How to burn a tree at home. All about wood dear

Burning on a tree - the art that first appeared at the end of the last century in the capital of Russia. At first, this technique was used to make matryoshek. Subsequently, this method was called pyrography.

A bit of history

The first devices that were intended for burning were imperfect. They worked on gasoline that gave a platinum needle. In order to maintain a constant temperature, the burning person had to constantly drive gasoline with a foot pedal. Although the process turned out to be time consuming, pyrography got more and more popular every day.

Mainly, the technique was used to make matryoshek, this is only many years later drawings for burning on a tree have become more diverse and beautiful. Because the matryoshka became more and more popular, from the labor-intensive pyrography had to be abandoned, and painting came to her place. But they did not forget about burning, and now this technique was used to decorate boxes, lars and other wooden items.

Modern device

The burning on the tree for beginners has become very simple and affordable technique after the electrical device was invented. Now it could be used to decorate leather goods, bones, paper and from other materials.

The simplest electrical heater includes: a lowering transformer, retaining, handles and replaceable incandescent threads that are still called pins. Professionals recommend that the retainer is replaced by a laboratory transformer, which makes it possible to obtain high-quality survival of different tone.

Burning on a tree at home implies the use of a school device of factory manufacture. Such an electric heating agent is mainly used for contour and tonal patterns.

Burning on a tree for beginners

In order to not be disappointed from the first time in their skills and pyrography as a whole, you need to know all the subtleties of this type of needlework. For the picture you need to take soft wood hardwood, for example, aspen, a lip, a poplar or other. It is also worth considering the fact that some wood species can ignore at a temperature of about 150 degrees, others are withstanding about 250 degrees. Therefore, it is better to choose a soft material, so the roasting process will be easier and faster.

If you want to perform a more complex pattern, then for this it is worth using other than this, it should be borne in mind that in order to maintain the surface of the tree clean and neat, you can use the method that these wizards enjoy. To start a picture for burning around the tree, they are transferred to after with the help of glue from starch or flour stick it to the wood itself. The burning process itself should be carried out on cigarette paper. When the picture is completed, the paper is carefully removed.

Starting to master the pyrography technique are needed from some light and uncomplicated pattern for which complex pins are not needed. Under this concept, the brackets of different sizes, made of which can be in diameter from 0.3 to 1.5 mm. For the manufacture of the pin you need to cut the wire and with the help of pliers or the round-rolls give them the desired form. To make it more rigid, wire preloads to roll with a hammer. Although you can not complicate the task and in a specialized store to buy a set of different pins.

Important aspects

  1. Burning on a tree should be started after the pin will be riveted and a small flame tongue will be visible from it, which should not be accompanied by smoke. In this case, you can conclude that gasoline is high-quality, the device works canceled and the temperature for burning is optimal.
  2. If the flame fades, and you feel the smell of Gary, then, most likely, the vent hole was clogged.
  3. When the tip of the pin is increasing uneven, this suggests that gasoline that you use has been low quality or in alcohol there is insufficient heat.
  4. If during the period of work you needed to make a big break and the tip is cool, it is not necessary to heat it again by blowing air-saturated air pairs, as this can lead to clogging.
  5. It is very important during the burning period to clean the pin from slags, as it will work badly, cool, and the drawing will eventually work bad and inaccurate. It is impossible to clean it with a knife or other metal item, as it can be damaged and spoiled the pin.

Inticance receptions

You must understand that the liner lines erase, as a pencil, will not work, therefore there should be no errors and blots in your work. To avoid similar problems, it is recommended to attach wood obliquely. The hand in which you will keep the deceit must necessarily have a good support. In this case, you can spend flat lines, and they will not go away. In addition, it is recommended to perform the entire drawing for one sitting. If you don't have so much time, then at least for starters, and after a certain period of time, the background.

Burning on wood: Important rules

To get a beautiful and lively drawing, it is recommended to use lines of different thickness and shade. The first aspect depends on the speed of movement of the hot pin, that is, the faster you move the device, the thinner will turn out, and vice versa. To control the shade, it is necessary to control the supplied air and the temperature of the tip: the more, the darker line. To quickly cool the pin, you need to touch it to the cold stone surface, for example, it can be marble, brick or granite. The device for burning on a tree should be used like a pencil, that is, it should move easily, without any pushing and braking.

