How to paint wooden doors. Paint a wooden door with your own hands: Secrets of specialists How to paint a new wooden door

You installed the door, but after a few years its appearance leaves much to be desired? Washed, scratches, sweatpad paint on the door - all this spoils the interior of your housing? There is a way out - paint them again. Many things have many questions about this. Answers to the most frequent of them you will find in this article.

How to paint wooden doors

An important condition for high-quality painting is to prepare a good surface. Wood is treated with an antiseptic from fungi and grind. Many attention is paid to the material of the coatings: for example, varnish, it can be advantageous to present a beautiful texture of the canvas, and the paint of a certain shade will help to fit perfectly in the interior design.

How to paint the door from the tree do it yourself

How to paint the door from the pine massif

The main advantage of pinewood is its texture. Therefore, the door is better covered with colorless varnish. The coarsest error is the use of ordinary oil paint. It is also not allowed to apply a lacquer to still unusable wood.

How to paint the door from the fiberboard

For even and well sanded surface, varnish will fit. Alkyd varnishes are applied without preliminary training doors. If the surface of the Fiberboard has flaws, it is grinning, ground and covered with paint. To give a shade use the veil.

How to paint a wooden door covered with varnish

To do this, it is better to use varnish, but only with a tint. It is not recommended to use paint on top of the old varnish - it will not pester. Therefore, for painting it is necessary to remove the old lacquer coating.

Is it possible to paint the veneer doors

Before painting the door from the veneer, you need to decide whether to leave the color of the array or completely change the color. In the first case, the lacquer is suitable, in the second - paint. Priming applies if it is decided to cover the veneer of the paint. Such a measure is needed if the wood has a lot of flaws.

How to paint metal doors

Painting metal doors is fundamentally different from the painting of the doors of the tree.

How to paint a metal door

The metal surface is cleaned, wiping and dried. At the same time, rust and old coating are removed, irregularities are loaded. Paint for metal doors can be alkyd, graphite, acrylic, hammer, epoxy. It is applied in several layers, after which they give a completely dry.

How to paint a scratched door with a spraying

The damaged area is sandwicked so that there are no rust. Then the place is wiped with a solvent. Next, painting the metal doors of the powder paint in several layers is carried out, and the first layer can be made soil.

How to paint other types of doors

How to paint the laminated door

First stage - surface preparation. It is cleaned of contamination and irregularities, after which they put off. Then the coating is matched with shallow sandpaper and wipe the White spirit. The paint is covered in several layers and are waiting for its complete drying.

How to paint the dermantine door

There are special paints on a water basis for the restoration of dermatantine and leatherette. Alternatively, you can use a high adhesion primer, which can be applied to any paint with an increased plasticizer content.

How to paint a plastic door

For plastic, water dispersive and acrylic paints are used. The surface is wiped with a special cleaning liquid or hot water to eliminate dirt. Then the door is treated with shallow sandpaper and sound wipe the napkin. It is best to apply paint to the paint, since it does not have divorces.

How to paint the door made of pressed cardboard by Morilka

The canvas is covered with a layer of veil. Surplus the latter is removed with a rag. Through the veil the structure of the tree appears, which is very similar to the natural. When the veil dries, the door is opened with varnish. It looks like this door does not differ from the one that is made of the array.

Which color to paint the jambs of doors in the kitchen

Designers advise to choose bright, juicy colors for kitchen, giving a good mood. Gentle pastel shades and traditional white color are also suitable. Contrast doors look well: bright color canvas, and neutral jambs, or vice versa.

The win-win version is to paint the door moldings into a contrasting color. Geometric compositions from different colors look original. Split patterns, vertical stripes, and circles peculiar to Pop Art. For this, the acrylic is good - paint for interior doors without odor.

How to paint interior doors in white

If you do not know which paint paint interior doors, choose white - this is a win-win. The door is pre-ground and dried. Start painting from ends or recesses (if any). The brush is gaining a minimum amount of paint. Copy paint in the corners of the fillets is cleaned with a sponge.

