How to get bugs from the apartment and get rid of them yourself? How to deal with clouds in the apartment at home the bedbugs how to get rid of home.

The main life task of these little bloodsicles is to penetrate the housing of a person, it is thoroughly settled in it, taking all the most hard-to-reach places and start your infinite food with blood every night and reproduction.

How bed bugs get to us in the house

Bed bugs are tiny insects with a flattened body, which means they are able to leak through any of even the most narrow slits, right up to the thickness of the credit card, which means the bugs are able to get into the apartment literally through the walls of an infected neighboring apartment.

The problem of presence in the housing of bed bugs tormented people from the very beginning, so the problem of removing bugs in the apartment has taken over our ancestors. And since the problem has existed for a long time, there are also proven ways to solve it.

  1. Physical destruction of bedbugs;
  2. Thermal destruction;
  3. Getting rid of bugs by folk remedies;
  4. Chemical blinds in the apartment.

Consider every way of getting ridden from bedbugs in more understand which one is best suitable in your case

Nevertheless, bring all the bedbugs from the apartment in this way it is quite difficult, as it is necessary to work very carefully and know all the places in the apartment where they can hide. It is important to be careful and not to cause damage to the furniture.

Thermal way to bring bugs in the house. Bugs love heat and hardly carry very low and very high temperatures, so people practiced people in the villages long ago Effective way to freeze houses from bedbugs. When in winter, people in a heavy frost opened the windows and gave the apartment to completely cool either endured furniture to the street. It was important to give a few hours of frost to destroy insects. Nowadays, you can also "burn out" bedbugs in the apartment with the help of industrial fan heaters capable of heating the room to +50 ° C, which also destructively affected the well-being of insects.

About the minuses of this way it is easy to guess - it is very difficult to freeze the apartment when the bugs started in the summer or in spring, especially in St. Petersburg, to carry out all the furniture on the street is also quite difficult. Well, to create an oven in the apartment with fan heaters, too, dubious occupation, at least on the cost of electricity and possible damage for things from such overheating.

Folk remedies. Our observational ancestors have long found that insects and in particular blugs are not like strong and sharp odorsthat leave behind some plants or liquids. Fully to drive bugs with smells will be difficult, as sooner or later they can get used to, and hunger will take their own, but then the person himself will start to go crazy from fragrances in the house. Therefore, this grandmother's method in modern realities causes many doubts in its relevance.

With independent processing of the apartment follows buy professional remedy for bedbugs in the store in St. Petersburg or ready set, then familiarize yourself with the instructions for its use, and also do not forget to take care of personal protective equipment - gloves, respirator.

The most effective removal of bugs from the apartment is to appeal to a specialized SES service.

Few people know how to destroy bugs in the apartment It will be efficient and safe, because bedbugs are survivors and sustainable stressful situations. Usually, searching for advice on the Internet, how can you destroy bugs at home, the owner of the apartment is determined to finish themselves for one evening, but most often such a struggle is stretched for many months.

Especially for you, we have prepared a detailed instruction how to destroy the bedbugs in the apartment yourself. Pour your diligence to our professional experience, and may be with you strength!

Destruction of bedbugs: Barrier Protection or Collective Processing

Many who already have experience in combating bloodsuckers know that a few days after chemical treatment, they often appear again. There are several reasons for that.

First of all, you need to make sure that neighboring apartments are not infected with clouds. These insects are without difficulty traveling from the neighbors to the neighbors, while remaining unnoticed.

In one recent study, which was held in a large apartment building, it turned out that of all the apartments where bugs were discovered, only half of their owners knew about infection.

The fact is that many people do not feel their bites on themselves, because of which the bugs manage to break and spread to the neighbors. Therefore, there is such a rule: if one apartment is infected, then all adjacent sections (on the left, on the right, on top and bottom) are considered contaminated while they will not be carefully inspected.

Just ask your neighbors, does anyone bite them, not enough - try to convince them to take action. After all, the bugs in the stairwell, like a windmill in kindergarten - if there is no one in the same apartment, then after your processing they can easily appear - it's kindly to explain it to those who do not understand. After making disinsection together (even if it is difficult to prevent), you will not leave the bloodstream to retreat.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to negotiate with neighbors. In this case, when processing, pay special attention to those zones through which bugs can climb from other apartments (read more about it below). Check if the slots are sealed in the walls, the floor and the ceiling, where communications pass, and glue the ventilation holes with a fine grid.