At the beginning and end of the line it is necessary to be especially attentive, as you can spoil the drawing. At the angle of the touches you need to start from the top and should not burn immediately to the full depth. To begin with, it is recommended to work with bites and only then finish all the pin. To make strokes, the device should be plafp. In order to decorate the background, you can use pins with curly tips.

Burning on a tree, or pyrograph, is the process of applying a pattern to a piece of a wooden surface with a soldering iron. Pyrography allows not only to remove the tension, but also to bring something wonderful in any home. Burn for your pleasure, hang your work on the wall or give your friends. So that you choose as an object for your picture, first you need to familiarize yourself with the foundations of burning around the tree.


Part 1

Basics of burning on wood

    Prepare the necessary tools. In order to take up pyrography, first you will need a set of basic tools. After you perform several drawings, you may want to expand this set, although the following tools are enough:

    Choose an acceptable piece of wood for pyrography, better turn the wooden surface with a smoother side up. The rigidity of the tree varies on a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 is the softer tree (for example, bald), and 10 is the stringent (for example, pecarpus). If you just start burning, it is better to choose a soft tree. The rigid tree is expensive, heat-resistant and usually dark. On the other hand, a soft wood is cheaper, it is easy to burn on it, it is lighter, which allows you to expand the range of contrasts. Try using the following soft wood varieties:

    • pine;
    • linden;
    • birch;
    • ash;
    • maple.
  1. Gently take the device for burning around the tree. The device heats up very quickly, so before How to start working with the device, put it on a secure stand. Always put and remove the soldering iron pliers. Wait two minutes or more to give the instrument to warm up. While the device is heated, keep it on the stand or in the clay pot to avoid the possibility of sudden fire.

    Collect the tree before starting. Take sandpaper the size of grain size of 320 μm (32-H or P46), wrap it around the wooden block or attach to the grinding bar and evenly passion the entire surface of the tree. Parts of the wooden surface will gradually become more distinct and harder, as a result, the surface should be smooth.

    • In the process of grinding, handle the tree by fiber. The structure of the tree is the orifier of wood fiber. Treatment of a fiber tree will eliminate small irregularities or scratches that may appear as a result of grinding against fiber.
    • When you finish grinding, wipe the surface with a wet towel. This will help clean the surface from the chips, and you will be much easier to apply a sketch.
  2. Apply light strokes instead of clear lines. Many newcomers allow a big mistake when pressed onto a wooden surface too much, believing that it is necessary to draw a sketch. This is not true. In fact, it is better to apply light strokes. So, it will be easier for you to send a pencil, erase unnecessary lines and eliminate the possibility of burning through incorrect lines.

    Do not hurry when you burn. You are not going to get a prize for burning in a record short time. Burning on a tree, regardless of what material you use is, a long process. When you get acquainted with the handle for burning, remember:

    • The best option is a constant pressure on the surface. Newcomers are recommended to apply a pattern with the same force throughout the wooden surface.
    • The longer you hold the pen for burning in one place, the darker and deeper this area of \u200b\u200bthe drawing becomes deeper.
  3. When burning it easier to move the fiber device. Turn a piece of wood so that the fibers are directed down. It will make your work easier, as the bulk of the time you will move the device towards down. When burning against the fiber, the resistance will be greater.

    Practice with wood, experiment! Once all materials for burning will be ready and you will learn the basics, take several wooden skulls in order to practice with different tips of the instrument. Thus, you will have an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich tip in what cases should be used. The choice of nozzle depends on what you want to draw and how many details will be your drawing.

    Part 2

    Tree drawing
    1. Select the appropriate pattern of the drawing. While drawing a picture without a finished sketch is too difficult for you, use ready-made images. There are three basic method of applying a tree pattern.

      Just sripe the image. If you are an artist and know how to draw, it will be more convenient for you to apply the drawing to the tree immediately with a pencil. This is not the easiest and most effective way, but so you will avoid a non-living and styled drawing style, many artists who copy images in all parts are involuntarily striving for this.

      Transfer the drawing using graphite paper. Draw or print a picture. Place the graphite paper down on a wooden surface, prelayed it with painting scotch, so as not to spoil the future picture. Then put your drawing from above. With a pencil 2M smooth lines circle the drawing. Remove graphite paper and read all lines again with the same pencil.

