that it would be necessary to deliver goods at the place of work, because not everyone has time after work to go shopping. We also brought goods up to 10 pieces to choose from, because they knew that the choice in this case is very important and this is one of the client's problems, ordering in the online store, without seeing the thing and not touching her own hands.

Highlight the most basic qualities

This step implies the search and description of 3-5 characteristic qualities that will contribute to the client to choose you, and not a competitor. It is important to convey to the audience that all these bonuses can be obtained, only working with you! What are the advantages you have, not competitors?

Think like your consumer. What benefits are the greatest value for your customers? How do they solve their problem? Also perform a comparison of your offer with a proposal of competitors. Whose benefits are more seductive?

What guarantees you can give

This is a very important element of the ITP. You must give people a guarantee for their services and goods. But not just a guarantee, but a guarantee of the type "I answer your head." Examples:

- "Our courier will deliver your order no more than 25 minutes. Otherwise, she will get to you completely free! "

"If our way of losing weight does not help you, we will refund 2 times more money than you paid for it."

If you are not confident in your products and services yourself, then customers will not be sure.

Making UTP

Now, collect everything that you have turned out of the first 4 points and try to fit all this in 1-2 minor offers. Yes, it is quite possible that for this you have to think well for a long time, but it is worth it! After all, this proposal is usually the first thing that comes across the eye to the client who visits your site or has seen your advertising.

What is the key to a successful ITP?

  1. ITP should be clear and concise;
  2. Do not complicate it, it will complicate the understanding of the clients;
  3. Promise only what is capable of implementing;
  4. Put yourself in the client's place and appreciate everything from his part.

Just do not need to rush with this. Take the UTP a few days. Believe it, it is worth it. You will then easier to make advertising, you will be confidently moving on.

If your goal is to create a successful and profitable business, do not try to chase all the goods and services in your niche. Maximize it. In addition, try to do everything qualitatively. This will allow you to earn a good reputation, earn positive reviews of satisfied customers, as well as stand out among competitors.

Examples of a unique trading offer

Below we will analyze the ITP, which are common and make an adjustment. As a result, it will turn out more targeted and tempting.

"We have the lowest prices!"

Is it a street? Yes, prices are important, but everyone can write. By turning on the warranty, you can get the Utel much more cooler. As M-Video Shop Made: "If you find the price lower than here, we will sell at this price and give a discount to the next purchase." That's what I understand the UTP. I myself used it once, throwing a link to the goods in another online store and receiving goods in the M-video product for this amount, as well as a discount coupon in 1000 p. To the next purchase.

"We have the highest level of quality!"

Also blah blah blah. "If our simulator did not help you, then we will refund you 2 of its cost." How can you not buy, reading such lines?

"Exclusive only with us!"

It is more complicated, but once you write this, then confirm the guarantee. "If you find such a product somewhere else, show us and get a gift for your purchase."

"We have the best service and support"

What is it? Another thing: "If we do not deliver in 40 minutes, then you will receive an order for free." Or an example from Virgin Airlines: "If our operator does not respond within 10 seconds, you will receive a free flight." That's what I understand the service!


I think that this article turned out to be the most detailed as possible and you can create antelier for your business, relying on it. If there are any questions, ask in the comments. But just do not ask to make antelier for you or bring an example to your business. This is not a quick process and sit brain just so I will not. You are the founder of your business and it is the ITP that you must come up with.

  • How to understand what product features to emphasize in a unique trading offer
  • Creating a unique trading offer: how often update the UTP
  • Examples of a unique trading offer: what to put in the foundation if the products are no different from the proposals of competitors

Unique selling proposition It is necessary to be considered a rather young phenomenon that began to be used in the Russian business from the beginning of the 2000s, when brands began to publish the market.

It is necessary to recognize that with many conversations about this issue, nevertheless are actually involved in the development of a few. Most companies in Russia have no clear understanding of their target audience, as a result they are oriented at all.

How often does the leader need to engage in the company's strategy or change it? Most directors who created successful businesses and management consultants converge in one: in the current times - constantly. The change of strategy is not an indicator of weakness, but on the contrary, the indicator of the company's survivability.