How to destroy bugs

If you do not want to spend the time, nerves and a bunch of money, you should really look at things - do not look for a wonderful agent that is easy and without hassle will save you from bedbugs, there is no such means.

Briefly tell about how and how you can destroy bedbugs at home yourself. First, you should not try to do this by folk remedies - at the best case you will cause a slight confusion with sharp odors, no more.

Secondly, do not prefer with aerosols or sprays - they are ineffective from bedbugs. These pests are real partisans, they can hide in inaccessible places and sit for several days, and short-term chemical impact only makes them more stable. In addition, all new larvae will be hatched from eggs, and processing will have to be repeated again and again, it is expensive and impractical.

It is best to use contact type insecticides that retain their action for 5-6 weeks after processing. Professional funds used by services destroying bugs in free sale, but there are similar retail pesticides available to the public.

Among them are drugs such groups:

  1. Foods: Averfos, Agran, Wheel Foz, Woeful Micro, Fors Site
  2. Pyreteroids: Biorine, Favorite
  3. Neonicotinoids: Confirmant

(These funds are registered in Russia and allowed for the use of Rospotrebnadzor)

In addition to the bedroom, bedbugs can live in any room where people sleep. The living room with soft sofas and armchairs is the next room with bloodsuckers. A typical infection begins with one room and then gradually spreads everywhere where there are sleeping places. The sooner you find them and start acting, the easier it will get rid of it. If it is for too long, the bugs will float the whole house.

  • Do not hurry to throw furniture. In most cases, there is no need to throw out beds, sofas and bedding. It is too expensive to change all this, and besides, the bugs remaining in the apartment will quickly populate new furniture. What to climb into such expenses, cheaper to order a professional disinfection.
  • Protect your sleeping place. It is fundamentally important not to change the place of night rest to reduce the risk of propagation of bedbugs throughout the house. After all, if you go to sleep into another room, the bugs will go beyond you, and as a result, the struggle will become more difficult. To make your bed safety zone, follow these steps:

  • Process the rest of the house. This is the most time-consuming stage of work. If you managed to detect bugs in the first week of their appearance, then the disinsection of the bed can be enough, but most likely they have already managed to spare through the room. So do not rely on good luck and act further according to the instructions:
  • How to destroy eggs and larvae bugs

    The only appeared larvae is also very small (1-1,5mm) and colorless, so they are not easy to notice. After each bite, the larvae grow and acquire more darker color.

    The migration and settlement of the bugs are inclined already in the adult stage, so to destroy eggs and larvae, enough. Although this is a rather complicated task, but following this instruction, you can find all the nests with a probability of 95%.

    How to track the situation after processing

    Pay attention, do not appear on the body new bites (if, of course, they manifest themselves). Every 3-4 days spend a thorough inspection of the room and furniture according to the scheme described above. Watch whether they appear in traps (which are under the legs of the bed) new insects, periodically clean these traps. Continue monitoring within 2-3 months.

    If after this period you do not detect any signs of the presence of bugs, then your diligent efforts are generously rewarded. You can celebrate victory!

    But if 3 weeks after treatment, the bugs did not disappear, do not despair - this happens not only with you. Gather with the forces and spend the whole procedure again, it may be necessary to do this for the third time. Show perseverance, without forgetting to alternate insecticides from different groups.

    There are insects that are able to appear in fact in any residential room. We are talking about clouds here, to discover which you can even on the bed of a very clean mistress. About, how to get rid of bedbugs forever, Talk in this article.

    Insect attacks are most often susceptible to women and children, because they have a thinner and gentle skin than men. In addition, many people because of allergic susceptibility are much more difficult to carry the consequences of bite bite, than those who have no allergies. At some people after the bite of a cluster, small points can remain, others can go a strong rash throughout the body, there are swelling and even the blisters appear. All this is fraught with the consequences, in connection with which a person needs special treatment.

    It is also worth noting, due to the constant attack of bedbugs, a person ceases full and healthy dream. Non-sleeping and sleepless nights often lead to the fact that the victims have all sorts of psychological injuries, moral exhaustion. It is all fraught with quite serious consequences. Therefore, the question how quickly and forever get rid of bugsSo important.

    How can you detect bugs

    Most often bugs are hiding in bedding, as they try to be closer to man, that is, to their food.

    In addition, insects can live in old bedding (blankets, blankets, pillows, mattresses).