      Use the nozzle to transfer the pattern. This flat nozzle is heated to transfer the ink printed pictures directly on the wooden surface. Scan or find a picture on the Internet that you liked. Print the image is better on the laser printer. Then attach the clip with the clip to the wooden plank and start heating it with the help of the nozzle. Slowly, gradually smooth the back of the image using the nozzle to transfer the pattern (in those places where ink is). Remove the sheet of paper and check whether the drawing has printed.

      Part 3.


        Start with the selection of a convenient space for skimming - place it so that you can reach the device to any part of it. It takes just a second, but you have to do it all the time. If you lean over the table and burn out at a dangerous distance from the body - it will be much more difficult for you to burn out.

        Better Start burning out the drawing from below or from the outer edge of the sketch. So, if you make a mistake, your error will not rush into the eyes. Do not worry - then you can fix your oversight, just gripping the tree in the right place.

        Depending on which tree you burn, do not be afraid to walk through the same place three or four times. Remember, you go quiet - you will go further. It is easier to touch the tree - in this way you can move more more than moving the device for burning. First, try to burn out "to yourself", and not "from ourselves", putting the wrist on the table, if possible.

Burning around the tree is extremely interesting. This process is a drawing on a wooden basis with a specialized soldering iron. Well removes fatigue, tension, and also creates a comfort in the house through self-made creativity, which can be decorated with walls. It can also serve as a beautiful gift for holiday friends or relatives, work colleagues. Now you will introduce you to the rules of work with an inland device.

Basics of burning

Whatever burning around the tree has delivered you only happiness, to this process, take away with great attention. Below will give you useful rules that should help you in this process.

So, you have already purchased the device. Now you need to create an outline pattern on a wooden basis. You can still additionally buy some elements of the device for the subsequent convenience of wood work.

The devices themselves exist 2 species - simple, with one thermal regime and interchangeable nozzles, and more advanced, it has a wire tip, there are 2 pen and heating is adjustable. Price of these models from 700 rubles and to several. tens of thousands.

  • Nozzles, different in thickness, make it easy and accelerate work with a variety of lines and contours.
  • Aluminum and belt oxide - they are needed to regularly clean the nozzles and the device itself.
  • Pliers.
  • Special holder or clay pot for the soldering iron, where it can be placed for cooling.

Material for burning. If you are a novice in this matter, it is better to start with soft wood, the process will master it much easier. For example, stop your choice on the pine, birch, lime, maple or ash, and in general the most soft material is a bald, it is considered to be the number one on the rigidity scale, closes this scale on the 10th place of the pterocarpus. The tougher tree, the darker it is in appearance. Inspect the chalkboard on both sides, and for work, select the one that is smoother.

Now we take the device for burning. A couple of minutes it will heat up, it is better to keep it on a stand or in a clay pot, we have already mentioned about it. And take and put a soldering iron with the help of pliers to avoid burn.

The board must be grabbed before starting work, the stack of 20 rooms will help us. It must be wrapped around the board or attach to the bar and squeeze the surface evenly. Grind better along the fibers, if across, it will appear unevenness, but the skin in accordance with the natural growth of fibers will help avoid this problem. At the end of the hide, wipe the surface with a raw towel, it will remove wood dust and sawdust. Apply the drawing will become much more convenient.

Apply the drawing with a hatching, it will be easier to erase the wrong lines, and control the pencil. Do not put too much to put pressure on the stylus, so that it would be clearer draw a drawing.

No rush when burning. Regardless of the material of the tree, the process will be unprecedented, so be patient. And when working, consider:

We must put pressure on the deceit. For beginners, a uniform pressure throughout the figure is relevant.

Dolly hold the soldering iron on one place - the line will turn deeper and darker.

Drove the soldering iron is much easier along the fibers, so turn the board with fibers down when working. Against the fibers will resist, and it will be necessary to make an effort.

Experiment with nozzles. On small planks, try all the nozzles as you have. Then you will already have an idea of \u200b\u200btheir effects, and know where it is better to apply them on which elements of the picture.

Transfer picture on a wooden foundation

Everyone is interested in how to burn on the tree. Therefore, this article presents information for beginners. There are three main ways to apply \\ mapping a drawing on a tree, what to choose - see ourselves. You can still draw a drawing yourself, and you can take a ready-made option.

If you are an artist or have artistic deposit, you will simply draw or draw a drawing with a pencil on a wooden foundation.