How to paint the door under the old

Painting technology does not differ from the painting of the ordinary door, with the exception of the materials used - the simulators, patina, special waxes and colorless varnishes. An important condition for painting - should clearly view the texture of the wood.

So, important conditions for painting the door is a thorough preparation of its surface and the selection of high-quality paints and varnishes. A bright palette, special effects of the composition, unusual design solutions - all this will turn the doorbell into a real work of art!

The loss of the initial aesthetic attractiveness of the wooden door is not a reason to part with it. Why make the accumulation of accumulation, if all the options for its recovery are available to masters injecting in the intricacies of woodworking. The secrets of the skill of the cabinets to master in a couple of days is definitely difficult, but painting wooden doors will not cause difficulties. However, there is a nuance in this simple matter, without knowing which it is difficult to achieve the perfect result.

What will we paint our wooden door?

The choice of compositions for staining wood is very extensive. First of all, we will definify whether it is desirable to preserve and highlight the natural beauty of a natural array or you need to completely hide the textural pattern, covering it with a solid opaque layer. Given your own taste preferences, we will pay attention to:

  • opaque enamels and coloring compositions with acrylic, polyurethane, alkyd, perchlorvinyl and outdated oil base, rarely found already in domestic products;
  • transparent and tinted varnishes, oil impregnations, vehicles, refreshing wood color or reducing new shades.

We will not argue about taste priorities. Just listen to the advice of experienced painters, recommending home masters to purchase:

  • acrylic dyes with a water basis, because they have an optimal consistency for working with a brush, excellent spreadability and decent shelterness, somewhat inferior to oil paints;
  • alkyd paintwork products, distinguished by high water-repellent qualities, resistance to temperature fluctuations and drying speed.

Important. All dyes with the base of the alkyd resin are applied only to an absolutely dry surface. If the wood is wet, the paint layer will be brought and peeling due to air bubbles formed under it.

Those who wish to figure out how to paint a wooden door, no doubt they guessed that staining was produced in several stages. Often with the use of two different compositions. First use impregnation with a toning effect or without it, then decorative coating is applied. It is important to choose the compositions, perfectly working in the tandem. For example, the olifa does not apply before treatment with varnish. Only a veil!

Even if it is decided to refresh the color of the canvas and shoals with an exceptionally mourn or oil impregnation, one layer is not enough. Two or three stages are to be implemented, prompts the surface. Collects as many times as needed for the ideal result.

Painting process sequence

Since the list of components of the door design is not only a web, which predicts the entire action step is the competent preparation of the object. You can, of course, will limit the painting only the canvas, but then the shoals with the priolok will differ. So, homemade craftsmen who decided to paint the doors with their own hands, you need to do this:

  • remove the door design of the door design with the loops and put it on two stools, the desktop or goat. If you are planned to use a caustic alkyd composition, it is desirable in the courtyard, on the terrace or balcony;
  • without removing the canvas, block it with wedges so that the drinking brushes access to all elements of the door was provided. The blocking is also needed and then that the door during the drying period does not accidentally close, and it was irrevocably damaged by the dye layer.

It is recommended to remove the cloth, but if it is impossible to enter the rules, then the second option is applicable. Accessories also need to be dismantled. In the hopeless case with fixed loops, handles need to wrap them with paper and fix with scotch, but it is better to wind up a foil with a tight fit of all parts. Castle mechanisms are better fixed and stuck tape.

Preparation of wooden surface

The most significant multi-step process, requiring diligence, so that painting gives the desired result. We will prepare according to the following standard scheme:

  • First, we delete all layers of paint, primer and spitting materials before the wood. Those who dust and dirt are not scary, you can use a grinding machine or a homemade device, created from the arm comfortable by hand with a glued or nailed to the working side by the medium-hearted sandpaper. The owners of construction phenomena are easier, they heat and remove the launched paint with a spatula. There is still a simple, but costly method - special washes for wood.
  • Then the initial grinding is waiting for us, as a result of which small dents are eliminated, paint and scratch residues. We grind the typewriter connected to the vacuum cleaner, or in the arms of sandpaper with medium grain.
  • We put large disadvantages, buying for this appropriate wood putty, if it is supposed to cover the door with a transparent composition: butter, mourn, varnish. If you paint with an opaque enamel, the color of putty picks optional. Do not forget about the slots between the decorative elements of the canvas and the web itself, between the jacket and the proloce.
  • Withstand the period marked by the manufacturer of putty in the manual, and the editors of the sandpaper. First, we use the nozzle on the machine or a simple abrasive skin with an average grain, apply a fine-grained analogue on the finish.