    Select bloodsuckers in the following places:

    • In crevices between the plinths and the wall.
    • Under the windowsill.
    • In different internal structures.
    • On the rear walls of furniture.
    • On the rear surfaces of the paintings.

    In addition, the appearance of pests on clothes, which has not been taken from the closet for a long time.

    How to get rid of bedbugs in the house quickly: folk remedies

    How to get rid of bugs in the house? All methods of combating insects can be divided into such groups:

    • Physical processing.
    • Temperature processing.
    • Traditional processing ( get rid of Klopov using folk recipes).
    • Chemical processing.
    • Housing processing through disinsectors.

    The most popular folk remedies to get rid of bedbugs forever:

    Currently, there are steam generators and vacuum cleaners that can be used to get rid of bugs in CherepovetsHowever, it is impossible to bring out all pests in this way.

    In the winter in the winter, all the mattresses, furniture and left there for a while took place on the street. However, this is effective only in places where the temperature fell less than 15-17 degrees of frost. In a softer climate getting rid of bugs and cockroaches Not effectively. The described method is called freezing and is very effective, since the bugs are very fond of heat. Given this, you can open all the windows and give the room to cool.

    How to get rid of bugs in the sofa? Klop can be smeared. In this case, we will need industrial fan heaters that can warm up the room to 50 degrees.

    In addition, you can use a tool from bugs in the form of an ultrasonic repeller, the overall efficiency of which is highly dependent on the chosen brand.

    How to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment: Special chemicals

    How to get rid of indoor bedbugs? To date, there are many different safe and efficient purchased drugs that easily destroy home insects, in particular bugs.

    Safety Rules for Processing

    Before how to get rid of bugs, It is necessary to hermetically pack the dishes and food in order to avoid penetration of chemicals in the human body. The room should be empty, animals and people should not be there, since almost all chemicals contain hazardous substances.

    After processing, it is necessary to thoroughly ventilate the room in the absence of people at least 2 hours. It is not desirable to return to the apartment to careful cleaning, which should be carried out no earlier than 5 hours after processing. The funds used should be removed from the places that can have contact with living.

    Get rid of bedbugs once and forever: disinfectants

    Chemical preparations used

    Professionals use the newest insecticides, both foreign and Russian production, which have proven their high quality. This allows them to provide warranty service over several years. Guarantees are often free of charge disinfector.

    Among the chemicals used: X25 X25 X25, Carbofos, Eslandez, Tetraqin, Confiment, Blocade-Antiklop and Agran.

    In stock Such companies

    a hundred There are chemical preparations without smell, not distinguishing evaporation. They are very comfortable for those who live with pregnant, young children, as well as those who have increased sensitivity to the means of acute action.

    Getting rid of bugs Professional destruction of bedbugs
    - this is the best variant. To order the processing of the apartment you need to call the company for coordination with the time dispatcher and the processing date.

    Immediately before processing, you need to remove only medicines and food, all other moments, such as turning the beds, beds, sofas, mattresses, and more, experts on arrival, as a rule, make themselves.

    After the work performed, it is important to conduct special preventive activities that are as follows:

    • Spring-cleaning.
    • Housing repair.
    • Insulation of the room from the neighbors.
    • Inspection of furniture and, with the need, disinsection of problem areas.
    • Laying of all sorts of plant insecticides.

    Get rid of bedbugs without resorting to the help of professionals, quite real. Methods are proposed a lot, up to seriously feasible, for example, temperature processing "heating" or. In the case of large population, it will be more efficient to handle the room with contact insecticide. One, the maximum of two high-quality processing - and the clusters can be forgotten forever.

    How to get rid of bedbugs with the means

    Guaranteed secrets of deliverance from home bedbugs do not everyone knows. Follow the bugs to the means selected on the slave "blind" store can and will give the effect, but short-term. If you decide to get rid of bedbugs, but have not yet decided with the means that you will use, read the reviews of people who coped with the clouds about what means helped them in their difficult struggle. Also, use the tips specified.

    Most of the insects, according to the instructions, are equally effective against various types of household insects. However, practice honey. Disinsection shows that it is not. Some components in insects have developed stability, and some due to the peculiarities of the preparative form or preparation act slowly or not quite efficiently precisely against bloodsowing - in particular bugs.

    Although there are no reliable information about the possibility of infection with diseases, nevertheless there is a likelihood. And in the list of possible infections there are such heavy diseases such as gas, brucellosis, tuberculosis, Siberian ulcer, hepatitis B.