You can still help graphite paper if you do not really have drawing. It acts on the principle of copying paper - put it with the oil side on the tree, fasten with scotch, and topping the leaflet with the image, circle its contours. Then remove the tape and graphite paper and draw a pencil already on the tree fuzzy patterns of the pattern.

There is still an ink nozzle, it will also help you when applying a wood pattern. This happens when the nozzle is heated. The printed image from the Internet is better to print on a laser printer, put a piece of paper with a drawing, on a tree, and a heated nozzle drive through the contours until they start sealed on the surface of the tree.


It is worth noting that the scorched pictures on the tree look very interesting. And in this article we offer important rules for this work. It is necessary to place a plate so that it would be at an affordable distance at any point of burning, and it is safe that would not burn in the process of work.

Start burning better with external pattern contours. If something does not work immediately, it can be fixed a little later, just pollipping the inappropriate area.

On some breeds, trees need to pass the soldering iron several times one place. If you don't really press the everrigan, then there will be more strength, and the hand will not get up, and then you can leak up to make high-quality work. Start work with movements to yourself, not from yourself.

Burn the primary, main lines first, then apply the drawing touches.

Next, go to the texture and shadows. You can make a picture of the usual 2D, and you can learn more interesting and trend 3D with special nozzles. First, practice on the wrong side of the work, or on an unnecessary plank.

Coloring with color. You can leave everything as it is, and you can make a color pattern, applying watercolor, watercolor pencils for coloring.

Clean the nozzles regularly, then get quality work. Indeed, on pure nozzles and heat transfer will be as efficient as possible, and aluminum oxide and belt will help in cleaning or the shlifing pad. Remove the nozzle better than pliers so as not to bother, whether it cooled enough, then dip it for a couple of minutes in cold water. Well, then, in fact, the process of cleaning.

Fan. If you have a lot of smoke when you work, it will be useful to resort to the help of the exhaust fan. After all, smoke is not the most useful thing for the lungs, especially in a closed room.

Now, at the end of work, you need to thoroughly dry the board and apply the final strokes.

Pay your attention to:

  • Hot soldering iron, and if you leave it for a long time unattended, it can lead to its fire and a subsequent fire.
  • It is better to conduct the burning process in the ventilated premises, because smoke can adversely affect the lungs, up to death.

The most interesting process is the burning on the tree. Here you can smear drawings or patterns. However, this work implies the presence of certain devices. The necessary things for work:

  • Corrective device.
  • Equipment variable temperature.
  • Graphite pencils.
  • Scotch larger.
  • White eraser - Klyachka.
  • Emery files are several varieties.
  • Paper emery 200-250 or fabric covered with silicon carbide.


We hope that our article allowed you to learn how to find out the tree. Know that this occupation is extremely fascinating. But in this case, some efforts may be required and also skills.

Debt good turn deserves another)
Thanks to everyone who asked questions! As promised, I answer everything in detail and deployed. Now I will have a post that I can send to all with a question for initial acquaintance)

I will start to respond right in order)

- First, the sketch of the pencil is applied or immediately burning?
This is exactly what I spoke about in the past post - personal artistic skills and a drawing manner. Come on expressively randomly apply lines, of which the same picture is then a magical way - great! Want to suck - draw first sketch 1: 1, make the right edits and transfer it to the tree.
Personally, I often reinsure, yes. Because if you can fix something, then not always. With my feature of the burn, spoiled things in 99% of cases go to the garbage.
But improvisation like fish in the picture below, happen)

- Is it bad?
Strong! Sometimes nice, sometimes not very. Especially strong and unpleasant can smell while burning wood flavors. Extremely unpleasant and dangerous smells of adhesives and varnishes, if suddenly come across. Possible burns of eyes and mucous respiratory tract, not a joke! It is necessary to work in a well-ventilated room.

- Long one picture is drawn?
All individually depends mostly on the size and detail. I have to work with a sufficient number of details, like the same Moscow, A4 format, leaves two full working days before the week.

- From above varnish?
Not necessarily. If the scorched surface does not imply active contact with liquids or other things, it is quite possible to do without coating. What is good burning - it, in contrast to the same painting, does not fade, and the scorched surface itself is a protective layer that is not allowed in the pores of moisture, fungi and so on. Untouched wood temperature can darken or burn out, but the deceived areas will remain like even after years.
If desired, it is still further protecting the surface, it is possible to cover it with all the ways usually cover: varnishes, oil, wax and their mixtures and derivatives.