In the article, we collected four types of strategic approaches, their examples, as well as templates and tables to determine the company's strategy.

Without skills, differ against the background of their competitors, without skills to allocate the peculiarities of their proposal for customers, the company will have to be limited to a rather modest flow of buyers and sales.

Algorithm for the development of the right UTP

First step. Collection of primary information. The table in which product characteristics will be indicated and competitive advantages for the client they receive thanks to cooperation with your company. The experience confirms - the more it will be written, the better. Write 15 competitive characteristics - excellent, 20 is even better. At the same time, it should describe all the benefits and benefits for customers, albeit minor. After notifying its advantages, you should cross the benefits that your competitors can offer. Our goal is to find and suggest competitors those advantages that only have us.

The second step. Check relevance benefits.

  1. Statistics of query in the search engine. It should be checked each of the selected benefits with a search query - to understand how often potential customers are trying to find a solution to a similar problem.
  2. Feedback cards. For loyal clients, it is possible to fill the feedback cards, allocating the most important benefits.
  3. Open question. If it was not possible to achieve clear results due to the comparison of its advantages with the benefits proposed by competitors, employees of the commercial service and marketers should be entrusted to ask the question of loyal clients - "Why do you prefer to work with us?". At the exit, quite a variety of answers can come, but the most common can be used for your ITP.
  4. Sales analysis. This method was used to compile a unique trading offer of a sewing factory. The head of the sales department noted the high demand for women's clothing of large sizes and clothing for full compared to other positions in the company's assortment. This information was based on a unique trading offer: "Clothes for full women. Our dresses thanks to a special crumble allow you to hide the completeness and emphasize the beauty of the figure - all your femininity. " This text was selected for advertisement when publishing in newspapers, magazines and other media. Over time, it was possible to confirm the excellent dynamics of the overall increase in sales.

Third step. Testing UTP.

  1. Separating your clients to groups by random principle, sending various types of messages for each group.
  2. Placing contextual advertising based on various types of unique trading offers. The main option is the OTP version, which helped achieve the maximum number of responses.

3 Conditions for creating a unique trading offer

For the formation of a unique trading offer, three conditions must be taken into account:

The first condition - emphasize the uniqueness of your product.Quite difficult to many questions. In particular, how to emphasize the uniqueness of the standard washing powder? But in reality, you can note the many characteristics of your product, attracting the attention of the target audience - including:

  1. Useful additional service. "Commodity buyers for any amount is provided free shipping in the city." Or jewelry stores are offered to "make each date to the database that the buyer will not forget to congratulate his beloved."
  2. Polite and distiller personnel. Probably, many have met such ads - "We wash the car in 20 minutes or refund your money," "Only polite and sober loaders."
  3. Narrow specialization - "Elite alcoholic beverage shop" or "Rock-karaoke bar".
  4. Company orientation to a specific category of customers. "Toy store for girls."
  5. Leading positions in the market. "The largest choice of automotive components." At the same time, it is important that the statement in the UTP corresponds to reality - in order to avoid negative consequences for the company's reputation.
  6. Eltitory - For example, a commercial photographer in his ITP may indicate "shooting in luxurious interiors with expensive objects."
  7. High result. "85 of our students are employed within 3 months."
  8. Providing customers with guarantees. Including the refund or free service throughout the period. Returns in any case will be, but for the most part they turn out to be isolated cases. If there is no possibility to comply with this promise, it is better to change your unique trading offer.
  9. Ask - what your customers need. Including you can think about the survey, or the study is suitable for the search for the most interesting for the Target Audience of the UTP.
  10. ITP should not be directed on the users themselves, but on decision makers.
  11. Compare your services or goods with competitors. For example, one of the washing powders acquired his fame due to the motto "if there is no difference, then why pay more?".
  12. Cut the cost to a negligible amount. For example, "Placing advertising in our newspaper - 600 p. per month. Advertising is coming three times a week - 12 times in a month. Therefore, one publication will be covered only in 50 rubles. To see this advertisement will be able to 20 thousand subscribers - therefore for each client pay only 0.25 kopecks. "
  13. Express the cost not in the financial equivalent. In particular, one of the coupon services sends proposals to its customers - "Give your beloved a festive bouquet of roses, a romantic evening and two tickets to the cinema at the price of a gasoline tank."

False unique trading offers

  1. Obvious promises. "If you don't like the goods, I promise to return money for purchase within 14 days." But such a promise does not have to be considered a unique trading proposal, because it is a mandatory requirement on the law "On the protection of consumer rights".
  2. Figured advantage. Among the most striking examples, "vegetable oil without cholesterol" can be called (cholesterol can only be in fats of animal origin) and "salt without GMO."
  3. Counterpressure based on the game of words. "Chicken Cool - give up hot cigarettes." Cool cigarettes are opposed to other brands and allegedly differ in temperature characteristics. Just in the slogan, the main emphasis - on the game of words ( english Cool - "Cool, cool").

The second condition - the client must understand its benefit. Properties specified in the unique trading proposal must comply with the needs of the buyer. It is clearly necessary to show what the customer will receive, noting other important qualities:

  1. Saving powder when washing. It is flashed easier, does not harm the skin.
  2. More styrics for the same price.
  3. CDs are environmentally friendly, reducing environmental effects.

Complex of advantages, if not limited to only one gain, allows you to interest a wider target audience - and wishing to save, and caring for skin, and experienced about the ecological situation in the world.

  • Commercial offer: samples and examples. 16 killers and amplifiers that everyone needs to know

Says the General Director

Evgeny Panteleev, General Director of the Cosmetics Association "Freedom", Moscow

Our enterprise this year launches a new line of cosmetic products. The ITP includes the principle of quality ratio and price - a product is presented in the price category "Mass Market", and according to characteristics and composition more resembles products of leading world brands. Consider in more detail how the ITP has appeared on our cosmetic products.

The company in 2013 celebrated his 170th anniversary, and when preparing for such a significant date, decided to send employees to participate in the large French exhibition in in-cosmetics. There we managed to meet with the heirs founder of our company, many offacarious perfumes. We introduced us to many representatives of France's laboratories, which specialize in new areas in the field of cosmetology, helped us significantly in the organization of negotiations. Of particular interest we had the development of the Soliance laboratory - its representatives offered us exclusive terms of supply of a component with a unique rejuvenating effect (hyaluronic acid microsphere). It already provides for the use of this component for leading cosmetic products, including in the assortment of famous world brands YVesrocher, L'Oreal and Clarins.

In addition to the exclusive right to use this microsphere for our cosmetic line, it was also possible to count on comprehensive methodological support from business partners from France. They assisted in the formation of new SKUs, the scientific center of our company also created his own recipes. Such an approach allowed us to provide the first UTP - the high quality of its products. Also there were also additional arguments in favor of our line - the results of testing the qualities of the goods of competitors, which we organized in the Scientific Center. According to the results of the last study, it was possible to confirm - our product is not inferior in its properties to more expensive analogues.

Special attention deserves and the second component - the cost. On the issue of prices, our ITP has a certain "immunity." Since we from the French developer received an exclusive possibility of using its know-how - microsphere of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, it is unlikely that someone from Russian manufacturers can compare with our prices, and foreign analogues are much more expensive.

Alexey Pyrin, General Director of Artisifud, Moscow

We are engaged not only by production, but also selling fish and seafood. We make the main bid in your activities on the B2B sector. As a rule, wholesale food suppliers do not have a known, recognizable brand, so it is really not easy to stand out on the background of their competitors. As a basis for the promotion of its services, they decided to take the factor of the extensive range. The absolute majority of companies offer everything gradually, can not deliver rare products. We managed to significantly expand the range of our services - about 200 seafood and fish items, while we inform customers about various unusual products. Therefore, it was possible to surpass its competitors for MTP margin at 8-10%.

The third condition is the significance of the promised benefit. We only have ten seconds to interest the potential client. Therefore, with a more significant problem that we propose to solve the client, with the most understandable and accessible formulation of your proposal, it will be possible to make a more recognizable and well-known brand for potential customers. This rule is relevant everywhere - exception is only a complex technique (as a rule, consumers are analyzed in advance analysis and comparison of characteristics).

In the FMCG market, determine the most significant property, which will be fixed in a unique trading offer and packaging. In particular, the packaging can be noted a pleasant aroma of the product. This property over time is already beginning to be perceived as proper, so we switched to "effective removal of stains." The heroes of our commercials could be very blocked, but no dirt confronted the effects of a powerful powder. As a result, we managed to achieve sales growth more than 5 times, for five years.

  • Goods of own brand: For what buyers are ready to give their money

Is the unique commercial offer of your product effectively: three parameters for checking

Ilya Piskulin, Director of the Agency Love Marketing, Moscow

Try, for example, create an "antony" your unique trading offer.

1. Your unique trading offer cannot use competitors.

If competitors repeat your offer, then deceive the client. Somehow in my practice there was a case. One of our companies began to produce windows with a ventilation system. In a competing firm, they stated that their windows are also ventilated. We sent a secret buyer to them and found that we are talking about valve ventilation, which only works at positive temperatures and is not installed in Russia. They also knew in the company and therefore immediately warned customers that the windows with ventilation should not buy. That is, the company attracted customers by the fact that it was not going to sell. Of course, buyers were disappointed. Another competitor who could repeat our ITP and at the same time to keep the promise, was not found on the market.

Examples of the ITP. Restaurant The only thing in the district is preparing dishes on the mangale or serves a business lunch in 20 minutes. The company for the production of winds is the only one among myself. Metalizing under the log. Production of road paint, which is highlighted in the dark. The developer company can offer a lake on the territory of the country village or the already working gas supply system in a new house.

If competitors repeat your offer, then you will break your positioning. Once I watched the death of one Grill Bar. At first, he positioned himself as an extreme-bar, but unexpectedly announced that he began to conduct children's matinees on Sundays. Regulars were in bewilderment, and new customers (young mothers with children) did not decide to go into an incomprehensible institution. It is important that the ITP reflects exactly your positioning and did not suit the closest competitors.

Examples of the ITP. If the company BMW reported that he would have released the safest car, it would cause the perplexity of motorists (security - the usual VOLVO attribute). The announcement is also strange that the Gipsy's nightclub will host the chainson radio festival.

2. You can build an opposite ITP, and it will not seem absurd

Often, instead of antels, people speak of granted things about high quality, a great price and a wide range. In my practice there was a company that he stated that she had the most expensive apartments in the city. Sales walked perfectly (I note it was before the crisis). At the same time, another company acted on the market, which claimed that she had the cheapest apartments. And they also sold well. Both OTP sounded well and worked. If the UTP does not have a working "antonym", then it will not be too effective. So, in my practice there was a cottage settlement, which sold the largest sections that were measured by hectares. Unfortunately, there was no company on the market, which sold the smallest sections, for example, 10 acres, because they already need no one. Sales went either Shaktko or Vacco ... Do not write in the club's advertisement that he has excellent music (there is hardly a club with terrible music) or emphasize in advertising a restaurant that there is a delicious food and good service.

Examples of the ITP. In advertising restaurant, it is better instead of "located in a great place" to write "is on the roof, away from the city bustle" (because you can say the opposite - "restaurant in the very center of the city", and this will also be a good UTP).

3. Your ITP wants to believe

It happens that the ITP is formulated either in chance, or it is not clear, or simply does not cause confidence. Once we promoted a lymphatic drainage massage, which, with proper use, is able to create a slight slimming effect immediately after the session. It turned out that the slogan "weight loss in 1 hour" people did not really believe, unlike the slogan "weight loss for 1 day" (there were many more clicks).

Example of the ITP. It is not worth promising "weight loss for 10 kilograms for 3 days", specify a more real time.

In the modern market of goods and services, no one will not surprise the fact that you are the best. To make decent competition to other firms, you need to be not just the best, but unique. Only then can we talk about increasing the number of customers. A unique commercial offer is what the headologists of many firms and companies break the heads. Today we will look at this concept and learn how to create antels on your own.

The main thing all

In each business, ITP (or a unique trading offer) is the most important thing. No ITP, no sales, no profit, no business. It may be a little exaggerated, but in general it is.

A unique trading offer (also called offper, UTP and USP) is a distinctive description of the business. At the same time, it does not matter exactly what a person is industrial, the distinctive characteristic should be. Under this term implies such a difference that there is no competitors. A unique offer gives the client a certain benefit and solves the problem. If the ITP does not solve the client's problem, then this is just an extravagant name - remembered, it sounds beautifully, but it does not affect the conversion level.

A unique trading proposal should be kept on the two most important words - "benefits" and "different". This proposal should be so radically different from competitive that whatever the client would neither take, he will choose exactly the firm that has a decent UTP.

UTP and Russia

Before proceeding with the main dish, I want to focus on domestic marketing. In Russia, the problem is visible immediately - everyone wants to be the best, but no one wants to be unique in its kind. This comes the main problem - companies refuse to create unique trading proposals. When they are trying to promote a competitor who created the ITP, then they have something average between the intricate phrase and characteristic of the product or service.

Take, for example, a unique trading offer, which is in portfolio of some copyrights:

  • The best author.
  • Ideal texts.
  • Master of Feather and Words, etc.

This is not at all the Utel, but rather an example of how to advertise itself cannot be. The concept of perfect text for each of its own, the word "best" can be used if it is confirmed by numerical data and actual characteristics, and the "master of the pen and the word" seems to be alone, at Bulgakov. Working UTPs look quite different:

  • Quick copywriting - any text 3 hours after payment.
  • Each client is a free advice on improving (fit fit).
  • Free pictures of the article with commercial photo sets, etc.

Here, for each proposal is the benefit that the client acquires with the author. The customer is focused on the fact that he needs even in addition to the article: images, consultation or high-quality and fast execution. But from the "best author" is unknown to wait. Everything works in business in the same way.


For the first time on the creation of a unique trading proposal spoke American advertiser Rosser Rivz. He introduced the concept of the MTP into everyday life and noted this concept as more efficient than advertising OD, where there were no specifics.

He said that a strong trading offer helps:

  • To burn out competitors.
  • Stand out among such services and goods.
  • Conquer loyalty to the target audience.
  • Increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns by forming effective messages.

It is customary to distinguish between 2 types of trading proposals: true and false. The first is based on the actual characteristics of the product that competitors cannot boast. False trading offer is invented uniqueness. For example, the client tells about the product of unusual information or represent obvious advantages under a different angle. This is a kind of word game.

Today, it is difficult to put the product with some unique characteristics, so false Utel is still used more and more often.

Quality trading offer. Main criteria

According to the concept of R. Rivza, the criteria of high-quality trading proposal are considered:

  • A message about the specific benefit that a person will receive, acquiring the product of the company.
  • The offer is different from all available in this market segment.
  • The message is convincing, and the representatives of the target audience can easily remember it.

Advertising a unique trading offer is the basis, so it must fully respond to customer needs. In each message there should be a benefit, value and benefit, but, in addition, you need a clear argument so that the client clearly understood why he should buy his goods you are interested in here, and not somewhere else.


So how to create a unique trading offer? If you are not very thoughtful, then this task seems to be creative and breathtaking, moreover, quite easy. But as ITP practices showed, this is an example of exclusively rational and analytical work. Invent something intricate and give it for a unique offer - I don't care what to look for a black cat in a dark room. It is impossible to guess what concept will work.

In order for a worthy example of a unique trading supply, it is necessary to carry out a lot of research: in addition to the market, a niche and competitors occurred by the goods itself - ranging from production technology and ending with a watermark on the package. Development consists of several stages:

  1. Break the target audience to the subgroups according to certain parameters.
  2. Determine the needs of each of these groups.
  3. Select the positioning attributes, that is, it is possible to solve the problems of CA in the promotable product.
  4. Describe the benefits of the goods. What will the consumer get if he bought it?
  5. Based on the enclosed input data to create antelp.


As you can see, this is a fairly painstaking process where all analytical skills must be used. Only after complete analysis is completed, you can start looking for a key idea and after that start creating a trading offer.