    How can you destroy bedbugs at home yourself: the choice of method

    The effectiveness of the method used for destroying Klopovdirectly depends on the execution of a number of a number of activities based on the knowledge of biology and insect behavior:

    Important! Having found at least one individual, it is not necessary to delay the processing and wait until the population increases: every day the female is capable of lowering up to 5 eggs, which will turn into full-fledged individuals literally in a month (under favorable conditions). If the process is tightened, you may need professional destruction of bedlop.

    How to destroy bugs in the house: temperature impact

    How can you destroy bugs in the apartment: mechanical way

    The mechanical impacts on insects include:

    • Cleaning furniture and bed with a vacuum cleaner;
    • Destruction of bugs by hand with crushing;
    • The use of double-sided adhesive or adhesive plates.

    All these measures are among the most environmentally friendly and can be used for safe destruction of bedbugs in the apartment with children. However, their effectiveness is also high only if there are only several individuals.

    How to destroy bedbugs at home: folk methods

    If pets live in the apartment, it is best to take advantage of one of the folk remedies tested in practice:

    All these methods do not give 100% of the result, therefore, for a stronger impact and in order destroy eggs bugs More efficient compositions are used:

    • Boiling water 150 ml, turpentine 15 ml, kerosene 20 ml, green soap in a solution of 40 g;
    • Ethyl alcohol 300 ml, turpentine 300 ml, camphor 15 g;
    • Skipidar 80 ml, phenol 40 g, salicylic acid 6 g;
    • Kerosene 300 ml, turpentine 300 ml, naphthaline 60 g

    How to quickly destroy bugs in the apartment: chemical

    All of the above methods are able to help with a low level of infection or with accidental insect housing. To completely destroy bugs in the apartmentOne of the synthetic insecticides offered by industry should be used:

    The other most popular and efficient preparations include:

    • Executioner - Oil liquid of the middle class of toxicity, destroys the larvae and eggs;
    • Hector - powder with 4 hazard class (safe for people and animals), successfully destroys insects with resistance to other insecticides;
    • Inspect control - the drug is odorless, produced in the form of capsules, after spraying and insect infection is transferred to the nest, causing the destruction of all individuals;
    • Empire 20. - remedy for the Spanish manufacturer with a pleasant citrus smell, allowed to use even in children's institutions;
    • Dig poles - Concentrated insectoacharicidal liquid, applied in residential premises using personal protective equipment, retains an action to 3 months. ;
    • CimEx. - Finnish drug with high efficiency, requires processing of the entire premises, regardless of infection, guarantees destruction of eggs and larvae of bugs in the apartment: one bottle is enough for processing 100 m²;
    • Ecokiller - Environmentally friendly drug, safe for people and animals, is produced from natural raw materials, produced in the form of powder and liquid;
    • Fufanon Super - The drug from Denmark, according to a similar carbofos, has an average degree of toxicity and is produced in the form of an oily liquid, insects are guaranteed to die for 3-4 days. ;
    • Get. - Russian liquid drug, safe for people and animals, does not contain allergen substances, does not leave stains, the action lasts up to 6 months. is not destroyed when the temperature drops or the effects of ultraviolet;
    • Kukaracha - a concentrated solution of high efficiency, requires a dilution of 1: 100, one vial of 50 ml is sufficient for treatment with 70 m², it is used in disinfection of residential and non-residential premises, catering enterprises, children's and medical institutions;
    • Kombat - remedy for the Korean manufacturer, produced in the form of an aerosol, which allows you to process hard-to-reach places and destroy cockroaches and bedbugs in the apartment, has low toxicity and prolonged action.

    Important! The effective preparations include funds such as the raid, FAS, Klopomor, Forsight, Raptor, Clean Home and Many others. Therefore, to choose the most appropriate means in each case will not be difficult. If the drug cannot be found in the trading network, then online shopping, professional companies, as well as sanitary facilities can help in acquiring the necessary tool.

    How to destroy eggs and larvae bugs

    • Concealment from man;
    • Average humidity level;
    • The temperature is not higher + 27 ° C.

    With a high probability, you can find masonry for plinths, in the eaves, bedside tables, under the pales, as part of photos and paintings, and sometimes even in folds of wool clothes.