- This is the houses with the pictures, you need to throw a lot of smallest things or save or save the maximum?
This is also a question of personal skills and preferences. If we burn in the photo, we try to keep the maximum of the cubs, although in the process something is lost, and something, on the contrary, manifests itself. Some details can be denoted only to the hint and seats, that is, they seem to eat, but do not attach attention.

-How such smooth transitions are made differently on the tone of the pattern) with one delicator?
I work one delicate, soldering iron type. I use mostly one nozzle, which is already erased under my hand, plus it periodically feeding it - this is the nozzle in the form of a blade. She makes transitions. The longer the "sting" is delayed and the stronger push in one place - the track will be darker, the easier and faster the line it is that it is lighter. It is the variations of the combination "Pressure power + speed of the stroke" and give the possibility of a kind of "palette".

- How to add tones and roughness?().
It is when burning with a soldering iron pyrographer, you can seek the volume and literally roughly by pressing the "sting" (see photo with cats). Or take advantage of the classics - stroke darkened areas is stronger. Just literally use a soldering iron as a pencil. In my opinion, by the way, the most similar techniques are also possible a variety of hatches, points, etc. For convenience, you only need to choose the most convenient nozzle, it is possible to somehow run to yourself (for example, remove sharp corners for more smooth slip).

- Read more Pro Process: What, how, where, in what sequence.

The first thing is chosen and prepared a sketch, I still have a supporter of editors and mistakes on paper, and not on a tree.
Then - selected and prepared the surface under burning. Usually enough light sifts - remove burrs, dust and everything that can break the drawing.
We carry the image to the surface - you can use the copy, but you need to keep in mind that it is not very easily removed from the surface. A pencil is easier to erase, but the remaining natural particles can paint the picture. In difficult cases, you can use the shallow sandpaper and clean up too much and then restore the drawing (if it is damaged).
Well, the burning, actually. I do this: I burn contours - it is strong, literally only to schedule. And then it is just just a markup, then the scorched outlines will remain. And further burn it on them, rubbing where it is necessary, and where it is necessary to add tone.
Upon completion of the work, you can add colors at the request - acrylic, veneer or watercolor. And also, at will, cover with varnish or butter. After the first coating, the work may be rough - then we are polishing the shallow sandpaper and cover the second time.
It remains only to admire and be proud of yourself)

- What is better to learn? What is a "complex" tree and not complicated?
Complicated for burning, I call coniferous rocks. They have a pronounced structure of annual rings with different density. This feature can be played, but it requires experience - straight lines and uniform areas of "fill" will be outlined.
Similarly, it is difficult to burn on dense wood with a fibrous structure - oak, bamboo.
It may seem that according to this logic it is easiest to work with soft rocks, but here your subtleties: soft, loose wood is buried immediately deep into.
Ideally, in my opinion, birch (and, accordingly, plywood from it) is suitable for burning), like any other dense, homogeneous, bright wood. (for example, the beech.) Well, the lime, as the most affordable, is still not necessary to exclude, it can be adapted to it.

- soldering pyphographers, and looped - what is better to start to those who have never tried?
And here I am not the adviser at all. I buried the soldering iron, adapted and made friends with him so much that I absolutely not imagine how you can do the same looper. W. dA_MASYANYA_YA. vice versa)
So the beginning I would advise you to try and something, and the other, and listen to your feelings. In general, both to the choice of the instrument, and the choice of material, it is best to approach from the position of your own experience, your own preferences. Try different things, try a lot, but always track - how it turns out better, on what it goes easier, with which it is more pleasant to work)

Here, it seems to answer all)

Thanks to the participation! Conclusions are made, begin to collect and systematize information. And in what form all this materializes, time will tell.

You can continue to ask questions and need! The only request must first get acquainted with all useful materials in this blog on this topic) links, as always, I applied)

Pyrography is an interesting occupation, because it includes burning on wood, skin, fabric. Master class and step-by-step photos will help you to master it, as well as a detailed description of each lesson.

What is pyrography?

Do not everyone know that this type of art arose in ancient times. When people began to use the fire, some learned, heating on it a metal tool, creating various patterns and drawings to this tool.

In the modern world, came up with devices that are burned on various materials. If you are only developing this art, buy an inexpensive pyrographer. Such are created for children's creativity.

To burn the wood, you will need a board, it is best to take a cutting. It is already processed enough so that you can burn various drawings on it, ornaments or draw the congratulatory inscriptions.