Council. Deep dents for opaque paint can be chopped by auto-suck, which contains fiberglass.

Note. The natural array is darkened under the layer of old paint or varnish can be slightly bleeding the mixture of one part of the bleach with a chlorine with three parts of water.

Everyone was processed, cleaned from old varnish or paint, from speckled putty. Vacuum cleaner, wipe with a wet rag, westing, proceed to staining.

Mobile door without special effects

That is, I will not at the beginning of the creative path of the future phenomenal malar and the cabinetrier to get involved in artificial compilation. We will not create the impression of a photo wallpaper or a painted array with not covered structural lines. At the start stage, we find out how to evenly paint the door without frozen leaks and noticeable under varnish spots.

How to paint with a sprayer will demonstrate a roller:

If only one or two doors have to paint, acquire the sprayer is unprofitable. Enter a narrow sealer taste for a web with a similar name and roller for the webs of all types.

Note. A brush before starting the workflow should be fluffy, all weakly fixed hairs should help get out and retire.

Determine the type of design and the coloring scheme depending on it:

  • The shield door is painted in three receptions. It is practical to use a roller, it will ensure uniformity and will not leave hairs. We start covering from the end, more precisely from the left upper corner of the canvas, directing the movement to the right side. So beautiful the canvas until the very end, and we are dry as many hours as the manufacturer requires. The second step of staining is produced in the longitudinal direction, and the third in the opposite initial stage.
  • Stayed the door to start painting with a brush. She will pass on the grooves in the canvas, trying to avoid the overaffect of paint. Finished the staining of the roller, following the steps listed above.

What should I do if we decided to paint the mourner?

The door prepared for staining needs to be slightly moistened, then the wood will not absorb moisture and the dye with a very liquid consistency will fall smoothly. Everything that is located in the horizontal versions will be painted at first along the fibers, then in the transverse direction, on the finish again longitudinally.

Shoes and dismissed with loops can be coated from the bottom to the drops and splashes of the dye fall into unpainted areas. So we do if we open the door to varnish. If the finish is an opaque composition, dark drops do not interfere at all.

After treatment with a water-soluble vehicle, the wood fibers spread moisture. It will be necessary to abandon them with a neck-zero after drying the first layer. Then clean from dust and cut again.

Note. Sundaying after dyeing the wooden surface is lighter than during the dye applying. Achievements of coloring multiple opening.

Stimulate straightening the fibers will not be alcohol veil. Grind after processing it does not have the door and it dries in half an hour. However, the water-soluble fellow is considered to be more secure, completely non-toxic dye, because more popular.

How to create wood imitation

Mimic the wood pattern can be literally on any material, for this:

  • prayers canvas with yellow, light gray or light beige paint and drying up to the condition of the painting composition of the condiment;
  • brush coop the entire area of \u200b\u200bliquid soap;
  • apply a layer of dark paint pleasant to us and wash the liquid soap.

Homemade craftsmen wishing to learn how to paint a veneered door with a tree effect or plywood budget form, a different way is proposed. To implement ideas, a specific brush is required, which is now available in construction stores. Movement with similar combing, we process soft fibers with this brush. The treated surface paint different colors in color. Due to changes in the structure, curls creating the illusion of wood are indicated in the structure. After drying, the surface is pulled.

Observing the rules, paint or open the door without any problems independently. Special complications at the rate of the following will definitely not be. Since the canvas have two sides, the trial touches are better to start with "inside". Nick your hand, in a similar way it will be possible to restore not only the doors, but also cabinets, and other wooden and veneered furniture.