    To effectively destroy bedlop And their masonry, it is necessary:

    • use of insecticides of prolonged action, ensuring the release of poisonous substances for insects for several months;
    • treat places of masonry hot steam or boiling water - high temperatures are guaranteed to destroy eggs, only water should be higher than + 50 ° C;
    • wash the places of possible layers (plinth, floor, walls, eaves, etc.) very hot water, to enhance the effect of adding soda, manganese or peroxide;
    • if you can additionally unforgett things where eggs were found, because the low temperatures are also destructive for them, as well as high.

    Important! For guaranteed destruction of eggs and larvae bedlop It is recommended to repeat the processing after 7-10 days, since the first time may not be able to detect all the masonry.

    Professional destruction of bugs in the apartment

    It is not easy to get rid of bedbugs, so if you have children, patients or old people, the presence of pets in the apartment should choose the most secure and most efficient way to contact professionals. Even the use of the strongest insecticides with improper use (processing not all places, too strong dilution, etc.) can cause the opposite effect and worsen the position. Claps can mutate and develop resistance to chemicals, which makes it difficult to destroy their destruction.

    In specialized coverings for the destruction of bedbugs Will a preliminary advice on the preparation of the premises to disinfection. For this you need:

    • package dishes, food, toys into sealed packages;
    • separately add clothes, underwear, hygiene products;
    • put forward all the drawers and open all the doors in the furniture;
    • decompose sofas, turn off the hood;
    • close doors, windows and ventilation;
    • paste pets, and the aquarium is closed by film.

    After processing, it is recommended to enter the room no earlier than 4 hours later. Open all windows and doors and ventilate the smell to disappear. Use a soap soda solution to wipe the surfaces of tables and door handles. For accommodation, the room should be used no earlier than a day.

    Important! General cleaning is recommended to be postponed to extend the drug.

    Methods of professional destruction of bedbugs

    Depending on the degree of infection and customer requirements, professional services offer several methods for the destruction of bedlop:

    Ensuring maximum efficiency is achieved by specialists not only by the use of the most modern drugs, but also using the latest equipment to solve the task of the task in the shortest possible time. When disinsection and disinfection of indoors are used:

    • Manual pump sprayer Shtil SG 31. It is used in the processing of small areas (building forms, city apartments, trailers);
    • Ranged manual sprayer Shtil SG 20. Having a greater capacity and built-in pressure gauge, allows you to process large areas with pressure control in the tank;
    • Cold Fog Generator (Fogger). Allows you to process surfaces at a high distance (up to 10 m), simultaneously providing high penetrability of the drug;
    • SWINGFOG SN 50 hot fog generator. Thermomechanical aerosol compact design generator, providing a high degree of efficiency at.

    Important! A drug "Master" to destroy bugs - One of the highly efficient drugs that are used in professional disinsection and in a complex with specialized equipment giving a guaranteed result.

    How much is the destruction of bedbugs in the apartment

    For those who wish to get a quick result, "hot" fog is most suitable. Those who want a method of cheaper can order the processing "cold" fog, although its action is more slow.

    The most effectively the integrated impact, enhanced by barrier protection, however, it will cost more.

    Approximate cost of the destruction of bugs in Moscow Makes up for 1 bedroom apartment to 2.5 thousand rubles, for 3-room - up to 3.4 thousand rubles. The price of the service is influenced by the method of treatments and their number used by the drug, the area of \u200b\u200bthe room.

    What company to choose to destroy bugs

    If you decide to use the services of professional disinsectors, then there are two options for the development of events: resort to the help of a local sanitary-index or choose a good private firm.

    SanEpidemstancy: destruction of bedbugs

    The state institution has several undoubted advantages:

    • Affordable prices;
    • High professionalism;
    • Availability of all necessary documents;
    • Warranty quality and safety.

    However, with all these advantages, get urgent help with destruction of bedbugs in the apartment (which is almost always necessary) it is often problematic. But private organizations provide first-demand services.

    Private companies to destroy bugs

    In the firm with a well-supplied process of carrying out services, first of all recognize all the circumstances of the problem, as well as the living conditions, the number and age of tenants, will ask the customer requirements.

    Signs of professionalism also serve:

    • Availability of license and quality certificates for drugs;
    • High level of service: polite appeal, clear organization, free consulting;
    • Prices for services in an affordable range, not much more than government;
    • Warranty for working with the possibility of re-processing in the event of a relapse.

    In a private organization, you will be offered services such as urgent call to destroy bugsand a set of services that increase the efficiency of work.

    Destroy bedbugs and cockroaches with a guaranteethese can both public and private services. In any case, the work of professionals will give the result an order of magnitude higher than with independent attempts, with maximum security.