For pyrography, take wooden products from birch, elm or linden. These are best suitable. But, for example, the oak is solid, so it is almost impossible to burn out on it.

If you are planning a pyrography method to make a picture, then take the blanks from plywood.

Now you need to choose a picture. Translate it to the prepared wooden surface using a copy. If you draw well, then depict your favorite plot with a pencil, and some extra features can erase the eraser.

Following the instructions, heat the pyrograph for the last time, and then begin to burn it with the tip. Should be very careful.

Since the tool is strongly split and they can be burned. If you want to get a deep line or dent on a wooden surface, then you need to click on it's ridiculous. For more light strokes, the pypographer burned the board without a strong push.

You can leave your work in this form or paint it with watercolor or acrylic paints. Secure them with acrylic varnish, which is applied from above.

Such is the algorithm of burning on the tree. If you wanted to create your own author's work right now, then see the presented master class.

Wood burning - master class

When you master this type of art, you can modify the pyrographer. Look, here this device has changed the handle so that various nozzles can be inserted here.

Such can be applied narrow strips. If you need to make wide, then use the usual delicate. It comes complete with replaceable nozzles.

Take a cutting board and draw a pencil with a pencil on it or move it using a copy paper.

Now take the pyrographer, heat it up to the desired temperature and start burning first the edge of the picture.

Make sure that it is too hard to press the board. Also note that you do not overheat it.

Now change the thin nozzle on a wider and make the background darker. To do this, you need a heated tip of the pyrographer to apply strokes parallel to each other.

Somewhere these details do more dark, and somewhere with a turn. With the help of fine nozzles, we mark the residence in the leaves. Make more smooth transitions from dark to light sides.

It remains to take a few last strokes and you can with satisfaction to see the final result.

In general, in pyrography use two ways to burn out. You can leave the field lighter to the dark drawing look beautiful on its background. Or, on the contrary, make the background with dark, then the bright elements will be very expressive on it.

If you like it, then read another interesting master class. He will teach the stains for the quest.

Burning on a tree - do spots

This is the final result. So that it turned out you, first will need to take:
  • phaneur or furniture shield 18 mm wide;
  • ineficker with nozzles;
  • electric jigsaw;
  • corolnic;
  • manual frezer;
  • pencil;
  • templates.
From the furniture shield you need to cut two squares. One will be with the sides of 600 mm, and the second with the parties is 518 mm. So you will make the basis for the game and for the stove, from which you then drink squares. Choose a pattern that will turn on the tricks.

With the help of a copy, turn it onto a wooden surface and start burning. So that the lines were smooth, and the hand is not trembling, use a metal ruler. Attach it to the plywood or to the furniture shield and burn straight lines.

As you can see, first with the help of a fine nozzle you need to circulate the contour of the pattern. Now use it or wider. With the help of these devices, you need to fill the inner part of each element, shade them.

That's how further the burning is done. If you also use the watch drawing, apply the dial. Of course, it must be pre-draw, using a pattern. Help yourself a ruler, and you will succeed.

Also with this tool and pencil now you need to draw the resulting base on the squares so that you have 16 pieces.

Then they need to cut, using an electric jig.

Screw the side planks whose width is 4 cm, to the base. Use clamps.

With a milling mill or grinding machine, make the edges of the slats more rounded. Then it will stay along them and other elements of small emery paper.

Invest inside the foundations of the spots, so that the child can then collect them in the correct order.

That's how burning on the tree will help make an interesting game.

But you can use art pyrograph, working with other materials. It is very interesting to apply fabric, then melting the items to get picturesque flowers. In this regard, you are offered the next master class with step-by-step photos.

Pyrography or how to make flowers from satin ribbons

To get such a pictorial creation, take:
  • satin tape whose width is 5 cm, you will need green and red, pink or white;
  • threads;
  • thin sharp needle;
  • scissors;
  • sheet of paper;
  • candle;
  • adhesive gun or textile glue;
  • beads or ready-made stamens;
  • cute felt;
  • barring, pin for hairpin or hair gum.

First you need to make a petal pattern. To do this, use paper into the cell, it is easy to create smooth items. First draw a rectangle with a height of 5, and 2,5 cm wide. Fold the leaf in half and cut the petal.

Now you can apply it to the ribbon and cut.

So that the atlas does not slide, hold the blanks with hands or secure them at the time of the stationery clips. Do not stick these two parts by pins, as these items will leave inaccurate holes in them.