This task can be simplified if you use the time proven and scenario experience:

  1. Focus on a unique characteristic.
  2. New solution, innovation.
  3. Additional services.
  4. Turn the shortcomings.
  5. Solve the problem of

Uniqueness + innovation

Now a little more about scenarios. As for the first Scenario "Uniqueness", it will only suit those products or services that they are really the only one in their kind and they have no competitors. In extreme cases, this feature can be created artificially. A variant of a unique trading offer (ITP) can be completely unexpected. For example, the company, producing stockings and socks, entered the market with an interesting proposal - they sold a set of three socks, and the ITP promised to solve the eternal problem of the missing sock.

As for innovation, it is worth deciding to solve the problem with a new way. For example, "the innovative formula of the freshener will destroy 99% of microbes and fill the room with fresh aroma."

"Buns" and disadvantages

In the third scenarios, focus on additional privileges. If all products are the same on the market and have almost identical characteristics, then you need to pay attention to additional bonuses that will attract visitors. For example, pet store can offer buyers to take kittens or puppies for 2 days to make sure they come down in the family.

In its favor, you can draw the disadvantages of the product. If the milk is stored only 3 days, then from a practical point of view it is not profitable, and the buyer is unlikely to pay attention to it. Given this, it can be reported that it is stored so little due to 100% of naturalness. The influx of customers is guaranteed.

Solution to the problem

But the easiest option is to solve problems of potential consumers. This can be done by the formula (yes, as in mathematics):

  1. The need for the target audience + result + warranty. In advertising, an example of a unique trading proposal may sound like this: "3000 subscribers for 1 month or we will refund money."
  2. CAC + problem + solution. "We help novice copywriters to search for customers using proven marketing strategies."
  3. Unique characteristic + need. "Exclusive jewelry will emphasize the exclusivity of the style."
  4. Product + target audience + problem + benefit. "You will be able to learn any language at the Polyglot with audioogs at a conversational level after a month and no doubt to go to the country of your dreams."

Unrelated moments

In order for the ITP to work, you need to pay attention to a few more nuances during its creation. First, the problem that the product solves must be realized by the client and he should want to solve it. Of course, you can offer a spray from "Bragoshmagov" (what is not a problem?!), But the buyer will spend much more active on the usual cream from mosquitoes and ticks.

Secondly, the proposed decision should be better than the Central Asian used before. And, thirdly, each client must measure, feel and evaluate the result.

When creating the ITP, it is rational to use the Council of Ogilvi. For many years he worked in advertising and knows exactly how to look for a street. In his book "On advertising", he mentioned as follows: Great ideas come from the subconscious, so it should be filled with information. Score the brain to the limit to all that can touch the product and turn off for a while. The brilliant idea will come to the most unexpected moment.

Of course, the article has already mentioned the analyst, but this Council does not contradict the already proposed. It often happens that by spending a hundred analytical processes, a marketer cannot find a single and unique link, which will promote the goods in the market. It is at such moments when the brain processes information, you need to move away from reality. As practice shows, very soon a person will see, then the elusive ITP, which was on the surface itself.

It is also very important to pay attention to those small nuances that are missing competitors. At one time, Claude Hopkins noticed that the toothpaste not only cleans his teeth, but also removes the flare. So the first slogan appeared in the advertising community, that the toothpaste removes the flare.

And do not yet be afraid to accept non-standard approaches to solving the problem. Marketers TM "Twiks" simply divided the chocolate bar for two sticks and, as they say, suffered.

Protection idea

A unique trading offer does not appear in the heads of marketers from nowhere. This is the result of a long, focused and hard work, which, by the way, can use competitors.

A few decades ago, intellectual property was inextricably linked with its carrier. That is, if one company introduced a successful ITP, the other did not even look towards this advertisement. Today, everything has changed somewhat: managers can simply use the idea of \u200b\u200bcompetitors for their own purposes.

Therefore, there was a need to create patents. These are documents that confirm the right of the owner on the exclusive use of the results of their activities. Under the inventions here understand products or methods to solve a certain task. In turn, the "unique trading offer" in itself is a powerful incentive for innovation. The subject of advertising here becomes unnoticed by competitors, but aware of customers an advantage. Patent protection of unique trading offers in our country is practically not developed, but in more developed societies, each advertising campaign is protected from plagiarism.

Thus, to achieve success, you need to be unique, the only one-of-aest supplier in demand products, which is in every store, but the best thing in this company.