One way or another, everyone has the need for cosmetic apartment repairs. Usually start with wallpaper crossing. And then there is a need to replace intra-quarter interior doors. But this is not necessarily. Old are often made much better, from a good tree, and it is only necessary to make some effort to transfiguration. Give a new interior door a new life, to enter it into an updated interior can anyone armed with knowledge about modern paints and varnish and familiar with painting technology.

The easiest way to do it with the help of brushes, rollers and cans with paint.

Types of paints for dyeing interroom doors

Paints for interior doors are the following types:

  • acrylic varnish
  • alkyd enamel
  • acrylic enamel
  • nitrocracasses


If the solvent and emery remove the layering of old paint, which will certainly have on the old door, you can see an interesting and beautiful pattern of a tree. In this case, it is better to choose lacquer for internal work for painting. Colorless or scene, he vital patterns will emphasize Wood and give the door fresh look. Before coating, varnish can use various toning impregnations based on natural oils that can help change the color, make a tree more resistant to environmental exposure, and the lacquer film will further fix the effect.

A varnish coating almost does not smell, quickly dries and quite safe. The varnish is conveniently applied and does not spread over the surface, however, modern high-quality lacquers are expensive.

Alkyd enamel

The most common paint for painting interior doors is an alkyd enamel. These paint are cheap, have a rich color palette and, after drying, provide very durable coating. The main minus use of alkyd enamel is sharp odor of evaporationwhich does not destroy more than a day. Evaporation of enamel solvents can lead to allergies and even poisoning, so it is necessary to use this paint or to ensure the lack of tenants in the apartment, or carry out work outdoors.

Acrylic enamel

In the case when these conditions are impracticable, it is possible to use acrylic enamel for painting interior doors. These paints practically do not possess the smell, but the resulting coating is not too resistant. Acrylic enamels create a matte coating, so the acrylic varnish is most often applied on top of the enamel, thanks to which the surface acquires shine and additional coating strength. The wide color palette of these paints allows them to be used to search for various decisions.


When painting interior wooden doors, nitral or nitrolac is considered the best coating resistance of the coating materials. However, to use them requires the means of protection, such as a respirator, as paint is very toxic and can cause an allergic reaction. To use it requires the absence of people or carrying out work in the fresh air. Besides, nitrocracies expensive. But the quality of the coating justifies the price.

For cosmetic repair of interroom doors, with their own hands, in addition to the selected paint, it is necessary:

  • spatulas
  • painting brushes and rollers,
  • sandpaper,
  • putty,
  • malyary Scotch,
  • primer,
  • solvent,
  • construction hairdryer.

To prepare the door to staining, you must remove the layer of old paint. It is easier and more efficient to be done with the help of a constructional hair dryer, however, when it can be caught by a spatula and a skirt. Some paints, such as vinyl and nitrocellulosic, are well removed using chemical solvents. Modern means of this type are in the form of gels, powders and liquids. They are applied to the cleaned surface and withstand some time, which is indicated on the solvent packaging.

After removing the old coating, the door must be flushed and eliminate cracks and chips with a putty, if available. After drying the putty, the surface must be carefully polished with a shallow skin and wash again.

Crab can only after complete drying. To improve the quality of the coating, the door must be removed from the loop - so you can avoid irregularities and drills When applying a colorful layer.

Prior to the start of work, accessories, which cannot be removed, is embraced by painting scotch. It will help to keep the glass inserts clean and allow you to gently paint the door in several colors if necessary.

Before painting a wooden interroom door better treat primerwhich will improve the grip with a tree and reduce its consumption. The primer is selected for each type of paint individually.

When choosing primer and paint, it is also necessary to take into account which zones of the apartment separates the door. If it is necessary to paint the door to the bathroom, then you should choose varnishes and paints with a note "waterproof" and with antifungal effect.

For many people, repairing their dwellings is directly related to the issue of his cheaper - save on everything and most importantly on what you should not do. You can save, but it is necessary to do it wise! For example, instead of acquiring new doors, try to renovate the old qualitatively - believe me, it is possible to do it yourself, and even so that old doors either will not differ from new ones. In this article, together with the site, we will answer the question, how to paint the wooden door with your own hands? Moreover, we will tell not only about how to paint new doors, but also to prepare, and subsequently make painting old doors.

How to paint a wooden door: Preparatory work

If we talk about new wooden doors, then their preparation for painting will be minimized - we can say that they do not need to prepare them at all. But the old doors will have to pre-carefully process and lead to the proper look. How to do it? But with this question and will understand a little more details - consider the technology of painting wooden doors on points in the form of a small instruction.

In principle, it is all preparatory work. Having finished with them, it will be possible to start a direct solution to the question, how to paint the old wooden door?

About how to paint the wooden door with your own hands, look in the video.

How to paint interior wooden doors: how to choose paint

The question is, the better to paint the wooden doors, will certainly arise in front of any person who can somehow decide on the process or simply anchoring new ones. It is necessary to solve it anyway, and it is better to do it right, since the selection of paints and varnishes directly depends on the period and quality of operation of wooden doors. Probably, no one will be secret if I say that the doors can be covered with varnish or color paint - it is for them that we will pay lion's stake.

There is also a third, more expensive wood coating material - this is a wax-containing oil that give a tree a silky surface. Wax oils, as well as varnishes, can be colored and transparent. In addition, they can be successfully combined, giving the doors an interesting view.

Painting of wooden doors: sequence of work and subtlety technology

Before you begin to directly solve the issue, how to properly paint the wooden door, you should decide on the painting tool. And there are quite a lot of them. Such tools include brushes, all sorts of rollers and paintopult. The latter are professionals, but by virtue of the great value of the equipment necessary for these purposes this tool can be placed aside. You can not look at the cheap electric sprayers like Paint Zoom - even for domestic use, these things are not suitable. Only brushes and rollers remain - they will have to be used in the process of painting wooden doors.

Now, as applies to the technology of painting - professionals do this as follows.

In principle, all this sequence is hardly someone will be observed - it's too difficult to organize in everyday life. The work is dusty and dirty, so there are few people at home to do. In most cases, the question of how to paint the wooden door is solved on a simplified technology, from which the supernatural result is not expected to expect. As a rule, the doors are shattered right through the paint, without removing it completely, and then the surface is covered with another layer of paint or varnish. I want to note that the more these layers accumulate, the greater the coverage of the wooden doors the chance of plating - simply speaking, the paint can swear and disappear.

When installing new wooden doors in the bath, you should immediately take care of their protection against negative impact. Couples, high temperature, drafts from ventilation contribute to damaging wood, its deformation and loss of external attractiveness. Avoiding this will help painting doors - a simple and efficient way. Most importantly, competently pick up the paint and put it right.

Paintwork products are classified as follows:

  • insection -lac, paints and impregnations (oil, wax, veneer, penetrating and film-forming);
  • on chemical composition - on an organic basis and water;
  • according to the method of use - internally, external and combined;
  • according to protective effects - from temperature and humidity fluctuations, from mechanical damage, from chemical and organic stimuli.

In addition, all coatings are divided into transparent and opaque. The first includes varnishes, glaze and oil impregnations, to the second - paints and enamels manufactured on acrylic, alkyd, polyurethane and oil base.

Type of composition for wood processingBasic properties
Suitable for staining interroom and outer doors, has high moisture resistance. Transparent, emphasizes the structure of the tree. Disadvantage: long drying time.
Safe for health, suitable for any wood, quick-drying. Provides high protection against ultraviolet, gives the surface increased resistance to pollution and moisture effects.
The most harmless to health, non-combustible, applied indoors. For exterior doors, it does not fit. Keeps natural wood texture and its original color.
It is easy to apply, well penetrates into the tree, gives wood a darker shade. It is used for processing before painting.
Deep penetrates into the tree, protects perfectly from moisture, fungus and contaminants. Applies extra strength and pleasant shine of the surface.
It is used for outer and internal surfaces, creates a durable dense coating with water-repellent properties. It has high shelterness with glossy or matte effect.
It is easily applied, it has a weak shelterness, thereby saving wood texture. It has high air permeability, so gives the tree to "breathe."

The opaque paint for bath doors is less common, since the natural drawing of wood more harmoniously fits into the interior. Traditionally, the interior of the bath is performed from wood, so the doors with a pronounced texture look more advantageous.

But if the tile is used to finish the walls, you can make doors and monophonic, picking up the corresponding color.

When using paint, the surface is pre-processing with antiseptic impregnation and antipiren, if the door is in the steam room. It is advisable to choose all the means from one manufacturer, it will improve their interaction and make a coating better.

The optimal choice for bath doors is varnishes and paints on an alkyd basis, the main advantage of which is the resistance to temperature fluctuations and water resistance.

And yet: paint products should be purchased only in specialized stores, where storage conditions are observed, especially temperature regime.

Prices for wood varnish

wooden varnish

How to paint new doors

The raw wood absorbs moisture well, and if in the bath to put new doors without impregnation with protective compositions, they very soon will swell and stop tightly closed. Therefore, before installing the doors, they need to be prepared correctly and painted. All work should be carried out in the room, so that the dust does not get on the paint.

Step 1. The door leaf without pens, hooks and loops are placed on a flat steady surface. In the process of manufacturing, the material has already succumbed to grinding, but small roughness or protrusions could remain. Therefore, with the help of grinding or sandpaper, the doors are once again treated on both sides and on the ends. Clean all irregularities, wipe the cloth from dust.

Step 2. If the paint is chosen for the doors, the cloth is first soaked with primer. The first to handle the deepening, then smooth areas. Since the doors are in a horizontal position, the drips are not formed, and absorption occurs more evenly.

Step 3. Give the surface to dry completely, and processed it again.

Step 4.. Now you can paint. For the panel door, the roller is suitable, use an unintentious brush for the panel. The paint should not be too thick, if so, dilute it with a solvent. You should not apply the paint with a thick layer, the quality of the coating will only lose. Depending on the passing ability, it may be necessary to need from 2 to 4 layers of paint, each of which should be completely dry before applying the following.

Step 5. While the door dries, staining the opening. It is impossible to leave it unprocessed for the same reason that the doors, besides, the painted door in an ugly opening looks not very harmonious.

After drying, the paint on the door is screwed down the hinge, handle, hook and installed in the opening.

If the door is selected for the door, the primer is not used. Morilka penetrates deep into the wood, staining the fibers and increasing the protective properties of the material. There are several ways to apply verses that give a different result.

Trituration.For this method, a simulator is needed with a long drying time. With the help of the roller, the composition is applied on the canvas of the doors and thoroughly rub it with a foam tampon or a piece of dense tissue. It is necessary to rub with an effort, a centimeter for a centimeter so that the liquid is well penetrated into the pores of the tree. The painted surface has a very pronounced pattern.
Spraying.The veil is chosen by light tones and with the help of the painting, 2-4 layers are applied. This method of staining gives a less pronounced texture, but finely hides the small defects of wood.
Normal application.Suitable for smooth surfaces. The veil is applied using a roller, as a result of which the surface is painted evenly and does not have divorces.
Frilling brush.The tool is abundantly applied with a wide brush first along the fibers, then across. Thanks to this method, the tree acquires a deeper and rich shade.

Council. To avoid discrepancies in color, the veil should be purchased with a reserve and mix well in the bank before use. Painting pigments have the property to settle on the bottom, as a result of which, when staining the doors, one part may differ from the rest.

Prices for the veil

morilka for wood

Using oil or wax impregnation

Door treatment with oil impregnation also has its secrets. If the surface is incorrecting on the surface, strips and darker areas may appear. Before use, impregnation must be very well stirred, and do it several times during the work. Apply impregnation with any convenient way - roller, brush, spray or foam sponge. The number of layers depends on the porosity of the material.

So, you gain a little means and evenly distribute it over the surface from the edge to the edge. It is more convenient to do it in the width of the door canvase. Next, the impregnation is thoroughly triturated with a brush or rolling with a roller, avoiding the influx. Surfaces from 8 to 12 hours, depending on the composition and temperature of the air. The second layer is not applied not later than after 24 hours, otherwise it will not be able to absorb well and its protective properties will decrease.

Prices for the impregnation for wood

impregnation for wood

Staining old doors

Old doors in the bath can also be reanimated and made no less attractive than new ones. Although this process and more time-consuming, to cope with it forces to everyone. For convenience, the door must be removed from the loops and put horizontally, but if for some reason it does not work out, it will have to work like this.

Step 1. The door canvas are removed from the loops, laid on a flat surface. Unscrew the handles, loops, take out locks. If you cannot unscrew, wind by scotch or foil.

Step 2. With the help of abrasive nozzles, they remove all the layers of old paint to the base.

If there are covered sections, the putty is also fully believed. There is another convenient way to remove the paint: the top layer of the coating is heated by the construction hairdryer, while the paint does not begin to swear, and then it is written with a metal spatula.

Step 3.. Slide the paint and dust pieces with the canvas, after which the surface is thoroughly grinding. In hard-to-reach places it is convenient to use sandpaper. After grinding, there should be no rough sections, small irregularities, scratches.

Grinding door web

Step 4. Carefully examine the door from all sides, check the density of the compounds, if necessary, strengthen the frame with metal corners and self-draws.

Step 5. Formed notches and cracks need to be chosen by a new putty. Under the alkyd paint, the putty is suitable for any color, it still will not shine. If the surface is planned to be a surface impregnation, wax or varnish, the tint of putty must coincide with the color of the door leaf.

Council. If wood darkened a lot from time to time, it can be bleached a bit: blend chlorine with water in a ratio of 1: 3 and is abundantly wetting the surface. When it brings, the door is well washed with clean water and dried in the air.

Grinding dried spacure

Step 8.. Wet cloth wipe the cloth from dust from all sides. Next cover the door with a uniform layer of primer. Instead of ordinary primer, you can take an antiseptic impregnation. Especially carefully need to handle joints and recesses.

Step 9. For staining, you will need a thin brush and roller.

When the primer dry, takes the brush and paint first all the jumpers, deepening, decorative linings, panels. Next, with the help of a roller paint smooth wide areas.

The paint is applied fine and uniform layer, thoroughly rubs in one direction. The second layer can be applied not earlier than the first dry. At the same time, the upper layer is always superimposed perpendicular to the bottom, that is, if the first layer was applied in the width of the doors, then the second necessarily make longitudinally. It is especially important to comply with this rule when using a brush from which strokes remain.

Step 10.. Leave the canvas to dry, are taken for painting the door box in the opening. Here, the same: at the joints, use a thin brush, on the smooth areas - roller.

Tree paint prices

paint for wood

If the door is not removed from the loop, it is fixed with wooden wedges on both sides so that the maximum access to all parts of the canvas is fixed. The wedges should be fixed as fast as possible, otherwise, in the process of work, the canvas can move. All further actions are performed similarly. When staining, carefully ensure that the drums are not formed. Handles and loops, other parts of the accessories should also be cleaned of contamination, pollute, update lubricant for ease of move.

When processing doors, the versication should take into account that from splashes that fell on a clean tree remains, there are dark spots that are shouted through 2-3 layers of the dye. Therefore, if you paint the door, not removed from the loops, it is recommended to apply a veil very carefully and bottom. Roller or brush can not be dipped too much into the liquid so that the drums are not formed. The canvas with drifts and dark stains looks sloppy even under the layer of varnish.

From the use of vehicles on a water-based, wood fibers have a straight property, from which the surface becomes rough. Eliminate such a defect will help sandpaper with small grain. After secondary processing, the mourn canvas remain smooth.

Video - Painting of wooden doors

Video - Doors Staining Technology