In total, you will need to create 6 such identical petals.

Now make a similar pattern from paper, but on 5 VM less than the previous one. It will take another pattern, it will be less than the second one also by 5 mm. Cut more six petals of two types of details of the sizes.

Now you need to burn them. To do this, hold the edges of each petal over the flame of the candle. It is unlikely that the beginners will be able to do everything from the first time as it should. Therefore, first practice on an atlas unnecessary shred to make sure what distance and what time you need to keep it near the candle flame.

When you master this stage of work, also take the petal, fall out of its edges. Now you need to act quickly, but neatly. Take this workpiece for the cold part and carefully pull it into different directions. Then the petal will argue, as in the next photo.

To give it an extra form, hold the petal for a few seconds, using tweezers.

Petal will argue and will have the right form. In the same way, other similar workpieces must be modified. Now it is necessary to assemble them by stitching the needle ahead.

Collect flower in a checker order, starting with large petals. The stamens need to be folded in half and put the flower inside. Secure them by flashing thread.

Cut leaves. For one, take the cut of a green satin ribbon and fall out its cuts from two sides above the flame.

Tighten to the middle 1 and 2 corners and fix the workpiece in this position of the needle ahead. Now you need to tighten the thread and sew opposite tips with each other.

Crowd squeeze with a secret seam and secure the thread from the back of the leaf.

So with the help of pyrography, you created the flower elements. Now they need to be combined with each other. To do this, glue two leafs on a green felt circle. Then you need to stick or sew a flower itself, and at the back with a glue gun, attach a hairpin or gum onto the felt.

So with the help of pyrography, you can create a wonderful hairpin. But you can burn not only on the tree and heat the fabric to get beautiful things. Get acquainted with one material that is used for this needlework.

Pyrography on the skin

With the help of burning on this material you can make decorations or decorate ready-made things. To do this, you will need a laser, a soldering lamp or an innergite.

Look at how to make a hairpin in the form of fish.

First take:
  • a piece of light skin;
  • pipographer;
  • traction;
  • copier;
  • marker;
  • scissors.
Translate the picture of the fish on the track. Since such a sheet is very thin, you can then glue this template to a sheet of paper.

Put the workpiece on the skin and circle it with a marker.

It is better to use a brown marker, under the color of the track from the burning, so that it is subsequently not to wash extra dashes.

Now you need to draw small items for which you will burn.

This is how pyrography is happening on the skin. First, walk through the contour of the fish, then burn out the drawn markups inside. Welcome the workpiece for a couple of minutes and cut the fish along the contour, leaving some free space outside for points.

Now you need to paint fish, for which you can use the most different means:
  • skin paint;
  • flomaster;
  • marker;
  • acrylic paints;
  • contour, etc.
From the reverse side of the workpiece, glue the flap soft skin of the contrasting color and cut it out. You can leave a small edging or not to do this. Optionally, cover the surface of fish with varnish so that it is good glitter.

Make two slots in this workpiece to insert the treated wooden wand into them.

This is a masterpiece will succeed.

Having mastered this work, you can create pictures, first with simpler drawings.


  • skin;
  • traction;
  • a device for burning;
  • markup;
  • paints.
First, move the selected drawing on the tracing. Then attach it to the front side of the skin and designate with a markup.

Using the pyrographer, start burning.

First, mark the image with thinner lines, then go through them Pyrographer again, making them more significant.

So you can make the portrait to then give it. Also translate that on the track, and then with the help of a markup - on the skin. Do not heated the pyrographer at first so that the lines do not get too deep.

You can leave the drawing so or decorate it. It looks good colored leather belt, colorful landscape.

If you want to draw nature, then use such paints to convey its beauty. But when burning on the skin, a specific smell will proceed. Work in a ventilated room to remove it.

Pyrography on the walls looks very interesting. But you need to act in compliance with all fire standards, so that you accidentally not set fire to the house. If you like Pernaya - let them meet you at the switch in the morning.

If you want to see the portrait of a brown bear on the wall, then first move it to the wall on the wall, then make burning on the tree around the circuits. It will remain to designate the features of his face and carefully make a lot of small screaks to show how fluffy fur has this beast.

As always, we offer you in conclusion to watch a video master class. After reading him, you will learn how to burn on the tree.

Looking at the master class, you will learn to burn rose: